On Homelessness, Prosecution, and Family Law...

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So fair warning, this may be hard to read. You've been warned.

So, Hey everyone. Last time I posted a blog I told you that Aimee and I and our lil ninja were homeless and working with an agency.

for the record, that agency is DYFS/DCP&P/CPS or whatever they are called these days.

They are still paying for our hotel and helping us try to find more permanent lodging, but that has been hindered by a few facts that I alluded to but didn't directly mention.

That being said, while our ninja is with us and has never been removed from our care, due to the living conditions we were living in previously (with malfunctioning plumbing/sewer) we have been charged with 2nd Degree Neglect (A Class B Felony basically).

The prosecutor first said they were going for 10 years of incarceration and have since made us a plea offer of 3 years.

We are still pre-trial and working on trying to get a plea with probation or even pretrial intervention since we don't have any records. Still, the prosecutor has said they are not willing to let us do a pretrial intervention, and since it's a 2nd-degree charge, they can block us.

Our public defenders are confident this is a "gross overcharge" and that the prosecutor will come down after they contact DCP&P, who want our Ninja to stay with us, but there is an added wrinkle in that Aimee's Parents (whom DCP&P do not think are a fit environment) have filed in Family Court for Custody of our Ninja, Child Support, and Attorney Fees for suing us.

DCP&P tells us not to worry because they feel the court will side with them, but "anything is possible," so we are scared. Their only valid claim, however, is that we don't have permanent housing currently.

Now the courts know that I am trans, and I have initiated the process for my name change. We have spent about 8 days incarcerated so far while the prosecutor dicked us around and tried to deny us any pretrial release. For those 8 days, about half of it, I was in "Male General Population" despite having an F on my NJ DL (apparently, NJ law is based on physical genitalia).

Now to get to the point, Please donate to BC. See Joyce's post below. Covering the company expenses is important right now as I need to prove that I can earn enough to survive and quite honestly, it's probably my fault we are so low right now.

I know many people have said this website can't employ anyone full-time, but the truth is, when you aren't greedy and willing to accept minimal amounts, it can.

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