They Just don’t Understand
I’m astounded by all of this talk of thousands of dead people voting. They clearly don’t know what it would take for that to happen. I know because I got a dead person to vote. One person!
Being very concerned about this election I decided to help the cause by raising the dead to vote. I chose a well know union organizer and democratic stalwart as my first voter. After much research I was confidant I had the right incantations learned. I just needed a pure black cockerel to sacrifice at midnight on the dark of the moon.
Pure black cockerels are rare. I must have snuck into a hundred henhouses and had to pick three loads of shot out of my ass. I thought about the alternative ceremony of sacrificing a young virgin instead but those farmers watch their daughters even closer than their chicken houses. Finally I found the perfect bird just two days before the final new moon of the election cycle.
Sneaking into the cemetery just at dusk I spent four hours excavating the grave and opening the coffin. Just before midnight I lit my candles made from the tallow of an unborn rhino (closest to a unicorn I could get). Stripping naked I began my chants, timing it so I slit the roosters throat over the bones just at midnight.
Success! The old leftist stood before me ready to vote one more time. Unfortunately he insisted on voting for Adlai Stevenson. At least I got a good chicken soup out of the deal.
Oh no... it's Zombiegate!!!
A perfect little comical tale with a great punchline and a message
that I'm afraid will be lost on those who most need it.
Never let reality get in the way of a good conspiracy!
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Good One!
Thanks, Greybeard.
Dead from the Neck Up
This is not a laughing matter.
The pollsters had clearly projected those without functioning brains to be 82% in favor of authoritarianism.
Obviously, that should have included legally dead (and illegally dead, I suppose.)
You just have to give him a little time. My guess is that "giving him a little time" is just exactly what several prosecutors have in mind. Check out the List of Lawsuits Involving Donald Trump on Wikipedia. The two that include Jeffrey Epstein are particularly salacious.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Acts 13:10
Life is a gift, treasure it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
You Got That Right
Hillary got 48.1% of the vote. Trump has received 48.2%.
How livid would have everyone been had Hillary contested that election.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)