So a couple months back, (December), I had my nails done. They came out beautiful, a beautiful smoky blue that was still brilliant, and it was a gel coat, so yay!.
My son's friend A came over one day (I'm not entirely out locally, but am to almost all our close friends). She looks at my nails and asks "Why are your nails painted?"
I looked at her and replied "why not?"
She said "So you are a mommy?"
and I replied "yes".
This was fine, the NinjaPotato (that's what we call the NinjaBaby now, as he hates being called a baby), explained it to her as he understood it, and it was basically fine.
Fast-Forward to today, when A comes up to me while the NinjaPotato and A were outside playing in the snow...
"Uhh, Piper... My mommy said you can't have two mommies, only two daddies"...
I didn't say anything in response, the NinjaPotato however replied "Well she's wrong".
They played outside some more, then they went over to A's to play, and I haven't done anything about it yet.
I know I need to confront A's mom. Not in a mean way or anything, but just explaining that I'm T and such, and that yes, the NinjaPotato DOES have two mommies. But I'm dreading this.
A's mom seems very progressive and open minded in a lot of ways, but that statement from A just floored me.
I have my gender marker legally changed on my license, and I'm close to filing paperwork for my legal name change, but this just seriously took all the wind out of my sails.
I've been kind of wandering around, not being able to get it out of my head, and it's just been tainting my evening.
I couldn't find my car key earlier (still can't) and keep thinking of myself as completely useless as a result and that just wasn't how my day started and I hate that I'm sitting there now.
So with this I'm gonna go sign off, and head to bed. With luck when I wake up in the morning I will magically remember where I put the car key, and my outlook will look better.
Thanks for listening to me/reading my rant.

This image is from when A and the NinjaPotato were playing in the snow yesterday.
Kid Filtering
Having been a Scout leader and parent, I learned to take such statements from kids with the proverbial grain of salt. What enters the ears and is processed by the juvenile brain is often unrecognizable when it emerges from the mouth. Get a good night's sleep and hope the Key Fairy pays you a visit.
PS - I love the Ninja Potato!
Uh Huh
I was thinking the same thing.
Here's hoping something was lost in the translation.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Doesn't it always seem that when things are going smoothly something has to derail you? It may not even be something actually being wrong, just the fear off something potentially going wrong can send you spiraling in a downward in a discombobulating descent of dread. Try to just worry about the things that you can control, and realistically, you can only really control your side of things. If she has a problem then it's her problem not yours, but who knows, sometimes people can surprise you and kids do tend to simplify things based on their own level of understanding. It's not really worth getting bent out of shape over until you know that there's something to get bent out of shape about, and even then, what would it really change?
Rest well and hopefully you'll feel better and have keys tomorrow.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
I'm so sorry hon
hopefully you find your keys and have a better time going forward
I'm neither a parent nor ...
do I know much about your cultural circumstances in your neighbourhood. I'd like to agree with the people before me, explaining that kids only listen with half an ear and yes, I can pretty much imagine what A's mum said "... I've heard of two men having a child, but two women is unusual..." or something along the lines and A just listening to the first part.
While lesbian couples are not uncommon, we tend to be kind of invisible, which in the past helped us to stay under the radar of bigots but since we're usually not the flamboyant types, which many of my gay male friends aren't either, lesbian couples having children are often overlooked and forgotten.
So, personally I wouldn't put too much into that.
As for the part you dread... well, since A's mum has been progressive so far and I believe you know each other, maybe playing it by ear and just treat it as something entirely normal, that you cute Ninjapotato has two mommies.
I hope that helps.
>> There is not one single truth out there. <<
If you are old enough
To remember: "Kids Say The Darndest Things" (Art Linkletter Show regular segment.) Google it, its funny as hell!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I'm sure someone more clever than I
I'm sure that someone more clever than I has said something witty about this. Children have a wonderful way of misunderstanding things.
In any case I'm sure that whatever A's mom said to A the words from A were both innocent and brutal.
“Life is too important to be taken seriously.” ― Oscar Wilde
Your friend