Why do some men cross-dress? It's a question which confounds the experts, which even the cross-dressers themselves cannot answer, and to which many others will reply, with various degrees of intolerance, "Because they're weirdoes."
But in my new Kindle book, I suggest that some humans have simply evolved differently.
Most people accept that genetics are responsible for our physical differences, but are often less willing to accept they can also be responsible for differences in our behaviour. Is it possible that cross-dressing is an inherited behaviour which, under certain circumstances, gives an improved opportunity to survive and reproduce? If so, the driving will to cross-dress is no different from the will of a bird to build a nest.
But of course, not all birds build nests. I have written this light-hearted trilogy of short stories to demonstrate that, perhaps, the cross-dressing male is the cuckoo of the human species.
I am hoping that it will appeal to a wider audience than those who come to this site, so I have posted it on Kindle.
You can find the Human Cuckoo Trilogy on Kindle here for UK readers or here for US readers
I do expect that some will vigorously disagree with my suggestions, so, I'm lighting the blue touch paper and stepping back. I hope you enjoy.
Lin Dale
Not even gonna touch this with a 100 foot pole. No way no how. I will simply say I completely and utterly disagree with you.
Gay Animals
I was just thinking that I'd ask if you thought homo acting birds and mammals had a specific gay gene. Then I thought rather, that the brain genetics "allowed" some sort of variability, maybe like trans, in the early development of the embryonic brain. It doesn't hurt the species of the gay individuals, so it isn't extinguished by evolution.
I would guess that humyn cross-dressing is similar to being gay or very similar to being trans. Our/their brains have specific structures that are opposite sexed or opposite (to norms) sexually attracted. I don't know why, for XYers, being gay is more common, then CDing, then TG/TS. I suppose we will find out as we learn more about early brain development.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Other inherited characteristics
I have written these stories about one specific mental characteristic (human male crossdressing) which I thought carefully about and can see how evolution might favour such people over others.
Clearly, once you accept that one mental attribute can be advantageous to the evolution of a species or sub-species, there is no limit to other directions which might be considered, such as those that you and other commenters have raised. For example, birds and animals, homosexuality, human females, etc.
All I have tried to do with this blog and the Humanj Cuckoo Trilogy is to plant the seeds of thought so that others can consider other directions. There are no limits to free thought!
Lin Dale, in all actuality,
crossdressing depends as much upon culture as upon the person's gender identification. In the United Kingdom, men wear kilts which are a cultural norm. Back before trousers were the norm, men and women in Bibical times wore a robe and cloak which looks much like a dress. But when it comes to underclothing is when crossdressing is apparent.,
May Your Light Forever Shine
Why the limit to just men?
Why the limit to just men? Women crossdress also.
actually although rates of gender issues are lower...
among women, they also apply. Once again this regards DES exposure in utero.
See my other comment here re. men.
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
i find that women are more
i find that women are more socially accepted when they do cross dress as for men its seen as a taboo and a sickness to be cured
You wouldn't have thought so in Victorian times...
...when women started to wear male clothes (Shock! Horror! Hell, they'll want the vote, next!)
Women trailblazers fought the battles then, so that it's now commonplace for women to wear trousers, once restricted to men.
Yes, but...
How do you determine if a woman is deliberately cross-dressing (and regarding it as such)? Male garments (and feminine-styled versions of male garments) are so common apparel on women that nobody bats an eyelid. In wintertime especially, you'll find the occasional women wearing thick tights and a skirt, but the vast majority will be wearing trousers.
Of course, this all plays into the socio-cultural associations of the "traditional" roles of women and men: women wearing men's clothes was considered empowering, whereas for many even nowadays, men wearing women's clothes is considered demeaning (something that is, unfortunately, played up in forced fem fictions as a prelude to enforced servitude). Gender equality still has a long way to travel...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Or if you were born between 1938 and 1971...
You may have been treated to a lovely 9 month swim in DES in the womb, as some here know, or suspect, to be the case. 30% of boys identified as DES Sons fall somewhere along the TG scale a huge amount over the control group. There are other indications as well.
They have nothing to do with Cuckoos or any other birds. If there's interest, I could put more information along with references in a blog.
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Or as we say in my house...
...if we actually felt free to say anything, "Thanks, Mom"
Och, not to put too fine a point on it, bein' a wee bit o' Scots Irish, I must say that kilts are not gender specific and as such aren't cross dressin' at all; the top bein' a gold satin blouse w' a wee collar and maybe a nice tam an gold earrings might be cross dressin', aye?
P.S. For those of us who are baby boomers or thereabouts:
Love, Andrea Lena
Not to hijack this thread, Stanman does have it right the kilt is traditionally for men, this changed towards the end of the 19th century. The only reason I sure of this is both my parents came from Scotland (My family is just like the one from the Mike Myers film "So I Married an Axe Murderer")
Not actually Male or Female.
Were I God, I would tell people that people are not purely male or female. There are as many variations as there are grains of sand. In an effort to make life more simple and less fearsome, man made genders binary and that happened very early, before anything in the Bible was written down.
We gotta be us
Men get a raw deal
It's a fact
that about 40% of male marsh harriers mimic female plumage to avoid conflict with the normal plumaged males. The female is less colourful.