Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale chapter 1 part 1

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without!

This is the story of a man who finds a magic box that changes him into a Drow (a dark elf) and he has to deal with the sudden change. Then all the memories of a Drow that was 'made' for a long lost war. This new part of him, has the 40,000 years of memories of fighting that war. She has to deal with, all that pent up PTSD, her enemy is here, but she loves her. Her old Queen is here and she wants to kill, that Queen ohh so bad!

Shadowsblade here.

this story is the original, the first one I did.

I reedited it and added it to here, You may have read it on fictionmania. But I have added some to this story and edited and cleaned it up a bit so you might want to try it again?

Some parts left unedited in dedication to that very first comment I got on fictionmania---i hope that poster is still pissed!

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.




Los Angles December, 1976

The of the electronic alarm clock SHAKES Jack completely awake from his deep sleep. One that he certainly has earned. He then rolled to his right thinking the alarm clock should be on that side. Nope not there? He then realizes that he fell asleep sitting in the lazy boy chair in the living room. He did this after, once again coming home from a long day at work. So he rolls to the left, grabs the horrid insipid device and turns it OFF!!!! Then rolls it off his finger tips, back down on the table with a thud.

Jack is laying there for a second thinking "It's not raining!!!!!!! Great! After Sixteen days of work straight, Eighteen plus hours a day. Then add nearly three months of it raining...every....single time...I got a day rained like cats and dogs. I finally! Get to go out, ride my motorbike in the hills and actually enjoy a day off."

He then lowers the foot rest of the chair from its lounging position with a loud bang. He starts to stand up, stretching all the way up with bones snapping and joints popping loudly both small and large.

Jack thinks to himself 'Man being 6 foot 4 is great most of the time. But, you certainly pay for it every time, you first get up in the morning' He then thinks painfully after getting fully standing up straight 'Even at my age. I hate to think about' He shakes his head back and forth 'When I get finally get to be Sixty or so, in a few decades. My getting up is going to be painnn-full.' This thought was buried in the fact, that his job had too many days in it. With WAY too many hours for keeping a person, even close to being healthy and this was starting to show on jack at even his relativity young age of Thirty.

He groggily starts staggering down the hallway, bumping into the walls as he goes down to his bedroom and flops across the bed. The second he hits the bed with a flop. That alarm clock starts screaming at him with music blasting out of it. He rolls across the bed to the nightstand on the beds right and slaps the wicked device silly, to get the damn thing to finally shut up.

He grumbles "I hate having two alarm clocks. So that I don't forget and miss work."

He rolls over gets his underwear off. Then starts standing....staggering into the bathroom, turns on the lights. The lights just jam like syringes through his half numbed eyeballs, he blinks like mad " Oooch " He gets used to it after a couple minutes blinking, half slitting his eyes. He then opens up the shower door, turns on the shower full blast, even though it's cold!! to wake him up. As it warms up he starts waking up again, enjoying the water. After Twenty minuets of hot water fed bliss. He hops, now wide wake out of the shower and dries himself off. Then walks back into the bedroom and sits down on the bed.

Finally somewhat awake, Jack starts to think. What pile, has his moto-cross pants in it? 'Ohh ya' he thinks 'That one pile there, from the wash Wednesday.'

Jack gets up to the pile of clothes in the corner and kicks the offending lump till he sees his goal. The bike pants he wanted. After shaking them out to be sure they are the "clean ones" he sits back down and puts them on. He starts getting socks out of the drawer in his nightstand. He then stands up, walks over to the walk in closet and gets a regular blue T-shirt out of one of the many piles. He dons the t-shirt and ponders 'What else do I need?' humm he sounds 'Nothing everything else will be in the garage where it normally is.'

Looking at the TV set on the dresser at the beds foot. He flips the remote on to see what you will on the Saturday morning news, that just happens to barely coming on this time of the morning. While he put on his socks 'Man TV sucks here I only get three networks to watch and even PBS's looks better than real broadcast TV these days.

Jack thinks 'Maybe someday someone they will drag cable all the way up to the North end of Los Angeles, then I will finally get some real TV to watch' he then grumbles to himself "Man being out in the boonies, has its disadvantages. But, I like that I can get up in the morning. Go ride the trails and no one bothers ya is the fair trade off" Then he gets back up, in his freshly socked feet and walks down the house to the kitchen.

Not being a coffee guy, he filled a pot off the stove full of water and set it back on the stove to boil. Then got the tea bag's out of the box on the counter, now a cup ( REAL giant freaking MUG in reality) out of the cabinet and he then adds Four tea bags to the mug. Then finally the Six large teaspoons of sugar added for fuel.

"Ahh that otta do me and get the motor started." He sings out.

Then he waits for the water come into a good boil. While that was happening, he shuffles back down the hall to the garage door and out into the garage. He is there to get his riding boots on. He ponders" Where are the darn things?" he looks around the three car garage for five minutes. Then finally sees them....right under the bench by the far wall, right where they should be. He sits down, slides them on, buckles them up. "Well lets get gas in ya baby while that water boils" he thinks, as he walks over to his KTM bike and rubs his hand over the seat up to the tank. He grabs the fuel can, fills the tank to the top and recaps the tank. Then kick starts the bike, The bike rumbles to life.

"Yaaa first try!!" He mock celebrates. He pays the mechanic to make sure it happens this way. Every couple weeks, that mechanic. Drops by, to make sure his bikes are running perfectly 'no matter what.'

He celebrates mentally, then shuts the bike off after a few minutes of warming-up. He slaps the garage door opener remote on the wall, for the 3rd door and walks out on the drive to find the morning paper. Upon finding it under the car 'again'...."Darn kid can't hit a barn, with a nuke!" he reads the top headline for this morning and nothing big happening...standard junk like every thing else going on normal. He tosses it in to the trash. Jack notices that the ground has gotten at least a little dry this morning. After five days of hard steady rain 'Now that's a good sign for a ride today' he thinks to himself.

'That tea must be done by now' jack thinks. So he walks back into the house and into the kitchen. Finally the water is done, so he pours the water into the waiting mug and waits for it to brew itself fully up. He starts stirring it gently, waiting for it to really get into that nice dark color that he likes. That just tells you that it's gotten brewed properly. After five minutes, he takes tentative sips measuring its temperature while he walks back to the garage. He sits on the bench and dons his chest protector and all the stuff that is needs to keep himself from getting ripped apart by anything when and if he falls off the bike, then the gloves, finally he chugs the tea fast to the bottom. He sighed "Good wake-up juice there!"

At this time, he noticed that the outside certainly is a little bit more shiny-n-sunny and the overcast is quickly burning off. He thinks to himself 'It's going to be a good day, to get out of here. Instead of being suck in the in the house or at work inside all day long' he sighs 'This rain has been getting out of hand here in sunny California. This is not supposed to be...wet and rainy like in Seattle or something out here.'

He pulls the bike off the stand and rolls it out of the garage into the driveway, gives it a good kick start...On the first hit it, catches like it's supposed to. He then hops on it and guns the bike up the street. Getting used to its feel once again, to make sure the motor feels right and everything else is good about it. "Don't want to get stuck out there and have to walk this thing home again. It's happened more than once" he quips. He rides up to the head of the Canyon lined Street, toward the end of his road and the start of the fire trail. He stops one tire on the dirt, one on blacktop and thinks about what to do "Which way do we go this morning? I figure I'll head over to Sam's Canyon to see if he's up yet and if he's not up yet! He'll be up as soon as, I get into that driveway of his with this beast! That will wake his LAZY ASS up for sure, as loud as this thing gets OR WILL GET "grin"....if not! I will bang his door down! One way or the other, He is getting up! and do some riding this morning!" He gins evilly.

So he tears up the angled trail of the Canyon. He runs along the rim and right along its edge. As he goes, he starts noticing that the fire roads out here. Have certainly become pretty crappy, after nearly two and half months of rain. The last big storm that came through, dumped like three or four inches per day and that was for a couple of days. So the road is really muddy and in very rough shape.
He starts to follow the main trail toward Sam's. He notices something in the next bend, that looks like the road is almost half gone and near impassable. So he stops the bike and wedges it up against the canyon wall.

"The whole damn canyon is f-ed up, time to call the fire department. So they can come up here and re-cut this before someone gets hurt or the fire season starts" he hissed.

He then walks up the road and looks over all the dirt and junk that the rain pulled out of the canyon side. He notices something...a box...a bronze box......

He walks up on the box and cautiously looks at it. To make sure its not a left over from the days, when the military used some of the canyons up here. For munitions making and experiments years ago.

He looks at it some more "It looks safe, its not painted green or red"

He found, It was half buried in the in the mud "It looks to me about 32 inches long 16 inches wide and 16 inches tall" he pondered. Grabbing on it to give it a good yank, it pops out of muddy bank pretty easily. But he notices it's really freaking heavy? So he drags it away from the mud slide, half falling down himself in the mud flow. looking over it now, its just covered in mud and laying in the middle of the trail "Why don't I get some water off the bike and wash this thing off" he says to himself. Then he grabs a canteen, that was strapped to the bikes back and opens the top. He pours some water on it. 'Obviously some writing this'.. hum 'Is that stuff glowing?' he thinks himself "Did some guy from a special effects company drop this thing, It looks like something I make at work for the studios?"

He takes off his glove, so he can feel for carvings. Just as he touches it again, WOOMPH! bright light....PAIN.....flying through the air.....and that's the last thing he remembers for quite a bit.


February, 9th 2007
Los Angles

Jack wakes up feeling something hard underneath of him....searing sunlight into his eyeballs...PAIN!

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!" he dryly yells out, half chocking on a dry throat. He then tries to get up and is hit with wave after wave of dizziness and its rolling over him. He can't get his bearings. So he does what one does, after TEN roller coaster rides DRUNK.. he vomited. Then promptly falls off a large box he WAS laying on, to the ground four feet below.....Smack!....right into the dry dusty dirt of the trail. He gets up to his knees, wearing what looks to be a cotton like sheet and its made of some sort in a weird cloth. He rubs it..."This is not cotton? feels like silk?...But is too roughly woven to be silk??"....."What is all this odd ball stuff written on it?...Looks like some shit, out of that dungeon and dragons game Sam plays" he looks around. He can't see his bike anywhere close to him, clothes....nowhere to be seen.

He looks up to the sky, as a helicopter fly's over "Looks like a military bird"....Oddball shape to it that he's never seen one like it before. He is not one to be unfamiliar with helicopters, as being around the North end of Los Angeles with more than one military base out here. The flyovers happen all the time. Thinking to himself 'What kind helicopter is it?' It heads over to the head end of the canyon. Where there's more room to hover and ropes fallout off the sides.
He then, sees four guys slide down very quickly from Fifty feet up.

Thinking to himself 'Did one of these idiots see me by accident and thought I was in trouble?'

Groggily he tries to stand up, half passing out and he finally gets all the way up to his feet. With his backside wedged against box. Then once again...there goes the stomach "I don't remember eating? Carrots?" Immediately, he can't get his balance. He is just completely thrown off by, vomiting like mad and dry heaving till nothing is left whatsoever. He finally gets his butt on the top of the box, to be steadier on his feet. As he gets his bearings back. He finds, all four of the guys from the helicopter, are dressed in some sort of full chemical suits with air tanks and have formed a semi circle around him.

One pulls out a very strange looking monitor. Some sort of electronic beeping comes from it. "I got it barely near the box, it's class X tainted...don't go near it!!" one guy yells out, with the monitor in his hand. "The guy! he's got this pegged at 90 on class X also!"........."Don't even get near him" He yelled once more.

Jack starts backpedaling on the trail. While trying to steady himself on the box's edge.

"He's gonna run!" yells one. This guy then, levels what appears to be a very strange rifle and out pops something electrical.

Next thing Jack gets hit and everything is spinning on the then FELL, to the dirt like a tree. One that had just been successfully chopped down by champion lumberjack. His face just augurs into the very, very, dry fine layer of dust on the dirt trail. He was on. He thinks 'Why was the dirt dry? it was muddy just a minute ago?' then.......BLACK.


Saturday, February, 10th 2007
Arkham Research Consortium "ARC"
New Hampshire

(early in the morning)

Jack starts coming too-- looking around the room.
"What in the heck?... I believe...I am in a hospital " moaning to himself

"White ceiling...check
-- white sheets...check
-- hospital bed...check
-- IV drip in my arm- check
-- maddening beeping of heart machine...check
-- trussed up like it turkey with all these wires on me...check
-- no decorations? ... government...check
-- what the hell happened?"

He remembers "That idiot shot me! With something and me smacking my face!" he reaches up to his face "My nose hit the ground--good no breaks" now if I see that guy...that...same...guy! again..I'm gonna BEAT him something fierce!" He yells out to the empty room.

Jack scrambles around in the sheets, pushes himself up as best one can do in a bed of this kind....PAIN! near stops him. He finds the beds remote and just stares at it for a second "Pretty modern looking stuff for a hospital?" he looks the control over "Never in all the times. I've seen a hospital bed, have I seen a remote like this?" he pushes the button to elevate the head. Works into a position to look at himself "No blood...why?" as he feels all over, checking for wounds.. "Man...the equipment in this place is just cutting edge. I have seen many a heart monitor. They are usually single color CRT things but! THESE are multi color displays and? flat?"

He then spies cross room. What looks to be a wicked TV on the wall "looks like it's Thirty Plus pretty big for TV set? Funny thing? its like two to three inches thick, mounted on a post? TVs that big, are at least a foot and a half deep? When I feel better maybe, I'll go over there and take a look at it" After thinking about the television set. He starts realizing what is this place?? Its obviously NOT a regular hospital...something is wrong and those guys were definitely military equipped. I'm nowhere an expert? But at least, I have read a book or two on that stuff.
Then the room is SO BIG, like near twenty-five feet from the head of the bed to the wall and near twenty-five feet wide. Way too big for a standard hospital room?

Jack finally noticed the bathroom just about ten feet from the foot of his bed. He really thought hard about the TV set. That seemed to be only two to three inches thick...he didn't understand that how, that could be at all. As he had never seen technology, like what was in this room. While Jack was pondering these things to himself.

What...Jack did not know that he was down deep in the ARC research complex RED section. (Arkham Research consortium) Deep in a mountain in New Hampshire. Near a half mile down, this is the place he had been brought to. By the four troopers, that the helicopter dropped off. After they stunned him with the rifle device, thinking he was about to escape.

While he was unconscious. They put him in this hospital room to recover from that stun rifle hit. They examined him. They did research on his blood...X-rays...CAT scans...MRIs all in 3D, and in technology that he would never understand, all that testing made mountains of information.

Dr. Otto was the man in charge of this section of ARC...where the most dangerous mentally insane criminals are kept. Along with most of the worlds bizarre and dangerous items...Deep One plus miles underground. Was in his office a few floors above. He was going over just those same mountains of paperwork coming from those tests on the man. Who was according to the team sent out. On top of this strange box. That they where sent out to find. He was found wrapped in a silk like sheet, with runes sewn into it. Of the same type/style from the sides of the box.

This box and man had just popped up in the middle of nowhere, North of Los Angeles and pegged every meter for arcane anomalies in the entire country. The magical wash of this sudden appearance, was like a beacon to any mage in the area. One only had to look in that direction to figure out that something had popped in and was CLASS X! TAINTED on top of that.

In the pile....were photos of what was the real mystery. The perfectly formed four foot tall, by four wide, eight foot itself. With its completely smooth surface down to the micron, it was way smother than any glass ground for space optics use even. With the only flaws found so far, seem to be runes drawn in strange languages and they are three or four different types at least. All of the runes seem to glow 'out' of its surface. The experts on this reported, that One out of a Thousand runes seemed to be of an ancient Sidhe style. But the runes where not etched into the surface, they just seemed to glow out of it.

The next part of the assessment of the mystery box, was by the divisors and gadgeteers. They examined the box and had not yet figured out how to scratch or even open the box at this time. They've used cutting lasers, drills of every type, welding torches heated in the 500 to 15,000 degree marks and not even scratched it. The only thing that seems to have changed in the last Twelve to Eighteen hours, since he had been given the case. Is that the boxes writing seems to pulse on and off in sections. Then the CLASS X taint on the box, has seemed to have been slowly dwindling away over time.

Next Dr. Otto flipped through the mystery mans medical file and saw nothing wrong with him at this time. ALL NORMAL!....The class X taint seems to have disappeared from both him and the box. The box at a bit little slower rate thou. The box is almost completely down to zero as of this time, so as not bother anyone. According to the report time stamped on its face, from over an hour ago.

The next report was from the arcane-mystics department and its finger wigglers. Not one of them seemed to be able figure out what was going on with, either the box or man. That seems to have popped up in the middle of nowhere. The man also at this time seems to have been very tightly interwoven with binding and transmutation magic of Five to Six different layers. That are different types and styles of magic placed on him. Those spells, were from a base of a very ancient styled magic that was obviously Sidhe in its origin. This Sidhe origin magic seems to be somewhat related to the rune writing on the box. Only one or two characters of a thousand, seem to match up with anything in the files of ancient Sidhe mage script of that type. The box, its seems to connect via a magic Ley line. Back to the man on a small level, are they are joined somehow?.....Dr. Otto...he pondered this mystery.

The box just also happened be a class X tainted object. That had seemed to have cross contaminated the man who was found with it, in the hospital bed upstairs. But , the man was not driven mad from the exposure at all? That was the next big mystery. Why was he not driven MAD from it?

The only weird thing of any note is that NO telepath could seem to get in the mans head. There also was the fact, that no one could read aura's off him at all. Like he was a complete blank....He was not even there to see, with any telepathy.

Dr. Otto was starting to shuffle through more of the paperwork then the phone rang, the call was from the medical desk upstairs. The man was awake and also his guests had just arrived. He told them to send his party, down to the hospital level and have them wait at the elevator for him.

So, he got all his paperwork together and put back in the folder. Then sealed it, in a locked box. So that it could not be opened by anybody, but him. He then got up, walked down the hallway and get to his waiting guests.
Wearily he walked, half sleeping down the hall thinking to himself 'All this happened over Eighteen hours ago, he was handed this emergency MESS! After! His normal day'...he was....heading home after an Eight hour shift. Till this hit..'WHY? does this always happen at the END of the day?' he thought on.

When the elevator door finally opened up. Otto to got off the elevator. To notice that his four guests has also arrived, in a most timely manner from their ride down deep into the complex.

He walked forward and greeted the four individuals.
One older Gentleman and Three teen girls of about Fifteen in looks.

First he shook hands with the older English gentleman. Sir Wallace who was the Mystic art mentor for Fey, who was standing next to him.

Then he nodded to the redheaded, Violet eyed Sidhe, Nichole Susanne "Nikki" Reilly, codenamed "Fey"...who had the spirit of Aunghadhail, the beyond ANCIENT Sidhe Queen within her.

She in turn introduced her new "Assistant" Gwendolynn Adelle Wylann codenamed "Absinthe" he had never seen her before...she was about the same height, size and looks of Fey, but with green hair and eyes he noted.
Gwen and Nikki both giggled at the "Assistant" part of the introduction
Next he saw his strange friend Sarah Waite, codename "Carmilla" She was strange as in...She has alabaster white skin, black lips, small claws on the ends of her fingers, blood red silted eyes, pointy obvious canines, black hair with a new blood red streak. Then most strange of all! She is a baby LUST Demon by the way!. He pondered the hair color change and just wrote it off as 'kids and styles.'

"What's up Doc?" joked Sara.

"The same" he jested back..."Weird stuff....same as you."

"Ouch" Gwen blurted "On target."

Then Sir Wallace lectured "Enough" just as the Three teen girls started to giggle "Lets get to work!" he barked once more, to end the giggle fest.

Dr Otto then explained "I have asked all of you out here for a strange occurrence. I need assistance from all of you, to help to figure out what this language on this box. That has 'just' appeared in California. Have you all looked at the photos? I sent with the courier, for you to examine on the way up here?" he asked.
"Because at this time, nor I or the staff here. Can make heads or tails of this box or the man in question. Its like nothing we have ever seen before. This is definitely one that goes into the dark side column completely" he states.

Dr Otto then added that the patient also had binding magic on him, that might link back to the box itself. This revelation surprised the whole group.

Nikki's attitude seemed to change from a teen girl, to a woman of a more regal bearing and attitude from the Queen within her.

She then explained "Part of the symbols on the box in question do not resemble any regular language that the Sidhe used but? Three parts of the runes are vastly familiar. But not an exact match, to the same type of runes a very, very old race of Sidhe used for spells or spell enhancement shorthand. They seem more based on a rune system for personal use? Instead of a system that would have been in general use by a school or Academy of mages. But of some 'note' is that, some parts seem to indicate more that the Dark Fae worked on this box of yours. I would like to see it in person along with the man, to examine his binding spells in person. This might help my full assessment of them both" Aunghadhail then faded down and Nikki was back in charge.

Sara then peeps in with her two cents "Well it's not a GOO language. We did not do it. Because, if it was totally bad and evil. We would not would we?"

Absinthe frowns at Sara sarcastically "Always with the bad with you."

Nikki giggles "Sara?--she's not bad--she was just built that way."

Then Gwen says to Dr. Otto, as he stares at her "Don't look at me? I am in the dark completely. I just turned into a elf...whoops! Sorry...Sidhe a few months ago...ask me? I don't have one clue what so ever" she giggled.

Nikki chimes in "No clue and in the dark....same as normal for you?!"

The three girls start once more with the giggling.

Dr Otto thought to himself 'Good thing we have Aunghadhail, to tap for stuff like this. As no one else alive has any clue to this.'

He then turned down the hall waving to the group to follow him with his arm "First we will see the patient...then the box" he stated.

They all walked down the hallway, about Fifty feet. To a set of airlock doors and a guard post. Then guards checked all their ID's to clear them for the next section. They take turns going one at a time, through the armored glass security airlock. Dr. Otto walks them all up, the next Fifty or so feet up to the medical station for this section and gets the attention of one of the nurses. Who in turn points out the Doctor in charge of the new patient

"Over here gentleman" the new doctor pipes up and walks over with the patents file "I am the Doctor in charge of this case for the last Twelve hours. This gentleman to my right is Bill. He's the nurse in charge of that room, who just came on shift. So he'll be able to transfer anything onto the next doctor and so on if needed. By the way, you can call me Sam from now please."

Dr. Otto says "Well what's the situation with him? bring me up to speed."

"Well" Sam starts "From what we see. This is perfectly normal human male, about thirty years of age and fine in shape. X-rays found no current broken bones. But in the past...yep...he busted some stuff. Nothing remains of a class X exposure on him. Its completely gone away...we don't know why? It was full tilt and then faded all the way to nothingness. The exposure has not seemed to have any affect his mental capacity or his faculties whatsoever...perfectly normal? I'm not sure what to say. He should be sitting there looking like a vegetable! So your guesses are as good as ours, on what to do from here?"

The five of them take copies of the medical reports from Bill. Then head down past the medical station, for this section. Another 10 feet to a door, with two guards standing at the door's sides. Each one armed with a pistol on their belt, they seemed to be waiting for the arrival of Dr. Otto's group.

The guard checks Dr. Otto's credentials again at the door, the guard then opens the door. While the other guard stands, diagonally across from the door so he can cover it.

The guard looks and inspects the room. He finds everything still in its place, the patient still in his bed. Dr. Otto looks in around the corner and then talks to the guard "Guard...could you grab the table that is against the wall and put it more lengthwise across room. So it is set between me and the patient. So I can read my papers on it and put the chair on this side of course...towards the door."

The guard says "Yes problem" he walks turns the table around from the wall and lines it up looking toward the bed with the door right at its rear with the chair behind it.

Jack notices the door open up. The guard steps into the room and what looks to be like about three or four the people out in the hallway.

A couple girls and a couple guys.
Jack studies the guard and since this is the first time he has seen one. He studies him rather intently, taking notes mentally on his check list.
No American flag on the shoulder.
No American insignia that I recognize.
I don't see a name on his name tag place.
No rank.
Camouflage pattern, that I'm not familiar with.
Carrying a gun, that I know U.S. Army or the US military doesn't issue.
But it's a European-style gun, it's a very new style of gun so that tells me it is probably not a military issue.
I hope, I'm not in Europe?
The guard does not look Russian or Chinese. So that leaves out the communists.
He doesn't look like a space alien.
'What did I leave out, I wonder?'

'WHY? ME?....MAN I think I'm in deep trouble.' he worries.

He then notices the guard move the table. That was against the wall, by the door and moves it more lengthwise across the room. So it sets between him and the door and he places the chair behind it. Then walks back to the door. He stands next to the doorway saying "We are ready Dr. Otto"

The Dr. walks in... that the guard, accidentally introduced and says "Hello I'm Dr. Otto in charge of this complex that you've been brought to. We do have some questions for you. Just a second let me go back outside and get my friends ready to interview you" he steps back outside.

Otto walks up to his assembled friends and says "Well...should we all be going in there probably"

Then bubbly Absinthe speaks out "Send me in first! The youngest and the most childlike is the best way to do it. It might break the ICE so to speak"

Sara and Nikki both look at her and Nikki says "We are all the same age."

Absinthe goes "Baloney with the same age...You got old an ghost in you and Sara's what? Forty years old like, Ten thousand! or something maybe."

Sara and Nikki....they both stick their tongues out at her, in protest of that fact.

Dr. Otto gazes at them all "It makes sense, she's more like a kid than the rest to you. Maybe she will break the ice a little bit. Go ahead, go on in, its the best idea I've heard all day....I guess??" he states.

They all wait and give her time to work.

Absinthe started walking all bubbly and bouncy. Like a little kid into the room.

Jack notices her...studying her with great interest. Starts going off on his checklist again.
Teenage girl 15 or so...Dream GIRL comes walking into the room
Five foot five or so.
One the most gorgeous girls I think I've ever seen, even in the movie industry.
Green hair now that's funny.
Bright green eyes okay?
Getting closer and closer, she passes the desk and gets up close to the foot of the bed.
He then notices she's got pointy ears like a Christmas elf or star trek.
"NO...I've got to be dreaming" he tells himself.

Absinthe walks up to the bed and there's a small table mounted on arm so it can rotate over the bed. On top of it, is a small tray with a pitcher of water and a glass. That Jack has not seemed to have used yet.

She picks up the pitcher, pours some water into it and puts it on the table.
Then says "Hi I'm Absinthe, would you like some water?"

Jack just blankly stares at her, giving her the face of 'I'm not going to say anything to you' and mutters to himself "Man I am in TROUBLE."

Absinthe notices him, giving her the evil eye "At least say something? Introduce yourself. You just know I'm going to stand here. Like a little kid and keep bugging you and talking to you till you crack!" she said with a little bit of sarcasm at the end.

She then says in that German accent "wve have vays of making you talk."

With that age old pun, he cracks up and says "Okay I'm 'somebody' no wait a minute. I'm 'hey you' for now 'hey you...senior' is better because there seems to be too many juniors in here right now" she kind of cracks about that with a giggle.

"So you plan on keeping all the information to're smart one" she says.

He picks up the water starts to sip on it, slowly while he studies her.

"Absinthe? Jack jests "It fits...with the green hair and eyes....Absinthe? Your name is Absinthe? Your parents sure hung one on you, with that name! They named? you?....After the green European alcoholic beverage that causes hallucinations?"

"What the hell is going on here? is there something in the the medication up my arm? I don't get what's going on here?..." he stops for a second "Your hair's green, your eyes are green the name fits you 'Absinthe' look like an elf. YOUR named after a drink, that the nickname for Absinthe is the 'green fairy'... he does the air quotes with his fingers more than once! getting more and more MAD as he does.

"MAN! I'm in deep trouble"... he just about shouts "Man I'm in deep trouble" He starts laughing at himself "I just think I must be dreaming...if I'm dreaming? Please slap me at this point! Just to get me back to awake! Smack me around I don't mind! Because at this point I have no idea what's going on." He is shaking his head.

Absinthe starts into giggles as she looks at him "Would you like me to slap you? I would be more than happy to smack you around with permission! I hardly ever get permission to slap a guy around" she snickers with sarcasm.

"Well since I AM! dreaming. SURE! might as well go ahead and DO IT...PLEASE DO! I'll play along" Jack says raising his voice a bit.

"Just remember YOU! asked for this!"
Absinthe then rises her right arm and whips it FAR! back and just POPS Jack with one hellacious HIT, across the face.

Everybody's head pops in the room besides the guard, who is just standing there laughing. At the sight.

She turns around to the crowd that's looking in the doorway "He asked me to smack him...he asked me politely to smack make sure he was just did just as he asked."

Jack looks of the assembled crowd, just out of the door. That's obviously trying to figure out what happened "YES" he grumbles rubbing his face a bit "I asked her to smack me...just to make sure I was awake and I'm not dreaming"

Jack stares down the guard..."Now you" his eyes narrowed with intent of harm... "SHUT UP!!"

Dr. Otto takes that as a good sign that, she has indeed broken the ice and walks into the room. To at the sit the desk. As he does "I'm Dr. Otto I'm in charge of the section here in this complex. We have questions to ask you about yourself, the box that you arrived on, that we've also have in the complex." he states, rather flatly.

Then the next person enters the room, which Otto introduces. The person... seems to be an, older English looking gentleman "This Sir Wallace he's a consultant for my complex on various things."

Sir Wallace says out "Good day to you sir"...YEP, English thinks jack.

Then next person comes around the corner ...another girl about Fifteen or so. "This is Carmilla, she's also a consultant. She may be young looking, but she does definitely knows her stuff" says Otto.

Jack looks at this young girl. She is just one of the creepiest, Morticia Adams persons he has ever seen. White alabaster skin, black hair, with a red streak. Do I see red eyes and claws? and those Christmas elves ears again!'...he thinks...'Kind of a bad vibe off of her. But not bad enough to worry about....just plain CREEPY!!'

"I must be dreaming"...he thinks and mumbles again rubbing his face.

Absinthe notices him doing it and giggles softly "Need a fresh one?" she pips.

"No thanks...I am good for now" he grumbles.

The third female walks into the room.
Dr. Otto introduces...her as...Fey...his other consultant.
This one is a drop dead, knockout red head...she looks very Irish, with the flame red hair.
He notices vibrant violet eyes.
Of course once again for the third time. Pointed ears like an elf.
The shape of the eyes is just shocking.
Her face.
Her body just screaming supermodel at all points.
This girl SHOULD be in the movies...
That Jack worked on...she's got the look! she can do it!
She steps in a couple barely a foot or so into the room.
AND time seems a slowdown for Jack, as he's looking at her.
He gets this creeping along the back of his skull.
THAT!! starts screaming something IS! wrong with this girl.
Something absolutely wrong with this girl.
She takes the next step or so into the room.

That Little voice that he always listens to. The one that keeps him alive when he is working. The little devil or the Angel on the shoulder that says do this or don't do that. That voice that seems to keep him alive, all these years AFTER all the dangers he has done and all his life has seen.

Get a weapon your HAND!
If you have to kill it KILL IT!
RUN if you have to!
The back of his mind is screaming. That animal section that says get the HELL out of the room. Don't go near it!
She takes another step in the room.
Now the voice is like a stadium loudspeaker going off.
She's wrong.
nope nope nope nope nope nope
She takes another step in the room.

Jack to screams out "I don't know who the redhead is. But get her, the FUCK! out of the room! NOW!
You creep me out girl beyond measure!
Don't take another step in here!" he screams again.
The guard steps forward as Jack starts to get off the bed to the left side..FARTHEST...AWAY..FROM...HER!
"I'm going to go...BAT SHIT! on you" he warns.

Fey took another step in the room.
He rolled his legs out of the bed. On the far left side of the bed, the farthest from the door.
FAR from this redhead, that's bothering him. Even though he, should not be bothered by her?
He is not even worried about the alabaster white skinned girl. Whose easily far MORE creepier, than any female that he's ever seen.
The redhead...she bugs him TEN times worse and that the voice in his head is maddening...screaming at him get away from her!!

Queen reasserts her dominance over Fey's body and says in a melodic voice to him.
"I don't understand why you have such a problem with me?"
She looks at Jack. "Sir I am no threat to you whatsoever?"

Jack at hearing that voice.
The change in the voice.
It just it's even worse than it was before.
The voice.
He got! out of the bed like a shot...he reaches across the bed for that small table and the arm that it was on.
It pops out.
He gets ready to use IT! as a weapon.

More guards POUR into the room!
Dr Otto yells out "Don't hurt him!"

Guards assemble themselves in a line across the room, to protect their charges.
Absinthe is backpedaling across the whole room and is sliding along the wall to stay out of the way of the guards. She manages to get around the desk and is already halfway out the door before anyone notices.

Carmilla on the other hand this is backed up against the wall close to the bathroom door and seems to be staying out of range of anything that's about to happen.

Also Sir Wallace is already halfway out the door with Absinthe in front. Being a small FAST Sidhe, she made it first.

The guards they form up a pretty formidable wall. Six of them between Jack and the other five people still in the room. Dr. Otto turns to Nikki "Fey get out the room right NOW!! he's definitely uncomfortable at your presence."

"EVERYONE out!" yells the head guard.

The five reassemble in the hallway and shut the door.
Dr. Otto once his group is outside, he was the first talking "My...I don't understand why he fixated on Fey as a problem. Considering who else was in the room" he then looks at Carmilla and says jokingly "You are the by far the creepiest female I've ever seen and he did not even seem to be bothered by you....Which is quite strange."

Carmilla looks at Fey and giggles "I don't know what's don't smell bad today at all. At lest any worse than normal"

Fey takes a little swipe at Carmilla, that she easily dodges.

Dr Otto then says "He said He had no "Issues" with you, Carmilla."

Carmilla chirps in "Hey I like him...he has TASTE!" she says slowly on the last word... Sex just dripping on each letter "He maybe a keeper doc."

Dr Otto says "I and ONLY I will go back in."

Sara gets Dr Otto's attention "Hey Pee-Tee?..I noticed one thing. This guy has no aura that I can read at all... its like he is a null, just nothing there to see. Then add Fey's glamour did nothing too him to calm him."

"Humm" he says "The reports also mention, that he is just impervious to all telepathy used. So far some of the best here have tried to get in his head and no go."

With the door now SHUT.

Jack Calms down.
Puts the table down.
He Sits on the edge of the bed Slightly Worn out and Exhausted.

Jack was wondering to himself, as he clamed down 'Why? did I want to kill her...I don't get it? '
Then the doctor comes back in the room.
Jack as he sitting on the side of the bed ,not quite all the way in.
He says in a short to the POINT! sentences to get though to Dr Otto.
"I don't know what she is.
Where she comes from.
But if she comes back in this room again!
That redhead!
I'm going to go bat shit again!
Something in my head says no!
That's all there is to it.
She gets close to better have me strapped down or unconscious.
You don't have any choice in this matter!
...if if if" he stutters out "she comes in this room and I'm unrestrained and I have a weapon my hand.
I'm going to use it.
I'm going to mess someone up, for sure Dr. Otto."

Dr. Otto nods his understanding "I'll make sure she stays out of the room. As to the other two kids or Sir Wallace, any issues there?"

Jack says "I have no problem at all with the kid with the green hair...the one with white skin and dark hair she may creep me out...She's the weirdest one of.. whenever she is. I have ever seen...that one with the white skin creeps me out.... but, it's nothing compared with the redhead was doing."
He stops for a second, to catch his breath.
"It doesn't make any sense to me." Jack shakes his head.

Jack is half sitting on the bed. He starts pulling up the sheets from the floor. Then puts the table back on its arm. Then rather neatly puts everything back down on the table, the water pitcher and it's cup. The small tray both where on. Some water spilled on the bed, but it doesn't bother him.

Otto notes how fastidious the man is. Even on small details. As he placed the tray and cup. Near exactly where they where, before the outburst.

The guards are still assembled in the room. But Jack seems to have calmed down.

Jack says to Dr. Otto "I think I need more water and I'm bleeding from that IV...I tore out of my arm."

The Doctor then turns to one of the guards "Do we need SIX? of you in here right now?"

Four of the guards leave and now only two stand at the door.

One of them says to Otto, as if to reinforce their point "Two of us have to be in the room from now on. If any personal are in here, with him after that dust up Sir."

Dr Otto says to one "We need to have a nurse, or an orderly come in here and put that IV back in his arm again. Go please go get one."

"Yes sir I'll go" the guard then leans out of the door to indicate to the other guard. That still stands the hallway, to call for the rooms nurse.

Dr. Otto turns to Jack then says "Okay once again" he reiterates "I'm Dr. Otto I'm in charge of the complex that you're currently in. We have some questions for you. First of all what is your name?."

Jack ponders this point and then he replies "Do I give you that, at this point? That would be stupid, you're in charge and the only thing I have the bargain with... Is what's in my head and I'm guessing that I should hold on to everything that can!" he stops to emphasize the point.
"I'm guessing that I need, to hold on everything I know. As bargaining chips. Then I might decide to tell you what. You need to know or you don't need to know, at this point."

Dr. Otto says "Okay, your at ARC research center in New Hampshire."

"Never heard of it" jack hissed.

The Dr. replied "Well not a lot of people have heard of ARC. But some have and I take it you're from Los Angeles?"

"Maybe I am" Jack quips to the doctor…"I'm gonna tell you straight up. I always like to tell the truth to people! ONE!" he lectures "It eliminates problems later on."

He stops to think and starts his list thing again.
"Straight out the box...
I really don't like lying...
But first thing your obviously the government of some kind or giant corporation.
I would NOT trust neither.
I've worked around the government through family, all my life on and off.
I worked for many a giant corporation.
I wouldn't trust anyone one of them, to get me a sandwich. Let alone anything with my life on the line.
I never have.
I'll give you one clue...electrician by trade in the past.
I started at Eighteen and worked with up to 30,000 Amps of current at high voltage all day long and with that... Electricians like me, DO NOT! scary easy. We HAVE to shake hands with death all really don't get scared anymore, its just normal.
I will only say one thing. The redhead scares me more than ANY of the high voltage. I ever worked with. So will you keep that statement in mind from now on?
But as for everything else.
I will tell you what, I think you need to know.
AND most of what I know is this....!" he kind of shouts "I find a "SMALL"... finger quotes...."box on a road and bang HELLFIRE...PAIN and then poof! I am in bed sheets on top of a bigger box...your guys SHOOT ME!! Please tell which one, so I can BEAT HIM HARD! Next I wake up here DAMN IT!"

"SO" he pauses.

"I'm just going to basically consider myself a prisoner, at this point and like I said...AND stick with what else, I've got in my head as bargaining material."

Jack looks at his arm with the IV and a Band-Aid next to it. I am sure you have drawn blood and gotten skin samples off me at sometime or another while I was out. For how ever long that was? But my bet is, less than a day or less than about Twelve hours. I'm also sure you X-rayed me or whatever by now."

Dr. Otto goes "Yes of course, we've X-rayed you and everything else by now. We had plenty of time to do that. When you where received back then. But we still need information on this box, that you where on? How you came across it or it came across you? We need quite a little more information on it"...he paused "as IT WAS DANGEROUS!"

Jack volunteers to help "Doc I'm telling you the truth. I woke up on it and like I said next thing I'm here. Then you bring a scary redhead into my room, a green girl that's named after a beverage drink and a creepy looking kind of Morticia Adams looking girl...okay with red eyes. I know what good contacts look like and they WHERE NOT contacts. I can tell that! I've seen enough of else can I give you, at this time?"

Then Dr. Otto ponders with the gentleman in front of him, to finally say "Can't you tell us your name? 'hey you' is give me that at least?"

Jack laughs "I told the girl with green hair the name is "hey you senior" please...that name will do with for now. I doubt anyone else in the building is called 'hey you' so I'll live with it" Jack laughs and smirks back "I have to laugh. As I am in SO much deep shit, its not even Anything else Dr. Otto?" Jack stares at him.

Dr Otto replies back "Okay you obviously speak English, so your American that accent fits for the your Californian at the very least?" Otto looks at his notes,Then asks. "What was the last date you remember?"

Jack thinks to himself another nugget information he wants.
Jack says "Okay Dr. I will NOT give you an exact date. that's another nugget I want to keep to myself. To bargain with later....The last time, I remember was it was winter." says Jack.

Dr. Otto shakes his head this point there "Okay can we get a month? 30 days at least?"

Jack was thinking little bit "November" he lied.
It was really late December. But he's in trouble and he hates lying. But lying may be his only hope to keep alive... Keeping them in the dark a little. Like the bit about mushrooms. Keep in dark, feed shit, see if they grow!!

Dr. Otto goes okay writes it down on file folder "You think you can give me a year to be sure? As its is a possibility, that you came from One hundred years ago or Two hundred years in the future...though I doubt it."

Jack thinks okay 'Time travel? he thinks to himself "Okay you're asking in what year?" Jack says "Truthfully, right was 1976"

Dr Otto asked again more than confused "1976 was the last year you remember? You're not playing with me, to make sure?"

"Yes it was 1976 is okay?....All right?!" Jack snaps back.

"Okay...all right...who was president?" Otto asks.

Jack looks at Otto and pipes up. "It was Ford after, he makes an attempt to win the election....Jimmy Carter the peanut farmer won the election. So what now?" Jack huffs out, now even more mad at such stupid questions.
"I am from the planet Earth....I am not a Martian... I'm not an alien.....So what ELSE!" He yells out "As those 3 girls, are NOT Christmas elves with Santa Claus at the mall. I am sure, that they did not have on makeup on from motion picture studios. I have seen enough of that stuff up close to know....and I have NEVER heard of ELVES...are they mutants?" he asks finally

Dr. Otto stares at jack, with a blank look of a man thinking HARD "Let me go outside talk to my friends. About what you have given us. I might bring you back some photos of that box. You were found on and see if they ring any bells okay?" then Otto gets up to leave the room.

Jack studies the two guards still in the room and checks out their equipment, as Otto gathers his papers to leave....'They both have a 9 mm military issue pistol, that only JUST came out....As I bought one...You guys are really on the cutting edge...Okay 'Jack' I don't think, I'm going anywhere......soon?......I'm guarded by two guys with guns at least and a big huge metal door with no window in it. I don't think, I'm getting out of here anytime soon.'......he ponders, his situation.

After Dr. Otto leaves, the last guard locks the door and he stays in the room with his new buddy. Jack ponders to himself 'So at this point.. I'm in deep trouble
....this is not good. I don't think they know. What they have on their hands and they're asking me questions? The doc seemed to get really strange, when I told him the last year I remember was 76. He seemed to be really bugged about that one' he thought about that for several minutes and came to no answers as to why? The doc was so bothered.

A knock sounds on the door, the guard opened up and in came a orderly or nurse. A guy about 6 foot even entered the room with a small handled box with supplies in it.

'Unusual for a male nurse' in Jack's opinion, he thought 'But its a military hospital....makes sense' Jack thought his not knowing that 30 years had past and male nurses were common as dirt these days.

He came over toward the bed and Jack cleared some of the stuff off of the little table arm that was serving Jack with his water. The nurse put his supplies on it. Then went to the left side of his bed and pulls the sheets down around Jack's left arm.

The nurse says "Let me redo that IV okay? This is a standard IV. Nothing different about it, just drugs. You okay with that?"

"I guess you're going to do it anyway so...I'll just let, you do it" he hissed "I got no choice. if there are drugs in that IV. They are going in me no matter what, I say" Jack almost spits out "So have at it! Dracula tap me" jack sassed.

"I'm used to the Dracula jokes" the nurse jokes, back to him.

Jack watches intently the nurse, go about his job. Then notices the tattoo on his arm.....Marine Corps symbol with the medical badge stuck in it with "devil doc" underneath...."Corpsman? are you still a Corpsman?" Jack asks.

"I was a corpsman years ago. I finally got my full RN degree and I am a full-blown RN at this point" The nurse says, as he rolled up his own sleeve a bit. So he can show off the art he is proud to have.

JACKS jaw just drops when he sees the whole tattoo and tries hard to hide it...
"THAT DATE ON IT!...."9/11 2001 lest we forget"

He tries to hide the sudden growing fear in him now, with a change in topic.

Jack whispered "Okay I think I can trust you little bit more than, most the people in this place. A corpsman...I could trust a corpsman" Jack added "You see my dad was a Marine..served in the war. Corpsman....all he would ever say is top stars, in his book no matter what! So unless you're a crazy one. I'll give you a little trust."

The nurse goes about his job, of fixing the IV and asks "Is there anything I can get you? Some water? Anything at all?"

Jack smiled "At this point...could I get, a wet towel. To mop up the sweat off of me? Would be nice" then the nurse steps, in the into the bathroom. He gets towel damp for Jack, along with a dry one.

"My name is Bill, okay? You still want to be referred to as "hey you"?... this new, guy Bill asks him.

Jack jokes back at Bill "Hey you" will work fine. 'hey you senior' specifically. Will probably work better" he said, with a small smirk.

"We had last week a 'hey you Junior' so senior is a good" snips Bill.

"Let me get that water filled" as he walks to the bathroom. With the pitcher he just grabbed of the table. "To recap that again...Dracula or Bill" he cracks, as he walks back into the room with the water pitcher and puts it on the small swing arm table. "Need to go to the bathroom?" was the next question.

Jack surprisingly thinks and says "I don't need to go to the bathroom and I'm very sure 12 hours gone by at least? AND? I have no need to go whatsoever?"

Bill says "If you do need to use the bathroom get me! I want to make sure that you don't kiss concrete okay?"

Jack jested "I don't want to kiss concrete again either! My 'bill' already augured into the dirt once today. I think kissing concrete in here, with this nice tile on it. Would be a bad thing."

Bill nods "Yes a bad thing...that I've had many face plants in my life, working at this facility from patients. Usually when you fully face plant around here.. ya pretty much break it."

Jack replied "I've seen that, more than once in my work."
Then Jack adds in a rather hard and mean voice suddenly.
Bill nods back to him. Then walks out.

Jack is now really thinking HARD about what he just saw.
'That tattoo "9/11 2001 lest we forget.' He thinks on '2001? Was it? some kinda fight or disaster and that guy was "in service" or just got in. Then add a few years "in" then add the time, it took for him to get a full RN degree. That EQUALS...I'M SO FUCKED!'.............'It might be way past 2001!' the shock hits him hard! 'FUCK near 30 years GONE!! all my buddies are dead or retired and have FORGOTTEN me by now.' Jack sinks lower into the bed and its sheets.

....Depression starts SINKING into him real hard. ALL THE LOSS.... 'All that I know GONE! Might as WELL BE DEAD!... All I know for work, is out of date...As dead as I should be...I am SO screwed...They can just kill me, anytime they want ...As I died years ago...No cop will believe me.'

Meanwhile as Jack gets comfortable in his bed again pondering. Starting to wallow in DEEPENING depression... The five gather outside, the closed door and down the hall a few feet.

Dr. Otto gets everyone's attention "So what do you all think about, this guy loosing his complete cool with Fey in the room?"

They look around at each other and each one of the pipes up in turn.

"He seemed normal till, Fey got too close and your voice? It really set him off like he kind of recognized it?" Sir Wallace queried.

Gwen sang "He was mostly upset that, Fey was in the room. When he went off?... He didn't seem to be bothered, by me whatsoever immediately. He let me slap him silly, to see that he was awake. That was kind of fun! It felt kind of good...Maybe he's into it?"

Sara's more than sexy, husky voice adds in "OOOO he is into that! Sounds like a good one. I like a guy, that's into that kind of stuff." She then looks at Nikki "I think I might know why, he did not like ya that much girl?"

Nikki turns to her sister in crime " WHAT?" she kind of queries...smirking in that what are you thinking voice.

Sara snaps back "Are you sure you showered this morning? Maybe its because, you REEK! He did not like you?"

Nikki sticks her tongue out at Sara, as she takes a swipe at her.

"OK fine I know you did shower this morning. I know you did. Maybe its your fabric softer?...That new lavender scent your going for!" Sara asks.

Swoop goes another playful swipe, that Sara easy ducks.

"What other things can be wrong? its NOT your shampoo...and its not your perfume as your not wearing any today....I GOT IT! I know what it is! YOU FARTED!" they all start laughing "I mean after what you had for dinner last night. You should have cleared out the whole room."

Even Sir Wallace is laughing at the "stick."

Aunghadhail's regal bearing comes over Nikki "Queens do not "fart."

Gwen giggling like......mad "Queens don't fart?...Really?...So your highness...By all means tell us, what they do?"

Aunghadhail just remained silent and fades.

"Jesus I can't believe, she said that" says Nikki, in her more 'teen' voice.

~"We shall talk later child"~ Aunghadhail says to Nikki in her mind.
Nikki cringes "I am in trouble for that one." she hisses out.

The other girls giggled at that.

Nikki asks Aunghadhail mentally ~"Why do you seem so cold and detached toward this man and his situation? You added nothing to the problem of WHY he hated us enough, to kill US!"~

The Queen just remained silent.

Nikki noted her being quiet and took that as BAD things to come!

"We kind of have to figure out why" Dr. Otto said, as he got everybody's attention back on track "He did NOT like Nikki and had an adverse reaction to her. Didn't mind Gwen whatsoever and kind of went "whatever" to Sara. Which just intrigues me to no end that Sara did not...CREEP...him out. But...Nikki! The beautiful girl with the red hair. Made him almost into a complete raging nut to get her out of the room!" he explained. "We got to figure that one out....WHY? that Sara didn't bother him all and Nikki bothered him immensely"

Sara being that Lust demon kid... says in her more than flirtatious voice " I am starting to like this guy. He hates Nikki and he likes me. He likes being swatted...mmmmm..I am really liking this guy. Maybe I should go into there and talk to him some more? He is kind of cute!"

Gwen warned Sara "Sara I know your a lust demon, but could you? Please keep your mind out of the gutter for at least one day? and be serious?"

Nikki is nodding allot at this point, to Gwen's statement.

Sara retorted "My mind is not in the gutter.It never leaves the gutter. That's where it belongs."

The girls were giggling once again.

Dr. Otto gets the attention of his group yet again.
"Well what's the plan here people?... My idea is, that we just leave Nikki out here at this med station to watch everything over a monitor. While she mentally communicates with Sara, what's going on in the room and Aunghadhail can communicate on opinions remotely from that position. Anyone else have any ideas?"

Sir Wallace shakes his head "nothing." he adds.

Otto looks towards Nikki, as she gets that regal demeanor over her again, and the Queen is once more in charge.

She's a little bit more cold, detached. This time her speech...he can tell.
"I really need to see this man in person. To examine the spells that are interwoven over him more deeply and in person. Seeing it from a distance, I can not do anything! Gwen and Sara do not have the skills. I'm the only one here that can do it."

Then she fades.....Nikki comes back in charge of herself "She's been being very insistent!! She wants us to examine him in person."

Dr. Otto walked over and talked to Sam the Doctor in charge of the man's medical care.

"Sam?....what can we do, so we can get Nikki in there and have her examine this person?" he questioned.

In reply Dr. Sam states "After what I saw of the videotapes of him flipping out. The minute she walked in? There's only one way, you can really do it and NOT restrain him. It is to drug him up and knock him completely out. I can have Bill go in there, under the guise of feeding him with some Jell-O or something else. That's not going to be a problem dietary really? Then we put something in his IV while Bill does an IV bag change out. That is normal for top of the hour. He will be out in Five or Ten minutes. You guys can, wait down at the nurses station or the break room for Twenty minutes. Take a rest, while we get set up and the drugs fully set in."

Dr. Otto goes "I agree WE can do that. But for now, we will go back in without Nikki and she will wait at the med station to watch us"

Aunghadhail interrupted Otto, in a more than insistent voice "But I need to see him!"

"That can wait, till the drugs work. Till then, Sir Wallace can do some of the examining" Dr Otto replied.

Dr Otto turns to Sam "Get started please."

Sam states "Your the boss, you might kill him with this 'exam' But your the boss....Bill, please get the meds together and do as we have agreed."

"You got it" Bill says, as he walks away to the med center desk.

Sam walks over to the med area, as bill preps his stuff. "Man this is kinda low doc" Bill hisses, at Sam.

"I know...I don't like it either. But that man did come in here, with CLASS X taint and now its gone. They have to find out why?" Sam goes on "Yes they want the redheaded girl to examine him, so this is the only way to go. This is so, he will not hard as to break something or someone" Sam continues while working "Here is something to putdown the patient in a light sleep, nothing heavy I don't want him drugged out of his mind like he's going to surgery anything...maybe half an hour's worth at best"

Bill reluctantly agrees "Okay doc its your guys opinion...I just do it" Bill carries on finishing his prep.

Dr. Otto sits a reluctant Nikki and Aunghadhail at the med center desk. Then tells her to watch on the monitor and to communicate through Sara mentally as needed.

He then gathers up the rest of the group and walks toward the room. Then knocks on the door. The guard opens the door and they all file in.

Jack watched, as Dr. Otto walks in and sits back behind the desk on the chair there. Behind Otto is the green haired elf and also the somewhat creepy white skinned girl that he already forgot her name. Then next came the older Englishman.

Dr Otto says to Jack "This is kinda going to sound funny or weird. But Sir Wallace is a mage consultant and he's going to examine you a bit with his arcane abilities."

Sir Wallace says while walking to Jacks bedside "That box. As bizarre as it sounds seems to have left a magic residue on you."

Jack sassed "Really? magic?? we got've got a girl with red eyes! Man! I'm on good drugs" he says after pondering for a second.
"When I wake up from this one...I will write a book!"

Dr. Otto seriously looks at Jack "Your not asleep...this is reality! Remember when Absinthe slapped you? You felt the pain! You're awake! If you want to? I can have her do it again?"

Sara peeps in at this point excitedly "I'll do it!...I like slapping guys" she says in a sexy, husky voice.

Jack says "I'll pass on this one with you. Not because the slapping doesn't sound fun on its own and your quite good-looking. But ahhh...continued slapping, can have a tendency to make me a little dizzy."

Sara chimed in giggling "Well we defiantly have a keeper here! He has a sense of humor! As long as, we can keep Fey out of the room. He might be bearable to talk to, for at least a couple minutes."

As Sara for the first time. Gets closer to Jack. He is certainly getting a vibe off of Sara that is JUST...'different'...but its saying to him. 'I like this chick...I should love this chick' but he's shaking it off, quite easily.

Sara wonders to herself...'I just hit him with a full force 'lust' aura. Aimed at only him! and he blew it off? WEIRD! He should be jumping off the bed and going at it with anyone in the room sexually!'

Wallace walks up a little closer to Jack. Sir Wallace puts his hands out
... palms flat toward Jack "This shouldn't hurt at all. If you feel anything weird, please tell me" says the older gent. "I know you're not used to this...But this is like an X-ray or a CAT scan or a MRI" He adds.

Jack goes quizzically "CAT scan? what's a CAT scan?" then adds in "an MRI?"

Sir Wallace starts moving his hands palm down. Up and down his torso. Jack notices his hands are glowing something fierce.

Jack warns "You said stop you if I saw anything WEIRD?" he kind of shouts.
"Well your hands, are GLOWING!! and I don't like it!" he warns again.

Sir Wallace looks at him surprised "YOU? can SEE the GLOW!?"

"AAhhhh YEP!" Jack growls.

Sir Wallace near shouts out , more than surprised at that "Astounding!"

During all this sitting...watching via the hidden cameras, in the room at the med center desk and is furiously making notes.

Nikki asks again ~"What about him bothers you?"~

Aunghadhail...stays silent.

Jack glances about the room "Anyone else....about that being weird?...okay...I'll take that that glowing hand bit is normal. Sir Wallace....keep going, if you want. I am fine with it for now" Jack reluctantly adds.

Sir Wallace answers back "I think I'm done" and starts walking towards the door and exits the room.

Jack questions "Is anyone else doing anything weird or unusual to me next?"

Sara steps forward and says "Well I'm weird and unusual, I am going to get a little closer just to look at get a look at you."

Jack noted "Weird and usual! YAH...right got it!...Okay we're definitely on the weird and unusual bandwagon here! Jump on board! To the weird and unusual bandwagon."

Sara snickers back "Yes we're the unusual bandwagon and the school. That we all go, to is weird and unusual Academy. So we have been on the bandwagon for quite some time. You're probably going to BE the one joining us!"

Jack is shaking his head tonight "I hope...I'm not crazy, tied up in a rubber room somewhere....this is just not my day" he whines.

Sara looks at him intently for a while....then shifts into her mage sight and starts noticing the widely, tightly bound spell. It's obviously all over this guy. There must be Five...Six..Seven she counts or more layers of spellbinding on him.
A couple of them are true binding spells that are holding everything together. One is a transmutation. One is something else. Two look like they're for just hiding something. It's all bizarre. It's some of the best magic craft she's ever seen in her life. She backs up thinking to herself ... 'I'm not going to mess with that...someone really put the whammy on this guy' she then walks back outside. Thinking about what she just saw.

Sir Wallace gets the Otto's attention "We need to go outside."

After that is said, the whole party files out to the hall. The guard closes the door, so no sound from the conversation from outside gets back into the room and gives Jack something else to think about.

The door opens again and Bill this rooms 'RN' steps in with a box of supplies and a food tray with........the infamous hospital lime-green Jell-O!!.........
"I'm here to swap out that IV. It's time, it's the top of the hour and it's what I do. I brought you little something to nosh on while I am at it. Jell-O!!! Trust me that it's not medicated."

Jack growls "It doesn't matter if the hospital Jell-O's drugged. You guys are going to do what you want to, if I like it or not."

Bill walks over to the bed, puts the Jell-O on the table and the IV on the bed. Then starts swapping everything out, he's slides the extra drugs into the IV without Jack noticing and even a second thought.

Bill adds "Do enjoy the Jell-O, that's all you can have till...your fully cleared."

Jack waves the spoon in the air and makes it like a little wand then says "With all this 'magic' around maybe. I could smack this Jell-O with it and it will turn into a turkey dinner."

Bill jokes "It...turning...Jell-O into a turkey dinner. Would not be the weirdest thing I've seen a mage doing in this building."

Jack almost stunned "You're not joking? Are you? Aou have seen a mage turn Jell-O or something and do a turkey dinner?"

Bill shakes "No I'm not joking...You'd be amazed what they can do in this building, along those lines and I'll just leave it at that"

Jack looks on in stunned silence, as Bill exits.

Then Bill looks at his watch "About twenty minutes and he will be out" he notes the time on the chart, on the wall next to the mans room.

Back down the hallway ,Dr Otto's party is gathered near the break room door.

Sir Wallace began "That has got to be, the most tightly bound set of spellwork. I've ever seen on a human! Usually the only time, I have ever seen anything that tightly bound on something. Its bonded into an object, not a person? That's really good spell work on that on that guy. He's just got a web on him Five...Six...Seven layers deep who knows for sure?"

"Gwen? did you see anything?" he asks.

"You're asking me? I'm the trainee! I don't know anything YET" states Gwen.

"Sara?" he then asks.

"I saw several layers on him too. Some look to be transmutational magic with a binding. Plus something holding the whole thing together....I agree some of the best work I have ever seen." Sara lectured.

Nikki pled "All Aunghadhail to get in and see him in person. As soon as possible and she is being REAL insistent on that!!"

The group finally makes its way into the break room.
Gwen goes to very large Frigid. She notices its filled prepped salads and food. She grabs a nice-looking salad out of there and some dressing for it.

Sara spat "Is there, like a dog or cat in there. Like, I'm hungry too" she half whined.

Dr. Otto looks at her and goes "You know better. We don't do animals can have a packet of blood if you want."

Sara nagged "Your blood here sucks! Got no taste!"

Gwen cringes again 'Its so weird to see her eat' she thinks.

Meanwhile, Nikki is set upon a mountain of pictures of the box at Aunghadhail's insistence. She pulled out the photos of the box again and is now studying them very closely. The Queen reasserts her dominance over Nikki. Searching over the photos and the close-up shots.

Nikki goes to Aunghadhail in their shared mind. ~"What's going on?"~ she asks.

The Queen remained silent.

Once again, she begs her ~"What's going on?"~

The Queen remained silent.

~"Your bugging me! Your keeping a secret from me! What's going on?"~ Nikki wails out silently.

the Queen still remained silent.

The Queen found a couple pictures...close-ups she likes. She doesn't like what she sees. She traces her fingers down, the runes in the picture that are on one side of the box. Taking a mental note of each one, as she goes by ten or fifteen of them and then she moves over a couple lines more. She recognizes a Rune and keeps going and she starts making strange notes on a pad there in a language that Nikki can't understand then she fades out.

Nikki once again calls to her ~"What's going on?"~

The Queen is still silent.

At that point Aunghadhail deep in Nikki's mind and half in the spirit world says to herself "I hope this isn't true. This could be trouble. Last I saw this writing, it was a lot of trouble! A lot of pain. A lot of Anguish. If any of its come forward to here, from back then. That's bad and I do not understand either. That man saw a small box 1st, then he touched it and now comes back with a bigger one just like it. I do not understand that!

I have got to see what the incantations and what types are woven onto him.
What is with the binding and transmutation magic on him? That the other mages here saw and they are Sidhe? AND so old in nature that they never have seen them before?"

"I dread what it might be." her inner troubled, voice said to her.

While Aunghadhail was thinking to herself in the spiritual world.

Nikki got up went to the fridge and grabbed a very small salad out and sat down with Gwen. She sat back down next to her friend and fellow elf and started to dig into the salad with gusto.

Sara watched on intently and said to them "I still wish I could eat regular food, like you two once in a while. Its such a drag to have to eat like I do."

Gwen started waving the salad, under Sarah's nose and goes "MMMMM!! yummy."

"I hate you" Sara grunted.

Then Gwen goes back to Wolf her salad back down. Like she hasn't had anything for quite some time.

Nikki talks to the pair as they sit and eat "Aunghadhail is NOT talking to me on this."

"WHAT" they both say.

"She for some reason is keeping me in the dark....Even her notes, she writes are in a language. She has yet to teach me."

"Are you sure?" Sara asks.

"Yep" Nikki nods "She is keeping me out of the loop and is kinda forcing me around. I won't fight her ,as we need her. But I hate being in the dark" she whimpers softly and she goes back to eating.

Across room Dr. Otto and Sir Wallace are talking to each other "SO" Wallace sighs out "I still don't know what magic is wound up on this gentleman. But Aunghadhail certainly seems to know something.....She's keeping something from us.....She's being very evasive."

Dr. Otto nods "I agree the Queen, has been very, very evasive on this matter."

The door opens up, as Bill comes into the room "Okay gentleman...ladies. The last time I checked him physically, this guy's out cold. He will be that way for about two hours, anytime you guys want to go in there and do this. He's physically stable."

Dr. Otto and Sir Wallace get up near immediately and start walking towards the door upon hearing that.

Aunghadhail instantly grabs 'mentaly' onto Nikki again and gets her to her feet. Puts the salad box in the trash. Grabs a file folder and is out the door in a flash. All the while Nikki is saying to her mentally ~"Hey what gives."~

Sara and Gwen both get up, put their stuff away and leave the room. Right behind the near running redhead.

The group files down the hallway back to the man's door. At the man's room, the door is already open. Only one guard is standing there.

The doctor for the room walks over to the assembled group "The man is thoroughly sedated and ready for what ever you're going to do?"

Bill is also standing there waiting "I double checked on him again, he's physically stable and ready for anything you're going to do to him. I moved the desk out of the way. It's all your gentleman's show."

Dr. Otto walks in the room, puts paperwork down on the table off to the side.
Sir Wallace walks in then Nikki really quickly behind.
Then Gwen and Sara bring up the rear, walk in and pretty much stayed by the door.

Wallace walks up to the man and starts waving his hands over his still form. His hands glow in a way, that only a mage can see "Interesting its definitely is a older age Sidhe magic. I've never seen anything quite like this old. That wasn't in some kind of artifact or something of that manner" he steps back deep in thought.

He steps, back to the small to say "I'm the standby...Gwen can be more of a receiver of what's going on. I will make sure if anything goes wrong? I will feel it first."

He glances to Gwen "Come over here and do is I taught you months ago. So you can have a separate feeling for what's going on, while Fey examines the man."

As Fey steps about halfway across the room. Sir Wallace notices a slight twitching in the bindings of the man. The spells around him are tightening and acting strange.

Sir Wallace states, with alarm "Fey?...He is already having a reaction to your presence, even at that distance."

Aunghadhail says through Nikki's body "I already noticed that...I saw that, when I was in the room the last time. Just as I came in the door."

Sir Wallace snapped, at her "You kept that back!? You noticed something an hour ago and more! Now you're telling me, Your Highness?"

Aunghadhail says with a Imperious demeanor to him "I do not tell you everything!...AS not everything is what it is, or looks like! You should know." She takes couple more steps forward.

Gwen's voice wavers in fear "I'm even I am feeling it now and I'm an idiot."

Sara points out, from cross room "Perhaps you otta back off Aunghadhail. Your obviously setting something off and it's not looking good?"

Aunghadhail at this time is across the room. Standing next to the bed, putting her palms towards the man and waving her hands over him. From top to bottom and side to side.

Sir Wallace notices the spellbinding's are becoming super active. The ley line from the man to the box is becoming a lot thicker. More arcane magic is flowing through it than ever before. It was just a thread at the start. Now it's becoming as thick as a rope, as even more arcane power pluses through it.

Gwen yells "Aunghadhail back off! It doesn't look right."

Sara lectures to Aunghadhail "Heed their opinion Queen, they are there for a reason!"

Aunghadhail shot back "I'm in charge of this, I will take care this! This is Sidhe magic! It has nothing to do you!"

Gwen sneers at her and growls at the old Queen "What do you think I am!"

Aunghadhail snaps a look at Gwen, while she's still trying to get readings off of the gentleman. "Your a child! You do not know, what I'm doing! Stay out of it! Stay silent! and learn! That is what you are here for!"

Aunghadhail waves her hands more and more closer to the figure from head to toe. Now the glow is actually brightening the room!

The guard that is standing next to the door Says in a shaky voice "Even I can see it now!"

"Damn it!" Sir Wallace yells "The connection to the box downstairs, it was a thread. Now it's a rope. It's becoming as wide as a river! Back off! "

Aunghadhail not listening to him, roared back to him "It is in my realm of expertise!"

Sir Wallace turns and orders Gwen out with a wave of his arm, then grabs her shoulders "Get out of the room Lass....This is getting out of hand! You shouldn't be here."

After he gets her started on her way towards the door he turns to Aunghadhail "Your highness you've got to's going all wrong."

Aunghadhail proclaimed "Everything is perfectly fine Sir Wallace I am in complete charge of this...This is very interesting what is on him. They are definitely ancient spells. They are definitely ancient Sidhe and bound in such a way? I have never seen before? I do not understand what is going on here? The only thing I am feeling or seeing so far, with them. Is that, they seem to have something like a time limit or something going on inside them. A particular way to do something or they were on a way to finishing something. They are dissolving. One way or the other, they are finishing up or starting.... I can not tell which."

Sir Wallace yells "I think you've gone too far already....something IS definitely wrong"

The man wakes up even though he is sedated.

Bill in the hall hears him snap awake...struggling in his bed and he looks in.

Jack is fully awake! Then the first thing he see's when his eyes peel open.
He's looking in the face of the redhead!

He starts SCREAMING AT HER ...."GET AWAY FROM ME YOU IDIOT" He says in a strange voice....not quite not his own.

Even he can recognize. That the spells have completely cut loose on his body in a magic catastrophe that blows both Aunghadhail and Sir Wallace across the room in a blinding bright FLASH.

It stuns, the guard against the wall.

Sara in her GOO form, bends with the blow.

Aunghadhail and Sir Wallace pick themselves up from across the room and struggle up to get out.

Bill Runs in to the room looking at the poor man on the bed going into convulsions at that moment. The man is screaming in agony. Bill can actually hear bones breaking, flesh..rendering being torn apart. Something's going on with the prone body laying on the bed. The man is flopping around on it, like a dead fish or dying fish.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Bill yells, as he glares at the redhead.

Bill runs over, lowers the bed, via an automatic flat setting on the control. As it lowers, he drops the side rails andwhips the sheets off. As he does, he sees the mans form is actually bubbling in his own skin. The sight shocks and sickens him.

The guys face is, one of pure agony.

His bones seem to be moving around on their own accord...GRINDING.
Muscles are running under the skin.
The guys face is one of pure twisted, agony. As he is screaming his head off like a trapped animal, that doesn't understand the pain its going through.

Sam the Doctor in charge, runs into the room and starts shooing everybody out "Everybody out!" he yells. Other technicians run-in, from allover the floor of the medical unit. They start shoving stuff aside and check on the man's vitals.
Sam notices something on the on the monitor, his temperature starting to spike.

"Bill! he might be a mutation! It looks like he's going into burnout! Get the cold packs in here" Dr. Sam yells loudly.

Bill turns to the other technician "Get the cold packs in here...Notify the on-call doctors in charge of burnout specialties for mutants immediately."

That man immediately turns and runs from the room. To get the supplies needed.

Dr. Sam to the turns to Dr. Otto and his group that still at the door. He looks at them all and sneers "It's out of your hands now. You might as well go to the break room. We have to take it from here and see what happens. I think he's going into burnout."

"Whatever you did with the spells young lady" as he looks at Nikki "Seems to have started off something that should've happened. Let's hope he lives through it."

Bill walks over the door quite angrily and slams it shut! In their faces.

As the group stands there. Waiting for Otto, to finish talking. Two mages that worked this section of the floor, run down the long hall and jump into the room "It felt like nuclear bomb of magic going off on this floor. Even with all the wards around. It definitely lit up the whole area" say, as they both go in the room. To see if they can help.

After the mages find that they can do nothing. Both ask if, they can see the "tapes" of what Fey was doing. Just before the incident.

Bill walked with both of them, back over to the medical station. Sitting in the middle of the hallway. He sat down at a computer station and he started working the system to bring up. What the two mages wanted to see.

After about five minuets, he hissed loud enough for all of Dr Otto's team still in the hall to hear "Here ya go, this is the whole thing from the start! and about five minutes in. That's where the redhead starts to mess-up and poof!"

The two mages watch on the six arrayed monitors. The Recording of the room from all the camera angles available.

As a two mages watch the six monitors. They can see second by second what seems to be going wrong with Fey's examination on the gentleman. In it they can tell, from the taped images and the somewhat magic sensitive sensors mounted in the room. Then add their own assumption of what was going on. Is that Fey seems to have hit a mystic tripwire in the spellbindings. That was set to go off for a specific reason or event. That event looks to be a Sidhe, like her or the mystic exam she was doing. It looks like the tripwire was set with a warning phase and it took a while for it to set off. Also it looks like she was being warned by the other people in the room. That she might be doing something incorrect and she paid no heed to the warning others saw.

The two mages start arguing and discussing this to each other.

Bill is of course overhears them on this, as he is just sitting right there running the computer and recordings for the mages back and forth as requested.

At this moment the burnout unit for mutations comes at a run....down the hallway with all their equipment in tow and their Doctor.

Bill immediately recognizes that the Doctor charge....a buddy of his, from way back.

Mike...the mutation specialty doctor for this section of the complex and one of the best in the business...jumps into the room.

First thing he see's as he gets to the door and opens it with the rest of his team behind him. "What the hell?" he shouts.

As he hears a man screaming inside and the rending and tearing of flesh and bone "How the heck did this happen!!"...."What the hell IS happening.".....he thinks 'This never happens!' he starts in on the man and gets his staff to work 'In a burnout they just either live or die slowly. THEY don't fall apart like this!' he thinks again. Then gets to work saving the man.

The new doctor 'mike' is in the room examining the readouts, on the existing monitors. As his team puts air-conditioning chilled ice packs, underneath and above the man keep his temperature down. That is just starting to peg the One hundred and twenty-five degree mark on the panel.

A mark that of this point which would kill most people almost instantly.
His heart rate is jumping to near Two hundred range and then floating down to about One hundred-fifty. His blood pressures all over the map.
He can actually see bones and joints tearing on the guy. The thing that stands out most to Mike, is that the man's ribcage is expanding and collapsing in on itself. Crushing the man's organs, thus stopping his breathing and his heart for one or so seconds at a time. They just seem to suddenly compact down on his internal organs, stop everything in place and then pop back out.

He's never seen burnout go like this.

They usually goes in stages and everything works out fine. OR the guy just dies!
This one' stage number three is happening when stage one should?
Then what could be stage seven, starts and stops randomly.
It's all over the map! AND all that time, has been causing so much pain.... No pain medication. He can give to him, will work what so ever...past the burnout effects.

Mike goes on examining the gentleman.

Jack just screams.

Dr. Otto looks at his group and then looks at what's going on in the man's room.
Then he makes a decision to himself for his group 'It doesn't look like that man is going to be in any shape to be looked at anytime soon' he thinks.

He turns to the group "I think we should all go and see the box right now. I don't think, we are getting back into that room anytime soon. Not! with nine or more medical technicians in and out of there, with all their equipment. Trying to save that man's life. Or at least keep him comfortable until something happens one way or the other" he explained.

They all silently nod in agreement.

He starts leading the group down the hallway back towards the elevator they arrived in. Once At the elevator door, he keys the special pad there with his ID and enters a code number. The door opens up and immediately a voice rings out. "Dr. Otto alone?"

"Nope" he goes over all his guests and has each one swipe their card over the pad inside the elevator.
The door slides shut...the elevator doesn't move. A camera above their head swivels around and looks at each one of them in turn.
"Dr. Otto everything fine?"...."Clear for you to go down."

"Everything's fine" Otto says and he keys in another number.

Then the elevator starts it's long journey down in the depths of the complex. After one full minute of dropping, it's going well over another mile DEEP in the complex...This is now, one of the deepest sections of the complex.

That they keep the worst of the worst in.

The door slides open, at the bottom.

Immediately as the door opens, up everybody notices. That the elevator door opens up to a room and the guards are already pointing weapons towards the door. So that even if some THING slinks in....IT! wouldn't have a chance to do anything before the guards got at it.

The guards check his ID and everyone else's ID again. Against files to make sure it's proper. Then they open up a door for them to enter that section the complex. They then walk down a very barren hallway.

Dr. Otto says "Okay people, the last I heard from the report that I have in my hand here" he indicates the file folder in his arm... "Is over an hour ago in the file is probably more like Two now. The class X taint on the item is zero or so near zero, that exposure over even long periods of times. It can't hurt you. But still its in a examination room. That is sealed off and only one at a time is allowed to be in the room with it. The rest will stay in the observation booth."

They all walk about One hundred more feet, then make a turn to a large door.
He keys the pad on this one, opens it up. To lead into an observation room with a large glass wall on one side. Now they can see the box-- four foot tall, by four wide, eight foot long, laying on the floor in the middle of a Forty by Forty room with a Twelve or Fifteen foot or higher ceiling. Then it seems to be sitting on transport pads, just in case you have to move it around.

Otto introduces the technicians in charge, to the group.

After he does"So has anything changed?" he asks, the tech's.

The technicians say almost in unison "Nothings changed"
Then one says "This thing...all it is a big lump of metal."

Dr. Otto "Have the technicians tried any further tests or ways to try to get this thing open? Since last report?....I got...the data is about two hours old?"

"We tried lasers on it, every torch, we've got nothing, not a scratch in it, not even the slightest little dent, we probably could drop a nuclear weapon on it Doc and it would just sit there" one tech informed the group.

Dr. Otto turns to the two mages on staff that are in the room, unfortunately he has never met or knows either one of their names. He asks them "Are you the two mages on staff for this project."

One of the gentleman turned towards him "Yes we are."

Dr. Otto asks "Bring us up speed. please."

"Well--we been going over the database...notebooks...books out of my collection at home, since this came in and he runs down a list for them off his notes. Of what he has referenced.

....We only get one rune, out of Two Thousand. We can't decipher it at this point.
....There seems to be Four to Five different sets of runes on the box, each one of its own language or subtype.
....Only thing that they seem to have in common, is that they are Sidhe in nature. As far as I can tell from the one or two or three different types...that we can decipher in each set.
....We find their history coming from, definitely some of the oldest we've seen.
....It is definitely, arcane writing for a spell or arcane shorthand.
....It might be notations of what's supposed to be in the box, like a list?
....But that's about it and Ninety-nine percent of that, is guesswork." the mage states, as he closes his notes folder.

Thanks gentleman Otto turns to his assembled party and says "Who wants to be first?"

Sir Wallace answers out..."Me I will go."

He enters the airlock door and it opens up in sections for him to enter the next room. He goes in and starts examining the box. He does not seem to be doing anything special at this point any he intently watches it. Looks at it. Since, he brought a notepad in with him. He starts writing down some notes, as he sees something...that looks familiar...he thinks?

...For Forty-five minutes to an hour, he examines the strange box and then he comes back into the observation booth.

Sir Wallace Interrupts the group sitting around looking at other photos of the box and states to them "Well people, I didn't see anything vastly familiar? Like that the gentleman mages said. It's just ancient symbols of ancient Sidhe and no organization I know of?" he pauses to look to Fey "I think should be next in...maybe Sara with you at the same time?" Wallace segests.

The technicians STATES in a choppy manner "Not at a time...if something goes wrong...we only want to rescue only one person at a time...not two at the same time and if one goes or both go madman, kill each person is easier to rescue, once again."

The Queen rises in a very regal manner and takes control of Nikki before she can argue "I am going to GO next" she almost DEMANDS IT in her tone. She gets to her feet, gathers her papers.

She then walks over to the airlock door and waits....intently waiting....glaring at Dr Otto.

"Fine!" he says in a huff "Let her in."

Fey readies her paperwork at the airlock doors and waits for it to cycle her through.

The box... it's laying there four foot tall, by four wide, eight foot long, bronze almost golden color.

She walks of towards it.

That she gets closer within 3 feet or so of it.

The mages notice that its getting more magically active and tells everyone in the room. The speaker snaps on "Ma'am it's getting more magically active as your getting closer to it."

Dr. Otto says to her "You might want to step back a little there Fey....nether the man or this box seems like you."

Fey looks towards the booth with intent "I think! I am okay" She states in a I know WHAT I AM DOING MANNER!! "I have my shields up...this box can not hurt me."

Dr. Otto reasoned "Try turning off your shields, go in there with nothing on and see if that works?" he thinks on what to say next, to the Queen "Being that last time, your use of magic or its style might have been what caused the last Sir Wallace's magic. Did not seem to get any rise out of it, when he was in there?"

Aunghadhail backs up "I do agree with you, I will try it without magic" she raises her hands and waves her shields away... the shields collapse.
She gets closer to the box again...this time, the runes do not glow so much...they seem to be back to normal.

The technician gets Dr. Otto's attention and points towards the monitors "It definitely worked, shields being up definitely was affecting the box."

Dr. Otto talks to the mike "Fey? it looks like a definite...having your shields active was the issue...them brushing their magic against the box, got its attention...So to speak?"

"Just give me an indication if anything else occurs" she orders.

She starts to touch the box...As her hand nears it by mere inches, the mages alert to the boxes aura going WAY up again. They both yell over the system "Back OFF!!"--"DO NOT TOUCH IT!" She does as he says.

One says "It looks like, it can only stand you in there...But get closer than say a foot and it starts to get KINDA MAD!"

Aunghadhail growls in a huff "SO! you do not like me at all! Well all right...YOU...I will stay back since YOU insist! " she says to the box as if its a person.
So she leans towards it...not touching it....searching. Reading off the runes in groups. Sections of five or six or seven or so. Makes a note then moves on. From those notes, she makes other notes. She studies each side-section one by one.
Intently studying it nearly for hours. She is Seeming to be getting somewhere with it secrets. But every note she's making, she notes in a special language that she only understands.

Nikki doesn't have a clue what the notes say.

In the back of Nikki's mind, she asks the Queen ~"What's going on?"~

The Queen's is quiet.

Nikki asks again and again over the next few hours.

The Queen's is quiet THEN. The Queen getting MAD at the interruptions says to her ~"Watch and learn I will tell you later."~

So hours more go by Nikki...interrupts again ~"What's going on?"~

~"Be quiet--learn--and I'll tell you later"~ the Queen in her, says almost exactly the same way...But even colder than before.

Then she studies the top section of the top the box....section by section.
It takes over 4 1/2 hours to complete the task and she's writing down notes on each section.

Obvious to the rest of the people in the booth. She seems to be finding things that they didn't see.

Dr. Otto spoke "It looks like bringing Aunghadhail was a good idea. She seems to know something about this. That is not written out in books, so I take that as a good thing. She's doing allot of studying and seems be making more notes than anybody else. She must know something inherently about that box maybe? She encountered something about it long ago?"

Gwen goes over to where Dr Otto and Sir Wallace are talking she quietly gets their attention "Dr. Otto...Wallace, since Aunghadhail is in there and can't hear us....Nikki told me and I am sure she meant for me to tell you. That Aunghadhail has been keeping her in the dark on this "thing" to an extreme and she says. Aunghadhail is cold and distant on the whole subject like its bugging her BAD."

Sir Wallace speaks out, in a surprised voice "That's not like Aunghadhail at all...she always "shares" with Nikki. As they both have to live in that body. I wonder what is wrong. I will talk to them, as soon as it seems best...thanks Gwen."

After four and a half hours ,she steps back into the observation room.
"I needed to sit down, go through my paperwork and my notes" Aunghadhail says in a tone that implies NOW.

The group looks at a technician, for an answer to her and the technician shows her to a small room with a desk. Once she is settled, she starts, searching and going through her notes.

Otto looking at her at the desk..."Well? what's your opinion?" he asks the Queen.

The Queen looks at him and the group "I have NOT formed it YET!...let me get to my notes. It may take me several more hours...BUT...I will get to, you as soon as I have an idea. As to what we are up against" she says to him in a very dismissive tone, that BASICALLY says go.....away!

Dr. Otto turns around, to say to the room "NEXT subject" jokingly.

Sara chides "Of course...I'll give a shot at this! I have one the biggest collection of rune books in the Academy" She goes to the airlock door waiting for it to cycle through.

After she is in the room. She turns to the glass "I am trying an experiment here"

She goes on to explain to them. That she is going to put up a magic shield around herself a little one. One that she learned from Nikki. The reason why she is doing this, is to test. If the box had a reaction to the Sidhe magic or just to Fey.
She walks towards the box looking for any indications.

On the monitors technician says "No not a value...a fluctuation...its all okay."

"That's what I really wanted to test" she informs them.

She then looks at couple symbols on the box. "The gave me of them and what's here or in the photos. They all the same to me so. I'm getting out of here" she tells the technician listening to the room and her.

She walks to the airlock system, waits for its cycle. After she gets out of the room. She walks toward Dr. Otto "I would like to see Gwen go in next"

Gwen looks at them both in SHOCK "ME!!" she squeaks in a high voice.
"In there!!?" she whines.
"WITH THAT!" she points at the box.
"NAW NO...NO...naw NO....NOPE" she goes real fast, as she shakes her head back and forth fast.

They both stare at her and Sara says "Don't worry about it...nothing has gone wrong so far"

Gwen starts squeaking again..."Exactly my point...SO...(pause)FAR!" she catches her breath "I don't want to be the Canary!"

Sara looks down at her evilly "I already did the Canary...Fey did the Canary...Sir Wallace did the Canary...your last up...anything goes wrong was going to happen anyway...SUCK IT UP!"

Gwen looks at her "Ok.....ay.....I'll go" she whines reluctantly.
She walks over to the airlock....The door opens up cycles through and she goes in.
She walks up to the box.
She looks at the Windows.
She says to the booth "Has anyone touched this thing?"

The booth technician goes "Physically?"....."with a ungloved hand?"....."YES" he states over the speaker system.

"OK....ay" she whines again. " there a reason why you sent me in here?"

Sara asks "Could you put up one of your magic shields...One that Nikki or the Queen showed you how to do....please?"

"Like Fey did?" Gwen asks back....whinny once again.

"YES...LIKE FEY DID...daaa" Sara spat sternly....then giggles.

Gwen does, as she is told. She gathers her magic from the area and her shield comes to life.

Everyone looks at the technicians and mages "Well?" Sara asks them.

"Nothing!" they all say.

Sara says to Gwen in the room via the speaker "Okay...walk towards it."

"Okay" Gwen, says apprehensively. A little more than scared.
"Remember this thing didn't like Sidhe. I warned you" she says back again, whinny and a bit sacred.
She takes a few steps towards IT.

The technician shaking his head "nothing."

Gwen looks at the window "Does shake head mean bad or shake it being good...I can't hear you."

The technician clicks on the speaker "Shake head means....nothing....all good...when you see me with my eyes bugged out screaming at you and you DON'T hear a might want to leave the room at that point!"

She says "Okay."
She takes a couple steps toward it.

The technician still shakes his head.

She takes a few more.

The technician still shaking his head.

THEN she does something, only a small kid or a person with a childlike mind does.
She YELLS OUT........."TAG YOUR IT! "Then smacks it, with her right hand and jumps back.

The Technician and most of the room is laughing. But he stops long enough, to say to her "Nothing."

"Can I leave now?" she asks.

Everyone looks at Sara.
Sara laughs "Yes you can leave....CHICKEN!"

"WELL!! at least I touched it!" she ranted and she walks out of the airlock system.

"WELL....that was FUN" Sara intoned " AND....That answered many a question."

As Gwen walks back into the room, as Sara starts.

"What" Otto asks her

All three look at Sara. Aunghadhail in the small room does not stop with her note making. But she does hear her.

"I can now get an Idea of what we may have here. After Gwen went in there with the box" Sara states to them all.

"See...I knew it...I was a canary" Gwen snarls, as she stared at Sara.

"Yep and a fine one you made!" Sara joked.

"But in all seriousness...what I wanted to see is? If it did not like a Sidhe and it seems to me...It does not like Fey period" Sara stopped to let that set in the group. "Why I bet your going to ask, how I got to a point to say that?" Sara asked them.

"One...I used a mage shield just like Fey taught me a bit back...No issue."
"Two...Gwen used the same...No issue."
"Three...Gwen is a Sidhe...AND she is actually kinda related to the Queen...LONG ago but related...but it did not care."
"Four...and thanks to Gwen even thou, I did not touched it...and nothing...So contact with a Sidhe is out as a reason."

"So...I does NOT like Fey and only Fey...So the Question now is...WHY? It hates only it because? she is a...
A Sidhe queen.
A royal.
Just Fey's family.
Or just Aunghadhail?"

"Aunghadhail? why only Aunghadhail?" asks Gwen.

Sara says "Why?...Aunghadhail has over time...MADE many enemies."

Fey seem to be sliding back and forth between Nikki in charge and Aunghadhail making notes on the photos in her notebook. While she sits at the desk.

Nikki says to Aunghadhail in the back of her mind silently to each other.
~"Why are you being so cold I don't get it?"~
Aunghadhail says nothing.
Nikki screams at her in her mind again.
~"What's going on why are you being so cold about this!"~...utter silence.



Bill walks down the hallway coming back from the break room with a cup of coffee. He just had to get. It's been over five hours since the man in the room started screaming his head off. After the redheaded obviously interfered with some spell. According to the mages and started this trip in agony for this gentleman.

He walks past the med station, then walks in the room and over the last five hours things have changed a little bit. He just doesn't scream continuously, it seems to go on for about an hour. Then about a Ten minute break or so....a small reprieve in the pain. The changes, comes and goes in the steps or phases.
Bill walks into the room, on what seems to be another level of pain for the gentleman is starting up yet again! Over the last five hours Bill has seen a lot of changes occur.
Skeletal changes with the man that they could see...unaided.
His skin has been getting darker....changing color to a weird black-but not black its like a super dark purple-blue.
Internal organs changes. That he has gone over with Mike the specialist on burnout mutations.

As he walks in and sets his cup of coffee down notices the manner of his patents suffering changed.

The screaming...agony and pain slowed.

Bill stands over the man looking down at him.

Jack suddenly wakes up and realizes someone's in the room.
For the first time in hours. He seems to be little bit more coherent than normally.
He sees Bills face.

Bill leans over and says "I gotcha buddy. We are going to keep taking real good care of ya....can you understand me?"

Jack nods wearily with his teeth clenched in searing pain he is going through.
His eyes are agony, they feel like molten metal been poured into them.... Sometimes he can't see....Others he sees too much...too much light...color.
Even his hearing is painful...too loud...too sensitive.
His skin and muscles feel, like knives have been jammed through his entire body.
Even his head feels weird like his skull has been crushing his brain.
All his ribs hurt and everything hurts THE PAIN NEVER STOPS it just lowers a bit.

Jack looks up and Bill and nods to get his attention.
Bill leans in closer.
Jack wearily says through the pain..."BILL I'm done. I'm all spent man.
I can't take anymore."

Bill pleads "Don't say that. You can take it! These burnout things with mutations only go on for Twenty-four to Forty-eight hours! Yours is the worst I've seen. But it it's usually a short time thing you'll make it!"

Jack continues though the searing pain.
"I can't take it anymore. I'm done, I'm spent. DO ME MAN. I'm sick of this stuff. I'VE GOT TO GO."

Bill pleads with him "You can't keep on talking that way. You'll talk yourself to dying all by yourself. You won't need anybody's help at this rate."

Bill gets mad at him "I'm not gonna kill someone, that has a chance of living!!"

Jack interrupts him "Man I know you where a Corpsman! You know WHAT! I'm asking! My dad said a Corpsman carries a gun for two reasons, one to protect the men that he's caring for" He chokes back the pain.

Bill pleading, almost crying. "DON'T ASK ME TO DO THAT!" yells at him.

Jack finishes "The other is the kill off his friends in Mercy! If he can't treat them. So that they don't suffer in agony on the battlefield for hours."

"DO IT!" Jack screams.

The pain starts racking his body again. Ratcheting back up to the level usually is at. It looks like his small reprieve from the pain is over and another series of changes start again.

Bill walks out of the room shaking...Bad memories rattling his brain.
He grabs his coffee mug off the table, as he walks out the door and as soon as he gets in the hallway. He chucks it down the hall and it shatters all over. The guards in the hallway jump from the sound. Bill just walks away toward the break room again.



"Aunghadhail?? Nikki?" Dr. Otto asks
She looks at him.
"Can we all go back up to the breakroom. Where you can work on that, in more comfort? and while we are there check on the patient?"

Aunghadhail's voice comes out of Nikki "Of course we can. This may take hours for me to do. Besides, we can all get coffee or eat."

Dr. Otto gets everyone together and walks back to the elevator. Most would think going out is easier. NOT HERE! its harder to get out than in. As this complex was made to keep untold "STUFF" from getting out...not keeping it safe!



Mike sees Bill in the hall and knowing his buddy for too many years going to back to the dark days in the sandbox. He knows, Bill is blowing up RIGHT now and is in a bad mood.

He stops him, with a small touch "Bill? what's up guy?" he asks.

"HE ASKED ME, TO KILL HIM?!" Bill spits out.

Mike countered "These burnouts only last about Twenty-four to Forty-eight hours ...Yes this one is real messy, but I have yet to see one not end in that timeframe."

"But have you ever seen? One tear a person apart like this? " bill challenged.

"No...never...and I have never read of one doing it either" mike stops talking...thinking.

"Mike" bill starts pleading..."He is family....his dad was one of us "dogs" he asked "THE QUESTION!"

Mike whispers "If this does not change on hour Forty-nine!....I will get with you and if you and I agree. We will end this for him...ok?"

AT that very second the elevator doors open at the end of the hall with the standard "ding" and its like a dinner bell to he sees his prey.

Mike rolls his eyes and says--"Ohh shit!" Then grabs Bill and tosses him at the wall and pins him.

...Before he starts...

But its too late the mouth is open and the YELLING starts....With the screaming agony of the man from down the hall, in the background. As a reminder to all, of why this outburst is GOING TO HAPPEN NOW!

Bill points at Fey....SCREAMING!
"He said TO you! don't come in the room. Now you can see why?...He said don't come in the room!" He's pointing at her in a vicious manner. Spiting words at her. "You! messed him up! It's your fault...he's in there screaming his head off! If he croaks! HIS BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS! He said leave him alone and you wouldn't do it. I don't care if the rest of these guys, in this hall lead you to do it... You still had the choice of not doing it. I'm not stupid. I know that you have a spirit in your body that tells you what to do and what not to do....But your suppose to BE in control!....GIRL! And it tells you stuff. So that you know more than most people in this building, on certain areas. I'm not a moron I can read files!"

Aunghadhail asserts herself over Nikki and Is furious and it shows....her presence fills the hall....BUT THE RN....THE EX-CORPSMAN has seen too much in life and she does not scare him.

Aunghadhail ROARS "DO NOT accuse me...human!...Of being insensitive and not knowing my job! How was I to know what traps are laid before me!" she starts to gather ley lines, forming a spell.

Bill spouts off again "You knew better!"
Bill bounces off the wall, his eyes and face read murder. Mike holds him back.
"Your friends TOLD you to back off" he spat again.
Mike holds Bill back...the guards move down the hall to help.

Dr. Otto stands in front of Aunghadhail and stops her...."Don't Aunghadhail we don't need you to get tossed out of here NEVER TO COME BACK! As if you hurt ONE staff member, THEY all will stand together to NEVER LET YOU BACK IN!"

"You knew better or at least, you should have. With all the experience you're supposed to have. I saw the recordings of the room...Your "friends" (he let that word burn) told you to stop. As it was going wrong BUT NO! Your arrogance lead you astray. ADMIT IT!" Bill screams more at her.

Aunghadhail is in full blow QUEEN MODE and will not stand to be talked down to.

Sir Wallace near a WARNING tone..."Queen if you do....YOU WILL GET NIKKI TOSSED OUT OF WHATELEY! and I will NEVER assist in her training again! I mean it!"

Mike and one guard, start to DRAG Bill down the hall toward the med center and the patient room.

Aunghadhail starts to howl at the man. BUT Nikki stops her COLD. Takes back control and says "DON'T BLAME ME I am still learning." she whines. "I didn't see any trap in the background of the magic....Magic is not always a straight line. Sometimes it throws you a curveball, once in a while! That's just the to the nature of the beast"

She runs down the hall in tears to the breakroom.

Aunghadhail finally sees the error and tries to console Nikki in her mind ~"I made a mistake child"~

~"NO!! WE MADE ONE--and I have to LIVE with it"~ says Nikki..mentally and in the real world to all. That word LIVE was the one Nikki made burn to Aunghadhail.
~"I have to make it up to him...IF...he lives....AND SO DO YOU!"~ Nikki yelled at Aung.

~"So tell me what is going on?"~ Nikki pleads, yet again. silent...then after a few minutes says in a calm voice to her. That has a little apprehension and sadness in it. ~"I am almost sure what this is...and if I am right. It is a mistake of MY past come to here to plague me. If it is so? I will handle it please?"~

~"What is it?"~ asked Nikki.

~"It was a decision made during war and desperation. That still is being felt today. This might be the first of many bad choices, I made then and those of my royal family come to hunt us."~ Aunghadhail sounded back, even sadder than before.

After being dragged down the hall Bill, is at the station shaking his head and claming down.

Bill sits at his desk, continuing to calm down from his encounter with Aunghadhail and starts looking at the monitors arrayed in front of him that cover the man in the room. Via a mass of displays and readouts of his condition.

Mike walks back over from just exiting the man's room, looks over the countertop at Bill

Bill gets his attention via a playful smack on top of the head.
"Mike is he getting better? as there's no changes on the monitors to look at" Bill asks.

"I can see major changes. It looks like he's getting shorter from what measurements I've taken and he has put on muscle mass. Aside from that. I'm gonna give it another six or seven hours before we start seeing anything trend towards a specific BIT goal" Mike tells his buddy.

He then adds "Hopefully he doesn't keep on going on. Like now....starts mellowing out and gets better. But I don't know for sure, as we are on totally new ground here."

Mike, as he stands next to bill. He can see that he is still mad at Aunghadhail for messing this man up. He gives Bill a tap on the shoulder. "You said exactly what I already was thinking. They should have known what she was doing or should have stopped her. She should have backed off, at the first sign of trouble. Obviously...we all saw the tape, there something going on and the other people in the room warned her at least three or more times to stop. I may not be a mage but...I can tell when something's going wrong."

Bill opens up the regular computer desktop next to him. "Mike I am going online. I've been reading the notes this guy." Bill looks down at the screen for a transcript, of what was said to Dr. Otto "He said 1976 was the last year he was in?? which makes no sense at all"............ "Time travel?" he doubted.

Mike jokes back "Time travel are you kidding? That's a new one, even for here. What?...Is he Capt. America maybe? He is Dr. Who from the TARDIS? Pick a sci-fi conundrum and wrap it around this one! But, I would NOT leave it the out of realm of possibility. I mean the weird crap that we've seen in this building and that's at our security clearance. We are only middle-of-the-road. I can only imagine what they keep in the "HOLE" he quipped.

Bill shivers "I don't EVEN want to think about, what's down there. I was down there ONCE! It creeped me out."

Mike states "This guy and this box he was attached to. Would have been in the HOLE....IF they had not lost their class X taint."

Bill starts messing with the computer and goes on Google.
Bill yawns "I've had an idea to look under 1976 for people disappearing in Los Angeles in the winter months. I don't think he was giving us the correct month. It did not make sense what he said. I don't think Dr. Otto caught it. I kind of think that he was fudging the dates there?" Bill stated then, set to input that info on the system. "I think he kept that info to himself. As little chip to play in the card game that they were playing."

Mike agrees "Yes...I think it would be a good idea, to make a search. Under that bit of info?"

Bill states back to Mike "One funny thing? That does not make any sense? But it kinda does for his generation, in 1976 being over 30? He should've been married. But it, obviously sounds like he wasn't." Bill looks at the intake notes, on possessions... "He was not wearing a wedding ring? But being an electrician he might not wear that wedding ring. Then he never asked once about his wife and lastly he obviously doesn't have kids."

Mike looks over the counter, at what Bill is reading on the display.... as Bill continues "I may not have kids. But my brother and sister have kids and me being just being an uncle. I WOULD have to just know, what was going on with my nieces....nephews and they're not even my own kids!" Bills adds with a little anger "I would be clawing the bricks literally out of this hole in the ground. To get out. To find out what happened" bill glances to mike "I would kill everyone in this complex to get out of here. to find my OWN kids!! So he doesn't have any" Bill looks back down at the screen..."Poor guy might have not had anyone....even back then" he adds, with just a hint of sadness.

"So?" Mike starts "What are the details your going for?"

Bill runs down his list, to Mike.
"The no kids deal is giving me a clue to start with.
We are looking for an unmarried male 30 years old or so.
I'm thinking the movie industry...he mentioned that twice.
No kids and I am going to assume where he appeared at, is where he left from.
...You know the OLD straight line theory of the door opens up. They can only go to the next room it doesn't go down to the next building or to a country Two thousand miles away. So I am going to go with that theory.
He's from Los Angeles.
He works in Los Angeles and he appeared back in Los Angeles."

Mike interrupts Bill "Also add that little tid bit, his father was a Marine that served in combat in WW2. So that might narrow it down another notch."

Mike recalled to Bill "You can always look in the mainframe database. With our security clearances, you will get just about any police or FBI file on record. Without any problem whatsoever."

Bill nodded "I am going to do that!....anybody around here an expert on that?"

Mike points to a guard in the hall "That one guard over there" mike points at one of the men at the door of the patients room "his name is Jacob. He's pretty good at mowing though the security stuff! Maybe I'll get someone to "relieve" him for an hour and have him join you at the desk here. I hear he is a wizard on a digging up stuff that no one else can find."

Bill says "Thanks buddy, I will work on this. What I am really trying to do is,.. good or bad. I want to give this guy at least a NAME if it ends up going bad. I want to have something put on a tombstone....if we put one up or least a REAL name on a file folder instead of it saying jokingly "hey-you senior" on it. Like he was joking around with me. That just wouldn't be right to be a lost soul without a name."


Break room ARC MED Center

After Aunghadhail has had silent mental chat with Nikki, she asserts control after she actually asked Nikki's permission.
Aunghadhail asks in a more motherly tone to Nikki ~"I have control again, I want to look at those pictures?"~

Nikki reluctantly agrees ~"You can have control...but you better start telling me something?"~

Aunghadhail answers, in a soft mental tone ~"I will try my best to tell you something child. But if it is bad and I do not want to let you know something that will in embarrass you. That came from me or cause you grief or harm or ill will from someone else."~ Aunghadhail starts to sound more protective and starts to talk. Pausing allot while she thinks of what to say to the teen. "I am trying to protect you. But I can not protect you from everything obviously. I think this "man"... I said to you. Is one of those things from the war that. I feel is very embarrassing that happened and I would prefer you, not to know about it. But it looks like it has been dragged out into the daylight, no matter what I do..... But if we are to talk. It is going to be ME AND HIM talking" she gets a bit insistent at this point. "I will leave you out of it, until at least me and him clear the air.
There is probably going to be a lot ill will, going between us at the very least" she gets a little sadness in her voice. "If I am even a little bit correct. So do not be surprised, if he has a lot of anger towards you? Almost every minute of the day."

Nikki recedes back to think.... as Aunghadhail takes charge.

Aunghadhail starts to pour over her notes and the photos again. She is still making the cryptic notes on the runes in her notebook, that Nikki does not know how to read.

Nikki interrupts her ~"You're going teach me that!"~

Aunghadhail counters ~"I have to keep some things private between us. That is why I am writing in this. Just like you.....I allow you, to have private things occasionally AND I don't pop up, to bug you about every little thing."~ she inwardly laughs.

Nikki reluctantly agrees ~"Yes I can understand that, you're stuck in here. Even though it's my're stuck in here....and you just can't leave, pretty much without me knowing about it. Except in certain cases."~

Gwen notices Aunghadhail getting back to her paperwork again, like she said she was going to do and it's a good thing now. That they both calmed down after the encounter with Bill that RN.

Gwen walks over to Dr. Otto and Sir Wallace.

She asked them both "Can I go down, see the guy in the room and see how he's doing?"

Dr. Otto says to the youngster "That would be a good idea. As we don't know what's been going on with him...for...." He looks at his watch "The last what?? Seven hours now....Easily!"
He is surprised by the time.
"So you go do that and then you can bring back a report to us or better yet? Grab that one mutation specialist....Mike I think was his name. Then have him come down here and give us a full rundown of the man's situation is."

"Got it doc" Gwen says with glee and she leaves the room. Going down the hallway towards the med center.

She comes up walking up on the medical center and sees Bill and the guard working at a computer station. They seem to be going over Google, some sort of internal document's and file folder systems....looking for information?

As she comes down the hallway. Bill immediately stands up and looks like he's about to say something mean, because an evil look comes over his face.

Bill's face changed. Then greeted, her "Your okay. Your the good one. I'm not going to jump down your throat."

Gwen looks at him and half sneers "Thanks....maybe?"

Bill jokes "It's okay, I'm only mad at her..the red head... at this point. You guys were doing exactly what you should've been doing. Warning her to back off. She just didn't want to listen."

Gwen interrupts him "You do know Nikki, has Aunghadhail's spirit in her and it was running the show in there?"

Bill says "Yes I was read into the files, on you all."

"So you have to understand your yelling at one...But taking it out on two, you know?" She says.

"Yep" he says flatly.

"So maybe you should talk just to Nikki? and make her feel better. As she did not know what Aunghadhail was going after?"

Bill agrees "I will try. After this is over. But you been real good to this guy. Keeping him calm and stuff. Maybe you should go in there and see if maybe your voice has some soothing affect on him. A couple jokes?...I don't know?....What ever comes in your head?"

She looks to Bill..."Me?"....and she starts whimpering "Go in there with him screaming?" she goes on "I'm having trouble enough trying to stand in the hallway and listen to that....Let alone actually being in the room with it! "

Mike is still standing there looking over his shoulder at what his friend is doing and turns to the small green haired Sidhe. "Yeah Bill, I really don't think this kid should go in there. I mean that is a pretty mean room, even for an adult to go into. I mean that the sounds coming out of this guy, just....Just ... gets to people. Even some of my own medical technicians are having trouble keeping their lunch down."

Gwen starts to turn greener than her own hair, as she gulps. Gwen looks like she is getting ready to yak right here, on the floor.

Mike looks over her again "If you really think you're brave and you're up to it. You should give it one chance, a shot. But if you feel like, your getting a queasy stomach. I'd bring a BUCKET!! and I'm being serious....I'm not joking."

Gwen thinking then after a few minutes with some apprehension...."I'll try it Doc."

"YES!" Darn your brave. My name's Mike, by the way again."

Gwen asks as she starts toward the room "Mike? Everybody would like in a rundown on what his situation okay?"

"I'll get some file folders together while your in the room and answer that one to all. I don't think you're going to be in there too good luck" with that said Mike turns to get files together, off his computer.

She looks at him shocked for a half second and turns to walk into the room.
She goes to the door of the room, she can see poor Jack flopping around on the bed. She can actually start to hear, his bones grinding, cracking, muscles and tendons pop once in a while and his wheezing breath. Then add him screaming on and off. Is the most sickening thing!

Gwen thinks 'Screaming all this time he should've gone horse by now? He should have screamed himself silent by now?'

She turns to across the hallway, back to the desk "I've heard people screaming before and usually after an hour they just kind of stop screaming? Because they can't scream anymore?"

Mike looks at her "I think since his voice box is changing and with his regeneration rate shot through the roof. So he's healing up his voice box as fast as he can wreck it. So he doesn't stop."

Gwen says not looking so good "That's just sick!"

Mike says "YEP!" then pauses "This is one of the worst....If not THE worst burnout I've ever seen. I've seen patients going into full cancerous mode. That look better than this guy."

She turns away from Mike and walks into the room even though she's cringing from listening to what's going on with the guy. She walks to the side of the bed.

She jokingly kind of whispers, down to him...."Hey-you senior" are you getting better?"

Just more screaming...
There's just more screaming...
More screaming....
More ugly horrible sounds coming from him.

"Hey-you senior" she gets a like a melodic tone in her voice "Come on...say to know me....the green haired elf...the one named after the alcohol....okay I'm just going to leave you just look like you're kind of busy right now."

She turned around walks out.

After she gets out of the door, she's there leaning against the wall and a half losing it.

The guards get ready to prop her up, as she looks like she's about to kiss it.....Just face to the concrete and just as she takes one or two steps.

The guard in his mind...'I am going to help this one out and keep her up....I don't want to pick her up'

He helps her across the hallway, back to the med center and she leans against the countertop.

Mike notices her come over and he just immediately slaps a cup of water on top of the countertop. "Just start drinking that and sit down" he goes around the counter and pulls her into the med center area itself. Then sits her down in a chair.

"Drink that water...Some people just can't stomach, what's going on in there.
Even professionals can't do it. So don't feel bad about it! As soon as you look a little better. We will go back down to the break room and have nice long chat with your friends....okay?"

She just nods.

Bill looks at her over the top monitor along with the guard. They actually kinda snicker at her.

Bill praises her "Well you gave it a shot. You're braver than most! At least you can say you did it!"

After it looks like Gwen has gotten a little bit better. Mike grabs his file holders together and gets her attention. "Hey Absinthe? are you ready?"

She nods.

"I got my file folders together, so let's go down to the break room and I can do this rundown on the man's condition for you guys"

She jumps up and walks down the hall. As they are walking down the hallway.
She asks him "Do we need display devices? Should we not be going to a meeting room?"

Mike informs her "No...not in this place, its got everything! Even display devices in the break room for Christ sake!....We have nothing but budget here to spend on toys!"

They walk to the break room and she goes to sit down next to Sara, who still seems be moping about it there's no food for her in the cafeteria.

Gwen asks Sara "I remember you go into peoples heads, when they are asleep to fix mental issues?"

Sara says "Yes I do!....I have done it many a time. Why do you ask now?"

"Can't you do it for this guy and get his pain level down?" Gwen hinted.

Sara shakes in anger at herself "OOOOO How can I have been so STUPID! I should have done that hours ago!" Sara starts banging her head on the table.
"I could have saved this guy tons of suffering! I had my mind elsewhere! Damn it! I hope this man can forgive me!" she bangs her head even harder.

Sara whispers, has her head lays on the table "Gwen right after this I am going to run down there. JUMP into his skull and fix this crud!" Sara looks up at Gwen, from the tabletop "For the so called "trainee" of the group, you sure come up with better stuff than the rest of us!"

Gwen just smiles.."I know! I just think outside of the box!"

Mike announces to the group "Okay people, Absinthe asked me to come down here. To give you all, a rundown on our man in question and his medical condition. So here's the's quite a long one!"

Mike turns on a overhead 3-D display, takes out a small tablet to run it and gets all his notes out.

"He's obviously in some kind of burnout and just for basis. In a stock burnout case. It seems that for the most part every step, has a logical secondary step, then a third one, then the fourth one, then the fifth one and so on. You start off with your heart, your lungs, your God's whatever, your internal organs changing, moving around, if they need to be shrinking, growing, whatever you need, and then it would progress from there. To the skeletal system and change. Then the musculature would change and redress. Then finally the skin. Then anything else that needs to be add to you."

Mike goes on.

"Adequate logical steps, like you're building something. Well whatever magic it was. Tripped all this up, its seems...sort of. Taking all that and throwing it right out the window. As far as the mages can see. There is transmutation magic that was already there and what they explained to me. Is that this spell, looks like it was timing off to do something anyway and when it got set off. It tripped stuff out of phase. Instead of one after another item going like its supposed do, in a certain cycle. They started jumping around. So at this point"

.... he pauses.

"I don't know what to say. He's going through the weirdest burnout I've ever seen on record. I'm going to be writing a little book about this guy live or die. On this burnout every piece of information we collect on him. Is going to go into a big giant file. That everyone's going to read, that specializes in burnouts.... this is how weird this one is, so with that being said...."

Mike changes the display to a skeletal map of the man that cycles through the last Seven hours and shows the changes step by step.

Sara sees that timestamp fly by and just starts getting more mad at herself...then interrupts the Doctor "After we are done here, I am going to go see the patient and try to help with his pain"

Mike says "Okay....all pain meds don't work in these cases....they just burn off."

Sara states "I going to try to into his head doc and fix this....Ask Dr. Otto I have done it before."

Dr. Otto nods.

Mike agrees "We can try it....but lets get back to this."

"His skeleton at this point is going kind of sideways and backwards in its changes. More than one time it compressed so hard on the internal organs. HIS HEART STOPPED....AKA he died FOUR times."

They all kinda gulped or gasped at that.

"His Skeleton seems to be majorly changing, he's actually lost about Three inches in height from SIX foot FOUR. Which leads me to believe that, he's either. One getting younger or to turning into a female. I'm going with both at this point. As that's usually what happens. Is that most people when they get a BIT they usually end up younger, if they burn out or mutate at an older age. I've had yet the really see an older BIT and that's confirmed by the measurements. I'm getting from his Skeleton."

"The strangest part about his Skeleton at this point is he's...he or she...I'm going to refer as he from here on out, till we confirm it has changed."

"He is adding ribs lengthwise or the number of ribs in the human body. He's adding more below a little bit. But what is strange is he is also growing vertical ribs along the length of the torso. Becoming more of a basket weave. On top of this, extras are adding behind the existing ribs. To overlap the open space that would be between them. Almost like banded armor of ancient knights.
This added... 'second inside'...ribcage...would make the body even stronger to stop things, like knifes from sliding between one rib and the next to damage the interior..... All this added....yet it seems to be still VERY! Flexible. Even more so than a normal persons ribcage. That being said."

He went on.

"The next weird step is he seems to be adding rib plates over the lower abdomen one in the center, three across the bottom of the same interwoven basket weave type. The interwoven plates. The lower ones are a lot more flexible and they really are not noticeable outside of an X-ray."

He flips the 3-D image around on the gentleman from before and a couple steps during the changes "You see them appearing at this point and it is making more sense."

Dr. Otto is sitting there with his mouth open, shaking his head.

Gwen glares at Mike "No wonder he screaming. He's like adding like a whole other person IN just bones alone!"

Aunghadhail is still pouring over matter's almost like? she's heard all this before.

Sir Wallace is indifferent and not commenting.

Sara is just intrigued at this point. Since Mike has stopped "Can I get my own personal copy of this one. Because this one, almost proves my theory against the intelligent design. Versus accident of evolution! This looks more like design....not accident of evolution."

Mike nods to her "I am in full agreement with you Sara. This does not look like evolution...This looks like design, like intent, that might be why the spells were there. I don't know at this point....let's continue?"

He pauses to change the display to a spinal one.

"On the Skeleton...The spine looks like it's reinforcing around a tougher center core, for the spinal cord to go down there. Also looks like it's beefing itself up to take bigger impacts from exertion, weight, running. Also the bones themselves. Finally they seem to be not made from a calcium bone, they seem to be leaning towards another mineral. That's even tougher than normal bone and their strength is definitely ratcheting up. I've seen this, in some of the exemplars their bones become a different mineral base. A lot stronger...since Sidhe hate's not it's another base mineral."

Mike changes to a whole different view on the display to heart and blood system.

"Next his blood is changing along with that it's going from red and white blood cells that is normal. It's going to something else."
He looks over at Fey "It looks like it's ending up more like what you have... That silver stuff running through your veins that, only you seem to have."

Aunghadhail looks at him in shock "Yes that's right. He's got more of your specific blood and there seems to be not a contamination.... But other additives into it, that are NOT! In our data base."

He changes views again, to a rolling view of time stamped changes to the circulatory system only.

"The changes in blood? Since were on this topic. Is his heart and I'm going to say this loosely. I don't think it's heart anymore its plural! Hearts! At present he's developing a whole secondary circulatory system.
His main heart on the left side of his body is gaining two chambers. It will be a six chambered heart. It's going to be supercharged, and now there's a secondary circulatory system branching off with a weird sort of valveing system to another heart. On the right side of his body and it looks like the other heart can do the pumping for the entire body by itself. As its built exactly the same.
I think they both systems will be identical and symmetrical...eventually.
So we have two systems one on each side of the body as strange as that sounds. Its going along with Sara's intelligent design theory again and of course both WHOLE circulatory systems are interconnected."

Gwen asks "You mean he has TWO hearts? REALLY?"

"Yep TWO! If this works out....A person can shoot him in the left one....He will shut its blood flow down!....Then next is...your shocked face. As his hands wrap around your neck, as he kills ya!" Mike laughs evilly.

"Now since blood goes to lungs...on to that." the slides change again.

"I think this person's developing more lobes into it and the way that the esophagus is going through the chest cavity. Leads me to believe, that it might be able to sectionalize and shut off second certain sacks. To keep them from being injured.

This also leads us onto the other organs in the body. It looks like his stomach is toughening up, along with a simplification of the digestive track. That being more of a normal Sidhe thing anyway. A lot of elves go through this development. I've read? The ones I have paperwork on anyway?" he quips.
"That their digestive track simplifies. Because they no longer need to eat meat and they tend to go towards more of a protein vegetable matter. To keep their body weights up. So, they don't need all that internal plumbing. That we have and they lose other parts of it. So, it's toughing up for some reason? But it's also losing some of its aspects of what a human has and gaining more of what Sidhe definitely have."

"That's why I think he's turning into an Sidhe. If you did not figure out what, I was hinting at" he laughs.

Sara looks at Fey and mouths the words "Are we gaining a new family member...a sister perhaps?"

Nikki with Aunghadhail in charge, just stares back at her.

Mike changes the display to body wide.

"Then we move to muscles people. He's definitely gaining musculature and a lot of it! Even for a man! He should be shrinking especially? If he is turning into a female. Especially a younger one. But he is not? The muscles are getting denser, they're getting thicker, they're getting more corded, they are standing out!
The body fat all over the body is already burned almost One hundred percent away...clear away. So you can really start to see the added muscle mass stand out."

"When he's not bubbling" Mike joked.

Gwen looks like she is getting queasy again, from her visit to his room.

"Yes I'm sorry Absinthe, that I reminded you of what you saw in the patient's room. With the bubbling remark. I hope your stomach feels good?"

She still kinda looks at him with a green tinge on her face and Sara looks at her.

"Was it really that bad?" Sara asks.

Gwen scowl's at her "It was the sickest thing I've ever seen and that's even after seeing you."

Sara giggles "WOW that's kind of bad. As I know....I make people vomit."

Mike looks at her "Yes I've seen pictures of what you do...yes you DO make people vomit."

Gwen laughs at that...she says "nailed" sarcastically.

Sara takes another swipe at her again. Then says to her "Girl your you're not scoring points with me today in the good column."

Gwen says back "Well one column or the other column whatever? Good or bad. As long as I WIN!"

Mike says "Can I interrupt now girls? in your little tit for tat battle there. We are not in your high school right now."

They turnaround then, they look at Mike "Yes sir" in unison.

"Next on a list of course after the muscles. Is the joints and tendons. They also seem to be changing or reinforcing and some new attaching system to the bones. Certainly there seems to be channels digging into the each one of the bones themselves for a actual better anchor point. This guy when, he's fully done is going to be a very strong exemplar...probably. AND very fast and durable one at that. Lets see what happens with the skin later on. That is probably going to be one of the last things to change on him."

Mike changes the display to the mans face and eyes.

But were going to hit on the eyes at this point people. I'm not sure? I am beginning to wonder if he's going blind. Honestly. I really am beginning to wonder if he's going blind.
Because the darker center of the pupils...the Iris...the colored part on him is almost completely gone! It has gone Ghost white, like a blind person. But there's something else changing in there. I can't get the equipment in there to examine fully. Plus all we get is more screaming in pain from him and a lot more thrashing when we try to get light in there. So we been trying to keep the lights down in that room, to help him out with the eyes."

After Mike says that, Aunghadhail puts her photos down and is actually listening more intently.

"Lastly like I mentioned before is the skin. I can't tell you what's going on.
He's lost most of the hair on his body from his neck down. Which is kinda normal for a lot of burnouts and exemplars."

Mike pauses to change notes.

"What's happening most...and is the most striking changes can confirm this his skin is getting darker...and darker I mean not like an African race's turning up blue/purple blackish, it is the most bizarre color? I have ever saw."

"I saw some records coming from your school on a student "Jobe" became the other day? It's a long his colorization of the DROW elf or dark elf or Dark Fae or Sidhe?"

Aunghadhail stands up and States! In a regal stern manner to Dr. Mike.
"NOT! like...Jobe!...Jobe is a plastic Sidhe...a carbon copy...a cheap plastic imitation!"
She gets even more mad at the thought of him MAKING MORE...just like him! and the room starts to glow about her.
"A! badly edited copy at best! he is no Sidhe of mine! Not one of MY SUBJECTS! and neither would be anything that he creates along his path to doom! Would be an Sidhe! They are doomed! and if more are "MADE! " They are abominations at best in my opinion...TO CALL THEM SIDHE! IS AN INSULT OF ANYTHING THAT IS A REAL! SIDHE! "

She looks at Gwen "You should never be seen around him or anyone he changes to his image or the image he started! In your times call it? slumming it?!" she hisses.
"They may think of themselves as Sidhe and look like it, but they are NOT! Absinthe"

Mike looks towards Aunghadhail "I'm sure him making elves out of a petri dish is very insulting to you...your highness. As the Queen of the elves in the past and what? and maybe Queen from here on out? I'm sure you feel that he is an insult at best....I am sorry."

Aunghadhail Says to him calmer "It is not your place to apologize for him...As you. At this time have done....Most great care for what may become one of mine....You have already earned my thanks and gratitude on this."

She nods and actually, giggles at that....seeing a human actually agree with her, before she has even voiced that opinion against Jobe at this point of time.

Dr. Mike says "Thanks...If I can please continue and I will use Jobe as an example that we for the most part have seen....This mans "color" seems to be going a little bit more darker where as "Jobe's" is a little more gray. I think that's from "Jobe" doing his DNA splicing "BIT"! Yes, I do keep appraised on what's going on your high school and with debauchery your little genetic scientist high school friends get into. "Jobe" is quite the case for a lot of file folders in my department... AKA one of these days. I would like hit him with a hammer. So that he would....stop!"

Gwen asks "So what is a true dark Sidhe or Drow....Aunghadhail?"

Aunghadhail hesitates for minute thinking...then stands.

"Well there's several types. Just like there are many types of Sidhe known. There are, Sidhe of the oceans and seas...Ones of the mountain....They all look a little different from each other. The same thing can be said with Fae of the dark or Fae of the light. Being good or evil is not much of a point of just being...Its what they lean towards.

But with a true dark Sidhe or Drow....the ones I've seen.
The ones I have seen in the way your describing this man changing to.
It looks like he's turning into. One that I am somewhat familiar with and that group was a culture of only warriors. That's all they did, All they did was fight. Not like mercenaries. But? they already fight for kingdoms.
They fought for any of the five courts.
Most of them fought the early and then the last fights before the Sundering against the GOO madness invasion into the kingdoms.
That's all they did. That's all they ever did".....She kinda fades remembering the past like bad Dreams.
"They where made to fight only.....wage war.
Its said they looked like predators. You could see it in their their attitude. Even their "look" They looked different than a regular Sidhe. Always taller. They where....more muscularly built to be mean, to most skilled with blade and bow. Pure deadly.
They where taught magic in a different way than I use. I never knew what was different about it. But it was truly so.
Also I only know this for the most part Second hand, as I was younger when most where about."

Sara got a little scared at the "They where made to fight only" part as she saw a real big change in Aunghadhail just before she said it. She thinks to herself 'Made? could that transmutation magic, be leftovers from that?'

Mike starts to end his rundown "That's what we have at this point any final changes for a female type usually happen really towards the end, so if he's going to lose this maleness and gain more female parts. That usually ends up being really close to the last couple steps. That's why I am keeping an eye on the sonograms and internal scans. Also of course the last changes in skin tissue also usually relate to breast tissue development. so when that occurs it happens in one swipe."

"Any questions?" Mike asks the room.

Sara gets up as the meeting is breaking up and no questions need to be answered. She walks up to Mike and she gets his attention away from his paperwork. "Dr. Otto has approved for me to go and see if I can help his man out psychically. Is this is Ok with you? I've done this before."

Mike asks "So what is it, your going to do?"

"I am going to go down the hallway and see if I can get in this man's skull in person per say. Some people call it his dream state. His unconscious being. To see if I can help him out with this pain, that he is going through. I might be able to calm it down. Also while I am in there, I am going to prep him for when he comes back to consciousness. As he needs know that there are going to be changes."

She turned back to Dr. Otto and she walks up to him "PeeTee" I am going to go down there and help that gentleman out as we agreed" She pauses to think.
"What about the fact that he might think its 1976 still? AND that Thirty years have not...past. As if he thinks that's true. I am going to break it to him, so as to get him ready for the loss of time. Hopefully he doesn't go totally off the deep end, knowing that Thirty years have past him by. Probably in like a second or two to him." she then ticked off her fingers one at a time "Then later we can do the...your mutating bit. Then the your a girl? maybe?"

He nods and says "Please do Sara. All that makes sense and if your worried. You will be fine. Your good at this" and he starts talking to Sir Wallace again.

Sara goes over to Gwen and Sara says to her "I am going to help that man out, like we discussed. Want to come?"

"Nope...its go by yourself I'm not going down there. It's too much for me" Gwen whimpers.

" problem" Sara walks down the hallway and walks up to the med center where Bill the RN in charge where he sits going over something on a computer with a guards help.

She gets his attention "I'm going to need something, so I can help this man out"

He immediately looks at her "How you can help him out? You're not a doctor?"

Sara says to him "You've heard of the psychics going in the people's minds and helping them out with certain issues?"

"Yes of course" he replies.

Sara states "Well that's what, I am going to do to help ease his pain."

He looks at her getting kinda mad and tilts his head "Ease his pain NOW? It's been like seven or eight hours. Could you not have thought of this a little sooner?"

She looks sad "I should've thought about it earlier. But I thought genuinely it would've been over by now. At least the pain part. ...I GOOFED!! all right! ...I was I was distracted by that box. ...The spells. Everything that happened after that! ...In my mind I was elsewhere, definitely. So at least I can go from here on out and get this taken care of!"

She stops to think "I need you to be in that room, watching as stuff is going on and also a chair from you guys. Put in the corner with arms. So that I don't fall out. That is reasonably comfortable. So that I can be meditating, to enter his mind."

"No problem" he stands up and spins around into the back room, behind the med center area searches and pulls a chair out of the out of the main office there. Then walks over to the man's room with it and asks "Where do ya want it?"

"By the bed. In the corner, as close as possible to the bed" Sara advised, as she entered the room behind him.

"Anything else, you need now?"

"Please keep the lights dimmed like they are already. Then leave me be, until I come out and he is fine. BUT...sit here in the chair by the desk, over there and watch Me. I want to make sure everything's fine."

"No problem" Says Bill.

She goes and sits in the chair. Starts meditating like she does every night and starts reaching out for the man's mind. The shields from before are not there. All GONE...BUT the pain keeps pushing her back. She finally gets by it.

The next thing she knows. She's in his dream world....his construct of what life should be.

Sara steps over that gap between reality and the man's consciousness in his construct house in his mind. She arrives in the kitchen by the back door of what appears to be a 1960s house in America somewhere. Well-kept in decent shape.
She starts walking out of the kitchen that opens up to the main living room area. A Twenty-five inch TV set there which would be normal for the late Fifties early Sixties, a couch and chairs, a couple of pictures on the wall. But the family photos, you can't tell what the person actually looks like in them. More of human blobs of color.

She thinks to herself 'Some people make a very complete dreams and some people don't.'

She walks down the hallway and she can hear the man moaning down the hallway from the living room. She starts taking it step-by-step down the hallway. Noticing that she's wearing the clothes that she started with back in the hospital room. She bends them to her regular "sexy leather dress." She takes note that his consciousness is not affecting her at this point. She takes that as a good sign, that he at least seems to be somewhat accepting, of the invasion in his privacy by her.
She walks past a couple of bedrooms and notes that they look like normal bedrooms. One looks like for mom-n-dad and one looks like, it's converted into an office. The third one at the end on the right, the doors half open. She pushes it open slowly.

She looks at the guy Laying in the bed and says "Hi....Sara....remember me?"

He immediately sits up in the bed, grabbing on his midsection in pain and obvious distress.

He looks at her with a face of pure RAGE
"YOU!" he roars at her.

"YOU enter HERE! After what your friend did!! Your friend is the one that did this to me and you come in here, my only safe place out of any! SHE DID this to me! I want you out of my head!"

She barely stumbles out, in a small gasp "WAIT...I'm here to..."

JUST as she says that.

He extends his right hand towards her palm out and she's blown down the hallway. Before she knows what's done. She is blown all the way to the kitchen and smacks against the kitchen door. When she should feel the pain and the impact!

She is right back in the hospital room sitting in the chair. Startled awake with a pain in her head.

She looks around and bursts out "That guys a strong ONE!....WOW! he just pushed me right out. Like it was no problem! I have rarely, come across anyone that can just push me out and about without even a second thought! This man, has got a one tough mind! He is definitely an independent thinker! This is going to be a lot tougher than I thought! I thought he would be reasonably easy...But this guy is bad!"

Bill looks at her "What happened!"

"He pushed me right out!" she moaned back. Grabbing her head in pain

Bill replies "You going to try again?"

"Of course! I am bound and determined to help him! Even if I have break his arm to do it!"

She settles back down into her trance.

Sara pops into the Sixties house again. She starts to walk down the hallway towards that bedroom again and still hears the man rustling in there.
She walks up to the door and its still half closed. This time instead of it opening, she says quietly "Can I come in Sir? Can I come in, I really think. I can help you out? Help you with the pain, you're suffering. I know I can. I've done it before. You remember, I was the one. That, was warning the one you call the redhead. Aunghadhail...not to do, what she was doing. The green haired elf thinks, I am sort of cool."

She hears the man "Come in" a gasping raspy voice like someone who is talking through his teeth, holding back the pain.

She walks in seeing him on the bed and half propped up.
"Please lay down don't get up on my account"

He plops back down.

"I can definitely help you" she walks over to the bed and sits down on the corner.
"Tell me what you're feeling?" she asks in a kind voice.

I then tell her. About the pain as it starts welling up again!
It comes and goes in waves it and I usually got a break for about ten minutes or so?... every hour.

I say to her, through a new wave of pain "My guts are on fire. Feels like someone is breaking my legs every second. My back is in pain. Nothing wants to stop hurting!"

"Okay" she starts "You have good control over your space. This is a good representation of what to you?"

"This house" I say "This is my mom and dad's house, the only place ever felt safe or safer"

"Okay that's good. So this is your "fort" to say."

I nod too her and even that small motion costs me.

"Okay so this is your fort" she whispers towards me, in a melodious tone that just sings to me "Start off with this first. Start concentrating on there not being pain. It just rolls off of you. Rolls off like water. It's nothing."

She says to me in her sexy melodic voice that starts echoing in my head for several minutes.
"The pain doesn't exist. Here your bones are not broke. Here are no wounds on your body. You can see that, your fine. You're uninjured....Right?"

I look down and see the wounds just disappear off my body.

"Okay" she continues whispering to me "You have no injuries here. So you have no pain here. If you can bring it to a realization. Just like you control the color on the walls. The look of the carpet. You can make the pain go away. You can make it go away here it'll go way back there! I know that sounds like a leap...but you have a strong mind. You pushed me out. People rarely push me out!"

She sees me starting to relax.

Sara purrs "Good your relaxing. Concentrate on that pain going away"

She waits a couple minutes, I sit up and it's almost all gone.

"Good!" she says then, she sits next me.

I sit up in bed and swing my legs over the edge and sit up for what felt like the first time in a year without any pain. She slid up next to me and consoled me.
She goes to give me a hug..."Ohh man what a hug!" My body just wants her NOW! She is so sexy and there. I am so ready!

She purrs "Feel better now? this is fine?"

"I feel a lot better" I say.
As she was hugging me. I got this feeling of absolutely wanting to go at it with her right there. It was getting harder and harder to resist. I was starting to get into it and so is she. It was like her hands are everywhere on my body and feeling weird but sexy the same time. I was getting to the point, I was really turned on and she pulled away?

I just felt the most let down of my life.

She says to herself "STOP! I have to get myself back on track." She starts to stand. "I don't want go back into old habits" as she stands up and crosses the room to hug her arms around herself.

"WHAT?" why did you stop?" I asked.

"WHY?" I whined and whimpered "We where just going!!"

She looks at me. Her eyes are blood red and spooky. BUT she still looks sexy to me especially in that leather outfit of hers. That fits her like a second skin.
I can hear the creaking of the leather it. Just a couple feet away from me and the sound is driving me mad.

She says to me "So your pains pretty much gone" in a nonchalant tone.

I nodded. As that's all my brain could handle in that second.

I was not falling for "Change the subject" NOT now after what I have been through. "So why the STOP? You got me rolling then. You hit the brakes!"

She sighs "We shouldn't...I want to....its my nature...But your VERY mentally fragile right now, if we go at it and things don't go right. You could get hurt real bad. So lets just "NOT"...maybe someday later. When this is all over. Besides "I am the doctor and I shouldn't" she giggles, with the most evilly cute smile. I have ever seen.

"AHHHH okay??" I gulped..."So later maybe?"

She giggles in the most sexy way "Yes that door is still open...after this?"

She then plops right next to me, like a teen girl would all bouncy with joy and asks "So what shall we do next " as she does this, she puts her index finger to her lips and chin thinking. Its killing me the way she does it.

"Ahhh I can I ask you one thing?" I ask.

"SURE! what lover?" she purrs.

"If we are not going to? You know?...Can you lose the outfit, as your. KILLING ME" I finally yell out a bit.

"Ohh sure no prob" she purrs again....then her sexy outfit changes to a business suit. Still sexy, but better.

She asked me a more professional tone, but the sexiness was till there "What year do you think it is again?"

I said "1976.... your Doctor seems to have been really hit by that statement of mine. "I saw something on that nurse Bill. A tattoo that said 2001, lest we forget 9/11 or something." I said to her.

She looked at me, shocked.

I started to say to her "What about it? Is it past 2001? Is it even past that? Was it something he remembers a kid or as an adult? Tell me! I kinda need to know?"

I started to get real mad as she was not answering and that "silent treatment" stuff REALLY pisses me off fast.

"I already lost as much, as I can stand. As it was before this happened and now you're." I stop.

Her eyes just kind went down and she looked at me. She looked sad. All the sexiness...GONE...The look on It was like, I was about to scold a little kid. Who got caught.

I said "Is it true? is that, what year it is?"

She still wouldn't say anything this point.

I screamed at her "WHAT YEAR IS IT!!"

She can't look at me.

I grab her by the shoulders and looked at her straight in the face.
" or I am going to shove you out of my mind again and I'm not going to let you back in!"

She started hesitating. She muttered "I hate to break this to you but it's 2007."

Just as she said the number seven.
It hit me like a ton of bricks...I was right
Thirty years gone!
Nothing left of it.
Everyone I know...dead...or retired.
They have defiantly forgot about me.
Everything I know is worthless.
Who knows what changes have happened.
Everything I know about the business. I have been in since, I was a teenager is completely useless.
Surely the technologies have walked right on by me.
Passing me if not.
Run past me.
Nothing I know is going to work anymore.
Being an electrician might work?
How am I going to get back to work as an electrician??
Almost all my certifications are Thirty years old!
They are going to look at me and think I'm crazy!"

I stopped deep in thought as TERROR absolutely tore through me.
The depression hit me again...'BETTER OFF DEAD' I thought to myself again.

'What am I going to do? I don't know how to start over. If they will let me. Or if they will even. Let me out of here??' I thought on.
I am starting to get into that in that deep depression. That happened just before that stupid redhead did this to me.

She's looking at me.
She's waiting for me to say something.

I'm still in my thoughts. Not even seeing her or "in" the room.

She interrupts me "I can feel you getting depressed, like you did earlier"
She starts to get louder at me!
"STOP! it now! Don't wallow in it. You're just going to have to start a new life over. This place can help you do it. I can help you do it. I've got friends....We will figure this out."

When she said "friends" I just lost it again and stood up!
I start screaming at her like a crazed man.
"Your friends...friends?!" I paused getting even more enraged...."One of your friends is WHY I AM LAYING! In this bed for who knows how long. In the real world screaming!! For how many hours is it? How many hours have, I been laying here screaming from the PAIN?!"

She looks down and whimpers "Eight or so."

"Eight hours? Screaming my head off in pain and you mentioned... "Friends"... Like it's nothing?" I was in full rant mode, I lost it. More tears now, than words came out.

She looks up at me standing over her.
She started sobbing to me "But Nikki...but...but...Nikki she's a good person. Aunghadhail her spirit that rides in her body."

"THE QUEEN!!" I scream out at her.

She looks at me shock "You know that, she's the Queen or was a Queen?"

"I don't know how, I know it. But I know she's a queen" I yelled back.

She sat back down on the bed, more than shocked..."How do know you she's Queen?"

"I just know it. Somehow I know it. I don't know why its in my head BUT it is! I know it! " I growled.

"Like....I know you're not human. Somehow I know that. Like I know a elf is called a sidhe and I know a dark elf is a DROW! I know that the redhead...Nikki...or Aunghadhail or who ever, is a Queen. All the other things that popped in my head. I don't get them. But there they are and once in a while they make SUDDEN sense. I don't know just IS! tell me?"

I walk away from her and cross the room "And your going to sit there and try to convince me NOT to fall into depression?"

"At 18 I lost both parents. They barely left me enough money to get on my feet again. At least they left me just enough. I got my own career off the ground.
I did everything right and then just as I get to the point where. I'm peaking and BAM!! this happens! I don't even know how this started to happen...But it happened. I find a little box. Next thing! POOF, I am laying on a bigger box. Dragged here for who knows? What reason! Thirty years passed and you tell me to deal with it?"

She just stares at the floor.

"Really?" I stammered.

"If thirty years passed for you and you had to deal with it suddenly. Your going to tell me! Deal with it!"

Suddenly she looks at me, kind of angry.
"Hey some people have dealt with even worse!...DON'T BE!...."captain come down"....I've had bad stuff happen to me too! But, you don't see me wallowing in it...." she paused thinking...'Anymore.'

"So what are you going to do with yourself. Just wallow in it and curl up...and DIE?" she started to yell back at me with renewed fierceness.

I turned back to her "Curl up and DIE!
Sounds like a good idea!
Actually I like it!
Thirty years of loss.
Plus my own thirty years of life stacked on top of it and all the crap that's been thrown at me.
Giving up! sounds like a good idea.
As it stands now you...your friends!
Your Dr. Otto CAN....OFF ME at any second and they don't have to even explain it!"

I JUST HOWLED AT HER...I then walked up to her sitting on the bed and just let lose.

"You think about that.
I'm ONE hundred percent in their control.
I have no control over my life whatsoever and I don't like that. I've never been. 'Not' in control of my life. So you tell me how you can help me out!?"

She just sits there thinking. Not looking up at me. When I think she would have talked by now. That keyed me into that she is holding back again.

"There is something else wrong isn't there? The reason for all the pain?...hummm!" I goad her.

She stands up wrapping her arms around herself again and walks off across my room.

"What's wrong" I ask again.

She just stands there, not looking back at me.

"Don't tell me the green haired elf and the red haired elf started out as a mutation of some sort right? I've got it now? YOU TELL ME NOW! What is it? Is it that, I'm probably turning into something?.... A freak, a monster?"

She turns to me and reasoned with me "NO! you're not...your not. Turning into a freak or a monster not by a long shot!"

"OHH GOODY! Who knows what I'm turning into. That makes me feel a lot better. To trust you with telling me, what I am turning into....SO" I sassed at her. "That's what all the pains about!....So your friend, started ALL this!" I was losing it again.

She assured me "No course not! Whatever's happening to you. Was going to happen to you! She's a magic consultant. She came here to look at the magic that that box left on you. To see if she can help you out. To make sure that you where not dangerous to yourself or others! OKAY!" she stood-up in defense of her friend and GLARED back at me.

"So did she do something wrong?" I ask.

She got even more defensive.
We don't know? If she did something wrong or right? The magic is going to go was going to anyway? It was on you! It was thick, it was in layers and it was weird to say the LEAST! We had four experts in that room. Plus the ones already on staff here and they had never seen anything like it before. The people around here, we are talking about had! At had least fifty years experience. In some of them OR more. The Queen that you hate so much. Has thousands of years of experience and she'd never seen it.

So you expect the rest of us to know exactly what to do with you? IT! happened.... NOW get over it!!"

I look at her. I'm building in rage. I am screaming at her again in tears now.
"YOU tell ME to get over it??
Here we go!! you want to list it again?
Thirty years gone.
All the loss in my life.
My career is over.
Everything I built up gone.
Everything that I know gone.
Everyone I know gone.
You tell me a mutating into who knows what?
You're not even going to tell me exactly what ?
Maybe? you don't even know what... is THAT IT?
You want MEEEEE! to get over it!
Like God help me, what's wrong with your thinking. That's It's just so easy to get over stuff!"

She looks over at me and screams "! Your life is going to start over. It'll be fine. There's places for you to go and learn new stuff!"

I just sat back down on my bed and looked at her...I started sobbing.

She starts walking to the door my room "I've got to go now and talk to my friends and tell them. That you're better and make sure that your better on the outside. I'll be back, it may take me a couple real time hours to get back. There is no real clock in here. So your just going to have to guess. I will be back....I promise they will have to STOP ME...kill me. To keep me from coming back okay? You're gonna let me in?" she asks.

I glare at her, I say "Yes" reluctantly "I'll let you back in. But at this point your starting to owe me favors and that redhead she owes me ONE BIG FAVOR! That QUEEN Aunghadhail owes me big time. She may not think she made a mistake. But something happened and she was at the center of it. You guys told her to stop it! She didn't listen! So go now, before I change my mind!"

She walks down the hallway and fades into the kitchen.

Sara snaps out of her meditation back into the real world, sitting in the chair. In the man's hospital room. She stands up "GOOD he's not screaming in the real world. What I did in there, worked"

Bill looks at her and guessed what she was about to ask "He stopped screaming like an hour to an hour ago plus...looks like you kinda of worked a miracle."

Sara starts to walk around the room "Damn it I forgot to ask for his name. All that talking we did. I did not even ask him, his name. That's going to be the first thing ask when I get back in there."

Bill looks at her "He's going to let you back in?...Really?"

Sara giggles "Yes he is going to let me back in and reluctantly he already said he will let me back What is everybody else up to?"

"The Doctor was in a while ago when the screaming stopped to see what why? That happened. Dr. Mike thought he died. I told him everything was fine and that was over an hour ago. So I think they are all getting ready to go home. I'm not sure?"

Sara walks out of the room "Bill? will you to stay here tonight and keep an eye on him?"

"That's what I mean to do....I mean it...I'm going to sleep here or sleep in the break room. Until this guy walks out of here. in some sort of way and under his own power. I'm not leaving this job. Someone has to take, some kind of responsibly and make sure he makes it all the way to the end. I'm gonna do it!"

Sara looks at him intently "Thanks...You're doing a good job and I WILL make sure that Dr. Otto understands it! You're being the key here, of this man's care...okay?"

He waves his hand at her "Whatever go."

She walks out the door, then down the hallway back into the break room and finds everybody still there. Aunghadhail is still going over the photos of the box and the vast piles of paperwork. It looks like she's to getting to a point, where she's stopped making her notes on her paperwork. She gathers her stuff up.

Aunghadhail fully in charge of Nikki stands up. Says in her commanding voice.
"I think we are going to go home now. I am going to go over what I can of my own personal notes at home. What little I have. Then dwell on this." she gets the rest of her papers together.

"Nikki needs to get some sleep and the rest of us need to get some sleep too?"

Sara looks at her more than shocked "GO! home? This is NOT! Over yet! We can sleep here."

Gwen pleads to "Yeah maybe, we should stay here?"

The Queen says in that 'I am in charge' manner in her voice.
"Staying here, will not do any or die. He is going to live or die. Sitting around waiting for it, is not going to speed it up or slow it down.
It just let us continue on, with our lives. As his does whatever it is going to do."

Gwen looks at Aunghadhail in shock, so does Sara.

Sara starts screaming at Aunghadhail "Is this the Way Nikki thinks? Is this what she is saying or is it just you?"

She sees a change come back over Aunghadhail, now she's back to being the simple teenager....Nikki.

"That's not me thinking that!...It's her. She wants to go home. I don't know if I want to stay here or not. I don't think it matters...personally. Because he's not going to let me in that room even if he's unconscious. He doesn't want me in there"

"Right...your right" Sara agrees with her "Yes he does no want you in that room. I think even if he smelled you in that room. He would know it. So you go on home" she sighed.

"Yeah...but why is Aunghadhail being so cold again. I don't get why she's being detached about this?" Nikki asked.

Aunghadhail reasserts herself over her charge, then says "It doesn't matter how, I feel....cold or not. This is how I am going to do this. Do not interfere anymore. I have to figure out what this man is and what he is becoming. That is all there is to it!" She gathers up the paperwork, left on the table and says "I am going with or without you" then she walks down the hallway towards the elevator.

Sara turns to Dr. Otto and Gwen "Get ready to take her upstairs or tell at least wait down there, by the elevator for the rest of us.
Gwen? I don't know about you, but I'm going to home. I will go look at my books, on older runes and see what some of this means. I know you don't have any of those assets home. I am going to get Bill's contact numbers for here. Please! make sure he has ours. I can meditate in my room and contact this guy from the school anyway. Then, with Dr. Otto's permission. We can have a teleporter on stand by, to get us all here in a minutes notice....if we have to."

She asks, Otto "Pee-Tee? can you do that for me? Can you have someone get us here in a minutes notice on standby? Just in case?"

Otto sighs "Yes I can do that. That would be no problem, considering what we have done to this man. If he's to die. The least we should do, is have someone here that he knows. If he makes it, you'll be the first here, when he wakes up."

"OKAY" Sara sang, then turns and walks out of the room. She goes back down the hallway, into the man's hospital room and she finds Bill in a chair there. watching over the man "Bill, I need your contact information. I need to give you everything of ours" Sara sighs out "Were going home, we can't do anything here good or bad. You got this guy with what you know, medically wise. All we can do is stand by and watch. I can remotely get into his head, from back home. I'll have the mages drop a couple wards, to make to make sure I can get in....pretty easy."

He exits the room with her and goes over the med center countertop. He puts all the med center contact info on a sheet of paper. Then hands it to her. She puts down hers on the same piece of paper, Gwen walks up puts her's on the same piece of paper. He walks over to the Xerox machine feeds it through, then gives them each a copy. "There ya go everybody's got information exchanged neat..simple...quick. So if you need to come up here its going to take you two hours?"

Sara says "NO...Otto's got us a Porter for us. We can get here within five minutes or we can gate up real close with Fey...She can do that."

"Okay, I mean....your right. You can't do anything, by staying here." Bill says as he sits back down.

She turns with Gwen and walks down the hallway. Sir Wallace is already waiting, down at the elevator door with Nikki. She walks up to Dr. Otto "Pee-Tee make sure, that the mages are aware. That I maybe coming into this man's mind. So they can make a hole for me, to get past the wards and only directly to him."

"Sure, let me call them while we ride the elevator up. To make them aware of that." He opens the elevator door, with a swipe of his card and then starts making calls as the doors close.

On the long elevator ride to the surface, Dr. Otto pulls out his phone and starts to call the mage unit. He informs them that Sara's going to be needing a breach in the wards to get to the gentleman. So that she can psychically link with his mind and help him out. He hangs up his phone with them and looks at Sara "It will be done within an hour. By the time you get back to Whateley, we will all be done."

He continues "We will get you upstairs and have one of the porters take you to your room. Instead of you guys, driving back down to Whateley for two hours. That would be ridiculous. I will get you here...immediately! if this guy looks to be waking up. "

After five minutes of the elevator going up. They arrive on the top floor of the complex. He leads them out to a meeting room and in the meeting room is one of the staff teleporters. Dr. Otto walks up to the gentleman "You know what is going on of course? You know exactly which room?" the man nods.

He turns back to the party "I bid you all good day keep in touch. Does Bill have your information?" he's looking at Sara and Gwen as they both nod "I will tell him to get with you the second anything happens...okay?" and he turns to leave the room.

The teleporter walks up "Is everything okay? Everybody gather close! and they feel that little lurch in the stomach, as they all POP into Sara's basement room....The Lovecraft room in Poe.


Saturday, February, 10th 2007 11:50 PM
Whateley, Poe cottage... Lovecraft room

In the corner the room one of her books is sitting. It starts GROWLING at them. Sara yells at the offending book "Quiet you!!" The book kind of looks at her and sighs. "You have to keep on these books or they get mean" giggles Sara.

Gwen shakes her head "Intelligent books, I'll never get over that."

Sara looks at her "They are not just intelligent. They get hungry and oh by the way stay out of my books or one of them might EAT you!! I'm just reminding you again. Just in case you get tempted...if you don't get driven mad by one!"

Gwen walks out of the room, at her fast pace "Always with the bad with you...always with the bad" Sara Snickers evilly at that.

Sara looks over at Fey and sees that....Nikki is certainly in charge. Nikki says to her quietly "Sara, We are sisters, I don't know what Aunghadhail is up to and I don't think want to know anymore. She certainly is dwelling on something in past on this guy and she doesn't like it. So, I am going back up to my room and sleep on this. I don't know if you should call me, when this guy wakes up or not? It would be good idea for you, to take me with you. Even if I was down the hallway out of sight. At least if something happens, I'm there?" and she finally says "Goodnight" then walks out.

Sara closes the door and then turns to her books "Okay guys which one of you has Sidhe Runes in you?" she smacks the one that growled "And you! We are going to have a long talk about growling." The poor book, cowers back in fear!


At ARC in the mans mind...time, place...unknown

I walk around my house trying to get comfortable. of course there is nothing on the TV set. As it's all reruns. That's all I can remember, so that's all that is available. So I leave it off. The house....since I don't remember it, having a videotape doesn't have one. So, if I don't remember it being here...its not!

I sigh to myself thinking 'And why wake up? It's not worth it?'
I am saying to myself... "It's all over. She's really trying to convince me, its just starting! I think it's all over. I don't know what to do? It's all out of my hands and I hate that. As much as anything else."

As I turned to walk back to my bedroom. I hear a voice come from the kitchen?

"I'm back lover" she purrs....its Sara again.

I cringe at it...'I want her company but. I don't like what she says.' As I think that. I turn down the hallway. I find her standing in the kitchen and she's in that sexy leather again.

I say to her "I meant what I just thought. I want your company, but I don't want to hear what you have to say. I know you're just going to say, more bad news. I just know it! So you might as well come down to my bedroom, where I feel at least somewhat safe."

I turned around, walked back down the hallway and I could hear the soft creaking of her leather she follows me. That feeling comes over me again, tingling, warm, just pure be with her. She's just dripping sex. That says get with her and get into the bedroom.

I sit down on my bed. Again she sits about a foot away, out towards the corner.

Sara asks me "How have you been? It's been a couple hours in real time, but it felt like for you?"

I close my eyes "It feels like, it's been days. I can kind of feel my body, once in a while. I know it's in pain. I was driving that pain out of my mind. It feels like its gone through a lot of shit. I don't get what I'm feeling. Once in a while a little thoughts keep entering in my mind that don't make any sense? Once and a while I can hear the room I am in, but that's about it."

She looks at me "Your kinda keeping something to yourself?"

I look at her intently "Don't worry about it. You're not telling me the whole truth."

She purrs "Okay" to me "Are you still feeling okay?" She waits for me to say something. But I am too deep in thought to respond. "Are you still getting depressed?" she wiggles up a little closer to me.

"OF course I am"...."I ran down the list of why before and you know them as well as I now?"

She certainly hesitates again, like she's thinking about what to say. She wraps her arms around me gives me, another one of those. Ten percent creepy, but Ninety percent sexiness hugs again.

She whispers in my ear "I think I have I one more thing to say to you, that's gonna be..... like you said bad news."
She pauses to think more "I am not going to try not to keep anything from you. But I want to break it down to you in little bites, instead of one big chunk at a time. So maybe, you'll be able to take it...A little bit better."

She stops in thought and the wait starts to bug me in a bad way "You know your mutating right?" she asks.

"I figured that out...You have said it Three or Four times already?" I muttered back to her.

"We kind of know what" she whispers.

"REALLY?? what is it?" I growled back--now I am getting madder yet again.

She whimpered "It's a Sidhe or what you commonly call an elf."

"YOUR KIDDING ME!" I shout "I'm an elf? I got kinda messed up by an elf! SO! now I'm turning into an elf!....Did she cause it?" I fume at her.

Sara shakes her head, then she looks at me "NO...There's no way that Nikki or Aunghadhail, could cause someone to turn into an elf.....It's not possible.....It was there already there...somehow?"

"Well that's a lump knowledge, that I going to let rattle around in my skull. Maybe that's why I know she's Queen. I don't know." I sigh.

I turned to her, put my hand under her chin and lifted her head up to face me "Your holding back one more thing aren't you?"

I am holding her head up and notice the fangs, in her beautiful mouth again. I still want to give her a kiss, but I know she doesn't want it.

"What else is there.......spill it!" I growl.

She whimpers to me almost in tears "I am almost Ninety percent sure. On my own account from what I have seen....I think you're turning into a girl."

I fall back down on the on the bed in utter shock, I can't speak for near five minutes.

"This is a laundry list of bad....anything else?...Like I've got cancer or leprosy?..What?" I yell.

She says "I have pretty much hit you with all the big ones right now, anything else is small beyond that in comparison."

I put my face in my hands and mumble "You've got to be kidding, I'm Thirty years out of date.
I'm going to be an elf.
I'm gonna be a CHICK.
You have to be kidding me!"
My eyes spring open on me in sudden absolute shock "Does this mean, I am going to like guys?" I start to shudder at the thought....being kinda revolted by the thought.

Sara looks at me "Its a maybe? It goes one way or the other."

I look at her "What you mean...It's a maybe? It goes one way or the other?"

She looks at me. She then, says proudly "Before I mutated...I was a Twenty-five year old I'm a girl! and it's obvious that I'm a girl! But I still like girls...A lot!"

I look at her "Okay....that's another little tid-bit to bite off. You're not human. Your chick. That used to be a guy. Well.....this is turning into a really long day. Anything else?" I sassed.

She looks at me with those everything's gonna be okay sexy eyes of her's and says "Oh by the way, the green haired elf and the redhead used to be guys too."

"So this is common? When a person turns into an that? They usually have a sex change with it? Is it like a package deal?" I question her

She looks at me....giggles "NO it's not a package deal"...she laughs...."It just goes one way or the other. It just happens that way."
She adds "It just also happens, that we are all housed in the same building at our school and that's what they do there. They put everybody that's called a changeling. That's a person who changes sex to male or female in the same building. Along with everybody else that we call it."

"So you keep all your nuts in the same building?" I jested at her.

She giggles "Yep we keep all the people with or without "nuts" in the same building. Yes that's right. Just like every other building on campus."

"Okay" I'm thinking about it and that fear comes over me thing. I've have not been telling her. That I sat here, for the last Ten hours. In real time. That felt like a year mulling over. I jump up and run across the room to the corner, shaking like a leaf, fears grabbing my throat. I can't say anything and she looks towards me. She walks over as close as she can and grabs me.

"What's wrong!" she asks me, sacred for me.

I'm gasping at her, I can't say anything.

"What's wrong? say it!" She yells.

"I know what's going on!...Its her!....It's her!"
I SCREAM IN TERROR finally realizing....What is at the door, I saw and forgot.
Is not my imagination.

"The one at the door! I'm turning into her! 'THE!' one AT the door!" I stutter out.

She looks at me, as she holds my face to her's "What you mean? The one at the door? I don't understand?"

I just stand there shaking. Then I slowly slide down the wall of my room, to the floor in shock and start curling up in a ball.

Sara questions me again "What you mean?...This?.....One at the door?....I've never heard of this?....One at the door?"

I stuttered in fear "There's an elf at my door and she's waiting to come in!"

She looks at me with more than, questioning eyes "There's an elf at the door and it's waiting to come in? I have been in a lot of people's heads and I'm never heard of anybody. Waiting to come into their head patiently, at some kind of entrance."

I look at her and I am getting mad at her for not believing me....I start saying slowly and deliberately. As I get mad at her and allot of fear grips me even tighter.
"There is an elf standing at My door and it's waiting to come in.... and to add I have been keeping it from you. As I wasn't sure, I wasn't going crazy from the pain. I just know this deep in myself that. Whenever, I wake up in the real world. The door that's locked now, is Going! to go wide open to her and she is going to come in here. THEN kill me!....Slowly....and by ME! I MEAN ME! the essence that IS the memory of me that IS standing here. THAT! you're talking TO!.... She is going to come walking right in and there's nothing that's going to stop her.
I just know it! There is nothing, I can do to hold her outside!" I shake, in fear even more.

'what I am...all that I am is going to die....soon!' is my only thoughts.

She looks at me with a pained expression "There's an elf at your door?"

"YES! GOD DAMN IT! GO!...Walk to the door and go look out the window and see! Tell me you don't see an elf standing on the porch. Looking at the door!" I stammer in fear and anger.

She gets this questioning...confused look over her face. Then turns and walks down the hallway. I follow her to the junction between the long hallway of the house, to the junction that goes to the front door and the garage.
I stop at the junction.
"This is where I stop! I'm not going to get closer. I can feel her pulling me through that door! This is the farthest, I walk down this hallway" I pear around the corner.

She walks down there I could hear her feet bare feet going from the carpet to plopping-clicking nails on the tiles at the front door.

I say to Sara "Go ahead...pull the curtain aside and look
The porch lights not on of course, it doesn't work...because...She doesn't want to work. Whatever's outside of the house she controls. Whatever's in the house is mine!" I say softly.

Sara walks up the door and pulls the tan curtain aside over a small window in the door that looks out on the porch.
Sure enough five feet away from the door, is standing an elf! The silhouette of an elf and a tall one at that. It's obviously a girl and she can see it's white eyes looking at her.
Just plain...white eyes no Iris, no pupil, no nothing. Just plain stark white eyes. It smiles at her and she could see its teeth. They are kind of like hers, But the fangs? unlike her nice fangs. This ones are a little bit longer, more menace in them. She can see the dark black, purple skin of her. Her long white hair, its so long it passes her butt...with its length.
She smiles sexily at Sara and tilts her head. Then arches her eyebrows knowingly at her.....Almost daring her to open the door with a look. Sara looks down at the elf from head to toe and notices it's wearing some sort of leather body armor. She's got a sword in her right-hand and it's extended out. Its tip is resting on the ground. Her left arm is folded behind her back. The elf rocks back and forth on her feet, swaying her hips in a manner that even Sara finds sexy. She looks impatient, like she wants in and has been waiting FAR too long!
The elf extends the sword in her right hand, out to the door then and on the door she taps, tap, tap, tap, as soon as the third or fourth tap happens.

I hear the taps myself, I yell at her "DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!
DON'T OPEN THE DOOR! I don't want to go yet! Don't open the door!" I whine and whimper.

Sara looks at me and says in a voice. That just trying as hard as she can, to calm me "I'm not going open the door. It looks like it's locked."

"DON'T touch the LOCK! Just leave it!" the fear in my voice, makes it quiver.

The Elf...she taps again twice and again twice.

Sara looks through the window again and at the elf's face. It is pure MEAN! coming out of her and she smiles at Sara like she's prey that she's got trapped....Waiting and biding her time to kill....whenever she feels like it.

Sara pulls the curtain back, walks back down the hallway towards me.

"I told you it's an's a girl.... it's waiting for me....that's what....that's what" I stutter out in fear "I going to turn into?"

She says "I am not sure One Hundred percent? It doesn't make any sense. I've never heard of this. I've got to talk to people. I've got to go."

My voice shakes out "Your going to leave me here? If I wake up next ten minutes and you will not be here. She will get in! She's going to rip me apart! I know it! It may take a long time but, she's going to rip me apart!....once she's in. She won't stop and I know it!"

I start pleading with her "Don't go, I can' can't leave me alone!"

Sara sighs "I have to go. I have to go ask for outside help with this. I can't do it from in here....okay?"

"Yes" I whimper "I am going to wait in my go do that, get more help."

Sara states "I'll be back!"

I say to her "You better! If you don't come back and I'm a ghost. I'm going to haunt your ass!!"

She giggles at that "A ghost haunting me....okay....that'll make what?? Six or seven now that I might have haunting me!....sheesh! Your easy. I've got other things haunting me, that you don't even want to know about! When you come to me. You and me have got to have a long talk about what I am. That your going to be deeply interested in! I'm really starting like you! So we are going to have to have some long talks."

She wraps herself around me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

She says "There's one reason why me and you are not doing it right now. Is that I know mentally if I started doing it with you, it would probably break you....okay?? You're just too fragile for anything like that."

I glare at her. "Great! turned down again...please....I have mental issues....that's a new one."

I backed up in the hallway and she walks towards the kitchen. She touches the back door.

"Don't open that one!"

"I don't have to" She just steps right through it, as she touches it.

"Darn blue balls again" I say. Then I walked down the hallway back to my room. As I get halfway down the hallway. I am about to take the last two steps into my rooms open door and that, tap, tap, again. With that I just shake in my skin thinking 'She's got me. There's nothing I can do to escape. Sara thinks she can help. But I don't think she can help. Talk about destiny. She's going to get in here and rip me apart.'


Sunday, February 10th 02:30 AM
Whateley Academy.... Poe cottage

Sara snaps awake, sitting crosslegged on her bed and with one of her books next to her. She jumps out of the bed. Puts on one of her robes, opens up the door and storms upstairs.

It's really early in the morning, she walks up to Fey's door. She starts banging it down "Fey wake up!...Fey wake up!"

After a couple of bangs, Chaka opens up the door. All surprised...ready for action. "What?... What?...ninjas!...voodoo wolves?...what?...what?...what?" Chaka yells.

Sara calms her "Nothing like that. Go back and lay down in your bed...your fine...schools fine...everything great...calm down firecracker...everything is great. I need to talk Nikki."

Chaka frowns at Sara "Your going to wake up Nikki? In the middle of the night? Really? You just know it's going to take you an hour to wake her up!"

Sara stalks over toward Nikki's bed with an evil grin on her face "I'm not going to be evil about this...... I'm not going to be evil about this..........I am just going to wake her up and not be evil about this."

She leans down close to Fey's sleeping head "Nikkieee" she says real softly "Nikkieee....Nikkiee....hey redhead...hey redhead"...then!
She yells out "We have you surrounded! Get up and show us your license to be crazy!"

Nikki is shock out of her sleep, by the yell and rolls out of bed. Then falls to the floor with a THUMP! Then looks at Sara yawning. "WHAT! You know I need like FIFTEEN hours of sleep a night or I'm just completely useless the next day!" she whines, getting up off the floor and rubbing her butt. Then sits on the bed.

She looks at Chaka "Fine roommate you make!.....Your suppose to have my back and keep nuts like her out !!"

Chaka tosses a pillow at her in reply!

Sara looks in her face. Then taps on her head. Like she is knocking on a door "Nikki you can go back to sleep....Aunghadhail wake up! I need....YOU."

Nikki rolls her eyes..."YOU know damn well, it does not work like that! I can't sleep, when she is awake. Its still the same body....MORON!"

The Queen's Royal attitude POPS up in Nikki's face "What? tell me child is something happening with the man? Something good? Something bad?"

Sara looks at her "Get up and come to my room please, we got to talk and what about? I can't do it here" she practically drags Nikki off the bed, shoves her robe in her hand "Come on!" They walk downstairs. After they get into Sara's room. She closes the door and puts her privacy ward on the door.

Aunghadhail says "SO! You mean it. You do not want anybody to come in. This must be very serious indeed! So tell me child, what is at issue?"

Sara starts "I don't want anybody to overhear what we are talking about or walking in on us. This is to be private" she walks over to the desk, pulls out her cell phone and scrolls down to Dr. Otto's number. Then rings it and waits. Then puts it on speakerphone. After six or seven rings, it finally goes through "Dr. Otto ARC" he says groggily.

"PeeTee this is Sara" she says to the speakerphone "I'm in my room at Whateley I am here with Nikki and Aunghadhail. I was just in the man's mind again. Something has come up. I think it's really, really bad and I never have heard of it or encountered it. You might want to drag out the books on this one. You might even want to call in FUBAR from here."

Dr. Otto's yawns "What is wrong?? is he going to go crazy?"

Sara quips "That's beside the point. Him going crazy. I was in his safe place it. It looks like his house and I broke it to him. What's going on. The Thirty years that has past. He's mutating. We think he is mutating into a Elf. Then I let out of the bag. That there is a chance of him turning into a girl and he just he went into absolute shock at that point. He told me that. He has been keeping a secret the last two times I visited. That there is an elf standing at his door."

Dr. Otto says with doubt "There's an elf standing at his door? Of his mental house?....Right?"

"And it, can't get in right now" Sara adds.

"Okay so what's up with this Elf?" Otto asks.

"Well...I walked up to the door. He wouldn't get any closer than the hallway. So I looked out and there's a dark elf. A mean looking dark elf, with a sword standing on the front porch. Waiting to come in. He said it's gonna come in the minute he wakes up and rip him apart. He truly believes it! and what he means by that RIP!! him apart. He means rip apart in, his mind, his memories and everything. Then replace them and him...with?...her....'m guessing? In other words like an avatar, would subsume a person. But it's not an avatar. I don't know what it is out there and a avatar would already come in. It would not wait patiently on the doorstep. So I don't know if it's part of his personality standing out there. Part of a memory or what?? But it certainly seems One hundred percent determined its gonna come in, at a certain time and he knows it's gonna come in. At a certain time."

Dr. Otto was silent for a while "I've never heard of this. He might have a split personality. But a split personality, can look like a totally different person. You have seen it."

"Okay I've seen it. But a whole different person,...species,...and race. I mean come on, that's stretching it a bit and the split personality is what he is mutating into? I don't know what to say?"

Otto, still silent for a while "I don't think so either, Aunghadhail? You have any idea?" He then asks.

Aunghadhail states "Certainly, Doctor I have never heard of any such thing in the past. Only such things, as this event have occurred. Since I bonded with Nikki and came here. I never heard of this kind of strange fair, since I arrived in the modern world. At this point I do believe, truly believe. We are going to have to wait it out and see what happens. If he stays in charge, good, if it's a half and half thing. We will deal with it. If it totally subsumes him, hopefully it's not a bad thing and he can be brought up to speed. On what he has lost and carry-on from there a new person."

"As Queen" Aunghadhail adds "I certainly will promise to help him. If he becomes one of my charges. One of my subjects. As best I can. If he will allow it. But who knows? I am going to go back to bed, until this resolves one way or another? We are not going to go there and STOP her....are we?"

Sara thinks about it "I don't think there is any stopping it......It's going to happen. You're right why don't you go back to bed.....Thanks Aunghadhail" she opens up the wards on the door, let's Nikki out door and closes it behind her.

"Well doc, I am still on the phone with still there?"


"You thinking the same thing? It's just going to happen" Sara asks.

Otto says back "Can you try and mentally prep him for it. As it looks like he's already mentally prepared, that it's going to happen. So we can't stop it obviously. Just go back, tell him what can happen and go from there....okay?

"Okay PeeTee. I'll go back in and talk to him tonight" She hangs up the phone and puts it back in her desk. Then takes off her robe,goes to sit on her bed and pulls her legs up, folds them. then relaxes, concentrates. She fades back into the realm and POPS back into his kitchen again. She looks around apprehensively, in the kitchen "Are you still here??"


ARC...My Mind, time? unknown?

I've been sitting on my bed for what seemed to be hours or is it days? Waiting for her to come back...waiting...every once and a while that TAP Happens at the door. It is driving me insane. I know and she knows what she's doing. I don't dare walk down there and look at her.

After what seems days to me. I hear that melodic tone coming from the kitchen, back down the hallway.

"Are you still here?"

"I am in here, everything's fine" I answer back.

I hear her come down the hallway again, at a quick pace and she walks into my room. What I mean by walk. its more like slinks her way in the room.
I look at her and ask "Well any word?"

She huffs then sighs "No one has got any idea on this, no one has ever heard of this. It's not what we call an avatar. As they would just be in your head like Nikki and Aunghadhail are an avatar spirit or something occupying a human in one way or the other.
One eventually takes over the body. Blends them forever. The human subsumes the avatar takes a lot of its knowledge or the avatar subsumes the human and it kills off the knowledge of the human then takes over the body. That's kind of rare, but it does happen. If it was avatar it would already been in here doing it or not doing it."

"So the only thing I can think of is what Dr. Otto's suggestion. I'll say it right to your face, maybe you have got a split personality? But that makes no sense. That you would turn into your split personality and that your split personality.
The other half would be an elf...not human and you then turn into an elf.
That makes no sense at all. But if your turning into a elf. That would tell me that you've been an elf before somehow and that makes absolutely no sense." she shakes her head, with that thought.

"We are not going to rule anything out until that happens. like you said you know it's going to happen. I don't think there's anything I can do to stop it. I could stand here and wait for it. But you have proven one factor to me --you rule on the inside of this house. But when the doors open, you said it's her game right?" she asked me.

I looked down at the floor and sadly say. As what she said starts to overwhelm me "Yeah you're right I'm in charge, here inside the house. When the door opens up its all her ballgame."

Sara adds "We've already seen that, you can shut me out of this house like no problem. If she is in here, in charge and even more strong than you. She'll just bat me away for sure and I will not be able to get back in. There are others that might be able to get in and help you out. That I know, that can fight her. But not me. If the ones I call for help, are going to have to struggle to get in. By the time they get in. She might have done enough damage to you? It will not be worth coming in here, to help you out."

That last sentence hits me hard.....The thought that I might be DEAD via this, is coming faster AND NO ONE CAN HELP?

She pushes me back to the bed and sits next to me. Then looks at me and says excitedly "Well it looks like your going to turn into an elf girl! So have you decided on a name yet? I have not told me your name yet!!"

I sit there silently for a while, thinking about what she has been saying to me and even thou she is sitting right next to me and I could feel her.....I want her bad! But my mind is running in a circle inside of my own head. 'ha- ha' In my own head! I made a joke. But what is starting to really bug me, is that she seems to be more worried about a "name" than me dead?

She nudges me again, in a very playful way "Hey I'm talking you."

She snaps me back to here and now with that.

I look back at her, then sigh out. As my eyes lower to the floor, in thought "My name? The one I have now? I am not going to tell you that. I think, I'm never gonna tell you people that. It's already attached to a dead guy. Who may have dead memories in a couple of days or weeks or months or whatever it takes for that elf out there, on the doorstep to kill me! OR kill my memories off! Or whatever she's going to do. So why bother with it, at this time."

I stopped in my thoughts right then.....she then nudged me back again, to get me back.

"My new name? I'll seriously think about it?" I started to go over a mental list. But my mind was not in it....Too much other stuff, fogging it up.

She looks at me and jokingly says "You want me to get you a baby names book? I can have one waiting for you when you wake up? I promise."

I look back at her I sigh "No don't worry about a baby's name book."

I'm still thinking about what she said...she nudges me again "You know what this means a course, since your going to turn into a elf chick! You and me can be friends and what that means?"

I sigh....still half there...half thinking "WHAT?"

She sang out "Shopping trip!"

I whine "OH NO I have been on shopping trips with my girlfriend's, its so boring."

She nudges me again, like a little sister its seems now and giggles out loud "NO silly....this time you are NOT going to be the boyfriend. YOUR! going to be the GIRL!"

That line shocked me right into...NOW and what she was implying. Its reality was getting to me "I don't know how to shop for girls clothes?"

"Of course you don't...You didn't pay attention, you are a guy. She is the one that paid attention. You would have to be "different" and don't you don't seem to be "different" to me. If you know what I mean by "different." she giggles then arches her eyebrows knowingly at me.

I look at her I glance down on her. Then I say sarcastically "Your going to try and dress me up like a Barbie doll aren't you? Your going to threaten me with pink or some other weird thing aren't you? Your going to try and make me GIRLY? Drag me to a nail salon, have my hair done, I bet, makeup? What else? High heels? and a short dress, that makes what you're wearing. Look like something a Puritan would wear? What?" I ask her.

I can see her eye brows go up and a evil grin start....She then starts to Laugh "MUAHAHHAHAHAH" As she starts to rub her hands together like a mad scientist "Soon you will be in my domain and in my power! "

I whisper as my face rests in my hands and I shake my head "I'm so screwed...I am so screwed, I'm sitting next to beautiful chick and I'm going to turn into a chick."

She gives me the evil eye that says to me "Plans are in motion, as we sit."

I turn my face back up to her "Let me guess you're some kind demon or something right?"

What little color could be said to be "in" her face goes out of it "How did you know? To think that?"

"It just popped into my mind....You're an new demon of some sort. But not like the ones I'm thinking of? The image of you that popped in my mind. Your kind of in the neutral or good category? I am thinking of just pure unrelated evil in my head right now for the others."

She looks at me...a very strange look on her face "Your getting some of the weirdest thoughts. I have ever heard of Pop into your head. That is, just not right?"

I look back at her "You're telling me? What's not right today and what's... strange...really? Like you said to me hours ago or was it days now?"

I quote her, in a little girls voice "We are strange and unusual University or Academy" you said "You will be jumping on our bandwagon" I go back to a normal voice "I gotta wonder what kind of school, you go to with two elves. An old English gentleman and you are in it!" I pause "Do I want to know? What else is there?"

She looks at me. Arching her eyebrows, in curiosity "You're going to be going to school with us. I think? If you look young enough and I think you might want to! We don't know yet? We will find out. Most people, when they go through a mutation we call it. End up looking very young, hardly anyone ever looks old, when they get through it.
There's a theory that I have about it. That everything is a straight line. When you break that line or that pattern and start a new one or part of a new one. It has to go to a certain point. That certain point, usually ends up for a mutation. Going with what we call a body image template or BIT. In that BIT, usually ends up being someone's teenage years right just about mid puberty. In that zone, to about three years. There are rare people of younger BIT's. I've seen one or two maybe? I've never really seen an older BIT. So hopefully, you get a younger BIT and end up being schooled with us. You'll have three or four years to get used to all this with our help!"

I'm shaking my head gently, while I am looking at her "Really? Me going back to high school again? That's all I need...I hated it the first time. Now I'm going back?"

She beamed "You'll love it! The subjects are a lot different, than the high school you went to!"

"Ohh yeah! I can imagine mutant high school subjects" I start to tick them off on my fingers one by one. "flight 101! Right down the hall let me guess what else?...Not looking ugly...not scaring children at 100 feet?....What else?....Try not to stand out in public 202!...What?"

She giggles loudly "Those would be interesting classes. I think, I am going to suggest those. That "Not stand out in public 202" that sounds like a good one. I might want to take that one."

"Ohh yeah" I jibe her "You taking?..."not stand out in public"...You attract attention I'm sure....At all times and I also bet you attract trouble!"

After she finished talking to me, I laid back down on the bed. She, was still sitting on the corner of the bed. I stretch across the bed and start thinking about everything, she's pretty much laid out on me. Her little ideas, about going to school with her and her friends. This little plan of her's ,that she is obviously using. To get my mind off everything else.

As I am laying there thinking and she's doing what I hope she would. She sits there quietly waiting for me to think. Instead of pouring more stuff on me right now, that I don't need to hear about. I lay there for who knows how long. Thinking.
I can't tell the time and what amount of time has gone by. She finally lays down beside me and looks over at me.

She cooed to me "Penny for your thoughts?"

I am still looking at the ceiling "Your overpriced by a lot. It's not worth it a penny" I whispered back, still deep in thought and only half hearing her.

"Of course they are! Everybody's thoughts are worth something!" she jested.

I look over and GOD she is so sexy, her lips, that tight dress, and she is driving me mad. Everything about her, even the redness of her eyes. Being with her and being so close right now. Laying on the bed, is just three quarters of the signals that say "ready to go."

I look at her and say "I'm thinking too much into this stuff. I don't know what to do anymore. At this point I'm really not liking the conclusions, my thoughts are coming to. They all end up in a bad place."

She sits up and lectured me "You have to stop doing that to yourself! You're going into depression again, I can feel wave after wave off you again."

I snap back at her "What you expect?"

She gets mad at me and snaps back "I EXPECT for you, to stop being depressed! That's what I expect!"

She lays back down again and she rolls on her side toward me. As she does she gives me a hug, more of a snuggling hug, a comforting one, that just says "I am here for you" like a friend or mother or sister. Someone giving me a hug to makes me feel better. With this I climb out of the pit I dug.

I'm thinking to myself, I could fall asleep like this. But I'm not falling asleep in this room at it all. I guess you don't sleep, when you're not in the real world? This is where you go to, when you sleep.

I lay there thinking. Memories rolling around in my own thoughts again..."rats in the brain" I call it. All running around on their own, as more time passes.

I open my eyes to her, I say to her softly "You haven't left yet? You've got to, need to do something in the real world?"

She looks back up at me "I will stay here for quite a bit. You need me for awhile. For company. Right now or you might go crazy, stir crazy. For sure! If there's no one here."

I say "Thank you" softly as I could.

Just as I finished saying it. Something pops in my head! Bringing me straight up. I sit up in bed and dragging her with me, she was holding on that hard, she got drug up with me.

She looks into, my surprised eyes and says "What?"

I look back "Something's the real world" I am thinking and thinking, trying to find that feeling again.

She says again "What?"

"Give me a second, I am finding it again" and then I look at her "Whatever's happening to me out there. I think we just crossed a major line! In the "it's about the end" kind of thing and I mean end is not me Dying...But, as's almost done!"

She stands up quickly and walks out saying fast "I will go find out for you."

I ask "Are you to coming back?"

"It matters on how close you are. I don't know, I'll see you either here or there" she went down the hallway really quickly, in a sprint to the kitchen. To go out. I could feel her leave, with a small 'pop' and she was gone.

Since she left, I'm also feeling something else now, I am feeling the presence at the door. I just knew she was "there" before. Now I'm actually feeling her at the door. I feel her, like she's growling getting ready to come in. We must be really close now. I'm thinking 'This is,-- this can't be good.'


Sunday, February 10th 10:30 AM
Whateley Academy.... Poe cottage
Lovecraft Room

Sara snaps awake in her room again and springs out of bed to grab her clothes. So she can start asking some questions. As she's putting on a dress. She can hear her phone beeping in her desk. She opens it up, goes to voicemail and it's Bill the RN on the voicemail.

Bill's voice comes over the phone via voicemail, she stops what she is doing to listen.

"The man has crossed the line definitely! He is definitely female One Hundred percent! for sure and he is definitely is an Elf! He looks to easily, finish up in maybe Two to four hours at best YIPPEE!"....Bill yells on the recording...."He made it out of this alive!....That's it and that time frame is my best guess. Mike the burnout mutation specialist is in agreement with this! He will be quite easily finished this afternoon at the latest!"

Sara rushes to get her stuff on, dials of the phone to Bill and waits several minutes while it rings finally Bill answers.

Bill answers the call "ARC med unit Bill?"

"Bill this is Sara, I just got your message. I have been with him almost all this time. At this point what's going?"

"Well my message to you, was pretty much exactly what's going on. About Two to Three hours and he's going to be pretty much wide awake. So you might as well, get ready to head up here."

Sara howled in glee "THAT'S! GREAT! NEWS! At least now. I get to talk to him in person and we will find out what's really what's going with this guy. I'm getting everyone together and I am on my way!"

Sara turns off the phone and finishes dressing. She slaps the phone in her purse and runs upstairs. It is pretty much morning, about Eleven o'clock. She ran in Nikki's room and of course, she isn't there "She's at the Crystal Hall eating! Where that Elf packs the chow I will never know." Sara hisses out, near silently.
She speeds out of Poe's doors, running towards Crystal Hall. When she gets there, she can see Nikki eating with Gwen and the rest of the group. She slides into her line. Where she gets her special food. Since she forgot to eat last night before she went to bed. She grabs a dog and two cats. Then drags the whole thing aside and makes short work out of them. Before even leaving, the line.

She sits down across from Nikki and Gwen. They both look over at her and say in almost perfect unison "WHAT is going on? With the guy?! Don't leave us in suspense!....girl!"

Nikki turns to Sara "Well indeed Sara, what is going on with the gentleman?" and it's obviously Aunghadhail's voice coming through.

Sara looks at them both "Well last night, I was with him. Almost all last night except when I talked to you Nikki. I was with him just barely 20 minutes ago. It seems that he hit the last point!! In a couple hours he's going to be fully done according to Bill up at ARC. He even felt that change when we where psychically connected. So at this point, we might want to get together. Call up ARC. Get a "Porter" to come down here and get us."

Gwen says with glee "GREAT now we get to know, what's going on with him!!

Aunghadhail states happily in her way "This is a good thing to have him finished up. Perhaps we will find out One hundred percent if, he is going to be one of my subjects?"

Sara looks at her "He's definitely going to be one of your subjects. That's all there is to it! That's the line that was crossed and....guess what people!? she paused getting real HAPPY "WE are all gaining a sister, it looks like!"

Gwen gets a little giddy "Goodie shopping!"

Aunghadhail looks at her "Shopping? You children and shopping."

Sara stands up and says to them "I suggest we going to get stuff packed up to bring? Any books and notes we need.....and....Aunghadhail? I don't know what to say to you?" Doubt starts to come into her voice. "If you're in the room and he is awake?.... It can be a good thing or a bad thing? He really does blame you for something and maybe it's the change. Who knows....what else? He's blaming you for? He is blaming you for a laundry list of stuff. So, I want you to come! But during it....stay in the background....please!"

Aunghadhail's voice gets all she is remembering something "I agree with your conclusion. It would be best for me to stay in the background as best as possible. To advise you two. I think we need Sir Wallace on this. We are well passed appraising a magical item for its uses. This is pretty much in the realm of, helping a fellow student out. Who just happens to be an Sidhe and my subject from now on! His aid on the subject might be needed as, he is a man still and thinks like a human and I do not anymore on both counts."

She stands up and says "Let's begin our journey and go help this child" she grabs up her tray.

Nikki's teen voice and style comes back into her body "I did hear what I heard, she it''s....a it's a girl and we are about to meet her!"

Sara looks at her "YEP!

Nikki giggles...."You know what that means of course! Shopping trip, three of us versus one of him or used to be hims! He or she's not going to know what hit her! All I am worrying about is who's going be paying for the bill?"

Sara looks at Nikki "At this point I think ARC's going to be footing the it's good!"

They all walk to put trays away and walk out of Crystal Hall and back down towards Poe, as Sara calls Sir Wallace to meet them at Poe.

Three of them walk in Poe and they notice that most of the team Kimba. Is over in the corner of the sunroom, that they staked out in since they got here. The whole team in corner, turns to see them come in. They see all three of them come bouncing in giggling, carrying-on about shopping and what to get.

Toni and Chou look at them and say together "You guys going shopping again? on Sunday? You planed it and call us or tell us?!"

Sara yells "Pipe down you two we are not going shopping yet! Planning on it....Probably later in the week or maybe on the weekend?"

Toni asks "Well what are you three up to? Because it's two elves and Sara together, usually ends up being trouble no matter what happens!"

Hank grumbles "YEP I'm hearing the WORD "shopping".... I'll be going now. --Walking out here.-- Me being the only guy in the group....I'm going to a nice safe bunker somewhere! To hide out! Till you all you girls figure that out and got this shopping thing out of your blood, for a couple of days!"

Sara yells at him as she tosses a pillow at him "We're not going shopping! Right now!...Again!....What! WE are doing. Is getting together and go up to ARC. Just so that you guys know. We are going to go see an Elf....a Sidhe!!"

Toni whines and shakes her head "NOT! another elf!...not another elf. That would be three in the building! We don't need ""three"" ....she says sarcastically...."One of you was enough with Nikki! Then there were two! Now there are going to BE THREEEEEE!"

--- she gets hot and glares at Nikki "YOU!" she points at Nikki "YOU! just multiply like bunnies!"

Aunghadhail comes out and STERNLY looks at Toni "Do you think my race multiplying is a BAD thing and NOT! A GOOD thing! for us! CHILD!...YOU would prefer us not to exist!"

Toni "I did not say that!"

"You did imply it!" Aunghadhail says, like she's talking to a small child.

Toni peeps up "I never implied it? its just that....just too many of you in the building."

Aunghadhail getting happy.... "I would prefer the building to be ALL sidhe! A big happy family of sidhe!"

Toni whines "Guys I don't know about you? three now.... you WILL have a fourth for sure."

Jade pipes up "Another cute elf! Maybe she will join Wondercute!!"

Sara looks at Jade "I don't know if this one is going to be on your wondercute team. She's got a little bit more of an exotic look. That might not exactly say cute to you. You'll have to wait an see how it and how her looks impresses you or scares you or your neutral to it okay? But we need to get going. This is happening now and we've got to go."

Sara bounces down the stairs. Gwen takes that as a note and takes off like a shot towards her room.

Aunghadhail "I shall prep myself for the journey" then fades out Nikki says "In other words. I am going to grab my stuff, without all the regal mannerism. That she heaps on everything she says" she chuckles as she walks off.

Sara yells up the stairs "Meet me in my room! I will call the Doc and get us a taxi!" As she runs down the hallway to the Lovecraft room. Who's door opens up, automatically knowing that she is coming. She turns on her cell phone and dials up Dr. Otto on the contact list.

"Dr. Otto ARC ?" he answers...."PeeTee this is Sara we got the word that the guys ready to pop!"

"Yes that's correct" he said back "I also have gotten the word from Bill upstairs. That he's about the pop....So you want me to send a porter over to you?"

"Yes!! please do ASAP!' Sara says while getting her stuff.

"I will order one immediately...should be in your room within twenty minutes or less."

"Okay? if I am not here just have them stand in the middle room and don't touch a thing! The door or the books and don't let anything scare him or" and she hangs up. Turns round out the door, up the stairs like a shot and goes in Nikki's room "Are you ready?"

"Ready" Nikki chirrups.

She does down the hallway to Gwen's room "Well are you ready yet."

"Yes of course" Gwen says "I don't have all that stuff to get like Nikki does."

"Off we go to my room. To the porters it's a known location and they know how to get there......Let's go!"

Gwen whimpers "To your room again? your books Growl!"

"Don't worry about it. They only BITE! When you open one up! So leave them alone and they leave you alone!" Sara jokes.

Sara starts walking to her room, Gwen follows. Nikki's in the hallway already, they walk downstairs and down to the Lovecraft room.

Sir Wallace is standing at Sara's door, as they get there "Hi my 3 lovely lasses."

They open the door just as the portal POPS in...a man says "I'm here to pick you four up?"

"That's correct Sir" Sara says.

"We're all set! and everybody in close" he says and POP they go -- already in ARC.


Sunday, February 10th 12:30 PM

They teleport in the ARC reception area Dr. Otto is standing there waiting for their arrival. After the jolt of teleportation. Sara looks over and sees Dr. Otto "PeeTee your waiting for us?"

"But of course, I was waiting for you. He's really close at this point. Mere hours if that? On the last report I got.....I have copies of everything on him so far. In the meeting room here and pictures. So we can go over what's happened overnight while you bunch have not been here."

He turns and says "Morning Gwen and good morning Nikki....Aunghadhail" then he points "This meeting room over here then. I can get you caught up"

He turns back to Gwen "Gwen I don't know if you're hobgoblin Pixies are a good idea here. Let me ask one of the mages if its okay? I'm guessing since you didn't have it out yesterday. Nikki or Aunghadhail was helping out with a spell to contain that little glamour of yours? We didn't want a the Pixie floating around the room, with a human that don't know anything about magic. It would look at really out of place. But I don't think we do need to worry about it today. Considering the cats more than out of the bag."

Dr. Otto goes into the meeting room "You ladies have a seat here. I have to go check with somebody" he bolts out of the room. After about Five to Ten minutes he comes back in the room "Well Gwen they say that your Pixies are fine. As long as we don't get a whole bunch of them or they get out of control. If they get out of control, your going to have some kind of spell assistance to a keep the glamour in check and not have to use them....okay?"

"That's good I would rather use magic energy on stuff I need. Than holding that Glamour back. Nikki and Aunghadhail are me teaching more about it. But it's best to concentrate on other things now."

Aunghadhail comes up and looks at Gwen "Child....I will teach you a better spell. We will eventually get that Glamour down to a more manageable level for you. Maybe even turn it into something else who knows? The way it is now, being all wild and of course. Then distracting in its own merits, but we will work on it soon."

Dr. Otto goes to the head of the room grabs stacks of paper and slides a set over to everybody "These are print-outs of what's been going with the gentleman, physical scans of the first couple sections, all physical notes and the next section is all pictures."

Sara flips through the pictures really quickly. Looks at the face in the photos and shrieked out "OHHHH MY GOD! he...he...he...she? looks exactly like the one standing on the porch! I mean exactly!'s a perfect to twin-- a perfect twin! This is got to be why she's there!
She's got to be part of him somehow!! I got to wonder how that happened?"

Aunghadhail flips the pictures also and starts looking at how that the face structure is and she looks at Dr. Otto "How tall is she Doctor?"

Otto answers back to here with a rising excited voice "Surprisingly tall for a Sidhe!! She is Six foot even."

Gwen squeaked "Six foot! she's going to....TOWER!...she is almost as big as "Hipp!"

Sara sings "Your right, she is almost as big as "Hipp!!"

Sara looks at full body shot "Yep! she's as big as "Hipp"....she almost has as much musculature as Hipp does!!"

Gwen flips to the same photo "Your right! she's bulging...she's cut! There's nothing in the way of fat at can see all the ridges of her muscles. -- But she still looks like a girl....Beefy is a word. Like a fitness competitor or something on this girl!"

Aunghadhail flips or couple more pages "Doctor?"

Otto looks to her "Yes Aunghadhail?"

Aunghadhail starts "From your photos here, the height, I have come to the conclusion that. I know which tribe or you might referred to as a "race" or subspecies" of the dark Fae or Drow. You are working with here and it is a long history. That I am not going to get into why they're different, than Ninety-five percent of the elves."

She pauses thinking of what to say "First but they are truly different and like I hinted to you the other night if you did not recall? These Sidhe are more? How can I say it? They are predators. They are a warrior group. That is why they are taller, stronger, more muscular and they are built different. Bone, body, mind, everything. Even their magic is different. How they use magic is different. How they move magic. How they draw magic from the world is different. ALL Different from how I do it." She pauses to make that last line sink in, on how different they are.

"I will say one thing about them mostly, they have to be outside. They are a nature elf. Pure and simple nature elf.
They can be in the city or problem....But buried a mile underground in a literal cave like now.
She is going to go crazy! Very quickly and it is not going to be a good thing. You do not want one of these elves, in your complex going crazy. Wanting to get out.
Being as one thing, that these elves are good at. Is getting in and out of places and they're highly destructive. They know how to fight. They always have weapons on them. They always have armor on them. That you will not see any weapons or armor on them. But they are always armed! It is just what they are."

She pauses thinking "Do understand a lot of this is second hand knowledge of mine, not having to deal with them myself. But like I said you do not want one of these elves getting out of hand.
They will figure out a way to get out of this complex of will take time. She will batter down your wards one at a time and she will destroy your security force while doing it!" Aunghadhail exclaimed.

"If you don't outright kill her" she looks at Otto with a face not even think of doing that! OR ELSE you deal with me "She is going to slowly but surely beat her way out of this place."

"They have to be outside."......... "There is no maybe about it!" she exclames.

"So if I where you. I would get ready to figure out how to transfer her out of here. To be outside or at Whateley and I would highly suggest....Whateley."

She waves her hand to the rest of the group "He's been around at least us Four. That should keep her calm. Then she shall learn and assimilate into a modern society. If she's leans more towards the elf and not the human side. She can catch up, regardless of Thrity years that she has lost."

Aunghadhail thought for a while "Has anything happened with the box?"

Dr. Otto says "Nothing at all. It's in the file folder. About all I can think of doing, is having her....after she's done changing. Look at the box? That's my suggestion."

Aunghadhail says, after thinking about what could happen "That might be a good idea? But that would be up to you. It may or may not be a suggestible thing to have her exposed to it or not."

Sara chirps in "Well, should we, get ready to go down there?"

Dr. Otto goes "She's only Ten minutes away at best. We can sit here and wait more comfort. Than we can down there and eat."

Dr. Otto thoughtfully looks over at Gwen "Do you have anything to add?"

Gwen squeaks out "Me? will say one thing? Six foot? and she looks kind of spooky. Let's hope she keeps staying friendly to me! I don't want her to get mad at me! She'd squash me like a....bug!"

Sara looks over at Gwen "I don't think you have any worries about that. Out of everybody in this room. I think she likes you the most. So I wouldn't worry about it too much."

Gwen looks at Sara "You said...she as in...he the guy I talked to? Or her as she ...he as in elf that was standing on the porch... They are two different people?"

Sara stares at her and tilts her head "Good! point! You are definitely a bright one! They are two different people. We're not sure who is going to wake up, in that bed yet?"

Aunghadhail chimes in "If it is the man we probably will not have too many problems. If it is the is going to be an immediate problem. A big time violent....immediate problem.
That Elf is going to want out now! Not in an hour! It's not going to be reasoned with. It's probably not even going to be speaking English!"

She looks over to Dr. Otto "Doctor if that Elf is what? wakes up in that room and not the human. With that in that mind. You better have a lot of security standing by to figure out how to knock her out. She is going to tear through the guards I have seen you post in that room like paper!!
She might not know how a gun works. But I can guarantee you she's going to be able to kill people with her hands."

Dr. Otto contemplates that "I'll instruct the security department to have extra people on standby at the end of the hallway and keep that section on lockdown from here on out. Why don't you give me a moment to get that done now. I will have refreshments brought in for you people....Okay?" he walks out of the room to go take care of that.

In my minds house.........same time

Laying in my bed trying to get the feeling of what's going on in my body and I could feel "IT" coming. So I get up and walk down the hallway to where it meets up a short hallway going to the door to the garage and the front door.
I start thinking "Well looks like it's going to hit right about now" and for some reason, instead of cowering and whimpering. Like I have for who knows how long. I start to get that mental edge. Like I have had being an electrician and doing tough, dangerous work all this time.

I say to myself 'Time to buck up and face this bitch' I walk down the hallway grabbed the curtain covering the windows, ripped it off and tossed it into service porch going to the garage. I look at her for the first time.
I've really never seen her.

I'm looking at her and start sizing her up.

She's about Six foot. For what I can see of her face in the darkness out there, very pretty, striking kind of cute.
From what I can tell, she's wearing black leather armor and has a sword.

She sees me. She tilts her head and smiles like a predator getting ready to eat lunch is what THAT smile speaks to me.
She's taking real note of my presence. Then tilts her head the other way, like she's kind of noting me.
The sword that she's been tapping and against the door, she reaches it out and scratches on the door quick and then she whips it around.
What I notice about it is looks more like a presentation sword or a ceremonial sword, like one you wouldn't normally carry in a's too decorative and she slides it into a scabbard on her left hip.
Then she reaches up to a buckle and unbuckles it. Then drags it around into her left hand. Puts the buckle back together again and throws it down to the ground on her left side.

She's looking at me with this motion that says to me, I don't need this, you don't have a weapon, I don't have a weapon. That is what her look is saying to me without words...the thought of it, is coming in through the door itself at me.

I can feel that "THE" time is coming to an end.

Any minute now.

I backup from the door, as I don't want to be standing right next to it.

I backup still facing her and the door. Back towards the 'T' junction of the hallway and I stand there.

It's like a click! Like a bank fault opening!

Then as soon as I feel it, like a small lurch, like everything is clicked in the place, everything's fine everything's One hundred percent somewhere in my it begins!

I think to myself 'Well fights on!' Just as I think that. The door slams open and she is standing there about four feet off the doorway. She's looking at me.

I say "Well I guess it's between you and me. To who's getting control over our body."

She says in dark elf....Drow! I don't know why I understand it? I know she's speaking dark elf and I should not understand that...But I understand what she is saying.

"Yep its between me and you" she says.

"I'm not giving up! I was first in this body I was born in it!" I SCREAM!

She tilts her head "I lived in it longer than you did and you know it! You barely lived in it for Thirty years or so......I lived in it for 40,000 plus years" she says rather softly.

"Yeah...but I was still first! It was mine! They made us!...into you!" I yelled.

She looks back "I know that, but I am going to win this fight."

I look at her "I don't think so!"

I scream at the top of my lungs and start running towards her.

She starts running.

I yell "bring it bitch!"

As we both run towards each other.
she looks like she's going for the high hit.
I am matching her at this point, as we head towards the halfway point. Both of us almost matching speed.
I go for a surprise move and I duck down as low as I can. I'm going to football grab her low and under the belt buckle. A plan forms in my mind just as we HIT.
I get underneath of her.
She slams both fits on my back.
I feel the pain of it, but I don't stumble.
I picked her up and my plan is to try hit the back of her skull on the doorframe then. Slam her onto the concrete outside.
It comes off without a hitch. I hear her head hit the top of the doorframe. With a total meaty WHACK and as we get outside. I push her off of me and she bounces off the concrete with a couple of thuds. She barely skids a little bit, she rolls with the hit and ends up back on her feet.

I scream at her "round one to me bitch!"


ARC....Red section....same day and time

Bill sitting at the med center looks over the monitors that watch over the man. He stands up then taps Mike on the shoulder and draws his attention to the monitors.

Then Bill says "Mike her temperatures leveling completely out, at least normal for an elf. The in the heart rate or hearts rate I should say now. They seem to be beating in a nice sync. That indicates normal from what we can tell. I think she's done.

Mike looks at the readouts on the screen "I can see that and I agree with that. We are in One hundred percent new territory here Bill. Everything we do from here on out, is going to be written out a book. Every note you make, every note I make, hundreds of people will study it for years to come!" Mike closes his notebook.

"This is the first one. So...just remember. Your going to be published. not too many people can read it because of security clearance" he laughs "but you will be published!"

Bill chuckles back talking historic moment here? So, what should I do wait for the coin to come out or that the commemorative card or what?"

Mike looks at him "Just go in the room and see how she's doing?" They both walk down the hallway to the room. As they enter, they notice another thing that's been happening in the hallway.
That they had not noticed until they popped their heads out of the med center.

The new guards at both ends of the hallway at least twenty on each end.

Bill stops for a minute looks down the hallway." Mike, check me out here on what I see? What I think I'm seeing?"

Mike questions what he sees "Yeah, I see what your seeing."

Bill peeps up again "Twenty guys and two armored suits on each end of the hallway, what are they expecting an invasion?"

The two guards standing there guarding the room, one looks at him then says "I don't know if your two were informed yet. But about twenty minutes ago Dr. Otto informed the security department. That the Elf could be potentially dangerous to the extreme...physical hazard."

Bill and Mike look at each other and say at the same time "Why is that?"

"Apparently one of the consultants that Dr. Otto brought in says. That if this Elf wakes up in a certain way. She's going to want to kill everybody in her way, to get the heck out of the complex. She will be more than capable of doing it. We should bring on extra staff to prevent her from doing that and array our weapons to stun her and hopefully....Not have to kill her, to stop her. "

They both look.....Bill hisses "You're kidding?"

The guard shakes his head "NO we are not kidding. Evidently the consultant says, she can wake up being already in an extremely dangerous mind set. So we are going to take the cautionary route. But we were also advised to keep the security staff, as far away as possible. So as not to alarm the patient."

Bill looks at Mike and shakes his head. He walks forward to open the door and walks in the room. Mike follows. The only light in the room comes from the dim monitors on the walls. They walk up to the bed and start examining her overall heath.

Bill jokes "I'm not the expert here. But what I'm seeing here seems good. No twitching, no bones creaking. I'm not hearing any weird sounds coming from her body. Doesn't look like she's in pain any more. Her eyes are shut, she's out and if there was a human eyeball in there. I would look for rapid eye movement. To see if she was dreaming or just unconscious. Are we still keeping the light down, so as to not bother her eyes?"

Mike ponders "Yes and from what we know physically about this one. I don't know why she is not awake yet?"

They both walk out of the room, walking back towards the med center and they hear sounds coming down the hallway. They both turn and notice a group come out of the elevators.

Its Dr. Otto with the two Elves and Sara along with Sir Wallace in tow.

Mike starts walking down there, to meet with them and tell them how the patient is doing. Bill joins him in the walk down. As he wants to talk to Sara, about her time psychically linked to the man. Halfway down the hall the two parties meet up, and Mike shakes Dr. Otto's hand.

Bill looks at the three girls "ladies, looks like your just in time!"

Mike spin-turns around "Well thanks Bill ya let that cat out of the bag!"

Bill jested "I think the cat has been out of bag or they would not be coming out the elevator now would they?"

Mike laughs "I'm just messing with you bud."

Gwen looks at Bill "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"I got some. I got enough hours in the sack, that I will be able to stay on my feet." Bill yawns, back to her...playfully

Sara interrupts Bill "Was she in pain or screaming out, anymore last night?"

"After what you did, it got real quiet and stayed that way. Except for what was going on physically, nothing else is being done. Like I said to you guys and you gals it looks like she's done. I am not going to say "he's done" anymore. I am going to say from now on "she's done."

Sara did you get a name out of her?" Bill asks.

Sara shakes her head "NO she wouldn't say and he said he's never gonna say.
It's not our business and he was very adamant about it. What he was trying to say in other words, is....with the mutation and everything that has been going on. Plus thirty years passing, he considers that person dead and this is a new start! Which I can I take as a good thing.
I hope he thinks about it in that way or that he thinks that this, is the end of one life. To more of a beginning of a new life. One that we should keep after she wakes up. We should all make sure that there's a close eye kept on her. She can flip real bad, real quick and I don't want a suicide. That might be a obvious thing with this person to do."

Mike asks the group "Do you want to wait in the meeting room or the med center?"

Gwen says "Lets wait in the breakroom and grab lunch."

Nikki peeps "Okay lunch sounds good."

Sara looks at both of them "You just ate an hour or two a go??"

They both look at her "SO?"

Gwen and Nikki giggle together "It's free food!!"

Sara looks at the elf "THE! foods always free at Crystal Hall and you two always want to eat!"

Gwen looks back at Sara "What ever."

She then starts walking into the break room. Nikki turns and falls in behind. Sir Wallace shrugs his shoulders and goes after them. Meanwhile, Sara stands there with the three medical people and look at each other.

Bill says "Might as well, nothing else to do" they walk in. Bill immediately turns at the corner and goes to the computer that's on mounted on the wall and flips on the monitor system. So they can read the monitors in the break room remotely.

Gwen had already got her nose in the fridge. Looking for food and Nikki's looking over her shoulder trying to figure out what she wants.


Back in my mind and body

Just about the same second I announced "Round one to me."

It looks like the world agreed and I felt myself literally snap back into my body again.

I laid there with my eyes shut trying to get an appraisal of what has changed body wise.

"What's here? I'm definitely laying in bed I can feel a mattress, A sheet on top of me? Can feel something else? A hospital gown? of some sort? Feels like cotton? man- my skin is sensitive!! RAW almost. I feel the threads and the stitching!! man too rough!"

I'm going for my body check list...

feet 2...with toes and they wiggle but hurt?? check
legs 2...and they bend --good check
arms 2...with hands --fingers! all ten and they wiggle but hurt? check
head plus neck....oooch crick in neck--check
ears on head...they wiggle --move? lots more than I am used to?...but check
nose...woof I sink...shower as soon as I can!! check


I could hear the room out there!
That means the ears work!
Pretty quiet here...BUT I hear noise outside?...Can't make it out yet...What is that?
filter it down brain! darn it!
foot beats...talking...YIIKKES someone dropped something....TOOO MUCH!

Stick with the talking...better...better...humm guys complaining...about guard duty?..The green haired elf! She's here...and Bill...the old brit!...Otto? down the hall? eating? THE RED HEAD! THAT BITCH! she's' here....calm down...calm can wait.


Eyes? that's it! lets see!

Snap my eyes open...just a little....just a comes the light...I know the rooms dark...but it's like it's lit up! TOO BRIGHT! TOO MUCH!


Try again...just a little slit....better...wait
blinking really fast to clear them up....Whaoooo too much info again...overload.. wait, let the brain catch eyes are, really confusing my brain! Sooo much.

Sara told me, I was going to be an elf! But? I knew that, they can see in the dark? I know I heard about that somewhere, but this is different!

Seeing colors and stuff that I can't make heads or tails of yet? Brain cells processing? Like it's getting used to it! But it's coming faster every second...blinking. I realize one thing I'm not looking at anything with eyeballs? No eyeballs to move?...None to rotate in my head?
I can feel that? I close them. Nope I can't feel...that "lump" moving under the eye eyes are flat?
Open again.
I am seeing the whole room at the same time! Like a wraparound. Wide angle lenses. All of it at the same time.
Want to focus spot..I just think about it
Look at the ceiling tiles
I see them in brighter colors...I think I can see heat? I think?...infrared or something...whaoo focus and magnify-- wow! talk about DETAILS! Its like I just flew up there and jammed my nose in them.

I get a strange feeling? I know exactly how long the room is Twenty-five foot Seven inches and whatever ity bits by Tweinty-four feet and four inches. I feel the ripples in the wall, from the mistakes the plasters made.

I close my eyes again, I'm just hearing the room and seeing it with just the sound?...or other sense? Machinery to my left, I don't know about...A lamp over my head...The TV?....Desk in the corner....all that with no sight?

The winds moving around the room telling me where stuff is at?
I even feel? A piece of paper on the desk and a pencil....Wastepaper basket.

All the information coming so fast! Again its overloading me!....a little bit.

Open my eyes again lean back in the bed....catching my breath.

Tilt head up...just a little too fast and balance majorly messed up
Tilt up again...better.

Now look down...YEP "We got boobs" I say in a high pitched, some what hoarse voice. Some of Sara's last words to me...where "I think you're turning into a girl" WELL SARA!.....boobs! confirm it! obviously!

My hands shoot to them on their own accord. Pain or not, getting there and start feeling them up. MAN!..... they're not small and thick nipples on them. Ohh ohhhboy sensitive. Great, I gotta live with that! I'll get used to...stop that!....let go hands...down boy!....okay press on!!

I plop my head back down on the bed.

Lets get our arms under me and prop me up!

Arms back at shoulders and elbows and lift. I get my shoulders little off the bed and dizziness catches me again. I fight through it! I suck in air to help. My chest and the "girls" start moving, bouncing around. Seeing those move around is not a good sight ....ON ME! I can feel them moving against the sheets. That's not a sensation, a guy has ever had before. Man sensitive again. Why if this feels so good, do girls not have sex more?

Thoughts hit me....nope, nope, nope!


Let's take an inventory here.
Let's do a check...feet and I could move them under the sheet--good
Legs and knees move them a little back and forth--
Hips and stomach...move them around...humm more muscles? or? than I remember?
Next arms...right..lay back down.
Try my right arm..I lift it off the bed and move it from under the sheets -- what pain and stiffness to them -- Move my hand to my face flex the fingers and look it over.
OHH...MAN different skin..a lot darker...SARA did not say anything about weird color skin! What the heck!..okay, lets wait till this is in real light to make sure.
No sense in going nuts till then.

I look at the arm WOW I gained more muscles. I got more muscles now as chick than I ever had as a guy!
I bring the left one up. Just as much difficulty, flex the fingers and getting used to it. Moving the shoulders around.
Try something really quick is move my head around a little bit...dizziness again..tilt my head rotate the neck around.
Take a break and lay back down...relax here a minute.

I wonder for a second. They must have kept the room dark because my eyes are adjusting to the changes. That's why the rooms dark and also the monitors seem to be off?
So I guess they expected me to wake up soon.

I look around. I just noticed the camera in the right corner of the room and one on the left. Great..they're filming me! Small cameras though, technology marches on.

I start flexing my whole body, try to get all the kinks out and find where everything should be. Compared what I'm used to...after five minutes of flexing or so.

It's crossing the next bridge! Time. Get up in bed! Sit straight up. That was a mistake.
...dizzy TOO FAST! falling back down on the bed again
...try that again and sit up
...right...not dizzy.

I throw off the sheet off.

I think "let's not look down at anything YET! Let's go to the bathroom as a goal....without looking...Lets...let the mirror be a surprise!
Take in the whole package in one shot!"

I swing my legs over the right side of the bed and put my foot on the floor.

Jesus! COLD FLOOR WTF! Does not anyone ever heat these darn places!
I feel the tile underneath my feet and I get ready to stand up. I slide to the edge of the bed.
I know, I am in a standard hospital gown. It covers the front, back wide open! Great talk about embarrassing!

I try standing up...I stand up in one smooth motion and I'm not used to the this bodies musculature I spring up a little bit too high up!...I think...I almost bounce up on the balls my feet and the dizziness hits me.
I sit back down, let's do that a little slower....humm. I slide out, off the bed again and stand up dizziness seem to be gone.

Let's work on the next step......walking.

Well we're standing! let's try walking?
I keep my left hand on the bed and to steady myself.
Take a step- okay good- take another one...foots a little draggy....take another one.
All right! End of the bed, now we are in-no man's land.
Lets be a little cautious -- back up a step- back up one, two steps, right!
Steady on our feet! Balance is good....Everything is catching up, to take two forward, two more steps, that's right!
That's good.
Well time to let go of that bed, take more steps across the room and right. we're getting there.
A couple more.
Real good I'M! walking!

YEP there's that "swing" in the step. That a girl has.
Breasts...sensitive, their bouncing! and I'm going to need something! A bra?
NOT NOW lets not think of that stuff yet! Its turning me on! Warm feeling building ..nice! But wrong for now!

Looking down just a little bit. Paying attention to that. Don't do that! Don't worry about that! Not yet!
Lets wait and take the whole package in and make our goal!.... To get to the bathroom door. I push open the door and walk in.

I think about hitting the light switch...not yet! Lets look at the room with them off. So we know what's around me BEFORE....I blind myself with light!

Look around the room. Shower the far right corner, to my left sink, with mirror above it, then to my left...COOL! A big mirror beside the sink.
I lean on the sink. I close my eyes up tight knowing its going to be a shock. The light HITTING my eyeballs.
I snap on the light!
I can feel it! The light stabbing through, my closed eyelids.
I give that light a couple of minutes to settle...then start creaking them open slowly.
I am struck by even more colors.
I am sorting that out in my head.
Definitely..yep! Some sort of infrared and ultraviolet looking filter or something in my eyes.
Definitely...thermal too! I start seeing. The color changes on the lamp is going through as it heats and heats the wall up! NEAT!

I grab on the sink and slide to my right towards the big mirror.

I look at the mirror and I look at my face, HOLY SHIT!! I did not expect that!

Sara didn't say anything about that.

WHAT'S looking back at me? that chick off the fucking porch!

I'm her exact freaking twin!

I'm thinking back in my head "I kind of thought that was what could happen. I should've thought about that happening!"

I look at her face...NO, MY FACE NOW!
From the top I look down, taking it all in, one part at a time, long white hair going down my back, very large almond shaped eyes, tilted inward, slightly bigger than either elf, I have seen so far.
Just a pure white eyes. There is no ball to it. Just a surface. There's no pupil or colored iris...just pure dead white.

Black-purple skin talk about a WEIRD! Color! So smooth!

Pointy I think about them. I actually see them moving a little bit. They rotate a little bit like a dog would. But not a lot. I think?

The teeth and I smile and open my mouth. Yep pointy! eye teeth. Longer than a vampire would be. I laugh at that. Even my laugh is sexy and "girly" now.

I then look at the whole face. After you get past the weird bits. I am REAL GOOD! looking, square wide jaw line, nice lips. I kind of look like Caroline Murno. That bond girl from "The spy who loved me."

It starts hitting me.
I realize.
I am a chick! I sigh and start crying. I'm not even close to looking normal.

"WHY! If I would turn into a elf then. Why can't I look like the redhead or the Green haired chick!
I could take that? THIS!"...I start balling, crying my eyes out.
I sob , then YELL..."I'm a FREAK...A MONSTER!
I'm not....I stutter....I can't walk in public!"

I remember those riots from 1972.....those people saw anything that did not look human, they burned it....They killed it.
I start losing it....I cry from that
I got to get a hold of myself again! The emotions are really screwed up in my brain.

I am losing it.

"WELL" I said "lets see the rest this monster" I cry!

I rip off the hospital gown! and toss it in the corner.

"WELL! that's not a shock I kind of expected that!"

I look like about Six foot. I lost some inches and I this chick is BUILT! Muscular like the bodybuilders from the beach.
NOT an ounce of fat on it.
You could see the individual muscles...the ridges of them under the skin. You could make out each muscle.
I look down. I have a true Eight pack of abs. Better than I ever had in my life.
Legs are thick with corded muscle and the arms are bigger than what I had as a guy! Even after ten years of hard work!

I notice...ahh humm no body bikini wax for me...hahah.

I start getting turned on by looking at myself?

Lets not dwell on that...totally NOT READY for even thinking of that!

I start flexing my left hand in front of me.
I wonder how strong this girl is?

I'm taking the whole package am looking at everything.
That dark skin is freaking me out.
The skin is like a Beacon to anyone who ever sees it!! they are going to know it down the block. comes a mutant, a monster.
The white hair .
The teeth....the pointy teeth.
The ears...pointy elf ears!
The EYES! The creepy looking eyes and they are MINE now.
All I can see is the "eyes" not human....monstrous.

My life's over!
I knew this was going to be bad. I kept on telling Sara this was bad! After I already knew I lost thirty years.
I already thought I should OFF myself at that point!!
Now I'm sure of it.
What will I do now? She said something about a school? What? school would except me?
I think even Sara with that blank white skin of her's, is acceptable at a distance. The red eyes? She can still wear sunglasses. Big deal! No one is going to notice or think that.....she's just creepy.
Me? they will see me a mile away I'm have to hide!

I won't be able to go out in public!
First thing people are going to think is. I'm evil or something and they will want to kill me.
I just know it! I can't go outside anymore. I know it.

I'm freaking out.
Freaking out.
I AM A MONSTER....I cry, as tears run down my face
Monster damn it!
I can't go outside!
I can't go see anyone.
I can't do anything.

I am a freaking monster!

The last thing I remember is my FIST hitting that mirror...punching a hole in the wall behind it.


This is my oldest story in a joint fan fic venture with a group of authors, so
far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We
all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of
stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This
one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one.

To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop
around here is a short introduction.

Angels Peril a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek Tormented by the past,
Angel is struggling between light and dark.

Melvin a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek They say old soldiers never
die, Melvin is about to learn that the hard way.

The Way of the Dragon a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek Born for
eternity but vulnerable like a child, dragons shouldn't leave their

Every Rose has it Thorns a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan Watch what
you say around rose, could give you more trouble than you ever asked

Kelly a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan Struggling with fate, Kelly has
to deal with love and loss.

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war
and forged in pain, dealing with deamons within and the out.

Vantier a Whateley Tale :Written by Shadowsblade Ancient and Powerful
Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it.

You might ask yourself what is the Whateley Universe? To make it short,
here is a abstract straight out off the wiki.

Whateley is a Prep School for different teens. VERY different ones.
Where else could a kid go to a school that has a resident demon living
in the furnace? Or meet magic users, mutants of every imaginable kind,
get trained in how to handle some rather odd abilities, and worry about
flunking Freshman English? Come visit Whateley Academy, nestled in the
lovely hills of New Hampshire. Just down the road from a town named
Dunwich... (Mythos jokes purely intentional). This is the Whateley
Academy Universe, a shared universe with over a dozen authors and more
than a hundred stories (and counting). The stories range in size from
vignettes to novels. It's a Mutant High scenario with both a strong
transgender theme and a slightly watered down Cthulhu Mythos theme.

It's also very much a work in progress.' If you want further information
you will find them on.

But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the
ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those
kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the
'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

Or if you want to input more?

Drop a e-mail to me at [email protected]

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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