A Give us your Old, Your Tired, your PHONES! (Please Read)

Hi Everyone!

This may come off as a bit of a strange request, so a bit of information up front.

I currently have (here in NJ) Windows Phone on a Nokia phone, Erin in California uses iOS/iPhone, Cat in the UK has an Android Phone.

Which sounds great. Because on the outside, it looks like we've got all devices covered. But the honest answer is, we don't.

You see, With Joyce in CA, and Cat in the UK, and me here in NJ, I often do upgrades/changes, test them on my phone, and deem them ready for general use.

Sometimes if we are doing joint development between us we will have Joyce or Cat test things on their phones, while I wait for replies.

This not only delays getting new improvements to you, but sometimes causes us to release not fully tested content.

Ideally with all the standards out there, supporting the "standards" would cause us to support all browsers, but Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and MS Internet Explorer ALL support "different subsets" of standards. Some render things strictly, some allow for sloppy code (I'm starring at you FireFox for allowing SO MUCH sloppy code on the internet).

Now we know there are several "test how your site looks on x device" websites, and emulators, but the truth is, they are NEVER the same as the real thing, as most often those sites are built off "standards" and things change faster than they can update.

So what we are asking is this. Do you have any older spare iPhones, Android Phones, Blackberries, etc. Any kind of Smart Phone or Tablet that you may or may not be using any more. The devices MUST HAVE WIFI so that we can test via WIFI and not have to have an account with your carrier.

We aren't asking you to go out and spend any money, and even devices with cracked screens would be useful, as long as they are still usable. That is the important part. They must be functional to be of use, but we might be willing to put a little work into fixing some items if two people send us items where one has a broken screen and the other a broken keyboard or something like that.

So PLEASE BigCloset, help us not have the same kind of issues we had yesterday with the new menu, as everything rendered just fine for us, while many others had lots of issues.

-Piper, Erin, Cat and the BigCloset elves.

The current Business Address is:

Janglewood, LLC
10 Warrick Ave
Suite A
Glassboro, NJ 08028

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