Mum's Encouragement Chapter 19

Mums Encouragement Chapter 19

After mum hung up I thought I would have a quick lie on my bed to collect my thoughts as I believed I had plenty of time before I would have to call Aunt Julia and ask for her help.

How I don't know but as soon as my head hit the pillow I drifted off into a deep sleep and only woke up to the sound of the front door bell and someone banging on the front door.

It was dark outside and as I awoke I initially thought it was the middle of the night and was worried at who could be knocking on our door at that time.

"Mum whose that at the door," I shouted towards my mums bedroom expecting her to come running

After a few seconds I glanced at my bedside clock and realised it was actually 4.40pm and not 4.40am. I quickly pulled myself up from my bed and ran downstairs to see who was making such a noise.

Aunt Julia barged through the door as I opened it "Joanne what have you been doing? Your mum has just rang me and said she had spoken to you earlier and she said you was supposed to call me so I can get you ready to visit your Nan in hospital"

"On my god. We haven't got much time left now so lets get a shift on," Julia ranted on at me as she continued through into the living room whilst carrying some clothes over her arm.

In a daze I shut the front door and joined Julia in the lounge "Aunt Julia I can't see my Nan and Auntie Heather dressed like this." I motioned to my face and hair.

"No of course you can't," Julia smiled and in doing so she raised my hopes of not having to visit the hospital.

"We obviously need to sort your make up and hair out don't we. You have got bed hair and your make up needs sorting Joanne."

So much for a respite I thought as my hopes were instantly dashed.

"Come on let's start with cleaning your make up from your face and redoing it. I will then do your hair love. Before we start lets get you into your dressing gown so you don't mess up your hair when taking off your jumper later." Julia continued talking whilst pulling the jumper over my head leaving me exposed in just my bra.

"My BRA!!" Was I losing the plot?

Over the next 15 minutes or so Julia had helped me into the satin underwear she had brought with her, which included a pretty lavender underwired bra. The bra had white lace trim on the cups and a little bow that nestled where a girl's cleavage should be. Matching satin lavender knickers were added together with a pair of light tan sheer tights.

Julia finished of my underwear by slipping a flimsy full slip down over my head before adjusting the bra and slip straps and filling the bra out
with water filled balloons in each cup therefore giving me a cleavage becoming a teenage girl

"Jo you have a great figure hon. You would look good in a sack," Julia gushed as she fussed with the lacy hem of the light purple slip.

Just what I wanted to hear I thought. "Thanks Aunt Julia. Just what a teenage boy wants to hear," I protested.

"Oh don't be such a ninny. Learn how to take a compliment young lady. You will be getting a lot more of them as you grow up so take them graciously when given," Julia replied grumpily

I sighed and wondered why she was so grouchy. It must be her time of the month if women still have them at her age!

Julia held out Mums silk dressing gown for me to put my arms into and when on it embarrassingly floated femininely over my undies.

Aunt Julia tied a big flouncy bow in the front of the gown before hugging me and then forcibly pushed me down on a stool in front of mums vanity
table mirror. " Let's get your make up off and redo it."

Julia started removing the little make up I had on with make up remover wipes and when she finished she started making me up again starting with a concealer and a foundation, which she said closely, matched my natural colouring.

After finishing the foundation Julia took a break from my make up and started winding my hair onto the smallest of curlers " I think we will go
for a really pretty hairdo hon. Your Nan should see you at your prettiest"

I groaned however Julia took no notice as she continued putting curlers in my hair. I winced on a couple of occasions when she accidentally stabbed my head with hairpins.

"Ouch Aunt Julia. That hurt and the curlers are too tight," I cried out after she had stabbed me for a third time.

"Oh you little baby. All in the name of beauty Joanne so less of your moaning my girl."

As Julia continued her hair torture I became more and more depressed with the events of the last few days and was thinking about Martin and wondered what would happen to us both. Did we have a future as a boyfriend and girlfriend? Oh my god what was I thinking?

After a while Aunt Julia shook me from my thoughts

"Joanne, Jo. Are you listening to me? I said let's see if you can manage to wear these lovely shoes of mine." She gestured to my feet.

As I looked down I saw a pair of shiny black leather strappy shoes with incredibly high heels ready to be stepped into

"I can't wear those. I won't be able to walk," I moaned as Julia motioned for me to sit on the vanity stool

"Oh don't be such a baby Jo. There only four-inch heels. You are seventeen honey. When I was your age I was wearing heels a lot higher than these." Julia reminisced whilst placing one of my hosed feet into the first shoe.

My foot snuggled tightly into the shoe before Julia buckled up the two thin intricate straps across the bridge of my foot. Julia then repeated the exercise on my second foot before asking me to stand and try to walk in the shoes.

I struggled to keep my balance as I stood up and then at Julia's request I walked up and down my mother's bedroom trying to stop myself from falling flat on my face.

"See you are doing fine JoJo. In no time you will have them mastered," Julia gushed.

I felt myself blush as Julia called me JoJo.

"Right let's finish your face before you get your clothes on," Julia beckoned me back to the stool.

After another 20 minutes or so Julia had finished applying a mixture of purples, pinks and light blues on my eyelids and a hint of mauve/pink shadow just beneath my lower eyelashes. She had also blended in charcoal eyeliner on my upper and lower eyelids, which accentuated my eyes.

Julia pulled out a couple of errant eyebrows out.

"Oh don't do that Aunt Julia. My eyebrows need to grow back. Stop plucking them," I gently pushed her away in pain and fear.

"Oh you youngsters today. What I wouldn't give to have such shapely eyebrows as you Jo," Julia tutted whilst continuing.

"You can have them," I sulkingly replied as Julia then started penciling my eyebrows in again. How stupid is that I thought.

After battling with me over my eyebrows, Julia applied two coats of dark black mascara to my upper and lower lashes. After she had finished I
could feel the weight of the mascara on my lashes.

Julia then swept a light pink blusher across my cheeks, forehead and either side of my nose and finished off by applying lip liner, lipstick
and lip-gloss to my lips in a muted pink colour.

"So what do you think honey. Am I a marvel or what?" Julia praised herself whilst turning me to the mirror.

"Bloody hell is that me?" I stupidly exclaimed.

"It certainly is and don't swear. It's not clever for girls your age to wear Joanne. I think it's bad enough that Martin swears without you joining him," Julia told me off as again went red

"Your so cute when you blush Jo. If only Martin could see you now in your pretty underwear and cute dressing gown with your face beautifully made up. I think he would be blushing too," Julia teased.

"Oh don't say that Aunt Julia." I protested whilst looking down embarrassed fingering the silk bow of the dressing gown.

"Sorry Jo. Its just your growing up so lovely" Julia apologised.

"Let's get you dressed" She held up some clothes in front of me "You can wear this skirt and blouse. I think they will look really good on you."

Julia was holding a lavender coloured chiffon/crepe de chine camisole blouse with flouncy sleeves that I guessed would just about reach my elbows.

The blouse looked fairly plain however once Julia had carefully guided it over my curler covered head and onto my body it looked very feminine on me. Julia secured a single pearl button at the nape of my neck and the blouse loosely draped across my shoulders and upper body.

The blouse was very light. I felt like I wasn't wearing anything

Julia then asked me to step into a dark purple pencil skirt that had a single kick pleat at the back. The skirt was very tight fitting and I thought it had been designed to just about permit the wearer to walk. I thought I would never be able to run in this if I needed too.

Once Julia has pulled up the rear zip and secured the single button fastening of the skirt she proceeded to pull the camisole blouse and slip down through under my skirt to ensure that they both hung well.

"I have this great belt that will look great with the skirt and blouse," Julia pronounced whilst wrapping my waist in a fairly wide black and gold belt. She tightened the belt securely and in doing so accentuated my waist to its maximum.

At that moment I appreciated the lengths women went to look attractive

"Crikey Auntie Julia. I can hardly breathe," I cried.

"Oh stop with your moaning. You look great honey. Walk over to the large mirror and see for yourself." Julia giggled whilst grabbing my hand and pulling me over to stand in front of mums full length mirror on the back of her bedroom door.

My steps were severely limited due to the very tight pencil skirt and high heels I was wearing. Being lead by the hand by I felt truly defenseless and wondered whether this was how girls sometimes thought

When I looked in the mirror I was shocked by my reflection. A pretty young girl with tight curlers in her hair and an astonished look on her face stared back. I looked myself up and down a few times taking in my pretty hosed defined legs which ended in stylish patent leather shoes that really highlighted my small ankles.

The hem of the skirt rested just on my knees and flared out a little at the however the rest of the skirt from the waist to my knees accentuated my figure and seemed to make my bum look much bigger.

My waist tapered in under the belt and although it was painful to wear the belt this tight it certainly gave me a great figure.

My upper body was covered in the silky lavender camisole blouse that did little to hide the lace cups of my bra and silky bodice of my slip. The straps of both the bra and slip were evident to anyone looking closely enough.

"You are so pretty Joanne. Your Nan will be so proud of her granddaughter" Julia praised me "You are so brave and unbelievably natural honey."

I grimaced at Julia's words and just continued to stare at my reflection in the mirror.

"Come on babe. Time is marching on. We need to get your hair sorted before Uncle David drops you off down the hospital. We don't want to keep your mum waiting now do we," Julia rambled on whilst I tried to come to terms with my appearance.

As Julia started unwrapping the curlers from my hair I realised what she had said

"Uncle David's taking me to the hospital?, Can't you or Martin take me Auntie Julia? Uncle David hasn't seen me and he will have a fit when he does. He will think I am a weirdo," I cried.

"Of course he won't you silly thing. I have told David all about your situation and the last few days and he is looking forward to meeting the new you."

Oh please Aunt Julia. Uncle David can't see me like this. Why can't you take me?" I continued protesting whilst gesturing to the way I looked.

"Don't be silly. I will have to get on with Uncle David's dinner whilst he drops you off. As I have been helping you get ready I haven't been able to prepare anything and David has been at work all day and deserves a nice hot meal. You will understand that one day my girl," Julia answered with anger in her voice.

Despite being near to tears I knew I would achieve nothing by continuing to argue, as Julia was obviously annoyed at my apparent ungratefulness.

"Sorry Auntie Julia," I said trying to keep the peace.

Julia smiled and when she had removed the last curler she started to brush out my curly hair. I thought she had calmed down although I did think she was a little rough in styling my hair.

"Ouch," I moaned under my breath so as not to antagonize her further whilst on the verge of tears

Julia finally finished styling my hair and looking in the mirror I saw a very feminine style that was curly all over which curled under at my neck into a little bob. Julia slid a white tortoiseshell hair slide above each of my ears, which pulled my hair tightly back at the temples and then combed some bangs across my forehead before dowsing my hair in strong hold hairspray.

"Well what to you think Jo? Am I a genius or what?" she proclaimed looking for praise.

I didn't want to upset Julia further by moaning about my very feminine hairdo so simply responded, "Yes it looks great."

"She of little words," Julia teased. "Right let's sort out your jewellery hon."

Julia put rather large gold hoop earrings in my bottom ear piercings, which pulled my lobes down somewhat. She then attached small glittery purple heart studs in my upper piercings. The large hoop earrings danced around my neck as I moved and really hurt as they pulled on my ears.

Julia continued with her by putting a dainty watch on my left wrist and a number of gold bangles on my right wrist. She secured a gold heart necklace around my neck that sat on top of my silky camisole blouse. The heart resting in my apparent cleavage.

I thought Julia had finished however she started routing through mums jewellery box until she found three rings that she placed on fingers on both hands.

"Oh god," she screamed.

"What's the matter?" I asked nervously.

"We need to do your nails. We have gone to all of this effort and I have forgotten to polish your fingernails."

Julia had me again sit down at mums vanity table whilst she applied two coats of a pearly pink nail varnish to my fingernails. As she was doing so we managed to strike up a conversation about little Emily and Martin

Unbeknown to me I smiled when Julia mentioned their names and Julia had great pleasure in pointing this out to me, which resulted in my already coloured cheeks blushing even further

"Don't tease Auntie Julia. I just like being with them both" I protested whilst gushing about how lovely Emily was.

"Well god willing hopefully one day you and Martin will have your own children just like little Emily. You will be a great mother Joanne. I could see that today when you were looking after her. Not many girls your age have that maternal instinct."

I grimaced at Julia's words however didn't respond as she finished coating my fingernails with a final coating of nail varnish.

"OK right don't smudge your nails. We are nearly done. Just a quick spray of some smellies." Julia pronounced as she sprayed a strong perfume on my wrists, neck and hair, which resulted in me smelling of scented flowers.

As Julia cleared up she asked me to go downstairs and put the kettle on as she told me she was gasping for a cup of tea.

I had real difficulty going down the stairs in the tight pencil skirt and high heels and had to hold onto the banister with one hand whilst pulling up the hem of my skirt with the other to enable me to descend the stairs sideways without ripping the skirt. In lifting the hem I exposed the lacy hem of my slip. Oh why was this happening to me I fretted.

I put the kettle on and started making the tea being careful not to smudge my drying nails when Julia joined me in the kitchen. Julia continued to fuss with me to make sure that my blouse and skirt hung properly.

As I finished making the tea Julia checked my tights to ensure that there were no runs in them. Just as I sat down on the edge of the kitchen stool smoothing my tight skirt beneath me ready to enjoy my tea the doorbell rang.

I looked at the white face of the small gold watch on my small wrist and saw that the time was just after 6pm.

"Joanne I reckon that must be your Uncle David at the door. Please go and let him in love," Julia instructed me.

End of Chapter 19

Happy new year everyone xx

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