The Rise of Michelle


A story moved from Classic BigCloset.

The Rise of Michelle

By jasmine

The continuation of "Triumph of My Will". Michelle seeks out the Eternal Ones.

Will she succeed, will her anger consume her or will she find redemption?


The Rise of Michelle

By jasmine

Part I

This is a dark tale of a woman tormented by years of abuse and torture. She grew up enslaved and tormented by her sisters. The torment served not to destroy her but enraged her and destroyed her compassion. What was left was an empty shell possessed by hatred and evil. Her name was Michelle Groves and this is her story.

In fact she was born Michael Groves. His sisters hated their brother, because of what he was, and what he represented. They were average. He was absolutely brilliant. His mothers will granted her fortune to the most intelligent sibling. It was obvious who that was, and his sisters didn't like it all. After his mother died, his eldest sister became his guardian. It was like the wolf guarding the baby chick. After that, they called him Michelle and forced him to be a girl. His three sisters hatched a plan to destroy him out of greed and hatred. They wanted to destroy his will and make him into a broken submissive, so he would sign the estate over to Alexandra. If he refused, they were sure that a court would declare him incompetent to handle the affairs and grant Alexandra the estate.

For years he suffered, torture, rape, enslavement and torment. He wouldn't escape with his masculinity. After years of the most horrid abuse imaginable, she was free. By that time, she lost control of her inheritance. By the time of her escape, she towered above her sisters by at least six inches and was twice as strong. She possessed a supernatural charisma and radiated charm. When she was in your presence, you would swear you were being visited by evil, an evil that seduced you. Her eyes were piercing. She had a will of iron. She knew just how to dive into your deepest fears and use them to terrify you. Then she would tell you that she was the answer. She said it in a way that you would believe her. She knew what your worst fears were, possibly because she suffered all of them herself.

The year was 2008 and she had escaped from her sisters a year before. She was now living with a man and his daughter. Michelle was seventeen. Her foster father was a retired marine and Michelle was hoping he could help her. His daughter was Mary and she was a member of the damnable group of women named the Eternal Women. She quit that group when she realized their insidious goals. She was a compassionate person and took pity on Michelle. Mary saw something inside Michelle that sent chills down her spine. Her eyes were terrifying. Mary knew there was a monster lurking in Michelle. There was a boy named Ernst that came and saw Michelle often. They would talk about the government and what to do about it's blundering. Mary saw Michelle get in Ernst's face once and rage, "Compromise is not possible, it they want to quit and join us, that is another thing. We have our principles and they can not be changed."

From that day, Mary was frightened of Michelle even though Michelle was nothing but kind and nice to Mary. Mary knew what Michelle was capable of and didn't want any part of it. Michelle and Mary still socialized, being on the same cheerleading squad. Mary would do her best to take care of Michelle and try to use her compassion to heal Michelle's tortured soul. That would be her undoing.

Then there was Amber Brown. Amber was quite taken by Michelle. Michelle wouldn't trust Amber as far as the length of her arm. Amber knew that and was trying hard for Michelle's trust. For the past 3 years, Amber didn't even lay a hand on Michelle. Amber Brown was once a member of a feminine cult called the Eternal Woman and they were hideous. Amber hated weakness and perceived Michelle to be a little runt weakling. She couldn't have been more wrong. After years of using his perceived weakness by raping him, molesting him, torturing him and manipulating him into dates with boys, Michelle somehow turned the tables on one of the boys. The boy never recovered, at least mentally. It was as if he had been touched by pure evil. He was hospitalized in a psychiatric ward. Amber realized that Michelle wasn't the runt that she thought. After spending several hours talking to Michelle, Amber was impressed.

Amber grew up in a nowhere town in Kentucky. She had a mother that was strong and quite abusive. She married a bad guy that molested and beat Amber. He died and it was ruled self defense. Amber's anger and rage came from that abuse. She liked torturing and humiliating smaller boys. She raped many of those boys. None of those boys even thought to report it. Michelle was one of those 'boys' and thought about reporting it. She didn't on grounds that she had much better plans. Amber quickly allied herself with Michelle. Michelle accepted.

Revenge on Amber wasn't in the cards as long as Amber stayed loyal. They made a good team, if a strange one: a rape victim and the rapist being allies. Who would have ever thought? Michelle was dead inside. She was cold and calculating and she sets her emotions aside when it was in her best interests. Amber was valuable and she could find no one else who would be better at the job Michelle had in mind. As long as Amber was loyal and valuable, she was safe. When any of those conditions were violated, it would be time to dispense of Amber.

Then we have Ernst Roehm. His mother was absolutely obsessed with the Third Reich. She liked them and approved of their conduct. She was a class one fruitcake. He first came across Michelle in a sick attempt to get Michelle a boyfriend. Ernst wouldn't hurt or sexually assault Michelle and when they met, Ernst rather took pity on Michelle. After several minutes together, Ernst realized that Michelle was special. She didn't need anyone's pity nor did she accept it. She had a confidence and sort of arrogance that was stunning, given her situation. From that time forward, they were inseparable.

The Eternal Ones were a spiritual group of pacifists. They preached peace and justice as well as equality between males and females. There were also The Eternal Women, which was a militant cell of The Eternal ones. Most members of The Eternal ones were women. The Eternal Women were a military order of female knights that were dissatisfied with the results of The First Crusade. They were sure that they would have achieved victory. They formed the Eternal Women and in several years, they had eight thousand members and set off to conquer the holy land in 1120.

It was, of course, a dismal failure. They blamed their failure on the males. By the twentieth century a massive portion of the members were peaceful. The militant cell was officially dissolved. They refused to be dissolved and organized themselves. They had lost a lot of their former power. When the Second World War started, the Eternal Women allied themselves secretly with the Third Reich. Several members laughed about how the Jews were taking the blame for their actions. The Reich was unaware of the Eternal Women's true goals. They wanted to create a world controlled by women and to subjugate the males as slaves. The Eternal ones rejected that notion and disavowed that policy.

Michelle thought, 'That is a lie, I will kill everyone of those vermin.' Michelle put the blame squarely on The Eternal ones. She thought that they were responsible for her suffering. She didn't realize that her sisters organized it all. The Eternal Women took little part in it, and not as official policy. The Eternal Women couldn't have cared less about a little boy in Kentucky.

Michelle was in her last year in high school and she knew that if she wanted to attend the Naval Academy, she would need help. She planned on asking Bill, Mary's dad, if there was anything he could do. Michelle was popular in her high school, if somewhat weird. She went every day dressed as a catholic schoolgirl, in plaid skirt and formal overcoat, blouse and tie. She said that she liked the formality of the suit. She always dressed formal and highly regimented. There were no wrinkles or smudges at all. Everything she did was done with perfect efficiency. She demanded nothing less from those she socialized with. She was highly critical of those she considered friends. After a year of cheerleading, she was the captain of the squad. It was a Monday and the last week of school in June. Michelle and her foster father were eating when Michelle asked the question. She said, "Bill, what did you do in the marines? Do you still have connections there?"

He just looked at her, stunned by her question. He said, "I have a few friends. I was a colonel. I spend several years fighting the VC. Why do you ask, Michelle?"

She blurted out, "I want to be a marine also. First, I want to attend the naval academy and be a commissioned officer. I want to know if you have any connections that could help. Can you help me?"

He was puzzled by this turn of events. This young woman, a cheerleader, wanted to be a marine. He had some people who would help. He knew a major general and the commandant of the academy. He could help this woman, but she had better be sure about this. He knew all about her. She was once a boy, had had surgery done and was a full young woman. It would be very hard on her. He had also seen her drive and was sure she could overcome all obstacles. He looked at her with awe. He was becoming proud of this fiery young woman. He said, "I know some people who could help. You must be sure about this. Will you follow threw and complete this?"

After talking with her for hours, he was convinced that she would go through with it. She wouldn't quit. She was serious. He made a call. He said, "Hello, is major Riggs there? Oh, this is the major. I have a young woman here that wants to attend the academy. I want an appointment for an interview with General Johnson." He paused while the major was speaking and continued, "The woman's name is Michelle Groves. Have him call me when he can. Thank you." Then he turned and spoke with Michelle. He said, "You better know what you are getting yourself into. With your history, the guys are going to give you hell."

Michelle said, "I know sir. There will be many people who will not accept me. I think that after the first year much of the resistance will fade when they know whom they are dealing with. There will be those will never accept me. If they don't like me, then tough shit."

Bill laughed and said, "Damn you're confident. You have it all planned out." He was quite disappointed with his daughter's plan for herself. She wanted to be a cheerleader in collage and then a beautician. He liked this young girl a lot. She was confident and had a sort of arrogance, If only his daughter was more like Michelle. Not that he disliked her in anyway; she just could have had better plans for herself.

Then Michelle went into her room. She and Mary slept in the same room. Mary said, "So Michelle, you want to be a marine. I would have never guessed. Why?"

"Because I want to serve this country. I want to be someone who people aspire to be. I want to be a great leader someday, like MacArthur. Do you know who that is?"

She nodded and Michelle continued, "He was one of the best generals who ever lived. Truman was an idiot for canning him. He should have let him go on past the Yalu River and free China." What she failed to realize was that it would have widened the war. With her idealistic impression of the general combined with her rudimentary understanding of the way armies work and battles were fought, she thought he would have marched triumphantly into China. Then the people would have been free and the war would be over. With some military experience, she would have learned differently.

Mary didn't know how to respond to that statement. She knew a little about what she was talking about. It might have been World War II or maybe Korea, but she wasn't sure. She didn't know enough about the subject to make an informed opinion. She didn't even care. Michelle did. She studied a lot about that. She was obsessed about warfare and history. In spite of her past, the estrogen, and being female, that trait never left. After talking together, they both went to sleep.

Michelle always slept with her arm near the headboard. She slept like that for five years and it felt natural. Her wrists got so used to the feeling of cuffs that it felt wrong not to have them on. Still, she hoped she would never have to wear them again. She would wake up just to make sure that the cuffs weren't on her wrists. One night she woke up screaming in terror. Bill came running to her knowing what had occurred, the nightmare that still occasionally happened.

Mary was shocked awake by the noise. It was annoying but understandable. Again, Mary felt much compassion for her. Michelle's suffering brought her to tears. 'Her poor tortured soul,' Mary thought through her sobbing. How could someone be so heartless as Sandra and Alexandra? After assuring Michelle that no one was around, bill went back to his room and lay back down in his bed. He had come to hate Alexandra. He hated her to the depths of his soul. He was also dumbfounded as to why Michelle refused to press charges or allow her sisters to be prosecuted. Michelle was one resilient person. Maybe that night, she would only wake up that once.

She did. At six, she woke up. She didn't need an alarm clock but had one anyway. She turned it off when she beat it. It would have gone off in five minutes. Then she would wake Mary up. She started getting dressed and then woke Mary up. She didn't put on fancy lingerie like a garter or even stockings. She was sick of those. She just put on her usual outfit that she had four of, her catholic schoolgirl's outfit. That looked as formal as she needed. She thought about a formal dress of an officer, some gray slacks and a blue button shirt along with the overcoat and tie. She liked the schoolgirl outfit. There wasn't any need to go too formal. Mary and Michelle got ready together. They were ready to walk out the door.

Mary was envious of Michelle's efficiency. She seemed to be ready in time at all times. Everything she did seemed to be planned out a day in advance. Michelle liked it that way and would do it no differently. Mary seemed to like to do things on her own time and be damned if anyone didn't like it. They walked to school together. Michelle would even walk with efficiency. She looked like a marine. Mary would just walk.

Michelle went into school. She went into her first class. She approached her desk, did a perfect turn and sat down. Perfect efficiency. She did that ever since she first came to this school and she would continue to do so. She sat there cupping her hands in her lap waiting for the teacher. When he came, he looked at Michelle. She had a presence. She was always well mannered. Her work was always turned in on time and always got an "A." She was the best damn student he had seen in his entire teaching career, which wasn't much to talk about.

From what he had heard from other teachers, it was the same, "what a good student" or "while the other girls or busy with gossip, Michelle is sitting there waiting for me to teach." She was always ready to learn and would absorb everything he taught. He was proud to have taught her. She was also very efficient with everything she did. The other students that were there seemed to not want to be there. There wasn't too much he could teach Michelle; he would swear that Michelle was smarter that he was. He should be learning from Michelle. Michelle went through all of her classes and came home.

Bill greeted her with: "Michelle, the general's secretary called. We have an appointment in two weeks. You got your interview with the general and the commandant. It seems that you will go. What do you say?"

Michelle ran up to Bill and hugged him. She didn't like to show emotion, but that seemed to be a time when it was expected.

The days went quickly. By the end of the first week, she was done with high school. Then they started packing for their trip to New Jersey. By the end of the day, the car was packed and Bill had made arrangements with his mother to watch the house, as well as his daughter. They went to sleep that night.

Michelle woke up at around five and woke Bill up. They wanted to be on the road by six. They dressed, ate and were on the road by five forty-five. It was dark and the sun was just starting to rise. Bill was going to drive for seven to eight hours and stop for lunch. Michelle decided that it would take around two days of driving eight hours of driving to get to Annapolis, New Jersey. There they would have several days to just have fun until the appointment.

They drove for eight hours with Michelle guiding them. They stopped at a rest area and made a picnic. They had lunch and rested for an hour, then started off again. As they rode past vast corn fields, Michelle couldn't help but be impressed by the open spaces. She was awed at the freedom she felt. Bill spoke, "impressive isn't it. I know how you feel. I knew someone, a friend of mine and we fought in Vietnam. He was captured by the VC. He spent five years as a POW. When they let the prisoners go he never spoke much. About six years ago, he killed himself. Don't do that, I know you have a lot of problems and anger. You wake up screaming. There must be times when you can't believe that you are free. I hope that you don't kill yourself. We will work together to get you healed as much as possible. I know that some of the effects could ruin the rest of your life, and you must learn to live with it."

He didn't know the half of it. By that time, she had let her anger consume her. It became part of her. Her hate had filled her very essence. She was hate. As he spoke, she had a flash of anger, SHE must learn to live with it? She didn't do anything at all to deserve it. Why must she learn to live with it? She said with barley controlled rage, "Why must I learn to live with it. I didn't do one god damned fucking thing to deserve the treatment heaped upon me."

He was stunned by the depth of hatred in her voice. He knew it was there, he felt it himself. However, the depth of it - her hatred must have been enormous. He said, " I know you did nothing. The simple fact is that sometimes we do nothing and horrible things happen. Our world is filled with misery happening to good people. Shit just happens and we do nothing to deserve it. You must learn to live with it because your sisters gave you no other options. You must live with what happened. Your only other option is not to live."

That made sense. Didn't make is any easier. It still it was true. She cooled down. She would live with it. They drove for eight more hours and he talked about his experiences in Vietnam. They had a good discussion about MacArthur. Bill and she just about got into a shouting match about what the outcome would have been if Truman had given MacArthur the go-ahead to attack China. She quit when she realized that his logic did sound good. She was forced to concur that Macarthur wasn't the idealistic figure she thought. He still was a fine general. After the almost shouting match, it was time to stop for the night. They found a motel to sleep in. They were so worn out that they both dropped into their beds and fell asleep.

That night Michelle didn't wake up screaming. She did wake up around five. It didn't seem right to wake up any later. She took Caesar's book out and read it until Bill woke up. When Bill woke up, he was surprised that Michelle was already up. They packed the supplies in the car and set off again. They just drove while eating doughnuts and coffee. During the morning, Michelle didn't like to talk too much. Bill drove for around nine hours and stopped for lunch. They stopped at a fast food restaurant and set off again after thirty minutes.

Bill was worried about Michelle. Her anger has long been worrying him. He understood the anger. From the first night, he realized that she was one tortured soul. Her story brought tears to him. He felt much anger. Alexandra had better hope that she never sees him. Michelle's anger seemed to be there all of the time and he hoped that she hadn't let her anger consume her. He feared she had.

Michelle asked, " Why was it so hard for you to believe that I really wanted to be a marine? Is it because I was a cheerleader or a female?"

"One of the reasons I was taken by your request, of course, was your gender and activities. That wasn't the main one. The main one was this: you spend five years having your very liberty stripped away and being a slave to a family of sadists. Once you are truly free you want to join a service that restricts your freedom. You must follow orders without question or go to jail. I know it isn't like your family, but you will have severe restrictions on your actions. I have no doubt that you can handle it and you will be someone to be admired. You have a fire in you that refuse to be extinguished. You will be great," Bill answered.

She liked his answer. After that, she just looked outside and enjoyed the scenery. They drove for another four hours and stopped for dinner. They pulled into a picnic area and made dinner. Then they found a motel and went into a room after checking in. they watched television and talked. For the past year, Michelle had been loved and cherished. The feeling was good, but she has repressed feeling for so long that she couldn't express emotion anymore. She was empty except for the burning hatred in her soul.

They slept for six hours and Bill woke Michelle up. When that happened, Michelle woke up in terror. The blood ran from her face. As far as she was concerned, she was in the mansion and Sandra was preparing to wake her up with the cat. That was what happened when she overslept. She was trembling and said with a cracking voice, "Don't please hit me mistress, I'm sorry." She said, "I'm sorry" over and over and trembled. Bill sat on his bed, sobbing at the pathetic display of a tormented girl. He was again wondering, 'How can someone be so cruel?' She had told him how she would wake up, but this display of terror, showed just how sadistic her former tormenters truly were. As he sobbed, Michelle assured him that she was fine. As strong as she was, sudden touches or the unexpected could fill her with panic.

As they were getting in the car Bill couldn't help but say, "I'm sorry, Michelle, it will never happen again."

"That's OK, I need to get this under control. I am sure that people waking me up will cause it to happen again. This is just something I..." she lowered her voice into that angry voice, "need to deal with." Why should she have to deal with it? The fact was that she shouldn't have to deal with it, but she did. Like any other innocent rape victim, Michelle would have to deal with life's misfortunes. It might have been unfair, but it didn't matter. Life was not meant to be fair. That's life. She would triumph. Life did its worst to Michelle, now Michelle would do her worst. No one could know just how bad her 'worst' would be.

As she was lost in thought, Bill said, "This morning we should arrive in Annapolis. Are you ready?"

"Yes I am." They had been driving for two days. They could have made in a day, but why rush? After driving for four hours, they made it in. they found a good hotel and checked in for six days. Then they took a long nap. They had two days until the interview with Major General Johnson and General Moore.

After taking a long nap, they went out and saw parts of the city. Michelle was the happiest she had been in five years just being here. It was like a real father-daughter outing. She saw the piers and the ocean. It was wonderful. She was truly loved - too bad that her damnable sisters couldn't be this way. After 5 hours, they ate at a fine restaurant and went back to the hotel. They sat on their beds watching television. Bill told Michelle that they could sleep as long as they wanted. They had no plans for the next day.

The next day went on without any trouble. It was fun for Michelle and that night they went to sleep. Michelle was wondering what she could do about being waked up. The only thing she could think of would be not to have someone wake her up. She would have to make sure that she woke up herself; that way her peers wouldn't think she was too much of a freak. That was it. She fell asleep.
They were up bright and early for their interview. It was scheduled for ten in the morning and both generals would interview her at the same time. That would be nerve-wracking. She checked up on both generals. General Moore was the commandant of the academy. He had a good career. When he was a Major he had led a regiment of marines during the later part of Vietnam. He was a fine leader. Major general Johnson, on the other hand, had little experience in battle.

They drove to the appointed place and went into a waiting room. They were there for over an hour when someone told Michelle to go on into the generals' office. She again had her favorite uniform on. She walked in and sat down in a chair provided for her. What greeted her were two fully decorated generals. Major General Johnson had two gleaming stars on his shoulder. He had roll upon roll of ribbons and decorations and an infantry badge. He looked impressive.
General Moore looked even more impressive. He had four stars on each shoulder and had twice the decorations. He was someone to be admired.

General Moore started speaking. "Hello, Michelle, we have read your transcript. You are quite impressive. Your year of high school, all of your teachers gave you glowing reviews. You just about finished 3 years of high school in one year. You are finished and want to attend the academy."

She broke in saying, "General Moore, I have always admired your performance. Your actions against the VC were impressive."

"Thanks, but you need to learn when it is acceptable to speak." He let that hang then spoke with intensity, "Whenever a general or superior officer is speaking is NOT the time." Then he spoke softly, "You want to attend the academy, and I am inclined to accept you."

After two hours of interviews, both generals were charmed by her. She got glowing recommendations from the major general and the commandant would not take no for an answer. She would attend Annapolis Naval Academy starting with fall 2009. She had a year to prepare. The next day would be her eighteenth birthday and she venomously demanded that everyone go on about their business and not celebrate that day. Bill understood, but tried hard for at least a cake and a gift. Her intensity forced him to give it up. Again, his anger at Alexandra boiled over.

In a few weeks, she had control of her settlement from Alexandra, twenty million dollars. She bought a car and gathered her friends. There was Ernst, Amber and herself. She asked them if they would move to New Jersey with her. They agreed. She would move there within the next several weeks and she wanted them to come along. That was agreed upon.

Several weeks later, she was in New Jersey and she brought a large house along with a modest office building. She had Amber and Ernst go out and find some suitable people. She would have a meeting in two weeks. This was her beginning. She contracted a company to renovate the office building to what she wanted. They would start work in a week. The meeting would be in her house with a dozen people including Dianna, Ernst, and Amber.

She had found four bright older boys that were sent by a court to a school for boys. There they were abused. They were forced to behave and dress as girls. The headmistress would also beat and had molested them. They were even a few rapes. The boys suffer badly. There was Jason Patrick, Kyle Wood, Peter Vanhoosen and James Sanford. In front of her was also a very sad girl. She listened to their stories. The girl's was the saddest. She had been born Jeffery Miller. Now her name was Melissa Miller.

She had never wanted to be a girl and hated it. She was the only child and had lived with her dad. Her dad had remarried a manipulative woman. At the age of four, his dad died, very suspiciously. No one could even prove that he died of anything but natural causes. Melissa couldn't be convinced that it was anything but murder. That was the turning point in her life. From that day on, this four year-old boy had to wear dresses and girl's clothes. She had to wear a corset at all times. He also had to take some medication.

By eight, her muscles were deformed from the corset. The corset hadn't allowed her muscles to develop correctly. His stepmother started forcing him to do all of the housework. He had been the maid. At around 13 or 14 the real horror started. He was by then a full she. She started dating boys. It was more like prostitution. At around 18 or 19, she was forced into a marriage. Luckily, when she was about to end her poor life, the man died of a heart attack and she was alone. She wondered around for a year and decided to get a job and try to go to collage. She had a sharp mind even through she was very weak. What a poor life. It would now get better.

They were all sitting in chairs looking at Michelle standing on a podium, wondering what this was all about. Michelle started, "My friends and the rest of you. I have heard your suffering and I grieve with you. It is so good to have you all here today. You are probably wondering why you are here. Am I right?" There were nods then she continued, "You are here because we are going to unite and make sure yours and my suffering never happens again." she said that last part with force.

She said with rage, "A storm is about to rage and we are going to create it. Our suffering is caused by those who alone are responsible for the moral decay of our society." She let that hang in the air and raged, "The Eternal Ones, they are responsible. We recognize them. We recognize them. We can see how their filth and greed has destroyed the moral fabric or our culture. We will make them pay. We are going to wipe out the child abusers. We are going to crush the communists. We are going to disinfect our country of The Eternal Ones' vermin. We must wipe this plague from this nation. I have come to the conclusion that our present government is incapable of protecting the children. A new government is required, a national socialist government. We will create a power that will last for a thousand years." She was good.

Jason stood up and said, "That was magnificent. You will be a star that shines above America. Our Michelle." Michelle stood there with her hands folded at her belt, her head held high with her clenched jaw. Everyone cheered and clapped. She was their savior.

She went into her office and Amber, Jason, Ernst and Melissa went with her. She sat at her desk and started, "Everyone, I will be addressed in private as 'Mien Fuehrer.' I am your Fuehrer. Amber, you will create a security detail. You will call it the protective corps. They will be in charge of my security. You are dismissed. Jason, you are in charge of propaganda. You and Melissa will create a newspaper. Melissa will be in charge of the paper. You will call it the straight path. The rest of the boys from that damnable school will work for the paper. You two are dismissed. Ernst. You will create a small militia. It will be called the storm troopers. They will sing and march at rallies. They will be a show of power and discipline. They will put on impressive displays. They will also be in charge of the security of the party. You will keep watch on Amber for me. She is to be trailed at all times. You are all dismissed. I have a lot of work to do."

She ordered everyone to recruit at least ten new members. Then she did some work and planning. She had a year to get this off the ground and then she would have to find someone who would take her place, someone who would be loyal, who would still take orders from her despite possibly being thousands of miles away and someone who would still be competent enough to run the party on their own. Not Roehm, he was going into the army. She didn't trust Amber. Probably Jason or Melissa.

She chose Melissa to be her second in command and her chief of staff. For the next week Michelle oversaw the renovation of her office building and had some flags as well as banners made. By that next Saturday, everything was ready except for the office building. That would take another three weeks. When she went to the room she had prepared for her weekly speeches, she was stunned. There must have been three hundred people there.

She had prepared a fiery speech. She stood up on the podium and said softly, "For years I was a prisoner. I was raped, tortured, molested and enslaved. For years, I didn't even know who my enemy was. This was out of greed, cunning, and hatred. The turning point was when I could see my enemy." She raged, "Our enemy, The Eternal Ones. They are the enemy of all moral people. Their filth and greed has stunted the very heart of this mighty nation. They are trying to destroy us and take over our lives. This is a war. We must triumph. We will triumph."

Everyone in the room boomed, "We will triumph!" Michelle stood there in her customary pose of absolute confidence.

She then went back into her office. She lay back in her chair and said to herself, "If only Alexandra could see me now. I am worthy of more than being a whore. I will triumph over your filth." She sat alone in her office. She was indeed prevailing. She laid back and let out a terrifying laugh. She would triumph over the vermin. She would destroy her sisters. She would crush all opposition to her. She went back into the room and stood on the podium. She raised her arm straight out and boomed, "SIEG HEIL." Everyone did the same. Her speech was perfect. Her words were electric and hypnotic. Her audience was in a frenzy. She was heating the hatred; in a few years it would be boiling, unless someone could stop her.

Her party was getting applications by the thousands. By the next Saturday the room was packed. There must have been over five hundred members waiting for her to speak. She started her customary blasting of The Eternal Ones. Then she gave them a detailed plan for increasing party membership and expanding. After an hour of talking, she unveiled their new banner that would be publicly displayed. It was a red banner with a white circle with a black round circle with another white dot in the center. Above the white circle said 'America' and below the circle said 'Awaken.' It was terrifying.

She also had thousands of armbands made as well as uniforms for members. The Storm Troopers would have blue uniforms and the Protective Corps would have black uniforms that were copies of the original Protective Corps. Those watching were enthusiastic and cheering. After the speech, she talked several hours with her old mentor, Dianna. She had met her while attending a fem school in Frankfurt Germany. Those were good memories, as she was well treated there.

She had tried to stay there by requesting asylum. The German officials wouldn't keep her and she had been sent back. Then she suffered years of enslavement and horror. Michelle and Dianna had a long history together. They were good friends. Dianna helped Michelle with the party when she can. The next day she started scouting for a new location for an aircraft factory. She had already bought stocks that were paying off with rather large dividends. She also bought an oil company.

The sums that she spent were quickly recovered. After six months, party membership swelled past twenty thousand. The ST has fifteen thousand members. The Protective Corps had five hundred members. They were preparing to sponsor their first candidate for the New Jersey state house of representatives. She chose a woman named Jasmine Palmer for the part.

Michelle was sitting at her desk and Jasmine and Amber were sitting across from her. Michelle said, "We are going to hold our first public rally. We are going to hold at New Jersey Giants stadium. I want all of Roehm's storm troopers to attend. They will be prepared. I have rented it for the night. We will adorn it with our banners and flags. Amber's protective corps will be there for my protection. The rally will be in one week. Dismissed."

Amber got up and said, "Yes, Mein Fuehrer," and saluted. By now everyone was sure that Michelle could accomplish anything from making it rain to this new project. She also had it televised to the state. Her settlement had been cut in half from her recent purchase, but they were now paying off. Her new office had several real banners with a swastika on them instead of the black circle. Her office was spacious and comfortable. Her guard came in and said, "Mein Fuehrer, you have a visitor, can I send her in?"

Michelle said, "Yes, bring her in." then what came in the door stunned her. It was Alexandra. She fought the surge of panic and regained control when she realized that she had the power. There were guards at the door. She said, "Alexandra, what in god's green earth do you want? You may not be a member of the party. What is this all about?"

Alexandra couldn't believe what her sister was doing. This seemed to be out of the twilight zone from hell. After Michelle left, they had hired a new maid. Things were rather dull after Michelle left. As far as Alexandra was concerned, Sandra and she had had a lot of fun. They knew that Michelle hadn't had any fun. Michelle had asked for her treatment. She had earned it by being so smart and sure of herself. She would have gotten control of everything.

Alexandra knew that Michelle would have shared it and wanted a close family. Alexandra didn't like Michelle and told her to do what Sandra wanted. She knew damn well what Sandra had in mind and that was fine. Destroy the little bastard. Have him serve them for a while. As for the boyfriends and Craig, well he asked for that too. Now look what happened. This office was great, but also with her banners, it sent chills down her spine. Michelle's eyes also sent chills down her spine. They went too far. Alexandra said, "Well, what do you think you are doing? Are you a fool? Do you think that you will get away with this?"

Michelle stood up and said, "Going to stop me? Can you do this? What you did with mother's company is atrocious. You failed and nearly drove it into bankruptcy. I am a success and raking in more money than you, and I don't even have the assets you have. YOU are the fool. As far as what I am doing, I am triumphing over you vermin. You will go to a prison of my choosing when my act is passed - my enabling act. You will pay for what you have done. You don't have the capacity or intellect to get in my way. Now, kneel and address me by my proper title."

She kneeled and looked up in fear. What was her title? She said, "Mistress Michelle."

Michelle laughed. She said, "MISTRESS MICHELLE, no that isn't my title." She called Roehm and he came in and she asked, "What do you think of this for my title, 'Mistress Michelle?' Imagine me going to a European summit for the heads of state clad in shiny leather and brandishing a whip. I am running for the title of Mistress of the United States of America."

Roehm laughed at that image. Alexandra didn't really know what was so damn funny, but that image seemed appropriate. Then she realized what she wanted, this office and those symbols; her title must be Fuehrer.

She looked at her sister and said, "My Fuehrer." This whole thing was degrading, calling the little sissy maid her mistress, or worse, her Fuehrer. She had a gut feeling that she was going to be officially the Fuhrer some day. That thought was frightening.

Then Michelle's face got red and she raged loudly, "NOW GET OUT." Alexandra started to speak when Michelle said, "Kyle, escort her out." That was what happened. Michelle lay back in satisfaction. She had kicked her sister out. That was delicious. A dark smile spread across her face.

As Alexandra walked out, escorted by her guards, she was genuinely worried. Her sister was more powerful than she had ever dreamed. She was stronger and had much more potential than she. Then, there was this enormous hatred. That was understandable. It didn't mean anything good. However, this, it seemed like she wanted to turn the United States into a fascist dictatorship under her rule. She would bet that if anyone could do it, Michelle could. As she got in her car she trembled in fear; she and the twins were in trouble.

A week had passed and everything was ready for her first rally. She had about 20 huge flags made. They were 20 feet by 90 feet. They hung on top of the stadium. It looked somewhat like the old rallies, but much smaller. There were columns of her blue-suited storm troopers. There were around fifteen thousand of them standing in rigid columns. There must have been fifty thousand people in the bleachers. There was a wide path in between the columns for her and her staff. Then there was a large podium in front of everyone. She walked in between the troops with Melissa, Jason and Amber behind her. They marched up to the podium with all of the pomposity they could muster. There was a lot of it.

Then Michelle stood on the podium and a large viewscreen showed her face in digital detail. She was wearing a military officer's suit with her old pin that Dianna gave her and her armband. She raised her arm up and the troops said, "Heil, Fuehrer."

She started speaking. "The National Socialist Party for the Protection of Children endorse candidate Jasmine Palmer for the office of State House of Representatives for New Jersey. With our support, she will help destroy our real enemy, The Eternal Ones. We must crush this vermin. We will wipe this plague from our nation. Their filth has polluted our children. They rape, molest, enslave our children. Their vile ways have sucked the wealth from us. They live a parasitic existence. We will crush the communists. We will destroy the child abusers. We will disinfect our country of The Eternal Ones. What we say will be forgotten. What we do will live on for a thousand years."

She just stood there for a minute when the troops raised their arms out and boomed, "HEIL MICHELLE." Then she embraced Jasmine as a show of endorsement. Jasmine saluted Michelle. After that, Jasmine stood in full view and Jason gave a speech. As night was coming, the troops lit up torches and marched in a torchlight parade out of the stadium and into the streets singing the horst wessel song.

The rally was a stunning success. The straight path flooded the public with praises for Jasmine and that was a success. There were also television commercials. Even a local union supported Jasmine. There were sinister commercials that vilified The Eternal Ones. There was one that showed a leather-clad woman torturing a young boy. There was another with a leather-clad woman with her leather clad-daughter where the mother was teaching the daughter how to torture people and understand their place in life.

All of the commercials ended with blood red letters telling everyone to watch out, and then finished with the banner of the National Socialist Party. They were a stunning success. People started to attack businesses and members of The Eternal Ones. It became dangerous to even wear leather. There were also good commercials glorifying Michelle and showing impressive marches and the power of Michelle. There became a cult of personality of Michelle. She was only nineteen years old.

Jasmine won and the National Socialist Party won their first seat. That was only the beginning.

Part II

Two years into her captivity, Michelle realized that she had immense power. Her charm eclipsed the great figures of the past and even the not so great. Her potential was enormous after her escape.

The rally was televised to the state of New Jersey. Alexandra, Sandra, Craig and Sally were watching it in their house in Kentucky. As their popular sister, her staff, and their candidate walked through columns of troops, Alexandra and the twins realized something. This was bigger than Alexandra guessed when she had confronted her sister in New Jersey. Their very freedom was in jeopardy. People there were cheering as Michelle announced their candidate for the state house of New Jersey. She gave a very hateful speech and promised that her candidate would 'wipe this plague from their nation.'

She wasn't talking about the Eternal Women, which had an insidious agenda, but the Eternal Ones, which were peaceful. She was inciting hatred at a peaceful people. Why was her sister doing this? They did what they did on their own. To all of their horror, Michelle snapped her heals and raised her arm out and said, "Sieg heil." Everyone cheered and clapped as her troops boomed, 'Sieg heil' in response. Craig was worried, as was Sally and Alexandra. Their sister was very persuasive and powerful.

Sandra said, "He is a sissy. They will realize that soon, and it will all be over."

Mary shook her head at the display. Alexandra said, "I think you went too far, Sandra. I admit that I liked what you did with the maid and beating him. However, the sex and Craig, that went too far and I wouldn't have done that. You went way too far, Sandra."

"He was a sissy, Alex. He needed a cock to play with. He loved it. It was just what he needed after a long day of dusting."

Alexandra shook her head thinking, 'What an idiot. Has she really deluded herself into thinking that he liked playing with Craig? Probably not.'

Sandra said, "I know he hated Craig and Ryan. Craig liked it. Michael was a slave, so whether he liked it or not didn't matter."

Michelle, on the other hand, scheduled several more public rallies, one in a few days in a factory, and one the next week in a local auditorium. She had a lot to do for the next several months. She was scheduled to attend the academy in four months. She was going to publicly support her candidate for the house.
She was standing in a rather large auditorium with ten thousand spectators and her staff behind her. There was a thin column of blue-suited troopers in front of her, protecting her. She started, "The National Socialist Party for the Protection of Children endorse Jasmine Palmer for the New Jersey State House of Representatives. Jasmine will create thousands of new jobs for this district as well as increase funding for our schools. She is what this state needs for a new direction. For years, her opponent had repeatedly voted against new jobs, against funding for schools, and against increasing funding for agencies that protect children. He has also voted against new laws that would protect children.

"HR2001 would give child molesters a mandatory life sentence with a possible death penalty. He voted against it. HR4032 would have provided one thousand new jobs for this district. He said no. HR7031 would have provided funding for 800 new teachers. He said no. He has failed you. Our candidate would have voted yes. Those bills will be reintroduced."

Everyone was clapping and cheering. Jasmine came up and shook her hand and Michelle said, "With her support, she will make the child molesters pay. Our enemies live among us. They are all around us." She was speaking low and scary. She started screaming, "Invaders have come to our country to destroy us, to take over our lives! They call themselves American citizens, but are now and always have been unwelcome, unwanted, and they are everywhere! They are out to destroy us! They are the Eternal Ones, the enemy of all moral people! She will disinfect this district of the Eternal Ones' vermin! We must wipe this plague from our nation!" After that she raised her arm up even with her elbow and her hand up and said, "Sieg heil!" The spectators boomed the same in reply. After that, they clapped and cheered. Jasmine became a representative for that district of New Jersey.

After four months of speeches and stabilizing the party, she had to go to the academy. She would spend the next four years there. As she left for the academy, she favored Melissa with a dark smile and said, "I trust that you will increase the party, Melissa."

Melissa said, "Yes, Mein Fuehrer."


She spent four years at the academy and graduated at the top of her class. She was an officially commissioned first lieutenant. She was assigned the second marine division, second regiment, third battalion. She had 20 marines assigned to her. At first, she was taken as a joke. She was in the mess and one bulky marine was laughing his ass off. She heard her name and knew what was up. Being a joke isn't a good way for an officer to be viewed. She had to stop this so she approached him and asked him if he had a problem with her. He stood full height and realized that he wasn't as tall as she. He was still bulkier. He made several comments that weren't too nice. There was sissy, and faggot, and she had enough. Quickly he was on the floor with her hand tightly across his windpipe. He was gagging and couldn't get her hand off his throat. He then realized that she was at least twice as strong as he was. He stopped fighting and she released him.

After that, no one gave her trouble. She was respected and admired. After six months, she got orders. The entire second marine division was to go to Iraq to put down a rebellion. One thousand fedayeen Saddam troops were heading toward Baghdad and they were going to put it down. Before she left, she decided to settle some old scores and check up on her party.

At the same time, Amber and Melissa were having conflicting interests. Michelle made it clear that Melissa was in charge while she was gone. Amber understood, but Michelle still didn't trust her as far as she could reach. Melissa was a fine leader as well as ruthless. Amber thought she should be in charge. Melissa was the chief of staff and Michelle's deputy. Amber would have to take orders from Melissa and Melissa would speak directly with Michelle on the phone.

Melissa thought this was an honor, even if she didn't completely understand why. She felt anything but qualified. Amber would be better at this than her. She was assigned so she would do her job; Amber seemed to challenge her at every turn. It would take threats sometimes to get her orders followed and luckily, Roehm's troopers came in handy then. She had the authority and Roehm understood that. Now Amber wanted to increase the Protective Corps by one hundred thousand. Melissa said, "The party didn't have the personnel for that yet and anyway, the physical requirements are stringent for that elite group. No, we will stick with Michelle's plan until I get instructions differently."

Amber said, "We must, Melissa."

"I said no, must we get Roehm into this," said Melissa sharply. Amber left.
Michelle went to New Jersey and asked Amber to find out where Craig lived. She found that in the four years they had several hundred thousand members and about 60 seats in the New Jersey house and ten members on the senate. They had 4 members in the United States House of Representatives. Her entire company were party members, as were twenty percent of the second marine division. She found out that he still lived in Kentucky working on a farm. She found his address, his daily routine and even his hangouts. She gathered several marines and members of her Protective Corps. She went to Kentucky and found Craig. He was walking toward his favorite fast food restaurant. She smiled darkly.

She walked to him and tapped on his shoulder. He turned quickly and saw an attractive woman. There was something about her he couldn't put his finger on. Her face was ridged and terrifying. What was it about her? He smiled cutely and asked, "How are you, cutie?"

What happened next was stunning. She drew back and slugged him across his face. The force of the blow threw him back. He was on the pavement. She used restraint. He was shocked. Why did she do that? His face hurt. He saw stars and his vision blurred. This woman was strong and he suspected that she had used a fraction of her strength. This woman was angry, but why? Did he cheat on her, no he never saw her. He asked, "What did you do that for?"

She asked, "Don't you remember me?"

He looked at her stupidly. He shook his head no. She said, "Remember Michelle. I am Michelle!"

He remembered many Michelles. Who was this Michelle? As he looked into her face, there was a ghost of realization. He remembered a Michelle that he liked, all of the fun he had had with her; her sister Sandra told her to give him blowjobs. She hated it. She was a boy that they had made into a girl. He was a fag. This couldn't be that Michelle. However, who else would hate him so much?

She said, "I am Michelle Groves, you dumb shit moron." That was it. She was that same Michelle. This one was strong. As he realized his predicament, all of the blood ran from his face. He was in deep shit, very deep shit. There was this very pissed off woman, who was fully capable of killing him, and she had a good reason for doing so. Why didn't he listen to his mother when she had told him that what goes around comes around. He had been vicious to her. He had taunted her, molested her, even beat her. He knew that she didn't even like him and learned to dread him coming over. Every time she saw him, she would end up blowing him. He knew she hated it. She was going to destroy him now.

She said, "Sergeant Mathews, secure the prisoner. We are going for a ride." A soldier came over, leered at him and put handcuffs on him. He was stunned at this. Could she be a soldier also? A sergeant was taking orders from her. She must be an officer. How could this happen? She was not the sissy he remembered at all.

She said, "You are under arrest for treason. You do not have the right to remain silent. You do not have the right to a trial. You do not have the right to an attorney. You will be taken to Guantanamo Bay where you will be interned forever."

His face was white with terror. How could this happen? He was taken in a car and drove for hours. Suddenly the car stopped and he was led out. It was a hot day. He was led into an open space and Michelle said, "You are an American citizen. I can't do what I said. You will have an attorney and my charges will be destroyed. This is what will happen." Several solders stood in front of him holding M16s. They were glaring at him. Michelle handed him a shovel. She said, "You will dig a hole eight feet long, four feet wide and six feet deep. Get digging now."

He was trembling it terror. He knew what he was digging, his grave. He begged, "Please don't do this. I want to live. You are a soldier and you are bound by laws."

That was it, this scum talking about laws. How dare he! She spit out in absolute rage, "Shut up, you fucking vermin! How dare YOU talk about laws? Do you have any clue how bad you violated them? You scum! You humiliated me! You enslaved me! You beat me! You molested me and forced me to suck on you! I would be working hard and you would just sit down in front of the TV laughing your ass off. You are talking about laws!" She walked up and kicked him right in the chest and he lost all of the wind. He gasped. She snarled, "Start digging or sergeant Mathews will force you to provide the service I performed on you."

He dug for around five hours while Michelle had a cool canteen and read Mein Kampf in a lawn chair along with her company. She wasn't going to kill him. It would ruin her. She just wanted to scare the living shit out of him. It was working. He was trembling. After five hours, he was exhausted and done. This would be great. She stood up and said, "Firing squad. Attention." Four soldiers stood in front of him holding rifles. His face was white and he was praying. He was praying! She couldn't believe it. She said, "Aim." The four soldiers aimed their rifles at him. He stared at them in mute horror. She looked into his eyes. She loved that look. She had had that look several times. After close to fifteen seconds they all busted out laughing. He looked back, not knowing what was up. The firing squad walked away and he was left in his hole.

Michelle said, "You're not going to die. That would end my career. Now have fun getting back home, dumb shit." The look on his face was priceless. She wasn't in anyway done with him. A mock execution doesn't make even all of the forced blowjobs, the beatings and the general humiliation he gave her. His face was sealed. He was going to be a comfort woman when the time came.

She was going to see her foster father now. She wanted to talk about her mission and just see him. She walked up and knocked on the door. She was fully dressed. She had a marine officers formal uniform on. She had a couple of ribbons and a bar on both of her soldiers as well as an infantry badge. She looked impressive. She looked like she belonged in that uniform. Bill opened the door and was taken. He said, "Come on in, Michelle. How are you doing?"

This woman was frightening, but she was like his daughter. He saw some on the commercials and her speeches. She was good. He didn't agree with what she was doing. To her he was the closest thing to a father she would ever have.

She said, "I am fine." She sat down and said, "In a week I will be going overseas. I am going to Iraq to put down a rebellion. One thousand fedayeen Saddam troops are heading toward Baghdad and I will be in a reconnaissance company. We will be over ten miles ahead of the rest of the division."

He groaned. She was going into combat. She would probably be shot at. How would she handle that? Her family was cruel but she was never in mortal danger. As he looked into her eyes, he knew that she could handle it. He said, "Well, your first real fight. How many troops are going?"

She said, "Near 40,000. The entire Second Marine Division along with an armored division. My company will be the spearhead. Where is Mary?"

Mary came running downstairs wearing their old cheerleading uniform saying, "I am here, Michelle. You are looking great." Then she said, "Bill, can you give us some time?"

"OK, Mary, but I want some time to catch up also." Then he got up and went into his room and turned on the television to watch ESPN.

Mary said with sadness, "I saw that damnable speech you gave five years ago announcing your party's candidate for the house. Then you gave several more speeches. Now, because of you and Jason, just about everyone fears the Eternal Ones. You need to quit. I know what happened to you, and it is repulsive, but that group isn't responsible. They are a peaceful people and they have dissolved the Eternal Women. They are just a small group of fruitcakes. What you and Jason are doing is wrong and what happened to you doesn't justify this."

Michelle's rage was boiling because of what she considered a betrayal. Mary must have bought into their nasty propaganda and lies. She was one of them once, so maybe lies had overcome her. Mary said, with tears running down her face, "I feel for you, let this go." She was about to blow up when Mary asked, "What do you say?"

Michelle's face was red with anger. She liked Mary, but this wasn't something she would never compromise on. She snarled, "Traitor," and left. How could Mary say these lies to her? How could Mary betray her like this? How could she side with the damnable group of terrorist vermin over her? That would cost her.
After Michelle stormed out the door, Bill came in, wondering what the outburst was about. Mary told him what happened. After that, Bill was sorry that he ever wished that Mary were more like Michelle. His fears about Michelle were true. Her anger had consumed her. Before Michelle reported for duty, she had one more stop. She was going to the party headquarters in New Jersey. Now she had insulted his daughter. He grieved with her, but she had gone too far.

Mary got up and said, "I haven't given up. I will go to New Jersey. I can convince her to give this crusade up. I know it." She had her doubts also, but she would give it a try.

Once she was at her party headquarters, she called Amber and Melissa for a conference. She was concerned about this new paper that was published by someone named Ryan Tomas called 'The Attacker.' The Straight Path was hard on the Eternal Ones, but Ryan's paper was different. It showed cartoonist caricatures of the women. They had bent forms and hooked noses. Sometimes they were snakes or spiders. They usually had a small boy that they were beating or killing. It was brutish and effective. It sold around fifty thousand copies so far. Michelle liked it and wanted to speak with Ryan. She started off by asking, "Have you found anything about this Ryan Tomas?"

Amber said, "We found out where he lives, where he eats, his wife and daughter as well as his dogs' names."

She was good. Michelle said, "Well, tell him that I wish to speak with him soon. I will be gone for around a year or so. Now every one is dismissed, I want to speak with Amber alone, please." Everyone left and Amber sat there worried. Michelle said, 'I like what you did with your people, but I noticed several problems. They are all women, what is that all about?"

Amber said, "I have noticed that the performance of females is superior to that of males in several areas. They make better personnel, so I have decreed that all members will be female. Do you disagree, Mein Fuehrer?"

She agreed. She sat there looking at her. Amber got up and walked toward Michelle. She put her hand on the side of Michelle's face. She looked longingly into her eyes. Michelle did the same. Around eight years of loyalty amounts for something. Michelle was aroused. Then Amber embraced Michelle and gave her a deep kiss. Michelle kissed back. Amber's hand reached up and squeezed Michelle's breast. They were all over each other. Then Michelle pushed off and said, "That is enough. I have places to go. I need to report for duty."

Amber saluted and left. As Michelle was leaving, Mary called out to her, but Michelle ignored her and got into her car. Michelle drove off with Mary in tears.
She reported for duty. She and the 600 others of the second regiment found themselves on a C5 and headed toward Basra. It was an eighteen-hour trip. They landed and got off. They saw thousands of soldiers and tanks. It looked like a war. They quickly headed off to liberate Baghdad. The second marine division headed off toward Baghdad with Michelle's company ten miles ahead of the rest of the division.

Next, they were ordered to engage a small company of soldiers. They armed themselves and headed southwest toward the enemy soldiers. They quickly found themselves surrounded and cut off by twenty thousand fedayeen Saddam troops. Michelle was shooting her weapon as well as the rest of her company. She quickly realized that they were being overrun. She called for a barrage on specific areas to clear a path for a retreat. The fighting was hand-to-hand and Michelle performed exceptionally. They started to retreat and got clear of the encirclement. They still weren't safe. They had half of their company wounded. Michelle saved five of them by running back into the enemy troops and retrieved the rest. Then they did a fighting retreat back to the second marine division. They were successful.

For that Michelle was promoted to captain and awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. After that, Michelle was an American hero. Every news station wanted interviews with the great Michelle. The president spent several seconds with her. He congratulated her, shook her hand, and put the medal over her head. Then he said a few words to the camera and left, all of this, despite the fact that Michelle was the head of the National Socialist Party. The reasoning was, she wasn't against Jews, and they were for children's protection, and it was bad politics to be against that. Anyone who spoke out against the National Socialists appeared that they were against protecting children. Then Michelle would destroy them by claiming that, very loudly.

For a month, Michelle was on every news station and did a personal interview on ABC. She talked about her abuse and what happened. She milked that for all it was worth. She held a picture up for the camera to show a close-up. It was a picture of her in skimpy lingerie with a collar and all bound. Then she showed another one with her in her maid's minidress with her bonds. Then she showed one with Sandra holding the cat of nine tales and Michelle chained to the ceiling with her arms over her head. There were marks on her back. It was clear she was in pain and being tortured. She looked fiercely into the camera and said, "That was my childhood and I am making sure that this doesn't happen to any of your sons. Don't buy from the Eternal Ones, the enemy of moral people."

Sandra and Craig were watching the television then. Sandra saw that and was stunned, but not too worried. When Craig saw his attacker on the TV, he started trembling. Sandra realized that and asked, "What's wrong?"

Craig said, "That is your sister, I met her several weeks ago, she attacked me. She made me dig a hole in the middle of nowhere. Then she had a firing squad stand and aim their weapons at me. They all laughed at me and walked away."

Sandra said, "She did that to you? I am going to kick her ass."

Craig was tired of this he laughed saying, "Go ahead, Sandra. I would like to see that. She came behind me and got my attention at first. Then she slugged me and I went flying. She is stronger that I am, Sandra. She would rip you a new asshole with little effort on her part. You better stick with twelve year olds, little miss."

That infuriated her. Her face flashed red and she stormed off to talk with Alexandra. That month Alexandra was sick of seeing her sister the hero on television. She couldn't go ten minutes without seeing her picture or her interview. When she first saw what happened she was stunned. She was watching a show and her picture suddenly appeared. She dropped everything she had in her hands and stood there. Her sister was an American hero now. She had been in a battle and had not only survived, but really shown herself to be an exceptional commander. How could she have ever known?

Now, their neighbors hated them. Their friends avoided them except for her sick group of friends. Sandra and she had gone excessively far. Alexandra couldn't believe that her sister was willing to tell the world the humiliation she suffered, and show pictures on national television. That must be humiliating. She must admit, it worked. Everyone knew what sickos they were and it got Michelle a measure of sympathy as well as a premise for her policy of protecting children. She was an abused child, so it was only natural that she would want to protect them. It also made a crystal clear point that these people were dangerous, so keep away from them. Her sister was smart.

Craig couldn't say anything. His worst nightmare was coming true; his victim was now a powerful commander and a political leader. He was sure that she wasn't done with him. As for his future, he wasn't sure he had one. Sandra didn't care. She knew that he would make an error and everyone would see him for the sissy he was. Sandra never saw her brother as anything but a boy. He wasn't powerful enough to be a girl. She liked dressing him up because she thought he hated it. He did at first. Then, quicker that anyone would have thought, he came to love it. Then he wouldn't think of himself as anything but a girl. That had infuriated Sandra because he wasn't humiliated by being referred to as a girl. She had kept telling him that he would never be a real girl. She had then made fun of his chest, calling him a flat-chested girl. He had cried at that. She could only make fun of his chest for a short while; in a little under two years he was bigger than she. The torture was great. She loved inflicting pain on him and seeing him cry. She enjoyed him serving her every whim also.

Having a personal slave was fun. She saw sadness in his eyes, but soon that sadness left. It was replaced by a fearsome glare. It didn't scar her because she knew that he would never be able to do anything. She was shocked when he had a gun. The beating he gave her was painful.

There was no reason for the pain she had given him. She was just sadistic and liked seeing people in pain. Alexandra had greed, but Sandra was mean.

Sally, once she had seen the effects on Michelle, couldn't hurt her anymore and avoided her. She had no problem referring to her brother as a girl since she wanted to be referred to as one. She did make a great girl. She couldn't hurt her anymore. She was too afraid to go to the authorities, as Sandra was mean and demonic. Now she didn't know who was worse, Sandra or Michelle. She would guess Michelle; Michelle had a good reason to hate, but that didn't excuse it.

As for Michelle, her dream was coming true. She called Bill to talk with him and he wouldn't speak with her anymore. Another betrayal; everyone she loved eventually turned away. That was her life. That would cost him also. She had a week of leave after that. She went to the states and tied up some loose ends. There was a paper that was printing bad articles about her. A Fritz was calling her a dangerous mad woman in his articles. She set up an interview with him to clear this up. He was being called an alarmist and most people were ignoring his paper. He was still a threat.

Fritz had seen this already. He was close to eighty. He was teenager when one by the name of Adolf Hitler was spewing out his trash. Everyone listened and he eventually was the head of the nation, with the peoples consent. After serving in the army and being defeated, he had come to America. He was sure that in a democracy that would never happen. Now it seemed like it was. Don't people learn? This woman spoke just like he did, she used that sinister seductive rhetoric. She used the same tactics, using peoples fear to control them. He was sure and no one even knew what was happening. They were gaining power. How could that happen? Now she wanted an interview with him. He thought long and hard. It was a risk. He would grant her an interview, and then he would expose her for the monster she was.

She went into his office. This interview would be televised to the nation. She was invited in. she wore her gown this time with stocking and her pin. She sat in a chair in front of him. He started bombarding her with questions. She knew he was trying to bait her into making a fool out of herself. He was trying to make her lose her temper. She spoke sharply, "NOW, if you aren't going to let me answer any questions, why did you accept this interview? You need to leave enough space in between your dumbass questions so I can answer. Are you going to let me answer, or ask question after question? If not, I just will wait until our time is done. Then I will leave."

His game was over; unlike the fiery Adolf who lost his temper frequently, she could hold it much more. Now he looked like the idiot. He let her answer his questions and, to his despair, she answered most logically. He asked about her plans about the Eternal Ones, would she build extermination camps for them?

She said, "NO, they need to be controlled. When I say we need to wipe this plague from this nation, they will be expelled from our borders or interned. Do you think I am a murderer or psychotic? Ask sensible questions or I will leave. You are offensive."

That did it, him offensive. He stood up and raged at her. He was cussing like a drunken sailor on shore leave. She simply got up and left. He looked like a loon. No one had to listen to him any more. His articles would not be printed anymore. She had to report for duty now.

Once she reported back, she was told that her company was going to the Balkans to keep the peace. Once there she realized that the conditions there were horrid. It was boring and cold. She saw no action. After spending six months there, she was sent to Siberia to take back a moored Akula class SSBN. The US called it the typhoon class. It was moored at a pen at Vladivostok Naval Base. A renegade general had taken the sub and was rearming and refueling the missiles. He was going to take it out to deep sea and fire the missiles at Washington, Beijing and Moscow. She wondered why send a squad of marines. Wouldn't SEAL's or a group of rangers be better? Well, it wasn't her decision.

She and her company were going and she didn't have a say in it, she went.
They would be airdropped ten miles from the sub pen. They would have to make their way from that distance. The soldiers grumbled. She could do it. All of her company were women and she wanted it that way. They boarded a C141 and it went off. They had 40 soldiers. They flew for over eight hours from Egypt to Vladivostok. They jumped at an attitude of twenty thousand feet. They free fell for what seemed forever, watching their watches then they let their chutes out. They landed safely and crept for over a day.

They could see the sub donning the blood red flag of their older days. As they crept closer, they could hear them singing the hymn of their old nation, the hymn of the USSR. She put a silencer on her rifle. She had a M4 instead of a more recent one. That was her favorite and she demanded it. There were two soldiers guarding the conning tower. She and her sergeant would take them out at the same time. They put scopes on their weapons. They aimed and shot. The two guards never knew what hit them. That was the easy part. Now they had to get in the sub and take out or secure the rest. She could see the missiles outside the sub and would be loaded in the missile bay when the sun came out. They had several more hours to do this. They approached the monstrous sub. The damn thing looked huge. It was the biggest one built. They snuck up the conning tower with Michelle in front. She was proving herself to be a leader. Michelle was first down the hatch. She immediately took out three others once she was down. Then the rest of her team came down and there was a firefight. Michelle threw a couple of phosphorus grenades and charged into the soldiers. After several minutes of bloody hand to hand, Michelle won the day.
The sub was transferred back to the Russian navy and Michelle and the rest of her team went to the states after serving four more months. It had been over a year since she was in the United States. She had an interview with a newspaper publisher named Ryan Tomas, the publisher of The Attacker. They got on a C17 and took a seventeen-hour trip back to New York. From there, Michelle went to New Jersey to see Ryan Tomas. Before she got to headquarters, she gave instructions for Melissa to be promoted to SS-Obergruppenfuhrer and for her to create a security service. Melissa would be its head.

When she got back to her headquarters, Ryan was there, waiting for her, He couldn't believe it. An older but still cute as hell Ryan was before her. He was still sporting the damn pageboy haircut. The same small boy whom she was forced to date was now before her. He had been duped into thinking that Michelle liked being tied up and having people using her. He was really duped and somewhat stupid. Maybe he was just innocent. He knew who the enemy was. She felt like ripping his head off. He was valuable. He was really getting the general public to see this menace.

He recognized her right away and about fainted. This woman, his old girlfriend was the same one that was all over TV. She was the head of the National Socialist Party. As he looked at her, he was in awe. She was magnificent. She was powerful. She was perfect for him. He was in love.

She called for Amber and she came in with her black uniform. She was intimidating with her uniform, her collar tab sporting three oak-leaves with a wreath partially around them. She had the perfect uniform of the Reichsfuehrer-SS. She could make sure that Michelle was safe. She glared at Ryan and Ryan didn't know what to think. He knew who this woman was and what she was here for. Amber was here to make sure that Michelle was safe. That could only mean that Michelle didn't feel safe with him. Why was that? Michelle said, "Given our history, I think it is prudent to have security here, right Amber?" She took Amber's hand, gently caressing it, and gazed into her eyes. Amber did the same. She was falling for Michelle.

Then Ryan realized something; these women were in love, but where did that leave him? Why did she go out with him? But that wasn't the purpose of this meeting.

Michelle took her hand back and said, full of authority, "Well Ryan, I like your style. What do you say you work for us? We will pay you well. You will be given a rank within our party also."

Ryan didn't like that idea. His paper would lose its independence, so he said, "Would I still have editorial control?"

"Of course, you are really making a difference in this struggle. Your paper is selling great and you are getting your point across. Why would I want to mess with that? You have full editorial control of your paper, you will just have more resources to sell your paper with."

He liked that. He didn't like the way she was glaring at him. She looked like she could kill him without much effort at all. He said, "I like your idea. I agree."

Not that Michelle felt any compassion but this boy looked frightened. She felt like clearing several issues up. She said, "For your info, I was never into guys at all. I hated being tied up. My sister forced me into the roll. What you did to me wasn't my idea at all. I considered it rape and you hurt me badly. I have nightmares about you. I know that you were clueless, but I don't forgive you. I was always into girls. I love Amber. If that hurts you, tough shit."

This news was hurtful. He had been hurting her all that time. He felt like an idiot and a rapist. He hated himself. He didn't have a clue nor was he given a clue. She did cry when he had looked into her eyes, but she always had a valid excuse. He felt rotten. However, it was his damn fault, so tough shit.
He left feeling rotten; he would do his best to make it up as best he could. He had a lot to make up: a year of rape and bondage games that weren't her idea. He would do his best. He knew that he would never erase the memories, but he would try his best. He just had to.

After the duffus left, Michelle and Amber were all over each other. They were in the office for over an hour. They both came out disheveled. Afterwards, they both straightened their uniforms in front of the dumbfounded guys who could only imagine what had taken place in the office. They were back to business. Michelle had to report back for duty. As she was driving back to base, the radio blared that a communist revolution had taken place in Mexico. General Marcus, the one who led the revolution, said, "A new order is in place in Mexico. We have no intention to threaten America. We will continue trade as usual. In five years, we will have armed forces to rival the best in the world. War production will increase to meet this goal."

Then the Secretary of State came on and said, "This disturbing development is frightening. Our forces along the American Mexican border will have an elevated readiness. The third army and the fifth army will be mobilized and sent to the border. I must stress that no hostility is expected from Mexico."

Then the radio said, "News reports indicate that the Peoples Republic of China had a hand in this. They are transferring weapons to the Mexican army. They are also sending theater nuclear weapons as well as their new ICBM called the Chairman Mao to Mexico. It can hit anywhere in the world and had 30 warheads with a yield of 20 megatons. Reports indicate that silos are already in operation with this new ICBM."

Then, a Chairman Yi, the chairman of the Communist Party of China said, "If America takes any hostile action toward our ally Mexico, that would be taken as an act of war by the United States of America against the Peoples Republic of China."

Michelle said, "Holy shit." This was unexpected. What now? What would their response be? She was worried.

As she got to base, she asked her commander what their orders were. He told her that they were going to Sudan to escort refuges to Egypt. She said, "What? Mexico erupts into revolution, starts arming at an incredible rate; they have a belligerent commander with China as their ally giving them nuclear weapons and we are going to Sudan. You have got to be kidding me!"

"You have your orders. Mexico, at the moment, poses no threat and has no hostile intents. I think that will change, personally, as do a lot of people. Your unit would be better served escorting refugees. You have your orders, captain. Follow them!"

She saluted, saying, "Yes sir." In five hours, she was on a C5 heading toward Sudan. Once there, she found them, a ragtag starving bunch of refugees. Their country had erupted into civil war and they had fallen out of favor with their dictator.

There was no opposition and their operation went down without any problem. Next they were in Egypt, patrolling the border to keep the Sudanese army away from Egypt. That was boring. She spent six months guarding a checkpoint. After that, they served in Saudi Arabia. Next was Kazakhstan, then Turkey. By then it had been close to five years since she had set foot on American soil. She had been in the Marine Corps for twenty years. She saw no action for the last five years. She never even fired her weapon in anger. That was boring.

Her party had grown enormously. They had close to a hundred seats in the United States of House of Representatives, 30 seats on the United States Senate, and a majority in ten states. Party membership had swelled to almost a million. The Storm Troopers grew to almost four hundred thousand.

Michelle called Melissa to her office. She said, "I am impressed with your progress, Melissa. Amber, I am displeased with yours. You don't seem to know where your place is, do you. If you have problems following my deputy's orders, then your usefulness is reduced. This is a warning, follow Melissa's orders or you will be dispensed with. Amber, you are dismissed." When she spoke with Amber, she spoke with an edge of steel.

"Now that Amber is gone, here are your orders. You have the candidates for our positions for the seats in the house. Do as you feel best. I must go," said Michelle. She trusted Melissa better than Amber. Amber was a bit better as commanding her detail. Amber had better get used to following Melissa, or she would find herself dismissed from her position.

When she returned, she looked up Amber and she was at her office waiting for her. She had been hearing disturbing rumors about Amber's troops. Several members of the protective corps were thinking that Amber should be their Fuhrer. She had Amber call all members of the Protective Corps and meet her at the parade ground at party headquarters when she returned. She called Roehm and had his larger detail appear there with two hundred thousand troops and surround Amber's troops. There were close to a hundred thousand members of Amber's detail.

The Mexican Army was enormous. They had close to two million troops in their army. They had powerful armored divisions that outmatched the American M1A2. America was on the other hand was reeling from the blunders of the turn of the century and was downsizing their armed forces. Now with the People's Republic of China aiding the Mexicans, Americans were getting dangerously agitated at the continued uneven trade with Mexico and losing jobs to Mexico. There were increasing riots and very loud demands for the complete withdrawal from NAFTA. The government was forced to do it. Mexico declared that an act of war and gave America a week to reinstate NAFTA. At that declaration, powerful armies were sent to the border. That included Major General Michelle Grove's first marine division.

Michelle was now the commander of the first marine division. She was a Major General. Michelle was exited at this. She might finally get to see some action. She did, as well as her first defeat. Over four million enemy troops flooded across the border and caught the American armies unprepared for the immense, well-armed troops. The Mexican Army was armed with brand new tanks that outmatched the American armored division. Our divisions were crushed. Michelle lost her entire division. She had to retreat. In twelve weeks, New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma, Nevada, part of California and Kansas were overrun and occupied. Michelle got to safety. With no troops in position and no more troops with the capacity to fight, the president pleaded for an end. Mexico's leader demanded crushing reparation and the cessation of all territory taken during 1841. Our president, being in no position to refuse, agreed.

Michelle was mad at that defeat. There was nothing she could have done, they were outnumbered and outfought. She saw hundreds of thousands of soldiers coming at them. They formed a tight perimeter and did their best. American aircraft dropped bombs and strafed them, but it wasn't enough. Michelle yelled, "We need to get the hell out of here. Retreat!" She yelled retreat loudly and her battalion started backing out. By then half of them were dead already. Only three of them made it to safety.

The result was a crushing depression for the United States as well as confirmation of everything Michelle had been saying. Michelle had a few years before ordered a new stadium to be built in New Jersey. It was the same design of Zeppelin Field. She called it Michelle Field. It would be done in two years. By then money was pouring into her party. Several large unions as well as large financial firms supported her. AFCSME also supported her. Her own companies were making billions. She had an oil company and an aircraft factory. Her aircraft was making several large jets. She had the NS 1000 that was twice as large as the 747 and was three times as efficient as well as four times the thrust. Her new engine couldn't be beat.

She was building new military jets also. She put a plan into action that would back Alexandra's company into a corner. She would need Michelle's company to survive. She went to most of the companies that Alexandra did business with and bought sizable amounts of stock. Then she demanded that Alexandra give Michelle's company better offers for their oil. Alexandra would have to sell their oil to Michelle at half price, or they wouldn't do business with Alexandra. It was quite expensive, but it worked. Alexandra found herself in a corner that she couldn't get out of.

Michelle and Amber stood on a large podium with columns of Amber's troops standing there, waiting for Michelle to say something. They noticed that the Storm Troopers surrounded them. The Protective Corps was worried. Michelle spoke. "I have been hearing disturbing reports about idle gossip. Apparently, some of you are displeased with my leadership. Will the following come up to the podium, please?" She read off three-dozen names and they came up.

Michelle said, "You seem to be the biggest problem. You, Jessica, said that Amber ought to kill me and take command from Melissa. And the rest of you agreed. Jessica, and all of you, place your party card in my hand and leave. A small detail of Roehm's guards will escort you from our property." The woman gave Michelle her party card and the rest of the women did the same and left. Then Michelle said, "Many of you aren't innocent, but these women said something I couldn't ignore. You are dismissed." She had made her point. She was not afraid to confront traitors. She could command. She had no problem after that. She gave Amber a stern warning. This would be her last chance. No more deception would be tolerated.

After the disaster, vast conscription and war production occurred. Michelle and Amber were in her office when Michelle said, "Our time has come. Get Roehm. His troops will provide support. With American troops depleted and riots in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles, our troops will be invaluable. The president requested our support. We will provide it. Now we need to have a rally. We can fill both houses in every state and the federal government. We will prevail. We will crush this vermin."

Amber said, "Yes, Mein Fuehrer. We will triumph."

Michelle walked out and said to her party, "My friends, this is what we need. This will show the American people what moron our leaders are in Washington. They are controlled by the Eternal Ones. Roehm's Storm Troopers are helping combat this. We will survive; we will hold our first large rally in our newly built stadium. This election we will pack both houses. We surrendered in January," she raged. "We were betrayed by the criminals of 2031. We must crush this menace." As she was walking out the door she said, "SIEG HEIL," while raising her arm. Her time had come.

She and Amber were holding hands and walking toward their stadium. It was being prepared and Amber said, "That is impressive, Mein Fuhrer. What are we doing?"

"We will go in and look around. I will devote my full attention to party matters. How has Melissa been doing?"


Michelle said, "I wish to speak to her."

As Michelle and Melissa were walking toward a large car Melissa said, "Everything is proceeding as I expected. We will prevail."

As she was walking out, she felt great. Her time had come. This time she would achieve victory. She would retire from the Marines after 25 years. She was a Major General.

The first signs appeared in large city saying, 'Eternal Ones forbidden here.' Their next rally would be in a week.

Part III

Michelle had retired from the Marine Corps after twenty-five years of service and she attained the rank of major general. She was the first transsexual to achieve such a high rank. She was the commander of the first marine division. By now, Michelle's party had a majority in 10 states. They had around one hundred members in the United States House of Representatives and 40 members in the United States Senate. Around sixty percent of the Army were members also. The entire Marine Corps were members. They were now showing their true colors. They dispensed with the black circle on the flag and were showing another symbol, the true symbol of the National Socialist Party. The public liked it. They were openly voting national socialists into office without reservation.

The United States had just suffered a massive defeat by Mexico aided by the People's Republic of China. Over two hundred divisions flooded across the border between the America and Mexico. In six months New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and part of California were occupied by Mexico. The American armies were crushed by the onslaught. With the American divisions crushed or surrendered, the Mexican army was posed to advance further, the American president pleaded for an armistice.

The Mexican dictator demanded humiliating and crushing concessions. He demanded immense war reparations and the cessation of territory taken by Mexico. The American president signed the treaty of Mexico City. The result was a crushing depression and millions of jobs lost. Over thirty percent of Americans lost everything. This was reminiscent of 1929. Americans were blaming the Eternal Ones for this. Michelle made sure of that.

Michelle was in her office dressed as an officer. She was sitting at her desk with Amber, Melissa and Jason before her. Michelle said, "Everything is proceeding. With this defeat, America will vote for our party. The next election is in two years. I will run for the office of president. Our party will take a majority in both houses. We will, in effect, run the nation. Our time has come."

Amber said, "Our time has indeed come, but the offensive has killed my family."

Melissa said, "I wish it had done the same for my 'mother.'" She didn't consider the woman who had raised her to be her mother or even a person. That 'thing' had caused her so much pain that she had come to just want her to die. Her mother was living comfortably. The things her mother had done to her after she had killed her father were horrid. She had prostituted her daughter. She had brought in men and let them have their way with her. She had even had a kind of wedding with the school janitor. She had them in a room for a week. Melissa was a good daughter and had good grades and obeyed her mother. Melissa never understood why, but then some 'whys' can't be understood.

Melissa didn't give a damn anymore; she had better things to do than reminisce about the past. She had people to kill and a little twerp named Amber to keep in line. Then she would have her mother to put in a concentration camp. She tried to ruin her future by making sure that she couldn't get a job. She spread perverted pictures and rumors around, so no one would hire her. She was forced to marry and live with Gus, her husband, to eat and have a place to live. After a year, she was going to kill herself out of despair. He had had a heart attack, so Melissa sent a letter to her mother telling her that she was going to kill herself. She wondered around for a year trying to get a job and go to college. A small college accepted her and now she had a "masters" in science. Soon she would realize that the letter was a ruse.

Then there was Doctor Jason Patrick. He had a doctoral degree in psychiatry. He was a great orator and could spew out as convincing bullshit as anyone ever could. He had stolen several dresses and a cheerleaders uniform from a local girl and was all dressed up when her mother had caught him. She had restrained him and called the police. To make matters worse, she had put several bundled hundred-dollar bills in his purse. His mother then told him that he was on his own. A judge gave sentenced him to a special school. There, he would suffer horrors untold. The headmistress was a sadist named Shelia. Shelia would visit a selected boy every night and molest him or worse.

On the anniversary of the boy's first day, she would bring several women and her husband and watch the events unfold. On their last night at the school, she had made sure that it was a night they would never forget. She and a half dozen women would show up at the boy's door and say, "We all came to say goodbye." He later found out that she was a member of the damnable group of women that he preached about, the Eternal Women. He had met several other boys that had spent time there. They had tried to file a criminal complaint. They had tried to file a civil action. When those failed, they were plotting revenge by less legal means when Michelle convinced them that there were other ways to get revenge that would not leave them incarcerated.

Michelle said, "Next week we have our first large-scale rally to give. Three hundred thousand of Roehm's Storm Troopers will attend. Amber, your troops will also attend. We will give the largest rally in a hundred years. We need to make a documentary about this. Know anyone that knows about movie production?"

After a second Melissa said, "I do. My mother made a movie with me when I was around eleven, titled 'Sissy Boy Learns his Lesson.' It was a sick movie where I was dressed as a cheerleader and tried to lure a pretty girl in our house to rape her. It wasn't my idea that the movie went like that. In the movie, the girl turned the tables on me and raped me. She brought in a college student that majored in film production. She was horrid. She liked to see me beaten. My co-star was a girl that I had liked."

Michelle thought about this and said, "She was a film major. What is her name?"

"Vanessa Patterson. They were going to sell it when I told her that it was illegal. Mother said that she isn't concerned about the law. She said that if I married Gus, then the video would be kept private. It wasn't," Melissa said.

Michelle said, "She'd better damn well be concerned about our laws. 'Triumph of the Will II' will be great. Our tenth party congress rally will be one for the history books. Find her; she will not say no to us."

Michelle was in thought when she said, "That was what Alexandra said. She wasn't concerned with the law either. She beat the law when I reported it. A lying judge gave me back to her. His mistake. Amber, bring the film producer here in three days."

"Yes, Mein Fuehrer."

Melissa would love this part. Amber looked through official records and found hundreds of Vanessa Patterson's. She narrowed the search for ones that majored in film and lived around Melissa's house during the period in question. She found three. Then she had people in three groups go out and ask specific questions about a Melissa Miller who had been called Jeffery. They would appear to want to make another movie. Quickly, they found their target, and she was invited to go to New Jersey to make another movie. Vanessa agreed.

What greeted her was a nightmare. She saw a confident and powerful Melissa. She had a guard and Amber there. Then there was a woman behind that looked like her sister. She was nothing like she remembered. She could see a mouth and eyes that seemed to look into her very soul. The women said, "Welcome, Vanessa, to the our headquarters. I am Michelle. You majored in film production. You made some very interesting films with Melissa here. I saw them and they are revolting. Why would anyone want to make films like that is beyond me. You will make a film for us now."

She brightened and looked at Melissa and said, "How much fun is this going to be, Melissa?"

"It will be fun for me, but it isn't going to be as much fun for you as you think," said Melissa. Now Vanessa had a suspicion that there was something else going on.

Michelle said, "Vanessa, Michelle will be in your video for us. We are holding a rally in our new stadium, and you are going to make a documentary of it. I am announcing my candidacy for the office of president. The rally will be the biggest we have ever had. Almost three hundred thousand of our militia will attend, as well as five hundred thousand spectators. Have you ever seen Triumph of the Will by Leni Riefenstahl? That will be your model. What do you say?"

She was disappointed. She said, "I don't do propaganda."

Michelle said, "This is not propaganda. This is going to be the truth. Look around you. Immigrants, Eternal Ones - stealing everything we work for."

Michelle took a bite of chocolate cake. She loved chocolate. Then Vanessa said, "American citizens. Any party that comes to power will guarantee their rights."

Michelle raged spitting out her chocolate cake, "We are talking about the Eternal Ones here! They have no rights. You were one of them, not a patriot. You know no better." She had chocolate cake on her chin and teeth. It was a very unflattering picture of Michelle.

Then she said, "You will make this video for us. We just jammed through a law that voided all statutes of limitations for all crimes concerning children and pornography with children. That includes crimes committed before the act was passed. That would affect you, Vanessa. Want to do some time in prison?"

She realized that she had little choice. She had heard about the law. She had had no idea that it would ever be used on her. She looked at Melissa, infuriated at the condescending smirk. She realized that Melissa would probably arrest her whatever she chose. She would try. She said, "I will do it. I will make your video."

Michelle said, "Address Melissa properly, as Mistress. Call her Mistress Melissa."
She walked up to Melissa, kneeled, and said, "Mistress Melissa, what are my orders?" That was humiliating.

She said full of authority, "You have your orders, you moron. You will have a generous account. You will also have one of Amber's lieutenants watching you at all times. Get to it, Moron. That will be what I will call you. That is your name now. Leave, Moron."

That was insulting. She left. She purchased over twenty top quality cameras and hired three dozen people to record the event. In a week, it was all ready. Michelle was ready for it all to be televised to the entire nation.

As they left to follow her orders, Sally came into her office with tears in her eyes. She was repulsed by her sister's conduct. Sally liked her sister and remembered playing with her brother. She didn't abuse her too much. After a few weeks, she never hurt him at all. She did like his service, but the sadness in him ruined it. She hated Sandra. When she entered, she asked, "What is the meaning of all of this? What you are doing is no revenge for what Sandra is doing. You are just being a tyrant like all tyrants that have ever lived."

Michelle said, "I will be much better that all of them. You will suffer too. Why did you not help me?"

Sally said, "You always picked Sandra over me when we wanted to know who was cuter. I was never chosen. You were so popular and were so good in your studies. We would be trying so hard and you would be done. I hated all of that. You were the worst brother. You were spiteful when mom was around."

"I can think of much worse brothers. I've heard of brothers that molested and raped their sisters. I heard of brothers that would beat their sisters to death. That seems like a good option now. When was I spiteful? I was respectful and kind. No matter, if I didn't have a reason to be spiteful, I have a great reason now. I was raped, tortured, molested, enslaved, and just for being smarter and more popular, as well as being the beneficiary to our mother's will. What a reason for all of my suffering. Your reason for what you did and didn't do is nothing. What happened to me was out of proportion to what I was doing to you.

"You were envious and I was raped. Big difference. Being smart and popular isn't a reason for rape and sexual assault. I thought you were moral when I was growing up. The memory of dressing up and pretending to be your sister and playing house and dolls are good memories. Then I have not so good memories, and you are partially to blame. You didn't help when I asked; any moral person would have. You are not moral. You are the enemy of all moral people. Now leave."

She walked away, realizing that part of what Michelle had said was correct. If she were a moral person, she would have helped. As far as Michelle was concerned, Sally's betrayal was the worst. As Michael, he had liked her; he thought that she was moral. She had played and they had had much fun together. She had turned on him. She had refused to help. That was unforgivable. Sandra had never been nice to her. Sandra's behavior was partially expected, cruelty and pain. The vicious nature of Sally's cruelty had been unexpected. Sally, Michael had thought, had been his friend. That had turned into a nightmare. Sandra or Donna administered a vast majority of her abuse. There was Craig, but Sandra, again, had directed that. Sally, for years, had just enjoyed Michelle's service and had watched in silence. Well, Michelle thought, reminiscing about the past would accomplish nothing. There was work to be done. A huge rally was a week away to announce her candidacy for president. Her prime opponent would be Julianna Young. She was a democrat. Then she had an idea. Show off. She called Amber in. She waltzed in and Michelle said, "Bring me these people, Alexandra and Craig. I want them in this office in two days."

"Yes, Mein Fuehrer." Then she was gone.

By then, Alexandra had forgotten about her sister. She hadn't seen her on television in almost eight years. The most vocal speaker was Doctor Jason Patrick, and it was thought that he was the leader of the party. Michelle had kept a low profile. Alexandra was eating at an Italian restaurant when two women in black uniforms and jack boots approached her. They had the armband of their party and two lightning bolts on their collar - members of the Protective Corps. One of them said, "Alexandra, the Fuehrer requires your presence."

"Right, go away. I won't go. Leave me." Alexandra was frightened.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, I prefer it the hard way." The woman gave Alexandra a sadistic grin.

Alexandra, after giving it some thought, submitted and went. She got up and said, "Fine, I am out of shape and my daughter wouldn't want me to get hurt."

The woman said, "Damn, I wanted to kick your ass." Alexandra knew that this woman would beat her. She got up and went with them.

Then it was time to gather Craig. He was working in a fast food restaurant and part-time in construction. He was barely making ends meet while feeding his eight year-old son. He was his pride. Lately, his impressionable young mind was really taken by the 'new America' speeches that Jason was giving. He was really into that. He wanted to join the NSY, 'National Socialist Youth,' and nothing that Craig could say would change his mind. Craig was serving at the fast food counter when two black-suited women approached Craig. Craig saw them and thought nothing of it; they were cute, but he had a wife, Megan, and didn't want to jeopardize that. One woman said, "The Fuehrer wants an audience with you, NOW."

What did the National Socialist Party want with him? He figured that they had dispensed with Michelle after that rally. He had not heard her name in seven years. He said, "Get lost, broad. I have work to do and I need to get back to my son."

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way; let me try the hard way."

She smiled at him. He went over the counter and said, "Come on bitch, try me."

Then she moved toward him and faster that he could react, she tripped him and grabbed his arm and twisted it behind him. A sharp pain shot threw his body. He realized that he was no match for this woman. He said, "OK, stop it. I'll go."

This happened in front of all of the people in the place. There was even a paid-off cop watching and snickering at him. He turned to him and said, "Why aren't you doing anything? Aren't you a cop?"

He said, "Yes, I am, but your ass should be in jail, you rapist." Now he had a suspicion who was behind this and he didn't like it at all.

Almost a day later Alexandra and Craig were in the lobby of the National Socialist Party, waiting to be invited in the office. By now, both knew who was behind this. Alexandra said, "So, Craig, after Michelle got away, what have you been doing?"

"I married and had a son, working crappy jobs to help support them. How about you?"

"Nothing. My company crashed. I am living off the millions the will gave to me. It is enough."

Then a large man that both recognized as Ernst said, "Come in, the Fuehrer expects you." They got up wearily and went into Michelle's office. What they saw was more fearsome than they had thought.

Michelle said softly but full of power, "Welcome, I have been expecting you. I am Michelle, the Fuehrer. I invite you to our largest rally yet in less than a week. You will be expected to attend. Alexandra, I will announce my candidacy for president. Even if I lose, I win. Julianna's running mate has a secret. I know him from our younger days, my fourteenth birthday. I have the photos and a video. It would be quite distressing to his family if those made the news. He will resign and recommend me. I would have him by the...balls. Craig, do you remember me?" That was hard to say, given that she certainly had known him once before. Only that time she had been giving him pleasure and she was being molested. This time it would be different. She doubted that she would need that plan, as she would win this election. Her cold voice seemed to reverberate throughout the room. It has the air of supreme authority and astounding confidence. It also sounded chilling, her voice sent chills down their spines. Her voice was dripping with cruelty.

He could hardly speak. He stuttered, "Y-y-yes, Michelle, I apologize for my conduct."

"Too late for that. Your comments to my officers were noted. Your chauvinistic attitude still is prevalent. Even if you really were apologetic, it would be too late. It's too late for that. Your treatment of me happened and was horrendous. You and your son will pay."

"Why my son? He didn't hurt you."

"Correct, but he is from your genes. He will be an abuser, and it would hurt you more."

He asked, "You want to harm my son to get to me. Why?"

"Because I can. My compassion was destroyed years ago. That is why. I won't hurt your son. I will turn him. He will be...mine," she said.

He said, "You will make him your son."

"No, he is not worthy of being my son. I will indoctrinate him and he will be a party member. Maybe I will make him someone's daughter."

"Turn my son into a girl? Please don't. That would destroy him."

"Why? That was probably the best thing that happened to me. The rapes and molestation was horror. The femininity was great. Femininity is a wondrous gift."

He said, "You were a sissy; a real man would hate it." That was a very stupid thing to say in his position.

"You are in a perilous position. You had better watch you say, I have it within my power to destroy you, and will do so without any reservations." Then she stood up and walked up to him. As she got closer, he became scared. She lifted him off the floor by his neck and held him up. He was gagging and chocking. He couldn't breath. Michelle was cackling and threw Craig about three feet. Craig was stunned by this display of strength. Michelle ran up to Craig and put her boot across Craig's neck. She held her boot there and didn't let any air get through. His face was turning blue and he stopped fighting. Michelle looked at the change in his face with childish fascination. Then she removed her foot and in a few minutes, he got up, rubbing his neck. Michelle said with deadly malice, "I never want that term 'sissy' applied to me anymore. You are dismissed. You will attend the rally. You will follow my instructions, and you will die when I have decided that you have outlived your usefulness." He got up and ran out.

Alexandra was now terrified. Michelle was more powerful than anyone she had ever met. She was more of a creature than a woman. She was filled with hatred and evil. She thought that Sandra was mean; she didn't even compare with Michelle. 'Michelle was created by Sandra, the ultimate expression of Sandra's personality,' thought Alexandra.

"You attend the rally and bring Craig. My officers will not help. It's up to you. I would be quite displeased if both of you weren't there. You have a daughter. Yes. She is eight," a fearsome Michelle said.

There was nothing she could do. She must not panic. She had just threatened her daughter. She had just mentioned her, but the idea was clear. She said, "Craig and I will attend your rally. Count on it."

"I expected nothing less. Dismissed." She turned and left with her sister cackling.

Alexandra had never in her life felt so helpless and vulnerable, vulnerable against Michelle, her little sister. How did she do that? She must know. One thing was clear: Michelle was in charge. There was nothing she could do about it.
As Michelle meditated, she was troubled. She foresaw a defeat for the race for the president. She saw no way to win the election. The American public would vote for Julianna, then she would get her mate to resign. Then Julianna would appoint her. That was how she saw the events unfold.

Amber left fuming; intentionally losing a presidential election was stupid. What was Michelle thinking?

Everything was set. The Storm Troopers were assembled. The Protective Corps were in their assigned places. Vanessa's cameras were rolling. The seats were packed. Flags were flying or hanging. Michelle, Jason, Amber and Melissa were ready to make their grand entrance. Michelle straightened her uniform and started walking up the steps to the parade ground with Amber, Jason and Melissa behind her. As she walked into the open space, she saw hundreds of thousands of her bright blue troops in massive columns. She walked in a wide path between the columns of troops. She walked to a large raised podium. She stood on it with her commanders behind her stiff at attention. She was wearing her black uniform designed for her protective corps. There were massive viewscreens that showed her face in detail. On both sides of the screen were huge hanging blood red flags with the ominous symbol. On top of the stadium were groups of three massive hanging party flags. It looked like a real Nuremberg rally. She said, "I am announcing my candidacy for the office of President of the United States. The National Socialist Party for the Protection of Children nominates me for the office."

Sandra was watching, nearly having a heart attack at seeing her sister on national television in this awesome rally. When she announced her candidacy for president, she groaned in terror.

Craig was in the bleachers watching. He knew what to expect, but this grand spectacle was still breathtaking. She, as the president; it was just a horrifying thought. He had no doubt that she would be elected.

She did, she expected to lose. She continued, "I will give our economy what it needs: more jobs, money for education and tougher penalties for child predators. They will lose their citizenship. The Eternal Ones will find themselves isolated and unable to continue their predatory and parasitic existence! They are out to destroy us, take over our lives! They storm into our country unwanted, unwelcome, and they are everywhere! If anyone is to live in peace, the Eternal Ones must be controlled. They are the enemy of all moral people."

"For years, I was a prisoner. I was taking blows from all directions; I was raped, molested, enslaved and tortured. I didn't know who the enemy was. The turning point came when my eyes could see years later when I was still in enslavement. I could see my enemy, our enemy." She screamed, "the Eternal Ones; we recognize them, we recognize him." She was pointing beside her, there was no one there, but she was making a point. It was clear and everyone was cheering in agreement. "We can see how their filth and greed has destroyed this nation and brought on this defeat. We must crush this vermin. We must wipe this plague from this nation. We will destroy the child molesters. We will disinfect our country of the Eternal Ones' vermin." As she said that last line, she was pointing at the sky and everyone rose up and cheered at her hateful speech.

The troops saluted. She continued for almost an hour, spewing hate. At the end, she shared a perfectly logical plan to start the economy and produce jobs. It would include handing full power to her. She didn't mention that through. She raised her arm straight out and boomed, "Sieg heil!" Her troops and audience did the same. Then Jason took over and gave another hour-long 'new America' speech. They all sat down when thousands of troops holding party banners saying 'America Awaken' and others holding torches flooded down the center where the Storm Troopers had made a wide path. Then they all separated. They marched around doing impressive displays. That lasted throughout the night. It ended around one in the morning with the troops marching through the street singing the Horst Wessel song.

That night Michelle lay in bed thinking a lot about her childhood. The worst memories were her 'birthdays.' Sandra and Andrea had directed it. Michelle's sister would sit beside her with a condescending smirk, barely able to keep a straight face. Sandra and Andrea would laugh and smirk while she was being sexually assaulted. That made her red hot mad. She didn't know what had been so damn funny, but vengeance was close.

Her anger would consume her and keep her company. She would control the country. Nothing could stop that; then it would be time to make them pay. Her childhood was destroyed, completely ruined. She had never understood the reason for the viciousness of it all. The enslavement was acceptable, at least the reason for it was. It served to destroy her will. The beatings served to teach her the penalty of disobedience as well as destroy her will.

The gay sex, now that dumbfounded her. Why? That part served no purpose, the job to destroy her was being done. That was just for her sister's joy of seeing her brother raped and used as a slut. That had been a mistake, for it had hardened her resolve to escape. It had also filled her with anger that in turn filled her with darkness. Now this was the result. Michelle hoped Sandra liked what she had created. Realistically, Sandra probably wasn't even worried, if she even noticed.

The next day Michelle summoned Amber and Roehm. Michelle waved a paper from the New York Times with a nasty article about Michelle. When Roehm entered, she said, "Will you look at this, a private memo concerning your quotes about storming the capital. We've talked about revolution, during our first conversation when I was in captivity, and hundreds of times since then. You and your SA are having a terrible problem getting away from the concept of open revolution. What do I have to do to convince you? The SA must be behind us every step of the way. This is a test, you take care of this and I can put this whole nasty business behind us. You pass and you can stay. Dismissed."

He snapped his heals and said, "Heil Michelle," Then left.

Michelle shook her head. He was becoming a pain in the ass. This whole business was a pain in the ass. She had prepared a rally for next month. It wasn't going to be as big, but still memorable.

Sandra was just stunned. Michelle didn't seem like she was going to fail. No one was seeing her for the sissy she used to be. In fact, she wasn't such a sissy after all. She was powerful and charismatic. Everyone loved her. Sandra was beginning to be taken by her power.

Alexandra wouldn't speak to her anymore. When she went to see Alex, she was withdrawn. She tried to force the issue and got in her face but she was hit. Alex had hit Sandra and raged, "Why did you have to be so sadistic, you little whore! I should kill you, you sadistic little bitch! If you weren't my sister I would stomp you into the ground like the slime you are!"

She had been so taken by the ferocity of the attack that she had left. Of course, she didn't know what happened to Alexandra or Craig; she saw the televised rally and had a bad feeling about all of this. She knew what would happen to her if Michelle achieved power. Sandra would have done the same thing, but this was Michelle. Sandra knew she could never have achieved the things that Michelle had.

Michelle sat back in her chair thinking. In a little more that two years, she would be the president.

Throughout the next year, she had rallies, marches, public speeches and televised interviews. Her paper turned out glowing reports about Michelle and Ryan's papers slandered Julianna's name as much as possible. Her presses printed out posters glorifying Michelle. One had Michelle standing proud bathed in a red glow on a dark background with words printed along the bottom 'one people, one nation, one Fuehrer!' It was obvious where the idea for that came from. By now the race was heating up. The popular vote would happen next November in which time the electors would vote. She was campaigning in California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Georgia, Montana, and Washington. That should give her the 210 votes she needed. Without the states now occupied by Mexico, the Electoral College had been reduced by 80 votes.

Her next rally would be in her hometown in Kentucky. There was close to eight thousand waiting for her to speak. She was standing on a large platform with a line of storm troopers in front of her. There was Jason on one side and Melissa on the other. She said, "My friends, for years I was in captivity. I was called Michael back then. During that time my sister set up a plan to destroy me. I was beaten regularly. I was raped, molested and enslaved. I don't blame my sister; she was a pawn in a conspiracy of the Eternal Ones. They are to blame, for all of our misfortunes. I was one of the first and I wont be the last. All of your children are in danger of this menace. Their goal is to enslave all of us. The Eternal Ones want to destroy us and take over our lives, and their goal is almost complete. We are the only hope."

She let that hang in the air for a few seconds and continued, " This nation needs a new direction and a new plan. We need more jobs, more money, more teachers and more leadership." She spoke for another hour and left. The audience loved it. While she was in her limo with Melissa she said, "Melissa, what would you give my chances to win?"

"I have no doubt that you will win."

"I am not counting on winning. I think I will lose to Julianna. We have a debate in two weeks and I will defeat her. Still, I think that a majority will vote for Julianna. I saw that happening."

This was unexpected. She would lose; she didn't have any doubt. When she saw something happening, it would happen. She was never wrong on these things.

Michelle said, "But I will be president. Don't worry about that. Nothing can stop that." After the rally she decided to pay a visit to her worst enemy, Sandra, who she has not seen in close to twenty-five years. She was not married, but lived with a man named Biff and he had a son. They were engaged. She had Amber and several of their guards with her. She knocked on the door and a sad little boy in a maid's minidress with his hands and ankles bound and wearing a collar with a leash opened the door. He was crying. He curtseyed and said, "Hello, what may I do for you madam?"

She was enraged at this display of perversion. She took him by the arm and said, "Amber, take him into custody and deliver him to social services. I will handle this." Would her sister ever stop turning boys into maids? She stormed in and said, "Sandra, get you stupid dumb ass here now. We need to talk about this boy."

Sandra said, "You mean Tiffany, our maid. What did the little sissy do now?" She stormed into the room saying, "Tiffany, I will...'' she stopped when she saw a large woman dressed as a officer. She knew this was her sister. She also noticed that Amber had Tiffany and she was unbound.

Sandra said, "What are you doing with my slave?"

Michelle walked up to Sandra and slammed her fist into her sister's face with crushing force. She went flying into the wall. Next, she ran up and kicked her in the stomach. A dull pain went through her body. She held her stomach and tears came out of her eyes. Michelle said, "Sister, what ever happened to you that you are so cruel to undeserving helpless boys? Your kind needs to be destroyed forever. I am making that happen. For now your boy is going to be given to social services. Damn you're weak, but I guess you can fight twelve year olds." Sandra cried at the pain in her stomach.

In the following weeks, after the boy's statement was taken, Biff and Sandra were arrested for abuse, molestation and aggravated sexual assault of a minor. Then a trail date was set.

Alexandra was angered by Sandra's arrest. She couldn't believe that Michelle would be so bold, but she knew it was justice.

Luckily, for Tommy, his misery had lasted only a month. He was enslaved, Biff had ignored him, Sandra had another woman would see him. He was molested and beaten by them. He was only ten. Then it was over when Michelle saw him. Michelle was to be Tommy's guardian. Biff's parental rights were revoked. Tommy was grateful to Michelle.

Tommy was in blue jeans and a red T-shirt standing in front of Michelle. He was eternally grateful for his rescue. He looked at Michelle with gratefulness and love. He said, "Thank you for saving me." He was so happy to be dressed as a boy again. After a month, he had lost hope that he would be allowed to be a boy anymore. His mother had left many years ago; she had gone to the courthouse and had given up her parental responsibilities.

Michelle asked, "How do you like my house, Tommy?"

"Fine, how should I address you?"

That was indeed a question - certainly not as Fuehrer and not as Mother. "Call me Michelle until you are ready. I will be taking over parental responsibilities, so I will be your mother. When it is comfortable to you, you may call me mother."

He didn't understand everything she had said; she would be his mother? He knew his real mother would never come back. His so-called dad had told him that Sandra would be his mom. That was a nightmare; she wanted him to call her mistress. She wasn't a mother.

This woman, however, seemed to be kind and care for him greatly. He didn't trust her completely, but she had rescued him and had treated him nicely. If there was going to be a mother for him, he wanted it to be this woman.

"OK, Michelle, I would like that."

Upon seeing this, Michelle hoped that this was the beginning of a beautiful thing. She saw the expectation in his eyes, probably wondering if she would protect him. She would. At seeing the way he was looking at her, she felt warmth and actual love toward him. For the first time in decades she felt something instead of hate. She walked up to him and picked him up. Then she gave him a hug and cried. She would never let anyone ever hurt this boy again. He cried also.
Then Amber came in and Michelle gave her a baleful star. There was no way she would ever leave this boy and Amber alone in the same room.

Amber saw her Fuehrer, with tears in her eyes, holding a small boy. To her this was a sign of weakness, not that she was capable of ever hurting Michelle again. She doubted she could. She wouldn't even think of it.

Michelle said, "This boy needed protecting. I am going to take up that responsibility. That is our premise for our party. What do you want?"

She said, "You scheduled a meeting in an hour. We need to prepare." She had no intention of attending.

Michelle said, "Call Melissa. She will head it. Bring her to me for instructions."

Amber bowed her head and left. Michelle said to Tommy as she was still holding him, "I have a lot of responsibilities. I will never leave you. You will be my first responsibility."

He didn't clearly understand, but he figured that she was telling him that he was most important to her. He smiled at her. She felt very warm at his bright childish smile. She couldn't help it, she cried again.

She was crying again. This woman cried a lot. This woman would protect him. He was starting to really like this woman. He had started to feel that he couldn't trust women. Now he had Michelle.

Michelle said, "Lets show you around. First, let's show you your room." Michelle and the little boy walked to his room. As she saw his room, he loved it. It looked perfect for a young boy. Nothing pink, no fluff or lace anywhere. As he saw a bed with baseball players on the blanket and a closet full of jeans and tee shirts, even a couple of flannel shirts, his face brightened up. He was so happy to see this. He loved his new room. Michelle said, "I see that you like it. I thought you would. We have more stuff to see."

He said, "I love the room, Michelle."

"Thanks, you know, we do need a maid."

His expression showed fear. He tensed up and looked at her. She smiled at him, not a dark smile, but a bright smile that said, 'you fell for it' and she laughed. He laughed also when he realized that she was joking. She thought that it was possibly too soon to be joking about maids, but he was laughing.

Michelle said, "I'm sorry about that. It was dumb to say that."

"It is fine, but Michelle, this is a large house. Do you have a maid?"

"No, I don't. I do most of it myself. I don't like the idea of maids at all."

He said, "You clean this house all by yourself? Why don't you have anyone helping you?"

"I don't like the idea of it. I hate seeing anyone in that darn uniform. I hate it with all that I am. When I was a little older than you, my sister did the same thing to me that happened to you. I am 40 now and Sandra is 43. She is my older sister and I was twelve. I was kind of helpless against Sandra. I was her slave. I was beaten and enslaved. I wore the minidress, wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs. I also wore the collar. Unlike you, I wasn't rescued until five years later. I rescued myself with a little help. That is why I want to protect you. I know what you went through. Understand?"

"I think so, Sandra is your older sister and what happened to me happened to you. How sad, she is a bad person. She needs to die!"

She winced at that, such strong language from such a small person. He didn't know the half of what had happened to her. She hoped that he would never have to. He had had a month of servitude and abuse while she had had five years of it and he was angry. Well, a month or five years; it still was wrong and hurt a lot. She knelt and looked deeply into his eyes to see what he was thinking. He looked back. She took his hand and said, "Try not to be so angry; that is a trap that is hard to get out of. I fell into it. Try not to talk about people dieing."

"I will try, but it is hard. She needs to, as well as that group, I heard of Sandra say the Eternal Women; they really need to go away." His voice hardened and he said, "They all deserve to die. Amanda, Sandra's friend, shoved something into my hind end and it hurt. It hurt a lot. It also hurt my heart; it felt like something ripping away a piece of me. Even when the pain went away, it didn't. I cry when I think about it." Tears were rolling down his cheeks and he was sobbing softly.

She understood too well, abuse like that just eats away at ones very self. It eats at ones spirit. It was a spiritual violation. At least he hadn't had guys get at him. That could be worse, but if she knew her sadistic sister, she had had that planned. Then she would have watched with that damn gleam in her eyes. She loved watching that.

Michelle said loudly, "Damn her to hell!" Damn her, a ten year-old god damnit. She started cussing like a sailor at the top of her voice. Then with much effort she forced her self to get back the composure she had before. She had that composure for more that twenty years and rarely lost it. She had been in ambushes; fierce battles outnumbered twenty to one and won. She had experienced it all and had never lost her temper. This boy brought new feeling that she had kept repressed for so long. She was beginning to love him. It was scary.

Did he know what he was talking about, killing all of them? If his young mind could contemplate how big such an operation would be as well as the extent of the deaths, would he still be talking about killing so many people? He was talking about something that would eclipse the holocaust. Millions would die. 'Did he mean what he said?' Michelle thought. She looked into his eyes and said, "Do you really want so many people to die? I hope that you don't and that is just your anger talking. Think about it a little."

He shook his head and said, "Guess not, sorry."

Oh, she could understand completely. Her compassion and love for this boy was seriously giving her second thoughts about this whole thing. Someone loved her unconditionally; that was all she had wanted since she was 12. She could go away and raise him right. She could make damn sure that no one would ever hurt him again. He could be saved, and he could save her.

After showing him the whole house and returning to the main room, Melissa was there. As she looked at the boy, she showed him a bright smile that he returned. Then Jason entered and looked at Tommy. He didn't show anything. Michelle approached Melissa. She said, "My presidential race will concentrate on Missouri and Iowa for the next several months. The Morris brothers will still be accepted, Jerry will continue his post as chief of finances and Sam will still be the unit leader of the fourth storm trooper regiment. Understand. Stick to our plan. Go now, Tommy and I have things to discuss." They gave her their customary reply and left.

When they left, Michelle and Tommy sat on her couch and Tommy started by inquiring, "You are up to something big. Who were those people and what do you do? Please be truthful."

How to answer this question? This was something she had wanted to avoid until later. She could lie, but her mother had lied to her. She wasn't going to lie to him. The truth was the best alternative in this case. She said, "Well Tommy, I run a political party. You know what a political party is?"

He looked at her in confusion. Then she continued for several minutes, telling him about what a political party was and what they were trying to do.

He said, "A national socialist party, sounds bad. I don't like it."

"Yah, you're right. I can't do this anymore. This is over."

"Tommy, come with me please. We have something to do." they both got into a car and drove to their headquarters. Michelle stormed into the conference room and said, "Everyone, I have an announcement. From this time forward, the party is dissolved. The candidates will be on their own. I am retiring to raise Tommy. Any questions?"

There were outbursts of rage and Melissa asked, "What are we going to do?"

"Well, you have enough money. You can do anything. I have a boy to raise." She turned and left.

Tommy said, "That was wonderful....Mom."

They tried to run the party on their own, but they all failed. Years later there was nothing left of the party. The hatred that Michelle spurred was slower to fade, but it did. Democracy was saved by the heart of a little boy.

Years later Michelle wrote a book, interesting enough, called 'Victory of Faith.'


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