The site is back to purple

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The website is back to purple.



just F5 the site and the site goes back to normal but you get re-logged back on it happened to me about nearly 2 hrs ago.

Also loving Tommy

just F5 the site

Sometimes that works, and sometimes it doesn't. Like right now, for instance.

Reverted to Normal

Daphne Xu's picture

It reverted to normal a while ago, as I was in the middle of things.

Thank you, whoever fixed it. :-)

-- Daphne Xu


Teresa L.'s picture

put out a post about some more upgrades happening last night through today i believe. so it might do this as it is refreshing. sometimes its just a matter of minutes, and you happened to log in at that time, so just refresh as others have said. shouldnt need to clear your cache as that can get rid of stored passwords, etc. if you use that feature.

Teresa L.

When That Happens

Enemyoffun's picture

I was told when it happens to clear my internet cache and that fixes it too :).

Clearing the browser cache and refreshing

Clearing the browser cache and refreshing sometimes works, and sometimes it doesn't. Right now, I'm getting purple even though I've cleared my cache and refreshed multiple times!

Seems to be sporadic

LibraryGeek's picture

The purple background was here when I got to the site, read a story via the printter-friendly link which hasn't ever had the odd background, and when I was done the purple background was gone again.

But reading this post, and the comments to it, it appears that it's been flipping back and forth the last day or so.

At least these days I know that if I see it, it really is a BCTS problem, not anything on my end.


John Robert Mead