moongoddess's blog

Slacker Part Six

And it only took five years, three months, and two weeks

First off, my apologies for the time span between part five and part six.
Second, thank you for your patience.
Third, I sincerely hope you enjoy Marnie's new adventures and welcome to any new readers.

Diana Howe, Moongoddess at Large


Beta Readers and An Editor needed for Slacker 6

The overgrown gate swings rustily open and a voice croaks "Help for a formerly blocked writer?"
I am in need of both an editor and beta readers for the long overdue part six of Slacker.
The rush of writing came over me suddenly and i am eager to see if I can make similar progress on Magnetic Personality.
Some familiarity with Slacker would be nice... Please respond via comments or PM me

Thanks in advance,

Diana Howe, Moongoddess at Large

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The Enhanced: TRI - 38 is now available

There it is, Chapter 38. The epilogue. Thanks for your patience and your readership.
If anyone is interested, I have a glossary of terms and a character list available, just PM me wit an email address and i'll send the doc files to you.
It was a heck of a ride.
Diana M. Howe, Moongoddess at Large

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Sorry to worry some of you

As some of you may have known, I have been having a tough time these past two months, and the Christmas season isn't buoying my spirits the way it used too. I am grateful for the kind messages I have received here and on Facebook and I will do my best not to vanish for so long again. that being said, I will post another part of The Enhanced: TRI either later today or tomorrow.
Best wishes,
Diana M. Howe, Moongoddess at Large


Here's The Enhanced:TRI - 35 and a short note

I'm posting Tri - 35 today as I am heading out on a ten day road trip to Nova Scotia, Canada and am not sure when I can post next. I will carry my baby netbook with me and WiFi permitting will post from the motels. enjoy Chapter 35 all!
Diana M. Howe, Moongoddess at Large

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TRI chapters 22 and 23 are up

My apologies for leaving you all on a cliffhanger last week. It seems that shortly after blogging about mood disorders, my brain decided to be a witty MF and dragged me down into a week of the deep dark. I posted two chapters today by way of an apology, and to assure you all that i am regaining my footing, so to speak.
Diana M. Howe, Moongoddess at Large


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On the subject of mood disorders

I have been fighting cronic depression and anxiety for nearly 15 years, i have been trying to be my authentic self almost as long. Two seemingly random statements that bring me to the topic of this episode... Depression and T*ism.

From PubMedHealth "Depression may be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods.True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for a long period of time."


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Two random thoughts

Two random thoughts came to mind as I was responding to a PM I received, One was about how many lovely readers have told me they have purchased my novel, The Enhanced: TRI from Amazon (hopefully through the Amazon link on Big Closet's main page) that I may actually make a little money from my (pseudo) Publisher this August. Then it struck me... I should give back to the wonderful site that hosts my fiction and attempts at poetry. So, I will donate whatever payment I get from my Publisher in August to BCTS. It may not be huge coin, but it will be something :)

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