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A Walk in the Dark
Chapter 24 |
Well, the first half of the journey to Caet’he Og was pretty uneventful. The middle part, not so much.
We were just minding our own business, moving through the forest, enjoying the scenery, when there was a god awful crashing from the side and I heard a bellowed, “EVIL CREATURES MUST DIE!!!”
“Now what?” I grumbled and waited to see what this world was going to annoy me with next.
I found out in short order. It was a huge guy, with flowing blonde hair, a lantern jaw, burning blue eyes, wearing enough armor to make a lobster jealous and mounted on the biggest horse I’d ever seen.
Well, at least the horse looked embarrassed. While sir Galahad, or whoever he was plucked bits of foliage from his armor while muttering, “Averil, did you absolutely HAVE to choose the most obstructed path to get here?”
Me? I buried my face in both hands and moaned, “Why me?”
Satisfied that the errant foliage was gone the silvery, armored, and very big apparition bellowed. “EVIL MUST PERISH!”
“Oh.” I nodded agreeably, tilted my head and set a hand on one hip while asking. “And you would be?”
“I hight — yes he really did say that — Sir Reginald du… Sorry never can remember the whole damned name, but anyway… I, Sir Reginald, Paladin of Danaan, am here to smite evil!”
“Oh, Dahlia Saaa Llolth.” I nodded and gave him a little wave. “So now what do we do?”
“I — umm — smite you.” He answered a bit uncertainly.
“Oh.” I nodded sagely while cursing any god listening for inflicting THIS on me and gave him a sunny smile. “Well, in that case, if you’re going to do the Smiting me with holy wrath, cursing my name for eternity, sending me screaming back to hell, and chopping me into little bitty, screaming bits, could we get on with it and get that out of the way? I’m kind of busy right now with other things.”
“You should be terrified at the sight of Danaan’s justice!” He roared.
“Look.” I gave him an annoyed glare with both hands on my hips that time. “Get on with it, or forget it. I have somewhere to be and I don’t have time for this right now.”
“Why aren’t you quailing in justified terror at my presence?” He asked.
“You’re serious?” I asked then nodded at the glare that question got me. “Oh, yeah, you are. Look. I’ll give you my address and we could do this later if you don’t mind. I’m not in the mood just now.”
“But… You are supposed to be quivering in the terror of the evil when confronted with the justly powerful good.” He answered, and I could tell he wasn’t all that sure of that statement even if he was trying to be heroic.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t get that particular order.” I answered then gave him an annoyed look. “So what are you going to do here? Whatever it is, PLEASE get on with it.”
That one took him by surprise. He looked at me, then the others with me, who were frantically stifling giggles and chortles, and asked. “You WANT me to smite you?”
“Look Galahad.” I walked up, patted his horse and gave it a sympathetic look before stopping to glare up at him. “I don’t CARE what you do just now. All I want you to do is get it done, so I can stop being annoyed with you and get to where I’m supposed to be. Now hurry it up. You’re keeping me from something important here.”
“You aren’t justifiably terrified of my righteous wrath and holy power?” He questioned.
“Nope.” I even patted the hilt of his holy avenger, or whatever that big honking sword he was carrying was. Though I had to jump up on the back of the horse to do that, and I couldn’t resist. I gave him a little peck on the cheek before I got down. “So what do we do now?”
“You’re supposed to quake then flee in terror.” He answered.
“The fleeing thing I can do.” I answered with a nod. “But if I do that, are you going to keep annoying me?”
“I must harry evil wherever I find it.” He intoned.
“Oh. Okay here’s the deal.” I was trying to be reasonable, honest! “I’ll scream in terror, run away, and you could just kind of chase me the wrong way until I’m long gone and save us both a lot of unpleasantness. Think that would work?”
“But…” He shook his head, evidently not getting the concept of détente at all, “Then I couldn’t smite you.”
“That’s the idea you idiot!” I screamed at him. “I’m in no mood for smiting right now!
Go away!”
He stubbornly refused to do that. So I took a piece of parchment, scribbled something on it and handed it up to him. “There, that’s my Mom’s address. Go there and I guarantee that you’ll have all the smiting your little heart could desire. Now will you please go away and leave me alone?”
“Oh, for….” I gritted my teeth and told him. “Come to Kae’song’s citadel later. That’s where I live and we can play all you want then. I. DON’T. HAVE. TIME. FOR. THIS. RIGHT. NOW!!!!!”
“You aren’t playing fair.” He pointed out.
“I’m evil!” I glared at him. “I’m not supposed to play fair!”
“Oh, right.” He nodded and seemed to feel better about things once he had.
“Now.” I shook my head and glared at him. “Either do what you’re going to do, or go away! All right? Is that too much to ask?”
“But I NEED to cow you with my great words of good.” He countered.
If I’d had a wall just then, I’d have been doing my best to destroy it with my forehead. I had to settle for a tree.
“Are you all right?” He questioned as I was doing that.
“No.” I weakly answered. “Can we do this later? Please?”
My friends were no help at all. The only one not rolling on the ground in hysterical laughter had managed to wrap himself around a tree to keep from falling down.
I made a note to get even with Sam for that one.
“It would not be mete for me to kill a wounded enemy.” He finally got some of the few clogged synapses in his brain to work and sighed. “I will find you later, evil one. Then there will be a reckoning.”
“Whatever.” I really wanted a whole bottle of Tylenol just then but was willing to settle for this idiot going to go bother some other unfortunate evil creature. Just as long as it wasn’t me.
“Farewell, for the nonce.” He saluted me, actually saluted me, then turned his mighty charger away and plowed back into the underbrush.
“There is a god.” I sighed in relief once he’d done that.
Fortunately, for what shreds of my sanity were left. Nothing else bothered us on that particular trip.
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I think
this has to be one of the funniest things I have ever read.
Oh, thanks.
I did have fun doing it and had it kind of planned out some time ago.
I know paladins can be a pain at times, but really that one was dumber than most. Will it even sink in that the evil creature he needs to smite has touched his hold sword and not been attacked. That is if he's not a joke even among paladins. Well, sallie forth and all that.
Would you believe...
I actually played with someone who ran a paladin like that? We even went to the extreme of spinning a tale of the Great God Lincoln who would come forward to free all slaves in some unspecified time to avoid trouble because of her once.
I remember playing a stupid
I remember playing a stupid paladin once. I made a level 1 character with every intention of getting him killed by just immediately attacking anything with an evil alignment. Damned guy would just never die. I always lived through sheer luck, and eventually became one of the most powerful characters I ever played. It was retarded some of the things the dice would make me survive doing.
So much bloodthirst for a lawful good character. Then again, there's no shortage of evil that needs smiting in D&D.
Ahh, diplomacy.
But you were playing him for fun, for the ridiculous aspect of things. I'm sure that helped things along with the other party members and the DM. I know I appreciated someone running an apparently oboxious character just for the fun of it.
Paladin's always did come
Paladin's always did come across as a little two-dimensional at times. This was a wonderfully hillarious twist on them. No wonder the horse took him through the undergrowth. :-)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
That poor horse,
Is probably smarter than his rider. lol.
Ever seen "The Villain"?
Ever seen "The Villain"?
This is "The Handsome Stranger".
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Yes I have.
Hilarious movie, by the way.
Good Lord!
That one had me laughing. That has got to be the funniest Paladin I've ever seen. His patron has got to have "onlookers die of embarrassment" somewhere in his portfolio. Great work!
I think his patron wishes someone would stop laughing long enough to put him out of the poor guy's misery.
Do you think that...
might have been some D&D nerd that got transported to that world and in doing so lost his memory and has been haplessly flouncing about the woods doing good?
So much to read, so little time and only one of me :)
The English Teacher
So much to read, so little time and only one of me :)
The English Teacher
Maybe so...
I really have played with some people who ran thier characters that way.
Needless to say, the saner party members devised ways to kill them off early. Unless they were really entertaining.
Sounds like my fundamentalist Son...
But… You are supposed to be quivering in the terror of the evil when confronted with the justly powerful good.â€
I love to run into street preachers. It is almost as good as bacon and eggs for breakfast.
Yes, I know I can't eat Bacon but I can remember right?
Reminds me of Monte Pylon.
I always did have fun with those.
Seem to agree with them, then twist their so called logic into pretzels. Ahh, those were the days.
Your stories are so funny, so irreverant, so enjoyable. Your heroines, although destined for greatness seem to never take themselves seriously. After all, she, or any of her minions, or husband could have done the poor sap some serious hurt, but she toys with him instead. Thanks for sharing this gem with us.
Linda Jeffries

Too soon old, too late smart.
Linda Jeffries

Too soon old, too late smart.
I don't think poor Dahlia quite knew what to make of him other than that he was a real pita. She did feel sorry for his horse, though.
giggling like crazy
what an absolute hoot! oh, my, my sides will hurt for DAYS, and i think i peed my panties, and its all your fault, you bad person you! Loved it, loved it loved it!
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
For the wet panties. *grin*
Old memories....
Brings back memories of the Phil & Doug(?) cartoons in the old Dragon Magazines. Absolutely funny stuff.
Beverly Colleen
Beverly's Balcony
I am a leaf on the wind, but someone turned the fan off.
I rmember those! Hilarious stuff.
What do you mean? You can
What do you mean?
You can still read them on Phil Foglio's website!
www.airshipentertainment.com, as I recall. If not, you can go through the Girl Genius web site. You can also read the Buck Godot comics.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Speaking of Girl Genius
My first thought was hey, this guy must be like the great to nth predecessor of OTHAR TRYGGVASSEN, Gentleman Explorer :)
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once - Albert Einstein
It was Phil & Dixie in
It was Phil & Dixie in Dragon.
Just found this one and read it all the way to here. Another wonderful story!
Glad you're enjoying it.
I'm sure having fun writing it.
Felt more of Knights of the Square Table, to myself. Except it was the Paladin played by the female player that walked away. Long Live The Portal Of Doom!
Knights of the Dinner
Knights of the Dinner Table.
http://www.kenzerco.com/index.php?cPath=22_23 main site
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTFODJ6nKpY for the start of the video series.
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
Yes, that one is fun.
Thanks for reminding me of it.
I think-
I can stop laughing enough to type now! Well ... maybe. LOL!!! I feel so sorry for poor Averil the horse. Of course he took the long way around. Probably hoping that Dahlia and company would get away before Sir Reggie embarrassed him, ... again.
Unfortunately, I've played with those just like this guy. Yes, it can be very painful. Occasionally, very funny when played for laughs, but usually they're serious which makes it worse.
I can just see the reaction Sir Reggie will get at Kae’song’s. Poor Averil I hope the stable-master treats him especially nicely.
PS: As for my own personal favorite Paladin with a twist is David Weber's Bahzell Bahnakson series beginning with "Oath of Swords."
I personally like
Elizabeth Moon's Paksenarrion. Earthy, had a sense of humor, and all that.
I like em both...
But neither of them quite measure up to that little treasure of a scene!
You've got me going "My name is Inigo Montoya!..."
I'm dying here...
This was like a mix of Girl Genius, What's new with Phil and Dixie, and Myth Adventures all rolled into one story. It has elements of all of them. Are you related to Phil Foglio by any chance?
I do have the wierd sense of humor, though. So I've been told, anyway.
Dear gods what a.....
MORON that guy was,it makes me ashamed to have a paladin char on one of the greatest online games ever(at least in my opinion it is) Tibia.com. But then again a paladin on there is a archer type mainly. Anyways great story so far maggie can't wait for more. BTW this guy reminded me a little bit of stalart(sp?) Fey's part time boyfriend in the sense he isn't exactly the brightest at times.
Was lot's brighter than this one. He's comic relief and will be back. Tries to be Dahlia's foil, but his horse is better at that and worse, the horse actually likes Dahlia.
But thanks I just recalled some of the worst paladins people I played with ran...
Archer... an Archer Paladin?....
that's like a warrior saying "I cast magic missile..."
or better yet an Assassin in Full Plate! "but..But! I'm mastered hide in shadows, he shouldn't have seen me coming!" *clank!* Clank!*
oh, DM: your in a 5x5 room... Mage: i cast Fireball!
DM: the room is ankel deep in water... Mage: i cast Chain Lighting!
*as DM that's when i change the DM screen (of forgotten realms) to the screen for RavenLoft*
DM: this is your 2nd..and last chance, do play smarter. *kills party within the hour*
Been there, done that, killed characters for it. lol.
Tisn't that exceptional.
Paladin simply means "Holy Warrior" - i.e. someone who fights for a god or God. An assassin could be a paladin, as long as it's for his/her god.
(Mind you, that's a ways from the original 12 knights of Charlemagne)
Frankly, I'd think that an archer would be more useful to a god than a knight - they can nail 'evil' people and have a better chance of _getting away with it_.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
We always rolled for intelligence and quirks as well as dedicati
We always rolled for intelligence and quirks as well as dedication to a cause. Got some interesting characters that way, and few Palidans that were sorta single minded. Not that they survived long since they often did make one man charges against evil, Dragons, goblins, orc warbands, whatever, but were sometimes prone to break into tears over memories of their mommas. However, we also had some very smart Paladins that like to use others to do the fighting, then they would mop up. Always the same guy in real life. Team a dumb Palidan with inept magic users and first level clerics, and you had a short game.
Oh yes. One long running character in a game I was involved in
was one of those smart paladins. Fortunately he and my character were friends. Both deligted in making things tough on the Darwin award winners among us.
Oh good grief!
This chapter felt to me like a mix of the Marx Brothers, adding a sprinkling of George Burns and Gracie Allen, with a touch of Abbott and Costello. Priceless comedy, Mags!
I absolutely, positively loved the part where Dahlia's contingent were rolling on the ground laughing their collective asses off. I highly doubt they were laughing at their Lady, but the utterly efficient way she made a fool out of ol' Percy Paladin!
I'm with you, Maggie when you said that Averil was the smarter of the two. I wonder what god or goddess poor Averil offended that got him saddled (literally!) with such a twit like Sir Reggie?
Oh, yeah.
They were laughing at the paladin, but also at Dahlia trying to talk the idiot into going to bother someone else.
At a bit of a loss
I don't play any RP games, so the only Paladin I know is the old TV show: "Have Gun-Will Travel". So I'm at a loss with all this DnD talk. But this was hilarious!! Only, Dahlia is WALKING? Kae'song and company too cheap to give her a carriage and a couple of horses? I'd be complaining to Mother about this!
. . . .
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Oh she has a horse.
It just didn't get mentioned this time around is all.
I think he caught the interest of one of the girls.
If you decide to use him, he might be a valuable (ASS-et).
Dude should have his paladin card revoked.
Reggie give paladins a bad name. I've had many great paladins who weren't war machines either they'd be offended that he'd be given such power when he's that thick. His deity must be either the god of fools or the patron god of stupidity.
He's great comic relief though, kind of reminds me of Quigley from the Myth books by Robert Aspirin a damned fine series.
This was exactly what I needed after a long night at work dealing with the terminally stupid.
I needed the laughs Maggie thanks for this.
Bailey Summers
Did she unknowingly write up s scroll of transportation to send him to Mom
A Walk in the Dark Chapter 24
I think that knight was Don Quixote
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
The Don was on a mission, Stan. He may have been a little befuddled, but he's not as moronic as *this* twit!
Besides, where was Sancho Panza, his long-suffering squire?
Paladin, paladin, where do you roam...
I played one Paladin for about fifteen years and I can certainly say that I didn't everything in my power not to act like this doofus. Devilbane cringes.
Also, nice picture Mags.
Quail in fear, evil one!
Paladins... sheesh! LOL It seems like all the authors pick on them.
I recall reading that a character can't be true neutral if it has any intelligence. My theory is that the same goes for lawful good -- sort of. One would have to be very naive to think that lawful is always good, and that good is always lawful. Sometimes, you have to choose one or the other.
I have an icon that says
I have an icon that says "Lawful Evil, because Good is dumb."
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
Certainly an interesting one
I would like to point out that once, Roy Greenhilt said that alignment is not a definition of one's actions, it's an ideal, an aspiration, a goal to which you may never truly get, but which you honestly try to live. Those 'Lawful Good' paladins with scorched earth approach, only pay lip service to their alignment.
Now, as for me, I'd once played a computer game where alignment was dynamic and shaped by actions. I started out as Chaotic Neutral. By the end of first fifth of the game, I became, briefly, Chaotic Evil. In no time at all I was suitably horrified with myself so much that ended up Chaotic Good on a short notice, and only had a single backsliding episode when my acts pushed me to neutrality briefly, and not all the way through.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Does tend to be a relative thing as you go. It really doesn't tell you much about the character and good player could always stay within his/her alignment and still get away with murder. Literally.
Shuusssssh!.... I'm hunting the whilie EWElVES.... (Elmer Fudd)
Clueless Paladins
I really enjoyed this one. I had a friend that played a naive paladin once. He was in a party of cut throat types with at least one player that was evil. His paladin only spoke common, and thought it was rude to use detect evil on someone without cause. So as long as the party didn't overtly commit acts of evil in front of them they could lead him around by the nose. He told me about a game where he questioned a goblin using his righteous words of justice, and his companion who spoke goblin "translated" for him, of course the guy was actually threatening the goblin with horrible torture. When the paladin asked why the goblin was getting so scared, the companion told him that the goblin was scared of the righteous punishment that awaits him in the next life.
Oh, now that is the way...
My bunch played the really clueless paladins, too. Played as in manipulated, I mean.
The Beginning of the Fun...
Reminded me of classic Bugs Bunny. Great story, Maggie, I always love your work.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
How Does This Work?
Just a question if Good is embodied in the likes of Sir Reginald, Paladin of Danaan, how in the Nine Hells is the Dhro'aaa being wiped out of existence? It somehow just doesn't compute - hilareous - but no compute.
As always,
As always,