Mum's Encouragement Chapter 6 - 8

Chapter 6

Before long, both Sophie and I had dealt with the backlog of customers and we had a few minutes to chat

“Joe, you’re a godsend for coming in. I was getting all frazzled out here on my own, although I must admit Mrs Benson has helped out a lot this morning,” she thanked me.

“I love your shoes, Joanne. They really show off your legs, you lucky moo,” laughed Sophie.

I looked down and noticed just how well the shoes did show off my shapely legs, encased in the shiny navy tights.

We continued chatting and working and I tried to forget my circumstances, which was hard seeing as every time I typed on the reception keyboard with my pearly pink fingernails ‘girl’ shouted out at me. I was also again very aware of the bra straps on my shoulders and the smell of the perfume my mother had doused me in earlier in the day.

Mrs Benson came out to the front desk and said that as it had slowed down a bit could I please assist the florist in taking up the bridal bouquets to the wedding party who were already in the hotel. Mrs Benson advised me that the bride, bride’s mother and bridesmaids were in room 402 and asked me to take the flowers up and then rush back.

I left with the florist who was carrying the bouquets in a big long box. I walked in front showing him the way and became very aware of eyes darting into my back as we walked. I turned around once and caught the elderly man looking at my legs.

I weakly smiled and said, “Not far now.” I could feel that my face had gone bright red where I was blushing.

When we got to room 402 I knocked on the door and was greeted by a little flower girl looking up at me. She was probably about 7 years old. I smiled at her and then was greeted by a middle-aged lady behind her.

“Hi, I am sorry to disturb you madam. We have the flowers,” I managed to murmur

“Oh yes, please come in,” she motioned me in the room

“Do you mind?” She redirected her attention to the florist “The girls aren’t dressed, can we take the flowers from you?” and without waiting for a reply took the long box from the man.

As the florist was handing over the box she thanked him, gestured me into the room and closed the door behind her. Inside the room I was greeted by chaos. The bride was having her hair done, two bridesmaids were assisting each other into their dresses and two little flower girls were running around.

“My name’s Susan, I am Claire’s mother,” she said motioning to the bride who was sitting in an upright chair. Claire smiled warmly at me.

“Hi, my name’s Joanne,” I replied in a small voice. “I have just brought up the flowers." stating the obvious. What an idiot!

I was about to leave when Susan said, “Joanne, could you possibly help us out with the flowers? We’re all running late and could do with an extra pair of hands.”

“Erm, I don’t know. I should really get back, my friend is alone on the front desk,” I said, hoping to make a quick exit.

“Nonsense, let me call down and ask if you can stay and help us for a little while,” Susan insisted.

Before I could reply Susan was on the phone and within seconds had hung up. “That’s all sorted, they said they can spare you for 30 minutes.”
I stood there, bemused, when Susan spoke. “Right, come on then Joanne, let’s make use of you. Take off your jacket and make yourself comfortable.”

With trepidation I took off my jacket and held it in the crook of my arm. I stood before the women feeling an outsider in this female only sanctuary.

“Joanne what a lovely blouse. It really suits your figure and makes you look really professional” Susan gushed.

“Oh Mum please, I don’t think Jo would be wearing a blouse like that if she had a choice, do you? It’s like something Margaret Thatcher would have worn,” Claire laughed whilst smiling at me.

The other women in the room giggled at Claire’s quip.

"Don't be rude Claire. I think it looks really pretty on Joanne" Susan protested

I smiled back at Claire. “Not exactly my thing, however it’s part of the uniform so I guess I don’t have much of a choice.”

Susan walked up to me and straightened the bow of the blouse at my neck and said, “Take no notice of Claire. I think it looks cute.”

I blushed and at that moment felt like a 3 year old being dressed by her mother.

“Right then Joanne, let's get you to work,” Susan smiled.

I nervously smiled and wondered what she had in mind

Chapter 7

The next 30 minutes flew by as I assisted the women of the bridal party in getting ready for the wedding.

Susan asked me to look after the two little flower girls Jade and Grace and asked that I keep them busy, out of mischief and out of the grown up girls way whilst they got ready.

I ended up sitting on the edge of the big double bed with the two girls either side of me whilst we flicked through a few magazines. They seemed to take to me and I must admit that I did enjoy their company.

Weird? Me a teenage boy enjoying the company of two little girls whilst reading girls gossip magazines.

After about 15 minutes of playing Susan asked for my help in getting the flower girls ready which involved putting on their little white shoes and tying the little pink sash's in bows at the back of their dresses. I felt very strange kneeling in front of the girls strapping on their shoes whilst they sat on the edge of the bed.

Susan asked me for one last favour and that was to pop along to the Best Man’s room to deliver the buttonholes. Before leaving she asked me whether I knew how buttonholes were pinned to a lapel. I of course didn’t know and she promptly showed me and said

“Just in case the men don’t know how to put their button holes on”

Before leaving Susan and Claire thanked me for my help “ Hopefully we will see you later Joanne?” Susan asked

“ Maybe. I don’t know. I will probably be busy” I hoped.

I slipped my jacket back on and exited the room and made my way to the guy’s room and with a shaking hand I knocked at the door

“Hello love can I help you” answered a man of about 50 years old who I guessed must have been Susan’s husband

“I have the button holes for your suits. Susan asked me to give them to you” I stammered nervously

“Well don’t hang about out there love. Come on in” the man gestured me into the room.

I walked in the room and was greeted by four other men. I was introduced to them all by Geoff who I had guessed right was indeed Susan’s husband.

“This is Richard the condemned man.” Geoff laughed as Richard walked over and shook my weak hand with his big right hand. Richard was about 6’2” and towered above me “Hi what’s your name” he asked

“Jo” I barely spoke “Joanne, my name is Joanne” I managed to squeak

“This is Martin. Richard’s best man” Geoff carried on introducing everyone.

Martin went one better and kissed me on the left cheek. I could feel myself go all hot and clammy. I embarrassingly looked down at the floor as I smelt wine on Martin's breath. I thought to myself that he had already probably drunk a little too much and I thought the way he was going he wasn’t going to be much good as a best man.

Geoff introduced me to the other two men. Eric who was Richard’s dad shook my hand and he was followed by Calum who was introduced as Richard’s younger brother.

Calum who I guessed was about my age shyly shook my hand and said “Hello Jo” whilst smiling like a twerp!

The other 3 men started cheering Calum and Eric jokingly said “ He has gone all shy on you Joanne. He obviously likes you”

Calum went bright red and I felt myself do the same. Calum punched Eric on the arm and said, "Oh shut up dad. Your embarrassing"

“Anyway I better get back” I exclaimed nervously as I turned to leave the room

“Hold on a minute Joanne,” asked Geoff “ Does anyone know how to put on these button holes? Eric?” Geoff looked at the men in the room.

“I haven’t got a clue” replied Eric “Joanne will know. She’s a girl isn’t she?”

I nearly passed out at those words but quickly composed myself. I bet the older men saw me as a stupid girl grinning like an idiot. I was hoping to escape to the relative safety of the reception desk.

“Erm, erm” I stuttered

“ Of course she knows how to pin a button hole” Eric broke the silence

“Good girl. Then help Calum first,” exclaimed Geoff

“Ugh ok” was all I could respond

Calum walked over to the flower box and handed me one of the white carnations “Here you are,” he said smiling as he put his jacket on.
I fumbled with the pin in the carnation with my manicured nails.

“Joanne here let me help you with your jacket love. It’s warm in here” Eric spoke.

Before I had a chance to respond Eric was behind me with his hands on my jacket collar assisting the jacket off.

“Aww thank you” was all I could respond before turning away and straightening my blouse

I turned back to Calum who was standing there like a rabbit in headlights. Oh don’t I just know that feeling I thought.

I started pinning Calum’s button hole on his jacket and when finished he quickly turned away from me murmuring “thanks” and in doing so he brushed my left breast with his wrist

I could feel his wrist come into contact with my underwired lacy bra cup and false boob and a funny feeling swept over me.

I turned to the remaining three men as Geoff walked over with a carnation “Here you are my little one” he said handing me the flower.

As I started to pin the carnation on to Geoff’s jacket as he towered over me, he placed one of his hands on my shoulder. I could feel his hand through my blouse onto my bra and slip straps. I went all tingly.

Before long I had pinned all the button holes on their jackets and picked up my jacket that was hung over a chair and started for the exit

“Joanne before you go have a picture with us all” Richard asked

Before I could answer I was surrounded by four of the men whilst Calum took a photo with me in the middle.

“Right a photo of you and my little brother” Richard stated as Calum looked at him with daggers

“Let's have one of you sitting down guys” Richard spoke

“You sit down on that chair Calum and Jo you sit on his knee” he laughed

I didn’t know what to do and it seemed neither did Calum, so we did as we were told. I ended up having a photo taken of me sitting on a boys lap with my hands in the lap of my skirt whilst Calum’s hands rested on top of my hands.

I still have that photo (Calum had one copied for me). Looking at it after all these years I can now laugh at how the older guys obviously got a quick thrill as they caught a good look at my legs as my pencil skirt had ridden up, showing a flash of my navy encased thigh and the lacy hem of my white slip.

“I must be getting back,” I croaked as I quickly got up from Calum’s lap after the photo had been taken

“Ok Joanne. Thanks for everything love” Geoff answered helping me back on with my jacket

I left the room to the din of the men and Calum shouting their goodbyes.

As I exited onto the corridor I attempted to shut the door behind me however was stopped from doing so by Calum

“Jo stop” He shouted after me as I walked down the corridor all flustered “Sorry about that” He genuinely looked sorry “ I think they have all had a bit too much to drink”

“That’s ok” I blushed “I have to get back to the reception. They will be wondering where I have been”

“Oh right. Let me come with you and explain what’s kept you and tell them that you have been helping us. I don’t want to get you into trouble” exclaimed Calum.

It was at that time that I noticed that although I was wearing heels Calum easily towered over me. I also noticed that he was good looking and cute “CUTE” what was I thinking?

“Please Jo let me explain to your boss. I don’t want you to get into trouble with him” Calum pleaded looking into my eyes

I again blushed and replied “Her” and promptly starting walking off. Calum caught me up and although I was walking as fast as I could however I couldn’t shake Calum off. A little difficult when wearing high heels and a tight skirt I thought to myself grinning.

“What are you laughing at?” Calum asked smiling

“Oh nothing really” I smiled back feeling like a schoolgirl with a crush. It hit me there and then as we walked! I liked Calum and in different circumstances I could have seen us as friends.

Before long we were back at reception and Mrs Benson looked angry as I said my goodbyes to Calum and walked up to the desk with my heels clicking on the reception marble floor

“Joanne where have you been girl?” Mrs Benson barked, “Sophie has been here all alone. I have had to help her”

“But Mrs Benson” I tried to reply

“No buts you irresponsible girl. Look at your tights they are laddered. What have you been up too? Get in the back office and change them. I think there is a spare pair in my desk left hand drawer”

I looked down at my legs and noticed that there was indeed a small run at the back of one leg. I don't know why but I started to get tearful and ran to the back office leaving Calum with Mrs Benson.

On reaching the sanctuary of the back office I burst into tears. What’s happening to me I cried to myself

Chapter 8

I don’t know what had come over me. Why had I cried? Mrs Benson had shouted at me before and I hadn’t burst into tears. So why now?

As I sobbed sitting at a desk as Mrs Benson joined me in the back office “There there?” She tried to sooth me as she crouched down and touched me on my nyloned knee “It appears I owe you an apology Joanne”

“Here wipe your tears away,” she said handing me a hankie “ Blow your pretty nose”

I did as I was told and as I wiped the tears from my cheeks I noticed that the white handkerchief that Mrs Benson had handed me was now coated in black smudges

“Here let me help you” She comforted me as she wiped my eyes and cheeks “ Your mascara and eyeliner have run dear. They are obviously not waterproof" she smiled warmly at me "Let’s repair your make up Joanne”

Mrs Benson cleaned me up and applied new eyeliner and mascara to my eyes and as I passively sat there she again apologised for shouting at me

“ Joanne I am really sorry for jumping to conclusions. That nice boy explained why you were detained and how helpful you have been” she said genuinely concerned.

“I think he likes you Joanne. What is his name?”

“I think his name is Calum, Mrs Benson” I answered knowing full well it was

“Well do you like him? He was asking a lot of questions about you my dear” she enquired

“I guess he is ok. I don’t know him” I blushed

“Well if you want my opinion I think you make a cute couple” she teased

I smiled back at her wondering what she meant exactly

“Anyway are you ready to get back out there and help poor Sophie? I have had a word with Mr Lawson and let him know that we are short staffed on reception today and therefore you won’t be able to help out at the wedding breakfast. Can you stay on the reception until 5pm when the evening shift starts?”

I was so relieved at not having to waitress at the wedding reception that I burst out “ Yes of course I will help out Mrs Benson. Can I call my mum to ask her to collect me later? She doesn’t want me to walk home alone in the dark”

“Why of course sweetie. A teenage girl shouldn’t be walking home alone in the dark” She replied “You make that call to your mother and I will assist Sophie until you are finished. Please hurry dear. Poor Sophie hasn’t had a break for quite a while”

I thought to myself neither have I as I smiled back at Mrs Benson “I need to go to the toilet before I return to the desk”

Mrs Benson swept a lock of hair from my face and tucked it behind my left ear and replied “Of course Joanne. Tidy your hair a little whilst you are in the ladies. Your hair is starting to come unclipped”

As Mrs Benson left the office I called mum and as mothers do she could tell by my quivering voice that something was up “ Are you ok baby?” she asked

I quickly told her the events of the day and nearly burst out crying again whilst telling her, however I stopped myself thinking how displeased Mrs Benson would be if I ruined my make up again. My make up? What am I thinking.

When I hung up the phone I took my handbag from my locker and walked to the staff toilets where I nearly walked into the men’s toilets before being told in no uncertain terms by the Chef De Partie “Young lady do you need glasses? The ladies is next door”

I blushed and didn’t reply and ran into the ladies toilet where I had to again go through the hassle of undressing and dressing in a small cubicle just to pee. As I finished I changed my tights for the ones Mrs Benson had given me and pulled my blouse down through my skirt and straightened my slip. I thought to myself what a lot of hassle just to go to the toilet!

I exited the stall and walked over to the mirror and then saw how Mrs Benson had made up my eyes. She had made them up so that they looked larger than they actually were. Mrs Benson was a polished lady and obviously knew how to use cosmetics.

I smiled at my reflection as I clipped a few loose strands of hair back behind my ears, which in doing so accentuated my pierced ears. On a whim I looked in my handbag for my make up bag and pulled it out.

I applied lipgloss to my lips and blusher to my cheeks and then sprayed perfume on my wrists as I had often seen my mother do.

With a final straightening of the bow on my blouse I exited the toilet feeling ten times better. What was happening to me? I shouldn’t be doing this I thought. However at that moment it felt right.

The rest of the afternoon was fairly uneventful and passed fairly quickly.

At just gone 5pm I walked out into the cold air and saw mum sitting in her car with the engine running

“Hi mum” I cheerily greeted her whilst throwing my handbag and the unused waitress uniform and carrier bag on the back seat

“Joanne please don’t throw your bags about” She shouted before adding “Hello dear. How are you feeling now?”

I gracefully tucked my skirt under me as I sat on the passenger seat before swinging my little legs into the car

“Joanne you have learned so much in just two days honey. Even I have trouble thinking of you as anything other than my pretty daughter. You look so right”

“Mum” I groaned but inwardly smiled

After a short drive we were home and I was quickly slipping of my heels and coat

“Jo don’t rush upstairs to your bedroom. Let’s have a cup of tea and a chat,” Mum asked

“Ok mum. But I want to get out of these clothes as soon as possible” I replied whilst taking of my uniform jacket

I sat down on a stool at our breakfast bar and lifted one of my feet and massaged my nyloned toes that were now free of the high heels

Mum laughed “Now you know what we women have to go through Jo in the name of fashion” before adding, “ Your petticoat is showing Jo. That would give Calum a quick thrill” she teased jokingly

“Mother” I screamed back

I don’t know why but at that moment I didn’t feel at all uneasy as I pulled the hem of my tight pencil skirt down over my slip and tucked the skirt underneath me as if it was something I had always done

“Mum is there something wrong with me?” I asked as mum sat on a stool beside me

“Something wrong with you Jo? No, I think you are just coming to terms with who you may be” she said as she told me to turn around to face away from her

“Let me give you a little shoulder massage whilst the kettle is boiling” mum stated “All women love a shoulder or foot massage after a hard day at work” she smiled

As I felt mum’s fingers massage my shoulders through my flimsy blouse, her fingers coming into contact with my bra and slip straps I thought to myself its not all bad being a girl.

It seemed that everyone was accepting me as a girl and I in turn was enjoying the attention. It appeared that I had a few decisions to make as mum unclipped my hair

Chapter 9 to follow shortly

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