Save the SciFi

I discovered this site very recently, and thought some folks here might be interest: Save the SciFi

According to their blog, they are trying to get the publishing rights to old science fiction novels that are long out of print, with little expectation to be reprinted/published in the future. What's cool, is that people can join their club and get the right to vote on what is published next (in addition to getting a free copy of one book each month in ebook format).

What I think would be great, is if there are others here that join, perhaps we could try to assert some influence on what they do. I didn't recognize any of the books that are under consideration as having TG content in them, but there are so many fit their criteria, that I imagine that some will come up at some point. They might even let users suggest books to be voted on (not sure about that). Anyway, if there are enough of us, we might be able to improve the availability of old science fiction with a TG twist.

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