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Chapter 39
By Susan Brown
So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl
You can't plant me in your penthouse
I'm going back to my ploughBack to the howling old owl in the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
Oh I've finally decided my future lies
Beyond the yellow brick road
Elton John/Bernie Taupin
Eventually, we arrived at a car park near my house or what was my house, that is.
Tammy and Mike were waiting for us; it was agreed that they would be in reserve, so in case anything got nasty, they gave me a sort of panic button that would bring them running posthaste, if necessary.
Eventually, we drove up and stopped in front of the house in which I had spent my married life. I got out of the bus with the others, and couldn’t help thinking about how Olivia would react to me and whether this was going to be something of a mistake, coming here like this. But I had to have my paintings–they were my life’s work and part of me that I just did not want to let go or give up on.
I took a deep breath, brushed the hair out of my eyes and walked up the path that I knew so well. I still had a key, but I didn’t live here anymore, so I rang the bell and waited for Olivia.
And now the story continues…
My friends kept in the background, respecting my privacy and yet remaining close enough to come if and when needed.
It felt strange looking at the house that I had lived in for so long. I was aware a certain detachment though, as if I was no longer part of the fabric of the house. I noticed a shadow behind the frosted glass of the door and my heart was beating hard.
The door opened and there she was.
‘Hello, Tom; I’m glad you ca––’ Olivia stared over my shoulder, seeing the others watching–no doubt curiously–at us. ‘You didn’t come alone?’ Her disappointment showed clearly in her voice.
‘No, I thought that I might need help moving my stuff and anyway I wasn’t sure about the reception I might receive.’
She looked as she always did, bright, beautiful and sane, but she was wearing a loose dress that didn’t hide the bump of her baby.
‘Reception, I don’t–look are you coming in, Tom?’ She said stepping aside.
‘Is your father here?’
There was a frown on her still pretty face. ‘No, of course not, why do you ask?’
‘I just wondered––’
‘–If this was some sort of trap?’
‘Well, yes.’
‘Daddy doesn’t even know that you’re here. He would shout at me if I told him.’
‘I don’t understand––’
‘Look, are you coming in?’
‘Can my friends help pick up the paintings?’
Once again an annoyed expression crossed her face. ‘All right; they are all in the conservatory ready for you, although I didn’t think that you would actually take them away today.’
I made no reply, not understanding what she meant. I followed her into the house, motioning to the others to come too.
The familiar sights and smells assaulted my senses, making me think of the last time I was here–discovering my wife in flagrante delicto with a strange man in the bedroom. There was no way I could begin to forgive her for that. I still wondered who had fathered the baby; one thing was certain and that was it wasn’t me.
Olivia turned to me. ‘I’ll be in the lounge. When you and your friends have packed your things, perhaps we can have a quiet talk?’
‘All right; it won’t take long.’
With an expression that was hard to read, she entered the lounge and quietly shut the door behind her. I turned to Abby, Jo and the others and led them to the conservatory and we got stuck into moving the paintings and the other equipment and supplies out to the bus. It took us some time during which Abby asked me, quietly, if everything was okay.
‘Yes, I’m fine. Evidently Nigel knows nothing about this.’
She gave me a peck on the cheek and squeezed my arm before picking up another couple of paintings and making her way to the bus.
Eventually everything was stashed away in the back of the mini-bus. After going to the kitchen to pick up a couple of carrier bags, I made my way upstairs to the bedroom. Everything looked the same, right down to the paperback that I had been reading the night before I left–still on my bedside table. I opened a few drawers and pulled out some personal stuff that I hadn’t taken with me on my hurried exit on that fateful day. On the dresser was a photo of Olivia and I on a sunny beach; we looked so happy there and I wondered where it all went wrong. Looking in the wardrobe and chest of drawers, I took out the women’s clothes that were still there and packed them in a case.
After one final, sad glance around, I carried the things down to the bus, where my friends were waiting. I gazed at them for a moment. ‘She wants me to go and talk to her. Do you mind waiting out here for a few minutes?’
They all nodded, saying nothing, but looking sympathetic. I returned to the house, took a deep breath and entered the lounge. Olivia was sitting in her favourite chair by the fire. She looked up as I came in and gave me a sad smile.
‘May I sit down?’
‘You don’t need to ask.’
I sat down facing her.
‘I–I thought you would come back to me, Tom,’ she said.
‘No, Olivia, not on any terms. I can’t forgive you for what you’ve done and I’m no longer Tom. I’m Samantha now and my life has moved on.’
She gazed at me and a tear ran down one cheek. ‘You are very pretty as a girl, but you know that don’t you.’
‘No, I’m not. I could never be as pretty as you.’
She looked into my eyes and shook her head. ‘You don’t even realise, do you? You are prettier than me: that’s why I got jealous of you. How could any man look more beautiful than me?’
‘Is that why you turned against my wearing women’s clothes?’
‘Yes,’ she whispered. ‘Whenever we went out and you were dressed, all the men were watching you, not me.’
‘That’s rubbish! Why d’you think I married you? You were beautiful and I worshipped the ground you walked on. You were happy enough for me to dress before, so what changed.’
‘I wanted a man. I didn’t want to have a lesbian marriage. I thought that you would stop wearing the clothes and makeup if I was feminine enough for the both of us, Tom.’
‘I’m not Tom any more, I’m Samantha now.’
She sat up, gazing at me intensely.
‘It’s not too late, Tom. We can still make a go of it. I thought that if you came here, we could talk things through and you would see sense. We could raise the baby in a happy environment and Daddy said that he would find some work for you…’
‘What–as a loan shark?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Don’t you know what your father does for a living?’
‘No, not really. He’s a businessman–an entrepreneur––’
‘–He sent one of his henchmen–his “heavies”–to my new home to threaten that if I didn’t come back to you, “things” would happen to me–and to people that I love.’
‘I don’t understand. What do you mean? Loan shark–threatening you. Daddy wouldn’t do anything like that, he’s a sweetie.’
‘Are you saying that you know nothing of you father’s business interests?’
‘No. You know that I’m no good at that sort of thing. You make it sound like Daddy’s a criminal.’
‘He is, only he hasn’t been caught yet. He runs a money lending business through nominees, but he’s the boss even though his name never appears on any paperwork. He lends money to people in dire straits and if those people default, he has a team of heavies that go around and break limbs.’
‘NO! Daddy would never do things like that. He’s a hard businessman, yes, and he has to make harsh decisions sometimes, but never anything like that! He wants a knighthood, so d’you think he’d jeopardise that? No, you’ve got it all wrong, and you’re only saying these things because you don’t like him. You’ve always resented the fact that he gave the house to me, haven’t you? He gave you a job, because I asked him to. You were never much good, but he kept you on because I begged him to. You would never make any money as an artist–and–and if you worked for him and had to travel a lot, you wouldn’t have time to dress up like a woman. That’s why he kept you on–to please me. So you see, that’s why you are wrong about him being nasty, he has only our interests at heart.’
I looked at her; tears streaming down her cheeks–a tissue shredding in her trembling hands. This wasn’t the strong, self-assured Olivia that I used to know. Or did I ever know her? There appeared to be things going on in her head that I had never seen or heard before. I felt sorry for her but I had to get everything out in the open.
‘So what about the abortions that you never told me about, or the fact that you were having casual sex with any man who’d have you?’
She looked at me and sniffed.
‘I–I didn’t want to tell you about the abortions. I was young and immature. It’s a part of my past I’m ashamed of. I only had sex with other men because I needed to. We had drifted apart and all you did when you were home was to dress up prettier than me and make me look like some sort of frump. I needed to be appreciated more as a woman and those other men did treat me like a woman. I know I was wrong and it wasn’t the answer, but you drove me to it––’
‘I drove you to it? How can you say that? I always loved you. It was you who went cold on me and wanted to change or mould me into the perfect man you thought I ought to be. I was straight with you form the very beginning. You knew before we were married that I had a feminine side. You seemed to like it at first and then your attitude towards me gradually changed. You grew cold and distant. On that last afternoon, I thought that we had a chance to sort ourselves out and when I came home and found you–found you–with that man, I knew that it was over between us.’
She wiped her eyes with the tissue and looked at me again. ‘So it’s over?’
‘Yes, Olivia. It’s time we moved on. You have a baby on the way and I’ve found someone else–’ I bit my tongue at this point–I had never intended to say anything about Abby, knowing that it might cause problems. I looked up at Olivia, who had gone very pale.
‘You–you’ve found someone else? Who is she–or is it a he? Is it one of your friends that came today?’
‘Never mind that; it’s none of your business. I have never asked who the father of your baby is and I think that you should respect my privacy too; we are getting divorced and nothing can change that. Do we part as friends?’
She looked at me, looked like she was going to say something and then just shook her head. She was appeared to be in shock at my revelation.
I stood up saying, ‘Olivia, I wish you and the baby well for the future. Tell your father that we have recordings of my conversation with his representative which we won’t hesitate to use if he threatens me, my family or my friends. Do you understand?’
‘But Daddy wouldn’t––’
‘Daddy would,’ I interrupted quickly. ‘I’m going now; my friends are waiting and we have a long drive home.’
‘But your home is here,’ she said, standing up.
‘Not any longer.’ I took the front door key out of my shoulder bag and placed it on the coffee table. ‘I won’t be needing this any more. Goodbye, Olivia.’
I turned away, walked out of the room and out of her life. Making my way down the drive, my legs were trembling and I found it very hard to hold things together. As Tom, I would never have dared to have spoken to her like that. For far too long I had been repressed and lacking in self esteem. Now, as Samantha, I was a much stronger individual, but I hoped not hard. I felt for Olivia and the mess that she had got herself into, but I couldn’t live her life for her and I needed to be Samantha and let go of my past.
The others watched me as I got back into the bus and strapped myself in. Abby, sitting next to me, held my hand. As we moved off, I looked back at the house. Olivia was standing in the doorway holding her bump and just staring. I gave her a small wave, but she didn’t wave back.

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a monster of self-delusion
Wow, great chapter! I'm glad Olivia isn't a better manipulator, always says something so clueless about who Samantha is that she sabotages herself. I hope she puts the kid up for adoption (or if the tyke somehow winds up in the care of Sam and Abby!), I hate to think what motherly "wisdom" she would impart...
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
No on that, no way should Samantha take in Olivias child
For Samantha to adopt Olivia's bastard child would be a continuous reminder of how she cuckolded him and denied him a child or career. Unless it is a fake belly Olivia is as pregnant as she and dad claimed.
We see now Olivia is not evil, she simply never grew up . She is a deluded child in thinking her Daddy is a kind and loving man and in her claims about why she cheated. She is right about one thing Samantha is prettier, she just doesn't realize it. In many ways she is still a naive teenager, how sad, all that potential wasted.
I am amazed that when Olivia said once again they could be a family with the baby he/she didn't blow his stack and say his piece. And all that hopelessly romantic crap about how they can be a happy family again and raise the child, the child HE wanted but she would never give him, after quietly belittling his abilities as an artist or a worker and so on.
But then Tom and Samantha were/are too nice to get that nasty. That she didn't tell the foolish girl off is a measure of his/her character.
Now go make babies with Abby, Samantha.
That was the one mistake Samantha made, saying she had found someone but it did cut Olivia to the core. Up till then she still clung to Tom's love being there, she knows now she has lost it for ever.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
But John...
The child winding up in Abby and Sam's care would be after Chapter 99, when Olivia---at nine months pregnant---THROWS herself in front of the shotgun that Nigel (who had gone quite mad after as a last desperate act of revenge tried to OUT the happy couple at a gallery reception, only to find that they were accepted by all in attendance and he was asked to leave...) is about to shoot Samantha with; and the baby is saved but not she, the cuckoldry pretty much "paid for" by this redemptive act of self-sacrifice, and-
Oh darn, my soaps are on. Gotta go...
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Too many Soaps
I have to agree with John, if Sam and Abby had the baby then she could demand visitation or threaten to petition having the child back. Better that Olivia get paternity test done for all her beau's and let him support the child. Great chapter and glad Sam was able to retrieve her belongings without incident.

If Sam and Abby
If Sam and Abby should wind up taking in Olivia's out-of-wedlock child (I find the term "bastard" abhorrent in this context as it stigmatizes the child for the sins of the mother), it should ONLY be with the condition that Olivia officially terminates her parental rights. The same condition should be placed upon the child's father; but, given what we've been told of Olivia's past, it could be difficult to determine who the father actually is without dragging a whole host of men through the pain of paternity DNA testing in order to determine which of her lovers the father actually is. And I somehow doubt than any of the men Olivia has hooked up with will be willing to step forward and voluntarily claim the child as theirs, particularly when her history of infidelities is made known.
more more more
hopefully this will end olivia's involvement.
i'm not sure about nigel though, once word reaches him he might switch into nothing-left-to-loose-mode.
Olivia's Behavior...
...somewhat to my surprise, seems genuine and self-consistent here. Certainly makes me wonder if what most of us assumed were calculated ploys really were honest attempts to get Tom back.
So is Olivia going to get her father to identify Tom/Samantha's new love interest and then go for revenge? She's upset, as anyone would expect, but to me she didn't seem angry at him, just totally unprepared for what happened and confused about what Samantha is saying about Nigel. That doesn't mean she won't get angry later, or that her father may react to the whole thing (when he hears about it) by following through on his threats, even though Olivia doesn't really want Samantha as opposed to Tom.
Almost Pityable
In the end Olivia stood revealed, not reviled. She might have actually stood a better chance of getting Tom back showing her true self, but not Samantha. Tom might have been sucked in by pity and guilt. Samantha knows better.
In the end, the monster is revealed, a figure of self-delusion. But still, even though my heart goes out to her, she made her own bed, she gets to sleep in it.
I predict a long, tearful trip home for Samantha. Be strong for her, Abby. Be strong for both of you.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Olivia Is A Bird In A Gilded Cage
Created by her wanting to be Daddy's Girl and wanting a He-man. Unfortunately, Nigel will manipulate her into hating Samanthe, unless her love for her and her child overrides her blindness about her father. Sam might very well see her in her new home soon when-if Olivia revolts against her dad.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
interesting characters
You have populated this story with interesting characters. I had expected that Olivia would be a hard nosed *****, instead she is portrayed as a flawed human being. One may not like her, but it is hard to hate her. Your characterization keeps me guessing what will come next. It is a fun story filled with pleasant (and unpleasant) surprises.
As usual I liked this chapter and await the next.
Hi Susan I do feel very
Hi Susan
I do feel very guilty at enjoying your tale so much and failing to comment.
This is just delightful, each chapter leaves me wanting more.
Great cast of characters and so much opportunity to evolve.
Good portrayal of the ex-wife and a sadder girl than we had anticipated
Do please keep it up and thanks again.
Everything I Hoped For in this Chapter
Dear Susan,
I've been waiting with great anticipation for the scene that this chapter describes and you did a marvelous job with it. It would have been very easy, I suspect, to make the meeting between Olivia and Samantha into a shouting match or a battle between two angry people with Samantha reviled and belittled. Instead, you took the "high road" and described what was for me (perhaps naively) a very realistic meeting. I feel relieved for Samantha and sorry for Olivia. I didn't expect to feel that way about Olivia and you surprised me by being able as a writer to invoke those feelings. I'm enjoying this story and will continue to scan down in each day's offerings on this wonderful site to look for "Changes" episodes. Thank you so much for your wonderful writing and the obvious effort you put into making the story so believable and entertaining. This chapter, like all the ones before it, was everything I had hoped for.
Yours gratefully,
I think Sam may have said to much about having the recording and about meeting someone else. This could mean abduction, and the ransom would be the recording, and possible murder of several individuals it gets really nasty.
I don't know how ignorant Olivia really is, or is she a great actress?
Does corruption breed corruption? Is Olivia her fathers Daughter in other words, like father like daughter?
It was obvious that Olivia was probably going to intice Sam to stay. I'm surprised she didn't destroy sam's paintings out of spite.
Well time will tell, and I will patiently wait for the authoress to do her writing. Can go a lot of different ways after this, and some most sinister, may be the result.
Great Job so far.
Joni W
Does corruption breed corruption?
That sounds to much like the adage "The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree", or "Like father/mother, like son/daughter". Such assumptions are unfair and prejudicial to those it is being applied to. I think you where right in your evaluation that she was just a spoiled "rich" kid and leave it at that for now, at least until she tips her hand in any other direction.

I'm not really
I'm not really surprised that Olivia had not destroyed Sam's paintings. She was hoping that Tom would come back to her; and destroying the painting would only have ensured that never happening. Perhaps she might have tried doing that had Sam come alone; but, with so many of her new friends on hand, including Sam's attorney, there is really no chance for her to have done so once Sam had revealed that there was no hope for a reconciliation.
Wouldn't work
The recording's an mp3 file, so could easily be copied to multiple computers / devices.
So from the POV of whoever's demanding it, you can never be sure you've got the only copy.
Besides which, we've got PIs tracking Nigel and at least one of his goons - plus a few in the village itself. Maybe Katie can splash out for one to monitor Dawn & co, in case a goon turns up there.
She knows her stuff, and this is a lot more fascinating and intriguing than her usual workload!
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
John in Wauwatosa - you do not get it!!
Sam is not a he/she, she is a woman just waiting to have her anatomy correted!! I know I am a post-op trans-woman!! The thing that gets me the most angry is when someone who knows my past tries to use male pronouns about me. I understand but do not accept those who don't really know me!!
I was careless.
Olivia still sees her as Tom but to herself, Abby and most others SHE is Samantha.
What a fool Olivia was to squander this kind soul.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. as to my poor choice of words in the earlier post, Arrh! Keelhaul me unthinkn' scurvy heart, Arrh!
P.P.S. I DID take your coment as serious but well meaning. I can only imagine a fraction of the pain the transgendered must sufffer. Thinking back some years to my days, be even a little out of *the norm* and you will catch hell in school.
John in Wauwatosa
And, in the end ...
Olivia is revealed to be...
Not the strong, manipulative b**ch with a trap set for Samantha, but rather, a sad, immature little nothing. It's perfect, with all the buildup, we, your readers, expecting all sorts of nasty scenarios.
And what happens? Turns out Olivia is more complex than we thought.
Bravo, Susan. You made it more human, and stronger, than if she had been waiting to 'trap' Samantha.
We finally see the real Samantha, too. Strong when necessary, but ultimately almost (almost!) sympathetic to Olivia's plight.
After all, who's come out on top here, anyway? Olivia, with her wrecked marriage expecting a child she doesn't want? Or Samantha, who has truly moved on, and is beginning her real life now?
Oh! What A Clever Girl
Is that Sue Brown. She has been winding us all up for simply ages, preparing us for this ugly confrontation with that rotten scheming bitch, Olivia.
At least I was waiting for the frightening snarl of the jungle animal when Samantha had come to face her and what do we get? The pathetic mew of a hurt and frightened kitten begging to be picked up and cuddled.
Her infidelities were actually driven by her jealousy of Tom being a prettier woman than she was, and her need for reassurance about her own desirability and ability to attract men. Tom, of course, with his own insecurities, had no idea that he, as a girl, was feeding her inferiority complex.
And so we had two incomplete and damaged people, in a way inadvertently driving each other away. There is a tragedy in that, but without it Samantha would never have emerged as the gorgeous butterfly that she has become from the pitiful chrysalis of Tom, and we would never have had this story to keep us enthralled.
Nigel has not yet shown his loan-shark teeth to their full extent. Olivia must surely ask him about his activities now that Samantha has told her. His reaction may be to try to silence the source of these allegations, or Sue Brown may find some devious ploy to turn him into yet another pitiable pussycat NOT.
I can hardly wait to find out. One thing I do know though is if your car breaks down, don't have it repaired down there in Penmarris Cove,
Especially If......
Especially if they want to order parts for your German car from Taiwan.
Olivia Is Human
Thanks so much for this chapter. I'd been defending Olivia for quite awhile and gave up, but you showed her to be all too human, just like I wanted to believe.
I felt sadness and pity for Olivia, and I can only wonder where the story will go from here.
Please keep up the good work.
- Terry
But the friends and supporters were there. What if Tom had showe
Olivia expected Tom and not Samantha to show up. That Samantha was there was surprise one. That she had her friends and supporters there was the second surprise. Olivia may have acted in part the way she did, because she knew that with Samantha friends there, there was little that she could do to confront her. She was forced to capitulate to reality.
What would have happened, if Tom, in male garb had shown up alone? I think the tiger would have had her prey cornered and Tom would be taking all the night feedings and doin all the diapers for Olivia's child.
Who is the father of the baby?
Is it possibly Nigel?
Is this why she has the almost fanatical attraction to her father??
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
In light of
In light of Mackenzie Phillips' surprise revelation in her recently released memoirs, this might not be all that far from the truth!
It just goes to show
how well written this story is, That i was starting to feel sorry for Olivia....And i never thought that would happen!!!
Sue, I can truly relate to
Sue, I can truly relate to Samantha in this chapter especially. I too have been married only to have the woman shut down and grow distant. The second time was when she had me try on one of her outfits and she felt it looked better on me than it did her... That was the beginning of the end. My endocrinologist said one day I'd grow weary of living in two worlds and have to make a choice. I am believing she was right. Hugs... Stephanie
Stephanie xoxo
Did she get pregnant because...
...she thought that was what he wanted? She really didn't understand the concept that he was two people. Tom couldn't free himself but what he couldn't do Samantha could. She layed the groundwork for this breakup by keeping Samantha at arms length. I do feel sorry for Olivia. In a way she lived in a bubble that she built along with her father. In this story I wouldn't mind seeing the 'let's be girlfriends' scenario. I think it would have some credulity considering it seems that olivia did have feelings/(loved) Tom. I agree with another poster that olivia showed in that encounter the little girl inside of her; though I would not have characterized her as a 'nothing' the very instance she made herself less tyrannical.
Best (chapter) so far....
Very life-like confrontation; why would Samantha be persuaded by Olivia's arguments...... She really is demented if she thinks Nigel is such a nice chap and he's only doing 'it' for her happiness...... When will she confront him???
What a flashback to 47 years ago. I was not sensible and strong like Samantha and really regretted it within a couple of months. Luckily I got out of it, but it was difficult. She tried a second time to get me back and I almost succumbed to her plea. I was literally clinging to a fireplace mantel to keep me from going to her. Thankfully that time I was firm and I went ahead with the divorce. Sam could easily have done as I did and made a bad mistake. Logic has nothing to do with it Luckily she had Abby as an anchor. I finally had a mantel, but would rather have had Abby. Actually I would rather be Abby. Thanks Susan for triggering a glimpse into my past and portraying the confrontation in a realistic manner. A dramatic confrontation with possibly Nigel involved would have been exciting reading but would not have furthered the story very well. Instead we see Olivia as a naive, insecure, spoiled little girl would had never been taught to be considerate of others. Even at this point she doesn't understand how much she has damaged Tom/Samantha. The hurt runs deep, and in return she is starting to feel some of that hurt for herself. Maybe in time she will begin to understand.
Pippa NewHouse