the red priest

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This has nothing to do with TG fiction and may anger some people but having written it I had to do something with it

The Red Priest
(Wayne La Pierre)

He will tell you he is white, as he must be to lead his (un)holy cult.

In truth he is red, covered in the constantly renewed blood of innocents.

His flock has been taught not to see it. It never has the time to darken

into the black crust of age or the faded brown of mere stains.

These colors they would not accept as they mark those he teaches them to fear.

He teaches the sanctity of his creed over the sanctity of life

so they know that only he will save them from the despised others.

Sacrifices must be made, are made daily in every part of the land to mark him

with new blood. It is the blood of the black men and the brown men they fear.

It is the blood of their own children. It is a sacrifice they accept to appease their fear.

In the cult of the gun he is the high priest. He is the red priest.


You May Write Non TG Fiction

It is my understanding that a published author here may write non- TG fiction. Some of the best stories here are not TG.

Don't worry.


No need to apologize for the

No need to apologize for the post. Thank you.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

wayne lapiere

I have found from private messages that some people took that to be my name. As much fun as it would be to say he wrote it, it is about him. He is the executive director of the NRA best known outside the organization for the notion that it takes a good man with a gun to stop a bad man with a gun, thus justifying the carrying of firearms. I wouldn't want him to choke on something if he somehow came across this attributed to him.