Widow's Peak - Part 1 of 5

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It shouldn’t be a big deal. All Billy's friends have visited the widow's house and each seemed to come away better for the experience. Visiting her has been a rite of passage for boys in town for as long as anyone can remember.

Billy knows he should want this. The whispers about him have been growing and even his friends are starting to ask questions. Tonight is the night if he's going to end the rumors. Should it matter if it’s Halloween and there’s a full moon in the sky?

Chapter 1

A cold wind whipped through the air as a group of guys huddled to catch their breath. A plastic bag fell hard on the ground followed by the sound of glass bottles clanging on a rock.

Tyler said, “Careful with the beer, dude.”

“Sorry.” Rocky said, gasping for air, “This climb is longer than I remember.”

Tyler nodded, “I forgot you missed our last visit.”

Rocky grabbed a bottle off the ground, popped off the cap, then took a long drink. “I had plans I couldn’t miss.” His grin spoke volumes.

Billy said, “You’re out of shape, dude. You spent the summer drinking and whoring. You missed half of our off-season football workouts. It's no wonder coach put you on the bench."

“Hey ... not cool, Bro!” Rocky gave a hurt look before deciding to change the subject and hand a bottle to Billy. “It’s time to make you a man.”

Symon laughed, “The widow will do that and more.”

The other boys joined in the laughter.

Billy took a small sip from his bottle, trying not to gag from the taste and failing. “I don’t know, guys.”

“No chickening out this time.” Tyler said, “You turned eighteen months ago. It’s time, bro.”

The others echoed. “It’s past time Billy…”

“It’s a night you’ll never forget.” Rocky said, mimicking a carnal act.

Billy shook his head. The widow had gained a legendary reputation in the community. Their group made their first trek up this hill in eighth grade, only daring to do it during daytime for years after. The place looked scarier at night, but the widow's door only opened at night. It had taken them the better part of an hour to get to this point. A look down the hill showed the entire south side of town.

The widow had two rules – you had to be at least eighteen years old to enter, and each boy was allowed a single visit.

Billy said, “This doesn’t feel right.”

“You can’t chicken out. She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever seen. She taught me things that drive Melody wild… ” Billy noticed Rocky hadn't stopped gyrating his hips back and forth.

“Come on Billy.” Symon chimed in, “Do you want to be a virgin forever? You’ve got to be the last guy in our class who hasn’t gotten laid.”

“It’s possible.” Billy shrugged, giving his friends a thoughtful look. He knew they were looking out for him. To his knowledge the widow had never rejected any boy who followed the rules. Maybe he’d be the first. God knows he had issues.

Billy asked, “Isn’t she like fifty years old?”

“She’s not that old.” Quincy said, “I think she’s like thirty-five.”

“My Mom is thirty-nine.” Billy said, turning to face Quincy.

“I’d fuck your Mom.” Quincy replied without batting an eye.

“Dude…” Billy’s face turned sour, “You’re talking about my Mom.”

He turned to his other friends, hoping for backup. They looked at each other then chimed in as one… “Your Mom is hot.”

“Major MILF.”

“Seriously?” Billy shook his head then looked at Tyler, who hadn’t said a word. They’d met in elementary school and had been best friends ever since.

Tyler said, “You’re running out of time, man. You know the rules. More guys turn old enough to visit every week. Some wanted to come up here tonight but we scared them off. You know we can’t do that forever, it’s not fair to them so it's now or never, Billy.”

“I don’t know.” Billy wanted to run, but knew his friends would never let him hear the end of it if he chickened out.

Quincy spoke, “You gotta do it, man. I’m telling you … she’s amazing.”

Billy looked up the hill, “The house looks ancient.”

Rocky shook his head. “We’ve climbed all this way.”

Tyler took him by the arm and pulled him up the path towards the clearing near the bottom of the house’s crumbling steps. Tyler shouted loud enough so the others could hear, “You gotta do this…”

When they’d gotten enough distance, Tyler added in a whisper, “… guys are starting to talk. Don’t make it worse. Just go inside … she won’t force you to do anything. You can talk to her for a while and leave if that’s what you want. The others will never know.”

Billy said, “She’d let me do that?”

“She’ll let you do anything, Billy.” Tyler replied with a wink.

“Anything?” The thought of a woman’s bare breast flitted through Billy’s mind, the idea disappearing as quick as it appeared.

Tyler smiled. "Anything.”

Billy nodded his head as he struggled to come up with words. It wasn’t easy being different in a small town. His grandmother called him ‘sensitive’. His grandfather’s descriptions weren’t as kind.

His Mom and Dad acted like nothing was the matter. The kids at school weren’t nearly as kind. His four friends who accompanied him tonight weren’t shy with their questions but they’d been calling each other faggots for over a decade. It didn’t have the same sting coming from them.

“You promise it’s safe?”

“She’s amazing.”

Billy hated to disappoint Tyler and a trip ‘up the hill’ might dispel the rumors. Hell, it might even do him good. Billy put his foot on the first stair but stopped when he heard the cheers echoing from the underbrush.

Three grinning boys stared out from the thinning trees. “You promise she’s hot?”

“Dammit, Billy.” Tyler shook his head, “I told you she looks like the lady from your favorite comic book.”

Billy asked, “The Silver Fox?”

Tyler nodded, his mind looking lost in the memory. “Yeah…”

Rocky’s voice echoed through the nearby bushes. “I thought she looked like Miss Sheila.” The others broke from the cover of the trees to join them, “You know, the choir teacher with big tits?” Rocky closed his eyes and pretended as if he were groping her.

Tyler said, “We know Miss Sheila, Rocky. Every boy in school knows Miss Sheila.”

Quincy said, “I bet the widow finished off Rocky in two minutes.”

Rocky said, “Fuck off.”

Simon said, “I thought she looked like Quincy’s mom.”

Quincy said, “Dude!”

Billy listened as his friends’ arguments grew in crescendo as he looked up at the house. It looked small from town but up close and at night, it had all the vibes you’d find in a cheesy horror movie. And he couldn’t shake the feeling someone was watching him. To be honest, the place looked scary on the brightest of days. Coming up here on Halloween night was downright mental. It was Tyler who suggested he come up here on Halloween. He figured if Billy visited Widow’s Peak the night of Halloween, no one would ever dare to call him a pansy ever again.

The idea sounded great in bright comfort of the school lunchroom. Standing fifty feet from the front entrance was a different story. Cold autumn winds had scattered leaves around the entire crest of the hill. The trees themselves swayed back and forth and their groans sounded their warning to all who dared enter.

Billy said, “This is insane.”

Symon said, “You’re insane if you don’t go inside.” Rocky, Tyler, and Quincy nodded their assent.

Billy nodded. He’d come too far. He couldn’t back down. He looked at his friends. “How old is she again?”

“Seriously dude? She’s hot.” Tyler said, “I swear her closet is bigger than my house, and it’s full of a thousand outfits. She dressed in black leather for me. Maybe you’d prefer she wear spandex like in the comics?” Tyler smiled, “You strike me as the type who’d eat up that kinky shit.”

Rocky cried out, “It's time, Billy.” He tossed an empty beer bottle on the ground and picked a full one from inside the plastic bag. “I'll save you one so we can celebrate the loss of your virginity when you return.”

“Go on, Billy.” Symon said. “I’ll make sure Rocky doesn’t drink all the beer.”

“You gotta do it Billy. She’s amazing,” Quincy said, literally pushing Billy up two steps.

Billy climbed a few more steps, then looked back. Why was he afraid to take another step? All his friends had done this and come down the hill better for the experience. All of them had grown more confident in the past year. Hanging out with them was the only reason he wasn’t a total social pariah. Visiting the Widow's house would be good for his rep if nothing else.

Billy said, “You guys promise to wait?”

“We’ll wait.” Tyler opened a bottle. “We’ve got plenty of beer.”

Billy nodded at the group before turning around, “OK.”

He took a step and then another. As he climbed further, he heard the others chanting his name until the wind drowned out their voices as he got to the top. A final look back showed their smiling faces.


A woman grinned as she watched the scene below. A release of the latch opened the window so she could better feel the dying embers of the Hunter’s Moon.

Tonight’s encounter had been years in the making. All the arrangements were complete. If nothing else, time had taught her patience. A lone boy crept up the stairs.

“Come to me, Billy. It is destined you and I meet on a night like tonight.”

Chapter 2

October, 1915

The red vehicle flew down the dirt road, loud brakes announcing its presence as the car came to a stop in front of the school house. The young man behind the wheel smiled broadly as the others ran towards him. “What’s up ladies?” He jumped out of the car in a single bound, landing on both feet with a thud.

Tamsyn didn’t move as the others rushed to get a closer look at the brand new car. School started a few weeks earlier, and the older girls were sure to let her know the pecking order of the haves and have-nots. Tamsyn lived on the poor side of town, and as such, was a permanent member of the latter group.

The cute boy called out, “I just picked it up.” He removed his driving gloves and tossed them on the seat before giving everyone one of his infectious smiles. “The dealer in Nashville said this thing will do seventy miles per hour but I didn’t dare go over forty on the way back.”

Adam Driesen arrived first, “The car’s a beaut, Eddie. What’d you do with the Roadster?”

Eddie said, “Traded it in. Dad wouldn’t let me keep both. I hated to lose it, but I really wanted the Raceabout.”

Tamsyn shook her head as the girls pressed closer to make their presence known. Of course none of the girls dared get too close to the car lest they soil their dresses. Eddie smiled at them before sneaking a peek at the wall at the one girl who hadn’t moved.

His brief stare pinned Tamsyn against the wall as their eyes met. She tried to take a breath, finding it impossible he might be looking at her until reality intervened. A guy like Eddie McClary would never be interested in a girl like her.

Eddie said, “I’m thinking of taking her to the track this weekend.”

Shouts of encouragement and nods of approval resounded through the crowd, their pandering making such a ridiculous spectacle that it caused Tamsyn to laugh. At that exact moment, the crowd stopped talking and Tamsyn’s loud laugh echoed through the schoolyard.

The sound drew Eddie’s attention, and his stare shot past the others, again pinning Tamsyn against the wall. She stood horrified as the entire school turned to stare. Eddie asked, “What’s so funny, dollface?”

It took Tamsyn a second to realize Eddie was speaking to her. She only knew him by reputation. Everyone in town knew the cocky boy with an infectious smile. She pointed at herself. “Me?”

Eddie nodded, “You’re the one laughing.”

Tamsyn took a deep breath when she saw the crowd begin to nod. “I didn’t mean anything.”

Eddie asked, “So why did you laugh?”

Tamsyn could feel the stares of her classmates digging into her skin, “I don’t know.”

Eddie grabbed his gloves, putting one on each hand before grabbing two pairs of goggles. “Don’t you think I can keep up with the older guys at the race track?”

Tamsyn said, “I didn’t…” The words caught in Tamsyn’s throat, her intention misconstrued.

Eddie pulled one set of goggles over his face, then dangled the other pair in Tamsyn’s direction. “Maybe you’d like me to show you?”

“My mother won’t…” The popular girls wore pretty plaid dresses from Miller’s Department store and all of them were laughing. Tamsyn pulled up her homespun dress before taking a halting first step, followed by a second with more conviction. The crowd parted as she took a third before stopping to give a sheepish answer. “... maybe I will.”

Eddie smiled, clearly enjoying Tamsyn’s discomfort. “Is that a yes?”

Tamsyn didn’t say a word as she continued her march down the steps of the schoolhouse. Eddie run to the passenger door before her, opening it before she arrived and holding up the pair of googles. “You’ll need these.”

Eddie didn’t release her hand as she took them, causing Tamsyn blush as pulled on the hems of her school dress to take a seat. Murmurs from the crowd grew loud as Eddie raced to the other side and jumped inside with the grace of the school’s best athlete.

The comments from the crowd increased as Eddie adjusted his gloves, the loudest unkind but not unexpected. Eddie spoke under his breath. “Ignore them.”

Tamsyn nodded as she pulled the goggles over her head, catching quite a few hairs in the leather straps as she pulled it tight. Sounds of the crowd fell away as Adam helped Eddie crank the engine. Tamsyn didn’t dare respond, not trusting her voice. She managed a simple nod, bringing another smile to Eddie’s face.

Second later the car took off without warning, leaving a cloud of dust in its wake. Wheels bounded down the uneven street as the car continued to accelerate. Tamsyn grabbed her seat tight, praying she wouldn't fall out.

Eddie smiled. “Afraid? Want me to stop?”

Tamsyn shook her head. There was no way she was going to let this cocky boy win.

Eddie drove the car faster, shouting through the open air in order to be heard. “How fast do you think we’re going?”
Tamsyn shook her head. She had no idea.

Eddie smiled as he slowed as the car came to an intersection. “You aren’t much of a talker, are you?”

Tamsyn shook her head.

“The thing is…” Eddie smile grew bigger. “… I know those other girls would never dare to get in this car. They’re all afraid of dirtying their pretty dresses, or mussing their well-coiffed hair. They worry too much about the things people might say.” Eddie paused, “Have you ridden in many cars?”

Tamsyn willed herself to speak. “First time.”

“Even better.” Eddie beamed. “I knew you were different from the others. I knew it the first time I saw you.”

Tamsyn let out a nervous laugh. “You know me?”

“Of course I know you, you are Tamsyn Forester.”

Tamsyn did a double take. “You know my name?”

Eddie slowed the car and let it drift to the side of the road. “Why wouldn’t I know the name of the prettiest girl in the county?”
Tamsyn could feel her face growing bright red, but couldn’t think of anything to say.

Eddie said, “Twenty-five miles per hour.”

Tamsyn said, “What?”

Eddie said, “That’s how fast we were going. Twenty-five miles per hour. It’s not so fast. Racehorses can run way faster than that.”

Tamsyn admitted, “I’ve never ridden a horse.”

“Really?” Eddie paused a second before continuing. “Racehorses max out at around forty-five miles per hour. I was hoping to top that today, if you’re up to it.” Eddie grinned.


“You have a choice, Tamsyn. We can turn around and go back to the school. Or … there’s a smooth section up the road a bit where I can really let this thing go. I’m hoping to get it above forty-five. You up for it?”

Tamsyn took a deep breath and pulled off the goggles. A feeling of calm overtook her as she yanked out few strands of her raven-black hair that had gotten caught in the leather straps. “I must look a mess.”

“You look amazing to me.” Eddie removed his own goggles, his smile gone, replaced by a serious look. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful girl in my life. If you want … maybe we could go on a real date sometime.”

Tamsyn tried not to react but knew she failed. “My Mom … she won’t …”

“I know, I know all about you, Tamsyn.” Eddie said, “And I know about your Mom’s rules. No dating until you’re sixteen. I’m willing to wait.”

Words scrambled Tamsyn’s thought but instead of drawing inward she found herself screaming out loud. “Aiiiieeeeeee!” When her shout grew silent the absurdity of the situation caused her to laugh.

Eddie asked, “Is that a yes?”

“Yes. That’s a yes” Tamsyn took a deep breath before again pulling the goggles over her head. “Show me how fast this thing can go.”

Eddie smiled as he shifted the car into gear. “Now you’re talking.”

Chapter 3

Cold winds pressed at Billy as he climbed the final steps. The house’s exterior looked worse the closer he got. Paint peeling off the walls and grime covering everything. The porch wasn’t in great shape either. Several missing boards forced Billy to tread a careful path across the expanse.

He took a deep breath before knocking three times as instructed. Relief settled over him when he got no response. A look back showed no sign of his friends. He gave a brief thought of hiding out on the porch for the next hour then remembered Rocky’s binoculars. His friend talked all the way up the hill of his plan to catch another glimpse of the widow. No doubt Rocky or one of the others had the binos locked on him right now.

A second set of knocks was met with no response so Billy decided to turn the knob and found the door opened easy. He could only imagine what his friends were saying as he entered. He had no doubt it involved the clinking of beer bottles.


The door slammed shut as soon as Billy entered. “Gotta be the wind.” Billy said, expecting no answer.

“It is quite drafty tonight.” The woman's voice caused Billy to jump drawing the sound of laughter. “Put your coat on the hanger next to the door then come and join me in the dining room.”

Billy looked around the corner to try to find the source of the voice but saw no one, “The dining room?” This time he got no answer.

After hanging up his coat as instructed, Billy followed the short hall and into the main room. Twin staircases rose high to both sides of a large open area. Twenty-foot walls line both sides with a railing above and rooms lining both sides though it was hard to see as the only light in the room came from a huge chandelier full of candles in the middle of the room. Antiques furniture filled the room, most of it looked to be in mint condition.

The woman's voice echoed, “My husband and I decorated this place a long time ago. I’m sure it looks old-fashioned to a young man like yourself, but he liked it well enough and I’ve never desired to change things.”

Billy’s eyes searched the room, still unable to find the source.

“You’ve almost made it. The entrance to the dining room is next to the long-case clock.”

An antique clock stood next to an open door. A peek around the corner showed a long dining table filling the entirety of the room. Near the middle sat a woman wearing a long red cloak and two place settings.

Billy’s voice caught in his throat when he saw her, the words coming out in a tone closer to a whisper, “Hello?”

The woman didn’t look up. “I’m happy to see you found the room in a timely fashion. Some boys spend an hour exploring the place before coming to see me. This gives us more time together.”

Billy tried to see the woman’s face, but couldn’t see anything behind the thick hood. He looked again as he passed her chair, but didn’t have success the second time either.

“Cat got your tongue?”

Billy fumbled for words, realizing his friends never mentioned the woman’s name. The people in town had their own names for this woman, but none would be proper to utter in her presence.

“I assume … are you widow? … oh I’m sorry … I didn’t mean ...”

The woman laughed at Billy's response, her southern lilt sounding younger than he expected.

“Are you asking if I am the Widow McClary?” Her voice sounded pained as she continued. “I ask my friends call to me by my given name, Tamsyn. Tamsyn McClary. Can I count you among my friends, Billy?”

Billy nodded, “Uhh … yes ma’am … uhh … I mean yes Tamsyn.”

Tamsyn spoke as if she’d heard a funny joke. “Is it OK if I refer to you as Billy? Your friend Tyler told me you go by Billy during his visit."

Billy asked, "Tyler talked about me?"

"Your friend and I spoke about many things. Or would you prefer I call you William? Isn’t that what your mother calls you?”

“Billy is fine, ma’am.” Billy swallowed hard. This Tamsyn woman knew a lot about him.

“Please call me Tamsyn. The word ma'am makes me feel very, very old.”

“Yes ma’ … err … yes … um … I mean Tamsyn.”

Tamsyn laughed out loud this time. “I prepared roast chicken for tonight’s meal. I hope that choice is amenable.”

“Yes.” Billy smiled back, glad to be changing the subject. “I like chicken.”

"Of course you do. All growing boys need lots of protein." Billy heard the sound of a small bell. Seconds later, a large man entered the room balancing a large silver tray in one hand. He set it on the table with a practiced air.

“This is Gunther. He’s my butler, among other things.” Tamsyn pointed at Billy with a long painted fingernail. “Gunther, this is my friend, Billy.”
The tall man grunted as he backed out of the room.

“Dig in, Billy. You’ll need all the energy you can muster to get through this night.”

The comment caught Billy off guard. “What?”

The widow looked happy as she watched Billy's face redden again.

Billy said, “I … don’t understand.”

Tamsyn asked, “What’s wrong?”

Billy took a deep breath. “The other guys didn’t mention dinner.”

“You find dinner confusing?” Tamsyn was clearly enjoying herself. “I suspect your friends didn’t tell you many things about their visits with me. Did Symon tell you about his scream when he saw Gunther for the first time? Did Quincy tell you how he hid in the coat closet for five minutes after entering the foyer?”

“No ma’am … I mean … no … Tamsyn.” Billy corrected.

Tamsyn said, “Boys your age are such wonderful little scamps. You all have so much energy and desires. Testosterone practically drips from your pores but you have little knowledge how to use it. I can show you things beyond your greatest desires but first you must build up your strength.”

A growing discomfort built in Billy’s belly, “I guess I could eat.”

“I made plenty. Eat as much as you’d like.”

Billy’s stomach growled when he looked at the stacks of food. It seemed he’d built quite an appetite on the trip up the mountain. There was more food here than any one person could eat, not even Rocky. It was too bad his friends couldn’t share in this feast but then again, none of them had shared with him on their visits.

Billy used tongs to grab three slices of chicken breast, then scooped a heap of potatoes onto his plate. He covered the whole thing with juices from the gravy boat.

Billy said, “I love mashed potatoes and gravy.”

“Most boys your age do. Growing bodies need lots of food. Would you care for some wine?” She clapped her hands twice. “Gunther. Bring the boy some wine.”

Billy shook his head as he shoveled a heap of mashed potatoes into his mouth, “No thanks, ma’am.” He saw the woman turn and quickly added. “I mean Tamsyn.”

Tamsyn smiled, “No wine?”

“No, thanks. I don’t drink.”

“You don’t drink, or you’ve never had a chance drink?” She raised a quarter-full glass to her hood, then placed it half empty back on the table a few seconds later. “Not once?”

“I’ve drank beer with my friends a couple of times.” Billy smiled, “I don’t like the taste.”

“Wine isn’t beer, Billy. Have you considered you might have a more discerning palate than beer out of a bottle?” She motioned her hand at Gunther who poured a small amount of wine into a glass. “Take a sip.”

Tamsyn motioned again, and Gunther filled both glasses almost to the top.

Billy stared at the glass of wine. “Aren’t you worried about getting in trouble? You’re an older woman plying a high schooler with alcohol?”

“I doubt anything would affect my reputation.” Tamsyn laughed, “And besides, I won’t tell if you don’t tell. You act as if you and your friends weren’t drinking beer in my woods before you came here. We’re constantly cleaning up bottles in the woods from the parties your schoolmates love to have in my woods. Isn’t that right, Gunther?”

Tamsyn looked at Gunther and Billy did the same. The man gave a grunt of annoyance, but continued to stare straight ahead.

Tamsyn grinned, “Are you sure you don’t want to try a little sip of wine? If you don’t like it, I will get you something else. Sparkling water perhaps?”

Billy shrugged, “That’s fair.” He raised the glass to his lips and let a little wine enter his mouth.

Tamsyn asked, “What do you taste?”

Billy swallowed hard as she spoke. “Grape juice? It reminds me of church.”

Tamsyn smiled. “Try drinking it slower. Let the wine enter your mouth but this time try to savor the aroma.”

Billy took another drink and held his breath.

Tamsyn asked, “Close your eyes. What do you smell? What do you taste?”

Billy shrugged, “I smell flowers. Roses, maybe?” He swallowed some as the warmth trickled down the back of his throat, “with a hint of cherry?”
“That’s very good Billy. You have a gift for wine. That’s not true for everyone.”

“It’s not?” he brightened.

“I doubt any of your friends would do so well.”

Billy smiled, “They wouldn’t? Did you give them the same test?”

“I wouldn’t waste my wine on them. Boys like your friends could not tell the difference. I’ve always had an eye for those with talent.”
Billy took another taste from his glass, a larger drink this time, but not too big. He did not want to offend his host by gulping it down. Warmth drifted to his extremities.

“Uhh…” Billy’s words became bolder. “Why do you wear that cloak?”

Tamsyn said, “It gets cold in this house. It doesn’t matter how many fires we light in the hearths, there are always cold spots.”
Billy asked, “Is that why you wear the hood over your face?”

“My … my … Billy … in vino veritas … one sip of wine and you’re full of questions.” Billy heard a soft giggle from under the hood, the sound of a surprising tenderness in her voice. “Do you worry about my face? Have the other boys called me ugly?”

“No … no…” Billy stammer, finding himself on the defensive. “It’s not that.”

Tamsyn seemed to be enjoying herself, “Did they call me old and fat?”

Billy shook his head, trying to think, “No. Not at all. They said nice things about you. It’s …”

Tamsyn said, “You wonder why I hide my face?”

“Yes.” Billy bit his lip as he said the word. “I'm sorry.”

He could hear the disappointment in Tamsyn's voice, “I forget how you boys lack the patience that comes with age. Would you like to see what I look like? Do you want to see if the climb was worth the effort?”

"It's not that.” Billy shook his head and did his best to salvage the situation. “It’s just … I don’t know. It’s hard to talk to someone when you can't look them in the eye."

“That’s a lie, Billy… ” Tamsyn’s eyes flashed through the darkness of her hood. “... but it’s a clever lie. The truth is I like to talk to my guests before choosing my outfit. Underneath my cloak hides unbrushed hair, an unpainted face, and a simple nightgown and I’d rather you not see me until I am ready.”


“But since you asked, I will comply.” Tamsyn pulled off her hood to reveal a mass of blonde hair obscuring two blue eyes and a perfect little mouth. Billy found it hard to speak.

“Am I hideous?”


“You think I’m old. And fat. And ugly.” Her smile told she knew none of this was true.

“No. Not at all. You look different than I expected.”

Tamsyn said, “Don’t you like me?”

“No, it’s not that either.” Billy smiled. “I was expecting someone older. Aren’t you a widow?”

Tamsyn didn’t look a day over twenty-five. Maybe younger.

“I married young. I was twenty-two years old when my husband died.”

Billy shook his head. He’d be twenty-two in four years. “I can’t imagine getting married any time soon.”

“We married when I was seventeen, far sooner than I ever expected but it wasn’t like I had much choice.” Tamsyn smiled, “I was young and loved my husband every day until fate intervened. We did better than most with the time we had together.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“You have nothing to feel sorry about … would you like to hear our story?”

As Tamsyn spoke, a cold chill pressed on Billy’s skin and a shiver ran up his spine causing him to shake his head. He already knew more than he wanted to know. This woman was a widow and had slept with dozens, maybe hundreds of men. “No, thank you, ma’am …” Billy corrected himself, “...I mean, no thank you, Tamsyn.”

Tamsyn’s face brightened, “Of course, you’re right. We don’t have time to spend on my old boring stories.”
Billy watched as Tamsyn looked lost in thought. He used the opportunity to lift two more slices of chicken breast into his mouth.

“Is the food to your liking?”

Billy chewed twice before swallowing then washed it down with a gulp of wine. “It’s good. It tastes like my Mom’s, but don’t tell her I said that.”

Tamsyn asked, “Do you expect your mother and I will be talking any time soon?”

Billy nearly choked on a piece of chicken before laughing out loud, “I suppose not.” He tried to imagine his Mom speaking to this woman, the notorious vixen the women in town named - “The Whore on the Hill’. The last thing he needed was for his Mom to find out about this visit. The longer thought about it, the funnier it seemed. Billy started to giggle.

Tamsyn said, “I think you’ve drank enough wine.”

Billy saw he’d emptied another glass. “I like wine more than I expected.”

Tamsyn said, “That is good wine. You’d be shocked how much I paid for this bottle but it’s important to learn how to savor the good things in life. You never know when the good times will end."

Billy spoke without thinking, “There’s a lot of things in my life I wish I could forget.”

“That is true of us all, Billy.” Tamsyn shot a look towards Gunther. “Now that introductions are over, it is time for me to go upstairs and change into a proper attire.”

Billy covered his mouth with a hand but couldn’t stop laughing. The wine really did taste like grape juice. Was he drunk? Is this what it felt like to be drunk?

“You’re very pretty, Tamsyn.” The words popped out of Billy’s mouth before knew he’d spoken.

“Thank you, Billy.” She looked to Gunther who took the wine glass both wine glasses and the decanter. He left and returned with a pitcher of sparkling water.

Billy stared at Tamsyn as she walked from the room. His friend’s descriptions didn’t do the woman justice. Their discussions focused on her tits and ass and it wasn’t like Billy didn’t like tits and ass. He’d spent afternoons looking at picture after picture of girls, especially girls with big tits. He’d watched in quiet frustration as the girls at his school developed and noticed little things the other guys missed. Their images called to him, their pretty hair, their well made-up faces, their sultry voices that sung a siren’s song. Most nights he dreamed of getting with a girl who had the total package. Tamsyn had everything he’d dreamed about and more.

Gunther stood at the other end of the room as Tamsyn exited the room. Billy waited a minute before addressing the large man, “Do you think Tamysn’s pretty?”

Gunther didn’t move or speak but continued to stare straight ahead. Billy scooped another helping of potatoes onto his plate, covered them with gravy, then took a big bite. Tamsyn appeared to be a good cook as well.


Tamsyn climbed the stairs as if she were floating on air. She loved visitors, especially on special nights. The red cloak fell to the ground with nary a shiver, revealing her naked body, an object of desire some men claimed they will kill to possess. A look in the mirror showed a perfect set of teeth smiling back.

“If the gossip-mongers could see me now, it might have quieted some of those ugly hags.”

Or more likely reinforce their beliefs. Tamsyn laughed. It had been many years since she’d cared about such things.

The open door to her closet revealed a thousand outfits. She had everything she’d always wanted, but the loss of the one thing she’d loved the most allowed society to shun her many years ago. She spent most nights alone in her nakedness, but tonight called for a special outfit and a boy like Billy deserved the best. She tore through the garments until finding a perfect combo. She knew Billy would like what he saw.

Chapter 4

April, 1917

*** The United States is at WAR with Germany! President Wilson signs War Resolution. ***

The news came to town by telegraph then spread by word of mouth. Boys from all over the county joined in with the shouting mob at the town’s square. Soon after most of them jumped into cars and headed for the recruiting station in Nashville. Tamsyn waited at the kitchen table all afternoon, waiting for the tell-tale sound of Eddie's Raceabout.

She didn't move when the car arrived. Eddie's father had stood watch in the driveway all day.

"What the hell did you do, Eddie?"

"We signed up … all of us joined the 3rd Tennessee."

“Stupid son of…” Mr. McClary shouted his response, "You stupid ... stupid boy."

Tamsyn listened to the exchange as Eddie's mother drank sip after sip of bourbon on the other side of the kitchen table.

A loud bang announced Eddie had entered. "Did you hear the news, Tamsyn? I joined the army."

Tamsyn tried her best to smile. Everyone had seen the stories in the newspaper about the war in Europe, but most people never paid them much mind until America declared war. Someone at school said the the British had lost 50,000 men in a single day at the battle of the Somme. 50,000 on one day and now the war was about to enter its third year. It took every bit of Tamsyn's strength to hold back tears.

"I heard."

Eddie got on one knee and held out a ring. "I wanna get married."

Tamsyn closed her eyes, now feeling safe to release a torrent of tears. She'd thought about this day for years, and now it seemed like a nightmare.

Eddie asked, "Was that a yes?"

Tamsyn wiped her eyes before nodding and giving a dutiful, "Yes."

She saw Eddie’s father in the hallway shaking his head. Tamsyn gave him a look and then looked back to Eddie. She’d never seen either of them so worked up.

“I’ll make some calls.” Eddie’s father’s voice sounded frantic, “I can get you out of this.”

Eddie shook his head, "We don’t have a lot of time to get everything done. The train leaves for the staging area in North Carolina in a few weeks so I’ll need to leave for Nashville soon. I expect we have two weeks, maybe less so we’ll go to the courthouse tomorrow and get the marriage paperwork started. I’m sure there’s going to be a long line so we’ll get up early. We need to talk to Preacher Stevens at some point tomorrow as well. That poor man is going to have to perform a year’s worth of marriages in a week but I’m sure we can figure something out."
Eddie gave his mother a reassuring smile before turning more serious as his eyes met his father’s. His smile returned when he turned to Tamsyn.

“Everything is going to be okay. I promise.” He gave Tamsyn a kiss on her cheek then turned to go. “I need to start packing.” The group watch Eddie run out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

Tamsyn saw Eddie’s father hug his wife as soon as their son exited the room. Neither spoke nor lessened their embrace as Tamsyn excused herself. This wasn't how she imagined beginning her future with Eddie but for the past few years she knew one thing to be true. She loved him with all her heart. She’d known it from the first time they'd met.


Tamsyn looked outside at the waiting crowd but found she couldn’t move.

The boys looked amazing lined up in their uniforms.. Their soon-to-be wives stood next to them wearing the best dresses Miller's Department Store had to offer. Eddie had spared no expense on Tamsyn's outfit. Her dress came from a specialty shop in Nashville, a beautiful white dress made special for a wedding with ruffles and a train that could rival a queen. The hairdresser spent two hours fixing her hair. Her makeup girl took another hour.

"How do I look?"

Both mothers stared at Tamsyn with tears in their eyes. Tamsyn’s mother’s eyes were filled with pride. Tamsyn knew the tears dotting Eddie's Mom's face weren't due to joy.

Tamsyn's mother gave her a hug, "I can scarcely believe you're my daughter."

Tamsyn shook her head. "Be careful, Momma. They sewed me into this thing. I’m not sure I can take a step."

Tamsyn attempted to move again, her body squeezed in chain armor made of thread and lace. Eddie had gifted her many pretty dresses since they’d started dating but this outfit was next level.

"Can you help me to the door? I think I might topple over if I try to move inside all this fabric."

Tamsyn's Mom took one hand and picked up one side of her daughter’s train. Eddie's Mom rolled her eyes, but did the same. The three women exited the dressing room together as every eye in the county turned to face them.

Tamsyn knew what most of them said about her, but she didn't care. Eddie loved her. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw his smiling face standing beside the altar, his new officer's uniform a beacon among the drab uniforms of his enlisted friends.. Everyone stood as the music began to play.


Tamsyn said, "I love you."

"I love you too."

It wasn't the first time they'd said the words, but it was the first time Tamsyn knew the depth of her feelings. Unspoken fear gripped her as they traveled down the road. She dreamt of this night for years and it had arrived, years before she’d ever expected. A look behind them show their friends’ cars following in a single line, the entire group headed for the hotel on the big hill at the south end of town.

Eddie always liked to drive fast, but his car seemed to move faster as the wind whipped Tamsyn’s hair into a frenzied mess. About halfway up the hill her train took flight, following behind like a cape until the ribbons which held it fast let go allowing it to fly off into the wind. Members of the hotel staff stood in a line at their approach, grabbing their bags as soon as the car came to a stop.

Tamsyn found it impossible to stand even without her train, so Eddie picked her up instead, and carried her inside.

“Give me a chance to undress, Eddie.”

“I don’t want to wait.” Tamsyn saw Eddie’s were fixed on her chest. She watched as he unbuttoned his pants and sat up, unsure what else to do. Eddie didn’t have this same problem, his hands attacked her chest causing a tickle to shoot down Tamsyn’s spine followed by a moan as Eddie kissed her.

“Give me a chance to get undressed Eddie.”

“How do you take this damned thing off?”

Eddie’s hands continued their attention on Tamsyn’s breasts, caressing the area much longer than she expected.

“You won’t get my dress off that way. The ties are in the back.” Her body seemed to melt at Eddie’s touch, her body both afraid and aching for more.

“My god… there must be a thousand buttons and ribbons back here.”

Tamsyn said, “Now you know why it took me so long to get ready.”

Eddie shouted, “I’ve got an idea.”

A second later Tamsyn felt herself able to take a first deep breath in hours. “What did you do?”

Eddie grinned. “Did you know officer dress uniforms come with a knife and scabbard?”

“You didn’t.”

“I did.”

“Your mother is going to kill you.”

“It’s not my mother’s dress. This dress belongs to Mrs. Edward McClary.” He smiled and kissed Tamsyn, this time full on the lips.

Tamsyn pulled away. “Then I’m going to kill you.” Tamsyn took a deep breath when she realized the import of Eddie’s words. Mrs. Edward McClary. The name had a nice ring even if it sounded foreign to her ears. She couldn’t imagine a time when she would respond naturally to the name. “It is nice to be able to breathe again.”

Eddie flipped Tamysn over, pinning her to the bed as he pulled down the front of her wedding dress to reveal her breasts. “Worth every penny.”

Tamsyn said, “Hey!”

Eddie leaned forward to kiss Tamsyn’s silk camisole. His hot breath penetrated the flimsy fabric, sending a jolt through her body, and curling her toes.

Tamsyn slapped him. “Stop that.”

“Really?” Eddie stopped and held her hand. "You want me to stop?"


“Are you nervous?”

Tamsyn nodded. "A little."

Tamsyn felt a few tears fall from her eye. She’d always felt safe in Eddie’s arms and knew he’d never hurt her. Some of her friends had already had sex this but she and Eddie had waited. There were rules about these things, but now … she and Eddie were man and wife. She’d promised to love, honor, cherish, and obey him and.as man and wife, they were expected to have sex.

Eddie removed his shirt to reveal a well-defined set of muscles.

“I promise to be gentle.”

“Let me up.” Tamsyn asked, “I need to take my dress off the proper way.”

Eddie shook his head, pulling on the garment, sliding it down past Tamsyn’s waist. “You don’t know how long I’ve dreamed seeing of you, Tamysn. You’ve driven me mad.” His hands came to rest on the fabric covering Tamsyn’s chest. “I can’t believe these belong to me now.”

Tamsyn smiled. “There’s a lot more to me than those you know.”

“I know.” Eddie pulled at the dress, his blade cutting through the remaining material until Tamsyn lay naked save for a camisole and a pair of drawers. With the job at hand done, Eddie pulled off his shirt.

Eddie asked, “Where were we?”

Tamsyn said, “You promised to be gentle then pulled out a knife.”

Tamsyn saw Eddie’s focus relent when his eyes saw her bare chest for the first time. Tonight wasn’t the first time he’d fondled her, but until this night a barrier of cloth had always separated them. Eddie pulled himself close, his nipples pressed about her own, their shared body heat causing heat to form elsewhere. She had no idea how to proceed, but found carnal urgency to be its own teacher.

Tamsyn fell back into bed, her body turning to mush from each of her husband’s touches. They’d driven each other mad for years and tonight they’d finally achieve release. She knew she was lucky. Eddie wasn’t like the other guys. He’d never acted on his impulses, insisting he and Tamsyn not fall prey to their lusts when desire made her feel weak.

When Eddie touched her again, Tamsyn found she couldn’t restrain a moan. Upon hearing the sound, Eddie bolted up in the bed, his attention returning to her chest while pulling her close to give a chaste kiss. “Since the day we met, you've understood me better than anyone in the world and tonight we are bound together for better or worse...”

Chapter 5

“Tamsyn?” Billy called out of the dining room when he finished eating. The wine made it difficult to stand, but the walk wasn’t far..

A familiar voice answered, “I’m in here.”

Tamsyn stood next to a most uncomfortable looking couch, her red cloak gone. She’d combed her hair, now fixed it in place with the use of a silver-colored netting. Black feathers attached to the netting covered one side of her head, adding to the mystique. The rest of her outfit matched the headpiece. Silver straps lined both shoulders marking a path to the black dress below. Silver frays hung beneath giving momentary glimpses of the black undergarments below. There, a pair of translucent black stockings ran down shapely legs to her feet. Black four-inch heels sparkled from encrusted white gems.

“What do you think?”

Billy gulped, “You look amazing.”

Tamsyn drew on the black cigarette holder and blew smoke to one side, “Did your friends tell you I like to dress up? I’ve been saving this outfit for someone special. I hope you like it.”

"It's amazing. What is it?"

"Flapper attire. Early 1920s. This isn’t a knockoff. This outfit is over a hundred years old."


Billy found himself an inch shorter than Tamsyn in her high heels, but couldn’t stop staring at her face. It was so … perfect. Lines of purplish-black makeup coated both eyes with a border a half inch thick and no hint of moderation. Silver sparkles dotted both eyelids making them shine each time Tamsyn blinked. Some might call the look gothic, but red lipstick and blonde hair betrayed that description.

Tamsyn spoke first, “You aren’t saying anything.”

Billy struggled for words, “I didn’t know you smoked.”

“I know I shouldn’t. It’s a nasty habit I picked up and I’ve never been able to stop.” Billy watched as Tamsyn drew deep then exhaled a white plume of smoke.

Billy said, “My Mom smokes.”

“She does?”

“Not so much now, but she did when I was little. I keep telling her to quit. She keeps promising, but I don’t think she will.”

Tamsyn asked, “Have you ever tried it?”

“No.” Billy shook his head. “Nobody my age smokes anymore.”

“That’s not true.” Tamsyn laughed, “I see all you kids coming to my woods to smoke pot. Then there’s vapes. Don’t all kids your age vape?”

Billy smiled. Rocky had been spending more time with the stoners lately. And vape pens were present every time he used the school’s bathroom.

“Those aren’t the same.”

“If you say so.” Tamsyn drew on her cigarette again and blew the smoke to the side. “Come and sit next to me. I promise I won’t bite.” She smiled then pursed her lips in a way that shook Billy to the core. “At least, I promise not to bite so soon.”

Her giggle made Billy’s knees go weak, his heart pounding in his chest as he made his way to Tamsyn. She was so friendly, yet it almost hurt to look at her for too long. He left a gap between them as he sat.

“My … my … Billy is such a shy boy. Not like the others. Are you sure you want to do this? You don’t have to visit my bedroom.”

Billy nodded, “I know.”

“Do you find me attractive?”

“That’s a silly question.” Billy frowned. “Only an idiot would find you unattractive.”

“Then why so shy?”

“I don’t know.”

“Girls like boys who take charge.” Tamsyn said, “I remember my first night. I was so scared but my Eddie took care of everything.”

“I’m not scared.”

Tamsyn placed her hand on top of Billy’s. Billy jumped as he pulled away. Tamsyn said, “Not scared, huh?”

“It’s not that.” Bill felt his face redden, “I might be a bit nervous.”

Tamsyn gave a look of sympathy. “Would it surprise you to know that most of the guys that visit me aren’t much different than you? Rocky was way worse …”

Billy found his voice. “Rocky? No way.” He shook his head, “He’s been having sex for years. His first was Karen Murphy under the bleachers in 8th grade.”

Tamsyn said, “You mean he ruined an innocent girl’s reputation? I know a virgin when I sleep with one.”

“Rocky? A virgin?” Billy laughed.

Tamsyn raised her right hand. “I promise you.”

She placed her hand on top of Billy’s but this time he was ready. He gave a shy smile but didn't pull away.

Billy said, “Karen and I used to be friends. She hangs out with a different crowd now.”

“Did she ever talk to you about Rocky's claim?”

Billy said, “No. I was too embarrassed to ask.”

“I’m sure Karen was more embarrassed. A bad reputation sticks to a girl once it is cast and almost impossible to end once the rumors start.” Tamsyn gave a far off look, "I’ve known many boys like Rocky. They hide their insecurities with bravado, never caring if they ruin a girl’s reputation in the process.”

“Does it bother you?”

Tamsyn said, "What do you mean?"

Billy’s mind scrambled for an answer, “I mean … the stories say you want us boys to visit. You have to know the names people call you.”

“Like what?”

Billy shook his head. “I’m not repeating them.”

“Come on.” Tamsyn pleaded, “Tell me.”

Billy shrugged, “The Whore on the Hill.”

Tamsyn answered, with a voice full of hurt. “Do you think I'm a whore?”

“No.” Billy stared at Tamsyn’s face and saw a sadness he could scarcely fathom. “I’m sorry. Was that rude? I’m sorry.”

Tamsyn watched Billy squirm a couple of moments before starting to giggle. “I’m teasing you Billy. You’re right, I don’t care what anyone says.” She jumped from her seat. “Would you care to dance?”

“I guess.” His mind was spinning. Was it possible Rocky was a virgin before coming to this place? He'd been telling the story about Karen for years.

Tamsyn helped Billy to his feet. “I think my wine did a number on you. Are you ok to stand?”

“Yeah,” Billy lied.

She led him to an open area in the common room. The music started as soon as they stepped on the wooden floor.

“Are you ready?”

Billy said, “I’ve never danced before.”

Tamsyn instructed, “Put your hand on mine. Put the other on my hip and follow my lead. This is a simple box step. Count with me. One – two – three. One – two – three.”

Billy did his best to follow as he looked at his feet.

Tamsyn ordered, “Eyes forward. Look at me.”

Billy mouthed the words as his feet tried to follow. One – two – three. One – two – three. He felt Tamsyn pull him closer, her breasts pressing hard against his own chest. It took him a second to realize Tamsyn wasn’t wearing a bra. She must have realized he’d lost focus because her voice grew louder,

“One – two – three. One – two – three.”

There was little he could do about the natural consequence growing in his pants. The slightest breeze caused a reaction down there these days and he didn’t stand a chance with a pair of girl’s boobs pressing against his chest.

Tamsyn’s smile grew as she pressed her thigh against Billy’s manhood.

Billy asked, “Uhh … Can we stop?”

“So soon?” Tamsyn grinned, “Things were starting to get fun.”

Billy said, “I … uhhh … I need to use the bathroom. That wine went right through me.”

Tamsyn nodded, “There’s a bathroom attached to my bedroom. I’ll show you if you follow me.”

Billy followed Tamsyn up the stairs, taking each step as slow as possible. Tamsyn’s hand wouldn’t allow him to stop completely, but feeling her flesh touch his own made the pain in his groin grow worse. One step. Two steps. Three steps.

“This place is as big as a church.”

“It used to be a church.”

The info made Billy forget his growing problem for the moment. “Really?”

“This house is over 150 years old. A group of evangelicals thought the top of this hill a perfect spot to build a church, it being closer to god and
all. I think their parishioners found the climb to the top a bit too strenuous to do every Sunday. You should see the view from the top floor. You can see for miles in every direction.”

“I bet.” Billy replied hoping Tamsyn didn’t look down.

Billy entered the bathroom, covering himself as Tamsyn disappeared into her bedroom. The bathroom was more modern than he expected, with a large porcelain tub and a vanity worthy of a woman like Tamsyn. A large frosted window on the north wall would have let in a good amount of light if it weren’t so late.

Billy cracked the window and looked outside, seeing the large forest beyond. His friends should be somewhere out there, telling stories, and bragging about their conquests. He’d noticed the changes in all of them after their visit to Tamsyn. How long had it been since he’d arrived? An hour? Two? The wine had gone right to his brain.

Tamsyn’s voice shouted from the next room. “How’s it going in there?”

Billy pulled down his pants, his boner enjoying its sudden freedom. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was the lighting, but the thing looked bigger than normal. He didn’t have to pee, and it didn’t seem like a good idea to jack off considering what was waiting in the next room.

Billy said, “I’m doing OK.”

“Come and join me.”

“I can’t.”

Tamsyn said, “I can help you with your little problem … if you’d like.” Her laugh could be heard through the door’s frame. “Though from what I felt, it’s not so little.”

Billy let his pants and underwear hit the floor. He looked in the mirror to see a picture of opposites. Billy had always been the smallest boy of their group. As a kid he was the one who got picked on the most and had the highest sounding voice. He was the least athletic and rightly got picked last on all the sports teams. He was never much of a fighter. And yet between his legs stood a manliness few could deny. Unfortunately, he was a grow-er not a show-er and comparing engorged penises wasn’t something teenage boys did in their town without a severe beating.

Billy held his pants up to the moonlight to see the large wet spot staining them even worse than he’d imagined. The precum staining his underwear made a bigger mess.

A pink robe hanging off the door knob gave him an idea. He figured Tamsyn wouldn’t mind, hell she might even like it. The silk felt fantastic as his arms slid through the armholes and the material wrapped around his body. A pull of the robe’s belt tied it tight.

A check in the mirror brought back a feeling of longing, the robe extenuating it with a tantalizing memory of Tamsyn’s scent of perfume and cigarettes. Billy slid his hands over the material, enjoying its softness. His hands stopped as they felt the chest, the large cavity a reminder of the massive breasts that normally filled the space. Billy touched the space pretending to feel something growing underneath.

Tamsyn shouted from the next room. “It’s getting lonely in here.”

“I’m coming.” Billy took a deep breath. Why fantasize when the real thing was in the next room?

Tamsyn’s bed filled one side of the room, bigger than a king with dozens of blankets and pillows strewn all over. A canopy connected to posts on all four corners, the lace coverings falling down to form a sort of privacy tent.

Tamsyn said, “I like your outfit.”

Billy said, “I hope you don’t mind.”

“It’s looks good on you.” Tamsyn patted the bed. ”Come sit beside me, Billy.”

Billy pulled at the straps on the robe. “I can’t … sit.”

Tamsyn commanded, “Please sit, Billy.”

Billy wanted to say no, but he found himself helpless to Tamsyn’s charms. When he got close to the bed, she took a hold of each arm and pulled him closer. Billy tried to resist at first, but Tamsyn was stronger than she appeared.



Tamsyn stared down, and Billy did the same, seeing his penis had snaked its way through the folds of the robe and now poking free in the night air. He tried to cover himself but Tamsyn didn’t let go of his hands.

“That is nothing to be embarrassed about. You’re bigger than most of the boys I've seen. Much bigger than your friends.” Tamsyn asked, “Would you lay down on the bed for me?”

Billy felt a gentle shove, and he fell back, the group of pillows softening his fall.

The bed pulled him inside, and Billy found it hard to move though it could have been the wine. Tamsyn didn’t allow him time to get comfortable, soon her hot breath on his thigh was the first indication of her plans. Billy started to say something as Tamsyn’s lips engulfed him whole.
It took less than ten seconds for the mass of hot seed to shoot out, Tamsyn’s movements ensuring not a single drop hit the covers.

Billy turned away as Tamsyn crept up the covers. “Sorry.”

Tamsyn said, “About what?”

“That’s never happened to me before.”

“This is your first time with a woman, Billy. You don’t have enough experience to know what is normal.”

“I mean … sure.” Billy gave her an embarrassed smile. “I lasted a half-second.”

“You made it closer to ten seconds.” Tamsyn’s voice turned to a high-pitched cackle before she continued, “Do you think your friends did
better? Or any of your classmates? Do you think many virgins control themselves the first time I go down on them?”

Billy shrugged, “I don’t know.”

Tamsyn said, “You boys watch your pornos, and laugh away your insecurities. By the time you see me, you’ve got a lifetime of pent up sexual energy you need to release and I’m glad to take it.”


“Don’t apologize Billy.” Tamsyn smiled. “Do you want to see something you can do the old guys in the pornos can’t do?”

Billy shrugged as Tamsyn touched him, blood rushing to the shaft in a sort of half salute.

“It feels weird.”

“That’s because you aren’t ready for another go, but your body is doing its best to fulfill my request. An older man would lay flaccid for at least ten minutes no matter what I did to him.

“That kinda hurt.”

Tamsyn grinned, “It hurt so good you mean.” She crawled to the top the bed. “Come up here and join me. Some say pillow talk is the best part of sex.”

He liked the idea of talking to this woman. She was nicer than he expected. Billy used his elbows to slide up the bed until he found a pillow.

“Pillow talk is the best part of sex? I’ve never heard anyone say that before.”

“That’s because it’s not true.” Tamsyn laughed, “The people who say that are doing it wrong.”


Billy stared at Tamsyn as she pulled out a silver case, opened it, then put a cigarette into a long thin holder. She gave him a grin as she reached for her ancient looking lighter. After a click on the mechanism she blew out a billowy cloud away from Billy’s face then turned towards him.

Billy asked, “Why do you do this with boys like me?”

Tamsyn smiled. “Do you care?”

“I’m curious. You’re pretty. You could get any guy you wanted. Why do this?”

“It’s difficult to explain. It’s a long story and unfortunately we don’t have time.” She stared at Billy’s crotch which had already grown to mini-chub status. "Suffice it to say, my wealth complicates things. Younger men have simpler demands.”

“Why me? I've heard you've turned many boys away.”

Tamsyn smiled, “Pity?”

“Hey!” Billy shook his head when he realized Tamsyn was teasing him. “Doesn’t it bother you? The talk…”

Tamysn nodded, “I’m quite aware of what most people think, but I have an insatiable desire to bed virgins. Call it a kink. Call it an obsession. I know the women in town would never understand as most of the boys who come to me are dull as rocks. That’s why I take my time with smart, handsome boys like you. You’re a piece of clay I can mold in my hands. I get to train you and maybe even corrupt you a little.”

“Corrupt me?”

She smiled as she pulled the blanket over her head, only reappearing with skirt, bra, and panties in hand. All three garments hit the floor, one after the other.

Billy asked, “Are you naked?”

Tamsyn offered her hand, “Would you like to find out?”

Billy felt himself stir at the invitation, but didn’t dare find out, “Isn’t this wrong?”

Tamsyn said, “I’m sure some see it that way, but I did not force you to enter my house. Even so, I’m sure opinions would be swift if our genders were reversed. Can you imagine the town's response if lines of high school girls visited an older man’s house, who deflowered them into womanhood.”

Billy laughed, “It sounds bad when you put it like that.”

“I am allowed to do this only because you are male. Perhaps it’s not right, but it’s a small town and I’ve heard no complaints. You boys need to learn the ropes somewhere. I didn’t force your visit, and I never see a boy a second time. Boys throughout history have sought out women like me, and society has always turned a blind eye to us. I provide a service. Old Widow McClary, the whore on the hill. That’s me.”

“I’ve never…”

Tamsyn interrupted, “The name doesn’t bother me. They’re only words.”

Billy considered the words. Something seemed off, “You aren’t old.”

“People make assumptions.”

Billy said,“I made assumptions.”

“True.” Tamsyn laughed as flung off her blanket to reveal an amazing set of tits. Billy stared at them as she positioned herself on top as the stirring in Billy's loins grew.

Tamsyn said, “The truth is townsfolk would never know me if I ventured into town. Besides, I’m older than you think. We women use concoctions to hide our age, and my magic is better than most.”

Billy looked into her eyes. They were so blue they didn’t look natural. “Does it matter?”

“I suppose not.” Tamsyn smiled when Billy’s eyes again left hers. “You seem quite fixated on my breasts. You can touch them if you’d like.”

Tamsyn took Billy’s hand and guided it to her breast. The warmth caused instant reaction down below.

Billy answered with a mind full of lust. “I don’t think you’re a whore.”

Tamsyn said, “Thank you, Billy. I doubt many boys who visit would say the same.”

Billy reached out to touch the other breast, Tamsyn closing her eyes as he did. “I thought you said you don’t care what the townsfolk think.”
Tamsyn leaned over and kissing Billy on the cheek. “Not one bit.” She drew closer until their lips almost touched, her smoky breath intoxicating.

“I’m not sure I can do this.”

Tamsyn smiled. “The flesh pressing against my thigh says otherwise.” She reached down and grabbed Billy, her touch causing the whole to grow even larger.

Billy groaned, “Owwww…”

Tamsyn cooed, "You are so innocent. So pure. So easy to command."

A sadness filled Billy as Tamsyn moved her attention to his lips. She kissed him, a soft kiss at first and then more aggressive, causing all disappointment to disappear. Billy began to kiss her faster.

“Slow down Billy. There’s no need to rush. Let the feeling build. Women like it when you take it slow.” Tamysn nibbled at his ear as she spoke, a flitting tongue causing waves of electric shocks through his whole body.

Billy no longer heard Tamsyn’s voice and his eyes fell blind as strong arms wrapped him to Tamsyn's chest, their bodies now a solid mass while a singular thought echoed in his mind to penetrate her over and over.

A voice called through the black. “Don’t respond to the dark impulses.”

Billy felt Tamsyn pulling him close, the pair resorting to a safer course of playful kisses.

“That’s better.”

Billy couldn’t help his body’s gyrations, his penis rubbing against Tamsyn’s slit, the appendage growing larger and larger until he felt it might burst before the pain disappeared as skin slid over skin. Tamsyn rolled on top with a singular thought, putting Billy on his back.

She stood over him as their bodies continued to grind, smiling and teasing, but didn’t make him wait long. With a firm hand, she guided him inside as her smile continued to grow.

Time stopped. The universe made sense. Heaven and hell merged. A clarity unknown to mere mortals coursed through Billy’s mind, and yet he found it impossible to think. He arched his back as Tamyn continued to press him into her, until all eight inches of his manhood were inside.


This time it was Tamsyn who screamed, at least Billy thought it was Tamsyn. When he opened his eyes he saw her smiling at him. “Do you like that?”

Billy gave a furious nod, his breath not rising above a whisper. Tamsyn raised herself as Billy pleaded without words for her to move faster. Once again she rose and fell but slower each time. Again and again, rise and fall, rise and fall. Their bodies moved in a synchronic dance as winds whipped through the room and candles began to flicker.

Billy could have swore he saw stars rise then fall as darkness engulfed their bodies. Their souls merged then separated, again and again, until nothing remained but a feeling of continuous bliss until an explosion split his atoms into a thousand beams of light.


Tamsyn watched the boy sleep. He’d passed out, and in that way he was no different from the others. She knew better than most how long it took to become a great lover. She learned a lot over the years and now knew how to pull out every scrap of energy from her beaus.
Experience told it wouldn’t take long for the boy to recover. Vitality was one of the advantages of sleeping with young men.

Tamsyn cupped both hands around the lower part of her belly. Billy had been better than most, and the warmth he’d given her now emanated deep inside her womb.

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