Why Did I Ever Agree To Do THAT?


Ever agree to do something, or make a promise only to regret it later?
Or maybe regret for only a little while!

Why Did I Ever Agree To Do THAT?

By Billiebob

Copyright  © 2010 Billiebob
All Rights Reserved.


Chapter One
My name is Eric. I’m 22 years of age, medium height, build, with longish brown hair. My wife’s name is Cassandra. Also 22 years of age. Standing only one inch shorter than my 5’ 7”, with an attractive shapely figure. Beautiful enough to attract the attention of other men, and a few women in public too!

We’ve been married for only two years, not long enough to really know each other very well. At least that was what I thought! One evening at home Cassandra asked me what I wanted to do for Halloween.
“I don’t know Cassie, I hadn’t given it much thought.” I said.
“Well Eric, I was thinking of maybe getting dressed up and going to a party.”
“Okay, sounds fine with me.” I said. Was that a smirk I see momentarily? No, it must be just my imagination. “What kind of party?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Something different I suppose. We do have a month to decide though.” Again, that same smirk. What gives?
“Have you already got something up your sleeve?” Now the look on her face is the typical ‘Who Me’ look dripping with child-like innocence. Of course she’s wearing a sleeveless dress to complete the look, brushing up imaginary sleeves and responding with a fair imitation of the cartoon character Bullwinckle Moose, “Noth’in up my sleeves!”
“Hardy dee har har, very funny Cassie.”
“Now look Eric, I’m just trying to come up with some ideas for Halloween is all.”
“Oh, okay. You had me worried. I haven’t come up with anything very creative. Only lame, or boring at best.”
“Hmm, I’ll go see my girlfriends and see what we come up with. It should be pretty good.”
Girlfriends? Shouldn’t that be girl and friends? With that Cassie started putting on the heat.

“Eric, it’s getting late. Let’s go to bed.” And with that she leaned over and gave me a very sensual kiss.
Since I know when to take a hint, subtle or otherwise I answered with, “Sure thing dear. Just let me make sure the house is locked up.”

The lovemaking was more like raw sex. She was like an animal. At one point we were in the classic missionary position with me on top. Then the next thing I know she had flipped me over and had pounced on top reseating herself for the proper connection.

Wow! What had gotten into her? Other than me that is! She then started to use her tongue all over me wherever she could reach. Deep French kisses, moving along my cheek, down along my jawline. Then working on my ears, down the nape of my neck! Then turning up the heat even more, she began to lick, massage, nibble, and bite all over my torso! I completely lost it when she had a nipple in her hand tweaking and lightly pinching while using her lips, tongue, and teeth on the other nipple almost getting a squeal out of me, causing my toes to curl till they cramped! When I thought she couldn’t turn it up any more she proved me wrong and started to clamp down and rode me hard, and squeezing my chest like I had breasts! Okay, I have to admit that is when I actually began to squeal! Now I began to get scared! I never saw her like that before!

Then ever so gently slowly rocking atop me, placing gentle licks and kisses all over me. Now she didn’t seem so scary. Slowly she rolled off to lay beside me with a very contented look across her face. Then starting to snuggle into my neck.

“Eric, I guess I got a little carried away.”
“Yes, I guess you did at that. What is the saying? ‘Rode hard and put away wet’?”
Giggle “Eric, I love you.”
“I love you too, Cassie. More than life itself.”
Little did I know what that last part would be construed so literal!

Chapter Two
A week later at an informal dinner party among friends, mostly Cassie’s friends the subject of Halloween came up.
“So Eric, what are you and Cassie planning for Halloween?” said Frank.
“I dunno Frank. I’m sure Cassie has something cooking. Before you ask, I don’t know but I get a feeling she has something. She won’t tell me anything.”
“My Sarah won’t say anything also. You don’t suppose whatever it is they’re plans are somehow connected?”
“Good question. It’s beginning to look like a conspiracy among the two of them. No, now I’m starting to sound paranoid, even to myself.”
We laughed it off as being silly.

Just then the girls walked up to us looking cheerful and… turned on?
“So boys, what’s the hot topic for tonight?” asked Cassie.
“We were talking about Halloween and what you two are cooking up. Any hints?” I asked.
In unison they both answered “No, we want it to be a surprise and stop asking.” I think they’ve been rehearsing that line.

“Oh. Can we ask any questions about Halloween?” I asked.
“That’s one you can ask.” Sarah replied with. (giggle giggle)
“When is this plan set to happen?” Frank asked.
After whispering back and forth, Cassie answered with “Friday night, October thirtieth. It may last all weekend till Sunday night.”
“That’s a long time for a party. Nobody will be worth a damn come Monday morning.” I said.
“Oh, there will be plenty of time for sleeping!” Sara smirked.
“Alright, it’s time to get you boys home. We have things to do.” Cassie said.
Why do I have a very bad feeling?

After we got home, we had a repeat of the week before. Yes, the intense sex marathon. Not that I’m complaining. Not by a long shot. But… the start was… different. I’m embarrassed to describe it. The short and least embarrassing description would be is that she rode my face! I don’t have a problem going down on her. I know she enjoys it for a fact. But how rough she got what was so embarrassing. I felt… intimidated. Like a girl might become with an over aggressive guy. Now I truly knew the meaning of ‘Rode hard and put away wet’. Afterwards it didn’t seem so embarrassing. Kind of kinky to tell you the truth. Then I remembered an old commercial advertising a toy for girls called “My Little Pony”. Strange to say the very lest!

During our after sex cuddle she asked, “Eric, did you mean it?”
“What was that?”
“That you love me more than life itself?”
“Ye.. Yes Cassie dear I did. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before meeting you, or since. If I lost you I think I’d whither up and die.”
“Oh Eric, that’s the most romantic thing I ever heard! But now we need to plan for our Halloween thing. Come on. Get up so I can measure you.”
“Why do you need to measure me? You know what size clothes I wear.”
“Eric, you silly thing. I need exact measurements for your costume.”
“Costume? You didn’t say that was going to be a costume party!”
“Oh. I guess it slipped my mind.” Slipped her mind?
More like a evasion of the truth now that I think about it. So up I got while she got a sewing tape out. When she get that? She doesn’t sew. I’ve been measured for a tuxedo so I know what that entails. But these measurements that she recorded were more for a woman. Again with that scary feeling.

The next week and a half we spent more time in bed than on our honeymoon. Little did I know she was conditioning me. Thursday came around and somebody at work said something about the long weekend I was going to have, and to enjoy it. Huh?

“What do you mean?”
“You forgot you have scheduled tomorrow off?”
“I guess so. Things have been a little hectic because of the end of the month and all.” I know for a fact I did no such thing. Was Cassie going behind the scenes with her little party plans? I’ll have to ask her for more information. If I can’t get any answers, I’m simply not going to whatever she’s planning.

“Honey, I’m home!” Cassie at least sounded cheerful. Maybe not for long with what I’m going to be asking! I’m more than a little pissed off, dammit!
“Honey, Eric? Why don’t you answer me?”
“I’m a little upset with you. Maybe pissed off would be more accurate.”
“Well, the secret Halloween party or whatever thing is one thing I don’t mind. It’s finding out I’m scheduled tomorrow off and I know I didn’t schedule a day off!”
“Yes you did. Look at your calendar.”
So just to settle that I went into the den and did look. There it was. In my own handwriting, and circled in red! What is going on here? I was so sure I didn’t do no such thing. I still don’t remember doing that. I came back out to the living room.
“Okay Cassie. I have tomorrow off. Why?”
“You still don’t remember? To get ready for the party!” And with that she started to cry. And cry. That’s when I couldn’t stand it anymore. Anything to turn off the water works.

“Cassie. You have to understand. I don’t remember anything about that party, other than it being on Friday night. Everything else has been a big secret between you and Sarah. I’m sure Frank also has no clue. I’m sorry, but I don’t know or remember being told anything else.”
“Okay Eric. I wanted it all to be a surprise. Sarah wanted it to be a surprise with Frank too.”
“So why do I need to take the whole day off?”
“Because it will take that long to get us ready with all the preparation. Mostly for you.”
“What do you mean mostly for me?”
I’ve made an appointment for you at 8AM.”
“That’s one of the surprises. You’ll see when we get there. I just need to get a few things and take them out to the car.”
“What things?”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about those boring things dear.” Again, with that little smirk and a giggle.

“Okay. I see you still want to keep secrets about all of this.” Sigh.
“Cheer up. You’ll just love it. Trust me.”
“Don’t say that!”
“Don’t say what?”
“Trust me. When a used car salesman says that, what he’s really saying is ‘fuck you’. As a matter of fact the last time one did say that to me I told him, ‘Don’t swear at me’.”
“That’s a good one. I’ll be back in a moment.”
“Okay, I’ll just finish my coffee and toast while browsing the morning paper.” I’ll be glad when this whole Halloween nonsense is done and over with.
“Time for us to get a move on Eric.”

When we got to the car Cassie said she was driving and I was to be wearing a blindfold. More of those damn secrets. I really didn’t like where this was going. All kinds of thoughts started going through my mind during the forty minute ride. Each succeeding thought scarier. Finally words of relief.
“We’re here Eric. Isn’t this exciting?”
“Don’t be like that. I’ve worked too hard to listen to that kind of attitude. Come on. Of all things please remember how this weekend is going to be so much fun! And keep that blindfold on! I’ll be back out to guide you in. Hang tight!”

Like I have a choice to do anything else but that. The things I do for her. While sitting here grumbling about all of this and generally feeling sorry for myself, Cassie opened the car door startling me.
“Let us take your arms and guide you in. Careful dear…. Step…Now three steps. Safe, and sound, time to sit down dear. Here, I’m going to give you a couple of pills to relax you.”
“Just do it. You’ll thank me for it later.”
“Okay Cassie.”

“Hi there… Eric? I’m Mandy and I’ll be one of those taking care of you today.” Giggle.
Well at least she isn’t a grumpy old biddy.
With that she pulled the blindfold off.
“What’s going here?” I was sitting on some sort of table.

“Why Eric you are in for the whole treatment. That’s what your wife had scheduled, and that’s what you going to get.”
“CASSANDRA!” Now I’m pissed off!
“Eric calm down and lower your voice. You agreed to this weekend now and you aren’t going to ruin it!”
“You still haven’t told me a damn thing about this weekend, let alone about tonight.”
“Eric. This is the surprise part of the weekend. It all ties in together with our costumes.”
“Costumes? What’s going on here?” I couldn’t believe this!

“Tonight we are going to go to a costume party with Sarah and Frank.”
“Does Frank know about this surprise yet?” I asked.
“He should know by now.”
“Okay.” Is that the only word I know lately?
“Now, time to strip down so Mandy can get started. Her assistant should be in shortly. You can put this robe on when you’re ready.”

“Strip down? Why would, or should I do that?”
“So they can wax you, that’s why.”
“Wax, as in all over?”
“Yes you silly thing. It is necessary for your costume. All that hair would ruin the whole effect, and make you look ridiculous. And don’t be shy. We are all adults here.”
“Okay, does that mean I have to wag my wiener at them? You just got done calling me silly you know.”
“I think we can skip that part.”

“Can I have the blindfold back again? I don’t want anyone to see a grown man cry. Maybe you should give me a couple more pills.”
“It’s only a wax job, not a firing squad. Even though they’re not that strong, you can’t have any more pills. Those two should kick in pretty soon. We don’t want you to overdose.”
The last thing I remember was Cassie helping me put the robe on, because the pills were kicking in.

“How far under will he be Mandy?” Cassie asked.
“Not too much under. At the most, the strongest response will be a whimper due to the longer strips getting pulled off.”

Chapter Three
“Okay he’s out, let’s get started. We need to work fast. The three of us should make short work of the waxing.”
“Time to thin the eyebrows and work on the nails. How long do you want the nails Cassie?”
“I’d like at least a half inch overhang. This is a picture of Eric’s costume.”
“Oh my god! Same color as in the photo?”
“Yes. Black, of course. The toenails also.” Cassie answered.
After the nails dried.
“Now for the costume. Let’s get the silly thing into it.” Said Cassie.

“My, my. This stuff looks real. I don’t know who is going to be more turned on.”
“Yes, I know. It’s enough to make even me jealous. I think the best way to get this on is to suspend Eric from the ceiling and slip it on from below.” suggested Cassie.
“You sound like you’ve done this before.” said Mandy.
“Oh heaven’s sakes no. I had only done some research to find any help to make this project as easy as possible.”
After some swearing, jostling, and quite a bit of struggling it was almost all in place.
“Good thing I don’t do this every day. I’m quite happy how it looks. Now let’s get the dress on ‘her’,” said Cassie with a smile and a giggle.

“Eric, honey. You need to wake up. Here, this should help,” said Cassie.
“Cassie. Where am I? I don’t remember much after a ride in the car.”
“Eric. We’re still at you’re appointment. We need to get you into that chair over there. We aren’t finished yet. Everything is coming along just fine,” said Cassie.
“Yes. Everything, as everything your costume came with. Come along. We’ll help you walk over there seeing as how groggy you still are,” said Cassie.
As groggy as I was I still managed to sense something was out of kilter. As they walked me to the chair, each taking an arm I took note of unaccustomed weight in various places on me to start with. They wouldn’t let me see a mirror, saying they weren’t done with my surprise package yet.
“Close your eyes Eric, and we’ll get on with the next step,” said Mandy.
So I closed my eyes, and soon was dozing again. My next thought as someone waved smelling salts under my nose wasn’t good. I felt somewhat cross that my dream was interrupted. I couldn’t remember what the dream was, just that it was pleasant.

“Okay Elvira honey. Wakey, wakey,” said a much too cheerful Cassie.
“Yes. We’ll turn you around and you’ll see your costume in all of its glory,” said Cassie.
Talk about a surprise! Try shock, or stunned senseless! What looked back at me was Elvira, Mistress of The Dark! Little black dress and all! Make that VERY little! Breasts that seemed to stand out and shout.
Then I noticed the dark hair, and the details of my face, the makeup, and as I went to touch my cheek, the nails. Then as the shock very slowly went away, a sexy smile appeared. I was starting to get a kick out of it. As hot as I looked I was thinking I’m glad it was only temporary.

“Mandy, I think we’ve hit a grand slam home run,” said Cassie.
“I was thinking the very same thing. Let’s get her up and walk around a bit so the heels don’t give her too much trouble later,” said Mandy.
“Good idea. I didn’t want to overdo it with the heels so I picked out three inch ones,” said Cassie.

So back and forth they assisted me, coaching till I could walk gracefully on my own. Then, more coaching on deportment, taking smaller steps, and gestures, a woman would make.
“Unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot we can do about her voice,” said Cassie.
“What’s wrong with my voice,” I said trying to sound like a man as possible. That gave everyone a good laugh. I think the added wiggle of my butt helped too.

“Let’s try some coaching to begin with. Then I also have something that will work if the coaching doesn’t help,” said Mandy.
After repeated attempts with some improvement, Mandy went into a side room for a minute. She was holding a small spray bottle.
“This is my secret weapon. Open up and say ahh. Don’t say anything for a couple of minutes.”
“Ahhh.” Then I felt a cool spray hit the back of my throat.
Two minutes later Mandy said, “Try reciting Mary Had A Little Lamb.”
So I started. At first I sounded like a small girl, high pitched and squeaky. Then as I got near the end, my voice smoothed out so the pitch sounded more realistic. And oh so sexy!

“Here dear. Put this spray in your purse with your makeup and things. You’ll need a touchup when you redo your makeup,” Mandy said.
“Now it’s time for me to get ready,” said Cassie. “You keep practicing while I get my costume on.”
So I practiced, getting corrections from Mandy whenever I made a mistake. About an hour later I felt someone come up behind me placing their hands over my eyes.

“Guess who?” I heard in a unfamiliar voice. “Turn around and you’ll see.”
“Who… are… you?” I don’t know what I felt at that point. Fear, curiosity, shyness, or outright lust. What is this costume and everything doing to my mind? There, before me stood this very handsome, sexy, manly… man! I couldn’t figure out who they looked like more. Cary Grant, Robert Conrad, Dean Martin, Clark Gable, and someone else I couldn’t place.
“I’m your wife you silly goose!”
“Okay Cassie, I know who my character is. Who is yours?”
“I couldn’t decide so I thought of something special. A mix of five hot, sexy manly men. Four are obvious. The fifth is another surprise!” She said with a sly grin.
There she goes again with another surprise. I’m starting to question agreeing to this Halloween party again.
“Mandy, I want to thank you for all of your help and assistance. You’re a godsend,” said Cassie. “Honeybuns, where are your manners? Don’t you think you should thank Mandy for all of her hard efforts?”
“Yes, I’m such a scatterbrain. Thank you so very much!” I gushed. There I go again, falling ever deeper into character.
“You are both welcome. It has been a pleasure and so much fun,” Mandy said, then planting a big wet one on my lips, with more than a little tongue!
“Now look what you’ve gone and done. You smeared your lipstick. Go and repair it, you naughty thing!” Mandy said with a wink.

So I got my purse and tissue, and strutted over to a mirror. Carefully removing the smeared lipstick, I then reapplied a fresh coat.
“That very good dear, but give yourself another coat,” Cassie said and Mandy nodding in agreement. Both gave their approval.
“Let’s be off, so we get there in time,” Cassie said.

Chapter Four
Later in the car with Cassie driving of course, I asked.
“Cassie, where is this party going to be, and how many people are going to be there?”
“Well, Sarah and Frank for sure. I’m not sure how many will be there altogether. But as to where I want to keep one last secret.”
“Who are they going as?” I asked.
“I honestly don’t know. That’s part of the party, because there will be a competition with judging and prizes. One of the rules are we aren’t supposed to know in advance what the other costumes are.”
“I hope I don’t live to regret to agree to go to this party,” I said. “I understand if I have I have the option of shaving my eyebrows or something till they grow back, and make up a story to explain why I have no eyebrows. Either an accident singeing them off, or something believable.”
“Why not tell them the truth and say the costume for Halloween called for them to be shaved off?”
“That sounds like the best. That way I won’t have problems remembering who I told what lie.”
As I sat there riding along in the passenger seat with the seatbelt nestled between my breasts. Yes, now I have breasts. Feeling their weight shift, bounce, and jiggle with every bump in the road. If I didn’t know any better I’d say she went out of her way to hit every one! I sure hope I don’t bounce clear out of my dress on top!

“Dear, why are you giggling?” asked Cassie.
“I just had a funny thought. I was just hoping with all these bumps in the road and how my dress fits I don’t pop out on top and give everyone a show,” I answered.
“You know that is funny. You do know we can’t use our real names with each other at the party?” Cassie asked.
“Okay. So what names are we going to use?”
“Well you name is easy, it’s Elvira. As far as my name, I’m not sure.”
“Oh, I know. Something like Hunk, because you are my hunk,” I suggested. “If someone can call themselves Rock, or Tab, Hunk shouldn’t be bad. OH! How about Rocky, as in the series of Rocky movies?”
“I like Hunk the best because of your reasoning,” Cassie said with a wink.
“So why did you pick Elvira for me Cassie?” I asked.
“You mean Hunk, don’t you?”
“Yes. Sorry, I slipped. So… Hunk, why am I Elvira?”
“Because I know you and that since she turns you on so much, I thought turnabout is fair play.” She said with a dirty laugh.

Chapter Five
Pretty soon Cassie, I’m mean Hunk slowed the car like she was trying to find an address. Then a mile or two she slowed to a stop in front of two enormous wrought iron gates with even bigger pillars to support them.
“That’s the place,” she, uh he said. I’m going have to try to remember to think before speaking, or I’m going screw the pooch!

We parked the car with all the others near the carriage house. Yes, it was an estate with all the bells and whistles! Big… Huge Victorian mansion! As we reached the front doors, they were opened by a butler. He asked for our invitation. As he announced our arrival (with our costume names) a maid took my wrap and Hunk’s overcoat. Then we were approached by both a waiter with a tray of campaign flutes, and what had to be our hostess. Let’s see… I know who she is! Jane Mansfield!
“Good evening and welcome to our Halloween celebration,” she said. “I see you must be Elvira, but who is this fine hunk of a man?”
“Yes.” Hunk answered.
“Yes, what?” She asked.
“Yes, my name is Hunk.”
“Cute. Okay I’ll grant that as there wasn’t a rule that said you had to be a famous entertainer.”

She then gave me one of those cheek to cheek air kisses, and what she did to my Hunk was X-rated, almost shoving her tongue down his throat!
“Good evening Ms. Mansfield, you have such a beautiful home!” The hussy! She better not do that again or I’ll scratch her eyes out! I don’t give a damn who she is! I better keep an eye peeled for that kind of stuff!

“Why thank you, Elvira! This home has been in my family for over two hundred years.”
Well, it was quite a party. The very air seemed to convey the very essence of sexual energy. At first, it was hardly noticeable. Then as I met each person the feeling of the level or strength began to slowly increase. Meanwhile I made sure to keep an eye on my Hunk, least some horny slut get their hands on him! One I remember meeting was Marilyn Monroe. The blonde bottle slut! Wait just a damn minute here. I’m getting into this bitchy, jealous wife role waaay to much! Granted, my husband Hunk is really my wife Cassie, and I have every right to get jealous, but… but… Oh hell! No wonder people go crazy! I’ll be ever so glad when this is over and we’re back home back to normal. God, I think I need another drink! After several more drinks my mood improved. I got into my Elvira persona with no problem. I still kept an eye on Hunk and fended off the more serious sexual advances. The worst one was some drunk wannabe celeb staggered up to me and crudely grabbed a tit! That earned him a right cross. I admit I over reacted, but I did pull the punch realizing one or both of us could get seriously hurt. The result was he still landed on his ass with a surprised look on his face. I soon found my way to the powder room for some much needed relief, and a touchup of my lipstick.

“May I have you attention please?” said our hostess.
“I would like to officially welcome all of my guests and thank you for coming tonight. Dinner is ready to be served. Please follow me to the dining room. Once you get in there you will see the seating has been assigned with little placards. Please sit in those places.”

I soon found my assigned seat and sat down. I soon found that the seating was arranged as boy girl boy girl. I had looked as the person to my left sat. Oh my! A hot one! I took a drink from my water glass to calm my nerves. Then, the person to my right sat. Yes, you guessed it. Another hot one! Oh God, where is my beloved Hunk? He’s seated right across from me! I feel like such a dope. Dinner was grand as everything else in this grand home. Dish after dish appeared giving us so many selections. Now and then one or other of the two seated beside me would start up with some bawdy, or openly sexual comment. Now I just had to play my Elvira role! As the evening progressed with more drinks it got more explicit, to the level of cathouse humor. They could see the effect it was having on me! Even more so my Hunk, when I noticed was staring at me with open mouth amazement! I did settle on the conservative side, eating lightly as my costume wouldn’t allow much more. I didn’t mention it earlier, but part of my costume involved a heavily boned corset, restricting how much I ate. Okay, I cheated. I did have a taste of one of the deserts. All too soon dinner was over with and we slowly went back to the main part of the house. Once there Hunk cornered me and asked rather angrily what I thought I was doing back there.
“Well Dear, all of this WAS you’re idea, and I was just getting into character. Besides, as the saying goes,” and proceeded to sing, “Girls just wanna have fun!”. The look he gave me was simply precious!
“I’m regretting this now that it’s gotten this far. I wanted us to have a fun evening. I had no idea you would get so out of control and reckless.” He scolded with an angry and hurt expression.
“I.. I’m so sorry Dear. I didn’t mean to hurt you in any way. If you… you never forgive…” At that moment I lost all control and started to openly sob. Suddenly I found myself being held with my head nestled in the crook of Hunk’s neck.

Chapter Six
“Excuse me,” said a voice behind me. I turned around to see our hostess.
With a sniffle and a clearing of my throat I turned, and answered. “Yes?”
“In light of the alcohol and all I’ve arranged sleeping assignments for all of my guests. You are welcome to stay the night. I could not forgive myself if anyone were to suffer an accident because of me.” She said. “Just ask one of my staff for details.”
“Thank you so very much, how kind of you.” I gratefully replied.
“Just enjoy the rest of your evening. And no more tears please. This is to be a fun evening.”

After all the excitement and stress, I begged to head off to bed. The time was near midnight. We then located one of the staff who guided us to a spacious and beautiful bedroom. Sleepwear already presented laying at the foot of the bed on a hope chest. I was so tired I don’t remember getting undressed and changed. I did have some erotic and arousing dreams though.

Sometime later, maybe three AM I woke needing to visit the bathroom with all I had to drink. When I opened the door I found it was lit with a soft glow from a night lite. Something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. It was my reflection in the mirror. Oh, with all the excitement and everything all I did to change for bed was to swap the dress and heels for s translucent nightgown. Oh well, I’ll deal with that in the morning. Time for me to take care of business before I have an accident. After washing my hands I headed back to bed. After laying down, something kept nagging me. A feeling I was being watched. Something very evil and putrid. I couldn’t get comfortable, tossing and turning. I opened my eyes to see my beloved watching me intently with a loving smile.

“How very touching you foolish mortals!” Said a voice dripping with the very essence of evil itself!
We both sat bolt upright in terror. There before us stood… or hovered something out of our worst nightmare! It’s appearance ever shifting, changing. We were frozen in place with fright too might to ask the obvious question.
“I see my reputation precedes me! I go by many names far and wide through time and space itself! But you’re names for me will do for now!”
Lucifer was my first thought.
“The mortal guessed right the first time!” Followed by a laugh that made my skin crawled.
“The original occupant of this hovel was a loyal and devoted servant. Since then succeeding generations till the present one had been lax in their devotion. That devotion results in obvious rewards! Since you two and the other mortals like your forms so much I shall grant you such a reward!”
Suddenly we both collapsed and fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter Seven
The next morning we awoke refreshed and in good spirits in an embrace with a strong feeling of love and sexual attraction for each other. What a strange and terrifying dream!
“I love you,” we said in unison, and a resulting giggle on my part. An outright laugh my beloved’s part. What’s with our voices?
“Dear, shouldn’t the effects of those sprays in our throats be only temporary?” I asked. With that thought I sat up, and the nightgown shifted across my sensitive nipples. I shouldn’t be feeling anything there!
“Something is very wrong here!”
“Like what for instance?”
“Umm… like, feel my nipples… GENTLY!” I cautioned. “Ohhh… ahhh… STOP AREADY, DAMMIT!!!”
“That’s pretty good acting, Honey. You can drop the Elvira act.”
“Calm down and please stop shouting. Uh, oh. Something is wrong with me too. A fake penis shouldn’t be capable of getting a woody. Why don’t you take off that silly wig so we can think about changing our clothes, and go downstairs?”

I tried. Each time I tried it didn’t budge. And it was painful. “Ouch!” It was now my own HAIR! I got out of bed beat feet to the bathroom and after stripping off the nightgown I looked in the mirror. There she was, Elvira in all her glory. I tried removing the makeup. No change. It still looked freshly applied. Not a single smudge, or smear. Totally, and flawlessly permanent. I looked at my hairline. Yup, it was hair and not a wig. Taking my self-examination downward everything looked real and natural. Taking a pretty full breast in each hand I could feel the natural warmth within and silky smooth texture of the skin. I located a hand mirror I sat down on the closed lid of the toilet afraid of what I would find. After a few minutes and several deep breaths I worked up the courage to look. I wasn’t happy with what I found. Genuine and very real female genital features. With trembling hands I used the fingers of one hand while holding the mirror in the other to spread the outer portion. Even worse, everything and I mean EVERYTHING was very sensitive. And oh so wet too! I finally managed to control myself and stop before things went too far. On wobbly rubber legs I got up gasping for breath leaving the bathroom.
“Houston, we have a problem.” I said. “Did you have a strange or frightening dream?”
“Yes, Dear I did. I was doing a self-exam while you were in the bathroom. Which reminds me, I have to go too. I’ll be back in a minute.”

While that was being taken care of I distinctly heard the unmistaken sound of a guy standing at the toilet taking a leak. I peeked to make sure. Then I turned back to the bed with the image fresh in my mind. I could feel my arousal building again. Damn that creature for what it did to us! Was it who I thought it was? Then I heard that same laugh as in what I thought was a dream. Now I know it wasn’t a dream. What are we going to do? While occupied with those thoughts, my beloved Cassie walked up behind me wrapping those big strong arms around me making me feel safe. I slowly turned around, and we kissed each other with a passion slowly building to an intense inferno. He, yes he, my Hunk picked me up with little effort and carried me over to the bed and laid me gently down, spreading me out like the virgin sacrifice I felt like. There was no terror, nor fear. Only uncontrolled love, passion, and lust for each other. I found out who that last persona. Yes, it was a surprise alright! To make certain I found out several times before getting ready to leave for home. Actually we were politely asked to leave after vigorous pounding on our bedroom door. Must have been all that screaming from within. Care to take a guess whom the surprise persona was? (giggle) They say a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell. Well since I’m no longer a gentleman I can tell. That part was John Holms. Yes THAT part! “BOW WOW”!

After we got home we sat down to figure out what to do. We called Sarah and Frank, and invited them over. Next order of business was have me go on birth control of some kind. I hope it wasn’t too late. Then we talked about our job and identification situation. For that we’d call our lawyer. When Sarah and Frank arrived I opened the door wearing that little black dress sans the corset since I no longer needed it.

“Hello Sarah and Frank, please come in.”
“Hello… excuse me who are you?” asked Sarah.
“Please come in and I’ll try to tell you. Make yourselves at home in the living room.” I pleaded.
“Okay, who are you two and where are Cassie and Eric?” Sarah insisted. They kept looking at each other and back at us like we were criminals.
“Right here in front of you,” we both answered.
“We don’t believe you.” said Frank.
“How can we prove it? Is there anything at all?” Cassie asked.
“Give the two of us time with each other to discuss the matter.” said Sarah.
While they went into a huddle we made a pot of coffee in the kitchen.
“Cassie, I just got an idea how we can prove who we are. Have you and Sarah ever kept any secrets from Frank and I?”
“Of course not!”
“I’m not asking what, nor do I want to ever ask. I’m just asking because if yes, I can tell Frank old buddy one of ours while he and I are at one end of the room, and you and Sarah do the same at the other end of the room. Do you have a better Idea?” I asked.
“Unfortunately no, I don’t have any.” Cassie said.
So we took the coffee, cups, saucers, flavored creamer on a tray out to the living room. We told them my idea that I thought of, and they agreed. I went to take Frank to the other end, and he stopped me.
“You can’t be Eric. You’re too small… make that short.” Frank said while blushing.
“And you can’t be Cassie.” Sarah said.
“Did you two ever go to that Halloween Party Friday night?” I asked.
“No, we didn’t,” Frank replied.
“Well we did, and look at us what happened.” I said. And We told them all about it. Except about the glorious sex part that is.
“Okay, but you two had a chance to share some secrets while in the kitchen.” Sarah groused.
“Sarah, don’t be such a bitch,” complained Cassie with a wink.
“Frank. If I didn’t know better, I’d say that was Cassie. That was an exclusive secret we swore to keep between the two of us in College. From when we shared a dorm room.”

“Okay, my turn Frank. But I want you to keep your hands in your pockets while I whisper a few of our secrets in your ear. Remember, I know what you’ve said about everything in a skirt that walks by, you horny goat.” I said.
The look on his face was truly priceless, mouth agape.
“Okay, now that we believe who you two are, is there more to the story?” Sarah insisted.
With a smile I said, “Cassie, that proves who Sarah is. She can always smell there’s more to a story.”
We all had a good laugh with that comment.
So we entertained them with the rest of the story. Yes, the sex part. They are our very close friends I’ll have you know.

“I’m jealous. Your makeup is perfect Eric. And your breasts are so perky for their size.” said Sarah.
Now that made me blush!
“Sarah, thanks for the complement, but I’m not wearing makeup, and I’m not wearing a bra. That’s the second reason we asked you two to come over. We both need new wardrobes, and if you come with me, and Frank goes with Cassie we can cover more ground faster.”
“Why not just swap clothes?” Sarah asked.
“It’s not that simple. Cassie’s shoes are too big, and her tops are too small. I haven’t checked out her skirts yet.”

“Sarah,” said Cassie. “You remember when the going gets tough?”
“Right, you DO remember!” Cassie said with a smile.
“But you should tone it down a bit before the two of you go out there shopping,” Cassie said pointing at me. “I have at least one pair of sunglasses that should do the job. You two women go up to our bedroom, and pick out something that will fit. You don’t want to have to deal with Elvira fans.”
The resulting look wasn’t less sexy. Hopefully not so much of the Elvira presentation. A soft fuzzy sweater, to disguise my nipples, stretchy slacks with a little give in them, a scarf to cover my hair, jewelry, and we decided to keep the black heels I had on. When upon our return to the living room, the looks of the men confirmed that.
“Eric, you should also wear my wedding rings to show that you are already taken.” Cassie advised.
That’s what happened alright! I better stop thinking about that. Fat chance!
We went in two cars. Sarah went with me. Frank went with Cassie. I don’t know who got the better deal. First we stopped and shopped for lingerie. We started with a professional fitting. Nothing worse than a poor fitting bra, or so Sarah pointed out. It turns out I’m a 34C to a D depending on what brand and style. Sarah kept repeating about being jealous. Then, selecting plain white with all the accessories, working up to the highly erotic, lacy, and naughty. Then stockings, and pantyhose. Then on to shoes. A wide selection of shoes. Now I’m beginning to understand the true meaning of ‘shop till you drop’. At this rate they’re going to add another shift at where all these clothes were made. I did hear women whisper “Elvira” every so often, and I got a little paranoid.
Then off to find blouses, more sweaters, skirts, and dresses. And may I say so, more jewelry.

“I was thinking about last night, or rather this morning with Cassie.”
“When you two told us it sounded like somewhere between a honeymoon to a porn movie?” Sarah asked.
“That’s part of my next question.”
“Out with it.”
“We weren’t using any birth control I’m afraid. We did it at least three times.” I said, then gnawing my bottom lip.
“At least?”
“I lost count.” I admitted. “I wanted to ask how soon I should stop at the drug store for a home pregnancy test kit. We’re hoping that if we go can there next year we can try to change back.”
“Well, I’m not sure myself. Normally, after the first missed period. We’ll stop on the way back to your house, just to make sure.”
“I’ve never had a period. Remember I’ve been like this less than a day. I’m scared. No, make that terrified. I don’t know what getting pregnant may do to me, up here,” I said while pressing the side of my head, mindful of my nails. “We may not be able to change back. I’m afraid of being stuck like this the rest of my life. Also some condoms too, because if the last twenty-four hours are any indication, I know they will be needed.” I said. “Big ones,” I added with a giggle.
“Why is that?” Sarah asked.
“It’s like this. I don’t know what is normal for woman in regard to sexual factors, but it feels like this body is in overdrive in an attempt to catch up. I feel like high explosives with a very short fuse.” I confessed.
“You’ll do just fine Dear. It’s all part of being a woman. Men don’t have to go through this. You already have the gestures and mannerisms pegged like a lifelong woman.” Sarah advised.
I felt somewhat better when she said that. When we got home, after the guys if I may point out, we had our own little fashion show. Then we had dinner.

Over the next several weeks we had taken care of all of our personal details with the help of our friends, relatives, lawyers, yes more than one was needed, our doctors, and others who didn’t go out their way to give us trouble. I can’t remember those by name. Speaking of doctors, I went for my first GYN checkup. That was an eye opener! Also I made a return visit to the salon to get a trim and work done on my nails. Mandy was surprised to say the least! Even more so when I showed her, “Just the facts Ma’am” in the back room. She asked about touching up my makeup, and I explained that I wasn’t wearing any whatsoever. Of course she got jealous, but I told her how this happened while she worked on my hair and nails.
“Since you haven’t been in here for some time, is there a special occasion coming up?” Mandy asked.
“We’re getting remarried!” I gushed. “And all of you here are invited!”

We had a civil ceremony type wedding to make sure everything was legal. Of course Sarah was my maid of honor. Silly me, I forgot one important detail. Our new first names are with me being Erica, and Cassie now John. I hope you understand why (giggle). All of our relatives showed up, parents, aunts and uncles, our brothers and sisters, and all our cousins. There wasn’t too many upset with us, thinking we had SRS done. Except for my sister who seemed a real bitch! I asked her talk alone with me to clear the air.
“Eric, I’m ashamed you did such a thing to yourself. I thought you knew better. Why?”
“Susan, I didn’t DO ANYTHING! This was done to me. I don’t want go into specific details right now, but please understand. I love you and need your support right now, because…”
“Because why would I support such nonsense?” she asked.
Because… I’m… pregnant.”
“How did you manage that?”
“I’m a full-fledged female with all that comes with it. And the night all these changes happened… we kind of got carried away, and I didn’t think of birth control.” With that I broke down and started to cry. Susan wrapped me in her arms and supported my head on her shoulder. Just then mom opened the door and saw what was taking place.

“What is with the tears? This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Susan, did you do this?”
“Yes Mon, I’m afraid I did. This was the worst time too. You are going to be a grandmother!”
“Well congratulations Susan!”
“No Mom, it’s not me. It’s Erica.” Talk about a shocked look on mom’s face!
By this time I regained some control, lifting my head and turning to her shocked face I said, “Yes Mom, I’m quite sure. Home test, the doctor confirmed it, and a sonogram.”
With this not so little tidbit, she sat down and fanned herself! “My little Erica is pregnant.”

“Mom, there’s more.” I added.
“More. I’m glad you’re sitting down. I’m pregnant with twins. It’s too early to tell if the sex though.”
“Who else knows?”
“The doctors, John, our friends Sarah and her husband Frank, and now you two.”
Later we held a reception with all our dear friends and very dear relatives, and it was a very happy evening. I did have the one small sip of champagne during the toast to bless our marriage.

Chapter Eight

The job I had before as Eric was in sales. With one look at me they saw the advantage of a hot looking member of the sales staff. Will they accept me if I’m able to change back? The down side was one day some oversexed salesman came up behind me and pinched my butt. My reaction was completely automatic. I had spun around and slapped him, and then practically shoved my wedding ring in his face!
“Listen here. You see this wedding ring?” A vigorous nod from him.
“That means my butt is the exclusive property of my husband and if you don’t keep your hands to yourself, me or my husband will castrate you and me using you gonads as earrings!”
When I straightened up I saw everyone’s eyes on me. That caused me to blush… heavily. Then all the women and most of the men gave me a round of applause, and a couple of “YOU GO GIRL” from a mix of each.

As time went on I got bigger. And bigger. And even bigger yet. I kept working till three weeks before my due date. My boss was worried I’d deliver at the office. I told him I felt fine, but for the sake of his nerves, I agreed to start my maternity leave. Good thing. I delivered two weeks early. Two beautiful identical baby girls. We, or rather I decided I was going to nurse. You see I grew another cup size and it seemed a waste not to. John especially liked that part! I thought I’d tease him and told him he’d have to settle for leftovers (giggle).
Now I understand the big deal about breastfeeding one’s babies. The moments of tenderness, bonding between mother and child. The serenity and peacefulness of such an experience.

The six of us made the trip in our big SUV out to where the party was held exactly one year ago. As we pulled in the week chocked driveway just inside the columns where the iron gates used to be and stopped. Sarah asked.
“Are you sure this is where the party was?”
“Yes, we are very sure. You see that small building off to the side? Well, was the carriage house. Let’s get out for a minute, I need to stretch my legs.”
What we saw was the same house, or rather mansion from long ago in utter ruin. Most of the shutters gone, glass missing from some windows, and the roof beginning to collapse in places. Such a waste. I then noticed a flock of raven perched above the entranceway. How odd I thought. Something compelled me to count them. Several times, getting the same number. Thirteen. I turned to John and started to cry. John, the big hero comforted me very well. I peeked at Sarah who had a smirk on her lips. I winked at her to not give it away. After the required amount of tears I slowly regained and looked back at the mansion.
“I guess it wasn’t meant to be. Changing back, that is.” I said, throwing in a couple of sniffles. Everyone said something in agreement and consoled me. Then, the strangest thing happened. I could have sworn that one of those raven winked at me!
All in all I’d say that went well. I had already decided I wasn’t going to change back to Eric. I also went back off the pill, and tossed out the condoms. I’m looking towards having more children.

Author note: I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this as I have writing it. I mentioned in my blog about seeing the posting for the Halloween 2010 theme and starting it. Also said getting kidnapped by this story until completion. 8,657 words. Make that 8,902 or so. It was pointed out to me in a comment about the paragraph issue. So I fiddled with it. It may disqualify me in the contest, but I felt the story was more important. If so, that’s water under the bridge. The picture of Elvira was the seed of germination that took root.

Thank you very much

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