What do you get for Christmas for the little girl who's still a little boy?

{ This story is out of sequence in two ways. The frame is several months ahead of the current continuity and it's a flashback. Sort of a flashback inside of a flashforward. {{{;> }
Andie considered again her Christmas shopping list. She had a fair-sized budget but not an extravagant one; her brother Harry might be a rich, Newport Beach plastic surgeon but she had a much more limited income despite frequent gifts like cars and rent from her generous sib. She couldn't afford to give anyone a car.
Too bad. Pete with his new license would sure have liked to have one but Harry had some deal going with the boys about cars. So Pete would get the fancy sunglasses, the ski-lift tickets and the Sports Illustrated subscription. She knew he'd love all of it.
Richard was harder to buy for. He didn't love sports the way his brother did, though he could probably have been just as good at them if he wanted. But tickets to a hot concert, a gift card to the computer store, and a boxed set of Stephen King novels would do for him. She'd discovered the kid had somehow missed reading any Stephen King.
For Harry, she usually got a joke gift and some article of clothing. This year she planned to get him a Barbie doll set and some fancy running shoes. She giggled a little, thinking the doll set was especially funny. "Sherves him right," she snorted.
For Barbie, Andie planned on arranging free dance lessons with a choreographer she knew in Vegas. Barbie still had a jones for show business and enough natural grace and talent that she had had some success. A bit of professional training might be just what she needed. That and a professional-quality set of cosmetic brushes and tools. Plus a cute set of boots she knew Barbie would like.
But Kelly. What should she get Kelly?
Kelly had been the one who told her Richard had never read Stephen King. Another compulsive reader. Okay, a gift certificate to a bookstore, that would work. But something more personal.
The problem being that Kelly still hadn't settled firmly on a gender. Andie knew what sort of stuff she'd like to get for the darling little twelve-year-old, but Kelly might resent anything too pushy. Still, when Kelly came to Newport to visit, she always came as a girl. And yet, according to Barbie, Kelly had been attending school in Vegas as a boy. Not very successfully, Andie suspected; even with his hair cut short, Kelly made a too-pretty boy whose mannerisms were much to0 femme for the environment of a typical junior high school, even the private one that Harry had arranged.
Andie had trouble imagining how Kelly would fit in at all as a boy. According to Barbie, he'd acquired something of a protector at school. That must be interesting. Andie imagined some bigger, older girl taking cute, little Kelly under her wing but it might be a male protector; Barbie had avoided saying which and that intrigued the hell out of Andie. But it didn't help her choose a Christmas gift.
She sighed. She frowned. Kelly liked to cook, so some gourmet kitchen tools would work; not too suggestive. But not enough. She grunted. She ran fingers through her carefully dissheveled locks. She played with the piecings in her face without realizing she was doing it. Damnit! she thought. What would make a perfect gift for a stubborn little boy who ought to be a little girl but who was just too stubborn to admit it?
What she needed were some suggestions; maybe Melissa would have some ideas. She reached for the phone.
How about it? Got any suggestions for Andie so I can finish this piece?
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Please continue Kelly's storyline.
"How about it? Got any suggestions for Andie so I can finish this piece?"
You're "NUTSO CRAZY" Wanda!
You da Mann, da Barbie, and da Kelly, so let your muse do the suggesting and get on with it! Giggle, giggle...
You da only one that can write this, but I bet there are more than a few fans out there that would love to do a fanfic of this wonderful series of yours!
Great stuff as always Wanda
A great fan of yours
Legna Eraho
Kelly Girl
Thanks for this delightful story. Your Book Kelly Girl is a sweet adventure, that I enjoyed immensely. It left me wishing for more. Please continue this Story line. A number of your characters could be developed further, how do these family ties and friends from Jr high, develop and change as Kelly grows thru his/her teen years, high school etc .
so when will there be more
so when will there be more chapters this was a very entertaining story
Kelly's present
Why doesn't Andi get Kelly acting leasons? The same performance studio that Barbie gets her dance leasons at shouls have acting coaches?
PS: It is our present that you have not given up on Kelly Girl.
Kelly Girl Incognito
Acting lessons, ;>, well that might fit, huh?
I'm surprised there are no other suggestions, thought there was more interest in this.
Kelly's present
This is your old faithful avid reader, avidreader. Very glad to see you moving the story forward. It's intriguing that Kelly decided to start school as a boy and as his real age. I wondered how he would deal with the fact that his hair was so short after Barbie's haircut. The fact that he has still been posing as a girl to visit the Manns is interesting, too. I presume that Andie may have helped with the hair problem at those times.
I'm curious about the "protector," of course.
Guest Reader, the acting lessons are a good idea. Continuing in that vein, perhaps this is the time to put Kelly and Barbie in charge with that agent we briefly met oh, so long ago.
Using Melissa as a source of suggestions for the gift is intriguing too. Apparently Kelly and Barbie did not use the school transcripts she generously provided. Perhaps there is some way Andie could set up a situation that would give them an incentive to have Kelly start posing as a younger child and as a girl.
Okay, one off-the-wall suggestion: Suppose Andie gets Harry to send Barbie and Kelly to Chicago or New York for the holidays, and then she gives Kelly a gift certificate for American Girl Place? That would link back to Andie's old doll that Kelly has been carrying. All sorts of "miss-adventures" could take place in Chicago, opening up new plot possibilities.
Wanda, I thought you had KGI more planned out than this? Or do you know where things are heading, but having some fun asking for suggestions on how to get there?
It might muddy things a bit to point out that Andie's information about Kelly comes mostly from Barbie, who has little reason to be completely truthful with her goofy friend. ;>
Of course, when have I ever tried to muddy things up?
KGI is planned out, beginning and end, but the late middle is kind of vague. ;>
I think I'd have trouble writing about the American Girl store, a place I've never been but I do like the idea.
Wanda's wishes
Wanda i feel intrusive answering this even though you asked the question. Surely you know Kelly's heart better than anyone! But here goes:
A pair of those shoes with the built in skates - maybe white and kelly green. Kelly may be a bit old for them but every kid I know that has a pair loves them and I'm much older and would like to be able to get away with wearing them.
A 'messenger bag' that could be a purse only when the strap was shortened.
A 'stationary box' to put on his dresser with a place to keep pens and paper clips on top but with a secret latch for a lower compartment for earrings and necklaces. Beautifully carved, of course, but natural colors.
(Because wishes need not be realistic) A friend, of either gender, that knows of Kelly's feeling (doubts? questions?) and just does not care. Empathy and compassion matter (but Kelly has that, and concern, from some adults) How about someone who does not bat an eye at Kelly in an oxford shirt or in a skirt; someone who can hear Kelly sigh over the ... situation and say, "How did you do on the math test?"
A single pearl on a simple chain, for the unmarked nexus of Kelly's self.
Now write you own story - what am i doing advising you? Geesh?
Joy and all good things;
Time Warp
Kelly's story takes place in 1998 or 99, I forget which, did they have those roller-shoes then? They are outstandingly cute and I would have loved them myself. ;>
Love the pearl idea for maybe Harry to get Kelly, and the bag and box might come from Barbie. ;>
Hair today
I don't think they do Lasik on kids, do they? Need to find out but it would certainly be an idea for Barbie. Thanks. ;>
Writing? I suppose I should, huh?
Kelly's christmas
On a different note, what if Barbie and Kelly spent the holiday in Newport? If he's been posing as a girl there, and the boys still think he's a girl, wouldn't it be logical to give him "girl presents"?