Miss Perfect

Miss Perfect

By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing
Synopsis: When the mother of a talented boy who wants to be a girl learns that a talent contests winner will receive free SRS to become a woman, she signs up her son.

My name is Sandy Lynn Franks. I was born a girl in a boy's body, but thanks to Momma, I am now who I should have always been. and I couldn't be any happier. It was during my tenth Christmas that I found the girl within me. Lakewood Mall was holding a Christmas Elf Contest: the winner would receive $100 gift card to spend at the mall.

The Mall provided the costumes, unfortunately, they thought that I was a girl and gave me the girl's costume of green skirted leotard, red pantyhose, green elf shoes, and cap with a red elf belt. Since there were no boy's costumes, I went as a girl and won. What I wasn't expecting was to like it, nor have people see me as a girl. I went to sleep that night, still in costume and when I got up, asked Momma if I could stay a girl.
Momma cried a bit and smiled, "Sandy Lynn Franks, I knew that this day would come when you finally got to dress as a girl. So yes, you can become a girl, like I did," she sighed.


The Mall provided the costumes, unfortunately, they thought that I was a girl and gave me the girl's costume of green skirted leotard, red pantyhose, green elf shoes, and cap with a red elf belt. Since there were no boy's costumes, I went as a girl and won. What I wasn't expecting was to like it, nor have people see me as a girl. I went to sleep that night, still in costume and when I got up, asked Momma if I could stay a girl.
Momma cried a bit and smiled, "Sandy Lynn Franks, I knew that this day would come when you finally got to dress as a girl. So yes, you can become a girl, like I did," she sighed.


"I was born a boy, just like you. Come with me to my room and get dressed for the day as I tell you about me."

I followed Momma to her bedroom where she took off her robe to reveal her naked body. She soon donned pantyhose, panty, and bra, then a white blouse, red miniskirt and matching red blazer.

"Go get clean and I'll get you an outfit to wear."

"When do I hear about your story, Momma?"

"While you are getting ready, Honey."

I showered and found white tights, and a red leotard on my bed, I donned them, pleased that I looked like a girl now. As promised, I learned about Momma as I was getting ready.

Like me, she found the girl inside when she dressed as a girl. But in her case, it was during a family reunion where her cousin Rachel spilled juice on Momma's swim trunks. Momma had to borrow Aunt Rachel's spare swim suit to swim in and like being a girl so much that she even got to wear Aunt Rachel's spare sundress.
After that, Momma got to be a girl while home, but still black ad to be a boy in public. Back then, Momma was Randall Lee Garrett who would later become Randi Lee Garrett and marry Brock Peters, my Dad. Daddy was an older man who took a fancy to Momma as she was working as a waitress at Captain's Wharf. Her uniform consisted of a white blouse with ruffles and black shorts with opaque black tights and matching shoes. The apron was red and covered her chest, with a cute matching tiara.

He treated her like a Princess and paid for her transition because even though her family accepted her, my grandparents never had that much money and died penniless, leaving it to Aunt Rachel to clear up their financial woes. Me, I am here because of love and advanced medical technology. Aunt Rachel donated an egg that Daddy's sperm fertilized, carried by Momma who delivered me via ceaserian section.
"I was born a boy, just like you. Come with me to my room and get dressed for the day as I tell you about me."

I followed Momma to her bedroom where she took off her robe to reveal her naked body. She soon donned pantyhose, panty, and bra, then a white blouse, red miniskirt and matching red blazer.

"Go get clean and I'll get you an outfit to wear."

"When do I hear about your story, Momma?"

"While you are getting ready, Honey."

I showered and found white tights, and a red leotard on my bed, I donned them, pleased that I looked like a girl now. As promised, I learned about Momma as I was getting ready.

Like me, she found the girl inside when she dressed as a girl. But in her case, it was during a family reunion where her cousin Rachel spilled juice on Momma's swim trunks. Momma had to borrow Aunt Rachel's spare swim suit to swim in and like being a girl so much that she even got to wear Aunt Rachel's spare sundress.
Hearing what I just heard really did help me to realize just how special that I really was. Here, all of this time, I truly thought that I was some kind of perverted freak that God would smite down if I did not repent of my perversion. Brother Everett Manfred Strongfeild had been teaching that God hated those who perverted themselves, only to find out that HE dressed like a woman for sex with men and was caught trying to seduce a child. HYPOCRITE!!!

I was in our back yard last year wearing an Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark costume in preparation for the Halloween Carnival at Church when he showed up to pick up the cakes Momma had made for the cake walk. Seeing me made up in that costume was too much for him as he tried to seduce me. When he learned who I was, he started calling me vile names until Momma shut him up.

Oh, he apologized in order to get Momma's yummy cakes, but made me the topic of his stupid sermon the following Sunday. Needless to say, Momma and I quit that church and never went back. Funny thing is that he was caught by the Assistant Pastor: Brother Jerome Bixby when he was doing his hospital visitation. Brother Jerry was visiting the Emergency Room of Saint John's Hospital where he saw Brother Everett dressed in a maid's uniform with a black eye and messed up wig.

Brother Everett had been attacked by hisher "CLIENT" when he found out that his "DATE" was a man "IN DRAG". Needless to say, but when Brother Jerry found out the truth, Brother Everett was disbarred and his wife: Sister Julie Anne divorced him. Now with Brother Jerome Bixby as Pastor, the Open Door Baptist Church really does live up to it's name.
After that, Momma and I gladly returned along with those who'd left and many others who'd been hurt by an unfeeling church. That began my slow journey into femininity as I along with other girls and boys like me had our very own Sunday School Department and even our very own Pastor: Robyn Leslie Stewart.

Pastor Robyn Leslie Stewart was intersexed: was androgynous in appearance, but chose to dress as a woman when she became our Pastor and set up the Open Door LBGT Counseling Center. It was under her leadership that the community chose to have the Miss Perfect Beauty Pageant. The Miss Perfect Beauty Pageant was designed to show all of the varied transgendered in a positive as it also had a separate pageant for the men. Best of all, all of the contestants were pampered and spoiled by the supporting businesses who donated everything, including scholarships to college.
Next morning, I got up and got ready for the day as a girl. I wore my breastforms in a skin tone sports bra with a matching gaffe that gave me a girl's groin, I could even have sex with it. over that I wore taupe pantyhose under a green panty and skort with a white blouse with green trim and green ballet flats.

When I sat down to eat a breakfast of Mom's wonderful omelets and hash brown, both of which were made all the more scrummy with the additions of cheeses, and all of the yummy extras you can get at the restaurant.

"Yummy! nothing like this, in all the world, Momma!" I exclaimed as I dug into my gravy covered treat

"You may look like my daughter, but you eat like a horse," giggled Momma as she sat down to her breakfast.

"I will have you know that Cindy Lee and the other cheerleaders ALL eat this much and more."

"And how do you know?"

"Simple, really," I said to get Momma's goat.

"YOU DIDN'T" Momma yelled.

"They told me," I deadpanned.

Momma looked at me in total disbelief, then smiled, "I guess that I deserved that for thinking of you as a boy when you've been a girl, all this time. Are you ready to start living as a gitl with all of the benefits and sorrows that I deal with?"

"What do you mean?"

"I did some checking and there is a bodysuit that you can wear that will graft itself to your body, eventually changing you into a genetic female, if you want."

"You mean that I can have children? But if I do it, what about you?"

What do you mean?"

"The only way that I'll become a genetic girl is if you do, too."

Momma looked at me with tears in her eyes, "My child, I far too old to even begin to menstruate. At my age, I might go straight into menopause."


"But I am scared," she whispered.

"Momma, if you don't get one, than neither do I!" I decided.

Then I saw Momma gain back her inner strength, "Thank you, Princess. Your inner fire has rekindled mine that fear had quenched.

"Why, Momma?"

"Fear that I would be seen as a fraud by those who know my past."

"Then let them do their damnest! You will prove them wrong!"

We headed into the mall where a strange man in a tuxedo was standing by a bike.

"Welcome, dear Ladies. Would you be interested in riding the TransBike?"

"Transbike?" Momma asked.

"Forgive me, dear Lady. But it seems that you two have not read the sign about the TransBike," he offered as he pointed to the bike in question.

"Sir, I see no sign," I declared.

"Oh my! Seems that some scoundrel has skedaddled away with it," he sighed. "Oh well, that means that I get to tell you about the most wonderful TransBike," he smiled.

"Just what is so special about your bike?" I asked.

"Ah, for you and your mother, an answer to your reason for being here."

"WHAT?" asked Momma.

"Dear Lady, I am here with the TransBike to help you BOTH to become the women that you want to be."

"How do you know? Has Pastor Robyn told you about us?" I asked.

"Nay, kind Lady. It was your Prayer to the Almighty."

Momma looked at me with compassion, "Sandy, remember in the Bible that "Jesus hears our Prayers. This man and his bike are His way of answering," she declared as she hugged me.

I smiled as I remembered my deal with her, "And since I made a deal with you about getting us those bodysuits, you were added to my Prayer."

"Yes, Child. your Love for your Mother will heal her of the years of emptiness, once you carry out my instructions."
"Sir, do you mean that the bike can make me a genetic woman?"

"More than that, it can make it so that you were born as a girl. That way, you will have the wisdom that you need to guide your daughter as she learns about her new body."

"You mean..."

"Yes, Child. You can become a girl and compete in the pageant."

"But the Miss Perfect Pageant is for T.G. girls, NOT genetic!" I exclaimed in fright.

"Child, like all contestants, you are already registered. Whether or not you wear a bodysuit, appliances, have surgery, or ride the TransBike matters not because the pageant is to help showcase the beauty of being Trans."

I regained my inner fire, then, "What must I do?"

"Ride the TransBike and pedal your way to a new you."

Then I got on the TransBike and pedaled for a bit was he engulfed within a rainbow, then I stopped and got off, "LOOK AT ME!! I AM A WOMAN!!"

Momma hugged me, "And so am I, but I feel so young."

"Yes ma'am, do you believe in miracles?" he asked.

"Yes I do."

"Then your daughter asked for you to be healed, that erased away all of the toxins in your body."

Momma looked at me, "Honey, how do I look?"

"Like a teenager," I giggled. "But what about my wardrobe?"

"Your clothing is all now that of girl, including your old school uniforms."

"What about my wanting to have all of the girl's uniform for the different teams, and the band?"

"Go back home and you will find that the uniforms for grammar and middle school are now a girl's and fit your small frame."

Then I looked down and saw that I was the same size as momma at five feet tall, no longer the near seven foot giant that I was, "Sir, will I be remembered as a boy, this small?"

"Yes, in your new reality, everybody will remember how much it is tht you looked like your mother."

Then Momma hugged him, "Thank you. Now I have the daughter that I've always wanted and remember he son that was a Blessing to me and my Beloved."

"Well, another satisfied customer," then he pedaled away to his new customer somewhere awaiting him.
Dressing as a girl was one thing, but now I was a girl! I now began to remember my growing up as a girl and being a cheerleader and having a sweet singing voice as well as the miraculous gift to play most musical instrument. According to Momma, my grandparents were all gifted musicians. Thanks to meeting the TransBike, I was now the inheritor of their gifts and talents. With such Blessings, I was determined to give all glory, honor and praise to the Lord.
Now that I knew that God was back in control, I was ready. I had been raised in the Church and Believe in Christ. My Sunday School Teachers all taught that God Loved us, unconditionally, just like my favorite Preacher: Papa Joe. He led the Church until he died just before my ninth birthday. He taught me that I was Loved and gave me the courage to be who I was, unlike that creepy pastor.
But here I was, a freshly minted girl, beauty pageants are filled with contestants, everyone of whom would probably cut your throat to win and move up. That's why I was a bit scared, yet eager. I knew that it could be done, and even had a crossdresser to win it a few times. But the winners were mostly either pre-op or post-op transsexuals, intersexed or males whose body did not process testosterone.

Now that I knew that God was back in control, I was ready. Mom helped me by organizing my wardrobe of: a skin tone skirted swimdress and Peavy pantyhose with matching sandals for swimwear competition, black sequin skirted bodysuit with black Peavy pantyhose and sandals for my talent competition where I would sing, dance and play the guitar, white sequin floor length gown slit to waist at sides with matching panty, Peavy pantyhose and low heels for when we wore evening gowns, and my favorite olive green sleep shirt made like Captain Kirk's wrap around shirt from the series with matching bra, panty and Peavy pantyhose as well as an assortment of shorts and tops, lingerie and sandals so that Momma and I could enjoy seeing the sites.
The reason that I wear Peavy pantyhose all of the time is that I got started wearing tights and pantyhose as a toddler in my new life granted by the TransBike and it's most wonderful owner. But, now, as a girl, I simply loved being girly and wearing skirts, skorts, shorts, and dresses with tights and pantyhose. I loved the feel of: nylon, silk, spandex and cotton on my legs and how secure wearing them against my skin under my panty made me feel.

It all came from when I was still a boy, wanting to be a girl. I saw how the real girly girls wore hose most of the time at church and school and wanted to be just like them. Now that I was a girl, I had the most wonderful memories of wearing lace and silk growing up as well as my: first menses, first boy friend, puppy love, prom, sweet sixteen, and graduation as well as heartbreak because my bestest friend in the world had left for college and chose to date another girl.

Sean Weatherly had been my best friend s both a boy and as a girl. As my best friend as a boy, we would play on the same teem whenever we neighbor hood kids would play at the Rec Center or those fun games of innocent fun. But when I became a girl, he acted more like my big brother who was my first love and my Sweet Sixteen Love as well. It was with him that I lost my virginity too that led to our break up and his going away to college only to return just before the contest.
Momma and I had signed into the hotel and I was staring at myself as I was wearing a skin tone one piece lingerie that looked like a skirted swimsuit with my pantyhose and matching ballet flats when I heard a knock on the door.

I opened it, not really thinking about what I was wearing and saw Sean standing there with a bouquet of green roses, "Sean! What are you doing here?!" I stammered, embarrassed beyond belief that he'd seen me like this.

His eyes were as big as saucers and I could tell by the tenting in his trousers that he liked what he saw, "I am here for you, Sandy my Love." he said dreamily.

I motioned for him to enter to prevent him from being escorted out of the hotel. I might not think too much of him, but he still deserved a chance to explain things.

"Okay, come in. I don't want to give a peep show to any man in the halls."

"No, you might show off your gorgeous legs, but that's about it. It's what drew me to you," he admitted.

"Oh?" I replied as I shut the door.

He placed the bouquet on the end table between the bed and recliner, "Yes, Sandy. Either as a boy, or a girl, you were modest, yet sexy. Why else do you think that I always made sure that we were on the same teams before reality changed and you became a girl?"


He kissed me with a deep passion that ended my tirade, "Are you through yelling? he asked with a smirk.

I nodded, "But if you do not answer my question, I will shove that damned bouquet where the sun don't shine!"

He let out a bellowing laugh, "THAT'S the girl that I fell in love with!"

OH?" 'What kind of woman does he see me as?'

He held my chin in his hand, "A true Southern Belle who is as sweet as sugar, but when riled, has the kick of a Missouri mule."

"Make that an Alabama mule, pardnuh!" I said in a very bad imitation of "The Duke: John Wayne with a giggle.

"Okay. As to your question, when you were still a boy, I prayed that you would be able to become the girl that you wanted to be. When reality changed, I was Blessed to know so that I could be here, now."

"But why did you leave me and start dating Sheila Foxworthy?

"We are related, on my Daddy's side through marriage."

"Okay, So you two could still...."

"Yes, but even so, I'd NEVER do it as I only have eyes for you."

I hugged him deeply as he carried me over to the loveseat where I sat on his lap, my back against the arm, Oh Sean! when you left after our special night where I gave myself to you as a boy, I swore then and there that no man would ever hurt me like that again! Then when I became a girl, I so wanted for that to have never, ever happened," I sobbed into his shoulder.

"I can understand why, I too wish that we'd never made love as we did."

"Because we did, I am not a virgin, even in this body."


"Now, we had sex with me as a girl, not a boy," I sighed.

He looked at me and saw just how painful the breakup had been for me. Before, I felt so girly that I treated my birthday as if I was an actual girl. In the new reality, I was a girl, it was only after my visit with the TransBike that I was listed as a girl, "Damn! I never knew!"

"That's Okay. You're forgiven."

"Will you marry me?"

I won the Pageant and for a year, was a spokesperson for the T.G. Community. During this time, Sean and I dated and were married after my year was up. As for Mom, she is now working for the Miss Perfect Pageant, helping others girls to become ladies.
The End

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