I discovered this site very recently, and thought some folks here might be interest: Save the SciFi
According to their blog, they are trying to get the publishing rights to old science fiction novels that are long out of print, with little expectation to be reprinted/published in the future. What's cool, is that people can join their club and get the right to vote on what is published next (in addition to getting a free copy of one book each month in ebook format).
What I think would be great, is if there are others here that join, perhaps we could try to assert some influence on what they do. I didn't recognize any of the books that are under consideration as having TG content in them, but there are so many fit their criteria, that I imagine that some will come up at some point. They might even let users suggest books to be voted on (not sure about that). Anyway, if there are enough of us, we might be able to improve the availability of old science fiction with a TG twist.
Very cool.
I will definitely join next payday. I used to have stacks of the old yellow covered DAW books (favorite author was C. J. Cherryh) until mom threw them out one day. It was her attempt at making me more of a normal kid. I spent way to much time indoors reading. I would love to be a part of this saving old excellent sci-fi.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Looks interesting
Looks interesting might have to check it out myself.
I have a lot of old DAW books... I love the publisher so much that I even took their name as my alias.
Have a delightfully devious day,
I wondered about that.
I wondered about that.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
That would be great. I would love to see a nice number of us joining and pulling some much needed TG clout! :P
Save the SciFi
Is there a list of old science fiction with a TG twist?
May Your Light Forever Shine
The site that I remember is
The site that I remember is still around! That's a pretty impressive thing, considering it was in the late 90s, I believe, when I found it!
Anyway, here it is: Metamorphosis Basically, it's a database, user contributed, with a little snippet about the TF categorization. The search tools are pretty crude, but you can select "Gender" and have a list of hundreds of movies, TV shows, books, comics, and websites that feature gender transformations. Of course, much of that is totally unavailable these days, but you never know. The list is much longer than it was when I first found it. I had compiled a list of "Must Have"s from it a long time ago. I managed to find some, but others have eluded me.
Anyway, take a look.
Save the Sci Fi
In the late 70's, one of the popular writers of the time published what I now see as the precursor of the David Weber, "Honor Harrington" novels. In the book, the Space Navy was quite well developed, and perhaps it was a British Navy.
Well, the normal uniform for "sailors" both men and women was the skirt, with suitable top. The rationale being that it was easier to get out of a skirt than pants. And, I can personally testify to the truthfulness of that statement. :)
Interestingly, the dress uniform for Formal events was still skirts for the guys and fabulously, extravigant gowns for the ladies.
PS: Though I would never have the cheek to compare my work to that of a professional, my "Extreme" was Sci Fi that featured skirts on even male fighter pilots.