Male pregnancy story ideas

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I've been thinking of writing a story around the following idea: A seemingly normal teen guy is in the closet about liking guys, and one day at a camp or a sleepover a horny gay teen seduces him and tops him. Over the next couple of months, the protagonist's body changes in unexpected ways - breast growth, swollen belly and he gets morning sickness. Eventually a doctor diagnoses him as pregnant. He's shocked to discover part of him is actually pleased. He keeps the baby and his body keeps changing. At the end of the story, s/he's nursing the baby.
Suggestions, ideas, comments? Anything anyone would particularly want to see?


I was thinking either he has

I was thinking either he has a C-section, or he grows a vagina during the pregnancy, via which he eventually gives birth. I might have him grow a vagina in any case, so that he'd be able to have vaginal sex.

If he 'grows a vagina' ...

If he grows a vagina and has vaginal intercourse to get pregnant then he'll have to grow a womb to conceive via the vagina and uterous. If he grows a womb, he becomes a womb-man or more correctly a woman. he thus ceases to be a man even if he keeps a functioning penis and testicles.

He could of course become a bi-lateral hermaphrodite thus capable of fertilising herself and carrying to term.

Bit like Drustina really in Angry mermaid.


Fantasy thinkers can do anything.

What you are talking about is a "sort of" Ectopic Pregnancy in certain ways. The flaws with such an idea are, that you would first need an egg. Males have no eggs that can become fetuses. It has been shown in research that two eggs can be used to make a fetus, but it has never been shown that two sperm can do so.

So having suspended reality by one step, once you have created a Fetus, it needs to be surrounded by an Amniotic sac to protect it. Perhaps out of intestinal material? This is the second suspension of reality in the second order.

Then the Amniotic sac needs to attach its self to intestinal organs to gain a blood supply. This is seen in Ectopic pregnancy in females, but these babies, in the extremely rare instances when they survive, must come out by C section. There is no birth canal in the natural male, and the pelvic opening for such is much too narrow.

The concept is not appealing to me as the male lacks the internal structure to support such a pregnancy and would likely suffer intestinal stricture, or urinary tract blockage. Pregnancy in the female, even though she is supposedly built for it is one of the most life threatening conditions a woman can survive.

Pregnancy is a miracle in the highest, most holy order

Gwen Is Right, But...

If "he" is really a she and intersex she could already have one or two ovaries with viable eggs. She could easily have a small womyn's pelvis that wouldn't look too abnormal for a boy, but would flex and stretch as a womyn's does during pregnancy. Skinny girls do get pregnant and have babies, after all.

If she were born with skin over her vaginal opening, having that skin split and grow into labia wouldn't be that hard to imagine.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Yes, I didn't clarify that

Yes, I didn't clarify that s/he would really be intersex - at least having functioning female internal organs, and hence in principle the ability to get pregnant. Of course it would have to be super-rare condition, perhaps one-of-a-kind, but I don't think it would be entirely outside the parameters of the possible. In any case, this can be taken as a sci-fi story. Also, things like breast growth are not implausible as a result of a hormone surge provoked by pregnancy.

Baffled doctors

The baby could be delivered by C-section, but don't explain how the baby grew inside him.
The doctors should be baffled.

Mr. Ram

erin had a pretty cool male pregnancy story going for a while

something about a boy named juice. it started something along the lines of your story. I wonder where she planed to take it before it stoped or is that all she had and it ran its course. We may never know but I enjoyed reading about Juice while it lasted. Thanks Erin

I vaguely remember it, yes.

I vaguely remember it, yes. Obviously the idea of an ostensible male getting pregnant from sex isn't new, but then again, not many ideas in tg stories are.

How about this?

Extravagance's picture

The protagonist is intersexed, and is not yet showing signs of female puberty. He has his vagina covered by skin. Part of his large intestine is fused to his uterus, sort of like siamese twins. The join is thankfully robust enough to prevent him from inadvertently crapping in his uterus, but it will allow the passage of sperm. So when the "horny gay teen" rods him out anally, there you go.
After the doctor's diagnosis, the "horny gay teen" will come forward and be a responsible father. Towards the end of the pregnancy, the skin over the vagina will split and become labias. After the baby is born and nursed (maybe going a little further than your proposed ending here), the protagonist will bind his breasts and take estrogen blockers to shut down his female reproductive system once more and keep up male appearances and functionality. He and his now official boyfriend will be gay dads together and someday marry, and everyone will live happily ever after. ^_^
And the sex will be brilliant, since our protagonist has one extra orifice for the dicking! ;)

Catfolk Pride.PNG

I definitely like the first

I definitely like the first part - with some kind of tissue allowing sperm to go through, maybe becoming porous in response to semen.
I was planning, however, to have the sex just be a one-night stand - this does not mean there won't be a father figure, just that he won't be gay - a strictly gay man wouldn't be attracted to someone with breasts and vagina. I also plan the protagonist to embrace femininity, although I haven't decided if I'm going to have male genitalia disappear of their own accord (this is sci-fi, after all) or have the protagonist get them surgically removed, or have them stay.