Pretend Princess - Chapter 2


Absolutely nothing could have prepared me for Isidora's Hunger Games Capitol-looking outfit. Her designer either really loved frills or really didn't like her.

There was also so much pink it was almost blinding and for some reason known only to her, she'd decided to pair it all with some shade of blue lipstick. She looked more like an art project than a person.

And this person was supposedly the stylist?

I hadn't been expecting to have to make the journey to Lenoria as a girl but it made sense when it was explained to me.

The whole purpose of this charade was to fool the Lenorian people. I couldn't show up dressed as a boy. No, I was going to have my first transformation here.

To be honest, I was really dreading it. My dad had drilled in me a core fear of anything remotely feminine throughout my childhood.

I wasn't even a particularly feminine kid but God forbid he caught me watching a "girly cartoon" as he called them or playing with any toys that weren't action figures.

In case you were wondering, Barney and Friends was one such girly cartoon. One time he walked in on me watching Winx Club and blew a fuse. It was an ad.

This carried well into my teens. He acted as if my feminine appearance was my fault and made sure to get my hair buzzed regularly not that it was much help.

Don't get me started on the time I dared have a girl as a friend. Then he had the audacity to ask me why I never visited after leaving for college.

He didn't even know that I was leaving for Lenoria this afternoon and he didn't need to. I wanted to at least tell mum but I knew she'd just tell him and my brother anyway.

"We have a lot of work to do" Izzy, which was the name she'd insisted I call her, told me as soon as Percival and Nick left us to do their own preparation.

"Really?" I asked surprised. Word on the street was that I looked like a girl already. Maybe she meant it was a lot of work to get me to look like her which would be true. I hoped that wasn't the goal anyway.

Pictures I'd seen online of Lenorian society told me her fashion was a rarity. Thank God.

"No offense sweetie, you look poor."

Couldn't fault her powers of observation.

"Take off all your clothes. In there. Put this on"

"Underwear?" I cautiously received the weird-looking garment.

"It's called a gaff. You'll figure it out".

Spoiler, I did not figure it out. Not initially at least. I'd settled for just slipping them on like normal underwear but they turned out to be too uncomfortable.

A quick Google search and a horrified realization later, I finally understood what I needed to do and I wasn't happy about it.

Long story, the unfamiliar feeling of my constrained bits and the now totally flat front told me that I'd at least done it correctly.

I turned to the mirror to admire the result and was left so shocked that I may have yelled some profanities.

"Are you done yet?" Izzy asked with a raised voice. "A lady should never keep a prince waiting".

Fuck the prince, I was completely flat up front. The little guy wasn't even putting up any resistance.

"Come on hurry up, we have a lot to do"


Izzy couldn't stop staring when I finally emerged. Seeing her lingering gaze on my naked form, I had to actively try to keep myself from getting aroused which I must say was very eye-opening.

Surely I wasn't enjoying it. It didn't feel like I was enjoying it but my body was betraying me nonetheless.

When she spotted my discomfort, she gestured to a folded white robe and offered it to me.

"You're going to be a woman for quite some time. You'll have to get used to being naked around other women".

After adorning the robe, she tapped twice on the chair in front of her which signaled to me to sit in it.

"You'll even have ladies-in-waiting who will help you dress"

Little by little, it was dawning on me how different my life was about to be.

Every five minutes, I thought about just changing my mind before it got too messed up. It would suck but I would have to go back home to hide from any other scenarios like the one that happened at the grocery store.

If any of my coworkers had seen the posts, then I'd probably have to quit altogether. I wasn't particularly close with any of them which was probably why they hadn't called me yet to ask but if I ever went back to work, it would surely come up.

I watched closely as Isidora snipped and trimmed my hair. I thought they'd want it as long as possible but I guessed she had a different vision.

Soon she got swept up into her craft and I got swept up into my head.

I wondered what Nick was doing. Was I really going to pretend to be his girlfriend? 3 days ago, we were normal guys hanging out. How had things changed so much and so fast?

"What do you think?" I heard Izzy ask.

I raised my head to get a better look and was shocked by what she'd managed to accomplish in such a short amount of time.

Somehow, she'd managed to get my short hair to frame my face so delicately that I ended up even more feminine than I had begun.

"When we get to Lenoria, I should be able to give it a proper treatment but this should do for now"

There was more? It looked perfect... for what we were trying to accomplish.

Izzy opened up a hefty, shiny case that I found was filled to the brim with an array of cosmetics. That must have been how she achieved that unique look she had.

She set herself to work bidding me to sit perfectly still as her nimble fingers danced across my face with one device or another. I sat there patiently with my head slightly elevated and felt my whole way through the process since Izzy stood between me and the mirror.

The longer it went on, the more I anticipated the final result. I hoped she wasn't turning me into a jarring art piece but somehow I knew that wasn't the case. She was careful with her application and used only the gentlest of strokes.

When she finished and she stepped away satisfied, my fears were confirmed. I was pretty. It shouldn't have been this easy. Just hair and makeup shouldn't have been enough to turn me into every guy's fantasy.

It would never have worked on Nick, I knew that much. He'd have looked like a horrible caricature no matter how skilled Izzy proved to be. Not me though. The girl staring back looked like she belonged there. I hated her already.

I hated that she didn't look like a freak sitting there. Was I allowed to be attracted to her if she was me? Was that weird? Well, it meant that my sexuality was still intact at the very least.

"Remove the robe, I need to put this on" Izzy informed me effectively pulling me away from my thoughts.

Breast forms. I'd expected that. At least they were fairly small. They even seemed undersized for a girl my age, not that I knew what that was supposed to look like.

Without a word of defiance, I pulled the robe off my shoulder and slipped my arms out of the sleeves making sure to leave the bottom half intact.

Izzy applied a generous amount of adhesive before sticking them on. To ease my worry, she assured me that they were easy to remove with a special solvent but the adhesive would prevent any mishaps.

While I adjusted to the new weight on my chest, she proceeded to blend the seams carefully until you couldn't tell they didn't naturally belong to me. I couldn't help but observe that my new breasts matched my skin tone too well to have been a random pick but didn't comment on it.

I watched my now undeniably female upper body in the mirror, every time I moved, the breast forms jiggled or bounced realistically.

"Like them?" Izzy asked.

"They're interesting" I answered.

As if that wasn't enough, she then proceeded to help me into a bra that seemed purpose-built to accentuate them further and create cleavage.

By the time she moved on to the dress, I was ready for the whole thing to be over. She threw one dress after another on the bed and seemed to be struggling to make a pick.

I noticed she kept falling back to one red piece but would always decide against it.

"Something wrong with it?" I asked one time after she'd inspected it and put it down again.

"No, it's perfect. I just think it's a bit much for your first dress."

"What do you mean?" I asked again letting my curiosity get the better of me.

"Just try it on, let's see".


It turned out she was right. The dress was a bit much. The bright red dress had what she described as a boned bodice and a sweetheart neckline. The whole thing was cut from a soft satin fabric and had an aggressive side slit that went up to my mid-thigh.

The structure of the dress seemed to manufacture a shape that I never even knew I had... or never acknowledged.

"It's perfect" Izzy commented.

I just stood dumbfounded in front of the full-length mirror. The completed look was just too much to bear. Everything from the pretty face to the prominent cleavage, down to the waist, hips, and eventually legs just screamed woman.

It shouldn't have been this easy.

After debating which shoes I was to wear, Izzy finally acquiesced as we settled for simple open-toe sandals with a small heel.

Her original idea featured an admittedly beautiful but unrealistic pair of silver high heels.

I'd maintained the entire time that it simply wasn't going to work and my resolve only strengthened when she explained that I would be learning how to curtsy.

If I couldn't even walk in them, I'd certainly fall and break my back if I attempted what she'd just demonstrated to be a standard curtsy for non-royals.

"Since you're going to meet the king and queen, you need to know how to curtsy and do it well. You might meet them for the first time at the airport if they decide to come out to welcome His Highness, if not, it'll be in the castle"

I listened intently. If I was going to do it, I thought I might as well do it correctly.

"You want it to be in the castle. A few friends and family, it will be a private audience. If it happens at the airport, there'll be a lot of cameras. Lenorians are already very distrusting of foreigners so they'll be looking for any reason to discredit you so better not mess it up"

The notion that this was going to be an easy payday was flying out the window.

"Here, I'll show you," she said as she entered the first pose "First, stand tall and graceful, keeping your back straight. Now, gently step one foot behind the other, just a little. Slowly bend your knees, but keep your back straight as you lower your body."

She spoke as she demonstrated making the whole thing look easier than it probably was.

"Now, as you lower yourself, let your skirt or dress fan out slightly. Remember to keep your hands relaxed at your sides or lightly hold the edge of your skirt. Now do it with me"

We practiced it enough times until I no longer looked as awkward as I felt. To Izzy's credit, she was being extremely patient with me which I appreciated even if this was probably just her job as it was mine.

We went on for several minutes longer, the whole time, she made sure to correct my posture when I was leaning in a bit too far to the left or bending my back.

"Let's go show you off," she said excitedly as soon as I'd nailed it three times in a row with minimal mistakes.


I saw Nick before he saw me. He looked nothing like the boy I knew. This guy looked regal and commanding, clad in a tailored military ensemble that exuded authority.

The structured red jacket was adorned with intricate gold braiding along its edges. It hugged his form with precision and accentuated his stature, the masculine equivalent of what my dress did for me.

My dress. What the hell?

His outfit was entering the realm of larger-than-life. Upon his left shoulder, a distinguished epaulet with crimson feathers lent an air of grandeur and distinction. A pristine white shirt with an embroidered collar, paired with tailored black trousers and black boots completed the look.

Nick, the guy that never made any attempts to hide his farts, now looked like he had just walked out of a fantasy novel. I'd expected someone dressed as he was to be holding a ceremonial Sabre but instead, he scrolled through his phone and laughed at whatever passed as humor for him.

"Ahem" Izzy loudly cleared her throat to gain his attention.

Nick did a double-take when he saw me.

"My goodness Morgan" he stood abruptly "If I was attracted to women, I'd be all over you"

"It's a good thing you're not then" I replied.

I took multiple steps forward thankful that we'd agreed to forego the heels for now.

"Where's the Grinch?" I asked.

"He's right here" Percival answered as he'd been coincidentally walking into the room at that moment.

I turned to him and smiled awkwardly.

He too seemed very taken aback when he got a proper look at me.

"You clean up nice" I wiped a hand comically across Nick's jacket.

"May I use the opportunity to suggest that you treat him with the respect that befits his position" Percival said in response.

"Percy, it's okay. We're supposed to be madly in love, aren't we?"

"Sir, she's still a commoner"

Four words and two of them annoyed me. Percy had a gift.

"You forget that she's not a subject" Nick argued.

"Your Highness, as long as she's in Lenoria, she is bound by the same rules"

I figured I'd have to get used to my new pronouns sooner rather than later.

"We should go, sir" Percival resigned "The car is waiting".


Our party got numerous stares immediately after we exited the elevator. The twelve women that Nick explained were some form of trained guards were already waiting in the lobby. The few cameras inside the lobby that belonged to patrons of the hotel were nothing compared to the professional cameras that we could see waiting on the other side of the street outside the gates.

Someone must have let slip that they'd spotted Prince Nicholas at the Grand Aurora because the paparazzi had swooped in like vultures.

The guard hurriedly ushered us into the third of the four-car convoy. Somehow, I had gone from being virtually unknown to having paparazzi desperate to take a picture of me overnight.

Our SUV contained Nick and I in the back, one of the women driving and Percy in the passenger seat. Izzy had been relegated to one of the other identical vehicles.

Upon exiting the gates, the cars were swarmed by the paparazzi but thankfully, they had mostly given up when they realized the windows were all tinted.

"Regretting it yet?" Nick asked with an 'I told you so' smile.

"You wish" I replied.


The convoy drove through the gates of the private airport and directly to the foot of the enormous private jet. Due to the form-fitting dress, I struggled to get out of the car almost as much as I had to get in.

Though embarrassing, I'd been grateful for Nick's arm as he led me up the steps into the aircraft.

Oh, how beautiful it was on the inside. I'd been in a few airplanes but this easily dwarfed all the rest by a very large margin when it came to splendor.

"Is that a couch?" I asked Nick who was amused by my expression and reaction. Can you really blame me? Who would have ever expected to see a whole couch in an airplane plus a large television taking up the other side of the aisle?

In fact, I wouldn't really call the space in the middle an aisle since the seating arrangement was structured more like a living room.

"The bigger ones have whole bedrooms" Nick informed me a little too proudly.

'Live a normal life' my foot.


I did my best to contain my excitement and wonder as our pilots instructed us that we were ready for take-off.

Nick and I shared the couch so we could talk to pass the time of the 8-hour flight.

Percy and Izzy both sat in the cabin space but far enough away not to intrude on our conversation.

The guards were stationed in a different room although one or two of them would occasionally show up to bring us refreshments. There was also a button on each of the chairs that served to summon them whenever we needed anything.

The little things made this whole thing worth it. Yes, my feet hurt and this dress left me feeling extremely self-conscious more often than not, but then again, I didn't need to worry about anything anymore.

I didn't have to work or deal with annoying customers anymore. Having cleavage was a small price to pay.

"Are you excited about going home?" I asked Nick.

"I haven't been back in three years. It's more nerve-wracking than anything"

"You haven't seen your siblings in three years?"

"We've videocalled a few times but they're very busy so not as often as we'd like. Sophie has a family now, a son, and Theo is preparing to take over from Father"

"What does the second son do anyway? Just party and have fun?" I asked genuinely curious.

The slit of my dress was riding up higher than I'd have liked but I didn't want to go through the motions of adjusting it.

"Military service probably. As it is, I'll probably be shoved into some role far away and out of sight."

"I don't think your parents would want that," I said in an attempt to make him feel better.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Nick asked me clearly trying to change the subject "You always talked about how much you hated being treated like a girl and now you're fine doing it full-time?"

Nick didn't get it. But how could he? He was out of touch with the real world.

"Do you know what my salary was?"

He shook his head.

"Thirty-three thousand a year" I gave him the answer "Do you know when I'll be able to retire at thirty-three thousand a year?"

He didn't respond. He knew the answer and now he knew my reasons.

"Never," I said anyway.

I figured I'd suck it up for a year or two. Whatever they did to me would be reversible. By the time I was done, Nick and I would stage a breakup, we would go our separate ways, and I'd be rich.

"Fine. I just wanted to make sure you know what you're getting into. The castle isn't empty. I have a big extended family. There are princesses that grew up spoiled and princes that never got told no"

Okay, that was worrying but what was the alternative? Go back? Not a chance.

"I'll be fine," I said finally.

"Well don't say nobody warned you" was his final piece.


I must have fallen asleep sometime during the movie because I was woken up by the jet's tires hitting the runway.

My eyes had darted open but I hadn't dared move yet after realizing I had been sleeping on Nick's shoulder. Nick was using his phone as usual and from my position, I had a clear view of his contents.

It was a news article with the headlines:


I faked a yawn, "Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked at the end of it.

He quickly swiped up to remove the page from view.

"You looked so peaceful... which is a rare sight" he joked.

"Haha very funny" I turned to look at Percy who was as alert as a hawk. Izzy was nowhere in sight.

I got up to my feet and walked barefooted to the windows to get what limited views I could of the world outside.

I could see the actual airport coming into view but enveloping us on both sides as the aircraft decelerated was a large forest.

"So this is Lenoria" I marveled. There wasn't much to see right then but just the thought that I was in a different country was enough for me.

"Come on Morgan, I'll fix your makeup and get that bedhead under control" I turned to Izzy as she spoke.

"Actually, is he keeping the name Morgan? I think it's unisex" Nick asked.

Yet another thing my dad didn't like about me, as if it had been my fault. They're the ones that named me after Morgan Freeman but did that stop him from sneering whenever someone called me by my actual name? No.

"She." Percy cautioned "Sir, you need to get used to it so there aren't any slip-ups. And no, an entirely new identity is being crafted for her with full background and documents."

The aircraft was making a turn off the runway which caused me to stumble and need to be caught by Nick.

"Thanks," I said shyly.

"Get her ready. We don't want to keep them waiting"


I desperately tried and failed to get my heart under control as Nick and I stood just inside the aircraft's open doors.

I'd felt fine until I exited the powder room with Izzy to find at least a hundred people waiting out on the tarmac.

I didn't do so well being the center of attention. I knew it was a side effect of being self-conscious about my body. I knew I didn't, and shouldn't have had that problem here but I still couldn't stop my heart from beating out of my chest.

"I can't do this" I whispered.

Everyone was patient enough with me even though I was keeping several important dignitaries waiting including the Heir Apparent.

"I can't..." I paused.

What if I went out there and messed up? What if I tripped? What if I got nervous and used my boy voice? A million things could go wrong and every single one of them could ruin my life.

I turned to Nick and saw the concern on his face.

Don't do that.

I'm ruining your homecoming. Don't care more about me.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay," he said as he took my hand. This caused my heart to beat even harder.

What was he doing? This wasn't helping.

"Just focus on me," he said to me.

It really wasn't helping. I pulled my hand away but he didn't let go.

"If we're going to do this, we do it together so just follow my lead okay?"

"Okay," I answered no more than a whisper. I let my hand remain in his.

"We walk out on 3, okay? 1..."

Nick took a step forward and so did I before I even had a chance to think.

As soon as we stepped out into the cool evening weather, a loud booming voice rang out from somewhere down on the tarmac.

"Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, may I present His Royal Highness, Prince Nicholas, and his companion, Miss Amelia Beaumont."

I took a deep breath followed by another step and then another. Showtime.











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