The State of Things

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I am greatly astonished that there would be enquiries after my welfare. Thank you.

Life just seemed to pile up on me, and I did not say much at the end because I felt that some others were just as disturbed by current events as I. The actions of certain Admin were very discouraging, so rather than have a big drama fest, I simply quietly left. The current political climate in America feels very hostile and unsafe. I had hoped to change the minds of certain religious folk and that effort has failed. And, I've returned to a very quiet and private expression of my original faith.

I've always written from my heart, and apparently did not understand the demographics of this group. Some of my stories included at least some reference to Belief, so perhaps that is why my stories consistently scored so low. To those who were repulsed, I'm sorry.

Still working on two very lengthy tales, both Science Fiction with very little TG content. If I get them developed to the stage where it is time to publish, I might try to run them through this site so that Erin gets any financial benefit they may earn.

Much peace



You have friends here

I don't always agree with you ,I hope you don't every take it personal While I have faith it is neither pagan or even close to mainstream, Summed up It would be how we treate each other is more important than our faith. I always wish you well. I live in Texas, it does indeed feel like a hostile territory My friends are evacuating in droves. Since my stroke my options are very limited..

There's a difference between faith and religion

Faith is humanity accepting the grace and love of a higher power, whatever it might be. Religion is man making rules to bind a higher entity to them. Faith is god centered, religion is man centered. That's why religion is so dangerous. They make the rules, not god.

I've always enjoyed your writing. Don't let the religious bigotry and hate stop you. Write YOUR stories. Live YOUR faith.

Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!

Jennifer Sue

I've known Gwen for some time

Angharad's picture

through this site and it was possibly my enquiry that set this ball rolling. I have no faith in gods, fairies or whatever. I don't do superstition but I am trying to do science - it's quite exacting. I have no problems with others believing what they will providing they don't judge me for being different or tell me how to live my life - after nearly 65 years, I don't need advice on that score.

I do have belief in people, especially my friends and Gwen is one of my online friends.


Faith and belief

WillowD's picture

It is my personal opinion that on a story site with authors and readers and stories that faith and belief, or the lack there of of anyone, whether they be an author, reader or fictional character should matter. I, personally, am not going to avoid or think less of a story because it does or does not have faith or religion in it. I think "and-then-a-miracle-occurred" is a great mechanism in a story, just like science fiction or fantasy.

I honestly hope that authors don't start worrying about this issue. I want authors and readers to feel safe and loved her and able to express them selves as far as the issue of faith and religion and belief go.

Everyone was worried.

I for one, can't wait to read your next story. If you worship the moon dressed like a Edwardian Lady in waiting, I could care less. And if it's in your story, I'll delight in the garment's description.
Ang just got the ball rolling.


Your Teachings

You've been very generous in sharing your experiences. I've learned a great deal from you.

I believe that chaos is evil and order is good. I believe that we should treat others the same way we would want them to treat us. I believe that we have a duty to be compassionate and that through compassion we will find happiness.

All the rest is window-dressing meant to create power for a few.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Hi Gwen!!!

laika's picture

Really glad you're okay and especially that you're writing. There's a lot of stuff to write about, sometimes I wonder how I got so entirely focused on TG fiction to the neglect of stories like BASTARD SON OF KRYPTON or the autobiographical pieces. And about faith and religion, whenever I try to explain what I believe it seems to be too agnostic for religious folks and too religious for atheists, and hopelessly confusing to both, so I pretty much keep my mouth shut on the topic.
~Hallelujah Anyway! Love, ronni

I don't care what people believe.

And, I am not sure how this thread got swung into that bearing and into irons.

Whatever I believe in is pretty big. Big enough to figure people out and it does not make two shits what I think about what others do or don't. In the end we will or won't meet the author of all this, so good on ya.

The very lengthy story I am currently pounding out on the borrowed anvil of the heavens will deal with the hapless survivors of a belief system that badly let them down, so each one will have to decide for themselves. It is patently obvious to those survivors that the extremism in their culture is what lead to the pain and suffering they all barely survived. And, some of them will not feel like they in fact DID survive for a long time.

Not to reveal spoilers, but only a small part of the story will deal with that, while I hope the rest of it will be much more light hearted.

It has long been very clear to me that Hala's Snow day would continue on for a long time, and her ancestors are dealing with a much evolved civilization several hundred years after her. I've written about 80,000 words of a story that should be around 250,000 words. I hope that people will enjoy it.

The work on this has been so arduous that I now have a rash, um perhaps like diaper rash, so I'll need to deal with that tomorrow.



Dear Gwen...

I am heartened that you are around. It's a shame that people concentrate on what separates us rather than what unites us. I anxiously await your next literary offering.

Peace at Your Table...

Kelly of the Lake
