Mum's Encouragement Chapter 22

Mum's Encouragement Chapter 22

On looking around the large hospital reception I noticed a reception area where a middle aged woman in a uniform sat assisting people with their enquires.

I made my way over to the reception desk and stood behind an elderly gentleman who was asking about taxis.

When it was my turn the lady turned to me, smiled and said, "Can I help you?"

After explaining that I was looking for the ward that my Nan was on, she looked at her computer and advised that I needed Edmond's ward on the third floor

I thanked her and after about five minutes found the ward only to find the entrance door to the ward locked and an intercom that needed pressing to gain entry

I pressed the intercom and after saying who I was, I was allowed in however only got as far as a nurse's desk when I was again asked who I was visiting

I smiled nervously to the female nurse who looked like she was in charge

I explained who I was visiting as she studied me

"Oh right ok. I think your Nan already has two visitors and we do not allow any more than two at a bedside at any one time" she told me whilst walking off "Stay here and I will see what the situation is"

I watched her walk off in her ugly blue uniform as I stood by the nurse's station. After a few minutes I was starting to get anxious as I fidgeted with the straps of my bag that now dangled from my hands down to my feet. My shoes were now starting to hurt my feet and I was thinking how much I would love to take them off when I heard a recognisable voice

"I was starting to worry about you. Where have you been Jo" mum asked in a cross but relieved voice

As the head nurse looked on in a timid voice I responded " Sorry mum. I had to wait for a lift from Uncle David and then I had trouble finding you"

Mum looked me up and down, smiled and then told the nurse "This is my daughter Joanne. She is scatty as anything. Probably takes after me"

"You certainly look alike" the nurse responded with a smile before becoming serious in her tone "Only two can be at your Mothers bedside so I would ask that you take it in turns to see her. Your mother is very tired and we don't want to stress her out any further"

"Yes of course nurse. Jo can go in and see her Nan whilst I sit out here" Mum decided just as Aunt Heather came into view

"Joe. Is that you? Heather asked stunned

The nurse raised her eyebrow and seemed very interested in Heather's comment.

"My, my, how you have changed since I last saw you" She grabbed my hands and held them out horizontally at arms length to look at me and then all of a sudden she pulled me into her and gave me a big hug

"Last time I saw you, you were an unsure teenager. Look at you now all grown up and oh so pretty" Heather winked at me after covering her tracks with the on looking nurse

"Er thanks Auntie Heather. It's good to see you again" I blushed looking down at my feet as I nervously continued swinging my bag from side to side by its straps

In truth Heather had only seen me about six weeks before and I recall her telling me then that I should get my hair cut as it was too long for a boy. I wished I had taken notice of her

"I love your outfit love. Have you just finished work?" Heather said whilst taking in the clothes I wore

For want of a better answer I just answered " er yes. I didn't have time to change"

"Well you look very smart darling. Very professional" she gushed as she grabbed me by the hand and told mum that she was going to take me into see Nan.

Heather was still gushing over my appearance as she pulled me gently towards Nan's side room "Come on. Your Nan can't wait to see you" she said whilst giving my hand a reassuring squeeze " I can't get over how pretty you look Joe or is it now Joanne?

" Joe will do Auntie Heather" I responded whilst taking back my hand

" Whatever you want Jo" Heather said she opened the door to Nan's room and with her other hand on my back ushered me gently into the darkened room

I felt her hand touch the base of my bra through my thin blouse and shivered only to be brought to my senses by the scene of my grandmother lying poorly in a bed

Nan was hooked up to some machines that were occasionally beeping and as I took in everything I saw a small smile appear on Nan's face

I hung my still damp coat over a chair and put my bag on the same chair as I managed to croak "Hi Nan you look well"

I don't know, why but I tugged the hem of my skirt down to ensure it was straight and covering my slip as I walked to her bedside as Nan studied me

I couldn't help myself showing my true feelings and came over all emotional at the sight of my beloved granny lying in bed so obviously poorly. I fought to hold back my tears as I managed to ask, " How are you feeling?"

Nan offered me her right hand which I gently held as I kissed her gently on her cheek

"Oh could be better kid" she lovingly smiled, as she looked at me "What about you Joe? Quite a few changes since I last saw you youngster"

I was on the verge of bursting into tears "Yes I guess so Nan. It started as a dare. It's only a temporary thing. Don't you worry about me. I want to know how you are. Are you going to be all right? I felt a tear trickle down my cheek as my emotions overcame me

" Oh there, there" Nan pulled me into her for a hug " Don't get upset sweetheart. Your mascara is running" she chuckled " I am going to be fine. You know your old Nan. Just over doing it as usual"

Heather looked on as Nan spoke "Heather get Jo a tissue to repair her make up. We can't have you looking a mess now can we" Nan joked whilst obviously concerned about me

Heather dabbed my cheeks with a tissue and gently wiped under my eyes "Come on Jo let's be strong for your Nan. She doesn't like seeing you so upset" she tried to calm me down

I tried to smile however I hated seeing my lovely Nan in such a poorly state. I broke down again choking out the words" Are you going to be ok Nan? Promise me you will be. I love you so much, I..." I wasn't able to continue with my pleading as Heather wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a loving hug

"Oh bless you babe, Nan's going to be ok. Aren't you mum?" Heather asked her mum as she too started to get teary eyed

Nan managed a little smile and in a small voice said "Oh you two. You're as bad as each other"

"Look at you both blubbering" she giggled, "I am going to be just fine. Come on girls calm yourself down. Let's have a chat with the new addition to our family" Nan teased as she looked lovingly at me

Heather managed to compose herself however I continued to sob on Heather's shoulder as I looked at Nan in her bed. I was so worried at the thought of losing her. She was my world.

After small talk between the three of us for a few minutes I was still very upset and kept wiping tears from my cheeks when Heather announced

"Come on Jo. Let's use the bathroom to clean you up" Heather took me by the hand and led me into a small bathroom that served Nan's room

She whispered as she closed the door behind her

"Come on Mum doesn't want to see you this upset. It's upsetting her seeing you like this, especially as she can't get out of bed to give you a big hug" Heather tried to calm me down whilst she rubbed my back in soothing circles through my silky blouse.

After a couple of minutes I managed to calm down a little as Aunt Heather announced

"I never thought I would say this to my Nephew, but lets sort your eye make up out. You have ruined it Jo," she giggled, which made me chuckle and brighten a little

Heather got her handbag from Nan's room and upon returning told me to put the toilet seat down and sit on it. She cleaned up my eyes and cheeks before applying a small amount of eyeliner to my eyes and a little blusher to both of my cheeks

" That's so much better honey. I don't think we can risk using any mascara in case you start blubbering again," she teased as she finished off

" Er no Auntie Heather" I smiled seeing the funny side of her comment

I straightened my clothing by tucking my loose blouse into the waist of my skirt. I pushed a stray hair behind my ears as Heather watched me

"You are a natural Jo" she said whilst tapping my nylon covered knee " I always wondered what it would have been like to have a niece to spoil. Looks like I have one, if only for a short period of time" Heather joked as she pulled me up from the toilet seat

As I stood trying to get my balance on my high heels I worried more about Nan than Heather's comments and couldn't wait to leave the bathroom and rejoin Nan

I smiled lovingly at Nan as I went to her bedside and took hold of her hand "I love you Nana. Sorry for getting upset"

Nana! Where did that come from I thought to myself. I had never called her that. She was always Nan or Gran to me

She rubbed the back of my hand with her fingers and in a gentle voice said, "That's better Joe. I love you smile. It brightens up my day. So much better than those silly tears"

"Sorry Nana" I again apologised as I lay my head ever so gently on her chest

She stroked my hair and whispered to me " You are growing up so much little one. I remember you when you were a little baby tottering around learning to walk"

" Not a lot of difference to now" I joked motioning to my shoes as I pulled myself up so as not to stifle Nan "These shoes are killing me"

Nan and Heather giggled at my joke

"They are high aren't they love. I used to wear shoes that high when I was your age Joe. No doubt I was trying to impress the fella's" Nan reminisced as both Heather and I laughed

"Oh that's so much better. The two of you laughing. So much better than the tears. Anyone would think I was on death's door"

"Don't say that Mum" Heather admonished Nan

"Oh do be quiet Heather. Stop fussing love. I am going to be ok" Nan told Heather in no uncertain terms and then turned her eyes turned to me and more so my feet

"Take your shoes off if they are hurting" Nan instructed, "It's silly to be putting up with the pain"

I didn't need asking twice as I sat down in a dark blue plastic chair. I reached down and unclipped the straps of both shoes and pulled them off " agh that better" I said as I rubbed my nylon covered toes

Both Nan and Aunt Heather gave a knowing smile as Heather said "Welcome to the world of women babe" she laughed to herself.

Nan told me to slip on her fluffy slippers so my feet didn't get cold on the lino covered floor. I did as I was told and smoothed my skirt under me as I again sat in the chair, which I had pulled up next to Nan's bed

Nan asked me about the previous few days and my exploits. She and Heather sat in silence as I told them about work, the photo shoot, the wedding party, little Emily and going to the football with Martin

After I had condensed the last few days into 5 minutes or so, the questions started flowing with both Nan and Heather asking me a lot of probing questions

Heather asked me how I felt about wearing girl's clothes. I told her that I was feeling rather silly wearing them although the clothes didn't feel too uncomfortable with the exception of bras and heels

"You got that right kiddo," Heather nudged me as Nan smiled and asked me about Martin

I answered as honestly as I could telling her I didn't know what I felt. I told her I was confused about my feelings and didn't know what Martin thought of me

Heather spoke up "Take it from me love. From what you have said he fancies being your boyfriend Hon"

As I felt myself blush Nan told me "What will be, will be. Let nature take its course love. Don't over analyze the situation. It will sort itself out one way or the other"

"Analyze? Listen to your Nan come out with big words Joanne" Heather teased Nana

Nan took Heather's banter in good spirits and smiled "Anyway you look lovely darling. Where does that blouse come from? It's really pretty"

I looked down at my blouse noticing the two mounds that gave it shape "Erm I'm not sure Nana. It's one of Auntie Julia's"

Well tell her its lovely and ask her where she got it. I wouldn't mind getting one myself when I get out of here" she said whilst admiring it in detail

"Mind you, don't you be wearing it without a slip or camisole underneath young urn as it's rather see-through" she told me whilst obviously seeing the outline of my slip

I cringed " I won't Nan. I probably won't be wearing it again anyway"

"Why not love? It looks really great on you and the colour really suits your skin colouring" she gushed

After about 20 minutes or so Heather left the room to find Mum, leaving Nan and me alone

"So tell me Jo. Are you happy love?" Nan asked with real concern in her voice

Not wanting to worry her I responded, " Yeah, why wouldn't I be" I lied

"You would tell me if anything was up wouldn't you Joe" she probed

"Of course Nana. I'm fine honestly. We should be worrying about you and when you are getting out of here" I brushed off her concerns "I will be back to good old Joe when I get my hair cut

"Is that what you want Joe" she asked, " Do you want that?"

Before I could answer Mum came into the room

"So what have you two been talking about then?" Mum teased as she noticed me wearing Nan's slippers

Without allowing either of us a chance to answer her question she asked "What are you doing wearing Mum's slippers Jo?"

"Her feet were hurting honey. So I told her to slip her shoes off for a while and give her tired feet a break" Nan answered for me. I noticed that she had referred to me as her!

"Well put your shoes back on love and say goodnight to your Nan. Its nearly time for you to go"

"Me to go Mum? Aren't you coming with me," I asked concerned

"No I am going to spend a little more time with your Nan. I will see you at home later"

"But how am I going to get home Mum" I asked worried about the answer.

"I have just called Auntie Julia and she has arranged for Martin to come and pick you up. Now hurry up as he will here soon," She told me whilst pulling Nan's slippers off and starting to place one of my shoes on my feet

"Martin? Can't you take me home mum" I pleaded

"No I am staying here for a while longer. Martin will get you home safely love"

"Can't I stay until your ready to go then Mum?" I reasoned

"No best you get off home so Nan can rest. Anyway haven't you got work tomorrow? What time do you start?

"Eh, erm 7am I think" was all I could think to reply

"Well its already gone 8.30 and by the time you get home it will be well after nine. Make sure you get all of your make up off before going to bed" She instructed, " Make sure you cleanse your face properly as we don't want you getting spots darling"

"Yes Mother" I sarcastically replied which made Nan giggle

"HEHE teenage angst. Now you can see what I had to put up with you and Heather when you were both Jo's age" Nan teased mum

"Don't encourage her Mother" Mum protested "Joanne finish putting your shoes back on" as she took her frustration out on me

I managed to get my shoes back on and then stood unsteadily until I managed to get my balance

Nan smiled watching my little Bambi act " You have such beautiful legs Jo. They are so slim and toned" Nan complimented me.

I smiled back at her, not wanting to let on that I didn't appreciate her well intentioned compliment "Thanks Nan"

After kissing Nan goodnight, Mum helped me on with my coat and kissed me on the forehead and told me to run along, as Martin would know doubt be waiting outside the hospital for me

" Give Martin my love honey" Nan called after me as I started for the door

I turned and caught her impish grin "I will Nana. I will. Love you lots"

"Love you more my little one" she replied whilst blowing me a kiss

I blew her a kiss back as I tottered out into the corridor to see Auntie Heather speaking to a good looking fit male nurse. Fit nurse! Was I losing my mind?

"Oh here she is" Heather announced to the nurse " This is my niece Joanne. Isn't she going to break some hearts"

I cringed and felt myself blush as the male nurse smiled at me and said "Pleased to meet you Joanne. Your Aunt wasn't lying when she told me you were a pretty thing. I can't believe you haven't yet got a boyfriend"

Without thinking and worried that I was being set up I blurted out "Actually I have got a boyfriend. He is waiting for me outside so I must rush"

I kissed a bemused Heather on the cheek as I hooked my handbag over my shoulder and after kissing mum and saying "see you later Mum" I walked towards the ward exit as fast as my heels and tight pencil skirt would allow me. My heels click clacked on the highly polished floor at each of my small strides

I giggled to myself at the thought of the poor nurse looking at my tight skirted bum and I mischievously exaggerated my walk somewhat by putting a little wiggle into my walk

I thought two can play at your game Auntie Heather. I was brought back to my senses as I reached the lifts as I realised that maybe I did have a boyfriend after all waiting for me outside

End of Chapter 22

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