July contest

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July 2018 Contest Announcement: Staycation!
Rasufelle posted there would be another contest. So..., is everyone digging in?

I hope everyone has their pencils sharpened, a fresh ream of notepaper in their notebook, a good eraser and a pencil sharpener at hand. I have already dug in and am enjoying writing this one on my own. No auto writing so far. Lots of ideas and a swarm of paths to follow like a mess of worms in a can. Pick a path and it turns into another swarm. I had forgot what it was like to not have a story put inside and all I did was put it to paper. I hope I don't jinx myself with this confession and can finish out the story line. So far, lots of fun and hundreds of ideas. With this one I imagine everyone will realize what I have been telling you. I am not a writer. I didn't flunk every single English class I ever took for no reason. The stories I had to write in my English classes always looked like they had been in a blood war. AND they lost, when the paper was returned. I can slay the King's English better than anyone I know. Hey! All of us are the better at something than anyone else.

Focus people, contest. If you're as slow at writing these puppies as I am when you're on your own, you might think about starting now. Maybe by July 2019 I'll submit my efforts. Don't laugh. I have a Halloween story that has been percolating in my computer for over five years now. I've been hoping it would finish itself up. I'll probably be the first one to blink if they aren't tossing dirt in the hole they shoved me in before then.

Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.


The most important part it to enjoy yourself :P

It took me HOW many years to finish PFH? And how many more have I been working on the rewrites for the books I wanna publish?

I've had permission for YEARS from Maggie Finson to work on a fanfic for her Heaven and Hell universe starring Ash from The Evil Dead, and never got 'round to writing enough of it to even share.

Good luck to everyone who enters. And hey, even if you don't finish on time, share what you create with us anyway; I for one would love to see it :)

Melanie E.

The Un Va Kay Shun

BarbieLee's picture

Melanie, I think I might be through with it. I'm not entering it in the contest It was a fun write. I'll wait until the start of the contest to post it, not in the contest though.
Now to return to our regular programing and those stories that just won't co-operate and let me tie a ribbon on their tail..., tale.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl