Aria - Book 3 - Bring Down the Curtain by Emma Anne Tate on Kindle

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It's finally here!

Aria - Book 3
Bring Down the Curtain
by Emma Anne Tate
Now on Kindle

Pandemic. A terrifying word, even more when danger strikes close to the heart.

Disruptions at work, disruptions at home, and the terror of losing friends and family are ever-present for Cami as she looks at what the next steps on her journey may be.

When the chips are down, someone has to step up and be the hero of the day. Can Cami be the savior her friends and family need, without losing herself in the process?



joannebarbarella's picture

And reviewed on Doppler/Amazon. Wonderful story.

Thanks for your boost, Joanne!

Emma Anne Tate's picture

Hopefully Amazon’s little Algorithms are now busy boosting the book’s visibility!


The best

Dee Sylvan's picture

Emma's character Cami is my hero. Be prepared with boxes of tissues, this is a superb ending to Cami's journey. Or is it just the beginning? Cam's journey that is chronicled in Duets and Aria made a huge impact on me, and I find myself rereading this classic often.

Transitioning is a highly emotional, personal decision that no one can make for us. We trans people are intelligent, calculating, gifted individuals who are always weighing the risks. Like Cam, we live our lives with this nagging thought in our brain that we can't quite put our finger on.

Cam's life had a series of events, professionally and personally that led him to fully embrace Cami. The risks of transitioning kept disappearing, making her ultimate decision a natural evolution. Thank you for sharing Cami with us, Emma. Dana


Thank you, Dee

Emma Anne Tate's picture

It was my very good fortune that you decided to give a new author a go when I first posted this story two years back. Thank you, always!
