I was a Vegas Showgirl - Part 3

I Was a Vegas Showgirl
Part 3
An original story by Julia Miller

I slowly awoke to the sound of my alarm. I reached around for it and hit the snooze button. I slowly began to awaken. I pulled myself out of bed and sat on the edge of it, gradually waking up. I figured they would have me do what I did yesterday, as I was training to be a showgirl. I wonder how long it would take me to be good enough to get on stage with the rest of the girls? I was looking forward to this, since seeing the show for a couple of nights now. Those girls in their costumes looked stunning up there on the stage. I remembered they wore different outfits for each night. I wondered how many costumes they used?

I am sure I will find out. I went over what I had done yesterday. I started taking hormones, and it looked like I was on my way to becoming a woman, whether I wanted to or not. Part of me wanted to stay as Tommy, but a part of me was looking forward to becoming Tammi full-time. These conflicting thoughts were confusing me. Sure, I liked dressing up as a woman, but I never really considered that I wanted to become a woman. Now I wasn’t so sure, and it was all very confusing. I can’t believe the hormones are affecting my mind already. No, this had to be some part of me that secretly desired this change and was only now making itself known to me. One thing that I now knew for sure, my life was never going back to the way things were. I had to say it, and it looked like my former life as Tommy was history.

Then I got to thinking about the hypnosis session. What happened to me while I was under hypnosis? I couldn’t remember anything from the session, and I wondered what he had me doing for two hours? Then I had that strange dream, and I never remember dreams. I asked myself if it meant anything or was related to the hypnosis.

I set my morning coffee going, went into the bathroom, and took a nice hot shower. I looked at my face and body, and it looked like I still had a sunburn, and there was no reason to shave. One less thing to worry about, I guess. I put on my robe, wrapped a towel around my head, and went back out to enjoy my morning coffee. I turned on the TV and looked for any morning news shows. Not much was happening in the world today, and I had my second cup. I got up, turned off the TV, went back into the bathroom, and started getting ready. I brushed out and dried my hair with the blow dryer, and damn girl, it looked great! The perm added so much body, and the new highlights made it pop. I put a couple of drops of the antiseptic on my pierced ears and started applying my makeup. I started with the foundation to cover my reddish skin and dusted on a bit of powder. I then worked on a few highlights on my cheeks and nose, applied the eyeshadow and eyeliner, and applied the mascara. I drew in my eyebrows with a pencil, outlined my lips, and used a lip gloss that matched my fingernails. There! I looked like a sexy girl now.

I put on my lingerie, placed the false boobs in my bra pockets, pulled up my stockings, and attached them to the garters.
I walked over to the closet and picked out a pretty pink dress and pink heels. I felt incredibly girly today for some reason. Was this due to the hypnosis? I don’t know. My life was inside out, and I wasn’t sure about anything now.

Just then, I heard a key in my room door. I stood up, and Trixie came into the room. She smiled and said good morning to me.

"First, here is a cup with your pills and a water bottle." I took the cup from her, dropped the pills in my mouth, and washed them down with some water. I put the cap back on the water bottle and tossed it in the fridge for later.

“Let’s go for breakfast.”

I followed Trixie out of the room, and we made our way down to the casino cafeteria. I decided on eggs benedict and a fruit salad with a large mug of coffee. We walked over to a table and sat to eat breakfast. Trixie told me she was amazed at how I carry myself as a woman and my dancing ability. When Sammy first told her about me and how he wanted me to become a showgirl, she thought he was crazy, as there was no way they could make a showgirl out of a guy in drag. But now she is impressed and says I will be great when I am up on the stage. I blushed and thanked her for her support. We finished up and went out front to take me to the gym. Trixie told me that she had some other things to take care of, and Tony would drive me over to the gym and bring me back. She handed me my gym bag and told me the clothes were clean. I took the bag from her and was a bit apprehensive since I figured Tony must be one of Sammy’s goons, but I found that he was a handsome young guy when I got out front. I wasn’t sure where he fit in Sammy’s organization but was sure he would tell me.

The valet brought a mustang convertible around in front of us. The valet opened the doors for us and helped me in, and Tony got behind the wheel, and we drove off to the gym.

Tony looked at me and said, “You are a fine-looking woman. I would make a move on you, but Sammy warned me that you are off-limits.”

I gave him a weak smile. Sammy’s nephew worked for his uncle, now doing odd jobs for him. He put his hand on my thigh and smiled at me knowingly. I wanted to pull it off but allowed him to leave it there for now. It wasn’t too soon that we made it in front of the gym.

“I will be by to pick you up around 11 am. See you soon.”

I briefly thought about running but realized I had no money and ID besides the gym card Trixie put in my purse. Besides, Sammy would find me in no time, and I didn’t want to get in his bad books. That might be dangerous. I carefully got out of the car and walked into the fitness center.

I showed my card at the front, and Anthony came out and told me where to meet him once I had changed. I walked into the locker room, opened a locker, and proceeded to get out of my dress and into my fitness outfit. I decided to wear the pink outfit today.

I met up with Anthony, and we started on my routine. If I thought yesterday was tough, he worked me even harder today. I was exhausted at the end and returned to the locker room for a shower. I toweled off, used a blow dryer on my hair, and got dressed. I walked out in front of the fitness center, where Tony waited for me. He got out and opened the car door for me and closed it once I got in. He told me he had an errand to run for his uncle, and then we would go for lunch. I just smiled at him, and we roared off. We went over to another casino and drove up to valet parking. They opened the car door for me and helped me out. I followed Tony inside, and we went up behind the casino to a friendly office. Tony told the receptionist that we were here to see Big Lou. She picked up the phone, said a couple of words, and told us to go in.
Big Lou was a big guy. We walked up to his desk, and Tony said hello to him and introduced me to Lou as Tammi. Lou stood up and held my hand, saying he was pleased to meet me.

I hadn’t noticed, but Tony held onto a leather briefcase and handed it to Lou. This is for the other thing my uncle wants you to do for him. Lou smiled and placed the case down in front of him on the desk. Big Lou fiddled with the combination lock and flipped the latches. He opened the case up a crack, smiled, and closed it again. That will be fine, Tony, tell your uncle we have to get together again, it’s been a while now.

As we were leaving the casino, I asked Tony what that was all about.

“I don’t know, Tammi. Uncle Sammy called me into his office this morning and told me to deliver the case to Big Lou and tell him it was for the other thing Sammy wanted him to do. I have no idea what was inside it or what the other thing is. I figure, the less I know, the less trouble I will get into.”

I had to agree with Tony, the less we knew what Sammy was into, the better it was for us.

On the way back, Tony said to me, “Hey, do you like gourmet burgers? There is a burger place inside Planet Hollywood Casino on the strip. Want to go there for lunch?”

“I said as long as I can have a salad instead of fries, I’m supposed to be on a diet.”

Tony drove us over to the Planet Hollywood Casino, and we left the car with the valet. We went in and got a table at Gordon Ramsey Burgers. I looked through the menu and ordered a kid’s size burger and a salad. Tony ordered a ginormous multi-patty burger. We got a couple of sodas while we were waiting for the burgers.

Tony kept telling me about himself, and he suddenly stopped and looked at me. “I’m just enamored with you, girl; you don’t realize just how attractive you are.”

I blushed and said, “Thanks, but remember what Sammy said, and you don’t want to get into trouble over me.”

The burgers arrived, and they were delicious. I watched as Tony devoured the burger he ordered while I nibbled away on my meal. All too soon, lunch was over, and we headed back to the High Roller casino

Tony called Trixie on his cell, and she met us in the hotel lobby. It’s time for your dance practice and so let’s go. I said,

“Thank you, Tony,” for his help today, and we walked over to the theatre.

We went to the dressing room, and I got into a clean outfit, and then we walked over to the stage where the girls were already practicing their routines. I said Hi to June, and she got me dancing right away. Trixie said she would be back in a couple of hours.

June taught me a few more routines as the girls practiced and watched me while I practiced them. She pointed out my mistakes as I followed her calls and performed them repeatedly. Practice is the only way a dancer gets good since when you know the routine from muscle memory and don’t have to think about doing it any longer, practice makes perfect. Two hours flew by, and I was exhausted. We went back to the change rooms; I stripped and took a shower and got changed back into my dress. I was careful and didn’t show any of the other girls, my boy bits, better they thought I was a girl here. Trixie was waiting for me outside the change room, and she said it was time for another hypnosis session.

“What exactly is happening to me in those sessions?”

Trixie told me the hypnotist trained my subconscious to handle becoming a woman better. It’s known as feminizing my subconscious.

We entered the room with the hypnotist. Carlson smiled and said hi to me. He told me he was pleased with me yesterday and apologized for not being there when I woke up. I told him about my strange dream last night, and he told me he had just the thing for me, and he would explain it to me later.

Once again, Carlson darkened the room, and I sat in the recliner and gazed upon his pocket watch, slowly turning in the spotlight.

He started quietly talking to me the same way as yesterday.

“Now, I just want you to relax your mind and start taking slow deep breaths,” he said to me. “Breathe in relaxation, breathe out all your stress. Good, now keep your eyes on this slowly spinning pocket watch. Don’t look at me or anything else; concentrate on the spinning watch. And keep slowly breathing in and out.”

He continued this hypnotic induction as he called it, and by the time he said ‘Sleep’ and snapped his fingers, I just dropped into a trance.

I wish I could tell you what happened during these sessions, but I have never remembered any of it. I did find that my mannerisms were changing, and my mindset was also becoming more feminine. I think this was part of the hypnosis, but I will never know for sure.

Trixie came by when I woke back up from the trance. Carlson was still there and smiled at me.

“You are doing great, kid. I think you have a natural ability to go deep into trance.”

I asked Trixie if I could use you in my show tonight and she agreed with me, as you would make a lovely subject in my performance. The audience will love you. The show starts at 9:00, and please be backstage by 8:30 as I will run a few things by you first.

Oh, before I forget, I have something here to help you sleep better at night. Here is an MP3 player with an 8-hour subliminal hypnosis track on it, along with a headband that contains speakers. This track will allow you to sleep while listening to the hypnosis. You can listen to this for a month, and we will see if it helps you. Here is a charger for the player as well. He showed me how to operate it, and I took it with me.

Trixie took me back to my room and said she would come by to get me for dinner at 7:00 pm. I placed the MP3 player and headband on the night table and changed out of my dress. I had a few clothes that needed cleaning, so I looked in the closet and found a laundry bag to fill up and leave by the door. My place received maid service, so they would take it with them and return the cleaned items the next day.

I didn’t have anything else to do so I watched TV. I freshened up my makeup, played with my hairstyle for a bit, changed my lingerie to black, and put on a little black dress with sequins sewed into the fabric. I figured a sparkly dress would look great under a spotlight. I finished the look with a pair of 4-inch pumps, a gold necklace, and sparkly earrings.

Trixie came by at 7 pm, and we went over to the restaurant. We both had a glass of wine, and I ordered that Cajun blackened chicken breast, veggies, and a salad. It was so good the first time that I had to have it again.

We chatted, finished dinner, and walked over to the theatre where Carlson performed his hypnosis act. It was a smaller venue and looked much like a comedy club. We went backstage to Carlson’s dressing room. He welcomed us in and told us that we would sit in the audience, and he would come up and select a few other people and me from the audience for his act. Eventually, I would be the last person on his stage after allowing the other people to go back to the audience. He will hypnotize me and the others, but I would stay last to do his finale. Would you like to remember what I have you doing tonight? Or would you prefer not to remember anything? I replied that I would like to remember, even if it gets embarrassing. He smiled and said, anything you forget, just ask Trixie.

We went back out in front of the stage and sat down at a reserved table for us.

The theatre soon filled up, and the show started. Carlson came up on the stage and introduced himself to the audience. He told us about hypnosis and how we would never do anything against our morals or sense of right and wrong. With that, Carlson asked for volunteers. A couple of people raised their hands, and he told us that wasn’t good enough, so he was going to ‘volunteer’ us for his act. He came out into the crowd and chose people at random, men or women, and on the way
back to the stage, he stopped at our table and said to me, my, you look terrific, you have to come upon the stage too. I knew this would happen, but I still blushed as I got up to follow everyone on the stage.

There were 12 chairs on the stage, and I sat in one of the chairs in the middle. Carlson just started walking back and forth in front of us, talking to us the entire time. I still don’t know how he did it, but he would stand in front of a person, touch their forehead, and say sleep, and they nodded off into a trance. He left me to the end and touched my forehead, and I immediately went into a trance. At that point, I felt like I just had my eyes closed, but I felt very relaxed and seemed to have tuned everything else out but for Carlson’s voice.

He then told us to open our eyes and assured us that we were still in a trance and still listening to him. At this point, Carlson told us, that he magically glued us to the seats of our chairs with superglue, and even if we tried, we could not stand up. Several of us tried to get up, but no one could get up. The more I tried to stand up, the more I was stuck in place. Then he told us to relax and not to get up, but the glue had now magically disappeared.

He then said all the seats had heaters and had turned them on to become very hot. Suddenly my bum got very hot, I felt like I was burning, and I jumped out of my seat with everyone else. The audience laughed at us, but it didn’t concern me. I felt my bum for any burns. He told us to touch the seat with a finger but warned us to be careful. I touched my chair seat, and it was so hot it made me jump back. Everyone else had the same experience. He then said he turned the heaters off, and the seat was now cold again. I gingerly tried touching it, and it was now fine. We all sat back down.

He then said something unique: one of us was a hideous monster, and it would transform and attack us.

He asked one of the other people to stand up, touched them, and said, “Look! Here is the monster!”

I looked at this hideous creature on the stage, screamed, and ran off the stage with the other subjects. I wasn’t about to get eaten! Carlson then told us to come back since the monster had vanished. I looked back on the stage, and he was right. The beast had disappeared. We returned to our seats on stage.

Now he told us that he would make us all disappear before each other’s eyes. I swear to God this happened, and when I asked Trixie about it, she laughed and said that was one of the funniest parts of the show. Anyways I was sitting there, and Carlson would walk over and touch a person in the line, and they just vanished, leaving an empty seat. He kept doing this to the people one by one from either end of the row, and they kept disappearing one by one. It got down to only me sitting there, and I was looking at Carlson waiting for him to make me disappear, but instead, he told me, you will be unable to get out of your chair, and you will watch me disappear right in front of your eyes. With that, Carlson then vanished without a trace. I tried to get up but could not do so, and I looked around, and the audience was laughing.

I didn’t see what was so funny, so I shouted, “Carlson, where are you? Don’t leave me up here all alone.”
The audience laughed even louder at me.

And then, like magic, Carlson reappeared right in front of me. I would have jumped up, but Carlson had stuck me to my chair. Then he started making the other hypnosis subjects reappear right back in their seats again. All the people suddenly reappearing was so amazing. I don’t know how he did that. He told everyone to get up and go back to their seat in the audience. But I was still stuck to my chair.

I called out, “Carlson, I can’t go. I’m stuck here.” The audience roared with laughter again. Carlson turned to me and simply said sleep and snapped his fingers. I guess I was out of it for a while, but then Carlson told me to open my eyes back up. I blinked and looked at him.

He said, “You are now free to get up and walk over to where I am standing.”
I got up and walked over to him.

He looked at me and slowly said to me. "You are a beautiful girl, but you haven’t been with a man for a very long time, and you want to be with one so badly, your desire for a man is off the scale." He then pointed to the most handsome hot guy I have ever seen, sitting in the audience.

“Isn’t that your lover over there? The man of your dreams? Go over and kiss him.”

I walked over to this hot guy and smiled at him. I grabbed him by his tie and pulled him to his feet, put my arms around him, gave him a big kiss, and hugged him tightly. Carlson told me to step back and look at the man. He snapped his fingers, and the guy aged into an old guy right before my eyes.

I exclaimed, “What happened to him? How did he get so old? “

The audience roared with laughter again, and I blushed once more. Carlson told me I could take my seat in the audience again. I didn’t know what had just happened to me, but I sat back down beside Trixie.

Then Carlson started talking about post-hypnotic suggestions, and by using a keyword, he could make me perform the trick he taught me on stage. I was wondering what he meant. Carlson looked at me and said, “Bark,” and I barked! I felt so foolish, but he repeated it, and I barked again. By now, the audience was roaring with laughter. Trixie was laughing so hard she almost fell off her chair. He made me bark several more times for effect. The audience was hysterical by this point. What was even worse, I couldn’t speak, all I could do was whimper and whine like a dog.

Carlson then walked over to me, told me I no longer had to bark and could speak again, and thanked me for participating in his show. He then smiled, walked back to the stage, turned, and said, “Kiss me goodnight.” and I immediately got up and ran over to him and kissed him. The audience laughed again, and he told me I no longer had to do that either, but he thanked me for the kiss. I was so embarrassed that I think I turned several shades of red while standing under the spotlight. He thanked me again, and I rejoined Trixie at our table. The show was over, and everyone started leaving. A few people came over to me and told me how funny I was during the show, and I just gave them a polite smile. Carlson walked over to us and thanked me for my help.

“You were such a great subject, Tammi; I will have to ask you to come back again.”

“I smiled and told him, I am still amazed at what happened here tonight, and I was part of it. I don’t know how you made everyone disappear like that.”

He smiled and said, “That’s the magic of hypnosis. No one disappeared, but I told your subconscious mind they had disappeared, and it accepted my word as the truth. Your mind shut those people out like they were not there.”
I opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out. I finally said, “Wow!”

With that, Carlson wished us a good night and left. Trixie took me over to the casino bar for a nightcap, and we shared a drink while she told me how funny I was on the stage. When you ran away screaming while thinking a monster was chasing you, that was priceless, and then when you got scared, thinking everyone had disappeared, we all lost it. She told me how Carlson had talked to me about the handsome guy in the audience under a trance as well as my two tricks, the barking one and kissing Carlson. Trixie said that she had seen Carlson’s show before, but I was so good that she wondered if I was faking it at one point, and I assured her that was not the case. She laughed, and after our drinks, she took me up to my room and wished me a good night.

I undressed for bed and got into a nightie. I turned on the headband control, pulled it on my head, and adjusted the band, so the speakers were over my ears. I pushed the play button, and I began to hear soft background music with a few sounds of water running in a stream. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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