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I followed Dawn who had gone charging ahead with children who had run in after her. I could hear Adrian behind me. I didn’t want to look at him. I was confused and did not know how to take the look that he had given me.

Chapter 36
By Susan Brown
Looking at the children, I felt a lump in my throat. They were so beautiful. How could Olivia––? I shook my head to rid it of such negative thoughts.
‘Can I have a hug then?’
They both came to me and hugged my legs. Glancing towards Dawn, it was obvious that she was affected too.
‘I think they like you,’ she whispered.
A shadow fell across the doorway. Looking up I saw Adrian. He hadn’t changed; he was quite tall–beefy in fact–dark haired and hazel eyed. He was considered quite a catch for Dawn. He used to play rugby and had the muscles and broken nose to prove it.
‘Hello, Samantha,’ he said, a slight frown on his face as he took in someone he had last seen wearing a suit and tie.
‘Hi, Adrian,’ I said, standing up.
And now the story continues…
‘Come on, children,’ I said taking my eyes away from Adrian’s rather strange look, ‘let’s go in.’
I followed Dawn who had gone charging ahead with children who had run in after her. I could hear Adrian behind me. I didn’t want to look at him. I was confused and did not know how to take the look that he had given me.
Dawn and the children were in the kitchen; the children–still a bit shy of me–were hanging off her skirt.
‘Right,’ I said, trying to get a grip, ‘who wants a lolly on a hot day like this?’
‘Meee, please!’ said Timothy and Hayley almost together, automatically coming out of their shell at the promise of goodies.
‘Come on then, let’s raid the freezer!’
The kids, all thoughts of shyness overcome by the thoughts of lollies followed me to the freezer and after a few minutes, they were happily licking away and oblivious to anything else.
‘Tea, coffee, or something stronger?’ I said to Dawn.
‘Tea would be nice,’ said Dawn.
‘Erm, Adrian?’ I said not really looking at him.
‘Tea would be nice.’
‘Okay; two teas coming up. Why don’t you take the children into the sitting room, I’ll be there in a jiffy.’
‘Come on, kids,’ said Adrian,’ let’s go and sit down.’
I was busy with cups and saucers, kettle and such like and jumped slightly at a touch on my elbow.
I looked up, tears in my eyes. ‘What, Dawn?’
‘What’s wrong?’
‘H…he hates me.’ I sniffed.
‘Adrian. I saw that look he gave me–’
‘–What look?’
‘A sort of a “can’t believe what I’m seeing”, look.’
‘Do you really believe that?’
She looked a bit stern. I knew that look. It was one she had when we were young where she was going to have a go at me. ‘What utter rubbish. Wait here…oh and it’s one lump for him and two for me,’ she said as an afterthought as she left the room.
I carried on being busy, crashing crockery and generally making a bit of a mess of things. A bit like my life really; I couldn’t make my marriage work and I had made a mess of trying to get to know my brother-in-law–
I dropped a cup on the floor. It shattered into little pieces. I felt sick to my stomach and there was Adrian, seeing me at my worst. I was willing to bet my makeup was running down my face.
‘I—I’ve broken it now!’
He held my arms.
‘Look at me, please.’
I looked up and saw his face. He didn’t look horrified.
‘Sam, I’m sorry if I have done something wrong––’
‘It—it’s not you, it’s me. I expected that everything would be all right. That the children and you would l—like me and that I could have a family again. I shouldn’t expect everyone to think I’m n—normal.’
‘Please stop crying, you silly goose. I think you’re lovely and sweet. There was always something about you that I couldn’t pin down. Sit down here.’
He plonked me down on a kitchen stool and sat next to me. He held on to my hand and I thought that it was rather nice of him to do that. Perhaps he didn’t think I was such a bad person after all.
‘Right; I’m sorry if I gave the wrong impression when you opened the door to us. I admit I was curious as to how you would look. Dawn told me that you were very pretty but all I could see in my mind’s eye was Tom in a dress. I know it was stupid of me, but that’s the only way I remember you–as Tom. When I saw you, I couldn’t believe it. There you were, standing there with gorgeous long hair, slim and shapely legs, wearing a dress that seemed like it was made for you; makeup that really brought out your looks and an impression that you had only ever been a woman and never a man and I, for once, was speechless.’
I looked into his eyes. As an artist, I knew a lot about eyes. They are the windows of the soul. I could see that he was telling me the truth and I was so happy inside that my fears and worries had been groundless.
‘So, I don’t look like a drag artist?’
He laughed and pulled me up.
‘You are a silly goose! You are very pretty and feminine and you know it.’ he said as he gave me a wonderful hug!
I cleaned up the broken cup while Adrian finished off making the teas; then we both went into the sitting room. By the red juice marks around two certain faces, I saw that the lollies had been an instant hit.
‘All okay?’ Dawn asked.
‘Yes. It was just me being silly.’
‘Nothing new there, Samantha.’
‘Pig,’ I said, poking out my tongue at her. That set off Tim and Hayley and we all laughed out loud.
After things had settled down a bit and we had drunk our teas. I took them on a short tour of my cottage. There were general oohs and aahs as I showed them around. Then I showed them my studio with the lovely views of the cove and then the kids started jumping up and down when they saw the beaches.
‘Can we go to the beach, Mummy, please!’
‘I want a bucket and spade.’
‘Can I make a sand castle?’
‘I want to swim,’
‘STOP!’ Dawn had held up her hand and the children just stood there, looking at their mother with a slightly worried look on their faces.
‘Right, you two; we’re here to see your auntie and nothing else. If, and I repeat, IF you’re very, very good and do as you are told, we might, and I repeat, might go to the beach for a while later, but only if you are the best boy and girl in the world and don’t drive me bonkers; understood?’
‘Yes, mummy.’
‘All right, mummy, but––’
‘–No buts, Hayley. That’s the deal, take it or leave it.’
Tim and Hayley looked at each other and made some sort of unsaid agreement with their eyebrows and then just nodded.
‘Right, we’ll see if you can be good for five minutes.’
‘Children, would you like to do some drawing and see who can do the nicest picture of the beach?’
‘Yes please, auntie,’ replied Hayley who appeared to be the leader of the gang.
‘Right then, come and sit at the table and using this paper and these pencils let’s see what you can draw for us.’
They rushed over, sat down and were soon engrossed in their task, leaving us adults to sit and drink our tea in peace.
‘It’s lovely here,’ sighed Dawn, looking across the cove and out to sea. ‘I told you Adrian, didn’t I? It’s a gorgeous spot.’
‘I know love, but the price of houses would be horrendous here and I don’t think we could afford somewhere in a place like this.’ He looked rather sad.
‘Look, Adrian, I know someone who might help and just finding out prices wouldn’t do any harm, would it? I’ve seen a few for sale signs up, what with the credit crunch and everything, there are more properties about than you think.’
‘Go on, Ade, let her talk to her friend.’
‘Oh, all right then.’ He sighed. ‘How can I resist two lovely women!’
Dawn and I looked at each other and giggled and then I picked up my phone and speed dialled.
‘Hi Millie, it’s Sam…yes, you too. Look, I have my sister and brother-in-law here and they want to know how horrendously expensive houses are here. Can I pass you over to Adrian? Okay, chow.’
I passed my mobile to Adrian and he was soon into property-speak, leaving Dawn and I to talk as we looked out over the balcony at the lively seaside scene below.
‘Oh, it’s a marvellous place you have here Samantha. You’re so lucky, I’d love to live in a place like this rather than on a boring “eighties” estate in the middle of town.’
‘Yes, it would be wonderful to have you near. The local primary school is small and has a great reputation so the kids will be okay. I’ve made lots of friends very quickly and I’m sure you would as well. And, of course you’d have a babysitter who was local and very reasonably priced.’
‘Who?’ she said looking puzzled.
‘Me of course!’
We both laughed and then chatted some more, while Adrian got deeper and deeper into the clutches of Millie. I had seen her work and she could sell sand to the Saudis, so I had little doubt that she would come up with the ideal place for them to look at.
I left Dawn to drink in the view and her dreams of moving while I went over to Hayley and Timothy. I was interested in how far they had got in their depiction of the quintessential seaside view. I was surprised as they both did quite a good job. Alright it was a bit Lowry with a seaside flavour, all matchstick men and matchstick cats and dogs, but still, they had done very well. *

Adrian got off the phone and came over. Dawn joined us and we all said how well the children had done with their drawings.
‘Right,’ I said,’ let’s see who can do the nicest drawing of my cottage.’
Like a pair of Van Gogh’s on steroids, they were soon feverishly drawing their next masterpieces leaving us olds to talk property.
‘What did Millie say?’ I asked.
‘She seemed to think that she had at least three ideal properties that we would be mad to not see,’ said Adrian. ‘She’s a bit intense,’ he added.
‘Yes, she is a bit full frontal, but she wouldn’t sell you something awful. She knows her stuff.’
‘Well,’ said Adrian, ‘she’s sending me through some details and will be arranging some viewings next week. I’ll find out what we can get for a quick sale of our place and that will give us an idea as to how much we can afford.’
‘That’s great; it would be lovely to move here, Ade,’ sighed Dawn.
‘Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,’ he said giving her a bit of a hug.
We sat in the other side of the room from the children so we could talk without being overheard. I was amazed that Hayley and Tim were so engrossed in what they were doing and supposed that artistic nature can be in the blood. Anyway, while there was relative peace and quiet, Dawn and Adrian sort of quizzed me about what had been going on in my life.
‘Well.’ I said, ‘everything has been happening so fast…’
I told them everything that had happened to me in the short time that I had lived here–Jocasta and David taking me under their wing; Katie and her efforts to thwart the evil Olivia and Nigel; Millie finding me a lovely home and gallery…and then, as the children were still busy, I took a deep breath and told them about Abby.
They both listened in silence and I wasn’t sure how they were going to take it.
‘I love Abby and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but we aren’t silly kids and we know that we have to be careful and not hurt one another, so we are taking one step at a time.’
They were quiet for a moment and then looked at each other. Dawn looked at the children and then leaned closer.
‘So, how good is she in bed?’
That broke any perceived ice I felt. They accepted me and my relationship for what it was and I was so glad that they didn’t have any hang-ups over it.
The day went very well. We all praised Hayley and Tim for their drawings and, to this day, they have pride of place in my studio.
Later on, as promised, we went to the beach and everyone had their fix of sand. Being an old sweat, I wasn’t that interested in sand and beaches. I was a local now and I was feeling a bit blasé about it all. Hayley and Timothy changed all that when they roped me in to make sandcastles with them. Then I was buried up to my neck in sand and that was an experience I hadn’t had since I was knee high to a grasshopper.
All too soon it was time for them to go. I hugged Dawn and Adrian and then got wet kisses from Hayley and Timothy and then, a bit tearfully, I was waiving them goodbye. I wasn’t too upset though as I was going to see them again next weekend when they came house hunting and also I was looking forward to introducing them to Abby…talking of which––
I sat down on a bench overlooking the harbour and rang her.
‘Hi, Abby, it’s me.’
‘Hello, you. How did it go?’
‘Oh, better than I thought. I was worrying about nothing. They all accepted me and we had a lovely time. They’re dying to meet you and are coming back next weekend to view some properties and hopefully see you.’
‘Oh that’s great. I’ve been so worried; I haven’t been able to throw a good pot all day.’
‘Where are you love?’
‘Still working, but I’ll be finished here soon. What about a pasty and drink at the Toad and Tart in about thirty minutes?’
‘Sounds great. Look, I’m on the bench opposite the post office, I’ll wait for you here.’
‘Okay, love, see you in a bit.’
I put my phone back in my bag and just sat there smiling to myself. Life was good.
After a few minutes, I sensed someone sitting down beside me. I looked at him. He was quite tall, good looking, with dark hair. He smiled gently at me and I smiled back and then looked away. I wasn’t into men and anyway, even if I was, I was taken.
‘Lovely day,’ he said.
‘Mmm,’ I said, not wanting to encourage him.
‘Nigel sends his regards.’
My head snapped around.
He looked at me and then I noticed his steely grey eyes.
‘Nigel asked me to give you a message. He’s not very happy about how things have turned out. He feels that you haven’t quite got the message. He asked me to clarify things for you.’
‘What do you mean?’
My heart was doing flip flops and I was breaking out into a sweat. I felt so vulnerable sitting there, and didn’t know whether to scream, run or just wait and hear what this person had to say. In the end I had no choice as he gripped my arm tightly.
‘Don’t scream or shout, Tom. We don’t want a scene, do we?’
He was still talking as if I was a friendly acquaintance and anyone looking at us would think that nothing was wrong. Fear made me dumb so I couldn’t speak, let alone do anything else.
‘Nigel feels that it would be best for you, Olivia and the baby for you to return home. He believes that you don’t really know your own mind and when you’ve had time to reflect, you’ll realise that it makes sense for you to return to the real world. This is the only time that you will have this advice. You have two days to think things over and come to your senses, after that, things might get a little–difficult. I’ll leave you now. Oh, and by the way, tell anyone about this conversation and things might start happening. Goodbye, Tom–oh, I like those children; Dawn’s aren’t they?’
He got up and left. At no time had he raised his voice or shown any outward signs of aggression, but I knew he meant every single word he had said and that was what started me shaking.
*At the seaside by L S Lowry

Please leave comments...thanks! ~Sue
My thanks go to the brilliant and lovely Gabi for editing and pulling the story into shape.
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Of course you realise, THIS MEANS WAR.
And in war, all measures are good enough.
5-step plan to show who's out of their right mind.
1)Inform the War Council, and relatives of the conversation
2)Inform the authorities about the letter
3)Give a vocal message to mass media about the whole story
4)Including the reasons it was to be kept under wraps
5)Relay to everyone you have reasons to fear revenge from Nigel
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
That dirty #%$%$#%#^ Nigel
That Nigel is certainly a snake. The apple did not fall far from the tree for Olivia. I guess that was too much happiness to stay that way. Well I think its about time for the big Guns to be rolled out, and get ready to repel boarders. I think Samantha would call Nigel a little snot. But I think a @#%$%$%$@%, %$W%#Q%#W$, @#!$#^$^% just starts, and Lady F will be putting his fat in the fire. Why do some people go so far out of their way to control everybody else? Best to Samantha...Love, Mary.
I must agree
with Faraway. Nigel really didn't want to do that. There is a worry that Sam will close in on herself because of the threat, but on the other hand this is a small community. They watch out for each other. There is a good chance that even now help is on the way.
Nigel, Nigel, Nigel, sigh ... :)
Great stuff Sue!
I don't think so
On the close in thing, I mean. Even if she tries, her friends won't let her, any more than they have let her close herself off from them the few times she has tried it already. Samantha has truly found her place here, and the community accepts her -- that, and her newfound family, should give her the strength to fight this.
It's sad, I was really hoping Nigel's tactics wouldn't degenerate into thuggery like this, but I guess that was too much to hope for, and would have ended the story much too easily and soon.
Melanie E.
I feel the need
To comment on my own comment, to explain the reasons behind it, behind the suggested course of action.
As it stands, both parties have a lot to lose if things spin out of control. However, unlike Nigel, Samantha has nothing to gain (a love of her life, a loving family, caring neighborhood, a job that rings true to heart, and a wholehearted acceptance of who and what she is - what more could one ask for?) and everything to lose, whereas Nigel has both a lot to gain and to lose.
This book refers to four behavioral patterns, starting on page 147. It is relevant to why Nigel acts in this way of his. He is of a 3rd behavior - aggression, characterised by words attributed to Atilla the Hun:
It is not enough that I win; Everyone else must lose.
In a situation that quiet settlement would have made Samantha secure her winnings and allowed Nigel to proceed to reap benefits of knighthood as if nothing happened, he clings to a path that would make Samantha lose everything, and gain him nothing more than what he already had. Thus, my proposed course of action puts him in a situation where he cannot gain anything, and where his losses should it continue would only rise exponentially.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
All I can say is...
"FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" Sam needs to let that moronic nimrod have it with both barrels. Threatening kids is lower than low... I can't wait to see what happens next.
Jayme Ann
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
It's too bad that ...
... Sam wasn't wearing - as it's called in the U.S. - a "wire" just then. Talk about probable cause. Especially the not very thinly veiled threat against Dawn's children.
Or was she?
Does she have a new cell phone?
If she did she could have recorded it. At least I hope someone else saw him and maybe even overheard.
I agree, drop the publicity and legal hammers on Olivia and Nigel,. IE the child welfare people, the tabloid press, the police, file multiple lawsuits, swear out a complaint about intimdation and threatening Sam and she relatives, the whole lot.
That and get a few private detectives around them for protection ... Or, naughty Sue, did Sam's lawyer already do that? Given the hand delivered letter and the meeting with Nigel a smart lawyer would anticpate something like this, be it a bluff or a real threat.
Maybe play Olivia against her dad. As nasty as she is she is only a un-loyal, libidenous and controling soon to be ex-wife but not a thug. Point out to her how daddy is risking her finacial future, reputation and possibly her freedom with his hamfisted tactics. If he gets caught having hired goons to assault people, not only will his knighthood be lost but much of his busniess and fortune due to bad press, Inland Revenue audits and the like.
Nasty and nice in one chapter, spot on, Sue.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
The Frog and The Scorpion
A scorpion approached a frog one day as the frog was sunning itself on the riverbank.
"Will you take me across the river? I can't swim," the scorpion asked.
The frog looked the scorpion up and down. "You must be joking. You'll just sting me."
"No I won't," said the scorpion. "That would be stupid. I told you I can't swim. If I did that I would drown. I promise I would be very grateful."
The frog considered this and being a helpful sort eventually agreed to take the scorpion across the river and told the scorpion to jump on its back.
Halfway across the river the scorpion sank its sting into the frog's back.
As the frog was dying it gasped, "Why did you do that?"
The scorpion, now in the water and about to drown, said, "I couldn't help it. It's my nature."
That's Nigel and Olivia.
But we know that Samantha's not Tom. She won't fall for their threats.
BTW, Sue, Lowry postcards weren't what I was envisaging for your illustrations. Saucy ones, m'dear,
OK, What Is Adrian's Job, Anyway?
Does he have any clout with any ex soldiers or others that are best not to mess with? and what about the locals? I am sure that there are a few veterans there that would help SAmWhat about enemies of Nigel? Surely they are keping tabs on things.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
If Nigel didn't have
If Nigel didn't have any enemies before now (and, judging by this goon he got to approach Samantha, I rather imagine his business dealings have made more than a few), he's about to get a VERY influential one! Once Lady F. gets wind of what Nigel is up to, I have a feeling his chances of receiving that knighthood will have evaportated into thin air!
Nigel need to get his comeuppance
This is a great story and I am thoroughly enjoying every twist and turn in the plot. Of course I can't resist a prediction or two...
Abby will sense what is going on; even if Sam tries to deny there is trouble (and thinks about going back), Abby will get the truth out of her and Sam will realize that she has no option but to fight. Nigel is amoral. If Sam were to go back to Olivia in response to the threat, I believe that Nigel would have "Tom" killed as soon as possible. There would be no risk of paternity being questioned and Olivia would be a sympathetic figure as would Nigel. Getting rid of Tom eliminates any potential embarrassment for Nigel and his quest for knighthood.
For someone as cunning and street smart as is our Nigel, he is stupid; he is letting his ego interfere with reason. First the letter from Olivia and now the thug. It is obvious that Nigel has always been successful when he has resorted to blackmail. What he doesn't realize is that if someone refuses to be blackmailed, the attempt is likely to backfire onto the blackmailer. When Olivia's letter didn't work he should have offered a payoff to Sam to essentially lay low so it would look like Olivia had been abandoned by her cad of a husband and then a quiet divorce could have been arranged after the knighthood.
Since Samantha is an artist, she can render a very accurate drawing of Nigel's goon. With her memory for conversation she can accurately narrate the threats. Nigel's goon will not have passed unnoticed in town and that will be enough to make it more than he said she said because the thug will be traceable to Nigel. It is time for the women's council to reconvene and her Ladyship inducted into the group.
Lady Fairborn could offer the hospitality of the manor to Dawn, Adrian and the kids until they can sell their home and buy a new one while she uses her influence to have a major criminal investigation into Nigel.
If Nigel is under criminal investigation (or pretrial detention) for his threats in this case, I wonder how many more of his victims from the corporate world would come forward?
Like a lot of others i was waiting with eager anticipation for this chapter of Changes, but not expecting anything quite as foul, as despicable, as dirty and plain NASTY from nasty nigel as THAT!
This is purely from a Story point of view a brilliant move as we will all be on our toes waiting for Chapter 37. I do so sincerely hope however, that in the end the Good People will prevail and nasty nigel and his excuse for a daughter get their come-uppance. I do love a Happy Ending, after great struggles and set-backs.
Right bit of a bastard, that
Right bit of a bastard, that one.
We are the change that will save the world.
We are the change that will save the world.
Just a BIT of
Just a BIT of a bastage, Heather? That's got to be the understatement of the year! Karen's PI couldn't find anything illegal that Nigel had done; now, it would appear that is simply because, up until now, he'd been very careful to cover his tracks. This time, he's stepped into the excrement right up to his neck!
Well, you know me, all about
Well, you know me, all about the understatement. :)
I think threatening her was quite possibly the stupidest thing Nigel has done. Once she tells her lawyer, whee!!
We are the change that will save the world.
We are the change that will save the world.
"You'll Never Walk Alone"
This is a real nit-pick but I don't think Gerry and the Pacemakers had much to do with the introductory song. It's from the "Sound of Music", Rogers and Hammerstein.
Good continuation of the story, though
Carousel not Sound of Music - Also Jerry Lewis
Dear Carowynd. Never Walk Alone is from Carousel, Not the Sound of Music. I think you may be confusing it with Climb Every Mountain. I did until I checked.
Here in the U.S. Jerry Lewis, uses it has his closing theme for his Muscular Dystrophy Telethon which he has conducted since the late 1960's this coming Labor Day weekend.
Changes and hit men
If worst comes to worst...
Tell Sam I have a few long term connections who would be most happy to 'explain' things to Nigel...
I'm certain, even as dense a clod as he seems to be, that he would come to a rapid understanding...
Sometimes we even work 'pro bono' he he he...
God Bless You...
Gerry And The Pacemakers
"You'll Never Walk Alone" was released in 1963 and went to the top of the British charts. It is now generally accepted as the "anthem" of Liverpool FC :-P
You'll Never walk alone.
I believe, know the song "You'll Never Walk Alone" is a show tune from the 1945 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, Carousel.
Great story
FiFi and Fairbain to the Rescue. Bengal Lancers to the rescue.
I am afraid that the weak willed Tom, and not the brave and confident Samantha may prevail, and give in to Nigel’s threats. After all Tom will want to protect his sister and his nephew and niece.
Church Ladies, Realtors and Potters will not win the day. I think that Lady Fairbairn is the only person who can save the day. She apparently has the money, experience, will power and connections to take on Nigel.
Samantha's depression and her neglect of FiFi's painting will lead Lady Fairbairn to reprimand Samantha, who will then breakdown and the truth will be told. I am not sure what regiment the late Lord Fairbairn belonged to, (perhaps the Bengal Lancers), but when Lady Fairbairn turns to them for help, poor Nigel and Olivia should head to the Kyber Pass for a hideout.
P. S. All the concern for Adrian was for naught. His reaction was just simply that of someone not knowing what to expect.
I agree
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."
with farawy . I would include Lady who's it and Nigel .
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."
For one horrible moment
i thought that Sam was going to be dragged off there and then, Thankfully Mr Nasty gave her her two days to come home as Tom.....As if that will happen!!!!
Two days will be more than enough time for Sam to get together all her new friends and decide on the best course of action,But they had best be carefull, Anybody capable of making threats against children albeit understated is not to be underestimated!!!
What If Tom
Returns, but comes with a 'kick ass' attitude and basically trounces Nigel? They have, after all, threatened his family.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
And Leave Abby
If he goes back as Tom, he is Tom and must give up Abby. I do not think Abby would do it, but I do not think that Nigel or Olivia want a threesome - Tom - Olivia - Abby.
I was afraid of t his.
Of course they figured she would be in the area since her lawyer was nearby. Why couldn't she have met with Nigel away from her home area ?
Again, lawyers and their stupid offices. Sheesh.
Nigel Has A Thick Skull!
Nigel has a thick skull if he thinks that Samantha will be intimidated. She is totally different from the "doormat" that he felt Tom was. Apparently, he doesn't realize that Sam has a few friends in high places both royally and spiritually. It would be nice if there was someone close enough to have heard the threats that the thug made. I believe Nigel has covered his tracks for a long time, but I think his luck will run out very soon!
But How Would Nigel...
...know that? Based on what he remembers of Tom, he has every reason to call the lawyer's presumed bluff and go after what he considers the weakest link. Nothing thick-skulled about that. And Nigel would naturally hire his own investigators, who'd soon learn enough -- there being no secrets in this town -- to do what this agent did.
One thing this encounter accomplished: Nigel probably didn't know before this that Tom was eminently passable as Samantha. Now he'll know. He may also learn that there are people in town who already know that Samantha is TG; I doubt that he'd change his plans on that account but it may have influenced his agent to make the additional threat on Dawn's kids, on the agent's thought that blowing Samantha's cover might not be a sufficiently viable threat.
I'd be disappointed if Nigel carries out a threat against the kids. Samantha's investigator doesn't think Nigel has been operating illegally in the past, and there's generally nothing illegal about outing a TG person or trying to publicly embarrass one's legal opponent. (Besides, opening oneself to blackmail is no way to get a knighthood, and the risk/reward element doesn't seem sufficient here to justify a criminal act.)
I'm guessing that the threat against the kids was made without Nigel's direct knowledge by someone who felt, accurately enough, that his job was to convince Tom through intimidation in any way possible. (The agent was, of course, careful in his wording; simply observing that he knew who the kids were seems unlikely to stand up as extortion in court should it ever get there.)
(Anybody know where the generalization about business/political leaders' lifetime agendas -- "get on, get honest, get honored" -- comes from? I think I read it in an SF or mystery story, but it wasn't necessarily original there, from the context.)
This is no surprise.
Well, Nige and Oly had the wool over "Tom's" eyes for how long? No, I think the Author is going to keep us burried in the sand with this for a while. If this is going to drag out, I will simply stop reading it until about 10 episodes have stacked up and then I shall sit down and get the ugly business out of the way in an afternoon. I simply can not do this sort of suspense.
It is a very entertaining story, however.
OMG! Now what?
Every one has come uup with some very good solutions! I have every confidence in Samantha! She will prevail and the people who know and love her will unite and the evil Nigel will be vanquished!!! (I so dearly hope and pray!)
Easy Peasy
Samantha has an easy decision to make. If she tells all, there'd be no way she'd be going back to Olivia and the dangerous jerk wouldn't dare do anything to her. It would be too late anyway. I say go for it, Samantha! There's no way she can give up paradise. Grrrrr!
Okay. You've really stirred up a hornet nest here. I hope you're had a nice break because you need to get back to work and sort everything out.
Thanks for the chapter! Please keep it comin'.
- Terry
Samantha should have
Samantha should have screamed for all she's worth, but I can certainly understand freezing up in a situation like that! Nigel's taking on more than he can handle here, I think. Great chapter Sue!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Making the classical egotist's mistake...
Nigel is the consummate egotist, and he's just made that type's classical error. Believing in his near invincibility and following tactics that have worked for him in the past, he has put his opponent in a situation so terrible that there is only one option: fight to the death.
Sam is much more refined than to stoop to Nigel's level, but she has shown that she is a fighter. Many great suggestions have been tendered in previous comments...I believe that she will employ a number of them to bring down Nigel. There is no more option of just letting things be.
Nasty Nigel didn't know when to let things well enough alone. And I'm not a bit sorry for what he is going to receive!
I agree !
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."
In the imortal words of a certain little bunny , " Of course you realise this means WAR ! "
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."
I can't believe the interest you create in your stories Sue!
Everybody has a plot variation, isn't it wonderful?
But we all agree, Kill Nigel!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Well, I really don't know what I can add ...
To the general commentary that Samantha must take the bull by the horns and act.
My only comment is that she, unlike bully boy Nigel, must work cleverly, so as to assure maximum damage.
First and foremost, she must warn Dawn and Adrian of the none to subtle threat made by the thug sent to intimidate Samantha. Even offer space to stay if they don't feel secure in their home, etc. Though, I suspect Adrian, being a Rugby player and all, has his own resources to protect his family.
She must next inform Katy, her lawyer, of the latest threat, and set in motion what needs to be done to ruin Nigel. Obviously, the detectives her lawyer has hired has gotten close, or has dug up, some nasty dirt that could affect Nigel quite negatively. Ergo the threats. He's feeling a bit cornered, I'd say. Maybe if that information were to slip to his enemies, they would have good ways to use it to thoroughly decimate his royal nastiness. After all, they would have the most to gain from his destruction, and he's brought this onto himself, I think.
She must also involve the fair Jocasta, and make this a VILLAGE matter. It's no longer some sleazeball threatening an individual. He is threatening her as a member of the community, and by such, is threatening the community itself. This probably will bring in the Lady Fairborn more than anything else, and with her sense of civic duty and pride, never mind her influence and power, will be another strong front in the war against His crappiness.
Also, it's time to reveal that letter to someone in authority. I'm pretty sure that Olivia, faced with the prospect of jail time on contemplating an illegal abortion, will fold like a card table and point a painted nail at daddy dearest.
As for Rami's comment, I'm sorry, but I think you have it wrong. Tom, now Samantha, hasn't had something to really protect before. What, his sluttish, whorish wife that treated him like a fool and a piece of nasty on her shoe? His career with the nasty Nigel, which he hated? His family, especially his beloved sister, hasn't been threatened before.
Yes, she may have a moment of weakness or two, but I think they will fade away like the morning mist in the bright sun.
Now she has something very special to protect. A home and family. Something she wants, no, needs, very much, and is not about to allow to be flushed by those morally depraved floaters.
Nigel has thrown down the gauntlet. Very well. I suspect he'll be surprised how much steel is revealed when Samantha strips away the velvet gloves.
I think Nigel will find a can of worms he wishes he never opened.