Mum's Encouragement Chapter 36

Chapter 36

On arriving home mum didn't waste any time in telling me to have a quick bath ready for my date that evening. Rather than argue, I did as I was told, as I actually felt like I needed a nice hot relaxing bath to soothe away the stresses of the day.

As I lay in the bath, I checked my legs to see whether there was any hair growth and was relieved to find only found a few rogue hairs. I used mum’s lady shaver to remove the offending hairs and lay back in the bath and enjoyed the hot bubbles.

I reflected on the day and thought that I had enjoyed myself in the photography shop and wouldn't mind helping Diane at some point in the future. FUTURE? What was I thinking, there couldn't be a future with me deceitfully misleading people, good people at that.

I had made my mind up. After this evening’s date with Adam I would cut all ties with Joanne/Lucy. Who was I kidding. I was a boy and not a teenage girl. I would speak to mum in the morning and tell her how I felt.

As I lazed in the bath my mind worked overtime. Did I really want to put a stop to being an attractive girl that seemed so popular with almost everyone I met. As Joe no one ever asked me out, however I now had two boys vying for my affection. I considered how different Adam and Martin were and if I was put on the spot who would I choose to spend more time with.

My body tingled as I thought about both guys and where my future lay. Was my future with either of them or was the alternative to spend a lonely existence as uninteresting Joe?

I deliberated on the pros and cons of my future and thought about how much harder it was for girls. The insecurities, the fussing with hair and makeup, stinging eyes from errant hairspray, denuding myself of stubbly hair on my legs, the issues that went with long nails even when carrying out simple tasks like doing up buttons or buttering toast was a hardship.

The worse part I thought was the necessity to wear a bra and other constrictive clothing like tight skirts. I thought back to Mrs Nosey from the supermarket and how I now understood how right she was. I did look forward to taking my bra off at the end of each day and massaging my shoulders where my bra straps had dug in my skin.

I looked forward at the end of each day to removing my tights and letting my legs breathe again. It was so much simpler for boys. They could just throw on jeans and add a T-shirt and they were ready to go. I believed that mum would never allow me to dress that way again and me thinking otherwise was just a pipe dream.

I did however think that there were a lot of positives in being a girl. The opportunity to wear different clothes which felt wonderful on the skin. I liked being treated more positively by strangers in a way that I had never experienced as Joe.

I reflected on how Mrs Benson regarded me with more warmth when I wore the girls uniform and how she fussed over me, like she did the other girls. I never experienced this feeling when dressed as Joe. She had previously pretty much dismissed me as an irritation amongst her team of young ladies. Was I now part of her team?

Did I really want to continue working at the hotel as Joanne? I enjoyed the job however was it what I wanted for my future. Maybe I could have a career with Uncle David's company in sales, however that again would probably result in me dressing as a girl.

So many thoughts were going through my mind, and I was only jolted from my daydreaming when mother banged on the bathroom door
“Joanne why have you locked the door?” she hollered as she tried the doorknob “come on get out of the bath. You have been in there over 30 minutes. You will shrivel up my girl”.

I groaned at Mum calling me a girl, but to keep the peace I pulled the plug out of the bath and as the water rinsed away, I used the hand shower to rinse myself off. I then quickly dried myself off with a fluffy towel as mum again returned to try the bathroom doorknob, only to find that it was still locked

“What are you up to in there Missy?” she asked through the door “Come on open the door. We have lots to be getting on with, so you are looking your best on your date with Adam”.

I wrapped the now damp towel around my body, so it covered my non-existent boobs and unlocked the door to allow my impatient mother into the bathroom

“I'm glad to see that you had the presence of mind to wear a shower cap over your hair, so it didn't get messed up. I don't think we need to do too much with it as looked lovely earlier and anyway we haven't got the time to set it again in rollers. Maybe I will just use some hair accessories to make it stand out.

“Hair accessories” I asked “what kind of hair accessories?”

“So many questions. Come on we haven't got time to dawdle. We only have a couple of hours before Adam arrives to collect you and we have lots to do. Moisturise your body and then join me in my bedroom”.

Over the next two hours I found out exactly what hair accessories my mom was referring to as she weaved hair slides and a pink ribbon into my curly hair, so it looked ultra feminine, but also sexy in a way.

Mom and Aunt Heather took great delight in redoing my makeup, so it was more sultry. Aunt Heather said it “was just the right look for a first date with a handsome fella”

Much to my annoyance Heather joked that when he saw me Adam would definitely be trying to get his leg over. I blushed terribly on hearing this as the last thing on my mind was to allow Adam to try anything on with me.

With five minutes to go before Adam arrived, as I primly sat on the edge of the sofa in the living room waiting for his arrival, I considered how I was dressed. Whilst I was in the bath, Mum had popped next door to Aunt Julia’s and explained that I had a date. Julia had told mum that she was saddened that I was seeing other boys as she had high hopes for Martin, and I.

Julia did however give Mum a selection of outfits that I could try on. Between Mum and Aunt Heather and with no participation from myself, they chose a wine coloured knee length leather pencil skirt and a capped sleeve black chiffon blouse for me to wear.

I got up and studied myself in the full-length hallway mirror. The skirt and blouse that adorned me were accompanied by flesh-coloured sheer tights and black ankle boots.

I thought to myself these are the only clothes that Adam is going to get sight of tonight and shivered when I thought of the sexy underwear that mum and Aunt Heather had insisted I wear. My black satin camisole was a necessity with the see through chiffon blouse; however, I didn't think it necessary to have to also wear a lacy black underwired bra and matching lacy G string panties. Even though I was fully dressed I still felt naked, and I didn’t like the way the G string positioned itself in the crack of my bum. It didn't feel right at all, however mum and Aunt Heather said that sexy underwear always gives a woman confidence.

I told Mum that I was afraid that Adam might try it on with me and was worried that he would find out I wasn't all that he thought I was. Mums’ response was to tell me to take the lead and slap his wandering hands away should he get too romantic. She also told me that she thought he was a good lad, and she didn’t think he would try anything on, on our first date, as she believed he would probably have more respect for me than that.

Despite Mum’s attempt to reassure me, I was still fearful and was getting anxious thinking about the worst-case scenarios. Aunt Heather sensing my nervousness suggested that should he try to get to amorous, that I tell him that I was on my period. She said he then wouldn't persist as guys get woozy when women mentioned anything about menstruation and women’s problems.

I understood exactly how he felt, however both Mum and Heather didn’t seem to have a problem sharing their experiences of periods and cramps with me. Me a boy, who they considered one of their own sex.

To back up my excuse, Heather suggested that I put some tampons in my handbag. Heather took some from her handbag and handed them to me. It felt strange excepting tampons from my Aunt. Heather didn't stop there however and also gave me a couple of condoms and with a giggle said “just in case dear”.

I nervously paced around the living room as I waited for Adam, however kept returning to the hallway mirror to nervously check my appearance. As I took in my reflection, I couldn’t stop smiling at myself as I thought I did look pretty. I was a very attractive young girl (and clearly vain) who most guys would try to cop off with. My tight leather skirt seductively clung to my bottom and my moisturised denuded legs looked fabulous in my shear tights. My 3-inch-high pencil thin ankle boots resulted in me unintentionally walking in a very sexy way, as I could only shimmy in the heels and the stiff skirt that moulded itself to my lower body.

Thankfully the blouse I was wearing was not too tight and flowed cross my upper body. I did think that it would however allow Adam glimpses of my bra and camisole under the chiffon fabric. He would probably think that I was trying to score with him!

I thought he would certainly be turned on when he saw me, and I thought it unlikely that his mind would be100% on the film. As I plucked at my skirt and blouse I thought that my mind would also be elsewhere.

I took in the smells that radiated from my body, from the feminine body wash, flowery deodorant, perfume and hairspray that adorned my petite body. If my looks didn't get Adam aroused, then my sweet-smelling body certainly would.

Although the house was warm, I shivered at the thought of what the evening would bring. I momentarily considered running up the stairs and taking everything off. I knew however that this wasn’t possible and Mum would insist that I uphold my promise to go out with Adam.
I accepted my destiny as I again looked in the mirror for umpteenth time.

Mum joined me in the hallway “Good god Joanne you spend more time looking in that mirror than is good for you. There is no need to be worried. You will have a lovely time with Adam. I'm sure of that”.

I heard a car pull up outside and took one last look at my reflection taking in my dangly hooped earrings and pretty gold necklace. I played with the four thin bracelets on my right wrist and checked the time on my white-faced tiny watch on my left wrist.

Mum came behind me and squirted some more perfume on my neck and then mischievously lifted my tight skirt and sprayed some in the direction of my thighs.

“Mother what are you doing” I girlishly shrieked “I smell enough as it is”.

Both Mum and Heather giggled at my protests as I pulled the hem of my tight skirt down as far as it would go, which was only to just above my knees.

I had one last check of my make up. I really did look cute and felt very grown up beyond my actual years.

Adam rung the doorbell as I grabbed for the black leather jacket hanging from the stair banister. Aunt Julia had been kind enough to also lend me the sexy jacket which was made of the softest leather. Mum draped a black silk scarf around my neck, as I struggled to get the waist length jacket on.

Heather answered the door and greeted Adam.

“Hi Adam. Fancy seeing you here. You look handsome love. Are you here to take my darling Niece out for a good time? She asked knowing full well why he was standing on our front doorstep on the wet and breezy evening.

“Come in Adam” I instructed him. “You are getting wet. Take no notice of these two. I think they have had too much wine and are acting juvenile”.

Both mum and Aunt Heather found my outburst to be funny.

Mum spoke “Juvenile. Listen to her Adam. Stop being so uptight Joanne. Can't we have a little joke?

I was embarrassed that Adam was viewing this silly carry on and to rescue the situation I told him “Let me get my handbag and we can be on our way”

Adam stood just inside the hallway and from his expression I could see that he was uncomfortable for me.

You look lovely Joanne” he complemented me “you look really pretty”.

Not knowing exactly how to take the compliment, I awkwardly stretched up on my heels and gave him a little peck on his cheek and told him “Thank you. You look lovely yourself. You smell great also”.

Mom and Heather looked on obviously enjoying the scene playing out before them as I took control of the situation. After fetching my handbag and making sure my front door key was inside, I zipped up my coat and unconsciously took Adam’s hand in mine and led him through the door into the darkness of the night.

“Don’t wait up ladies. I don't know what time Adam and I will be back” I playfully told them as Adam looked at me bemused as we walked down the garden path hand in hand.

I think Mum was surprised by my little outburst and shouted after me “Make sure you are in by Midnight latest young lady. You have work tomorrow”.

“Yes, mother I sarcastically shouted back.

I sensed that both Mother and Aunt Heather were still watching as we got to Adams car. He had a lovely Ford Escort XR3 which I knew to be very expensive. I thought to myself that one day I would love to be the owner of such a beautiful car, however I knew that it would be a long while before I could afford anything as good as this.

“I love your car Adam” I gushed” it’s my perfect car”.

“Do you know much about cars?” Adam asked “You are welcome to drive it sometime Joanne if you want to. Perhaps I can take you for a driving lesson.

I thought that I would to love to drive the car and would look good in it, however I knew that I would be nervous driving such a beautiful car and anyway Adam probably didn’t mean what he had said

He chivalrously opened the passenger door for me. I instinctively had the peace of mind to gracefully place my bum on the leather seat first, before swinging my legs into the footwell. My tight leather skirt and the soft leather seat swished as I turned to face forward. Despite my best efforts I knew that Adam had still got a good view of my nyloned legs

I caught Adam smile to himself as he shut the door and walked round to the driver's side. After getting in and fastening his seat belt, he reached across and helped me put my seat belt on. The belt nestled between my breasts accentuating my false boobs. Adam looked starry eyed at me. I thought I would have some fun at his expense

“Are you always this attentive with your dates Adam?” I asked

“Only with the ones as lovely as you Joanne”

I laughed at his cheesy response which succeeded in settling my nerves. I was now looking forward to the evening and intuitively knew that Adam was a good guy and would treat me well and look after me.

On the way to the cinema, we talked about Adam's car and how my driving lessons were going. We also talked about what music we both liked and when I told Adam that I liked soul and pop music he told me to root around in his glovebox for a cassette that I would like. I chose a compilation cassette of various artists, and we chatted as the music played in the background.

I felt at ease with Adam as there were no silent pauses during the 25-minute drive to town. We were getting on like a house on fire.

As we neared the cinema a new song started playing on the cassette. Adam laughed out loud as he realised the song was Joanna by Kool and The Gang. I could fell myself blush in embarrassment at the corny song.

Adam thought it would be funny to sing along and and as he pulled up into a car parking space and parked the car, he turned to me, took my hand in his and serenaded me.

“Joanna, I love you
You're the one, the one for me
Searched so far, searched so long
To find someone, someone to count on
Now I feel I've got it right here
Found it in you, baby, you, my dear”.

Listening to him sing the lyrics made me feel quite uneasy and I told him to “stop being a silly sod”. I thought he was charming though and he did make me laugh.

“You have a great voice Adam” I told him sincerely.

“Thanks Joanna” he teased “Maybe we can do a karaoke duet in the future”.

I smiled nervously as he continued to hold my hand, especially when he started sensually stroking my slim fingers, which appeared so small compared to Adam’s.

“No way Adam. I cant sing to save my life”.

“I bet you have a beautiful voice, Jo. I love how you talk, and I am sure you have the voice of an angel when singing”.

“I only ever sing in the shower. It’s probably just as well the water drowns out my noise” I joked.

“I guess I will have to share a shower with you Jo to find out whether you are telling the truth” He cheekily responded.

By now I felt really hot and bothered. I wasn’t used to so many compliments.

“In your dreams Adam” I bluntly told him taking my hand from his “Come on you evil boy. Let’s go in”.

Adam thought my comeback to be funny and he impishly smiled at me. He looked adorable in a mischievous way.

ADORABLE! What was I thinking. Although he was a good-looking lad, he was a lad just like me, although anyone who saw the couple exit the car would see one cute lad and a pretty girl with legs to die for

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