Changing Gears (Part 5 of 8)

Crysalis Book 1 - special cover1.jpg

Sam has hid from the world for most of his life -- Sometimes dreams come true. Somethings they feel like a nightmare.

Chapter 9

A voice echoed down from the heavens.
‘Sleep well Sam.’


Sam's eyelids fluttered open. “We’ve got to move.” Tommy stood above him.

“What’s going on?”

Sam tried to get up, but could move. Primal fear filled the air when he looked at the high walls surrounding the darkened hallway. The floor of the hallway was filled with a sort of murky mist, making every step a danger. He proved this when, as he stood, he tripped on an unseen object returning him to the floor. As he lay in the muck, Sam saw he wore a pair of ratty old high tops he’d last worn in college. A look at his chest showed a favorite St. Louis Cardinals straining to hold his bulk. Underneath he wore a pair of baggy shorts with tears.

Tommy helped Sam to his feet. “You’ve got to keep moving.”

“What’s going on?”

A thunderous roar shattered the silence, sending tremors down Sam's spine. A creature emerged from the end of the hall. Steam and smoke rose from its curvy body.

“Is that…” Sam asked.

“Yeah…” Tommy nodded.

"Sammy," the beast snarled in a perfect imitation of Danielle's voice. "You can't hide forever." The creature stood at least seven feet tall with dark brown hair falling down from both sides of her head. Two perky breasts stood prominently from her chest. Most guys might have been cute if not for the leathery skin, horns, and a tail.

Sam took a step back as the she-minotaur's presence grew larger. Spirals of vapor came from her nose with every breath. Each stomp her foot quaked the earth making it difficult to stand.

Tommy stepped forward with his shield held high, as his blonde hair shimmered in the darkened hall. “Run, Sam. I’ll protect you.”

Sam took another step back, and then another. Before he knew it, he was running. A look in every direction showed hall after hall, a maze stretching in all directions. Somewhere, within these tangled corridors had to be an escape.

Sam tripped and fell, this time landing on the skeletal remains of a familiar adventurer. In one hand he held a rusty old short sword he'd plunged into the murky floor, and in the other, a shield. Sam gripped the hilt of the sword and pulled with all his might but the sword wouldn’t move.

Danielle’s voice arched through the hallway as sounds of her battle with Tommy raged, “I see you, Sam. I know you. The real you.”

The pair emerged at the end of this hallway. Tommy turned with a look, “Why aren’t you running?”

“I’m trying to help.”

Tommy said, “You’re not strong enough, Sam. You’ve got to run.”

Sam pulled on the sword again but to no avail as Danielle grew closer with every clang of the sword.

“Run Sam.” Tommy said.

“Yes.” Danielle replied, her voice a mocking imitation of Tommy. Run Sam, Run!”

Sam wanted to protest but his feet had a mind of their own.

He heard Tommy’s cries in the distance. "Come on, you brute! Do your damnedest."

“Did you call me a brute?” Danielle answered in a high-pitched voice, sounding more annoyed than upset. Her words twisted into a guttural bellow as Sam ran faster.

“Dammit. A dead end.”

A closer look showed a small spur carved into the rock. Sam squeezed through the crevice, backing his way down a path no minotaur could follow.

Bang! Crash! Clang! Bang! Bang!

Sounds of the battle took on a melodic tone. Sam closed his eyes in hopes of pushing it from his mind. As he listened, he crept ever further into the darkened crevice until he reached the end.

Resting there, Sam took a few deep breaths, letting them out one at a time. When he calmed himself, he found his hand on something stuck in the mire. The item wasn’t as hard as a sword nor as big as a shield. Sam took firm hold and gave it a good yank, finding he held a simple stick in his hand. He started to toss it back on the floor when the pink glow formed. Soon, the hallway of grays and browns shone the same color.

Sam gripped the stick with both hands as the power grew within. Cool pulses of energy surged down his arms, warming his veins as the power grew and grew. Sam held it until he could hold no more, then pointed the stick at a nearby wall and released the energy in a single blast. Lightning flew from the end of the stick, crashing into the nearby stone then exploded in a flash of pink sparks.

Sam held the stick in front of his face. It didn’t feel like much. The weapon, if you could call it such, didn’t have the weight of steel or the protection of a birch shield. But as Sam held it, he knew what to do.

The sounds of battle weren’t far. Tommy glanced in Sam's direction when he saw him enter the hallway. This brief lack of focus gave Danielle an opening which Tommy managed to dodge.

Sam shouted, “Watch out., Tommy.”

Tommy turned toward Sam, “What are you doing here? I told you to run.”

The look on Danielle’s face bordered on pity. “He knows there is no escape.”

Tommy launched a series of well coordinated attacks. Danielle fended off each with ease. The pair’s movements reminded Sam of a ballet of two skilled artisans performing their craft.

Sam lifted his hand, allowing the electricity to gather around him. Sam waited until he could take no more then pointed the wand at the beast, releasing the burst at once. Danielle roared when the sneak attack struck her breast. Arcs of pink lightning surged over the creature's flesh until her cries grew silent and she fell to the ground.

The pink energy continued to flow through Danielle’s body until she disappeared in a poof of smoke. The pink energy, its target gone, returned to Sam in a flash of light. Sam held the wand in front of his body, hoping the stick might protect him.

It did not. “Ouch. God dammit!” The energy surged into the wand, up Sam’s arm, sending a shock wave throughout his body and him to his knees.

Tommy ran to Sam, “Are you okay?”

Sam knelt forward on the ground, one hand on the floor, the other still holding the wand before him. “Yeah.”

Tommy asked, “Is that a pink magic wand?” His smile grew into a smirk.

“It was all I could find.” Sam explained, his face turning red.

Tommy returned his sword to its scabbard while staring at the spot where the beast once lay. “I’m not sure how much longer I could have held out against her. I needed my wingman today.”

Sam felt a pressure squeezing his heart, “We’ve always made a good team.” He looked at Tommy who looked no worse for wear. “Is Danielle gone?”

“No. You can’t kill that beast.” Tommy pointed around the surrounding hall. “This is her home. She cannot die here.” Tommy picked up something from the floor and tossed it to Sam. “If you’re going to use a sissy’s weapon, you’ll need a holster to match.”

“It’s not a …” Sam wanted to say more but his mouth stopped moving.

He watched the item arc through the air towards him, then dropped it when it hit his hands. Retrieving it from the floor, Sam saw Tommy’s gift was as simple as his stick. The ‘belt’, as it could be otherwise called, was a simple strap of leather twisted in a circle with an attached pouch. Sam pulled it around his waist and cinched it tight. The pouch came to rest on his left hip, and a small leather loop in the belt rested on his right. As the wand found its new home on Sam’s right hip, he felt a burst of confidence and turned back to his friend.

“Tommy … there’s something I need to tell…”

When Sam looked up, he saw his friend had disappeared. In his place stood a shimmering portal. A look around the room now showed darkness and with little other choice, Sam stepped into the light.


A kaleidoscope of light and shadow surrounded Sam, pressing against his skin like cool sheets of satin. The power inside the portal shifted through him, as strong as the sound of a summer thunderstorm, or its bite a reminder of the wind on a snowy winter’s day.

When Sam emerged, he found himself standing on solid earth. His body stepped lighter, moving with unfamiliar ease. His ragged clothes hung loose off a more slender frame, his arms still stinging from the lightning bolt which hit his hands. A look each showed long nails one each shimmering like a mother-of-pearl necklace. Sam felt his face, finding a smooth expanse where once he’d felt stubble.

Sam couldn’t help but touch his face, a smooth expanse where once he’d felt stubble. A more thorough inspection found a few more small changes, unnoticeable to most, but then few ever noticed Sam. Only one person had ever paid him much attention.

Sam shouted, “Tommy?”

He got no response.

Undulating desert stretched for as far as his eyes could see, though he thought he saw trees in the one direction. An attempt at using the magic wand showed it out of power. With little else to go on, Sam walked towards the trees but it didn't take too long to figure out, they weren't getting closer.

With little other choice, Sam walked as strong winds pushed him up and down the sandy dunes. He walked for hours, but the horizon remained the same. Out of desperation, Sam sat and closed his eyes, praying he might find an answer.

"Find yourself," the wind said, its gusts speaking in a faint voice.

Sam jumped to his feet and looked in all directions but saw no one. “Hello?” He got no response.

Now heartened, Sam returned to a seated position and closed his eyes. “Can you help me?”

The winds spoke in a soft voice, “Know who you are.”

Sam tried to meditate, hoping for an answer but the sun’s rays grew hot and sweat soaked his clothes. “My clothes!” Sam said, as he jumped to his feet. He tore off his shirt and pulled down his pants then flipped his sneakers onto the sand. As the sun beat into his skin, the sun’s power flowed into his skin, leaving behind a dark tan which filled him with power.

Sam pulled his wand from its holster, and he held it in the air. A flash of pink lightning illuminated the path through the sand. The trees grew closer after a short hike. Not long after, Sam heard the wash of the ocean. A chill filled him as the temperature continued to drop and a fog crept over the landscape as he arrived at the edge of a cliff.

Sam held his wand before him. “What now?”

"Leap," whispered the wind, its voice strong.

Sam didn’t hesitate. He closed his eyes and stepped into the abyss.


When he emerged, he found nothing but silence.


A hushed echo reverberated down the halls. Rows after row of books greeted him, their spines smelling a mix of ancient leather and parchment. Countless stories lay hidden under the covers but the corridors went on forever. A person could spend a lifetime here and never find the object of their search. He needed to find a librarian.

Sam closed his eyes and tried to focus. “Hello?”

The sound echoed like ghosts in his memory. The books all told a story, each growing louder as they vied for attention. The rustle of pages applauded his movements, a murmur of encouragement from his past. The joys of summer camp. The nerves of forgotten homework. Tears on his Mom’s shoulder. The disappointment of failure. The terror of someone finding the truth.

Sam’s heart grew lighter with every step. He understood he could be himself here. Every book, every treatise, they all knew his story and they didn’t judge. In this library, Sam’s life read like an open book and no one cared. It was his life written in black and white.

Sam ran to the dresser when he saw it. His first foray into crossdressing didn’t consist of much. A pair of jeans, a sweatshirt, women’s panties, and a training bra. As Sam put them all on, the edges of this reality fraying into smoke and haze. Here, in the heart of his own private cosmos, the weight of his hidden life pressed into his chest.

The ribbons of memories unfurled like a parade of ancient movies. In each Sam saw himself. A boy hiding behind the thickets of his backyard, swathed in one of his mother's discarded scarves.

Another told of the day he tried lipstick for the first time, then spent hours scrubbing his lips.

At college, he watched Tommy appear, full of laughter and a confidence Sam never could achieve.

"Tommy," Sam reached out, but the vision disappeared.

Sam’s hands brushed over the spines of his past, his mind thrilling as his mind told more of their hidden language. This library contained his every hope and dream contrasted with fears and nightmares. Each title was an enigma, the hidden secrets in each one passed between reader and book.

“What do I want?”

Whispers of a hoped for transformation haunted these halls. The power drew him ever closer. No one told him where to find it. Sam’s feet knew the way. He’s run to this place so many times. After school. When he felt low. When he wanted to celebrate. It made everything better.
Sam smiled when he saw the box full of childhood toys. Reaching underneath the toy cars and action figures lay a box. Opening it revealed at flash of color which jumped out of the box and danced around him. Reaching inside, Sam lifted the treasure.

The title of the book read, ‘Making Faces’. He must had read a thousand times as a kid. This copy looked better than dogeared copy he’d tossed it in a dumpster before leaving for college. His second copy now lay on the bottom of St. Louis quarry.

The cover felt cool beneath his touch but Sam felt the warmth inside. He knew the words without reading, they were a part of him now. Page after page turned swirling the air as the haze of colors surrounded him.

"Conceal," instructed one page, featuring diagrams of delicate brush strokes. "Highlight," urged another, revealing secrets to accent hidden beauty. Sam's heart quickened, his eyes drinking in the text. This book taught techniques to transform skin, sculpt features, and redefine one’s very essence.

"Blend," he whispered to himself, tracing the contour lines depicted on the page.

"Define," the next chapter beckoned, showcasing the art of shaping brows.

"Transform," the final words echoed in his mind. His path forward lay clear. A look around at the library of his life all led to this. Sam gripped the book tight as color settled on his face.

"Transcend." Sam clutched the book in his right hand and drew it to his chest, lifting the wand in the other. A sense of longing grew within his heart.

“I’m not afraid.” Sam said, hoping his words didn’t betray his fear.

The past fell away as Sam watched the library disappear around him.

No sound filled the air as electricity tingled his skin. Sam touched his face, his fingernails grazing features which no longer felt familiar. His jawline seemed less pronounced, his cheeks ever so higher. There was a softness there, a tenderness echoing the internal shift he suppressed for so long.

"Is this me?" The question slipped through new lips. His voice too, a more gentle timbre that resonated with the softer edges of his being.

A torrent of tears formed a puddle at his feet, showing a man’s body in its reflection. Sam knew well the paint he’d applied went skin deep and disappeared with every wash. Few could see past his grotesque form to see the girl inside.

“Progress.” Sam shouted.

He took one step and then another, each stride more assured than the last. The terrain changed, solid ground giving way to spongier turf which bounced with every step. Shadows loomed in the distance and Sam knew he had tougher challenges to face.
The air crackled with a charged intensity as the portal materialized in front of him. He didn’t hesitate.


Sam emerged to an unending nightmare, as smoke filled his mind. A distorted mix of reflections surrounded him and in each one he saw a cruel image, each mirror painting him as a man. He walked in circles, looking for escape from images of his misshapen body.

His heart pounding against its cage as Sam shouted, "Why me?" unwilling to stand the sight. The wand had proved useless against the darkness, as had his new magic tome. The mirrors followed him everywhere, no matter where he turned.

Thousands of Sams reflected their image yet none revealed the truth. Sam put both hands to his face, making it impossible to see.

“These images are a lie.”

Eyes closed, Sam traced a remembered route, searching for the madness at its core. The memories drove him forward along the distorted lies until he knew he'd found the right place. He reached out, with eyes still closed, to touch the nightmare's black heart. Its primal energy surged into him, and began coursing through his veins.

The air around Sam vibrated when he put a hand on his holster. Arcs of lightning soon burst forward, a cacophony of loud crashes following as the distortions hit the stone floor. Sam expected silence when the crashes stopped. Instead, he heard the sound of a slow clap.

"Bravo," a familiar voice called from the shadows.

Sam opened his eyes to see Danielle emerge from the darkness, her blue eyes drawing him in.

"Quite the show, Sammy boy," she sneered. Danielle retained her horns but the cloven feet and hands had disappeared. "Did you think you could free yourself of me so easy?"

Sam clenched his jaw. He needed Tommy’s help to beat her last time.

“Why are you here, Danielle?"

Her smile held venom as she spoke. "You know why I’m here."

Sam took a step back, feeling the weight of this woman’s gaze.

"I don’t fear you, Danielle. I’m not afraid anymore.” Sam said, hoping to steel himself against her charms.

“Oh no?” Danielle grinned as she moved closer, her hips swaying in a hypnotic rhythm no man could ignore. Her voice, heavy with mocking affection, wrapped around him like a shroud. "Come on, Sammy," she crooned, a smirk appearing on her deceptive painted lips. "Don't you want to play with me?"

Sam felt the pull, a primal lure beckoning him towards her. Memories of their first meeting tangled in Sam’s mind. He was the one who met Danielle at the fraternity mixer. He introduced her to Tommy. It was his fault.

"I don’t want to play your game, Danielle.," Sam spat through gritted teeth.

“We can have a lot of fun together. We both know what you want.” She pulled her shirt down for a moment to reveal her tits.

The heavy scent of Danielle’s perfume wafted through the room. Her circled pursuit reminded him of a cat about to pounce on its prey. Sam didn’t take his eyes off Danielle, he couldn’t if he dared. Round and round and round she went, the dizzying display pounding Sam’s heart in his chest.

Sam tried to steady himself. He’d come so far. He knelt forward while continuing to watch Danielle’s entrancing figure, finding a piece of glass on the stone floor. He squeezed its sharp edges, causing a freeing pain to shoot up his arm.


Danielle’s eyes grew confused as a pout formed on her lips. “What have you done to yourself, Sammy?”

Sam used the distraction to retrieve his wand, calling forth the latent magic of this place.

“Transform.” He cried.

A thunderclap followed as his magic surged forth. Danielle's laughter screeched in their battle of wills but Sam's burned brighter.

“You can’t escape who you are, Sammy.” Daniellel taunted, betraying a slight tremor in her voice.

"I know who I am." Sam answered, his voice steady and firm. “You’ve seen the real me.”

Sam raised his magic tome, gathering glass fragments in a whirlwind around him. As his storm began to crest, he focused his mind on the cold dark heart. The shards struck a savage blow, splintering the core into dust. An item clattered to the floor in its absence.

“What is this?” Sam asked but got no answer.

Picking it up, Sam found a small handheld mirror and when he looked into it, the woman of his dreams looked back.

An angry voice boomed through the room, “You thinking you’ve won? This is a temporary setback. You know, I always come back, Sammy. You can’t change who you are.”

Sam didn’t bother to answer. He’d fallen for Danielle’s tricks many times in the past, but he was stronger now. Only a fool fights their true nature and Sam had been a fool for long enough. He entered the portal as soon as it formed.


Sam opened his eyes to see walls all around him.

“The maze again?” He’d hoped from a break.

Remnants of the hallway came into focus as the portal disappeared. A cry of a beast echoed in the darkness ahead.

“Do your worst, Danielle! You don’t scare me anymore." Sam’s high-pitched voice shouted. His confidence dropped,when he entered the next room.


“Tommy?” His friend stood twelve feet tall in minotaur form with muscles rippling off his bare chest. Atop its head sat two large horns.

“I barely recognize you, Sam.”

“You barely recognize me?” Sam exclaimed.

“Are you wearing a bra, Sam?” Tommy began to laugh.

Sam covered his chest with both hands. “It’s complicated.”

“Is that makeup on your face?” Tommy guffawed.

“I can explain.”

“Let’s hear it.” Tommy looked down on Sam, his friend’s disappointment pressing Sam to the floor.

Sam shook his head, trying to dispel his inner conflict to let his power grow. The wand and tome had helped him win the previous battles. He had to defeat Tommy. He couldn’t let his best friend see. The air around Sam crackled as the lightning inside grew, exploding from the end of his wand in a single burst.

The pink energy struck Tommy's breast, bounced off, and dissipated into the air.

Tommy looked more annoyed than angry. “You want to fight me?” His mocking laughter turned feral, the growl coming from something other than a human.

Sam ran towards the shadows, “You can’t see me like this.”

But he knew this beast could do five steps for every one of his own. A look around showed the scattered remains of other battles.

Tommy’s face grew thoughtful. “I knew I was the alpha, Sam and you’ve always been my beta. I’m the leader, you’re my wingman. But a sissy? I never expected you to be a sissy.”

Tommy’s words hit with the force of thunder. Sam’s thoughts focused on his magic tome and he spoke a magic word, “CONCEAL.” A moment later, Sam’s vision blurred as his form grew indistinct..

“You’re hiding from me?” Tommy bellowed a loud laugh. “You are a sissy.” Sam crept through the room, hoping to find a weak spoke behind Tommy’s back. When he was behind Tommy’s back, his friend turned around and stared at the spot Sam stood.

”I can smell you, Sam.” Tommy took a step forward, leaving no doubt he knew where Sam stood. “Danielle told me you were a sissy when she gave me this power. I didn’t believe her … she was right, sissies smell … delicious.” Tommy licked his lips, his massive tongue bigger than Sam’s head.

A mix of embarrassment and fear drove Sam to the floor, breaking his spell. “This is me, Tommy. This is who I’ve always been.” Sam could sense Tommy's confusion as he stared. His friend's had always cloaked his feelings in bravado.

Tommy said, “I know how you feel about me Sam. You’re weak, Sam. I asked you to join me in Chicago because I felt sorry for you.”

Sam searched through his pouch, hoping to find something else in its depths.

“Pathetic. You think one of your trinkets can beat me?” Tommy flexed a bicep as large as Sam’s torso while smoke rose up from Tommy’s snout and sparks shone from his hoofs.

At the bottom of the pouch sat the mirror. Sam reached inside and looked into it. A girl stared back. An image of himself if he’d been born XX instead of XY.

“What’s this?” Tommy returned his famous grin. “Do you need to pretty yourself up before I eat you?”

Sam turned the mirror around and pointed it towards Tommy. “Look at yourself Tommy.”

The minotaur knelt forward intending to bite down but his eyes caught on his own image. As Tommy stared the mirror doubled in size and then again and again. Soon the mirrors grew as large as the minotaur itself.

“That can’t be me. I’m … I’m … I’m hideous.”

Sam pumped magic into the mirror, causing other visions of Tommy to appear. Sam had seen his friend at his best and his worst. He showed him the latter in every frame.

“Stop. Please stop.” Tommy shouted. “It can’t be true. I am not a monster.”

Sam calmed himself, taking several deep breaths in and out. “It is not you Tommy. We’re trapped in a maze of my imagination and you’re my fears personified.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means I can control you, if I want, and I want to see my friend in his true form. I want to tell him the truth.”

The minotaur’s form grew dark as thick lines of black smoke drifted into each mirror. When the smoke cleared, only Tommy remained. Seconds later, the mirror returned to its simple form in Sam’s hand. He turned the mirror for Tommy to see.

“Oh thank god.” Tommy said, touching his face. “I’m me again.”

Sam started to say something but Tommy wrapped his arms around Sam, squeezing so hard he struggled to breathe. “Thank you … thank you … thank you…”

Sam fell into the embrace. He’d hugged Tommy before. They’d had countless bro hugs but this felt different. A tiny tickle grew inside him, and burst into the air. The embers from Sam’s magic lit the room revealing sparkling treasure from end to end.

Tommy let Sam go then looked around the room now full of woman’s jewelry and pink dresses. “So you like to wear girl’s clothing? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Sam nodded, “I’ve wanted to tell you.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“I thought you’d hate me.”

“I wouldn’t be much of a friend if I let a few scraps of clothing break up our friendship.” Tommy leaned forward, picking something off the ground, and held it out for Sam.

“What’s this?” Sam asked.

“It’s a pretty bauble.” Tommy replied. “I thought a sissy like you might like it.”

“Hey!” Sam cast an angry look.

“I’m joking, Sam. I’m glad you told me the truth.” Tommy offered the item in his hand, “Take this as a token of my apology for being a jerk.”

Sam took the item and held it in the air. It didn’t look special, a simple gold band without any adornment. Sam placed it on his right ring finger.

“It’s a perfect fit.”

“I knew it.” Tommy smiled a perfect Tommy grin.

A portal appeared as Sam returned his items to his magic pouch. He pointed at the shimming orb. “Want to go with me this time?”

Tommy shook his head. “I can’t.”

“I understand.” Sam nodded. He wanted to say more.

Sam headed for the portal, but Tommy stopped him using a firm grip on his shoulder, pulling him back. ”Watch out for Danielle. She’s working with some other lady.”

Sam asked, “Another lady? What did she look like?”

Tommy said, “She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a lot of women.”

Sam nodded, “Blonde hair, blue eyes, and legs that go on forever?”

“You know her?”

Sam took a deep breath. “It’s Crystal.”

“She didn’t tell me her name.” Tommy’s face lit up as he recalled the memory. “She’s better looking than Danielle. When they caught me, I mentioned it and Danielle got mad and she turned me into that monster who wanted to eat you.” Tommy’s eyes clouded over. “Thanks for saving me.”

“I’m your wingman.”

“Always and forever.”

Sam wanted to say more but it wasn’t the right time. He pulled himself from Tommy’s grip, and continued to stare at his best friend as he backed into the portal to continue his journey.


Sam shivered as the colors in the portal flung him through time and space. His body felt light, almost buoyant, as it shed its invisible armor.

"Who am I?" Sam asked the void, the words barely audible over the shifting landscape. The question wasn’t born of doubt but of wonder.

"You are Sam and Samantha," the portal echoed back. "You’re both the dreamer and the dream."

Sam’s pulse quieted, as acceptance washed over him. The battles so far were steps on a journey with more to come.


Sam emerged in a room thick with desire and whispered promises of ecstasy. His chest heaved as he navigated the dreamlike orgy. Writhing heat from the bodies in the room creating suffocating fervor.

"Come, Sam," crooned their voices, both women and men, a tangle of limbs and silk. "Give us one touch, and you'll know bliss."

A cacophony of moans and sighs swelled around him, as a siren song of pleasure-seekers swayed in carnal repose. Shadows danced across the walls, flickering candles giving the room an otherworldly glow. Every surface seemed to shine, like a reality turned molten under the weight of lust and hunger.

Sam willed himself through the masses. Each step a stumble over silken cushions, while hands reached out to touch the essence within.

"Stay with us, Sam," the women purred, their voices a silken caress against his willpower. Sam saw nothing he wanted in this place. He sought something more than pleasures of the flesh.

Their cries grew loud, so loud his Sam thought eardrums might burst. A despair of hope surrounded him, until he saw his true foe through the haze. A siren among sirens led them. Crystal smoked a cigarette while leaning on a pillar near the edge of the gathered throng. Her curvy figure silhouetted against the ambience of the room.

"Come back to bed, Sammy," Crystal cried, patting the hotel’s bed. The mocking lilt in her voice leaving a sour taste in his mouth. Sam recognized the other women she’d gathered around her, the phantoms of flings long past.

“Come to bed with us, Sammy,” they called. The bed grew to an impossible size, beckoning him with outstretched hands and parted lips.
Sam's breaths came in ragged gasps as he fought through his women of yore.

"Sammy, you're making a big mistake!" Crystal cried.

Sam dodged a set of grasping hands, while jumping over another. The crowd tore at Sam’s bones and muscle, his body straining against their assault.

"Let go of me!" Sam's voice cracked, the rejection overwhelming their pitiless laughter. For a moment his torment ended, opening a path to a door. When he opened it, he found a hallway lined with doors for as long as his eye could see.

With little choice, Sam shut the door behind him though he knew it wouldn’t stop the horde for long. He opened the first door on the left, and found a man with a silhouette similar to his own. This version of Sam was lean and confident but he wore no makeup, and no women’s clothes. In fact, he wore nothing at all as his eyes grew distant while staring between his legs at his most impressive endowment. A most handsome doppelgänger, indeed. A half dozen beautiful bodies fought to service him under the table, the sight causing Sam to fall back and shut this door.

Sam ran to the second door, happy to find a more studious version of himself inside. Old library books called out as his bookish twin looked down between the pages. A woman rose from between the pages, licking her lips before planting a warm kiss on serious Sam’s lips.

Another hurried retreat followed, the experience much the same. Popular Sam, Jock Sam, Artsy Sam, Stoner Sam, Emo Sam, Loner Sam. They all looked like him on the outside but differed in the most important ways.

Sam ran down the hall of this Escher-like trap, as the voices burst through the door.

At the head stood Crystal of course, her voice a perfect mix of charm and desire, both sincere and pleading in its tone. “You can’t run forever, Sammy.”

Sam knew Crystal couldn’t be trusted but deep down he also knew she was right. He couldn’t run forever.

Crystal stopped chasing when he turned around. “Come back to the party, Sam. We will have a great time together.”

Sam nodded as he put his arms behind his back.. “I would, you see. All of you ladies are quite lovely.” Sam pulled his left hand from behind his back, now adorned with a gold ring. “But as you can plainly see, I’m bound to another.”

The sight of the supposed wedding band, sent a wave of disappointment down the hall, the conjured spirits disappearing in a flash. Only one remained. Crystal looked pissed. “I know who you are, Sam.”

“So do I.” Sam said. By this statement he caused Crystal to disappear as well and a look back showed everyone gone. A look the other way showed a woman holding open a door. Sam recognized her at once.

“Welcome, Sam.” She called to him in a voice which matched Sam's own, imbued with a clarity of purpose he’d never possessed.
Sam said, “I’ve been looking for you.”

"Why don’t you come inside?" She urged. Her’s was not a command but an invitation. She stood several inches shorter than Sam, with cherry red hair, and a smile poets could never match. “What’s your name?”

The woman gave a kindly smile. “I’m sure you know. We are the same person after all.”

“Hello, Samantha.” Sam looked around the room but no long saw a door.

The woman nodded, then shrugged. “You’ve kept me locked in here for a long time.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I understand.”

The two met in a warm hug, Sam breathed in Samantha’s femininity, soaking it into every pore.

“You are safe here, Sam. No one can hurt us in this place.”

Sam looked at Samantha’s room. It had all the stuff Sam had bought over the years - every dress, every bra, all the breast forms, makeup, and wigs, but no door . “This is a dream world, Samantha. I can’t stay.”

“Of course.” Samantha was dressed in one of Sam’s favorite outfits he wore in St. Louis. “So what’s the plan?”

Sam watched his dream girl, realizing she wasn’t any more real than the others he’d met. This woman lived her life in a palace of silk and lace. This wasn’t real life. “I need to tell Tommy the truth. I need to tell him how I feel.”

“Oh, silly me.” Samantha said, “How could I forget about Tommy?” Samantha pointed. “We’ll need that for our date.” She pointed at the armoire on the other side of the room. The dress hanging down matched Samatha’s hair, silken, long, and red. On the floorboard sat matching 3-inch heels.

“Our date?”

“I’m a part of you, Sam.” She winked at Sam. “I like to think I’m the most important part.”

Sam nodded then frowned as he held the soft material against his body. “I can’t wear that dress. It’s too small.”

“Don’t be silly.” Samantha picked up the heels then wrapped Sam in a hug, “We’re running late...” As they embraced, a portal formed around them.


Sam emerged in an arena surrounded by darkness. A familiar face stood nearby.

"Look at you, playing fancy dress-up in your little dream world," Danielle said. Her horns had disappeared. A slinky blue dress adhered to her athletic frame. “I can play dress-up too.”

Sam looked down. The red dress now covered his body as he balanced precariously on stilted heels.

“Is Sam playing at being a girl, again?”

The second voice sneered with honeyed venom. Sam recognized it as Crystal’s. A hazy fog extended from her cigarette, its smoke curling inwards entombing Sam in its web. "Did you think all you need to do is put on a dress and you can become someone else?"

Crystal leaned forward, her impossible proportions casting a long shadow. Her lips twisted into a snarky grin as she flicked ash from the cigarette. "Do you think putting on a skirt makes you special, Sammy? A cut of cloth doesn't make you a woman. Are you worried about what Tommy will say when he sees you? He knows what you carry between your legs."

Sam said, “He knows I’m a crossdresser. Danielle already told him.”

“I only told him about the way you dress.” The ice in Danielle’s words shot frost all over Sam. “I didn’t have the heart to tell him your deluded fantasy of becoming a girl.”

“Did you tell him?” Crystal repeated, “I bet you didn’t say a word because you’re a coward Sam.”

Sam tried to pull out of Crystal’s web but the icy stands held him fast.

"I’ve always known you wanted Tommy." The ice in Danielle's voice now came out as a stream, the layers hitting Sam’s feet first as they encased him in a frozen tomb. “Since the moment I met you, I knew you envied me but deep down you know Tommy’s heart will always be mine.”

Sam tried to fight back, his voice barely audible as the ice and webs tightened around him like a vice. “I .. can’t … move.”

Danielle stepped forward, “Submit, Sam. This is the way it always ends. Go back to sleep and we’ll battle again tomorrow. If you go forward, you know Tommy will reject you. He’s only attracted to real girls like Crystal and me.”

Sam fell to his knees, closed his eyes, and bowed his head as he waited for their final blow. He took a deep breath. And another. And another. A dozen breaths, and no result. When he looked up Sam saw the entire arena bathed in a pink glow.
Crystal’s smoky tendrils pulled at him while Danielle’s ice froze him stiff but Sam felt no pressure and no cold.

A voice sounded in Sam’s head. “You are not alone.”

Sam looked down as his body grew hot. His hips widened as his waist shrank, while Sam’s breasts doubled in size causing cracks to form in the ice. The smokey web pulled on the dress’ fabric dress but it wasn’t strong enough to keep Sam from opening the pouch to find the wand, the magic tome, and his mirror.

It wasn’t the baubles which enabled him to stand. He had power unknown to his foes, because today Sam was not alone. They stood together on this day, making the truth clear to all.

They spoke with one voice. “I am Samantha, as I am Sam, we’re both girls if you didn’t know. Our pronouns are she and her. Please use them when referring to me from this point forward.”

Danielle mocked. “You want us to call you Samantha?”

“How boring.” Crystal added.

Samantha stood, breaking both tendril and ice as she stretched to her full measure. A blast from her wand soon followed, filling the darkened arena with its pink light. Samantha next spoke a word from her tome, adding color to her face. A look in the mirror showed she was almost ready for her date.

Danielle shouted, “Do you think you’ll fool Tommy? You’ve still got that problem between your legs.”

Crystal added, “How can you ever hope to compete with girls like me?”

Samantha shook her head, “You both are fools. This maze has never been about him convincing him. This place isn’t real.”

A flash of Samantha’s power turned night into day driving both Crystal and Danielle into the shadows. Seconds later, the portal formed.


Samantha barely recognized the image staring back even if it had been one she’d dreamed of for most of her life. Long red locks of hair cascaded down her back with green eyes and velvet skin. Her red dress clung to every feature. Tonight she had no use for a magic pouch. She’d morphed it into the purse which now sat on the counter.

"Is this me?" she wondered aloud, the words barely above a whisper.

“Nervous?” Danielle walked out of the shadows wearing the same blue dress as before. She joined Samantha at the restaurant’s bathroom mirror and began applying makeup as if nothing had ever happened.

Samantha asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Same as you.” Danielle pointed at the mirror as she began applying makeup. “Looking this good takes work.”

“Tommy won’t be happy if he sees you tonight.”

Danielle nodded, “That’s true. I hurt him, bad. Do you want some advice?”

Samantha shook her head. “Not from you.

Danielle drew a thick line of eyeliner across her eyelids. “Men like Tommy are nothing but trouble for women like us.”

"You have no right…” Samantha paused. “... wait ... did you call me a woman?” Samantha opened her purse to see if she could find anything useful in battle. Nothing seemed pertinent so she retrieved a tube of lipstick instead.

Danielle nodded, “I know your truth. Even though with that thing between your legs, you can’t battle someone every day for as long as we have without gaining understanding about your foe.”

Sam stared at her dress, praying no one would see the tiny bulge. This conversation had the feeling of a trick but Danielle did sound sincere. Samantha repainted her lips dark ruby red. “For what it’s worth, you were right about one thing. I was jealous of you. I never hated you.”

“It’s my turn to be jealous." Danielle pointed at Samantha in the mirror, as she added dark mauve coloring to her lips. "That dress looks amazing on you.”

Samantha blushed, “Thanks.” As she looked in the mirror, she could feel the tendrils of doubt trying to pull her back into darkness. She looked at Danielle, quite aware her doubt was the source of this woman’s magic.

“Don’t worry. I won’t attack.” Danielle pointed around the woman’s restroom. “This is a safe space for us women.”

“Well … uhh …” Samantha gathered her things and took a last look in the mirror before back her way towards the door with an eye on Danielle. “... I appreciate it.”

“Good luck out there.”

Samantha gave Danielle her best smile. “Thanks.” She almost thought Danielle meant it.


The clink of glassware and the loud hum of conversation contrasted to the beat of Samantha’s heart. The practiced clip of her heels on tile set every gaze her way. Eyes from all corners attacked, and no magic in the world could make it stop.

The stares bore into Samantha like razors but she’d learned how to create day from night. She soaked in the unwanted attention like a sponge, turning it into much needed confidence instead.

Tommy waved from across the room. Across his table sat an empty chair.

“Will he accept me like this?” The negative thought destroyed her confidence, a retreat to the women’s restaurant not out of the question

A look at Tommy showed him smiling, giving the confidence to go the rest of the way.

“Sorry it took me so long.”

Tommy stood at Samantha’s approach. “I’m glad you came to Chicago."

“Tommy, before I sit down…” Samantha said, “... I need to tell you something.”

“I would hope so.” Tommy got down on one knee.

Sam looked at his left hand. The gold ring on his finger now held a large diamond jewel in a setting.

Tommy said, “Please say yes.”

Samantha’s knees grew weak. She felt herself falling but Tommy was faster, catching her in his strong arms.

Tommy asked, “Is that a yes?”

Samantha nodded. “Yes.”

Their lips met in a kiss, creating a bubble no storm could reach. Tommy kissed her again and again, each more tender and passionate. Samantha lacked practice but made up for it with enthusiasm.

Someone in the background shouted, “She said yes!”.

As the crowd roared their approval, a burst of light surrounded them all. Samantha wished she could stay in the moment forever but it was time to wake up.

Chapter 10

A pile of blankets covered Samantha when she woke. Tracy sat in a chair next to the bed with eyes closed.

Samantha grabbed a pillow from under her head, then tossed it in Tracy’s direction. She waited until it almost reached climax before shouting,
“Wake up, Tracy!”

The pillow descended lazily toward Tracy, though far short of Samantha’s goal. Tracy caught it without opening her eyes.

Tracy said, “Sam … Sam … Sam … you should know by now I’m always aware of my surroundings. I’ve monitored you all night. You don’t think I’d know when you woke up?”

“It was worth a shot.”

Tracy asked, “Do you remember anything after you went to sleep?”

Samantha shook her head. “I never remember my dreams.”

“Too bad.” Tracy said, “You might have learned something. Some of your mumbles sounded interesting.”

Samantha didn’t answer, concerned with the unfamiliar pitch of her voice. She cleared her throat a few times before responding in a more familiar lower tenor, “What happened?”

Tracy gave Samantha a determined stare, “We can do this one of two ways, Sam. I can run a scan and tell you how it compares to last night. Or you can get out of bed and go look in a mirror.”

Samantha tried to pull off the tangled strands of her wig. “I don’t think I’m ready for a mirror.”

“Looking for this?” Tracy smiled as she held the wig in the air. “You were right, it is in bad need of a brushout.”

Samantha felt hair fall past his ears. “This hair is … all mine?”

Tracy nodded. “Yes.”

Samantha tried to pull the hair back but it wasn’t long enough for a ponytail, “I’m afraid to look.” Her throat had begun to hurt so Samantha allowed her voice to raise to a more comfortable octave, “My voice has changed.”

Tracy nodded, “That’s not all you changed.”

“Does that mean?” Samantha reached between her legs, filled with both excitement and fear, “Wait! I’ve still got my boy parts.”

Tracy grinned, “Check out your chest.”

Samantha’s hands moved higher, finding two fleshy mounds where sore nipples sat the night before.

“Ohmygod! These are huge.”

“Let’s not get crazy. You’re a solid B cup.” Tracy tossed a piece of cloth on the bed. “But you will need Sydney’s sports bra for real today.”

“So it worked?”

“Oh yeah.” Tracy’s voice sounded excited. “It worked.”

Samantha played with her new boobs under the covers.

Tracy asked, “Are you done?”

Samantha shook her head no. Tracy ripped the blankets off the bed.

“Hey!” Samantha said, covering herself. “A little privacy.”

“It’s time to get up, Sam. I let you sleep in but we’ve got training to do. Take a shower and get dressed. I’ll finish making breakfast.”

“All right …” Samantha moaned. She attempted to roll out of bed, groaning when she rolled onto her chest. “Ouch. Goddammit.”

“Hurts doesn’t it?”

“Yeah. Like a bitch.” Samantha rubbed her right boob. “Hey … Tracy?”


“Can you start calling me Samantha?”

Tracy’s smile grew. “Of course, Samantha.”

Samantha smiled back.


Tracy typed a secure message to Amsterdam while sitting at Tommy’s kitchen table.
Chrysalis performed beyond wildest imagination. Definite Level 3. Probable level 4, maybe higher. Skill set would make her an invaluable asset.

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