Bad news from South Dakota

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Following on from my blog posts about Georgie Stone, it's sad to read that South Dakota House of Reps has passed a bill making it a criminal offence for doctors to treat transgender youths under the age of 16 with puberty blockers. Rep Fred Deutsch originally compared the treatment to medical experiments in Nazi concentration camps, although he's now backed off after widespread criticism. Many medical associations have expressed their dismay at the bill since untreated transgender youths are more at risk of suicide.


And we shall lose them for lack of support

BarbieLee's picture

There are so many who are in a similar place. Tuesday one of the Oklahoma senators, not U.S. in our legislature tried to pass a bill denying all support, medical and otherwise, to those who might be transgendered. I read his bigoted bill a couple weeks ago, fired off a letter to our governor explaining all the reasons we are transgendered, the brain of MtF is the same as a genetic female has been medically and physically proven by several different laboratories. Enclosed in the email was the research proving the sooner transgendered receive support the suicide rate and self mutilation drops exponentially. I requested the opportunity for this old cowgirl be allowed to speak to the senate when the bill came up for a vote. I believe I am more of an expert on the subject of transgender than the esteemed senator as I was personally involved as a transgendered person myself. With over forty years of medical research and the research the medical community did on myself, I felt qualified to give a speech to our senate on what we were and more importantly what we weren't. I wanted him to know, above all else, we are human, and we are individuals. We can't be classified as a one size fits all set of concepts or ideas. He has met us and never knew it. We are husbands, wives, daughters, sons, the neighbor next door. We are doctors, lawyers, plumbers, NASA Engineers, we are people.

A polite email from the governor thanked me for my views. He would personally do what he could to be sure transgendered were supported.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Never have I ever heard, "I wish there were more like us."

BarbieLee's picture

I have known and lost too many too suicide and murder. The smallest minority (we are less than .06 of the population) has no voice except the one we ourselves give it. As I wrote to the OK2nd Amendment group, I can't support you openly because I draw hate myself. I can and will support you though. Trans groups and support I can do openly even if I'm a recluse and want to live out my life in peace. Some things are worth sacrificing for. It is amazing, disappointing the lack of knowledge, understanding, doctors, medical professionals, business people, politicians, basically most people have concerning trans. Understandable as the smallest minority, we aren't very high on the radar unless it is the tabloids or MSM trashing us. The bad news is good. The good news, meh! Bubba in a dress is picture perfect. Bond Girl, Caroline Cossey, not the image they wish to present.
Despite all this we are gaining on being understood in a positive way.
19 states have now passed laws it is illegal to try and detransition transgendered. In other words, no brainwashing camps telling them they are mentally sick. (sorry, couldn't find my link to the statistics, data overload)

I'm going back to bed. Call me when the world becomes civilized and gets some intelligence.

The MtF brain has the same structure as heterosexual females
The FtM brain has the same structure as heterosexual males
This is deep and probably more than most wish to know.
Please be informed as it is imperative to be able to write or speak about this controversial subject.

The sooner they receive help the lower the suicide rate among transgendered

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

On Barb


1.) Book learning isn't real learning. People with college degrees are no better than the rest of us. By the time the ink dries on a study, another one comes out that refutes it.

2.) Some things are best left to faith. The Bible is quite specific about those people. I've never met one of them trans but if I did I would pray with them for the courage to stand up to the evil within them. When everyone knows something is wrong. . .it is.

3.) The next thing you know they're going to want to teach trans living in schools and recruit our children to do that sort of thing.

4.) It has been proven that those boys in dresses are just trying to get into girl's bathrooms so they can look at things they shouldn't.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Jill ! LOL

BarbieLee's picture

Jill my love, how do you tell someone they are full of it without saying, "you're full of it?" Is Erin going to let me get away with telling you, "you have no idea how much trouble you are in girl". But, you know my forgiveness can be bought. I ain't cheap. That cocktail dress, yes the one that is so white it shimmers, your four inch heels, and let us not forget the black pearl necklace and earrings along with the tennis bracelet. GIVE!
Hugs hon, you're impossible, don't ever change.
I don't care what they do with this body when I'm through with it. Let the coyotes have it. I won't care. Kids claim they are going to prop me up on the John Deere. Tell the gov I'm still alive and keep drawing the SS check. They love me about as much as my BFF girlfriends do.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

So Sad

Anything those narrow minded politician can do to the LGBTQ community to hurt those that need support. So by the time they get help those GIRLS become 6 foot big broad shouldered and deep voice individuals.
So very sad

Hate for Hate Sake

Elsbeth's picture

Growing up in the deep south I am unfortunately intimately familiar with hate. Science doesn't matter because it doesn't fit in their hateful world view.

It's the same people if it was allowed would pass bills removing Black men and women's right to vote, all women the right to vote, do the same with unapproved religious group, roll back every other equal rights laws passed in the last 40 years.

Deny us everything because of hate.

Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.

Broken Irish is better than clever English.

They only want to roll things

They only want to roll things back 40 years ?
I'm surprised to hear that they want to keep things that happened in the sixties :-)

What do you expect when

What do you expect when evangelicals get positions of power. The US as it was is gone so be prepared for our new kings. Its in the countries best interest after all.

The "U.S. As It Was" has not

The "U.S. As It Was" has not existed for over 150 years. By the Lincoln administration, the bureaucrats had already started taking over making the decisions for everything - including who should end up running for offices.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


It was the Fundamentalists that made this really ugly. The poor politicians just want the votes and some money. I came out of the Fundi fold and it is they who funded the Blonde Monkee. If this continues there is no telling where it will go. For now, where I am seems moderately safe, though I don't go out without a real reason to do so.

We Elect Them

joannebarbarella's picture

It's our fault. We have to get sane and educated people to the ballot box or this will keep on happening. As voters we don't matter because we are the minority's minority.

As somebody said, the mark of a civilisation is how they treat the least privileged of their people. Well, we have our mark.

sane and educated people

Sane and educated people are also, too often, in the minority. And when they're not in the minority, gerrymandering can make them into a minority.

They need an interest before they care

BarbieLee's picture

Let's face it, trans have been the stepchild or stepping stone for everyone looking to gain financial gain, political gain, support "their"cause, or anything one cares to name. We are included and then excluded when they get what they want. I'm not picking on gays per sey but so many times they have included us as they seek more favoritism from government. And then dispose us when they get the bills passed for them after agreeing to T being excluded from the bill in order to get it passed. Make it easier to pass the bill. We'll come back and pick up T later. Except later never happens.
When research about the differences in brain structure among GLBT and hetersexuals came out, one of the first articles I read was gays claiming it was proof they were why they were. Science said so. And my letter to that great national organization was a research copy of the lab work from three different labs. The brain structure of gays was the same as heterosexual males. Yes, once again I was pissed. I have a few of those moments from time to time. Again willing to use us but not support us.
It's not just gays but everyone does the same thing. And nothing changes. After all what does anyone care about the smallest minority? .06 percent of the population and they aren't Hispanic, black, Indian are any other ethnic group.
I'll keep on trying until the day I die to make a difference. I don't want special privileges. All I ask is for us to be allowed to be us. No barriers in the way for those who are caught up in the gender-blender. To NOT need a government and medical team of doctors to okay the fact we need help before we are allowed to have it. We are the only ones who have to jump through the dog and pony show before we are allowed to get help in the form of hormones, or implants, or basically anything.
T is a cause for rallying until others have achieved what they want and then we are shoved back into the closet along with all the other skeletons.
hugs joanne
PS: I asked Jill why this blog got pulled. She said it got too political. It's almost impossible to discuss anything trans without being political.
You want to discuss what your favorite color for a dress is? And what material you would like for it to be made out of? I like Jersey as it has a lot of stretch in all directions, is soft, and comes in almost any shade or pattern one likes. I know I write stories with my actresses wearing satin but it wrinkles easily, has no stretch, and has to be hand washed. Looks good in the story line though.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

I get Barb

I remember the bill Barb is talking about. I was really pissed. I believe I used phrases like thrown under the bus, sold out, and several others. I was assured by several of the biggest names here on BC that it was all just political maneuvering and once the bill was passed it would be easy to pick the Ts up and add them on.

But apparently that was just a use of the technique of the Big Lie, as it didn't get easier, it apparently got impossible. I've resigned myself to the knowledge that I'll be dead long before anything substantive happens.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

LGBTI Is Just A Label

joannebarbarella's picture

When the chips are down the gay community doesn't give a rodent's rectum about the "T" or the "I". We are just an embarrassment or people not "like us". We are weird and there are not enough of us to worry about anyway. 0.06% of the population is not enough to make any difference to overall voting patterns so why give a shit?

We're on our own.

15 comments on my post

Many thanks to everyone who made a comment, even though the story they all tell is depressing. Yes, politicians are only interested in getting elected, and if there aren't enough of us to make a significant difference to the number of votes they receive, then they couldn't care less. Sadly, for too many politicians, if they received tertiary education, then it was most likely in arts/law. The scientists are in a minority which is why so many politicians don't believe in climate change and other proven scientific facts. We just have to keep plugging away and accept that there may be no tangible difference in our lifetimes, but never give up the fight.

Kristalnacht is coming

TheCropredyKid's picture

From CNN, 31 March 2020:

Idaho Gov. Brad Little signed two bills into law Monday that limit the rights of transgender people.
One measure bans transgender girls from playing on girls' and women's sports teams, while the other prohibits transgender people from changing their gender on Idaho birth certificates.
Little's office did not comment on the laws.
House Bill 500, also known as the Fairness in Women's Sports Act, says "athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls shall not be open to students of the male sex." The measure says that a "dispute" about an athlete's gender can only be resolved by examining "the student's reproductive anatomy, genetic makeup, or normal endogenously 19 produced testosterone levels."
Little also signed into law Monday House Bill 509, which prohibits transgender people from obtaining a new birth certificate with their gender identity on it.

"Fairness in Women's Sports Act", eh?

Doubleplusgood Newspeak, there, Citizen.

Also at CNN - in other actions to preserve "fairness":

Three Connecticut high school girls, represented by their mothers, have filed a lawsuit over a policy which allows transgender athletes to participate in sports based on their gender identity.
Selina Soule, Chelsea Mitchell, Alanna Smith and their mothers claim in their lawsuit the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference's (CIAC) policy is a violation of the Title IX act -- which bars discrimination on the basis of sex.
The policy, they say in the suit, results in "boys displacing girls in competitive track events in Connecticut."


Not discriminating against some is discriminating against others, eh?

Also - "represented by their mothers"? More like "used as a front by their mothers" because the girls {as those alleged in the suit to be injured parties} have standing to sue, which their mommies {as bigoted transphobic bwitches} probably do not.


There's always a double

There's always a double standard. Like women suing Boy Scouts to allow women in (which was always allowed in Exploring, now Venturing), but the Girls Scouts not allowing men or boys anywhere near them. Often including not even allowing fathers to drop off the girls to certain events or camps without an armed female guard around.

I wouldn't get too fussed about it. There's ALWAYS going to be something like this going on.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.