Suddenly Royal - Chapter 10


Suddenly Royal

Chapter 10
by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann


Alan and his best friend Ellie are enjoying being able to hang out on their summer break. Ellie has known about Alan's desire to be Allie for several years, and they plan one of their many shopping trips to the mall while their parents are at work. Little does Allie know that her simple day of secretly being out with her best friend would suddenly spiral into a whole new life!

The Legal Stuff: Suddenly Royal © 2020 By Tiffany Shar
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2020 By Tiffany Shar. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

I saw the announcement for Erin's Reluctant Princess Contest and immediately had an idea, but with everything going on in the world couldn't get much energy to write it. Since my last book that I posted on here it's been a really busy time in my life, but I really wanted to get a chance to put this story out there! Since I've procrastinated beginning to post there will be some days I'll throw another chapter up in order to make my goal of having it all completed by the deadline for the contest. I have twelve chapters written and plan on two more for this part of the tale. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 10:

THE NEXT MORNING, I woke up to Mom nudging me awake, “Come on Allie, time to wake up.”

I tried to roll over and she began tickling me, “Nuh-uh, no going back to sleep!”

“It’s summer!” I whined as she let up.

“Yes, but you have to get going Princess,” she reminded me.

I sighed and spat out some hair that had landed in my mouth. I managed to get moving to the shower and was soon back in my room getting dressed in the dress Tyler had chosen and sent Mom the picture of. Luckily it was a pretty distinctive black dress that wasn’t common in the wardrobe he’d provided. It was a conservative dress that had a high neckline, a slight poof at the top of the sleeve that extended about halfway to my elbow, and a skirt that brushed my knees. My padded bra showed just the hint of a chest beneath it. A thin belt with an odd gold buckle connection was placed at my natural waistline.

Mom had pointed out a pair of two-inch black heeled sandals that she thought went well with it. “They’ll do your hair and makeup there,” she told me, “just put your hair up in a ponytail for now.”

“Okay…” I said nervously as the doorbell rang.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

“I’ll go see,” she told me with a smile.

I brushed my hair quickly and put it up in a ponytail that I held in place with a black scrunchie.

I was just walking out my bedroom door when I saw Ellie, “Oh my God!” She said to me with a smile, “I love that dress!”

I smiled, “Thanks,” and couldn’t help but turn around in a circle and enjoyed the skirt flaring out some.

“You won’t catch me in it, but you look pretty!”

“Thanks, I’m about to leave though…”

“I know, your mom asked if I wanted to go hang out with you today!”

I looked at Mom, “Grandma is okay with it?”

She laughed, “She’s the one who came up with the idea. She saw how down you were last night… she thought maybe a friendly face today would help?”

I hugged her and Ellie, “Yes!”

“Well, you two need to get going if that’s the case!” She told me.

“Food?” I asked.

“Giuseppe is going to have the driver stop by Whataburger on the way to the embassy.” Mom nodded to where he stood waiting.

“BOBS!” Ellie said with a smile.

Standing there he looked curious, “Bobs?” He paused, “Is there some boy that works there?”

I couldn’t help but join Ellie in giggling before explaining, “Breakfast On a Bun… It’s normal here, don’t mind my crazy friend.”

She tickled me then and then started toward the limo that had arrived with Giuseppe leading the way. I hugged Mom goodbye, “I love you, good luck with your case,” I told her.

“I love you too,” she told me and squeezed me tightly. “You’ll be fine!”

We stopped briefly in the parking lot of a nearby Whataburger and Giuseppe ran in with our orders to grab them. A few minutes later we were on our way and Giuseppe wore a bemused look on his face at the sausage BOB he had ordered. “This is surprisingly good,” he said.

Ellie giggled at him, “See, told you!”

While he’d been inside getting them, she’d whispered to me that she thought he was kind of hot in an old guy sort of way. I’d just shook my head!

Before too long we were walking into the embassy. They made Ellie go through the metal detector and searched her purse before we’d been able to continue on to the room we’d used before the dinner the other night. Inside Tyler and Demi were standing around and quickly came over to me.

“Your Highness! It’s so good to see you again!” he said to me and insisted on kissing my hand.

Demi did the air kiss thing with me before asking, “Who’s this?”

“This is my best friend in the whole world Ellie,” I introduced her, “Ellie this is Tyler and Demi.”

“Nice to meet you,” Ellie said timidly.

“That dress is perfect for today,” Tyler said with a smile, “But we need to get you some accessories. Let Demi do your hair and makeup, then we’ll worry about your jewelry. In the meantime, I think your friend needs some attention too…”

Ellie had actually worn a skirt and blouse, but it wasn’t ‘appropriate’ to be around ‘Her Highness’ I heard Tyler insist while I sat down in the chair that was back out. He must have been warned she was coming because he got her quickly changing into another outfit. Meanwhile Demi worked on putting my hair, leaving it down, but adding some curl to the bottom of it and teasing it to just the right look.

A couple of combs decorated in pearls were added to either side of my head. When she showed it to me it was a cute look for me as a teenage girl, with some sophistication too… I sort of looked like I imagined a princess would.

Tyler had me put a thin silver necklace and charm bracelet on to ‘accessorize my look.’ Ellie had been given a cute sleeveless navy-blue dress that was a bit shorter with just some inch-wide straps that held it at the top. Demi had done a great job on her makeup and we both looked like we were eighteen. Well, my face at least looked eighteen. I was convinced that it would be a stretch to guess I was fifteen no matter what due to my height!

Grandma came in then and I introduced Ellie to her. She managed to not trip over herself completely, and I managed not to laugh at her trying not to do so!

“Well ladies, it’s about that time for us to go do this?” She said to me.

I felt butterflies in my stomach and just kind of wanted to throw up then. Geneva must have sensed that because a glass of ginger ale was suddenly in my hand. “Thanks…” I told her as I sipped some of it.

“It’s absolutely okay to be nervous,” Grandma told me. “Ellie if you will go with this young woman, she’ll get you a spot you can stand along the back wall to watch?”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Ellie told her and leaned down to give me a quick hug before disappearing.”

As we walked down the hallway Grandma asked, “You’re just friends, right? We can’t afford any extra surprises to deal with…”

“More like sisters. She’s the big sister I never had who always watches out for me,” I told her.

“Maybe she can come out with your mother later this summer?” she suggested.

“Really?!?” I said, feeling a little bit better with that idea.

“The last thing I want to do is keep you from having friends dear, I know how tough this is going to be for you.”

I nodded, “Thank you Grandma,” I told her.

“I’ve been called a queen for decades, but I’m still getting used to hearing that title,” she told me with a smile.

Geneva held me off to the side as Grandma stepped to a small podium in a well-appointed room with the Osané seal and the Alessi coat of arms in the background. It looked like about fifteen photographers were present, ten video cameras, and about twenty other individuals sitting in chairs. I recognized network names like CNN, NBC, FOX, BBC, but others were unknown to me, like OSN and BCN.

They all began snapping photos with flashes and standing up as she walked to the podium. “Her Majesty, Queen Maria Eirene Margarita Andino Alessi,” a man said loudly.

“Thank you all for coming today, please be seated,” she told them in French. “A few weeks ago, a tragic accident took the life of my son Prince Alexandros Alessi, III, and only named heir to the throne of Osané. Per the laws of Osané I must name an eligible heir to the throne within six months, or the law of succession would mean the crown would pass to the Montalvo family next. Today I come before you to introduce you to that heir. Before I do so I would like to put to bed the rumors that have been flying in the past weeks.”

“Prince Alexandros was never married, mainly because he met the love of his life in college here in the United States. He literally ran into his love when he stepped in front of her riding a bicycle, and the two began a relationship. The young woman unfortunately was of common birth though, so at the time we foolishly decided it was wiser for him to wait for someone of more noble stature. At the time it seemed right, but before they broke off their relationship the young woman became pregnant with his daughter. We were aware, but Alexandros and her mother decided it best that unless he had no other heir that she be left alone here in the United States – though well supported.”

She took a breath, “When he passed away, per the agreement, she became the next heir to the throne of Osané. It has been my pleasure to finally meet this young lady this last week, and it is my honor now to present the Crown Princess of Osané, Her Royal Highness, Princess Alexandria Leonidas Alessi.”

Geneva pushed me forward and my nerves once again flew as I walked to her side and she gave me a gentle hug. I had trouble focusing and seeing with all of the camera flashes going off. I was seeing spots when they finally stopped a few moments later.

“I know you all have many questions, so I will let my granddaughter answer some of them. Please remember this is new for her, so please keep your questions short and polite,” she told them.

All of the sudden I heard “Princess Alexandria” loudly from all of the corners of the room. Remembering conferences, I’d watched on TV before I tried not to cringe and pointed to one of the women, “Yes, I’m sorry I don’t know your names?”

The woman smiled at me, and in English said, “Elizabeth Connor, OSN do you speak French?”

“Oui, Madame Connor,” I tried to smile.

She switched to rapid French then, “Our viewers back in Osané will want to know all about you! How old are you? What do you like to do for fun? Any favorite fashion designers?”

I laughed and replied in slower French, “I’m fifteen years old – I just had my birthday two weeks ago. I like to go shopping, swim, and hang out with my best friend… I also like music and playing the clarinet.” I paused, “Favorite fashion designers? I was a regular girl who had no idea she was a princess until a few days ago. I like some of the outfits that have been given to me in the past few days, but if you ask me for names I’d be lying if I could remember them.” I said with a smile that I hoped worked for them.

I pointed at another woman nearby, “You had a question?”

“How do you feel about suddenly being royal? It sounds like you didn’t even know you were a princess?”

I giggled, “Honestly I’m still processing that one… No, I didn’t know I was anything but a regular kid until a few days ago. I guess my mom and dad decided to try and let me have a normal childhood and keep me from being a spoiled brat?” I shrugged, “I’ve grown up being treated normally and I guess I would say I’m grateful for that. I’ve never received special treatment for anything and my mom had no problem saying ‘no’ to me. I don’t think that will change anytime soon either!” They had the decency to laugh out there.

I answered a number of questions from the reporters and felt like I was doing pretty well. Seventeen Magazine had a print reporter there who asked a few questions about makeup and how my friendships were doing.

“How do you feel about walking into a true fairytale story here?” a reporter from BCN network asked.

I smiled, “Well I guess I somehow ended up in one of those Princess Fairytale stories I’ve always heard about… but I’m still in shock over it all. I’m still living at home right now, so other than some really pretty outfits, it’s not like I’ve seen a lot change. Maybe it’ll be different when I see the castle?” I smiled, “Or get to wear a tiara?”

“You don’t have one yet?” she asked.

“Apparently I can’t wear one until I’m eighteen! Talk about a letdown after all of those fairytale stories as a kid!”

The reporters laughed politely at that.

I was distracted a moment later when every phone in the room lit up and Geneva came up to Grandma next to me to whisper in her ear.

“One last question!” Grandma said beside me curtly.

One of the reporters looked at his phone and then back up at me, “Is your mother a Ms. Karen Nelson?”

“Umm… yes?” I said. “That’s my mom.”

“Did you know she’s just been shot…?”

“What?!?!” I looked over at Grandma while the room erupted and I was suddenly dragged clear of the room.

“Mom’s been shot? What are they talking about?!?!” I looked at Grandma a moment later in a side room we’d been pushed into.

“Geneva just told me.”

“What…?” I found myself sinking down into a chair next to me. Ellie had her arms around me in a hug. “Is she okay…?”

“We don’t know yet Allie,” Grandma told me, “they’re enroute to the hospital. As soon as we know which one, we’ll go there too.”

“Mom can’t die!!!!!!” I said and began crying heavily while being hugged by Ellie and Grandma.


FORTY MINUTES LATER we were walking into the hospital Mom had been taken to. Grandma led me to the reception desk, “We’re here for Karen Nelson, this is her daughter Alexandria… she was shot?”

The lady looked up at me and then typed some information into the screen. “She’s in surgery right now. If you want, I can take you to a waiting room?”

“Please,” Grandma said.

“Do you have some ID to prove you’re family?” she was looking at me funny. “Wait… you’re that girl… that princess?”

I blushed a little, but my worry for Mom was more than my embarrassment. “Yes, and that’s my mom… please?”

She picked up the phone and a few moments later a nurse came out. “Ms. Nelson?” She asked of me.

I nodded, “She said my mom is in surgery?”

“Yes, she is, you can wait for her in a more private waiting room if you come with me.”

“Can you give us any more information on her status?” Grandma asked when she had us out of the main emergency room reception area.

“I can’t, but I can get someone who can?”

“Please do so,” Grandma said to her.

We walked inside and I saw one of the partners at the firm my mom worked at. “Ala…Allie?” He asked me.

I nodded and walked over to where he sat with a woman, I thought I recognized from somewhere. “What happened to Mom?” I asked him while crying.

He stood and gave me a hug, “I’m so sorry Allie, someone shot our client and her on the steps going into the courthouse.”

“Why?” I asked, tears streaming from my eyes.

“The police think it’s because of our client being transgendered, or somehow related to the case…”

He gave me a meaningful look at that, “What happened to your client?” I asked.

“She died immediately,” he told me. “Your mom wasn’t hit as badly. She’s in good hands and hopefully the doctors can get us some good news soon.”

I just nodded and returned back to Ellie and sat down together on a bench seat. Grandma sat to my right and she and Ellie kept hold of my hands, my shoulders, while I continued to cry and hoped my mom wasn’t going to die.

We waited there for a couple of hours before my mom’s parents walked through the door. They looked for me for a moment before Grandma Becky recognized me and seemed shocked!


I'll be posting another chapter tomorrow. Thank you to all of you who have pressed the Kudos button or posted a comment! I very much appreciate it! Though I don't have to have the story finished for the contest entry, I'm still trying to get it completely up by the deadline for my own internal goal. Please consider leaving me a comment to help motivate my brain and fingers! Thanks for reading!

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