spent the day femmed up

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well, I planned to meet a friend for lunch today, so I got a little femmed up for the occasion - skirt, hose, heels, necklace, lipstick and eye shadow. I had a nice lunch, and am doing my laundry with no hurry to change into pants for work. Its hard for me to explain to someone who isnt trans how .... nice a feeling this is.


I completely understand what

KristineRead's picture

I completely understand what you mean.

Nothing I hate more then having to get changed back into my male role to go out... At least with working from home, when not on client site, I am getting alot more time to let Kristy be. But rarely does a day go by, where I don't have to get changed for at least a little while happen. Those days are wonderful.




Extravagance's picture

Being BiGendered is effectively being half Transgender, so I guess I half understand how nice it feels. = )

*HuggleSnugglePurr* <3

Catfolk Pride.PNG


When "women's clothes" becomes my clothes ... This feeling shifts into a more normal feeling. After 15years I don't even think of the implications of what I have on... Beyond do I feel nice and will I freeze something off if I show this much skin?




I agree 100% albeit from the other side of the gender fence. So, I am happy for you, cause I truly understand. I am quite certain that it feels as good for you to get all femmed-up as it does for me to be looking really sharp in my suit, white shirt and tie. By our actions, balance is somehow restored in the universe!
