Mum's Encouragement Chapter 15 - 16

Chapter 15

Martin followed me through to the kitchen where mum was warming some plates

“Hi Martin love, how much do I owe you for the food?” She asked

“No problem Mrs M. It's ok, I should be thanking you for letting me take Joe out today” Martin replied

I stood in the middle of the kitchen listening to them chat not knowing what to do when mum looked to me

“Joe go and set the table whilst I dish up the food. There’s a good girl. Erm sorry boy” she corrected herself smiling

“I will give you a hand Joe,” offered Martin which made mum smile even more

As we were setting the table Martin complimented me

“Your hair looks really pretty in a ponytail and that ribbon. You look really cute. Would you come”

Before Martin had a chance to finish his sentence mum came in and berated me “Joe where are your manners? Ask Martin whether he wants a drink”

“Erm yes, eh sorry Martin do you want a drink,” I managed to choke whilst getting flustered at mum’s criticism

“Have you got a beer please Joe” Martin asked giving me a big smile

“Eh I guess so. Mum have we got beer?” I asked

"Yes under the stairs" Mum responded obviously annoyed at my apparent lack of manners

After getting Martin his beer and myself and mum a glass of water we all sat down to eat. Although I thought I was hungry I just pushed my food around my plate without eating too much as my mind was really preoccupied.

I was trying to figure out what my feelings were for Martin. I had previously thought of him as a type of big brother however after today's events I was thinking he meant more than that to me however I didn’t know how.

After dinner mum announced that she was going to have a shower and she told me to get Martin another beer and asked me to wash up the dishes.

Mum told Martin to go and make himself comfortable in the lounge whilst I got him his beer. Crikey I thought to myself “Guys do have it easier. I never realised”

I thought Martin was sitting in the lounge enjoying his beer as I started washing the dishes at the sink. I was shocked however when Martin surprised me by creeping up behind me and gently placing his hands on my shoulders before softly kissing me on the nape of my neck

“MARTIN — what are you doing” I squealed in shock turning around whilst grabbing the tea towel to dry my hands

“Sorry Joe" Martin grinned "Its just I really like you and well you turn me on”

"MARTIN" I screamed as quietly I could without alerting mum "I am a guy if you haven’t noticed” I screeched annoyed

‘You don’t look much like a guy at the moment Joe” he teased

“Well I am and don’t you forget it idiot” I protested whilst pushing him in the chest. In doing so I again had to push a blasted loose bra strap that had slipped down to my elbow back on to my shoulder. This made Martin grin even more

“Sorry Joe. It’s just you look so sexy in those tight jeans and lovely top. I really fancy you. Will you go out with me?” He asked

“What? No of course I can’t” I protested in a whiney high-pitched voice

“Joe please think about it” he pleaded whilst still grinning broadly “ I tell you what why don’t we go to the cinema tomorrow night. You can go as Joe if you like. It’s just that I love your company”

He kept on about the cinema as I turned my back to him to finish off the washing up. To shut him up I eventually said I would think about it.

After getting the response he wanted Martin happily picked up a tea towel and started drying up and stacking the dishes. He chatted away excitedly whilst I hardly said a word

When we had finished, I asked him whether he was going home as it was now getting late

“How about a coffee” he asked cheekily

“Ok one coffee then you have to go. Go and sit down in the lounge” I ordered him in a silly girly voice.

He grinned as he did as he was told

After making us both a mug of coffee I took them through to the lounge and sat on the other settee from the one that Martin was sitting on

“playing hard to get?” He teased as I felt myself blush

As I sat on the edge of the sofa and started sipping my coffee Martin got up and sat down right next to me just as mum came in the room

“How are you kids getting on?” She smiled whilst winking discreetly at me.

I cringed at mum’s question as Martin put his arm around me and started stroking my bare arm with his fingers, which gave me goosebumps

“Fine Mrs M. Joe has just agreed to go to the cinema with me tomorrow night haven’t you Joe?”

As I squirmed and tried to push Martin’s hand away and was about to reply as mum interjected “Oh that’s lovely isn’t it Joe. Isn’t he sweet honey”

‘Oh yeah mother isn’t he just” I mumbled whilst wanting to cry

I got up to make mum a coffee glad to get away from Martin’s prying hands. After about 10 minutes when he had finished his coffee Martin announced “ oh well I guess I better be going as I have an early start in the morning”

He got up and walked towards the front door

I remained in my seat as mum spoke” Jo where are your manners girl? Go see Martin out”

GIRL! UGH I inwardly screamed, however for some reason I did as I was told and joined Martin in the hallway. I closed the hallway door behind me so mum couldn't hear me before I spoke to Martin

“I haven’t agreed to go to the cinema tomorrow night and another thing I..”

Before I had a chance to finish putting Martin in his place he put his arms around my waist and pulled me into him and planted a big kiss on my lips.

As our lips released after a coupe of seconds I stood there stunned whilst staring into his eyes as he again kissed me passionately. This time I melted into his arms and put my hand around his neck and pulled him into me. We continued kissing as Martin groped the cheeks of my jean covered bottom and rubbed up so tightly against me that I could feel his growing manhood against my tummy.

Martin started kissing me all over and when he reached my neck he gave me a love bite, which I found very erotic. He caressed my back through my satin camisole and was feeling for my bra straps when my mum interrupted us

‘’ Ahem. Joanne I think you had better let Martin go home now. It’s late and although you haven’t got work tomorrow young lady, Martin has” she angrily exclaimed

“Ugh yes sorry Martin” I embarrassingly replied whilst straightening out my silky camisole top and adjusting my bra straps.

Martin gave me one last peck on the cheek before sheepishly smiling at mum saying “sorry Mrs M. Goodnight Joanne”

The door had hardly closed when mum went into a tirade reminding me that I had only just turned 18 and Martin was nearly 20 and that I shouldn’t be behaving like a common tart.

She noticed the love bite on my neck and screamed in rage “oh I can imagine Mrs Benson is going to just love seeing that on your neck you stupid girl”

Before she could continue with her rant, I burst into tears and ran up the stairs into my bedroom slamming the door behind me.

I collapsed onto my bed and sobbed my heart out. I was so confused. I was falling for Martin like a love smitten teenage girl however I of course wasn’t a girl.

I think I had been sobbing on my bed for about 15 minutes when mum came into my room. She was still angry

“ Look at the state of you. Your mascara is all over your face and your lipstick is smeared. Go and wash your face and get into your nightclothes then come back here,” she ordered me whilst handing me the nightie and robe I had worn the night before

I took the silky garments as I dare not challenge her and went and washed my face using cream to remove any remnants of make up.

I slipped out of the camisole top, jeans, tights and bra keeping my knickers on before putting on the lacy nightdress and matching robe

On returning to my room mum ordered me to join her in her bedroom, as we had to sort out my hair.

‘Mum I don’t want to dress as a girl anymore. It’s not right,” I cried out as I walked into her room

“Oh do shut up you silly little girl. Just look at you,” she shouted as she sat me down in front of her vanity mirror “Do you see a boy in the mirror? Would a boy allow another boy to kiss him and give him a love bite? You have to accept it, you are often mistaken for a girl because you look and carry on like one Joanne ”

“But mum” I tried to cut in shocked how easily she used the name Joanne

“No buts. If you want to carry on like a girl then you need to behave like a proper young lady not some cheap whore"

Her face was bright red as she continued berating me "I am not having any child of mine behave as you did in the hallway. You are only 18 for pity's sake.

"Now shut up whilst I roller your hair. We will talk about this further in the morning when we have both had a chance to sleep on what you have done"

What I have done? I thought to myself annoyed at her comments. I knew better however than to answer her back

"You can have a lie in and then you can help me with the food shopping and some Christmas shopping"

I knew better than to argue with my mother when she was in this type of mood and sat at the vanity quietly sobbing whilst she undid the ribbon in my hair and pulled out my scrunchie before starting to tightly roller my hair in small curlers

‘Oh do stop crying. You are not nine years old" she tutted to herself

When she had finished my head was full of small curlers, which she covered with a black hairnet.

“That’s better. Your hair should look fine tomorrow” she exclaimed admiring her work

“Look I’m sorry Joe it's just that I am not used to having a teenage daughter around and when I saw you and Martin making out in the hallway well, well I just flipped. You are still a baby to me and have so much to learn. Your much too young to know what men can be like Joe?” She calmly spoke as she crouched down and took me in her arms and gave me a big cuddle

She soothingly rubbed my silk covered back “I am so sorry Joe for reacting as I did. I love you so much and don’t want you to get hurt honey,”

Mum eventually released my weary body and kissed me gently on the forehead “Now come on then my little bunny, bedtime”

Mum tucked me in to bed that night and before turning off the light said

“We will have to get you something nice to wear for your date with Martin. Perhaps a pretty dress or nice skirt and blouse. Sweet dreams honey”

As I lay there in the dark with the nightie embracing me I took in mums parting comments. I found it difficult to sleep that night what with the rollers digging in my head and with the events of the day in my thoughts however just before I eventually fell to sleep I worried that I may have feelings for the boy next door!

Chapter 16

I woke the next morning to rain lashing against my bedroom window. As I was struggling out of bed I felt the curlers and pins securing them in my hair and a dull pain in my right earlobe. I had been lying on the pin of one of my earrings and it had made an indent on my lobe. Ugh the joys of being a girl I inwardly groaned

I looked at the bedside clock and it read 9.42am. Crikey I had slept well despite the curlers and earring.

The house was silent as I made my way to the bathroom, the lace edged satin nightdress I wore flipping about my knees

Walking down the hall landing I stopped to look at my reflection in the mirror. I looked quite a fright what with the hair curlers and my sleepy eyes. There was however no doubting that it appeared a girl was staring back at me in her pretty purple nightdress. She had a shapely figure and slim legs.

I came to my senses “God that’s you, you idiot. What am I thinking this has got to stop” I screamed out aloud

Expecting mum to come running at my noisy outburst, I was surprised that the house stayed silent. Where is mum I thought?

With my mind in turmoil I decided I could no longer be open to ridicule and started pulling at the hairpins that held the curlers in my hair. After a few minutes I had removed all of the curlers and pins and my hair was left in a mass of unruly curls. As I picked up the curlers and pins from the floor my hair kept falling into my eyes. UGH!

In the bathroom I slipped of the nightdress and knickers and despite mums instructions, as a protest I again jumped in the shower without covering my hair.

As the hot water pounded down on me I used soap to remove the feminine smells that clinged to my body from the previous day. I scrubbed at my face to remove all traces of make up and more than once caught the large hoop earrings in my ears, which bought tears to my eyes.

I would have to get the earrings out however mums words stopped me from doing so. She had said yesterday that my ears would go septic without proper care and regular turning of the posts. I decided to leave them in for now and would ask mum to take them out later.

As I dried myself with a big towel and dried my hair I decided I would get it cut later that day as it was now too long and unmanageable what with the curls.

In my bedroom I pulled on my normal boys wear of pants, jeans and a tee shirt and went to mums bedroom to try and tackle my hair. By now my hair was drying into kinky curls, which despite my efforts made me look even more girly. “Why didn’t I listen to mum?” I thought

As I was pulling mums hairbrush through my hair trying to straighten my curls the phone starting ringing.

“Mum can you get that” I shouted and was surprised when there was no reply

“Where is she?” I thought. I didn’t have long to wait to find out

Running down the stairs to the phone I answered slightly breathless


“Oh hi honey” mum replied “ your up then?” Parents do say the most stupid of things at time

“What do you think mother. Where are you?”

“Your Nan is in hospital. She has being having chest pains and the doctors are checking her out now. I’m here with Auntie Heather”. Aunt Heather was mum’s older sister

“Auntie Heather called me and I need to stay here to see what’s wrong with Nana. Are you ok?” She asked

“ Yes mum although I want to get my hair cut. I have just had a shower and my hairs gone all kinky an..

Before I could continue mum interrupted “What did I tell you about getting your hair wet? Why don’t you ever listen to me Joe? Well unfortunately you will have to put up with kinky hair until I find out how my mum is”

Mum's words made me fell terribly guilty at that moment. I bought things into perspective, me worrying about my hair when my Nan was lying ill in hospital

“Sorry mum. Don’t worry I will sort my hair out. Give my love to Nan”

“I will honey. Anyway what are you going to do today? I doubt you will want to go out with frizzy hair?” Mum continued, “ I will call Auntie Julia and ask her to pop around and try to do something with your hair”

Before I had a chance to respond to mums suggestion she carried on speaking

“Anyway I better go as the Doctor is speaking to Auntie Heather, bye love”

That was a typical conversation with my mum on the phone. She often forgot that a telephone conversation involved two people

I decided to leave my hair. I wasn’t intending to go anywhere anyway although I had thought yesterday that I might start my Christmas shopping. Oh well that can wait.

As I was making myself some toast there was a knock at the door. I panicked, as I didn’t want anyone to see my hair like this. I peered though the lounge window to the front door and saw aunt Julia standing there with a little baby in her arms

“Joe let me in. I know you are in there. Quick it's cold and wet out here”

I opened the door staring at the baby before I even considered looking at Aunt Julia. I was brought to my senses by Aunt Julia’s laughter

“Oh my god look at your hair. You look like that guy out of Simply Red”

“Simply who?” I asked confused as Julia made her way past me into the kitchen

“Let’s see what we can do with that rats nest of yours,” she said thrusting the baby into my arms

“ This is little Emily. Emily is my younger sister’s daughter. Isn’t she so cute? I am looking after her for the day whilst her mum's out house hunting”

Emily glared at me as if to say who the hell are you

Julia instructed me to sit on a chair. In a daze I did as I was told and in doing so I put Emily on my knee bouncing her up and down gently. This seemed to please her as she smiled and giggled.

Julia beamed “She has taken to you Joe. Normally she is funny with strangers however it seems she likes you. You obviously have maternal instincts”

I let Julia’s comment pass as she started pulling my hair this way and that. I concentrated in holding Emily as she wriggled on my knee. I repositioned her in my lap and that seemed to make her happy

After a couple of minutes Julia exclaimed, “Short of re-curling it I think we need to straighten your hair out Joe"

"You will need to come next door with me so I can use my tongs" (this was before everyone had straighteners). "I don’t know where your mum keeps hers,” she gabbled away as she motioned for me to get up and follow her.

She took hold off Emily whilst I locked up and Emily responded by bursting into tears and ear piercing screams

“Oh my god she has taken to you Joe” Julia laughed whilst thrusting Emily back into my arms, after I had locked up.

We darted next door to escape the wind and rain as I held Emily tight to my chest

As soon as Emily was back in my arms, she more or less stopped crying and screaming. By the time we entered Julia's warm home she had stopped crying and was actually smiling

“ Oh my god you have a natural talent Joe. She really likes you” Julia gushed as Emily stared at me

I don’t know why but at that moment I had a warm feeling inside me knowing that something as cute as Emily had taken a liking to me

“How old is she Aunt Julia,” I asked

“Seven months Joe. She likes you a lot. I can tell”

Julia sat me down at a chair in her kitchen and again started on my hair. I played with Emily on my lap. She was so lovely and playful. I knew then that one day I wanted to have one of these little things

I was brought back to adult life when Julia started pulling her hot tongs through my hair making me wince when she pulled too hard.

The next 30 minutes or so flew by as I played with Emily and made small talk with Julia

Julia stood back and said, “That will have to do Joe. You will need a bit of hairspray otherwise it will all drop out. Put Emily on the floor whilst I spray some on your hair”

As I put Emily on the floor she again started sobbing

Julia laughed out loud “ Quick let’s spray your hair before we all get a headache” she joked

Julia covered my eyes with her spare hand whilst she sprayed the lacquer on my hair. Emily continued to sob as Julia took me to a full length mirror to view her handiwork

Although my hair was less curly it was still most definitely feminine and could in no way be mistaken for a boys haircut. One saving grace was that in styling my hair, Julia had managed to cover my stud earrings but not the hoop earrings.

As I looked in the mirror with Julia advising how my hair could be made to look less feminine we both decided we had to give up and return to the sobbing Emily as by now our voices could hardly be heard over Emily’s screams.

“I think she needs changing Joe. Want to help?” Julia asked as the smell of Emily’s dirty nappy finally hit my senses

“I don’t think so” I embarrassingly replied shying away

“Oh go on she will like you changing her. You may as well get some practice in before you have your own babies” Julia nudged me

There followed a lesson on how to change a baby’s nappy. I was surprised to find out that I really enjoyed it despite the horrid smell. Emily seemed pleased with my efforts as she stopped sobbing.

Afterwards we went into the lounge and I placed Emily on the carpet and played with her as Julia made coffee. I was really enjoying myself fussing over a baby.

When returning with the coffee Julia asked “Joe do you want to come with me and Emily to the shops? I have a few things to do and a few things to return to Marks and Spencer’s. I don’t think I will get anything done without you tagging along as Emily has really taken to you”

“No thanks Aunt Julia” I tried to excuse myself, “I also have a few things I need to do today”

Despite Julia trying to persuade me otherwise I stood my ground and politely declined joining them at the shops.

As we drunk our coffee's we both continued played with Emily and her toys. Although I really wanted to spend more time with Emily I didn’t want to be seen out with my hair in its obvious girly state.

I shook a little teddy in front of Emily as Julia asked me about my date with Martin and whether I was going to go to the cinema with him later that evening. I told Julia that I wouldn’t be going and that although I liked Martin it was as Joe and not Lucy.

Julia gently touched my arm, “That’s a pity Lucy. You would make a great Daughter in law”

Even I thought that funny and giggled “Never mind. I’m sure that in time Martin will find you a lovely daughter in law”

“Yes but not as pretty and caring as you” she responded whilst pushing a stray tendril away from my face as I tickled Emily under the chin

I spent a good couple of hours with Julia and Emily and after feeling like I was outstaying my welcome I made my excuses and went to leave.

As I walked to the front door Emily started sobbing in which was heartbreaking especially when she held her breath for what seemed like an age before screaming again.

Despite trying to make my escape I found myself feeling guilty that I was leaving Emily in such a distressed state.

I don’t know what came over me as I looked at poor little Emily and told Julia

‘I will come with you Aunt Julia however I will stay in the car with Emily whilst you are shopping. Let me go and get my coat. I will be back soon”

As I made to open the door Julia intercepted me

“You are such an angel Joe. Let me find you a coat to wear. I have one that has a hood. It will cover your hair. It’s raining out there and your hair will go all frizzy again without you covering it up”

I was happy with Julia's suggestion as my head would be covered and my hair wouldn't be noticeable.

I returned to heartbroken Emily and picked her up of the floor as she held her little arms out to me. I soothed her as Aunt Julia went to get the coats

On her return I noticed Julia was also carrying a salmon coloured sweater, which was obviously a woman’s sweater

“Here put this on carefully over your hair. It’s too cold for you to be just wearing just a tee shirt today. No one will see it under your coat”

It seemed like Julia had answers for everything. I quickly handed Emily to Julia and carefully pulled the tight sweater over my head and looked at myself in a mirror above the fireplace.

The sweater appeared to be made of wool or similar and was not that thick. It was cowl necked, tight fitting and had an intricate open knit pattern on the shoulders that exposed my tea shirt underneath somewhat. The long sleeves although tight on my arms flared out at my wrists

“Haven’t you got anything less girly Aunt Julia?” I asked hopefully

“It looks lovely on you Joe. It won’t be seen under this coat” she exclaimed whilst handing me a black thigh length puffa jacket. The winter jacket had wide bands of faux black fur on the sleeves and around the collar and on the edge of hood of the jacket.

I buttoned the jacket up to my neck and in doing so realised I thankfully couldn't see the feminine sweater underneath, however even with the hood covering my hair I thought I looked slightly too girly for my liking.

My skinny jeans poked out from under the thigh length jacket, which seemed to show of my thin legs to maximum effect.

“You look great sweetheart she hugged me. Let’s get Emily ready now,” Julia beamed whilst lovingly kissing Emily on the forehead

I bought my hand up to my face to sweep away a stray hair when I noticed my varnished fingernails “Aunt Julia what am I supposed to do with these?” I asked throwing my hands in the air

Julia laughed, “They look fine to me Lucy”

Ughhhhhhhhhhh. Why do I get myself into these predicaments? I embarrassingly thought to myself

End of chapter 16 - More chapters to follow shortly

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