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Looking up, she smiled, ‘Well, you look worn out, Samantha.’

Chapter 8
By Susan Brown
Climbing back up the hill was harder going than coming down. As I puffed upwards, it was clear that I was badly out of shape and decided there and then to get myself a bit fitter.
A woman with a young boy and a dog passed me by and I smiled at them. ‘Evening,’ I
gasped as we crossed.
‘Hello, Samantha, welcome to the village,’ said the lady as she passed by with her dog straining at the leash with the little boy holding her hand and sucking strongly on a lollypop.
Ten steps further on I realised that she had called me by name and wondered how it came to be that she knew me?
And now the story continues…
I was blowing quite heavily as I reached the vicarage, Jocasta was outside watering a flower basket.
Looking up, she smiled, ‘Well, you look worn out, Samantha.’
‘Am…a…bit.’ I gasped.
‘Well, if you go for long walks along the cliff tops, you will soon get your puff back.’
‘I hope so,’ I said regaining my breath a bit.
‘Tea will be in about fifteen minutes, the girls are having a shower; an absolute must after being around horses. Did you have a nice walk?’
‘Yes, it’s so lovely here. I’m sure I chose the right place to live.’
‘So you’ve decided then?’
‘Yes, if I can find somewhere suitable.’
‘Buying or renting?’
‘Renting to start with, then buying if everything works out.’
‘That’s lovely; I was only saying to Amy Venters a few minutes ago that I hoped that you’d settle here.’
‘Was she a lady with a dog and a little boy?’
‘Yes, that’s her. I pointed you out to her when I saw you coming up the hill. Was that okay?’
‘Of course; I just wondered how she knew my name–that solves a mystery. You didn’t speak a Doctor Sinclair by any chance?’
‘Yes, Brian popped round to see hubby for a few minutes, I may have mentioned it, why?’
‘Nothing–anyway, I had better go and clean up for tea, see you in a minute.’
‘Okay, dear.’
Up in my room I changed into a clean frock; it was a yellow strappy number and was nice and cool. When I had touched up my makeup and hair, I was done. I didn’t bother with eye makeup as I wasn’t doing anything special and anyway, after a ’phone call to Olivia, it might get smudged.
I will have to careful what I say, because Jocasta is a bit gossipy! I thought as I went back downstairs.
We had tea in the dining room; the girls were already seated and were doing the usual sibling rivalry bit.
‘Phillipa, it was your fault that Poppy stamped on Miss Marple’s rose bed.’
‘Wasn’t–don’t blame me or Poppy; if you could keep your pony under control, she wouldn’t have panicked; Now Rosie, she’s a well behaved pony…’
They both stopped and looked up. I don’t think that they had realised that I had entered the room.
‘Sorry, Mummy.’ They said in unison.
I had to suppress a giggle as I sat down. David smiled at me as I sat opposite him.
‘Sorry about that, they do go on a bit.’
‘We don’t,’ said Jen crossly, ‘It’s just that she always thinks she’s right.’
‘I do not–well I am most of the time but that’s not the point…’
‘GIRLS, enough, you’re giving me a headache. Samantha doesn’t want to hear you two wittering on about who is better than whom!’
‘It’s alright, honestly; don’t worry about me, it’s nice to hear about your ponies and things.’
‘Don’t get them started on the ponies again. You mustn’t encourage them. Right who wants some mash with their sausages?’
We had a pleasant tea and the conversation did revolve around ponies, gymkhanas and all things, well, horsey.’
It was nice. David didn’t say much–he just beamed at everyone. Jocasta tried to hold an intelligent conversation with me but had to give it up as a bad job and just shrugged her shoulders. I just like being with a family that obviously loved each other. It was such a family that I most missed. I would have loved to have had children, but Olivia was reluctant. She wanted to have a life before being saddled with nappies and such, and after a while, we had stopped talking about it.
Now I reckon it was a blessing in disguise that we didn’t have kids as our marriage had gone sour and, indubitably, they would have suffered.
After finishing tea, I said that I was feeling a bit tired after the events of the day and I went to my room, for a nap.
Taking off my sandals, I rubbed my, still aching, feet. I think a blister was forming on the side of my foot and wondered whether it would get any worse.
I decided to lie down on the bed and shut my eyes for a while. After what seemed like a moment later, I woke up to the sound of a door banging somewhere. Glancing at my watch, I noticed it was nearly nine o’clock!
Stretching, I got up and went to the window. It was getting darker outside, and I remembered the promise I made to myself to ring Olivia.
Because walls have ears and I didn’t want my conversation to be overheard; I put on a cardigan and my sandals– luckily, the blister hadn’t got any worse–then after popping my head around the sitting room door to inform Jocasta that I was going out for some fresh air, I went outside.
On the other side of the garden was a bench, I sat down and contemplated what I would say to Olivia. I couldn’t think what to say so I just speed-dialled the home number and played it by ear, as they say.
It rang a few times and then it was answered.
‘It’s me.’
‘Tom! Where the hell have you been, I’ve been worried about you?’
‘I needed to get away.’
‘I needed to think things through.’
‘What do you mean, think things through?’
‘Olivia, do you still love me?’
‘What a daft question; why do you ask?’
I noted that she answered a question with another question.
‘Is there anyone else?’ I asked.
‘Of course not; what sort of woman do you think I am?’
I took a deep breath. It was obvious to me what sort of woman she was and what I had to say next.
‘So when I came home early and saw you naked in bed having sex with another man, it wasn’t important and he isn’t someone that you were in love with. Did you pay for it then, was he a prostitute?
There was silence for a moment and I wondered if she had hung up and then I could hear here rather laboured breathing.
‘Look, Tom, I can explain, I have needs–’
‘You do? I don’t want to hear it. As far as I am concerned, we are finished; goodbye, Olivia.’
I stabbed the disconnect button and just sat there. The phone went again; looking at the number I saw that it was Olivia. Switching the phone off, I put it in my cardigan pocket and just stared off into the distance. I don’t know why I didn’t cry. I had this ache in my chest and the back of my eyes felt hot but I didn’t cry.
As I sat there watching the sun slowly disappear below the horizon: I felt it echoed my life, as it disappeared, the final vestiges of my old life disappeared with it. Tomorrow was a new dawn and I would make the most of things. I would divorce Olivia and start afresh. But why did I ache so much?
It was getting dark now and I could see lights go on around the cove. The sea reflected the dying rays of the sun and seemed almost on fire in places. Down in the harbour, I could see a fishing boat go out, its lights already on as it left the safe haven and went out into the lonely–and sometimes treacherous–sea. Not this night though, as the stars were coming out and only a gentle breeze ruffled the trees. It must be a hard life being a deep sea fisherman. I wondered if their wives looked out to sea, wondering sometimes, if their loved ones would ever return, when the weather was rough.
I heard a noise behind me, looking around, I noticed David.
‘Hello,’ he said,’ I love this spot.’
‘Yes, it’s so peaceful and lovely.’
‘May I sit down?’
‘Of course.’ I moved over to give him some room.
‘I hope you don’t mind my saying, but you seem somewhat troubled.’
‘Am I that obvious?’
‘Not really, but sometimes I pick up the signs, despite what Jocasta says. Is there anything I can do?’
‘You have been so kind to me already.’
‘No I haven’t, but look, remember if you need a chat you know where I am.’
‘I know it can be hard sometimes to talk about things, especially personal things that affect our lives, but it helps to talk, you know. Look, I’ll leave you in peace, but remember what I said and if you find it difficult to talk to me, Jocasta will always lend a sympathetic ear and neither of us are judgemental.’
He put a hand on my shoulder and then returned to the house.
By now the sun had disappeared and I could see more lights dotted around. Stars were visible in the sky and the waxing moon could be seen just above the horizon; it’s reflected glow shimmering on the darkening sea.
I nearly jumped as I felt something wet and slippery lick my hand. Looking down I saw the trusting face of Sandy, the lab. Her face looked up at me with enquiring eyes full of expression.
‘I haven’t got any treats.’ I said as she put her head on my lap.
Then she licked me again, perhaps sensing that I was unhappy.
Then the floodgates opened and I cried: I cried for the wasted years; the times I thought I was happy, the loss of love and so many other things.
Sandy didn’t move, she was there for me, non-judgemental and trusting. You didn’t have to put on a face for a dog, they accepted you for what and who you were.
After a while I stopped crying. It was funny, but I felt much better, as if a pressure valve had been released. Sandy looked at me again, licked my hand, woofed once and then went somewhere to have a sniff, her job done.
Looking up, I gasped. There were so many stars in the clear dark sky. It was so wonderful that my heart lifted to the heavens.
I had to be positive.
‘Right Samantha, no more snivelling. Pull yourself together girl.’
I had a tissue in my pocket so I wiped my eyes, glad that I hadn’t bothered to use mascara or eye shadow, so no panda eyes, thank goodness! ‘Clever girl.’
I got up and with a last look around the cove and a deep breath; I went back into the house.
I could hear heavy breathing behind me and realised that Sandy was being my little shadow tonight. As I walk in the kitchen, the other two dogs came up and said hello. Jocasta was baking or something and she looked up from her kneading or whatever and looked at me.
‘Hi, Samantha; everything okay?’
‘Perfect thanks; I must go and see an estate agent tomorrow.’
‘I know just the lady,’ she replied
‘I thought you might!’
To Be Continued...
Please leave comments...thanks!
My thanks also go out to the brilliant and lovely Gabi for editing and pulling the story into shape!~Sue
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Wellll, The hoice Was Made
I am a dog lover, currently have three living with me. They are wonderful companions. And Sandy is tour typical lab, big and lovable.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Well, THAT'S Done...
...the call home, I mean. And so we and Samantha move onward.
If what we've seen so far is any indication, there's not much Samantha can do that'll remain secret to the happy villagers for long. (Heck, Sandy's probably busy spreading the news to all the other pets in town, and it won't be long until the ponies find out.) David and Jocasta may be as non-judgmental as they say they are, but it's not going to matter much if Samantha's secret comes out and the town doesn't share that trait.
As always, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.
I Have Needs
That was a selfish thing to say. I think I would've ended the call abruptly too. *sigh*
I could feel a trace of love between them though. I still can't help wondering if they might get back together. It would be nice. I do so hate to give up on love.
At least Sandy was there. You can always depend on dogs to give unconditional love. Dogs are so wonderful. :)
Thanks very much for the chapter. Please keep up the good work.
- Terry
I'd have probably done the same, Terry.
But I'm really not sure. It might have been fun to
listen to a few more excuses, or even better lies.
Really good Sue. Thank you Ma'am.
Sarah Lynn
More hurt
If Tom was a disinterested observer, maybe listening to her try to alibi her way out but instead digging herself a deeper hole might have been fun. But to Tom/Samantha, each lie would be like being stabbed repeatedly through the heart. It matters not how Olivia took their marriage vows, Tom took them very seriously, look at the lengths he went to please her. His retreat from this trauma to Samantha's world may not be the best way to handle her betrayal, but there are far more common ways that are much more self-destructive. Alcohol, drugs, tit for tat, physical violence, any one of these or a dozen others would have led to much worse things. He says he was a cross-dresser, so Samantha may not be permanant. We shall see.
They know they can survive
It would seem that Samantha finally has the closure she was seeking as far as the end of her marriage is concerned. Obviously, Olivia was hoping to continue her deception and her affair, thinking (quite wrongly) that Tom was totally oblivious to the situation.
The next step Samantha needs to take (after finding a nice rental property) is to call her soon to be ex-father-in-law and let him know she's quitting and the reason why (Oivia's infidelity).
Olivia may have had so called needs.
But those needs could have been addressed, after a conversation with a loving spouse, and then if necessary a divorce. Instead she cheated on him and continued to lie to him, even when based on what has occurred and her last conversation with Tom, she should have known that the deception had been discovered. It was not as if she did not know of Tom's cross-dressing before their marriage. He had been honest with her from the start.
If he had gone beyond what she was willing to accept, or tacitly agreed to, in his cross-dressing it could have been discussed. What were her reasons for not wanting children? Was it Tom's cross-dressing or something else?
Tom indicated that she was the one who ended any sexual contact. What kind of sex were they having? Was it "normal" heterosexual sex or was Tom engaging in a lesbian relationship with Olivia?
Olivia got what she deserved. If she had fessed up, at the start of the last conversation, and shown some true emotion regarding the loss of Tom, something else might have occurred. He gave her at least two chances to do so. Her admission, did not even include any acknowledgment of what she did, or any responsibility on her part.
Lucky for Samantha, that Tom and Olivia do not have any children to complicate the divorce and that both are sufficiently well off to circumvent any financial fights.
I Hope She Takes Her To The Cleaners
I hope Samantha takes Olivia to the cleaners when they get a divorce. This "I have needs" argument is one of the first things that comes out of the mouth of someone who cheats. It is lame! Olivia didn't seem to care about what she would do to her husband by cheating. Her only concern was her own selfish desires. I guess she thought her husband was gullible and she could always get away with it. She found out wrong. Eventually, Samantha will have to talk to her again to be able to iron out any legalities if nothing else. It would be something if she felt any remorse, but I really don't think she does.
If This Were Real Life
... at least in America from what I read in the gossip columns, a recording of that phone call would make some divorce attorney very happy indeed, counting his contingency fee, no doubt. And, while being transgender is a general deal-breaker in such situations, certainly in the less liberal pockets of this country, if Tom was to dress the part and play the role that his attorney would no doubt coach him to, Samantha could end up a fairly well-off lady.
But, no recording, no evidence, and I'm sure the divorce game is played differently over there, anyway.
At the very least, achieving escape from a bad situation is a desirable outcome.
Contingency Fee
Contingency Fees are not allowed in most if not all U.S jurisdictions in divorce cases. They are genrerally taken on an hourly or lump sum fee.
That is not to say that hourly fees can not be huge.
In all divorces, what your fighting over affects the fee. Fighting over kids - custody and visititaion and support, fighting over alimony and property divisions raises the fee.
Additionally, in many jurisdictions fault is not as important as it used to be.
As to the U.K. I have no idea what occurs.
Are they handled before by Q.C.'s before judges with wigs and all that?
Everybody Is So Judgemental
About Olivia. People do make mistakes and do hurt each other. That's life. She may well be just beginning to realise what an error she has made and what she has lost. That's for our rather devious author to play with.
This is BC in case none of you had noticed. Very few of us are what the world would call normal and I would bet that many of us engage in some form of deceit with our partners, family and friends. So why are we so unforgiving when it comes to a story?
No more judgmental
Than women usually are when a man uses the same line. I'm sure it wasn't chosen by the author by accident.
How many here have been disowned by their family when they "come out". The only difference here is the shoe is on the other foot. It's fairly safe to assume that the affair has been going on since she stopped having sex with her hubby. She broke the marriage vows, she doesn't get a pass on the basis of "many of us engage in some form of deceit with our partners, family and friends." In this particular case her husband was not engaged in any form of deceit, she knew before the walk down the aisle that he was a crossdresser.
An old TV show had the line "If you can't do the time don't do the crime". The piper is always paid eventually, and now it is Olivia's turn. He gave her a chance to come clean, I would have thought the timing of his disappearance would have given her a clue as to what was wrong; perhaps she has been cuckolding him in their house for so long she didn't make the connection.
"As ye reap, so shall ye sow", and the harvest is generally bitter.
They know they can survive
Judgmental - Because of cheating and other conduct
In my opinion lies/deception and cheating are different.
Olivia cheated on her husband, and broke her vows. She did it to satisfy her needs, but was not concerned with Tom's needs. She knew what he was before the wedding.
If she wanted to call an end to the marriage, if she could not take his cross dressing any more, she should have confronted him, and said so. Perhaps he could have addressed some of her needs by moderating his conduct.
Instead she invited some man into her home and had sex with him there. She did not even think enough of Tom to have the sex elsewhere.
She also had an opportunity to admit her actions and ask forgiveness. She knew that Tom had left suddenly, and taken much of his female clothing. She also had an inkling that he had come home while she was there with the stud. He was acting strangely and he even gave her an opening when he started the last conversation. She did not take those opportunities. She was only concerned with her needs.
Lies are sometimes told to protect both parties to the lie. Deception may also be a way of preventing confrontations that can turn dangerous or deadly. Deception may also be a way to delay the ultimate confrontation until the deceiving party has had time to understand their situation and find a way to tell their story.
There is nothing proper in cheating on a loving spouse who has done nothing to cause the other spouse to take that route. Tom did not cheat on her. She knew about Tom all along. Tom did not do anything in his cross dressing that she did not know about. Tom did not even take a female name to make Olivia happy.
I guess that is why people are being judgmental.
Good riddance!
Yep, Olivia is just as much of a &@*#$ as we thought she was! But now Samantha can start over without any ties to her past to hold her back.
Keep up the good work Sue!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
You could see this as differences in maturity
from what we have heard is clearly a *ME* person or *I* person.
She likely was daddies pampered princess. She has acted immature, childish, their whole marriage. *I* comes first, very childlike way to think. She made him give up on art as a career because it's an unreliable/unlikely way to make a living despite his and her substantial finances. A mature person would have set an agreed time limit and if then he was not making a living then work for her dad. Or a compromise, work part-time for dad part-time on art. No, he had to give it all up for her. Did she give up anything in turn? Has she ever put his interests first?
The cross dressing she agreed to, even reveled in the sex for years but no fem name for his alter ego.
Why no children? She has no real career, a librarian, with her set to inherit dad's business? Give me a brrreak! Did anyone notice that when she went silent because of his matter-of-fact mentioning he'd caught her getting her brains banged-out in bed when he'd come home early our hero/heroine heard labored breathing over the phone and not a gasp? That was her lover, she was on the phone while getting fucked again. I agree this affair goes back at least a year, at the point when she suddenly changed.
"I have needs" is very lame. If you want out say so. She is immature, she has not progressed from where she was in college, he seems ready to assert him/herself and move on. Maybe she can still catch the train to adult hood but ...
I wonder, no children, is she so vain, fearful of pregnancy she worried having a child will kill her or render her ugly/old?. Is she sterile and didn't tell him or was her life as a child terrible, she has a love hate relationship with daddy and she fears she would be as bad a parent? There is no mention of mom, did she die young, in child birth? Did her mom cheat on her dad or dad on her and that is why we don't hear about mom? It comes down to why is Olivia, as she seems to be, an adulterer and so selfish? And can she see that and move on. He still love her, he grieved for his loss on confirming his betrayal. Can that love be rekindled or is it ashes? Was she in an incestuous relationship with dad and doesn't want her children to be at risk from their perverted grandfather?
And what will daddy say? Good going son, um, daughter, fuck-um and leave-um crying I say!
Maybe we are all wrong about Olivia as we only have his viewpoint but I don't think so.
Great stuff. You make us care for them or hate them so strongly, excelent charterizations.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Is that really the end of Oliva?
Sounds to me she got of lightly but I have a feeling she will get her just deserts!
It must have been obvious to Jocasta that Sam had been crying a lot, aren't dogs the closet thing to God, did you know God is Dog backwards - some times I wonder about that, maybe all these little animals are eally angels keping an eye on us!
Well any way the story is moving along nicely and lovingly and I am just waiting to see how we get to the conclusion?
Thanks Sue!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Another very good story
I just was looking for something to read so naturally I went looking at what you had to offer.
I started Changes and read through to the last entry. Maybe being trans myself prejudiced me but I am happy that Samantha has decided to be herself!! I am sure she will have some bumps in her journey (don't we all!!) but will be happy!!
Susan you are a very very good author!!! I enjoy everything I read of yours!! And I find myself falling into the story as if I am living it as I read!!
Thank you,
... It All Just Keeps Getting Better and Better !
Chapter by chapter, this tale gets better and better. But you brute! You made me cry so much in Chapter 8, when Samantha wept after phoning her ex. I bet lots of other people did too. you are very good at this writing lark.
Yellow labs are brilliant, and readily adapt to your mood. They have a fiercely independent streak, but at the same time will always check back every few minutes to make sure you're still around and haven't disappeared...
And there's nothing better to cheer you up when returning home than a huge blonde tail wagging side to side, up and down, and even around in circles; accompanied by various mumblings of pleasure and delight.
As you've probably gathered, yes, I'm biased - I know one :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
It's such a good story Susan, a pleasure reading you.
wham, bam....!
... thank you Mam! .... there is was, Gone! One marriage down the toilet........ Sad end, really. No reconciliation. She fucked another man. "I have needs.." she'd said. Well, so has our double-crossed lover...... Pity they couldn't or didn't work it out....... like another reader, early on, I would have liked to get inside Tom's head in the months before he left...... My wife wouldn't accept my leanings...... but, by God, I tried over years to contain that. Did so, but have been left in a state I'm guessing Samantha won't be. I wish her great love and success. But I hope it's with another, more understanding, wife. Who knows what the story will bring? I'll read on..... xx
‘Look, Tom, I can explain, I have needs—’, Geez!
We all have needs, but most of us suppress them out of love for another. If the needs are too strong we admit them sometimes closing a chapter of our lives.
I told my wife of my needs before marriage and she said she could love and accept me: Not true! She can only love and accept half of me. But I love her and she's been my best friend for 44 years, so I hide the most important part of myself for her sake.
But, I do NOT cheat because "I have needs".
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!