I was a Vegas Showgirl

I Was a Vegas Showgirl
Part 1
An original story by Julia Miller

A high-flying divorce lawyer is brought to his knees by a Casino owner and is contracted to become a Vegas Showgirl...

My name was Tommy Malone, and I used to be one of the most successful Divorce Lawyers in Las Vegas. I had a successful career as an attorney, and I was flying high, but then it all came crashing down on me.

Let me explain what happened to me. You may not believe my story, but I assure you, my story is all true.

Firstly, I have to get something off my chest. You see, for as long as I remember, I have had this compulsion. It would come and go, ebb and flow, you might say, but I was a crossdresser. I never felt like a female trapped in a man’s body, but I had this thing about wearing women’s outfits. It had been with me as a child. I used to dress up in my older sisters’ dresses when no one was around the house. I started wearing my mom’s dresses and her lingerie as I grew. I loved wearing high heels too. And pantyhose! I adored wearing them, and it always gave me a hard-on. I graduated to wearing garters and thigh-high stockings, as they felt even better on my skin. When I hit puberty, and my body hair started growing, I found that I had to shave my legs to maintain the feeling of stockings against my skin. I didn’t have much of a beard, and since I had blonde hair, I never showed a 5 o’clock shadow. I also was hairless on my chest. Downstairs I wasn’t anything to write home about. I was small in that department, and I could never impress any girls due to my small size.

At 5’ 8”, I wasn’t a tall guy, so most women were not interested in me anyway since I wasn’t over 6 feet tall. I wasn’t muscular and had a skinny build, and my face looked very feminine. I had more than one friend call me a pretty boy or babyface Tommy. I laughed it off, but it was true. After I finished my makeup, I looked like a hot woman, and as Tammi, the guys were always chasing me, and I was an outstanding dancer. I even took dance lessons as Tammi and had a blast doing it.

I left home for college, and my compulsion went with me. I lived off-campus and had my stash of dresses, lingerie, and heels. I became more daring, and pretty soon, I lived a double life, going out to clubs as Tammi, but otherwise, I lived as Tommy. I was happy and a top student and graduated college studying law with honors. I interned with a successful law firm in Los Angeles and worked there from sun up to sundown. Those days, I had little time to cross-dress, and I thought maybe my compulsion had let up, but after I passed the California Bar Exam, Tammi came back with a vengeance! I bought a new little black dress and went out on the town as Tammi to celebrate. I almost was picked up by a guy and had to quickly exit before anything progressed in one club and then went to the next one.

I began my career as a lawyer, and one thing I learned from my days interning at the firm, was there was big money as a Divorce lawyer, so I specialized in that field. I started at the firm as a lawyer, and soon, I was making a reputation as one of the best divorce attorneys in LA. California’s divorce laws let an ex-wife clean out her husband’s assets in a divorce, and I helped them get every penny. Is the law fair? Probably not, but it is what it is. I would do the best job for my clients, and they were ecstatic and recommended me to their wealthy friends. Knowing what would happen to an ex-husband in a divorce, I never got close to any women. I dated and had several casual romances, but never anything serious, so I was still single at the age of 28 and loved being a Batchelor. And of course, I loved going out as Tammi to the clubs.

One day at the office, I went in for a meeting with the senior partners, and they offered me a promotion. They wanted me to go out to Las Vegas and start a branch office for our firm, and if it were successful, they would make me a junior partner. I accepted their advancement offer, and off to Vegas I went.

After arriving in Vegas, I found a small condo to rent and looked for a new office location. I also studied and passed the Bar Exam in the State of Nevada. I found a premier site, and I worked with HR to staff the new office with secretaries and hire a few new lawyers to work with me in the new office. After six months, we started to do well in Vegas, and I had another meeting with the senior partners. They made good on their promise, and I was now a junior partner in the firm.

I sold my condo in LA and moved my things out to a new condo in Vegas, overlooking the downtown. Things were going great for me. I was wildly successful as a lawyer, and my life was never better.

As Tammi, I went out to the casinos and nightclubs after work. I didn’t mean to, but I found that I enjoyed gambling at the casinos. There was something about the action of placing a large bet and the anticipation that hooked me in. Pretty soon, Tammi was known as a high roller. I loved playing poker, blackjack, craps, and the action just gave me a thrill.

My life was about to change, and I didn’t even see it coming until it hit me between the eyes.

Two things happened to me at the same time. The first one was Tammi had a run of bad luck, and she was into the casinos for over $500,000. Every time I made a bet trying to get out from under, things went south, and I kept getting more and more in debt. By now, gambling was as significant a compulsion as cross-dressing was, and I couldn’t stop. I was getting desperate, and my gambling was becoming a problem. As long as I made regular payments on my tabs, the Casinos were still okay with it, so I thought my luck would change, and I would soon work myself out from under this crushing gambling debt.

The second thing that happened to me was when Cloe Giancana came into my office and wanted me to represent her in a divorce from her husband. Looking back at it, I should have refused since no other lawyer in Vegas would have touched the case with a 10-foot pole. Why? Sammy Giancana was her husband, and he had a connection to the mob. But the mafia left Vegas years ago, right? Well, not entirely, it seems. They were still there, working in the background, and they were legit for all intents and purposes.

I started working with Cloe, and she filed for divorce, and I was representing her. I found out her soon-to-be ex-husband, and a chill ran through me. I could get in serious trouble, but I decided that it was only a divorce case, and they happen every day, right?

Things were still going along fine until the day we filed and sent our demands to Sammy’s lawyers. I went home that night, and when I opened the door to my condo, two very mean and nasty-looking guys said to me,

“Hi Tommy, Sammy wants to see you right now.”

They grabbed me by the arms and escorted me out of the condo into a waiting limo. They stuffed me into the back seat and sat beside me on either side, and we drove off to see Sammy.

Sammy was waiting for me at his mansion, and they took me in front of him. He looked at me and sneered,
“This is the lawyer? What a little wimp! Are you a man or a woman, I can’t tell?”

I tried to explain I was only doing my job, and he slapped me across my face.

He said, “Just shut the fuck up and listen to me. I looked into you, and I found some interesting things about your life. You little pansy, you like to dress up like a girl!”

He took a stack of photos and threw them at my feet. They were all of me dressed as Tammi, and it looked like they had taken pictures from outside my window of me dressing up as Tammi, and you could quickly tell it was me. They all laughed at me, and I stayed silent.

“Now you listen to me, you little shit. I am not about to give that skank wife anything if she wants a divorce. I purchased your casino tabs around town and told them all to ban you from playing at any of them, including my casinos. I own your ass now to the tune of $500,000, and there will be interest to pay. I am giving you one chance to lose this divorce case, or there will be repercussions, and you will not like them.
These photos could make their way on the internet and the newspapers, and that might not work out well for you.”

“Get him out of here, boys. I don’t want to look at this sissy anymore.”

The goons dragged me out and tossed me back in the limo. They dropped me off at my condo with a warning.

“Sammy can make your life very difficult, and you had better do as he says, sissy boy.”

I had no choice but had to lose the case. I purposely made all kinds of mistakes and procedural errors. Cloe ended up without a place to live and a $1000 a month alimony payment. I had just lost a high-profile divorce case in Vegas, and they kept showing it on TV and in the papers. I was criticized by the news commentators and opinion writers, making me be an incompetent and foolish lawyer. I was now the laughing stock of Vegas. No one wanted me to represent them anymore. I was able to keep on going as a lawyer, but I was no longer a high-profile one. The senior partners noticed and warned me that I would soon be out of the firm unless I turned around the business in the Vegas office.

It only took a couple of months, but the other shoe dropped, and they fired me from the firm. I tried opening a legal practice, but after being known so widely as a total loser of a lawyer, I was barely making enough money to keep my condo afloat. I ended up selling it, and after the mortgage and my debt payments to Sammy, there was nothing left. I rented a crappy little place in a seedy section of Vegas and continued my downward spiral.

One day Sammy’s thugs visited my place. They were waiting for me when I walked in, and roughed me up a bit, sat me down, and they said Sammy was unhappy with me as I was falling behind in my payments to him. I told them I was trying my best. They roughed me up some more and told me I had a week to make the next payment, and if I didn’t come through, they would be back for me.

Now I was terrified. The gambling debt interest had increased my tab to over a million dollars now, and there was no end to it. I barely had any cases at my practice, and things were looking bleak for me.

A few days went by, and I thought about running away from Vegas and hiding out in a small town somewhere, and starting over. Sammy must have figured that I might try to run before the week was up. His thugs were waiting for me at home, dragged my ass out and tossed me into their limo, and went back to Sammy’s place. When they brought me in front of Sammy, he looked at me with disdain and sneered at me.

“Well, boys, what should we do with this deadbeat?“

The thugs forced me down on my knees in front of him
“In the old days, we would break your knees and leave you in a wheelchair, but I was thinking this over. Since you can’t seem to make my money back as a lawyer anymore, I have decided that you will work your debt off to me by working at one of my casinos.”

“What would you like me to do? I added, “I can represent your casino as a lawyer, I could be a manager, I,”

Sammy slapped me across my face. He cut me off and said, “Shut up bitch, and you listen to me. I have a Las Vegas Review show at my ‘High Roller’ Casino, and you will be one of my new showgirls there. I know you trained as a dancer and are quite good at it.”

I was shocked, “I, I, can’t do that, I,”

He slapped me across my face again. “I told you to shut the fuck up, you little shit. I own your ass, you are into me for over a million now, and you will work it off doing what I tell you to do. Do you understand me, pansy?”

I just stared at his feet and nodded yes
“Great,” said Sammy, “I have a contract written up. You can read through it if you like, but you had better sign it now if you don’t want to leave here in a box.”

The thugs pulled me back to my feet and sat me in a chair in front of Sammy’s desk. Sammy dropped the contract in front of me and handed me a pen.

I read the contract. Sammy now would control my life. I would live in a small apartment at his casino and be employed as a showgirl in his Las Vegas Review show until I repaid my debt with interest. I may also perform additional duties for the casino. I would present as a woman at all times. I would also agree to undergo a strict diet, take hormone supplements, and undergo any necessary procedures to become a successful showgirl at his casino. I wasn’t sure what he meant by that last part, but it wasn’t like I had any choice here. I signed the contract. Sammy looked at me from behind his desk and smiled
“I think we are going to have fun with you working for me.”

I wasn’t sure what Sammy was getting at, so I agreed. The thugs escorted me out of Sammy’s mansion and put me back in the limo. They then drove me over to the ‘High Roller’ Casino, one of Sammy’s many casinos in Vegas. They went around to the employee entrance in the back and escorted me inside. They brought me up to a wing of Sammy’s casino hotel, reserved for employees. They opened the door and pushed me inside.

“You can get settled in, and we will be back for you later.”

They laughed and slammed the door on me. I tried to open it, but they had locked me inside. I turned on the lights and walked over to the window. I was on the 6th floor, and none of the windows would open. I sat on the bed and wondered how I had gotten myself into this mess. It didn’t look like I would get out of this anytime soon, so I began to look around my new room. I opened the closet, and there was a collection of my dresses that Tammi wore and some new ones that were the same size. I looked in the dresser, and they filled it with lingerie and stockings. There were also many baby doll nighties and other sexy sleep lingerie for me to wear. The closet floor had all my shoes and a bunch of new ones. A box on the table had my personal effects and papers, but what was missing were all my men’s suits, they didn’t make it, and from the contract terms, I wasn’t going to be allowed to wear men’s clothing anymore. I walked into the bathroom. It was spacious and had a vanity table with a lighted mirror, complete with all the moisturizer, makeup, and nail polish I would need to be presenting as Tammi, as well as several blonde wigs of various hairstyles and lengths. I looked in the shower, and there were all the products I would need to keep my body clean and hair-free.

The thugs told me they would be back, so I figured it was a good idea to take a shower and make myself up as Tammi. I didn’t want to get ‘roughed up’ again, and I was hoping if I were presenting as Tammi when they returned, things would be better for me. I took a shower, used the hair removal cream on my body, and rinsed it off. I ensured my face was shaved and sat down at the makeup table. I looked at my eyebrows and figured why not and plucked them both into a feminine arch. I didn’t have pierced ears, but I noticed a lot of pierced earrings in the jewelry box on the dresser, so I thought that would be just a matter of time. I applied the makeup for my face and set up the colors for the evening. I put on my lingerie and stockings. I also put on a bra, found the box containing my breast forms, and put them into the bra pockets. I now had C-cup breasts, and I looked like Tammi again. At least the people that brought my things over were very thorough and brought me everything Tammi needed.

I hadn’t eaten since breakfast, and I looked at the clock on the night table and noticed it was 7 pm now. I put on a new black dress, sat on the bed, and waited for the thugs to appear. My stomach was grumbling as I waited. Eventually, I heard a key in the door, and it opened up. Instead of the thugs, a middle-aged woman was standing there.

“Are you Tammi?” she asked.

I replied, “Yes, I am Tammi.”

“Good,” she replied, “Come with me, and we will get something to eat.”

I followed this woman out of the room. She closed and locked the door, and I followed her to the elevator. She pushed the button to the main casino level, and we got out and walked through the casino to the restaurant. We were given a table and were seated.

“My name is Trixie Bellingham; I am the show manager here at this casino. Now, I am sure you have a lot of questions, so feel free to ask me anything.”

“Well, what is going to happen to me?”

“First, we are going to order a couple of drinks and then have dinner. I will fill you in on your new responsibilities as we go.”

“I had a long talk with Sammy, and he told me that you have experience as a female impersonator and dancing experience, and he wanted you to work as a showgirl here. We will see how you do, and you may be doing other things in the future.”

I nodded, “How many shows are there in a week?”

“Our shows run seven days a week every evening, and we also have matinee shows on Saturday and Sunday. Our Review show is renowned worldwide, and many people come to Vegas to see it. We have one of the last Vegas Chorus Showgirl acts left in town. You will be attending a show tonight and will meet the girls afterward. Then we will fit you for a costume, and you will start daily dance training with the other girls.”

I still couldn’t believe that I would become a Vegas showgirl. I guess stranger things have happened to me in my life, though off-hand, I couldn’t think of one. When the waiter came by, we ordered drinks, and he handed us menus. I looked at the menu, and Trixie told me that I could only order light meals and salads as a dancer since I would be on a strict diet. I ordered a chicken salad.

We chatted more over dinner, and Trixie gave me a history of the casino and the chorus review show.

"This show started in the 1940s and was always a hit with the guys from day one. Many dancers have come and gone through the years, and Vegas has changed dramatically, but we are still here and doing this show, and it is still a big draw. There is nothing more beautiful than pretty girls dressed up like peacocks."

We finished dinner and went over to the theatre where the show took place. We took seats up in front to see the show. The lights dropped, and the girls came out on stage. They were all so beautiful and shapely, and their costumes were all sparkles and feathers, stunningly beautiful! They were mesmerizing, and throughout the show, I was captivated.

We went backstage into the girls’ dressing room when the show was over. It was a hubbub of activity, and Trixie shouted over the din,

"Girls, I would like you to all meet the newest dancer here, Tammi."

They stopped what they were all doing and looked at me. The girls all said, “Hi Tammi!” then kept doing what they were doing.

"Don’t worry, Tammi, you will get to know them all very soon, as you will be living closely with these girls."

An older woman with a clipboard and a measuring tape walked over to me.

“Tammi, this is Blanche, she is our wardrobe manager. She needs to measure you for your costume, so please remove your dress.”

Once my dress was off, Blanche started to measure me up for a costume. It took her a few minutes to measure my body. After she finished, Blanche smiled and told me I could put my dress back on.

We left the dressing room, and Trixie told me that Sammy had arranged a physical with the casino doctor tomorrow morning.

As we walked, I asked her, “You have my room door locked from the outside. What if there is a fire and I am trapped?”

“Don’t worry about it, Tammi. That is just short-term until we settle you in at the casino. There is only one last thing for us to do today. Sammy said he wanted to see you dressed up.”

She took me to Sammy’s casino office. It was a stunning place with windows on one end of the room overlooking the casino floor and the windows on the other end of the room looking out over Fremont Street.

Sammy was sitting behind his desk. He got up and gave me a leer, looking up and down at me.

“If I didn’t know better, I would swear you were a girl,” he exclaimed.

He walked around me and studied my figure.

“I think you are going to do just fine here. I have big plans for you, babe.”

A chill ran through me, and I trembled a bit.

“Relax, don’t worry, babe, you do your part, and we will get along just fine.”

He told Trixie to take me back to my room, and I could retire for the evening. Trixie took me up to my room and opened the door for me.

“I will be by around 8 am tomorrow, and we can have breakfast, then off to see the doctor. For now, our night is over. See you tomorrow.”

I was left back in my room. I undressed out of my garments and removed my makeup. I then took a shower and dressed in one of the baby doll nighties, and turned in for the night. It had been a very long day, and I fell asleep immediately.

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