Shadowsblade: Betrayal and forgiveness

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without!

In this part:

Rohanna is betrayed and hurt by a person close to her.....but at its end....redemption and forgiveness

this part has allot of harsh parts in it, you have been warned!

so please take note --I do not want any PTSD you may want to pass on this one, if that bothers you?

This is the story of a man who finds a magic box that changes him into a Drow (a dark elf) and he has to deal with the sudden change. Then all the memories of a Drow that was 'made' for a long lost war. This new part of him, has the 40,000 years of memories of fighting that war. She has to deal with, all that pent up PTSD, her enemy is here, but she loves her. Her old Queen is here and she wants to kill, that Queen ohh so bad!

Shadowsblade here.

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.




As I sat in my room pondering on staying here at Whateley OR if I was going to leave Whateley, OR worse! me jailed or stuck in ARC!

Sunday February 18 4:45 am
Outskirts of Boston
A small chancery of the church

A small group of men gather in a back hidden room if the old building. This room is one of the first built here and has been lost to time, as ever being there.

What seems to be the leader of the group, goes to a large table in the dark rooms center and the man next to him hands him files, as he watches a video play on a flat panel on the wall.

That video playing, is of a Dark elf. That is chopping and burning down with spells, four well armed humans on a city street. Then the video shows the aftermath of the carnage, bodies laying in the streets of the four men and the adjacent damage they did to the street of all the civilians with their gunfire.

The video ends and the lights come up a little in the room. The leader slams his balled fist on the table, covered in photos and files. "What happened! This ambush was perfect!" he howls out in anger.

The leader stands into the better light over the table and now all can see that he is a middle-aged man, wearing a priests outfit with white collar. The man next to him slides a file to him and opens it "Father the attack would have worked if this "ELF' was not there." he almost spits the word 'elf' out in distain "Until just this morning all we had on her? Was she was going shopping with the BEAST! Then our person in Whateley. All they informed us on her powers was, she could teleport and was a mage....maybe? Then all the rest of the shopping group, was to be Donna...the Beast's guardian and one other small elf of no notable powers?"

"SO what was the change in information!" the priest demands loudly, as he picks up the file off the table and starts to flip through it's contents.

"Well....Father. We had planed that the beast...Sara. Might try and teleport out of the area somehow or her dad try to help. OR worst case, Fey the old elf queen would come. So in that case...a spell was set on the area, to slow and stop most teleporters and gates from being usable to and out of the area. This was one of the spells your contact provided to us."

"So GO ON! what changed!?" he roared again.

"This... Father. Our informant gave us this just a few hours ago." and the man turns to the screen again and presses a button on a remote.

Then the video screen shows the SIM arena of Whateley. In the area, a female in dark armor, with a skull embroidered on the face mask. Just runs from group to group of simulated soldiers and she is killing them all with ease and laughing at it all like a maniac!

The priest watches the video for several minutes and then howls like a madman at the video "WHY was this not sent to us sooner!"

"Father...she did this SIM run, just last near the AM hours? So all of this was not available, till just now?"

"Hummm" the priest sounds out "then lets get plan 'B' ready for when Sara leaves Whateley again!"


Sunday February 18 5:35 am
Whateley Academy - Poe cottage

In Gwen's room, the small elf stirs for the hundredth time tonight. She just can't seem to get to sleep, as she keeps waking to see if she can still 'feel' via her Pixies, if Rohanna is still in the building.

Gwen finally gives up and rolls out of the bed with a huge yawn. When she does, she finds her roommate is up and leaving the room. "Where are you going? she asks.

"Me?...I am off the Dunwich to shop a little and have a lunch out? Did you want to come?....or...maybe I can stay and we can talk over what happened yesterday more?" her roomie, asks with genuine concern weighing on her voice.

" go and have fun. I am going to check on Ro and see how she is doing." Then Gwen thinks 'if she is still I am not so sure?'

Her roomie bends down to her on the bed and gives her a hug "Call me if anything happens...especially if Carson comes to get her! As the whole school, knows about that crap from her last night!"

"I will!" Gwen chirps, as she remembers that the students will most likely stand-up for Rohanna. As she protected family....and the unwritten rule of Whateley is NO ONE MESSES with family!....EVER....and lives.

Then her roomie leaves out the door, with a wave to her. Gwen jumps up, gets her things together and off to the showers she runs. After she gets back to her room from that shower, she tosses on a the first outfit of t-shirt and jeans her eyes lay-on and runs from the room toward Ro's room.


In my room

I have been thinking half the night and crying for the other half. I am so worried about what Carson said....or maybe lied about. I find that humans lie far too much! So, I still am not so sure she will protect me or I am not going to jail or getting tossed into ARC for years!

As I sit curled up on my futon and the light of dawn creeps into my windows. I can hear the other kids stir, then I hear one just outside my door....and its listening at the door. I know its Gwen, by her footsteps and heartbeat.

Gwen finally knocks at my door, after listening for a minute "Hey Ro can I come in?"

"NO!" I snap back at her, through the closed door.

"Aww come on, let me in?"

I sit there and think it over for some time...then Violet asks me from her perch over my bed "Let big sister in...she can help?"

"Fine! ...but if she has bad news its your fault!" I warn Violet in my rage at the world at large. I then yell at the door "Come in!"

Gwen opens the door slowly, then comes in the small dorm room and finds her new friend, in near the exact same way she found her a week ago....on or near a bed and under a sheet! And all balled up just like this.

Gwen hops over to me, tears off the sheet from covering my head and yelps out at me "Good morning!" in a cheery voice, with a large grin on her face.

"What's SO good about it?" I say, as I grab at the sheet again and go to tear them from her hands.

"Your here?" she tells me, as she tilts her head to me.

"SO?" my single word drips in sarcasm.

"Your choose to stay? That's the good thing!" Gwen notices now how wet the sheets are near my head "But did you cry all night? As your all wet? Then you really love sheets, as this is the way I found you the last time?" she giggles in hopes it will help.

"Yes....I did, I am upset! AND then, I like my sheets...they help?" my voice trembles, as I finally snatch all the sheets back from her, then cover back up.

Gwen glances up to Violet, who is sitting on the shelf over the bed and questions her "Has she been like this all night?"

Violet, nods to Gwen as she speaks "Yes all night. Rohanna is very....upset?"

Gwen once she sees what to do, goes and sits next to me. Then leans up to me "Hey lets get-up and go have breakfast?"

"No..its safer here....if they come?" I say coldly.

Gwen does not understand that response from me and then looks over the room, to suddenly see what I mean by that? The whole room is covered in magic wards...and they are big ones! All that has to be done by me... is tap that Ley line near here to feed them...and then no one gets in! least easily?

The next thing that catches Gwen's eye, is the room. Its sterile, like a military boot camp room. Everything is in its place, neat and straight! 'I have to get out with her and change this...make it look more like a home?....later.'

She then smuggles close to me "Well if this is what you want?" she states "then I am staying with you, till you feel better!" and she pulls the sheet to cover herself up too!


Sunday February 18 8:35 am
Whateley Academy - Poe cottage

Now I hear someone pounding on my door, they are hit it so hard, it startles me off the bed and then I hear Rosalyn yelling to be let in.

I stand there not knowing what to do? I want her in here...with me? But she is a human...and several of them, tried yesterday to kill me! Then it dawns on me...'what am I doing...she is a friend. I can't lump her in with the rest?'

As I think, Gwen has got up too and goes to the door "Hey? should I let her in?" she asks me and waits at the door.

I nod back to her, as I sit back down. Gwen opens the door for me and Rosalyn blasts into the room with force. She leaps over to me and wraps me in a hug of death "I just heard! I was asleep all this time, no one told me what had happened till I was showering and I ran down after I heard! You should have come and told me all this, not stayed in here all night and cried?" she rambles out fast.

"Its safer here" is all I can say.

Roz looks at Gwen and questions her "Safer? what does she mean by that?"

Gwen's eyes roll to Roz "Ohhh if you cold see magic like would know! This room is surrounded by a minefield of magic!" Gwen jests, as she goes to sit on the other bed across the room.

"Humm...but lets get you cleaned up and go out?" Roz asks.



"She has been that way for hours, since I got into this room at least?" Gwen tells Roz.

"You have to get-up and eat at least?"

"I ate last night."

"Where" they both ask in near unison.

"The Grove."

Then Rosalyn remembers and starts to look me over "They told me you got shot in the face....and back? But I don't see any wounds on you?"

"The Grove healed me."

"Well that sounds good, but lets get you up and cleaned up. Then we go and eat?"

"I don't want to" I whine back to her.

Gwen is getting more than worried, as she has seen depression before in Poe and this is how it starts. A new Idea pops into her head. "Hey lets get Ro fixed up with one of Bunny's cell phones! That will cheer her up! A new tech gizmo to play with?"

For some reason I look up from my staring at the floor "I can do that?" I say softly.

"Okay!" Gwen beams, then grabs one of my towels, as Roz gets me standing and out the door.

We all go down the hallway to the bathroom and they sit me on the small bench on one wall. Gwen gets a cloth all wet for me and I wash up as best I can with it. Roz hands me a towel and Gwen helps out with brushing out my super long hair.

After we are all done, we go back down the hallway past my room and Roz just tosses my towel in my door, as we pass the room. I have to fight the urge, to go get it and put it away!

They both drag me to Bugs room, knock and Bunny answers the door with a huge grin on her face "Hey Gwen what's up?" she asks after its open.

"Bunny we thought it might be a great Idea after yesterday, that Rohanna has one of your...way cool phones!....just in case?"

"I can see that! So lets get her all set" then she opens the door and for the first time, I see her egg based nightmare of a room...It hurts my eyes and stomach to see all of the strange eggs that fill half of the room.

As I am let in, I see Riptide is her roomie and now I see why they hit the shower room at the same time. Rip waves me over to sit next to her and I do. Violet, on the other hand, starts to explore all the strange eggs in the room and pokes at several with her spear....

Violet was flying about the large collection of absurdly painted eggs and each one of them was some sort of robot or contraption. She poked at one till it moved, when she clearly hit the 'on' button and then it sped around the room sweeping up. Since it moved so suddenly and spooked her with a loud 'eeekk' coming from her. Violet then chased it for a second and was about to stab it rather hard.....till Bunny tells her to stop!

All I could do, was laugh at it all.

Bunny after she finished scolding my Pixie...while I watched on, she gets out a large case. Then pulls from it, a real nice box and inside is a flat cell phone "Here we are, my latest! Your going to be one of the first to get one!" Bunny boasts to me.

I watch as she gets it turned on and sets up the basics for me. Then she asks me "How should we lock it to your the owner and no one else can use it?"

"I don't know?" I shake my head to her.


"Don't have them."

"Eye...retina?....then she looks at me in the eyes...Ohh heck, that will not work on you. And I know voice is a bad idea? How about DNA?"

"Blood?" I ask.

She nods back to me...."No, that is a bad idea to have that in the phone...blood based magic... is very bad, if someone gets their hands on it!" I say flatly.

"So what can we use?" she looks at me "What is really different about you?"

Gwen jumps in with an idea of her's "She has two hearts? So I guess heart beat?...even one of them is different, as it has six chambers and beats differently?"

"Ohhh cool, that will work fine. Lets just have you put a finger on the phones touch panel and it can read your heart beating. That will lock it, just fine."

She shows me how to get that reading and we do it several ways to get a good reading with added back-ups of one heart beating and both, then with all six chambers firing on them.

Then after I am set as it's owner. I insist that Violet be able to use it...just in case. So Bunny, has her place her small hand on the screen and it adds it to the locks on the phone. As Violet does this, Bunny thinks its too cute not to take a picture of something that small and cute using one of her phones!

Next on the list, she sets up the basic 'AI' on the phone for me and enters everyone's phone that I have them...The whole building that is! The next step is her running me through the basics.

As we go I ask "Does this have maps in it?"

"Ohh has GPS!"

"GP....what?" I ask.

" positioning systems. Its a bunch of satellites, that tell the phone where its at." she adds.


"Yep...but my phones, do that far better than the regular ones. Mine use the DARPA-Military satellites and with that. This phone here, can tell you where its at, to the quarter inch! Even in this building! AND if your phones can't be tracked...unless you want them to be? Or they can't be bugged or traced!" she boasts even prouder.

"So can this tell far something is away from me in a direction?"

"Yep to the inch!"

" me!" I ask more than excited now.

Bunny sits next to me and shows me how to look-up a city or place and enter it into the GPS mapping system. I look-up Central park in New York and get the exact direction and distance. Then Bunny shows me Google earth and is satellite pictures of where I am looking at.

After I get all that done, I stand up and state to her "I want to try something?"

Gwen stares at me and I can see she is worried a little "What?...if I can ask?"

"Porting to places...via this!"

"Ohhh I don't think that's a good idea?" she warns.

"Ohh I will be fine and right back too!" Violet, just knows what I am up too and flies over to my shoulder to wait.

I look at the map and finger drag the image to part of the park that near no one should be in. It gives me the measurement and the direction via me spinning it a little. I get what I want and start reaching out to the target.

Gwen jumps up at me "Ohh don't do that! Its a bad idea!"

I grin to her evilly and port!

When I come into the park, I have to 'dodge' a tree and once 'in' I find I am alone. Just like I wanted to be! I grab my illusion charm, put it on my neck and walk out into the park for a look-see! Violet on my shoulder, she fades into her invisibility spell. Just a few yards off, I spot a pretzel cart and walk over to it and wait my turn.


Back in Bunny's room....

Gwen is going a little nuts, that I have been gone for over five minutes "This is bad....real bad. We might have just gave her a way out of here and she might not come back!" she shakes her head.

Roz comforts Gwen..."She will be back...I am sure of it!"

Gwen then spins excitedly on Bunny "Can you tell where she is?"

"Nope...not on my phones. Unless she wants it?" she shakes her head and her twin pony tails bounce about.

"Just great! We all just gave the keys to the Kingdom to a porter!" Gwen huffs out, as she falls to the bed in defeat.


After my wait in line, I get five nice hot pretzels with cinnamon sugar on them. After I pay the guy for them all, I walk off into the trees, so I can't be seen and port back to Poe.

As I fade into that room, I can see Gwen is jumping up and down...going nuts! I fade in, hand her a pretzel quickly and then the others follow "I had to get show you all I made it!"

Gwen takes the offered food, takes a huge! bite and shakes the rest of it in my face "Ohhh you!.... if this pretzel was not so GOOD!" she mumbles past the food in her mouth "I would bop you on the head!" she says taking yet another huge bite.

All I can do is giggle at her, while I nibble at the food in my victory of finding a new way to explore the world.

As we eat and Bunny shows me even more on the phone. Rip jumps up from her watching us go over the maps in the phone, with an idea "Hey can you go get me a burger from In-and-out? in cali!"

I glare at her and her idea "Why would I do that? I can't eat those anymore?"

"You can't?"

With a nod of mine to Roz and she smacks Rip on the back of her head "Elves don't or CAN'T, eat meat you goof!" Rosalyn informs her.

"Well I did not know...I just all just skipped it by choice?" and I can see, she is not happy she mentioned it.

"Well lets go get breakfast" Gwen yelps.

It pops into my mind after some thought about it..."Okay...and I will cave and get that burger for ya Rip...But you owe me BIG! I wanted to see how far I can 'port' anyway?"

I grab the phone off the bed and look-up the best place to go too...I am looking for one that has a spot to 'land' in, that is not really seen! I find what I want, drop a invisibility spell on me and port out!

After sometime, I come back with several bags of food...way more than the three human girls in the room can eat!

They all look at me, the full of food bags and Rip asks first "What are we going to do with all this?"

"Well the fries are mine and Gwen's for the most that is all we can eat? Then a burger or two is for Roz. Then, the others? You can share some with Chaka...your girl, at breakfast today...the rest? ...I guess pass them out as we walk out to go eat?" I suggest with a shrug of my shoulders to her.

At a group nod approval to my idea, we gather up the food I bought and start off to crystal hall and our breakfast. On our way out, Rip grabs Toni from her room and I toss a few burgers to the Poe folks on our way out.

As I get to the entry doorway of Poe, Mrs. Horton is already standing there and she seems to have some concern written all over her face "Well good to see you out of your room" she smiles at me.

I look down, as I get nearer to her "Yes Mrs. Horton...they dragged me out."

"Hey its all fine...just if know? Come to me?" she asks.

"Yes...I might"

She finally notices the bags of burgers and asks me "In-and-out burgers? That's in California...only?"

"Rip wanted a I went and got it?...Mrs. Horton?" I mumble more than sheepishly to her.

"Rohanna? You know, you should not leave the campus without telling us? As we have to know where you are at?"

"Yes ma'am I will...just....I got all excited."

"Its fine...just try and tell time?" She says and then gives me a hug, to show it.

After she lets go of me, my small group of Gwen, Roz and Bunny goes out and I port the whole pack to Crystal. The rest with Rip, Toni and a few others. They all gather up, as Rip wants to keep a group of Posies near me for support after yesterday's mess and they head into the tunnel network to get there.

Once I am in crystal and waiting in the food line....the mumbling and whispers from the other students starts! I can hear almost every word and they are all chatting about what I had to do. I try and 'tune' them all out...but its not really working at all. So...I grab a bunch to eat and as I do that....Violet whispers in my ear, that she wants try out some of the fruits. So I get what she points at and fill her a small plate. Then, the group gathers back up and goes up to the usual table.

As the group all sits and chats it up. I try and 'not' hear all the negative 'buzz' around me. 'its just not working' But I keep up with all chatting at my table and Rosalyn next to me is trying hard to help me keep calm...via a touch to my hand, now and then.

But what seems to keep me the calmest is Violet, who is trying real hard to eat strawberries off her small its just too cute...I had forgotten, what its like to have a Pixie around me all the time. During my last life as a Drow, the last few decades, I had no companion like her. As most of them were dead or in hiding.

My head spins right then, as just a few tables off I can hear Peepers squeaky voice coming this way! My hand drops its fork, to clatter on my plate and anger rises in I just know that moron wants to mess with me.

A hiss comes form me "udtila nindol rivvil...lebb har ssinssrin aphyon? Usstan orn belbau ol ulu ukta!" (does this human...round ear, want death? I will give it to him!)

Gwen and Rosalyn both see and hear that 'sound' from me and start to look around for why I am mad suddenly.

Just as I am about to get up and finish him...for good! Sara bumps into my head ~"Rohanna ....don't, I know what your thinking of doing. I can feel it?"~

~"Where have you been?"~ I ask.

~"Trying real hard to find out, who did this...I will see you later"~ and she fades off.

But I see Hippolyta and Feral get up from the table next to ours and walk over to Peeper, as he comes up the stairs. I can just make out what is said, as I pick up my fork and a grin comes over my face.

"Peeper you scummy male....get lost, she does not need your crud now!" Hipp growls at him, as she towers over him, in her Amazonian size.

Feral glances at her clawed hands and shines the tips of them on her shirt, as she warns him "Leave Rohanna alone today...heck this lifetime!"

"She is news! I have to interview her, as the story is still fresh!" his squeaky voice demands.

"I should let you go over there and die! But she is a friend...and one of us Poe kids...we protect our GO!" Hipp yells at him now and shows she is not kidding anymore!

"I need to se...." and Feral stops that word, with a swipe and that swipe shreds his shirt. Now peeper looks down at his thoroughly torn shirt and sees no blood, as Feral is that 'good' with her claws!

"GO....NOW!" Feral growls at him "Or we hurt you...and Paige will wipe every computer you ever own from now on!" she threatens him even further.

He looks over at Paige, sitting at the next table eating...who just grins back at him and then waves to him. Then she opens her custom laptop and her electric blue eyes glow a little more, as her power over computers comes alive.

Peeper is about to say one more thing and he stops as he sees.....Lancer, Beltane, and lots of others stand up. Then Constance, one of the other elves of Whateley bumps into him from behind and whispers "Watch out, your about to get hurt bad or die?" she then smiles at him, as he turns to stare at her.

He gazes around the room once more and hears the distinct sound of knuckles cracking... and its coming from all over. Greasy leans over to his friend now, as he hears all that "Hey boss, its sure getting hot in here!" he snivels at him

"Okay....I will leave...for now. BUT! soon enough, I will get that interview with her!" Peeper shouts out loud enough, so that he is sure I can hear him.

As I hear that....and my mind considers it a threat! I jump to my feet and glare at him, as he backs away from Hipp. Rosalyn stands up next to me and holds on to my arm...hoping I will not do something stupid?

"Hipp....let him come here!" I wave to her and him "My other blades, they have yet to taste human blood this week!" I yell out even louder at them both. Violet flies to my shoulder and is growling at him....she is waiting till I say...GO!

Hipp and Feral stand aside, then give him an inviting wave on toward me and look to be giving him...his wish...a quick death!

Peeper backs away even faster, as he remembers. I do not play 'the threats game' at all. I actually hurt people and have done worse this weekend. After Greasy and he have backed up several yards, they both speed off to the exit doors.

After they are gone, I hear one male voice a couple of tables off yell in defeat "Shoot, I lost! I had money on her killing him!"

As I see them both go out the door, I regain my calm again and sit. Roz gives me a hug and whispers in my ear "Thanks for did pretty well, considering he was pushing you?"

As I nod to her and the table...goes back to chatting it up. Most of what I now hear, involves me going near all over the world to get favorite food for someone there? I interrupt the chat "Hey I am not a taxi or a pizza boy?" with a giggle out at them all.


Just outside the doors of Crystal hall

Peeper runs out the door, quickly followed by a winded Greasy and they both bump into Everheart, who is coming up to the doors to grab her morning meal.

"Hey Everheart?" Peeper whines at her and wheezes from his short run

"Yes?" she says dryly back.

"That dark elf...Rohanna she threatened me!"

"I am sure, she did not do that?" she groans, as she crosses her arms...showing her impatience to the boy

"Yes she did!" he squeals out, as Greasy nods along with this Boss and his words.

"We both know that, she does not threaten...she DOES! But I saw it all on the video system. Peeper?" she looks at him more intently now "Do you have a death wish...leave her alone...please? As its lots of paperwork if she kills you?"

"So your going to do nothing!"

"That's boy...nothing."

"How about her attacking me at the student store? She did that Friday?"

"I heard...and still don't care?" she rolls her eyes at him "As I heard, you were insulting her and she reacted. Besides, all that was hurt was your pride...Peeper." Everheart gets closer to the boy, to whispers to him "AND then, if it was a student, you said that too?...or about. I would have busted your arm....or maybe a finger?"

Everheart smiles to him and walks into crystal hall. Peeper just shakes in anger and Greasy shakes in fear!


Back in Crystal hall

As I sit with the group, I notice Everheart comes in the doors below us and I start to scan the room searching....looking for threats. Gwen notices I have stopped eating and am far jumpier than a few minutes ago...even after Peeper and his crud.

"Rohanna? What's up, your all tense?" Gwen asks me.

"Everheart came in...." is all I say.

Gwen looks around to see Sam at the take-out line and getting something to go "Hey I think its all right....she is just eating?" she explains.

My eyes just keep looking....searching

Gwen can now see my issue at its heart. Every time I get calmed down...some little thing sets me off again? Gwen, while she thinks on my issues. She sees Ayla come toward the table and an idea comes to her. "Hey Ayla...come here and sit near me please?"

Ayla does as asked, as there is an open seat right there. As she gets seated and puts out her silverware "What's up?" she asks.

"Well I have a little favor to ask ya?"

"Yes?" she answers, while getting all her food properly spiced with pepper.

"Well I would hate to have you miss some of that fine food of yours? But Rohanna is jumpy as heck again! AND maybe you can help her order a motorcycle...a rare one? That might calm her down a little?"

"Humm" she tones out while readying a bite "What kind is it?"

Gwen gets her laptop out and finds the link she made for Ro...."This one?"

Ayla looks at the page shown "Humm" she says as she looks it over, then eats another bite. After its gone, she says "Well that one is a rare one indeed and expensive!"

"Ya I know, but I am sure it...or at least ordering it, will get her mind off...all this crud that is going on?"

Ayla, looks the green haired elf over for a second as she eats..."Hey? Are you alright after yesterday? I heard and saw some of what happened and it was not so....nice?

"I am dealing with it....Its I know why, in some small way? How and why, Rohanna is so messed up after seeing all that."

Ayla nods her understanding...."I can help, I know someone that is in the racing world, who can get that done for her. But can it wait, till I am done and we go to the Poe sunroom?" she asks.

"Thanks Ayla!" Gwen grins at her.

"No problem....I kinda want to see her do she is real interesting, to say the least!" she laughs.

As I watch Everheart leave the hall, I scan the room a few times again...just to be sure she is gone? Then Gwen taps my shoulder and gets my attention to her "Hey Rohanna?" I nod to her and start eating again "Ayla tells me, she can get that bike of yours ordered...most likely?"

"Really?" I say a little excited, as I look toward Ayla, who nods back to me.

Gwen then spins her laptop to me, to show me that page for the bike. After she slides the laptop to me, I start going over the page again. To be sure this is what I want? Then I drop into the options for the bike I have selected.

I start selecting all the options, that will get rid of the 'iron' on the bike or steel. As even thou its not...'cold iron'... it can and will affect my spells in someway when I ride it. Then most of all, its mere presence will make it harder for me to 'store' in my pocket space.

As I go along that list and check most of it, I watch as the price of this one bike climbs up and up! But I want it! Then add, it will last me years, as I can only ride it on some weekends or so?

Then the last option was gone over in my mind and the list of what I wanted was complete. In all total, it's cost would be almost all I had in my personal accounts. Besides anything I set as 'academy money' THAT I would never touch! As its not mine to use, in my mind!

A tap gets Gwen's attention to me, from her talking to Ayla "Here is what I want?"

"Wow that's quite a list off stuff to be done on it. But I can see want all the steel or iron gone!" She tells me, then spins the laptop to Ayla to look at.

All she says back is "Good I will get my guy on this, when I get back to Poe and we can see what else he can do then?" and she takes the webpage and copies the list onto her cell phone...a Bunny model like mine!

The last bits of my now cold food, are now off the plate and in me! So I am now the last one done eating and the rest of my group starts to get up to leave.

Gwen asks me quietly, as I drop off my empty plates "Hey do you want to go to the store and get more stuff to make that room of yours...Look more like a nice place...instead of that military bunk room, it now resembles?"

"Ya that might be a great idea. Besides I have to get Violet a pillow to sleep on or something?" I look over to her sitting on my shoulder "sounds like an idea, to you?"

She beams out to me in her joy "Yes that would make me happy!"


A few minutes later we walk into the big campus store, I grab a small shopping basket to carry, as this time I don't have much to buy and I have plans for my money now!

Gwen leads me off and Roz takes up the rear. The first stop Gwen leads me to, is a huge machine and a sampling of picture frames hanging on the wall. I watch, as she starts flipping though pictures on a computer screen mounted on the machine.

"So lets get you a poster or artwork or TWO! For that room of yours?"

I peek over her shoulder, as she flips through the list "So what do you want?" she asks me.

"I don't know? I only had one poster at home...A huge poster of 'Bullet' with Steve McQueen? I wish I still had it!"

Gwen flips the computer into a webpage, to search out an original of that one for me. After a little looking, she shows me the lists and I point to the one I had.

She pulls up the sale listing and reads it over "Its over TEN THOUSAND for it!" she yelps out in surprise "Sheesh! you would want the most expensive one!"

"It was the best car movie out at the time and he was the best actor for it!" I boast.

"We can get a reprint done for a few hundred?" she asks me.

"Okay! I like that!"

"Any others?" she asks.

I shake my head to her "Like I said, I have no idea?"

"Humm" she sounds out to me "I know you don't want a 'hang in there' kitten poster!"

"A what kitten?"

"This" she shows me.

Then I look at the screen and what I see is so sickeningly cute!... "BARF! Never in my room! Not even on a bet!" I exclaim to her and fake tossing my cookies!

"How about another movie from today?"

"NO! to many bad memories in those" is all I say to her.

"Well okay? But one day your going to have to tell me, why that makes you so mad?" she closes the screen, after she finishes ordering that one 'bullet' poster for me and sets it to be delivered to my room.

"The Next item we should get?" I say to her "Is that pillow for Violet!"

I wonder off to the bedding section in search of that item for her, as we go I grab a few snacks for the room. Then Roz drops a few little items in my basket to make the room look better, Some little wooden art pieces, that look like board game tokens. Then she adds some cotton covered throw pillows to the basket, as we get to that section for Violet. She must have been looking for this stuff, as Gwen and I searched for posters.

I stroll down the aisle, with Violet perched on my shoulder and turn to encourage her "Well pick one you like...any one? No matter the is yours!"

Violet flies off my shoulder to hop amongst the long shelves of pillows, looking for the one she wants. I watch on, as she tosses one after the other from the piles. To see what's under them and then places a few in a stack to compare later.

She finally gets down to just a few and stands there looking them over on the shelf. As she does, John the boy who helped me find that futon walks up to us, as all that tossing seems to have got his attention!

"Man Rohanna, that Pixie of yours, she sure is making a mess of that display. But no problem, its cool with me. I will have Peeper clean that up, when he gets in here next hour!" he laughs out.

We all watch on as, she goes and sits, then lays on each one in turn. Gwen gushes out "She looks so cute doing that....maybe I will get a few pillows for mine...just for show?"

Violet, tosses two of the five pillows.... She had it narrowed down to off the shelf and John catches both of them on the 'fly'. He then places them on a lower shelf for later.

Next thing Violet does? Is she lays down on one and folds her wings in, to lay better on her back. I joke to the group, as she does "Now there is the one reason why....I don't want wings! I can't lay down!"

John starts to lean in to see her better, as he does I warn him "I would not do that! Pixies can get nasty!"

AND as I say that, Violet sees that John's face is far too close, pulls out a spear and pokes his nose with it. He reels back in pain, with a small spot of blood showing 'just' on the tip of his nose.

All three of us, laugh at him "See I told ya!...Small but deadly!"

John howls at me "Man that hurt and that spear's tip is so small and sharp! I could not see the tip of it, till it hit me!"

"Yep! The Pixies are real good with them and they know how to hurt a human bad with them!"

Violet yells up and me from the shelf "I want this one!" she then squeals in joy, as she bounces up and down on it!

As she gets off the pillow, I grab it from the shelf and look it over. It has a real nice, purple silk cover, stuffed with feathers. Then add, its real long and still fits on the shelf in my room. I can see why she choose it.

I gaze at her, as she flies back up to me "I bet you bought this one? So your sister can come and visit?"

She nods to me "Yep!"

"Okay...but you two! No more fighting and waking me up!"

That pillow is dropped into the basket, then Gwen, Roz and I walk out to the checkout to leave. After its all bought and paid for, we walk back to Poe...slowly, as I want some time with no one around.


We both walk into to Poe and go straight to my room. I drop off the pillows on to my bed to see what that looks like and place Violet's new one on her shelf. She jumps on it with glee and starts bouncing on it. "There ya go a new home!" I boast to her.

Gwen goes to sit on my rooms other bed and asks me "SO what's next?" And Roz sits on my bed to add in "Hey we can order pizza?"

Before I can even answer, one of the other Poe kids looks into my open door "Hey Rohanna? I heard about yesterday...if you....want to chat?"

"Thanks Evvie, But I have Gwen and Roz here, to keep me at some kind of near sanity?" I try to laugh.

After she goes, I get up and walk the room a bit...aka I am pacing it again. Gwen sees that I am agitated "Hey, we can go and do something else? Its better than staying here?" she asks me.

"I have an idea! Lets go to town and catch a show?" Roz adds in her 'lets have fun' voice

"That might be an idea...But go ask Horton? As I might be on lock down and not even know it?"

"ON IT!" she yelps out and jumps off he bed to run off to see.

As I pace more, that dagger shows up in my hand again and begins its ever present twirling. As the dagger travels its path around my thumb on its point to fall into my palm again, Gwen has an idea form in her head, one that I can help with and helps her too!

"Ro?" As she whispers that, it gets me to look at her "How about you showing me some fighting stuff while we wait?"

"Humm? any ideas on what you what to start with?"

"I have no idea?"

"Well give me something...anything? As I think, you should know almost all I do?" I laugh at her.

"How about throwing one of those better?"

"This?" I ask


"You have that down good already? So why mess with that?"

"I do!?" she questions me, with some pride showing

"Yes...Remember I saw that...yesterday. You hit what you aimed at and hurt it. That's all you really need. I may teach you some ways, to toss them faster or more? But your real good!" I praise her.

"Okay! Thanks! How about some close-up stuff?"

"We can do that? You do understand...most of what I know and fatal?"

"Yep...and if I am that close or they are...all bets are off anyway?"

"Okay, so do you want to do this with your blade or mine?"

"let me try...mine?"

"Get it out?"

She goes to a sheath on her back, pulls it out and hands it to me. I take it and start to spin it about via its looped metal end tang. She watches me, as I spin it like crazy from one hand to the other and all over.

"I do love your blade...its so well balanced! Who ever made this...knew what they were doing!" I say as it spins about...then I get a feeling as I do...who or what made it.......and it spooks me! BAD!

I stop and hand it back to her "Maybe you should take this time out, to learn a blade shaped like its more common?"

"Makes sense to me!" she says.

"You can use my old practice its dull. Then me..." I grab a ruler off my desk "I'll use this!"

Gwen takes the old dagger from my hand, twirls it and cuts herself "DULL you say! Girl that stung!" she glares at me, while sucking on the cut finger "DAMN thing is sharp as a razor!"

I laugh at her pain and her glare hardens at me "Want to use the ruler and I use the blade then" I playfully ask her.

"No! darn it! But show me...what's the first move?"

"THIS!" I yelp and step forward under her blade and stoop down a bit. My left arm rises, blocks her blade and my hand grabs her neck at is base. Then my right is busy slicing up across her left thigh from her crotch, then up the side to her armpit. Next finally, I slice under her chin and neck. AND to finish, a jab into where her heart is at, then give her a small shove back.

"YOUR DEAD!" I exclaim, to her with a giggle.

I turn to the sound of Rosalyn at my doorway....sighing a bit "Sweet Jesus! That was fast! I would have missed it, if I blinked. No wonder....those guys..." and she stops,.... thinking....not to finish.

"Yes...'did not have a chance'....Is what you were going to say?"

She nods to me...."Sorry I"

"Roz....never say you're sorry to me, for what I do...its what I am? I have all that 'IN' me and its not leaving anytime soon. Now you see why, I worry a bit when....your in my bed and I am asleep. I can kill even faster than that...if I had too?" as I stop talking, my head looks down and I start thinking...

Gwen starts "How about we do...."

"This later?" I say, as I turn to her "NO you need this! You're good with your blade tossing and then add the glamour laden pixies of yours. And you move fast and well...but up close? All I can see you do, is punch? That will not stop a human man, that is SIX FOUR and Three hundred...he will shake it off...then hurt you!"

"But?" Gwen adds.

"No buts? Please.... and Rosalyn? You might as well come over here and learn this too? It might help someday...Besides, I need a human stabbing dummy for Gwen" I smile at her.

Roz walks into the room and I grab another ruler from my desk drawer for her. I hand it to her with a flourish "Your blade My Lady!" and she bows to me, as she is being cute.

I then show Gwen, very slowly what I did on her and repeat it a few times. Gwen and her step up together, do the motions 'slowly' and repeat it a few times.

I step in, when I see Gwen is off...really off. "Like this" I demo then step back.

She does the move and I see why she is off. She does not understand where and why the cuts are on the body.

So I step in and ask for Gwen's extended first use in place of the blade. She does the move and I stop her. Then I place the finger on Roz's neck where Gwen can easily feel the beating heart, via the vein there.

"Feel that?"


"That is the target of all these moves. You are cutting at least one with each slice! The leg, the side, the armpit and the neck. They each have one and if you hit it? That person...a human will bleed out in a minute or so?"

"DEAD?" she squeaks out.

"Yesss" I sigh "Dead. If your doing this ....then the time for being nice has past?"

"Is this the same on an...elf?"

"No, we are built differently. That's why you run faster and jump higher than Roz. Then me?..I am even more different?"

I grab her hand and yelp "Again!" and start the first move for her.

I stop her at each place she needs to slice, she feels the beating vein beneath it and now she sees the idea! Then I run her though it a few times. As I am helping Gwen clean-up her moves and showing Roz the same. Doogie knocks on my door frame "Hey doc Tenent asked for me to look in on ya?"

"Hey Doogie! I am fine. Just so ya know and I am sure she does by now?. The Grove healed me up. If you want to check...come on in and shut the door?"
Doogie takes my suggestion, comes in my room and closes the door behind him. Then he drops that huge bag of medical goodies, that he carries all the time on the floor next to it.

As he comes over to me, he notes my training Gwen and Roz with daggers and the placing of the cuts "Hey I did notice what your showing them and Rohanna is right. You cut someone up like that and they are dead. Not a great thing ....but you have to do, what you have too...I guess?"

"Well it works and I hope that they both never have to do its a burden to do so? But Doogie? just have a look at my face and back. Then you can tell the doc I am fine, so that I don't have to go to that place...I kinda hate it?"

Doogie laughs at me "Yep I bet you do! As the only time you see it, is when you get hurt!"

"Its not really that? I don't like takes so long to get fixed up! I have my ways and they are better!"

As he looks over my face and where a wound should be "Ahh ya you do have your the looks of this. Now open that mouth and lets see?"

I smile at him and let him look. As it looks like he is done, I give him a playful bite at him! "Well?" I ask smiling and showing fangs.

"Well looks like your teeth, the one's that got knocked out.....are almost back. Then your too funny!" he laughs at me.

"Thanks?" I sass.

"Now that backside...please?"

I lift up my shirt a little, to show him where that wound was. As he looks at that he asks "Hey do you have any copies of that ARC exam they did on you?"


"I want to see it and the doc says...I can't. Why?....Because of the medical privacy stuff?"

"I can get doc Otto to give you a copy...if you swear it never leaves your care?"

"Ohh that would be cool! You do know that costs money to have one of those reports?"

"It's mine...So I have say who gets to see it? Then add in, maybe someday you might need to patch up a Drow, that is not me!" I laugh.

"So I just have to get in touch with Otto up there and tell him you said okay?"

"Yep...should be that simple. He will probably call me to check and get yelled at by me, for doing it! Then he will set you up somehow?"

"Cool...But I have to get going!..cya!"

As he grabs his bag and opens the door to go, as he leaves....yet another kid leans into the open door. And this time it's Hipp "Hey....ahhh Sara asked me to check in on ya?"

"Heya Hipp. I am just fine...I have Gwen and Roz here and they are keeping me sane? For now anyway?"

Doogie waves to me, as he goes off and then Hipp steps into the room with us all "But if you want to talk?" she asks me.

"Hipp? Please...tell everyone ..thanks. But then tell them to stop asking? As it's getting to piss me off! I am not a stack of dishes! I am used to this...what I can't deal with is...this human crap, that tells me what I did was bad!"

"I can do that for ya?"

"You know what? I am going off somewhere else...where everyone does not know where I am at!"

"Sil'iluuth udos ph'Lagvarguth"
(Violet, we are leaving)

Violet can tell I am mad, so....she flies to me very quickly and I port!

"SHIT!....Darn it now, who knows where she went!" Gwen yells out.

"I goofed. I should have known everyone was bugging her?" Hipp adds, as she stares down at the floor in a little shame.

"Not your fault...she needs time AND everyone needs to lay off!" Roz jumps in. more than mad herself.


Sunday February 18 4:25 pm
Whateley Academy - Hawthorn cottage
just outside Puppet's room

I port into the hallway, as I do, I note that no one is around. I move to Puppet's door and softly knock on it.

After I do, I can hear her on the other ask "Who is it?" in a voice, that tells me she is not expecting anyone?

"It's me Rohanna. Can I come in?"

"SURE! come in!" she cries happily out to me.

I slide into her room as quietly as I can and go to sit in her chair. As I do, she studies me and then giggles out "I know why your here! Your hiding out!"

"Am I that obvious?"

"Yep! But I am not even going to ask what happened...Just sit and relax!"

"Thanks I need the quiet."

As I sit and meditate a little. Violet flies over to her "Hi! I am Violet. I help Rohanna. She needs some quiet time....and who are you?" she asks

"Me little one? I am Melissa or Puppet."

"Nice....What are you reading?" she asks, as she sits on the bed next to her.

"A book on genetics....But Rohanna?" she looks up to ask me.

"Yes?" I ask after my eyes open, from my thinking.

"I have heard that Jobe, may offer that Drow serum to others?"

I huff out "To make even more genetic...goofs like him!"

"Ya...but my question is....Did you think it was" she asks me with her hesitation showing.

Now she has my attention and I slide up in the seat "Your not thinking of letting him do that to you?"

"Yes I am. I want out of this room!" she shouts at me. Then pounds the bed a little in her frustration.

"I can see that...I can not even understand what its like...I get edgy in a few hours of being cooped up! But is this safe? As I have heard its not a guarantee. You can die if he goofs?"

"Yes...what you heard is correct. It's not perfect? But I need this....I want to get better? What do you think?"

I sigh "Well here is my opinion and let me finish, before you ask. If I were you? I would wait till...there is no other option and he has done it 'successfully!' to others. Then add, make sure that, he has no conditions to hold over you. Next, ask others who know the subject...and can give you a opinion that makes sense? If it will work on you?"

"Humm" she sounds out to me "I will do that....what you just said to others have said in their own way?"

I then stare at her, so she knows I mean it "Melissa? If you do or tomorrow or in ten years? I will help the best Drow you can be!" ....after I say that, my thoughts go to 'and if Jobe goofs and kills you? I will tear Jobe apart!'

"Thanks...I hope I would not change that much?"

"Who knows? Jobe is playing with forces that can get out of control fast....if he adds magic into that mix?......" I just sit there, staring at the floor...for some time.

"What? get what?" she pleads with me.

" me? Monsters....." I sigh. 'after Saturday....I was right...I am a monster' is the drifting thought in my head.

"STOP THAT!" She yells so hard, it shocks me "YOUR NOT A MONSTER! Sheeesh, you did what you had to yesterday...You protected your friends. They are lucky you're a friend and you were there. I am lucky to have a friend, a good one, as good as you!"

I shake my head a little "You don't understand...I liked what I did... yesterday ...that killing. Its what I do....."

"No.... its not all you do? Your here, here right now with me? AND your not killing me? So, you are fine...just don't let that control you or run your life? Whatever that 'feeling' was?"

As I sit and lean back to think....that Drow in my head comes up into my thoughts ~"she would make a fine Drow! This one...I like her, she is smart and has fire in her!"~

~"shush you...we are not recruiting!"~ I say back...then I feel humor? From that Drow part of me.

"But Rohanna?" Melissa interrupts my thoughts and I look at her "you know anything about genetics?"

"No not really? my strange way? I understand how some of it is affected by magic?"

"Humm any other....high school or college subjects you good at?"

"Me? No. I am smart...but, I never really did wise real good. All I am real good working with my hands...making stuff?"

"So what are you majoring in here?"

I laugh out "I guess magic or martial arts?"

"Okay...but try some other stuff never know?"

"Okay.." I sigh out "but Melissa? I am going to go see Sara now and see what she has found out about yesterday?"

"Cool cya...and try to have fun?"

"Thanks I will be back!"


Once out of Puppets room, I port back to mine. After I get into room I glance over to Violet sitting on my shoulder "Your going to have to hang out here? Or go back to the Grove, as you can't go into Sara's room."

"I want to go where you go!" she exclaims to me

"It is not the place for your kind, it may hurt you? Sara's room has too many wards on it and I don't know if Sara will appreciate you in there?"

"But I should be with you? You got hurt the last time, I was not with you?"

"We will work it out someday? That you will be able to go into there? But not right now."

"Okay I'll wait for you here?" she says less than happy.

"I will leave the door opened, incase you need to fly in and out and you be good no pulling tricks on anybody!" she giggles a little bit at me "I mean it."


I fly down the stairs to the basement and find a bare wall staring at me where Sara's door 'should' be? Then once again, as I get closer to that 'spot' the door 'pops' into being.

Just as my hand knocks on it, I hear and feel her say "Come in" But this time her voice is edgy and sounds like she is mad and worried?

After I walk in and close the door, I say softly "We need to talk?"

"Obviously we need to talk a little bit, yesterday was a complete disaster!" she sasses at me in a agitated tone.

All I can think of 'is she mad at me? Why?'

As I go to sit on her bed, I take note, that she is pacing the room and seems deep in thought. My sitting on that bed is not easy, as one of her books is already laying there and its growling at me.

I sit and start pushing it away gingerly with my finger "Sara? would you mind picking this one up, it doesn't like me at all!"

She walks over to me in a huff, picks it up, smacks a couple times and puts it on her bookshelf.

"But Sara? Is there anyway to call Donna and get my stuff sent here? As I don't think we are going back to Boston anytime soon?"

"I already called her on that, it should all be here sometime tomorrow. When its sent with an ARC courier?"

"ARC courier?" I ask.

"Yes I told her to stay put there, till we or I find out who did this!"

"Humm good Idea?....Then...Maybe I can start porting up to New York or something, to finish up that shopping? I tried that today and it worked great!"

Sara is still pacing the room very agitated, then turns to me obviously not hearing my last words "Tell me why didn't you teleport Donna out of there?"

"The field was up and was keeping me from teleporting?"

"But you could have ported Donna out?"

"We were under attack and I thought it best to stay right there. Right behind the Shield. I had her covered up with two layers of shields in front of her, then my own body. I don't think she was going to get hurt anytime soon?"

Sara, just stares at me and paces once more...thinking?

I roll-up farther onto the bed 'god I love this bed!' I think. Its a nice huge four poster on a beautiful frame. I say to her jokingly "I have to get a bed like this in my room!"

"Why? You don't sleep?" she questions me in a mean tone.

"Well neither do you!...on this!" I giggle at her. All I get back from her is a stare, that kills that joy. Then she starts pacing again, she's nervous for some reason?

After she looks away from me, I laugh a little "But we will plan a shopping trip for some other time? But anyway, the main reason why I could not port ...Donna? know?" I grin at her.

"What do you know?" she asks me more than confused.

"You know?" I look at her again, she just shrugs and turns away from me. So I decide to 'play' with her "So? when are you and Donna expecting that kid of yours?"

She just stops and stands there.....with her back toward me

As I say that, Sara......she turns slowly to look at me, with a face of pure rage! Her eyes turn into black pools, deep dark pools of pure terror, that seem to suck into her head. They draw in all the light and life around them.

I start to slide back on the bed, away from her. 'what did I say?' is in my mind

A mass of black tentacles, with a fang filled mouth at each end. Erupts from under her dress and legs to cover the floor around her, by several feet in diameter. All surrounded by a light eating creeping darkness.

A deep inhuman and unearthly voice growls from her now. One that frightens even me! "WHO TOLD YOU!" she at me.

Then what really scares me! As I have seen this before in person and through the eyes of friends in the past, just before they died at the hands of a GOO. Sara's head splits open and out came a giant MAW! Filled with teeth!

She then leapt on to the bed and covered me in her tentacles. Dozens of them went to grab my arms and legs. Then wrapped them up, till I could not move. She also used the bed frame for leverage, so that I could not roll off it or move off the bed at all. I can't even pull a weapon out to use it!

Then, they all at the same time, started to burry themselves in my flesh, they bore right into me, eating right through my clothes!

All this took only seconds!

The tentacles buried in my flesh, start to suck out all my blood and look for my life force. MY SOUL! I feel her 'core'....her soul? Its looking for mine, to feed on! I toss all my magic essence at them to fool them, so I can buy time. My struggles get even harder now to work myself free.

All during this time I plead to her. "SARA PLEASE! stop what did I dooo" I whine out "What did I say? PLEASE STOP! It hurts, your killing me! PLEASE STOP? I don't understand?" I struggle even more.

But I am losing blood fast! My essence is going faster, as I am tossing more and more of it at her and she is fooled now, but its only a matter of time! She will eat all of it and get to my life force itself and EAT ME!

"SARA! STOP! What are you doing please don't do this?!" I plead, then beg and she is not listening to me. "Please calm down? What did I do? what did I say?"

I try to think...'Teleport?....Can't. The room has good wards on it and they are not mine. They all 'lit-up' like Christmas time in here, when Sara jumped on me. It will take a minute....THAT....I don't bust them down!
Anyway, my teleport will not work, as she is so DUG into will go with me! wherever I do go to?'
I think more 'Weapons? can't get free!
Spells? Nope can't....not while I use all I got, to keep her from my life force!

I am doomed!' is my conclusion.

"SARA PLEASE STOP I am dieing! " my failing voice whines again with no reply "WHY? tell me why? PLEASE?" I am in tears now 'I don't get it....why?'.... "YOUR KILLING ME MY LOVE? why, why, why?" I scream out. Now I hear banging on the door, someone is trying REAL hard to get in!

Most of my essence is gone. Now I know why, my friends that fell in the fight, so long ago. Took so long to die, they did what I am doing. I always hated to see one go like this. To feel them slip away slowly..... via our shared physic link us Drow all had. I think 'At least no one had to feel me die and it hurt them too. A small comfort.'

She has taken all my essence ITS GONE! My blood is almost half gone and my hearts are slowed. I AM LOSING! I am going to die! FOR SURE!

She found my life force, my SOUL and she is tearing it from my body.... slowly... as I will not go QUIET!

I feel my mind getting pulled down into something? I can just see over the edge of it!

I can see hell now, in my mind. The one she must of picked out JUST FOR ME? All I can see from here is, its showing how useless my life was, as both a Elf and my Human time in the past. I was just a tool in war or a tool in making stuff for some stupid business. I never had control of my life as an Elf. In my Human time, the control that I thought I had was all FAKE! an illusion. I was just used up and broken. Then thrown aside Like I was nothing...that's all I have ever been.

I AM SCARED more than I ever have been in my long memory! Over Forty thousand years, in facing death and this REALLY SCARES ME!

"SARA STOP PLEASE!" After I yell that. I realize its not working and I am not going to hell like a wimp! "JUST KILL me then you bitch! End this crap now! I loved you, but why would not even you? Not stab me in the back, JUST LIKE everyone else in my life! If you feel this is what I deserve? Then DO IT! finish me now!"

I feel the last of my blood going. Its getting hard to breath. I have to THINK to make my hearts even beat now. Most of my life force is gone. All that I have is hanging, I have just a toe hold! On life here left.

"I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU! even if you hate me now! SO kill me now!" I yell out. I let my shields fall and get this over with! Lets get this over a minute or two I will just be blue dust, covering the all her prey.

That last gasp of mine. Got through to her.

She leaps off me, to across the room. She is Yelling out to me "I am sorry I did not mean it! My instincts took over" There is a look of pure horror on her face, as she looks at me. She starts to vomit up all my blood that she took from me, onto the floor and black tears flow down her face. Then she, starts to get up and come toward me. "I am sorry!....." she pleads at me.

I don't really hear her. My brain has lost too much blood and I am losing consciousness. All I can really think about is 'She is off! get out!' Then I see her walking over to me. 'She is coming to finish the job! She wants this to last! To punish me!'

I reach out to the Grove and call it. I ask for help. I need magic or something to pull me there. TO GET OUT OF HERE! I reach again and poof....I teleport.


On the other side of the door, where that banging sound was coming from....

Violet is throwing herself at Sara's door! She knows that Rohanna, her new friend in life and her sworn charge. She is being killed or hurt badly just inside!

The small Pixie, she hurls herself at the door over and over. Her spear comes out, as she tries to make a hole in the thick wood with it somehow! Violet jams the point of it into the wood, as deep as she can, to pry parts of the door away!

In her growing desperation, she actually breaks her spear. Now in frustration, she uses the broken tip, her bare hands and the small claws she tear at the door.

Her wings beat the air fiercely, as she hovers at the door, then slams into it over and over trying to GET IN! The more she bangs, claws at the door and its thick wood. More of her blood is splashed on to it from her blows. Violet screams at the empty hallway in vain for help, if Sara's room had been in the regular floors, the other kids would have been here by now. But here in the basement? No one, can hear her cries for help.

Then she feels Rohanna 'port' for now.

Violet...scans the area for where she went. Then flies off in search of her and help!


My body ports back into the world, FOUR feet off a carpeted floor is what I see. 'No Grove? What happened?' shoots through my mind...

THEN, I land with a THUD on the floor. I see that I am in the Poe sunroom. I panic! I only moved about 200 feet! She is coming to kill me! I reach out to the Grove again, to say moaning from blood loss and pain "Grove help!" as I try to link again with it and go there.

I see Fey step into my sight. She looks down at me flopping around on the carpet and yells out something I can't hear. Then her armor manifests on her and her sword is in her hand. She looks PISSED!

Then I see Hank and Billie come to me. They look me over, as I flop around, half out of it. They say something and look really worried.

'No shit' I think in one clear thought 'I am dieing I am worried too!'

Next after a few minutes I see "Doogie" and he is howling out something over me. He gets Fey to bend down to me. The things they say, mean nothing to my now fogged mind....I lost too much blood to think or hear anymore.

That's when I pass out.


After Violet flies off from Sara's door, she vanishes, wrapped in her invisibility. Once up stairs, she finds Rohanna on the floor of the human's 'sunroom' and the Queen is standing over her, guarding her as others treat her wounds.

AND Violet matter what plans the Queen may have for one of Rohanna's type.... she will guard her right! Now Violet, sees that she can do no more here and Rohanna is safe ...for now? So, she flies off to the summon on more help!


Sunday February 18 7:35 pm
Whateley Academy - Poe cottage sunroom

Most of Team Kimba is in the Poe sunroom, as they just got done with a sim run and are now going over notes on it. Fey feels something weird that alarms her and Aunghadhail. She now stands up with a jump.

Hank asks her "What?" because, he saw her face change moods as she stood-up so suddenly.

The whole room watches Rohanna teleport into the room. Four feet off the floor, laying horizontal to it and falls to it with a large THUD! Defiantly something she has never done!

Nikki yells out "What the heck!" just after watching the Drow fall to the floor, then walks over to Rohanna, to see the Dark Elf laying there badly wounded and near unconsciousness. "What happened?" she yells at her laying there.

Rohanna just barely moans out "" as her arm reaches out in the direction where the Grove lays. As she moves on the floor, blood is oozes from dozens of large tears in her flesh. Her skin color is very pale and even her eyes look dim.

Nikki Feels pure fear, just coming in waves off Rohanna, a deep fear of death to come. Nikki then thinks 'What ever messed her up this bad, is a real threat!'

As a precaution, she manifests her armor over her t-shirt and jeans and finally pulls a sword to be ready for a fight! Yesterdays ambush on Rohanna and Sara is fresh in her mind. She stands on guard over the room, as she watches Hank jumping over the sofa, to aid the fallen Drow.

Then Aunghadhail takes over Nikki for the barest of seconds. She weaves a ward over the whole cottage, with a series of hand jesters that leave magic threads in their wake of passing, that even a magical null can see.

Hank sees the wounded elf fall to the floor, leaps over to and starts to look her over. After a minute of searching over the dark elf's wounds, he sees that he can do almost nothing. As they are too many and they are too deep.

He yells out to the rest of room, from his spot keeling down at her side "GET DOOGIE NOW! she is dieing!"

After Go-Go hears that cry for more help, she jumps from her place in a chair and runs up the stairs to get him!

Billie had also, ran over with Hank to help with the elf. She is helping him best she can, as she has no were near the first aid training Hank has. Billie takes off her top and is trying to use it, to stop some of the wounds from flowing blood. Billie tears her shirt in two, then wraps it as best she can over both legs.

Jade comes over to them all, unsure what to do "Is there anything I can do? Is she going to die?" she asks.

Hank says to Jade as he works "Not right now Jade. She is not going to die, if I can help it!"

Jade then turns to ask Fey "What did this to her?"

Fey looks at Jade with fear on her face. "I don't know? But what ever did, is very dangerous! Jade please keep an eye out the door, as Rohanna did say...'Grove and help?' I don't know what it means, but who knows? Be ready please."

Jade moves to the door and opens her purse, to pull out LARGE weapons from the warped space in there! "What ever messed up my friend is getting it!"....somewhere things in the dark, they quake in fear when she says that!

Doogie finally gets to the room, with Go-Go shoving him all the way and runs in with his back-pack of aid equipment. He spots the Drow on the floor with Hank and Billie trying to help.

As he slides to a stop on the carpet, as he asks the group "What the heck did this?" He starts to rip off Rohanna's clothes, looks over her wounds and whispers out a list as he goes "I have never seen wounds like this? Its like something tired to eat her, from the inside out? What ever did? Dug into her very deep!" He looks over her even more and adds to that growing list "Tons of blood loss! She has to go to Doyle NOW!" he barks out.

Hank lifts up Rohanna's limp body, walks to the door and looks back at its edge to the room "Billie grab Doogie! lets GO!" He orders her and finally walks out the door, then flies off in the direction of Doyle med center.

Fey yells out to the rest of the room, after she watches him go "Hold the fort! I am going to help if I can? AND I will watch over her!" then, she runs out of the cottage with the speed that only elves have.

Doogie bends over to pick up his back-pack, after Hank flies off. Billie does not take her time, she just scoops up Doogie and flies out the door, trying to catch up to Hank.

A yell comes from Chaka, who was watching the whole thing in some shock. That shock is now gone, as she orders the others in the room "YOU! heard her! Gear up! Somebody hurt a fellow Posie! Go-Go tell the rest of the Poe's what's up!"

Go-Go spins on her heels and starts screaming at the top of her lungs on each floor she runs through "Guards! Knights! Squires! Prepare for Battle!" her favorite line from Excalibur.

When the kids of Poe hear that yelling and the line of the movie...They all know what to do. As it's been practiced a few times since the Halloween disaster....get ready for a fight!


Doyle Med center.

Hank flies to Doyle and lands at the trauma center doors. He runs in the entryway, pushing open the doors, hitting them very hard and almost breaks them. As he tries to get past the electric doors faster and puts Rohanna's broken body on a gurney "HEY! I need help here! NOW! she's dieing!"

Dr Tenent runs over to the boy, with three nurses in tow "What happened Hank?" she asks the boy.

Hanks shakes his head to her, as he tells her "I don't know doc? She just ported into the Poe sunroom and fell about three to four feet to the floor horizontally. She was all tore up like this, when I looked her over. Doogie came in to help and he said she had to come here now! So, I flew her over. Doogie is coming now I bet!"

Dr Tenent starts her looks Rohanna over. She starts by cutting off all her clothes, what's left of them. While the ER team and Hank roll her into a room on the gurney he placed her on.

She turns to a nurse, as they all run into one of the ER rooms "Call ARC up and have them send who ever knows how this Elf ticks NOW! Someone else, get the files on her, to see what blood they feel will work! MOVE! I want this YESTERDAY!" Two med techs run off at her bark.

"Hank you might want to go" Tenent says softly, as she works on the elf.

"NO way am I leaving! SCREW that idea. Not after what she has done to save others this week alone! I am staying to watch over her!" Hank nearly yells.

The ER door flies open once more as Billie flies in with Doogie in her arms and drops him in the room. He runs over to the gurney, holding the hurt Drow "Hey doc what do you want me to do!"

Tenent warns him "Wait, I am going to try my healing spells first."

As Tenent places her hands on Rohanna and concentrates on her healing magic's. Fey runs in the room and does not even wait to start yelling questions. "What's up! is she any better!?" Fey asks.

Hank says "Tenent is trying right now Fey."

Tenent pours her healing magic into the still dark elf and sees it never helps the wounds at all. It just flows away like uncontrolled water, right into the elf's essence well. The healing essence is just sucked or drained right in it. She looks into the elf's essence well and finds it completely empty! Not one bit left. She stops to look up and sees that Fey is there now.

"Fey WHAT happened to her? ALL her essence is gone! I can't heal her at all? Her well just sucks it up!" Tenent asked the young elf.

"I don't know? She just showed up, fell to the floor. Moaned out two words, Grove and Help and that's it! But all of her essence is gone? That is not good!"

Aunghadhail seems to take over Nikki and her bearing changes in the effect of it "Healer? was the essence used or taken?" she asks waiting impatiently.

"I can not tell. But its all gone. AND! Why are you in armor and have your sword out?" Tenent asks now, more than nervous at this show of force from the Elf.

A nurse runs in to interrupt the docs path of thought "ARC says the only blood that might work is Fey's here! and that's a guess? As Rohanna's blood is in their WTF pile."

Nikki cries out, jamming her arm out to the doc and nurse "TAKE IT ALL!"

Tenent tells the nurse "Get about three units from her. As that is all I think she can give and not be in trouble too."

Nikki is then taken over by Aunghadhail again, before the nurse has a chance to lead her off "Healer? You might want to alert your security. As what ever hurt Rohanna, it surprised her and I do not see that happening easily with her skills. It did it so fast, she did not get her armor out or by the looks a weapon. As there is no others blood on her. Plus what ever happened to drain her essence? She either used it all. Which is saying allot! Or it drained her. Then it drew on her life force on top of that. All this speaks of a real danger to all here!" Nikki then walks off with the nurse after Aunghadhail fades from her.

"Hank, Billie? Please go tell Delarose what happened and bring him up to speed!" Tenent asked the two.

Hank now looks at both of them and sees that look of worry on both. The doc is worried for the elf and her life....the Queen was more worried about what could hurt the elf!

After he thinks on what was said, he asks and states. "Rohanna? She used all her magic in a fight and then what ever it was stole her life force on top of that? This is BAD!....I am off...lets go Billie and find this thing!"

Tenent turns back to her work on the fallen Elf.

Doogie is trying to heal her now, and tells Tenent in a surprised tone "Doc mine is working better. But the wounds are not sealing up right and she is a high regen? I bet what Aung said is true. What ever got her, got her life force too! That might be why her regen is not helping? As it has nothing to power it? Doc I am really worried we might lose this one!"

She notes the heart monitor is beating out of sync with both of her hearts and Tenent knows that is not good. Tenent sighs "Me too."


At Kane hall. The campus security office.

Hank and Billie arrive at Kane hall, once they land at its doors, they both run into the security office. Just inside, they find Sam Everheart just coming off her shift.

Hank yells at her, as he runs into the office "Sam something just tore apart Rohanna bad! She is Doyle right now and it don't look good!"

Sam stops her collecting of her things to leave, at their shouts and asks "What attacked her?"

Billie jumps in with her eagerness "We don't know? She just ported in and fell. Then said Grove-Help that's it." Sam can see the seething anger growing in the girl, as she says it.

Sam asks "How bad is she?"

Hank chokes back "Near Dead!" in his growing sadness, that she may die.

"WHAT! near dead! What ever can hurt "The Elvin Cuisinart" is bad!" she turns to the desk officer "Get the chief on the phone and everyone out looking. Send one unit to the Grove area to look there. NO! going in there! MOVE IT!" Sam barks at the man there.

Sam looks back at the two kids "How about you two do a high flyover of the whole school. But DO NOT engage anything you see! Got it!" She moves to grab two radios off the desk and hands them to the kids "Take these and call in! now git! NO heroics! PLEASE!"

They both nod and tear out of the building at high speed.

Sam sits there in deep thought 'I just saw the tape from that Friday night sim run she did plus the Boston ambush on her and Sara. What could get that drop on that kid? Even badly wounded in Boston, she still took out four armed men and would have done it much faster. If not for the fact, she was shielding Sara's friend from gunfire at the same time.

Then there is that sim run. God she just blew through the Dragonslayers like they were not even there. Heck she laughed like a manic the whole time, it was so fun to her. What could hurt her?' that worried her. Sam got back to listening to the radio to keep her mind off that a kid under her care, might die today.


Back at Doyle Med Center

The nurse runs back into the treatment room with three units of silver blood in special bags that have runes on them to keep them from reacting. "Doc I got the blood here! from Nikki!" she yelps out.

"Tap in two lines and feed it in as fast as it goes and lets see if she takes it?" Tenent says to her.

The nurse gets help from another nurse and they both work to find a vein that still is good, as the elf is so badly torn up. They find one good one on the right leg and one in her necks left side. They start pressing the bags as hard as they can to pump it in faster!

Fey staggers in the room with a bandage on both arms, from her donating blood "How is she now?" she asks, as two orderlies come over to hold her up.

"FEY! go lay down before you fall down!" Tenent yells at the elf.

"NO! not now she needs me!" Fey staggers over to the gurney. Puts her hands on the still elf and JUST pours her essence into the elf laying there. She tries hard as she can to add more, but the elf does not seem to respond.

"STOP! she will suck you dry!" Tenent shot at Fey. Then pulled her off the stricken Elf and shoved her to a waiting nurse.

Fey tries to get back to the gurney and falls a she does so "SHE needs me NOW!" she cries out.

"NO she might kill you too. She is most likely going to die! I am not letting you do this and have you die too, as you're trying to save the already dead!" Tenent cried saying it.

Fey yells back to her, from the orderlies arms holding her up "NO!"

"I don't like giving up, but she is in a bad way. Go lay down Fey NOW!" She says again.

Fey is taken from the room, by the two orderlies. She goes....but not quietly.


Hours pass

Hank and Billy fly back into Kane hall to the security office, after several flights over the school's grounds and the surrounding area. They found nothing....not one thing out of place? Both walk into the main desk and find Sam there talking to the chief on the phone.

"NO Frank the kids flew a dozen loops over the whole school and I have everyone out looking. Nothing so far.....Yes I have a team there at the Grove now...... Nope I am not going in there!.....Okay see you in a few when you get here." Sam then hangs up.

She looks up from a growing mountain of paperwork, to the two teens standing there "Well? anything?" she asks with a sigh.

Hank and Billy both say "Nope" at the same time, as they shake their heads.

She then tells them both "Well go see Rohanna at Doyle, both of you two. Nothing more to get done here. Go give Fey a hand."

Hank nods to her, not happy. He has heard that same tone and phase from his dad many times. In the military, it means....go say goodbye....its not good...he asks her "Is it that bad?" while he gulps a little.

"Can't lie kid. Yep. She is resting, but not good. Go!" Sam turns away to work and try to cope with this.

Both of them leave the security building to fly off to Doyle.


Sunday February 18 9:45 pm
Whateley Academy -
Doyle medical center

When both Hank and Billie get there, they find Fey outside, sitting on a bench at the door.

Both of them land near her and glance at one another...thinking it's over. Hank asks Fey softly, thinking he was already too late and she was gone "Why are you out here? How is she?" he asked very nervous and not ready for bad news.

Nikki cried as she said it "I am out here pulling in more essence. I gave near half of mine to her in one shot and it did not help? She just sucked it up like a dry sponge. The doc pulled me off, before I could give her more. So, I am out here filling up as best I can, to go back in and try once more!" Nikki starts to sob louder "AND she is not good, they gave her three units of my blood and it did not make a dent! That is how bad she is! Plus it looks like I am the only matching donor available. The doc will not let me give anymore!" Fey started to cry even harder.

"We are going in. Do you want me or Billie to stay with you?" Hank asked softly.

"NO! Go see her! Keep her safe guys. What ever did this to her is still out there! Who knows what it wants, or if its done?" Fey asked of Hank.

They both nod and go into Doyle. As Fey sits there drawing up as many of the ley lines near her, to fill up her reserve. Sara walks up out of the darkness of the path and sits down on the bench with a plop that says 'I am feeling bad' all over it in body language.

"WHERE! have you been? Don't you know Rohanna is hurt bad!?" Fey nearly yells at Sara.

"I have been in my room." Sara says flatly as she looks down at the concrete path, hanging her head in shame "I know she is hurt bad...." she starts to cry, as black tears start rolling down her face "I am the one who hurt her!" Sara buries her face in her hands and starts sobbing hard.

Fey jumps up off the bench, anger rolling off her in waves "YOU WHAT!....Please say your joking Sara?"

"I would never joke at this! I hurt one of my LOVES!" she gasps out "We were talking. She surprised me with knowing something...something she should not know and my base instincts took over to protect the secret" Sara just cried now.

Fey was taken over by Aunghadhail now and you could see the magic flowing to her now! Her red hair stood in the breeze of the magic flow, waving with it and the deep red of it looks like fire....burning fiercely. Then the area got brighter, as even more magic flowed into the area.

Aunghadhail's voice boomed out now from Nikki's body. Like few have ever heard or lived to tell of! "You did this to one of MINE! One of mine from the past! One that saved you and your other love Donna not yesterday? Is this how you show LOVE to her and REPAYMENT of a honor DEBT!" the ancient elf Queen bellowed at Sara in anger.

The magic filled the area. If Fey was low on essence. She surly was not NOW! Sara stood up slowly, waiting for punishment to be dealt by Fey and Aunghadhail. There was a good chance as mad as they both where. She was about to die right now. She hung her head in shame waiting for the blow to come, almost welcoming it.

"YOU BEAST! if this Drow dies?! I can not forgive this! Leave now before I forget we are bonded sisters you and I.....AND FIX THIS by any means possible!" The voice boomed loud from the teen and thunder crackled from the skies above

"I am going to see her and see what I can do!" Sara says as she walks off to the doors and barely looks toward Fey in her disgrace.

The Queens eyes just stare at her in silence, as she watches Sara walk into the med center doors. Anger fills the area via her aura and Nikki's ability to send her feelings to others.

With her head hung low, Sara walks into the doors. As she does, she knows at any second Nikki could lose it and hurt her badly. But the final blow, it does not come. She walks down the hall to see Dr Tenent standing there going over something on a computer tablet. Sara notes that the doc, she looks very worried.

"Tenent Where is Rohanna, I have to see her!" She begs the doctor.

"She is in room number two.....Sara. Do not! stay long and do not touch her at all! Got it!" She tells her.

Sara walks slowly over to the room and past some of the other Poe kids. She even dares to take a glance at Gwen sitting in a chair being hugged by Rosalyn. Her journey takes her past where the kids wait and into the next hallway.

She finally opens the door, just a crack, to find Rohanna laying there. The two heart monitors are beeping, but nowhere in sync. Sara knows from the time at ARC that sound is not good or right.

Her feet slide slowly across the floor, to the beds edge and she stops! As she sees the Drow stir in fright....Then!

FIVE mad as heck Pixies fade out of nowhere on and around Rohanna's still body. She sees one fade in, one with Violet hair, standing on Rohanna's chest. That one has bandages on her arms and hands. She is holding in her hands, just like them all, the sharpest looking spears. They ALL do not look happy, that she is there!

The one on Rohanna's chest...she seems to be the most mad and is growling like an animal at her. This one looks to be one of the youngest, but seems to be in charge and starts to scream at her in a angry tone...but uses a language Sara has never heard. It then yells at the group and points to her.

Now one older looking one, on the table on her right, puts its spear away. Then starts chanting a spell up!

Sara looks over the small older Pixie and watches its motions "OHH crap I knew the Grove liked her. But this?....This is nuts? Do they mean to hurt me!?"

Just as she says that. The one on the table, launches off a fireball at Sara.

She moves with blinding speed, to bend like no human can out of the spells way. Only Sara's speed saved her from the hit! The fireball, it just misses her and hits the wall with a whump and explodes. Burning up the wall for a second in magic flame!

"I guess that answered my question!" Sara shouts out, as she runs out the door!


Sara in her haste to run to safety. She runs right into Fey, who was walking in to see what Sara would do and bounces off Fey's armored chest. Sara looks into the face of the teen and sees the Queen staring back....Who is still very mad at her! Fey just GROWLS at her.

"Ahh don't go in there!" Sara warns her, as she points back at the room "Fey, There are FIVE pixies guarding her! They have magic and weapons with them and do not seem afraid to use them. One tossed a fireball at me!" Sara shrieked at the Elf, in fear.

"Really? too bad they MISSED! I have to see this?" Nikki sassed to her. Sara winced when she heard, that 'too bad they missed' part really hurt Sara, as she knew Nikki was not even joking.

Fey walks to the room Sara just pointed at, cracks the door just enough to peer in and she looks around the room. Yep, Sara was not kidding. She finds, Five pixies are there and they are PISSED is a gentle word to use on their mood! What surprises the old Queen the most is, that a few of them, are wearing armor? She has never seen a Pixie have it or use it?

She walks into the room slowly, with Sara at her back. She sees, a Violet haired Pixie is standing on top of the Drow's chest, she's has her spear out and she's growling. Nikki notes, that her hands are wrapped in bandages and her shoulder is wrapped also. Like it's been broken. Then, she could see four or five of the older Pixies fade in from their invisibility dropping....spells up at the ready and getting ready to launch them at Sara standing just in the door.

Nikki, she scoots across room and stands between them and one of the eldest Pixie screams at her as she does "Get out of the way! We're taking vengeance!" it screams at her in Elvin.

"What you mean? she questions them.

"We want her!" the oldest one points at Sara.

The Queen takes over Nikki's body and asks for 'grace' to talk this over, before more action is done....The oldest nods back to her. But the young Violet haired one standing on Rohanna's chest...she howls out "NO!" but is finally calmed by fast words from the elder.

She walks into the room slowly, as she can tell their mood is angry... no murderous! Fey keeps moving slowly, up to the bed and they let her pass.

Now knowing Tenent will have a fit, if she hears she did this. Quickly! she pours her essence in the Elf. All she can spare and be upright. But? It does not help.

Aunghadhail sees now what is wrong. The damage is to the life force! Her VERY SOUL is damaged, she wants death now. Sara took her too far, before she let go. Her Soul is broken and craves death now to rest.

Sara, still standing at the doorway. Finally moves into the room. As she gets deeper into the room. Rohanna's body stiffens up, sits up in bed and her eyes snap open and stare at her.

Fey can feel the absolute stark terror just dripping off the Drow now. It's just a deep-seated primal fear! Then Rohanna, tries to leap from the bed, in FEAR...just pure TERROR and passes back out again....from exhaustion.

Nikki can feel wave after wave, of pure fear coming off Rohanna. Nikki thinks 'God, Sara literally sacred the life from her. She wants to die to stop the fear now.'

"SARA leave the room! NOW!" she barks at the young GOO and Sara closes the door.

Aunghadhail asked the eldest Pixie there. What is happening and can they do anything? She notes this older one is wearing a set of armor. One that had to be made before the sundering? As she talks to it, the older one lets the violet haired one speak for the group of them...strange? A young one talking for the group?

After a several minutes of the young, violet haired one talking and informing her of their plans....she knows now, what happened and leaves them.

Fey walks out of the room after a half an hour of talking to the pixies there. To see most of the Poe cottages kids are there now milling about in the next hallway. They seem to be waiting for something to do?.

Chaka sees her exit, as she is at the head of the group and walks up to her "Any better?" she asks her roommate.

"Nope and unless we get better help here? She is dead in a day or so" Fey says as she walks past Chaka to Sara and grabs her arm to drag her outside.

Chaka glances around her, at the group standing there "WELL! Guys Its ON! Lets find this one and end them!" Most of the kids there, file out into the growing dark in large HUNT!

Sara hears all that anger from the crowd of kids, as Fey walks her outside "Well Sara, the whole school is looking for something not there and they want blood! Should I give" Sara stares back at Fey in shock, that she might do it! "That's the look I wanted out of you! PURE FEAR like what's going on in Rohanna's room right now. So have you figured out a way to fix this?" she asks the GOO kid.

"I need in the room?" Sara says

"Not going to happen. The Pixies are on her side and want you dead. They know what you did. I talked to them. There are Five in there now. In an hour there will be Thirty or more of their best! I don't think you can handle even ten of them this mad and ready to die to protect her!" Sara stares even more at Fey in near shock "YES I said die for her! They call her one of the returned protectors of the Grove. With that, the WHOLE Grove is mad if she dies" Fey informs her.

"I still need in there!" Sara pleads.

Fey asks "To do what? Your not a healer. Anyway healing will not help her now. Her life force is near gone. Then on top of it, her very Soul is broken....Sara. You took her too far and showed her too much horror and pain. She wants to die now to end that pain. So go in there? Do you heal? or Give life force? or fix broken Souls? Sara?" the red head elf, stares back at her...waiting.

Sara just shakes her head "No I don't."

"Then If I was you. I would go right now and find someone who does! Because she has a day...TWO max! Or go find a casket for her funeral pyre! Just so you know Sara, after she dies. My bet is the Grove and its inhabitants are going to be real mad. Two days after her funeral, after they finish honoring her. They are going to come after you! In the hundreds!

Plus they might call in a treaty or two, they have with others. My guess one of those Thousand's of year old treaties, is with the Were's. I know you have something on them. But that treaty will override it, by its age alone! So the tribe may hunt you or toss you out to them or ask you to right this. Via death is my guess? Then add my growing anger with you for this, Plus Aunghadhail's! So? your Screwed! GO fix this NOW!" Fey pushes Sara off into the night.

Sara walks off toward Poe. During the slow trip, she cried and wailed in the night. Thinking of what to do. The only thing she could even think of daddy. But why has he not showed up yet? Surly he felt this or heard of it by now?

On her walk back, she was almost fired on and blasted to bits no less than three times. One being the campus security team, who should know better. No shots where fired. But close is close.

The campus was filled by groups of jumpy kids who remembered Halloween night. So with that they wanted death as revenge for this attack. Even if Rohanna had not even really went to class even once with them!

At the end of her walk, she walked into Poe and past a group there who was waiting for word. They asked and she just waved them off. She then went down stairs to her room.

The door appeared there, as it normally does. But this time, she noticed on the doors outside a large fresh, dent in it. The wood just torn out of it, in small pieces. She looked closer and found small bloody hand prints all over the door.

She thought 'I must have missed all this when I left? Its been here all the time. So that was all the banging on the door, when I was hurting Rohanna?' She started to cry at that thought of hurting her 'This all must be from the Pixie, with the bandages! She was here watching over Rohanna, did this and hurt herself trying to get in my room! Ohh man I goofed up bad!'

She opens the door and walks in. Paige and Hipp are already in the room waiting, they both jump out their chairs and run to hug Sara. Sara turns away from their combined embrace, not wanting any of this right now.

Paige asks "Where have you been? I felt your pain, but could get into your room or find ya!" Hipp just stands there nodding at all Paige said.

Sara sighed back to them "Please leave me. I have work to do, to help Rohanna out."

"Can we help!" asks Hipp the tall Amazon.

"NO! go now. I have to be alone to do this!" Sara walks back to the door and shows them out.

She Walks to the rooms center, where a spell circle is in the floor permanently. She empowers it, with a wave of her hand and its runes glow with power.

"DADDY! I need you now! HELP!" she cries at it.

One of Gothmog's tentacles comes through a gate that forms in the wall. Then he follows next, as a large, tall man, dressed in a white suit. "Well what took you? Pumpkin....I have been waiting for this call, since I saw Rohanna's SOUL! Almost fall into your realm to burn in pain Forever! Or till you came to your senses and pulled her out somehow?" Sara can tell daddy is mad.

Sara just looks at the floor in shame, at her loss of control over her base instincts.

"So honey why did it take you so long to call me forth?" Gothmog asks.

"I don't know? I just could not think right. I messed up so bad!" Sara pleads.

"Yes you messed up bad! Let me guess, even thou I really know" He laughs "She told you about Donna and your child to come. SO you freaked out! Your basic instincts took you over to protect your young from Rohanna?

Those base Instincts, the primal part in the back of your mind. They still see her as the predator of our kind that she is! No mater what your feelings for her are Love or what ever?" He walks around the room from her standing there "I don't know how you two LOVE each other, I don't understand it? But it happened, maybe its the world finally finding a balance and bringing you two together to fight a mutual threat?"

He sits on her bed and pats it asking her to come over, she does and he hugs her. "I know you can not fix this. Your not old enough ...yet to be able too? So I must. Our family owes her a debt of honor. For her saving you, then your child, my grandchild and we must repay it!

As not doing so, would show we are weak or don't honor debts. That would be our mutual ruin. As no one would ever trust us again in any negotiation." He hugs her tighter "The reason I did not come as soon as this happened is. You have to call me for this kind of issue. You have to try to do it on your own first. Then when you fail, I can come in to help. That's how my treaty with here works."

Gothmog gets up from the bed and his daughters hugs, to walk slowly to the door "Honey I am going to fix this for you. But remember since you attacked her and nearly killed her without provocation. Your going to owe her, yet another big debt and my saving her will not even it between you two. Then add?... My guess, she is going to be very mad at you and might even leave the school because of it. Or she might even fear you for this attack, as I can not fix all that you did to her. She is going to remember most of it, if not all of this. She will have to live with what you showed her, forever.....and forever for this Drow is a very long time indeed!"

"Thanks Daddy! I love ya!" she says, as she goes to hug him once more. "But daddy I am not sure she is going to let you?"

"I have to go...honor and the pact. They say I have to...even if it nearly kills me?"

"Please come back?" she begs him.

"Sara I will be back after I get this taken care of for you. From there on, its up to you to fix the HARD side of this! Her feelings toward you... 'bad, good or I am going to kill you!' That she has toward you?"


A large man, in a pristine white suite walks up the stairs from Poe's basement to the main entrance. Via the hallways filled with kids, all milling about talking over the attack on the Drow in the cottage.

He walks easily past several students and not one even notes Gothmog's presence, some even make unconscious efforts, to get out of his way.

After exiting Poe, he starts a leisurely walk toward the Doyle medical center. Along his walk, he passes several more students and teams of guards. They are all searching for the attacker of the Drow. Only one of them notes his passing.

That 'one' is Billie or Tennyo. She notes his passing, as she flies overhead with a small smile to him, as she knows that he maybe able to help the Drow.

As he walks into Doyle and adjusts his jacket at the door. He again walks past several more people who don't even note his passing...... it's good to be a Demon prince or a Great Old One!

At his journeys end, he pushes open the door to my room and strolls into it.

The over two dozen Pixies in the room, scream at his arrival and he is somewhat surprised that they even noticed him coming in. Their weapons come out and the older ones make spells at the ready.

An ancient one standing on a table next to three warriors in armor, yells at him in an old language "Come no farther! We will protect this one!"

As the elder spoke to him, Gothmog now knows why his powers are failing here somewhat. The old one, is fully connected to the Grove and it's protections have extended to here.

"I indeed hope so! She deservers it and has earned it" Gothmog says and bows slightly to the elder. Not daring to take one more step, as that may make this situation even worse!

"If your here to finish what you daughter could not! We will stop you, now go!" the elder demands, in a voice filled with pure rage.

A sigh comes from Gothmog as he starts to talk "No I am not here to finish her. I am here to fix her....heal her. My daughter made a vast mistake and attacked Rohanna by accident. I swear by my word of honor and true name. I will not harm Rohanna this day or for many to come!" he states.

"I want a blood oath!" the elder demands.

"Fine...I can do that" and Gothmog bites his own hand and flings a little blood to the floor "By this blood of mine, I swear not to harm and only heal Rohanna this day."

"You may pass...if she wants it?" he warns him, in a low voice.

As Gothmog walks closer to me, My limited senses, now find him and my eyes pop open. I have to lean to one side to see him, as I am so weak now, my head can't lift from the pillow.

My feeble voice tries to scream "Stop!" and barely makes a sound. Then I try to manifest a protect I could? As the dagger comes to my hand...I drop it and it clatters on the floor and then vanishes.

A sigh comes from me at the sound of its fall, then my power to 'port' reaches for the Grove. I need to escape...before he gets to me!

As I try to port...I fail the first try. He must have felt that? As he says to me "Please don't Rohanna....doing such an act in your condition, will unquestionably kill you?"

A hiss comes from me in a shaky tone "Better to die there, in a place I love...with those who love me. Than here in this human hospital" I mentally spit "and at your hand. At least I can sit at the Warriors table afterward?"

"I am not here to harm you? I am here to heal you....I have promised this."

On my barely raising and falling chest stands Violet. She turns to me and is near crying to me "Please listen to him...he swore to the elders and all of us. That he means no harm to you?"

After a minute of silence from me and my needing to breath deep to gain strength. I breath out "I will stay and listen to you. I only do this because Violet asked me to. Your promise means nothing to me, after what your daughter has done!"

"I am here to help?"

A mumble comes from me "You're not here to finish me off? I find that hard to I am a threat to your daughter and her unborn child? That would give you reason enough?"

"No...why would I harm the one who saved both? You're no threat to have chosen not to be? Why, I don't know?" he shakes his head a little "But it has been done."

"I don't know?" a shaky voice comes from me "I can't tell if I trust you? I am too injured and weak, to tell anymore?"

He takes a few steps forward to me and as he does I try to shout "Stop!" and he stops at my mumbled word. The Pixies take my act to heart and ready themselves for a fight. A growing growl from them fills the room.

A whisper comes from me, after a few labored breaths "Don't sacrifice yourselves for me. Get out of here, save yourselves."

He now just stands there...thinking and ends in saying to me "Oh my! You're certainly are one for the books. You'd sacrifice yourself, to save others!"

I give my port another try and it fails again "Are you trying to kill yourself by doing that?" he asks me.

"It's better than being dragged to hell. To be terrorized and tortured forever. Like your daughter just showed me."

"She really did scare you? Didn't she?"

"Yes of course she did! She showed me how worthless my whole life's been. How utterly useless .....Just a tool for everybody else's means and no pleasure in my life" my head feels clouded and I start to nod off "she might as well killed me then? Sparing me was a mistake...just dragging out the pain"

"I am here to heal you up, so you can go on with your life....and maybe change that horrible past of yours, to a good one this time?"

"I can't tell if your lying?"

"Of course I am telling the truth!" He then pulls up one of the chairs and sits in it. As he studies me....I pass out.

As I wake again...he is still there. Sitting.

"So you did not choose to kill me, when I was out?"

"I told you, I would not...what else would you have me do? If not wait till you let me heal you?"

"Leave and let me die in peace.."

He shakes his head to me "Not going to happen... I am going to at least try and heal you?"

He then stands up and starts to walk to the bed. My shout stops him again...."No I said...I can not trust you. Sara has gone bad....and I can have you?"

"I must help you?"

"No....If I could get up now and end you. I would...and end your daughter. Doing that and dieing while I do? It will save millions...later, if you both have gone bad...?"

"Humm..." he sounds out to me "your logic is undeniable. No wonder, my Sara likes you. You have got quite the brain inside that head and a personality of self-sacrifice. I'm telling you right now, that honoring the pact. It demands that I save your life. For saving two of my the very least?"

I shake my head to him and that request "No...I can't believe what you're saying. I am too out of it. Just go, let nature take it's course and it will solve both our problems and dilemmas. Just give it a few hours and it will all go away?"

"I will swear upon my true name, that I will only be assisting you."

"Can't believe that either. I can't see if your telling the truth or your tricking me right now?

"Ask the Pixies then?"

"You can influence the Pixies, even I know that. The reason why all the Pixies in this room are not listening to you right now? Is because there is just enough magic on their side to keep you out."

He stares at my face from the bedside, as he tells me "You do know more things in life, than you let on? No wonder my Sara, she likes you so much?"

"Just let me go?"

"She must have shown you oh so much great horror? For you to be thinking of just leaving this earth. I can't let you go yet, you can't just go after what you've done. You've got to stay here?"

I shake my head to him...."Well who am I going to swear in front of, that you're going to believe then?" he asks "should I go get Fey?"

"I am not sure, I believe her anymore....our past and she is Sara's blood sister?"

"Oh my! You are messed up? She did scare you, didn't she? I am going to have to talk to my daughter about that and see if we can't help you out with this?" he walks across the room, pacing back and forth...thinking "So? who do you think can defeat me? And is going to believe my word?"

I'm having trouble answering the question....then it pops into my clouded mind "Billie" I say back to him "Tennyo? She is the only one I can think of. There's a couple humans I trust, but you can influence them. But Billie, she eats your kind for lunch" I say rather I love that she can.

"I will be back!" and he leaves the room. I just pass out in reply.

Gothmog walks out of Doyle, to scan the skies and sees Tennyo flying around the school, A wave of his hand, gets her attention and she drops straight at him and runs up to his face....very angry.

"Did you help her!?"

"No she will not let me?"

"Then you must be involved in hurting her! That can be the only reason why she would not let you near her!"

"I didn't. By my true name I swear, I had nothing to do with this attack. I'm here to actually help her."

Billie leans into his face "Baloney!" and he backs up slightly from her sudden move.

"I said by my true name, you know that?"

Now Billie's voice changes to an otherworldly sound "So, if you were not involved in the attack? Then why would you be worried about the life of one little elf? It dieing is not going to change anything in this world?"

He nods to her "Just a second? Let me interrupt our little conversation?" Then with a wave of his hand toward Poe. Fey comes running out to join them.

After Fey runs over to the two of them, she questions his being here "Gothmog why are you here?"

"Sara asked me...too heal her. As she can not, she is to young for this?"

"Why would Sara need to ask you to do this?" Billie asks.

"Please will tell no other this?" he asks back.

"I do so swear. So?"

"Sara is the one who attacked her."

Billie turns to the Elf Queen, as anger drips off her "Did you know this?"

"Yes I was waiting till....she died to act. To see if Sara could fix this?"

Billie floats upward more and starts toward Poe. Gothmog yells a question to her back "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go hurt your daughter really, really bad right now."

Then Nikki interrupts the rest of what she has to say "I on the other hand...I am waiting till, Rohanna passes. Then I'm seriously thinking about killing your daughter."

"But your Blood sisters?"

"THIS...this is far beyond a simple blood oath! This is a fellow Sidhe, we are talking about. She was one of my subjects from the past...and with that past. I owe her." she screams at Gothmog.

Billie stops her flight away and says over her shoulder "He did say, he was here to help? So I will listen."

"I need you both to show her, that I am telling the truth. As she is so badly hurt, that she does not trust me or my oaths?"

"I can guess WHY!" the Queen growls.

"But please? Both of you come and help me help her?"

One at a time they both sigh "Fine"


As the group of them enters my room, I feel that change in the area and my eyes pop open again from my last time passing out.

"So your back?" my voice mumbles as best I can.

"Yes and I brought with me, your requested witness and the Queen" he says to me, as he turns to introduce them with a wave of his arm "So can I swear to you, that I will help and I get started?"

"Fine then, start?" I ponder this more "But I am not so sure, that I still trust Fey? As Sara and her are blood sisters?"

The next thing I hear is the Queen talking via Nikki..."My oath with Sara, it pales in comparison to the oath and blood, we two Sidhe share? Does it not?"

"Yes...I should not doubt mind is so .....foggy. I can't think" I gasp out short for breath. My lungs work fine....but my lack of blood is straining me badly. Then add I am still bleeding, as the wounds that I have all over my body....they still fail to close and heal over.

As I look up, I watch as Billie floats over to us. She says in a voice, I have never heard form her "I am here to witness this pact... that is all. I will thou, enforce it...if broken!"

"Thanks....If Fey trusts you? So do I? I know what you are.... for the most part?" My gaze turns to Gothmog again "So you were saying?" I jest him.

"I promise on my true name. I am only here to assist in saving your life. That's all I am here to do, I will not harm you. I am only here to assist you."

I look him in the eye and the logic in my mind spills out for that split-second "And you do this of your own free will and don't expect any reward or exchange ....Right?"

His eyebrows goes up in thought, as I speak to him. "Even half out of it, you still think? Amazing.....yes I agree. There's nothing to be exchanged between debt for what I'm about to help you with."

I nod as best I can, to him and he steps up to my bedside. Next he waves the Pixies away from me "Please...go little ones, I have work to do!"

After they all move off, to hover about the room... but still on guard. He places his hands on me, chest and head. Then pours part of his essence into me, to heal what was broken deep with in soul and fill me with life force.

As he finishes, I pass out from all the forces flowing through me. After he stands, he nods to Billie "Thanks for your time."

Billie nods back and floats off outside.

Gothmog walks slowly to Fey... as he speaks to her "Now my Queen and Nikki. You both must watch over her. As what I did, was give her a small part of myself, my essence and I am no where near human or Sidhe? So it may change her over time? I tried to make it as neutral as possible, but there's always a chance its going to change something within her? I am not sure? As with this act, I looked deep within her...and now I know why Sara cares for this one. Sara just can't see that deep....yet?"

The red headed teen nods to him "I will look after I am sure she looks after me?"...this was Nikki talking this time...not the Queen. Gothmog noted the voice and the bodies demeanor.

"I bid you good day and apologize to Rohanna when she wakes up for me. I should've been here faster than I did" he then walks out of the room and down the hallway. And like before, no one notices him in his passing.

Nikki pulls up a chair sits there and waits. An hour goes by and Dr. Ophelia Tenet comes walking into the room to do her check on me. As she does, she notices the monitors. They are beeping a well synced heart rate and the blood pressure is going up. She pulls off the sheet from the Drow and notes that the dozens of wounds are now healing very well.

In her surprise at the change, she yelps happily at Nikki sitting there "What happened? She's hundred percent better than she was a couple hours ago? She should be dead by now?"

The sitting red head glances up from her watching over her friend to the doctor "Ophelia? Just believe in miracles and that's all there is to say about it."

"What did you do? I told you not to help might kill you?"

Nikki shakes her head back to the doctor "I didn't do anything, just go with what I said Ophelia. If your a friend? Just say, you believe in miracles and everything finds a way."

"Okay? You do know? That she is still empty on essence obviously?"

Nikki nods her head "She will take care that eventually by her nature."

As the doctor exits the room she takes mental note on what the teen said...She said it like the Queen would have...but it was the teen's voice. Perhaps that 'teen' is growing up faster?


Monday February 19 2:55 am
Whateley Academy -
Doyle medical center

As I lay in that bed healing, I go over the days events in my mind. Sill thinking I rather be gone. Just knowing that, I am going to get used up again...and more pain.

Those idea's roll around in my head, seemingly forever....then. I feel that familiar brush against me...'you have to be kidding me? She is asking to come in? How can anyone be this stupid?'

Instead of inviting Sara in my mind...I push her and me toward to the Grove. When I approach it ...It tells me, she can not enter this place and the Grove is 'very' insistent. So I relent.

The next best thing I can do, is what I have been doing all along ....Use my mental home again. I really did not want Sara in there, after what she just did... but I have no choice.

So I reform it in my mind, but this time I use, instead of the academy at the start of my life. I go for the slightly bigger instructors rooms, I had nearer to the end of my term there. The mental image of that room of mine and the adjoining common room. Forms in my mind and now. I am standing in the main common room at its door, dressed in my instructor's armor.

This armor unlike my other set, I had as a student. It has the markings of what I teach and at what level I am proficient at. All this is sewn over the left breast and my rank on the collar.

I stand at the entrance door and open it. This time, I find not only Sara at the door. But my 'sister' the queen and Nikki?...'hummm twins?' I sigh mentally.
The only thing that I can use to tell them apart is, Aunghadhail wears a full royal gown and Nikki is just wearing a pair of jeans and a blouse.

I next note Sara and her hang dog expression. She has her head down low and does not look me in the eyes.

"Humm all three of you here, at the same time? How interesting?" I say flatly and I just walk away from the door. I don't, say hi or come in. At this point, my manners are just totally shut down, as I am far too upset for them and tired! Then add, I don't want any of them here.

Aunghadhail asks me in that nicer voice of her's, the one you use to be friendly "You are not going to invite us all in?"

I growl back to her and all of them "You coming in or not, it's up to you?"

"Rohanna? we can not come in? Till you invite all of us? Or we have to stand outside here on the doorstep forever? she laughs at me.

"Okay all three of you come in, I invite you." I say once again flatly and I don't even glance at them walking in.

Sara questions me in a light tone, as she tries to be sorry as she can muster "Your manners?"

A growl comes from me, aimed at her "What manners!"

Sara is taken back by my attitude and states the obvious fact "You're mentally tired?"

"I am mentally tired, beat up and was near DEAD!" I glance to them all still at the door "honestly I don't want you here....But what do all three of you want?" I ask in a mean tone.

Sara near whispers out to me "I want to apologize to you."

I yell "SHUT-UP!...You're here obviously, as a bridge for the other two! So at this point, stand there and pretend you're wood! I DO NOT want to hear anything out of your face. Or I will shove you three right out the door!"

All Sara can do is stand there in silence, till my anger with her lessens...she hopes it does. As she remembered what Aunghadhail said, Drow either love you forever or hate you forever....there is no middle.

"Well Nikki?" I ask her, without even looking. Then I go and sit in one of the chairs in the room by the fireplace.

She gulps a little at my attitude...."Well I am not here to apologize......But are we still friends?"

"I don't know?"

I next glance at the Queen...the new sister of mine "Well Aunghadhail?"

"I was here for moral support. Me and you have no problems?"

"You're just I guess that's it? don't all of you just......" I glare at Sara, now more than mad "GET THE HELL OUT!" I bark at her.

Sara just withers under my stare and looks down in her shame.

A sigh then comes from me "You have a nice day...Nikki and see later Queen" the door to leave, slowly opens at my mental command.

Sara glances at the other two and Aunghadhail states to me softly "We are not going."

Then Sara adds in also "Yes, we are not going."

"I told you to shut-up!" I bark at her, now more than upset that she chose to speak "you know better than to have me correct you a third time?"

Nikki looks to both of them for answers "I don't know the rules here?

"If I tell you something two or three times, your not going to be here on the fourth. I will shove you out the door faster, than you can think! Aunghadhail knows that one already and Sara certainly knows that rule."

I see that Sara is about to say something and my glare stops that.

Aunghadhail starts to wonder into the room deeper and starts looking over the room. After she leads Nikki farther in, she glances to me "This is the Academy from the Dro...."

"Yes it is" I interrupt her.

"This is an instructors quarters, I saw one once." she adds while showing Nikki my room, just behind me.

"Yes that's correct, this was mine...long ago."

She keeps showing Nikki around the room, then states to her and me "This is what we are supposed to be living in and not in the silly school, that we are going to now. Eventually somehow? You are going to build this!"

I think of her statement, about my plans...The money that I am gathering and I just lose interest....Why? I will never get to use it? Or have fun there?

I then sass Nikki a little "There is always a chance to strive to something. Good luck with it."

"You're going to help me?"

"I am not going to help you nothing!"

A surprised look comes over her face at my loud retort "Come on now?"

"Come on now...nothing."

"I don't understand, why you're so mad at me?"

"You have a blood oath with Sara, that's all there is to it."

"Well it's just a blood oath?"

I jump up in front of her face and start howling at her, while I point at Sara "Don't you get it!" I say slowly "! She dragged me to hell and through it! Then showed me, absolutely how worthless that I truly am in life!"

Nikki was about to say something, but the Queen puts her hand to her face and shushes her.

"Well, you three are still here for some reason? Its not to just bug me? So spit it out already?" I ask.

I glare at them all and they don't seem to talk, but Sara wants to say something? I can feel it!

"Okay...Nikki. Be quiet" I snap at her "Sara? You can speak have one subject. Use it fast!"

"Its Carson? When you wake up tomorrow and she asks you what attacked you? What are you going to tell her?" she asks me softly, fearing my answer.

"Unless she asks me specifically, who did it and says your name? I will dodge her on the question. Because you getting expelled, that'll be a bad thing and I know it. For the school and everybody else around you. I don't need that on my conscience.

I sigh as I think "Two! Because, if you get expelled. Nikki won't like it and Aunghadhail will not like it. So that might affect Aunghadhail and Nikki, you getting expelled. So you girls have got to make sure that Carson doesn't ask that question?"

Nikki sighs out "Well?"

"I'm going to tell the truth, I maybe ill-mannered tonight. Because I'm super mad and tired. That doesn't mean I'm an going to lie?"

Nikki nods her understanding to me.

I glare back to Sara "Well Sara, your done here!" I wave my hand and she just disappears. I turn to Nikki and ask "You have one subject and one question, what do you want?"

"I'm sorry I want to be your friend again?" she asks.

"I will think about it....if I decide to stick around?"

She looks very shocked to me and hesitates as she asks "What?...what do you mean stick arou....."

A wave of my hand and she does not get to finish the thought and fades away.

Aunghadhail stares at me waiting ....thinking she is next to go, I wave my hand to her "Sit and lets, I can not get madder at you and you know it!" I laugh.

With a giggle at me, she sits next to me in the other large chair. After she is settled. I wave my hand over the table and a service of our Elvin brandy fades into existence "Have some?" I ask.

I slide a glass to her, after I pour it, then I fill a glass for myself and pick it up as I lean back into the chair.

She takes the offered glass and settles herself deep into the chair with a sigh "I have not done this.....I can not remember how long? Being in your mind makes it feel so real!"

"You enjoy it while you can"

"What you mean by that?" she asks, with worry showing in her voice. As the always present regal air fell away from it.

"Aunghadhail? I don't want to stay in the school anymore honestly."

"Rohanna? You have to remain there" She insists to me, as she leans over to me so she can see me better.

"I don't 'have' to do nothing! This attack of her's has mentally set me free. I just don't care anymore?" my head tilts back into the chair, as I think and I whisper out ".........honestly I don't know what I am going to do tomorrow. I am going to think on it for a few more hours and I will make up my mind in the morning."

She pleads with me, as she leans even closer now and places a gentle hand on mine "Please tell me, when you have made up your mind?"

I get somewhat harsh in my tone toward her...I should not, but I do "I don't have to tell you anything!"

"Please?" she asks again "Nikki has gone to bed....but I think Gwen sits beside you now and waits for you to wake up...Please tell her...or talk with her at the least?"

I just nod to her "I make no promises...tonight."

Over the next hour or so we talk about the past, especially this part of it. The academy we sit now in and a little of what it may take for the Sidhe to start a new one. I do not tell her what my plans are ...or maybe were? ....for this.

After most of the bandy is gone, I stagger up....not from it! But from that I am so mentally tired. I escort Aunghadhail to the door and as I am about to bid her good night, she turns to ask one final question of me.

"Are you going to make up and be friends again with Nikki or not?"

A more than drained sigh comes from me "Yes..... Just because she's a fellow Sidhe and she is 'you' yes. But from there on? I don't know....past that what I'm going to do?"

As she exits, I bid her good night and she fades from my mind.


Monday February 19 3:25 am
Whateley Academy -
Doyle medical center

I had given myself some more time, before trying to wake from all the damage done to me. I felt now was the time to get up, as going to the Grove would heal me far faster then being here does. These humans don't understand the connections some of us Sidhe have to magic, we need far more of it to live and heal!

But during that resting, I had pretty much made my mind. Why stick around the school? I'm done with it! I can't be on the same campus, let alone the same building and the same classes. With someone that tried to eat me, like a sandwich! Consume nothing. Showed me terrors beyond my wildest dreams, I've never been so scared in my whole life and I've lived a long time!

My eyes pop open and I glance over the semi dark room and listen. All I can see is Gwen leaning up onto Bill's side, as they both sleep on the small couch in this room. I slip the sheets off of me and slide my feet to the floor. After sitting up for a minute to get my dizziness gone. I listen to the hallway ears note at least one guard by the sounds of boots and other sounds he makes. As I stand-up, a wave of that dizziness hits me and I have to place a hand on the bed to steady myself....a few seconds pass and its gone.

After I get to the door via sliding my feet across the floor. Once at the door, I risk opening it without a silence spell. As I have near no essence left to do one.

Luckily it opens without a sound and even more luckily, find a rack of hospital ER blue scrubs at the door!

With just a slight lean out to it, I try to make a grab at a set, after I near stumble and fall. I watch that 'set' of clothes float over to me. My eyes just notice a Pixie doing the deed for me, as they drop into my hands and I can see its Violets sister.

With a fast hand signal, I ask 'where is Violet?'

I get back 'she is flying next to you'

'ohh I cant see her....too hurt'

Violet then lands on my shoulder and whispers into my ear....I can hear, she is sobbing too "I should have been there! I could not get to you....forgive me?"

I study her as best I can...her being so close to me and I can see she is hurt. "Your hurt!...Why!"

"I tried to get to you through that door and got hurt trying" is all she cries to me.

"You did not heal...that was hours ago?"

"Your hurt...I'm hurt" was her simple answer.

"We will talk on this later."

"How many others here?"

"Ten...there are more outside....Do you want them here?"

" can wait."

The ER scrubs slide on me quick, as I have to get out of here! I would have gone naked...but this will do for now. I tie the pants drawstring up and pull the shirt on. After I get all done I slip out the door to the hallway. Violet's sister leads my way, as she looks for a way out past the staff.

At the next corner of the long hallway, she signals me to stop.

'why?' I signal.

'three humans'

'use magic to distract them?'

'can't....the wards here, they are too strong' she shrugs to me.

'CRAP!' goes my mind.

So, I slide out as silently as I can muster and go into the intersection.

Half way up the intersection...I am SPOTTED and the nurse yells out "Ophelia! Its the Drow, she is up!"

Out of one the other rooms I watch, as Dr Tenent flies out and runs to me. "Rohanna you should be in bed." she warns me, as she comes up the hallway to me.

"NO! I am leaving!" I shout.

"You need your rest?"

"NO!" I howl at her even louder now "I am leaving!"

As I turn from her and start walking down the hallway, one of the guards comes at me and makes a grab for my wrist. I try and spin away, but I am so messed up, I can't and he has me.

One of my fists flies at him, but the blow has no strength behind it and fails to do a thing to him....'Gaea I am so weak!'

I try to shove off him, to no avail, as the Doctor gets to us. "Rohanna....please go lay down. See how weak you are? You should have shoved him off you by now?"

As I struggle, Two more guards show up and grab on to me. Now I have one on each arm, plus one on my back. The next thing I see, to my surprise! Is one of Bill's huge fists, hit one guard in the side and he falls. Bill's next move, is a kick at one's leg, that puts him down.

The third guard spins on Bill, as he kicks out on the last guard and stuns him with a baton mounted stun gun.

Bill crumbles to the floor and I howl out "Inbau Ukta!" (Get Him!) in Drow and ten Pixies are on him! Spears out and determined to kill!

Before they do...I think..NO, that would be bad, very bad! "Xuat elgg ukta er'griff vrine'winith ukta!" (don't kill him only stop him!)

That guard is knocked out in short order, by a Pixie shoving a spear into his neck. It hits a nerve junction and wam!...He drops like a puppet, with it's strings cut. One other feels an elders wrath, as a force bolt of magic hits him dead center and sends him sailing down the hallway. He lands several yards away in a rack of clothes in the hallway and is knocked out from the landing.

The last of them, is still latched onto my arm and I twist hard to get him to drop his hold on me. Violet's sister acts in my defense, she stabs him in the thigh and he drops to the floor with a scream. The guards fall, takes me along with it and he starts to let go of me once we both hit the floor. He finally lets me go, when yet another Pixie makes it's presence known, with another hit to the same leg and he grabs his leg screaming, as that whole leg is in agonizing pain!

I slide across the floor to Bill's side and look him over. Ophelia gets nearer to me, but she stops at a Pixie growling like mad, while hovering in her face. When she stops, she puts both of her hands up trying to look non-threatening to the group of Pixies and me "Rohanna...please, go to your room and calm these...fairies down?" She asks me softly.

"They're Pixies!....I am not staying here, it's not safe!"

"It's safe here?" she insists to me.

"No it's not!"

Gwen comes running up, as the fight is going on. But stands there, unable to do anything, as she knows hurting a a quick way home. She is so torn over helping me, that she starts to cry and then yells "STOP IT! to them, over and over.

At Bill's side, I glance to her and her last scream 'Stop it' "I am sorry....I have to go?" I say to her. Then after I lower Bill's head, back to the floor softly, I whisper to him "I will see you soon...I promised!"

After I get shakily to my feet and walk to the entrance door. I find it does not open for me? I bang and rattle them.... it's locked! The doors of Doyle, they are far from normal doors at a hospital...this place has super powered kids in it and uses FAR thicker doors! In my weakened state, I am not opening them anytime soon!

"Open this now!" I yell at Dr Tenent from them, as several Pixies hover about me.

"Rohanna...please...please go back to your room?" she pleads back.

"NO!....If you will not open this...they will!"

After I say that, the door is battered open by repeated magical blows from in the hallway and pulled open from outside. The doors bend under the onslaught. Once I see an opening big enough, I slide out and run....stagger into the night and the falling snow.

Dr Tenent, goes to help the one guard still howling in pain and gives him a shot to help that pain die down. After it sets in, he asks her "What was that! God my leg, it felt like it was on fire and broken! Even now its numb?"

After I am gone, Gwen calmly walks over to the fallen Bill and picks him up a little off the floor "That was a Pixie...they can get nasty" she states to the guard.

"Gwen? I hear you talk to them?"

"Yep...I do, but they don't do THAT! for me?" she points at the door , while she cradles Bill's head. "But I have never seen or heard of one doing that....or what they did for Rohanna?"

"Did Rohanna tell you, why she did not feel safe here anymore?"

"No?...but think Ophelia? What ever hurt her...hurt her bad and it was here? So she does not feel safe here anymore?"

Ophelia nods to the green haired teen "Your right...I treated her after that dust-up in Boston and four armed men, they could not kill her?"

"So what ever did that damage to her last night...It tore her apart and near killed her.....Heck, she should be dead! But something healed her?"

Bill comes too in Gwen's arms and she looks down at him "Well she is gone...but good try Marine.....But you fell off your white knight!" she jests him.

He moans out "What?...where to?"

"I bet the Grove...and don't even think of going in there after her! No human gets in there...without help and lots of it!" Gwen turns to the Doc again from helping Bill "You said something helped her?"

"Yep...sad to say, that Drow should be dead...But I am glad she is not! I have no idea what helped her heal so fast?"

Bill finally groans, gets back up to his feet and then looks down to Gwen, as he helps her up "Well aren't you going to show me how to get into that Grove of yours?" he asks her, in a tone that clearly does not's telling!

"Ahhh Bill I am an Elf or as Rohanna calls us Sidhe...and if it does not want us in there...We are not going. This place is beyond regular rules?" she warns him.

Bill still mad from the fight, stomps off toward the doc farther down the hallway. She is helping to untangle one of the flung guards, from a mess of shelves in the hallway "DOC?" he asks he more than angry "We have to get in there and see if she will come with us?"

Ophelia...she just laughs at him, as she helps to get the last rack of clothes off the guard and helps him to his feet...."Like Gwen said...No one goes into there. Heck over the decades, it has been a banned place to go and we have lost several people to it over the last fifty years?"

After the last guard is helped to his feet, one of them grabs Bill and barks out "Your coming with us!"

"What?" he questions.

"You tried to stop us and you have to see the captain for that!"

As the two of them start to drag Bill down the hallway. He yelps out "Hey I thought you were hurting her!"

Gwen jumps in the guards way and blocks their path, as they try to take Bill..."Guys...I would not do that. Because if she left a Pixie to watch him? She will come back...and be REAL mad too! She sees her brother? SO I would just let him go?"

"What about the door...who's paying for that?" one guard barks.

Bill breaks the guards grasp, to shout out at them "Send the bill to ARC! They will buy that damn door and fifty just like it, just to up!"

Gwen starts laughing at the thoughts....'Dr Otto is not going to like this?'


Monday February 19 3:55 am
Whateley Academy -
The Grove

The last few feet of getting to the Grove are done and I stagger into the first clearing of it. Along the way I had to keep myself from wanting to lay down in the snow and sleep, as I was so tired. I knew, if I chose to do that....there was a chance I might not wake from that nap! I maybe a Sidhe that feels none of natures wrath...but I can still die from my slow to heal wounds.

Once in the Grove, Violet and her sister guide my addled mind and body to the healing spring. As I go, I drop the ER scrubs onto the grass and then finally slide into its warm waters. With a small sigh...knowing I am safe....I fall asleep.


Monday February 19 6:55 am
Whateley Academy - outskirts
The Grove

Upon my waking, I notice that I seemed to have dreamed of only warm and happy dreams? Not my usual of late....nightmares! I lift myself out of the warm waters and find most of my wounds are closed. A look inward, finds that some of my essence is restored...but it will take a day or longer of being here at this large nexus of it, to fill it all back to normal.

A sigh comes from me, as I sit on that waters edge 'I am still not sure of my choice to leave Whateley behind me?' This school offers me so much...a way to catch up with the world and at least be with a few Sidhe?

Then Sara, comes to mind and I shiver at the thoughts of what she did! I can't stay with her around....?

I happily watch as Violet flies from one of the bushes to me, as she lands on the water edge near me, it looks that she healed herself while I slept.

"So you look better!"

"Yes" she sighs out.

"Why are you sad?"

"I failed...I failed you!" she starts crying to me.

"No you did not...if you were in that room? All that you could have done...was get killed. I almost....." I gulp as I say it "Died."

A heavy sigh comes from me as I cover my face with both hands and lean down.
'How could she do that to me? I thought...she loved me? Was it all a lie?'

Then my thoughts change...'Lets get this over with! I want my stuff!'

I know what I have to do...or want to do? I want at least most of my stuff and I can get the cabinets in my room they are locked and neither Gwen or Nikki will let anyone else use them!

"Violet! We are going...I need my things from my room!"

She flies to me, as I stand and asks me "Are you sure of this?"


"I will have the others come with us?"

"No...but have them ready ....none the less?"

After I get out of the Spring and get my clothes back on. I start off to Poe.


Monday February 19 7:05 am
Whateley Academy - Poe cottage

I port to the front entry of Poe, the reason I did not port straight to my room? Was that doing so, would waste what little essence I have. By it being used to bust through Poe's building wards. As it looks like Aunghadhail placed a rather large set of them on Poe last night! I can tell it was other student here, can do that level of magic.

After I wrench the front door open in anger, I stride into the entry and past Riptide who is going to a meeting. At this time of day, during a weekday. Most of the kids are out getting things done outside, finals or gone on the semester break.

Rip is stunned by my walking right past her...but she tries to ask me something anyway "Rohanna? I heard you left and....." she does not even finish, as I am already going down to my room.

As fast as she can go, Rip runs to Fey's room and instead if knocking...she opens the door and runs straight in "Nikki.....Rohanna just walked in! I thought she was in Doyle!" she tears off at Nikki.

"What...she came back!?"

"What do you mean came back?"

"She wants to leave the school, after last night! But go get Gwen and fast as you can!"

"GOT IT!" she yelps, as she runs off down the hallway.

First thing while walking down the hallway toward the Drow's room...Aunghadhail dismisses the extra ward on the building. To make Rohanna feel that she is still safe and can leave if she wants to...As she is sure that the Drow, as weak as she is, she walked in because of it....instead of 'porting' straight to her room and leaving with no one knowing she was even there!


After I rip my door near off its hinges and then slam it shut. I find my room as Three large boxes in it? A look at ones label, it tells me it's from Rodgers Boutique, the local clothes maker.

I rip into the first box and find out what it is? It's all my uniforms for the school, Donna said she ordered them for me? So I open the boxes up and count off Ten sets, Six that have pants with them, four with skirts and three matching blazers, with the school logo on the breast pocket.

The last box, a smaller one? It yields up a 'sexy' school girl outfit? With a all too short skirt and a tight as heck blouse. Donna must have ordered this at Sara's asking? After I pull that from the box...I lose it!

"Why! did you do that!" I yell, as I hurl the box at the far wall and it crashes into it over the rooms other bed.

"Why the betrayal .....I don't want this anymore!" and the rest follow it all!

As I thrash the room, my rooms door gets a knock I don't even hear and Nikki comes in.

Nikki is taken back at my wonton destruction of the boxes and clothes in the room. She watches from the doorway, just barley in the room. As I toss, box after box at the far wall and scream.

~"I don't think going in there is a good idea Aung"~ she tells her other part.

~"Go on in....she will not harm us...She is venting. This is better than her trying to hurt someone? Do you not think?"~ Aunghadhail tells Nikki.

As she enters the room, I fall onto my futon, my face falls into my hands and I shake my head. I mumble out "Why" over and over.

Nikki comes over, sits next to me and starts to give me a hug. I shoot off the bed at her touch and stare at her "Well if your here to ask?....I chose to leave! NOW get out!"

"You can not do that? You need this place and it needs you?" I feel it's Aunghadhail the words are her's.

"NO I have to leave.....not safe here anymore!" I yell and then go to grab my pack out of my closet. Then I start pulling out of both the closet and the chest of drawers what little clothes and things I have. As I fold them neatly and place them in my bag...In my compulsion to being clean screams at me.

As I do that job, Nikki gets herself up and starts to pick-up my mess and fold it. Then lays it, in neat stacks on the other bed.

"So where will you go?" she asks, as she works.

"The Grove and far away as I choose."

"And those here, who would learn from Nikki here. Or my teaching you?"

I stop and turn to her, a heavy sigh comes from me "GO away..."

"No I shall stay..." and as I watch, Nikki takes back her control "I have too my dad will get mad?"

"I am leaving!"

"ARE NOT!" she screams at me.

"NO ONE COMMANDS ME! No one tells me what to do ...not in my room! ARE you insane?!"

"Well I am!.....I am telling you what to do, I am.....responsible for you!"

"Well since your not going to leave me? Let me fix that and make sure Mr. Reilly can't get mad with you!"

A quick grab on Nikki and I port us both, about five miles to the north of the campus. I give her a small shove to the ground. I then yell at her "STAY!" then port back to my room. As I get back to the building, I note that Aunghadhail has dropped the ward and I can get to my room now?

I just barely port into my room and grab that bag to keep packing it, when Sara bursts into my door. "Rohanna! You should be in Doyle...and have you made up your mind to stay or not?" she asks me....then goes to hug me.

"Ohh not you too!" My first thought is to ram a blade through her....But no! I grab her and port her. To toss her right next to Nikki, who is still trying to stand and dust herself off.

As I port away, they both look at each other...."Did she just?" Sara states, more than mad.

"That she did!" Nikki barks back.


"OHHH HELL NO!" yells Nikki as she stands. She helps Sara up, then with a wave of her hand, she opens a gate to Poe's hallway and they both walk into it ...and Poe beyond.

My bag only gets one more of my things shoved in to it, as Nikki opens my door to let Sara come in and she slams it closed behind herself.

I spin to them both now in my room, my rage at them burns deep in me "LEAVE me alone!"

"No we are not!" Nikki states to me.

"So I guess you want to go somewhere else? I can port you faster than you can 'gate' back!"


"YES!" I hiss at her.

"Well I can make a 'gate' back to here, just about as fast anyway!" and she sticks out her tongue at a little girl.

I sigh a heavy breath through my nose and shake my head to her. Then my packing starts back up.

A small laugh comes from Nikki, as she speaks to herself......"Nikki? This is a perfect example of an elf! That is more stubborn than you! Now you know, young one! What I go through, when I try to get you to do something?"

The teen takes herself back over and Grumbles out "Shut-up you!"

I turn back to my work and innerly laugh at the two of them, fighting each other. As more of my things find a way into that bag. Sara yells at me "Your not going!"

My glare at her could kill! "Shut up! You don't have any right to speak! You're done!.....Don't make me teleport you somewhere. Were it's going take you days to figure out how to get out of!"

"You're not leaving damn it! You and me have got to make up!" she howls back at me.

"I don't trust you anymore.......You hurt me bad....... I don't trust you at all anymore!" I sob back to her, while I keep on packing.

Sara pulls me around, so she can look me in the face "WE are going to develop trust again!"

"No WE are not!" I yell and go back to my packing.

"Your not leaving!" Sara yells back, as she shoves all my things off the futon and onto the floor.

"That's not going to stop me! Preventing me from packing my things. I was only here to get them.....for my convenience.....I don't need them at all!"

"Why do you want to leave?"

That was it....I lost it! My hand wraps around her throat and I shove her to the wall next to my door with a THUD. As she hits the wall, my armor manifests on my body....but this time, I call out the armor....I said....I hoped? I would never use!

My metal scaled armor, made of Mithril alloyed with Orichalcum. The same set, I showed Sir Wallace and Circe a few days ago......the one filled with pain!

"Want to try the tentacle crap again BITCH! You're going to find, using the tentacles on me in this armor! It an't gonna work!" I hiss into her face.

"I would never do that again. I made a mistake damn it!"

All she can do is squirm in my hand "A MISTAKE!?" I cry...I am sure my eyes are fiery red, as I pull out a small sword and shove it to her neck. Then I send a spell into it and the blade lights up and starts to crackle with magic.

Aunghadhail makes a mental sigh, that Nikki overhears ~"That armor! Now I know why she can do, what she does!"~

After that thought goes about Nikki's brain... Nikki asks her mentor....~"What? The armor and what about her?"~

~"Latter child....I will tell you later"~ is Nikki's answer.

Then my door opens up, with a knock......and Hank is standing there. His heads swivels, as he looks over the scene before he even talks.

Sara is held against the wall, by the new Drow in the he knows not to mess with? Sara is not choking, because she stretched her legs to stand on the floor. Then add, the Drow is in armor and has a wicked sword at her throat.

"Sorry to interrupt.....Are you guys having a fight?" he questions us all.

Nikki giggles out to him "No, we are having a discussion?"

"Okay?" he says in his confusion.....'girls'...I was one once I can't figure them out?' he thinks silently.

After I glance at Hank from my just scowling at Sara ..."Ahh what can I do for ya Hank" I say in a pleasant tone and with a light smile.

Sara giggles at me "You just can't help yourself, having manners...when someone asks you a question? Can you?"

I scowl at Sara, that fierce gaze shuts her up and then glance back to Hank....."But Hank? Once again...before we were interrupted by some ill mannered idiot. What I can do for you?"

"Ahhh I am interrupting aren't I?"

" You have the right to come in.... as long as you knock? So, what can I do for you?"

"I am here to ask you? If you can do a SIM run with me and the 'Grunts'..?"

"Hummm I will think about it? Maybe you can slip a note under my door or something later on this?"

"Okay....yeah.....I'll get with the guys and we will figure out a time. Maybe I will slip a note for that.....under your door?"

"Thanks Hank! I need to get back to with" I shake my head at him "Actually it's an argument! We are having a fight! But we're working it out? So?....give me a note and we will figure it out?" I then jamb the sword into the wall..just behind Sara's head and grab the door "You don't ya?" and I close it softly.

As the door closes in his face, Hank just stands there and mumbles out "Well that's not good?"

As he mumbled that, Gwen was walking down the hallway going back to her room to grab some of her books and she just barely hears Hank's mumbling "What are you talking about?" she asks him.

"Sara and Rohanna and Nikki, are in there and they're having a chat, argument, fight, something?" he puzzles the thoughts.

"No she's not, She left into the Grove early this morning....everyone is looking for her? Nikki would have called me if she showed up?"

"Well then? You knock and find out? I have got stuff to do? Call me is they go nuts....I want to watch!"

Hank leaves Gwen standing there....for several minutes she just listens to the room, then leans to the door to listen better and can hear sounds coming from in it...So? She knocks.

I had barley got to sword pulled from the wall, when the door knocks yet again? "Come in!" I sing out, as I place the blade to her neck again.

I glare at Sara again "We are going to have trouble having a conversation with this being Grand central station....aren't we?" all she does is smile to me, with a toothy grin.

The door knocks once again and I slam the blade back into the wood. Now more than flustered, that someone did not come in when I told them too! I open the door, to find Gwen standing there and she is very surprised "What are you doing?" she asks.

I grab onto Gwen, yank her into the room with a small shriek from her and slam the door shut. "Well now that your here, I think we can keep the door shut" I yell at her.

The next thing I do, is pull my sword from the wall and put it back to Sara's neck. As I send another spell into it and ask her " were telling me I have to stay? AND I was saying that I am not? That is where we left off?"

Sara nods her agreement.

All Nikki can do is bend over laughing at it all....then Aunghadhail's voice comes from her "You really can not, help yourself with those manners can you?"

"AUNG....SHUT-UP!" I bark at her...."You know darn well why I can't! So unless you want to confess some....SINS...Be quiet!" I glare back at her.

"Yes Rohanna ...I am truly sorry." she squeaks out.

Gwen looks around the room at us all "Ahhh Rohanna? I thought you left?...But I am happy to see your here!......and Nikki, your supposed to be planning a SIM run?...Then Sara? What are you doing here...with a blade at your neck...what did you do? What the hell is going on?" Gwen rattles out in her deep confusion.

"They are having a discussion?" Nikki says flatly.

"NO! We are having a argument!" Sara yelps.

"NO We are having a FIGHT!" I bark.

Gwen sighs "Okay?"

My stare turns back to Sara "Well I am I said."

"You can't go...?" Gwen whines.

"I am leaving the school."

"I know last night was bad...and stuff. BUT you came back?" and Gwen wraps around me in a fierce hug

"Gwen...I am leaving the school" I say to her, as I glance down to the green haired kid wrapped around me.

She looks up at me from her hug and cries me "You can't go?"

"I am sorry...but please?" my gaze turns back to Sara and I start to scowl at her "I am leaving....because of YOU!"

I let Sara off the wall and step back a few feet from I shake my head at her deep in my thoughts.

"You are not promised?" Sara states to me once more.

My arm snaps out again and I slam her with a hard blow. To pin her to the wall once again... "You said...promise...I trusted you! ....YOU tried to eat me!"

Gwen spins and stares up at Sara now pinned to the wall, then yells at her "YOU TRIED TO EAT ROHANNA?! Are you crazy?.... That was you? That hurt her?!"

I keep on glaring at Sara, even thou I am listening to Gwen for the time...after she is done talking, I Growl into Sara's face "I trusted you...Three of the Four persons, that I trusted in this new life of mine! They are in this room and you broke that trust.....and....and of mine..." I sob out.

My shove on her grows harder, as I renew my pushing on her "You tell me about a promise! AND your telling me about my word? You destroyed your word to me and you want me to stay!" I sob harder "I can't stay here with you!"

I shake my head at the evil thoughts in it now "Maybe I should have gone with my first instinct, when I first saw you....after I woke up......AND just killed you where you stood! It was the first thing in my mind....But no! My other, more logical brain said to me.......that there was good in you? I seem to be completely wrong about that! So I'm leaving the school....and you guys can stay here?"

My hand lets Sara back to the floor, my armor fades away and I turn back to filling my pack.

"I wanted to stay here, but you ruined it. I can't stay here and see you every day. I can't stay here and have you in the same building, that I rest or sleep in at night. I will not be able to go to classes, looking over my shoulder every second and waiting for you to finish off what you did."

"I would never do that!"

"I don't know that" I say as tears really start to flow down my face "I can't trust you? What do you think I'm....stupid or something? I could never trust you again!"

Violet flutters down to me, with her pillow in her arms "I want to take this?" she asks me and interrupts my yelling at Sara.

I cry..... as I see her do it "Sure you can take that .....its yours?" and I stuff it into the pack.

"I'm not naï you again" I'm starting to stutter in my confusion "I am leave.... that's all there is to it?"

Nikki then barks at me meanly, her issues with me leaving "Well you promised my daddy, you were going to this school!"

"Well then, I guess I broke my first promise then....My first time I ever broke one to anybody? You're just going to have to apologize to your dad for me?"

"I won't apologize to anybody for you...that's your job!"

I sigh out "Well I guess I am breaking my word to stay in school? Then breaking one to your dad....then what else!" I cry harder.

Gwen screams "Your breaking your word to me too!"

"What?" I cry, as I turn to stare at her.

"That you would stay here and teach make sure that I can protect myself!"

"Well I guess, you're going to have to ask, Sensei Ito then....aren't you?"

"So? you're breaking your word to me! You said, you'd never do that!"

I start to shake I am so mad...mad at Sara for doing this to me! The fury builds in me till it busts "Maybe I will break my promise to you, that I will never hurt you!"

As soon as Gwen hears that, she backs up from me in fright.

"Because with all the promises of my word, that I am breaking today...I might as well as do the whole thing!.....if you're going to stand in my way!"

Sara howls at me "You said you would never hurt Gwen!"

I scream back at her, crying rivers of tears "AND you said you would never hurt me!"

"I said I am many times do I have to say I am sorry to you?"

"Well" I snap back to her "Pick a number with at least Thirteen or Fourteen zeros on it and start talking!....damn it!"

Sara shakes her head to me in her frustration at me "I do not know what to do?"

"I trusted you..." I start crying so bad, I sit on the body racked deep in tears "I didn't just trust you.....SHIT!....I LOVED YOU!.....that's all there is to it! That is the only reason why came to the school! It was beyond a friendship with us? Rosalyn on Friday night?.....what did I do?"

"We have to figure this out?......Love....It was on my side too!"

"What?" I whine out...."Its totally don't know the horrors, that you showed me! How worthless my life is! That it has been!"

"That horror was always a maybe......and used to torture people, come on? You know your life is what you make it?" she tells me.

"So far, my life.... it seems to be a tool for people to use!"

"NO one is using you! You have made all the choices you want to! You chose to step between those bullets and me!.... You chose to protect Donna and the kid!"

"KID! What kid?" Gwen asks.

We all stare at Gwen, just as she realizes it "OHHH my God! Donna is having your kid!" she squeals out. "Jesus Christ! no one tells me anything!" she huffs out, as her arms fly up into the air in frustration.

We all stay silent in our combined shock and confusion....I start laughing at the craziness of it all.

"I am so confused, I don't know what to do?"

Sara sits next to me as I sit and think....all I can do is sit and stare at the floor, as she speaks to me "I know what I did was was by accident? You told me what you knew? AND a deep dark part of my instincts came out, to protect my child.....It will never happen again! I know that is in me and I now control it!"

"Some kinda accident? You tried to eat me? you understand how low.....that makes me feel? rated me just north of food?"

She giggles at me "If it helps any?.....You did not taste that good?"

As my head shake again I sob out "I don't know what to say anymore? Your saying no.....My head is saying Yes?.....My emotions say...stay and they say go? My logical mind is and yes? I don't know what to say anymore? I am getting frustrated and I don't get it?............." I sit there for several minutes going over the choices..... "I think I am just going to.....go. I can't take it anymore....there are too many choices?"

Sara pulls me to her face roughly "Your staying Damn it!"

I stare at her, as my frustration grows in me......Then I port out of the room.

Sara jumps up to go to the door, the queen in Nikki's body, stops her with a touch on the shoulder. "Wait.....give it a few minutes?"

"But she is leaving the school!"

Nikki takes back over and the body language tells Sara that...."I do the same thing...Just give it a minute?" Then Nikki goes back to cleaning the room.

Off in the distance, a large BOOM! is heard from the forest and shakes the building a little and the windows rattle.

Nikki stands up a bit, from her picking up the boxes and tossed clothes "Now...that sounds like she is done."

Within a few minutes....Chaka runs into the room and looks very jumpy "What was that! What in the hell is going on! Should I go get the guys?"

"It's all right Chaka...its just Rohanna venting some pent up emotions is all? I am pretty sure of it!" Nikki chimes in.

"Hey isn't she supposed to be in Doyle?"

"Yes...but she got better!"

"What ever?" and she slams the door shut.

A few minutes later.....I port back to the room and sit back down on my futon.

Gwen asks me softly "Rohanna? you trust me? I think you should this is the best place for you?"

"Gwen? Please....I do trust you...but could you just go away for a while?... honestly?"

Gwen stares at me for a moment, in her deciding "I will go... as long as you come to my room later today?"

"Yes...I will, no matter my choice."

She takes that simple answer as law from me and walks to my door "See you later!" she states to me and she goes.

I sit staring at the door, I almost want to go with her. As just being in her room....I might not have to face the choice I have to make soon. As I turn to look at the floor it can answer my questions. I just start talking this over....."I want to stay....but it scares me....What you did last night Sara. Then Gaea I love you in someway? I want to stay for Nikki and the other Sidhe...But Carson and all that human...CRAP over Boston? That might come at me and make me a prisoner?"

In all that hitting me, I slide off the bed to the floor and just plan cry it all out. Both of them just wait for me to end my crying in silence...not pushing or pulling on me with words.

I finally look up to Nikki, with tears flowing. "Aung? Someone, anyone? Please tell me what to do? I need someone to tell me what to do?"

"Rohanna...." the old queens voice comes from the teen "All those centuries of wanting Freewill. Well...sadly, this is what it is like?....You have to do this yourself. No other, can chose for you?"

I glance to Sara, tears still flowing "I don't know what to do"

She suddenly pulls me close and gives me a kiss "Well there's a start right there!"

"I don't know if it's enough anymore?"

"Well if that did not convince you? then lets go down to my room and you can talk to daddy! His word will show you I mean this!"

"I.....I.....can't go down there! That is where" She puts a finger to my lips.

"I know it scares you...Ask your Pixie companion about what was said, while you where unconscious?"

"Violet? what is this?" I ask her as she pears down at me from her shelf.

She glides down to me, lands on my leg and looks up to me. "Rohanna? Her father made promises to never hurt you...before he healed you....remember?"

I nod back to her..."Barely I was is so much pain....I wanted to....." I start to cry.

"That's done now...but he made a true name promise, in front of Nikki and that Billie and what ever is in her? scares me!" Violet adds.

After I get up from the floor, I nod to Sara..."Lets go talk to your dad. I will hear him out before making my mind up?"

Sara leads the way to her room and I stay with Nikki at my side most of the way. Once at the door, Sara opens it for us and I see something as I am about to go in. A large 'dent' in the door's wood and the paint is marred by small bloody hand prints.

"This was the banging I heard while tried to kill me. It was Violet!" I turn to her sitting on my shoulder to ask "This was you?"

She nods back "Yes...the was too thick. I could not get to you and save you." she starts to cry.

"No little one. It's not your fault this happening."

My now mad gaze turns to Sara again "Your not going to fix this...or paint it!...EVER! Leave it as a small reminder."

Sara nods her agreement to me and I ask Violet "Please wait for me out here. I still don't want you in there?"

"I will wait...but you had better come out, as good as you went in!" she growls at Sara.

After we all get into the room, Sara offers me a seat on the bed. But I find I am too sacred of it and what happened on it, to even be near it for now. So, I take one of the large chairs she has there instead.

Almost immediately after she closed the door, she activated the magic rune carved into the floor and started to call her dad.

As a dark hole in space forms on the far wall, I get very uneasy about this. In most of my years, seeing this type of magic lead to a large fight! I have to keep part of myself in check as that instinct to fight, sets in.

A tall man walks out of the hole, all dressed in white. As he comes in, he goes to hug Sara first and asks her "How is my pumpkin?"

"Good know why I called you. Rohanna has trouble believing me....that I am sorry for last night?"

"Yes I know. We have to convince her to believe you, as well stay in the school."

He lets go of that hug on his daughter, to turn to me. "Rohanna? Please stand. I want to talk to you as an equal and having you sitting like a child, is not what I want as we talk."

I stand up at his request...but not too close! He goes to touch my head and I pull away instantly from his hand.

"Rohanna I will not hurt you? I just want to see what is bothering you?"

I shake my head a little at the request.

"So, you still have no trust....even in me. I will say it again in hopes you will let me help you? my true name, will not harm you or influence your will. Now is that enough?"

In my reluctance I gaze at Nikki and all she dose to me is wink... a wink that tells me she has 'my back'. I look back to Gothmog and sigh "Go what you will?"

As he touches me, I feel the lightest brush of his presence in my mind and he seems to go over everything he finds in there.

After he is done, he steps back from me "Humm just what I thought. All of this has left you very unbalanced indeed. I bet you're even finding that recharging with essence is difficult?"

I nod back to him "Yes I am?"

"Well we can't have that? But this is something I can not fix...not physically? This is all in your mind, you have to want to trust Sara and me again?"

"I don't know?"

"I know its hard. You have even begun to break your our word? That shows how out of balance you are. And I am sure that Aunghadhail will agree, a Drow of your type...doing that? It shows you are losing the fight with it will drive you insane and having a insane yourself running about is a bad idea at best!"

"I rather be nuts...than be dead and where she showed me!" I yell, as I point at Sara.

"You have nothing to fear from me ever? You saved my daughter and You saved my grandchild! You have my debt forever! You threw your life in front of two of Mine? Self-sacrifice like that....not going unrewarded? Than add to all this? You're supposed to be the kind of elf, that seeks out and tries to kill mine? I don't understand you, it makes no sense at all. And yes, I see something in you that my daughter has seen in you and I don't understand it myself?"

I shake my head at Gothmog "Honestly I don't understand myself ? It's like we are both moths attracted each other's flames, to burn each other out. But I'm still thinking of leaving the school"

"You can't leave the school? You've have things to do here, you have to learn, you have to teach others. Even I can see that greatness is laid out before you. I may not be able to predict the future? But even I, can see something that is great in front of you, even if you can't!"

He walks around the room and looks at me "What bargain can my daughter make that will earn your trust back? It is obvious to a demon of love and lust. That I can see, that it is not just lust that draws you to my daughter. It's a deep love, I don't know how it got there. But it's there and she has it to. Then by it's looks, it even rivals the one she has for her Donna."

I just stare at the floor as he talks. then he stops to lift up my face, to look in his "I know that a Swear is a minor thing, compared to the damages that have been done. Will that help you?"

"I just don't know? There's so much.....I feel that wound is very deep now. I don't have much room for trust, it will take a long time to rebuild that trust again?"

He walks away from me very deep in thought and stops to ask me "What if I gave you.....Sara's true name. Would that earn your trust?"

Sara leaps to her feet and Shouts "WHAT....DADDY!"

After she shouts, his sudden mean gaze on her makes her wither and sit back down "Yes Daddy....what you feel is best. You know what to do. Do it anyway daddy, You said I have to patch up this bridge myself? You're just bargaining for the woodwork and the tools."

Nikki looks at me in her shock and I her. We both know what that means. All mages or practitioners of magic do! It is the first thing they teach you...protect at all costs your true name. As anyone holding it, has ultimate power over you! Even the simplest spell with that wrapped at its core....can kill that person! It will never miss!

If he gives me those few words?....I will hold forever, Sara's life in my hands.

A sigh comes from me as I think...."Gothmog? I can not take that....That is by far too much to trade. Even for what has happened to me. But the offer stands....I will not take it. It's being offering to me is plenty....I forgive her for what has happened."

Then I take those few steps to Sara and she stands up, as I wrap her in a hug. I whisper in her ear "I truly forgive happened, it was a mistake. Perhaps if I said something on another night ...when your mind was calm. This might not have happened at all?"

"No don't say that. It was all mine. When you told me about my kid to be? It called out a deep, dark, primal part of me. One I have never dealt with and before I could pull it back. You were almost gone? What I say, is not a reason....its just telling you?"

I growl at her a little, as I push her off and I warn her "If I was a regular human I would be dead right now. It took all I had to keep you from killing me. And that showed me such pain like I never felt before and the horrors! In all my years of fighting I have never been so scared...I was never that scared even when I felt my friends die, at your relatives hands in combat and they were being dragged to a hell of their making." I start to cry again as I hug her close again "But I forgive you none the less?"

"Thanks" she whispers back "I am going a gift, try and fix all the damage that Aung's sisters did to you. I have no Idea what happened? But I will see that it's fixed?"

"I...." my mind tries hard to tell her, what she needs to know to fix me....but the
Geas holds my words back and pains me as I try.

Sara hugs me tighter "I can feel you trying to say something? But what ever that is? It's holding you back?"

I try and nod as hard as I can..... I finally get one off, just the one and it pained me for that one...

"I felt that....I will help as best I can?" she loosens her grip on me to look at me better in the face "Remember your not a tool of war here, a saved lives!"

"Yes I saved three lives. Yours, Donna's and mine."

"No" Gothmog corrects me "You saved four! You must include that grandbaby of mine!" he laughs a little.

"Yes, but I had to kill four to do it?" I say a little dejected.

"NO" he barks a little at me and looks down at me in judgment "You did not kill OR murder them! They committed suicide by choosing to fight against you....never forget, they started this! You would have seen them coming if you were not enjoying yourself and my daughters company."

"Yes...that's true" I say then Sara pulls me to sit on the bed with her.

"Well, I feel that we are done? I will leave, so as not to influence you all more" then Gothmog takes those few steps to me and leans down to me.

I lean back from him in some fright, as I ask "Your not trying to give me a Demon mark, as one of your own? Are you?"

"Why yes...I feel you are family now? Is this not right?"

A low growl comes from me "You mark me and I'll kill myself instantly on the spot. I guarantee it!"

He steps back from my warning, as he asks "Why Rohanna?"

"I fought your kind for so long and so many of my friends and family died. Even though we all maybe friends in all this right now. Me being marked by one of you, would be just spiting on all that! I can't have that. Not right now anyway? Maybe some other day? But this is just too early to even be thinking about that?"

"I can understand your decision, with your history and ours, with it's deep wounds all along it. You made a wise choice in the decision, just remember? This offer is always there and it always be offered. Even though that mark, doesn't exist physically, it's there already! I will always keep an eye on you, as best as I can."

He nods a salute to me and gives me a hug of death its so deep "I have to be going...Good day all." and he walks back into the dark gate on the wall and it fades.

Sara just stares at the spot for a minute and it opens again. Once open only a small part, out flies a small golden box. She gives a small nod to the dark hole and it vanishes.

"Here!" she says to me, as she hands me that box "That is a necklace that will let you call my dad anytime or ....near anyplace, that you want to? It is like a step down and a bit sideways from a 'mark' connects you to us and keeps others from hurting you?"

"Thanks!" I say, as I put it on. As I note its looks, I find that it looks a lot like Sara's personal 'mark'....but just a bit different?

"So what now?" Nikki asks us.

"I am so sleepy....I need a bed soon." I yawn.

"You can sleep here?" Sara asks.

"Ahhh no...I may trust you? But for today I want my bed?"

"Well I am off...I have team stuff to get done!" Nikki sings out, then goes to the door and leaves us alone.

Before she goes, I ask her "Nikki tell Gwen I am staying. But I am so tired from all this, I am off to I just know she will talk my ears off!"

She nods to me and is gone.

After I stare at the floor for sometime ....thinking, a loud yawn comes from me. Yawning is something I really don't do? So this is showing me, I am truly tired and in great need of sleep.

"I am off to bed!" I stand, to stretch and then add a final yawn again.

"Want some company?" Sara purrs to me.

"Okay...but I need sleep...truly! Not 'fun'? So if you come with me? You understand that?"

"Ohh yes! That is fine by me!"

I climb up the stairs to my room and as I go in Sara kicks some of my stuff out of the way that I tossed "I will help you clean that up tomorrow?"

"Fine" I say, as my clothes get stripped off by my tried hands. Then I slip off and kick my shoes over to my desk, where all of mine are under it.

As my clothes get tossed into my dirty clothes basket, Sara pulls out my bed and grabs a sheet off my shelf. I lay on it, as she gets done and I roll over the bed to the wall facing it. A few heavy breaths...and I am out. Sara tosses a sheet on top of me and gets ready herself.

As Sara gets ready, she notices Violet sitting on the shelf over my bed. Then it dawns on her "Ohhh ya your pillow! Let me get that!"

After she grabs my pack, that its in and retrieves it. She places it on the shelf for her "There ya go little one! All set!" she says, as she fluffs it a little.

Violet just eyeballs her meanly and then puts her two fingers in a 'V' pointing at her face then at Sara "I am watching you! You may have Rohanna's forgiveness? I have not given MINE!"

"Hey she forgave me? Why not you?"

"I am the one who watches over her....The first Drow here in thousands of years. AND on my watch....she got hurt by YOU! That has stained my honor! I can't go after you...But I will watch you, none the less!"

Sara giggles at Violet "So little one...Your watching me?"

"I am not alone?" and Violet points to the window.

Sara gazes to the window and to her shock, sees at least two dozen tiny eyes looking back at her. Then several more pop up and they are nearer to human in size. After she notices them.....they fade away like Magic.

"So? You do have friends? I don't know what were the larger creatures out there....and I am sure you will not tell me? But I am glad you watch over Rohanna! As she is very special...not to just me...But others?

I hope that someday, soon you will forgive me? But for tonight? I am not even going to ask...As I know what I did, hurt had to hear me that!" For a few minutes Sara just sits and cries.

Violet, goes to sit on her pillow and watches.....and takes out her new spear. To begin sharpening it, with long slow deliberate stokes....she wants to be sure its sharp this time!


Sara finally ends her tears and slides on the beds sheets and nearer her Drow love. As she does, she notices Rohanna beginning to twitch and toss in her sleep.

"Ohhh Rohanna, my love. Will that tortured mind of yours ever let you rest? Let me see if I can help you at least this one night?"

She lays and snuggles close to her friend and reaches out into her mind. This time, unlike the other times she tried this. She finds Rohanna's mental shields are down?... 'it must be because she is so tired and like daddy said... unbalanced?'

As Sara pushes in, she finds this dream is a deep one of Rohanna's and it pulls her into it. The force of the draw from it, comes from her minds very center. Sara now finds out, she is fully wrapped into and can not pull free of it! Now she 'has' to experience the whole dream or memory.

The first things Sara sees and experiences from her friends viewpoint is. Rohanna just finishing up washing her face and looking into the still waters as she does. Sara notes that the face looks as much as it does now, just ever so slightly older.

After she is done washing and cleaning herself up. Rohanna stands up from the wells edge and walks off as she dries her hair. Sara hears mental singing coming from Rohanna, a beautiful song in Drow and she understands the words of course? she is Rohanna now!

As she walks back toward the main encampment. The song grows in its melody, telling of children, mothers and life. Two other voices join in the song in chorus, both of them female and they sound the same to her. The song grows and seems to please Rohanna as it goes along in it's tune of life.

Her journey continues into a large camp of many hundreds of other Drows, this camp is very complete, with large tents for sleeping and by the smells food, it also has large kitchens. Her gaze turns toward a group of Drows that seem to be waiting for something to do? Each sits at its cot still and unmoving statues.

This act hits Sara as strange, till Rohanna sulks a bit and thinks about it....Sara can overhear the thoughts. "Soon we go back to the fight....I hope I have freewill this time....unlike them?"

Sara can see it now! "Those Drow, they look and act like robots waiting for wonder Rohanna never talks about this time of her life, if she can?" are her thoughts on this.

Rohanna's thoughts on this, stopped the beautiful chorus and Sara can feel fear coming from her? But its not her's or Rohanna's?

She then pats her large belly and says out "There...there my loves...Mommy will ...try...not let that happen to you?" and Rohanna tries desperately to hide that sadness..that it will happen 'no matter what she does'....someday from them.

Even that hesitation showed in her words, she tried to say 'mommy will not let that happen. BUT her Geas, for never lying, it made her stop and add the one little word....try... One word that had, so much sadness wrapped in it.

"Ohhh shit!" Sara thinks "This is when Rohanna had kids! No wonder she was tossing in her sleep!"

The next thing Rohanna does, is walk into a large tent and goes to lay on her side on a small cot. After she lays there for near an hour, deep into that song of children and life, one of her company mates brings her a plate of food "Hey I have extra rations for you and those kids!" she sings at the mother to be.

"You should not do that? You might get in trouble?" she whispered back.

"Nope....the healer ordered it. So I had permission! Eat up!" she adds.

After she is done eating, she sits on the cots edge and sings again with the children. But this time, Sara can hear in her mind, the song is carried in parts by the other Drow all around her....they all join in the harmony of it.

With this small act of singing, Sara now knows why Rohanna is bothered at times. She is lonely, she has never not had a large group of fellow Drow around her. Then add the thoughts from them in her head, that chatting and feeling of emotions with her all day!

As the day goes on Rohanna sits with her smaller unit and Sara can see that bond they all have. One that is far past even family, these Drow would fight and die for one another.....and have many times!

Toward nights fall, a smaller elf enters the tent and comes over to Rohanna. Who is sitting and taking a meal with her small unit. As the smaller elf walks over, Sara can feel that. This one elf is barely tolerated, that there is a DEEP hate of other elves coming from Rohanna and the group.

The elf girl, nods at them all as she sits and then asks Rohanna "Well how is my mother to be?" she asks while she feels on the bulge of her belly.

"I am fine ....or feel so? What does our healer say?"

"Well, what I feel is your just great and so are the girls! But your only a day or two from birth?"

"Did you ask the captain, if I can be pardoned from this mission? As they did promise me this, when I was asked to have children. I was told, I would go to the academy during my last month!" she asked with anger and worry both in her voice.

The healer looks down at the floor of the tent, deep in her apparent sadness "I asked and all he said was 'go away with this...she is needed!' and that was all?"

"I have to try myself then? I have to ask for a day or two? That will guarantee the children a place?"

"No that is not a good idea? He may punish you!" the small elf healer warns.

One of the other Drow sitting there in Rohanna's small group, she says the same thing. Almost word for word!

"I have to...its my only choice?"

Rohanna gets to her feet and walks at a quick pace out of the tent and seeks out her captain.....a elf, a royal one at that it seems. Within a few minutes, she finds him exactly where he should be. In the command tent with the other leaders and they are going over a floating 3D magical map of the battle to come. As they talk, the markers for units move around the map and the small battle plays out.

Her first thought, is to kill the entire tent and she knows she can do it! But the Geas stops her from acting.....Sara feels that burning hate, being smothered by what ever binds Rohanna.

She walks up to him, stops to bow and takes a knee in submission. Her wait for him to notice her, is short this time.

"What do you want Team leader Shadowsblade?" he asks a little mad at her presence.

"I request my captain, that I wait out this fight for my child's birth. As its just hours away and it will effect my ability to function honorably?"

"No you are to valuable in this fight....your teams ability to function will be marred by your absence!"

"My captain? I Beg...please? I was told I was to be back at the Academy by now? I was told to do this and I was to be given time for it?" she begs him, near in tears.

"I said no. You know that orders change? AND they have changed! That is all there is to it! Your far too critical to this action, for your transportation skills and archery! So get back with your team and get ready. The battle will start in a few hours."

Rohanna walks a little closer to him "But captain? I will have these children any hour now?"

"It does not matter" he barks back "the mission matters! You know that! go back to your team!"

"But captain...I will not be One hundred percent effective?" she plead and begs, almost in tears.

He glares at her and all can see his rage growing "I command you to do exactly what you've been told! Obey the commands that you've been given, the mission goals are all your to seek! No matter what! Be it, you have to throw your life down or other lives to accomplish that goal! OBEY the command that you been given!"

Sara then feels something, she has never felt...and does not want to feel ever again. She feels Rohanna's Freewill being SHOVED into a deep corner of her mind and being locked away. It screams out in vain! Then shakes in terror once it has done so many times!

Her body goes rock solid straight and barks out "By your command and will be done or my death!" then walks away.....internally screaming all the time.

Within a few minutes, Rohanna strides into her tent, sits on her cot and waits. The other Drow within her vision, all sigh and start to cry. They don't cry for themselves ....but her.

The singing in her mind, that Sara overheard...stops. Now she can feel what Rohanna does...but can't act on. Both children banging a dark wall of their mothers mind, unable to talk to her on the other side of that command.

As she sits and waits...unmoving. Almost every fellow Drow in camp, pulls out a leather bound book and starts reading it. All during that time, Sara can hear a near 'buzz' in Rohanna's mind of the other Drow talking the book over.

'we have to find a way to break this tonight...for the kids!' seems to be the common theme of the chatter.

Near dawns light, a drum rolls its sound through the camp and all the Drow spring to their feet and meet in large groups of fifty or so?

They all listen to one last order barked at them...then get into a large circle of fifty, facing out, with Two Drow at its center. Rohanna is one of these in the center of the formation.

At the rolling sound of yet another drum. Rohanna reaches out with her teleport power, to the place they are all going to. And with a 'pop' they are there! The fighting starts, as the circle of Drow run off in every direction.

Sara watches from Rohanna's mind the fight spill outward, as she jumps straight up near one hundred feet and lands on a branch. Her bow comes out in one smooth motion, then she sees her targets via the other Drow's eyes and lets lose arrows at each target.

Those targets, are creatures that Sara has never seen...even the memories her dad gave her have nothing like them in it?

She is just amazed how quick they all fight. Not a word is said amongst them, all that happens is a word or a phase mentally and maybe a vision thru others eyes. Then the target dies, or the needed help comes fast!

After a few jumps to better spots, a pain fills Rohanna....the children are coming! She tries to fight it all off, but can't and the Geas via her book is not letting her stop the fight!

On one jump, the pain hits her so badly, she falls to the forest floor and this birth is happening now. Geas, orders or not! As it happens over about an hour, the other Drow keep every living thing from even getting near her.

When she is done, she stands and it takes all her will to fight that Geas to wrap the children....twin girls. In one of her armor sets, she stands hoping it may keep them safe? But she knows...the creatures they fight today? They will find them before she gets back!

As she is done, she starts to climb the tree fast and looks down at the place where she hid them. Then she grabs onto the mental 'wires' of the mother--child connection they have. Takes a deep breath and a sigh. AND yanks them free at the mental screams of her combat mates....all saying NO! She had to do this, to save her mind ....from them dieing soon, at the hands of some foul creature of this battlefield.

Those mental 'wires'...they bond a mother an child like none other and can never be 'fixed'... It took all the will she had, to do it. After the deed is done, a primal scream comes from her, that silences the whole forest and the other Drow join in it.

She jumps into the fight with wild abandon and tries very hard, to throw her life away. The other Drow all about her, go mad...blood rage fills them all and they are drunk with murder on their minds.

The only thing that saves Rohanna and the others of her unit. Is the Geas, it fights them at every step, it keeps them from acting foolhardy enough to get killed. Then add their combined skills in combat, that have been sharpened with thousands of years of use!

Sara watches on, via Rohanna's eyes the battle unfold. Before that birthing, the Drow fought well. But now? They fight like madmen and the wholesale carnage that they leave in their wake! Nothing is alive! They are killing everything! This even scares Sara to watch, these three hundred Drow in action.

The fight dies down toward the falling light. It is sure that it only lasted this long, because the now crazy Drow fought with such madness, most of the enemy.... ran!

Now Rohanna goes back to the place, where she left the two children at and finds it empty. The inhuman howl of pain that comes from her...hurts Sara to the core of her being. As it fades into the silence of the forest, the rest of the Drow join in the renewed screaming.


Tuesday February 20 6:15 am
Whateley Academy - Poe cottage

Sara joins that scream in real life and falls out of Rohanna's bed with a thud!

She hits the floor all bunched up in that sheet and screams at the skies above "WHY!" as she starts to hug herself.

That woke me up! and I roll over in the bed to see Sara on the floor, all tangled up in my bed sheet screaming. "Well? What happened to you?" I ask her.

She stands up like a shot and pulls me almost off the bed...then shouts into my face "What happened?"

"What was that? What in the heck are you talking about?" I ask her, in my growing confusion at her.

"I tapped into your mind, to keep the bad dreams....the nightmares from waking you up!"

I think about it some, then look into my mind a little and find nothing wrong with it? But? No? I have been asleep for six! Over eight hours! That never happens! I rarely get an hours sleep, if I am lucky!

I stand up to help her and I hold on to her as best I can. Sara is weeping badly and sobbing. I ask "What is the matter?"

"I pulled one of your dreams or memories out of your head and I am now stuck reliving it....every second...over and over!"

I look away from her to think on what she did to me? I run through most of my memories and I can't tell what's missing...I can't tell its gone? Or what's gone?

I glance back to her "I have no clue what you're talking about?"

As she stands there....crying to no end and I can't seem to help? I grab my shower caddy, to get ready for the day and grab my robe at the same time.

She sits down on the beds edge, while I grab my things...then sees that I am leaving and jumps at me "Where are you going?"

"I am going to get showered up? If you want to join me?" I wink and hope that a little 'play' will help her mood?

"No Tell me what happened!" she cries again at me. While she shakes me by my shoulders.

"I have no idea...what happened? You have to tell me something? I don't know what your talking about? I am drawing a blank here?" I question her, as I am now getting concerned for her mental state.

"Its the fight, where you had the kids and they where born!"

Now with that clue, I can find the empty spot! I can see what happened before it and after....but not during it? There is nothing....she took it all from me!

"Ohh that one!" it dawns on me....then I get mean and a little happy "How long can you hold that from me?"

"I can force it to stay with me, for a few days at best?"

"Well then you hold on to that one! Your welcome to it. And have fun with it! I am almost sure it's one of the worst one's that I have!" I start to go to the door "Actually I can't think of one that is worse! Good luck with that will learn to like it!"

She grabs me from the door, as I am about to exit it and starts shaking me real bad. Bad enough, that Violet stands up and is about to take off at her in my defense "I have got to know what happened to the kids?" Sara shouts at me.

I get close to her and say softly "I don't know?" and shake my head and think a little on what could have been. Being a mother of two.

"YOUR KIDDING! You don't know?" then Sara realizes the stark horror of that thought "You really did not know what happened to them...did you? You never saw them again!......Did they live?"

"Yes they did live, that is the only thing I am sure of" I whisper as, I turn to leave again.

She stops me with a hand on my shoulder "Well what happened?" she gasps out.

"That healer? You probably saw, was following me to make sure I wouldn't fall in battle, with that burden. After they where born and I was gone, she picked them up and saved them. That's all I heard of or was told?"

I twist to her and my eyes are shining bright red again.....I'm angry "Now you know why don't like Aunghadhail! Because of her command structure and the people she picked, that happened to me and them!"

The look of shock covers her face as she cries to me "No wonder you hate her so much! No wonder you tried to kill her!......I feel like trying to kill her right now!"

"You might want to hold on to that anger....for a moment? You might go run down the hallway and do it!"

I watch as Sara 'leans' to the door, I can see that she is fighting it...that urge to I do each day! My hand goes to her chest and I push her gently to my bed "Sit down and calm you tell me to do all the time?" I giggle at her.

I go to hold her and lend her some of my strength. As I do, I think then ask "So you have that dream of mine in you?"

"Yes!...I will hold on to it for a few days for you, as long as I can. To save you from it!"

My head shakes to her "No, let it come back to me....It's part of me. What I am. The longer it's gone, the more painful it will be when it does come back?"

She shakes her head to me..."Please, let it slide back into me. To torture me again and again, like it normally does" I mumble to her.

"Why haven't you meditated that one away?"

"That's one of the few, that just doesn't want to leave?" I glance to her, as I sit there "It's fresh as the day it happened, as it was thousands years ago?"

As I get back to standing. She asks once more "What happened to the kids? Do you know anything, that happened to them?"

I glance over my shoulder to her as I walk out the door "I am sure I felt one of them fall in battle....about two thousand or three later on? I felt that at the edge of my essence or soul...her slipping away? I always felt all those years, TWO! something's at the very far edge...the edge of my being. I felt that one die, I am almost sure? The other? just stopped?" I Say more than confused, at that feeling I had so long ago "It did not die? It just stopped? Like someone...cut it away, I never could figure that out?"

I look to Violet, sitting on my shelf and her pillow "Violet? please stay, I am off to shower" I get a small nod from her.

Then I walk out the door and let Sara 'stew' in the horror that once was my life. As Violet watches her for me.


After a slow walk down the hallway, I note when I enter the bathroom this time. Near no one is up yet? So, I drop off my shower caddy into a stall and disrobe.

As I stand there for several minutes, the water washes over me and I think. 'Sara made a mistake the other night and she is very sorry for that. I have to stop worrying over the past and let life go on?

But one thing I have noticed about myself, is that the human part of me is disappearing way too fast! That fight in Boston, seems to have shoved it farther away from the 'core' me. That I am not so sure of?'

I start to relax...then that memory Sara took or barrowed. It bores into my head with force and makes its presence known. As I remember that day....I start to sob a bit, then I pull all that back and get out of the shower.

My hands weave a quick dry spell as I get out of the shower and grab my robe. Then I get over to a sink, as I see some of the other girls come into the room.

Bugs is the first one to spot me and rushes to give me a hug. "Hey you? I thought you were in Doyle?"

"Yep. I got better?"

"You have had a rough few days? But its all over and the world moves on! See ya at breakfast!" she sings and gets to work on her shower.

"Thanks! I will" I go back to brushing out this hair of mine and note once again Bugs just plays dumb, she knew not to ask 'to talk about it'....bright girl that one!

As I walk out of the bathroom I bump into a new girl that was walking in. "Hey there? What are you?" she asks.

I can feel her eyes rolling all over me, she finds me attractive...strange? Then I do my regular run down for threats, as I see them. No fighting skill, by her stance. No weapons and then her looks. She is of normal height and size. But is all white in her skin, then hair and has mine a bit!

"Me, I am a Drow." I say flatly "the name is Rohanna and yours?" I ask as the manners kick in.

She giggles at me "A cow?"

I sigh "No Drow ....D...R..O...W. Drow!"

"Okay? so your an elf? Like that redhead?"

"No...We are Sidhe, not elves. Elves are lots smaller and that redhead is Nikki."

"Che? like the Cuban guy on t-shirts?"

I sigh again "No Sidhe....S...I...D...H...E."

"Drooo funny name, you got there elf chick!"

"Rohanna. Is the correct name...please."

"What ever elfy..."

"Fine I hiss" and I start to walk off , as I do... I say out to her "You're one of three things by how you talk to other's. AND by your lack of manners."

I stop and glance to her, as she arches her eyebrows to me. "You're either an idiot, An Asshole or finally, both? My money is on both!"

"You want to back that attitude!"

"I can...but I have done enough damage this week. Maybe later?"

"Humm I think I have seen you somewhere?" she questions me and gets a little mad.

"I think not, as this is the first time I have seen you? AND you are?"

"VAMP! or Alex!" she barked at me, as I felt a little wisp of a lust aura or
something just like it come at me.

Not phased by her rage, I keep walking to my door "Nice to meet you Alex...have a good day? AND the aura of yours.....good try?" I whisper at her, with a giggle at the end.

She turned back toward the Bathroom door to go on about her morning chores, then stopped and spun in my direction as she remembers "You're that Dark elf, that wasted those four guys Saturday in Boston!" her eyes bugged out, from the thoughts.

As I enter into my room, show her a grin of fangs back down the hallway..."Yep!"

After I get into my room, I see that Sara is still there and a bit shook up. As she is sitting on my bed and still undressed.

"Sara? if you want something to do with that bed of mine? I want breakfast first!" I jest her.

She smiles up at me "I can do that! Or do that to you?" she sasses back.

"I just want you to know and understand. I spent all night and some of that shower time thinking?" she nods to me expectantly.

"We are all good again, what happened and its the past. Let's just forget it and move on! As life is short...well sort a kind of?"

She jumps at me, gives me a hug and lays a killer kiss on me. "I am off to get cleaned up! Meet you where?"

"How about out front? I want to be outside a bit and loosen up. Then I heard that Nikki and Chou workout with blades in the mornings?"

"They do just that, on most mornings! See you in a few!" and she covers up, then runs out my door.

After she is gone I get dressed in jeans and a workout top. I wave Violet over to me, she sits in her now normal spot and with a nod from her, I walk outside to the entrance of Poe.

Out on the steps, I stand for a few minutes and breath in that fresh air. After last nights great sleep, via Sara and her small tampering I feel great!

Just off a few dozen yards, I see Chou, Nikki and a new girl running through some Sword forms out on a cleared flat part of the grass. That earns a smile from me and I am off to go watch them.

As I walk up to their group, I can see that Chou is the leader, by how she is moving and note that Nikki has taken some of her human moves to heart, but still looks like a good student to me. If she wants me to? I can help her allot!

As they flow from one form to the next, I watch intently and then close my eyes to watch them via the flow of nature...their steps on the grass, the moves through the air, and I listen to them move.

I sense that Nikki does not know, that she is holding back or wants to hold back some of her moves. After a good time of studying Chou, I can tell she is an expert. The other girl is very good in her own right.

Chou stops the girls, from the next section of their moves and waves to me "Come on, join us Ro?"

I run over at a fast pace and ask her "Are you sure?"

"Yep, pick a spot and join in and follow as you can?"

"Bel'la dos killian jabbress" and I jump to a spot, to join in.

"What?" Chou questions my phrase.

Then Aung's voice comes out of Nikki, with a small laugh "She said 'Thank you Sword mistress' and that coming from her is quite a compliment!"

"Well then...welcome Rohanna and lets start!"

Chou goes into her run through of forms and I watch. As she goes, I start into the flow and follow on. We all follow on Chou's lead forms and flow for several minutes. Then at its end, she stops and watches us all finish up the moves that she just showed us.

"So Rohanna? Does this form of practice look like anything you use?"

"No, not really? We Sidhe, we bend differently, so this is way off from our styles?"

"Humm maybe you can show us?"

"Okay, but lets use Nikki? So she can learn something?"

"Cool!" Nikki beams "I would like that!"

Since I am taller than Nikki, I go to stand behind her, grasp each of her hands and guide her through the moves. She feels what I am doing and goes along.

At on point, she resists me and I stop to tell her "Please stay with me? I know Chou's moves stop at this point, but you can flex farther! me?"

She does the form with me guiding her and as she mirrors my moves "Well now, feel that move is stronger now? You flex farther and gather more strength?"

"Wow your right, me moving like this will make that blow harder and faster!"

I stand a pace back from her then, stand next to her "Now follow me?"

As I go into my forms slowly, she follows along. After some practice, I can see she is understanding the difference. Then I show her five more forms and moves.

I watch on as Nikki goes through them all. In habit, my 'teaching baton' comes out and I use it to correct her moves. Her excellent memory is helping her greatly! Then it hits me! "Nikki? is Aung helping you?"

"Ya a bit?" Nikki says.

"Aung...please stop? She needs to learn this without you?"

"Yes are correct!" she then stops her moves and glances at me "Can I see that baton of yours Rohanna?" Aung's more regal sounding voice asks me.

After I hand it to her, she looks it over and then looks up to me "You taught royals? That is what this baton says to me via its markings?" She shows it to Chou "See this here?"

Chou nods back, as she studies the baton in Nikki's hands "That mark there is the Royals mark for instructors. It tells others, that the holder can....during training, discipline one of my stature."

"Yep...even though I am a Drow and a slave in some ways. I was very good at my job?"

"Slave?....Really?" Nikki asks me, with more than a little surprise showing in her voice.

"Yes that is what a Queen at that time did? It was normal for her to have others serve her?"

"Well I am not doing that!" she exclaims to me.

"Good!....I certainly hope...that you don't go down that old path in the centuries to come? But lets get back to the practicing? Shall we?"

With my urging, Nikki happily goes back to the training forms I showed her and I show her even more. As I see mistakes or need of improvement, I use the baton to guide her body with a touch or a push of it.

Chou watches it all intently, to add as we finish up "I can see what you mean? I would have never showed her those moves....I can never bend like that?"

"Yes, with a little more time, I can get Nikki up to a master! As I can see that she has it in her."

"How about a spar...Rohanna?" Chou asks me.

"It would be my pleasure!"

With a wave from me, Nikki moves and opens the area to us to use.

"Full speed?" I ask.

Chou nods her approval to me "Well Nikki? Call it please?"

Nikki yells out "READY...BEGIN!"

Chou, starts off with a spinning thrust at me, I block that move and flow into a round cut of my blade at her.

She blocks that, then comes across my blade to try and sneak up the blade.

My speed stops that move...'she is good!' is a thought from me.

I counter with a up cut and she has to move back from the blow. Then I thrust fast at her and drive her back.

She does a spinning leap at me in a circle. To an outsider, she looks like a bladed spinning top. I slice under it and make her move back again, but the counter that she delivers...stops me cold!

After a few more moves on both our parts....we stop and bow to one another.

"You are good....very good!" I exclaim to her.

"So are you...your speed is my undoing. In a long match, I bet I would have to call the Tao to win?"

"Yes I am sure that would help and almost certainly kill me?....unless I did this?" And I port behind her, with my blade at her back.

"Ohh ya that would hurt!" she laughs "But the Tao may see it coming?"

"It might...lets not find out!" I join with her laughing.

As we both step toward the entrance of Poe and the rest of our group on its steps "I am Rohanna" I introduce myself to the other girl "I would have asked your name earlier, but to interrupt the teacher is not good manners?"

"I'm Boudacia or Erin? I just practice with the group? So are you going to be joining us more?"

"I don't see why not? Unless someone does not want me too?"

Both Chou and Nikki shake their heads to me. Then Chou adds "It would be great! You have skills I don't and I know we can show each other our talents!"

"Cool! That's fine with me....But food calls. As I see Sara is waiting at the door!" I smile to her, as Sara exits Poe.

I am about to go to the door when "Rohanna?" Nikki's voice stops me, I can tell its Aunghadhail asking me.

"Your baton, it had marking for archery on it too? Can I see your bow?"

"Sure?" and I pull out my bow for her.

The one I chose, from the few I still have is near my best. It is layered wood with metal bands within the layers and all held together by a wrapping of metal at key parts. Then add a few strips of gems at certain parts along the middle.

"Ohh this?"

"Yep hearts wood...from one of the main off shoots of the 'Wood'...then the banding is Mithril and some other metals, that I will not talk about?"

"This bow here, tells me you were not joking about your best skill being archery!"

"Yep if I lost that can't be replaced?"

"Show us! please!"

"What target...I need a challenge?"

"Ohhh I know...the hilltop behind Poe. You can just see it from here?" Gwen yelps, as she joins us on the stoop.

"Show me?"

Gwen runs off a few yards from me and points "There... " she turns back to me with a grin "there is a old dead tree up there! Hit that?"

"Fine, Can you Nikki? Go put a smaller target on it for me? As that is huge! AND no challenge to hit?"

"Yep!" she sings and then Gwen tears out a sheet of paper for a target from her notebook. She jumps to Nikki's side and smiles. Nikki gates with her up there to place it.

Within a minute they are done and back to us.

"Well there ya go! I put it up and it has five circles on it?" Gwen informs me.

"Yes I can see!"

Erin questions me "You can't see that? No way?"

I growl a bit at her "I can...ask Sara and Nikki!"

Sara chimes in "Yep she can...and please don't doubt her. She can't lie and it makes her mad to call her one?"

"Ohh sorry?"

"Thanks..." Then I study the target and pull out an arrow, slow my breath and feel the flow of the air. Then I draw, pause....and then off it flies.

"Did you hit it?" Gwen asks me.

"Go check?"

Nikki gates them both and sends back a video of the arrow on the center circle to Sara's phone. I look it over with her "Cool I like that! sending pictures that quick! Now stay and I will do my next shot?"

"You better not hit us!" Gwen tells me.

"You will be the first to know!" I jest her.

As Gwen films the tree, I ready my next shot. I do the same...but this time I never open my eyes. As I know where the target is now. After I let the arrow go, Sara shows us all the hit on the tree, two seconds later on her phone.

"Wow!" Chou yelps "That is cool."

"Stand back, I yell at the phone. After I see that they moved. I let lose five more shots in three seconds and they all hit the five circles at the same time.

Erin asks Sara "How far is that?"

"The GPS says its 6,200 feet?"

"Its a bit off...that GPS thing? Its 6,322 feet and seven inches, from where I stand" I correct the phone.

"How do you get all the arrows to hit the target, at the same time?" Erin asks.

"A little more loft and string pull. Then they leave here at different speeds and heights to hit there at the same time?"

"Okay? but can you do anything else?"

"This!...stand WAY back Nikki! About forty feet!"

After I see them move back that far and a bit more! I charge a spell into the arrow and let it fly. When it hits, the WHOLE tree disappears with a blast. Via a Levin bolt, I wrapped the arrow with.

A minute later, Nikki gates back to us and I watch as Gwen dusts the tree leftovers off herself "You gotta warn a person.....when you do that!" she screeches at me.

"Sorry?" I try to say with a straight face....but can't!

Gwen just gives me the stare of death! As I laugh at her dilemma. Chou breaks the laughter with a Question to us all "So are we going to eat or what?"

"YES! I am famished!" I yell.


Tuesday February 20 8:35 am
Whateley Academy - Crystal Hall

After the group all gets over to crystal and grabs its breakfast. We are all sitting in Crystal enjoying the meal and the chatter. I am listening to Chou talk about her class that deals with just blades and such, I am certainly thinking of taking that one!

A grab from Gwen on my shoulder gets my attention and she is pointing at the entrance door below us...very excited! "HEY there is Jobe! The elf in the lab coat! Rohanna...go mess with him or her?"

I jump up from my seat and see what Gwen is pointing at. A girl in a lab coat. Obviously an elf, with slate black skin, white hair and sapphire blue eyes.

A great big grin covers my face and an evil laugh comes from me. Just as I port over to her, Sara yelps at me "Don't kill her!....well, not here anyway?" she finally grins.

My port ends with me standing in her path and her head is turned talking to someone? So she bumps into me in I was not there a second ago!

"Hey!" she yelps in surprise, then glares at me "Your that new dark elf I heard about!"

"That would be me...and its DROW!" My voice growls at her "You should know that and the names Rohanna!"

For a few seconds, we both stand there studying each other intently. I am the first to act, I grab her bag from her hand and toss it to the nearest table. As I eye her "Lets look this.....change of yours over ..shall we?" I state.

After I toss the bag, she tries to take a swipe at me in anger and I stop that move easily. With my left hand, grabbing that right wrist as it tries to strike me. I glare in her face "Don't make me hurt you? I am just looking. A person of science like yourself, should want to 'look' also?"

After I say that, she calms down a bit. But my practiced eye notes her fingers and the clawed nails on them. Then I give her a small shove to the pillar behind her and pin her to it.

Since her hands grabbed my attention first, I pull that right one closer to my face and study it. Jobe...just seems to be entranced at my presence fully and is going with me.

As I study the hand and its fingers. I go to squeeze one of her fingers, to find she has venom of some sort and its stored in each ones quaint!

A drop forms on one of the tips as I squeeze it, I give the drop a sniff to see what it is? Jobe's voice stops me for a second, as she sounds concerned for me "Don't, that might kill you?" she whispers at me.

I don't even stop at her warning. I take each finger and go to suck on each one in a very suggestive manner! As I finish each one, she gasps out and starts to look more than aroused! Jobe is not even fighting me at all. I think he or now she, was truly obsessed by the idea of a Drow and became one by accident.

Then it could also be my...glamour, I am tossing at her! I do have one and I never use it, unlike Nikki does!

As I change to her other hand, to see what surprises that other hand has. I hear from behind me, a voice shout "Hey two HOT as heck, Dark elf chicks going at it! I gotta film this!"

Then, I hear another guy add to that last shout "That is so hot! I wish I was in that!"

With a gasp from her lips, I finish up that last finger with a small lick on its tip and I think over what I found. There were two nasty neurotoxins, two sleep or coma inducers and some sort of hallucinogenic poison within her small collection.

I ponder the poisons she has and figure out a way to improve them. Then I lean to her and whisper in her ear, what can improve each of the poisons I found. After I lean back away, I see the thoughts dawning on could work!

"But my toxins should have killed you?" she asks.

"Nope I am immune, I have not found anything that can even get me sick? Then add, I have memories.... of me making poisons for thousands of years!"

My hand moves gently to her chin and I tilt her head about to look it over. A finger of mine slides on her lower lip and that makes her a little mad at me "Don't struggle, lover? I let you slide on that attempted swipe of that again and I will hurt you!" I purr suggestively, with just a hint of anger.

After I move her lip down, for a quick look "Ahhh no fangs?" I smile in her face and show mine "How sad? You can't tell another REAL Drow! That you really love them....without a little nip! Now and then?"

Next, my hand still at her chin, slides up her neck to her ears and my other one joins it. She is so 'into' me, that she does not even fight anymore. Her breathing is getting heavier, as I keep pushing my glamour on her.

As both hands get near her ears, I say softly to her "Lets see if some of our Sidhe DNA really got the whole package done...honey?" my now seductive voice asks her.

Then I feel over her ear tips and start to rub on the points.. 'that should get her going!' my mind sings......... As I do, I can see that it's working, as her breathing gets even heavier and her body shakes a little in arousal.

"Hey who is taping this! I want a copy!" I hear a shout behind me.

My smooth rubbing, intensifies and she is not even there, she is fully into the sensations I am giving her. With a small move, my right hand slides to the nape of her neck "Lets see if you got the whole package...shall we?" I ask her.

All I get is a moan in reply "Okay...I will take that as a yesss" I purr to her.

A slight touch to the spot at her necks back, is all it takes and she is near to falling down. As her knees start to give out "Wow I see that it did! How nice!"

I watch her eyes roll back into her head, as I say "Those eyes of yours are such a nice bad they don't change colors like mine do? But the blue in them is nice?"

She gazes up to me again, deep in her throws of passion "Hummm almonds I smell?" I state to her

She nods to me, as she takes a deep breath.....AND I stop.

I then lean in close to her and tilt my head like I am going to kiss her....but I whisper out to her "Call yourself a Drow again...where I can hear it....and I will beat the shit out of you!" I growl to her.

And push off her and the pillar, to start strolling away.

"PLEASE finish what you started!" She pleads with me.

Her plea stops my walk. I twirl on my feet and wag my index finger at her "Tisk, tisk, you know better. Students are not to have sex with one another. It's in the rules?"

"Please I can't" she whines to me.

After I turn away, she leaps at me and touches my shoulder to stop me. I spin on her and shove her back to the post with a few steps "You want me!....You want me in your bed? Then show me like a TRUE Drow would!"

"I don't know how?" she questions me.

"Then your not a real Drow! So stop calling yourself one!" I howl at her, then I let her off the pillar and stalk off.

After I pace off a few steps, a large boy stands in my way "Hey if that girl is not enough for your lesbian tastes...maybe you should try a man?"

I walk past him a little "Tell me when you find one!" I crack at him.

"WHAT!" he howls at me "You bitch, you wouldn't even know a real man!"

As I take another step away, I jest him "That's right...never been with a 'HU-man'. I only date Drow they are more than or sad little boys in your case!" I hiss at him, with sarcasm just dripping off the words.

He grabs my arm...and I let him. I want to vent some steam and this moron is the fun way to do just that! "I will show you a man!" he shouts in my face, after he pulls me to him.

As he holds my left hand, I do a spin kick at this ribs. In mid flight, I see my mistake....he is a TK brick, like Hank. He is covered, head to toe in a telekinetic shield and my kick bounces off him. Man that hurt!

I try to spin off him and twist out of his grip. But that does not happen, his TK field must be measured in near tons. "See carpet muncher! a real man!" he adds to me.

After my kick, I can just make out Mindbird the security chick and a friend coming in the door. Got to act quick! My armor manifests on me and I flex the fingers on my right hand. A powder slips from a storage pocket in the wrist into my hand and I ready it.

"TK brick!...but still not a man!" I raise my hand to his face and with a good blow of breath out. The powder puffs into a cloud at his face. His eyes roll back into his head immediately and he lets go.

As he falls to the floor, I comically yell "TIMBER!" and he lands with a thud that shakes a few dishes.

Mindbird just gets to us both, as he hits the floor and glares down at him. Her buddy, a large guy with wolf stylings in his armor, he kneels down to the moron's side and feels for vitals.

He glares up at me, after he feels both his neck and wrist for a pulse "You killed-em?"

I giggle at him "Nope! his breathing is very shallow and his heart rate is at about....say six a minute or so? But not dead?"

"You put him in a coma?!" Mindbird asks me.

"No Dale" I tell her "He is just fine!"

After her buddy stands away from the guy. I step over to the fallen moron, up to his side and stomp hard on his 'package' with my sneaker. He snaps right awake and gulps in air in pain....Then He immediately howls out in pain, as I apply even more pressure.....for fun!

I can hear most of the guys in the room gasp in sympathy and some sigh out "OOOhh that's got to hurt!"

He stares at me unable to move or turn on that shield power of his. I glare at him on the floor "Try that again? AND" I twist my foot on him hard "these are mine! I will cut them off and use them in a horrible spell on you!.....GOT IT!"

He squeaks out "yess"

"YES WHAT?!" I demand and my foot twists again.

"YES ma'am!" his voice squeaks in a higher pitch to me.

My foot lifts off him and he rolls over "Hey what's your name by the way?" I ask pleasantly.

"Truck...." comes another squeak.

"I am Rohanna...and next time? Do try harder, if you want to date me?"

After Dale lets a small laugh slip "Rohanna? you know that the security department is going to want to talk to you?......again?"

"I will come long as....DUMP TRUCK does too! He grabbed me first!"


After a few minutes of walking and one bag of ice from Doyle. We all sit inside Sam's office. I start off the conversation with a grin "Hi Ms Everheart."

"Rohanna? When are these little encounters of yours going to stop?" Sam asks me.

"Heck if I know? They all seem to want me to....beat them?" I say with a silly grin and lift of my eyebrows.

"I might have to put you on the UV list....especially after that thing....Saturday?"

"Aww Everheart? I am trying. Please, I really don't want that scarlet letter on me?" I whine to her.

"Well, they are still talking over Boston and we will see?"

That word 'Boston' and 'Saturday' finally got through to brick boy "That was you?"

I just stare at him.

"Ohh crap...I heard about that!"

"Well" Sam interrupts him "That was something else....Lets deal with this mess?... Shall we? So, Truck you grabbed on Rohanna's arm...why?" she asks.

"She attacked me! I was defending myself!"

I jump in "NOPE" I yell, as I shake my head "I talked crap to you and you did not like the facts...That your not a man and attacked me!"

"Rohanna....keep it civil!" she barks at me.

"Fine!" I bark and sit back down in a huff.

"Well Truck? Is that true?"

"No she is lying!" he snaps at me.

Without even thinking, I jump out of my chair and one of my feet swings for his face. Sam grabs me from behind.... That move saves his face by inches.

She shoved me at my seat again "Sit and don't move!"

I stay seated in my anger.....I know, I have garnered way too much attention this week...Heck this push it!

" moron!" she shouts at him "Don't say one more word!" Sam sits on her desk's edge between us....just in case.

"Listen...Truck. Rohanna can not lie! She is physically incapable of doing it and that is a fact! So don't test her, as she will hurt you badly for questioning her honor!"

"Yes ma'am."

"So what happened?"

"I kind of asked her out. Then she riled me up and I grabbed her. Then she tried to kick me and FAILED!....dumb lesbo..." He mumbles.

Sam stops him with a stare "KEEP THAT UP and I will let her go. THEN put you on punishment over at thorn for weeks!"

He hisses back "Yes ma'am."

"So go on and leave off the color commentary!"

"Well she gassed me...then the next thing I know, I am waking up and she is standing on my nuts!"

"SO! Rohanna, he was down and out? Then you hurt him more?"

"Yes...I had to wake him? It was either that...or a kick in the head! But I found his head was too small a I settled on the next bigger target....I found it was lacking too...and somewhat empty?" I say meekly.

Truck gives me a evil stare, to go with my words.

"Okay...enough of that! But you kept on him and hurt him again?"

"Yep...I had to show him? That going after me again was a mistake!"


"Fine..." I hiss "No, I enjoyed it!...Immensely!" I then smile at him.

Truck goes to jump out of his chair at me, But Sam has a Booted foot on him before he can even move "SIT! you do that again...and I might let her beat you!"

"Her?" He asks, then adds "She threatened me too! She said, she would cut off my junk and put a spell on me!"

"Yes her...she will hurt you! AND I am sure she promised you, not threatened! As Rohanna does not do threats...that if you go after her? She will hurt you!"

"Yep!" I shriek out

"SO Rohanna what spell then?"

"I don't know, right off hand?" my head tilts in thoughts "I would have to look one up? OR!" My eyes light up in the finding of an idea "I can ask Aunghadhail! I bet she has more than a few that I can use!" I grin at him. He shrinks back from my stare and evil grin, as he knows that Aung has lots and lots of EVIL spells in her repertoire.

"Okay calm down you two!" She turns to Truck "Now you will get Three days of detention at Hawthorn... NO more fights...Especially with Rohanna! As next time, there might be no one to save you! git!"

She turns to me next, as Truck leaves the room "NOW you? I think I might take that trip to Boston away from you?"

"What trip?"

"Sara has you permitted to go back to Boston and finish up that shopping. She had to lay it on thick to get that! She told us without a shopping trip again, you would run out of clothes and fast!"

"Yep, I only have a few days worth, past the batch I got on that last trip? So its either a trip or I waste huge amounts of cash on clothes, via Rodger's in Dunwich?"

"Well Sara, she promised that you will not get into trouble this time?"

"I will try? I hope no one attacks us again? But this time I know what to look for!"

"I think it's a bad idea? To let you out at all...for a week or two?"

"Well, I go with permission....or?"

"Yep...without? I bet!"

"Yes I have already tried, LA and New York out and I can get there?"

"Don't tell me that!" she near shouts and waves a dismissive hand at me.

"But you're getting FOUR days in detention! As you kept going. It's one thing to get mad and go off! It's yet another to keep on a person....who is already down and keep going!"

"I know Ms Everheart. I would say I am sorry...but I am not?"

"I can see that...after Saturday and Sunday? You have gotten... more than meaner. I can see that in you?"

I just sit there and think on her words.

"But Rohanna? I have to send you over to Doyle. As Tenent has been after me to send you over? But I kept her off let you rest. A soldier like you knows when to ask for a medic?"

"Sometimes?" I mumble.

"Well off ya go AND! after she is done, go see Carson. She wants to know what tore you up on Sunday?" She looks me over cautiously "Are you going to tell me before you go?"

"No and don't worry about it. It's gone and no threat to the school....or me anymore."

"Since I know your word is ya go!" she barks.... I get up and start to leave.

She stops me with word, as I am about to exit her office "Rohanna? I have those plans for that target range done. I sent them to your E-mail and I have a spot picked out. It's a just over two mile shot from one hilltop to the other, good enough?"

"That would be fine. Thanks again Everheart!"


Tuesday February 20 10:55 am
Whateley Academy - Doyle Med center

The doors of Doyle med center open to me and I take note with a giggle....they look very new!

As I turn the corner to the main med center hallway, Dr Tenent spots me and gives me the stare of death. "YOUNG lady what was that yesterday?!" she barks at me.

"That was me going NUTS!" I sass back.

"Okay. I deserved that. But lets go and have a look at you?" she goes on to ask me, a little more gently.

Ophelia guides me into one of the many exam rooms and closes the door "Off with that top please?"

After I get that top off, she starts to look me over, while hooking me up to the machines. To see how I am doing and I hear her sigh a little.

"Why the sigh doc?"

"Well if you ever get? What that Grove does for you out into the rest of the world. I am out of a job!" she laughs "All you wounds are closed just great and all I can see is a little skin discoloration."

She then moves over and looks at the vital signs monitor and compares it with my computer records of the last week.

She taps on one screen and moves to let me see it "Rohanna your blood pressure is low. But considering that you lost over three quarters of it. Just the other day? Your fine...just take it easy and rest if you can?"

She goes to playfully toss me my top, then goes to the door and spins the lock on "So Rohanna?" she asks while turning back to me "are you going to tell me what tore you up on Sunday night?"

All I do is shake my head to her, as I put my top back on and make sure its straight and neat.

"You do understand, I am bound by more than one oath and promise? That I can not tell others what goes on, or is said in this room?"

"Yes I understand....." then I sigh out, thinking a little and close my eyes. 'I so.... don't want to talk about this with anyone. Those that it matters too, they have been forgiven.'

"Okay I see that this makes you very uncomfortable. So get going.....and you do know your next stop is Carson? As I have to clear you, before she grilled you?"

"Yes Ms. Everheart told me. I am going!" I grumble out.

"See you in class!" she sings, as I leave the room.


Tuesday February 20 12:05 pm
Whateley Academy - Carson's outer office

Just as soon as I hit the office, Elaine pointed at the chair and barked "Sit!"

I did not like even the idea of being ordered and growled a bit a her, but I relented as I sat down.

After I had got a bit more comfortable in the chair, Elaine jested me "At the rate your going. I will have to place a brass plaque there with your name on it!"

I hit her back hard on that idea "Ohhh could you? I will pay for a nice Lay-z-boy chair for here, with heat and massage!"

Elaine smiles at me, in her amusement "You do know, how much paperwork you have caused me?"

"I bet it's loads! So I will buy ya lunch one day?" she nods agreement to me and gets back to her work.

The next thing that surprises me, is watching Dr Bellows walk into Carson's outer office and go right in. A few minutes later on, Sara tramps up the staircase to the waiting room and stands at Elaine's desk.

Elaine looks up at her from her stacks of work and the look on her face is not a happy one "Go on in Sara...she is waiting."

As Sara goes to the door, I shrug to her 'what?'

Then Sara taps on my mental door ~"Carson called me in, after Bellows and I talked about you and the thing on Sunday? I guess she wants to 'grill' ya a bit?

AND! with what she did the last time?......I TOLD her, I or Bellows should be in the office. To stop her from being stupid again! I will support anything you want. I will not hold secrets from you ....even if she asks me! You matter that much now, to Daddy and me!"~

My mind opens a little more to her, as I sit and wait. I can see through her eyes, Carson talking about me and my little issues with Saturday, Sunday and even today. Gaea! I am not in a good place.

After Carson does her run down, Bellows tells her and makes sure that she understands that me lose...outside of the school. Via being tossed out, is such a bad's not even worth talking about. Sara adds in that Nikki, along with some of the other Elves and their families, plus any of the Fae creatures. Might get mad at me being dropped. Then add ARC is involved.

Carson stops Sara and her part of the discussion. Then flips on the intercom and asks for me to be sent in.

I open my eyes up, even before Elaine looks to tell me. That small move of mine gets her attention fast. I bet she suspects, that I knew that call for me was coming 'just' now?

"Well time to go in...good luck Rohanna. I may get mad at you, but I still want you here?"

"Thanks Elaine, I believe you."

After I get into Carson's office, she waves me over to the chair next to Sara. Bellows sits in the far one and her of course, behind her desk.

Carson stands up form her desk and comes over to sit on it the edge of her desk to be nearer to us "Rohanna. I called you in, to go over all the things that have happened to you this week."

I nod to her and stay silent.

"Well lets start off with, what is the one question that might solve others?"

I nod and my eye brows arch, as I am waiting.

"What attacked you on Sunday night? As Aunghadhail told Ophelia, what ever can tear you up and get the drop on bad....very bad?"

I grab onto the arms of the chair and dig my fingers in hard "What attacked me? It is gone now and will never come's gone for good."

'Gaea, I hate being questioned!'

Carson crosses her arms and lets out more than a little sigh. Then closes her eyes to me "I will have to take that as a fact. As I know your word is the truth. I will not press you on this one...maybe one day? You will tell me? But I am not going to live that I?"

I shake my head slowly to her. 'just so she understands'

"I thought so. I can guess...who or what it was? But lets move on, shall we?"

She gets up, goes to her small fridge and opens the door. "I need a water. Any of you want something?"

Sara shakes her head "Nothing for me."

Bellows relights his pipe "I have this!" and puffs away.

"I will take my usual, thanks ma'am."

Carson knows it by now and grabs me a orange soda. She closes the door and walks over to hand it to me. After she sits, grabs a sip of the water and I sip mine. She starts again.

"Well Saturday, looks to be going away. At least the video of it has, some 'cat' seems to have chewed up the images of you Rohanna. Then the kids that you saved, only talk of a girl in dressed in black, saving their butts. The cops caved into ARC and a few million dollar lawsuit. Then add Mr. Reilly's nasty friends. Made that all disappear and made them talk of a lone super.....that 'saved' the day?"

All I could do is smile! I felt vindicated, I had done my job in life and defended others.

Carson sees that smile on me and shakes her head to me "Not so fast Rohanna? This has gone away, but the school knows it was you. You can't be punished? But I have to act on your killing of four men, even if it was in defense."

The look of shock on me, stops her.

Sara takes my hand, when she feels I am about to go NUTS "Ro? I had to, when I did the same?"

"Yes Sara, did. But in your case I am going to limit it, to the first three weeks of regular class. This is to the keep what happened today, from happening again?"

"I don't want a scarlet letter! I told Everheart that!"

Carson nods to me "Yes I know, that is why I had her handle this last incident, instead of me? As I am sure, you two see better eye to eye?"

"Yes" I sigh "I respect Everheart a bit more. I can tell, she has seen the darkness I have."

"It's just for three weeks, till the 'slower students' and the new kids get the idea. That your a bit more than they are used too! The ones, after that?" she laughs "deserve their lumps....just try and keep the bloodshed down...please?"

I tilt my head to her, more than confused "Your telling me?"

"Ahh no" she interrupts me "I will still punish you and might put you back on the UV list! So that, is NOT a license to beat on the students here!"

"I understand....I will comply" and my head goes down.

Sara gives me a gentle rub on the back "It's going to be all right. This is only temporary."

"I hope so?" I mumble out, with my head still down.

"Well..." Carson gets my attention back to her "We are all done here. That armband will be taken care of this week. And just so you know, Sara insisted that the RFID tracker on it, is left off. As it will not do any good anyway?"

"So I get this armband later?"

"Yes, Everheart will call you and go over it all with you. So off ya go Rohanna, Please have a good day?"

"Yes ma'am"

After I get out of the door, Elaine looks up to me from that pile of work and hands me a small book "That is the UV list rules, please go over them and then Everheart will call you later?"

At the front of Schuster hall, I find a bench and sit on it. Violet, finally lands on my shoulder, as I am sure she felt I needed time by myself after talking to Carson.

That small booklet is on my lap and I have read over it. What I find in it, is exactly what I had hoped....not to get......labeled!

"So this thing...its bad?" She asks, after reading the small book with me.

"Yep a little I guess. But it let the other kids know I am not.....happy? If you understand that? Then, they will stay away from me and not fight me? We all hope?"

"Their unhappy death...if they don't!" she boasts.

"I gave a promise not to do that...So none of that? From me...or you!"

The falling snow starts to fall and covers the paths around me, as I sit and watch some of the kids play in it over by Melville. My mind tries hard to find its center again, but is failing badly.

After Saturday, I have lost a large part of what little trust I had in humans. Even though I just changed, the memories of the oldest times in my head and self. They all far outshine the thirty human years I have. I feel those years, they where like a prison sentence served.

Those memories say ...never trust them....humans......and Saturday confirmed it.

Sunday on the other hand? It was a nightmare! But I am dealing with it. Sara showed me a weakness, a weakness that I shall change. I am not a tool to be used by others! I will make those choices.... from now on!

It's getting to past noon and I can now see bunches of kids heading to Crystal, as I watch them from my vantage point. Sara runs up and plops right next to me with a sigh "Well!...that pain is over! I got Carson talked down from you on that UV list forever, to a try at three weeks! So how does that grab ya?"

"I guess it will work? I hope the other kids here agree?"

"They will. Only the morons will try ya. But can I make a suggestion?"

"Go ahead." I sigh.

"Let the first group pound on ya. Don't let them kill ya. But get beaten a bit? Then Carson will see that your more than willing and shut up!"

"You do know, that is going to be real hard for lose and lose on purpose?" I say more than snarky.

"Is it part of the Geas again? I saw...felt...." she starts to tear up "Some of that. During that dream...nightmare of yours. You tried to get yourself killed and it would not let you?"

I nod as best I can....

"Is it in a book? That book, that you snatched from Jade's hands?"

My hand almost jumps to her throat....But somehow, I keep it from moving. The Geas calls for it. But no?....I stopped it! ~'small victory! I will take it!'~

"'s......" I stutter trying to say, then give up "things have changed. I am trying to find the lim......lim....changes" I gasp a little.

"Well we will work on that later! But for now lets go eat! I ordered lunch and it should be at Poe by now."

Then Sara jumps up and yanks me to my feet, as I let off a small sequel of surprise. She can move fast ....real fast, when she wants!


Tuesday February 20 1:55 pm
Whateley Academy - Poe cottage

A more than large burp comes from me, as I lean back into one of the large chairs in the sunroom. "Ahhh better! Now there is room for a cookie from Mrs. Horton!"

Gwen smacks my distended and showing belly, as she walks by my chair "You're going to get FAT!"

"Me! NEVER!...Us Drow never get...fat! Now you regular Sidhe! You all can get chubby!" I jest her.

"No...we do?" she questions me.

"Well a little?" I admit.

"Ha caught! your fibbing!"

"NOT.....have a kid and call me! See if you're not chubby...for a week or two?"

Ayla sits next to me, on one of the couches with a huff of being a bit overstuffed herself "So the legends are elves, do twist the truth or lie a little and run around it's edges!"

I shake a fist in her face "Curses Foiled again!"

She laughs at my pain and takes a bite of a well stacked sandwich "But Rohanna?" she mumbles "I got that bike of yours ordered. Gwen gave me the spec's and its done. You lucked out and one was ready....The rider that was to get it? He is in the hospital, he wrecked at a race last week. SO! it should be here by near end of next week?"

I wrap her in a big hug and scream "GREAT! I love ya!"

She chokes back a bite of that sandwich "I already have a girlfriend!...but your welcome. Now you have to pay for it?"

"Easy part! Now I have to get a helmet?"

"The wrench monkeys" she states flatly and swallows a bite "They will have one you can buy or use as a tester? They are looking for riders or drivers to test their stuff all the time!"

"Great, I will have to get over there and talk to them! Did you want anything for this?"

"Ohhh hell no! That little trinket you gave me is more than payment! Besides Circe loves me now for making that thing happen!"

"Good to hear, later on this week I will get with you about Circe's offer? I hope she has it by then?"

"I am sure she will? But what are you going to do with that much cash?"

"Like I said....its for a good cause. Matter of fact? I will need any ideas you have for long term investing of it. So that it can grow."

"That's easy! Stay out of the stock market and buy gold for the next year or so? Then after what I think will be a HUGE crash! Buy into that low stock price, with what you have now? can do some serious damage and make tons of money!"

"Crash?" I question her "1929 bad?"

"Not that bad? We have better safety nets now....I hope! But the real estate bubble will pop soon!"

"Okay? I better start reading newspapers again?"

Ayla laughs at me "No, read the news via the net. You will start to learn this as school starts.....That laptop of yours does it all!"

"Gaea I am so out of date!" my head shakes.

"AWWW you will catch up. Your more than smart...I can tell."


After she nods back to me, I stand up and walk behind Sara, while she sits on the couch. As I stand behind her, I rub her shoulders "Sara? I am off to the Grove for a rest. I still have to recharge my essence."

"Fine with me. Remember we are off to Boston I am sure Sam told ya!"

"I will see you for breakfast!" and I lean over to give her a kiss.

That action starts Gwen to laughing yet again, she can barley gasp out, as she rolls "God! that reminds me of what you did to Jobe! She must be SO confused!"

I laugh hard at the memories myself "Yep! I really got to her...or him? But see ya guys!"

As I twist away from Sara, I find Violet has tried to eat the spaghetti. I watch on, as she sucks a noodle into her face....and she keeps going....and going...and going. Her small face shows the strain of sucking in a noodle the size of a rope into her! Then finally the last bit is slurped into her and she falls back from the bowl.

I laugh at the now small beached whale of a Pixie "All done?" I question her.

"Yep"....then she burps....."Ahhh that tastes better than the worms we get out in the Grove and not nearly as slimey!" and she pats, her now full belly that looks near pregnant!

I watch as Ayla shivers and puts her plate down on the table "Yeechhhh!" she growls out "too much info!"

Then Violet adds "Ohhh ya and these don't wiggle on the way down! AND you don't have to fight them!"

Right then, a boy who was eating some spaghetti.....drops his fork and runs from the room, with his hand over his mouth.

That run to the bathroom garners a laugh from all there.

"If your finished Violet...time to go!"

She nods, then eases herself up from the tabletop and tries hard to get airborne. Her wings beat the air fiercely....but she barely gains any height.

So, I grab her from the air, as I do not have all day! And sit her on my shoulder. After I do, I complain to her "Owww my shoulder! Your heavy!"

Violet gives me 'the finger' in reply!

"Now that is not a Pixie hand signal and not nice! Who taught you that!?"

She points at Gwen, who tries to look innocent.

"Shame Gwen....teaching Pixies that!" I jest her.

Then I port out laughing hard at her.


As I rest in the Grove

Jobe has just got done with her 'third' cold shower! AND its not helping at all.

Belphoebe just lays there on her bed...laughing "Not working ha mom!"

"Do NOT! Call me MOM!" she shouts.

All Belphoebe can do is pout out "Sorry?"

As Jobe gets dressed again! All she can do is mumble "Got to find out about this Drow....what is she ....who is she...why is she!"

Then thinks silently 'she was perfect! tall, sexy, great color to her skin, crazy eyes, and that sexy voice! I could have not done better myself! She must be mine or her clone or maybe just maybe...if I am stuck to look like this....I will turn into one of her!'.....then Jobe starts to drift off, then gets all hot and bothered AGAIN!

"Boy she really got to ya...." then Belphoebe starts laughing again, as she rewatches the video on her phone, that someone made of Jobe's encounter "But boy is she sexy! Even with all that muscle on her...what a package!"

"Yes...." Jobe drools a bit "package..." then she shakes her head and starts to walk out of the room.

Within a few minutes, Jobe is entering the Melville cafe and spots her target...Jadis the cottage fixer.

She slides into a seat at her table and almost immediately starts to blurt out whispers to her "Jadis! I have to get anything on that new dark elf...Drow Rohanna? Was her name?"

Jadis glares up to Jobe, more than mad that her coffee time was interrupted "Her...why? Your Drow fetish needs a fix?"

"I just want it!" she demands.

"Well that is going to cost ya! As most of her stuff is covered by ARC, as they are sponsoring her."

"I don't care. I want it all. Her history, why she is here, med records, DNA....The whole thing!"

"Well I can get that...most of it? The DNA part is the worst! I have read up on her, after that run she did in Sim 99 on Friday. Then add, the four she killed on Saturday!"

"Saturday? What was that?"

"Jesus! You have to look up from the microscope once and awhile! She went to Boston with Sara and got attacked! She tore the ass out of four armed guys!....She hacked them up and blasted one with a spell! I would show you a copy of the vid? But I am lucky to have even seen a someone is erasing them!"

"Humm, so she's dangerous?"

"Dangerous?...deadly!" She hisses out slowly ".....She is going on the UV list this week!"

"Well I still want a copy of it all."

" sure on this one? It's not the driving, crazy, obsession, fetish, with Drows of yours?"

"No...I just want it. She seems to be vastly improved over a regular elf?"

"Fine I can buy the files through a third party....that will cost ya FIFTY-K! The DNA is the hard part? It's very expensive and only certain approved companies of ARC get any of it?"

"Fifty-K easy! That DNA, I need that most of all!"

"Okay I can try? But If I get any! It will be Five hundred thou!"


"That Drow, is one of Sara's and she is under Fey's wing too. I do not want both of them mad at me!"


"Pay now. Or no go?"


"I read this girls file and she is trained...and trained well. If she found out, I want your money now. As I don't think you will be around to pay later?"

"Fine" Jobe sighs, then slides one of her many cards. That go to 'dark' well fed bank accounts.

Jadis takes the offered card and electronically drains it of the agreed amount via taping its RFID chip to her secure laptop. Then hands it back to Jobe.

"All done." Jobe tries to take the card back, but Jadis holds it firmly.

"Stab me in the back? AND I will hire her to off ya. As I figure...she is your bane in the world. A real Drow! Then add a darn sexy one! So sexy, that I just know...she has you drooling!"


Wednesday February 21 1:05 am
Whateley Academy - The Grove

On the large stump a the center of the Grove, I am laid out on my back and with my head resting on my folded arms. I look into the heavens and try to use the stars going by, as a way to calm my mind and its working.

After hours of this mediation my mind is at ease and my essence well is filled up. I am ready for what ever comes tomorrow. Violet has insisted to me all night, that she is coming with us and she even adds her sister, plus two other Pixies!

I have left my mind open to Sara, if she wants in and early in the morning. I feel she is near me? or around an other Sidhe? I guess she is talking to one and I can feel what she is doing bleeding in? What Gothmog did may have changed that connection we a deeper one?

My mind feels out a bit and finds her more than mad now...She has an anger in her now that is deep and scary.

I give her mental door a tap and ask "What is the matter?"


"Ohh hell no...nothing! You're far too angry for nothing...then add, I felt fellow Sidhe and I know it's not Aunghadhail or Nikki or even Gwen!"

"Give me a minute and I will meet with you."

"Fine, I will be waiting."

Twenty minutes later, a knock is felt on the door of my academy door. I get up from the chair where I was sitting and impatiently tapping my foot deep in my impatience! At the door I greet a more than angry Sara and a very sad, but mad Paige.

"What is going on?" I ask before they are even enter the room. I invite Paige in and show her a seat. Sara on the other hand paces the room, mad as heck!

"So tell me!" I ask again.

Sara does not answer me and just keeps pacing the room...I know this is bad, So I grill Paige a little "Well then, you tell me?" I ask her.

"WE finally found a man....who hurt me last year" she sniffs out and I know its bad.

As she cries I pull her up from the chair, to give that hug she needs in comfort "Tell me all of it...please?" I whisper to her.

For the next thirty minutes, I get the short story and now I am raging badly. This CIA leader chased her, because of her mutant power to run computers, killed her friends and almost her. In that same time she lost most of her family! And now hides at Whateley.

"So he got fired? for what?" I ask her.

"Well his new target was an ....Elf. Like you? But she controls computers? She was made somehow? Via spell from Aunghadhail and today's one knows how? She got away from him and that tossed his job!"

"So he is chasing or was chasing and trying to kill a fellow Sidhe!" I roar out.

Sara hears that rage in me and comes to my side "NO bad idea! You are not going to fix this!"

"Ohhhh yes I am....address now! No one tries to kill anymore Sidhe, not while I breath!...There are far too few of us as it is!"

Sara begs me again "Please no?"

" He hurt Paige. Who is now a dear friend of mine. His death was coming anyway? Then, he went after a Sidhe and I found out about it...That sped it up! It is done!"

"Paige? please...give his address or hiding place to me?"

"No the cops will find out or the school and get you tossed!" Sara told me yet again.

"I have killed for years. I know how to cover my tracks. So lets get this done tonight, before he slips away? As you said, he was fired and he might sell that info on Paige or this new Sidhe to someone else?"

Sara sees my thinking is correct. They might lose him and he might spread that information farther and make this even messier!

"Fine" Sara relents "give it to her Paige" Then Sara grabs me very roughly and pulls me close to her "You had better come back from this!" she almost yells at my face

"Ohh I will and that other Sidhe owes me one!" I laugh.

Sara, nods to me and walks out my door, then fades away.

Then Paige jumps up and gives me a hug "I will put that address into your cell phone and its GPS. I will add a few pictures of him, for good measure!" she gives me a kiss on the cheek and runs out the door. Now in a mood that seems allot more happy!

After she is gone, my eyes snap open in the real world and I leap to my feet "Violet! We have one human to visit and he is not going to be happy at our coming!"

I tell her the whole plan, as I walk to the Grove's edge. I want her to watch the house's outside while I am inside and doing what must be done!

She shakes her head to me "Nope! I want my 'sis' to come! She can cover the back and I have the front!"

"Okay with me, as long as you two don't start fighting!"

"Not going to happen...we are pro's when it matters!"

As we exit the Grove, her sister flies up to my other shoulder and sits. They both bicker a bit at each other almost immediately.

"See I got you IN!" my Violet says.

"Well I am the smarter one!"

"Are not!"

"SHUT IT!" I bark.

They both sit still and pout at me....."Sorry" I now hear in stereo!

After I am fully at the Grove's edge and on campus grounds. I stop and look the new Pixie over real well this time. As last time, I did not have the mind too!

This time I can see why Violet was chosen over her sister. The other one is a bit rougher and not as....smooth? Is a word. She wears the same clothing style as Violets does, with it's light armor and tight fit. But she wears it 'just' a little different? Violet is all sharp and straight! And the new one? She has made small changes to the outfit, to fit her needs?

I nod to the new sister "Welcome and for now you are Lilac, until you earn a name! You do understand this tradition? You earn that name, that fits you!"

She nods to me "Yes I do."

"Well lets be off and your sister is in charge of you. Her orders ARE mine!"

"kampi'unus ussta Jabbress!" she barks (understood my mistress) and they both land on a shoulder of mine.

"Before we go, I have some items to get!" and I port to the campus store.

As I walk into the store's front doors, I go over a mental list. 'I need a camera for tonight, and some money for tomorrow?'

Off in the electronics department, I can just see John. I wave to him to get his attention and walk briskly over to him "Hey you're here late...or early?" I question him.

"Yep. Got to get as many hours PAID As I can........before the classes start! So what do you need Rohanna?"

"Well since we are here? I need one of these digital cameras. One that is small, shoots good pic's, cheap, and disposable. Ohhh and is a factory made one....if you get my meaning?"

"Good, small, cheap within reason? and untraceable! Got it!" he turns back to his display and contemplates my needs.

Then he grabs one off the display in a plastic case "Here is this one, its cheap, small and they make lots of them. So it's untraceable?" and he tosses me the case.

"What next?" he he can tell I need more.

"Money? We don't have a bank here? So how do you get cash here?"


"AT...what!?" I question and ponder "What is it with you people and letters for words all the time now?"

"Automated Teller Machine. It's a computer linked to the bank, that gives you money and other needs?"

"Okay. So where is one?"

"Let me show you?" and he leads me off to a 'thing' in the wall.

"Your card?"

"Credit card?"


I watch as he shows me a slot and what way to shove it into a slot. A screen lights up and asks for a number.

"Well this is where you put in a number they gave you? I do hope they gave you one?"

"Ohhh that was what the PIN number was on that other paper! I know it!" so I enter it while he looks off.

When done, he leads me through the other steps and I get a mixed stack of Four thousand in cash from the machine. I always wanted to carry this much! I now had in my pocket, what a good car cost back when I disappeared!

Next, He gets me over to a register and while I stand there, I grab a few bags of trail mix as a snack!

After he gets me all done and cuts open the camera display box for me. He shows me how to use it quickly and I am set for the night. "John! I love ya guy...thanks!" I give him a hug, as a hand shake does not seem to fit the bill any longer?

As I walk out the door and port away, all he can do is shake his head at my being there tonight 'Someone, Somewhere on this planet is going to die tonight I bet... and she wants pic's of it for fun?'

After a short walk into the clearing, away from the store, I manifest on my armor and start to cover my face. As I grab onto the armor's neck at its back, my hair magically pulls up into it and smoothes out. Then the face mask snaps with a small magic 'pop' closed and my face is fully covered by my skull faced armor.

Out comes my phone that Bunny sold me and I find a text waiting on it. Within it, are GPS, pic's of the house and photos of the inside the last time it sold. Also a rather nice set of blueprints of the house.

Then a bunch of pic's of the soon to be 'late' Brian Falk and for good measure. His wife Joannie. Next finally, his two kids, a fourteen year old boy and fraternal twin girl.

I show all of it to the twin Pixies and get a nod of understanding from them both.

A wave of my arm and the invisibility spell built into that arm of the armor, drops its spell over me and I fade out of sight. I small nod from me and both Pixie sisters join in the disappearing act.

I point the phone in the correct direction, get a measurement on distance and port.


Wednesday February 21 1:45 am
Langley Virginia area - Falk's home

I port into a neighbors yard next door, the GPS is good and close enough. I spring up with a smooth leap into one of the trees nearby and look over the area. As I settle into the 'feel' of the area and listen.

My mind and spirit connect with the tree I am on and I ask it, to help me feel out more. As it does I can see via the connection where, humans have placed alarms in his yard and other cameras!

After I am done with the basics, I leap form tree to tree, get to his yard and drop to the grass. Once there, I look far any magic on his property and find some small wards are there? But most have been stripped off and today! When they fired him, they took it all back!

Good, he is naked to the world! Perfect prey!

With a touch to his lawn, I drop a small 'trip' ward around his property and feel out of any secret tunnels that he may use. I find none, so I do a loop around the house and settle Lilac into a small tree for her look out.

Then I run back out front and post Violet to a larger tree there. Once both are set and happy. I peer into a window.

Inside I see no one is up and I hear nothing but snoring and sleeping of four humans inside....good they are all out! This will be easy!

I break his little ward on his home and toss on one of mine, this one will tell me if a window or door opens and where! Next is a small spell to give the home a general silence, it won't cover a gunshot, but small stuff? It will!

As I port inside the home, past the window alarm. I note as I port in, that a sonic alarm or sensor of some sort is in the room. But since I am in-balance with nature, the sensor does not 'see' me. As I blend into the room.

At a quick pace, I go through the home, room by room and drop silence spells on each as I go. I learned long ago, to work with several layers of them...just incase!

On the second floor I find the master bedroom and Falk and wife asleep. Then down the hallway, two other bedrooms with one kid being in each one.

On the bottom floor, I find an office of his, I slide open its nice double doors into the wall pockets and start to search it.

The desk is locked I find, but a small spell and its contents are mine. In one drawer, I find a pistol and ammo and I smile. This is what Falk will kill himself VERY willingly tonight with! I place it on the desk's top.

I also find a panic button on the desks undertop and I spell that one into silence. Then I find a 'bug' and drop one more spell, to keep that quiet!

As I flow in the shadows, I check each bedroom again for any issues. Now I stalk into his bed room. My keen sight, it melts the darkens away and I can see everything in the room. I want both of them unconscious, but using one of my powders. Like I did on 'Dump Truck' today, that might get found?

So I study the wife first, find a nerve center and tap it hard with a finger. She is now 'out' and will be for hours! If left undisturbed.

I do the same on Falk and he is done! I would love to use these in my soon to come classes, but it takes time to find little spot....that does not kill. I have always found its funny...on humans the spots that stun, are small and the ones that kill ARE HUGE! So finding them in a fight is hard!

My hand pulls the sheets from him and lifts him with ease to my shoulder. A short walk down the stairs and I place him into the chair of his office. Next, I slide that gun a little farther away from him.

A rap of my finger to the back of his hand and the pain startles him awake. His head spins all over the room in surprise that he is here and he finally lays his eyes on me.

"Who the FUCK are you! AND how did I get here!"

"ME? Brian...I am death! AND I placed you here tonight!" I hiss at him.

I watch, then laugh as he fingers that hidden button "Brian! That will not work! It is dead, almost as dead as you're about to be!"

His eyes go to the gun on the desk and I can see his intent, so I warn him "Go for that gun and I might have to slaughter your kids tonight!"

He slides back into his chair and stares at me "Good idea. I really did not want to paint the walls in those kids blood tonight, as you watched on!"

"I know you!" he growls at me.

"Really?" I say cheerfully to him, as I grin ear to ear under my mask.

"You are that Drow, that ARC found and sent to Whateley!"

"Man, I am famous! No autographs please!" I jest him.

"Trying to be funny...shows me, you are scared!" he hisses at me, now seething in anger.

"Sure I am!" Then I pace across the room and look at his collection of scotch bottles in his in office bar. I find some rather nice, thirty year old in the mess of them.

He interrupts my looking with a snarl at me "So what do you want?"

"I told you...I am death and I am here for you?" I lift out that bottle and wave it at him "Can I have some of this?" I ask...manners always manners! Even when I am going to kill this guy!

"Why not? You are not exactly a kid? So have some!"

"Thanks! I will!" and I slide off my mask a little. Then the bottles top comes off and I sniff it. Gaea I love having senses this good, I can smell each part of the liquid in the bottle. I put it to my lips and take a sip.

The great taste hits my mouth and slides down my throat. After it his my stomach, its gets warm for a split second, before my bodies chemistry breaks down the alcohol.

"That was smooth! I am so keeping this one!" I state and toss it into the ether.

He then messes up my mood with a question "So what or how are we doing this tonight! AND why?" he smiles at me....he actually thinks he will live tonight?

"Okay! I will monolog this thing like a Bond villain!" I laugh at him.

Slowly, I sit on his desk and study him, his heart rate is over the top and he is sweating like pig!

"Well first? How do you know me?"

"That SIM run of yours on rang bells!"

"Ohh? Really?"

"YEP! the company may want you? OR keep you from working for others?"

"Hummm I hope that they don't want a resume or references? As mine are real old!"

"They won't!"

"But on to the show! The reason why I called you all here tonight were chasing a friend of mine a few months back and hurt her. So I am here for that one! Then you were chasing a Sidhe or elf of mine, that one act... gave you a sentence of death!"

"So that mutant cyberpath, she lived! I thought so!"

"Yep...but tonight, you are going to take that gun of yours, after you write a short note and pop your brains all over that rather clean wall. Then I will take a few pic's and leave?"

"You do sound sure, I am going to do that?"

"It's either, you do it yourself. OR watch on as I go, 'Charlie Manson' on your wife, then the kids and finally you! Then I will burn this house down, with such a hot fire! All that will be the ashes of all of you!"

Just as I finish my threat, I hear a voice in my ear via a spell from Violet "There are five humans in a SUV at the front of the house and they are looking in with human stuff?"

I dash over to Falk and stun him fast and port outside to Violet. I watch after I get there, Five men with what I am sure is night vision and they are looking over every inch of the Falk house.

One in-charge talks to his group of goons! "Well it looks clean, no issues. So lets get this done, kill Falk and get home and enjoy that bonus!"

'DAMN IT!' my mind screams...'he was mine!'

As they get their things all set at the SUV, I leave Violet watching it all and she is giving me, a play by play via a spell.

I port back to Falk and wake him "Well Brian! It looks like you are a wanted man. There is a nice hit team, just outside your drive and they are here for YOU! So bye now!"

"NO! wait! I will trade, all the info on everyone you talked about....including you, that the CIA has...for my kids safely! As these guys sometimes kill the whole family!"

I ponder it for a second "Okay....I will do it. I was not going to kill your kids ever! I am not a you! I don't do that, I have a code to live by!"

He leaps to action, turns on the computer and leaves it. Then spins a decoration on the desk, I missed and a new drawer opens up in it. Once open, he puts in a code on a lock and opens a locked box in it. Out comes a flash drive stick and he hands it to me.

I look it over and remember what Paige told me about my laptop "Any spyware on this? Remember I can tell, if you lie to me and I will leave!"

"Fine!" he barks at me, he then places it into the comp and enters in a password "It's all open me?"

"'re not lying now! I can tell that much! I will stay and watch over your kids tonight! They will not die while I am here!"

"Thanks! I maybe an asshole. But I love my kids!"

"Fine, now put that gun up and try to look busy!" and I fade away into the room's shadows, as I hear the men at the door. They come in the main door very fast, but near silent! I drop all my silence spells on the house to a lower level, so as not to warn them, but have the option open!

I stand in the living room and watch it all happen. Two go up the stairs and check the bedrooms quietly. The other three, go over the main level, but Falk comes out of his office. My bet, he did on purpose to get them on him!

They are on him in a flash and have him all tied up in a soft rope. One that will not leave marks, on him. Then drag him to the office, all that without a sound! They are good! I note.

Falk is sat back down in that chair again and they find his gun. As the team looks the office over, I slip into the room and hide in a deep shadow in the corner.

The boss of the Goons, smacks Falk a little, to play with him "So Brian? I am John. I have done some work for you in the past? But now? The top brass, they want you retired and tonight! So write up a retirement letter and sign it! OR I kill your kids tonight too!"

Falk without missing a beat, pulls out nice stationary and starts writing a nice suicide letter in ink "So John? What operations did you do for me?"

"Some of your stuff in Europe. But near none at home, well till tonight? After I am done with you, I get a promotion!"

"Okay all done and signed. I bet you want me to shoot myself?"

"Yep, if you would not mind?"

"I will, if you promise to leave my family alone and alive?"

"I do." he says flatly and then hands Falk the fully loaded gun. After that is done the team steps out of the room.

Falk, calmly places it to his head.

I stood in the dark rooms shadows to watch as Mr. Falk fired the gun and emptied his head of almost all of his brains, all over the wall right next to me. I nodded to myself internally 'well this job is done, too bad these other humans made a mess of it and came here tonight also seeking his death'

As I stood there waiting for them to leave. John the one in charge of the death squad turned to his goons "Well he is done, now kill the rest of them! So we are sure there are no witnesses!" The men all nodded and started to move throughout the house in separate directions.

Internally as I heard mind SCREAMED.....'WHY your done! Leave the innocents alone! You promised! You said, you would leave them alive! They did not hear you, or see you, Just leave!' but my silent scream was not heeded by them at all.

In my mind, the human part that was still blending reeled in pain and the Drow, the ancient part was screaming out. The Drow now screamed in my mind "ITS one thing to use them as leverage to get him to kill himself. BUT after he killed himself, they should be left alone! THEY ARE INNOCENT CHILDREN! for GAEA'S SAKE! They promised him and now for wanting to kill the kids....they Die for it!"

I my mind....the human stepped back a little bit, just like on Saturday and let 'her' run the show. The Drow came forward and clocked into the job. Like a man showing up for work 9-5.

'They should just have left! PAIN to them all!'

First off I reached out into the house and checked my spellwork out. It was all still in place as I had left it! Each room still has a 'silence' spell on it, this would make my job so easy!

I added to my invisibility spells on me and stalked off. I stalked over to my first prey upstairs as fast as I could.

Running up to the girls room, to find a goon just entering the room. I flowed in the shadows to right up behind him, then followed right behind him just by inches, as he entered the room and just as the 'silence' spell at the door covered him.

I attacked! My left hand wrapped around his neck to press one finger on his voice box just so, to pop it like a grape! Thus silencing him totally and with that now done, all that came from him was a gasp of air from the EXTREME pain he now felt. At the same time, on the same hand that was gripping his neck, the thumb presses into the base of his skull at the spine, at a spot that would stun his spinal column and make him unable to move for hours.....But left the pain centers fully open!

I shove HARD my right knee high into his back along the spine and use the vast leverage I now have. To start to slowly snap the goon in half backwards. As I tilt him farther and farther back. I can hear and feel through my knee, at least five of his spinal vertebra snap and pop! While they're grinding to gravel. As this is happening, his guts are being pressed farther down, bloating out the belly in immense pain and the air in his lungs is being pressed out and slowly stopped. The muscles that do that 'breathing' for him, are now crushing from being 'folded' and paralyzed by my thumb at the same time.

I whisper into his ear as he starts to die in vast pain "You should have left! Setting off to killing the children was a mistake!" I can see the pain on his face, via a small tear on his cheek, that rolls down and I finally finish folding him in two on to the floor. His feet finally rest behind his head! "It will take you another ten minutes to die from this, have a nice death!" I hiss out.

I flow in the shadows quickly, as I know that the boy is not safe! I almost run down the hall to his room. I enter into the room, to find that a goon is already in there with the boy and is slowly drawing out a knife.

I walk up behind him and tap his shoulder. He spins around fast and is in near shock from seeing me standing there "Amateur" I hiss out in his face.

Then before he gets his wits back, my right hand snaps out like a snake, two fingers of it....hit his left shoulder HARD and the smallest pop is heard in the room.

INSTANTLY his body goes rigid, then starts into small convulsions and he drops the knife. He tries desperately to scream, but can't! As now he has lost all control of his body. I grab onto him and gently lower him to the floor. I don't care if he is hurt from the fall, as he will die soon. I just don't want to risk waking the boy and making this night even messier.

I whisper into his ear, after I lower him to the floor "You should have just left the kids alone and you would have lived. Now your going to die in pain, as your skeleton is shattered by your own muscles! This should take about fifteen minutes for you to die!....have a nice death lover!" I finally add, in a sultry tone.

As I leave the room I can just hear, the satisfying grinding of his skeleton becoming gravel and dust behind me. I exit the boys room and slide fast down the hallway toward the master bedroom. At speed I slip into the master bedroom and find the head man......John standing there watching with a evil grin, as his goon was about to shoot Mrs. Falk in the bed.

'Damn I am too LATE!.....NO!'

I let slip my 'evil' glamour for the first time since I changed. Mine is unlike Fey's, mine is in two is near a lust/love type, its one I use for getting close to a target. The other which I PURE FEAR!

I let lose this part on both men....And I jump on the boss John and stun him with a blow to his skull, as the Glamour flows its way across the room. The goon at the bed reels in near madness from all the fear hitting him and falls on the bed. Mrs. Falk wakes from the goon falling over on top of her, but is seized but my glamour of fear hitting her and she curls up in a ball......then shakes silently locked deep in growing terror.

I had hoped, when I stunned her at the same time as I did her husband. Just before I took him from the nice, safe, warm bed he laid in. That move of mine, would last past this......but NO!... 'ohh well' I sigh mentally.

I grab the fallen goon, before he screams out and might ruin tonight! As I roll him over, I snap off a hard blow with my fist into his guts. Thus! popping most of them with the blow. Then I grab his throat and do the same to him as the first man. I pop his voice box and stun his spine. I finally roll him off Mrs. Falk and the bed, to the floor to die.

Then I stun Mrs. Falk's spine fast, as she curls up in fear from seeing me. This time, I just paralyze her from the chest down, so she can talk later. I drag her off the bed, so as to keep her from anything she might grab at and make things worse.

I look down to the goon at the beds foot. I can actually see his belly swelling with blood from his now busted guts. I watch on with a evil smile, as his enlarging gut and it busts his belt away and his shirt rips.

I lean down and I whisper into the ear of the now dieing goon. "You should have left the kids your going to die in pain. Your guts are all blown apart in your belly and bleeding out fast. This will make you die in vast pain and that should take about another ten minutes...have a sweet death!" all I get back from him is a gasp, that slips past his lips and gurgling sounds come from his fast bloating belly.

I near jump over to the boss 'John' and roll him over face up. I look him over and he is just now waking up. As he does, my mind snaps. 'WAIT! there were five of them! Where is the last one!' I hit John once again to keep him stunned.

Then I jump up and run through the house. I finish up and find no one!? Then I look out the still open front door, as I stand in the living room of the home and see number five walking across the drive to a black SUV. I look at the SUV and no one else is in it?

I then watch as Violet is sneaking up on him, but a hand jester of mine stops her.

So with him being the last. I port right behind him, wrap him in a almost loving embrace and with a nod to Violet to join me, I port to the Grove. After I port in, I toss him to the ground and at the same time disarm him of his pistol. He falls screaming to the ground all kinds of obscenities at me.

I yell out to the Grove, in Pixie...."Violet! Get more of your mates to come here!"

I see her flying out, to fetch more, then comes back at me and when she gets to me, she hugs my neck "Are you okay? and why did you bring this stinky human here?"

The goon looks around in fear and he is near surrounded by about twenty Pixies. All of them are armed with their viscous spears and the older ones are keeping spells cooked up on their hands at the ready!

"Well Violet...friend! This man and his buddies where going to kill two innocent children tonight. They went there to kill the father. Even thou he killed himself and they agreed with the father not to hurt the children for his death. They where going to do them all in anyway!"

I can see that Violet is now GROWLING AT HIM! and the other Pixies heard me too and are now quite upset!

"Well be my guest and have fun! Take your time killing him off and make it painful!" I say to them all.

They tie him up fast, feet and arms, now they start to drag him off. I stop them with a wave of my hand. I causally walk up to him and say quite happily "Hi I am a Elf....not a good one either. But I like kids. SO I am not a MONSTER! like you! YES I was there to kill Falk just like you...but I would have left his kids alone!

These creatures around you are Pixies! They are my best friends in the world! AND they LOVE children too! Even human children. There is a reason why through out history, stories of kids lost in the woods finding a way home and then talk of Pixies who saved them. As they love kids so much they will try to save any they see!....BUT!....Woe to those that hurt children, that they see or are told of that hurt children! You Sir are about to see why Pixies are known over all time for being the best at torturing! You most likely will not see the sunrise! But WILL pray to die soon!" a wave of my hand and he is dragged off into the undergrowth

"Sometimes its best to share the fun of things like this, with friends and those you love!"

I walk back to the Groves center as I look at the pistol in my hand from the goon. 'humm nice! a 1911 model 45! and a real nice one too!' I check it serial numbers at all?! They're not even sanded off. They where never stamped on to it! No manufacture marks at all. But the features on it, fifteen rounds, extended and flared magazine well, all the safeties and slide stops extended, I drop the magazine and open the action. 'nice barrel and ramped feed! too!' I am SO keeping this! and drop it into the ether for later on!

"Violet I will see you soon! be at my room by morning. As we are going to Boston again and this time I am taking you!" She nods back to me her agreement.

I find that she is standing on a branch with her arms crossed, tapping her foot in anger at me! "Your darn right! Your taking me this time! last time you almost died! and its my job to keep that from happening! So your never leaving my sight!"

I smile at her ..."I love you too!" I say to her and start to port out, but hear the lovely screams of that goon in agony coming from the far off undergrowth.

A growl comes from me "YOU should have never tired to hurt kids!" then I port back to the house, as my work is not done!

I port back into Falk's home, my prey is still there stunned or dieing and on the floor right where I left them! Mrs. Falk laying next to them both, is slowly coming to her senses. Next thing done, is a check on John....'nope he is out for hours!'

I walk over to Mrs. Falk and slap her a bit to get her back to reality. She wakes to this world, from the world of fear and terror that just finished gripping her.

"What! is this? who are you? THE KIDS! are they safe!" she shrieks out.

"Hey look At me!" I shake her "Your children are fine!" She looks into my face and all she sees is the face of death! As my head cover is decorated by an embroidered skull face! She is terror-stricken from my looks and falls back in fear.

"WHERE are my kids!" she shrieks at me again.

"They are fine and in their beds sleeping! NOW shut up WOMAN! and listen to me!" I start into dragging the dieing goon across the floor and check the room for stuff that might have got left behind. She gasps in horror at the sight of the dieing man, his immensely bloating belly and the horrible sounds coming from it. As it lays right next to her.

"Humm they do make funny sounds.....when they die like this, never really had time to listen till now...." I say out like its all normal to me.

"Is he in pain? And dieing?" she timidly asks me.

"Ahh yep!....EXTREME pain! And so near dead its not funny" I laugh...I wag a finger at her face, while I crouch over the bloating body "Now wait one, I'll be back!" I port out with the body and back in several seconds.

After I come back "Who or what are you?" she asks.

"You don't really want to know do you?" I let her ponder on that. "Now stay here and be quiet, while I clean up the mess they left!" I pick her up and place her very gently in her bed. "NOW don't move or get stupid or this night can get much you understand me?!" she nods back.

"Now Mrs. Falk" I ask her as I stand over her "you know, your husband was a bad man?" she shakes her head no!.. I stare back at her, then bark at her "JUST admit it you knew!"

She cries out, as she truly realizes the truth of it all "Yes I knew."

"Well...because of what he did in life, these men and I were here to kill him!" She is appalled at that statement of mine "I was just here for him, but these amateurs interfered in my plan! They came too and got your husband to shoot himself in the office down stairs" she is rattled in shock from that statement.....

"That's right he is his own hand! But he did bargain with these men, to keep you and the kids alive. But these morons, were going to kill you all! I would have never done that! I don't hurt children EVER!" she nods "So I killed them or" I laugh out a little "I am killing them!"

As I turn to start my walk out the door "I have to go clean up the other rooms now....DO NOT MOVE! As if you do? I might have to break a clean streak of no hurting kids!.....You understand me! PLEASE! don't make me into a monster tonight?..... hummm?" She nods getting my implication.

A fast walk down the hall to each of the kids rooms and check each one for any issues that might get left behind. At my checking of each room...I port the dieing or the soon to be dead to the Grove. Where the Pixies are happily waiting for each one! As I drop them off. The Pixies literally POUNCE on each one.

I shake my head 'if humans had helped years ago or had tried to get magic back. There would be more Pixies around to protect kids!...Them dieing off, is why you humans have such issues with child molesters and killers of kids!'

Next I go back to the master bedroom, drag John into the hallway and go back and fix-up the bed a little. I check the over the room "Well it looks like we are done for the night Mrs. Falk."

She looks me over once again "Who or what are you? I have to know who saved us!"

"That is a problem, if you know that. A mutant could read your mind and see me. That would not be good!"

"But you......your skills? and you sound like a teenager....a child yourself!?"

"I am in a way!...." I sigh out "But remember this! All this was caused by your husband! He did this and brought it to you and your children! In my case he nearly killed a friend of mine who is a child, just because they might do something! and he was chasing down one of my kind! this week! YET another child! THEN Tonight he admitted...."

I stop, with a sigh. 'that might be too much! information!'

She lays there in shock dealing with the information she just got, her husband was a monster! A killer of kids...babies! She is near at fault herself, by knowing a small part and letting him do it. While she was taking the BRIBE of living RICH in this large home, driving nice cars and such.

I shake my head to her, as she lays there in silence processing that and turn to drag John down the stairs. I let his head hit the steps on the way down with a series of thumps! At the bottom, I lift him over my shoulder and carry him outside. I walk him out to the SUV and plop him in the passenger side seat.

I go back to the house and do one more 'idiot' check! and find all are accounted for. I walk into the office, to see what's left of Falk still in his chair and his brains dripping off the walls.

That digital camera, I just bought comes out and I snap off a dozen or so pic's of his dead body from various angles. While making sure NOT to step in blood! and I get a few of the brain splatter for good measure, as I am just sure Paige will love it!

I climb back upstairs to the master bedroom "I am leaving Mrs. Falk. You have a good life and too bad your children will not have a father? BUT he started this, not us! SO you Teach them WELL! As their actions have REACTIONS! and in my world, if you do evil, it comes back to you three fold!" she nods back to me "Let me fix you?" I roll her over just a bit and press out the nerves I pinched off.

"There all done! that tingling you feel, should last about twenty more minutes. Then you can get up and see those children. BUT do not let them down stairs, as its REALLY messy down there in that office. I did you a favor and closed the door know? AND do me a favor and vacuum the rugs and maybe hire a rug cleaning service for the whole house to....."

She nods fast and says back "I know get rid of 'stuff'."

I walk out, with a nod to her and she nods back....a understanding....I was never here.

I walk back out to the SUV, a 'bird whistle' gets Lilac to fly to me. After she is on my shoulder, I get in and drive it off. As I drive off I find that I really love the seats in this SUV, they are nice! Then I find a case of music CD's and toss them into storage for later on! I flick on the radio and listen to some oldies rock channels AKA from the 80's stuff....or new to me!

I drive for an hour, out to a secluded spot and jump out. Drag his body out of the seat and port it to the Grove. Once there the Pixies near jump him! As me coming back this soon, with yet another human in tow! Means to all of them, that this one was doing the same thing as the others! AND boy are they mad!

"No save this one...he is the leader. I want to ask him some thing's!" Violet is there and nods to me, as the rest tie him up.

I Bend down over him to search over his wallet and only find money in it and no ID. I get an Idea! I port to Falk's office and snatch up a card of his off his desk.

'Humm she has not called the cops....yet? I bet she is making sure the house is 'clean' and she has stuff stashed!'

I port back to the SUV and write a Elvin symbol on his card for family, mother, children, love, ect. It means many a thing. The sentence that its in, gives the meaning at the time! I place it on the steering wheel, then exit the SUV.

I walk over to the hood of the SUV, pull up a electrical spell and cast it into my hand. As it crackles on my hand, I place my hand on the hood and blast any electronics in the car to smoke!

A look over the SUV, finds smoke is coming from everywhere! 'that will take care of any small cameras I can't find!' I then port back to the Grove.

I port into the Grove and see John all tied up! Man you have to love the Pixies. They are so good at doing this! I go to sit on, the rather large stump at the Groves center.

"Please friends bring him over to me" I ask the Pixies.

They drag him over to me and spin him about to face me....I then wake him up with a kick to the guts! "Hi John lets talk!" I growl at him.

He wakes with a jolt of pain "How do you know my name!" he spits at me. "Where am!"

"I was in that office with you and Falk all that time! AND I saw and heard you promise not to hurt his children. He may have been an asshole, but his kids were innocents! They did not deserve to die this night! ANY WAY! You never hurt children....its the CODE!"

"SO what! They were both Gene slime! They were gene active and have a real high chance of becoming monsters! They deserved to die!" he screams out at me.

My body shakes in ANGER AND RAGE at him "Ohh you are so going to regret will beg ME for death!"

"I am not afraid of you! Who or what ever you are!"

"Ohhh but you will will be!" I take off my head-cover and as I smile at him, the old fangs pop out!

"Haa your one them....GENE filth! What are you? An elf! or something!?"

"Yep!....Did the ears give me away?" I sass him, while I wiggle them "and that's SIDHE or DROW! to you HUMAN!" I get up and kick him in the ribs, as I walk around him "Now.... who sent you?"

"I will never talk....they will come and find me! YOU can't hide forever!"

I lean down and laugh in his face! "I have been killing your kind BEFORE! you humans could even write!.....NOW who sent you?" I ask him yet again, while I sit back down.

"DROP! dead!"

"Humm fast comeback!....but you will first!" I take out a dagger from the ether, that small move of mine more than befuddled him. I then STAB it hard into his left thigh, deep into its flesh and leave it.....HE screams!...of course? "Man that's got to hurt! You can make this a small bit easier on you, by talking!"

"NEVER!" He hisses back to me through clenched teeth.

"Okay but I warned you. These here are my friends. They are Pixies and they ABSOLUTELY hate anyone who hurts kids! And you ORDERED the deaths of two of them, by your men! So.........have at him my friends and tear him apart slowly! BUT do not kill him yet! He has yet to talk. I will be back" I say lastly in Pixie for the crowd to hear.

As I port out. I hear Violet yell out "GET HIM!" in the Pixie language. Then the assembled group jumps all over him at Violet's orders.

Its very early in the morning, I port over to Paige's dorm and to her door. I knock as softly as I can. After a few raps on the door, she answers. "Ro what the heck. Its like four am." she stands there all bleary eyed and yawning at me.

I nod "I know, but this had to be done soon." I hand her the camera "That is what's left of Falk" is all I say.

The look of confusion on her face is fun. But I feel she is happy and knows what I just did.

"You did not? Not for me!....Not this! You should not stoop to his level! Your better than him, he is garbage!"....'man she is really upset!'

"Actually I did not do it. But I stopped the morons who did, from 'cleaning' the whole house out."


I nod "Yep and its all fine now. But that," I point at the camera resting in her hands "there has some nice pic's of after he" I whisper "shot himself on it....its all yours and the only copy. So please, do what you want and make it vanish?" she nods to me "And Paige do me a favor? please?"

"ANYTHING! after tonight, I am all yours!"

I pull from the ether, that memory stick that Falk gave me "Could you go over this for me. Falk gave it to me. He said I was next, after what or who ever this Elf he was after is done. He said all the files are on it! But its CIA stuff, so be careful? Read all of it and then get back to me....please?"

"Can do!.....I am SO! on this!" she wraps me in a big hug and starts to purr 'got to love Were-panthers!' Then lets me go.

I move to leave and she puts up a hand to stop me "Sara had me blank out some of the video from Doyle for Sunday night. But I would not do it....till she promised me and swore to me..." she cries a little "What she did, would not happen ever again!"

I nod to her, my understanding of why and I port out.

As I come back to the Grove. I find that even in that short amount of time I was gone. The Pixies have hurt him bad. Heck even the young are being shown what a evil human looks like! I see dozens of small pin prick wounds allover him, each one I just know goes to a VERY painful nerve cluster! I sit down on the stump and cross my legs slowly and show him I am in no rush.

"Well are we more cooperative now? OR do I go get a shower from tonight's fun and breakfast. Then we see if your more fun after....say an hour or so more or them!" I wave my arm at the Pixies "Well human what is it to be!"

He shakes in pain and fear of MORE to come "They sent me....his bosses to make sure he never talked.....about what he did and what he messed up on!"

"You mean Project Kitten and the Fellow Sidhe or elf he was chasing?" I say while taking off my gloves, to then reach into the ether and pull out a bag of 'trail mix' then I start into eating it.

"YES! yes that is it!" I read his body moments and man he is so scared, he is telling the truth!

"Humm and how about you.....are you H1, Humanity first, the mutant haters!" I spit out coldly.

He nods weakly to me. My right leg that was crossed, shoots out and kicks him in the chest hard. He nearly falls, but the Pixies keep him upright for me "SAY IT! admit it. I want to actually hear it!" I howl at him.

"YES I am H1.....please stop.........don't hurt me more! pppleasseee?" He grovels and cries. As he cries, I re-cross my legs and get comfortable again.

"Are any of your 'friends' going to make trouble for Falk's children. Do they know and might hurt them!?" I growl.

I keep eating while Violet lands on my shoulder. She leans over to me and I move the bag over to her, so she can try some. She digs in with gusto and tosses some to the younger Pixies to try! Then she moves over to let Lilac in on the fun.

"Yes they will..." he snivels out "They will go to the last place I was at and ask questions. If they don't like what they hear.....they will kill that family!?" He starts crying out harder.

"Humm I don't like that .....BUT do you know of me?" I hiss at him.

"I know nothing ....NOTHING about you ....Pllleasse me? please?"... 'Gaea I hate it, when they fall apart so fast, then the groveling starts'

"Humm anything more? That you can trade for your life! and DO NOT LIE, as I can tell and so can all of them!" wave at all the Pixies around me and other Fae beyond them watching the fun at hand "As lying here, in this place of magic is near impossible by humans! Only us who live here can!"

John looks around and sees that he is surrounded by an ARMY!

"I don't know anymore?....don't kill me more PAIN!" he begs on. But not one creature here cares or is listening to him! No pity for those who hurt children!

"I know what to do with you! WE are going to make you suffer a very long time pain!"

Violet near jumps up from her perch on my shoulder, where she was just crunching on a M&M candy .....and screams in my ear "WHAT! he can not live!"

I cover my ear from the assault of her's and start rubbing it. "Ahh but Violet? This one is going to repay us all, by joining the Nymphs!"

Violets starts laughing hard. A maniacal laugh that would make a mad scientist proud! "I like it....its perfect! He gets punished and we get cannon fodder if we need it! I love you....your just plain EVIL!"

"GET him untied!" I watch as the Pixies do this. After they are done. I stalk over to him and lean down. He cringes back in fear, I can see he is in complete and utter terror of me. I yank him up to his feet and start walking him across the Grove.

I pull him up close to my he is a good friend and wrap an arm around him "Well John? your going to volunteer to become a Nymph. A real nice water spring Nymph!" I keep him walking into the deep Grove.

"A what...what's a Nymph?" He looks so confused.

"Well John?....they are the ultimate sex crazed Bimbos of the Fae! and your going to become one by choice or DIE! its your choice?" the look from him now is so much fun! The eyes of his just bug out so far!

"You mean become a chick!" he near shrieks out.

"Yep you got it!....boobs, hips, baby maker and all!" I laugh out.

I walk him far out to the Water spring area and a Nymph pops out of the first pool "Go get your Matron please?" I ask her in the Elvin tongue. She nods back to me.

John looks at me and I can see the LUST for the naked Nymph that just sauntered off....just drips off him! "I am go...go...going to be that?" he near stutters out.

"Yep near exactly THAT!...boy! You are SO going to want to jump yourself!" I spin him around to face me. I grab his shirt and chest with both hands. To squeeze up just so "I sure hope you come out of this with BIG BOOBS!" he looks down at what I am doing. Rage fills him for one second, but that evil look of mine ...back at him, stops it cold!

The leader or Matron of the Nymphs, finally comes walking over to us both. Man even I want to get with that! Gaea you have to love a Fae that is just made for SEX! She just oozes SEX from every inch.

She Bows to me and I do back "You require something of me Guardian?" she asks me.

"Yes I do...this one is to be punished! But since his crime is near taking the lives of two children. I want this to last Well! past a simple death. That is why he is going to volunteer to become one of yours and SHE will be at my command and call...Afterwards till death!" she nods agreement.

"Well John go with them and say YES! or I will kill you slowly over weeks!" I shove him forward.


"Just ask her to become one with her kind, a water Nymph you moron! You have to want it or this can not be DONE!" I shove him toward her again, but this time I draw a sword out, to prove it to him and bury it in his back.....its this or death waits!

John asks the Matron in a whisper "I want to be one of your kind!"

She nods and they walk him off deeper into the springs area. We all follow them. We stop at near its center, at a deep spring who's colors dance in the moonlight. The magical glow from it is tremendous to those with that sight! The other Nymphs gather about him near thirty or more. They strip him clean of all garments. The Matron leads him to the waters edge and takes him in. She moves him to the near center, gives him a final kiss and puts her hands on both of his shoulders.

THEN SHOVES his body right straight down under the water! The Matron steps back and out of the pool. I look down into the water at him, to see him liking this, even enjoying it and then panic sets in. As he realizes he is drowning! And can not get out. He pounds his fists uselessly on the undersurface of the water, that is now likened to a clear wall to him. I watch as the last bubbles leave his lungs and the light fades from his the human part of him dies.

Then magical light BLASTS from the water and out pops a newly minted Nymph! That lands on the pools edge, gasping for air. I grab its THROAT and hold it, as I want to be the first one it sees, so I have ultimate power over it.

As I hold its life in my hand, I lean over and whisper to it "......... and that is your new true name! As you have been reborn!"

I drag her from the water by the neck "YOU! will obey me and only me! From now on!" I turn her face to the Matron "SHE is your matron, you will obey her in all cases, when I do not tell you what to do!" I spin her back to my eyes "YOU are at my beck and call. YOUR powers do not affect me! YOU die at my command! YOU remember your old life as punishment and because I need you too!" I toss her to the ground at the Matrons feet "Now learn what you must from your Matron and do so FAST! Then report to me!.....GO!"

The other Nymphs lead her off, as The Matron asks me "What do you want this one to know Mistress?"

"She must learn all your ways, Then teach her Elvin, Pixie and Drow! ...ohh ya and the Pixie hand signals. Then she can come to me. After that? Teach her magic, how to hide, defend, attack and then healing. Then how to lure humans and capture them. I will need that!"

"Yes my Mistress, that first part will take mere weeks, then the rest will come later on" she bows and leaves us.

I walk back out to the Grove's heart. Violet on my shoulder finally speaks up. "That is the first time I ever saw that! It was neat! You had a good idea there. Now he is punished with each day. Then as a human turned Nymph...SHE! can walk out of the Grove freely to serve you. Then add, she will live near three hundred years, unless you kill her or she dies?"

I nod to her "Yep maybe now she can repay some of that karma debt?"

I get my gloves out and start putting them on "Hey...Lilac?" I ask the sister "hold the fort, I have to go warn that Wife of Falk's that something bad is coming her way." She nods to me.

I finally get both my gloves back on, then pull my head cover over my face and Violet perches on me. Then port out.

As I come in to Falk's house I see its now full of literally dozens of cops and others. With all that madness happening all about the only spot I see that is safe, that I like is the master bedroom bath. After I port in, I stand there listening to the whole house as best I can.

I can hear the detective who is listening to Mrs. Falk and by his heart beat. I am sure he is believing every word she says to him. I mentally laugh at that 'man she can spin a lie so well, maybe she should run for office and the tears! I almost believe them!'

I do hear the kids thou and their tears are real...'humm got to feel for them, but daddy did bring "work" home and almost got you KILLED!'

I stand there waiting for over twenty minutes. FINALLY I hear her coming in the bedroom then starts to walk this way. I can hear a cop walking with her. I cast my silence spell on the room and my invisibly on me. Then I wait till she is in the bathroom, as she enters I softly close the door and cover her mouth to keep her from crying out just in case as I grab her. I hold on her tight with my right arm around her neck and whisper in her ear. "Don't struggle, I am back and don't worry I am not here for you."

She nods back to me. I then loosen my grip over her face. But the arm I have around her neck stays the same HARD and TIGHT! "Why are you back?" she says in a normal voice.

"Quiet moron...whisper and now cry a little. As a cop is in your room too and if he comes in here and sees me!" grab tighter on her neck! To show my intent to her.

"Mrs. Falk are you Okay?" the detective asks from the bedroom and starts walking this way.

"Boo-hoo it up lady!" I say to her.

"Ahhh I am fine" sniff, sniff..."I am just cleaning up my face a little. I will be right out!"

"Fine ma'am take your time."

She leans over and turns on the sink so the sound of the water helps cover us. ...'damn she is an Oscar winner this one!' I think, as my arm lets her go.

"Why are you back!" she now looks startled at me "I am not next! am I?"

"NO! I said NO! damn it I don't lie! EVER! Sheesh lady?"

"Then what?"

"I am here to warn you....those goofs that where here. They have friends that may come looking for them. But this maybe the hard to take part. They were all H1 and they know your kids are gene active The leader says, they have a high chance of going to full active and mutating some day" I walk to the door and check once again and find no sound there as the deceive has left to walk down the hallway. I can tell by his fading heartbeat.

She starts to pace the small room, looking more than worried to me.

"Let me guess, you did not know?"

"Brian had tests done on them, but said they where negative to me! Why would he lie?"

"Ahh maybe to save his ass and his job? Because if he hunts us, he can't have a kid being one of us? That is all I can think of, as you humans are such a strange bunch to me?"

"That could be?" she pauses deep in thought "Hey I think I have seen you and you 'saying humans are a strange bunch'? Your that elf! That tore up Boston aren't you?!" she says.

The surprise of that statement from her, tears into my mind and it labels her a REAL threat to my life! I leap at her throat, grab it up in my hands and start into squeezing the life from her. ...'stop....what am I doing?!' My mind blasts at me in sudden reason.

I let go of her and she gasps a bit "Darn it lady FORGET THAT NOW! Just from now on, JUST....think I am not her please?"

She nods back to me. now I walk the room a little myself to calm down "I am sorry about that....sometimes I over react. Ya know....a long hard life and such does that?"

She starts "But what am I going to do now?" then she looks up at me like I have answers?

"I would Run and never look back. That is your best hope in this."

"Can you help us?"

I near laugh "Me? your joking....Me? Heck I can barely help myself out and you want me to help? You do understand this is the CIA we are talking about here..... you know the US GOV! Where they don't just toss you in a room and chuck the key. They toss the whole building the room it is in. Then destroy the whole city it was in and build a cover story city in its place to explain it away!"

She starts into crying for real now. As she knows she is doomed if they come.

"HEY you have to try damn it! Better to die running than lay down!" she just cries on. I shake her, as slapping her will leave a mark that I can't have right now.

She snivels out finally "Yes your right. I do have to try for my kids. Is there anything you can do?"

"Nope I am near alone in this world and my skills can't fix this mess. As for money? I got that, but not Billions! that you will need. But by the look of this house? I bet Hubby has a BIG stash just incase and he told you what to do?" She nods to me "SO! run and try your luck?"

"What if the kids...change?" boy she looks worried, at me

"Then send the to the school for mutants near here for that...if they change that much?"

"You sound young enough? Do you go there?"

I barely stop myself yet again My hand hovers at her neck! "You are too smart for your own good lady! Keep that up and your going to end up dead!" I hiss out at her.

"Sorry...I am thinking of my kids if they have to go? They might need?"

'gods she is looking at ME for salvation?'

I ponder that question for sometime.....I cave like a moron! "Got some paper?" I finally ask her.

She opens a drawer on the sink area and hands me a note pad and pencil. I take the offered Items and sit on the sink. I put the pad down and hold my head in my hands, to rub my face and head all over.

Then I sigh out "Man lady you are putting me in a spot! A real small part of me... the part that keeps me alive says to me...OFF you and the kids! But the real part of me says no! SO I will help you out ...but Gaea I sure hope this does not blow up in my face!" I write three symbols for...child, young, baby and then teach, learn, academy. Then add a crest for a long dead Elvin family, I know by heart.

"If your kid or kids go to there, have them put this on the school board. They will know what one. AND I will get back to them in time. This is not a today emergency thing, it may take a week! Then if you need something small you think I can help with, do the same with a letter to the headmistress...she will post it, as its common to do so."

"THANKS! and who or what is this Gaea, you talked of just now, can she help me?"

"Man you humans are so short minded and forgetful!....Gaea is THE! Goddess of the whole freaking planet! AND she saved your butts, so long ago you forgot it!"

"Ohh I get it, you worship her?"

"Ahh yes and unlike your Jesus. I have actually met her! When I was very young! Then each day I feel her embrace, when I am outside and she helps all the time!"

"Darn your that old? You don't look or sound it?"

"I am not THAT old....just...ohh forget it! It would take all darn night!"

"You make it sound like seeing a God is normal everyday thing?" she tilts her head at me in question.

I laugh at her "What would you think if I told you, I had sex with a Demoness princess the other night?"

She laughs at me...then glances at me wide eyed..."Your really serious aren't you?" she near gasps out.

"Yep and she is a nice girl too! She keeps me happy and sane! Ohh and don't worry she is not EVIL or am I" my mind wanders 'evil in the sack she is!'

She stands there thinking for far too long! All I can think is 'ohh crap I know that look....she is coming up with a dumb idea!'

"I have an Idea?....If your telling me the truth and I am sure your are?"

I GROWL my answer....she gulps "Ahh that is what I thought? How about since you know a Demon? 'more than personally?' You ask her to help me and the kids out of this?"

"Ohh ya suuuurrrre! So you or your daughter want to birth one or MANY of her offspring! In trade? How about give up your boy's soul in trade? You have no idea what you ask...I HAVE SEEN HELL LADY! and I did it this week...its no fun!" I shake at the thoughts of it!

"That's what she would ask for? That much?"

"Aaa yesssss To open that door is not cheap! As it will cost dearly to fix this mess. So the payment must be as high if not higher! That is what keeps the scales of good and evil in balance!....Ohh and by the way one of your hubby's mess ups, it hurt one of HER's. So she will hate you right off! That will double the price is my bet!"

"What do you mean 'her's'?....I don't get it...How could my ex hurt a Demon?"

"Her's as in...ohh forget it friends all right! Understand now?"

She nods back to me "So that's why you where here! To kill him, your one of her 'friends' and you said he hurt or was chasing one of yours too! My Brian sure picked his enemies WRONG!"

I simply put my finger on my nose....'you nailed it!'

A light knock hits the door! 'SHIT' I was not listening! She so tossed me, with that ask Sara bit and that got my mind off the job at hand. By delving back into HELL memories. I missed the cop walking up!

She jumps right to it like a pro! "I will be right out!...sniff sniff!"

"All right Mrs. Falk I was checking on you to be sure?"

And he walks back out. AND I start breathing again!

"Well that's my cue to scat! I am going....SO you run fast and far! I hope you make it! If the kids go 'there' get with me I will try to help? But if they or you get nothing in say Ninety days, I am gone or dead!" I hop off the sink top to my feet.

"Stop! wait..." she reaches under the sink and pulls out a hidden box "Take this!" She shoves a cell phone at me "Its clean, untraceable and paid for a year! Promise me you will ask your friends for me?"

"Sure I can...but I know the answers. We don't know you and some of my friends do not care about you at all? Till your kids change to mutants? You're off our radar! So don't ask, as it will get your hopes up. Unless you want to spawn little hellions for a Demon? I can arrange that! for sure! I might even get a cut on the deal!" she shakes her head to me "I thought not? So good bye and good luck....I gave you an out if needed? But do try and live for them!" she shoves the phone at me anyway and I port out.


Wednesday February 21 6:05 am
Whateley Academy - Poe cottage

My port ends at Poe's steps and my armor vanishes, to be replaced by my street clothes once again. A short hop up the step and I am in. As I get to my room, I note the door has been opened?

A little bit of caution is warranted by my mind, but I shove that away. If I can't at least trust those in this building...I am doomed, so I just open the door!

Inside, I find Three boxes on the floor and someone has neatly placed all my 'tossed in rage' clothes on the other bed. The rest of the room, seems to have been cleaned of all the left over boxes too!

Over on my pillow I find a note!

It's from Rosalyn! For the most part, she tells me. She is sorry that she missed me over the last few days and that her tests of late, kept her from 'laying in wait' in my room. To ambush me and show me she cared! This clean room was her making up for that absence?

Then the boxes? She signed for them and dared not open anything of mine! Who knows what a Drow orders via the net!

'Got to give that girl more than a hug later!'

My hand flips out my old dagger and I slice open the top of one box. Inside I find under a layer of paper, a hot pink denim jacket.

'COOL' I think 'That order Jade did for me last week is here!'

But first! To clear the decks for action. A quick move to my closet and drawers gets them all open and I start tossing...neatly. All the uniforms in it, or hang them up.

During that clean up, I find that Sara...via Donna. She did something a little evil! She had Donna add to that order, one very sexy school girl outfit and it is tight as heck I bet! Then add the so high cut skirt, it's almost not there!.....Save that for later!

Then it hits me and I sit for a second, to mumble to myself "Gaea I am fully thinking like a chick now?...That male ME is so near gone in one week? I guess I have to call that a gift?"

After a few contemplating that. I stand back up and complete that task and now onto that box! It gets lifted to the bed and ripped open. Then out comes that jacket!

I scan over it and its perfect! Jade chose for me, the hottest pink she cold find and still be cotton. The back is almost fully covered in a Hello kitty skull and cross bones in black and it has a pink bow over one ear, then add a pink heart shaped eye patch! To add to the pirate look!

I still don't understand why this one logo gets me so well, as its so odd? But it matches my evil demeanor so well!

The front has a smaller, but different patch over each side and a painted one on the right sleeve. She even had them add my name 'Rohanna' over the breast pocket!

Under that jacket was several more pants and a few t-shirts in various colors. The next box yielded up, more workout outfits and a sweatshirt hoodie in various colors. And three baseball caps, one in pink and the other two in black.

The last box, held the matching pink cargo pants to the jacket, a belly tee, and two other pink tops. At the bottom was a matching bunch of underwear, bras , panties and socks. The last thing was a pair of high top sneakers....good old chucks! Or Converse all stars... the lay person calls them! AND they were in a matching hot pink!

I so want to wash all this first? But the machines are down near Sara and she might see all this? So for maximum shock value. I pull out my old spell book and look up a spell that I know I have for cleaning cloth. Once found, I drop it on the stack of pink items.....done!

Next I quickly put all that away, but the stack of pink and then strip to go shower up! When done with the shower and back in my room. I open my chest of drawers and get my box of jewelry out of it.

I lift out the one part with only jewelry in it and start going through it. After a bit I find what I want! A set of ear jewelry made of us Sidhe only! This set covers the tops and points fully, looks like a leaf somewhat? Made of Mithril with green gold accents and a few colored gems, then a gold chain loops to the ear lobe to finish it off.

I set that aside and start pulling on the pink outfit. Once done, I put my hair into a pony tail and then slip on the shoes. The ears are done next, with that selected jewelry and the baseball cap is on my head backwards to finish the look!

A hop out in to the hallway and as I close my door, I bump into Ayla going out and she stops with her mouth agape. I saunter up and shut it for her, with a tap to her jaw and start walking off.

Ayla warns my backside, as I walk away "You do know Sara is going to kill Jade for that!"

"It's going to be an interesting day!"

"Yeah!" she agrees.

With a small run down to the stairs farthest from the sunroom, where most of the kids are at till class starts, as I want to avoid them all till the big reveal and I am at Sara's door and knock gently.

Sara opens her door and smiles at me for the briefest second as she was about to say is my guess? 'hi honey'

But no? she reels back in shock and a loud "EKKKKK" comes from her. She falls to her butt and starts to scream out "JADE I AM GOING TO KILL YOU! I WILL MURDER YOU THIS VERY MINUTE!"

All I can do is giggle at her pain! As I am sure the 'glow' of the pink off me is killing her. All I can say out is "I like this look!"

She then jumps up from her butt, then starts dragging me by the arm and violently up the stairs. When she reaches the hallway, she had to yank me onward harder, as I am laughing my head off and she starts yelling.


Some of the kids in the sunroom just peak around the corner and gasp at me. Then Sara spins me into the room and points at me "JADE YOU DID THIS!"

At first its.....silence.


Chaka sees me. A HISS like a cat, comes from her and everyone turns around.

Lancer yells as loud as he can "SWEET JESUS! NO!"

Chou Screams "OHH GOD NO! the balance!"

Tennyo falls out of the air to land on the floor with a thud! And cries out "I am scared."

Gwen shakes her head, grabs at her face and yells "Jericho just lost the war! Please someone CLAW my eyes out. PLEASE! it hurts!"

Fey just in shock cries "That is just not right!" then Aunghadhail says via her "Sister what demon possessed you to wear that! And how do I help you cast it OUT!"

And what I have on is, top to bottom in all HOT near day-glow pink with various Hello-kitty skulls and crossbones on it. Is a baseball cap, nice denim jacket with BIG logo on back, a half belly tee shirt showing off my abs, very baggy cargo pants riding low on my hips, with the straps of my underwear showing riding high on my hips.........and pink sneakers, with socks to match.....finish the look!

The contrast between my dark purple black skin and the pink is just shocking to see!

One other kid yelps out "It's a pink nightmare!"

Jade just squeals out in joy "IT"S PERFECT!"

Sara starts a slow methodical walk toward Jade, with both hands out in front of the ready to choke her!

Tennyo finally starts laughing after the shock wears off and Jade seeks refuge behind her from the stalking Sara "Jade I can't defend you from her! This is all you! What you that POOR elf is too cruel!"

Chaka is at a complete loss for words! This is actually the first time, I have NOT heard her say something smartassed!

Jade is slowly backing away from Sara's menacing steps "Bille! Help me! One-san!" she yelps.

Tennyo just shakes her head, as Jade runs around her "NOPE! This is all your doing! Anyone that would do that to another person... deserves everything they are about to receive."

Mrs. Horton must have heard Jade's pleas for help and steps out of her room, then spots me "Ohh my living lord! You have gone off the deep end!"

Sara finally snatches Jade by the neck and wraps her hands around it.

Jade pleads to her "Please no?"

I giggle out "Sara please calm down. I like this look on me!"

Her head rotates in an unnatural way 180° to me and stares at me "Jade did not put you up to this?"

"No, I asked her to get this for me. I found it in a box delivered last night and I wore it!"

"Your not actually thinking of walking outside...on campus in.....THAT!" she points at me in her shock

"YEP! I might even wear it opening day!"

"NO its too might even beat Jericho!"

Lancer nods his head fast "Yep you beat Jericho in him over a barrel you do!"

"Who is Jericho?"

"Ohh you will see him and if you miss him you are more blind than him! I bet he will be able to see you in that!" he adds.

A large grin covers my face, as I glare at Sara "What we are going to do, is go to breakfast!"

"You are not!....Wearing that!.....Not out with me you don't!"

I grin to her "Fine! I guess its me and Jade then!" then glance to Jade "So where is this Hello-Kitty convention at? What city?"

Sara caves in to my threat.....or promise? "OK I see what your doing. I give!"

I hold my arm out for her to take, then she walks up and grasps it "I am going to get even with you for this!" Sara hisses through clenched teeth.

"Ahh no your not. This is payback for that little thing Sunday and Victoria's secrets" I say softly.

Nikki looks at me with very sad face "I missed all that guys may have had a fight? But I missed shopping!"

"Well we are going later today?" Sara informs her rapidly.

"Can't go, I am meeting daddy soon! And Rohanna? Daddy expects you there Friday afternoon before ONE! With clothes, as you are staying the night! AND for sure at least two? Then make sure to have one set of NICE clothes to wear, for dinner one night?"

"I have never been there?"

"Look it up on your 'bunny phone" I will text you the address...You can port distance I heard. It will be easy?" then Aughadhail makes her presence known to me via a change in Nikki's voice "I know you can sense me? Just feel out for me and you will know where I am?"

"Ya I can...So One o'clock?"

"NO earlier than one! Means you're already there!"

"Okay? I guess it's time to face the 'daddy' music. I hope Mr. Reilly is okay with everything?"

"Daddy will love ya! I just know it!"

"Thanks Nikki...but Sara? Lets go get that breakfast, shall we?"

She cringes as I start to 'drag' her off and she yells at Jade over her shoulder "Jade you turned her to the dark side! The dark side of hello kitty....I shall have a measure of vengeance!"

I on the other hand, am totally in the dark! As I have yet to see the movie! That Sara is using in reference.

Once outside, I ask her "We can walk or por..."

"PORT!" she yelps out, not even letting me finish and with one touch we are there.

As we enter crystal hall, I can hear the clatter of forks drop and a change in the rooms sounds. And from all over I can hear now.

"I would take a picture? But that would break my camera!"

"Someone call the Class 'X' Team, we need a clean up!"

"GOD my eyes! Someone please, spoon them out to end the pain!"

"Even Jericho can see that! Heck!......You can hear that outfit coming!"

"Ohh that is not right? Just not right!"

I am loving every minute of it! I am already strange looking, so I might as well bestow the next level of strange on my look and really do it!

I grab a tray and pile on my wants. Sara goes to her special food line and she looks so dejected in her pace. At the lines end, I walk up next to her and give her a playful hip bump.

"Hey enjoy this...You could turn a fellow student into dust right here in the middle of the room and no one would notice it. Just have fun with this! You're invisible as long as you're only one foot away from me or less!"

She just hisses at me and shakes her head "You do realize in the sunlight those clothes practically glowed! You do know that!?" she hisses at me again.

After we find a regular spot at the table, she sits down and I stand behind her getting ready to place my jacket on her "You look cold? Maybe this will help?"

"IF that jacket touches me! I will.....BURN IT!"

I pull it back and lay it on my chairs back, then sit. And start eating my food and slowly enjoying it, instead of my regular wolfing it it's the last meal on earth. Sara, dusts a few cats and wallows in anger, as she dusts one a gerbil at a time out of a cage of them.

I smile at her "enjoying yours?"

She glares at me in utter distain, as a gerbil makes it's last squeal of life in her hand "OWWW today! I will get my revenge!" she shakes in anger at me.

"Well if it's only you and me shopping? Good luck with that!" I smile in her face with a fang filled grin.

As we sit, Paige shows up with a plate of meat, all piled high on her plate. As she is a Were and its that time of the month. So she needs it to keep the beast at bay. She sits by Sara and starts to gobble up that food fast!

She asks Sara, via leaning over "What's the deal? Everyone is looking at Rohanna? I know the hello kitty stuff is strange...but?"

Sara sneers at her "You are so!....very lucky you're color blind! She is wearing head to pink!"

"Ohhh crap! I will see that later on Crystals security feeds...I got to see that on her! I bet it looks too cool!"

"Do not!........Encourage her!" Sara growls out slowly.

An hour later....I am done eating and start to stand after I stack my plates. Sara jumps to her feet in some joy "The punishment is over...ohh joy!"

"Another word from you and I wear this all day!"

Instantly her mouth clamps shut!

After we port back to Poe, Sara points to my room's door and asks me as pleasantly as she can muster "Can you please tone the clothes down, so we can go shopping now?"

"Yes my love, I can!" and I am off to change.

After I get into my room, Violet flies off to my window and opens it and three other Pixies fly in. She shuts it while I undress and introduce the others to me.

"Well you already know this stupid sister!" Lilac smacks her on the head, playfully "Then, this one is Cein and his bother Nyx."

The two new Pixies bow to me, as Cein says to me "We are at your service Guardian. My bother is the best at shielding spells and I am the near best at healing ones, We hope by Gaea, will not need either of us?"

"Me too! But the three of you have to stay invisible. I do not want Sara to know you're there with us."

"Xunor ussta jallil." (Done my lady)

"Good you know Drow! I like that!"

After I get all stripped down I put on one of my pairs of pants and a t-shirt. As I want to keep this simple to day. The pink undies stay on and I go for a set of my other sneakers instead of the high top chucks, incase we look at shoes!

Then I have to toss the ear covers! Because it will look more than weird to wear them with my normal ears showing via an illusion.

When I am all done dressing, the three new Pixies fade into their invisibility and Violet hops onto my shoulder. As I exit my room, I close the door slowly to make sure the other three get out and walk down the hallway.

In the sunroom I find it empty, all but Sara and she is on her phone. From what I hear, Donna is on the line and when she sees me. Sara turns on the speaker for me to get in on what is being said.

Sara sings at the phone "Ro is here now!"

"Ohhh good! I wanted to tell you personally. Sorry about the clothes, but that dumb mall would not let them go till late yesterday. So they all will be there tomorrow with Bill when he gets there."

I get very excited when I hear that...."Bill is coming!" I sing out.

"Yep! and he is standing right here next to me.......tell her Bill!"

"Yep I am here. I kind of missed you, as you ran off!" he laughs at me.

"Ohhh Gaea I am so sorry Bill, I was so messed up and scared. I did not know what I was doing....I just had to go?" as I said that to him, I started to tear up again just from thinking about it all.

Sara leans over to me, wraps an arm around me and whispers in my ear so they can't hear "It's all over, it's in the past and I hope forgiven?"

I nod back as Bill talks back to me "Hey It happened and I am told what ever scared you? Is long gone?"

"Yes it is...long gone and will never come back!" I say as I hug Sara closer.

"Well I will be there just before lunch? Unless the girlfriend delays me?"

"Girlfriend?! BILL! It's fiancée now!" warns Donna.

"Yep that she is! But I wanted her to meet she knows I am not dating someone else when I talk about her!"

"What! I thought we were an item...ohh pooo!"

"Please don't go there! She will kill me!" he laughs.

"Humm maybe she is a fellow Drow?"

"Hope not!"

"Hope not?" I question him.

"Yes! as I can only take one of you in my life!" and he starts laughing.

"Coward! But I will be waiting for ya! Most likely I will be in Laird hall working out?"

"Got it, will see ya then!"

Donna takes over from there "Well I will let you both get going, as I know shopping has to get done! But this time? No sword practicing in the mall!"

"Can do." I say back.

"I will see you soon Donna, my love!" Sara adds and hangs up the phone.

After I can see she is done, I grab my illusion charm from my storage and drop it on my neck to the sound of Sara pretend 'yeeching' at it. As I now look like a blond cheerleader, who is on a shopping trip.

After Sara drops the phone in her bag, she look as me "Well how are we doing this today?"

"I can drop a invis spell on us both and port to that parking lot we were in at the mall. Then find a stair case or somewhere, that no one can see and fade back in?"

"If you think that can work? Is your spell that good?"

"Mine?" I question her "They have six layers and defeat sound, heat, and movement detection among others! No one so far, has seen me wrapped within one?"

"And what about Violet there?"

"OH she is coming and has her own spells. Once we get there, she will fly off and watch over us!"

"We'll do this!" she smiles at me and wraps an arm around me.

As she gets close to me, I drop that spell on us both and wait till I feel the other Pixies are touching me.

Then I port


Wednesday February 21 10:15 am

We all end up in the parking structure at the malls end and I walk over to a staircase. Once I am sure no one is looking, I drop the spell off Sara and me.

"Well we made it and it's all done. No one spotted us!"

"Great!" Sara beams at me "Time to shop!"

We both walk off into the main mall this time and after a bit of searching, we find a shop that sells lots of organic cotton items. I look over most of their stock on hand and only find a few items that will fit my tall size and my musculature.

In that store, all I end up buying is three tops and two sets of shorts. But they do suggest, a store that might have a larger supply and it's far down the row just outside the mall. This was past the place we made it to the last time, then the fight happened.

Once outside, I go find a secluded spot and toss the bags into the ether for storage.

We take that suggestion on the new store and go toward it, but on the way! We find a electronics store and a very large one! My mind goes off the rails, my body soon follows and runs in.

Sara just stands there, where I left her and sighs "Ohh well might as well get this over with!"

I start buzzing around the store. What I am trying to do is, fill a mental list of things I found on the net. It's relatively short, but well thought out! After a long time of chatting with a sales guy, I start finally getting what I want!

50 inch flat screen, I will mount that TV onto the other wall over my rommies bed.....until I get one!...roomie that is?

A 7.2 surround system, with CD and Blue ray player. This had to come with a top of the line set of speakers, Got to love that sound, especially with my ears!

Then the small stuff, an MP3 player for my jogs around the campus I was planning on. A alarm clock, just in case?

I was thinking to grab a gaming comp, but Sara told me. "Paige will make that for you, she has connections with the NEXT computer company and she said after Mr. Brian 'ahmmm' the other night. She has got that for ya!"

"Cool I look forward to it."

At the register the salesman rings me all up and I watch the bill climb up a little high. I sigh out slowly "I guess I had better get up to ARC and get some testing done. So that this bill and others get paid?"

Sara hears that small pain form me and jabs me in the ribs playfully "Just go and do it...this hurt you worse is my guess!"

"Yep, I just don't like being in there. The wards are to big and the hole it's built too deep!"

I was about to say more, when the sales guy asks interrupts me "All done, did you want an install on this?"

I look at Sara and she shakes her head "NO the security guys hate that and will not do it anymore, after some....items were found!"

"Ohhh?" I look at her surprised "Someone was that stupid?"

"Yep and more. They got theirs...and then some!"

I turn back to the salesman to answer his question "Ahh no just deliver it."

He adds in the address and hands me the receipt "This all should get to you by Tuesday next week?"

We both exit the store....or in reality Sara drags me out, as I spot even more stuff to buy! At the malls door to the street outside and all its shops. I pause, then keep the door open for a few seconds and be sure my Pixies got all out. When I see small flashes, off in the distance....ones that I can only see. I count four and I am sure they are all fine!

Once outside, just about where I stopped on Saturday, I stop and start to 'feel' out the area. At the same time, I can just see the four Pixies making 'runs' around us to be sure everything is as it should be.

Sara stops and I am sure feels my apprehension " one is that dumb to try that here again?"

"You're right! And I don't feel anything this time, as the last time? This area felt like I was walking in mud!"

So we stroll slowly down the block and pass on the stores we hit on the last trip. As you never know? Someone inside them, might be able to count and put One plus two together and get us!

We both see that the spot where that one cop died has flowers all laid at it. Then the spot, where the four crazy men met death at my hand. Is yet another small bunch of flowers and a guy standing is there handing out leaflets?

As we walk past him, he shoves a leaflet at me and its covered in 'H1' mutant hater propaganda "Donate to the fund to find the mutant monster that killed these innocent men! They tell us it was a unregistered super...but we know better! All mutants should be in prison!"

He just called me a monster!......All I can think to do is rip his throat out and right here in front of everyone! Sara yanks hard on the belt line of my pants and pulls me away from him, when she hears a growl starting to come from me.

At the time she dragged me away, my voice just growled at him "Lar uns'aa natha phindar! Lebb har! Usstan orn glit'r doeb dosst rinteith!" (Call me a monster! Round ear! I will rip out your throat!) and Sara pulled me off down the block.

The mutant hater, He just stood there and was trying to figure out what I was saying. All with the most stupid look on his face.

Once we get a good distance off, she stops her pulling on me and pulls my face to her's with both hands. It takes some effort by her, to move my head from glaring the H1 guys direction. Before she physically 'moved' my head, My eyes where just staring at the man all the way she dragged me and my teeth were bared.

"Hey I am sorry about this. If I had know this was here, I would have never brought you here?" she tried hard to console me.

I am nowhere near calm, my breath is fast and both lungs are working fully. Then, both of my hearts, are firing on all six chambers.....I want to fight and that is all!

Sara tries again to get my attention "Hey calm's all right?"

"Usstan xuat ssinssrin ulu tlu honglath, Usstan ssinssrin ukta elghinyrr!"
(I don't want to be calm, I want him dead!)

She laughs at me and tries to be funny "Rohanna you're speaking in Drow again?"

"Usstan tlun?" (I am?)

"There you go again?" she giggles more.

I am on the other hand getting concerned. Greatly concerned! I think I am speaking English? But I am not!

Then I try "Usstan tlun Rohanna" (I am Rohanna)

She shakes her head at me "Nope?"

I say now, with even more worry dragging on each word "Dos phuul Sara, ussta abbil lu'mrannd'ssinss?" (You're Sara, my friend and lover?)

"Nope still in Drow....are you trying?"

"Siyo!" (Yes!) I nod.

"Please stop joking around?" She adds and now the playful giggles are gone. As her fright for me grows

"Usstan tlun naut Bu'thunasson! Usstan talinth Usstan tlun telanthaad English? Tlun Usstan?"
(I am not joking! I think I am speaking English? Am I?) I say at first shaking my head, then I tilt my head in concern.

Sara's face now lights up in deep concern for me and I can feel it flowing at me from her. "Please stop you're worrying me?"

"Usstan xunus vrine'winith!" (I did stop!) I insist to her.

"No, that is still Drow!"

And now what Sara just said to me, is getting garbled in my confusion! I am losing my understanding of english too!

The next thing Sara does, is drag me to a bench to sit down and I guess help me calm down?

As I sit on the bench I close my eyes and look into my mind. All I find there, is a mess. That goof ball set me off so badly, it shoved all that fading human part of me deep into a corner of my head.

Sara, now too concerned. She knocks on my mental door and asks to come in. I shake my head to her. I can't deal with her right now, I am losing that human connection too's drifting away!

I make a quick mental grab, at what I can feel and yank it back to me. When I think it's all there? I ask Sara slowly "Am I speaking English now?"

As I open my eyes, she smiles at me "Yes that was English! What happened?"

"Your Dad was right? I am out of balance and that guy? He just set me off on a tangent and I had trouble...getting back to thinking human again?"

"Well it's over? So let's take a break and eat lunch. This restaurant right here, looks good?"

" is always good!"

"Yep...elves and food! Always with the empty stomachs!"


Up on a building roof top, near a mile off from the street we walk on.

Two men lay in wait.

One lays down with a large rifle at his shoulder and is setting the scope up. The other sits there crosslegged and peers into a large set of tripod mounted binoculars.

"There...there they are!" he yaps excitedly.

"Where?" the one at the rifle questions.

"There just going into the restaurant, west of the flowers!"

The man at the rifle, swivels the rifle toward his prey and finds them. He looks up and check the wind and his 'hide' again to be sure he can't been seen easily!

His 'hide's well planed, it lays between two large air conditioning units. It has some shade, A scrim or screen to peer through, is set up between the units to block someone seeing them and a nice mat is what he is laying on for added comfort.

As his spotter called out the shot, he checked that the box magazine was full and closed the breech. That sent a Twenty millimeter round into the firing chamber and the magazine had four others to go! Then there laid next to his hand, yet four more magazines....just incase!

His scope finally found its target and the laser found the range. He started to adjust....when both of them walked into the restaurant and out of sight.

"Well I almost got them? Tell me, who gets it first?" he said a true pro. He had no excitement in his voice.

"The tall blond girl...if you miss her? You will not live to see a second try, As she is that fast!"

"Who or what is she?"

"Don't worry...unless you plan on missing!"

"I don't miss!"

"See that you do not. You are PAID not too!"

The sniper mumbles under his breath "Both of them were kids? Not even past teens? What did they do?......But Ohh well, I am paid enough not to care!"


Both of us walk into the high end restaurant arm in arm and up to the matradee. He looks at us in utter distain, why I have no idea?

"Can I help you ladies?" is his dry question.

"Yes please" I speak up "Can we get a booth for your lunch?"

"WE are a little full, but I can get you a reservation for later this month?"

I glance around the large restaurant and's more than empty! So this guy wants a 'tip' or does not like kids?

"Ahh Sir you're more than empty? If you think we are poor mall rats. You are by far off?"

"Miss I did not say that?"

I pull out my wallet and pull out a 'C' note and start to give it to him "Does that work for ya to find that table?"

The 'C' note hovers at his hand, I am not giving it to him till he says 'yes'. What ever his issue was, it finally cracks "Yes Miss that table is ready!"

He then leads us off to a both, along the way. I see that they have others that offer privacy drapes. I stop and point to one "Can we get one of those?"

"Yes you can, but they have a minimum of five hundred to reserve?"

"She can eat that much!" Sara laughs at him "So lets get one!"

He nods and takes us over to one, after we are seated in the booth made for ten diners. He hands us both a menu.

Sara hands her's back "I will have some soda...I just love to sit and watch her eat!" she purrs to me.

The matradee gets the idea and draws the drapes closed, then tells us "This rope here, calls your waiter. Have a fine, meal."

After we get settled in , I go over the menu and make a few mental selections. A tug on that rope, gets the waiter to us and she takes that rather large order from me.

As she is gone, Sara is trying hard to get my mind settled, by being 'more' than playful!

When the waitress comes back with no less than five heaping plates for us. She catches Sara more than sucking on my face, she just nods and places the selection down for us and leaves.

After she is gone I try to dig in, but Sara has other ideas. But she finally sees, I want to eat and starts to feed me in her play. She tries the 'choo choo' kiddy bit on me and the 'airplane'....ohh brother!

I do get lots of that food in me, even with her zany play. After I am done eating, she goes back to try and get me aroused. Sara has me fully wound up when our noise must have got our waiters attention again. She knocks on the booths frame and slides in silently.

She stares at us both, with a grin. As she finds Sara's hand on my near bared chest and is playing with something she found there...that wanted the attention! She clears her throat "Ladies? I don't mind any of this. But the other dinners can hear you?"

"Ohhh Poo! I always get my fun interrupted! How about you just join us?" she smiles at her.

Then I start to feel Sara let lose that 'lust' aura at her. "Hey none of that! Let her make her own choices!" I whisper into her ear.

"Fine" she sighs "But she looks like such fun!" Sara adds in a sultry voice, that almost lures the woman to the table.

I have to touch the girls hand to get her attention back to me "Please can we get our check?" that small touch breaks a little of Sara's 'spell' on her.

She scarcely nods to me and walks off.

"Sara?" I warn her, after she has gone "None of that!"

All she does is giggle at me "Hey its my nature?"

After I get the large check paid.... boy this place was expensive! I drop two hundred, on the table as a tip and get a contact number for this place! As what they served, was just that good!

When we walk out, the crowds have grown a bit and we head toward a clothing store.


"THERE! they just came out! Get ready!"

"Got them!" the sniper tones out coldly. Then he makes a few adjustments on the large computerized scope and sets up his shot.

Both targets come and go into his sight line and he lines up on the tall blond female. He sets the trigger....then the crowd grows and he loses the shot.

"Shit the crowd is getting in the way!" he barks.

"Well then shoot through them!"

"NO! you paid for two dead! Not the whole street! If you wanted the whole street dead, then you should have hired fives guys with rocket launchers!"

"You are paid to kill, not think and have a conscience!"

"Nope I am paid for two dead that's it. The people, who you got me from do not like NEWS like this!"

"Fine, then wait for the shot. We have all day!"

The sniper, watches us both stop at a window and starts to line up again! But is foiled by Sara, suddenly dragging me into the shop. His hand goes to a set of buttons on the large scope and he makes an adjustment. With that, the reflections off the large windowpanes are gone and he can see inside the store.

He starts lining up again.


Sara stops me at the window of a shoes store and peers into it. With a giggle of excitement, she drags me in pointing at a pair of shoes...but this time for her!

Once in the store she is going over the three styles of the same shoe there...

THEN Violet screams magically in my ear "Humans have a large gun aimed at you! MOVE!"

My head swivels around the room and finds not threats and I take a second look more slowly on the next pass.

I am about to question her warning...when she shouts again "MOVE damn you! Get out of the window!"

Now I know and slide out of the window and check on where Sara is at. I find she is deeper in the store and is getting help with shoes in that size she seeks.

I stare at the large window and after a shift in vision. I can now see a beam of laser light seeking me out in the room from outside.

My rage grows, but I keep it in check, then glance out of the window fast and see where they are at! The shooter is on top of a building, far away...far for a human...for me? It's an easy shot!

I don't want to alarm Sara...But these humans are DEAD! I walk over to her, as calmly as I can muster "Sara? I have to go to the ladies room? I just wanted you to known why I was not next to you?"

"Fine Rohanna? don't fall in!" she jests me.

I nod to her, with a smile and walk off. A short walk and I find a rather nice and large restroom here. The room has little room like stalls. 'Very nice!' I think.

After I get into one and lock it.... I port! I am so mad I don't even change into armor!

That port, ends with me falling in the air a few hundred feet above that building. I get my bearings and port to the rooftop.

I end up standing over the man sitting crosslegged and yank him to his feet while I growl in english at him "You will die slowly at my hands!"

Then, I yell at him "GOOD NIGHT GRACIE!" and smash a fist into his face. He flies off from me, to slam into a air conditioner and tumbles to the ground.

As he slides to the roofs gravel, I yell in Pixie "Take him! Stun him and tie him up!"

Both of the male Pixies, slam into him and stab spears deep into his neck to knock him out. Then use magically created rope to tie him up.

The man at the rifle, tries hard to roll over on his left side and grab a pistol from his right hip. He just clears the holster, when my hand wraps around his wrist and I crush it badly.

He screams and then asks me "What are you?"

I pull him up by that mangled hand and then grab his neck with my free hand "I am your death....human!"

Since I have him, I port to the Grove and toss him to the ground. A scream comes from me in Pixie "I have a request elders!"

A elder shows in seconds from the brush "Yes...your will?"

"Torture this one till he talks freely! Then tell me all, I will be back with one more for the same!"

Dozens of Pixie, all fly out of the brush and start to tie him up and I port back to the roof top.

Once there, I stride over to the other man and grab him. I port him and toss his unconscious body to the ground and port back again.

On the roof again, I gather up all their supplies and stack them on the large mat quickly. I take note of the snipers nest, it has that scrim in front of it. My dad talked about this, he told me a good sniper does not jam a gun barrel out a window. Rather, they hide deep in the room and use this stuff to hide behind!

I am just about done getting all their things together, when one of the large bullets I picked up. It stings my hand badly and I drop it from the shock of pain.

I gingerly pick it up and examine it....a cold iron shell is on the outer casing and I smell lots of explosives inside it.

'Ohhh I am going to make him pay for this!'

A port to the grove with all that and I tell the Pixie to stay away from the gun! As it has cold Iron and they might get burned by it.

Then, port back to my restroom, neaten myself up and go back to watching Sara choosing shoes.

She finally settles on a nice pair and I pass on the whole store, as nothing really grabs me.

After a short walk, we get to the store we were told that carried organics and go in. As I search the racks of clothes there, to find a few pairs of pants and a nice jacket. I go and try them on and then excuse myself to the bathroom once again.

As I go off to the restroom, Sara looks at me somewhat concerned "Are you all right?" she questions me.

"I am fine, all that soda is going through me!"

Once back in a closed and locked stall. I port to the Grove, when I get there a elder flies up to me almost immediately.

"Guardian, the one you called 'the sniper?' He spilled his guts to us. The other is crazy! He will not say a word! I have never heard of a human take so much pain!"

"Hummm? But what did the other say?"

"He told us, there is one more in his group and he is in a white van parked in the alleyway by the building. It has the marking of a plumber on the side 'Joe's john repair'..."

I roll my eyes "Clever!" and I port to the roof top again.

A run to the roofs edge and I look over it's edge and see the van is still there. I manifest on my armor and port to the van's rear. I slowly peer in to the van, to see one guy in the front seat and he is sleeping.....what a moron!

My armored fist easily busts the side doors glass and I grab the guys jacket. He is so startled, he makes no sounds and shakes in fear. A yank and he is out of the vans window. Then I toss him across the alley.... to bounce off a garbage bin and fall to the pavement....unconscious.

As I scour through the Vans interior for paperwork, Lilac stabs him in the neck to make sure he is out........Gaea, these Pixie are good! I don't even have to ask!

I snatch the van's paperwork and toss a fireball spell with a timer on a tool box inside. Then I grab onto that asshole, toss him over a shoulder and wait till the spell goes off.

A nice big boom and the van is toast! A port to the grove, I spin him off my back and port out. I don't even wait for anyone to note I am there and back to the restroom.

I exit the restroom to see Sara there tapping her foot at me "So are we done? I found lots of stuff for you to try!"

"Cool.....sorry about that, it turned into a 'long distance' call" I jest her.

She laughs at me and then hugs me close, to drag me off to try stuff on. I am really enthused, she found me lots of stuff to buy here! After I tried it all on, I added a bunch of tops, three neat dresses...she loved and some summer stuff!.....AKA swimwear.

With it all paid for and tossed into my storage. We walk down the street and I am starting to really relax now. As I now know, that having four Pixies covering me from above is more than safe!

As the day goes on, I really get into that relaxing and my mind starts to balance.... at least I think?

I don't even think of the three humans I dropped off in the grove, as the Pixie and others have that covered for now.

When the evening starts to come, I kind of want to stay and see more of Boston. But we have a time limit of one hour after sundown and I have to obey the rules now. Or I will get in real trouble.

At the setting sun, I port both of us home and check in with Mrs. Horton. Sara drags me to her room, for a bit of playtime. But my mood is not into it and I excuse myself with....."I need some time alone out in the Grove to think?" and she lets me go.


Wednesday February 21 6:10 pm
Outskirts of Boston
A small chancery of the church

The man wearing a priestly suit, paces the room for the hundredth time this hour. Six other men at the table watch his every step, as he seems to be in-charge.

A new man bursts into the room, via it's large oaken door and he seems more than upset "Father! The team we sent out to kill the beast or its guardian! They must be dead or captured! As the van they used has just been reported as burnt to it's frame. The address matches, one that they gave us as a possible place to snipe from?"

"DAMN!" shouts the priest "Clear this room! Leave nothing to trace us. This place is blown! Move onto the next location....NOW!"

He then pionts at one of the Six at the table in his anger "You! Call that mercenay...the mutant one! We will pay for this to be done right!"

With his shouted orders, many men come flowing into the room and start boxing all the papers off the large table. Then others, set demolition charges on the walls. This group intends on not even leaving the building as a possible trace to them!


Wednesday February 21 7:20 pm
Whateley Academy - The Grove

After I have walked into The Grove and rested a little. I place my illusion charm back on...don't want to lay all the cards on the table yet!

The eldest Pixie of the Grove, has the three men dragged to me. I just sit on the stump and watch as they get tossed near to me....via a spell thrown by one of the older Pixies.

"So Elder? What have they said?" I ask in Pixie to keep them from knowing what we are discussing.

"Mistress? The driver? He knows nothing, he is useless to us. The sniper...he on the other hand, told us all he knew....and that was very little? Most of it was in the 'files' you brought with them."

The Elder sighs to me, then stares rather meanly at the last man...and points "Now this one? He on the other hand knows something?......What that is? We may never know, as he intends on taking it to his grave. We have tried everything on him! Either, he is dedicated....trained...or insane!"

My eyes close as I contemplate this and I cross my arms in frustration. As I place my face in one of my hands to rest and rub on as I think. An idea suddenly jumps into my mind! Then an evil smile crosses my face.

"Bring me my new Nymph!"

In a few seconds, she is brought to me by her new sisters and she kneels to me "Yes my mistress...your command?" she near whispers to me, from her place of subservience to me.

As she kneels to me, I can see that her nakedness and that of her sisters has all the men's attention!

"Inbal dos screus Ilythiiri quin?" (have you learned Drow yet?)

She shakes her head to me, after one of her sisters has to translate for her.

"Learn faster!" I bark at her.... Then I shove the stack of files at her "What is this? and or do you know them!"

She looks over the documents as fast as she can and be thorough.

"Mistress?...perhaps I should whisper this to you?" I nod to her and toss up a silence spell on us... "this is a hiring file from I would say...the Syndicate. It has the basic info for a hitman to use and the listing of the target....there is no note on pay? But that is normal...after that bargaining has happened? If he disappears? They might look? But in most cases, they pay off his next of kin and call it a day?"

"So none of these are from your past life?"

"No, we don't do it like this. It's all memory, no paper...or not done?"

" off! And your new name for now is Joan or Jo for short!"

She gets up and bows again..."Yes my Mistress!" and leaves.

I stand up and spin with anger on my face to the three men "Now what to do with you three?....hummm? Maybe a few more with more torture?"

"PLEEEEESE no more!" the driver cries and snivels at me.

Then the sniper adds in "I was only employers will look for me!"

The last and leader...He just smiles at me "I will not give you anything...protector of the beast!"

"Okay! now we are getting somewhere...driver my boy, I will get back to you!" he winces back from at me...he takes it as a threat!

With a few menacing steps and I hover over the sniper "Hired you say?"

He nods back to me, with his face staring at the ground "Yes...I have no ill will to you. It was just a job? If you let me go...I will pay my ransom, as that is normal?"

"Human money? I don't need that! Then you say...your organization will look for you?" I then drop the illusion and glare at I really am "You are not among humans anymore!" then I bare my fangs to him.

The leader screams at me "Guardian of the beast, you are DEAD. We will kill you then her!"

Moron! now I am sure of what he has been saying. He thinks I guard Sara and they are after her! Now I know a great plan! But first, lets try more harsh persuasion! "So Mr. sniper? Your employer will be looking for you? Or you will pay a ransom to be let go?"

"Yes they will..." I now hear doubt in his voice "Or I can pay Two hundred thousand to let me go and I forget all this!"

"Like I means nothing here!"

"What are you? AND where is this?"

"Me little old me? I am a Drow.....or as humans insult me. A dark elf. Then this?....This is where, near no human goes. Only Fae kind can be here!"

All he can do is stare at me, clearly not knowing what to do. He glances around himself again....nervously and finds no humans about the area.

The leader barks at him, as he can see the man has cracked "Don't deal with her....she will sell your soul to the beast!"

I smile toward the sniper and my big toothy grin unnerves him so bad. He is near to tears, as he tries not to 'snivel' ...I then spook him even more with my next thoughts "Now selling your soul, THAT sounds like a good idea! I wonder what I can get for it!"

"What ....what is this beast he is yammering about?" the sniper asks me.

"Ohhh her....She is Sara or Kellith. Her daddy, is Gothmog a GOO or Great Old One. OR just plain demon! And he is old, very old....but her grandparents! Now that is old, like in the millions or billions of years? I am not sure?"

"Demon! your shiting me!"

I give him a hard kick to the ribs and crack several with the blow "Never think or even say I am a liar! Do that again...insult my honor and I will kill you!"

All he does is wheeze back to me and rubs his side from the now three cracked ribs " mistake?"

I nod to him, then go to hover over 'the leader' again and add to my menace "So your not talking?"

"No I will never talk! I have God on my side!"

"I want to know, who sent you!" I kick him hard to the chest and he falls over.

The sniper barks at him now...he seems to have switched sides? "Tell her you sanctimonious fool! Or I am sure she will kill us all!"

That yelling between them, got the driver to start crying like a baby and he is falling All he can snivel out now is "Don't kill me!" or "I just drove?" over and over.

He starts getting to me and I slap him hard "Shut up!" I demand "People are trying to talk!" I hiss at him, as I ready yet another blow!

The leader, just smiles at me "Having problems?"

The whining from the driver is madding and I am sick of it! "Lets take this up a notch!" I threaten.

My armor manifests and I drag the driver a few feet from his buddies! Then toss him on the ground...'hard with a bounce'. "Now since your USLESS! You have to die! Then maybe one of your mates may talk then?"

I start to wrap both hands around his neck and SQEEZE! As my hands tighten, he is gasping for air and his face changes color to a bright red, as the blood stops its flow. I move my fingers to a better place for leverage, along his spine.

"Vrine'winith nindol Rohanna! Qualla ori'gato ukta alu?" (Stop this Rohanna! Please let him go?) Aunghadhail pleads behind me, with her sudden appearance.

My head snaps in her direction, as she fades into the Grove in her ghostly manner and can be seen by all here. The other two men stare at her sudden arrival in some shock.

"Suust Aunghadhail, Dos xuat tesso uns'aa vel'bol ulu xun jalamzild! Hel'vers nindol rivvil a'till aphyon yallt! Uk xo'aus ulu elgg uns'aa lu'Sara!"
(Quiet Aunghadhail, You don't tell me what to do anymore! Besides this human earned death today! He tried to kill me and Sara!)

"Qualla! Xun naut xun nindol, Ol zhah naut ditronw lu'uk uriu belbaunin phor!" (Please! Do not do this, It is not right and he has given up?)

"Nau uk elar!" (No he dies!)

I watch as she bows her head to me...and I continue to squeeze the mans neck. Soon the bones in his vertebra can be heard snapping and popping. As I crush them! The 'light' of life is failing in his eyes, as I stare deeply into them and I am enjoying this...'I really like this part' my mind sings to me. The deep bloodlust has me entranced and fully in its embrace!

His body starts its long agonizing death shakes and throws. With each one, my fang filled smile grows along with each one of them. The other two men can only stare at the violence of my act. But Aunghadhail, she looks away....knowing why I enjoy this? It was burned into my kind, via spells done by her sisters minions.

Finally his neck sags at an unnatural angle and blood can be seen leaking from his eyes, nose and ears.

The sniper gasps on in shock and yells at the leader "Tell her you fool or we all die!"

"I am ready to die, I know where I am going. Do you?" he answers him

I toss his dead body to the ground with a thud and the sound of that neck snapping even more and spin to Aung (I yell at her in Drow)"I did not want your interference! Why are you here!" I demand.

"Rohanna...this is not right? You are crossing a line here tonight and it is one that should not be crossed?"

"Not be crossed?" I laugh at her "Do you want me to tell you, how many times. I did this very thing in your name!"

"No...but that was the past, let it lie. Please Sara sent me, she felt you might be having trouble and I fear she was right!"

"I am not in trouble...the world is! I am protecting mine and me. Not doing your biding anymore!"

Aunghadhail tosses a quick silence spell around us and asks me in a concerned tone. "Rohanna I know you like talking in Drow here. But please try speaking English...for me?"

"Easy" I say in Drow.

"When you're ready?" she asks me.

"I just did?" I say in Drow again.

"That was not English. I fear you have or are losing, that human part of yourself? Sadly, Saturday's attack on you and Sara. Then add to all that, what she did to you on Sunday?....."

I interrupt her next word with a swift move of my hand to cut off her words and start defending Sara "She made a mistake...we all do!" I say in Drow once again.

Aung nods to me "I know, it was done and that shook you badly. So badly you wanted to leave your new home and friends? Am I right?"

"Yes you're right...I was affected...and affected badly" I admit to her.

"And you still are? Then today....this happened? Why did you not tell Sara?"

"I wanted to save her from this...the last time. It messed her up so badly, she attacked me by accident!"

"I think, Sara cares for you so deeply, that she would want to know this?"

"No I think it's a bad idea?"

"Fine, we can talk about that later. She also told me, you forgot how to talk in English for several minutes and it spooked her?"

"Yes....I was confused?"

"Well try now please...say anything?"

"Jalbol! loff'ta nin!" (Anything! happy now!) I sass at her.

"That was Drow, not English and I think you know it?....deep down at least?"

I do!... and I turn deep into my mind while I stand there. What I find in there, is that mess again! My old human part is faded to a whisper and can not out shout the Drow part anymore. She has taken over and is running the show.

"Usstan h'ros ragar ol...l'rivvil aglust d'uns'aa, Usstan inbal noamuth ol xor ol fades tarthe dal uns'aa?"
(I can't find it...the human part of me, I have lost it or it's fading away from me?)

"I think I can help? Tell me your name?"


She laughs at me, with a big grin "No silly, the humans name. Do not worry I will tell no one....EVER!"

My stare at her questions her and she encourages me "Please it may help?"

"Jack miles" I say flatly.

"Greetings Jack? What did you do in life?"

My stare grows and now I am surly showing anger, but Aung does not waver " will help me to get to know you?"

"Fine, I did stuff in movies."


"No way...never! I was a craftsperson!" I boast.

"Now I know why you get mad when...movies are talked about. This change stopped your career....did it not?"

"Yessss!" I hiss at her.

She giggles at me "Did you know? You said all that in English!"

"WHAT!" I shout back at her in surprise.

"Yes you did! Now reach for that part of you.....while it is still there and close!"

I close my eyes and relax. This time, the human standing right there. But is fading fast! My mind grabs on to him and yanks him back to I can hear him clearly.

"Why kill him? He was just a bag man...a driver? He knew nothing!" Jack tells him...or herself?

Now we stand in that shadow of that old house of mine, a blend of my personal house, the Drow's quarters and the home of his parents.

Jack Miles stares down the Drow, as she stands across that gathering/living room from him "Shadowsblade we had a agreement DAMN IT! I run this body only came when I wanted it!"

Shadowsblade, stands there with hands behind her back...rocking on her feet back and forth. Then starts to rock at her hips, as she giggles at the! "But you called upon me so much....I just thought I had better run the....'show'? You call it?"

The 'Jack' part yells at the Drow "We had a deal! I would run this life. Yours was over and can't cope with today! Sooner or later? The ways you act out, the humans would hunt us, me, we down and end it!"

"Let them come!" she barks at Jack.

"They will win and you know it?...don't you?"

Shadowsblade.....stops her rocking motion and is pondering the answer "Yes.....I do? So what do 'WE' do from here?"

"We blend...just like WE agreed. I...the Jack Miles part? Will do the day to day stuff that requires a human touch. Then you will do all the Sidhe day to day dealings? Make sense?"

"Yes...but I was right about Sara! She did try and kill us!"

"NO that was an accident! That attack from the humans that chase her....made that accident occur!"

"Yes....fine." Shadowsblade relents and nods gently.

"Do remember she tried and is trying to help us? Remember the kids....she shared that pain?"

She nods again...

"So back to being a team?"

"Agreed" then she walks toward Jack, they face each other and start to 'blend' again. One near ghostly body fades into the other and the blending is done. And a Drow stands there, opens its eyes to the dream world and sighs "I hope this lasts?"

Back in the Grove

Aunghadhail watches over the Drow, Shadowsblade or Rohanna. As she concentrates, trying to grab hold of that last human part of herself.... Then Rohanna's eyes pop wide open and she shakily falls to the ground onto one knee.

"WOW! Now that's a headache!" I yell out to her "Please lets not do that again!"

All Aunghadhail can do is laugh at me "Better now?" she asks while the giggles keep going.

"Yes, for now. But I have to do something more to these two gents and I know you will not approve? But it has to be done....I have to find out who is after me or Sara? Would you not agree?"

"I see your point....Yes" she sighs back to me.

A few quick strides and I am back next to the two men "SO anyone talking now! Or do I stop being 'NICE'!"

The leader laughs at me and my question "Never...."

"I know nothing?" the sniper adds in his defeat, then hangs his head low.

"Well lets take care of this garbage? Shall we?" I point to the dead driver.

Then I dance my fingers over his body, as I whisper to the Grove "Take this offering and grow stronger!"

A light dusting of magic settles off my fingers, on the body and then the ground underneath him erupts. The ground comes alive, the grass grows fast and starts to tear into his flesh. The roots of trees come up, split the body apart and break its bones into small parts...with a snapping and popping sounds.

The roots burst through his ribcage, then his skull via the jaw and eyes and crush both to bits. Then all that furious fast growth pulls the body into the ground and its gone. Not one bit left...not even clothes!

"Humm very nice spell that one!" Aunghadhail tilts her head to me.

"Glad you like that one! I will trade you a few for that one?"

"Yes deal....Nikki might need that someday?"

The sniper gawks on in disbelief, then goes absolutely NUTS! "FUCK this! I am not ending up like that!.....Tell her please TELL her!" he pleads with his leader.

All he gets in reply from the man is a nod.....Then he laughs at him "That was a good thing...what will happen to us?.....will be far worse!"

Aunghadhail's eyes narrow at the man, then she turns to look at me "He is insane!"

"Yep...he has religion bad! In his case I hope it works! As I am calling in the big guns next!"

"Who or what? If I can ask?" Aunghadhail narrows her eyes at me...wondering

"Daddy" is my simple answer.

"NO not him...he will..." her eyes open wide in shock at me.

"Yes....he will!"

"That is not is cruel! Please do not" Aung pleads with me and for the two humans.

"Then you tell me who or what?" I give more than a harsh stare at her... and I am waiting for her reply.

"Can I try at least once? This way they get to keep their souls!"

When the sniper hears that and after he saw what I just did to the driver. Then add Aunghadhail...just up and came out of 'nothing'.....the poor man's sanity snaps and bad!

All he can do now is plead to me and 'the leader' for his life. He babbles on and on, to him to 'please talk...tell them....tell her what she wants!'

As I ignore the whining of him, I nod to Aung...."Sworn sister of mine. Try if you like, if it works?....then its for the better?"

Aunghadhail steps over to the leader, who is just staring at her with the most evil eyes. She starts saying an incantation in ancient Elvin, I understand most of it and try to put the rest to memory! As it might be useful someday.

As she hits a crescendo of her incantation, she starts weaving magical strands over the mans head and drops the spell over his head. Then she waits....studying it all.

All at once, the spell busts into a brilliant glow and dissipates wildly!

Aung stands back as the spell goes haywire and disappears. At one point she puts up a magical shield...just in case and cringes at the effects of it busting lose.

"Well!....That was not what I expected at all!" she huffs a regal manner.

My eyes would roll if they still could..."I could have predicted that happening ...anyone that can stand up to the Pixies and their questioning? They have something helping them!"

"Hummm I have never heard of the Pixies doing this torture to others or for that matter...helping the Drow out?"

"Well, we.....servants" I let that one burn a little in its tone to her "Did not tell you everything!"

The sigh she lets out...I even feel its weight "Yes I admit I made poor choices back then....and maybe if I had given you all....." She stops...while thinking the words "Your full freedom. The Sidhe would all be here and alive as a race?"

"We will never know?"

Her head sinks in the thoughts of......what if?

I move with a purpose, then snatch the jackets of both men by the collar and start dragging them off "Well I guess it's time to see 'daddy'! So lets go have FUN shall we!"

"Rohanna?" Aung says in a gentle tone to me.

"Yes?" my dragging stops and I twist back to look at her.

"Please? is there anyway else...but this?"

"You gave it your best it's time for the boatman to be paid!"

"Yes...but I will wait here for you to come back and we can talk more?"

"Please I would like that!"


Wednesday February 21 10:50 pm
Whateley Academy - Far outside The Grove

Both of my hands toss, a man each far in front of me with a thud and groan of pain from each. I had thought to port to here? But dragging them made for a more dramatic journey and I had hoped one would convince the other to talk during it!

But my hopes....were meet by silence. At least from the man who held what I needed to know! The other screamed all the way! And I loved it! By loved it? I mean both halves of my blending personality, as he intended to kills 'us' for money! Not a cause? Or justice?....nothing but cold hard cash!

After I pull open my armored top, my hand fishes out that necklace that Sara gave me, from her dad...Gothmog. She did not tell me how to use it, but I figure that simply holding it and thinking of him. Will get some kind of attention soon enough?

Within a few minutes of deep concentration, a deep swirling void opens just a few yards from me. My deep instincts, they tell me to get ready for a fight...but I know better. A large tall man, dress in a impeccable white suit, walks at a leisurely pace toward me and He has a huge grin on his face.

The two men next to me shake in fear, the snipers mind just finally snaps and he starts drooling. The leader finally finds fear, by pissing his pants...but shouts out in trying to look brave "The beasts kin is here...may GOD strike this place!"

Gothmog ignores the two men and goes to wrap me in a hug...I return it. "Well my little Drow...what makes you call me so soon?" his booming...but warm voice asks me.

I wave my hand and all their gear drops from my storage to the forest floor with a crash. I turn back to Gothmog, then say as best I can with the anger and rage growing in me "This" I point at the pile, at my feet..."these two men and one other, were about to kill me...Then Sara, today with this gun!"

I can feel the waves of anger rise off Gothmog and one of the huge Twenty millimeter shells floats off the soft earth to his eye height. Then the case separates from the bullet...then splits down its length.

Now the bullet is open for all to see, inside is a explosive core wrapped in a pre-segmented section of layers. One is cold iron on the outside, that was for me!. The next is a thin layer of Orichalcum and that layer is for Sara's kind! The center is a armor penetrator of a blended alloy of both and some new one?

"This my Drow....would have killed you for sure in one blow, all that cold iron. It would have been tossed throughout your body and burned up what ever was left after the explosion. The other part of Orichalcum and that alloy...would have hurt Sara badly and may have killed her?"

A sudden kick of mine sends the sniper flying back, from my anger "That one was the shooter!"

I kick the other so hard, he bounces off a tree's side a few yards off "HE is the leader of this group! AND is not talking!"

"I have to ask, as you hold these men's fate in your hands? What is your reason for me coming here?"

"Gothmog? I have tried my best and others get them to talk. BUT NO!" I bark out in anger "They remain silent. I request you take over and find out all you can from them! Do know, I have yet to tell Sara any of this......and do not wish too? As she has too much to worry about now?"

"Your a good friend and more to my Sara! Has your mental imbalance improved any?"

" with this and another incident. My internal balance has grown even worse. But I hope it gets better...Aunghadhail is helping me with that and she will continue after we are done here?"

"Where is the third said there was three men?"

"I killed him, he was the useless driver of the other two. His death was used by try and make the other two crack? It failed!"

Gothmog wraps a loving arm around my neck and pulls me to him. Then smiles down at me "You should have not done that, You are hurting yourself far too much, by taking on all this pain on yourself. Please don't anymore?"

"I will try?"

"No don't try? Please do! Call on me or let Sara share some of it, as it truly is her burden in life...not yours. An accident of you being there, has placed you in the middle of this. I will take these two and handle this."

"That was my plan? But please keep me informed? And don't tell Sara...for now?"

"I will take them from you and then get back to you with what I find out from them? In no more than forty-eight hours?"

"Thanks!" I add in glee.

"No thank you! keep helping and saving my family. Why.... I don't know?"

"Neither do I?" I question even myself and what I am doing.

"Well, please take care of yourself...from now on. I do not want to lose would crush Sara?"

Gothmog takes a step back from me and two human looking minions appear from the circular void. They each grab one man and drag both of them deep into the creeping darkness of it, as they scream out at me.

The sniper is just babbling incoherently at me, the leader on the other hand! He is cursing at me and prays that God may kill me soon!

I laugh at his pleas "I have been around a long time human and I have others that protect me!"

I give Gothmog a final nod, then watch as his form fades into the darkness of the void and then the circle itself.....vanishes.


Wednesday February 21 11:40 pm
Whateley Academy - The Grove

After the deed is done, I walk back to the Grove's center and find Aunghadhail awaits my return...patiently.

"Aung, the deed is done?"

"Well it is over and on a great just spoke in English? So I call that a good thing? A small victory! Do you not?"

"Yes...I guess so?" I question her reason?

"Well let us talk for a short while....Then if I can suggest? You go back to Poe and be around the humans for a few days...As you rest from the stress of this week?"

For the next hour, Aunghadhail asks me many questions about the 'old human' in me and she even coxes out way of asking questions that she never asked Nikki....Ones that perplex her to no end! But are too embarrassing to ask!

I find it very intriguing, that a 'being' so old and full of knowledge....She does not know all of what is around her each day?

By the end of the conversation, Aunghadhail wants me to run more weapons practice on Nikki and she will trade me her best Sidhe spells for it. Even if she has to write them down for me! I give her a good blank spell book of mine and have the Pixie elders take charge of it....for when she is not here?

I want to be around humans again.... a specific human again tonight! As Aunghadhail is helping? But not as much or in ways that I like?

Not too long after midnight, I give goodnight to Aunghadhail and leave her writing in that book. I just know she is writing spell notes for Nikki to read too! Among who knows what?


Thursday February 22 1:55 am
Whateley Academy - Poe Cottage

With a small port from the Grove's edge I stand at Poe's main door, a hop up the short stair case and I am in the door.

As I walk in, Mrs. Horton's door opens to light up the entry and me "Rohanna Honey? You're just getting in? Sara was back hours ago and she seemed to be worried about you?" she whispers at me from the cracked door.

"Yes I am back in....I just had something's to get done is all?"

"Did you?" she asks me and I am sure she is asking if I need time to chat?

"No...I want to be near friends tonight?"

"Then go...but keep it quiet tonight!" she snickers evilly at me.

"Yes ma'am..." I mumble, as I walk upstairs to where the juniors are at.

With a few steps down the hallway I stand at Rosalyn's door, a soft rap on it and her roomie comes to answer it.

I just stand there, as best I can...keeping it all in check. Gaea...I am about to fall apart! This week has been too much for me, this weekend has shaken what little I had to go by!

Her roomie opens the door to me and knows me on sight and whispers "I'll get her!" after she sees my face and the pained expression on it.

Roz looks up from her desk, where she sits with both legs up to her chest and a book perched on her knees... she has to twist to see who is at the door. Her roomie answered it, so her body blocks her sight of the person there and she does not let the person in? But whispers something to them?

"Roz.....Ro is here?"

Rosalyn jumps out of the chair, from her studying for a test tomorrow...she knows she has this test locked. But studying is a great way to get your mind off things and that 'thing' is at the door!

As she runs over to the door and gives the tall elf a hug of death. A short look into the pained face she finds there, gets a few words from her....."Want to..." then she realizes, that is not what Rohanna wants "Give me five to get my stuff!"

Roz runs back into her room, grabs a bag and rapidly stuffs her clothes for the next day into it, along with her shower needs.

When Rosalyn, gets back to the door she looks up into the Drow's face and can see the pain is growing there. Rohanna's face is strained and the muscles show in her neck as she clenches her teeth.

She whispers "Don't say a word....lets just get back to your room and rest shall we?" and she grins at me.

We both go down the stairs at a good pace and once in my room with the door locked. I fall apart and start bawling.

All I can do is sob as she takes me over to my bed and gets me settled. After I calm down a little...enough to talk. "What's the matter?" she asks me, while keeping a soft hug on me.

"I just.....this week was too much again. The attack on Saturday and that Sunday thing. Then even more.....stuff today! My mind is so unbalanced. I lost.....lost how to speak to anyone in English....more than once. I....I....I even" and my stuttering grows so bad, I can't form the words anymore.

"Hey it's going to be all right...Just stay here and calm down? AND please don't think of leaving the academy I heard you wanted too!"

"Yes I am staying. But I almost lost being able to understand English too!" I cry.

"Well you're fine now?"

I nod weakly back to her.

"So why did you come to my room and get me?" she asks with smooth purr and a silly grin.

"Not that!......" I chirp at her "I needed some....human....something human near me for a little while. To remind me to be more of one and.....not so" I hate to even say the word! "Elfy?"

All Rosalyn can do is laugh at me "Okay less Elvin or Sidhe? I can help with that!"

I nod to her, then stand up to start getting myself undressed "I need some rest and I bet you need your sleep?"

"Ya I am tired...but if you need to talk?"

"No I just need you here? As I may love both you and Sara? I need something that is....less her...and more human? For now anyway?"

"I understand that! Sara is a GOO and I bet that is not always the best thing to deal with at times?"

"Yes...." is all I mumble out.

As I get all undressed and ready. I tap gently on her shoulder and place my weather protection spell on her. Once that is done, I fling both windows wide open to the cold night air. My mind and ears both want to hear the outside tonight!

Rosalyn sees me do all that preparation and smiles to me "I love being able to do that and hear the outdoors!"

Once in the bed, she snuggles close to me and falls right off to sleep. I on the other hand, just lay there and I am enjoying being wrapped in her presence. Her warmth, the closeness, her smell and the sound she makes all blends with the outside and calms my raging brain.


Thursday February 22 6:55 am
Whateley Academy - Poe Cottage

When the sunlight peaks into my window, I am already up and waiting for Rosalyn to wake herself. The time for class gets too near? So I gently rub her back till she wakes from it.

"Hey sleepy? It's time to get going? I am sure you have class?"

Roz rolls up to stretch and yawns at me "Yep sure do! I have a boring botany test today and powers lab."

"Awww poor baby?" I jest her.

She gives me a playful shove, then bops the pillow on my head and gets up from the bed. I just lay there and watch her stretching as she gets up.

When she finally notes my staring at her with a silly grin on my face "None of that! I really have got to get to class!" she warns.

After she grabs her shower bag, I get mine and toss her a large towel from my set of them. Then we both stroll down the hallway giggling....why? I don't know?

We both wash up quickly, so she can make that first class and my hair takes forever to get done right! it long! But somedays you 'pay' for it!

When we all get finished up in my room, I walk/port her to that botany test. While she is in that one class and most certainly bored to death. I walk the halls, just to see what's there?

Since her testing was taking place in Kirby Hall, as they normally meet for this class out in the gardens or one of the many service buildings for the same. I decide to explore the Magical annex a bit more! Before I have to take classes here in the weeks to come.

As I walk down the hallway I see a open door and peek into it. Inside I can see that Mrs. Grimes is giving a test on basic spell crafting. With that test, each student is taking turns at the head of the class and is crafting a basic spell. A shield one, or invisibility, or even a small illusion one?

At the doorway I am peeking in as best I can, when I hear someone coming down the hallway toward me. With a small twist of my head I note its Circe and she is heading my way.

When she finally gets up to me, I note she is grinning at me? Why I have no Idea?

"Well Miss Leigh, it looks like your here early? Getting a head start on your classes no doubt?"

"Kind of ma'am? I was here with a friend, who is now busy taking a final. So while I waited for her to finish that? I decided to go out exploring a little?"

"Well come sit, at the classroom's back row with me and observe the class. While I grade the students?" she asks me, with a inviting smile.

"I can do that!" I beam at her.

She then guides me to the last row and we sit. Once settled, she takes out a huge book and starts on notes on each student as they come up.

With great interest, I watch each student take their turn at doing the task set to them. But as each one comes up and does the task assigned. I am getting really worried! And even more worried as each one takes its turn. The magic they are using in this test and class, has some of the parts of magic I use? But for the most part, it makes no sense to me at all! NONE OF IT!

Then it dawns on me! They are using a fully human and modern form of magic. Where as mine is all Fae based and ancient! When class here starts for me....I am going to be totally lost for months! With me just trying to catch up to them and maybe unlearn most of my skills and then replace some of it. With this newer, human type of magic?

At one point I am watching a student weave a very large spell....and I don't think she intended on it getting this large! I notice that it maybe getting out of her control? But I am not so sure? As this form is still strange to me!

Circe suddenly jumps up from her seat at the spells apex, she hurriedly starts to weave a shield spell and its aimed at the students nearing mistake. The one spell Circe is weaving, is a large shielding it's very well built!

The students spell is coming apart fast and Circe's spell, may not be fully made by the time its needed. But I know I am faster with mine and hurriedly wrap the students mistaken spell in it. Then channel the brunt of the blast, back to the Ley line that runs under this building.

As the students spell finally fails. The essence of the blast it formed, is vented off into the Ley line, with a blast of dazzling light and some force that shakes the room a little. Some of the 'objects of power' in the room fall and papers from near everywhere fly about the room.

After the dust settles down and the students see that all is fine? Circe sighs to me "Thanks! You're a little faster than me with that!"

"That's how I was trained....and it kept me alive! But yours was a better build, and weave than mine.... I had to channel the magic back to the Ley line? Your spell would have taken the shock and bent it back on itself, for powering it...longer or more shielding strength? Is my best guess, from what I saw of it?"

She nods to me "Yes...that is, or was it's intent?"

After that student has had that large failure. The class takes a small break to clean up the mess. AND Mrs. Grimes takes that time out to chew the student out for the near massive failure!

Circe takes that time, to ask me some questions "Well Miss Leigh? What do you think about this so far?"

"Ma'am? I think I am going to have real issues with these classes?"

She gives me a puzzled look, while asking "Why is that? You have the skills?"

"The Royals ma'am? They sent or trained me in a very limited way? I have no base to build new spells from....then add to that issue? All that I know, is Fae spells and ancient ones at that! I will have to start from square one, to even learn anything here? AND that is if......." I stop abruptly. As the Geas grabs hold of me hard and stops me from saying more.

"If what?" she asks me.

All I can do is shake my head at her in vain....I just can't say it!

"Humm I bet Aunghadhail can tell me? I will question her on this?"

My eyes light up and open wide to her. I try to say yes, but can't. I hope that small jester of mine, gave her a clue?

Circe is about to ask more of me, when my phone rings from my pocket. I had placed it there, instead of my ether storage. So Roz could get a hold of me!

After I fumble with it for a few minutes in trying to get the 'texting' to work! I glance back to Circe "I have to get going? Can we talk on this later? Or do you wish me to stay?"

"No...please go have fun! There will be time for class, good friends don't last forever!"

I leap out of my seat, nod a good day to her and I am off!


After we eat a late breakfast. Roz tells me, there is yet another long test in the powers lab for her to do and I can't watch at all! So I drop her off in Schuster hall and walk toward the forest to kill time while I wait for her.

This side trip of mine is not to the Grove, but to the main forest of the area. I want to enjoy this place, as it's to be my home for quite sometime!

At the forest's edge, my armor comes out and I seal up the head covering. Then I spring up into the tall trees. My legs spring me from tree to tree over one hundred feet up in the tops of them.

Then just a quarter mile from the last path that surrounds the school I come to the main magical wards that cover the whole campus. Here they are strong! Very strong indeed, but over toward the Grove....they don't even exist!

I drop down a few dozen feet to better examine the Wards. When I let go of the tree's side, I fall silently to the forest floor below. Once on the soft snow, I examine them from here, where it's easier.

With a little thinking on it and use of very special spells I was taught. The wards of the campus are gently pushed aside and no one is the wiser for it!

Once all that is done I spring back high up into the large trees and start leaping from one to another. As I travel from tree to tree, near one hundred feet up and at a speed of over twenty miles an hour. I like what I find so far, just plain unspoiled forest!

After going about five miles out, I pause on one tree's large branch and I place a bare hand on its surface. Now I connect with the tree itself and the surrounding area....then Gaea beyond that.

What I get back from the vast 'network' of nature. That the village of Were's lays not too far off from me and that there are two others near me?

One is a human mutant, that the forest and the Grove really like. The other is a human mutant and its friend?

'Hummm time to have fun?' I think evilly!

I get the direction of them from me and off I go! A short while latter, I am high above both of them and I stop to study them for a short time.

The one in the rear is a normal looking human boy, teenager, black with dreadlocks? They call them? And he is wearing white powered armor. But of note, is that huge gun he has on his looks like a shotgun? But over double the size? He maybe a gadgeteer or a divisor?

Then there is his friend? Who is taking 'point' and walking out front. A large Pack Stalker? What in the heck is that doing here! I see what looks to be a yellow and black striped, velociraptor or something? With a T-shirt on, some kind of weird pants and a backpack walking into the forest.

Once more I connect to the 'network' and reach out to the Pixie elders "Who are these two?" I ask them and send a mental picture of I see them below me.

" They both, along with Fey and a group of teen mutants from the school protected this place from an incursion of the Bastard or the GOO last year."

"Are they fun?"

"Entertaining to say the least!"

"Thanks elders..." and I drop that connection and form a new one.

This new connection is with the trees in the area, I ask them via it. To drop a large pine cone, just a little north of me to 'play' with the two below me.
Some fifty yards off to the north, a rather large pine cone falls to the forest floor with a large thud and startles both of the teens below me. Then one more, falls to the west, a little closer than fifty yards.

Both Jericho and Razorback spin in alarm to the newer sound. "So do ya hear anybody buddy?" Jericho asks his large dino buddy.

The large dino shakes his head in reply and keeps scanning the area for threats.

Next the birds at my request, all fall add to the eeriness of the forest.

High above them I am trying my hardest not to laugh out, the giggles in me are bubbling up and its killing me not to laugh out loud! But the fun is far from over! With a request, yet another pine cone hits the forest floor to the east and this time its closer at under thirty yards.

The one in white armor asks his buddy again in a light whisper, as he swings his gun from his back "Well buddy how about now?! Do you smell anything!"

The quills on the dino's back shoot up in anger and he swings his head all about and sniffs the air .....looking for prey!

After the dino waves his arms all about, the armored boy says to him with just a hint of fear "No I don't see anything with my optics?"

I study the both of them even more now and see that the one in armor is using some sort of technology instead of real eyes? That makes him blind to me! Human tech, it seems to have real issues with seeing me at all!....And I love it!

Then there is the dino? His buddy has told me he hunts with both sound and smell. Not by sight, for the most part!

All I fall to the forest floor silently and stand on the fresh snow. My armor blends into the forest so well, no one can see me! Both of them are anticipating a sound from the south now. I bet they think this is a pattern and I am sure it worries them both a little.

After a few silent steps, I shout out at them
"What are you two doing in my forest?"
Then port away.

Both spin to the sound. "I don't think we are surrounded buddy" the one in armor whispers out.

"Yes, what are you both doing here in our forest!"
I shout from a new spot and port out.

They both spin to that sound and seem to get ready for a fight. Then the black kid in armor, I notice him fingering a pad near his neck and he makes silent words with his mouth.

That alarms me a little....'a radio? who or what would they call here?'

In my new spot I say out
"Are you sure you are welcome here?"
and port once again.

The dino's arms move furiously about and then the other kids says "Nope I don't see anyone!"

"Humm that kid must be using sign language? I have go to get a book on that and add that to my skills!' I think as this new item, is added to my mental list of things to learn here.

"So what are you doing here?"
I add and port away.

After I port away, the one in armor asks yet again of his buddy "You don't see or hear I don't see anything!"

After he shakes his head in reply....He looks right at me and his eyes narrow with him trying to see me?

I port away to be sure! He might have heard me? So my training took over and away I went!

"Ya hear something over there!" the kid shouts out, to his large buddy.

"Close but no cigar!"
and I port again.

Both of them spin to my new sound again.

"SOMEONE is playing with us!" the one in armor, shouts out in anger at the forest.

"Definitely playing with you!
Because if we attacked you?
You would be gone already!"
I shout back and port away.

"Yes definitely gone!"
then I port again.

"Ohh yes, these two are fun!"
I shout with yet another port,
to further confuse them.

Once more he talks into his radio and then shouts out "Who ever you are? Come out now!"

From my new spot, I whisper a reply to him
"Making demands when you are surrounded?
An interesting concept?"

"Yes an interesting concept!"
I say playfully from a new spot, once I port there.

"Yes, he is surrounded by more than one
and he is making demands?"
I say lastly and port.

Both of them are near back to back and looking very mad now. The low grumbling growl coming from the dino is a cool sound to my ears. I love the pitch of sounds like battle coming at you!

"Enough playing with you? You're no fun anymore!" and I step out from behind a tree in direct line sight of the larger of the two. Once he sees me, the growling from him intensifies.

With a wag of my finger at him, I warn "THAT would be a mistake! Don't you go charging me! As I will be long gone, before you get to me!"

The one in armor starts to raise his large gun in my direction "Now that would be a even bigger mistake! You firing that gun at me!" I now point at him.

"Well then! Who are you!" he asks for the both of them.

My hand raises up and pulls off my head piece. With it now gone, My dark face now shows, my long white hair flows down onto my shoulders and he can see my ears, after I brush my hair off them.

He just stares at me for a few seconds, then begins to state to me "So I guess your one of Nikki's elves? As I already saw a tape of you running that Sim in 99 the other day?"

"Yes I am with Nikki." I flatly state.

"But you're not one of Jobe's?"

"NO! I am not one of those DNA mistakes of his or was it her's?" I growl lightly at him.

"So what are you doing out here...messing with us!" he demands and the dino growls at me too.

"I was getting used to the area and looking about? Then I found you two and decided to have some fun!......And what are you doing out here.....human" I say coldly "... with a gun! The dino, I understand him being here? But you?" I question him now.

"The 'dino'...he is Razorback or Jack to his buddies....I am Jericho....And you are?" he asks me sarcastically.

"Me?...Rohanna Leigh or Shadowsblade. I am a Drow...not dark elf! Like that" I shiver thinking of it "J..obe! Yecch!....But nice to meet you?"

As Jericho re-slings the rifle onto his back and I can see that Razor is now calmer. I step toward them both. But as I get near, Razorback growls at me yet again.

"Hey no need for getting nasty! I was just playing around!" I warn him.

"I am not sure he likes you?" Jericho adds in.

"Well the play time is over and you and I have been introduced...SO manners please!"

Razor growls and chirps comments to Jericho, while signing with his arms furiously. Then ends with a long harsh stare at me.

"What was all that about?"

"He just apologized to you?"

After a short 'read' off Jericho, I can see he is lying for Razor...."Well I am sure you are lying for him? I can's my gift and curse in life. I can't lie....but I can tell when others lie to me!"

All that happens that Razorback very slowly gives me the 'finger'.

"Aww come on? I have had nothing but manners with why that?"

Just as I finish that last word, a large wolf comes bounding up to us all and a bear is not far behind him. The wolf stops his advance about thirty feet off and shifts to werewolf and finally human. He then sniffs the air near me and his face changes to one of rage at me.

He breathes heavily at me from his running and I can see deep anger in his stance "SHE IS MINE!" he bellows at me.

"What are you yelling about? You want me?" and I give Jericho a questioning glance of 'what?'

All Jericho can do is shrug his shoulders to me and sigh "Heck if I know?"

"My mate...she is mine!" he then leaps at me and shifts to werewolf.

I am so surprised by his action, he actually gets one large paw to my face and draws I am pissed!

I kick off him, roll to my feet backwards and my armor snaps back on to my face with a fast swipe of my arm "Big mistake doggy! You're about to get FIXED!" I warn.

As the werewolf starts to chase me all around the forest floor and I spring into the trees to avoid him. All I can that killing him, would not be a good idea! I want to be friends with the local Were's.....not an enemy!

While I spin all about the large trees, to keep the 'doggy' off me! The bear finally gets there, shifts shape to human and stands calmly by Jericho "Hey Jericho!" it says "what's all this about?" he asks peacefully.

"Heck if I know? Carl just got here, after I called you all and he went nuts on the elf here?"

"Humm really? This cub was always stupid! But did he say anything?"

"Yep" Jericho says back to him, as he watches me bound from tree to tree. Staying away from the wolf "He said something about 'she is my mate?' and then attacked the new elf?"

The older man/werebear sniffs the air as I go flying by....and I am now giggling at the wolf at his vain attempts at catching me by now.

Just after I run by and the Bear has taken that long sniff of air as I passed. He stops to think on what he smelled and comes to a conclusion. "Ahhh is it possible that this new elf? She has ahhh ...bedded with Sara?"

"Yep, I hear her an Sara are an item!" he laughs.

"Well there is why Carl is mad. He thinks he should be Sara's only mate. He had the same issue with Paige and got smacked down. Now he wants to hurt this elf...that has bedded his mate?"

Jericho laughs at the bear "Well I have seen a tape of her fighting in one of our simulations just last Friday. AND Ben? Carl is chasing one of the nastiest fighters I have ever seen at Whateley! She is pure killer that one!....the doggie boy, has bitten off more than he can chew with her!"

I on the other hand, am a little busy playing 'keep away' with the puppy! After I leapt up one tree, dog boy is trying real hard to get at me and is climbing the tree!

While I am up that tree, I overheard what 'Ben' said and yell out to him "Can you call him off me or do I have to hurt him!"

Ben thinks for a second and since Carl is a knucklehead! He forms an answer to my plea "I would hurt Carl there a bit! As he is more than hard headed and that seems to be the only thing he gets these days!"

"Great Thanks! So I have to bop the doggie with a newspaper!" I sass meanly.

"Yep!" Ben shouts over Carl's clawing and growling at me.

With that answer. I give the pup a swift boot to the head, as I yell "DOWN BOY!"

The blow does not even phase him? So I add to it with two harder ones!

All Carl does in reply to my savage blows, is jump higher at me and Bellow out "I am going to kill you!"

Razorback chirps out and signs to Jericho "I'll put ten on the elf, any takers!"

Jericho laughs at his friend "Ha taking a bet of the dog boy over the elf? Is a sucker bet!"

"I will do twenty on the dog boy, to at least hurt the elf a bit?" Ben jumps in.

Jericho's more than surprised face looks at Ben "Ahh I would take that bet! But my mom told me, to never take advantage of old people?"

Razorback chirps out like mad and signs "DEAL!"

Back up the tree, I am trying to give the boy a chance at giving up. But he is stupid or really mad? Why I have no Idea?....he really thinks, that he is Sara's only mate? Dumb kid!

With no other option open to me, I leap from the tree and land a few yards off. He comes charging at me and slashes at me standing there. I roll under his fast and savage blows. To come up behind him.

"If you only had some training? You would be a great fighter someday?" I say to him.

He just growls back at me, as he twists to get at me. I don't really wait for him to finish. I just punch him in the ribs, hard enough to break several and kick his knee to bust it at the joint.

Carl falls to one side from the leg being broken and I step back from him. He takes one more step to me and with a twist of his leg. He gets it straightened up and it heals very fast!

"Well I guess Were's still heal fast! Glad to see that!" I jest him.

As he steps forward to me, he grabs a large rock. One that is well over a hundred pounds and hurls it at me. I slide to my left and out of its way.

"So... you want to up the ante and have weapons! You are SO going to regret that choice!" I hiss at him.

Carl lifts another rock off the ground in reply to me. He wants to smash me and good!

I pull out from my storage, two well made steel daggers. I leave the Mithril ones out of this fight! As Were's are as sensitive to them, as I am to cold iron and this fight has not gone that far....yet!

He tosses the rock at me in fury and rushes me. I dodge the rock and faint right. He sees that move, swipes at me and only lightly connects. He does not interrupt my next move.

After I take the small hit. I slice up his right arm, with five slashes to it. Then finish off the move, with a double jab of the daggers in and out of his guts.

He staggers past me and growls "That all you got!"

"Nope!" I say as I just got him to where I want him!

I roll to the ground and push off with a feet first leap at him. To shove him into the tree. When he bounces off it, he swipes at me and spins me with a good blow to the head, but I come back up and stab both daggers into him and the tree beyond at his shoulders.

The places I had chosen to stab into were for a reason. One, he can't get lose again fast. Then he can't regenerate the wound any to help him get lose. Next, his pinned to the tree for a few minutes!

As He just struggles and tries to get free. I pull off my face armor and stare at him "Now STAY, SIT, HEEL!...good dog!" and I walk away, laughing at him.

Ben is shocked by seeing my face as I turn from Carl. 'A Drow! I have only seen one or heard of them, via the stories in the tribal archives and the older tribal members can ever see those records!' his minds spins 'So poor Carl has no idea what he is messing with!'

As Ben is about to say something to the Drow walking toward him. Carl stuck fast on the tree behind her, pulls free and tosses the dagger that had trapped him at her back.

Ben watches in horror, as the blade flies on its path to my back and he tries to say something to me, just as it hits me. But lucky for Carl, my armor soaks up most of the blow of it and I stagger forward almost unhurt. The only reason why the blade got to me, was the short distance it was thrown.

My eyes go red in anger and rage as I twist back to him "Ji dos ssinssrin ulu el yallt AUFLAQUE!" (So you want to die today DOG!)

With that low growl of mine, I port back to him and shove a steel barbed dagger into that freed shoulder. Now he cries out in real pain! As this dagger was made to keep a person stuck...via it's fierce and 'growing' via magic...'BARBS!...with each tug he makes on them to get free...they GROW even longer and sharper!

Once I am sure he is stuck GOOD!

My left hand is at his throat and my right is dragging a Mithril blade along his left thigh. The small cut it makes, is leaving a smoking wound that will take weeks if not months for the poor Were to heal.

"So you want to kill me...Carl? Is it?"

He howls at me and hisses a "Yes" at me.

"How about I solve this whole issue, by cutting off your male parts with a Mithril blade and be done with this 'mate' bit of yours?" I add with a smile of fangs.

Just a he is about to howl in my face again, I feel someone close to me, its a Were and since I feel most Were's are no threat. I give it a pass.

THEN a huge bear paw that is wrapped around a rock....smashes the boy wolf in the head. With that savage blow, the kids head is cracked, blood gushes out and he is out cold...if not in a coma!

The bear shifts back to a human and steps back from me... a little meekly "I did that! Because I know what you are and your kind does not take my kind hurting you well....or to would probability end up killing the boy?"

"Humm I might have? If he did not stop?"

"Lets just not find out....okay? I will have a long talk with him...when he gets his senses back in a few days?" The bear asks me.

"Fine by me and the name is Rohanna?"

"Ben and the moron cub is Carl. The reason why I know you or about you? Is my mate, is tribal leader and with that I have read almost all the older books that our tribe has.....and your kind is in them!"

"Really? I might have to ask your permission to read those someday?...If you would let me, that is?" I grin back at him mare than happy....that the Drow are all not forgotten?

"I think we can do that?"

"So what is your tribal connection to the Were's of old?"

"My mate Eloise is a relative of Garrand and was the holder of his blade" he states to me proudly.

"Garrand was a fine warrior of his kind and leader. I just wished the Queens of old had listened to him and freed us Drow. We Sidhe might have lasted far longer?"

"I am not sure of what you're saying? I might go and read more of those texts and find out? But you personally knew Garrand?"

"No not personally, but saw him more than once from afar. Then I knew of his actions and words, via others."

Since I know 'Carl' is not waking anytime soon! I take the 'barbed' dagger by it's hilt, give a small twist to a gem on it's pommel and the 'barbs' retract from Carl and the tree. With a small tug it pulls free and I send it back to my storage. Too bad it's the only one of those I have!

As I grab the other blade pining him, Ben grabs onto the boy and holds him up. After I yank the blade free, he places him on his shoulder and starts to walk off.

"I am going back to the village to drop off this idiot. I would ask you to come? But I think it's best I tell the tribe your kind are back? Then in say?.....a week or so? you can come by for a visit?"

"I can do that?"

After I watch Ben go, to be sure that Carl is really out! I glance back to Jericho "Hey I am off, got to get some diner with a friend. How about we meet later on and talk?"

"Cool can do, Razor and me always sit in the same spot at crystal...outcast corner they call it! Meet us there!"

"Thanks guys and I really had some fun here...I hope that you both think it was fun and not be mad at me? But bye for now!" with that said, I leap up into the trees and start moving toward campus.


Carl snaps awake and finds he is in one of the tribal 'cooling off' cages. Ones that are kept for the young of the Were tribe like him, that have 'blood rage' and can't fully control their urges or violence yet.

"Well my boy! I was told you have fully healed up and were back to your senses?" the older Were-bear Ben laughs and looks down at the younger man laying in a bed behind bars.

"WHERE IS THAT ELF! She is SO dead!" he roars out.

"Well there goes the 'back to your senses' part of the evaluation of the shaman!" Ben laughs even harder at the boy.

"Now before you go and kill her....or she kills you! Lets go down to the tribal archives and let me show you something first? Or should I let you stay in the cage a while longer?"

"Fine Ben, I will look at what you have to offer...then she is dead!"

"Good!" he chuckles back "there is hope for you yet!"

With some shoving and prodding along. Ben finally leads the young wolf deep into the basement of the main tribal building. When Ben comes up on a apparent dead end, he stops and slides one of the many masks used in tribal rituals aside. Under it is a small lever, that he moves and the whole wall slides away from them.

"Carl! this is where you swear, never to tell anyone where or what this place holds!" Ben grumbles a warning at him.

The wolf nods back "I so do swear!"

They both enter after Ben's acknowledging nod and enter hallway that leads to a staircase....down. At it's bottom is the start of a vast series of caves and they seem to go on forever.

Ben takes Carl to a display of fine handcrafted, native style necklaces and places one on Carl's Neck. Then places one on his...with a warning "Do not take that off in here! As some of the books and objects in here are from the GOO! boy and this 'should' protect you."

Carl then swallows at the thoughts and nods his understanding to Ben.

"In this first cavern, is all the latest tribal records...birth, death, deeds, agreements, treaties and taxes!" he laughs "of the last hundred years or so?"

Ben leads on to the next large cave in the system "This" he begins "is the long past history section. In here you would find the writings of Garrand and other long lost Were's of the tribe."

Carl looks all about this place, as he has never seen any of it! The older personal items in display cases catch his eye from time to time.

At the end of the cave. Ben unlocks a large old metal door, that has some sort of magic runes all carved on its surface. He then waves Carl inside and shuts the door behind himself.

"Now this cavern has all the records that we have to the Sidhe or elves. Most of it all is sadly only a few of us can read it or speak it. Then add parts of all this, are in the older language of the elves and then add a few languages only spoken by some 'tribes' of that Drow you met."

Ben leads Carl to a large table, sits him down and goes to grab several large books from the glass door covered shelves. He places them in front of Carl and then adds a newer book full of translations.

After he opens a large book to a very well done illustration of a Drow, both male and female. That are done in the style not unlike the one De Vinci did of a human male.

He explains to Carl "This is a book on the Drow. Most of it is untranslated, but it...or the translated book here, tells you what and why they are for the most part?"

Carl looks up to Ben after staring a the picture "So..she is just a dark skinned elf!"

"No...she is like us! Their kind were taken at a young age, from home and bent by magic's far above what even Aunghadhail does! They are elves made to fight the Mythos just like us...remade by fight. But even worse. All of them have no freewill...slaves" he adds in a sad voice.

"So I should pity her?"

"No...she is a fighter! And was trained by their best, for near a thousand years, before they where unleashed on the Bastard and other Mythos. She has weapons that will kill you easily and magic spells that are devastating!"

Ben points a finger at the newer book and growls at the wolf "Read this...then go and see if you still want to challenge her!"

Carl reads on in the translated book for over an hour, while Ben watches him. What Carl reads, is a short history of the Drow written by a shaman over a hundred years ago. He had taken the time to translate the stack of books now around Carl into a shorter version in this books first chapters.

Deep inside the book, Carl finds out that the Drow are slaves, held by a unbreakable spell on them all. They where trained to be the best warriors and given the best arms and amour.

He even reads in the following chapters, that the Drow sometimes would lead many Weres into battle...and would never take any slipping of manners or honor...or worse of all....ORDERS......from the higher Elves, that ordered them.

They killed any who disobeyed on the spot...just like they where killed for failing a order themselves!

On the last few pages, are notes and listings of what drawing to find. To tell one Drow from another. As there are a few different types. Now Carl can see the differences....The eyes, the teeth, the body and its larger muscles. Then add the deeper changes to the body. But lastly, is the armor and that skull embroidery on its face. That skull was only earned by those who ended up training or instructing the other Drows to come, over the centuries...their best!

After he is done, Carl can see why Ben was afraid for him and his fight with the elf!

"Ben..." the wolf boy says sheepishly "you saved my butt. She would have killed me!"

"Yes she would?"

"But Ben? What is in the rest of the caverns?"

"Beyond that far door" he points out in the deep shadows at the caverns end "Is the archives of the Elves and other beings. Only a few have ever opened that door and even fewer have returned from inside? The books and artifacts that lay beyond it, are meant for eyes that are not human at all. To read almost any book in there, would drive you mad!"

"So no one goes in there?"

"Not for over fifty years.....and that man went mad. But not after making a spell that shook the world!"


"You actually think a A-bomb destroyed that first city in Japan?"


"The first was him, the next...was a A-bomb killing him...we dropped it to stop him!"


"He was a Navaho Windtalker shaman, who had seen enough of war and wanted to end it. But he went mad and was about to destroy the whole of Japan. One city at a time!"

"Will anyone ever read what is in there?"

"We will wait till the Gods above, send us someone who can?"


Friday February 23 12:05 am
Whateley Academy - Poe Cottage

After having a huge dinner and lots of chatting with Rosalyn's friends in her room. I joined her on the couch of the common room on her level and dived into a large bag of goodies. That I had busted out of my stores of them in my room.

I leaned back to stretch out, as the credits for Apocalypse Now rolled by. Hank had grabbed this one and showed it to us ...or really me! As it was one of the best films made, just after I disappeared. Deep in the rolling credits, I saw many names I knew. That more than got to me... and started to unsettle me once again.

I gave the whole thing a mental wave off and started to get up as best I could, with Rosalyn all smuggled up against me. As I moved a little, Sara came up behind me and leaned over the back of the couch to wrap her arms around my chest.

She gave me a little kiss, then whispered in my ear "So coming on down?"

"Not tonight. I need more than a little break from you, the lust and all that holds!" I grinned at her.

The demon girl gave me smug grin "So lets call this a rain check for SEX and I will see you your dreams?"

Sara gave me one more kiss, but not a little 'peck', it was a full blown toe curler! And then she sauntered off to the stairs. Gaea I want to go with her! But tonight I wanted to meditate like last night and get my balance back!

As I finally stood up and Rosalyn snoozed on the couch. I slid my arms under her and started to carry her down the hallway to her room.

As I reached her door, she woke up with a start "Hey" she purred "I rather sleep in your bed tonight!"

"Fine by me!" I yelped out.

At her rather sexy encouragement, I placed her on the floor at her doorway and she ran in to gather her things.

Once we were back to my room, I started all the same steps as I did last night. Open the window, get my bed all set, get myself undressed....Watch her get underdressed!

Then I was about to lay the 'weather' spell on her, when she makes a suggestion "Can you just make the room a little less colder than outside? I want it a little cold, so I can snuggle close to you and feel that nice warmth you have!"

It takes me a second to think about a spell? But I have one for this, it is a shield spell of a sort? It was used to make shelters out of caves. So I toss it on the open windows and the room warms up a little.

After we all get settled in the bed, Rosalyn is laying on top of me and has her head nestled over my chest.

"I love being this close to you! Then the beating of both of those hearts of yours, they are so cool to fall asleep too!" and with a small yawn, she is out for the night.


By next morning Rosalyn has sprung out of my bed by suns rise and has gone to even more tests. She will try and meet me for a early lunch before I go to Nikki's....but it's a maybe?

I am alone in my room and I have taken this time to sit on my meditation mat and center myself. This simple task has gone undone for days and now is the best time to start using it again to center my being.

With long smooth practiced breaths, I slow my breathing and gain my calmness. Then my mind clears and I enter myself to rid or file away those bad memories.
At the same time I find that human part of me 'the old Jack Miles' part. I have found I still need this part of the new me. To balance out the vicious ancient Drow in me...Shadowsblade.

The 'Jack' part is needed to balance out all the evil done to the Drow over the millennia. As his life for most of it was simple and safe....this is the life the Drow sought out. Her's was the adventurous and dangerous one that Jack wanted!

One my first days here as a new blended being, I wanted to drown the Jack part of me, in that 40,000 years of being a Drow. But I need it far too much! Just to let it all go. So I must face that 'Jack' part of bit at a time and let him out.

With a hour of mediation now done I spring to a hand stand and with a swipe of one arm I shove the mat back under my futon bed. The next thing on my plan for this morning is exercise! So I complete the back flip and I am off to Laird hall to do just that!

So I pull on a set of work out clothes, a sports top and a set of yoga pants. Then tie my long hair up in a braid. Slip into some sneakers, feel that Violet is with me and port to the front door. Once inside Laird hall, I can see that Sensei Ito along with Tolman are very busy testing out the last batch of students. I also feel Violet fly off to watch over me, from a higher vantage point.

Now that I can see that they are both so busy on teaching the classes, I might not be able to ask if I can train today? My only idea is to go and kneel at the mats far corner till one of them has the time to come to me.

My mind takes many notes as I sit and watch the students do their finals for this semester. The notes I make are mostly which ones I may have to watch, as they have the skills and they seem more than dangerous.

Once the section of testing is finished and the class takes a needed break. Sensei Ito takes a short walk to me and gives me a pat on the head.

"So how is my Drow today?" he begins.

"Me? I am fine? Why do you ask?"

"Well I heard what happened this week to you and you have not been here at all?"

"The physical parts healed fast.....the" I hesitate thinking..." my mind not so fast?" I say meekly.

"Well no wonder? You were near death more than once and that leaves scars. Even with one of your memories?"


He nods to me and then offers a hand to help me up by "Lets get you set-up and back to your routine, that will help settle you a getting back to a more normal flow in your life."

He leads me over to a unused mat and then grabs four bands off a storage display on the wall. Then he hands them to me.

"Go and place these on your wrists and ankles. They are workout weights that can go up to over three tons in resistance or weight? But for now, I will set them at? Say three hundred pounds each? To slow you down a bit and make the match I have planned....more even?"

After I have placed all four of them on my limbs. He taps a computer panel on the display that held them, all the bands flash a small green light and now I have Twelve hundred pounds of dead weight slowing me down.....and boy do I feel that!

He points at a rack of staves just behind me "Lets see you use something other than the blades you normally use? Shall we?"

As I turn to the rack of staves and start selecting one, I have it narrowed down to three I like and are made well.

"...............And the fight begins!" he yells and charges me.

I barely have a chance to grab a staff, before he is on me! The swing he makes, just misses me. As I am so slowed by the extra weights. With a twist I spin the staff over my shoulders to block the next swing at my back and then body roll away from yet another.

As I leap to my feet and find I can't gain much height. My hands spin the staff to keep his furious blows off me and he is backing me into the corner fast. Since he did not say no powers I think to port out....but that might be cheating?

When he presses even harder at me, all I can do is back up for the time being and think a little. I make a few kicks at him. But all the weight on my legs has the speed of them slowed down, so he can easily dodge them.

At the corners point, I form a plan and use the staff to vault over him and land just behind him. With a series of my swings, he is now in the corner and trapped.

As Ito keeps me off him with a furious defense. The kids in Tolman's class stop getting ready for the next testing section and come over to watch the match. Tolman tries to get them back to the mat and begin. But the match has them so entranced, that class discipline is gone.

The sound of the blows we both make with the staffs is thundering in the room and I have Ito deep into the corner now. Since he has no way out, that I can see? He starts hitting my staff with more an more blows. It takes me just a second to see what he is up too! Since I was not given the time to find a good staff? I accidentally chose one with a crack or flaw in it and now I can hear it!

He must have seen the crack or heard it just before me? But with a sound like a gunshot, it snaps in two and I have to do a back flip to stay away from his blows.

Ito runs up on me, as I back flip away several times and he swings madly at me. But all the swings he makes, are planed to keep me off balance. Once I land on a good footing, I take a fighting stance that uses two batons as weapons and fight him off me with a set of furious blows that surprise him.

After I have him backed off me a little more, I toss one of the broken parts at him like a short lance. He 'just' sees it coming and snaps off a swing to keep it from hitting his head.

My aim was true. If it had not been for the weights on my arms and his skills...he would be dead! That thought goes through me again...all I can do is kill?

That small thought falters me and he hits me in the chest very hard with a jab that flips me back a few feet. After I tumble to a stop and get up. One arm is busy levering me up again, while the other is blocking a blow from him.

Ito swings at me hard again and sees an opening. Then takes it and uses the staff to flip me over on my back and gives me three sharp blows that hurt me bad. I roll from under his assault and back to my feet.

As my stance gets back up to standing. Ito is on me and I have to hurl the last part of the staff at his legs, to trip him and get away from him. Once he falls I move away fast, as he uses the staff to sweep the area of all threats as he fell and then is back on his feet.

Now with him up again, I have to fend off his blows with my arms and legs. Some of the times, he gets a blow through my defenses and hits my ribs and twice he hits my head.

"So is the match over? he asks winded.

"Not just yet!" I bark and leap to action.

With a long drilled into me and practiced move. I slide under his next blow and break the staff with a chop of the heel of my hand. Then I catch the broken part of it and hit his other staff part with it and it falls away from his hand.

Since the move made both pieces fly off from us. We are now both without weapons and fall into a regular fighting stance.

I say more than a little winded "I think we are done now?"

"Yes! We are done.....whew! You are good?"

"Thanks Sensei I needed that workout. It made me feel better" It really did, I ponder ...but that one part where I nearly killed him. It pains me a little, I lost control?

One of the students at the mats edge, tosses me a towel and a large bottle of water. I start to suck that water down and wipe the sweat off me.

Ito sees that I am done for now, then walks slowly to the computer panel and turns off the weights that are on me. After he is done, he is looking over my shoulder and whispers to me "I think you have visitors?"

As I finish off that bottle, I glance over to where Ito is noting for me and see Bill. I am almost so overcome with joy, at seeing him after two weeks of this place. My manners are near forgotten.

As I jitter about thinking to run over to Bill, my manners stop me and I ask Ito as I bow to him "Is this lesson over sensei? Can I leave or is there more?"

"Yes...GO! I would not have pointed them out, if lessons were to go go!" he laughs.

With a nod I run off toward Bill


When Bill and his girlfriend Jineen walk into Laird hall. Bill scans the large training area and sees the Elf he seeks on a mat. She is busy fighting like demon against a small Asian man and they are both armed with staves.

Bill points at the Drow, as he whispers to his girl "There she is, the tall one with the dark skin and white hair."

"Wow she is huge! You said she was an Elf? I was thinking short and cute? But she is six foot tall easy!"

As they both walk toward the mat, hand in hand. Bill has to wince once and a while as he watches his friend take some serious blows. But at the same time he is routing for her to win!

As Bill stops walking and they both sit on a bench to watch the match. Jineen studies her boyfriends new friend that has taken allot of his time of late. The dark Elf fighting before her is very tall, for what she knew of elves from the books up at ARC. Then add this one was very muscular on top of that, instead of the usual thinness the race has.

As she watched the fight go on, she noticed the Elf fought like someone far older and more experienced. Where as the older Asian man, who should be a doing an easy win against a fifteen year old? He was having issues with keeping her on the defensive.

Jineen watched on in awe as both fought as hard as they could. The Elf spins the staff around her neck and over her back to block the smaller mans blows. Then her staff is broken and finally lost. With it's loss, she takes blows on her arms and legs that should break them easily. Poor Bill next to her, he winces at the shots to her body. Then the two fighters exchange words, the elf then snaps the mans staff and disarms him and the fight ends.

Once the fight is over, the tall elf wipes down and drinks some water. Then the older man must have pointed out Bill to her, as she spun about like she was on wheels and with a small bow to the man she runs off toward Bill.

As the girl gets closer Jineen notes she is near supermodel material! If it was not for the unusual skin color she has, she would be in that business for sure in someway!

The Elf wraps Bill up in the hug of death, that squeezes some life from him and gives him a few kisses on the cheeks that make Jineen more then jealous!


After I ran over to Bill and hugged him to death. Then gave him a few kisses "Hey Bill nice to see ya here!" I squeal in delight.

He has to give me a firm, but gentle shove, then goes to stand by and introduce the girl next to him "This Rohanna is Jineen my girlfriend" she whacks him in the ribs hard and he corrects himself "owwww fiancé I meant to say....its so new I forget!"

He then waves me to her, an introduction "Honey? this is Rohanna. She is what has been keeping me busy and from you for the last few weeks?"

"Nice to meet you." I say to her and offer a hand.

She takes it and scowls at Bill "Same...nice to meet you too! AND Bill dear? Are all the girls here as lovely?" she asks with a more than Irish lilt to her voice.

My head tilts to the side, as I question her and Bill stands there thinking of what to say "Lovely? you don't think, I am frightening or weird or monstrous?"

"No not at all...and Bill did not tell me to say this! Your skin color maybe of a unusual one? But you're just gorgeous!"

I speak up for Bill "Well this campus has lots of girls on it and some are even better looking than me! And Bill what is her 'clearance'? How much should we say in front of her? Humm and she is from Ireland? are you?" She nods to me.

With that change of subject, Bill jumps at his chance to get away from the almost 'wife' envy! "Ahhh she has ARC clearance higher than mine? Right honey?"

"Yes I do? But you were saying?" she asks not letting go!

I just cut poor Bill down with my next words "Well this a school for mutants and the girls here are not Tens? They are for some of them....Fifteens!"


"Yep! you should meet Nikki or Sara!"

"Does my Bill know them?"

Bill is trying hard to stop me by 'cutting' his finger across his neck to me. But the girl notices and he just grins he is caught!

"Ohh ya he knows them, they are in my same cottage and were with me before I came here!"

She grins at me, to ask "Any more I should know?"

"Can't say all of it here...people can hear us!" I lean over to her and whisper.

Bill clears his throat with a little more sound than usual and adds in "Maybe we should get to your room and you can clean up. I did bring your clothes from Boston! Then we can go eat....ohh and I have to see Sara about this paperwork I have here!" he taps the file on his leg.

"My clothes! Where?"

"They have to go through security and get sent to your room? They may trust me? But do NOT trust that mall anymore!"

"Well then! I can wait, but Lets go!" and I lead them toward the front door of the hall.

Once there Bill asks me "I heard you have tunnels here for this weather? As someone drove us here and it's DAMN cold outside?"

I lean out of the door and the cold air and snow blows in "I think it's just fine out!"

Jineen looks at me like I am crazy and Bill is not far behind her. "You're wearing near nothing and you don't feel cold out there?" she finally asks.

"Sidhe? Remember Bill? I am part of nature and don't feel it's wrath?"

"You never told me that? I figured it was magic you did?"

"I can do that for us...or you? Or we can port to Poe cottage?"

"Port what's that?" Jineen asks Bill and me.

"Honey? she can teleport just about anywhere she feels like....instantly and take others with her."

"Like to England?" she asks.

"Yep I can! Have not gone that far yet! But I have gone to New York for pretzels and LA for burgers and fries!"

Bill stares at me and almost yells "DO NOT! repeat do not, tell that to Doc Otto! He will shit a brick about that!"

All I can do is grin and giggle at his pain. Then add in "So? Port, walk with a spell or shiver and walk? As I am not doing the tunnels! I hate underground stuff!"

"I hear your ports can be...kind of weird?"

"Yes" I admit to them "you might get sick or not from one? Everyone is different?"

Let's try it honey? I feel adventurous."

"Okay! nod when ready!" I feel Violet on my shoulder. Invisible as she should be and I know I am ready.

I get a small nod from both and port. Next thing we are standing in front of Poe on the stoop at its door. I can see that Jineen is a little unstable, but Bill is just fine.

As I watch her grab Bill's arm to stand, I tell her "Stand with your feet apart like this!" I demo for her "and close your left eye for a minute! Then it should pass?"

"That makes no sense to do that! The inner ear and brain don't work like that?" Says the nurse in Bill.

"Okay MR. nurse...medical guy! Show me the book, on the study, of Drow, half magic, teleports on human physiology then?" I chastise Bill.

"There is none? But that should not work?"

"Well who is going to know this subject better? The human Nurse? or the Drow that has ported for 40,000 years!"

Jineen looks at us both with one eye shut and jumps in "Hey it works, all that spinning and nausea is gone!"

I grab onto the door knob and find it's locked? I glance into Mrs. Horton's window and find her face there. She winks at me and the door pops open. Once inside I can see that 'the light' is showing red, as it should! Since I am not sure about Jineen yet? Bill knows this cottage, but not her?

As we enter I note, that many of the boys and girls in the entry room have parted and kind of glare my way? I whisper "Sorry guys? They are not staying too long?"

After I get both of them into my room and settled on the other bed as a seat. I slip off my shoes and grab my shower things.

"Violet? show yourself!" I say to nothing "This is Bill and you have to meet him! He is a great and good friend to me, so you must learn to be around him and not invisible?"

With a wave of magic on her arm, Violet fades into sight and is sitting on her pillow. She stands as I introduce her "Bill this is Violet and....Violet Bill. Bill is one of the humans who helped me at ARC and one of the best...IF not the best Violet!" I glance to Bill next "Bill this is Violet and she is my Pixie companion. She goes with me everywhere and helps me."

Both of them walk over to look Violet over and get a little too close for her! That nasty spear of her's gets whipped out and pointed at Bill who stands closest.

When I see that, I scold her "Hey none of that! Put that away now!" I command her "Bill is a friend and one of my best! When and if you ever see him getting hurt? You will protect him, as you do me! it!"

"Yes my Jabbress! By your commands" her tiny voice sings out.

"She is cute!" Jineen adds with a smile to Violet.

"Thank you!" Violet laughs.

"So Bill? while I shower, you can go see Sara in the basement? When you get back? I should be ready and we can go eat and chat till I have to go to Nikki's place?"

"Well I want to go with Bill to see this Sara?" Jineen tells us both.

I almost laugh at her "You?...a human in Sara's room? Bill has training in this type of thing and has known her for a while? But you? Awwww nope!"

"WHY?" she demands.

"Can I tell her?" I ask Bill.

"Go ahead, she has the clearance and the rest we will add later on?"

"Sara is a Demon in your history." I say flatly while getting a towel from my chest of drawers.

"Demon ya right! Rohanna has to be lying!" she giggles to us.

My feet spin me fast around to face her and my growling at her grows by the second. Bill already has a hand on my chest stopping me from moving at her.

"Honey....please say you're sorry to Rohanna about saying she lies? As she can't lie EVER" he raises his voice to her "and she takes it as a personal insult on her honor to say she lies or has lied or is lying from anyone. Most of all, us humans! Then add to do so more than once, can get you hurt by her!"

"Really?" she questions him and with that near insult to him. I try to take a step toward her, but his gentle hand and a promise I made to him....keeps me put.

"Jineen! do it!" he barks at her, with an angry stare.

"I am sorry that I said you lied?"

I have doubts about her sincerity? But I have to take her at her word....your word is life itself! "Thank you. Jineen? Please never do that again? I have little tolerance for such foolishness!" I warn her.

Right then, something pops into Jineen's mind "You said 40,000 year old Drow and then add the way you fought that older man? Is she that old?" she questions Bill and me.

I nod to her, as I get the last of my things together.

"Ohh boy! So Sara is a Demon! and you're a 40,000 year old elf!"

"Drow!" I correct her with a bark, then Bill's harsh stare gets to me "Or Sidhe or in your case, since you are near family now....elf?"

"So what is this Nikki your talking about? What is she?"

"An elf and other things?" I add.

"Can I meet her too?"

"No, She is at home now and that is very far from here. But if she wants to, I can get Gwen in here for you to meet with?"

"Well I have to go see Sara and you have to shower up. So talk while that is going on and I do this!" he waves that file in the air.

"Fine plan Bill, I will show you the way?" and I turn to Violet "now you stay and watch over Jineen while I am gone" I wink to her and I lead Bill out and down the stairs to Sara's room. I knock at the door as it shows up and wait.

Sara comes to the door and purrs at me "Ro? it's you! AND you brought a friend! How quaint! We can share him!"

"None of that!" I warn with a smile of other things to come later on "Bill is here to see you and I have to shower up!" with that said I spin and walk off from them.

After I run back into my room and the door is closed. I note that Jineen is sitting on the other bed and Violet is back on her pillow. My clothes fly off me and I toss them into the laundry bin. As I get my robe on my body, Jineen whispers out to me "Maybe I should wait outside?"

"All your choice? I don't care what you see or don't? Funny I have to remember that humans, have got a big modesty streak? It's just us girls in here after all?"

She nods agreement to me and stays. I get the robe on me and cover up for her and tell Violet again "Please stay here Violet and watch her for safety?"

I get a nod, then a grin from my Pixie and I am off to shower up.

After I am gone, Violet sits on her pillow and stares at Jineen for some time. Jineen finally gets a little uncomfortable with it and says to Violet "Ahhh Violet? Can you please stop that?"

"What human or Jineen?"

"That Staring! You're doing to me?"

"Fine? But I was told to watch you! And I DO my job!"

"I really don't think Rohanna meant that?" she giggles.

Violet looks away and out the window in agreement. Then she hops up and flies down to my desktop. Once there, she hovers down to the handle on my bottom most drawer and pulls it open.

With the drawer all open, she lands inside it and starts rustling through what's inside. After a short time, Jineen watches on as a small bag of trail mix flies out and lands on my futon.

Even more rustling sounds come from large the open drawer and Jineen now hears Violet cursing "Where is this damn thing! I bet she put them on the bottom again!"

Jineen all to curious at what the Pixie is into, gets up and walks over to see. Deep in the drawer she finds Violet. Who is very busy digging through bags of snacks and candy.

Violet screams out "FOUND THEM! Now its time to eat!" and a bag of M&M's flies up, to land on the futon.

After Violet slams the drawer shut, she grabs both bags off the futon, flies back to her shelf and sits. Once she has both bags opened up, she starts to 'chomping down' on both.

"Want some Jineen?" she asks politely, as she holds up the small bag.

"Ahh no. We are having lunch soon? Aren't we?"


While I was showering and Violet was filling her face!

Bill walks in Sara's room just behind her and is really taking note of her sultry walk back to her bed. He takes a seat in one of the large chairs in the room near the bed, as she plops down on the bed and stretches out in a way that makes parts of him 'stretch' also.

"So why the visit Bill" she asks him in a very inviting tone.

"Well I am first of all, here to visit Rohanna, but I have this file I made up on her also to give you?"

"Well tell me, what's in it?" she asks, while rolling on the bed and showing more of her body to him.

"It's who she is....or was? All of her or his old human life in here. Names, dates...all of it."

Sara rolls up to a sitting position on the bed and all the lustfulness of her moves are now gone. The older, more serious 'Sara' sits there now and stares at him....her eyes just drill right through him.

"Why did you do that Bill?" she asks with all the lust and play gone....the cold of the words hangs in the room. Even the runes on the walls, glow with her veiled anger.

"Well it might help you and me get to know her...better? Did you know that no one even knew he...she was gone for six weeks, till they started looking for her! That's insane! No one missed the old him, for over a month and a half!"

"Maybe that is why she does not want to talk about it? There was nothing to say about that long gone and DEAD life!"

"So what do you want to do with this?"

Sara slides a trash can over the floor to him "Drop it in there....and burn it! Then go back to the office and erase all of that off your comp and lose the files! Then most of all.....never talk about this....till she tells us it? When she is ready?"


"No buts Bill! Showing her this now, would be a betrayal of her trust in us both...that we could not trust her wants, her needs, on letting this old stuff go?"

"Okay, all that makes more than sense to me?" and he lets the file slide from his fingers, into the trash can. Then he takes out an old lighter from his pocket and sets the can on fire. Just as he was asked to do.

"Now anything else?" Sara begins purring again.

"Well we are going to lunch? Then, I am getting married? ....and soon?" he adds, as he gets up.

"Well lunch I can do with all of you! That marriage part? Unless you want to get married in one of my churches?" she questions him with a smirk.


As I get back into my room and drop my shower stuff into on of my drawers. I notice Violet is munching away on her pillow "Awww Violet! We are heading to lunch in a minute! Couldn't you wait!"

"I was hungry! I wanted chocolate!"

"Great just great! A sugar, chocolate high Pixie! That's just what I need...a humming bird as a companion!"

Jineen starts laughing at me and my issues with Violet. But a small glare of mine at her stops that fast. I then get back to dressing for lunch, AFTER I grab those bags of snacks from Violet!

As I am gathering up my clothes from my closet, Jineen leans over to it and stares into to it's depths "What? how big is that thing?"


"Magic I guess?"

"Yes and lots of craftsmanship to make it, on my part."

As I walk by her one of my many times getting things together. Jineen touches my hair as I pass by "Hey you're all dry and were just in the showers?"

"Yes .....and its magic again, before you ask. But If you want to help me? Help by brushing all this out for me?" and I offer a brush to her.

She gets up and takes the brush from me. While I get my panties on and fasten my bra up. As she brushes that long hair of mine, she has to hold my neck once and awhile to gather the hair right.

On one of her passes of her brushing, I feel something? Something hidden, chained up, sealed away deep in her, as she touches me.

I spin onto her very fast and wrap a hand around her neck. "What are you? I have studied, hunted and killed many a creature in my long life. But I have never felt what you are? You have magic in you...deep, hidden...BUT THERE!"

I also see that Violet has jumped up and is at the ready. A small wink from me and she stands down....but guards my back!

"I am human...normal?"

"BULLSHIT! LIAR! I can tell when you are lying to me!"

"I can not do any magic?"

"That was a partial truth! So what are you? Or do I ask Bill!"

"NO! please no! I gave up be with him....for LOVE!"

"That was the first true thing you have said today!"

"Yes...please don't tell?" she begs...pleads to me, with both her face and eyes.

"I will say nothing...As that will hurt Bill! He knew you before we met, so you can't be after me?"

She nods to me "Thanks....I love him!"

"But if you ever hurt him!......I will hunt you down to the day I die! No matter the cost to me! AND I will take my time with you!" I hiss at her.

"I am never going to hurt him? I am glad that you feel that way and protect him!"

"Agreed...we will never talk of this...unless he wants...or there is a great need to? But sooner rather than later, you will tell me what you are?"

"Yes...for your silence. I will soon enough?"

Now with the air clean between us. I get back to dressing as fast as I can. Then add to that, I am packing my bag for that overnight or more at Nikki's today. I decide it's best to over pack and place three days of clothes in the bag. Along with undies for the same amount of days.

I lastly remember to grab a set of ear decoration for Nikki, As I want all us Sidhe to have at least on set of them! So I dig out that jewelry box of mine, from my chest of drawers and set it on the bed.

Once into it, I grab a roll that holds all the sets of the Sidhe/Elvin style ear covers and place them in one of my leather/silk storage bags. Then, that goes into my pack for later.

Before I close the box up "Jineen? Do you have a wedding rig selected yet?" I ask her.

"Bill said I might use his mother's...that is, if she lets it go? It's not a family heirloom? So we might buy one of our own?"

"Please come over here?"

"What do you need?" she asks as she walks over.

"Here?" I take out and open a small box that only has rings in it "If you want one of these....I would be honored. As Bill is like a brother to me now?"

As she looks into the small box of just under two dozen rings, she gasps out "Ohhh my, I have never seen such nice rings! Where....did you get them from?"

"They are all Elvin....I brought them with me."

"They made them?"

"No I did not, I brought them....from then" I say softly.

"They are from way back then?"

"Yes....far older than anything humans have....and more valuable than can be said."

"I...we can't take one of these? It should...they should stay with your kind?"

"Well think it over and ask Bill what he wants to do... But if you feel that way about taking one.....then bequeath it back to us Elves, when you're done with it?"

She nods to me and studies the rings and I bet, she sets the look of them to memory for later.


We both go out to the sunroom, after I am done dressing and meet both Sara and Bill coming up the stairs. Poor Jineen's eyes bug out, as she gets her first look of Sara slinking up the stairs to us.

I give Bill another hug and pass him over to Jineen "Well I think this match will work out? But was that last blast you just did with him!" I jest.

"Girls never tell?" and she comes to my side and leans on me playfully.

Poor Bill, all he can do is stand there and act like Rodney Daingerfield by tugging on his collar. I get him off the hook by leading the way out the doors and gather the group for a port to crystal hall.

Once we are all seated and eating. The chatting begins. Sara wisely took this meal time off and just sat with us and had a soda while we all talked. The conversation grows as more of the Poe kids come to the table. Then Rosalyn finally shows and gives me a warm squeeze of my hand under the table.

As we get closer to Eleven AM. Gwen sits down and now Jineen can see what a regular Sidhe looks like. So I introduce her to Gwen.

"Jineen? this is Gwen, another.....elf? And Gwen...this is Jineen, she is going to marry Bill soon?"

"Ohhh cool, some nice looking girl, finally caught our white knight....Bill.... and took him out of circulation! GRATZ!"

"Thanks...I do love the lug that he is" she says back in that lovely Irish lilt of her's

"Gee and he got a red headed, Irish girl too! Boy I bet he is in for a fight, if he goofs with ya!"

That little line started even more chatting and at near noon I have to get going. So I get up, excuse myself and start to clear my many dishes up. As I do, Bill stands and whispers to his girl that he has to talk to me outside in private.

As I walk outside to port, Bill runs up to me as he gets his coat on "Hey wait! I need to ask you how's it going....." he shivers at me.

With a thought, a wave of my hand, I drop a nature spell on him and he warms up. "That is a spell that replicates what my world does for me....but for you."

"That's nice! But how was this last week or so?" he asks in a tone that says...he knows.

"It was all good to start....then was hell from there on. I would say that only on Wednesday, did it any get better?"

"So I noticed that you're acting more like a girl, than that first day I met 'Hey you Senior?" he jests me.

"I am all this girl now? That man...that human is just a small part of me? I still need him in someways? He...stops me from losing my current being all Drow and going on a rampage?"

"I see? So I have to I was here later that Sunday night?"

I easily interrupt him "No what got to me on Sunday, it is gone forever!"

"Good to hear, but remember...please. I am here for you?"

My fast walking stops and I wrap him in a hug. Now the tears flow hard "I am glad! Now it seems I have more friends, than I know what to do with!" I sniff to him.

"Hey....having you around, keeps me from getting bored!"

I unwrap him and start to walk slowly with him toward Poe. "But on Sunday? Like at about One in the morning? Tell Otto, I am coming in for that series of testing I promised him, I will stay till about say Six?"

"Okay? I would say it's best for you to take a shuttle up? But you will not stand for that? So port like you do to the front gate and him or I will come get you?"

"Done!" I smile and enter into Poe.

After I get to my room and make sure that bag of mine is all good. I whip out that 'bunny' phone and see that Nikki did indeed text me her address. Then she added a few good spots to land in, via a map app? That no one should see me?

"Hey you got a phone you're catching up!"

"Yep, got it this week. One of my cottage mates builds them."

"Humm let me see it?" Bill asks and I hand him the phone.

"Wow this has everything on it! Let me get your number and I can text or call you?"

"Fine with me?"

After he is done, I set my pack on a shoulder and we walk out to the main entrance again. "Well Bill I have to get going? Please Tell Jineen I like her and we can meet up and do something later on?"

"Can do?"

With the phone out. I enter in that address into the map system and see where Nikki feels its best to land. I pull out my illusion charm to be sure and put it on.

Bill interrupts my next task "Hey that spell works, now you can get out and be around the more stupid humans!"

"I hate it! And so does Sara and Nikki! One day I will not need this darn thing! But bye!"

Violet lands on my shoulder at that word and fades to invisibility.

I wave to him and port


As I come back to the world and see the area I am landing in. I scan the area for anyone there and see none! The area Nikki spotted out for me is a large park near her home. Then that home lies within a gated and guarded community for high end government folks!

After I get my bearings, my walk toward her house begins and in a few minutes I am on the front porch. After I knock, the door opens to me and a younger boy stands there and he has a very questioning look on his face.

"Troy? your Nikki's brother?" I ask.

"Yep!" and without a second word to me, he turns to yell out "Nikki! door for you?" and the kid walks off? Only leaving it open a crack.

The next thing I overhear, is them both fighting in the hallway

"Well who is there?" Nikki sasses her bother.

"It must be one of your goofy friends...but she is a looker!" he jabs her back.

"AND you leave them standing at the door! Manners child!" Aunghadhail finally blasts him.

Then the door fully opens to me and Nikki smiles at me "Hey you made it with time to spare!" she jokes at me "COME in...this is your home too now!"

After I get in, she takes my bag and wraps a short hug on me "Let me get you to your room. Then I will show you off to Daddy and that moron brother of mine!"

Nikki leads me through the rather large house and to a single room with it's own bath. She tosses my bag on the bed with a giggle "All yours and way bigger than Poe any day!"

"Thanks I like it!" I give a small hand signal to Violet and she stays in the room, till later.

"Well lets go meet the twerp! Then daddy!"

She leads me down a hallway to a room, that has loud videogame sounds coming from it. As we walk she glances at me "Hey we are all family here...lose the charm?"

Then her voice changes a little as Aunghadhail comes to the surface "Yes my sister, this place is safe for us. I have made it so!" she adds.

I whisk the charm off and instantly feel better for it. Then Nikki leads me into a large family room where, I guess Troy is playing a game on the huge TV set.

She easily bops him on the head and makes him spin around "Hey Troy! This is left my new friend and fellow Sidhe standing at the door you goof!"

"Ohhh hiya nice to meet ya?" and he turns back to his game, then adds "This one is not as cute as Gwen? Or the others you brought by? And she looks weird?" he says as he plays the game again.

Aunghadhail's more than regal and now DEMANDING voice comes out of Nikki "CHILD get up now and show some respect to a guest of this home! As she is a warrior of note and your better at this time!" she waves her arm and the TV goes black.

"HEY I was playing that!" he bellows out "what gives Nikki!"

"She is right kid.....your manners need lots of work! But I am Rohanna and I bet you're Troy?"

Right then, a older male voice comes from behind me "Troy get up now and properly greet a guest to this house....and she is now near to being one of the family! So get used to her!"

As he gets up from the couch he whines out "Yes dad?"

I spin to the man standing there and recognize him instantly "Hello Sir, glad to finally meet you?"

As he walks toward me, he chuckles out "No need to be so formal? This is home and no one is watching us here?"

"I will try Mr. Reilly? But like I said's very hard for me to break my compulsions."

"Well we can work on that? But.....TROY! get over here and greet her proper!"

Troy walks over to me very mad and upset shown by his walk "Hello Rohanna I am Troy glad to me you?" and he offers a hand to shake.

I take it and give it a firm shake, but the boy tries to impress me a little with his grip. My grip gets stronger and then his does the same back.

I glare at him, as I whisper out "I can crush that hand of yours if you like? I am sure Nikki can heal it a few hours of agony?"

He lets go of me, as Nikki giggles at him.

"So you being tall and having big muscles is not for show? I got that!" he whimpers and holds his slightly hurting hand.

"Well my boy" his dad warns "you just learned not to judge a girl on looks alone!"

"But Troy here looks like he is into exercising?" I ask him.

"I am...I have to get in shape to play ball?"

"Well I do daily exercise and plan on getting back into my schedule?"

"Rohanna we talked about that in the Grove. Please give that part of your new life less for the now...not the fight to come?" Aunghadhail pleads with me.

"Ya!" Nikki's part of that body adds in "last I heard you were averaging a run of near five hours a night of straight exercise or practice with blades?"

"Ahh maybe I should just stick with my plans....I don't have that much time?" Troy adds.

"Son? just so you know? Rohanna does not need sleep like we do. She can stay up for weeks if needed. That is where she finds the time?"

I nod to the boy "Yep that is correct Mr. Reilly."

"Well Nikki, show her the rest of the house and then we can have a small lunch?" her father asks.

Nikki grabs my hand and at a rush leads me out of the room. Over the next hour she shows me the whole house, the pool (that we can't use today ..too cold!) all the bed rooms, the kitchen, dad's office (She and I are not allowed in there!) and finally her room.

As we enter it, she beams at me "Daddy just had it painted and redecorated for me!"

She goes to bounce on her new bed and lays on it "Come here and sit, so we can chat awhile?"

"Okay! but let me grab something I wanted to give ya! I got the Idea for this Saturday? But have not had the time to give it to ya?"

With that said, I run off to my room and grab that bag of ear covers out of my bag. Then rush back to her room and hop on the bed.

As I lay on her bed, I open bag and roll out the display of ear covers for Nikki to see.

The look on her face when she sees them is priceless! Her hands literally fly to them and she rubs all over them. "Where did you get sister?" Aunghadhail's more regal voice asks me.

"That rather large bass box of mine, had.....some little items in it!" I jest her.

"Can I have a set of them!?" Nikki just begs me.

"Ohh yes that is why I brought them" I take out one set, and place it aside "This set is mine, But you can chose another and then latter on Gwen can choose her's?"

As I put my chosen set on, via her large mirror. She is jumping all about the room, trying on each and everyone of the sets. To see which one looks best on her.

"You do know most of this is Mithril?" she squeals in joy at me.

"Yes I do of course and that golden one, is near pure Orichalcum for the most part."

Once she has the set she wants selected, I roll the cloth back up and re-bag it all. She then drags me to the kitchen for lunch and I drop that bag off in my room along the way.

Nikki flashes the new jewelry to her dad, as he sits at the counter and Troy is setting out the plates to eat. Look Dad! Rohanna brought me new ear rings...made just for us elves!"

"Looks nice honey. But how much did that cost? As I have to look out for Rohanna's spending, after that BIKE she ordered!"

I groan out "The bike will last for yearssss....sir? I will only get the chance to ride it maybe once a month?"

"BIKE! what? bike?" Troy jumps in.

"I am getting delivery on a Ducati '1098' S Tricolore and most of the iron or steel parts on the bike, are being replaced by titanium. Then add the brakes are going to be ceramic!"

"Wow! I wonder if I can ride that?"

"NO!" all three of us say at the same time! And Troy finches at the combined yell.

"What does that cost for all that?"

"Forty thou?"


Then Mr. Reilly, He just stares at me as he asks the next question "And the ear rings? As they don't look cheap!"

"They came to me...before the sundering" I say with more than a little how and why I have them.

"Ohh well then? They are perfect and I thank you for letting Nikki have a set. As I know how much they could be worth!"

"Worth dad? They are just ear rings? That are made for elves?" Troy asks while setting the last of the plates before us.

"Anything from pre-sundering son, is worth...who knows? As that was before man even had FIRE! Let alone wrote history down?"

"How old?"

"Lets say, well over....about three hundred thousand years or more? No one is really sure anymore?"

"So she gave her a million dollars worth of stuff!" he asks excitedly.

"It is the thought that the gift represents and the reason...child. Not the value? To Rohanna. The value that a Sidhe is wearing them again, is worth far more than simple money?" Aung's voice explains to the boy.

"Troy? Aunghadhail is correct on that." his dad states.

Troy serves up a fine meal for us all, for the most part it's vegetables and some fruits for us two elves. The two men, do have some ham slices added into their meals.

As we eat, Troy offers me a slice of ham "Want some?"

"Nope....I can't eat meat anymore."

"But Nikki has some once and a while?"

"My body is built far different and it can not digest meat....none. Last I tried to eat even a bite, I threw up....bad!"

"So no more meat, hummm?"

"Nope! But, I am a great threat to Soy cows! I stalk and eat them!" I jest him.

"Sounds like fun hunting them! Bet they move real slow?"

"Yep and they bleed ketchup or BBQ sauce! Just matters on the state your in? Texas or cali!"

"Okay! I am starting to like this friend of yours Nikki! She is too much fun!" Troy laughs.

After we are all done, Nikki clears the plates to the dish washer and
I help her out. Even thou she says not to! Then when that is all done, we both go to the living room and find Troy is already busy playing some army shooter game.

Nikki offers me a seat, but all I can do is stand there, not really hearing her for a minute. The game on the screen, has me fully entranced and I find it hard to look away from what is going on.

The simple violence and how all the killing on the game is 'just fun' to him? He really does not understand, what that really is...the horror? I finally shake my head clear of it all and walk away.

Nikki sees that look on my face, feels that tearing at my spirit and when I leave the room. She jumps up from the couch to catch up to me.

Back in the living room. Mr. Reilly had watched my reaction, he knows it too well from his days of soldiering and barks at his son "Troy! I want you to play only car games or something else when Rohanna is in this house!"

Troy whines back at his dad "Why? this game is fun and a girl like her can play too?"

"Troy?" he asks more softly now "Rohanna, has the memories of a Elvin warrior from way back we talked about during lunch. And with that, she remembers the horror of having to fight for her life. Like your gramps did in the war? So please none of that, while she is understand?"

"Got it dad....I understand" and he takes out the game disk and places a racing game in its place. A motorbike one! One he hopes she might like more.

After I get into my room I start pacing it like mad, as I try to shove what that game dragged up out of my head. Nikki's runs into the room and gives me a hug to stop my pacing.

As she rubs my back to comfort me, She whispers in my ear "It's all right. That was just a game?"

"Sorry It just reminded me of Saturday? The guns and all the sounds?"

"Hey it's all better and gone?"

" was just a game? So lets go back in there and maybe find something else to play?" and the both of us walk back to the living room.

Once back there, I find that Troy has switched games and is playing one that actually has my soon to come bike in it! "Hey Rohanna! I found that bike of yours and downloaded we can play it!"

So I sit beside him at his call, watch for awhile and then he teaches me what controls to use to play.....and I am off tearing up video highways!

As the hours pass we play a few games and start to watch a movie. Troy selected The first Indiana Jones picture, in an effort to get me caught up on the last thirty years.

When that movie starts to finish up, My Reilly peeks out of his office and yelps out at us "Hey kids I ordered pizza and have it coming soon!"

Just a little bit later on, the doorbell rings and since I am not playing the game right then. I hop up to go get it! As I am hungry as all heck!

When I pass Mr. Reilly's office door, he says out to me "Rohanna? Please come here? I have the money for that!"

"I got it! No problem!"

When I get to the door, I just open it up? I either plain forgot my illusion charm? Or I just got sick of the whole 'hiding' bit?

When I open the door, I find a boy standing there and he looks to be about seventeen? or so?

He starts to talk to me before the surprise sets in, as he only looks at the order list "Well that will be One 'O' three....fifty! for six pizzas. Two meat.....OHHHH MY YIKES! What in the heck are you!" his eyes now spin at me.

"Me?" I smile and show fangs "I am a Drow or to a lay...human? Dark Elf?"

"Sure? I bet all that is make-up!"

I move one of my hands towards him, to show him my skin "Please? Try to rub off the make-up! I bet you can't!"

"Can you take the pizzas first?"

"Sure!" and I grab the stack from him and place it on a table next to the door.

After I am done with that, I place my hand in his outstretched palm and he starts to rub lightly on it. He finds that the weird color I have is not going anywhere!

"Wow! your real! Can I touch your ears?" he smiles at me.

"Ahhh no? That is just being a little too personal!"

"Way cool! Wait till I tell the guys! I met an elf!"

"I guess, I made your day then?"

"YEP! Can I get a pic?"

"Hummm? Sure!....Only one thou!"

He takes out his cell phone and says "Smile!" and takes a picture.

After he checks it for a second, he spins the phone to me to see "Darn that came out great! AND you're a BABE!.....The looks you have?.....Kind of get me?"

"If you're thinking of a date? One, I am not local? face is up higher!" I yelp as I caught him looking at boobs!

"Shit! Sorry?.....but the bill?"

"One 'O' three and change?" I give him three, one hundred dollar bills "That should do it and tip?"

"WHAT! Near Two bills as a tip?"

"Yep?....or would you prefer less?"

"Ahh nope!.....Hey I just remembered!" he fishes back in his pocket for that phone again and then shows me a picture of a Elf with fiery red hair.

In the picture, she is nearly naked and only has leaves covering her up. The picture or poster is for the forest service or something. I had heard a little about it. But have never actually 'seen' it? TILL now!

After I study the picture and KNOW who it is! He tells me softly "I wish I could meet her? God I love this chick...ahhh girl? "I growl a little at him for the near insult "ELF?" he now squeaks at me.

Right then the little devil in me, she hops on my shoulder....yes that's right! my devil is a chick and so am I! Darn it!.....and she gives the BEAT down to the angel part and bad!

DING! goes an evil one! "I think I can arrange that!" I sing.

"You can?" he near begs me

"Of course I can ...I am an ELF!" Then I start to walk off "Wait here" I say simply and keep walking off.

"Ohhh Nikki!" my voice sings out "Someone at the door for you!"

"Who is it?"

"Just come here, you silly...queen to be!"

As she walks to me, she is grumbling like mad. Troy peeks his head around the corner and I wave him over to me. As he comes, I quickly follow Nikki to the door.

"Who is it! Darn it Ro!" and as she gets to the door, I wave both arms to present the boy.

"Nikki? Fan boy! Now is the time to get out and make friends and influence enemies!....your majesty!"

The pizza boy at the door, nearly faints! But he holds on and gibers out "IT's itss ittsss you! Her, the girl in the poster! Wait till I tell the guys!.....Wait no one will believe me!"

I lean back to Troy and whisper to him "Do you have any of those posters about and a marker?"

"YA a whole box! They are in the garage!"

"Go get a few...boy and run!"

The evil cackle that comes out of him is pure fun and he runs off!

Nikki smiles at the boy and grins even more at him, then me...through clenched teeth she warns me "I will get you for this! SOOON!"

"I never had siblings to torment? So I have to make up for lost time somehow?" I grin.

Right then Troy shows up with the posters and a marker. He smiles at me and hands me one.

I in turn hand one to Nikki "Well sign one for him!...and maybe take a picture?" I smile, as the trap is set.

"I will kill you latter for this!" she grins back to me.

After she signs him one and then FOUR others. Troy takes a picture with the boy's camera phone, of all three of us....Two elves and one very happy human!

As he goes down the walkway to his car...grinning like a moron! I can see Nikki hit him with a spell and it's a small one.

"What was that?" I ask.

Nikki answers in Aunghadhail's tone "That was to make sure he could not remember this place! He will forget what house this was and erase the information of being here, when he gets back to the eatery!"

"Humm sounds like a good Idea?"

"Rohanna! you're getting sloppy! What if he told someone where Nikki lives!"

"HERE? this place is a fort and surrounded by guards! Then add...she does not live here all the time. But most of all! She has to start getting out that....Drows that look like me, can walk the streets once and a while?"

And I storm off to my room.....

After I get to my room, I almost slam the door...but remember this is not my house and I just close it. Once the door is closed, I drop on to the bed and think of things like this as I lay there.

A few minutes later, Nikki taps softly on my door "Ro? The pizzas will get cold, come out and have some?"

All I do is sigh out, as I lay there staring at the ceiling.

"I can feel you're upset? I know why? Can I come in?"

"It's your house? Do so as you wish!"

"You know I can't by tradition of us Sidhe? Once a guest is given a room, it's theirs till they leave and no one...not even....The lord of the home can change that!"

"Okay...come in then?"

As she comes in, she only opens the door a little bit and closes it very fast. Then comes over to the bed and lays next to me. "So I can guess what you're thinking?" she asks, as she joins me staring at the ceiling.

"Yes I am sure."

"Well Aung told me some...just a little?"

"Yes I am this week has been hell on earth for me!"

"Ya? but it's getting better?"

"A little? I guess?"

"I know that not being able to go out as you are...upsets you? But that will change!"

"I am not sure I can wait that long?" I let that one set in for awhile and then laugh out "But let us see who many humans I can goof up like that boy....till then!"

Nikki laughs at me "You're silly! Lets go eat!"

I sing out to Violet "Hey you come with and this time you can be seen and meet the rest of the family!"

With that said Violet shoots out of my bag, where she was hiding and lands on my shoulder. "Time to eat!" she yelps.

After we both get back to the living room, I notice that Mr. Reilly has joined us and both of the men folk are busy eating that pizza. I grab one of the cheese pizzas and Nikki grabs several slices of the veggie one.

Nikki then plops on the couch, with gusto and I grab the bean bag. I toss it nearer the table in front of the couch and drop the pizza box on the table. Once I am set up I fall onto the bag and sigh "This is better! Now I am starting to feel like, I am at home!"

"Good to hear!" Mr. Reilly says as I lay there, getting more comfy.

"Mr. Reilly...Troy? This is Violet. She is....kind of a new companion of mine and will be with me for the most part all the time" I introduce her and she digs in to my pizza "But! Thanks for all this, Mr. Reilly?"

"Hey no problem. Like Sara said Nikki is a Elf now and with that? I have to help others less fortunate than her!"

I notice that Troy and Mr. Reilly. Don't seem to even care that Violet is there? Like they for some strange reason, are used to other Fae creatures visiting? Nikki must have other guests here at times?

I start to munch on the whole box unaided and Troy yelps at me "You can't eat that whole thing?"

Nikki laughs at him "She sure can! I have seen it! Just keep your hands and arms away from her mouth and you will be fine!"

"So feeling better now? As the week goes on from all that nasty on the weekend?" Mr. Reilly asks me.

"It seems to be getting better now....sir. I have little episodes now and then?"

"Yes I noticed....the video game?"

"Ahhh yes ...sir? It made me think of Saturday?"

"Well it will be fine, I made sure of that. The guys in Boston are dropping the whole thing!"

"Daddy? Please....Ro is worried enough about things."

"Okay Okay...I was just conveying the good news?"

"Thanks...sir, I needed that."

" way for you to drop that sir?"

I shake my head to him and smile "I can't...maybe someday?"

"Fine....but so you know? Tomorrow we are having dinner out and there will be other guests? Nikki has invited Paul or Stalwart? Then Troy has his girl Dania and her bother Josh?" Troy nods " SO I hope you have a good outfit?"

"I can go get one!"

"Fine! Then it's all set?"

For the rest of the meal he asks me, what I will be studying. Like I know? Troy asks even more about that bike of mine and we talk over that. Nikki gets me started on what I should get on my next trip out with her.....Her dad rolls his eyes at the cost of that trip to him, as she will buy way too much!


Saturday February 24 2:05 am
Nicholas Reilly family home

As I lay there, trying hard to mediate. I feel something is 'off'? One of the doors of the house is open at this hour? This just does not 'feel' right! So I am up and grab my robe.

After I opened my door as quietly as I could and my feet slide down the hallways as quiet as I can muster. I am checking the massive magic wards, that Aunghadhail as webbed over the whole house and find none of them are breeched?

After a few minutes, I am at the open door and find it's only open a crack. Out the window of the door, I can see Mr. Reilly standing on the deck near the pool.

I walk out to see what is going on with him at this hour? "Mr. Reilly? Why are you up at this hour?"

He spins at my surprising voice "Ohh it's you Rohanna?"

"Yes..sir? I almost never sleep?"

"I have many bad memories?"

"Yes, sir. That is part of the reason. The other?'s how I was changed?"

"So if I can ask again? Why are you up?...sir?"

"It's because After I saw how you acted after all that time...the memories of your old life...The Drow part that is. I can see it caused you issues living that long?"

"It was not the length of the was what happened during it" I say simply.

" Nikki's dad...tell me about Aunghadhail?"

"Here?" I ask.

"Why yes?"

"You do understand she can hear us?"


"Why yes. This is her home and with that, she can see and hear all going on under it's roof. She has placed magic wards on this home, that even I would take a day to get past!"

"So what can we do?"

"Wait here...please sir?"

He nods and I am off. I run back in the house, to the kitchen and grab a large package of salt I saw in the cabinet. Then run back to him, but this time I close the door!

When I get to him I make a circle of salt all around us and ready a spell for hiding what we do and say here.

"Okay Mr. Reilly? When I nod to you...say this 'As master of this home I demand secrecy from all'...that will bind with this spell and keep her out for now?"

"That will work? I do understand she is far more powerful than you?"

"Yes she is...sir. But this is your home not her's! You make the rules here! .....understand?"

I make sure my spell is correct and complete, then nod to him. Once I check it all out. "Well what are your questions?" I ask.

"Humm simple salt and that spell keeps Aung at bay?

"Yes..salt is the basis of most life?"

"I have to ask? Was Aung really that mean to you? And how?"

"Yes...she seems a little...cooler now? But she might change?"


"Yes, go back to the old ways. Think...'let them eat cake!' And you get the idea?"

"Could she via my damage?"

"If the 'wood' came back somehow in a few hundred years? Via some kind of regrowth? She could sink a continent!"

" it will take time?"

I nod "Yes time, lots of time."

"But could you tell me what she did to you?"

"I am a bound, well trained slave...and that's it"...........But I ponder. 'that is not all of it.'

"Do you remember your childhood?"

"As a Drow?" I question him with a lift of my eyebrows and get a nod back "None. My first memory is waking from the change to this" I wave over myself "then my time training. But of course I remember being a human kid....a boy?"

"Anything else you can or want to tell me?"

"Yes....but?" my mind stops in deep thought "I do not wish to spoil what you and Nikki have with dark thoughts of what long ago. Between me and a now dead spirit."

"Okay? I will live with that. Maybe, someday, we can talk on this longer?"

I nod to him "Someday."

"I have to warn you? There are others out there in the government who have seen that Sim run you did on last Friday night and then the video of the fight in Boston? They might come soon to recruit you for"

"I really do not wish to work for humans...killing or as a weapon? I have already lived that life and I want no more of it, if I can have it!"

"That maybe unavoidable?"

"Then tell them this, if you hear from them?"


"I will work for the Elves. I want recognition we exist and our own LEGAL lands!"

"Rohanna? I will convey that request."

"Please do?"

"But anyhow? I want to ask you?....Can you please watch over Nikki for me? I worry allot about her and Aung? I think Aung is starting to be a bad influence?"

"Of course she is? Aung is with her all the time? And your not? So who wins that fight?"

"But watch her please?"

"I will watch over her and guard her, as if she was my own kin! I swear it!"

"Thanks" he says simply to me and walks back into the house.


Saturday February 24 7:15 am
Nicholas Reilly family home

As the morning comes I start to hear the others move about in the house. So I get up and use my private bath and shower up. After I am all done and dressed in my jeans and one of my hello kitty t-ees.

I go to the kitchen and find, Troy is already up. Then a few minutes after he sets the coffee up to brew, his dad joins the smell woke him up!

"Well we are all up?" he asks us.

"Except for Nikki? But that is normal I hear?" I say.

"Yep My sis....never could get up on time!" Troy teases the not present Nikki.

"Do you want her up?" I ask, with a evil grin.

"Yes...Troy go wake your sister!" orders Mr. Reilly.

"No..please wait, I have a better idea and it will work far faster!"

After a little thought on it, I pull out and old distraction spell. Then weave it well and set if off.

What the spell does, is simply blast off essence, like a magic battle is being fought and then adds in the 'feelings' of one...anger, fear, anguish, among others!

When it goes off....Not even one second passes! When Nikki comes blasting down the hallway from her room, with spells cooking on each hand and her...very see through nightie flaps at her speed.

She stands there, very out of breath and her unkempt hair waving all about "WHAT! WAS THAT!" she huffs out.

All we can do is laugh at her and the smirk on my face, it clues her in finally to what I did!

"Ohhhh I am so going to get you for this!" she howls and points at me

"SEE! It worked! AND Mr. Reilly? I can make that into a charm for you too! Then you can do that each morning!"

"You wouldn't DARE!" she does a long hiss at me.

I smile at her and my fangs show "Are you threatening me? or challenging me?"

Aunghadhail voices her opinion on this subject, within her head ~"I would not do that Child? Rohanna may not be able to take you? But the fight can be nasty....Besides you are up!"~ she laughs

"Aung says I should not...But please! Don't do that again!"

"Nikki...I will not willingly do that again."

Aung laughs in Nikki's head ~"She left herself an 'out'! A rather large one too!"~


~"Your dad can order her, as head of the house! I bet she will tell him that later?"~

"Daddy please don't order her to do it later on?"

"JORA!" (rats!) I shout.

"See...Aunghadhail is smarter that you!" she boasts.

"Yes she is...but I am by far better trained at being an....asshole, that you can't get rid of!"

~"She has you there!"~ Aunghadhail says mentally.

At that little comment Nikki spins on her heels and walks off. While she does, she howls back at us "I will be back out in a few!"

Later on that evening

I had gone back to Whateley and retrieved that small black dress. That Donna had picked out for me and the matching underwear to go with shoes.

Once it as all on, I stood in front of Nikki's rather large mirror and she stood behind me "What a babe!" she whispered out at me.

The refection in the mirror, said the same thing to me! The dress had a little sheen to it, that matched the deep purple of my skin. Then add the high heeled shoes and my hair done so well by Nikki in a fancy braid.

"I am SO not sure of this!" my worried voice says.

"Hey I understand...but you have to get pushed out of the nest....someday?"

"BUT the second week! Fourteen days ago, I was a GUY! and human!"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" she shouts at me.

I give her a cheesy grin and sass back "Thanks?"

Meanwhile out in the living room

The front door knock and Troy answers it. When it opens he greets his girlfriend Dania and her brother Josh and shows them in. Josh walks past Troy to give Mr. Reilly a handshake, while Troy gives a hug and a kiss to his sister or his girlfriend.

Since all the greetings are done, Nick then leads the way for Josh and his son's guest. Then they all go to sit in the living room. After all are settled, he turns off the TV.

"Dania, Josh? I have something to tell you. You both know Nikki from when you were kids and how she changed to an Elf?"

He gets nods from both.

"Well, a school friend of Nikki's is joining us for dinner tonight and I hope that her looks don't upset you? As she is a Dark elf or Drow....her looks are a bit strange and can at times be frightening" he laughs.

"Another elf Mr. Reilly?" Asks Josh.

"Yes, she is like Nikki in most ways. But her skin is a dark black purple mix and her eyes are all white."

Troy laughs out "And she is six foot tall!"

"Yes and that too" Nick adds.

"I just wanted to tell you kids, before she came out and you got all weird on her and upset her?"

Back in Nikki's room

Nikki pulls me up from the bed and smiles at me "You are SO ready for this!"

"Ohhh I am not so sure?"

"You face down four armed men? AND this is tougher?"

"Yep! I stab them and its over! This? The suffering lasts till it's over!"

Nikki then, leads me down the hallway and to the living room. Inside I see two new people and they both stand as we enter.

The girl, Dania stares at me for a second and then sounds out softly "Ohh my she is cute! You never said that Mr. Reilly!"

Then the boy, Josh stares at LEERS at me. I can feel his eyeballs 'lick' over me, from head to toe and when his stare is finishes. It's fixed on my boobs!

"No" I say softly.

And I spin on my heels and walk fast back to Nikki's room.

Nikki just stares at Josh and can feel that lust dripping off him. Aunghadhail in her head tells Nikki....~"Rohanna is not stupid and she knew what that boy was thinking!"~

All Nikki does is shout "JOSH!" and walks off in a huff, that shakes the building.

"What?" he asks

"Josh you darn well...what!" his sister yelps out at him "She, ME, Nikki! We all knew what you were doing!"

"But...she's HAWT! and that skin color of her's? It does not change that one bit!"

When I get back to the bedroom, sit on the bedside, my head falls to my hands and I think. The human male in me is just plain afraid....scared. This is too much, too fast! The Drow? She wants to go gut the kid for that infraction and roast the body on a fire as warning to others!

The human is winning.....for now?

After I have sat for a second, Nikki comes into the room and sits beside me. Her arms wrap around me and give that hug, I so needed now to stay sane! She stays silent for some time, then the door opens and Dania comes in. She nods to Nikki and goes to sit on my other side.

Nikki begins first "Dania? This is Rohanna. And just so you know? She is just like me."

"Yes...your dad told us. She is an elf? A different type? But an elf?"

"No Dania. She is near exactly like me?" she insists.

"Ohhh all that too....the..." she whispers ""

"YESSSSS 'the sex!'...." I almost shout "AND I heard your brother and the 'she's hawt' Crack!"

Nikki sees that change in color of my eyes and feels the change to anger in the waves of feelings I am putting out. She pulls me closer to her and hugs deeper.

"Please calm down?"

"I am SO not ready for this!" I squeak out.

Back out in the living room

Nick is circling the boy, in a very upset manner! He is a little more than put off by the boy, one that he has known since he was younger than five.

"Josh? I did not see that stare from where I was at? But your sis....she busted you and Nikki saw it! I expected more out of you?"

"Sorry...her looks just got to me? I really like that kind of tall, well built girl? Heck I did not even notice the skin color or the teeth or the eyes? But all in all, it makes her even more cuter?"

" know Nikki and most of her new powers. You know she can do damage when mad...but it takes her time...a few seconds. Rohanna, that new girl is even worse...she could level this house in a second! OR tear off your arm just as fast....So tonight, keep your hands to themselves...if you want to keep them!"

"Yes sir" he gulps.

"But she is a nice person...just talk to her, before you judge her?"

Back in the Bedroom

Nikki and Dania have done wonders to calm me down, with loads of ideas and the promise that....we girls will protect our own!

So with both of them at my sides, we all walk out back to the living room and Nikki formally introduces me to Josh.

"Josh...this is Rohanna Leigh and you could easily call her, my new sister?"

"Nice to meet you.....and that goof I did, in my manners? Please take my apology? Your looks...they sort of took my breath away...and some of my brains!" he laughs.

Nikki, guides me to the couch next to Dania and Troy. Once I am seated and calm down a little more. We all start chatting for sometime and then Nikki has to excuse herself to go 'gate' Paul to here.

As she stands to do that, I ask her "Are you sure you don't want me to do that? I am faster?"

"Please no, you are a guest here. This is my task?" and she is off, out the front door. Within seconds I feel that 'pop' of a gate opening and she is gone.

While Nikki is gone, We area all chatting it up and I find Josh less a threat now after hearing him out. Any attraction I might have for him? Is none, as I feel better with Sara or my Rosalyn and then add. I want Drow kids! AND that will require a DROW of course!

My head spins toward the door, when I feel the starting of a gate opening and once it's formed. I can tell it's Nikki, coming back with Paul.

"Nikki's back!" I sing out.

Just after I say it, a bubbly Nikki comes in the room dragging a less bubbly Paul in her wake. "Hey!" she beams "The ride is here! Let's get going!"

"Josh? your with Rohanna? If she has forgiven you?" Nikki tells, demands, asks all at the same time.

"Yes I have forgiven him and I find that he is really a nice guy?"

"Great...." Nikki says, but then Aunghadhail takes her over "But you will have manners with this lady...child. Or my wrath be upon you!"

"Aunghadhail? I have this. He has his manners back and understands all of this?"

Josh can only nod to us both.

"Well then...lets go!" Mr. Reilly adds at the end.

As I walk toward the door, Nikki hands me a long jacket "For looks? And you need your charm now? As the driver is a Norm!"

With a sigh of regret, I pull that charm from my storage and place it on my neck. Once it's settled on me, my form changes with a simmer of magic and now I look like a 'Prom Queen' as Sara puts it.

Both Nikki and I notice that Josh shrugged when the spell took affect. Nikki is the first to ask "What was that Josh?"

"Ohh that? I like the Drow look better on Rohanna. This look on you, its far too plain?" he shrugs again.

I ask more than surprised "You like the Drow look?'

"Ya...the exoticness of's really a whole package. The cuteness, beauty and the hidden danger you have in you. The whole thing......" the redness on him grows with his words "is attractive?"

"Hummm " My eye brow goes up, in the thoughts "Thanks? I just thought that most humans, would find me near a monster is all?"

"Oh heck no!" he almost shouts "I bet most of my school buddies, would kill to go out with you!"

Now my eyes close as I think on that, the next thing I feel is him making sure that coat in set on me and offering up his arm to a true gentleman would.

We all file out to the waiting large limo style van and hop in. Mr. Reilly goes to the garage to fetch his wallet and when the door is open. I can see his cars and my eyes take note, that one of them is a Porsche!

After he hops in with the rest of us, I just have to ask him! "Mr. Reilly? Can I drive that 911 tomorrow?"

"No...and before you say it? I know that you said you can drive....heck maybe better than I can? But still no."


"But I did add you on the blanket coverage for the family. So that when that bike gets here this week. You can ride it that feel better? Remember I am looking out for you?"

"Thanks sir. I will get that money back to you?"

"That is no issue. Most of it is paid for already.....ARC is handling that."

"Well since ARC is on the table? Tonight when all of you are asleep? I am going over there for that promise I made."

"Fine by me."

Josh was sitting next to me, with a question eating him alive....and when he saw we were done, he jumps at the chance "What bike?"

"She is getting a Ducati '1098' S Tricolore, this week!" Troy near shouts.

"Wow! Now that's a bike! I love bike and that is the one I would get!"

Nikki gets more than a little upset at the boys and me "Hey enough about that bike! We are here to have fun!"

With a little laugh Dania changes the subject to one of school "So I know what Nikki is studying up at school. But Rohanna what are your plans?"

"I really don't know? I have yet to talk to a person on that?"

"Doc Bellows will get to ya Monday or at worst by Friday?" Nikki answers.

"Good....but classes? I think just taking Magic and some martial arts this semester? Then maybe branch out and find something I like next year?"

After I said that Josh started in on his goals for school, then each in turn for the trip to the restaurant. When we arrived at the upscale restaurant. I was glad that Mr. Reilly had chosen for us, A larger van that had a walkout door! So I did not have to try and slide out a regular van door in a short skirt!

For the most part, I was left at the sideline of the dinner conversation, as the other kids there had known each other for years and I was the 'new' kid. Josh did attempt to get me more involved, but failed when Nikki's charm outshone any of us at the table.

Then Josh remembered my answer on the way in about classes "So you want to take martial arts in school this term. I have a low brown belt in karate, so what's yours?"

"My belt? We have none of that in Sidhe martial arts? You are either a person being trained or the trainer?"

"So are you good?"


Nikki jumps in, to save me on the issue "She is the best elf that I know of? Then the rest? We can't talk about that in public?"

"Yes she is right. It's best to see my work then judge it? But I do love blades! And my best skill is with the bow!" I boast.

Nikki's eyes roll at that thought "Ohh ya she is good" she whispers at the table "she did a shot at two miles, that hit a target the size of a coin....Then blasted the whole tree, that the target was hung on for fun!"

"Sorry about all that dust! But it was fun!"

"But blades? You mean swords or knives?"

"Both!" and then I snatch his sharp steak knife from his setting. Give it a quick cleaning with my napkin and set to spinning it on each finger in turn.

"See I do love blades" I sing as the spinning blade jumps from finger tip to finger tip, while spinning at it's point.

"Rohanna? Please stop doing that, before anyone sees it?" Mr. Reilly asks and demands at the same time.

"Sorry sir, I get excited at times. This for some parts, it feels so new to me?"

"Yes I can understand it must at times?"

After I give the knife back to Josh, we all get back to chatting about classes to maybe take in our college days to come. At times I just seem to notice that Josh, keeps an eye on me and Nikki winks at me, when I catch him glancing at me sometimes?

"Mankoi naa lle winkien ie' amin?" I ask Nikki in Elvin.
(Why are you winking at me?)

"Ten', ro naa e' mela yassen lle amin nowa?" she smiles back at me.
(Because, he is in love with you I think?)

"N'uma! amin naa il- desiel a' even nowa en' tanya!" my voice wavers.
(No! I am not ready to even think of that!)

"Lle might il- be desiel? nan' ro naa cute thou?" she smiles at me again.
(You might not be ready? But he is cute thou?)

All I can do is look down at the table and think on that statement. For the barest second....I think....he is cute? Then me thinking of that, it shocks me and I almost port away in my confusion....but don't.

My thoughts of running away from that thought are stopped, when Josh asks Nikki "What was that you were speaking? I have never heard it before?"

Nikki's melodic voice giggles at him "That was Elvin we both spoke. Rohanna and I both know it well. Then Rohanna, she can speak other Elvin languages, that her and Aunghadhail only know? But Aunghadhail is trying to teach them to me?"

"Maybe Rohanna can teach me that beautiful language someday?" Josh smiles at me.

"Manka lle merna?" I whisper back.
(If you wish?)

"What did she say?"

"If you wish?...and Rohanna? Maybe you should tell him that? Not use me as a go-between?" Nikki adds.

"Yes you're right Nikki, but are there books I can get for him?"

"Yep lots! But none on Drow? It's a lost language at this time?"

"Josh I guess I can get you one of those, when I get to class or the library?" I ask.

"I might like that, I would like to learn something that almost no one else knows?"

"Yes almost no one speaks Elvin, as there are only about One thousand of us."

Josh just smiles at me and the meal goes on. I still catch him, giving me more than one glance from time to time.

An hour or so later, we are all back in the van and going back to the Reilly home. Once we get there, I excuse myself to go to my room and get some of this makeup off me. As I enter my room, I whip that silly charm off my neck and toss it into my storage space. Then the heels fly off my feet with a kick.

As I stand in the bath and wipe off the makeup, I hear a knock at my door and I go to answer it.

"Who's there?"


I know the's Josh, what can he want?

As I open the door to let him in, I ask "What can I do for ya Josh?"

He enters the room and slowly closes the door. That simple action, get more than my attention!

"Josh? Closing my door, with Mr. Reilly and Nikki here. That might be a bad idea?"

"I just wanted to talk to you alone?" and he moves close to me...too close!

My mind can see what he is up too and reacts as a Drow would!

Both of my hands grab him hard and spin him to the wall next to the door. Then I 'pin' him to the wall with a arm across his chest and my face hovers in his. A deep throaty growl comes from my chest, as I tilt my face to stare at him.

The growl is a very deep one and some could call it a 'purr'...Then add I am sure my eyes are starting to take on that pinkish tone that Sara so likes.

My breath gets heavy, as the Drow in me, she wants something from him. "So Josh? What do you want?" I ask with a growl and my fangs show.

"I....I" he stutters out and I smell fear on him.

With that sent in my nose, I open the door and toss him into the hallway "Magha n'ner.....Lela sii'!"
(useless leave now)

After I slam the door, Josh stands there more than confused and Nikki is just coming down the hallway to her room. As she passes Josh, she can see that he is very confused or who knows?

"What's the matter Josh?"

"I am not sure? I thought Rohanna and me were getting along? So I went to talk to her room alone? AND she tossed me to the wall and then growled at me?.....and then tossed me out!"

Aunghadhail takes over Nikki's body and stands straighter. Then stares at the boy, some of her anger is hidden.....but there!

"So did she say anything to you child?"

"Ahhh...magha...ner...lella si?"

"Useless....leave now?....but did her eyes change color?"

"Ahhh ya they did! A little pinkish?"

"Well then child....Rohanna likes you! But Drow? They are warriors and .....their mating is rough? AND that is all I can tell you!"

Nikki then takes over her body and slinks down the hallway "Good luck Josh!"

Josh thinks this whole episode over and comes to a conclusion. Back at my door he knocks again.

Once again interrupted, I open the door to him "What?" I ask.

He shoves me back and closes the door "This!" and tries to get closer to me.

I toss him to the wall again, but this time he reverses the move on me with his karate and 'pins' me the wall, now his face hovers at mine.

"So can I get a kiss or not?"

I grab his arm and toss him onto the bed. As I straddle on him and 'pin' him. I ask "Can you TAKE one from me?"

He whips a leg to my side and gets me to roll off the bed to the floor. A good move...but I could have stopped him!

"Now I am on top!" and he takes that kiss.

After we part, I whisper to him "I would more than take you now! But Mr. Reilly or Nikki will not stand for that under this roof! But maybe later?"

Then I give him one more kiss and a little bite! On the lip. To prove to him, I am the superior one!

"Hey you bit! me!" he complains.

"Yes I did! Now out of my room! AND if you want to know what that meant? Go ask Nikki!" I shout at him and get him off me. To get him on his feet and shove him out my door.

A very bewildered Josh now stands out in the hallway and he thinks on what I said for a minute. Then acts on it and goes to Nikki's room. At it's door he knocks and hears a commotion from inside it. A few seconds later a disheveled Nikki answers the door.

"WHAT!" she asks him.

He can guess what she was up too, as Paul or Stalwart was in the house!

"I have a about Rohanna? She bit me!"

"On the neck?"

"No....on the lips. When I took your suggestion and went back to her."
"Well child..." Aunghadhail answers his question "She really likes you then!"

Then Nikki takes her body back over and stomps her foot "IF we are done! BYE!" and the door slams.

Over the next few hours, most of us go back to the living room and just 'hang out' and chat for hours. At near midnight, Nikki takes Paul back to Whateley and Mr. Reilly takes Josh and Dania home. As Josh leaves, I give him a small hug to say bye.....and Mr. Reilly eyeballs me doing that! Then they are off.

After they are all gone, I go back to my room to shower up and get ready to go to ARC for those tests I promised. When I get done, Nikki is back and knocks at my door.

I just yell at the door from the bath "Come in Nikki!" and she enters my room.

She goes to sit on my bed and giggles at me "SO! you kissed Josh! AND!"

"AND what?"

"Well was this a more than one time thing?" Nikki giggles at me.

"I don't really know? Most of was the Drow in me? She wants to have!"

"No my sister!" Aunghadhail's more regal voice demands of me.

"You order no one! NOT me especially!" I growl at her from my bathroom.

"Sorry....I am just so surprised is all?"

"Well so am I! All this week it has been only girls? AND now I suddenly want boys?"

"You know as well as can not work. A Drow can not have a child with a human. Even with the fact, that Drow females can almost 'will' themselves pregnant!"

"Then I have no idea's on have children?"

"Nor do I. There is one Idea?"

"What you old Fae! Spill it!"

"Perhaps a human mutant devisor of some sort, can help you via a type of cloning? But that is a very long shot at best? As I am sure your DNA and all the magic used to make you how you are? It all will get in the way of that goal?"

"Curse you royals and your messing with things you did not understand!"

"I know...." she whispers "but all of it kept you live?"

"To what end!? Being forlorn all that LONG LIFE!"

"Magic is coming back to this world. I know you can feel it too! So there is hope that more will come...just like you did?"

As I walk back into my room and I am all set to leave for ARC. Nikki leaps at me and gives me a hug "One day we both will have kids, that play together! It has to happen that way!"

"I hope so too?" and after I let that hug go. I port away from her.


This is my oldest story in a joint fan fic venture with a group of authors, so
far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We
all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of
stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This
one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one.

To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop
around here is a short introduction.

Angels Peril a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek Tormented by the past,
Angel is struggling between light and dark.

Melvin a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek They say old soldiers never
die, Melvin is about to learn that the hard way.

The Way of the Dragon a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek Born for
eternity but vulnerable like a child, dragons shouldn't leave their

Every Rose has it Thorns a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan Watch what
you say around rose, could give you more trouble than you ever asked

Kelly a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan Struggling with fate, Kelly has
to deal with love and loss.

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war
and forged in pain, dealing with deamons within and the out.

Vantier a Whateley Tale :Written by Shadowsblade Ancient and Powerful
Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it.

You might ask yourself what is the Whateley Universe? To make it short,
here is a abstract straight out off the wiki.

Whateley is a Prep School for different teens. VERY different ones.
Where else could a kid go to a school that has a resident demon living
in the furnace? Or meet magic users, mutants of every imaginable kind,
get trained in how to handle some rather odd abilities, and worry about
flunking Freshman English? Come visit Whateley Academy, nestled in the
lovely hills of New Hampshire. Just down the road from a town named
Dunwich... (Mythos jokes purely intentional). This is the Whateley
Academy Universe, a shared universe with over a dozen authors and more
than a hundred stories (and counting). The stories range in size from
vignettes to novels. It's a Mutant High scenario with both a strong
transgender theme and a slightly watered down Cthulhu Mythos theme.

It's also very much a work in progress.' If you want further information
you will find them on.

But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the
ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those
kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the
'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

Or if you want to input more?

Drop a e-mail to me at [email protected]

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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