Being Samantha Masters

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An homage-sequel to Being Christina Chase

Twenty years ago, Christina Chase came to Oak Grove to visit with her long-lost cousins and, through a series of improbable and very distressing events, was mistaken for a woman, then repeatedly and willingly returned as a woman (for reasons), and finally settled down, got married to Richard Masters, and made a life in this small mountain town… as a woman.

Now her kid Sammy has grown up in this boring little town, with two obnoxiously-in-love parents, a suffocatingly large extended family, and wants nothing more than to get out. Columbia University—Dad's alma mater—is holding Preview Days in the City. A previously long-lost uncle, his husband, and their daughter live in the City and can serve as guides to their naive "Country Mouse" cousin.

Certainly no series of improbable and distressing events will befall the child of Christina Chase in the big city...

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Alyson Greaves's picture

I am so, so excited for this. Just because I haven’t shut up about BCC for like the last six months...

hell yeah

Alyson Greaves's picture

I am a Being Christina Chase cognitohazard


The tone is spot on! I’m delighted to read this!


miriamrobern's picture

aw thanks! that was definitely one of my goals. :)