Apocalypse Dawn: First Light

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When Caleb's sister offers to get him and Jess and opportunity to play-test a new Virtual Reality MMORPG, Caleb's vacation just may change his life and the lives of those close to him forever.



Hundreds of years ago the Gods grew weary of Man. They had forgotten their creators, abused their gifts, and showed only fear and hate toward those who were not like them. The Goddess Danu stripped the world of magic, sealing it and all magical creatures within the Veil, including the Gods themselves, until a time when Mankind could be redeemed. Now that Veil has been breached and creatures of myth and legend have begun to reappear. Some of these creatures are good while others are creatures of instinct, driven by their baser needs, but there are evils as well; Man's past sins and nightmares given form. Now Mankind will face a great cataclysm if they, and those who would become their allies, do not work together to forge a new future.

Caleb, his sister Karin and his fiancée Jess have signed up to be some of the first to play this new VR MMORPG that takes realism to the next level. For them it will seem like three and a half months, a vacation like no other. Caleb was looking to playing around with magic, but there's just one little problem. Due to a glitch in the character selection he's going to be living that virtual life as a girl, and not just any girl, but a princess. Will he hang on to his masculinity or will he just go native, and how will this affect his life when he returns to the real world?

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