Need a small favor from everyone Please Look

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Didn't wear my floor length, wrap around denim skirt and bling loaded denim blouse when I went to OKC. Too many people to talk to without over powering them. Just cowboy boots, jeans, satin blouse, hat, and you know what on my hip.
It wasn't funny, walked all the way into the VA and was signing in before my hand brushed it as I reached for my pocketbook. Those who go to the VA know there are signs all over with a warning to NOT do what I did. Turned around and walked back out the entrance. When the guard asked me what I was doing, I bumped it with the back of my hand and kept walking. Not even supposed to be in the vehicle but that was where I left it and went back in. Everyone from the guard at front to where we check in was laughing and shaking their head, they had missed it too. At least they let me skate this time and didn't call the police.Girls can get away with almost anything!

Okay, serious. I'm looking for a certain pioneer dress or suit. Scoured the net, twenty years back I could find them everywhere. Now...Zip. It may be a skirt and jacket or dress and jacket. Be nice if it was culotte but not a deal breaker. Doesn't need to look exactly like this but must be early pioneer style. Early Pioneer was all one color not a mix so keep that in mind. I have my reasons and a purpose so would you please?

When you're out browsing look in the Salvation Army stores and the second hand shops. At one time I could find them in the name brand stores but not now. I wear a size twelve. Trust me, I know some of you writers don't visit the women's section in any shop but would you please look? Take a pic with your cell phone, check the price, and send me the info if you find one. Pretty please. My best finds have been in the women's section in the second hand shops. I have a three piece pantsuit (jacket, skirt, pants) in the nine hundred dollar range will never go out of style unless all of us start wearing orange jump suits. I gave less than five cents on the dollar for it.

Please everyone, if you're out anyway, look for a pioneer woman dress for me. I don't want a pattern. I can get dozens of those. The link above is for a pattern but it shows the style of dress I'm looking for.
Hugs People
Life is meant to be lived not worn until it's worn out.


Period clothing... pioneer?

Donna T's picture

I'd check with "re-enacter" groups. Renaissance Faire fans know where to find period pieces so would the era that you're trying to emulate. Any other cosplay groups that you know about? Ask this question but from better web sites. Then write theme park and movie studio Costume Managers; in SoCal there is Knott's Berry Farm as an example. Find an exact photo of what you want so you get what you want.

Sheplers may have a lead since they do "Old West"

Google this: old west women's clothing --- lot's of hits. And see what THIS brought out. Google: Images for old west women's clothing

Give Pinterest a search: 70 Best Women's Old West Clothing images... Western wear

If really desperate a seamstress/tailor/home ec teacher could make what you want.

Good luck, keep us posted.

Quarantine hugs,




Thanks for all the leads

BarbieLee's picture

And I thought I was a web searcher extraordinaire. Hon you beat me hands down twice over. Write off Sheplers, one of the first places I looked. They have changed over the years, more to urban cowgirl clothing. Pinterest demands I sign in to their site with Youtube or Google before allowing me to search. I'm being stubborn as I feel I have shared enough info with everyone. Same with Paypal and others. They have my name, Barbie Lee, address, telephone number, same as on my credit and debit cards they draw from and wanted to drop cookies on my computer. I'm running a java and cookie blocker. Enough is enough. Being independently stubborn is not one of my better traits.
Thanks for all the leads, Dee. I'll do some digging today.
Hugs hon
Life is a gift, treasure it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

I've had no problem with

Donna T's picture

I've had no problem with Pinterest. They target their notices for sure... Based upon prior 'searches' I get more than my share of suggested topics... like makeup tips, hairstyles, sundresses and an occasional Sissy link! Go figure.

Be sure to let us know what you come up with. Perhaps model it for us?

Regards & good luck...




Everyone's Idea of Pioneer Woman is different

BarbieLee's picture

Looked at a kazillion pinafores, long simple dresses, Some think adding a full apron or bonnet makes a pioneer woman. And no matter what anyone thinks, all of them are right. I guess I should make myself a little more clear. She's not holding the baby in one arm and the rifle in the other, although that's her. She's not behind the mule turning over the ground with a plow. Yes that is her. She's not elbow deep in the wooden tubs washing clothes or the kids. Yes that's her. All are her and thousands of others and everyone's idea of the pioneer woman is right.
If there ever was her equal in history it would be the Amazons of Northern Europe. Yes they were real. History has tried to erase them because women aren't supposed to be leaders or the defenders. The Amazons and Pioneer Woman were both. My grandmother, and yes my mother was one of them.
There is plenty of time to find what I'm looking for if they even exist any more. I haven't sewn any dresses in years but that's an option. I'll share pics when I find the dress.
Hugs Donna
Life is a test? What's the prize?

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Thank you

BarbieLee's picture

The dresses are most certainly pioneer woman. The first link, brought back memories of my grandmother's dresses except for the "Peter Pan" collar the print and all could have been one of hers. Funny what triggers specific memories. Ordered a blue denim jacket a couple days ago. It will work with what I have, the silk embroidered blouse with the pearl buttons and the floor length, wrap around denim skirt. I'm still looking for the right dress or skirt and jacket so keep me in mind.
Please, and thank you so much for thinking of me.
Hugs Nellie T
Just about the time we figured out what life is all about...,

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Found the lipstick I was looking for

BarbieLee's picture

It's called Iced Peach and it is put out by Mae West Co-ordinates Co. I'm sure all the brands have a similar color if one knows what they are looking for. I probably should have picked up four of them as hard as it was to find.
Hugs People
When Murphy is passing out lemons, hand them back. It's a trick.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

It's already history.

It's already history.

Nothing fancy - skirt, blouse, neck tie. The most important part - the attitude.

Pioneer girl

actually 100 percent right attitude

BarbieLee's picture

Others pick up ones emotions or attitude of the individual they noticed. Or if the person was not giving off any vibes they don't even see them as their eyes flashed past them. The stories in BCTS are filled with that exact understanding. Bullies focus on the rabbits in school. Not necessarily the smaller ones but the insecure, shy ones.
After my foot was operated on, I returned to the VA in a pirate's costume. Double breasted, black satin, culotte jumpsuit. I mean after all I was three wheeling it with crutches. Passed out pieces of eight, gold painted pennies, and doubloons, gold painted quarters. All the staff, medical personnel had to see the pirate and we had a lot of fun.
I have several outfits but the skirt, jacket or dress jacket I'm looking for is for a specific trip and meeting a couple people. One MAY make a second First Impression if it's done right. I'm looking at tan cowgirl boots and a different felt black hat. Not knowledgeable in fashion by any means but I do mange to bring off the cowgirl image without trying. Because it's the real me and not imitation. Attitude and understanding one's self.
Hugs QModo
Have fun with life. Don't take it too seriously. It's too short to do otherwise.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl