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Crystal has gotten used to being a girl, a Nymph, a Muse, and even a mother figure, but is she really ready to go to an all-girls school and start working at Pandora's Box? The life of a trouble magnet is never easy.
Author's Note: Here's the new chapter of book two of A Cold Fey in Hell. Further chapters are available on my Patreon page. Thanks to Big Closet and to all my readers for your support. I hope you all enjoy. ~Amethyst.
Chapter 5: First Morning
I got up extra early for the first day of school so I could spend extra time in the shower sating and sexual urges that built up while I was sleeping. Fortunately, the pulse setting on my handheld showerhead was up to the task of giving me a few quick and satisfying orgasms before I stopped getting dirty and started working on getting clean. I was feeling so much more relaxed as I made my way through washing my hair and body.
I was a lot more comfortable in my morning routine now than I was when we first arrived in Edmonton and Jess started giving me her girl lessons two weeks ago. Soon, my white hair was brushed out until it shone, I was looking and smelling amazing, and I was dressed in my new school uniform. I didn’t really care for the uniform much though, and not just because wearing clothes in general was annoying and made my brain itch constantly.
How was I supposed to stand out while wearing the same outfit as every other girl in school? It didn’t even show off my assets very well either, except my legs. It didn’t matter that it was an all-girl school, there were probably going to be hot girls there and I’m a goddamn Nymph, my vanity would drive me crazy if I was anything other than the hottest girl there. Not to mention that all those other girls in school uniforms were probably going to make me horny.
The mere thought of all that was making me gloomy as I grabbed my purse, leather jacket, and backpack with my school stuff and went to see how Selina was doing before breakfast. She seemed to have everything under control since she was starting to get into a regular morning schedule, but we still had some time before breakfast, so I brushed her hair. With me at school all day and possibly working during the evenings once my birthday hit later this week, I felt that it was important to spend what time I could with her to let her know that she was still one of the highest priorities in my life.
Today Selina would be spending time with Sorcha, playing and keeping the four-year-old occupied while Mom, Pandora, and some of the other dancers looked after the pair and prepared to start homeschooling them. Hopefully, that would keep my Astrae daughter too preoccupied to miss me while I was at school. I was so glad that she seemed to be settling in and was getting more comfortable with the rest of our big Paranormal family. I was nervous enough without worrying about whether she would be okay while I was gone as well.
I wasn’t the only one who seemed to be nervous and dreading going to school while everyone ate breakfast together. Despite the plan that I came up with last night to deal with any salamander mark inquiries, my sister, girlfriend, and Carmen all seemed to be as nervous as I was. Only Lou seemed nonplussed about going to school today, but he had already been going to the boy’s school for over a year.
Those of us going to St. Michelle’s would be going there for the first time today and we all had our own little worries. Melody hadn’t been to school in like seven or eight years and was worried about being able to keep up. Carmen was still worried about what would happen if she had to do Divine magic other than healing and purification spells. Jess had never been to any kind of school before, and I was pretty sure she was as worried about fitting in as I was about my Nymph compulsions getting the better of me.
Eventually, we all finished our breakfast and had to leave though. The four of us grabbed our stuff, piled into my car, and were soon on our way to St. Michelle’s School for Girls. The drive there was quiet as a brooding silence hung over us, one that none of us seemed willing to break.
It wasn’t until we had pulled into the parking lot, and I turned the engine off, that I broke the silence as I rested my head on the steering wheel. “Okay, I can totally do this. I can stay focused and not think about how anxious this stupid uniform is making me feel or get distracted by sexy thoughts… all day long…” I sighed and smacked my forehead against the cherry wood steering wheel as I muttered, “I am so fucking screwed.” The irony of that statement was not lost on me.
“Cheer up, Babe,” Melody attempted to reassure me as she leaned over in the passenger side seat to put an arm around me. “You’ve got this. You’ve been doing just fine in public places until now.”
Yeah, I was doing just fine, if you didn’t count our first double date with Jess and Rose, when I almost lost control and got naked in the food court, and wanted to drag Melody off to a hotel before she helped me get control of myself again. Who was going to calm me down if I lost it in one of my classes? I had first and fifth period today where Melody, Jessica, and Rose weren’t in my classes and worry was already gnawing away at my mind alongside the mental discomfort of wearing clothes.
“Yeah, I’m a fucking pillar of self-control,” I muttered darkly. “It’s not helping that you look so hot in that uniform, Melody.”
“Try thinking of your sister,” my girlfriend suggested. “She’s wearing the same uniform.”
I took a deep breath, raised my head, and looked at Jessica in the rearview mirror and all thoughts of sex with a hot schoolgirl immediately evaporated. “Thanks, that was a good idea, sweetie. Jess is definitely not hot.”
“Hey! I’m sitting right here!” Jess protested in mock indignation.
“She also looks just like you, and you’re a freaking Nymph, Crystal. I’m straight as an arrow, and you make me question that sometimes,” Carmen contributed as she rolled her eyes at me in the mirror.
“Sister. Not hot,” I insisted. “At least not to me. She’s probably a total hottie to others because, as you pointed out, she looks just like me, but I am immune to her charms. You’re not hot either since you’re becoming like a kid sister to us. Good, now I just need to visualize one of you in your uniforms whenever I get turned on and need a mental cold shower.”
“Gee, thanks, Crystal. Glad to know we can help,” the Healer retorted as she stuck her tongue out at me.
The brief conversation managed to lighten our dark moods somewhat and we stepped out of the car to grab our things and headed toward the main school building, where Rose awaited us outside the main doors. After quickly introducing Carmen and my sister’s girlfriend, we all headed inside together. We didn’t have much time before the first bell was due to ring though, so we all had to hurry toward our lockers as we tried to ignore the obvious whispering about the new girls.
Thankfully, my locker was right between Melody’s and my sister’s, and Rose’s wasn’t too far down the hall. Carmen’s locker was almost on the opposite end of the main hallway though, so we had to part ways with her fairly quickly and then part ways with one another when the bell rang since we all had different classes for the first period.
My heart was in my throat as I made my way back outside and toward one of the two side buildings, where the auto shop, metalworking, and woodworking shops were. The other outer building was supposed to contain the swimming pool according to the maps we’d been given. I managed to find the auto shop without too much trouble and saw six girls from various grade levels already leaning against tool benches or seated on tall stools like those we had in the club.
This wasn’t too surprising since Headmistress Collins warned me that this wasn’t a popular class. There were so few girls wanting to take it that only one class was offered a year, and it consisted of students from grade eight right up to grade twelve. There was also a middle-aged Dwarf woman in the room who I assumed must be our teacher, Mrs. Svenson, who was also the school’s metalworking teacher.
It felt like every eye in the room was on me as soon as I stepped inside, just as the bell rang, and I tried not to let it bother me while I found a stool and swept my skirt under me as I took a seat. “Oh, you must be the new student I was told about,” the Dwarf said with a friendly smile. “Why don’t you introduce yourself, and tell us a little bit about yourself?”
I tried not to groan audibly as all eyes were once again upon me. Instead, I took a deep breath to center myself and stood up again to do as I was asked in my chirpy little voice. “Umm… hi. I’m Crystal. I’m a Snow Nymph, I’ll be turning eighteen soon, and I just Manifested before Christmas so when my sister and I came here to live with Mom, she decided to send us here.”
If I thought their attention was on me before, it was even worse after I admitted to being a Nymph. The girls started shouting questions all at once and Mrs. Svenson had to give a sharp whistle to get everyone to quiet down. “Now, girls, let’s not overwhelm her in her first class here. We’re here so you can learn to maintain and repair your vehicles and about auto mechanics in general, not about Nymphs. Most of you were in my class last year and have an interest in automotive mechanics. Nova and Crystal, you’re both new to this class, so what brings you here? Do you have any experience with this sort of thing?”
Nova looked to be young, probably in her first year of high school. She was almost as pale as I was with dark blue hair, a slight and fit build, and aquamarine scales around her hairline, along the outer edges of her neck, and peeking out from under the sleeves of her blazer. She was likely a Nereid; the myths often confused them with Water Nymphs.
They weren’t really Nymphs though, or even remotely related to us. Hell, they weren’t even one of the Fey cousin species. They were supposed to be very good at water magic though. Still, I could see her still glancing in interest at me for a moment before replying to the teacher first in an accented voice. “I don’t really know much about cars, but when we still lived in Crete, I used to help my dad work on boats. I want to get a car when I’m old enough so I thought I should know more about them in case it breaks down.”
“Before Dad died and I Manifested, we used to work on cars and motorcycles together,” I said with a sigh as it made me think of Dad. “It was kind of our thing. We rebuilt his old bike together and I inherited his 1970 Dodge Charger R/T, so I’ve been tinkering with that when I can, but mostly just basic stuff since it’s in good shape.” They didn’t need to know about the NOS injection system or the other recent installations that Lou and I had made under his uncle’s supervision.
There were keen looks of interest and a couple of whistles of appreciation when I mentioned the Charger and I found myself smiling. Yup, these girls were gearheads, they were my kind of people if the barrage of questions and requests to check under my hood were any indication. It took a few minutes for Mrs. Svenson to get the class back under control.
Sadly, we weren’t able to do any tinkering during that first class since Mrs. Svenson wanted to go over the class rules, make sure that Nova and I knew where all of the tools and stuff were kept, and discuss what we would be doing this semester. Once she was done going over the rules and showing us where things were, Mrs. Svenson cleared her throat and called out, “Attention, girls! Let’s talk about your class projects for the semester!”
The class chatter immediately ceased, and she had our undivided attention as she explained, “For this year’s class projects, we’ll be doing something different since you all either already know your way around an engine or have related skills. Since tomorrow our class will fall before the lunch break, we will be going on a little field trip to a local wrecking yard run by a friend of mine. While we are there, each of you will choose a project vehicle to work on this semester. Once you have chosen your project, you will each be given a budget for parts from the wrecking yard to get it in working order. You can put your own money into it as well if you want since these projects will be yours to keep at the end of the year.”
Squeals of excitement erupted through the shop as one of the other girls, asked, “What if we already have a car?” She looked to be around my age with long, dark brown hair and a darkly tanned complexion. She was also mostly human-looking, except for the doe-like ears and the fact that her lack of footwear showed that she had hooves instead of human feet.
“I know that a couple of you already have cars of your own, Clarice, but this will be a good project for you and if you can’t use the car yourself, then once it’s in good working order you can either sell it or give it to someone in need of a working vehicle.”
I was still trying to figure out what I might want to do for my project as I made my way to the second class of the day, Home Economics, a class that I thankfully shared with my sister. It would depend on what I could find that was interesting, but I was considering either working on a new motorcycle for myself or maybe a vehicle for Jess. It would be nice for her to have her own car so she and Rose wouldn’t have to borrow someone else’s whenever they wanted to go out on a date.
The looks we got when we entered the classroom together were priceless. It was even better when the teacher had us introduce ourselves and we responded in twin-speak. All that practice we’d been doing was well worth the looks on their faces. It was too bad that Jess was still having trouble shifting her ears or it would have been perfect.
It was mostly another introductory class, going over the syllabus for the semester, learning where everything was, and choosing partners and workstations. That last part was easy, we chose each other. The only thing that really concerned me was the dirty looks we were getting from one of the other girls.
She looked completely human, which probably meant that she was some sort of Mage since we were all encouraged to be ourselves while at school and not hide our Paranormal heritage. Still, she was very pretty for a human, probably one of the prettiest girls I had seen yet at the school, with her long blonde hair, delicate features, and big blue eyes. She had a very nice figure and long legs too, and I had to start picturing my sister to calm myself down until I realized that those nasty looks were directed at Jess and me. She was nowhere close to being as pretty as me, of course, and I was almost certain that was the reason for those looks.
I tried to ignore her and silently hoped that this wasn’t going to be trouble later as Jess and I started looking through our textbooks. Apparently, we would be starting the semester with cooking and baking, and then we would have a unit on budgeting and basic finances before finishing up the year with a section on sewing and dressmaking. I was actually looking forward to learning to cook and bake after the fun we’d had on Christmas Eve, but I wasn’t sure if I was all that interested in the rest of it. Jess was probably going to have to help keep me focused on this class.
Then came the class that we were dreading the most, Physical Education. At least Rose and Melody were both there to join us for that class, but the changing room was sheer torture with girls in various states of undress all around me. At least it briefly got me out of all those clothes, except for the underwear, before I had to change into my gym clothes. I got undressed in record time and was almost relieved by the distraction when the inevitable happened.
“Holy crap! Is that a tattoo?! How did you get your parents to let you get one?!” This came from someone that I recognized from my auto shop class, Clarice. The one with the car.
“I didn’t,” I replied as casually as I could as I kept the selective truths I had prepared in mind. “A friend pressured me into it when Mom wasn’t around, not long after I Manifested, and she was pissed about me doing it.”
“Hey! The Demon girl has one too,” another girl announced.
“Half Demon,” Melody clarified with an edge to her voice. “I got it to match Crystal’s when we made our relationship official.”
“Relationship?! She’s a Nymph though, how’s that even work, they’re all…”
“Do not finish that sentence, you racist bitch,” Rose all but snarled at the speaker in my defense as she cut her off. Okay, she was really channeling her murder bunny persona there and I was a little surprised that she would come to my defense like that.
“Yeah,” Jess quickly added. “My sister just Manifested a few weeks ago, and she can’t help her needs and compulsions any more than any other Paranormal can, but at least she can control herself. Maybe you should learn to do the same before you piss off the wrong person. Frankly, the specifics of their relationship is none of your business.”
I turned toward my sister to see who the pair of Púca were berating and, oh wonderful, it was the glaring girl from Home Ec. The girl finished dressing in a huff and stormed out of the changing room. I was starting to get my gym clothes on when my sister and Rose approached and Jess asked, “You okay, Sis? I know how much you hate it when people assume things because you’re a Nymph.”
“I’m fine, thanks, Jess… and thanks to you too, Rose,” I replied, giving them both a weak smile before getting my gym shirt on.
“I’ve gotten to know you well enough to know you work hard to keep yourself under control. You’re a good person, you don’t deserve that shit,” my sister’s girlfriend replied. “And I won’t let anyone screw with my friends.” I was a little touched by that sentiment coming from her.
“You girls will want to watch out for her,” Clarice warned us. “Delilah thinks she’s the Queen Bee of this school and she and her friends won’t like being upstaged.”
“Do I even want to know what her problem is?” I asked with a sigh.
The deer girl shrugged her shoulders. “In a word, narcissism. Probably bad parenting too. She comes from a long line of Fire Mages who used to be big shots in the local Paranormal scene. They aren’t so important anymore, but her parents are still rich assholes, and they spoil her rotten.”
“We Nymphs might have a narcissistic streak a mile wide, but at least I try not to be an asshole about it. I don’t judge others based on their species without getting to know them first either,” I grumbled.
We ended up playing Volleyball for P.E. and since Delilah was one of the captains choosing the teams, everyone in my group ended up on the opposite team. My sister and Rose both proved to be very good at the game with their superior bunny-jumping abilities. Melody had to rein in her strength though so she wouldn’t accidentally hurt anyone. I did okay, but I got some bruises out of it that I just knew were going to bother me all day until I could get home and cast a healing spell on them.
My group ended up eating lunch with Clarice and the other girls from the auto shop class. They usually all hung out together at lunch since last year Delilah and her friends decided that they were some sort of social misfits for being into tinkering with greasy engines. They made sure that the rest of the girls in school knew it too.
Even Nova, the youngest of us, showed up to join us after the couple of ‘friends’ she had made in the first semester wanted nothing to do with one of the grease monkeys for fear of drawing Delilah’s gaze upon them. Nova and Carmen seemed to hit it off though, so I was hoping the pair could become friends. Besides Nova and Clarice, there was Trixie, Bella, Nikki, and Alison.
Trixie was in the same grade as me and Clarice, tall, and slender with short blonde hair and green eyes, and pointed ears. She said that she was half Fey on her mother’s side, but you would never know she was half-human since she seemed to have inherited the looks, the Fey quirks, and a proficiency with Wood magic from her mother. She also seemed to have that Fey fondness for their cousin species that was on full display where my sister, Rose, and I were concerned. You would have thought we were all long-lost family members of hers.
Then there was Bella, she was a redheaded spitfire, who took shit from nobody. Every time that she noticed Delilah and her friends glaring our way she gave them the finger. I liked her. She was fifteen, the same age as Carmen, and came from a family of Normies. She had manifested as a Metal mage over the summer and the PDA had to get involved when she couldn’t control her magic and made a huge scene that had to be covered up. They filled her and her parents in on the Paranormal secret and got her a scholarship to come to St. Michelle’s to learn to control her magic.
Nikki was a pretty sixteen-year-old Mermaid with lavender hair and silver eyes who was a little shy with me, my sister, and my friends at first. Once she found out that we were used to speaking to Mermaids and personally considered two of her kind family though, she lost her reluctance to speak with us mentally. She also seemed to be taking Nova under her wing since they both came from species that spent a lot of time underwater but shared an interest in mechanics.
Alison was the last of the group, and she was in grade eleven and actually related to someone that we knew. Her mother was Heather, the Glaistig who owned and ran Shear Bliss. She looked a lot like her mother with her brown eyes, long blonde hair, and fair skin, not to mention the hooves. Where her mother loved making people look their best though, Alison wanted to work on cars.
The gearheads among us were talking about cars and our upcoming project when Clarice said, “We should all hang out after school. It’s the first day so we probably won’t get any homework today. My mom and dad own a café downtown, we could all go hang out there since they won’t be busy until dinner rush. You gotta show us the Charger, Crystal!”
I was tempted. These seemed like nice girls, and we had the car thing in common. Rose, Melody, Carmen, and my sister all seemed to like them too. I sighed and shook my head. “I would, but I really should go straight home to check on my daughter. She’s a little clingy and isn’t used to me being gone for school all day.
“Daughter!?” six voices seemed to scream at once as they all gaped at me.
I facepalmed while Melody explained. “Crystal kind of discovered a new species of Paranormal. She was attacked, and we stepped in to help, but she sort of imprinted on Crystal and sees her as her mother now. It probably has something to do with the trauma and the fact that she can’t remember her past very well.” It was a slight twisting of the truth, but it matched the official story we gave the PDA.
“Yeah, her memory is shot, she has nowhere else to go, and she sees me as her mother, so I couldn’t just abandon her. She’s thirteen, so we’re hoping she can attend here next year once I’ve graduated and can start working full-time at the club.” I said with a shrug.
We were trying to be as open with them as we could without revealing any family secrets, so they already knew where we lived and that I was considering being a dancer. They hadn’t judged me for it either. As Bella said, I needed to do what was right for me and, if it made me happy, fuck anyone who thought differently.
“Bring her along. If she’s thirteen then she’s only a year younger than Nova, so she wouldn’t be that out of place,” Trixie said.
~She would know some people here when she starts school next year too.~ Nikki added.
I looked up at the clock on the cafeteria wall, noting that it was almost time to head to our next classes. Lunch had flown by and having people to talk to who shared my interests had helped keep my libido under control too. “I’ll think about it and let you know after school,” I promised them. “Melody and I need to get to magic class, that’s the whole reason I’m here.”
“Clarice and I have that this period too, we’ll show you the way,” Trixie offered cheerfully as we all stood up to head to our respective classes.
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Further chapters are available on my Patreon page.
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there is always one person at any school
school bully, whether male or female.
Clarice is gonna be trouble!
I think you mean Delilah
See subject
Clarice is one of the good ones
Delilah though... yeah, she's gonna be trouble. True about there always being a bully though.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
A fire mage hates our favorite snow nymph (who just so happens to be hosting a fire elemental.) This could become quite amusing.
She's fireproof, but her clothes aren't... and we all know how much it would fail to humiliate our dear nymph to lose her clothes.
Time to get some popcorn and watch the show.
Yeah, things could get interesting.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
It appears the queen bee
Is about to be unthroned. She had better watch her back since she is out gunned on many levels.
Queen bee
She's gonna be a problem, but Crystal won't take things lying down.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3