Mum's Encouragement Chapter 13 - 14

Chapters 13 - 14

As we drove to meet with Martin’s friends at the pub I became more and more nervous of what was in front of me. Martin sensed by my quietness that I was nervous and broke the ice

“ You look great Lucy. I am so glad you decided to come today. You will love the atmosphere of a live game”

I looked across to him "It’s not the game I am worried about Martin. It’s how I am dressed. I feel so stupid in these clothes and the thought of being surrounded by loads of people scares the life out of me,” I blushed not keeping eye contact with Martin whilst playing with the hem of my skirt

“Lucy you have nothing to worry about. You look great. My friends will love you and probably fancy you too” Martin tried to reassure me “ Scouts honour, I promise I will look after you”

I truly believed Martin however this still didn’t stop me worrying as we continued our journey to the pub.

We had to park a fair distance from the pub, which I also found out later was a fair distance from the ground.

As I exited Martin’s car being careful to keep my legs together as Martin offered me his hand, a surge of nervousness came over me and my legs nearly buckled under me. Martin caught me as I started to sway and put a reassuring arm around my waist

We were now very close to each other and Martin pulled me to him so we stood face to face. Well not actually face to face as Martin still looked down on me despite the high heeled boots I wore.

Without warning he held me tight and planted a quick kiss on my lips. There was an awkward silence as we both continued to stand opposite each other in a close clinch

“ What did you do that for?” I squeaked, my mouth feeling very dry

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me” Martin apologised embarrassed “ I just had a tremendous urge to kiss you as you look and smell so sweet, I’m so sorry”

“It’s ok” I interrupted and admitted, “I enjoyed it although I do feel strange”

“ Really? Me too” Martin replied sheepishly looking deep into my eyes

“Anyway we better get a move on otherwise we will miss everyone at the pub” Martin smiled as we broke apart as he turned to walk down the street pulling me along with by the hand.

I struggled to keep up with Martin whilst teetering on my boots and whilst trying to keep the handbag on my shoulder.

As we walked to the pub we made small talk and I sensed Martin being protective towards me and silly to say I also thought he was proud to be with me. I continued to struggle to keep up with his strides in the heels and tight skirt.

My mind was in a whirl, as I couldn’t get the kiss out of my head. I hated myself for enjoying it so much and I had a lovely warm tingly feeling inside even though the cold chill made me shiver.

Martin sensed me shiver and this only made him more protective as he put his arm around my waist as he pulled me to into him as we continued to walk.

Although the walk had taken us a good 10 minutes the time flew by and although my feet were already hurting in the tight restricting boots I wished we could have continued walking and bypassed the pub and Martin's mates altogether.

I didn't understand the feelings I was experiencing however I was enjoying our time together alone and at that point in time I felt like we were the only two people in the world even though by this time there were hundreds of people milling around the streets the closer we got to the ground and found ourselves outside the pub.

“Here we are Luce” Martin smiled as we parted for the first time since leaving the car “lets find everyone”

We walked into the packed noisy pub and I immediately felt male eyes turning towards me and evaluating the “girl” who had just walked in with her boyfriend. Martin grabbed my hand securely and pulled me through the packed pub, which meant us passing through groups of guys young and old. I realised at this point that I was the only ‘girl” in the pub.

We struggled through the throng of men to the far end of the pub where we found Martin’s friends sitting around a table. One of Martin’s friends got up from his seat and greeted Martin with a big hug as I stood alone nervously smiling at no one in particular.

“ Sit down here” said a young girl whose age I would guess was around 24. She patted the seat beside her that had been vacated by Martin’s friend “Hi, my names Caroline. Martin said he was bringing a neigbour along today although he didn’t tell us you were female,” she laughed

I nervously blushed and shook her hand with a weak sloppy shake “ Didn’t he? Guys eh. My names Lucy, I’m Martin’s neighbour's niece” I answered

I lost track of the next minute or so as I was introduced to everyone else sitting around the table. Caroline was with Paul who was apparently Martin’s best friend. Two others guys were introduced to me as Andy and Steve.

Martin asked me what I wanted to drink and having never drunk alcohol before I didn’t know what to answer “ Have a glass of wine with me” Caroline suggested.

I really wanted a soft drink as my mouth was dry and I had a thirst however I didn't want to upset Caroline

“Ok thanks” I croaked whilst smiling back at Martin and Caroline. Martin mischievously winked at me as he went off to the bar with the three lads leaving Caroline and me alone in the crowded noisy pub.

As I sat down next to Caroline I pulled off my gloves and undid the buttons to my coat as I suddenly felt very hot

“Take off your coat Lucy. You will melt in here,” Caroline suggested

“Eh ok” I mumbled shyly as I did as she had suggested. Instantly feeling better as I hung the heavy coat, gloves and my scarf over the arm of the seat

“Lovely dress Lucy. A little overdressed for footie though” Caroline smiled whilst considering what I was wearing, “you are showing me up”

I looked at Caroline and saw that she was wearing tight jeans and a tight jumper that showed off her great figure. Although she looked really lovely she obviously hadn’t gone to the effort that my Mum and Aunt Julia had in dressing me.

“Oh yeah I guess I am overdressed. I haven’t been to a football game before and I didn’t know what to wear” I replied as I again fidgeted with the hem of my skirt beginning to feel foolish.

“Don’t worry you do look lovely, however next time just sling on a pair of jeans otherwise you will have all these Neanderthals perving you” she replied whilst looking to all the men in the pub.

I noticed a number of guys looking our way and felt very vulnerable “ yeah guess you are right” I nervously replied whilst swallowing hard.

Caroline and I chatted away as the guys seemed to take an age to get our drinks. We got on like a house on fire and I think she liked me. I think she was pleased to have female company.

Caroline complimented me on my hoop earrings, and leather boots and also said “ I love the way your hair bow, blouse and nail varnish are all in the colour of Ipswich. I bet Martin loves that” she joked “ are your undies the same colour?” She teased.

I blushed at her joke and replied “ maybe but he’s not going to find out" which Caroline thought highly hilarious

Martin eventually returned with our drinks “ You ok Lulu?" he asked me with genuine concern "Is Caroline looking after you?” He asked whilst touching my shoulder in a reassuring way.

I didn't have a chance to answer as Caroline did so for me “Yeah she’s fine and yes I am looking after her unlike you ignorant sods” I had to laugh at Martin being put in his place

Martin laughed back and retreated back to his friends at the bar. I didn’t see him again until we were due to set off to the ground.

Whilst we sat together Caroline questioned me on whether Martin and I were going steady to which I replied that this was our first date.

“Really and probably the last seeing as he has left you alone with me since you got here” she joked.

“Oh I don’t mind," I answered, "As long as I have your company. I would hate to be left alone in here” I shouted above the din of the pub whilst looking at the masses of testosterone around me.

“ Normally Paul doesn’t leave me alone in here however seeing as I have another girl to talk to he probably thinks its fine as we can talk about clothes and periods” she joked.

‘Yeah guess so” was all I could think of to say whilst no doubt going bright red.

Over the next 45 minutes or so I slowly sipped the dry white wine Martin had been bought me and found out quite a lot about Caroline. I found out amongst other things, that she worked in a bank as a cashier, that she and Paul were getting married in just over two weeks time and that over the last six months she had been experiencing heavy periods.

I cringed as Caroline told me some of her inner most menstruation secrets and with her probing me I had to create a life for Lucy.

I told Caroline that I was temporarily living with my Aunt Claire as my parents had recently emigrated to Spain. I told her that I had decided to stay behind as I had recently started a job as a receptionist at a local hotel. I told her that I liked Martin however I didn’t know whether I fancied him yet and somehow I got around to telling her that my periods were fine and regular and that I was still a virgin.

Caroline found the last piece of information highly hilarious and exclaimed “ We will have to get you laid Luce. You don’t know what you are missing girl”

I didn’t no how to respond and instead went very hot as she spoke “Sorry Lucy. You are so sweet and innocent. I didn’t mean to embarrass you”

Before I could reply the Neanderthals returned and said we would need to get a move on to enable us to get to the ground before the match started.

Caroline was not being rushed “Hold on boys I have to go to the ladies before we go. Come on Lucy. The toilets in the stadium are awful”

Caroline grabbed her handbag and my hand and gestured to the ladies toilets that were directly behind her. I followed suit and grabbed my bag and followed her through a group of men who shouted a few lewd obscenities as we passed through them.

I felt a hand touch my bum as we walked through the group. I felt abused and at that moment wondered how often this kind of thing happened to women. Maybe it was a daily occurrence

As we entered the sanctuary of the ladies toilets I realised just how clean and quiet it was. I realised that we were the only ones in there

“There are some right dickheads about Lucy” Caroline angrily stated when I told her about someone touching my bum.

Caroline entered a cubicle to go about her business and I followed suit into a cubicle two along from her and realised I too needed a pee.

I hung my handbag on the back of the door and then struggled to pull up my tight dress and the slip underneath. I pulled down my tights and knickers to below my knees to enable me to sit on the toilet seat and concentrated on keeping my tights and knickers off the tiled toilet floor.

I had to carry on a conversation with Caroline as we both sat in our cubicles. I could hear her urinate into the toilet bowl as she proceeded to tell me about her infrequent and heavy periods. Ugh!

I had visions of her changing her towel. Ugh!

I was so glad when she had finished, stopped talking and went to wash her hands. I then struggled to get dressed in the tight confines of the toilet cubicle. I pulled up my knickers and tights and then pulled the hem of my blouse down under my dress so I again looked presentable. I was still pulling down my dress and slip as I exited the cubicle

“Lucy can I do something with your hair. It’s too formal for footie?” Caroline asked as I walked over to the washbasins to wash my hands.

Before I could reply she started undoing all of Aunt Julia’s hard work as she pulled the hair bow and some clips from my hair. She the proceeded to rearrange my hair using a brush and clips before announcing “There that’s better”

I looked in the mirror and realised that I now looked a lot less formal and in fact thought I looked rather trendy.

“Let's sort out your make up also” Caroline exclaimed without giving me a chance to answer. She used her own make up to alter my look slightly with blusher and lip-gloss.

“That’s better girl,” she said whilst looking me up and down and laughing “very shaggable"

I was mortified and just blushed as I put my hair bow in my handbag.

“One last thing Luce. If you are going to wear seamed stockings they need to be straight after you have gone about your business,” she exclaimed whilst looking at the back of my legs

“ There not stockings” I told her

“Tights, stockings, whatever, they are not straight” she answered as she grabbed my legs and proceeded to straighten the seams of my tights. I found this so embarrassing as Caroline continued to take me under her wing.

After what seemed like an eternity in the toilet we returned to the boys and a near empty pub. Paul started remonstrating with Caroline that we would miss the start of the game

Caroline argued with Paul “Oh what rubbish Paul. We were only gone five minutes”

Paul and Caroline started a little argument, which made me laugh as Martin acting the perfect gentleman helped me into the arms of my coat.

I pulled my hair out of the collar of the coat and shook my head to allow my newly arranged curls to hang freely. I could feel Martin looking at me with great interest as my large earrings bounced about my cheeks.

I hung my silk scarf around my neck without tying it and put my gloves in one of my coat pockets and without thinking grabbed Martin's left hand. Martin loved this and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

The other guys all moaned that we had to get a move on otherwise we would miss the game.

For the next ten minutes or so Caroline and I whom were both wearing high heeled boots struggled to keep up with the guys as Martin and Paul swept us along.

“Want to get on my back Lucy?” He jokingly offered

“Don't think so. Not in this tight skirt thanks” I joked back

We actually missed the first ten minutes of the game much to the annoyance of the men as we struggled to get into the busy stadium.

When we eventually sat down in the closely packed plastic seats I had Martin on one side and Caroline on the other. I didn’t really enjoy the game and mostly chatted to Caroline throughout.

She told me that she accompanied Paul to the games however she didn’t really enjoy it and would rather be out shopping.

Martin was quite happy to allow me to chat to Caroline however Paul appeared annoyed that we weren’t watching the game.

When Ipswich scored the whole stadium erupted. Martin grabbed hold of me and lifted me off the ground and when he put me back on the ground he planted a big kiss on my lips.

I grinned at him as he grabbed the back of neck and pulled me into him and then kissed me again however this time it was longer and harder. I tingled as he put his tongue in my mouth. I had never been kissed like this before and started to gag a little. Martin pulled away sensing I wasn't comfortable and started to apologise “sorry Lucy. I don't know w”

I interrupted him “What are you sorry for?” I looked at him sweetly and in a babyish voice said, “ I really enjoyed that. I hope they score again”

We both sat down smiling looking into each other's eyes as Caroline leaned across to me smiling and whispered in my ear

“I think you fancy him don’t you Luce?” I blushed and just looked down at my boots without responding.

I am sorry to say Ipswich never scored again before the game ended and they actually lost the game. As we walked away from the stadium at a more leisurely pace, I cuddled up to Martin from the cold air and felt so secure in his arms. I wondered what was happening to me and why I was feeling so good.

I should have been ashamed to be wearing girl’s clothes and make up and being huddled up to a man that had kissed me. I didn’t however feel guilt and wondered where my life might be leading.

My thoughts were disrupted as we all started to go our separate ways. When it came to us parting from Caroline and Paul, Caroline spoke to me as Paul and Martin chatted

“ I don’t think Martin was intending to bring along anyone to our wedding Lucy. Would you like to come with him?
Say you will. I really enjoy your company today girl”

Before I could reply she spoke again “of course you will also have to come out on my hen night on Thursday night won’t you” before I could speak she was asking me for my telephone number and without thinking I gave it to her.

Without realising it I had agreed to go on her hen night and to also go to her wedding accompanying the best man if he wanted me to.

She kissed my cheek as we parted company and squeezed my hand “ I will give you a ring during the week Luce. See yah”

Paul gave me an awkward kiss on the cheek and then he and Caroline walked away leaving me with Martin.

He came over to me and pulled me into him “ just you and me now kid” he smiled down at me.

“God am I safe” I joked as he pushed a stray hair behind my ear before kissing me full on the lips. The kiss lasted for about 2 minutes as he probed my mouth with his tongue and when we finally came up for breath we both smiled at each other like silly little school kids.

“ Lucy, sorry I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I really do fancy you” Martin spoke whilst looking deep into my eyes.

“ Wrong with you? I think I should be questioning my own sanity” I blushed as we turned and walked towards Martin’s car.

When we reached the car Martin helped me in. As he walked around the car to get in his side I pulled off my gloves and started reapplying my lipgloss in the vanity mirror.

“Looking good angel,” he said as sat in the drivers seat. He leaned across to me and gave me an affectionate peck on the cheek

“Thanks” I sheepishly replied whilst fluffing my hair out in the small visor mirror

He started the car up and put the heater on full blast to warm the car up as we drove off. After a few minutes the car was warming up and I decided to take off my scarf and to unbutton my coat and allowed it to fall open.

After a few minutes Martin’s left hand wandered across and rested on my dress. Without warning he then slightly pulled the hem of my dress up and rested his hand on my nyloned knee. I put my hand on top of his to stop his hand wandering further up under my skirt and as a way of calming him down I started tickling the back of his hand as it rested on my knee.

He looked across to me with a big smile on his face and said, “ Can we do this again Lucy?”

“I don’t know. I’m confused Martin” I replied as emotion overcame and I started to cry

Chapter 14

Martin tried to console me as he drove “ what’s up Luce?”

“That’s just it Martin” I sobbed, “I’m not Luce or Lucy or anyone else. I’m still Joe. This is all wrong”

“It doesn’t feel wrong to me” he replied whilst gently squeezing my knee.

‘Please don’t Martin” I said whilst brushing his hand away

We drove the remainder of the way home in silence, as I was lost in my thoughts. I looked straight ahead however out of the corner of my eye I could sense Martin continually looking over to me. He too was probably replaying the day in his head as I was.

When we pulled up on his drive I quickly unclipped my seat belt and was out of the car before Martin had the opportunity to come around and open my door.

He looked sad and confused as he caught me up as I ran to my front door. He gently spun me around by the arm “have I done something wrong? I’m sorry if I pushed things too far Luce”

“ No it’s me who should be apologising Martin. You are a good guy and you shouldn’t be wasting your time on me”

“ I want to lu…"

I cut him off in mid sentence, pulled away, turned and rushed to my house next door “ I’m going in Martin” I cried as I again started to get upset “see you around”

I turned to look at Martin as I tottered off in my noisy heels. Martin looked a sad and forlorn figure as I searched in my bag for my front door keys. I eventually found them and through tears managed to get the key in the lock and enter my house.

When I slammed the door behind me I leant against it and cried my heart out. My loud sobbing brought my mum to the hallway.

“ There, there baby, what’s up” she consoled me as she grabbed my hands and pulled me up from the fetal position I had found myself in as I had slid down against the front door.

She wrapped me in her arms and soothingly stroked my hair

“Whatever is the matter sweetheart? What happened? Did something happen" she questioned me obviously concerned

Mum helped me though to the lounge where she helped me off with my coat and scarf “ Come on baby sit down. Let me help you off with your boots”

Mum unzipped my boots and pulled them off “ you settle down on the sofa and I will go and make us a nice cup of tea and then you can tell me what has upset you so much”

Whilst she was in the kitchen I rubbed my tired feet and curled up on the sofa. Mum returned after putting the kettle on to find me still sobbing. She handed me tissues to wipe away my tears.

“Surely it can’t be that bad honey. Come on wipe your eyes and blow your nose" mum said whilst rubbing my back

I couldn't speak so she eventually just held me for a couple of minutes. Every time I tried to speak I got choked up.

Mum placed her hands either side of my face and lovingly kissed me on the forehead " I will be back in a sec honey and then you can tell me what’s upsetting you so?”

Mum returned really quickly with our tea and told me to sit up and sip the sweet tea. I didn't fancy the tea and wanted a cuddle so I put my head in her lap and she gently started stroking my hair

After a few minutes in which I calmed down considerably mum finally spoke “ Now come on you silly thing. Tell your old mum what’s up,” she asked whilst continuing to stroke my hair

For the next 10 minutes or so without mum interrupting I told her that I was so confused. I told her I felt weird wearing girl’s clothes. I did however somehow omit to tell her of Martin’s attention and his kisses. I was so embarrassed and confused

After blubbering out my worries mum finally spoke

“Honey you know I will support you in whatever you want to do. You are a sweet child and deserve happiness” she reassured me as only mothers can.

After talking for about 30 minutes I smiled up at her “thanks mum. I love you” I then kissed her on her cheek “I’m going to have a shower. I feel tired mum”

“It will all work out honey. It always seems worse than it actually is. You go and have your shower love. Don’t forget to cover your hair with the shower cap," Mum instructed

When I was in alone in my room I struggled to unhook the little hook and eye at the top of my pinafore dress. I managed it eventually and pulled down the zip and allowed the dress to fall to the floor.

I had to call for mum to assist, as I couldn’t undo the little buttons at the back of my blouse “Mum can you come up and help me unbutton my blouse please?” I shouted down the stairs.

As she walked into my bedroom she joked, “ I didn’t think I would ever hear my son asking me a question like that”

Mum's joke cheered me up a bit. She undid the little buttons of the blouse and then helped me slip it off

“Hang up your dress honey” she commented on seeing it on the floor. I did as I was told.

In no time I had taken off my underwear, hair clips and all of the jewelry with the exception of my earrings and was soon enjoying the heat of the shower as it rained down on my weary body.

As I was drying myself on a big soft towel I realised that I hadn’t covered my hair as mum had told me to. “Oh well no problem” I thought, “ I will just have to dry it”

After towel drying my hair I put on some clean underpants, jogging trousers and a fleece top

I looked in the bathroom mirror and realised that I had to clean the remnants of make up from my eyes. As I was doing this using mum's cotton wall and eye make up remover, I could hear mums voice downstairs. I realised that she was on the phone to someone, however I couldn’t hear what she was saying.

After cleaning the remainder of the make up from my face I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. Although I was supposedly in boy mode the face that looked back at me told me otherwise. I still had the stud and hooped earrings in my ears. My hair was a frizzy mass and my eyebrows were femininely arched. My eyelashes appeared bigger even though I thought I had done a good job in cleaning the mascara from them.

I realised for the very first time that my complexion was flawless and my face was smooth to touch. I thought of other boys shaving and wondered why I hadn’t started yet.
I was so confused and worried.

I walked through to mum’s bedroom and looked in her full length mirror. I knew that to anyone who didn’t know me I would probably be considered pretty rather than handsome. I looked like a teenage girl wearing her brother’s clothes.

I was shaken from my thoughts by mum touching my shoulder “ God Joe. Look at your hair! I told you to keep it dry. It’s going to be a nightmare in the morning unless we do something with it tonight.” I looked at her puzzled.

“You have had a permanent Joe. Your hair needs to be rollered after it has got wet. We will now have to put it up in curlers, however we will leave it until Martin has left. I am sure you won’t want him to see you in your rollers.”

“ Martin? What are you on about mum? Is he here?”

“No Joe not yet “ mum nonchantly replied as she played with my damp hair “ I called him as I was concerned about you and wanted to make sure he had treated you well today"

"He is such a lovely young man. He has offered to get us both a Chinese takeaway as I told him you haven’t eaten" she gushed

“ No mum” I pleaded “ can’t you call him back and tell him your going to cook something”

“ No I’m not. It’s gone eight Joe. I’m not going to start cooking at this time. It’s not my fault. I thought you and Martin had eaten when you were out”

Despite my protestations mother refused to call Martin back and as we argued I looked through my bedroom window and saw him drive off to collect the takeaway food.

“ Mum please I can’t let Martin see me like this” I pleaded

“ Like what? You look ok to me Joe” she teased knowing exactly what I meant.

“My hair looks a mess. I still have earrings in and my nails are still varnished,” I argued

“ So what. Do you think Martin doesn’t know that the pretty girl he took out earlier today is in fact you Joe?” She dismissed me.

“He likes you Joe. Haven’t you realised that yet? ” Mum added.

Before I could reply mum continued “Come on lets do something with your hair and how you are dressed before Martin gets back with the food. Please try to look nice for him as a thank you for today. Will you do that for me honey?"

I didn't have the energy to argue any more and over the next 15 minutes or so I followed mums instructions.

She had me put on a pair of white satin knickers and a matching lacy bra. She had me put on some flesh coloured sheer tights and for outerwear I found myself wearing a pair of her tight jeans and a black and pink flower patterned flouncy sleeved satin camisole top.

The camisole top did little to hide the thin straps of the white bra I wore underneath.

Mum applied a little mascara to my eyelashes and lipgloss to my lips before spraying me in some perfume before setting about my hair with a brush and curling tongs.

When she was finished my hair was pulled up into a tight high ponytail held with a scrunchie, which she decorated with a wide pink satin ribbon tied into a big bow.

Mum had me put on four thin gold bangles on my wrist and a long dangly gold necklace around my neck. We were just finishing off as there was a knock at the front door.

I froze as mum told me “Go and let Martin in Joe. The food will be getting cold”

I walked down the hallway towards the front door feeling the cold wood floor through the hosed soles of my feet and a shiver went down my spine as I partially opened the front door to see Martin standing there looking sheepish. At the same time I thought he looked scrummy. Scrummy! What the hell was happening to me?

I seemed to have lost my voice and motioned for him to come in from the cold as I thought back to how I had treated him and embarrassed myself when parting from him earlier

“ Hiya. Come in” I croaked whilst opening the door wider

I could feel him looking me up and down as I shyly looked back at him whilst pulling back up a stray bra strap that had fallen down my arm to above my elbow

“ Thanks Joe” he cheekily grinned back

Where was this all leading too I thought as Martin followed me through to the kitchen. What is wrong with me I thought? I was acting like a schoolgirl with a crush on an older man and the thought made me blush for probably the hundredth time that day

End of Chapter 14 - More to follow shortly

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