Patricia Marie Allen's blog

Jeremy Chandler

Does anyone know how to get a hold of Jeremy Chandler. I see he posted here in February this year. I have an email address for him, but just now I sent an email to it and it bounced before I could even look at my next email.

I talked with him a couple of years ago about the possibility of contributing a chapter or two to "My Summer in Pantyhose" when he was having trouble moving on with the story, but at that time, I couldn't wrap my head around the storyline well enough to do so.

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I could loan you a black cami

We had to go to my grandson's wedding this last Saturday. As family we were invited to the rehearsal dinner on Friday as well as the wedding. It was a three hour round trip to the venue. We decided to spend the night. As we were packing for the two events. My wife was dithering over what to wear. She picked out a nice top but the neck line was a little loose and she was concerned about "down the blouse" views if she bent over a little and was wondering what she could wear under. I offered:

"I could loan you a black cami."

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Precieved differences between BCTS now and pre-attack

The most noticeable for me is the fact that clicking on a link used to change the color of the line from an orchid to black (at least on my computer). It made it easy, when scrolling through the teasers to tell when you got down to a story you'd already considered or read and could stop.

It's a very small thing, but I miss it. I'm pretty sure that it's not on my end because Fictionmania's site still does that.

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Saved login

Is anyone else not able to save logins? Every time I login, I check the "Remember me" box. Then then next time I come to the site, I have to login again.

Everything works well for me. I'm just wondering if it's something I'm doing wrong or is it just one more little detail that will be fixed when its priority number rises to the top.

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I'm officially jealous

OK, I'm officially jealous. It seems that others have had access to the site for a few weeks and just this morning my bookmark for the site actually brought me here. I've been looking at a 404 error that replaced the temp page that went up a while ago for at least two weeks.

I've only experienced the kind of feelings I had about not being able to login here once before. That's when I quit smoking. I didn't realize how much it meant to be a part of this community. Dallas put it right when she said, "just know you are there," is a big thing.

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In a recent blog

In a recent blog I posted a picture of a sign that turned up next to the restroom signs proclaiming that restrooms were open to use by gender variant people. Just now, I was delivered a document (electronically) a document that contains their nondiscrimination notice, quoted below.

Nondiscrimination Notice

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I'm semi-retired and drive school bus. That means I'm right there with the school kids counting down the days till the breaks, like Christmas break. Then when it's here I relish the wonderful feeling of freedom that it gives.

Yet this Christmas, the call went out for a contest and being the masochist that I am I decided to enter. The length limit meant the the story was quickly knocked out. I've been sitting on this completed story for a few weeks now. Long enough to let it settle so I'm confident that self-editing will catch all the errors (well at least most).

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Gentleman at Safeway

Yesterday, was the weekly shopping day. Being a Sunday, I dressed up a little more than I might have any other day. I was wearing a charcoal gray skirt that hit just below the knee and similarly colored top with faux jacket and light grey patterned front and long black coat. My make up was simple; true brown mascara and lipstick.

I was in the cereal aisle and attempted to pick up two Quaker Simply Granola in one hand.


Kaiser's restroom sign

I had a doctor's appointment to day at the Sunset Kaiser Clinic. It was simply a yearly wellness check. After seeing the doctor I needed to use the restroom. I've been going to the doctor totally en femme for about six or seven years now and I've been to the restroom there several times. As I refuse to use the men's room while not masquerading an average male, I've always used the women's room.

Today was the first time I encountered this sign outside the restroom.


If it was your husband Thank You’s

Now that the final segment of “If It Was Your Husband” has been posted, I’d like to take a few moments to reflect on the saga and say thank you to some of the folks that got involved with the story. This was the first serial I’ve ever posted. The only reason I posted as a serial was because of the length. I generally write at about 20K words or less, this one topped 40K before the epilogue. The epilogue added an additional 1500 words.

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If It Was Your Husband, 17 & 18 -- penultimate posting

The penultimate posting posting of "If It Was Your Husband" is up.

We see things start to settle in for Mike, but he's a bit gun shy and Alex has to offer moral support and advice on how to keep thing sanguine on the home front. Mike is nervous about exercising his recently granted freedom and Alex is there to take his mind off the uncertainty that invades Mike's mind.

We see Lisa struggle with doing the right thing by Mike and set aside her previous prejudice. In the light of day she comes to a good conclusion about how the rest of the world sees things.

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Question for Drupal experts

Below is an abstract of the info on the "My Stories" page for "If It Was Your Husband"
It was taken at 6:20 PM on 2023/10/20. The story had been up on the site for about 6 and 1/2 hours. Yet, total hits showed 244 and daily hits showed 172. Given that the story was up for so short a time, shouldn't the total and daily hits have be the same?

Title                Date           Total Hits    Daily Hits
If It Was Your Husband Fri, 2023/10/20 - 10:53am    244       172
15 and 16 of 20

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IIWYH 15 and 16 is up.

"If It Was Your Husband" 15 and 16 is up. Much of the angst of the previous chapters has dissipated and our characters settle into a relationship approaching the status quo before all this happened.

Carrie seems to have gotten a little better at communicating with Alex. Though Carrie is still guiding him in how to progress, Alex has a little bit of forewarning about what she wants and there's some open discussion about the next step.

Things will progress at a pretty quick rate from here to the final posting. (Just two more.)

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IIWYH 11 & 12 of 20 is up

"If It Was Your Husband 11 & 12 of 20" is up. Another late in the day post.

It's only been a month since the school year started and being school bus driver, that means early mornings and early bed times. I'm still acclimating myself to the routine. Somehow, Friday doesn't seem like Friday until after I take the kiddies home and then I have to start fixing dinner.

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If It Was Your Husband concerns

To those of you who have been displeased with the turn of events in If It Was Your Husband; I apologize and ask that you bear with me as a writer. I’m trying to grow my craft. IIWYH is a departure from my usual fair in that it is edgy, not the usual fluff that I tend to write. I can see that I’m still unskilled in putting that kind of story together. This is my first attempt at a story so long that it demands to be posted as a serial.

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Looking for a story

As usual, I can't remember the title or the author, or even where it was posted.

The story I'm looking for is about a cross-dresser, whose wife knows about, but does not embrace their feminine expression. They went to Southern Comfort and had their picture taken and it ended up online. They are subsequently then approached by a well known professional football (American) player that are acquainted with.

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Transgender Teen Fashion Shoot

I was researching for a possible story about a soon to be trans teen who is offered a modeling job. I came across this some folks here might find it interesting.

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IIWYH 5 & 6 is up

"If It Was Your Husband" 5 & 6 is up. Sorry for posting so late in the day. I didn't sleep well last night and somehow after work I didn't think about what day it was, until just now. I started to think about what I needed to get done tomorrow, Saturday, ... OH YEAH! TODAY'S FRIDAY. TIME TO POST TWO MORE CHAPTERS.

Then in my haste, I forgot to actually insert my title in my posting template. So just below the graphic it reads:


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Gurl... am I alone in this?

Am I the lone ranger on this issue? I don't notice it on this site, but it seems to appear often over on Fictionmania. Some where in the teaser or even sometimes in the title, the word "gurl" turns up in reference to trans women or trans girls. When I see that it's an automatic pass on the story because having to read that word throughout the story will set me in edge.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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