Mum's Encouragement Chapter 11 - 12

Chapter 11

I was woken from a deep sleep by my mum calling my name “Joe time to get up honey” she whispered whilst gently shaking my shoulder

“ What time is it mum?” I asked with a dry voice trying to focus

“Nearly 8. Come on sleepyhead we need to get a move on. Martin will be here for you at 11.30” she told me

‘God Mum its Sunday. Can’t I lie in?” I turned my head on my pillow and felt a sharp stab in my head as I realised I was again wearing a head full of rollers

“Shit that hurt” I cussed whilst lifting a hand to my roller covered head encased in a net ‘I have a splitting headache”

Mum berated me “Don't swear Joe. It's not clever. Your head hurting may have something to do with the two large glasses of wine you had last night rather than the curlers”

“I drunk wine? I don’t like wine” I questioned mum

“Well you seemed to like it last night when Julia brought around a bottle. You both finished the bottle on your own whilst she rolled your hair and did your nails” mum laughed “come on get up sweetie”

I lifted one of my hands to my face and noticed that my fingernails had been painted with a metallic silvery blue colour. I also noticed that Julia had shaped my nails to more of a point. They looked good but alarmingly very feminine

Mum left the room and I turned over and drifted back off to sleep

“Joe come on get up. Here take two Nurofen for your headache” In a sleepy haze I could make out mum offering me a glass of water and the tablets

I pulled myself up in the bed and leant against my headboard. I realised that I was again wearing the silk nightgown “Thanks mum” I took the tablets and sat upright trying to remember the night before

Mum was looking at me with a big smile on her face “What’s so funny” I asked

“Nothing” mum exclaimed seemed sheepish and turned to walk away “right I am going to run you a bath young lady. Hurry up now” she said impatiently

Groan - Young lady! Not wanting to upset her further I got out of bed when I heard the bath water running.

Walking into the bathroom I found mum pouring bubble bath into the steaming hot water. I stretched and looked in the bathroom mirror as I did every morning “MUM WHAT'S HAPPENED TO MY FACE?” I screamed

Mum turned around to face me ‘what honey?” She asked in all innocence

“WHAT? WHAT? Look at my eyebrows” I trembled “what’s happened to them"

“Oh them. Julia and I cleaned them up a little last night and I guess we got a little carried away” she told me as I looked closely at what was left of my eyebrows

I was now sporting two fine arches that gave my face a very feminine look “what am I going to do when I go back to work? Everyone will notice them”

‘ Oh pish” mum brushed away my fears “no one will even notice Joe. Now come on get in the bath. We need to get a move on if you are going to be ready for Martin in time”

Mum left the bathroom and I locked the door behind me as I always did. I slipped off the nightdress and knickers and jumped into the bath as mum shouted through the door “Joe make sure you put the shower cap on over your curlers. That way your hair won't get wet”

“Yes mother” I sarcastically replied whilst still fretting over the shape of my eyebrows

The hot bubble bath was bliss. The smell of the lavender salts and the tablets resulted in my headache nearly disappearing by the time I got out 15 minutes later.

I toweled my hairless body dry with the big fluffy bath towel and slipped on the nightdress and put the knickers I had worn in the laundry basket.

After brushing my teeth I returned to my room and on the bed found what mum and Julia were expecting me to wear to the match.

As I took in the clothes before me mum entered my room. So much for privacy I thought.

“Right let’s get started” mum exclaimed, “here put these on first” she said whilst dangling a pair of black silky knickers in front of me.

I did as I was told pulling the knickers up my legs under the nightdress whilst turning away from my mum. I tucked my little boy under me to create a flattish front

Mum told me to take off the nightdress and had me hold my arms out. She then placed a matching underwired black bra on me, which she hooked up the back. She straightened the straps over my shoulders before placing two water filled balloons in each of the lacy cups

‘Oh isn't it a pretty bra Joe” mum said whilst adjusting the straps

When she had finished she told me to sit on the edge of my bed. In doing so I again noticed how girly my toenails looked painted pink. Mum then helped me pull the pair of seamed tights up my legs and straightened them so that the seams ran in a perfect vertical line down the back of my legs.

When she had finished I looked down at my legs as mum gushed “God you have such great legs Joe. These tights really show them off” referring to the nearly black sheer tights that adorned my slim legs

I embarrassingly replied “thanks a lot mum”

Mum smiled and then told me to slip on a full length black slip. The bodice of the satin slip was covered in intricate lace, as was the hem that came to just above the knee on me. Mum again adjusted the straps on the slip and then stood back and smiling at me said

“It's a good job Martin doesn't know what you are wearing under your dress. I am sure he wouldn’t be bothered watching the football darling” she laughed to herself

At that moment my emotions took over and the reality of going out with Martin as a girl dawned on me! “MUM I CAN’T DO THIS” I cried

“Oh here we go again” she replied, “I am not having this. You can do it and you will. Martin won’t be able to sell the ticket now and he is expecting you to go with him. So less of your complaining. Slip on your dressing gown and come downstairs and we can have a cup of tea and some toast”

Mum left my room and without arguing I slipped on the dressing gown that I had discarded on my bed and followed mum downstairs to the kitchen

Over tea and toast mum told me that Julia wanted me next door at her house at 10.30 to do my hair and make up. It was now 9.45am and I wondered what else there was to do.

Mum told me that she had to finish getting me dressed and perhaps we might be able to get around to Julia’s earlier to give her more time.
Oh great I groaned under my breath

Once back in my bedroom I slipped off the dressing gown as mum had instructed and stood in the middle of the room as my mum slipped the sleeves of a royal blue satin blouse up my arms. She then buttoned the 15 or so small buttons up the back until the Peter Pan collar encased my neck. After doing up the two buttons at each wrist she stood back and proudly said

“Oh I know I keep saying it but you look lovely baby. The colour of this blouse really suits you and brings out the colour of your eyes”

Mum didn’t let up as she told me to step into the black sleeveless pinafore dress before she did up the back zipper and hooked the eye of the collar at the neck of the dress. She then pulled the collar of the blouse over the collar of the round neck of the dress.

“The blue contrasts so well with the black of the dress” she said excitedly whilst pulling the skirt of the dress up and in turn pulling down the hem of my blouse and slip.

She finished by wrapping a wide black and gold metallic belt around my waist

“ Mum can I look” I asked as she fussed with the billowing sleeves of my blouse

“Not yet Joe. Lets get your boots on you first” she replied

Within a few minutes the boots had been zipped up my legs and I was walking through to my mothers bedroom trying not to stumble on the high heels. I felt really tall however in truth although the slim heels of the boots were 4” high I still only reached about 5’7

The boots were lovely. Even I had to admit that. They had really pointy toes and extremely thin spiked heels. The top of the boots reached approx 2” below my knees and after wearing them for the best part of the night before, I was amazed at how comfortable they were. Little did I know that I wouldn't be saying that later that day.

As I looked in my mother’s bedroom mirror I was shocked to see my reflection. I saw a pretty teenage girl staring back at me. Although I still wore curlers in my hair and hadn’t any make up I thought I looked amazing.

My shapely hosed legs peeked out between the hem of the woolen dress and the top of my boots. Mum told me to do a pirouette and when I did the hem of my dress flipped out a bit exposing my shapely hosed legs further.

Mum came up to me and fussed with me, plucking my clothes here and there as I continued to stare opened mouthed in the mirror.

"Jo close your mouth girl. It's hardly becoming" mum told me off before adding that she had a couple of more things she wanted to add.

She went to her jewelry box on her vanity and returned with a number of items, which she then proceeded to place on me.

First was a dainty gold Gucci watch that she jokingly warned me to guard with my life otherwise I wasn’t to return home. The watch had a small white face and a thin gold bangle strap.

Then she had me put a number of really thin gold bangles on my other wrist. The bangles were intertwined with each other and they jangled when I moved my arm.

Mum secured a really lovely gold Tiffany heart necklace around my neck and again told me to make sure I didn’t lose it. As instructed I tucked the necklace beneath my blouse so that it dangled in my make believe cleavage thinking what's the point in wearing it if know one can see it

As I had hidden the Tiffany necklace beneath my clothes mum said there was something missing “You need something else to hang around your neck”

She found a gold necklace that matched the bracelet I was wearing and when she put it on me it sat upon my chest reaching down to my cleavage. MY CLEAVAGE? . Was I Joe anymore or was Joanne taking over I worried.

Mum placed three rings on my fingers. A gold eternity ring on my right hand. She told me that my Nan had given her it when she had reached 21. Again I was told to guard it with my life and this time the warning was serious.

She also had me put on a single small gold band and an imitation sapphire ring with a small stone. My varnished fingers looked quite pretty adorned in the jewellery.

Mum I can’t wear this jewellery. I am not used to wearing it. What if I lose it?” I asked

“Why should you lose it? Do you intend losing your dress or bra? Your not used to wearing them however I can’t see you losing either of those” she joked

“Two more things we need to do before we go next door” mum said whilst asking me to sit at her vanity

"We shouldn’t really be taking out the stud earrings as they should be in for a lot longer to enable the holes to heal, however I don’t think the studs suit the overall look” she explained whilst taking out the gold stud earrings that I wore ‘Here lets put these in”

She showed me two circular gold earrings approx the size of bath plugs and put them in my pierced ears. Straight away I could feel the weight on my ears as the hoops pulled my earlobes down

“ AGH MUM they hurt,” I cried whilst rubbing my ears

Mum slapped my hand away from my ear “Oh don’t be a baby Joanne, they are only a pair of earrings. They are hardly going to hurt you”

I knew it was pointless protesting as I hadn’t won an argument to date over the way I was dressed

“Right little lady lets spray a little perfume of you,” she grinned as she sprayed Estee Lauder Knowing behind my knees, on my wrists and at my neck. I felt that I was awash with it as the smell permeated my senses

“Not too much mum. I will smell like a tart,” I protested

Mother laughed at my comment whilst routing through her wardrobe for something “here it is” she exclaimed holding up a black wool coat

‘Try it on to see if it fits you ok” she said whilst offering my arms into the long coat

When she had it on me she buttoned up the 4 large buttons at the front and tied the wide wool belt of the coat into a large bow at my waist.

‘Look in the mirror Joanne” she gestured to the mirror

I looked in the mirror and noticed that the coat reached the top of my boots however it flared out somewhat at the waist creating a large skirt at my waist. It was so luxurious. I knew it would keep me warm whilst at the football.

“ You look too good to be going to a football game Joe. I hope Martin appreciates the effort we have gone too” mum kissed me on the forehead whilst fussing over the coat

“ I have a scarf to go with that coat’ she excitedly exclaimed whilst again looking in her wardrobe.

Mum found a paisley patterned silk scarf, which she proceeded to loosely tie around my neck so that it draped down between the lapels of the coat

‘Right darling lets find you a handbag and then we are pretty much ready to go and see Julia” she said beaming. I wondered who was more excited about me going to the football - her or me?

As I was getting quite warm I took the scarf and coat off whilst I waited for mum to find a handbag. I sat at her vanity watching her as she put a number of items in the black leather bag, which had black and gold metal straps.

When she gave me the bag I looked inside and found I saw a packet of tights, a small bag of tissues, a hairbrush, a small make up bag, perfume, hair pins, wet ones, a purse and to my horror some sanitary pads and tampons.

“Mother” I screeched as I threw the bag down on her bed “I don’t think I will be needing those do you”

She picked the bag back and laughed as she handed it back to me, “ I know you won’t silly, but girls notice these things. You don’t want anyone questioning you do you Joanne,” she asked

Mum told me to hang the leather bag over my shoulder. The weight of the bag surprised me, as it was heavy. “Why do women have to carry so much stuff" I moaned

“In case of little emergencies love” she replied whilst giving me a big squeeze, “right let’s get next door so Julia can work her magic”

Without putting the coat back on we went next door to Julia’s. She answered the door and as soon as she saw me she started gushing

” Lucy you look fabulous. Come in babe. Claire she looks really good. Don't the dress and boots suit her ”?

She? Her? Julia and mum fussed over me as I worried where Martin was.

“Ok sweetie" Julia took my hand leading me through to her large kitchen" Lets get started before Martin gets back from his friends” Julia stated in doing so answering my question

“ You know Claire you have done marvels with our little one here ” Julia excitedly exclaimed “She is going to be a knockout when I have finished with her”

Her? She? Lucy? Whose Lucy — Oh Lucy! That’s me! This was happening to fast I thought

Julia sat me down in a chair in her kitchen and untied the hairnet from my curler covered head. She then started taking out the small curlers from my hair whilst chatting away to mum as if I wasn’t there, although I was the only topic of conversation

After all of the curlers had been removed from my head Julia started styling my hair using a number of clips, hair combs and a lot of hairspray. This continued for about 20 minutes until she exclaimed “and now for your crowning glory honey bun”

I was unaware what she was doing at the back of my hair however I felt her tugging away

After a final flourish of more hairspray she pronounced “ta dah”

Both Mum and Julia gushingly said that I looked precious and cute and when I asked to have a look in the mirror I was sternly told by Julia “not until I have done your make up babe”

I thought Aunt Julia was a wiz with make up as I always thought she always looked pretty. I wondered how I would look once she had finished making me up.

As I sat there with my knees gripped tightly together with my skirt raised to my thighs showing too much expanse of my legs for my liking I tried to guess what she was putting on my face

I had had enough experience over the last two days to guess that she was applying foundation, concealer (to a little spot I had on my chin), blusher, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, lipstick and lipgloss.

Julia finished by clamping a contraption on my upper and lower eyelashes, which I was told was an eyelash curler.

She then had me bite onto a tissue and said, "it was stop my lipgloss from bleeding" God forbid can't have that can we I sulkingly thought to myself

My senses were working overtime as I smelt the concoctions of perfume and hairspray, the smell and taste of the cherry flavour lipgloss I wore and the pull of the clothes I wore about my body.

As Julia was finishing up I heard the front door open and then close and Martin shout out “I’m home. Is it safe to come in”?

“NOOOOOOOO” screeched Julia and mum almost as one before Julia shouted, “ Keep out. We are just finishing up, stay out of the kitchen”

“ OK OK, crikey keep your hair on,” joked Martin the other side of the kitchen door

“ Claire go and get Lucy’s coat whilst I keep Lucy hidden in here” Julia requested

Mum left the kitchen and in passing Martin in the living room said to him “treat her well Martin. She is very nervous and needs you to look after her today”

Martin somewhat puzzled answered “ her? yeah of course Mrs M" before I heard him run up the stairs

I cringed at their short conversation and felt myself blush with embarrassment

Mum returned with the coat and Julia told me “quick go and have a look in the mirror in the hallway. Before Martin comes back down”

I was dying to know how I looked and didn’t need asking twice as I made my way to the hallway

As I looked in the mirror at the pretty girl that looked back at me I didn’t recognise myself. My eyes had been made up with dark blues and greys with a hint of pink, my cheeks glowed a cherry red as did my wet look lips. The blusher Julia had applied accentuated my cheekbones.

I looked at my hair that was in a mass of curls. My hair was stunning and the crowning glory that Julia had referred too was a blue and white ribbon intertwined at the back of my hair creating a bow.

The hair and make up made me look at least 4 years older than my actual age. As I stood there in stunned silence looking at my feminine reflection Martin came down the stairs and stopped when he saw me

‘MARTIN” I jumped

Joe, er Lucy? Is that you?” He asked in complete shock

Chapter 12

I nervously looked down at my feet overcome with embarrassment as I felt Martin’s eyes bore into me before he finally spoke “you know you look great. Mum told me that I was to call you Lucy today. Are you ok with that?” He asked trying to put me at ease

“Eh yeah I guess so” I replied whilst still looking down shyly

“Look I know this is strange,” he added taking one of my hands in his “but lets not be shy around each other. We have known each other for years and I promise you I will look after you today”

I found the courage to look at him and managed to speak “thanks Martin. I will need all your help to get through today”

‘Get through this? You look wonderful. Look you are even wearing Ipswich's colours in your outfit” he replied whilst pointing at the blue blouse that I wore before adding, “look you even have blue fingernails. What a star Lucy”

I smiled without responding and pulled my hand away from his and took in what Martin was wearing. He had on blue jeans and a black crew neck sweater. He too looked good although underdressed compared to me

‘Do you think your mum and my mum have overdone how I look seeing as we are only going to the football” I squeaked whilst gesturing at the clothes I wore “it’s a bit too much for football isn’t it”

“No not at all. It makes a change for a girl to actually look like a girl” Martin replied before realising his mistake and with a huge grin said “sorry Joe. It’s just that you look so much like a girl and not at all like a boy”

I smiled back at his faux par and without thinking instinctively tugged the hem of my dress down whilst looking at myself in the mirror

A deadly silence ensued as Martin continued looking at me before he broke the silence by saying

“Anyway we better get a move on Joe if we are to get a drink in the pub before the match starts”

“Martin call me Lucy. Please don’t call me Joe in case I get found out” I pleaded before adding “THE PUB? I can’t go in a pub dressed like this”

“Why not? Martin replied, “Your going to a football match dressed like that aren’t you? You will have fun I promise you. I will look after you Luce,” he said whilst cheekingly smiling at me

I was about to ask him who we would be meeting and whether there was anyone there who knew me as Joe but before I had the chance to speak Julia walked out into the hallway and interrupted us

“Oh there you are. Your mum and I thought you had got lost” she laughed at her own joke

She turned to Martin with a big smile on her face “Doesn’t she look lovely Martin? Look at the effort she has gone to for you” I cringed at her comments

Julia again started fussing with my hair and the bow at the back “look Martin, Lucy is even wearing a hair bow in Ipswich’s colours. I hope you appreciate her efforts”

Martin grinned, smiled at me and replied, “She looks great mum”

I nervously smiled at the both of them and didn’t know what to do at that point. Martin rescued the situation “ok you ready?” He asked me whilst lifting his jacket from the staircase banister and putting it on

“Err yeah I guess so” I answered nervously.

Julia stepped in “come on lets get your coat and scarf. You can’t go out like that” she beckoned to my clothes “you will catch your death of cold sweetie” she grabbed my hand and led me back to the kitchen where mum was making coffee

What was it with people grabbing my hand? I wasn't nine!

Mum smiled and turned to Martin who had followed Julia and me into the kitchen “You will look after him won’t you Martin? He hasn’t been to a football game before and I don’t want him getting into any trouble Martin”

‘Him?” Julia butted in “does Lucy look like a him Claire?” She turned away from mum and turning to Martin she said, “ You make sure that you look after young Lucy. Don’t you dare leave her alone and make sure you hold her hand at all times Martin”

“Yes mum” he sarcastically replied

“ I mean it Martin. Treat her well. If I hear that you didn’t look after her there will be hell to pay. Do you hear?”

She was giving Martin a hard time. I giggled and spoke “Aunt Julia. I can look after myself you know”

Mum piped in “ You may think you can Lucy Jane but let me tell you there are plenty of men who take liberties with girls your age”

I felt myself go red “mum I will be fine. Martin and I have been out plenty of times” and before I could finish my protestations mum piped in

I again felt myself blush as Julia held out the black coat I was to wear. I reversed into it and Julia did up the buttons and tied the wide belt about my waist.

Mum then put the scarf around my neck and tied it so that it again hung down between the lapels of the coat.

“Here I found these” mum said as she started to put black woolen gloves on my hands

“MUM” I protested, “ I’m going to be roasting”

Julia answered, “No you won’t Lucy. Its freezing out and you need to wrap up”

‘Yes Aunt Julia” I meekly replied. Although I often questioned mum I had never once dare argue with Julia.

Mum handed me the handbag and told me to look after it. I slipped it on my shoulder and turned to Martin who was waiting patiently for me ‘I guess I am ready” I smiled

‘”About time” he teased, “you women take forever to get ready”

I playfully slapped him on the arm as mum and Julia did some last minute fussing before each of them kissed me on the cheek. Julia then used her fingers to smooth out my cheek where they had kissed me

‘ Ok you two. Have fun and Martin remember what I have told you “Julia threatened her youngest son

‘What was that mum?” Martin replied cheekily

I thought that was funny and chuckled before Julia added in a stern voice, “I mean it Lucy. Let me know if he doesn’t look after you”

I knew when to be sensible and answered, “I will Aunt Julia although I am sure Martin will be fine”

Both mum and Aunt Julia continued to fuss as we exited through the front door. As we were walking down the path to Martin’s car I noticed the sound of my heels making a noise on the pavement and glanced over my shoulder to see Julia and mum still standing at the front door seeing us off

“Crikey Lucy Jane. You better give me a good report later” Martin joked whilst taking my hand in his

‘You don’t have to do that you know” I told him pulling my hand away

‘”I know. But I want too if you are ok with it” Martin sheepishly replied

I smiled back and answered “ok I guess I am fine with it” as I again let him take my hand. At that point I felt a little knot in my stomach

As we got to Martin’s little car he acted like the perfect gentleman and opened the front passenger door for me.

Remembering mums lessons I sat down on the seat whilst smoothing my skirts beneath me before sliding my legs into the foot well of Martin’s Ford Fiesta. Even though I had taken care whilst getting in the car I still managed to give Martin a little view of my hosed legs as my coat and skirt rode up my thighs

Martin shut the door behind me whilst smiling like a cat that had got the cream. As he made his way around to the driver’s side I pulled the skirt of my dress down to cover the lacy hem of my slip. I arranged the coat under me as Martin got in the car

I went to reach for my seatbelt when Martin leant over me “here allow me” he said and reached over me to pull the seat belt over me before securing it into the catch

“Thanks” I smiled “you know you don’t have to try so hard Martin. I’m not a real date’

“Mores the pity” Martin grinned, “ Seeing as I saw what you are wearing under your skirt”

‘What?” I embarrassingly asked whilst clutching my handbag in my lap

“Your slip” he looked at me with a big grin “ I caught a peek of your lacy slip under your skirt when you got in Lulu”

“MARTIN” I screamed thinking to myself where was all of this leading

End of chapter 12 - More to follow soon

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