Arecee's blog

Trying to keep my problems to myself

Well I'd hoped to,not write a blog about myself such as this.I pretty much keep my problems to myself but I think I owe the community an explanation as to why I haven't been writing as of late. I called it laziness but in reality I just haven't had the stamina to write. That being said I want to thank everyone for their kind words in the comment section of my stories. The reason for this loss of energy is congestive heart failure, I have it pretty bad. Tomorrow morning I will be admitted to the advanced cardiac clinic at Kaiser Hospital in Santa Clara, CA.


I'm excited

Wow, my son's group is in the Pride Parade this weekend in Las Vegas. They will be performing along the parade route and at several venues. They're called These Guys and Erik is the one that needs a haircut. Watch for them, they're really good, Arecee.


I love this story

Just finished rereading Karin Bishops On The Road Again. I love this story, but I must say part four is the best she'sever written. Just a plug for a wonderful writer. It's definitely worth purchasing and it helps BC with funds, Arecee


bye bye

Well, I've finally found another excuse beside being lazy not to write. My Apple Mac finally gave up and said I've had enough. Poor thing is about six years old and is so slow it takes ten to fifteen minutes to load a site. It's the 21 inch model and I don't need the larger 27 inch version as it won't fit on my desk, well it could but the size doesn't justify spending an extra $700. The one I'm going to buy is bad enough. Not only do I write my stories on it, but I use it for my business as does my wife for hers also.

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Assassin postings

Hi everyone, just a note to thank all my readers and especially the ones who purchased the novel from Amazon. I guess you notice that I've been posting one part everyday, today being the first installment of part one of Angola. There are two more parts to Angola and then three to the final part of the story, part eight. The reason I'm posting this blog is that I have to travel to LA {Los Angeles} for those of you that live in Rio Linda, this Thursday. What this means is that Angola will be posted and the final three parts will be posted starting Monday when I return.

A word about Assassin

As you can see I just reposted Assassin for your enjoyment, but a word of caution. This story is very long but is well worth the read. Hopefully when you finish reading this novel you will leave a review at Amazon. I do have several, even ones from out of the community, three five stars, yippee. As I stated this won't be up for very long and to be perfectly honest the best way to enjoy the novel is to buy it and read it at your leisure, but the choice is yours. Thank you for your renewed interest, Arecee

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I'm in one of those moods

Yep, I'm going to go on a rant. I read where people join this site and are afraid someone will out them for actualy reading TG stories. OMG, you've got to be kidding. It's like every one you know goes right to Bigcloset and looks to see if someone they know is on the site, give me a break. In the first place, who gives a crap what you read and secondly this site is so way beyond being noticed that your friends could care less what you read. I know I'm being a jerk, but if I cared about what others thought I wouldn't be here in the first place.

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Damn that's a lot of work

Since I finished writing Lashes, I've returned to completing Twisted, a mystery novel involving Brenda Watson from Runway. I stopped writing the story about five years ago and am starting to edit and continue the novel, Wow, how things have changed. I had to rewrite several chapters because Arnold isn't the Govenor anymore. The novel is about half finished, 55000 words so far and it's really quite good. At the rate I'm going it should be finished by July and I'll start posting it then. If you'd like to know what the story is about, there is a teaser called Twisted in my story list.

Lashes the final chapter

Well, this is it. I promised to finish this story and I have. Sorry about the condensed final chapter but I really didn't want to write all about Amanda's college life, nor did I want to spend a lot of time writing about every little thing that happened in high school. I think the important parts of her life happened during her formative years and not after she decided to complete puberty as a girl. There are plenty of stories detailing the excitement of high school life, but I just wasn't in the mood to write about that life myself.

I'mmm Baaaack

It's three fifty-six and my wife and I landed at SFO an hour and a half ago from Italy. Got up at 4am local time and flew to Paris for an hour and a hlaf layover. We then flew direct to San Francisco, yep it's a long flight and to make matters worse my Kindle died half way through Karin Bishop's I should have known. Need less to say I'm just a little tired right now and will start editing Lashes as soon as possible, probably tomorrow afternoon, but I have some real life issues to take care of first, Like making enough money to pay the mortgage.

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Lashes and the story

First, I'd like to thank everyone that's read and commented on this story. There are a couple of things to remember about Mark/Amanda, age. I can't think of a twelve year old child that thinks in anything but black and white. Grey isn't even a concept at this age. Secondly, Mark loves his best friend and her oppinions are important to him. Now, the bad news, I'm going to post chapter seven this afternoon which contains acliff hanger.

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Another senseless blog

Just kidding about the tissues. What I'm about to ask is whether I should post chapters of Lashes every day this week, or every other day? The reason I ask is that I'm going away for two weeks, starting Saturday. I can post the next four chapters of the story before I go, today, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We're flying out early Saturday morning and Friday is a time to pack. I'll be cruising the Mediterranean for ten days, enjoying watching my son entertain every day.

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And so it starts

As you can see, I just posted the first chapter of Lashes, my newest novel. As I've stated before, I won't post until the story is finished. Liar, liar, pants on fire, sorry I couldn't wait. Don't worry, I've already written over sixty thousand words and figured if I posted the first parts of the story it would light a fire under my ass and finish the thing. Well as I write more things take place in the story and, well, the way I think about it, by the time I'm done writing, the chapters will just be getting caught up.

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Holy S--t

Just checked my account and found that I've been a member of BC for seven years twenty one hours. My how time flies when you're having fun. I'm trying to think of all that's happened in those seven years, and how many stories I've posted? I think the thing that amazes me the most is that I'm still alive and kicking. Had a valve replacement three years ago and a defibulator implanted two years ago, which has saved my life twice that I know of. I'm still self employed as a glazing contractor for those that didn't know and still writing stories when I have time.

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I have a question

What I would like to know is how you would like my next story posted? As usual It will be long so I'd like to know if you would like it done in chunks like Twins, around twenty thousand words per posting, or by the chapter once a day. I've had complaints either way, the post was too long, or I'd like to see a chapter every day but short. I'll leave it up to you because I haven't broken the story into chapters yet and will do that during the first edit. I won't start posting for some time because the story is just getting started and it's over thirteen thousand words long already.

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I need reader feed back

Hi everyone, I'd like some reader feedback. I didn't want to do it but I started another new story. Here's the premiss, a young boy has freakishly long eye lashes and becomes a spokes person for a cosmetics firm. I know where the story is going but I wonder what you readers would like for an ending? Should the boy transition or remain a boy? I'm having a hard time, well not that hard, trying to decide which way to go, boy or girl, actually man or woman. I've already started writing the story and it won't be hard to make it go either direction, let me know.

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Okay, now it's time to bitch

Okay, I don't normally bitch about comments, but come on? I know I wrote Twins as a fluff piece, but it really is a nice story. I've had seven comments on part one and one on part two. So what you say? Well I've had almost a thousand hits on two and over two thousand on part one. If this was Assassin and you didn't buy it, well then that's your choice, but this is for free and the time Di Wonder and I spent editing the story should warrant at least a response. I didn't include writing the piece because that comes with the territory.

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Somehow BC got it wrong

Somehow the BCcomputer got it wrong, Twins is an ongoing story to be posted in three parts due to length. The second and third parts deal with the hormone issue and the story is complete. When I recieve the edited parts back from my editor I'll post them.

My editor is doing a wondeful jod and want to thank Di Wonder for all the work she's doing with this story. She's a Brit so it makes the job that much harder for her. Thanks again Di, Arecee

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Okay, here's the deal

I have problems posting my stories on BC. Let me explain, I write the text on MSword, edit it, have Holly edit it, edit it again and then change the text to HTML. Everything is wonderful so I click my heels together and download the HTML version at BC. I preview the story and guess what? All my spacing between the sentences or paragraphs disappear so I check my HTML version and lo and behold the spacing is still there. Okay, I get that I'm supposed to do something between point A and point B but I just don't get it.

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Who wants to be the first with a caveat

Who would like to be the first to read my new story? The only caveat is that you will have to edit the story. Sneaky huh? This is the one I wrote as a fluff piece and it grew to be a bit longer than I expected. It's a story about twin boys who witness a murder and the family goes into witness protection, WOW is that original or what? It really is a nice story, no sex but the coming of age of a special young woman. I normally have Holly edit my scribbles but I don't have the heart to ask at this time in her life. It's more important for her to rest than edit a story for me. Any takers?

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Repost of a story

I've noticed that as of late the reposting of several stories on BC. How long should one wait before a repost is done. The reason I ask is that I'm tempted to run the Show Me the Money series. Funny thing is that I decided to read the story myself. I hadn't visited it for five years, since posting it, and forgot what a lovely story it is and to be honest forgot most of the characters in the story, and I wrote it. Oh well old age will do that to you, Arecee

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