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I was wearing a well below the knee length dress, peach coloured for god’s sake! It was all poofed up with lace and satin bits all over. Matching peach ankle socks and what our American friends call Mary Jane’s on my feet completed the effect of a giddy little girl, more Shirley Temple than Shirley Temple ever was.
Then my hair, oh Lord, what had they done with my hair? Admittedly long, but those things that the hair dresser did for me should be against the law.
‘Are you ready Lesley?’
I looked like a boy in a poofy dress, I knew I did.
‘Fancy drawing attention to myself like this.’ I thought, ‘Just because my mum said that I had to wear it.’
It was an all girl’s, pretty dress type party, but I had to go because my twin Jessica, who was loved by everyone but me insisted that I go dressed A pity that she wasn’t into Goth; black clothes would have suited my mood. At 12 she should have been well out of this type of rubbish, but no, her friends and her thought that it would be a giggle to dress like this for the party.
‘Call it a theme party,’ she said with a giggle–she was heavy giggler, I wondered if you could get a pill for that. What was wrong with jeans and a t-shirt?
‘Lesley, come along.’
‘Coming,’ I shouted down, still very reluctant to show myself.
‘Mummy, Lesley won’t come down.’
‘I know Jessica darling I will go up in a minute.’
I knew that tone and the oily way that Jessica wrapped mum around her little finger made me want to heave.
For goodness sake, I had been strapped down and forcibly had that heavy makeup put on me. Child cruelty, that’s what I call it. If dad was still around, he wouldn’t have allowed it.
‘Lesley, if you don’t come down this minute, I will come up there...’
‘Go on Mummy, go up and...and...’
‘All right,’ I shouted, ‘I’m coming,’
After one last shuddering look at myself, I left my room and went downstairs. At the bottom were mum and the hated sister, a smirk all over her face and wearing a dress even poofier than mine, in yellow for god’s sake. It gave me a headache to look at it, where were my cool sun glasses...
Why did she always get her way? Why couldn’t I just be me? Why oh why was I wearing this flaming poofy dress?
Maybe I could call child protection help line. This has got to be the worst...
‘Oh Lesley, you look very pretty; what do you think Jessica?’
‘My dress is nicer.’
‘Yes dear but what about Lesley’s?’
‘Okay, ‘spose.’
Jesicca was now in a skulk. She does that a lot. Maybe I looked nicer in my dress than she did in hers and she was jealous?
I giggled at that. Hell that sounded a very girl giggle from me. Had to watch that; I have an image to keep up. I hoped to goodness that none of my friends saw me like this. Luckily, Jessica’s friends had nothing to do with mine, so I might, just might get away with this.
‘Let’s go you pretty, pretty girls.’
‘Mum, do not call me that,’ I said with clenched teeth.
‘Sorry Lesley. Look you are doing this for you sister, remember that.’
‘So she came top of the class again and she was promised a party but A, why do I have to go, B, why do I have to dress and 3, what will my friends say if I get seen out in public wearing this goody two shoes reject dress that went out of fashion when you were a girl?’
‘Now you look very pretty and I love the pink lipstick it matches your gorgeous nails. Go with the flow, have fun. You only have to do this once and I did say that you could have that new iPad if you just did this little thing.’
Jessica smirked again. She already had a new iPad. She had it for being top of the class. In my opinion brains aren’t everything. I have personality, she has An Attitude.
‘Oh good, there’s the taxi, come on let’s go!
Mum went out with Jessica squealing after her. I wished she didn’t squeal like that.
I hate my sister.
I ran out of the house and was in the taxi almost as it stopped. I wanted to make sure that no one saw me like this. I was certain that my face would be red with blushing, but then it would be anyway with the amount of blusher mum put on my cheeks. Life was just one long series of nightmares and this nightmare I would relive time and time again.
The dress got caught up in the doorway of the taxi, did I say it was a poofy dress? It had three petticoats for god’s sake! I sat down, carefully, trying not to get poked in the eye by wayward ribbon–life really sucked sometimes. Eventually the other two piled in and then we had to mess about so that our dresses didn’t get entangled and creased like the one that Diana wore at that wedding.
As I sat in the taxi, hiding my face as much as possible–you never know who could see you–and looking forward to when it was all over and I could get back to normal,I would never again allow myself to be bribed and bullied like this. I would stand on my own two feet and be strong!
On the way back from the party, I was in a state of almost complete exhaustion. My mind tried to black out the party, but it was difficult. All Jessica’s friends said how pretty I was and what a lovely dress I had on and my hair was so nice and who did your makeup?
The food was OK but it was a pity I wasn’t old enough to drink spirits. I could have done with some fortifying. Jessica, strangely enough, was quite nice to me at the party and tried to make me part of it. I would have to think about that. Was she a female Jekyll and Hyde? We had been reading it in English class and it was well cool the way someone could change like that. We hadn’t finished the book yet, but I bet you a mouse to a PlayStation, that it will all end in tears.
Mum and Jessica were doing that ‘wasn’t it wonderful’ and other gushy type talk on the way back. I was above all that and I sort of zoned out when they started discussing in detail, the dresses that everyone wore. I just wanted to get home and changed and out of this poofery. I just ached to get back to normal.
We arrived home and I was out of the taxi almost as soon as it stopped. I had grabbed the front door key from mum and despite calls of ‘walk, don’t run,’ I was in the house and up the stairs, trying not to trip on the hem of that damned dress before the other two were through the front door.
I went into my bedroom, took the dress and other stuff off leaving it all strewn across the floor, the dress was so poofy, it almost stood up on its own!
Then I grabbed my dressing gown, went and had a shower, washing the makeup off by scrubbing my face with my flannel. I washed the curls out of my hair and then soon I felt normal again and I finally started to breathe more easily. After drying my hair with the hair dyer and combing it through, I got dressed, shuddered at the sight of that dress once again, wondered if it would burn easily and then went downstairs, sighing that the torment was over and at least I would get an iPad out of the whole horrid experience.
I walked into the lounge and there was mum and Jessica, still dressed for the party, looking at photo’s on Jessica’s iPad. They hadn’t wasted any time downloading them from mum’s phone and I would bet a memory stick to an iPhone that the whole lot would be on Facebook, before the night was out.
Mum looked up and frowned.
‘You changed then?’
‘You looked nicer in that dress.’
‘No I didn’t, I looked silly.’
Jessica was too wrapped up in the photo’s to take any notice of me and I could hear ‘ooh’s’, ‘aah’s’ and the occasional giggle as she looked at her iPad.
‘Well I think you looked lovely and at least I have some nice pics of you.’
‘What’s wrong with the way I look now?’
I looked down at my pink t-shirt, jeans skirt, and white trainers with pink laces. This was the real me. I may be a trans-girl, but I know what I like.
‘I still think you looked lovely in your dress,’
‘Oh mum, it was!
Please leave comments and do the kudo-thingie...thanks! ~Sue
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Poofy is cute.
Well there certainly was a twist to the end of that story. Very good, and a bit out of the blue.
That poofy dress
I had to laugh out loud at the ending ... a great twist.
Keep them flowing
'she knows what she likes,and it is not a 'poofy' dress!What a giggle!
That Poofy Dress
Poofy dress, Indeed! I like Lesley's attitude. She will need it.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
It Worked... it a second time and sure enough, the misdirection was all nuance.
Good effort.
Me, too...
Read it twice. Great story.
- Moni
Very naughty of you
...but very good, too! Nice twist.
I agree, i certainly didn't
I agree, i certainly didn't expect this twist :D
Good story, thank you.
Very nicely done
Odd to feel sympathetic and envious at the same time. I think the twist twigged with me just as I started the last section, but it was nicely delivered. As above, very nicely done.
Sympathy AND Envy from me too. I attribute the envy entirely to the fact that our hero was genetically female, it's not as though I don't have any pretty dresses of my own! =)
"The Twist" didn't really make any difference to me, but it was a good story nonetheless. ^_^
I think you missed the point...
Our hero isn't genetically female, but genetically male and wants to be a girl, but not one that wears POOFY dresses.
Many people consider a "trans-girl" to be a wannabe MtF, but many others use the term for a wannabe FtM. My initial interpretation of this case was the latter one, even though I usually use it in the former. Maybe I was simply in the mood for a FtM story. There don't seem to be very many of those on this site, proportionally speaking.
Anyway, I ultimately think this story was quite ambiguous in terms of the identity of the hero.
On a strictly personal level, uninfluenced by the evidence (or lack thereof) we see in this case, I find it hard to believe that a wannabe MtF would reject a "poofy dress" so strongly. ...I personally can't get enough of them. :|
Cute and poofy.
That was a cute little story, Sue.
I'm very sleepy, and I didn't even see
that coming. Thank you.
I Was Betting On...
I was betting on a tomboy! Of course, while that would have made contextual sense within the framework of the story, it wouldn't have made enough sense as to why it was posted here. An FTM might have, but that would have involved more fireworks and possibly violence and wouldn't have explained the long hair.
In any event, I confess being surprised by the chosen twist. Oh, right; that works!
If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is at least part of my story.
I was betting on FTM, myself.
I was betting on FTM, myself.
Nice twist. The sort of late 'gotcha' that I love in a short story. :)
Well done
You had me until the end.
nice twist
giggles nice little twist :) well done susan
to hug is to be and to be is to be hugged
view the world through the eyes of a child and relearn the wonder and love
Allie elle loved and cared for and resident of the kids camp full time
to hug is to be and to be is to be hugged
view the world through the eyes of a child and relearn the wonder and love
Allie elle loved and cared for and resident of the kids camp full time
As I was trying to say before the server went kablooey's more about identity than clothes? That she feels like a boy in a dress but like a girl when she's comfortable and confident in the clothes she prefers? I hope I got that right. Great story as always, Susan. Thank you!
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Author entrapment at its
Author entrapment at its best. Beautifully done!
Got me.
I certainly did not see that coming. Wonderful story. Thank You.
Dance, Love, and cook with joy and great abandon
I'm with Lesley
I am not overly fem either, being a more middle of the road woman, and too much satin and lace will make me frown.
Glad she is dashing all those stereotypes of TS wanting to be fems all the time.
Go Lesley!
Like the rest of the commentators I love the twist at the end also. I was wondering about whether this is forced fem and in a sense it was as she does not like to be fem but is being made up femmy. I also thought this was a boy who for some reason was being forced to dress in a fem outfit, little did I know.
love the twist
made me smile. Just because you're trans doesn't mean you have to look all "poofy"
That Poofy Dress
Hi all,
Well, I didn't expect so much response to my little story!
I woke up this morning with an idea that niggled and two hours later it was done.
Sometimes the muse flows like that, other times I bang my head against a brick wall and I manage three words an hour.
Anyway, thanks for all the kind comments and kudos, they are really appreciated and give me encouragement to continue.
Hugs and kisses
Sue Brown Story
Dear Sue:
It is a Sue Brown Story, what else do you expect but lots of comments, commenting on another wonderful story from you.
I guess everyone has a different opinion as to what is transpiring.
I see it, as Lesley reacting the same way as a teenage girl would to being dressed as a little girl in a poofy out fit.
Great Minds
and all that. This is very similar in style to my recent Man in a Dress and for exactly the same reason. Just like you, I had this idea and fleshed it out over a very brief period of time, and chuckled the whole time I was writing it!
I do like these little short-shorts that make the reader go "Eh, what?" at the end, as the light dawns... it's just a shame I can't come up with more like that.
<sigh>Oh, well, back to the type-face.</sigh>
The poofiness factor
Everyone has their own sense of style, and I have to admit that looking like some old Grannie's creepy ceramic doll would be pretty apalling to me too. If you're not a girl inside a hundred pink ribbons won't make you one, and if you are then you don't need to prove it by becoming a caricature. Although if you dig that (for they who indentify as sissies cavorting, frolicking + flouncing in such an outfit would have to be a dream come true) there's nothing wrong with that either...
A great little stand-alone story, something that it's good to (also) have on this site.
~~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Excellent Susan!
Funny, great ending, you had me fooled.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Y knot. Love your mind.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
No Spoiler
You certainly had me.
That Poofy Dress
Loved the twist, Sue!
Thanks so much for indulging your muse.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Sibling Rivalry
What was most real to me was the 12-year-old hatred for a twin. In my case, I was oldest by 14 months and 'hated' my younger brother, including all his mannerisms, just as Lesley hated his sister's 'giggles' and other manifestations. That was a most realistic touch, Susan. By the way, my brother and I lost that 'hate' many years ago.
Also, the story to keep me guessing 'til the end. Was she FTM or MTF? Maybe if not in a TG fiction website, I would certainly have suspected Lesley to be a tomboyish real girl.
Love your work as always, Susan.
I liked the twist at the end.
But I like poofy Giggle
Giggle I love it

Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
Trust Sue
That every time you think that you know where the story is going,
she comes along and throws the spanner in the works with some new twist!
Like every time great work.Thanks
Surprised me!
That was a surprise.
And I know what I like, This Story!
I knew something was up...
...but I had it backwards. I thought Leslie was the GG and her sister was the TG! I figured the comment about "I looked like a boy in a poofy dress," was misdirection... meant to make you think Leslie was TG when really any girl, GG or TG, could think that about themselves. I even once heard my GG sister say something very similar years ago.
Still, I have to admit Sue, you got me! Well done!
What an imaginative, unexpected end!
Glenda Ericsson
That poofy dress
Some people just don't appreciate a good dress
That poofy dress
Some people just don't appreciate a good dress