Mum's Encouragement Chapter 20 - 21

Mums Encouragement Chapter 20

I put the kettle on and started making the tea as Julia joined me in the kitchen.

Julia continued to fuss with me to make sure that my blouse and skirt hung properly. She checked my tights to ensure that there were no runs in them and just as I sat down to enjoy my tea the doorbell rang

I looked at the white face of my small gold watch on my small wrist and saw that the time was 6pm.

"Joanne that must be your Uncle David. Go let him in" Julia instructed me

I felt the blood drain from my face as I took in what Julia was saying "but Aunt Julia I can't be seen like this by Uncle David"

"Oh you silly girl" Julia moaned as she got up to answer the door

Julia answered the front door and gave David a warm peck on the lips as she let him in.

David made his way through to the kitchen and saw me sitting precariously on the edge of the stall and with his eyes on stalks asked "Joe is that you"

"I think so Uncle David" I responded not being able to look him in the eyes

I had always respected Uncle David when growing up, as he was the father figure I had never had. There were plenty of times in the past where he had helped mum out with jobs that she couldn't do like repairs to the car and he like Aunt Julia was an ever present in mine and mums life.

"Well well well. Julia said that you looked a picture but I would never have guessed you would look as good as you do" he said whilst shaking his head in bewilderment

I remained silent as David continued to look me up and down whilst scratching his head in amazement

Julia broke the silence " you two had better get going. David darling can I ask you to please get me a few things from Tesco on your way back"

"God Julia I have just got in from work. Couldn't you have gone shopping today?" David protested whilst never taking his eyes of me

"Crikey David its not much to ask. I only want a few things. Jo can run in for them for you and you can park outside and wait"

As they argued I looked from one to the other feeling like I was in a bad dream. They eventually agreed between themselves that I would go and shop whilst David waited outside. I apparently didn't have a say in the matter

"Ok that's settled. Come on Jo, lets lock up and go next door and I will sort you out a coat and handbag," Julia ordered whilst pouring her hot coffee down the sink as David continued to gawp at me

I grabbed my house keys and followed David and Julia outside. As I was locking the front door I felt the cold wind ripple through my thin blouse and around my legs encased in the fine denier tights

Once in Julia's warm house she ran upstairs and quickly returned with a black handbag and a jacket

"Here you go sweetie. Put the coat on as it's going to be a cold one tonight. I have put a few things in your handbag," she said whilst handing me the black quilted jacket and black handbag, which had long gold chain straps

I had a quick peep in the handbag and noticed tampons, makeup, hairbrush, hair pins and a purse amongst other women's things

I turned away from David's still prying eyes and put the coat on and pulled the zip up to cover my blouse and what I felt to be my exposed breasts

As Julia wrote a list of things that she needed I stood nervously clutching the straps of the bag as it swayed around my skirted knees

"Here you go Joanne. Only a few things to get" Julia exclaimed whilst handing me a scrap of paper with her scribbled writing on

I looked down at the list and amongst the 8 or so items listed were two very feminine items - Bodyform Maxi sanitary towels and a can of extra hold hair spray

" I can't get these Aunt Julia," I moaned whilst pointing to the towels on the list

"Why ever not? There easy to find in the store" she then proceeded to tell me where they were in the store and what the packing looked like

" Make sure you get the Maxi pads dear as I need them. Don't be embarrassed Jo. Periods are one of the ways we women suffer for our sins," she chuckled which made David laugh too

I almost died as she instructed me as if it was the most normal thing in the world to ask a 17 year old boy to buy her sanitary pads for her "But Aunt Julia I can't" I started to whine

" Oh stop being silly. Here's £20.00, put it in your purse before you lose it. It should be enough for the shopping. You can keep what's left over sweetheart"

Gee thanks I thought to myself whilst putting the note in the purse as instructed. I noticed in doing so that there was already another £10.00 note and lots of change in the purse but didn't say anything as I clipped the purse shut and put it back in the handbag

"Do your bag up love otherwise you might lose your purse. You youngsters don't have the brains you were born with," she teased

"When you two have quite done jabbering can we get a move on," David moaned whilst making his way to the front door

"You going to be ok Joanne?" Julia asked without waiting for an answer "you warm enough babe? Give my love to your Nan and your Auntie Heather" Julia continued gassing as I followed David out of the house into the cold night air

I instinctively hung the handbag over my shoulder so it rested down my side and tried to hurry after David down the footpath only to realise that I could barely walk in my 4" heels and tight skirt

"Wait for her David" Julia shouted at her husband only for David to get in his BMW and slam the door "he's an ignorant pig" she exclaimed as she stood in the doorway

"Get a move on Jo. You will catch a cold otherwise and we don't want to keep Mr Grumpy waiting do we" she smiled

I managed a weak smile and opened the car door and carefully lowered my bum onto the car seat whilst swinging my hosed legs into the foot well. I was quite sure that David was having a good look at my legs - like father like son eh!

On shutting the door I put my seat belt on and put my sweaty hands in my skirted lap not knowing what to say to David as he drove off

After driving for what seemed like an eternity but was probably only a few minutes David broke the silence "why are you doing this Joe? It's not right," he said whilst gesturing to me

I didn't know what to say and started to get upset when David spoke again " oh don't give me the tears Joanne. You have been spending too much time with your Auntie Julia. That's her favourite trick when she isn't getting her own way. The water works! You women are all the same"

How I don't know however I somehow managed to compose myself, as I didn't want to go into the supermarket with mascara running down my face

David didn't say anymore as we drove to the store and in fact I think he softened at seeing me getting upset as I noticed he gave me a couple of weak smiles whilst looking across at me

I felt so small and insignificant at that point. My senses were working overtime as I smelt the hairspray in my hair, felt my bra straps on my shoulders and the bra enclose my chest, my skirt bind me and my strappy shoes make me feel like the epitome of femininity.

We eventually arrived at the Tesco store and David pulled up right outside in one of the collection bays

"Go one then. Go and get her stuff. Don't be long in there as I still need to drop you off at the hospital and I am starving. It's all right for you women shopping all day. Some of us have been to work," he snapped at me as I got out of the car as gracefully as I could in my tight skirt

Without thinking I straightened the pencil skirt before slamming the car door and walked into the store entrance. On entering I became aware of how bright it was within the store what with the fluorescent lights and just how busy it was with the evening shoppers

I grabbed a basket whilst precariously dangling my handbag over my shoulder and started walking the aisles only too aware of my loud high heeled shoes on the terrazzo flooring.

Oh my god. I wanted to get this over and done with so quickly and get out of there so at least one ordeal was over

I grabbed about 4 of Julia's items and as I turned the aisle into the feminine products aisle I was pleased to see that it was empty of shoppers. I eventually spotted the sanitary towels that Julia had told me she wanted however the lower shelves were empty only leaving the Maxi towels at a higher level.

I attempted to grab a box whilst stretching on the tips of my shoes and was just about to succeed in grabbing a pack when someone spoke behind me "here let me help you love" said a middle aged guy with his wife and young son in tow

"Eh thanks" I nervously responded as he handed me the box giving me a lovely smile

"Your welcome dear" he smiled as his wife stopped perusing the shelves for the towels that she no doubt needed for her periods and gave him a dirty look

I could just imagine what he was thinking as he glanced at the feminine box "heavy periods eh, bless her" I cringed as the thought went through my mind

Totally embarrassed I left the aisle and breathed a big sigh of relief as I tried to hide the towels with the bread and other produce in the basket. I had to undo my jacket as by now I was hot however I didn't want to take it off altogether as I didn't want to show off my flouncy blouse in its entirety

One more hurdle to go I thought as I approached the checkout. Find a checkout with an elderly woman behind it was my only thought, as I looked at the number of empty checkouts with bored staff awaiting their next customer

After weighing up my options and discounting tills with men and young girls manning the checkouts I found the aisle I wanted where a grey haired woman of about 60 sat staring into space.

As I loaded the goods onto the conveyor belt the elderly assistant spoke "Do you need any help packing miss?"

"Eh no thanks" I quickly responded

"Been at work today love?" she asked as she swiped the first of my items

"Eh sorry, eh yes, yes I have" I said without even thinking

"What do you do?" she asked being nosy

"Eh, erm I work at a hotel" I told her as I started packing the shopping in plastic bags

"Probably a better job than this" she moaned

I managed a forced smile however didn't respond as she swiped the sanitary towels "oh you have heavy ones as well do you love? I did before my hysterectomy. Good job men don't get periods otherwise the country would come to a standstill" she joked, as I stood there mortified and blushing by the second

"Oh your face has gone all hot love. You ok? You are too young to be having hot flushes. You want to sit down whilst I call for a supervisor to help you?" misses nosy enquired

I panicked "eh eh no, no I am fine. I just need to get home and kick off my heels and have a glass of wine" I smiled whilst really truly feeling unwell

"Sounds like a plan love. You do that. Let your boyfriend get the dinner on whilst you kick those pretty shoes off" she said whilst glancing over the conveyor belt at my shoes

"You know what? Like all us women the thing I most look forward to taking off when I get in is my bra. It's bliss taking it off after wearing it all day. Don't you agree love?

"Eh yeah guess so" I murmured back as I again forced a polite smile as I packed the last of my shopping and pulled my purse out of my bag to pay the nosy cow.

I thought to myself how could this day get any worse?

Mum's Encouragement Chapter 21

After I had finally completed bagging up Julia's shopping I politely said goodbye to Mrs Nosey and with a carrier plastic bag in each of my hands and with my handbag straps hanging off my shoulder I made my way to the exit, being careful not to lose my footing on the tiled floor in my unbelievably high heels.

As I got to the exit of the supermarket I saw that it was raining heavily and realised that my coat wasn't done up. I set my bags down and did up the zip of my coat, as I didn't want my flimsy blouse to become further transparent from the driving rain.

I stood there momentarily thinking I would wait until the rain eased up a little but realised that it looked like it was going to be in for the night. I thought I therefore had no other option other than to make a dash for David's car, which was about 50 metres away.

I pulled up the hood of my coat and in doing so caught one of my earrings. Oh the pain. I didn't want to make a scene and draw attention to myself so whilst quietly groaning at the pain in my ear I grabbed the shopping bags and ran

My dash for David's car wasn't exactly quick as I struggled with the tight skirt, shopping bags, handbag swinging at my shoulder and my lethal heels on the wet paving. I nearly slipped a couple of times over the short distance and was so embarrassed when I heard a young guy joke to his mate "look at that dozy mare in the porno heels. She is going to go arse over tit"

I didn't hear what his friend's response was however it was no doubt derogatory. I felt so vulnerable at that point and for the first time ever considered that in the eyes of some guys I was a second rate person who was only considered good for a shag.

On getting to David's car I tapped on the window of the front passenger door with my knuckles to get David's attention. No easy feat whilst still holding onto the shopping whilst the rain drove down saturating my hosed legs and shoes.

David lowered the electric window " well get in then" he gestured whilst pushing the door open and in doing so hitting my left knee

I struggled to open the door further and handed the carrier bags to David who unceremoniously dumped the wet bags on his back seat

"God, do you know how long you have been in there" he moaned as I struggled to put my seatbelt on over my coat

"It was busy in there Uncle David," I protested whilst unconsciously plucking my tights away from my damp legs to try to feel a little better about myself " I was as fast as I could be"

"Fast? Fast? Do me a favour" David angrily replied whilst driving off at a speed

I pulled my coat hood down and continued to fidget with my damp skirt and tights whilst we drove in silence

After a few minutes of silence I decided I would try and make conversation to try to lighten the mood "How is work Uncle David"

"Work? Bloody terrible" he angrily responded, "The new houses are taking an age to sell and to tip off a wonderful day I have had another bloody sales girl go sick"

David was a director of a small local homebuilder. He started to rant on how homes on a local development, that had just been finished were selling slowly. He let me know that two of the women who worked in the site sales suite were off sick with flu and one was on holiday on a cruise and he therefore had no one to cover the weekend

"Your Aunt Julia has agreed to cover Saturday and Sunday however I still need to find another person as she can't be on her own. She wouldn't be able to manage on her own. The weekends are the busiest days for viewings"

I knew that Julia often earned a little extra money by helping David out in times of holiday and sickness absence. That was when she wasn't already working part time at the Marks and Spencer's where Martin worked.

Me and my big mouth! Why did I bring up David's work? I thought the best thing to do was let David rant on whilst I sat in silence when he looked straight at me and asked, "Do you know anyone who can help out at the weekend Joe?"

"Eh no I don't Uncle David. What about Martin? Can he not help?" I asked

"No of course he can't. He is a guy and the sales girls need to be manned by women"

I found his response humorous and couldn't help but giggle

"What's do you find so bloody funny?" he shouted at me "I don't find it bloody funny"

"Eh sorry. I just thought th"

Before I could finish my sentence David spoke "What about you. Would you help me out? I will pay you"

"Err I can't. I am working Saturday" I answered somewhat relieved that I had a good excuse

"Well what about Sunday. I will pay you double time and cash in hand Joe" David almost pleaded whilst touching the arm of my damp jacket

"err err" was all I could think of to say

"Please Joe. You would really help me out and I would only then have to find someone to help Julia on Saturday" I sat there wondering what to say whilst David continued to put pressure on me

" Erm. I will think about it and let..." I tried to buy myself some time as David again cut me off

"GREAT. That's settled then. You can help Julia on Sunday. She can show you the ropes. Thanks Joanne, you are a real treasure" David beamed whilst lightly tapping my damp knee

I pulled my knees towards the car door as I felt David's hand on my hosed knee and feeling very uneasy I realised that David had called me Joanne for the first time. No doubt as I had half solved a problem he had.

"Your legs are soaking love" he exclaimed the obvious

"Err yes. About Sunday Uncle David I can't." Again I never had a chance to finish my sentence

"Don't worry love. Your Auntie Julia will show you what to do. She's a pro at sales and you never know you might be as good as her and get yourself a new career" David smiled

I didn't bother arguing anymore as David had obviously made his mind up and I decided that I would wriggle out of it later with Julia's help. I really didn't want to continue playing the female role and made my mind up there and then that as soon as I could get my hair cut, I would.

David's whole demeanor changed almost straight away and for the rest of the short journey to the hospital he was charming and didn't stop firing questions at me "So how are you getting on at the hotel? How are you and Martin getting on? Did you enjoy the football at the weekend? I hear you have an invite to Martin's best mates wedding" were a few of his many questions

I gave short responses to all of his questions including the one about Martin responding "yeah ok. He is a good sport and good friend"

"Just a friend? I think he thinks there's more to it than that. Are you going to be his date at the wedding next weekend love?" David put me on the spot

"Eh no I don't think so" was my short response

"Why's that? Thinking about helping your Uncle David out again at the development" he laughed

I cringed at David's probing questions and probably blushed, as I felt my self redden under his prying.

Eventually we arrived at the hospital and David pulled up as close to the entrance as he could

"I don't want our new sales girl getting any wetter and getting a cold do I" he joked as I thanked him for the lift "Seriously Joanne. I wasn't sure about all of this" he gestured towards me " however I think maybe your Auntie Julia is right"

Right? Right about what I thought to myself as I started to open the door

"Hold on a minute. Stay in the car" David shouted at me whilst he got out of the car

I sat there as instructed as David went to the car boot. On slamming it shut he came around to my side with an open umbrella and opened the door for me "Come on Jo. Quickly before you get any wetter"

As I tried to exit the car my tight skirt rode up my legs giving David a good peek at my slim legs right up to my thighs

"Eye eye" he joked "I am a bit old for you love, although you have made an old man very happy"

Without responding I blushed whilst pulling down the hem of my skirt whilst draping my handbag over my left shoulder and took the umbrella from David's offered hand

Without any warning David gently pulled me into him with his arm wrapped around my waist and gave me a light kiss on my cheek

"You are a really pretty little girl Joanne. If only I was 20 years younger," he teased whilst letting go of me as I hurriedly turned on my heels and walked in the direction of the hospital entrance

"Give my love to your mum and Nan" David shouted after me as I continued walking into the hospital through the driving rain

I didn't turn back as I was too embarrassed to do so and entered into the bright foyer. On lowering the umbrella I then noticed it was emblazoned in David's building companies logo.

I looked around for mum in the busy reception area and couldn't spot her anywhere. I looked at the small white face of my watch and noticed it was 7.05pm. I was supposed to have met her at 6.30pm. She wasn't going to be happy I thought as I wondered what to do.

Whilst thinking I looked around spotting some toilets and at that moment had the urge to have a wee. Out of habit I started for the men's toilets only to realise that I would get some funny looks going in there dressed as I was.

I therefore nervously entered the busy ladies toilets and had to queue until a cubicle became available. I proceeded to go through the major exercise that women have to face every day when doing something as simple as going for a wee.

Within two minutes I was sitting on the toilet relieving myself as one of hands held my skirt and slip up at my waist. I shivered as I looked at my other hand holding my knickers and tights at my knees and glanced up to my handbag and coat hanging of the cubicle door hook

After getting dressed and straightening myself out I collected my coat from the door hook and left the cubicle to find a number of women vying for the mirrors above the sinks. I managed to find a spot so I could view myself in the mirror.

The reflection in the mirror wasn't what I would class as " a really pretty little girl" thinking of David's words as I tried to pat my hair into some semblance of order. After getting my curly hair to behave to some degree I had a closer inspection of my face and without a second thought proceeded to touch up my foundation and lip-gloss.

After carrying out my ablutions I exited the toilet and again looked at my watch. It was now 7.16pm and I had spent 11 minutes in the loo. I thought to myself that I would never ever moan to my mum again about the time it took her in the toilets as I now had a greater better appreciation of what the fairer sex had to deal with.

I tugged at my skirt with both hands whilst my carrying my coat in the crook of my arm and dangling my bag across my shoulder. Women certainly had to be good at multi tasking I thought to myself.

I straightened one of my slip strap's that had worked itself from my shoulder and in doing so was now exposing itself beneath the sleeve of my frilly blouse as I wondered how I would find mum.

End of chapter 21

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