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Blog About: 

A lot to include and not much time to do it!

Firstly, Seasoned is this times offering from Seasons.

I will be posting on Wednesday but with Gabycon at the weekend I might have to be brief!

I've also just confirmed my riding trip / holiday to Austria will be going ahead - another road trip over 10 days mid September. More about that later.

Lastly - one for the site techies - I can no longer log in via my phone - when I request a temporary log in it says the link has been sent but I don't get it in my mail box, instead I get what looks like a phishing scam for some porno site. Any ideas?



Login problem

Hmm, this post was made from an Android 8 phone. I guess that leaves a man in the middle attack somewhere or your phone and / or the browser is compromised (redirecting your request to a fake site because I have no idea how to get a temporary login). I hope this helps.