Shadowsblade first day

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without!

In this part Rohanna gets out of ARC and has her first day at Whateley....can a 40,000 year old Drow go to high school or can the high school cope with a near crazy Drow that old?

This is the story of a man who finds a magic box that changes him into a Drow (a dark elf) and he has to deal with the sudden change. Then all the memories of a Drow that was 'made' for a long lost war. This new part of him, has the 40,000 years of memories of fighting that war. She has to deal with, all that pent up PTSD, her enemy is here, but she loves her. Her old Queen is here and she wants to kill, that Queen ohh so bad!

Shadowsblade here.

this story is the original, the first one I did.

I reedited it and added it to here, You may have read it on fictionmania. But I have added some to this story and edited and cleaned it up a bit so you might want to try it again?

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.




ARC Tuesday February 13 -7am

There is a knock at the door and it snaps me instantly back from my mediation. I can smell and hear that its Bill on the other side of the door? I did not even hear him walk up? I jump off the bed and walk over to the door open it up "Hi Bill! you're here already?" I yelp happily at him.

He looks at me surprised "You did not hear me come up to the door?"

"No, I was mentally involved in my self, concentrating, meditating."

He looks at me surprised "I snuck up!?"

"I guess you win a prize!" I give him a quick hug.

He Looks at me shaking his head "Do you realize, I was banging on the door for almost twenty minutes before you came?"

" I've got to remember not to do that, lose touch that much with the world. So that someone might be able to sneak up on me and hurt me bad. I got to remember, to do this level of concentration. Only in a safe place, that I'm one hundred percent sure. No one is gonna come up me! But at least it's better to know now, then later when someone is jamming a sword in my back or cutting my head off. As I am half-asleep."

Bill laughs at that "So I kinda accidentally...did you a favor?"

"Yeah I would call that a favor. I would rather know about it now, than like I said after I get hurt or dead. So what is the plan for today?" I ask him.

"They want to down at the TS machine soon as you can" Bill said to me.

"Well then I guess first of all, what do they want me dressed in?"

"They have a suit your going to pull on down there, so that stuff that you are wearing now. The yoga pants and sport top would be fine. Have you got another clean set?....I would wear that."

"Okay I give me about twenty and I'll come out to you."

He turns and walks off, as I shut the door. I start peeling off my clothes, FLIP off the camera again. I know they are watching, jump in the shower and wash up as quickly as I can. I do not want to get involved in personal touchy shower madness again like I was doing the other day! I pop out, dry myself, slide across the floor as fast as I can, pull out of the bags of clothes. hat I washed yesterday. Find the exact same style of clothes I was wearing yesterday. But in different colors instead of blue this set is more of a deeper purple. I pull on the sports top, it takes like a minute to get that thing on and I hate it. I jump on the bed pull on the shoes, the socks, pull on the T-shirt and walk out the door.

"Okay Bill take me to your leader" I quip, in a faked space alien accent.

He looks at me and starts laughing "That's just a loaded joke right there, you do understand the old UFO joke things about exams?"

"Yes" I hiss at him "Probes in strange places. Let's not even think about that today. Anyone comes near me with something like that, they are not going home tonight!"

We walk down the hallway towards the main elevator. When we get there he pushes the call button, then swipes his ID card to verify him.

"Well how did, last night go?" he asks me as we wait.

"I spent pretty much the whole night meditating, didn't talk to Sara much remotely. Read the books, thanks a lot for that! It helped a little bit. I need access to a library...obviously"

He laughs "Yeah at the speed that you can read books. You might be need to get into several libraries. If you can just learn just from straight books alone. You will have a couple of doctorates, in your name in a couple years. So I am going to assume you have a virtual photographic memory?"

"YEP! but only what's in the book. I mean if you slip something between the pages. I would not know is there. It's just the book itself. So you can hide stuff in it and I would not know it was there. Till I opened it."

The elevator comes. Then we go up several floors and he brings me to a very large section the complex underground. I see what seems to be the lead technician, We walk up to him "Good morning." I say to him.

He kind of just shakes his head "Yeah....well hi I guess. So we rarely get to use thing but, this is the temporal spectral analysis machine....TS for short. You're going to go in that room, get into a white bodysuit for us. We had made of cotton just for you, as the regular ones are made of a neoprene. Which we been told you would have had a allergic reaction to and would have stood nothing for it. Then we get you into the main room, run you through the test. The quicker you sit still and the longer you sit still the faster we get done."

"Okay show me the room and let's get this over with."

He walks me to the room "Here is your suit."

I asked him Underwear on or off?"

He looks at me "Nothing, just the suit."

"That's nice....okay" I sass not even close to happy. I close the door....pull off everything. I just put on! Then pull this slinky suit on. That looks like a cotton version of something out of a fetish nightmare! Then, I walk back into the room.

"Well here we go!" I look across the room and a couple of guys are leering at me.

"Gentleman if your going to act like teenagers, go find a book in a corner somewhere! I'm not going to put up with you, looking at me like that!"

Bill glares at them and gives them the evil eye.

The lab tech, then takes me to this large room of a fifty foot sphere. With a bridge going over to a chair, in the middle of the room. The bridge looks retractable? "Sit in this chair put your hands or arms over the places indicated by the silhouette and if you can sit still absolutely still not even blink for five minutes we will be done in virtually that same amount time."

"How still do you want me to be?"

"As still as you possibly can."

"Okay let me clarify. I can stop breathing for two hours and I can stop my heart for about ten or fifteen minutes before I start having problems." I grin at him.

"If you can do all that! Even better. You being a statue is about is the most perfect thing possible. There is a speaker in the overhead and a microphone. I'm gonna get out of here, you sit perfectly still. I give you a go ahead, you freeze up like a statue. Like you said you can do, which is just beautiful!
I like working with people like you. I get to go home and I get to have half a day off. I don't have to sit here for ten or fifteen tries at this with you. So you will probably do two maybe three shots at this, just to have some overlapping data to make sure and sometimes it just doesn't want to work. The guy who runs it literally is in there kicking the machines and so bear with us. If it doesn't work, If it does not in couple hours. We will just leave it, as is and it did not work today."

He walks back across the bridge and it retracts into the wall and ten minutes later he comes over the speaker "Okay whenever you're ready?"

"How would you like to do it?"

"I'll just give you a five second countdown and we go from there."

He counts down and I to stop everything. Don't blink, don't move nothing, up five to six minutes later and he comes back over the speaker "Stage one done you can move around a little, breathe, beat your heart, would be okay with me" he snickers.

He says "One more try and then, we might do a third. The machine is working pretty good this morning."

Ten to fifteen minutes goes by and "Were ready again ready?" he says on the speaker.

"I am ready" and he says "in five ,four".... counts down and I freeze up again. They roll and repeat it one more time and after the final time "Were done. we got the data we need. I'll be in there a couple minutes" he comes in to me, gets me out and walks me up to the control room for this thing. I ask him "You get results yet?"

"They will give you that upstairs. I just give them the data, they figure out how to mess it up later, but we did get good data, a lot of people will want to look at this!"

"That's what I want to hear!"

He looks at me "What you mean by that?"

"Well every time you guys make money off of this....I make money off this as well."

He looks me "This is between me and you, a lot of people are going to be looking at your data and you can make a lot of money for this. If you negotiated a good contract, you will be pretty well off in a couple years." He winks at me "If I where you? I would do a test run every six months, if they ask for it or not. So there is new data out there, regardless? If its a near duplicate of the last batch done. People will pay to see it With that, you get that much more money! So! The more tests you have out there, more money you make!"

I look at him "Your in the wrong business, you should been a used car salesman or something?"

He shrugs his shoulders "Whatever?"

I walk out with Bill. As we walked back to the elevator he said. "That had to be one of fastest sessions we've ever had with that stupid thing" As we get to the elevator doors "Where do you wan to go up and have breakfast or go down?"

"Ohh ya! I want to go back into the hole in the ground, like a scared bunny rabbit YEP! that' a brilliant idea...up buddy! you know better than to ask that question!" I SASSED!

After a couple minutes of going up, then walking. We come up to the main lobby and walk over to the cafeteria. We walk up to the order cook, I say "Lets see...breakfast?" I order waffles and pancakes...I just start listing stuff off, the short order cook guy questions to me "You're ordering for an office or something, there Miss?"

"Nope! Just for me" I giggle at him

Bill leans over the counter to him "She's an elf...right? We haven't see to many right? Well I saw three the other like this! They are just eating machines!"

The cook looks at me "I have a theory."

I look at him puzzled "Theory about what?"

"I know why...history it is and why there's no Elves around, but I think my theory is actually more plausible" the cook tells me.

"WHAT?" I ask.

"Theory is you guys eat so much food...You ate yourselves out of existence!" he laughs at me.

"AWWW! that's just not right" I groan.

But anyway, the cook gives me a number. So that a waitress can bring me the food I ordered, in about Twenty minutes or so.
I walk over the beverage counter, they had orange juice and it looks fresh. That makes me happy, its something different. I pour off a glass. Bill gets some red juice then, we both go sit down.

I ask Bill "What's next for you?"

"We will see what comes in next to monkey with, but that's my plan to stay here. I don't see the reason in going anywhere else" he tells me, while sipping his juice.

"Do you plan on being a doctor maybe?" I ask.

He shakes his head "I have no aspirations to be a doctor. I'm making plenty of good money at this place. I have my security clearance. Fact, it's one of the main reasons why I'm here and plus my RN certificate. This place gets weird once in a while...kind of out there...but, it's fine."

As I start to ask another question, two waitresses show up with the food and they start setting trays down. One looks at me and Bill "Where is everybody else? This is enough food for four!"

"It's pretty much me! He has that like...breakfast plate dealy there, that you got on that first tray (I point) and everything else here is pretty much mine!"

She looks at me "Your kidding? Your an Energizer or something, that you need to pack away this kind of food?"

"No not at all" I lays out all the food for me and I dig-in. Bill puts Tabasco sauce on his eggs. Which totally I'm not even thinking about. liking the idea of that taste...the smell...good grief!

Bill asks me "Do you regularly eat like this?"

"Now I do!" I smile, as I tear into the plates.

"NO what I mean is, the an Elf? ya goof!" he laughs.

"NO we didn't eat like this. We are lucky if we got three meals a day or two a day sometimes. There were times I was, in deep combat and I didn't eat for weeks. I survived off the essence, that I could pull out of the forest and everything else around me or what for food. I got some ,from the ground or out of the shrubbery and stuff."

After I said that...he shakes his head and he looks like he is going to start asking more questions about this. I shake my head at him "Please don't...not right now...the less I think about that. The better."

"I can understand that. I had several combat tours and I'm screwed up as it is. So is Mike, that you met. I can't imagine someone doing that, for as long as you did not be messed up. How you're not completely insane I don't get?"

I laugh at him....I'm really start laughing hard and it kinda draws attention to us "Do you think I'm not insane! Really? After what I've done the last couple of days?"

The stark realization dawns on him "You probably are insane!"

"Who knows?" I say "I Pump in six bullets in my head and not dying is probably clinically crazy. Not to mention all the other small things I've done. I'm probably not altogether there" I go back to eating, my pancakes.

"That is why I have been to a lot of therapy. The first step is actually admitting you have a problem, you know your koo koo. You're probably better off than a lot of people, that think they're sane" He looks around, then whispers to me "Just so you know, I did put that in my report. I think you have posttraumatic stress disorder, from too much combat."

I shrugged "I guess...I'll read it eventually."

"Oh I'm sure you'll get to read, the full report when you check into the school. I don't think they are, into hiding stuff from students...really."

After we finish up, I ate most of what I got laid out in front me. We get up and start walking out back to the elevator back in the main lobby area. Standing there waiting for a ride down, is Dr. Otto "Good morning Rohanna, how did that first test go?"

"Brilliant...everything went fast and we are up here having breakfast. Now we are going back down."

"Well I guess that means in the next half an hour or so? I am going to have to let you go! Ahead of schedule. I am sure that makes you happy!" Otto says...then he pulls out a pack for me "I know you had everything in shopping bags last night...I got someone to go to the store for you, last night and get ya this. So you don't look like a hobo or something."

I say "This will help out a lot!" the door opens up and we start going back down. As I walk towards my room. Otto gives me the rundown of the TS machine stuff.

"We got it all in and you will have a lot of researchers looking at your stuff. Do you understand the possibility that understand genetics and genetic engineering?"

"I understand the concept yeah" I say, wondering where he is going.

"You probably are genetically engineered? But the elves did not have science back magic?" he questions me.

"I understand that" I said "I" I say totally unconcerned, that he does not get it.

He looks at me cross-eyed "You knew this?"

"Of course I did, I am not stupid. I know what I am. I know exactly what I am!
I know exactly what I can and can't do!" I think about the process on what was done to me. Its there but as I get to really thinking hard on it. It slips away and I feel that Geas on me, making that happen.

He stands there pondering it and shakes his head "Would you mind telling me how they did it?"

We finally get to my room and I open the door.

"I'm not going to tell you guys how it got done....I know the whole process exactly down the inch, what was done. I even understand it. I can probably, if I tried hard enough and think about it. I can do it myself, to someone else. But I'm not even going to. That's not my specialty....doing transmutation magic...but I understand it...the whole process."

He walks across my room for a second, pulls out a stack of paperwork from his satchel and then dropped it all on the desk "You want to talk to people about this maybe? Like in a meeting or something?"

"WHY?" I ask.

"People will probably, want to know about this?" Otto says

"Well they're not gonna know. I don't trust you guys. Plus I just can't! Please don't ask why. You figure out how it got done, with your own technology from nowadays and go from there. Ancient magic like what was done to me. I don't think can be duplicated. Not enough of it the world! Unless you guys figure out how to get a mage, to use the deep Ley lines. That are buried under the planet's surface, then you might be able to pull it off? As far as I can tell, human mages don't do that and the ones that do? Usually end up getting fried! That's what happened in the past! I don't think anything changed now. Besides I am magically bound BIG time not to tell anyone! Who is not authorized and if your going to ask about that. DON'T!"

Otto looks at me strangely, after that last sentence. "What do you mean 'bound?"

I yell out "BOUND as in BOUND! As in can't! I can't say it. I hope that everyone who can make me, is DEAD....darn it!"

Otto reels back thinking, I am about to get real nasty.

I calm my self back down and get my bags together onto the bed.

As I pack my new back-pack up. He starts getting papers out of the stack on the desk he dropped there. He says to me "Here are your basics....they will give you another MID test to confirm it.

Your wizard skills, we don't know, we don't test that here.
Your an exemplar four, you can lift about Two thousand pounds.
Your warper six? or some sort....teleporter and looks like you can teleport yourself and other objects...range we don't know?
You're definitely a regen five.
There's something ESP- danger sense going on with you. I bet it kept you alive most of your life.
Your speeder one. At Forty-five miles an hour, for two hours and which you already pretty much knew that.

Your warper...teleporting thing? That only just popped up from the TS test today and that's the very strange bird? That we can figure out. It looks like yours is a both a naturally occurring part of you and looks like there's something of a magical component on it. Very unusual, to have both working for the same goal?"

"I understand exactly. Like I said. exactly what I can do" I mumbled.

"You wouldn't mind sharing, what the teleporter skill is?" he asks.

"I can teleport. I can bring people with me. I can do it very, very, quickly and I use it in combat. I teleport faster than people walk and I also do not to worry about popping up in a wall" I list off the facts, coldly to him.

"How is that accomplished?" he asks.

"I don't know? I just don't pop up in walls. I can't explain something that you have to experience."

He looks at me thinking "Experience? You mean take people around right?"

"Just like your teleporter's do here. I am Sara uses them to get back to school" I tell him.

"Would you mind, taking one of our teleporters with you?" he asks me.

"AHH yeah I do... Because sometimes, it doesn't work together to well. I don't want what he does, to interfere with me. But I'll try it? You want to schedule it for a test next time maybe? I am not planning on doing it today!"

"We can do that, among any other things...see you in two...three weeks?" he asks me.

"You set up a time and a date. Put it on a Saturday or Sunday because obviously I have classes unless, I'm hurt or injured to be there or something else comes up."

I finish packing my back pack, I fold up the used paper bags and drop them in the trash can. Then I look at both of them "So if you guys will leave...I can get out of these workout clothes. Then into a pair pants, a decent shirt and look okay. So shooo! Get the hell out!" and I start shoving them out the door.

Dr. Otto picks up his stuff off the table and walks out, Bill starts to walk out the door, then turns around with that evil look in his eye "Hey, can I stay watch?" he says with a cheesy grin.

"You have already seen enough...there...down boy! You don't want me telling your girlfriend, what you're doing at work? you?" I leer at him.

"NO,! Don't do that! Don't tell THE girl friend!....That would be bad....that would be very bad....She would kick my ass!" he looked genuine scared.

"A Marine scared of his girlfriend? I like that. Good, I got to meet this girl!....NOW! get out!" I yell at him, then shut the door.

I slip off my stuff, pull off the sports top, put it in the backpack and the yoga pants. I start sliding on the jeans and man they are tight! But they will loosen up and they fit nice! Damn my ass looks good in them! I would DO me! I put my shoes and socks back on, figure out how to put on the bra stumps me for a second. Then I remember how my girlfriends did it? They put it on backwards then spin it around and it works out fine. I go for a black T-shirt, to match the black jeans and grab the backpack. I grab the Whateley books, stuff them in the top and walk out the door.

Bill and Otto are standing there "Well gentleman, lets get the hell out of here! You guys can stay here...I don't care...whatever."

We walked down to the other end of the hallway to an elevator. One I haven't gone to before, Then go up several floors and to a exit at. A really long hallway, where we walk forever and to come to an underground motor pool area.

Talk about huge! There are couple hundred vehicles in here, ranging from a small compact car and all the way up to HUGE armored personnel carriers. Dr. Otto leads me over to a armored van of a sort.

"This is little overkill, for transporting a kid down to school?" I say.

He says to me "This is ARC...this is our work, corporate spies, villains constantly watch us and this place. They watch everything that goes in an out. Anything that comes out here. A lot of people consider, what we do valuable. Even if they don't know what it is. Besides which Sara would rip me apart if you died, I'm sure! The Fae Queen herself. Would probably skin me alive. So you go down there in a nice armored box, till your no longer my responsibility. Then, we will workout teleporters from there on out and maybe use Sara's existing room as a spot for everybody?"

I walk up to the Doc, I shake his hand "Glad am to have met you...At least we patched stuff up from, a little rocky start and for transportation? I'll teleport myself up. I don't trust some other guy, not to end up putting me in a rock somewhere."

Dr. Otto nods "I think we can arrange that."

I can see the guys in the truck are getting antsy and I walk up to Bill. Instead of a handshake, I hug him hard "I'll miss you! I expect me and you to make some sort of dinner-lunch date and you bring that girlfriend of yours along!"

"I don't know about that....she's kind of the jealous type."

"Okay bring her along. If you convince her, to do a threesome or something and we can do that instead maybe? and I wink at him.

He gasps for a second.

"Okay...yes I got you again!....You take care yourself. I expect to hear from you once in a while, as soon as I get a phone or whatever else you need in this world for communication! I will get with you."

He pulls out of his card out of his pocket "This is all my contact information" he hands it to me.

"I don't have a wallet yet?"

"You'll buy one at the school or somewhere."

"I don't have my drivers license or ID anything at all?" I say realizing nothing has been given to me yet.

"Mrs. Carson has it at her end. It was easier to have it sent down there, with all the other school paperwork at the same time. It was easier for us do...remember she still can say no. So be prepared for her, to maybe say no" Bill said.

"I don't want to hear that" I pulled him closer "If they say no are they going to try to drag me back here?"

"I don't think so...anyway? I don't think you'd come. You would probably run away." he whispered.

"Yeah I get my ID in my hand...I'm gone...they are not going to see me. If don't have my ID in my hand, I am still gone! So bye buddy!"

"You'll be back...I see it!" Bill says, as I jump in the vehicle and lock it up.

Well, I get into the armored van. A guy waves me over to a seat and I buckle-up. He looks at me "This is how things are going to go. There are going to be four vehicles leaving here. We are going on own path. Three others on other paths. So as to confuse anybody from knowing where we are actually going. As every time we leave, we have to do this. We'll get you down to Whateley, probably in about forty-five minutes to an hour...basically sit back and enjoy the trip. If anything happens, stick by me and I'll keep you safe."

I look up at him, from my seat "If anything happens, you won't even know I was here. I'll be...long....gone, before you figure out where I'm at. Don't even worry about me....worry about your own self. I can take care of myself."

"Okay tough chick" he grumbles.

"Yes! tough chick and a half !"...I giggle out..."I guess from what you tell me? They did not give you any paperwork on what the heck I am?"

"Of course they wouldn't. They just tell me, where to take something and were not to. Then maybe, tell me if it's dangerous. They have you listed as...person...that's it."

"Okay like you said, if crap hits the fan. Just stay out of my way. I'll be gone, I'll take care of myself."

We start driving out of the huge garage and I'm pretty much glued to the window at that point. I am looking at the forest going by, wishing this thing was a convertible instead of a metallic box. Now fifteen or twenty minutes out of there and all the vehicles divided up on this winding access road.

This guard looks over me "Your first time going to Whateley?" he asks.

"First time in the state, let alone ongoing to Whateley" I sang.

"I am going to guess by your age, your going to be a student there?"

"I hope so...paperwork's in, does not mean that they will take me" he just goes "HUMM?" at that....I just go back to looking out the window.

After a few minutes goes by "Your just not really talkative are you?" he asks again.

"No....not really and number two. I really don't want to be cooped up in this metal box with anybody. I'd rather someone just handed me a map and a compass or something. Then said, go from here to there. I would done it myself. Probably would've been there by now and have a lot more fun doing it!"

He stares at me "I find hard to believe that you, can be as fast as vehicles going forty-five miles an hour?"

I look right back at him "If it's a straight line between A and B and it goes through a forest ...I'm an elf!...forest and us go together! Right? your thoughts?"

"Yeah" he chimes.

"I can travel through forest quicker than you think. So straight line.... plus quicker than you think travel. I've been there by now...right?" I sass.

"Okay, I see your point."


Tuesday February, 13 7:00 AM
Whateley Academy-main gate

After about forty-five minutes, we come up to a long drive. That leads to the school and some of the most beautiful gates are in front of us. Two gargoyles at the top of each large stone post. We are about to roll through the gates and I'm staring at them..The Gargoyles..... "Could you stop for a second?"

"WHAT? something wrong?" he asks looking out the windows, nervously.

"Nothing is wrong....I want to look at something, is that okay?"

"We can stop for a couple seconds, NOT longer."

I look at the gargoyles...think to myself 'What have I gotten myself into! The guardians of the gate of this FICKEN! school are Nightgaunts! How do they get those things to bend down to a humans will? I will never get. The only time those things are safe, is after you chop them up in little bits!'..... "Okay guys I'm sure what I saw....everything's fine! I just needed to look at something...sorry about that." I say, to him.

As we drive through the gates, I can feel that the waves of the wards of the school. They just pass over me, like water breaking on the beach in a storm and I flinch at each one as we hit them. The guard looks to me as I finch "Anything wrong!"

"No just feeling all the wards on the school, its like rolling through rough surf and you feel each one hit you. Wow, if something walked around into those they would get fried instantly! That, they didn't want to come in."

He shakes his head "I would not know I'm not magic sensitive. I'll take your word for it, that there's something there. Whateley and the surrounding area has been known for generations, at being more than weird."

"I can understand that"

We roll up in front of a large brick building and it says Schuster Hall on it in large brass letters "This is the main administration building, I'm here to drop you off. I have to sign you off to the security guard, that's obviously already waiting for us" the guard of the van, states to me.

We jump out, he walks over to the security guard standing there at the bottom step and he gives him my paperwork. Signs off and he waves me over to them. I walk over to them, with my bag "See ya on the next trip...maybe? Good luck! with this place...bye now" he says to me. Then he gets in the van and it drives off.

I'm standing there feeling everything wafting through this place, smells, sounds and the more than abundant magic. I think to myself....again! 'What have I got myself into, this place. Just reeks of stuff, that should not be here!' All the while the guard looks at me. Standing there with my eyes closed, me thinking, smelling and putting out my senses to what's was around me.

"You okay?" he asks.

"I'm fine....just getting used to the campus...right now" I tell him.

He studies me....this older guard. He chuckles "You will be fine here...Its the ones, who don't stop to think about this place....right where your standing. That fail here the most. You are one that realizes, this is a first step in a NEW life from here out or you would have just walked in."

He just stays silent for a few minutes, to let me 'just be' and then "I have to take you to Mrs. Carson's office and drop you off there" He looks at my paperwork, says onto his radio who I am and where we are going. We walk up the main stairs, into the building. We take another couple turns down hallways, into a nice 1800 style turn-of-the-century. Beautiful wood paneled room, in the room he walks up to a desk...that a nice looking secretary sits at and he says to her "Elaine? is a Miss Leigh, to see Mrs. Carson today."

She says back to him, smiling "Fine I'll take it from here and call you if we need to."

She stands up as the guard walks away, she takes several packets of paperwork off the table-- she looks at me "I'm Elaine Claire, Mrs. Carson's assistant...if you want to put your bag in the corner over there, its not going one steals from this office. It would be stupid." I drop my bag over in the corner, where she pointed to and then walk back over to her. She offers me, her hand and I shake it. Then leans over the desk to a com box and presses a button. "Mrs. Carson your appointment is here for admissions"

I hear from the box "Finally...send her in immediately. Bring her packet, in with her"

Man...Mrs. Carson does not sound happy. Elaine, walks me over to a double set of doors, opens them up and then guides me in.

There was Mrs. Carson, a somewhat older lady and nice looking. Siting behind a very huge desk, she was watching me as I walk in...very closely. Too closely, studying me. It makes me, wonder why? I look the office over, the window, door, desk, a box behind her desk and that has some magic item in it! A BIG one!

Mrs. Carson unknown to most, watches all changelings walk into her office. To see if they are accepting their new form.
As she watches me...her thoughts go to what Aunghadhail wrote about me. A warrior race of Elves and she sees that this was correct. She watches me walk in, her only words. To describe my unique walk, are exactly what Aunghadhail said, to her yesterday. Predator and killer, no wasted motion in any step of her walk and always at the ready. She observes, that I am swiveling my head and noting everything. Where doors are, windows, the furniture, who is there and her box behind her desk. Where she keeps her Scepter, grabs my attention and she can see that on my face.

She stands up from behind the desk, walks around it and extends her hand out to me. I shake it "Glad to finally meet you in person Rohanna Leigh... so have a seat." she takes a packet from Elaine. Then Elaine walks back out the door, as Carson sits down and she leans over a small table next to her desk. She touches a crystal there, that immediately causes me to jump! Because whatever she turned on, is just dripping of magic from Nikki. Which in turn is Aunghadhail's magic and it takes me a couple seconds. To calm myself, as I nail my feet to the floor! I realize that it's just a privacy ward on the room and I get my heart beat back down a negligible level. For a split second, I thought that I was sitting in the middle of a trap and it just got turned on.

Mrs. Carson looks at me "Is something the matter?"

"No Mrs. Carson....everything's fine" I squeak out nervously.

She pulls out two huge packets of paper paperwork, with many individual file folders in it and she starts flipping through those. "I've been looking over your file all morning, we got everything overnight from everybody involved."

"Yes ma'am?" I question.

"I can honestly say from what I have been reading in here. You just changed Saturday to basically Sunday?"

"Yes ma'am " I say

"And from what I've been reading here descriptive wise....from the nurse on the floor and a Doctor in charge of the burnouts over at ARC. It was most horrific one. I might add you seem to have been in quite a bit of pain from it. Until Sara got in there and helped you out?"

"Yes that's....correct ma'am." I near cringe, at thinking of it all again.

"But what, I want you to know is....I'm not too sure One hundred percent. If this is going to be the school for you. Honestly, you already have the equivalent of a high school education somewhere along the way? You are not telling us who you where....that's understandable. Allot of people are anonymous, that come to this school and they either leave their past behind or their past left them behind. One way or the other....that's normal.

You seem to be able to survive in the world. You obviously know what you're doing and are highly trained. I might add from the examples, I am reading in here. Dangerous is not a descriptive word...I am going to use the words that Aunghadhail used on you."Highly destructive and dangerous to a fault. Comes from a warrior sub-race of elves and all they really know what to do is fight.....With hand-in-hand...with blade...bow and arrow and magic."

"That's a correct evaluation ma'am" I say getting very nervous...'did Aunghadhail sabotage me?'

She goes on..."The couple of little snippets that pop up is. I'm not sure if I want you in my student body because? I have to protect my students and you have already been a threat to one of my students outside of here."

I am thinking to myself 'She's stating to me....Basically....that she doesn't want me in here. I'm starting to twist myself to thinking, maybe Donna was right and that they did not want to let me go at ARC. They will make sure, a lot of doors close to me and then I might walk back to their warm embrace. Then do whatever they want to me, up there!'

I sigh "Mrs. Carson, If your talking about that problem me and Aunghadhail l had ....that involved Nikki? We walked past that a little bit already. I don't think that would be an issue?"

She glares at me, kinda sternly "An issue...Are you going to say...An issue? You had a sword at the throat, of one of my better students! Mind you, she gets in trouble once in a while and you knocked Aunghadhail's Shield completely down in a split second. Which I find pretty amazing, considering how experienced Aunghadhail is in magic and if Sir Wallace had not interrupted your bloodlust. You probably would have run her through. I'm asking you that! Would have you done it?" she near, demands of me.

I sigh at the near demand. I don't like the near order....but I give in "I have said this probably four or five times already. But before I go on from here, if you have not read it in there.....I have a compulsion...several of them...that are just stuck with me. That I can't get rid of obviously. One is, I have a big thing with honor and my word. The other thing is...I can't lie or exaggerate. I can avoid the question. I can say, I will not answer it and if I do say something it's true as far as I know at the time. That can change as I learn new stuff. But at the moment you ask me that's what I know....I'll say it to you. Like I said to Nikki's dad and Sara, Dr. Otto probably heard it. Ma'am."

I take a deep breath...."At the time would I have run my sword through Nikki's neck and killed her....yes....I would've done it. If Sir Wallace had not stopped my train of thought and I don't even remember exactly what he said. But it snapped me into something else, it made me realize. What I was standing there, doing. I encountered that memory last night, as I was meditating about stuff for the last couple of days and last night. I realized when he snapped me out of it. I had a sword to someone's neck....I didn't know.....wasn't sure that needed to die. I wanted to kill Aunghadhail! So why? would I need to run a sword into this kid, in front of me....through? To kill a ghost, that's already dead. Then I went back into my shocked and catatonic state.....that was that. Ma'am" I sigh hoping that this goes well.

"So your basically kind of shifting the blame, of what you where gonna do to Nikki. On being catatonic and not all together with it?" her eyes narrow at me.

"Yes and no...Ma'am....I was catatonic....not exactly knowing what was going on. I just finished changing, from an agonizing burnout and you already mentioned it.
That Aunghadhail caused with her interference.
When I told her!....(I got louder)
When I was a human not to do anything!....(and louder!)
I truly believe if she just left me alone. I would have changed, probably over the next several months and into what I'm sitting here now....anyway!
(Now I am growling mad)
She had to trip it up!! and mess with the magic, on find out what it was?
She's always curious and I understand curiosity!
But there just are certain laws about magic...if you don't know what it is, leave it alone!
Until someone tells you what it is!
She broke the like...the first ten things you learn.
But that....that....Queen and 'I know better' attitude got the better of her and caused lots of problems.(....crap!....I lost my cool)

Mrs. Carson sits there with her hands folded under her chin looking at me then leans back in her chair "On that same thought do you think you can One hundred percent, patch it up with Nikki or you going to be a constant threat to her? Having guys are going to be in the same building. Should I....put you in our violent wing, that is the Hawthorne building?"

"I have heard about your...violent tag...Ma' and Nikki can easily patch it up. Like I said, me and Aunghadhail have problems and we'll figure out a way for us to talk about this. How can I punish a ghost, that's already dead?"....My mind thinks of many ways! But my month stays shut!

She leans forward and flips a couple of pages "And what about this Violent tendency bit? The little fiasco you had last night?"

I go...."Aww crap"...silently....then I try to play the innocent card "Which one was that one? Ma'am."

"Don't be smart with me! Already....YOUR not even in this school yet!" she booms at me.

"Yes Ma'am I understand don't want that right now...(I say kinda sheepishly...I earned that chewing!).....last nights little fiasco.....was they would not show me any respect or trust. I couldn't walk out of the room to get a soda pop in the break room fifty feet down the hallway and they had enough guards on me. To start a small war, in a Third World Republic somewhere. Also I had the deep feeling that, I wasn't getting out of that hole in the ground anytime soon. Which for me is not a good idea."

Mrs. Carson flips through another page "Yes....Aunghadhail did mention that you have to be outside.....a lot. To have you cooped up in a hole in the ground is just not a good idea. It was highly mentioned to them, even I don't know why they didn't listen to it. The ARC has their security reasons and I understand why they came to us. Especially after you made that box, that you arrived on disappear. not my concern or should it be? It's not a threat is it?" She asks me.

"No it's not a threat at all, to this campus or anybody on it. There is nothing in it you guys should ever be concerned about. Ma'am."

She looks at the paperwork "I have the reports of that, there is an awful lot of magic on that thing....artifact level shaking magic? Which has got me kinda wondering what it is?" Your saying that its nothing to worry about and I am going to believe you."

My opinion of her just went up a notch "Thank you Mrs. Carson for actually believing me. When I say something."

"But you still held the guard at knife point and threatened him?" she asked in a short to the point manner.

"Yes Mrs. Carson, like I said the trust issue was not happening in there. He walks in the room pulls a gun on me, just because I have a dagger in my hand and I'm flipping around my hands nervously.
I did say to everybody in the room including Sara, all they had to do was ask me politely not go...'give up the dagger!' not...give us the dagger!' But instead say "Could you please put it away?" or "Give it to us please?" with some kind of manners.
I got sick of being ordered around like a prisoner and that was kind of the topper there......So I did it" I say mad in a raised voice.

"But you where going to be released?"

"Mrs. Carson, I didn't know that at the time. I thought I was stuck in that hole. (I whine a bit ) I've been that told by a trusted person. That their plan was keeping me there.....I don't think until that afternoon somewhere? Mr. Reilly was brought into the equation and started throwing his weight around with DARPA.
I fully believe they where working on a plan on keeping me there for weeks, if not months or longer, regardless what anybody told them. How I should be treated. So I am not going to apologize for what happened, to that guard at all! If your expecting one?" I snap.

Mrs. Carson says "No...and then the other thing here. After reading this part of the report Bill here have self-destructive, possible suicidal tendencies and a definite case of posttraumatic stress disorder from all the combat you've probably seen. He considers you a good person that needs to be given treatment. But being more than dangerous? He says your beyond that and you probably should be looked after for quite some time?"

"He's being honest and it's actually a very good appraisal. I did have suicidal tendencies after my change and I do have a self-destructive streak...Mrs. Carson" I say with no emotion.

She stares at me, taken aback for a second "You admit that?"

"Mrs. Carson, I told you...I don't exaggerate and I tell the truth."

"So you think it's a good idea, to let a highly trained warrior of your caliber lose on my school. That's got a possible suicidal Streak, highly self-destructive, with PTSD. Around the rest of my students?"

There I go thinking again......'She's talking her way out of it. Reasoning herself one step at a time not to let me stay here. She's mentioned nothing, but the bad stuff for us. Not one good thing yet??' I wait..........

She looks over the paperwork at me....leering.....she says in a mean tone "Miss Leigh I expect an answer?"

I sigh....I pretty much come to the realization...That she is, just not gonna let me in here.

I sigh "Mrs. Carson I don't know actually? How I would approach that question being you? As I don't know anything that's happened for the last thirty years. I do not know how your schools run? I have to assume that there are other dangerous students in the school....maybe more so than me? I can't give you an accurate answer, when I don't have enough information to give you a validated answer."

She looks at me....not pleased....leans back and steeples her fingers on her hands "Pretty good way, to dodge the question there."

"Well if I don't have enough information....I can't give you a valid opinion can I?....Mrs. Carson."

" still dodged the question. Would you at this point let yourself be around other students? Its pretty simple."

I jump back at her "I'm going to stick with my answer, I don't know about it. I don't have enough information? Mrs. Carson."

She flips through a couple more pages "This other thing here....I am seeing that Dr. Otto was alluding to and Nikki and Bill. You are developing some kind of relationship...friend wise with....Sara?"

"Yes....she helped me out! I don't see a problem with that, Ma'am."

She leans back again.....'every time I see her do that....I know she's thinking.... using it as a delaying tactic'.

And as she steeples her fingers and leans back. I look at her seriously "I don't see where my relationship with an existing student has any bearing on me being. A student at this school?"

.......she leans forward and obviously not happy with what I just said as I just cornered her.

"I personally" she says "Am not happy with anyone having a relationship with Sara.....she's more than trouble and if you knew what she was....You would not want to be involved with her."

I'm taken offense that she's basically saying. That Sara is worthless, to have as a friend. Because she thinks....she is something? I scooted forward in my chair a little bit, I look over at her in the eyes "I know exactly what Sara is down to the inch....exactly what she is!"

Mrs. Carson leans out of her chair "You can't know what she is....Nobody can have the faintest clue. As far as we know you're some guy from California. That's from what little information that Bill gathered and put in here....that dribbled out of your the report and a Drow that's it. Then, Aunghadhail is not giving us a lot of information...what that ever that means? Test reports are coming from ARC are really interesting. But that's something separate. You don't know what Sara is and having a relationship with her. Then add all the other stuff going on with you. I'm just not sure about it."


"waele rivvil zhah aluin ulu tesso uns'aa vel'uss Usstan inbal 'zil natha khalessev abbil"...say at her...forgetting yet use english when I get mad
( stupid human is going to tell me who I have as a trusted friend)

"nindol zhahus natha wahven d'ussta draeval Usstan inbal ulu sevir p'los nind talinth ulu mri'kul uns'aa rath phor"
( this was a waste of my time I have to leave before they think to lock me back up) after I say this, she looks at me mad and questioning what I just said,

I stand up! I look at her across the desk (and remembered...English...) "Well Mrs. Carson, it looks like you talked yourself in to not wanting me. To come here for school. You gave me what it looks like a valid explanation, for why you don't want me here. So I bid you good day and I'll stop wasting your time."

I turn and I start walking towards the door.

She yells across the room "Young lady come back here and sit down we are not done!"

I stop at that phrase....young lady....just seared into me.

"dos kuuv ulu lar uns'aa natha dalhar"
(you dare to call me a child) I growl.

I know she's an older superhero...older than my human self. But I'm more DROW now, than I was ever a man! I've got way more experience...than...this girl...this little baby! I am seriously thinking of not turning around, going back and sitting down. Just walking out the door and living with my decision. I turned around walked back towards the desk slowly..ready. Just as I come up to the edge of the desk.

She says "That is one reasons why Bill wrote down...the self-destructive tendencies thing...along with Dr. Otto. Is that, you seem to jump to conclusions and go down the direct path. Even thou, there might be a little openings available and you pretty much stick with what's the worst. Every single time, don't you?"

I stop, as I hit the edge of the desk. I already passed my chair by "Mrs. Carson Of course I do. Because every time, I lean on to the worst-case scenario. I'm never disappointed, if it ends up being a better thing.....than it should be. Prepared for the worst every single time. I come through it alive. It works all the time, I've been around. So why would I not continue doing it?" I growl slightly at her in warning...I also decide for now...manners be damned. No more "ma'am" for her....for now.

I lean over the desk "Is this my packet of information...reports from ARC...everybody so far?"

"Yes" and she does not flinch.

"Can I look at it....please? There's nothing in here private? That I shouldn't know?"

"Those packets of that type are locked in the medical files and your med-files are over here" she says as she taps on the other pile of paper "and here's all the scans that ARC did and eventually we would add that to your MID-files."

"Can I see it...please?" she slides it across the desk to me "Can you give me moment to read this before, I start saying anything more?"

She says easily "No...I feel it would be good idea, for you to read your own file. Then you will know where, you stand in my mind."

Since I can't speed read, this like a book...Too many authors for that. Just shy of ten minutes, I'm done with it.

I slide it back across the desk to her "I think the reports exactly pretty fair.
Sara paints me in a better light than she should've...But her evaluation of my mental conditions pretty snap on. That I am going to definitely need some psychiatric help or something like that. Along with Bill's counterpoint of exactly what's there. If you put the two together, you get an exact blend into what my problems are. In other words, I have seen too much combat and too many horrors to be manageable with them. As soon as I come to grips with that. I will be a more balanced individual and that Bill is scared that my past training might end up being a threat to your school and the students.....and it means I'm not sure what I'm doing from one second to the next. So that instead of just stopping someone that was being stupid. I might just kill them out right. That I'd have to work out with training of course.

Gwen just gives you the basics, little too cheery and doesn't really understand what's going on at all. Her reports are all just hopeful and bunnies and everything else....good person there. I trust the long run, I think she would be a good friend to keep me balanced.

Nikki's report is a little biased towards she doesn't know what's going on. I think at this point she still quite a bit scared of me and I understand that.
Aunghadhail the other hand is giving you the idea of what I am...mostly? Kinda bad and then also asking of you in that file. She is desperately asking for help for me, she knows she owes me a favor or two obviously. But she does not allude to you whatsoever, a clue why she feels indebted. Which I wish she did...then at least, I would not have to pick at her and get her to admit it. I think the quicker she admits will help us both.

Dr. Otto's report he's a little biased. He is still very mad at me for taking my personal property back. He wanted to study it longer....that's not my problem. He also put in there a bit I treated his staff badly? He is sugarcoating how his staff treated me. You do understand that guard, that I had a little problem yesterday afternoon and he left out the whole section on the bullets that were in that guard's gun?"

She leans forward..."Bullets in the guards gun?" she asks.

I fish into my pocket and I toss one of the four bullets. I kept on the desk "You can keep that if you want....just so you know. I got one for myself, Sara and one for Dr. Otto. I don't care what he did with his, Sara kept her's. I'm keeping mine. Keep that one, so you understand how ARC treats some of the people.....that end up in that building."

She picks it up and looks at it. "Looks like some sort of armor piercing round" she says.

"They switched them from the regular stock nine millimeter ammo...which we they obviously found were quite ineffective. When I drilled myself in the face with six rounds and nothing happened except for some nice wounds. Then that act of mine it woke me up to the fact, that I'm not gonna die too easy."

She looks at it some more, rolling it around in her fingers.... "I did not expect you to know exactly what it was, let me show you." I tell her.
I lean over the desk "Can I have that back?" she hands it to me. I draw the tip down my arm again and it sizzles and smokes. Then I put it back on the desk "That's one of the reasons why I was a little bit mad yesterday! Not only did they guard me with a virtual Army. But they switched out their regular ammo, for ammo that specifically kills Elves."

She leans back, after picking it up "Now I understand exactly why you're mad. I would have been very mad with someone that switched out their ammo for this." she looks at the bullet more "Can I keep this?" Carson asks me again to be sure.

"Go ahead and actually, I kept a spare one. Just for this purpose, that you or someone needed to see one and I'm not justifying everything I did. This just gives you an idea, what was in my head at the time. Plus the fact that Aunghadhail alludes to in the report here and says more than a few times. That my kind in a hole in the ground is just pure torture! I don't sleep at night...number a day to normal person is twelve to sixteen hours...Me! I get another bonus of eight hours on top of that and it seems to me to be a whole other day. Then being underground without some natural life around me, just drives me crazy! As a normal human, you can maybe get the idea maybe? A little bit?"

"But at this point unless? Your going to change your mind and discuss it further I'm still in the opinion that you've made up your mind. Not to have me on your campus...So do I go or stay?" I ask finally.

She leans back "I'm not done yet talking to you. If you will sit down young lady"

Keeping the fury bottled up "Do you realize, I did read this report and that I'm not a young lady? I'm wrapped up in the fifteen-year-old's body right now" I start tapping the side of my skull "In here is a human that was thirty years old and that the human part of me is dwindling away to nothing...and the DROW part....An ancient part is Ninety-nine percent of my being? So me just not sitting well with me?"

She nods for a second "I will stick with young at this point because your thirty years out of date. Your elf part, has no idea what's going on around here. But I understand that you can take that as an insult and I will not use it again....Not the way I did. That was a little......honestly saying in your case. It might be a little demeaning, It would be like me calling Aunghadhail a young lady and I'm addressing her, not Nikki."

What she said makes sense, so I back up and sit down in the chair and as I do. I say "What's the next question? Or are you just, going to say something to me? Ma'am."

Mrs. Carson leans forward off her chair, looks at me, thinks for a second "I think we where discussing that Sara is a bad influence and you know exactly what she is?"

"Mrs. Carson I know exactly what she is. In that report there Aunghadhail left out so much, she didn't say exactly what I am. So you have a lack of knowledge on your side and with that you have no idea. What I am basing my judgments or decisions on?"

She actually looks interested now to me "I'm really interested what are, if you're willing to tell me."

I say to her as clearly as I can "If I tell you it stays in this room and you never repeat it to anybody living or dead...without my permission, you don't write It down, you don't communicate it, you don't whistle it at night, whatever or I don't say a word --do you agree to that (I emphasize)on your word of honor? Mrs. Carson"

"You know how the game. Is played with that."

"Of course I do Mrs. Carson. Like I said I'm not young and I'm not inexperienced" She is about to say something and I stop her "You do understand what your word of honor means to me? and are you sure you want to do it?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"No I'm not threatening you at all Mrs. Carson. I am break your word to me, there will be drastic consequences. Your experienced and know what a Sorcerer's contract is."

"Okay I can understand your point Okay on my word of honor I will not communicate what we discuss in this room to anyone else....that was a given when you came in. But you had to hear it, I understand that."

"Next thing, is the room bugged?"

She leans over...."This crystal here is a privacy ward....before she can say more.
"Mrs. Carson? You got it from Nikki...right? Or someone made it, based on her work? That is the reason why I jumped, when you turned it on in this room"
She looks over to me, kinda concerned for what I might be thinking of her
"When you turn on a magic item, with a mage in the room. You might want to tell them might have forgot to this time BUT!! Honestly. I had to nail my feet to the floor, to stop from jumping out of this chair and pulling out my armor. Then my sword, then go running howling out that door and I was thinking that this is a trap. I really thought for the barest second, that I screwed up and was sitting in the middle of something Aunghadhail or Nikki had cooked up! Without me knowing about it."

Her head actually goes down for a second...."I am sorry that happened to you...But this does work and its pretty foolproof...Now, I am leaving it on. But how did you know it was a spell, that Nikki made that someone else did?"

"It just "Smells" like her's that's all?" (I do the finger quotes bit)

I say to her "Lets just make sure that Nikki and Aunghadhail"...I as I say that I form a privacy spell. I know that WORKS!! and let it float to the ceiling where it Dissipates...."That's to make sure she does not hear me, as maybe her privacy ward is the worlds greatest tunnel to her ears. So you want to know what I think about Sara?"

"Well I know exactly at Sara is, she's is a mix between a Great Old One on her dads side and Deep One on mothers and she's can be described as the larva stage of one of those. She's the demon Princess basically of lust and love perversion. That she inherited from her dad Gothmog. Her name in their world is Kellith she's not a slouch when it comes down to what she is."

Carson asks "You knew all that?"

"And in a second I'll tell you why I know all that" I look at Carson "Let that settle in ...that I knew all of that already...I knew who her dad was. I know her demon name and that I also know that she's not leaning towards the bad side of the family and wants to blow the planet up for fun and giggles at least not yet? In....Ten thousand...or in One hundred thousand years who knows? She's gonna be around for a very long time and epically long time. She may change completely in that amount of time. To some nasty, who knows what? But for right now, she's going along the lines her dad already set up."

Carson lets all I said sink in and then asks the big one "Okay tell me what are you then...your obviously not a normal elf?"

"Well how can I put it. The Elves where in the war...and like I said this doesn't leave the room we never discus it again. You can ask me to talk about it and I'll tell you yes or no we're not talking about this ever again. The Elves where at war, with the GOO. Humans don't seem to understand that WAR did not last a year or two. It lasted tens of thousands of years! It was going on for very, very, long time. Aunghadhail was kind of in charge and one of her sisters came up with a brilliant idea via one of her mages.
Drow.....were some of the best fighters she already had. What I mean by Drow, is not exactly what is sitting in front of you now. They figured that they wanted to have more of them. But they didn't have any more. So of one of her mages came with the brilliant idea lets improve the Drow like we did with the Were's. It turned animals and humans into human-animals they got Were's and they fight the tainted and GOO...what have ya.
They already knew that the GOO were attacking, 'THE WOOD' source of magic trying to get rid of it.
Well the Elves knew that they weren't doing so hot. The Were's were a good weapon, but you can improve on it. Were's really don't use magic...not well and they already are a weapon. But if you made of a better weapon out of an elf then you have something there.
So this one mage being very clever and just epically jumped the rails and figured out how to do stuff....that you should never been able figure out....decided he would steal what would be Elves, from the future by leaving traps for them and we can suck them back here in the past. Then do all this reengineering to them."

I stopped for a second thinking hard on how to put this to her

"They trapped and brought us back some how?...What should have been an elf... but ended up being a human because...of the sundering and its fallout. Allot of Elves where born human or humans with elf souls? Maybe? Which in my case, a DROW. Then they magically changed our bodies...enhanced us...enhanced our skills and everything else. Then trained all of us up to be basically what you guys call special forces. Then they tossed us in combat like cannon fodder."

Mrs. Carson looks shocked that this could happen.

I sass at her stare "Yes!..... that's right, I was basically cannon fodder! Highly trained...highly specialized, tossed into battle, versus the GOO and other petty court VS court spats. PAWNS in a giant Royal chessboard. You asked me why I'm a little mad at Aunghadhail."

Carson is shaking her head.

"Yeah, I know what you're thinking...I can't believe she did that...Well she's not the same Ghost now, that she probably was as person. She's had a little time to mellow out.
But I'm here, I am going to sooner or later make her admit it and makeup some how. She did not know a lot about this. But she certainly used us as tools, once we were available!
That's why I'm so built different than a regular Elf. I draw my magic from the world differently. I use it differently. I weave my spells differently...when someone trains you for near, One hundred and fifty years. On just how, to do a select bunch of spells and then they added to that base from there....yeah! You can fully pullout spells really quick and dirty Then add my fighting skills. I Was trained in that for over Three hundred years total. At the same time my magic was being taught to me. I know that sounds like a long time it wasn' was a very fast boot camp, compared how long I lived from there on.
I learned how to fight with my hands and swords and everything else, bows and arrows, hammers hatchets, axes, a rock in my hand and what ever else.
Some elves specialize in other things. I like blades, swords. I throw daggers pretty good. But my utmost skill is archery. I can hit stuff with a bow and arrow that would just scare you. Not to mention I can magically imbue arrows with a whole bunch of stuff.
I was my group or team teleporter ..can move anywhere between twenty-five and a five hundred people on the battlefield. I would drop them off in the middle the fight and off we go."

I stop for several minuets...deep in thought...thinking about that past and what happened...all that pain!

I start to tear up....but I hold it....

"But Mrs. Carson what I hated about that time most of all. Was, all of us had a Geas placed on us and we had! To obey orders! We could not refuse!...We had no choice live or it!
All they had to say was "This is a command"....."or I command you" and it got done, allot of Aunghadhail's and her sisters lesser commanders. Where cruel at best."

I choke back the emotion and tears.

"They could have asked me. I think for the change in my life and the adventure of all of it. I would have done it. I would not be as messed up as I am now....some of those commands......(I stop.....) cost me a lot. They where stupid and wasteful and CRUEL!" I am near to losing it.

She sits back to think about what I said and to let me calm down and several minutes go silence.

"Anything else" she asked me with, what I feel is genuine concern in her voice.

"At this point I am not going to share anything more. I am tapped out. The more I talk about it. The more bad memories pop up. I don't want to get deeper into that subject" I say trying to keep "the bad" at bay.

Carson asks "Are you going to have problems with the flashbacks and going off? As I have had one past employee, with those issues and it can get to be troublesome."

"I have over the last few days, have found that the more I mediate and put effort into blending all my memories. That I can face them and they become non-issues. But it will take lots of time, as I have allot to go through obviously."

"Your talk here is helping me out with my decision, to refuse your entry or not into this school. Before I fully made up my mind, I had to meet you and talk to you."
Then she opened a file folder to place that she had obviously marked... "Bill in here mentioned one thing with your training. He says told him some of your training was on "live"? targets...that must have really affected you? Having to actually kill people?"

He actually told her I feel kinda stabbed in the back.... "I had literally a gun to my head this...So it was not my choice to do it!" Okay?!" I got a little upset. As I already told her allot of my past, was not my choice.

I waited a bit while she read on...I think she wants a bigger explanation...So I go for it ...Well the reason they did this was, today's soldiers or even archers...Fire at a piece of paper, a target and you know its gonna work! The body is different , you just can't hit a piece of meat and know that you broke a bone? Some of my stuff goes beyond breaking a bone. One way to verify what we did, we had magical constructs that simulated a body. BUT at some point, you have to test it out....on a live target eventually....unfortunately."

She asks with a genuine concern for her students and one I understand had to be asked..... "Is this going to be a problem, with you in the martial arts classes?"

"My plan is to start out at the bottom of your classes and train myself out of.....just going to that style of mine.... in every fight or match I have. I have advanced skills obviously. I have been told, that your instructor will figure it out and place me or help me as needed?"

Carson says "Yes I trust Sensei Ito to figure out how to place you, he's never had a problem yet."

"Since you have not done testing for placement and obviously have at least a high school education or might get a basic college degree out of our testing automatically....we can grant that. Have you thought about any advanced studies subjects yet?"

"I think for now I will take for the first year, your martial arts and Mystic arts program and then I might look at what has my interest from there on. I did mention to Sara and I forget who else? Was my main skill of archery, sword mastery and obviously martial arts. As soon as I get up to speed on human forms of those skills. I would probably be a pretty good teacher's assistant, if not a full-blown instructor after several years in your system." I smile "I always loved it when I was allowed to teach others. Besides which you've got six or seven total Elves on this campus? As far as I can tell Nikki's got some skills that she's learning. Gwen's got near zero? The other four, I've heard about. That some of them, you have in school here and that they don't know how to be Elves. I figure that I can help out a lot with that!"

Carson asks again "How am I going to know that, your not going to hurt one my kids?"

I look at her a bit mad that she asked it AGAIN "I assume your kids get hurt all the time in this school? As they don't throw pillow fights at each other?
So I can't make that guarantee?"

"Of course one can. But if you get into a fight with someone? Are you going to snap and chop them in half? Before you even think about what you're doing?" she asks.

"I am not going to say that some kid will not aggravate me and push my buttons. Maybe....accidentally hit the right combination and end up paying for it. I can't make that kind of a promise. I'm sure you didn't ask every student that came in the door for the same promise....did you?"

She caves in to logic...."That's correct on that that. I did not ask every student becomes the door the same question."

I sigh just knowing I might doom myself with this "But if you want it....I'll give you my word that. I will not hurt or kill any student, that is not already attacking me on this my true name and honor. Also after I heard what happened here Halloween. I'll even add to it, I'll defend this campus against all comers. Internal and external. Be they staff or students or what have you, that are threatening the school according to its rules and regulations."

She sits up and gets serous. As I just laid out a major question to her "That's quite an offer, to be thrown out there and if you violated your own word and hurt a student?"

"After I give a swear upon my true name? You could basically tell me whatever you want me to do, by the pact.....I'd have to do it!"

"And what do you mean by that? I know what a pact is, what is your definition of one?"

"I fail?....then you can tell me what to do. To feel satisfaction. So you have to figure what your punishment is to be satisfied with the problem. You can say leave the school forever....I leave Forever. If you want to I would....Kill myself and do it instantly."

She gets up from her chair, walks over to me and sits on the desks edge nearest me "I would never ask a student kill themselves. A sentence like that is...petty. But I will ask for one thing...for your word that you'll try not to hurt the students or kill them if they're not already attacking. You can defend yourself and that if anybody comes on the campus to do us all here harm. You'll help out to your best abilities. As you never know what's going to come in here, anymore at this point in time."

I look up at her and start smiling "So? this kinda means you've made up your mind I'm staying, if you're asking for my word right now?"

She sighs for a second "You figured it out...I decided to let you stay. I was already leaning towards that anyway, before you walked in the room. But I wanted to put you....on the spot. To see how you reacted. You overreacted a little bit, just like I thought you would. But you didn't go off completely and charge out of this office and not turn back. Which could have"

"Okay since I am in!.... I swear my true name to what you last wanted.... agreed."

Carson goes back to her chair "So you're basically made to hunt things like Sara or their minions?"

"Ahh yes....they made me for that " I say leery of where she is going to "....that is why I knew what Sara was, even before I changed....I guess?"

........she leans back thinking "What I have here is the perfect combination."

I ask even now more of leery, of what she is getting me into "What you mean by that?"

"Sara's my class X entity hunter of problems on campus. She is to help me keep that under wraps. There's quite a bit of stuff along those lines, going about around here. You on the other hand are the perfect predator to kill that stuff off, if it gets out of hand."

I look down not liking where this is going and kind of embarrassed "Yeah I guess so.....I really would prefer that you do not put me in that position, that all I am going to be doing here. Is killing stuff for you. I came here to learn and figure out what I am or what I am it is."

"I would never ask you to become this schools dedicated KILLER! Your to be a student first! ALWAYS!" she jumps at me.

She asks me "You know once and a while. I will probably make sure your teamed with Sara and taking care of the class X problems on the campus. That she's been told to keep an eye out for. I think you two are going to be great at that. Obviously she can figure out certain things that you can't. You certainly are more than well equipped, to see stuff that she would never see and your more than able to deal with most issues.....I sure hope you and her don't have any problems?"

I stop in thought....'I really haven't told Sara what I am. I don't want to upset her. But I think it will be pretty good friendship going there. The fact that I did not cut her head off the second I saw her says allot!'.....I kinda, laugh to myself.

"Here it is Miss. Leigh" she slides a manila envelope across the desk to me "That's what you requested from Mr. Reilly. Your ID, your driver's license with the endorsements you wanted, your passport ,birth certificate, credit cards to a bank account ARC put your money into and it's attached to it the main account itself. All the paperwork on your offshore incorporation, the paperwork for your copyright and contract with ARC is over here. They'd sent to me so, I could sign it. If that is fine with you as a witness? Also just so you know, I had one of my students go over this. I trust, her in these things and to give you an idea what she does. Her name's "loophole" so she finds loopholes in contracts obviously and she says it's one hundred percent, perfect from what you're asking."

"Okay I'll believe you on that. I will have to develop a trust with you. Sara and everybody else agreed to the fact, you maybe rough once in a while. But you certainly don't lie to them." I start flipping through the paperwork and looking at the headers in it. I just glance over it and sigh it as I go. I grab the packet full of ID paperwork and stuff. I slide it towards me, as I slide the ARC paperwork back to her. She starts flipping through it and signing it really quick.

After I get all the paperwork, she has with her done "Mrs. Carson I have something to ask you for and its kind of not in the rules?"

"Okay what is it Miss Leigh?"

"I need a pass, to be out of my cottage at I can't even think about being cooped up for eight hours a night. I'll go NUTS if I have to" I look down hopping that she says this to me is the last hurdle.

"I thought you might ask for this....after I read Aunghadhail's report. It mentioned this. I will ask Elaine to get security on this and we will let you out at nigh. But do not get out of hand, hear me? But anyway, you will not be alone outside at night... as we do have a few "nightprowlers" on this campus."

So she reviews the paperwork with me, hands me my copies and I slide them into a manila envelope that she gave me for everything.

Mrs. Carson stands up "Sorry to put you on the spot like that. I had to know what you're thinking and doing. I had to see if you where so badly messed up mentally, that you would have to go back to ARC and be interred there. At least till you got a little more sane." I cringed at that....she was actually thinking of shipping back? To a hole in the ground, to help me be more sane? I stop thinking of it....its getting me twisted and not in a good place mentally.

"I am happy to see that you are pretty much okay. So here's your paperwork to be in admitted to school. You report to Dr. Bellow's office. He is your counselor for what classes you need to take. Later on this afternoon, a meeting with him has been set and the appointments on the top. Just so you know the reason why I picked him is? He is also one of the school's psychiatrists. So I'm not asking....I'm telling you....You will be seeing him! Whatever he wants to set up a session from there on out" she sternly adds.

"I can understand that. This will make sure I am more levelheaded, than I am now."

"Yes....I do not want to put you on the violent list . But I will if I have to. To keep kids from attacking or messing with you. Like you can hurt just about any kid on the campus and I don't need you doing that."

She leans forward to a desk top com-box "Elaine? is the Poe escort here?"

"Yes it's...Rosalyn and she is waiting."

"Good enough" she stands up your escorts here and shall take you to your cottage you already knew you're going to Poe. I am not sending you to Hawthorne at this point. I don't see you needing to go to're not nearly dangerous enough for that place yet? Now take that as a warning! Please don't make me regret that at all!"

She walks over to the door and opens it....Shakes my hand again and she walks over to Elaine's desk. Places that stack of paperwork on her desk, we just finished signing "Elaine your the secondary witness, if you could sign and witness these papers. While Miss. Leigh is standing there, that'll make sure it's legal." she flips a couple pages and starts signing. I grab my bag up, slide my paperwork into it and I see my escort....Rosalyn, beautiful figure, dark hair and first thing I notice. Is the mischievous great big, evil grin, that's on her face. That says trouble to me.

The other thing I noticed in the hallway were the three security guards standing there! I stop for second I turn to Mrs. Carlson and I whisper into her ear "Those three over there would've been for me just in case....would they?"

She leans back over to me "Come in my office for second"......."Rosalyn can you wait one?"

We walk back in her office, she closes the door for a second and the magic ward is off that I used.....So I throw one at the ceiling really quick, obviously this ward is what she is waiting for and she says "Unfortunately for you....yes...they where waiting there for you, with your record already. I had to make sure."

A little bit shaken at yet another lack if trust "That just.....hurts me bad that you did not trust me already."

"I have to protect my kids no matter what! Take it as it is....that I did not know you, and I still kinda don't?"

I asked her "Are those are baselines out there?"

" is an exemplar six. That's why I had him standing out there."

"Honestly Mrs. Carson I'm kind of disappointed in that....I'll just have to accept it."

I opened up the doors and start walking back out. As I am walking past the guards. I am MAD as hell.

"waele rivvin il gumash inbal inbalus l'mala a mzulst ulu lar tir l'auflaqui lu'jous fol khaless wun uns'aa"
(stupid humans, she could have had the manners at least to call off the dogs and show some trust in me)

As I walk by them.

"nindolen opi pups ph'jal dos inbal ulu kus qua'laen uns'aa lu'oh fa'narow."
(these petty pups, are all you have to send against me. how funny.)

As I pass by Rosalyn sees me move fast and scurries to catch up.

Mrs. Carson says to Elaine as she watches my back fade fast down the hall, with Rosalyn trying hard to keep up. "That girl can be one of the best this school ever has for a protector, if she only can keep her cool long enough to get over all the horror in her past."

Elaine asks "What horror Liz? She is only fifteen year old elf....with a thirty year old mans brain in there? That's what's on the paperwork."

"Elaine that "brain" as you call it. Has memories, just like Aunghadhail has of the great war. But she only got to see the horrors of it, from the front line for 40,000 plus years....she fought horrors like Sara's relatives....the GOO and lived."

"OHH I feel for her."

"Please keep an eye on that one....for me....she needs it and she is kind of dangerous."

"Yes Liz...what ever you ask....that one needs it."

As I walk off, Roslyn catches up to me and then asks me "What is that language?"

"Its hasn't been spoken on this planet except for by me. Probably for as long as humans had fire....So you probably will only ever hear it out of my face" I spit out--mad.

She, giggles "Okay" as we get further down the hallway, she stops me with a small touch-....she turns and stops me "We are out of earshot...I can assume that you are probably cursing at that moment?"

I grumble "Yes you can assume that."

I then realize I was short with her....bad manners..."AHH I am sorry I blew up at that back there....its not your fault."

She giggles "No problem with the blow-up...Carson does that to people allot and anyway you got out of there. With no dentition!"

She continues to walk me down the hallway "We got to go to one place first and everybody has to see this stupid thing the first twenty-four hours they are here" she takes me down a bunch of passageways of the main old building, which is obviously the administration building for the whole school. I can tell by the offices.
Then we get down to, what looks like a museum of some sort and it has lots of stuff on display. She waves her hand "This is Whateley's Museum, here we have. Mostly recreations, of items that villains and heroes that have come to the campus or sponsor the campus have. This here is what everybody has to see in the first twenty-four hours at they're here at the school. It's a requirement for his endowment, is this painting....she waves her hand...Lord Paramount...Prince of Wallachia. One of Whateley's principal benefactors and everybody has to see his painting the first day."

I look up at the's a guy dressed in Napoleonic outfit with riding boots and a cape.

I say sarcastically "EGO much dude!"

She cracks up at that "Everybody basically, has the same crack about that!'

She leads me around the room and points out a couple are things "Everybody looks at this thing at least once. A pile of gold left by one of our's a ton of everyone its has its own meaning."

"I can actually understand makes sense to me."

She looks at me "Well what's your take on it"

"This is a school and this is my take on it. You learn stuff here that's worth a lot more than this pile of money! That this money here is actually worthless compared what your going to learn here. Also thinking along those lines, hopefully you will not make any enemies here. BUT the friends you make here, are worth more than this gold will ever be worth. So if you really look at it it's exactly what she meant and intended it on being. A pile of useless gold bricks in comparison and the school's worth is more than this pile here will ever be worth."

She nods "I like what your thinking" and she walks us back down the hallways to the front door.

She stops.... and then near shivers "We can take the tunnels to stay warm. Since you don't seem to have a jacket?"

"Don't need one,I don't get cold. Plus...I want to be outside. I hate enclosed, artificial places."

"Well its just about too cold out there for me"....she looks at the thermometer on the door frame...."Its twenty out there! way."

I look deeply in my mind, for a spell I never use...after five minutes. I find it.

Rosalyn is just standing there starring at me "Your back, I was just about to call medical."

"Sorry it took me awhile, to find a spell. I never need it. Would you please come with me outside and try it?"

"Out there? Its cold as heck!" she quips at me.

" you trust me?...Or are you like the rest?" I think to myself....'she says no. I am walking out and leave her. As I do not need this lack of trust from anyone anymore'.

"Okay I trust ya...." she says with a grin.

"Well go outside...But take off the coat first!" I open the door for her...the wind blows in...cold yes...but I don't feel it.

She shivers "This had better work!" she warns.

She goes out and the coat comes off and she stands there...COLD...waiting. I laugh at her. She gets a real mad look "Wait one" I say, I pull the spell up add my essence and drop it on her..."DONE!" I exclaim.

"Hey its WARM! and I don't feel any of the wet from the snow. This is great!" she walks out on the walkway, then onto the snow covered grass area "Hey the snow is not sticking to my boots! And they are not getting wet at all!"

"Welcome to my world...a Drow or Sidhe, that is in balance with nature feels none of its wrath, of weather or other things" I walk out "So where do we go to next?"

As we start walking across the campus and she points "There is the Crystal Hall which were is everybody gets fed at...and it just got remodeled."

I think that's a good place to remember, so I start mentally marking every position. As we walk through, so I can teleport to it later. The more I walk on this campus, the more I will have ingrained in my mind.

"So your going to be in Poe with the rest of us? Or as we call it "posies"....?

"That's what, I've been told."

"So...your a elf that is?"

I look at her as we walk "You are in the same building with me and they didn't introduce you? Which is POOR manners...So its Rosalyn, was it?"

"That's correct, call me Blackrose and just so you know my powers are plant-based. I can make vines and stuff like that grow. I going to take it your an elf?"

I stop walking "Actually you are wrong, I am not an elf."

"Your not? she says surprised.

"You do understand what an elf is? You have got two in your own building...Do you call them Elves? All the time?"

"Pretty much..The Queen once and a while corrects us sometimes and calls herself a Sidhe, So your a Sidhe right?

"Yes Sidhe is the correct term for us type of Elves... saying Elves to us is like someone pointing at you and saying "mammal" Its a little bit too broad of a term isn't?"

"I get your point, so saying Sidhe is a perfectly acceptable way of saying human or a specific person?"

"Yes and you will get a lot less Sidhe mad at you in the long run. If you use the correct term" I giggle at her to loosen her up.

I stop walking "But anyway...let me formally introduce myself. I am Rohanna Leigh and when I get the codename thing done. It will be Shadowsblade" and I offer my hand, to her.

She shakes it ... "and if you also want to know, I'm specifically called a Drow that's -D-R-O-W. Some refer to us as dark elves. I really don't like it, but I will live with it because at least it's better than saying.... hey you...or...that thing over there."

As we are walking towards Poe and its obviously going to take awhile, Half way there a student sees us walking in the cold and snow. With just t-shirts, jeans on. He must think we are crazy "You do not understand, we have more dark elves on campus?" she tells me.

"Yeah Sara and Nikki and Gwen kind of alluded to the fact that Jobe got himself in some pickle. With his own DNA getting overwritten and ended up turning himself from a human guy. Into an elf chick!" I laugh.

"Yeah he did and now he also has got a clone daughter. That one of his buddies was cooking up, to be a new body system for him. Because he wanted to get out of his shell?" she laughs at it.

" got to meet these two and show them difference between what they think is a Drow. AND what really is one! Which is me!" and I point to myself, "You obviously see there's, a vast difference?"

"Just oh yeah!...Jobe was cute for a girl in his own way and so is Belphoebe on the other hand, are just gorgeous!" and she looks me over like a perfectly cooked steak.

I stop for a second look around "So let me guess this, you know I'm going to Poe kinda. I know why Sara, Nikki, Gwen, are in Poe They already told me what the difference in the building is and to keep freaking quiet about it! So you're not a changeling are you?"

" are thou...I'm sure that's why you're going to Poe. I assume a little while ago you were a guy?" she asks me.

I look at her and laugh "Actually I was a guy, Friday night!"

"OHHH! my God! That is just too quick!" she squeaked "So you haven't settled in the thinking one way or the other?"

I look at her...tilt my head in thought "Actually I'm kind of blending mentally with this. If you want to talk more about it while, we are walking to Poe or do you have somewhere to be?"

"No I've got a couple hours. That's what they arranged for me to be here to get you kind of acclimated, before we throw you in the deep in the pool. With the rest of the sharks" she grins at me.

With that evil knowing smile, I just know...why she is in Poe "Now I know why you're in Poe, you swing for the fences for the same team!"

She whispers with a giggle "I'm that transparent?"

"Yes....your that transparent!"

"So what team are you on? The same or did you switch up...fully?" and I can just see the hope in her eyes, as she asks.

"At this point I'm liking girls, a lot more! Then I like guys."

"Excellent! I think I just found me a new friend!" she gets all excited.

I sigh....hoping that more of my brain and personality does not get DESTROYED from this "I don't know...maybe? Like I said, Friday night's me normal and now I'm this" I wave my hand over myself.

She asks kinda concerned "Where you changing over the last few days?"

"Ahhh all happened in less than twenty-four hours --it was the most agonizing experience I could ever relate to. I was literally screaming my head off and the doctors describe my sudden change. As one of the most disgusting things, they have ever seen a person go through!"

"Yeech....sorry?" She actually seems a bit shaken.

"I try to forget it, as best I can."

"Why?.... was it so rough on you, the change that is?"

"That's a long story on its own...but it was.....just so you understand. I'm a lot different species then Gwen or Nikki are by far and probably all the other elves on your campus are nowhere near what I am. Outside biologically, we look the same but internally...way different, that's one of the reasons why I had such an abrupt painful change is my bet."

As we walk "Well tell me about it!"

I sigh "Well this whole little escapade started in 1976 I is riding in the hills. I might as well tell you this much instead of saying it a dozen times and you might as well tell people. So at least when they look at me, they have an idea. What I've been through, than think I'm normal."

She interrupts me... "If you want to this kept quiet I will. But it helps people to talk about shit....whatever you want?"

"But...I was in 76, a guy on a motorcycle. I found a little box. Next thing I know I'm here with a bigger box. I won't get into what that is! Sara, Nikki and her friends come to ARC to see me and that item. Something happens. I change painfully in twenty-four hours, to what you see in front of you" I bow to her in a silly manner.

"So your missing the last thirty years?"

"Ahhh yep...1976 then here...poof...I know just about nothing of the last thirty years except, what I just read in one history book last night." I shake my head just knowing, I am in trouble one way or another.

"Wow, we have to get you up to speed!" and she just smiles, that smile just spooks me 'What is she thinking?'

I go on "So what we now have is a fifteen year old Drow female with some memories of a thirty year old guy and ALLOT of memories of a 40,000 year old Drow female warrior. That has some bad war memories, with issues and LOTS of fighting skills."

"So your skills, are kinda like Fey's?"

"Not even...really close. Fey's are different than mine...we will find out eventually that her magic is a lot more powerful than mine. In certain instances. But in others, I'm going to wail past her really good. But when it comes down to fighting skills with swords, hands, bow and arrow and other stuff. She can't stay even near me, for more than a couple seconds before. I've carved through her that quick. The only thing that will keep her living and standing in a fight with me. Is that magic, she has."

"All right, so in a stand up fight your pretty much the winner verses Fey anyway?" I shrug in answering. As I don't really know or want to have to find out.

We start walking up to Poe after hiking across half the campus. At the front door of Poe, Rosalyn stops "I did not ask, if you had any bags?"

"Everything I own, is in this backpack."

"REALLY!?" she says shocked.

"Yep...pretty much everything that I own.. that you can see or in this backpack. But I'll show you more, once we get into the building. Because I don't want to do it out here, where everybody can see it."

" have me intrigued, to what your into."

We walk in the front door into the main entry room, then she points to a room "This is the cottage caretakers room....Mrs. Horton?" she asks the lady there.
Who turned around and this older woman comes up to us "You must be Rohnna Leigh my new Elf"...She looks me up and down... "quite a bit different elf, than I've ever seen before. Jobe and his little mess ups, have nothing on you. So let's get you over to your room!"

Mrs. Horton walks us down the hallway and since its getting to be about noontime a lot of the kids are on meal break or shooting in and out building to get stuff for their next class. Mrs. Horton stopped us and pointed out a signal system to me "This is like the flag system on the campus....when we have a guest that does not know how this cottage works, this is red. So public displays of same-sex affection are NOT! allowed!" We walk on down the hall "Well of course your going to be in girls territory and lucky for you. I've got a room available, so you don't have to share with anybody" we walk into the room she closes the door "I don't know why but, I think you need this room and no roommate. Don't ask me why? I get this hinkering once in a while, that says do this or that. This time it told me to give you a room, without a roommate."

Rosalyn standing right there, just bursts out "You lucked out! You don't have to worry about being with anybody! And having them tell you to stop making fun sounds! That makes this room real fun place to be in!"

Horton glares at Roslyn "Now Roslyn! Don't start on this one! She just got here!"

She jokes back...(I Think?).."That's the best time to start on them...When their fresh and their ready (she says in a obvious heavy sexy voice) and have not been trained yet, in bad habits!"

I am already closing my eyes 'Great....I already met the wild one in this building on the first day!" Fan...tastic...Well this is going to be an experience' I think to myself

Mrs. Horton says "I am going to leave you and you (she looks at Rosalyn with evil eyes that say DON'T!) explain more what's going on the campus" Then she looks around me "You don't have any other bags?"

"Nope!" I toss my bag on the bed "That's all I own...right the world pretty much, that you need to worry about. I will go shopping probably this weekend and acquire lots more!" I look around the room "Mrs. Horton I know this is going to sound bizarre? But is there a way, I can swap out some of the furniture in this room?"

"What do you mean dear?"

"Well one...I don't all at night (Rosalyn's eyes just light up at that fact!) ...maybe an hour month. About all I do is meditate or exercise. So I would probably, like to swap out this bed here for a futon couch of some sort. (then Rosalyn kinda goes, awww shoot silently) and the wardrobe unit and this chest of drawers. I would like to have both of these removed. I've got my own."

She got a questioning look over her face "You said you didn't come with anything?"

"Well I've got stuff on its way. My stuff is more compact than this and holds a lot more"

"I probably can have them removed tomorrow?" Horton asks.

"That would be fine...I have nothing to unpack. So the quicker that these leave the better."

"Okay I'll have the wardrobe removed and the want to the desk?"

"The desk is fine. Then have this bed removed if I need a bed. I will use the one on the other side of the room, for a couple days. Until I can get a futon couch ordered."

"Okay you do understand, if you have anything delivered here. It has to be dropped off at the loading dock, then you have to pay for it to be brought to this building right?"

"Fine, I don't see a problem with that."

"No destructive changes in the room without engineering department say so. You can change colors and most basic stuff. They have to know, beyond that.
Well I am going to let you two talk and you can catch her up on the school...Rosalyn. And if you have any questions, anything at all? I know you just changed and you're probably still getting used to it! Anything pops up... something stupid, a simple question you'd ask somebody. Come and ask me. I would rather have you come to me! Okay?" Mrs. Horton sounds to me, like a caring person with that last part.

I say thank you to Mrs. Horton as she leaves the room.

With the door still open Roslyn whispers "Okay...your going to show me something?"

She closes the door then she walks up to me real close "First of all"....she's starts waving her hands in front of my eyes..."How do these eyes of yours work? I don't see any center pupil? and they are exotic and just gorgeous." she bubbles at me.

"The only way I can describe you know how a bugs eye works?"

"Like a Fly's?" she says in a high pitchy voice.

"That's the only way I can describe it, after being a human a couple days ago. I see through the whole surface of the eyes, all at the same time and my brain takes the whole block of data and chops it up. To whatever, I want to pay attention to. AND I can watch lots more, than one thing at the same time. Plus my color range is a One thousand times yours. I can all see the dark, I can also see heat or infrared, ultraviolet and a couple of things. I can't describe. The preliminary test of my vision I see something at two miles plus. That you would see at ten feet."

"Your kidding me? All that and your brain keeps up?"

I laugh "Yep so blonde moments yet!"

"Did they get you a MID card yet?" she asks.

"No,but the preliminaries from ARC are exemplar four, regen five, speeder one, warper six, and what ever mage level I get."

"Your a warper? Warper what?" She asks.


"Okay! That'll come in real handy!" and she, gets all kind of excited by that.

"You don't know the half of it! Here is that something I was going to show ya...stand back a little bit, I don't want you getting all jumpy on me"

Pop and I got on my leather armor and she goes "Whaoo a change clothes artist, so how many of those you have available?"

"This is just one among dozens and dozens."

"Oh that's why, you don't have trunks. You have all your clothes stored in some pocket dimension or something?"

"Basically....I don't keep my clothes there, I only keep what I'm wearing like this armor or what just disappeared. Then the rest is this" I whip an arm out and pull a sword out of the ether. " I have access to all my weapons of course." Then I toss it to the ether and it fades.

"Just how many weapons, do you have laying out there?"

"It's more than hundreds."

"Okay" she sings.

"I literally have a weapon for every occasion from the first one I ever had, to what I have collected over 40,000 years of fighting. I have a weapon for everything. I have ever fought, and over the years. If I did not have a weapon to solve it, I found or made one." I change back to street clothes.

"Your teleporting skill, can you take others and how far!" She asks "What's your range?" mannn...she gets all jumpy on that question.

"Well my range used to be the whole world. But then again, back was one continent. Its a bit further apart now. But I figure, it would still be the same thing at this point. So I guess its any place, I can think of I have been at. Since I have not been to a lot of places. If I have an exact measurement down within a foot or so. In a specific direction, I can figure out how to there?"

"From what I remember what I was able to do. To what I'm doing now, I haven't had time to play with it yet? I could take large groups...Like five hundred people, at one point and go several hundred miles. A group that big, takes energy out of me. But to teleport you, to France for dinner or big deal"

"I am pretty are going to be my best friend! So in other words you could take us all the New York, right now, we can go shopping. Be back here before four o'clock! and no one would be the wiser!"

"You might want to give me a couple days on that. The wards around your school are pretty thick. I need to find the holes in them. I am already feeling for those. But I have to do more concentration on it and walk around the campus to find all the holes. So we can sneak through."

She leans over to me and gives me a big hug "You're gonna be my favorite friend, I can see that already."

As she is hugging me with favorite friend bit. I push her back a little bit "Favorite friend? Because I basically own a car in a way?"

"Yahh....but you did say that you'd been displaced by thirty years? I gotta teach ya something right? and one thing I know how to be is a girl! So there's a whole bunch of knowledge, you will need to learn?....Trade maybe?"

I roll my eyes "I already got Sara, Nikki and Gwen. ALL lined up to teach me the girl bit, with shopping probably this weekend and you as a fourth?....Well just a second."

I step back and did the infamous Catholic, North, South, east, West, Cross your body. I put my hands together, Then start to pretend pray.

She asks "What are you doing?!"

"I'm holding the funeral, for what was left of my masculinity now! Because? I feel, I might as well get it out of the way."

She starts laughing at me "Okay your going to be a very fun friend!"..."Have you figured out what your going to do here for a major?"

"For the first year. I think I will do the martial arts track, obviously and magic track Then I'll figure out what kind of college degree program, I might want to get into from there. I bet I end up being one of the teacher's assistant in one of the skills. I already know...I hope!
Because I think, there's no way that you have anybody in this school that can beat me in archery. Do you know of any kid on campus, that can hit a target the size of a dime at 2 miles, every for every second on the tick of a clock for five or six hours?"

"I don't think there's one person on the campus that can even come close to that! They maybe able to launch a bomb, to blow up a dime at that range. But not put an arrow on it."

"Well there you go! Instant instructor add water!" I joke.

She looks at my bag and picks it up "Put your stuff away?"

"No let's get the furniture out of here, then I will put away my things. Why do it twice?"

As She has the bag, in her hands and hefts it "You only have a couple days of stuff in here and you don't have uniforms?" she asks.

"Well supposedly they are on order? Sara ordered me a bunch of uniforms already. I guess I have to pay her back, I guess?" I take bag back and toss on bed.

Rosalyn laughs...."Knowing Sara and ARC. She had them foot the bill so, I wouldn't worry about paying them back."

Rosalyn starts to walk around me, just giving me that look of a predator. That just found prey....."I am liking the whole package on you!" she playfully bites her lip
"You have the exotic skin going on here.
Got the face definitely.
Wicked teeth!
You got a body that just says killer fitness girl all over it!
Your tall as heck!"
She walks all the way around me to the front and lifts my t-shit up really quick "And you have an eight pack of abs wooof!....Hippolyta is a big girl that's for sure, you gotta meet her. She is way bigger than you, but you got that perfect cuteness added to that! You're going to be a heartbreaker on this campus eventually!...I bet! We just have to get you out of that shell?"

I step back a little bit....cringing "I don't know if I am ready, for all of this? or doing it this quick" I whimper out.

"How do you best teach kids how to swim?" she asks grinning evilly.

"Slowly with a piece of foam in their hand?" I kinda quiver out.

She laughs evilly "NO you throw them in the deep end! and if they don't drown...they survive... it's survival of the fittest! You should know are a warrior race....right?"

I am breathing heavy at that point....thinking 'Am I having a panic attack?'

She then grabs my right ear in her hand and rubs it along the back edge all the way up to the points. Then back down with her fingers and thumb while saying "I love the ears...never been with an elf before...too cool!" and wouldn't ya know it! She accidentally hits the right spot on it! To get me set I am truly hot an bothered....and when she does. I am trying to get my hand up there to stop her, while saying "Stop" and never make it.....All I get out is a husky near breathless moan and my fire is lit. I melt a little

Rosalyn says "What was that?.... "

"Please stop?" I moan....not really wanting her too...."Touching Elvin ears like that, is considered impolite" I say barely making it come out.

"Really?...never heard of it. You mean like this?" and she grabs both before I can stop her. But I really did not in the back of my mind I did NOT "want" to stop her.

Ohh boy the fire is on! and I am at full burn....moaning and gasping now. I ask her as I grab both hands quick "Please stoooop, don't.....I am not ready for this."

She stops "Boy!....elves are easy to get going, if you know the right spots?"

"AHH yes" I gasp a bit, as I stand back "We are and just your luck! You hit the right spot accidentally....As its not the whole ear."

"Are ya sure you want me to stop?" she asks me with a evil grin.

"Yes....ask me after I get calmed down to be fair" and I sit down on the bed...I then put my face in my hands and breath deeply....thinking 'I am so not ready for this yet.'

"Hey? Your not upset at that or embarrassed? Because if you are? I will leave after I apologize?" and she sits down next to me, trying to comfort me.

"Nope, you just caught me off guard and.....(my head reels..I want to..but NO!)...I am not really ready for that yet. I just changed Saturday...give me some time...please?" I beg...thinking if she tries again...I am not stopping her.

"Its Okay you have, what? Four years to deal with rush" she gets back up "Hey did ya know your eyes glow like a purplish-pink, when your aroused like that?" she giggles.

"AWWW FUCK!" I yell out as she get out of my way, as I start to get up "Not that too! I got a red glow! for when I am mad! What's the next color? Damn it! I got stuck with mood ring eyes? What the FUCK!" I stand up...I and bothered...before, now I am just plain MAD.

"Whoa calm down there. I can see the red now....WOW! you go from zero to full bore in a second. Please sit down and take a few" and she sits down and pats the bed to make me feel better.

I go and sit and calm myself "Sorry about comes and goes like that.....just too much bad shit, floating around in this head" I say as I whack my head hard, several times.

"Hey stop (she grabs my hand...that's hitting my head HARD)...its Okay don't do will get better" she gets up and walks to the door, she says "What do you want to do? Eat first or do paperwork first?"

"What do you want? Your leading?" I grin.

"I would like to eat first...then you will know where the cafeteria is at. Then we can head over to the security department and get your school ID taken care of after know? I think, I am going to call up my teacher really quick next and Tell her that. I need help you get set up for class" she pulls out a phone? I guess? its so small!

I look over at her from the bed, as she opens up the door "You're not just dodging class to help me out are you? Your just dodging that class to coerce me into being more than friends with you?" I ask wondering how far, she wants to go here.

She closes the door back up and says without even looking at me "Both of course stupid!" I think about, what she just said.

I do something evil in my mind "You do understand the rules in the book, that I read last night said, no fraternization sexually between students."

She turns to me laughing madly, almost in tears "You mean...The most broken the rule on the campus! (laughs harder!) You're in a school full of exemplars, babes, dudes, THE prettiest looking people on the planet! We have models that literally go to this school, that are in ads all over the planet! You gotta see Fey's spread for last Christmas and a couple of posters she's done. She's a pinup girl as it is. Plus the girls on campus and the guys next to that.
You can't find nothing, but hormonal, mutant, teenagers, bouncing around here and Sara I might add. Who's the lust demon from hell, down in the basement of this place? or Hawthorne. Wherever her room happens to be sitting at the moment?" she laughs at me "Your kidding right?"

"As long as you're not basically, fucking in public. On the lawn in front of Schuster, in view of Carson's actual office! You can't get in the trouble for it! It's in the rules, so they can use it, (she sasses me bad) But it's basically a guideline. Not a commandment."

She walks over and puts finger to my chest and taps gently "Don't try hide behind it! It won't work with me!" she turns and walks back to the door "Lets head over to Crystal and get you fed!"

We walk out of my room, as a couple people pass they're looking at me. The new kid.... There is a nice looking, some what handsome guy walking in the hall. I think to myself 'He is not affecting me anyway along the way of attraction...good!' I think 'at least for now, I seem to be on one side of the fence!'

Rosalyn stops in front of him and waves an arm out to him like she is selling him ...."This is Lancer, he's a brick."

"Okay....I don't know any of the terms, but I assume brick means? Strong guy that's hard to hurt?"

She snickers "Yahh basically exactly what he is....a brick head!"

Lancer says "HEY!" loudly.

Rosalyn goes on "He hangs out with Fey in her group a lot. Team Kimba they call themselves, when they run the sim's. He's also a "grunt" with the military brats that run around here, shoot...things, wear camouflage."

I put my hand out to shake and he shakes it "I will see ya to get stuff done fast! First day here!"

Lancer says back, to me"Okay will do" and runs off down the hallway.

As we are walking out of the building Mrs. Horton stops me "We got your room situated...okay....and I'll have that bed and those cabinets. Out of there tomorrow, as requested"

"Okay thanks, Mrs. Horton."

"So Rosalyn where are you taking her next?" she asks.

"Over to Crystal, so she can get fed."

Mrs. Horton says to Rosalyn "She's not going to get fed silly. She does not have an ID yet. You have to take her to security first or did you forget?"

"OHH? I got tangled up in talking to her and I did not think about that" she looks back to me "I guess we are going to the security building" then looks back to Horton "Your right Mrs. Horton....I forgot" she laughs.

As we walk out of Poe I say to Rosalyn "I guess without security card, I can't eat?"

"Yeah...they swipe it for all the student meals and goes off on your tuition ticket, so they can keep track of what money they're spending. Don't know why they do it? It's not like if your poor and your an internal Energizer. You need to eat a vast quantity of food here. Its not like they are going to let you starve. Or your one of the Melville brats, with millions of dollars to your name. They are not going to give you more specialized food. Unless your...Phase....of course and asking for special meals. He can afford it!" she sasses meanly.

"Who is Phase?" I ask, as I need to know who is hooked up here.

"Phase you'll meet her......eventually you're on the same floor for right now."

"This kid is rich?"

She stops walking "Everybody on campus already knows this secret. Alya...she's a Goodkind"

I hissed "AS like in Goodkind? The ANTI!-mutant Goodkind family? I may be thirty years out of date. But even I know who that is! They were anti-mutant even back then, I can imagine they only got worse with time? They where just starting to get into it then, it could only got worse by now! OH-my! She is a mutant now?"

She nods.

"I'm sure, they just threw her to the wolves!" I say.

She nods at me "YEP...."They" only left her with a couple hundred million dollars."

I giggle and sass "Roughing it?" must really hurt to have only bunches of zeros behind your name! Instead of a whole freaking boatload! OHHH the pain!" I laugh.

We start back to walking towards the security building "Don't knock her, she's a nice person, good personality, a really actual kind person and she helped a lot of people out here. Trying to help herself out but, she's helped others out. She's always seems to be there within reason, she acts like a....know it all..... and she's pretty good at what she knows and might grate on your nerves. But you'll get used to it. But one thing she does know, is how to make money and is really good at it!"

"Humm I must meet this one" I say.

"She bought Marvel."

"Marvel? it was a small comic company in my day? So what is it now?"

"Its a lot bigger now with all the movies that came out about superheroes...Spiderman...X-men and others" she told me.

I pulled on her arm to stop her for a second "So asking her something financial wise and that fast dealings with millionaires and billionaires would be a wise idea?"

"Oh yeah she's an honest girl. She's not going to jip you or anything else. She might draw up a contract . Or negotiate hard with you, but she's going to be very very fair, very upfront and also you might want to know she's got all the ins and outs on the whole campus! All the information gathering that is par-none. If you want to find out the stink, on somebody. She is going to know it, or figure it out eventually."

"Thanks that's good to know."

"And she's is in our building" Rosalyn adds.

"All right I'm going to talk to this girl as soon as I can" I say.

"I will introduce you later on....if you don't find her yourself?"

We walk in the security building. The desk guy standing there "Okay Blackrose what do you need today?"

"Well we got a new student here and she needs a an ID card"

"I got told you where coming your Rohanna Leigh....right?"

"Yep! you got it"

"I also got the word down from Carson. That they want you preauthorized for walking around at night."

Rosalyn does a double take on me "They are going to let you walk around at night? Let you out past curfew, to wonder the campus?"

"Yeah I'll tell you about that part in a minute. After I get this taken care of?"

The officer continues "I was also told not, to put a tracker on you. You won't be tracked? So we are going to use is, imaging of you and as we see you on the monitors. We will keep track of you that way."

"Your going to have a hard time tracking me, sneaking is one of my best skills. So I guess if you see me NOT pop up, you'll know it was me" I jest him.

He then asked me "So I can put this on the record. What are you going to be doing at night?"

"I'll have to be outside. I can't be cooped up all day and night. Like I don't sleep so you understand that? I don't like being indoors that much. I can stand it for a short matter of time but eight or ten hours a night and go I'll go crazy. I'll probably be running around. I know there's a campus Road that circles the whole school, so probably I will run that three or four laps a night to start?"

"Okay you have a dedicated exercise program it sounds like?"

"I have got to get used to being me. I could go into a long explanation, but I don't want to stand here for two hours and bore ya."

"It's fine we've got others, that have to be out at night and you'll probably bump into them eventually. All of them are pretty decent, so don't worry about it. There is nothing creeping around out there, that is not already creeping around out there out past the wards."

I jump in "OHH ya I will be coming in and out to of the forest quite regularly. So will that bother you guys?"

"I don't see a problem with that" he then points to a map on the desk of the whole area "Just so you know there's only one section that is off limits. Its in tango area...trail '19' on the map." He points towards it "It's the south of your quarters here and that's the Grove."

I ask wondering "The Grove? what's that?"

"You'll know it when you see it, It will not let you in there to it, but you'll find out. We prefer you not to go out there. Actually we demand that you don't go out there!.....okay?"

"I will figure that out. But I need to get my ID of course" I tell him again.

They bring me over to the camera, take my image and then code that. They try to fingerprint me. They barely get anything off me. I don't have fingerprints. Then biometric scans are next on me.

The officer asks "What's your code name please?"

I say " Veldrin velve"....I then think about what I just said "SHIT....sorry its shadowsblade....I goofed. I gave it to you in Drow, the way I normally say it."

Then they hand me a finished card with prelim info on it. Then a ungodly bark comes out of one of the offices. "Desk sergeant! send her in here for minute!"

The desk sergeant he looks at me and whispers "Did you already get into trouble? That the chief wants to see you?"

Roslyn is doing a prayer for me.

"Great, the head cop wants to see me...the Lord sheriff himself! O the first day"
I start walking over to the office door and walk in the office. I find an older guy is sitting behind the desk. "Close the door!" he barks.

I reluctantly close it...holding my temper, at his bad manners.

"Sit down!" he barks once more at me.

I stand there and look he has gone mad.

Once again he barks "Sit down!" as he looks at me.

I say as I try to keep calm, at his tone toward me....that is wholly unearned "Are you having a bad day or do you just have a lack of manners completely?" I ask while standing.

He looks up at me and his tone changes "Your right, I am having a bad day... would you please sit down?"

"Thank you I will" and 'since he did not introduce himself....I will leave off the...sir or? These humans and lack of manners' I think.

He thumbs through a report "I read, that you have that compulsion in here. I look at everybody's file, when they come on this campus after they get approved. It was sent over to me, within five minutes of your being approved to come here. So from, what I'm seeing here. I'm sorry that I got a little short with you. I got allot of idiots working on staff right now. So I have to keep an eye on them once in a while. So the students pay that price....okay?"

"As long as you explain how your having a bad day to me. I can live with it, just remember I don't like being ordered around like you just did! Neither does anybody else, but me especially. Please...Thank you or could you please are a lot better this damn it!" I leered at him.

"Okay....sorry again-- but from what I'm reading here in this report. Your more than a security risk....than normal. That's why I asked you to come in here."

"What do you mean by security risk and normal? I have to have a base to give you answers to your questions?" I am wondering 'what he is getting at? as compared to one girl here, I am small change....she blows up small cites.'

"Well from what I read in here, you can produce armor at will and various weapons. As for training, your being quite dangerous is an afterthought....yes?"

"Yes I can produce, numerous armors and numerous weapons?"

" understand normally, we have to register all weapons. So that if they are used a crime or stolen from you. They can be returned or at least track the thief." he asks me.

"Do you really want to, just have me go through every piece of equipment that I have? We can be here for a long, long time. I have got a vast store equipment" I tell him.

He looks up from his paperwork "twenty...thirty items aren't that hard."

"No-no-no- I don't have twenty or thirty of just one thing or anything. Armor alone I have dozens of suits and then the swords its going to be in the hundreds. If you count my daggers, it will be hundreds also. Then my bows which was my specialty it's going to be a whole lot of that! and that doesn't include the small stuff, small throwing daggers, and other little things, fighting hatchets, hammers of various sizes, pole arms, Spears.

We can literally, if you had me pulling out one every ten seconds and write it down, we could be standing here for days. Then it would be kind of counterproductive, because everything is mine, I own it."

He does not seem to get it?

"Let me demo this so you understand...Don't freak out" he nods....I pull out a dagger from the ether "That's my dagger, if I intentionally throw it at the wall it stays there and I call it back to my fly's back, it's mine. If it gets away from me for too long it goes back to where I store does this" I toss the dagger up and it vanishes. "That way, even if I dropped the dumb thing it is still going to be with understand?"

"Now that's been explained....we will have you listed as having equipment.
The main thing is your listed as a level VI warper or teleporter. What is your range?" he asks me.

"Ahh have not tried range, yet but last I used it....Tokyo or what ever is the farthest point on the planet from here?" I shrug.

"Okay so in other words...unlimited on the planet at large. When you teleport on the list here...preliminary because we have not done your MID. You probably can take people. So that's where I have my little "risk" thing. Is you can probably leave the campus anytime you want?" I sit there not talking "Don't dodge the question. I know you can't lie. So either admit to it or sit there silently and I'll take that as a yes anyway" he says very sarcastically...and PISSES me off to no end.

I growl at him "Since you cornered me and you know what you're doing....Yes I can take some people, just about anywhere....I will or please, at any time day or night with little or no prep time".....I think.... 'ASSHOLE....and now since you pressed me on this....I am going to do it, to mess with ya!'

"Now just promise me you will try not to end up a taxi for everybody. I don't need kids leaving the school on unauthorized all day and night. Keep it to a small group. I know you're going to do it anyway."

"So in other words your trusting me?" I say kind of surprised.

"Yes....I have to trust you....your going to do it anyway. Like other things on this campus that I don't have control over. I just have to trust you kids, your going to be okay with it. From what I'm reading in here, anyone that is traveling with you is probably a very good friend and since they are going with you. Your fighting skills, I don't think that I am going to have to worry about you out in the wild. As you will tear through anything, you have a problem with.
This brings the last do understand, that if you hurt one of my security people. Its the quickest way to get expelled from here and if they die it's a quickest way to end up in custody, jailed into some dark hole. I have some influence to make sure you get into one! Right?" He asks me.

"Yes I understand long as your people don't really intend on trying to kill me without cause....which I heard. You had some problems with over Halloween, that some of your guys weren't exactly kosher with the program. I've also heard that you have issues with some of your staff, which is probably why you have a headache today? As long as they don't intended to hurt me, I won't hurt them."

"Also in your notes....between you, me and Carson. She let me know that Sara is assigned to take care of class X problems on campus and you will help her out with that. We've had problems with it in the past. Sara was part of the group that handled that, you can talk to her about that. You might want to catch up with her on that" and he flips more pages.

"I knew there's a lot more things, going on this campus than normal" I state.

"Of course there are, this is the most...weird...mutant school in the whole world and you expect it would be normal here?"

"No not really, I knew, I felt weird stuff going on here the minute I came you're just verifying it."

He gives me a kind of questioning look "What do you mean by weird stuff?"

"I felt all kinds of bizarreness on this campus the second I came here. I could smell it and feel it in the air, it's in the background" I shivered.

"It's always been here. A lot of weird stuff has happen on these grounds for hundreds of years long before was a school, you might want to look at a history book on this area and then you will have an idea But I'm pretty sure you'll figure it all out."
Well I had to make sure. We had this talk about your weapons and being a teleport taxi for too many students. I don't need you taking Three hundred kids to Berlin or Boston, to go watch a movie on a Friday night...okay? One, two or three...what ever? is okay...good day to you" he said and it was done. Not even good bye really.

I opened up the door and walk out. The head desk sergeant hands me the school ID card "Remember that's only for this campus. It's not a MID card and since you have been officially admitted here. You have about thirty days to get a MID taken care of with the MCO guys and they will chat with you."

Rosalyn starts walking me out of there and we walk across campus. I look at things. She's pointing out stuff to me and all the other buildings. She tells me "Till you get placement testing and get your MID taken care of, they can't put you in a classes, so your MID is tomorrow, then placement testing the next day"

"Great!....lab rat time!" my eyes would roll if they still could.

"Ohhh ya your going to love MID testing again! it sounds like you already done it! your going to repeat the....whole.... thing....over! So that's its all official. ARC is somewhat official and can be used. But the one here at school IS! But since you did not do it all at ARC....your going to have to start all over again."

"Looks like I might be regretting that, I didn't want to finish the tests at ARC. But I knew that if they keep on going, they would come up with more excuses to keep me there and I had to get out! Of the thing! and get outside!" I whine at the end

"So does? that have to do with getting permission from Carson to walk around at night?"

"Yeah I can only really say it like this. I am like an outdoor dog, but an outdoor Elf. I have to be outside, can't be cooped up too long in a building or something. If I am, I start going batshit!"

She says "Okay....I understand"

I stop "No! you really don't understand what it really means....You have no idea! You control plants right? But are you so connected you talk to them? "

I walk over to a tree there. then put my hand on it....concentrate for little bit and I connect to it.

"So that's what the Grove is" I say....not there.

Rosalyn say surprised "The Grove?.....don't go there!"

I fade....I am totally connected with the area's plants. I don't care what is going on near me in the rest of the this time, it just does not exist.

She looks at me for while "Rohanna?"
Waits couple more minutes. "Rohanna?"
She starts to really get concerned "Rohanna?"
She walks up a little closer and louder "Rohanna?"
She walks up to me "I hate to do this and I know. I shouldn't but. I got to know." She taps me to get my attention.

I jump...."Oh sorry I have not done that for a while....I was really into it"

"I control plants. But don't really talk to them" she shakes her head.

"I commune with nature, trees ,plants, everything around me. That's why I have to be outside!"

She asks "What was it telling you?"

"Allot! So much so.....that I was becoming engrossed in what it said. One thing about the older trees near here. They really understand us Sidhe well."

"Yes.... I'm sure you want do that again later? So why don't we do that later, as you phased out for a good ten minutes there."

"Really? I did?..... its kinda timeless when you get involved in it....Sorry about that."

"I get that now let's go get some food!" she says.

We walk over to crystal hall. As we walk in. Lunch is already come and gone. I'm famished. I think she's just eating, so she could be around me.

I look at the spread laid out before me....SO! I go to get a salad and other things mixed together and say "I am going like this place!' I start piling up my own salad HIGH. I get all I want! and she sees what I am heaping on the plate.

"When was last time you ate?"

I mumble "breakfast!" as I eat stuff, as I go along the line.

"Okay" she says slowly questioning my choices "I've seen some elves pack it away at school....but you?"

I look back at her "I'm also Six foot tall and what's Gwen five foot four right? So is Fey, I AM way! bigger....I eat more by a longshot."

"You're right...well let me show you how this place works" she gets through the line I follow , we get our cards swiped and she walks me up to the third-floor "This is pretty much for the cool kids sit and everything here's a hierarchy and everything else. Team Kimba and a lot of the Poe people sit over here and the Alphas."

I ask "What's an Alpha?"

"Alpha is clicks and groups here at school" she sits the tray down "I am going to stay right here for a while, you can float around, if you want."

"So you can make trouble by sitting in the wrong seat or area?" I ask...kind of thinking evil plans to come.

"Some kids might take offense at it. But I think they will see how spooky you look, they are going to pretty much back off instantly!" she laughs.

We are just eating and kind of chitchatting to what's going on in Crystal Hall and how its laid out. I love the fountain and waterfall in here.

"This place just got remodeled. They turned it into this three story Wonderland just recently, so you got to enjoy that?" she said.

"Very nicely laid out" I say.

"They plan on doing all kinds other adds to the school very quickly. So this campus will change quick, in the next couple years."

We finish up eating and since there is no one to really introduce me to....Rosalyn says to me "We will eat with everybody else for the evening meal. Then I can really introduce you around."

I walk down and buss my trays out in the cleaning area.

"I need to go get some stuff at a store? Then see Bellows at Two"...I say and kind of ask her at the same time.

Well since I told Rosalyn that, I need to go shopping and Dr. Bellow's appointment is at two o'clock. She looks at her watch and sees it's only about 12:30.... She says to me "Well lets get some of that shopping done, your basics anyhow tonight. We can handle that along the way to Doyle, where Dr. Bellows is at. As the store is on the way to it."

I nod to her "Well show me where, this place is at?"

We start walking over to a nondescript building it says "The Campus store" on it. Then we go into it. I realize it's two stories down, it's huge on the inside. One of the biggest stores I have ever seen. Its got everything. A small grocery store, magic supplies, electronics, clothing, small furniture and everything else I can use.
I start going down my mental shopping list. I say to her "I need to get the bathroom stuff done."
She walks me over to that section, since she knows the store's layout.
I start to get the basics, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoos a variety of them to be tested out to see which ones I like. As everything's changed since last time, I was around. Also, I am now allergic to stuff and I can't tell what, till after I have been using it. Next time I go shopping, I am defiantly bringing Nikki or Gwen along. As they are elves and shopping will go faster."

I move on to the furniture section and start looking for wastepaper basket. A couple of little knickknacks. A throw rug that's made out of cotton, looks like a good choice. I put that in the shopping cart, we grabbed. Rosalyn, she is in another section searching out toiletries for me, that I will need. Like a shower caddy and stuff that she suggests that will work out for me.

In the furniture section. I found a catalogue station, there and I start flipping through a catalog really quickly. Looking for the futon that I want.
A kid walks up to me wearing sunglasses. I see that he works here, by the one of the store vests he has got on. As he comes over to me, I can tell that he is obviously checking me out and half leering.

He walks up to me and says "Can I help you out babe?"

The babe bit already is already aggravating me and I am putting him in the ten percent "blow him off" column already. At least he is wearing a store uniform vest so, at least he maybe of some help.

I say "Yes I need a futon for my room. Because I am getting rid of the bed. I want something longer and folds out."

He says to me "Sure beautiful. I am going to take you over to the computer. Where you can look at what we have. Let me get a friend of mine."

He waves to another employee and I see his name is John via the name tag on the vest. He runs over to us then says "What do ya need Peeper?"

Strike two for this kid "Peeper" just doesn't sound right.

Peeper says "Well John, I am helping this beautiful girl here out. With finding some furniture and since you know. I can't see the computer screen, can you help me out ordering a futon for her?"

John says "No problems since, you can't see it."

John goes over to the other side of the catalogue station and opens a desk there that contains a computer. I am standing there looking over John's shoulder at the computer and its got a pretty big monitor. I noticed its a flat screen, like the one in the hospital and its got a nice color to it. He then gets me by surprise, he starts touching the screen to use it and move stuff on it.

I say shriek out "Neat!" like a little kid. Touch it and move stuff on the display.

They both look at me, like I am nuts.

I leer back "Hey I am an Elf? I don't know this stuff. Ya know? in a forest...trees and stuff?"

I think to myself 'Boy has tech moved right on past me.'

They shake their heads, at me in near disbelief.

Then John asks me "What are you looking for?"

I say my mental list "Futon, all-natural covering, all-natural stuffing, full-size bed or better, that can fold up as best it can into a workable couch. I prefer it to be longer than six feet, for someone as tall as I am."

John starts flipping through my wants, on his available menus.

I find that Peeper is leaning up against me looking over my shoulder. I remember he said he can't see the screen anyways. So why is he looking over my shoulder? It takes me a couple seconds to realize what he's doing!
He's put his hand in the small my back!
Strike three and he's at the fifty percent mark. Of getting ready, to get belted one right in the face! I let it slide for minute, he still helping, but if that hand slides any further south! He is going to be pulling back a mangled limb!

John nails it down "This right here, queen-size, folds up three-way, looks like it slides up from the wall, nice long back on it, all-natural organic cotton cover and stuffing! and all wood construction."

I look at the price and it's close to Twenty-five hundred dollars. I ask "Is there anything else about that same?"

John says "This is the best one there. There are cheaper. But your not going to get guaranteed on the organics."

I say "Okay order it! have it rushed overnight and have it delivered to my room."

John swivels his head and looks me in the face "You can afford a Twenty-five hundred dollars for a futon at the drop of a hat?"

I nod "Yes! I've got the money. Put it on my credit card, that draws from my account."

Peeper asks me "Anything else? Lovely?"

I look around and say "I don't see anything around. Like floor pads or a bean bag. Something that you kneel on or sit crosslegged on to meditate?"

John burst out "I know exactly what you want." then flips a couple more pages.

I am looking at what he is flashing through and catching each one of them. I think
'I gotta get to this stuff somehow and see the whole deal.'

I asked John "Is this available in our rooms?"

John said "Ya....just pull up the campus store on your laptop and you'll get everything I'm looking at right now. It may take a while to find stuff. But it will be there."

I think about what he said 'Laptop....laptop what does he mean by laptop?'

I say to him "John? I know this is going to sound funny and weird. But I don't know what a laptop is?"

Both of them do a double take and look at me!....I kinda sulk abit.

John says half stuttering "'t know what a lap.....laptop is?"

I say sheepishly "No....." I shake my head a little "I have no idea what you're talking about. I assume it must be a computer and a small one?"

Peeper looks at me a little closer "Where have you been? Under a rock for a long time?"

I look at him "Peeper is that your nickname?"

He says proudly "Yes it's my nickname and my codename" He lifts his sunglasses up and I see a blue glow coming out of his eyes.

I say back "Well Peepe,r that name kinda makes sense. Just so you know the last thirty years to me, just does not exist. Just go with that Please?"

A guffaw kind of shocked expression goes over his face "Your over thirty!?"

I reasoned back "In the way yes and in a way no. I'd explain it to you but, I don't have an hour to stand here. I've got to get this shopping done, as fast as possible."

John pulls up the page he wants "Will this do?"

I squealed "Perfect! and I could slide it under the bed or the futon!"

John checks couple measurements "Yep It will just barely fit"

I say "Order that one! next day delivery! please? put a rush on it."

John says "You do know a rush shipment from these companies is like an other
Two hundred dollars because of the size? and nearly Five hundred dollars for the bed, to be rushed that fast?"

I say back "I have no problems, do it. I want it tomorrow....afternoon."

As he's finalizing the order to have it shipped over to Poe.

Rosalyn walks up. Also about that same time Peepers getting a little too comfortable and his hand migrated just a little bit further south!
I'm getting UN-comfortable! with it being there!

Rosalyn walks up behind Peeper and he can't really see that she's there. But I definitely know she's there. As you can't walk up and surprise me.

She yells out "And Rohanna your getting more stuff! I would assume?" and she drops the shower caddy and other stuff in the cart. That I'm going to need along with a half-dozen cotton washcloths and four large bath towels.

I say to her "These two guys, were helping me get the futon."

She says kinda MAD "Yeah I noticed. "Peeper" THE letch! Has his hand where it shouldn't be!.....And let me introduce you to....Peeper" Rosalyn shouted "He's the biggest letch, creep, asshole, on campus! He runs a local radio station kind of and sold pictures of the local girls here at school that he shouldn't do! One of those of Fey! Among other nefarious man pig things. That he does!"

Peeper just smiles at me 'Like who little ol me?'

As I am looking at the computer I say to her "Rosalyn I already figured that. I know, I can feel exactly what his hand is doing and I was about to give him about another two to three seconds. Before I told him to pull it away."

He looks over to me....almost practically up at this point "Hey I'm just being friendly?"

I state to him "I have no problem with friendly. But your crossing the line already. Been so, for about five minutes. You can either pull that hand back or you can pull back a severely broken, mangled's your choice?" I give him a fang filled smile.

He draws his arm back gingerly, as John laughs at him! Then says to him "You Peeper, will never learn."

"Good choice!.....they do teach, survival here" I jest him.

I turn to the left towards him "I don't know your reputation there Peeper. But it is certainly not making a good first impression on me. If you wanted me as a girlfriend. You certainly blew yourself out of the water. Here today and with anything that hurt a Sidhe....LIKE FEY! One of my friends."

He just stands there, kind of shocked. Then says "You mean I had a chance?"

I lecture him "Every person has a chance. Just matters on whether they go anywhere with it."

I turned back to my right toward John, he is still closing up the computer.

"Thank you John for your time. Maybe I'll see you next time, I am in the store and thank you very much for your assistance on this." I smile at him.

I grab the cart and start pushing it with Rosalyn.

Peeper turns to John "Damn dude that is one of the hottest babes, I have seen on campus. She is just one exotic, weird looking elf and she's in Poe?"

John shakes his head "Peeper I don't know if I would mess with that. She just looks....just mean all over! Did you see the teeth on her? It's like tear, rend, maim. Kind of mouth on that girl."

Peeper says "That's what excites me!" He flips out his phone open and calls "Greasy?....we got a new student today? A dark skinned elf chick. Look her up and get all the info on her. I want to know all about her and she's in Poe. Probably a freshman" On the other end of the phone Greasy says "Yes boss got ya! get on that right now!"

I continue on pushing the shopping cart, with Rosalyn to get all this stuff together. I go through the snack section, to start snatching stuff and put it in the cart. Bags of candy, cans of nuts and everything else. I got to have a stash back in my room somewhere! I am looking at the cart and it's getting pretty full. Then John runs up to me and stammered out at me "That futon...that....that...floor mat thingy, that you wanted. Well, its in stock. Someone else refused delivery on it. I can go get it for you?"

"Well go grab it silly! You just saved me two hundred bucks!" I told him.

We're walking through the store, as John is off to go get that little nice thing for me.

We come up on the electronic section!
I'm just in shock and start walking around flipping through stuff. I start to getting ready to ask Rosalyn questions.
Rosalyn stops me! Pulls me aside! and says "We got only about fifteen or twenty minutes more and then you have to go see Dr. Bellows. I can see where you're heading now. You want to catch up on the last thirty years in the electronic section. I could see it when your eyes started glazing over and you started floating four inches off the pavement. Where you're going. Why don't we do this later or you'll be in here for....HOURS!....asking me questions."

I look at her and I twist my head and I am looking at the electronic section. I look at her. Then I look at the electronic section "'s new stuff...I" I whine.

She puts her finger to my lips... "I know" she shushes me "I's okay. I assume that you where a techie kind of person. When you where back when. We can do this later. You have an appointment to get to."

"AWWWWW! spoiler of major fun you are!" I whine at her.

She kinda gets a quirky smile on her face "You don't remember the movie Star Wars? Do you?"

I think about it 'Yeah I really do remember a movie named Star Wars' I think back to my old human self and shake my head "I don't want to think...." I say softly

She says to me "What do you mean you don't want to think about....something?"

As I shake my head, I gaze at her. Then I open my eyes and I barely glance at her "I don't want to talk about that. It brings back memories that, I don't want to think about...somebody that should be dead."

Rosalyn grabs me by the shoulders "We will talk about this later. You're still getting used yourself. But you're definitely going to have to see Star Wars, you are talking just like one of the main characters out of it?"

"Okay I didn't see Star Wars? But all right."

She says "You've missed a lot. If you haven't seen Star Wars."

We walk towards the checkout aisle and John comes scooting up with another cart with the mat jammed in it.
I say "perfect!" I look at the tag and everything says hundred percent organic on it. I rub my arm against it and its not coming back burning.

I said to him "You saved me on this one John. This saved me like Two hundred dollars, I owe you pizza or something?"

He blinks for a second "How about a date?"

"Not going to happen. Not that you're not a nice guy. It's not that big a favor" I say to him softly to let him down easy.

He snaps his fingers like one that got away from him.

"But one night, if you want to come over to Poe or when I'm already out with friends or whatever. I'll buy dinner or pizza for you. Whichever one you want? You know where I'm at. If you need to leave me a note put -John the store guy who helped with the futon- on it. That will be a lot easier for me to remember."

We roll over to the check out line and start getting all this bought. I see the bill is going well over Four thousand and getting close to forty-five hundred dollars!
The lady at the checkout asks me "We can deliver this to your room. It will be forty dollar charge, because of the excessive size."

I pull out of my pocket a credit card. "Shoot forgot a wallet. I'll get one later." I give it to the lady and she finishes purchase and hands me the receipt.

I ask her a question "I know this is going to sound silly. But can I just take the carts and roll them over to my room?"

She says back "Well we are not supposed to let the carts go. But I suppose you could barrow one, if you need?"

" I could I use the carts?"

"Yeah" she says "But you need to sign them out."

I joke "How about, I leave you Rosalyn here. As a deposit?"

Rosalyn is shaking her head "You don't own me YET!" she says giggling.

"I'll leave you Rosalyn anyway and I'll take all this to my room really quick. I'll be back in five minutes." I say as I grab the carts.

Rosalyn blurted out "Five minutes? Your not a speedster."

I say "Nope.... but I can do this!" I step back grab onto the two carts "I'll be back in five minutes!" I hold on to both carts, concentrate because it's a little bit bigger mass than I am used to. Teleport to my room, throw the mat on the floor, drop the bags on the floor as quick as I can. It takes me about two minutes to unload everything. Then I Teleport back to the store. "Done!" I say to them both.
The checkout lady looks at me and says "You know? you can get a job doing that!"

I say "Ma'am I don't think the minimum wage, would exactly make me even near happy. Anyway I can do a lot longer range then across the campus. I'd expect a lot more money for that."

Rosalyn interrupts her little conversation "We got to get over to Doyle and Dr. Bellows let's go....scoots!" she smacks my butt a little and we start walking out of the store.

I ask Rosalyn, while we are walking "You feeling okay? That spell has not worn off?"

She shakes her head "No I am fine."

"Well...tell me the minute you feel any chill or anything...please tell me? I don't want that thing wearing off on ya. As I haven't used it in so long. I can't remember how long it lasts for an average person."

As we are walking into the Doyle Medical Center Rosalyn say to me as the door opens "This is where your MID-tests are at in a couple of days. Dr. Bellows set-up an appointment for ya I bet. Any other medical needs this is definitely the building you should be heading towards!"

We ride the elevator up. Then walk down a hallway to Dr. Bellows office.

I say "Thanks for getting me here. I guess I will meet ya at Poe? later?"

Rosalyn says "'m going to be waiting for you out here. To make sure you don't get lost" she gives me that knowing leer again.

I kinda sass "I am going to talk to the doctor, if you're still here...fine. If not, see you back in the Poe building? okay?."

"Good luck! Don't lose anything in there" she giggles.

I look at her "You mean marbles or anything like that. I'm sure I am going to find more marbles, that I have lost lately."

I walk in the office to find a lanky kid behind the desk and I walk up to him "Hi! I'm here for Dr. Bellows...two PM?" I say to him

"You must be the new dark elf obviously? I am Kelly. They call me "Doogie" We live in the same building and I'm his paid student assistant. Let me get him on the phone here and see if he's ready for you." I hear Doogie whisper on the phone to the "doc" who says "send her in."

"Doogie" looks at me from his desk and says "Go on in."

I walk in the large door and walk in the office. A older man gets up from his desk and crosses the room. To shake my hand. "So have a seat?" He says.

I look around and see a chair, a couch and everything else, I note where everything is at...doors, windows and any threats. None...I note.

I ask "Where?"

He says very softly and friendly "Wherever you feel comfortable. Today we are going to do some of your class advising. I need to get you through and then we'll go from there and see how we run. This is your first time in here. There's not a time limit no maximum, its just is what it is."

I sit down on the chair facing the desk. Just like Mrs. Carson's office would have.

He obviously has more than one file folder there. It looks even thicker paperwork than Mrs. Carlson had.

He says "I have your preliminary class schedule coming up. That you told Mrs. Carson you of course want to do the magic track. Being a magically inclined elf and the martial arts track. That's fine, you will do the placement exam here at Whateley. To see where your education levels, experience levels match up with what we have for classes and go from there."

"Sounds good to me " I say.

"Also she also noted here, your inclined to make your first year more of a float year. To figure out where you stand and go with your strong points of course. Which was magic and the martial arts. Then go from there, if you want to do college courses or just be here for a while."
He stops a bit to read up and then asks me "So where does your interest lay in the martial arts classes? As the mystics class is pretty much laid out easily. Which is basically take it all" He laughs.

I start off "I noticed a special topics class, for students with a specialty skill in weapons or something. I would like to take that one?"

"I do not see a problem, even thou the basics class is preparatory for it. Sensei Ito will test you and see if. He will move you up from the basic martial arts class, to anything beyond that."

I asked Dr. Bellows "I am really going to have talk to Ito about this. Because I have problems I think."

"Go ahead?"

I sigh "My how...I put it to other people. Is when I learned how to fight it was not cute and fluffy. We don't subdue or make someone give up. You just kill them and move on to the next person. There were no holds or stuns or break bones. We were shattering skulls and bleeding them out. Not slow them down. So hopefully I can ease into the classes and get out of "My rut" per say?"

Bellows tells me "Well Ito is expert in that. I will set that paperwork aside for you right now. Lets not get too deep with it, until your placement test is done and then week after next when the classes start. Ito can test you out on, where to put you and we'll go from there. Right now we are in the middle of this terms combat finals and stuff. Just so you know, everybody goes through combat finals at the end of every semester and we see where they place. That's mandatory! So you might want to watch...the fur fly....So to speak, to see where the other students are at."

"Humm Dr. Bellows no one told me about that yet. So I will endeavor to look at that, as soon as I can get some time dedicated and see what that's like. I'll ask around how to get into that."

He leans back in his chair, then gazes at me and says "Well lets start the official session and we will start out loose. Just to let you know, I am a psychic and I can feel emotions. Your just a brick wall so, I am not even going to ask you to lower any shields at this point. I feel, I need to develop a trust or rapport between me and you. Before we get to that. But from what I saw in your notes. It's your kinda like an avatar. But its more like, you've got a whole slew of memories from the past life of an elf that existed before. That may or may not be you? So what you've been saying and Sara's been figuring out. It's going to be more than ninety percent of your memory make up. What is the human part of you, that lasted for thirty years. Will probably get subsumed pretty badly. Plus add, your missing the last thirty years."

I nod "That's pretty much the basics of it, you nailed it pretty much dead on."

The doc goes on "All the experience from the elf side of your memory seems to be. As you said, not so cute and fluffy. Then your getting flashbacks, a little bit from it? So far in last couple of days? That's what we call PTSD nowadays. You seem to be working a way out, through that with meditation. Is that helping you?"

"Yes it seems as long, as I meditate every night. I can work out and file away a couple memories every night. After I do that, they don't seem to bother me anymore."

He goes on "So your self assisting and self-healing....that's good. The minute you feel anything come on to ya. You got to come talk to me! If you hide it for too long, its going to creep up on you. I have seen that happen to many people.

But I also noticed that from you. That I am seeing here and Mrs. Carson noticed. That you have kind of an anger issue and self-destructive streak. Where you just fly off on a tangent. Keep on going on the same road, even if it does look bad. Even if there's something else that might be there, that'll help you out. You kind of ignore it and keep on going. You always think that the worst of everything, is going to happen and plan that way." He stops for a second and looks at me instead of the paperwork on the desk "I can understand exactly what you said to her and she made that note....'always expect the worst and if anything better happens its better for it and since you always expect the worse ...You survived it why change'.....I understand that, it makes perfect sense. Anybody that has to go through that kinda of life."

I'm studying the doc. for a while, kinda shaking my head. He's looking at my body language on me.

He asks me "Your not listening to me on this are you?"

I say "Obviously....I am not listening. You're talking like you know what I'm thinking and you never experienced an inch of it. Then your trying to tell me how to cope with it? It's almost laughable! There's only one person that even has a clue so far, that I can think of. That would talk to me on this, on a even platform and that's a nurse at ARC. At least he has combat experience and his friend the doctor. Between the two of them makes more sense, than you sitting there talking. You're just an analyst."

As he thinks about what I'm saying, he makes notes "Would you prefer to talk to Bill for awhile? I can bring them into it."

I sigh "Maybe.... it's something. Right now I am dealing with Sara. She seems to understand some of it, to a point. I'll work it out from there."

He looks at notes "That brings up another point. You and Aunghadhail have a past history obviously. guys going to work it out, without you hurting Nikki to get back at her?"

I think 'man is this getting tough'.... "I think so....that might be something we have to work on. We have to be able to talk, without Nikki knowing about's too private. Me and her we'll figure it out somehow."

Dr. Bellows looks in my direction "You know one interesting thing, I noticed when you walked in?"

I shake my head "What?" I get a bit nervous

"It's how you walked in. I've only seen that a couple times. One of my other patients is an ex-Marine, who has seen combat. You walked in, like you're ready for something stupid to happen. Like someone is going to jump out at you."

I think about it for a second "Yeah it's kinda normal for me. I guess? That's how I walk into a room."

He put in farther on the subject "Even Ms. Carson put her down her notes, you walk like a predator. Like you're waiting for something that's about to happen in the room and you take note of everything is going on in the room or where its at."

"Yes that's what I do in every room looking for....." I fade out thinking about it "I that, don't I? Old habits I guess. I look to see what opponents are in the room, every exit, learn what weapons maybe laying there. So I told her. I always expect the worst thing, then if its better. Then you live through it." I kinda stutter out.

He asked me "Do you have anything, you want to talk about?"

"Of course. But we don't have that much time. I think I could literally talk you to death." I laugh.

"Anything that comes to ya?" He asks again, leading me on.

I look down a bit "Honestly to say I am extremely confused and hoping to stay out of ARC at this point, for a little bit. Being in a hole in the ground was just a little bit too much for me. It was getting to me, really too fast."

Dr. Bellows closes his file folder "I am just going to let it go at this point. Like you said your confused. You just admitted to me. I like that at least you opened up and said that very quickly. I will make an appointment for you tomorrow after your test, for maybe half an hour at least come and duck in here. I will see you then. Just so you know we got the scheduled for your tests. Then at three PM a physical. So.... see you after the physical, have them call me.....if it goes long." He puts up the file.

Now the doc grabs a box from the table next to him. "This is a laptop that ARC sent over for you to use. It is made, just for them and has their communication gear in it. So you can talk to them easily." He slides it across the desk at me.

I say "So that's a laptop?....Never seen one."

He laughs and opens the box for me "Its inside....." Then he turns it on.
I did not see how he did it. It makes some sounds.
He then turns it off, closes the whole thing up and hands it to me. "Ask anyone at Poe....your new friends? I bet any of them, would love to show you how to use it!"

Dr. Bellows says "I will see you tomorrow evening." Then I start to get up as he offers his hand "I hope we have some interesting conversations. I really honestly want to talk to someone that's just like Aunghadhail. Who lived something so far in the past, that's its not even written down. You should honestly think about that. It might be helpful to you, to write all this stuff down. As horrible as it might sound. Write them down, these life experiences of yours in a history book. It might be more beneficial to you and anybody else reads it in the years from now."

I nod meekly thinking "I'll think about that, I don't know if I want to go through every horrible day, if you know what I mean."

He nods to me "I can understand that."

He walks to the door and opens it up for me "I will see you tomorrow and have a good evening." and he closes it.

I walk out past 'Doogie' "I guess, I will see you at Poe 'Doogie'....whenever I see you walking around."

"No problem, since your obviously going to be in my building. If you ever screw yourself up. Remember I am a healer and I'll patch you see me, it's no big problem. Remember anything major and I have to submit it to Doyle. For your record."

I open up the main door, then walk out and of course Roslyn. She has been sitting there, for last forty-five minutes to an hour waiting for me.

As I smile to her "You didn't have to wait." I tell her.

As she stands up a big near predatory grin comes over her face and she comes up to my side. To grab on to one of my arms "Of course I had to wait. I have to guard my kill." she says, in a husky voice.

I cringe back "Are we getting possessive already? We haven't even said anything committal yet?"

"Ohh we committed already! I've already claimed you!" she then puts finger in my chest to emphasize the point.

She tries to stand closer. I put my hand on her shoulder "Just give it a day or two please?" I whine, a little bit.

She says with the smallest disappointment, in her voice "Okay, like you said. Saturday your one thing.....Sunday your the next. I can understand the shock, of that sudden change."

I hold up the laptop box "Look I got a parting gift! He could not find any of my lost marbles!"

She laughs.

"I guess we can go back to Poe. Do you want to walk or do you want to the fast way?" I ask her.

She asks "You mean teleport? Because walking across the campus is fine and dandy with your spell. Is there a way to make it permanent?"

I say to her "Remind me on that one. I will try to make it into charm, that will do it or enchant jewelry or something. That will be, at least permanent or semi-permanent for you."

I start feeling for Poe. 'Wow Doyle has got allot of wards on it. I think we might want to walk outside. I would have to chisel my way through these, before I can pop out here. I guess they don't want the patients escaping.' I think

"We need to go outside" So we take the elevator, then walk outside of Doyle. I put my hand on her shoulder I ask her "Are you ready for this? Do you understand, a lot of people who teleport with me for the first time. Get sick a little bit?"

She doesn't look quite enthused, suddenly at that little bit of info. Then I say to calm her a bit "Its usually the first time, after that it's okay. Then there's some people, a very small percentage, that throw up every single time they go? Its up to you? Want to walk or not?"

She says "I am going to brave it out. Because if this works out? We can go places?"

"Yes" I sigh "We can go places." I say. I squeeze hold of her shoulder.

"You ready?" I ask.

She yelps "Yes!" and I do not even wait. As to me it's nothing. I see where we are going. I place us in the room, so nothing is getting in our way. To her, she sees everything is falling apart. As we teleport into the room, she's spinning and near to falling down. I Grab the wastepaper basket, I just bought and hand it to her.

"If you want to throw up, do it in that please. I just got the room. It does help if you close your eyes. I know that sounds funny, just breathe a couple times" I try to sooth her.

She is standing there, taking a couple deep breaths. Trying to regain her composure, balance. She does not look too green. "Well if you have not thrown up yet? Your not going too" So I pull the bucket out of her hand. I sit her on the bed for second "You will be okay" I say

She yelps out "That was different. I've been on a couple teleports but.....I could swear? I could see where, we would end up! The room and everything that was in it! I felt for second if you let go of me. I could go anywhere, I wanted to in that room?"

I look at her, I nod and smile BIG to her "Your one of the lucky few. Not too many people and get that on the first hit. Some actually do it, dozens of times before they find that one out!" I hug her.

She ask me "What was that?"

I say happily "Exactly pretty much what you said. If I was not holding on you. I teleport the area. You pick where you land, which direction you're facing and all from where I'm landing at as a central point."

She is tilting her head thinking "Wow in the sim's or in combat. You mean you can choose where, you are going to land? Then land behind someone? OOOOWWW! people are going to like you a lot! You might find, a lot of people asking you for Sims. They will fall down and pray to you. When they figure this one out."

She asks all bubbly "So WHEN can we go to London, Paris, Tokyo or anywhere?"

"You might want to let me do some exploring on my own first. Where I can be little bit more sneaky. We really do want to pop up in the middle of a crowd! That would be kind of embarrassing and probably illegal?"

I sit down next to her on the bed and say "Well what's next?"

As I'm sitting next to her and asked that while I am looking at her. She slides her left hand on my thigh.
I say "Not that next!"

She says loud "AHHH! shucks! Well Okay."

I leer at her "I meant give me time. As in a couple of days! Not several minutes!

She giggles back "You can't blame a girl for trying?"

I stood up to ask her "Can you do me a favor and give me some time alone here, while I am here sorting through this stuff. If you see Gwen out there, send her in here please. So she can go through the things, I bought this afternoon and see if any of it is allergic. That she knows of. Then she can give me some recommendations on stuff to get later?"

She stands up "No problem honey!" she then walks up to me and gets kinda close.

She asks in a sultry voice "Are you really sure, you don't want to do anything?"

She starts to reach up with her right hand. To my ear again. I snatch it with my left hand by her wrist. This time a little bit more forceful.

She squeaks out "Hey that's hurting!"

I stare at her in the eyes "I told you. You have to respect my boundaries and your crossing one there with me. I told you that's a personal thing. It's not something that you choose do, when you want to do. Its something I ask you to do. WHEN I want you to and you don't ever do that.....when you feel like it."

As we stand toe to toe. She stared at me for a bit. I let go of her hand really quick.

She looks down from my face, clearly embarrassed and she meekly bows her head "Okay I understand. I crossed the line there, I apologize for that. I shouldn't be that forward with you. You taught me something there, about you. I am going to go out and find Gwen for you. While you neaten up in here. I'll be back in a half an hour or so and help you out."

After Rosalyn leaves. I decided to keep the door open. So I know what's going on in the hall and to see the coming and going of the others up and down the hallway. I want be alone, but not completely alone in this room.
I started getting the room neater. I started by, putting my stuff on the other bed. I separate them into piles, so I can have them ready for when the chest of drawers comes in later on. I start putting the items I needed, in the shower caddy. I put a couple of things in the desk, that I thought should go there. Knowing that I'm going to have to go get school supplies, eventually and some sort of to bag carry them in. I grab the large meditation mat, I bought and tear the tags off of it and then slide it under the bed for later on.

I suddenly remembered again. I forgot to buy a Wallet at the store. 'Shoot!' I think. 'I know. I will put my stuff temporarily, in my book. As I can NEVER lose that DAMNED thing.' I open my storage in the ether and pull out my "Command" book. Its a super old looking leather bound book with a cover decorated in Mithril. I take out all my ID's and the credit card and put them just in the cover. Then toss it back into the void.

While I am neatening up my room

About twenty minutes had gone by and during that time. Rosalyn had found Gwen going into in her room. Rosalyn walked in right behind her.

Rosalyn says to her, from the rooms doorway "Well Gwen, your big friend is here now."

Gwen yells, as she tosses her bag on the bed "Rohanna is here! All right!
She made it today! No one ever tells me anything?"

Rosalyn says "Yep she's in the room. She asked me to send you in there, so you can go over some of her stuff. To make sure its elf allergenic, if you want to call it that."

She shrieks out "REALLY!" and shoots out the door, then down the hallway at high speed. Screaming my name down the hallway.

I can hear screaming down the hallway. Its my name, I hear being squeeled at high speed toward me.....I think 'AWWW crap!'

I put everything down as quick as I can and turn towards the door. I think 'Is there any defense against a screaming, Elvin, teenage, girl. Who is a bundle of joy, that wants to crash into you at any second!'

My mind is thinking of ways 'Shield?....Little bit overkill there. Eldritch bolt!? Knock her out of her shoes ,when she comes through the door! That's just ALLOT of overkill. Weapons? I said I would not use that! So I guess the only thing I can do, is just brace myself for the impact. That is about to come and hope my defenses hold!'

As I face the door, she comes whipping around the corner and smashes in to me with a bear hug.

I say to her "Your not really strong. But your really trying, to squeeze the air out of my lungs. But your doing better on that."

Gwen gushed "I am glad your here!"

"Me to! I escaped from the dungeon of death, down there. So I have a question for you obviously? Did I buy anything, that's bad for me?" I say as I hand over the shower caddy.

She just pounces on it and she's is tearing through it. She tones out "Naw...naw... nope, everything is good. I can recommend some cooler shampoos... thou. Especially with your hair being so long! You have been using that drying spell. But not brushing or combing your hair out. Have you?"

I say sheepishly "Ahh no?"

"I can tell! Your a girl now. You have got to remember, to brush it out every night at least. Or your going to have a tangled mess on your head and I know you don't want to cut it short." Gwen scolds me.

"Okay I guess. I gotta remember that."

She asks me "Why have you not put anything away yet?" as she looked around the room.

I tell her "I am asking them to take some of this stuff, out of here. As I have my own wardrobe closet and dresser. Mine are smaller in size and better. These here will be out of here tomorrow. Then I will put mine, in their place."

She starts dragging me through the door "Well come out to see everyone in the sunroom. Sara will be up here in a few minutes after she drops off her stuff off in her room " I just manage to grab that laptop, that the doc gave me. As she's yanking me toward the door and she dragged me down the hallway to the sunroom area. Then sits me down in a chair.

"Well is Rohanna. The new elf of the building!" Gwen shouts at the group there.

They all wave and say a collective "hi!"

I already recognize Lancer sitting in a chair. Gwen then introduces a couple of people are there.
She says "This is Chou the resident fortune cookie." Chou sneers at that.
"This is Tennyo or Billie" I see in the air, this girl flipped upside down, with blue hair and she waves at me. I nod back.
"This is Lancer" I met Lance already today. I say hi again.
"This little one here...." she pops up out of the chair and jumps up over to me. "Is Jade" says Gwen.
She looks like she is eleven or twelve? It doesn't fit? She feels older? But she is looking younger. OK my mind is backpedaling.....that mutation must have got her to look that age.

Jade looks up at me "Well they did say you were unusual looking. Not exactly cute-cute but unusual looking for an elf." she then tugs on her shirt at the large cat face logo on it and asks me "What do you think about....Hello kitty?"

"It's an interesting logo. Its not my taste, but it's okay with me." I say.

Jade says "I have an idea for you. Let me go show you something." she walks off to her room.

While she's getting something to show me. Gwen says to everyone there. "Well she is the new unusual Elf. We are teaming up with and we all have to help her out with catching her up on the last thirty years. She knows nothing of the last thirty years of technology....people. So that laptop in her hand, might as well be an archaic tablet. For all that she knows how to use it." she chuckles at me.

I'm glaring at Gwen "Gee thanks for the vote of confidence. That I am a Flintstone and this is the modern age."

She giggles "Don't mention it!"

Lancer asks me "So you don't know anything about CDs or DVDs or MP3s or anything?"

I look at him completely puzzled "I have no idea what you're saying? Are you talking some kind of German code lingo from World War II?"

He laughs "No....You have some definite catching up to do. We will break you in slowly. Because your going to have some technological shock here."

"Okay I'm sure you guys use colloquialisms. From movie, television content and stuff. That I've never heard of. So be gentle people. Just remember I am educated. But I'm not stupid. I just don't know want your talking about?" I kinda sass.

Chou gets up, from her chair and studies me "At least your speech definitely shows definite maturity. Your not talking like a kid. Your talking like an adult, with a college education already. Your just not using the New Age words in place of stuff. Especially that word....colloquialisms.....Geesh come on now. Can I buy a vowel or something?"

I look at her not even knowing, what she is talking about "Buy a vowel? is that from a game or something?"

"Okay yes.....Your going to have to watch some TV and catch up.....okay?" Chou says to me like doctor giving me a prescription.

Jade comes back into the room and I notice that Sara is coming up the stairs at the same time. Sara runs over, just as Jade is about to talk me and interrupts her. Sara starts to give me the hug from hell. I am actually starting to wheeze a little bit from it. Because she can get so much leverage on me with arms, multiple tentacles and who knows what else. That no one else can. But I still LOVE it!

I whisper in her ear "Not in front of the rest of the people....will ya?"

She leans her head back, to gaze at me better and then purrs "Well your here finally!" that sentence alone the way she said it. Just Screams out to most there, we are involved somehow and then she pretty much gives me another deep kiss. Like that one she gave me before and it's not as great as the last one. But good enough! and then she lets go.

While I am standing there. I hold up the laptop in front of her face "What am I going to do with this thing? I don't even know how to turn it on?"

She takes it from my hand.
"Ahh ARC sent you one of these? We will go downstairs and a friend of my mine will help you with this. I'm sure they put something on it. To look at what you're doing and stuff. We don't want that to happen? Now do we?" Sara asks me.

"You mean they bugged me!" I snatch it back from her hands "Should I just throw this out the front doors AND BLAST IT! On the front steps or what?" I say more than kinda mad.

She says calmly to me "We can clean it and send a nasty message while doing it. If it's got anything on it."

I say "Sara if it's got any spy whatever? On it....gizmos? I want to know. Because I am going to rub it in Dr. Otto's face! if he knows about it? I told him not to mess with me and I meant it!"

She steps up close to me and she puts a clawed finger to my lips to calm me. Then says softly " calm down. No need to go running off half cocked. I know you can teleport yourself up there, right now and start battering his door down. But lets not get mad at Dr. Otto, not unless we know he is guilty of something. He's generally a good guy. There's a lot of people that work under him. That are not nifty people."

I start to calm down "Okay I relent."

Jade walks between us. She yelps "Hey it was my turn! I have something to show her!" I look down at her and Sara does too.

Jade is looking up at me. "Geesh....I had not really thought about it. You are genuinely tall!"

"Thanks?" I say.

Jade holds up a black T-shirt. With a Hello-kitty skull and crossbones on it. Its a Hello-Kitty Gothic T-shirt is the only way to describe it. I take it out of her hands and I look at it for a while. IT! genuinely grabs me!

I say kinda loud "I like this!"

Sara looks at me shocked and so does a couple of other people in the room.

They all say "You like that?!" in shock! One after another, as their brains catch up to the thoughts.

I sequel out "This is cool! I flip it around, even thou its WAY too small and I model it. "I can get used to this look! It actually matches me. Creepy and weird! This is exactly what I need."

Sara starts shaking her head " you can't you can't fall into the hello Kitty deathtrap!"

I say, more than happy at something...matching me! "Its not exactly what she's wearing. But it matches me more than it does her."

Sara she palms her face "Oh my God! Jade has converted another to the dark side of the Hello-kitty life!" she leans down to Jade "If you start dressing her in pink and all the other Hello-Kitty stuff. I am going to hurt you!"

I glance at Sara "No not pink. This gray and this evil looking black. I like this! The pink bow just offsets it! But the skull and crossbones stuff is just too cool!"

I lean down to Jade and I hand her back the T-shirt "I like this. If you can find this and all natural cotton or silk. That an elf can wear with no problems. Get my measurements I'll take like a dozen T-shirts with various logos, maybe some shorts, some pants, other things, jacket and sweats."

Jade asks me "You got money?"

Sara looks down, at the smaller Jade "Jade Ohh yes she has money and don't worry about that. She's not loaded YET! She will be loaded very soon. I'm sure. She cut a deal with ARC that's gonna make her mint I'm sure of that."

Lancer gets his attention away from his book "You cut a deal with ARC? What could you cut a deal ARC, that would make money. You don't seem to be a Devisor or a gadgeteer or anything like that. Not a medical person?"

Sara spins around, stands besides me and puts her arm around me "What you people are looking at? Is the only true DROW on the entire freaking planet! What Jobe and his little friends are. They are not even a quarter of what this girl is! In here is One Hundred Percent the real deal and embarrassingly so to Jobe. When he sees her. He's going to go batshit! Aside from that ARC is tearing her DNA and everything about her apart. Then selling it off, in licensing contracts. All over the planet right now. To figure out what makes her tick. Every minute that goes by, that doctors and whatever? Sweat over the information they get out of her. The more money she makes!"

"Thanks for reminding me I'm a giant lab rat. That just has got a good paycheck." I sass at her.

"Your welcome. But at least you got a big paycheck." Sara sasses back at me.

Sara looks around the room "Where is Fey? She is usually out here?"

Chou states "She has not come back from class yet. She must be staying overtime as a teacher's assistant....helping out Grimes?"

Sara grabs my arm and starts to lead me to the stairs going down "Well people, I am going to take her downstairs and show her around. We will come back up here for dinner. We will all go over to crystal to introduce her to what crowd is around......" she turns to me as we go down the stairs "So lets get your laptop set up. So that it can be, that the wellspring of information your going to need. "

She starts tugging me down the staircase going down. We go down one flight to the basement. She walks on down the hallway and stops. There's a bare wall there? She walks up to the wall, reaches out forward and her hand is going to where the door knob should be. That's when a door pops up. I stop for a second and looking at what she's doing.

I say very leery "Ahhh yeah Sara? What are you doing?"

As she is turning the doorknob. She says to me "The room the people put me in is the Lovecraft room. You did hear of Lovecraft?"

I say puzzled now "I know he was an author. I didn't think he was the real deal? But I guess he was, wasn't he?"

"My room bounces between Poe and Hawthorne. They put me in Hawthorn after they labeled me as a violent issue. So my room bounces back and forth whatever it pleases or as needed."

She opens up the door and starts walking in. I'm kinda hesitant.

She urged me in a flirtatious voice "Don't you want to come in?"

"The room just smells of Great Old One sorcery in there." I warned not knowing what to do.

"Of course it does. Its my bedroom stupid!" she teased me.

"Okay" I squeak out 'Well. If something bad is going to happen to me. This where it is going to happen' I think.

As I go in, I see there's a girl sitting on the bed doing paperwork. Sara closes the door behind me. Then walks across the room. She waves her hand at the girl on the bed.

"Paige, this is Rohanna the dark elf. I told you about....I acquired."

The girl gets up fro the bed and she comes over and shakes my hand.

"Hi I am Paige, I am one of Sara's friends from a couple of months back." she says rather politely.

"Glad to meet you Paige" I say back.

Sara hands her my laptop as she walks by going to her bed.

"Paige can you do me a favor for her?" Sara asks her.

Paige asks "What Sara?"

"Go through this. It's from ARC, make sure there is no spyware on it and other devices. If there are? Clean them off and make a record what's on there. Copy everything down for me and put on some extras were for security. That we know about. Whenever you can get that done for us, in next day or so. Please." Sara asks in her in enchanting voice.

Paige says back rather fast "I will do it immediately....tonight. I have no problem with that, it will only take me a small bit of time."

Sara walks over to Paige and brushes her cheek "Thanks Paige." Sara says to her rather sultry.

As I stand in the room. I start to really take note on it. Its near three times more large than my room. The bed is just a huge king size or better? She has full size chairs in the room for guests and more than one bookcase. With books in them that scream to me 'leave alone'. She also has a full? size desk. Then finally I notice the walls, they are all covered in enchantments and wards to keep her aura in. I notice something off. it's a lot bigger than it should be? I say softly "A Non-Euclidean room okay?" I say softly, as I think about the room.

Sara turns to me as she sits "You understand?......"

I interrupt her "Yeah I understand mathematical dimensions and that this room should not exist. But does and it is not the first time I've seen a room like this."

Paige looks at Sara "You picked up a different one! She's got more knowledge than I give credit....for an elf."

Sara says to me "Why don't you sit in the chair please?" she points to one there. Then she plops on the bed, then snatched a Coke off the nightstand and started sipping it.

I just stand in the room "Not just yet. Let me get comfortable here."

Sara sasses me "Your always jumpy! You just gotta learn how to relax."

I can hear one of her books growling at me on the shelf. I kinda back off. She gets up and yells at it "Settle down in there!"

Then another one starts to growl, after she goes to sit down, she starts to turn. I wave her off with my hand "I got this one."

I manifest a dagger and flip it to the spine of the book. It just shuts up. So I start to flip the blade out of existence.

Sara asks me kinda mad "Did you threaten one of my books?"

"I did not threaten one. I told it what I was gonna do! If it got mad at me again! It understood."

I finish de-manifesting the dagger.

Paige sang "Ahh interesting! Someone that has a pocket dimension, to pull weapons from."

Sara laughs at Paige "It's not all she can do! She's a little Swiss Army knife, that we got standing there."

Paige moves to pick up a couple textbooks off the desk. Then goes to sit-down on the bed next to Sara. As Sara is talking to her.

I noticed the way she is doing it and she is sitting in a certain way. That she's between me and Sara. I think 'Ahh she's protective too. I noticed that she doesn't trust me yet.'

I fretted out "Sara? Ya know before we get going here. On what else is going to be going on today. I really need to just ask if we can talk alone for about twenty minutes? Maybe....hopefully? Everything goes good.....that I need to talk to you about. "

Sara is flipping through her book nonchalantly "Say anything you want to in front of Paige. She's one of my best friends. She is not going to tell a soul."

"I understand you have trust with her. But I want this between you and me only for now.....Please?" I beg a bit.

Paige gets up, Walks across room like she is going to get another book or pencil at the desk. I can tell that she's totally faking it. I am already angling my feet in that direction. 'Just in case, you get stupid. As your just getting a little bit too guarded for my taste.' I think to myself.

Sara notices my stance. She looks at me and Paige "Now you two don't need to be squaring off in here. Thinking that one needs to be protecting and fighting the other or something like that! I don't need you two going 'round about' in my room and wreaking stuff!"

Paige starts to say "I would never..........."

Sara says kind of mad at her "Paige now! You know, I can tell when you're fibbing a little bit."

Paige snarled a bit "I don't know if I trust her. Something tells me that I shouldn't."

I walk across room a little bit. Keeping my body still angled at her.

I sigh "Sara? She might be correct and that's why. I want to talk to you in private."

Paige VERY leery of me now "I don't know? I want to stay in the room." she demands.

Sara interrupts her "Paige. I trust this girl in front of me okay? I don't think she is going to hurt me. Any way. Paige, if she suddenly decides to get silly and do something in here. There would not be much you can do to stop her."

Paige almost yells out "YAHHH I CAN!"

"No you can't!" I say fast.

Now both of us are near snarling at each other. I am getting ready for a fight.

Sara yells at us both "STOP IT! NOW!"

Sara then a bit more calm "Paige just so you know what your up against here." She looks over to me "Rohanna? Please give me a fair threat assessment of Paige here?"

"Okay I can do that" I study her for a minute "Paige is a Were Panther. A young one obviously, not born to it. She has some training in melee combat. Has two knives on her, one in the small of her back, the other on her right ankle. She has some kinda of electrical mutation, not much worry to me there, to a baseline human yes it is. Not to be insulting, her weakness right now? Is overconfidence in the electrical power. AND then her Were form.....that she is forgetting is vulnerable to silver and Mithril."

"Paige....You see? I told you she's a Swiss Army knife. She knows exactly what's going on around her. You may be a Were and a predator at that. But you're looking at the top of the food chain, that's standing in front of you. These Drow are nothing to laugh at. Even Aunghadhail, the Queen upstairs is scared of these guys."

Paige turns to Sara surprised "Really?

"That Drow there, the second she finished changing. Knocked one of Aunghadhail's best shields down, like it was nothing. Then put a sword up to her throat and was gonna kill her for sure. If someone had not interrupted her. There was nothing Aunghadhail could have done about it either. As powerful as she is, this Drow had to drop her. In an enclosed space, you're looking at a paper shredder! She will tear ya apart. So I know your protective of your friends. You need to back down a little bit and trust in my judgments."

I noticed that she was just not saying it. It was more like that she's commanding it. Like...this is the way it's going to be and your going to listen to me. It also sounded like she's talking to little kid.

I whisper out "I am not proud of that day. If Aung was outside and a bit more prepared she could have hurt me badly during a slightly longer fight. She has got just a little more in the bigger spells than I do."

Sara looked back over at me "And you! Need to back down just a little bit too! Not everybody's a challenge to your authority, while you walk around. You need to let down some of that shield there or no one is going to be a friend to you."

I say sheepishly "Yaa I understand. It's just normal for me to think that everybody's a threat. You just get used to it after a while."

Sara picks up the laptop off the bed where it was tossed and hands it to Paige. "Do us a favor and give us the room for a bit. I will talk to you later and take care this for me please?"

"Yes Sara no problem." Paige says to her, as she starts walking out of the room past me.

I mumble out "Sorry about....."

"Don't apologize and everything is good with us!" she opens the door, I glance into the hallway and find its a different hallway out there.

'I guess the room moved?.....ohh well' I think.

Sara's eyes drift up to me from her study work. She asks me in a luscious voice "Now Lover....what did you want to talk about?"

She moves a couple things on the bed and pats it "Come here and sit down."

As I walk over slow and sit down. She gets more concerned in her tone "Obviously whatever you're going to be saying is weighing heavily on you. It must be that one thing you told me about? The on thing that you could not say over at ARC with everybody obviously listening?"

"I already mentioned this to Carson. Because I had to talk to her. By the way, I don't like Carson. I think she's only putting up with me. Because everyone has baited her and cornered her into doing it." I look down. Getting more than depressed again.

"That maybe what you feel. But Carson's definitely a multidimensional person."

"I don't know about her. She just doesn't give me the feeling that she wants me here, She definitely pressed my buttons, to see how far she could push me." I growl a bit.

"That may be so. Everything she does is for the good in school."

"Sara?" as I look up to her "That might be the problem. She might not think of me as part of the school. Just like everyone else does. I am just a weapon to use for means to an end. She already kind of implied that. Even though she said I should be a student first."

"YOUR NOT A WEAPON!" she yelled at me. "Some people here...LOVE ya!...ya goof." Sara stopped thinking "Never say your just a weapon again please?"

"Okay" I whisper. Then I think 'We'll see if that's true soon enough. I have been told this before.'

Sara jests "Okay well spill it already! As your already hinting at something that seems to be sitting there.....bugging ya!"

I sit for a long bit thinking 'If she says no. This will not work. I promise myself to get up immediately, grab my bag and LEAVE. As staying here and seeing her everyday will be too painful to bear. Maybe I can get someone later on. In trade for my service....that will promise to command me to forget her.'

As I look down. She tosses her book down "So spill it or do I have to torture it out of you?"

She goes to tickle me "Tickle me? really? not going to work." I sass "One I am not in the mood. Two my skin is a bit tougher than you think."

Sara gets smirk "Humm I am going to have to think of other torture methods for you. If tickle doesn't work?"

"I'm sure you'll find something eventually. All you have to do, is ask around some of people I met today. You'll probably figure something out?"

"Really? Who have we been talking to today? That has found out secrets that I don't know?"

I whisper out "Rosalyn."....... 'darn compulsion not to lie or hide stuff......'

"Ohh Rosalyn of course......yeah. Your the brand-new lesbian on the block. Rosalyn went at you like a heat seeking missile! Didn't she? If Rosalyn found out something. I got to talk her!"

I meek out "Okay whatever? we will leave that for later. What the problem is you probably figured out from all the medical things. Ya know that Aunghadhail's sisters screwed with us to make us better at fighting the Great Old Ones and the Bastard and everything else. Right?"

"Yaaa of course."

"Well people like me, are specifically made for one fricking thing besides just that."

She sees me stall "Well Spill it!"

"I hate to say this. As it is not relevant. But you have to know it." I say in a even more whispered tone.

"OUT with it already!" Sara's tone and her hissing at me through her teeth says that she's getting mad at me for not saying it.

I got my head is already down in shame and guilt. "Its not affecting us right now. But? If you think to say no. Please do it now, so we can end this before it gets out of hand and hurts to much."

"Out with it!" she says again getting impatient.

I am hesitating "One of the things they did is change and train people like me . Along with a couple others. That's why I am so good at sneaking up on people. Then the reason why your lust aura does not affect me......"

"Come on....your just about to say it, spill it......What ever it is. I will not get mad. I still Love ya." she says in a more comforting tone now. 'But that tone and what's behind it may change in a minute' I think.

I say it fast "They trained and made me to specifically to go after just you! GOO's."

"What do you mean by just me?" she asks.

"Your kind silly!" I add.

She leans back on the beds pillows "Oh!"

"Yeah that's right!" I shot at her "Oh!......Some of your ancient relatives. I stuck a sword in and killed them. Okay!.....Anything else you want to know!" I started to weep a bit. Hoping that she would still care for me. I get up from the bed and walk across room. So that my back to her like (I don't know what to say). My back is also turned so that if she wants to.....I am making it easy. To end it quick.

Sara questions me "Well I don't know about any this?"

"I don't think your dad would know. He is not old enough, now is he?" I state.

"Good point!" She says.

"I doubt your relatives would tell you about it because. I didn't encounter them or our kind did not encounter them. They are powerful ones. Elves like me are only good at getting something that's your age to a bit younger than your dad. Any older? We would need groups of a about hundred and that would be a maybe."

She sits there pondering for a second.

"Is this going to change anything with us?" I ask waiting for the blow to fall.

"I don't think so. You don't want to wrap your fingers around my throat....right now and kill me?" she giggles.

"Not right now, maybe later?" I say. As I turn back to look at her.

She looks at me kind of goofy.

"Well if ya piss me off. When we go shopping or something like that. I might want to wrap my fingers around your throat and choke you a little bit." I giggle out "Unless you want me to......for fun?"

She chucked a little bit.

"But right now? I don't want to kill ya."

She laughs now "Okay your being funny, I get it. First question I have to ask, honestly. Why don't you want to kill me? It's obviously your job to do that?"

"When I met you and saw you. I could tell you? How can I say this? Your not on the target list? Because your not a bad one? 10'000 years from now, you might change. But right now.....your good.?" I say kinda leery.

"Okay? so I am not on the target list." she tells me.

"So you're not really offended at what I did?" I ask her. Still hoping, all is well with us.

She starts laughing "How long ago are we talking about? A One million years? Like it's been forever, that fight took place. Its was before humans could even read and write. Let alone even have a basic grasp of anything past fire! The only people alive that even remember that fight. Are you, Aunghadhail and like Kodiak! That's it! That I can name offhand and a couple of others maybe?"

"So who cares!.......... If Nikki, Aunghadhail and me can make up? Shoot!..... if me and you can make up. All you need to do is make up with Aunghadhail and your going to be good!" she told me.

"Okay....I think me and Aunghadhail can work it out." I grit my teeth at that.

She chides me "Your gonna have to. Your both going to live under the same roof at Poe."

"I said I wouldn't hurt Nikki. Just if I hear her voice!"

"I know. She did you something bad back then. You won't talk about it. But your going to have to get over it. It happened. You can't kill a ghost!" she jests me.

"Actually I can kill a ghost. That's beside the point." I say.

"Well if that's all you had to talk about?" she asked in a irresistible voice. "Come back over and sit down on the bed next to me!"

"Are you sure?" I ask her not knowing what is to come.

"I wouldn't be asking you if I didn't feel sure. If I was worried about you hurting me. I would have kicked ya out of the room by now. This is my domain. I would have shoved you right out. Like you shoved me out of your mind. Don't make me sick a paperback on you!" she warns me with a big smile.

I laugh at her and sit down on the bed with a plop. She started to hug me close.

"So? How's your day been so far?" She asks while she gently bit my earlobe, and I gasped. “You like?” She whispered.

"Well Mrs. Carson she grilled me pretty bad." I moaned out.

"I bet she's a tough cookie that Bird. She has got to handle stuff from the school. Plus you have been shown to be a threat. I am surprised you where not thrown in Hawthorn in room next to mine." she said lusciously, while nuzzling my neck. "Even thou I would love that! and it would make seeing you so much easier!"

"Then there is Rosalyn and her forwardness." I said.

"Well Rosalyn's gonna be a problem. But you tell her to back off. She will back off instantly. She's not going to hurt anybody." Sara gets more physical. Then shoves me back on the bed.

As I land back on the bed. I barely say "I noticed that she seems to be a good person."

"She is. She won't hurt anybody. She is not known to mess anybody up that way." Sara whispers in my ear. While laying next to me. "But was Rosalyn more forward than this?"

She slid near on top of me. Her hands stroked my hair, running through them and she seemed to be enjoying the silky feel of my hair running between her fingers. She leaned in to kiss me. She rolled her lips over mine, our tongues meeting and pushing at each other. She ran her tongue over my fangs...playing with them Finally, She drew away, leaving the me gasping for air.

Then her right hand slide up under my t-shirt and under my bra. Her hand slowly twisted a nipple she found there wanting. She massaged my breast and aroused me further. Her left hand held my head too keep my lips planted on her's.
She could sense my both of my hearts rate increase, and the pace of my breath quicken. I dropped all my mental shields to let her in. So we could enjoy this together. I was moaning now, occasionally giving out a sharper gasp.

I felt her fall into my mind. After she entered and saw the true me at that monument. She slowed down her advances on me to just hugging and cuddling.

Sara leans to my ear "Love thanks for that. Opening your mind and feelings all the way for me. But your not ready yet to go all the way are you? As I find your still getting used to the big change that just happened to you. So I am patient and we can wait till your more ready."

She giggled at me "Did you know that your eyes glow like a purplish-pink when your aroused?"

"Yes I do. Rosalyn found that out today for me" I said.

She squeals out "Really? tell how that happened!"

"Ask her. I am not going to make it easy for you" I said playing with her.

She asked softly of me while we lay there "Anything else today Love?" she did this to get my mind off what we where just doing.

"I had to talk to Bellows preliminarily. While he gave me the laptop and set me up for more lab rat stuff." I huffed out.

"Well that's makes sense you just got here. You got to get all the placement testing out a way and MID testing. Is it scheduled for? what Thursday probably?" she purred.

"I guess I will get to the testing tomorrow and stuff. It should be boring as hell but I will figure it out." I say.

"Don't worry about it love. They will just put you through a battery tests. You will figure it out, its simple stuff. They probably will have to lead you by the hand with the computers. You will figure that out. You're smarter than the average idiot around this school." she says to me, as she goes back to nuzzling.

"Saturday I got a plan for you. Since none of the stores around here in Dunwich or Berlin are big enough to worry about. Donna is going to take us to Boston on Saturday. I already got the prelim passes in for you." Sara told me while hugging closer.

"Drive to Boston in bad weather maybe?" I ask.

"We'll will get there. Either by train or take the car. We will figure it out."

"Too bad I have not been there yet, we could teleport!" I said kinda thinking ' I could just do it and see what happens?'

Sara says "We will think about that, after we get there one time. So you walk around for a bit. Then you can mark it in your mind, for a return trip later someday?"

"That reminded me, that was the other thing that happened today. The security chief chewed me out already for me being a teleporter." I muttered out.

"Ohh I bet Delarose had a word or two with you, about taking people off campus unauthorized. I bet they already figured it out from ARC, you do it with a natural gift and magic combined. I bet you can do it without the wards being inactivated?" she asked me.

"I have not figured it out yet. But I'll figure it out. The wards around here are strong. But they are not that good!" I sang.

"Well now that we got everything out of the way and I told you what we are doing Saturday. We can go back upstairs in a minute, unless you want to do something else?" Sara asked in a inviting voice that said it all.

" and Rosalyn are beating on that door and your not giving up either." I say quietly.

Sara nudges my ear "Well now I am in competition with the best girl in the house for doing this. I gotta keep my trophy!"

'Oh boy I am in trouble' I think.

I lean over to her. Then hug her close, as one of my hands goes to her breast. I open my mind again as I do it.
I whisper to her "Love.....your in charge now. Do what you want from here. I let you in again. So when you feel I have had enough please stop." I nuzzled her. Then let my shield to her lust aura drop just enough to get a taste, but not make me drunk from it.

She took that as a cue and took off her top, Then she took off mine and whipped off my bra in a furry. "I will be gentle my sweet. Tell me if you feel uncomfortable and I don't notice." She kissed my mouth, working down to my breasts, taking each nipple in her mouth very gently. I gasped as she did this, asking her not to stop.

We went on like this for quite a time, then she slowed her pace. When she felt I had enough for the first time. Then we just laid there enjoying each others thoughts.

I lay there looking deep into Sara's mind and saw just how ordered it was. I envied it, as mine was in pure chaos! All the time. With the old human part, the old Drow part and the new present time blend of all of it. Each racing for position. Sometimes in the last day. I found myself thinking in Drow and having to translate to English as fast as I could. I hoped it would not get worse, as it horrified me to think. I might lose my ability to communicate in English and the only one who knew Drow was Aunghadhail!

A knock is at the door and Paige walks in as we lay there. I don't even bother getting up, as I am way too comfortable right now all curled up with Sara.

Paige jested "Well looks like the room is still in piece and I don't see any blood or body parts hanging from the walls. So I guess the talk was not as bad as you thought? Ohh and don't bother getting up for me! Maybe I shou---" She stopped right there mid word. Like something said 'Don't even say it! let alone think it!'

Paige then puts the laptop down on the table next to the doorway as she comes in. "Ahhh yep it had spyware on it! It also had a processor chip and a camera attached to. It was attached the main bodies camera. I took all that out and put it all in the envelope there. I logged all the spyware off of it and cleaned it out. Then added some of my own security software to keep all others out. I will show you how to use it later?"

I toss off the bed sheet and stand up off the bed. All I have on is my jeans and socks. I start stretching out all over and rubbing out any kinks. "I sure did not want to get up! But we got stuff to do."

As I am stretching out. Bending my self in ways only a Elf can. Paige walks over to me "Woof! Now I know why Sara likes you! Man your better looking without the clothes!" She leans in to me. Then reaches out slowly to my stomach "Can I?" she asks.

"Go a head. As I am sure you and me will see more of each other. With Sara as a mutual love." I say.

She rubs my pack of abs. "How long do you exercise a day? To keep this looking this good?"

"All I can. But anyway. I was 'made' like this. Its not going to change. I might get a bit stronger and have more endurance. But I really don't need to exercise. I just really practice for a fight to come." I say to her while yawning and moaning from the stretching out.

Paige says "Man I would like this!"

I warned "No you wouldn't. All this came with a curse and lots of extra baggage."

She nods to me a understanding of some sort. I like that she did not ask what where the negatives. She just took my word that it was bad.

I look at the laptop "You did all that to this? In this short amount of time?"

Sara says from the bed as she gets her top back on "She's very good with computers. Just as you're very good at what you do. She's very good at what she does."

Paige walks back to the table at the door to get the laptop. While I sit on the bed and start putting my stuff back on. She says "My computer Fu is better than yours for sure!"

Sara sasses her "You're just showing off Paige."

Paige then gets kinda sassy and uppity "I still think I could take her!"

Sara just leans back into her pillows on her bed again. "Paige IOU a favor for cleaning up the laptop for her. If Rohanna here can surprise you without putting her feet on the floor before she surprise you. I don't owe you a favor on that laptop. Matter a fact you owe her favor on that laptop. Your going to have to set her up with something, like a gaming computer. She shall pay for it, but your going to build it."

Paige says "Yeah I'm good for that." she was leaning up against the door. "Okay favor for laptop gone and I owe her a gaming computer. For her to play with, something really good. She pays for the parts. Does she have that kind of money?"

"She's got the money don't worry about that." Sara chides her.

Sara whispers to my ear "Do the same thing you did to Jacob with her. But just pin her up to the door by her throat. She might get a little rambunctious on you. But you can hold her easy!"

"You sure about this? I don't want to get your room wrecked."

"Paige? If she surprises you. You have to relent in five seconds or less! Right?" Sara asks her.

"Yaaa I won't get crazy!" Paige says boldly "I don't think she can get up without putting her feet on the floor to surprise me!"

"Okay! bets on!" Sara sang.

"If you lose Sara?" Paige asks setting the game higher.

Sara says "IOU one favor. You can pretty much name it from there. Within the rules we always have."

Sara shot "Okay anytime you're ready there Rohanna?"

Sara leans back in her pillows. I say "Okay I guess I am singing for my supper. ONE stupid Elf trick coming up!" I laugh.

I say "Here...." and as I say it. I start teleporting across the room. I manifest my armor. I place myself in front of her, so that my hand is right under her throat. I got a stance on her for leverage. The second I pop back in. My hand wraps around her throat, I lift her off the floor and press her on the door. She is starting to struggle. I think for just barest of a second 'One more squeeze and she is gone! It would be fun!' I shake off that evil. Then I look into her eyes ".....and done." I say to finish the match.

She's looking at me gasping a bit from my hold on her and I let go of her. Then step back.

"So your teleporter? So ya got the drop on me."

Sara giggles at Paige "She had the drop on ya? She did not just teleport across the room! She had you even before she was done teleporting. She had a hand your throat before she was even through teleporting. She just does not move from place to place. She knows where she is going to end up and can plan how she's going to attack on while doing it. The only thing she did not do. Is have a weapon already out to have quietly killed you with, before your first drop of blood hit the've been gone."

"Okay you won that one" Paige says "But I want a rematch outside one of these days!"

Sara leans back laughing at Paige.

Paige gets mad "WHAT!?"

" outside.....with a Drow in the woods? In the room here you had half a chance. The woods are her One hundred percent, natural environment. Out there you would be playing on her chest board....silly. Her tearing you apart here would be nothing. There it would be fun!" Sara chided her

I screamed "SARA! enough! See what I meant by being a weapon in everyone's eyes. Even your doing it. I am so sick of death. I want to be different this time out." I start shaking my head. I walk to the bed, to sit and put my shoes back on.
"This maybe a game right now you two. But it gets and it hurts. To be honest.....Like I could stop myself!" I laugh "I almost goofed there Sara.....and Paige I am sorry. For the barest second I thought of ending you for the fun of it! You should know I am not even close to.......stable." I sit for a second in the quiet of the room.

"Paige?" I ask of her "At least take this away from the little battlefield we have here. When it comes down to computers? I don't know JACK! okay? and probably never will compared to you. So you will win every time on that battlefield."

"You want to talk later? About that goof?" Sara whispers in my ear. I nod back.

Sara gets up off the bed "We are going to go upstairs Paige and if you want to come with?.........fine."

Sara goes to the door and I follow her. As we go up the staircase and I'm talking as we walk up about what to do next. I hear a squealed 'EEEPP!'

"I know exactly who that was. It was Nikki up there in the sunroom. She heard us coming up the staircase. I think she's running to her room right now......annnd...she ran in her door. I could hear." I say

Paige walking up behind us, asks me "You heard all that?"

Sara leans back to Paige "Yeah she heard all that and I guarantee she told you exactly was going on in there."

We get to the top of the staircase going to the sunroom area and Jade sitting there on floor with a laptop. She tugs my pant leg as I walk by to get my attention and she spins around the laptop to face me. Then lifts it up to me.

"Here is the stuff, that I'm looking at for you" Jade says.

I look down at the screen "So you got my sizes already. Boy you are a determined little girl. How much money did we spend so far?"

"$1800!" she tells me.

I sigh "On clothes?"

"Most of the stuff is organic and that stuff costs little bit extra. Okay?" Jade informs me.

"Okay order it and I will give you my credit card." I sit down next to her and pull my "Command book" from the either. I open the cover and hand her my credit card.

She takes it "Order what's on the screen. Plus one set in all pink, to mess with Sara" I whisper to her.

Jade giggles "That's just cruel. But I like it. You head to toe in that color will be SO COOL! It will all be here in couple of days!"

Paige looks down at me sitting on the floor next to Jade "You're not letting Jade order fashions for you? Are you crazy! Your going to be decked out head to toe Hello-kitty?"

Sara hears that and stops talking to Gwen. Then turns to Paige and starts shaking her head "Its even worse! She's going for Gothic skull and cross bones Hello-kitty LOOK!"

Paige just cringes "EWWW! Cute, weird overload....Yesss.....ok....ay...ouch and with her looks? Ohhh that's going to be so bizarre! You know you might actually be in competition with Jericho that look!"

I look around "Jericho?"

"Ohh when you see Jericho if you don't scratch your eyes out of your skull. Your you're one of the lucky few" says Chou to me.

Hank looks up his bookwork and laughs "Jericho? for looks? His fashion sense? He actually made someone vomit at fifty feet. They actually blew chunks at how badly he dressed!"

"I know you're kidding!" I say back.

"No! I'm not kidding Jericho makes people throw up, with how he dresses. You can't miss him" Hank adds.

I turn back to Jade, to see if she is done with the order and my card. As I look I see her grab my book and says "Neat old book!"

I yell out "XUAT XTA'RL NINDOL VOIRY RIN'OV!" (DON'T TOUCH THIS BOOK EVER!) as I yell that. I slap my hand down on it, to knock it flat to the floor with a thud out of her fingers.

I can see my sudden out burst has spooked her and with it most of the room is looking at me like I have gone crazy. As I pick up my book "Jade I am sorry to yell at you like that. But this book is kinda bad. It can't hurt you directly. But it can be used to hurt people. Most of all me." I put my credit card back in it and put it back in the ether. "Its my fault for not buying a wallet to keep that stuff in. I promise you. I will get one as soon as I can. To keep this from happening again. The only reason why I put that stuff in that book is. I can't ever lose to me its a safe place to keep stuff." I look up to the rest of the room. "Aaahh sorry guys about that."

"It was my fault too. I should not have messed with something that I don't know about. I know better. Its just since Class X tainted stuff does not bother me. I don't really see danger in some books being opened." Jade says to me.

"Really your immune to that stuff? Well me too, at least we have that in common. Cool!" I sang out to her.

Chou laughs "Well! now we know WHY! they both like Hello-kitty stuff!"

"What do you mean Chou?" asks Sara.

"They are already driven mad from Class X stuff. So Hello-kitty seems normal to them both now!" Chou laughs even harder. "Sara we all know deep down that one of your relatives invented Hello-kitty! To take over the world via the madness it causes."

Everyone busts up at that one.

Sara jests Chou "Even us GOO are not that crazy or insane to let lose Hello-kitty on the world. Who ever did is most evil!"

Jade giggles "I have got something for you to fix that wallet issue for you!" she gets up to walk to her room.

I look around the room "I guess Fey jumped up and ran out of the room the minute she heard me coming up the stairs?" I ask.

Chou says to me "Its kinda funny the minute she heard someone coming up the staircase and heard your voice. She was gone like a bullet! You two not getting along?"

"Kinda?" I say. As I stand up. Waiting for jade to come back.

Chou stands up "What do you mean by kinda?"

Sara walks over to Chou and puts her hand on her shoulder "Don't worry about it. It's kinda it's okay. Not kinda of going to be scraping at any second now."

Sara looks around the room then walks over to me and drapes herself on me "I told you she's a dark elf. Right? Inside this skull." She starts to tap the side of my skull and I look at her with one eye. "In there is a elf from when Queen Aunghadhail was around and the two of them didn't get along really, really, well. At all! Lets call moral freaking enemies in a way?"

Billie flipped herself over from floating upside down, while doing her class work and put her feet on the floor. Like she's perking up.

Sara asks them "Don't get all rambunctious, now people. They are, working it out. She already promised she will not pose any threat to Nikki. Just her and Aunghadhail's spirit have got a lot of talking to do! Considering from what little I have chiseled out of either one of them. It seems that the Queen Aunghadhail treated Rohanna and her fellow Drows with much vicious inclination. Or just plain not so kindly. Is the only put it."

Gwen is sitting there and put in "Yeah that's a easy way to put that, what happened first time they met." she half laughed in a uncomfortable way.

Chou asks again obviously not backing off "What do you mean....the first time they met?"

Billy asks "Yeah what's going on here?"

Sara pushes me back a little bit protectively. Trying to stand in their way "Guys? Now! No one got hurt."

I look around the room. I think 'Ahh crap are they going to get stupid?'

Sara in a calm voice "Listen everything is fine now. I'll tell Gwen to let the cat outta the bag. As she's going to do to about as fast as anybody else can. Gwen? Go ahead Please and everybody remain calm?"

Gwen says Okay? when Rohanna finished changing from what she was. To what she is now. She heard Aunghadhail's voice across the room. She jumped up out of the catatonic state, where she is in metal shock from changing. She popped on her armor and whipped out a sword. Blasted through one of Aunghadhail's shields, then put the sword up to her throat, to run her through like she didn't even exist. And! by Aunghadhail I mean Nikki!"

I can already see Billie is balling up a fist. Lancer is not looking happy.

Sara says to them "They are getting better now! They are talking to each other. Don't anybody jump to conclusions, that she's a threat. Because if she was honestly a threat? She's been in the building with her for what? Close to an hour now and she hasn't done anything!"

Chou snapped out "Maybe because she was scared, we would be able to stop her?"

Sara still very calm "Ahh no There is only one person in this room I guarantee you that Rohanna would have trouble hurting and that would probably be Billie. Then everybody else in this room would probably be a little challenging and she would get to Fey no matter what. So don't think that's what stopped her. ......So everyone calm down everything is good."

At that point Nikki opened up her door. She had obviously been listening. She walks out. She comes down the hallway towards us, with a school book in her hand.
She shouts "NO! fighting on my account! Me and her got an agreement and we're not fighting each other okay! Aunghadhail and her will figure out how to talk to each other eventually. So no one go jumping her, for nothing that happened."

Lancer looks around the room and barks out "Nothing happened? She was going to kill you and she got stopped by somebody for some little bitty reason?"

Fey says kind mad that no one is really listening to her and her stubborn streak is showing. "YES! and don't worry about it! This is between me and her and Aunghadhail! Now that's it and all of you stay out of it!"

Chou says "Well I'm not sure about that."

Billie adds in "Me neither! Us kimba people stick together!"

Sara peeps up "I'm part of the team to dammit! I said she's okay and your not going to listen to me? After all the crap we been through?"

Fey looks at them all "She's gotcha there and I'm saying she's okay! That's two votes versus the rest to you! We are the only ones that really matter! So what's the reason for all of you getting all riled up about!"

Fey is now at the rooms edge and Chou asks Nikki "So what does Aunghadhail have to say on this? As I want to hear what she has to say on this!"

Sara looks at Nikki "I don't think that would be good idea to have Aunghadhail's voice being heard right now!"

"Sara it's okay I can take it. If they need to hear her, I'll be right here." I muttered. Not too sure of myself.

Sara kinda shocked....just glares at me in the face "You're sure?"

I sigh "I'm sure."

As I say "I am sure" Nikki's demeanor changes to Aunghadhail's. Then Aunghadhail's regal voice comes out of Nikki "Rohanna and me have some have issues to discuss and that leaves the rest of you children out of it. We have many items to discuss. I have already figured out a way to do that within the next several days. So at this time everything is peaceful between us and please stay out of any tussles that we have. I don't need anyone getting hurt over things that I did in the past with her or to her. Is that understood!"

She's talking down to the group like they're little kids! She NOT asking! She's basically commanding! I can tell the difference. I am grinding my teeth thinking about it as she is saying it.

Chou says now sounding a bit sheepish "Okay Aunghadhail. We will go with what you have to say. Nikki said it, you said it and Sara said it....Fine.....If there's any problems don't hesitate to ask us."

Nikki takes back over. She asks me "Rohanna is okay for me to come in there? Are you calm enough for me to be in the same room?"

"Yes I've gotten a lot calmer since, I got out of the hole ground at ARC. I am feeling lots better at being out. Having all those walls closing in on me and Aunghadhail being around, was too the same time."

She walks in the room and sits on a couch and I go sit in a chair across the room. Sara looks at the tension still in the room "Well everybody? Should we ask Jade to bust out the tiddlywinks game!"

Jade walks in right then "I don't have a tiddlywinks game. What happened? Did I miss something?" she asks.

They all start up laughing at that.

I say laughing "The tension in here was so thick you could call it a steak at that point. I am seeing what you're doing girl. So since we're all talking lets go get some dinner!"

Jade walks over to me and hands me a black leather mans style billfold wallet. On it, is a Hello-kitty skull with pink bow. "I bought this a long time back. Its just too small for the stuff, I like to carry these days. Its yours if you want it!"

I take it from her "Jade! Thanks! its just right for me and exactly what I think I would have bought anyway....if I saw one! I slide it in my pocket

Sara gets up as "Well lets all walk outside and get dinner!"

I say "Okay let's go!" I get up and start to the door.

The rest of the room is getting there costs and stuff together Lancer says "Lets take the tunnels to crystal? like it's a twenty or fifteen out there and it's dark!"
I keep walking to the door. Rosalyn walks into the room and sees everyone getting ready to go.

"So are we going to eat?" Rosalyn asks me.

"YEP! lets go!" I say as we both walk to the door.

Chou says to us both "Hey you two don't you need a coat or stuff?"

Rosalyn laughs at Chou "Nope not anymore as long as Rohanna is with me!" and she walks out the door.

I look a the group getting stuff on "If you guys want to go outside and try something? To see how I do it! But you have to trust me?"

Sara says "I am game" and walks to the porch.

The rest of the group starts to follow me getting their stuff on.

"If you trust me. Leave all the coats and scarves and mittens behind." I tell them.

They all look at me like I'm crazy. "If you don't trust me. Then just go out there bundled the way you are. Or you can take these tunnels you talk about. If you trust me? Go outside with just your shirt on and your pants. As its all you will need or want!."

Rosalyn is standing out in the falling snow, in the middle of the path laughing at them all still trying to bundle up. All she has on is a t-shirt and her pants to ward off the cold.

Rosalyn giggling at them "SEE! I am already doing to it! I trusted her earlier today!" She is already walking towards Crystal Hall.

"Well if you guys don't want to come? I am going to go join Rosalyn." I start to walk off the porch.

They all mill about and Fey says "Try it guys, I think I know what she is doing."

They stop putting on stuff like I asked and toss it all back into the sunroom. I pull up the spell adjust it for a large group. Add a bunch of essence to get it just right and drop it on them.

"There ya go all done, try it!" I say and start to walk to Rosalyn.

Nikki says "Oh that's an interesting old spell....that one, Aunghadhail remembers that one. She has not taught me that one yet. But can you to show me that one later Rohanna?"

Gwen says "Same here!"

"Yes I can, anytime you want to!" I tell them.

Fey starts walking out there. She grabs Gwen off the porch and yanks her down to the snow. They start to roll around and play fight.

Nikki stops for a second to yell "COME ON GUYS!"..... then Aunghadhail speaks out. "Drow are naturally a little more in tune with nature, than the rest of us Elves and natures wrath does not affect them. Cold, wet, winter snow, nothing! They do not feel it! Your now standing in the middle of her little world. Consider it a gift that truly few get to see! GO on come out in the snow! see if it is cold or you get wet!" The Queen asks the kids. Then Nikki gets back to messing around.

Hank walks out "Hey the snow is not wet on my hand and I am not cold. The snow is not sticking to my shoes!" WHACK! Gwen hits him with a snowball!

"But it seems snowballs still hit!" Gwen yelps out!

"There ya go Welcome! to my little world! Just tell me if it wears off quick. Because I am not used to doing a whole bunch of people in one shot!" I say as I walk off.

I start to march off to catch up to Rosalyn. Sara scoots up trying to catch up to us. I catch up to Roslyn just as Sara starts to catch up to me. Rosalyn drapes an arm over my shoulder. Then pulls me close.

"Well it looks like you have chosen between me and Sara!" she beams at me.

Sara walks up on my other side and warps around me from there "NOT so quick honey! She has not made up her mind yet!"

Rosalyn leers a smile at Sara and then looks at me to ask me "Does she know how to do what I accidentally found out this afternoon?"

I shake my head 'I hate this' I think. "I don't know? No, she doesn't" I finally admit. 'Blasted compulsion to tell the truth!'

Sara asks in a flirtatious voice "Do tell! What did the great Rosalyn figure out? That Sara the lust daemon of hell has not figured out?"

Rosalyn asks me "Do you want to tell her? Or me tell her? Or should I just show her?"

I look at Rosalyn "I don't think showing her in public is such a good idea. Like I said it's is something you just don't do. It's a personal thing."

Sara Squeals "Personal thing? What did she do? Then Sara gets a kinda possessive...mad in tone at me "That she could figure out with your clothes on! Or did she........"

"NO she did not take my clothes off!" I yelp. "Sheesh possessive aren't we!" I leer at her.

Rosalyn Stops and leans over to Sara and starts to whisper in her ear. I can hear everything she says with my sensitive ears. YEP! its everything she tells her!

I start to mumble "Ahh man this is not good. Both of them knowing stuff."

Sara perks up "Nikki never told me that about them!"

I look at Sara "Nikki never told you that? and you two are suppose to be kinda of sisters?"

Sara shakes her head "Ohh no Nikki never told me that."

I say back "Maybe Nikki does not know? As she has not been an Elf all her life. I have the memories of one so? I KNOW! Maybe the Queen has not told Nikki all she should have by now. Maybe I should talk to them? On this."

We continue walking to Crystal Hall. with them two hanging off me giggling all the way. The rest of the group is snowball fighting all the way and playing around in the snow.

Sara leans over to Rosalyn "Maybe we outta just do this as a threesome and really do it right!"

Rosalyn says "Ohh I am for that! and once an awhile we switch who gets her as a single!"

I look at both of them as we walk "Why do I feel like a dog bone being fought over by two very large dogs?"

They say almost in unison "Because you WHERE being fought over by two large dogs! That are willing to share now!"

Sara's hanging one side of me and Rosalyn is on the other they are chatting back and forth to each other. I'm just watching the ping-pong balls of their speech going back and forth as we walk towards Crystal Hall. The rest of the group seems to be playing in the snow without all their heavy clothes and enjoying every second of it. As we get closer to Crystal Hall, more and more people are noticing that no one in our group is wearing any winter clothes at all. We are all not wearing gloves, yet throwing snowballs at each other plus. We don't even look like we are cold even a little bit. This is catching them as a strange thing. The group of us all walk into the Crystal Hall to divide up.

Our little threesome splits up at the food service lines. Sara goes to her own line, while Rosalyn and I go to the mainline. I watch Sara walk over to a far service line on the end of the kitchen.

"Why is she going to another line?" I ask Rosalyn as Sara walks away.

"She does not eat normal food. Don't ya know that?" Rosalyn tells me.

"Oh yeah that's right I forgot. I just think of her as a regular person. I keep on forgetting what she actually is" My thoughts drift again while I say it.

We move along the serving line Rosalyn stacks up her plate with meats and stuff. That meat smell is not even agreeing with the new 'me's' nose. But the old 'me's' brain just wants MEAT! I tell the old me to shut up and die already, basically.
I grab two big large plates and start heaping food on them and she stares at me then looks down to what I am piling on plates.

"Your an eater all right! Your almost eating as much as an internal Energizer! aren't ya!" She jests me.

"Ahh yep! gotta feed the beast." I pile more food on my plate "Got to be able to keep active" I sang out.

After I am done heaping stuff up. We both check out in the line and Rosalyn leads me up to the 3rd level. The third level defiantly seems to be a cool kids area I note. Rosalyn points out even more of the kid clicks to me. We sit down at a table that most of the Poe group is already seated at. Rosalyn sits with me at one end and way......down at the other end the group sits Fey to keep the madness down between us is my guess. Sara finally comes up to sit with us with two cages in tow. One has a medium dog in it the other a whole bunch of hamsters.

Sara opens the cage with the dog. Her hand slides in and "poof" its blue dust. I see Fey cringe and think something is really amiss and I am not feeling it. I think I would notice something long before her?

"Fey is something wrong that I am not seeing?" I ask her down the table.

She shoots a nasty look at me from there. "Your intune with nature and you did not feel her kill that dog!" she says getting more upset as she says it.

"Yes of course I felt it die. Its normal for things to die each day. So I don't pay it attention." I say back.

"But she killed it!" She says kinda upset.

"Yes she did. So does everyone sitting at this very table KILL to survive! Maybe you feel it more than you should. But I tune it out. Death is a daily thing to me now. If you need help in masking out.....death, I might be able to help you?" I ask her.

No I don't need that kind of help thank you!" She shot back at me mad!

"uma lle quena Elvin? ume Aunghadhail teach lle ta?"
(do you speak Elvin? did Aunghadhail teach you it?) I ask.

"re ume. ikotane mankoi uma lle ask? vee' ta il- proper a' talk ve' sina yassen others pelu."
(She did. So why do you ask? As it is not proper to talk like this with others around.) she shoots back.

" mankoi naa lle mad ie' amin? amin uma il- rangwa ta."
(Why are you mad at me? I do not understand it) I ask.

" amin naa il- mad ie' lle. ta nae i' huan gurtha tanya amin naa feelien mad ie'."
(I am not mad at you. It was the dogs death that I am feeling mad at.) she says back a little hot.

"lle il- tellien amin iluve. ikotane amin will stop"
(Your not telling me everything. So I will stop.) I say back and start back to eating again.

"manka lle must sinta mani naa botherien amin. gurtha uma il- seem a' bother lle. i' n'at night lle talked en' ta a' gwen ve' ta nae nothien ar' amin oste lle. am' sinome lle auta au' ve' ta nothien. sina coiasira amin nowa Aunghadhail naa right about lle ar' gurtha beien too easy en' y' nat' ten' lle."
(If you must know what is bothering me. death does not seem to bother you. The other night you talked of it to Gwen, like it was nothing and I defended you. Yet here you go again like its nothing. This time I think Aunghadhail is right about you and death being too easy of a thing for you.) NOW she was really mad at me!

I just sat there thinking for a very long time. Going over what she just said to me.

" lle ask manka amin ve' gurtha? uma amin uma. amin crave ta. Amin merna ta. amin nowa ta fun! Mankoi? ten' ron karne amin tanya men. twisted amin sina men. karne amin mind nowa ta y' quel nat'. i' ere' nat' amin uma il- ve' seeien gurtha naa Tel'Quessir ar' sara sinome. mankoi sara suddenly Amin caela n'uma clue? lle i' yeste' edhel Amin caela oio merne a' Ndengina ! amin sha ume ta! ikotane ask Aunghadhail mankoi ron ume sina a' amin. "-- I slam the table hard enough for the dishes to jump with my fist --- " amin naa ikotane sick inside en' seeien gurtha tuulo' i' past amin. amin really estela sina coiasira. ta uma il- Khila amin vee' amin merna cael- fun sina coiasira e' life ar' y' nosse! ikotane faarea en' sina! change i' subject!"

(You ask if I like death? Yes I do. I crave it. I want it. I think its fun! WHY? Because they made me that way. Twisted me this way. Made my mind think its a good thing. The only thing I do not like seeing die, is Elves and Sara here. Why Sara suddenly I have no clue? Your the first elf I have ever wanted to kill! I almost did it! So, ask Aunghadhail WHY they did this to me."....I slam the table hard enough for the dishes to jump with my fist..."I am so sick inside of seeing death from the past part me. I really hope this time, this reincarnation of me. It does not follow me as I want to have fun this time in life and a family! So enough of this! Change the subject!)

Everyone is looking at me. Then to her for what we just said. Sara leans over the table to hold my free hand to calm me, as I go back eating. Fey is looking off into space, like her and Aunghadhail are arguing in their mind.

We all sit there for several minutes in silence and I start back to taking note who is walking around and who was chitchatting around us all. The rest of the group starts back up again on chitchatting across the table after deciding Fey's and my argument was over. I listen in to Sara and Rosalyn talk, then Jade once in a while interrupts my evening with the stuff that she wants to order for me. She taps up stuff on her laptop and shows me even more fashions to buy. She's working on quite a list of more stuff for me.

"Jade I think we will stick with that first-order okay? Just a bunch of pairs of pants and shorts and everything else will workout. Then we will go from there. We gotta see what's going work out for me....okay? Jade?" I tell her.

"Okay I'll just put all the stuff in a file for later and make sure it's in your size. We will go from there sometime later on." she adds.

"Okay soon as everything mellows out. I settle in and see what I really like or what I don't like. But so far I really like that Gothic hello Kitty look." I smile at her "The logo is opposite of what I look like and I love it!" I sang.

Every time I say that 'I like Hello-kitty'. Sara shakes her head back and forth. Nikki still kind of leery of me and she sits at the farther end of the table says nothing much more to me. I'm just kinda mellowing out now. Knowing that Nikki is not a threat herself. My angers only really aimed at Aunghadhail at this point and hopefully me and her can talk singly without any interference with Nikki at all.

Across the table Rosalyn and Sara are sitting. I think they planned that sitting so they could chat to each other without me overhearing them. Rosalyn is whispering in Sara's ear and I can't make it out half the time. With all the other noise in the room. I am trying my best to figure out what she is saying. Sara nods really quick and she gets up then reaches across the table it being just narrow enough to do so. Sara reaches both of her arms toward my head.

"What are you doing Sara?" I ask, as I stop shoveling food in my mouth as fast as I can. Like I do every time I eat.

"I just want to see something" she says in that seductive tone of her's.

I go to pull back for second. 'No' I think to myself.....I stop moving back....I trust her.

"What do you want to see?" I ask and lean forward to help her.

She brushes the hair off both my ears. I am thinking she is just trying to see what looks good on me for hair style. Then just like Rosalyn figured out, She grabs on both ears at the right spot and right pressure. I just immediately let out. The only thing that could be described as a sexual moan and start breathing deeply. Then I drop my fork to the plate, then I slump back and I'm gasping for air.

I breath heavily out "Sara could you not do that in public please? I really don't want everybody to figure that out." I gasp "Besides its real impolite to do that in public!" I start to leer at Rosalyn as I say it. She gives me a cute 'who me?' smile.

Sara sits back down giggling like mad. "Rosalyn your right it does work! You can tell! Her eyes changed color right away! COOL!" Sara is now grinning evilly at me.

Gwen is looking at me "Figure what out? What the heck was that coming out of you?!"

Sara gets up walks down the row to where Gwen is sitting and leans over to Gwen then whispers in her ear.

Gwen looks at Sara all surprised "NO! really?! No one told me that one!"

Gwen looks over to Nikki really quick and just squeals out "You did not tell me about that! The ear bit!"

Nikki says back to her rather calm "What ear bit? I don't have any idea what you're talking about?"

Gwen gets up then circles around the table right quick and whispers in Nikki's ear. Nikki looks all shocked. Then looks back at Gwen.

"Aunghadhail never mentioned anything like that to me. I have no idea what you're talking about?"

I lean down to the tables center to look down the row of people "Aunghadhail never mentioned that to you? She left you in the dark about, that nature of an elf? Really? At your age?(my voice pitches up in surprise) I'm very surprised at that!" I say to Nikki.

Then I see Aunghadhail take control of Nikki, as her bearing changes. I could hear her voice changed to that royal timber that Aunghadhail only has. I keep my feet nailed to the floor and grab on to my knife and fork in my hands. My anger grows steadily at hearing it but, I am holding it back in check.

Aunghadhail states! "I was going to teach Nikki that aspect of herself later on. I did not think it was proper at this point of her age. I guess now that.....the literal cats out of the bag....I will have to show her and tell her everything."

I lean across the table again to look down there "It would be a pretty good idea that tell someone that as soon as possible. Hate for someone to figure that out by accident later on or never at all and have her left out on that part of life."

Nikki comes back to us "What are you two talking about?"

"Nikki? If Aunghadhail does not tell you in the next two or three days exactly what I'm talking about. I will tell you myself. Please just come to my room in three days and tell me that she's told you everything and I'll verify it. Okay? You need to know more stuff about yourself. The same goes go you Gwen if you want me to tell you?... I will." I tell them.

Chou looks around at us, Totally not getting it at all.

Then Hank asks "Are you talking about some kind of Elvin birds and the bees kind of stuff?"

If I could blush I would! I meekly lower my head "Yes that's what we're talking about."

Hanks asks me "Well! let me in on this!"

I sternly look at him across the table "Do you have an Elvin girlfriend?"

Hanks shakes his head "No."

"Do you have an Elvin boyfriend?"

"No" Hank says to me.

"Then you don't need to know anything. Now do you?"

Hank ponders that info and question "I guess you're right. Why would I need to know that?"

Sara is still looking at me giggling and so is Rosalyn. I put down my fork and then I get up to lean across the table. I put my hands under Sara's chin like I want to kiss her. I quickly slide my hands up to her ears and I do the same thing she just did to me! Really quick! She falls back moaning.

"So I did get a little bit of something there that blood exchange with Nikki there. It does not look like you reacted quite as much as I do. But it certainly seems to be something there!" I start laughing at her.

Sara looks very cross at me. Then looks down at Nikki "Hey! I did not know I was going to get that too!" she bellows "Out of you! This is not a fair trade!"

I look at Sara's face, its so embarrassed in its look. I start busting up laughing "A lust demon worried about getting an extra "spot" on her and she's getting mad about it? really? that's kind of interesting?"

Rosalyn is laughing at Sara "Yahh your kinda acting like a prude there, for a split second!"

The group goes back to chatting it up. But I am still stewing about Aunghadhail not telling Nikki stuff she should know. What else did she not tell her? She for sure! do not say anything about me or the Drow. Was it too embarrassing or did she hope we where all DEAD! Finally my brain had enough.

"Ji ka dos xunus naut tesso Nikki nindel jahk klez. Vel'bol dkinoss xunus dos sevir doeb Aunghadhail?"
(So if you did not tell Nikki that simple thing. What else did you leave out Aunghadhail?) I ask her in Drow to keep others out, along with Nikki this time.

"Usstan xunus naut tesso ilta rilbol quin. Lu'vel'bol Usstan xun tesso ilta zhah naut dos issue!"
("I did not tell her everything yet. What I do tell her is not your issue!") she says back none too happy.

"Mayoe Usstan zhal'la fridj itami jorosin Nikki vel'bol dos inbal xor inbal naut della ilta? P'wal Usstan satiir dos zet doeb jal l'myar parts. SAPH UNS'AA!"
(Maybe I should just start asking Nikki what you have or have not told her? Because I feel you left out all the bad parts. LIKE ME!") I nearly shout back at her.

"Xun naut xun nindel! Usstan orn tesso ilta 'zil il ssrig'luin ulu zhaun."
("Do not do that! I will tell her as she needs to know it.") She tells me.

"Lu'oh bauth dos fridj plynnil harl vel'bol dos inbal alus phor xuil ilta lu'Usstan quanth wun l'myar parts dos zet doeb. P'wal dos zet uns'aa doeb lu'ol nearly aslu dos tu'elggen!"
("How about you just write down what you have gone over with her and I fill in the bad parts you left out. Because you left me out and it nearly got you both killed!") I ask her.

She just sits there.

Gwen asks Nikki "What are you two saying?"

Nikki with a very confused look on her face. "I don't know I think they are talking in Drow again to leave me out?" Nikki stops for a second "I just asked Aung to stop, she says its up to you, Rohanna to stop?"

"Xunus dos sevir ussta valyrin doeb eade dos ssiggrin udos vel'klar elghinyrr? Xor xunus dos kestal udos vel'klar jal elghinyrr? Usstan talinth Usstan orn fridj itami aluin phor Eldanar dalzhind xuil Nikki ulu tlu zhaunus il cas l'gordo statha."
("Did you leave my kind out because you thought we where dead? Or did you hope we were all dead? I think I will just start going over royal history with Nikki to be sure she gets the whole story.") I say.

"Dos shlu'ta naut zhaun jal d'vel'bol alus pholor 'bgualli! Ji ol zhah phor ulu uns'aa ulu tech nindol dalzhind ditronw. Ji h'uena 'sohna zexen'uma doeb d'nindol."
("You can not know all of what went on correctly! So it is up to me to teach this history right. So once again stay out of this.") Now Aunghadhail is commanding me. I can tell when she changed in tone to me.

"Dos xuat tesso uns'aa vel'bol xor naut vel'bol ulu xun! Dosst nau velendev Valsharess xor dro! Ji dosst draeval d'quarth phor byrren tois xuil dos! Hel'vers Usstan inbal nindol ulu jous ilta l'aster!"
("You don't tell me what or not what to do! Your no longer Queen or alive! So your time of command over others died with you! Besides I have this to show her the truth!") I stand up. I pull out a VERY large book out of the ether and show her the cover before I toss it on the table.

She stands up to read the cover "Vel'klar xunus dos inbau nindel!"
("Where did you get that!") She asks. Shocked I even have it.

Sara looks at the book on the table in front of her. "Humm....The history of The Paramount Queen of the West....etcetera Aunghadhail. With no dates. Written in Dragon tongue no less! Interesting book! You have there Rohanna and it looks like Aunghadhail does not like it!"

"Vel'klar xunus Usstan inbau ol? Usstan stole ol vel'drav Usstan....xsa h'ros telanth ol....Dos lu'nindel de'rendan quarth voiry. Dosst tlu xsa'us dalninil skrel pholor udossa!".
("Where did I get it? I stole it when I....damn can't say it...You and that infernal command book. Your be damned sister put on us!") I spat at her.

She just stands there. Nikki's personality comes back. "What is that about!"

"Ask Aunghadhail" I say.

Nikki looks to Sara "What is that book? Is what you said, what really is in it...Sara?"

Sara says "Yes" flatly, back to her.

"Please translate it for me?" She pleads.

I shake my head no to Sara. Sara says to Nikki softly "No I can not. Rohanna said no. My guess is this is still between those two for now. Till they settle this I am bound not to interfere."

"Usstan tlun feithin Aunghadhail xor xuat dos talinth Usstan rytho'le biu an'yui?"
("I am waiting Aunghadhail or don't you think I deserve an answer?")

I wait in silence. Then look at Nikki

"I am not holding her back from this." Nikki says to me. "Aung can answer you when she wants to."

"Usstan zhaun ele dosst naut haska ulu uns'aa. Dos xuat bel'lain uns'aa 'zil jalbyr Sidhe a jal. XUN DOS! Udos vel'klar jal fridj saroless xor n'nehr taga rothen ulu dos royals. Folbol ulu tlu aturr t'yin tossed tarthe. Vel'drav dos vel'klar xunor kl'aein udossa. Jhal nau udos dro'us lu'l'thalack alus pholor. Dos neitar bel'lain udossa 'zil Sidhe nindel uriu ulu ele Usstan zhahus curezz ji badly a JAL dosst commanders. Tangis'dos Usstan saved thousands d'byr Sidhe. Nind neitar telanthus bel'la dos xor belbaus uns'aa bel'lain. Er'griff 10 xor ji rin'ov xo'aus, phor 40,000 drasven!.....TESSO UNS'AA! XUN DOS BEL'LAIN UNS'AA XOR NAUT 'ZIL JALBYR SIDHE!....TELANTH OL NIN XSA DOS! XOR XUN Usstan INBAL ULU DOER HARL GAER ULU INBAU USSTA AN'YUI!"
("I know why your not talking to me. You don't respect me as another Sidhe at all. DO YOU! We were, all just weapons. Or less than slaves to you royals. Something to be used then tossed away. When you were done using us. But no we lived and the war went on. You never respected us as Sidhe that has to be why I was treated so badly by ALL your commanders. Even thou I saved thousands of other Sidhe. They never said thank you or gave me respect. Only 10 or so ever tried, over 40,000 years!.....TELL ME! DO YOU RESPECT ME OR NOT AS ANOTHER SIDHE!....SAY IT NOW DAMN YOU! OR DO I HAVE TO COME DOWN THERE TO GET MY ANSWER!").....I wept out.

I am truly upset as, I now think I found out why I suffered so. My mind finally being free and my will, my own NOW. I am now just starting to see what and why things happened they way they long ago. I push my chair back. I start to turn to go down there. As she has not said anything. So I am going to get MY ANSWER!

Sara gets up. She can see that I am now totally riled up and very near acting badly. She comes over to my table side near as fast as she can, to sit me down and calm me. Rosalyn sees this too and joins her on the other side of me.

Rosalyn Does not understand what was said, but gets the meaning none the less.

"So Aung I think Rohanna here is asking for you to say something is my bet and it has to be important to her. So I think she deserves a reply!" she spits out.

Sara is holding me close "Aung she said Sidhe no less than three times. That alone tells me its important, so talk!"

"Usstan xun bel'lain dos 'zil natha Cwyr Sidhe. Usstan shlu'ta naut thir'ku l'draeval p'los. Jhal ori'gato naut udossa itami doeb xuil ol ruining dos dal ghil pholor doeb. Qualla lest udossa itami anew?"
("I do respect you as a fellow Sidhe. I can not change the past. But let us not start out with it ruining you from here on out. Please let us start anew?") she sounded more humble this time.

But in my mind the damage was done and the question is still not answered to my satisfaction.

"Ji t'yin tesso uns'aa xor swariy ulu dosst seke kaas pholor jala xor aglust d'nindol. 'zil dosst an'yui uriu zet uns'aa frnskii mzild. Xunus dos bel'lain udossa Ilythiiri t'yin a jal 'zil Cwyr Sidhe RIN'OV? Swariy ulu nindel qualla. T'yin Swariy pholor dosst seke kaas ulu uns'aa nindel dos nin bel'lain uns'aa natha Cwyr Sidhe!"
("So then tell me or swear to your true name on any or part of this. As your answer has left me wanting more. Did you respect us Drow then at all as fellow Sidhe EVER? Swear to that please. Then Swear on your true name to me that you now respect me a fellow Sidhe!")

She keeps standing. Pushes her chair back to turn, Then starts to walk over to me.

Sara snaps a angry gaze at Fey then says rather quickly "I don't think that is a good idea right now! To come over here! Aung!" Sara is holding on to my arm as hard as she can, in fear for me.

I just sit there as I am spent mentally and don't care anymore. But she is really taking a chance on me being able to keep calm.

"Usstan swariy pholor ussta seke kaas ulu dos Rohanna nindel Usstan Aunghadhail bel'lain dos 'zil natha Cwyr Sidhe lu'inbal ji yol l'tangi dos reemerged ulu udossa jal. Wun l'draeval p'los xunus Usstan bel'lain jala Ilythiiri saph dos? Nau Usstan xunus naut. Dos ph''bgualyiz ussta dalninin lu'Usstan ssiggrin d'dos jal fridj natha saroless lu'udos vel'klar jal xusst. Ka udos inbalus fridj xunor ji l'malar xal inbal alus udossta i'dol. Ol zhahus uss d'mzil myar detholir's. Usstan orn naut joros whol nelgetha pholor nindol rin'ov 'zil Usstan xuat rytho'le ol. Udos orn telanth mzild pholor nindol ulnin Usstan iglata."

("I swear on my true name to you Rohanna that I Aunghadhail respect you as a fellow Sidhe and have so since the day you reemerged to us all. In the past did I respect any Drow like you? No I did not. You are correct my sisters and I thought of you all just a weapons and we where all wrong. If we had just done so, the fight might have gone our way. It was one of many bad decisions. I will not ask for forgiveness on this ever as I don't deserve it. We will talk more on this soon I promise.")

Aunghadhail walks down to me while saying all this. Somehow I remain calm. It must have been Sara and Rosalyn on my sides that "loaned" me that calmness somehow.
Aunghadhail now stood near over me. Yet unlike before when she was this close and talking. I was calm. It was not her glamour doing it. I stood up and Sara held onto me for dear life thinking I was going to hurt Nikki/Aung. I looked in Aunghadhail's face, her eyes, for the what seemed the longest time and saw she was talking the truth about it all. The pure hate that had filled me toward her had its first break. I warped my arms around her and hugged her close like a family member.

"We will talk later Aunghadhail as we are no where near done you and I with this. This hug is for Nikki for being brave enough to walk down here. So Nikki you in there?" I ask.

Nikki comes out "Yes I am of course" I can feel her shake a bit in fear. As I bet she is still not sure of me.

"Well....Let this be the first of many better days to come between you and I. Aunghadhail and me still have a lot to talk about, but you and me are friends." I let her go, then sit back down. "We can talk later after she and I talk....Okay?"

Nikki nods and walks back to her seat to talk to Gwen.

As we're sitting there for a couple hours eating and chatting. The groups starts finishing up and gets ready to leave. Just before we walk outside.

I ask them all "Everybody sure that you're not feeling cold or anything right? No one needs that spell redone? As I do not want any of you freezing to death on the way back out to Poe?"

I see the group checks outside to see if they are protected and they all in turn shake their heads 'no they don't need more spell time from me'. So the group of us starts walking back to Poe. Walking? more like snowball fighting!
The group is just going crazy with the fight. Then for some reason Fey and Gwen gang up on me! They get me the first time as my guard is really down, Then they find that I am near impossible to hit, as I can see anything they toss coming. That's when I retaliate!

I teleport out far. Get a few snowballs made, drop them in ether storage and go on the hunt. I pop in and nail both then fade away.

Gwen yells at me "No powers!"

"Ok I will play by your rules. How about skills then?" I ask. As I fade into the shadows of the night.

Gwen yelps "NO just play!"

"Fine!" I say, as I toss three more at her!

I then turn to nailing Fey back some and she gets me once as I turn around to look for Gwen. I look for her and All I see is Sara? near me. As I look at Sara then I notice its not her as I catch the wind off her and watch her walk. So I nail her! Now Gwen's illusion fades as I just busted it!

"How did you know!" she snarled at me.

"You smell like a ELF girl! Besides Sara walks much more sexy than you do!" I yell at her as I go about packing more ammo.

The group just busts up when I pointed out that Gwen's walk is not near as sexy as Sara's. Then I get popped hard by a ball to the face. I look about and see Sara running off like a bullet at high speed.

"Not so fast Lover!" I yell at her retreating back. I get a snowball out and toss it the two hundred yards at her back. It nails the back of her head dead center. It messes up her stride and balance so badly, she tumbles to a stop.

Hank sees that hit "WOW! you nailed her! I bet you would be great with a rifle!"

"No way would I use a gun, as they are too limiting. I am an archer and its my best skill of all I have. That hit was nothing. I will show ya someday what a real far target hit looks like." I yelp at him.

Sara gets back up and is not exactly saying lady like stuff at me. All I can do is laugh at her like mad. I bow to her "Thanks honey I do try to please!"

I go back to stalking the group again. I try to hit each one. But I find Chou is really good at dodging me. Hank just takes the hits. Jade is teamed with Billie and is messing up most of us, with their just plain weird tactics. The fight is dieing down as the group fights it way to Poe.

A couple of people pass the group of us acting like total goofs! They look at us all like we're crazy or something for being out in the cold dressed like this is my guess. We all walk into the building as a very loud group. Mrs. Horton is looking at us all walk-in minus our winter coats and stuff shaking her head.

Horton says to us all, as she is standing in the entryway "Your all outside in weather like this and as cold as it is? Why are not any of you wearing anything? Have y'all gotten nuts or something?" she asks.

I stop in front of her as the rest of group walks in "It's no problem. I let them all barrow one of my spells. So now they don't feel any of the weather affects just like I do!" I walk off catching up with the rest.

"Well good luck with that and you know its almost getting time for them to turn off the lights in a couple hours. So don't spend time staying up much more. These kids still have classes to go to tomorrow!" She yells at me as I walk away.

Everybody starts dividing back up to go to their rooms They all stop to say in a group mostly, that they will hang out some more tomorrow with me and will show me around to more of the people in the building. I say goodnight to all in turn.

Sara walks down me down to my room and Rosalyn gets the hint that it's not her turn at this point and walks up to her room. Sara stops at my room door and walks in with me then closes the door. She gives me another bear hug and leans back from the hug.

Sara asks me "What did you and Fey talk about? If I can ask?"

"We kind of started out with your eating and how it bugs her? But I really think it just lead from my not seeing or caring of death around me. That came from when I talked to Gwen that first night we all ate in the break room together. About her needing more training and that I will give her some. Aunghadhail lead Nikki to some what believe. I don't care about death at all. So, I corrected her. I told her that I do feel it. But that THEY made me not care anymore about it and made me to see all death as a good thing. As long as its not elves dieing that is." I stop in thought and she waits for me to come back to her.

"Then I got to thinking about that. I suddenly realized sitting at the table that. Aunghadhail might not be telling Nikki everything so I pressed her and upped the ante with that book. Then since she did not talk to me the way I think she would or should. I realized that her and the rest of the royals might not have ever saw us changed Drow as fellow elves. So I asked." I then started to cry some.

She hugs me for a minute as I calm down. "She told me that back then. They all did not think of us as fellow ELVES! and only as weapons. Just like I told ya! But "NOW" she swears that she respects me as a fellow Sidhe? I think she is only doing it because with so few Sidhe around, she has no choice. Besides she needs me. I can see it coming, I feel something out there....waiting." I stop and think about "what" I feel again. But now its gone again. It comes and goes like the wind.

"Thanks Sara, if you and Rosalyn had not been at my side. When she walked down to me and said that part about me being just a weapon. I might have lost it and killed her for it. Nikki or not. But I am fine now because, I now see Nikki as someone else and I have to just talk all this out with that DEAD Queen. Please do not confront her about what I told you just now. As its not a good thing to get involved right now." She just happily nods to me.

"Well I think for the first night I will leave you alone. Because this is the first true night you've been alone all by yourself. I think you need some 'me' time! Without anybody looking at you." She just smiles to me.

I think about what she said. "I'm not sure if I want to be alone, really?"

She looks at me questioningly "What do you mean? You don't want to be alone?"

"Really....if you think about it. I really haven't been alone except for as a human for a VERY long time. That Drow part, that's now more of my personality than anything at this point, Sara."

"No. I think you need some alone time. So I am going to go to my room and you do whatever you do tonight. You go out, you stay in the room, meditate, go out and exercise, whatever you want to do? Just do it and then maybe tomorrow me and you will have some time together? Or we can be in my room for most of the night and we will chat Okay?" her look to me is just saying....please you need this to me.

"That sounds fine" I say.

She gives me another kiss on the cheek and she saunters out the door then waves at me and says "Goodnight, see you tomorrow morning or whenever?"

"Yes definitely!" I say happily.

She closes my door and I am standing there my room for the first time. Truly alone. I know that no one spying on me! Just to make sure this is my room now! I throw a ward up around my room. I start pasting to make sure it's more permanent. Later on I will etch something in one of the walls and make sure it stays.

I go over to my backpack and layout some of my stuff on the other bed. I start undressing and laying out those clothes to be washed tomorrow. I am pretty much down to just the panties and the Bra. I take off the bra finally. I ease out of that.

"That feels better" I say as I stretch out and relax.

I pick up that silly nightie that Donna Bought. I put it on and matches the underwear.

"Well this is how girls try to look sexy and I gotta figure out how I should look sexy as this is me from now on!" I look at the mirror "None of my girlfriend's ever wore this, but it does look nice!" I say.

I am looking at myself in the mirror on the doors back. I start exploring what is there. As this is the first time I have really been by myself. I brush my breasts and nipples. Thus bringing my nipples to a feeling that I've never had before as a guy. As they get hard and stand up. I start to breathe more heavy. I really start to get aroused to myself.

Just as I start getting into myself. I feel this Thump against my head. I stop for second, startled at it! Its in my mind and I can't place it. I don't know what this feeling is? Something is calling to me from outside far-off, behind Poe in the forest. Its pulling on me and I've never felt anything pull me this strong. Then it hits me again and again and again. The pull is becoming more like a demand to come. I start giving into it.

I don't even bother to put on any other clothes to cover up. I just walk out my door and down the hallway. I pass by Ms. Horton's room. As I walk past her door even thou I am very, quiet she obviously has some magic wards on the building. That she uses to watch over us students to make sure we're okay.
One of those wards must have alerted her because as I walk past. Her door opens up.

"Rohanna where are you going?" She asks me confused that I am up and about dressed like this.

I just walk right past her. Not even caring if she is there at all. She grabs on to my shoulder for second. I just dodge out of the way of her move and keep walking out the door.

"Rohanna STOP! I say!" she yells at me.

I am just not hearing her. I'm going to where I am be pulled to and nothing is stopping me this point. I walk up to the main door and open it up to walk out on the porch of the building. Then finally I am outside walking down the path there. Mrs. Horton follows up quickly behind me.

"Rohanna? where are you going?" she pleads to me, as I walk off into the night.

Its definitely very cold outside and snowing. I start to turn on the corner of the building going towards the forest. I am of off the concrete paths now and my bare feet crunch in the snow as I go.

Mrs. Horton yells at my back as I walk off "Where are you going?"

She's not following me instead. She immediately runs back in the building to her room and grabs her phone to dial up the security number. It rings through.

The security officer who answers "Mrs. Horton? What can I do for you tonight?"

A bit more than flustered Mrs. Horton says to him "A student just walked out here in a trance and she's walking towards the back of building towards the forest. She wasn't responsive. She just walked right on past me, as I tried to talk to her. She's got practically nothing on, in the middle of a blizzard here. I definitely have some ideas that she's not good.....something is wrong to say the least!"

The security officer asks her calmly "Okay Mrs. Horton which direction did it look like she was going again?"

"She looks like she was walking towards the Grove area south of here.That red section no one is suppose to go into" She tells him.

"What's the students name and description?" he asks while he is typing stuff off on the main computer to send off to the other guards.

"The student is a new one, just today Rohanna Leigh. A rather tall Dark Elf, With all white eyes and hair." she responded back to him.

"Okay I will get officers over there immediately! There's one west of that section on patrol. That will intercept her" he reassured her.

"Just remember to tell them that, she's out of sorts and she's not responsive!" She adds.

"Will do! I will get back with you soon as anything happens" he hangs up the phone.

I am walking towards the forest. The pull is defiantly stronger to the south. I keep walking that direction just letting it guide me. I remember that I was told that this area of the forest was off limits, But I know from that small time I connected with the area via that tree, that its safe for me to go there and I had planed on going there anyway soon.

Samantha Everheart is walking the pathway from Hawthorne going toward Poe when her HIVE internal networked nano computer picks up a radio call from the main office to her.

"Sam? there's a student name of Rohanna Leigh. Just in school today. Walking out of Poe heading south towards your area. She seems to be out of sorts and not responsive. She seems to be in some kind of trance. She's walking towards The Grove area. Described as a tall dark elf wearing very little clothing. But that's all we have at this point.....Sam."

Sam asks the officer "Wearing very little in this storm? What is she crazy?"

He replies back "Mrs. Horton at Poe reported to me. That she's in a trance non-responsive and wouldn't stop for commands. Then walked right out of the building, like there's something guiding her and that she had no control over."

"Okay I'll be on the lookout for her." Sam responds back.

Sam gets her HIVE to pull up the files on the girl out here, she is now looking for. She gets the main files from the school and a ton of extra files from ARC that had her in for testing before and after her change. It only takes seconds for her to read the mountain of data on her about her change, the box, and all the notes from the team that worked on her.

ARC file
Rohanna Leigh -previous name unknown
One day change from human male aprox age 30 to Sidhe Female Dark Elf (Drow) age 15
Height 6 foot All White eyes. White hair.
ARC pre MID tests unconfirmed
Exemplar 4 lift limit 2000lbs mental/physical package.
Wiz (Fae Class) untested/unknown - theory reported as high.
WARPER L-teleporter-6 effect B-both -no limits found on range or recharge time.
Regen 5
ESP 1 danger sense
Speeder 1

Has access to unknown amounts and types of magically enhanced weapons. Swords, daggers, bows.

Has access to unknown amounts and types of magically enhanced Body Armors.

Noted by Fey-Aunghadhail avatar. Rohanna is reported to have EXTREME levels of combat experience. Should be considered armed at all times and lethal.

Note: psych evaluation
Probable PTSD from EXTREME combat experience. PTSD flashback episodes noted. Suicidal tendencies noted, with one attempt. Self destructive tendencies.

Note: possible Rager....triggers noted: Insults to personal honor....ex calling her a liar.

Sam continues to read on in the notes and sees the video of the guard incident in her room and all her testing so far.

'Sheesh all that in one kid! Woof! Two or three of those lines on her pre-MID are bad enough in one kid, but all that! Together? I sure hope she does not get out of hand.' Sam thinks to herself as she runs to intercept the kid.

I am walking out towards the forest area and I remember someone telling me this is the path I should not be on, that the Grove is down here. It being an older part of the forest and something that I should be going to talk to as it is. The Grove is what seems to be was pulling me. I walk several hundred of yards past Poe to see a small blonde girl in front of me wearing a parka and she walks up to me.

The girl says to me "I'm Whateley security you need to stop."

I just walk past her totally ignoring her presence or any words she says to me. She jumps into my path. Then grabs onto my arm and I can not pull free of her grasp on my arm, she's obviously not a regular a human and I look at her with my
enhanced vision, hearing and smell. I look at her quizzically and tilt my head, Not understanding what I'm seeing. It said it was a security guard and its in a security uniform.....But it's a robot?

I think 'What is a robot, telling a human what to do?'

I continue to look at It, I just drone out coldly "Your a robot. You can't tell a human or an elf what to do. Your a machine?"

The robot before me says "No I'm not. I am a security guard with the school" she sounds mad at me now.

I ponder about that for a second. I say to the robot "That makes no sense to me. Why would they make a robot, a security guard at this school and in charge of children? That makes no sense to me?" I try to pull away again, but her grasp is very strong.

It sounds even more mad at me now, this robot "I'm not a robot!"

I peer at "it or her" some more "NO! your robot. There is only about maybe ten pounds of meat, actually in that frame.....that I can tell? Your robot. As far as I know I don't listen to robots. I don't let my toaster tell me what to do."

I try to pull away again, but her grip is strong. It's a lot stronger than a person should have. I look at her hand on my arm.

I keep staring at her. I am thinking 'What should I do?' The first thing that pops into my mind is the rulebook here 'That if I hurt a security officer, its the quickest way to get expelled from the school OR! worse.'

I am still near nose to nose with her "Let go of me robot. I need to go where I need to go!"

She almost yells at me "Your going into one of the forbidden zones for all students!"

"I don't care. That's the forest out there. I'm an elf, it's where I need to be. Let go of me! That's where I'm going" I whine out.

She yells now with a more forceful tone "NO! you're not. For your safety I gotta keep you here."

"Please let go of me? I have got to go?" I plead.

She really starts to tug on my arm to move me. To pull me back from the edge of the Grove.

"I'm sorry have to do this. But I know you resemble a security person, you're still robot in my mind. I have got to go!" I say firmly.

Then I teleport about two feet away from her. Thus losing her grip on me. I start walking down an obvious trail that opened up to me in the bushes, the undergrowth and everything....inviting me in deeper.

She runs up to me and grabs me again on the arm and tugs me back. I give her a good pull forward and she stumbles forward to near falling.

She is now pleading with me. I hear just a bit fear in her voice "You can't go in there it's dangerous in there!"

I turn back towards her and look over my shoulder "Maybe its for you robot. But I am fine. It's perfectly safe for me in there." I smile at her.

I teleport a couple feet away. As I am walking on the path. She's still trying to catch up with me. The path is sealing up behind me, trying to bar her passage in. I'm starting to feel the protectiveness of the forest surrounded me and pushing her back. The girl trips and falls at near every step she takes, the plants seem to come alive to move into her way and seem to protect me. Finally she certainly got the clue, that the Grove is definitely wanting me in there and is determined to keeping her out. She stops at the edge. Before she gets lost, herself in it. I just fade into the undergrowth before her. She walks back out away from the Grove to the main path there.

Sam uses her internal radio to call the office "Central? I tried to stop her, but she just teleported away from me....every couple feet and the Grove itself seems to be literally sucking her in. I can't follow her into that. It's not letting me get in there with her."

"Okay Sam. We will send a couple guys over there in a Jeep and we going to wait till she comes out. We don't dare send someone in there, when the Grove doesn't want it." The duty officer says, back to her.

The central desk officer leans back over to his phone to call Mrs. Horton back and she picks up on the first ring.

Mrs. Horton barks at him "What's going on with her!"

"Well Mrs. Horton, your student walked into the Grove and it seems to have pretty much accepted her in. It barred our officer from going in." he tells her.

Mrs. Horton is slightly going a little crazy "I don't know what to do then. I am going to talk to Nikki she will know what to do!" she hangs up the phone.

Mrs. Horton walks out of her room and she near runs over to Nikki's and Chaka's door down the hallway. She knocks on it hard to wake them. Chaka wakes up and answers the door.

"Mrs. Horton what do you need at this time of night?" She yawns out "Is everything Okay?"

"I need to talk to Nikki! Something is going on with the new elf. That we've got. Its got something to do with the Grove!" Horton near shouts that the sleepy girl standing there.

Chaka walks over to Nikki's bed. "She just went to sleep after playing some video games and stuff. But let me get her up." Chaka says back to Mrs. Horton.

"HEY NIKKI wake up!" Chaka yells down at the sleeping elf knowing that it takes some effort to get her up in the mornings. "Mrs. Horton she's not waking up! She's....Nikki's out of it?" As that is not working, she shakes Nikki trying to wake her up and then starts to rock her. "She's not coming to at all? she starts to really rock her back and forth. Nikki....she is just not waking up. "Its like she's totally passed out? Like on drugs or something?"

Horton sequels "Ohh no! this makes two of my elves that are not responsive!
I have to see if Gwen is out too!"

She wanders down the hallway to Gwen's room and bangs on that door!

Gwen wakes up to open the door "Mrs. Horton?" she stands there groggily yawning as she just barely got to bed and asleep.

"What's the mater?" Gwen yawns out.

Horton says excited "Your new friend walked into the Grove area alone, she seemed to be in a trance! and dressed in near nothing. Nikki's asleep and she will not wake up to help!"

Gwen thinks for minute "I think I got an idea what's going on! So Mrs. Horton...genuinely. I wouldn't worry about it. Because Rohanna is a dark elf...A Drow." she says plainly "The forest, Grove and dark elves get along even better than I do with the Grove. Heck! Drow, they probably get along better with the Grove. Than Nikki and Aunghadhail get along with it? I got an idea what might be going on, we can confirm it tomorrow. I think that Nikki's just perfectly fine and I wouldn't worry about anything about Rohanna. She can handle anything that the world throws at her, she's not a pushover by the least."

Mrs. Horton interrupts Gwen "BUT! when she walked out of here, she looked like something was controlling her."

Gwen goes on "It's probably not anything controlling her and if I'm right tomorrow it will be all cleared up. We can not go stomping through the Grove, If the Grove does not want us to go in there, we are not getting in it." she yawns out , rubbing her face "If you genuinely want me to go look for her tonight in the Grove. I'll do it. But! I can almost guarantee you! It's not going to let me in, not tonight anyway?"

Mrs. Horton looks at Gwen flustered "Could you try?"

"Okay you asked me." Gwen shakes her head "I'll try." Gwen says as she turns to put on warm clothes and walks out into the hallway.

Gwen mumbles " GOD! I wish Rohanna was here to put that warm spell on me! As her's works better than mine does."

Mrs. Horton asks the elf "What do you mean warm spell?"

"Ohh Rohanna's got a spell that protects anybody from weather, cold climates, warm climates, water, snow the whole nine yards. She could walk through the middle of an Arctic blizzard. She won't even feel it!" Gwen sasses a bit "So she's okay, wearing next to nothing in the middle of a storm tonight?...Yes! She's just fine!" Gwen bundles up in a huff and walks to the main door of the cottage.

Mrs. Horton walks with Gwen to her room to call the Security department. They send over a Jeep and drive Gwen around to that area. She hops out, to start walking to the Grove. Gwen is mumbling and complaining all the way. She gets to the Groves edge and it's not letting her in. She is not seeing any clear path into it at all. She tries to walk in three times. Every time she either gets to a dead-end or gets turned around and circles back to where she started at. She walks back to the Jeep.

"Forget it guys. Its not letting me in and I go in there all the time! It just wants her in there tonight. I think she's going to be One hundred percent fine. That girl can knock over a battleship, I'm pretty sure that she's just gonna be fine with everything tonight." Gwen tells the assembled guards while she shivers in the cold night air.

Sam says to the elf. "She is not supposed to go out there! She was warned not to."

Gwen points out to Sam "Well your kinda warning an elf? Not to go into the forest? It's kinda stupid? But I go out there and don't have any problems. Nikki goes out there and has zero problems. So don't worry about it." She sasses the guards.

Sam stands there "She's definitely in trouble! she disobeyed three direct orders from me!"

"Well Okay?" Gwen stands there shaking her head "There are just something's people have to do Sam... this is one of them for her. You guys have to understand that." Gwen shivers "Well I am going back to bed and see you tomorrow.....I guess?" she walks to the jeep and hops back in "Well don't just stand there! One of ya drive me to Poe!" she barks.

I walk into the main part of the Grove. To see large smoothed stones are arranged in a beautiful circling pattern and pools of water are on its edges towards where springs must be at. There is just a dusting of snow on the ground. The moonlight is shining very bright even though? There should be nothing but clouded skies over us. Its like a little bit dusky lightning you can see everything perfectly fine. I walk around looking at the older trees and I find that these are super incredibly older trees then you think should be here. I can feel the Grove wrapping itself around me. Warmly welcoming me. The air is heavy with the scents of the forest....that 'earthly scent of fresh wet soil. I am looking around looking around in wonderment at what's laid out before me. I see three or four Pixies just shoot out of nowhere out of the undergrowth. They are flying straight at me like errant missiles! They all hit me about the same time and each one is hugging onto a different part of me, an arm, one around my neck, and one around the other arm. One is hovering off a little way staring at me. She definitely looks like the oldest one.

The older Pixie says to me surprised and very happy, almost crying it out in tears. "My Mother Gaea I did not think we would ever see another Drow again!"

She said that to me, in the DROW language and that fully surprised me!

"Ohh my God!" I am fully crying in joy "I have not seen a pixie in so long. I had forgotten what they look like!" I stop thinking back to the pain of old "They hunted almost all of you down to nothing! NOW! here are a whole bunch of you! I don't get it!"

The ancient one looks at me and smiles while hovering in my face. "We all went into hiding! We could not stay around you help you out! We-- we- had to abandon you" She cries out sadly "Or we as a race where going to cease to exist!"

I look around me at all of them with tears in my eyes blurring them "I understand that you had to survive. We may have needed you. But your survival meant more to us than any need that we could ever have."

She's crying "But they wiped you Drow out!"

I sob out "Well I am here now! The other Sidhe are here!"

"Only a couple of them keep coming here. Not all of them" She says sad in that.

"Have you reached out to make more friends with them?" I ask concerned that they are too sacred of something out there.

"Not really. We don't trust the Queen! she might go back to the old ways again" she near spits out in distaste.

"I understand what you mean, I don't like her either. Nikki herself is fine. But hopefully she doesn't follow the footsteps of the person that's teaching her" I say thinking to this very nights meal and what Aunghadhail is not doing correctly to teach the youngster.

"Big sister Gwen is good!" one of little ones pops up to say.

"Gwen is one of my friends She is a fun person. Who probably knows way more than I do about this time" I say to the younger one.

Another old one comes flying out of the Grove up to me. She's definitely one of the ancient ones, thousands of years old, if not in the tens of thousands years old.

"A DROW! Our prayers been answered! A defender of the forest!"

I start speaking to her in the older Pixie language. That I suspect the younger ones probably don't know this older language, as they have not used it yet in talking to me. I find it strange that they are not. As the Drow always conversed to Pixies in it, to keep others from knowing what we are doing.

I ask her "How many of you are here?"

"There are hundreds here. We venture out of our home in the Grove once in a while. Of late we have used Gwen's Pixies, that she creates for her glamour as cover to explore out there" she informs me.

"That is a good and smart thing to do. This makes you not totally isolated here any longer." I smile at her, happy to hear they are around the school watching.

I noticed that as we talk, the ancient one is stumbling through our conversation. Like she never really learned the older language right.

"They didn't teach you all of the old ways and language did they?" I ask sad that the old ways maybe dieing.

She is almost in tears "No those people that knew all the old ways have long faded from existence. We do have a lot of it written down! SO! there is now a reason for teaching it to the young again!"

I sit down in my crossed legged mediation posture in the middle of the Grove and as I do dozens more Pixies come shooting out of everywhere to pile on me. They are all clinging on me and exploring what I look like up close. Its starting to be a real happy joyous moment.

I ask them all "What have you all been doing for the years that no elves or others have not come here?"

One of them tells me "We have been isolated. Since there have not been any Elves to talk with. We have relations with the Were's, who's tribe rules over this area."

I ask surprised "There is a tribe of Were's near here?"

The ancient one tells me "Yes the tribe gave part of its land that your school now sits on! They did this to better protect, the unusual humans that go there and from the human tendency to destroy what they don't know."

She looks sad to state this to me "There's also been some of 'The Bastard's' soldiers coming through our lands once in a while. or on the edges of our territory. They can not get in the main part of the Grove! thank Gaea! But they have been after the school, Nikki and everybody there once in a while in the last year. It must see 'The Queen to come' as a threat!"

I suddenly get very depressed and downtrodden at her telling me this. It confirms what I've been feeling on the edges of my senses. Is that he's not dead, the Bastard is still alive and is here! Maybe the only reason why I'm here is to be another tool, a weapon to be used against him. Sadness is hitting me in waves now. That I'm not here to have fun, a good life, raise a family. I am here to work again, TO KILL, MAIM, and to watch as others I call friends die in pain.

The eldest one she must have noticed or felt my change from joy to sadness.
"What's wrong with you sister?" she asks sounding worried for me.

"I just realized that if the Bastard is still alive and is getting more powerful to come back into the fight again. That's the reason why I came back into being, is not the have fun and live a good life. It's to be a tool, A pawn again in a war."

The ancient one lands and stands on my leg proudly to say "WE! will fight by your side!"

I shake my head "I don't want you to. Your race nearly got wiped out the last time."

She states back at me, almost telling me like I am a simple child "If we don't help you this time. We will probably get wiped out anyway? So what does it matter if we go down fighting with you or in hiding here in this Grove?"

I nod my head wearily "What you say is true and wise. Waiting for them to come for us is never as good, as attacking them first and maybe winning!"

I look at the ancestor "Did you guys summon me to come in here?"

She shakes her head "NO!" and she points off to the edge of the clearing "She did!"

I watch as an apparition is becoming more and more solid. Then! I recognize it! Aunghadhail Paramount Queen of the West! In full regalia. She is more solid than any ghost I have ever seen! It must be the Grove supplying her with enough energy to be solid here.

As I see her. I spring up to my feet and manifest my armor on, then start walking towards her. I drop my mental shields that hide my true feelings. My anger, My rage and my sheer willingness to murder her right now is flowing out of my being. Its red-hot! My eyes must be glowing coals. I'm pulling out my sword. One that is specifically made to kill a ghost in this kind of instance. After I pull it out I am dragging it across the ground leaving a deep furrow in my wake. I am feeding spells into it, as I am stalking toward her. So as to give the blade even more power. The blade its self is starting to snap and pop with each spell, I am pushing into it with my power. She is standing there with her hands clasped across her belt looking at me sternly. I can read the fear just bleeding off of her. She knows that she can run from me but? She's choosing not to? She's definitely afraid That I am going to end her!

I start to swing the sword up above my head. The dark elf that's in my head comes back!

She screaming in my mind ~"Great we finally get to end her! She's going to die tonight! We finally get our revenge for ourselves, the kids, our fallen and everybody that she has willingly thrown into the fire of combat. To be burned, consumed into nothing but for the sake of herself!"~

I'm almost up on her "This is the end of your time! You've come to your final night!" I am yelling at her.

I start feeling The Grove pushing against me slowing me down. Its like trying to walk in glue. The Grove booms in my head and in reality the very winds blow at me loudly ~DO! NOT! VIOLATE!~ the booming voice fills my head and the area around me ~ THE NEUTRALITY OF THIS PLACE!~ it lessens its impact to me now ~You know the pact between all that enter here! Do not violate the neutrality! By striking her down. You'll be forever banished from the Grove! In that banishment its inhabitants will never help you ever again!~

I'm contemplating it all as I am pushing towards her. My sword is near ready to swing down and cleave her completely into nothingness. I throw one or two more spells down the length of the blade, it begins crackling with even more arcane energy.

All that I can think about at this time is, the Drow in my head is screaming ~'40,000 years of revenge about to come through in one night! To heck with the Grove. Heck with the Pixies. They maybe our friends. But if they don't help us out, so be it! They should be helping us kill this Queen or should I say witch!'~

Once I finally get the sword over my head, the weight of it is certainly getting to me. This weight on the blade is not of it actually physically weighing more. Its the weight of me using it to kill Aunghadhail and all that may happen if I do. I know that if I bring this sword down on her to end her. I am thinking....~ 'I am going to lose more than I'm going to gain. All I am going to gain is a death of a ghost? A ghost that's already dead. Killing something twice does not make it even more dead- It doesn't repay its debts to the living!'~

Now my mind wanders and goes over all this. If she is gone? How is she going to pay her debt to me? It's far better that she be alive. If I do bring this sword crashing down on her to end her existence. It is going to affect Nikki and TEAR her apart! By killing this spirit, that has been teaching her so much. Then Carson will probably expel me from the school instantly for doing it, regardless of she's a living person not. She will do that for just affecting Nikki. Most of Nikki's friends will turn their back on me instantly, probably including Sara. Because I told her I wouldn't do this or at least assured. I wouldn't do it on the first instance of our meeting like this.

The thing that's also affecting me. I would be hurting myself if I slay this Queen that has destroyed so much of my past and my life. She and her kind is at the root of all the bad that happened to me over tens of thousands of years. BUT! She's the only one that speaks DROW! that actually can talk through a living person to me. She's also the only one I have met so far that's old enough to understand what I'm talking about. If I end her I will not have anybody to talk to. I will lose someone who has seen the other side of the war and may know how to help with this new war? Even thou I don't want to fight....ITS GOING TO HAPPEN. She can still teach me things I should have been shown so long ago.

The weight of the sword is pushing down on me. Its the weight of all the indecision that is pushing down on that blade. I finally got it over my head a an arc I am about to swing down on it. Aunghadhail She is just standing there. I can feel the fear and dread dripping off of her. She knows it's coming I haven't stopped yet and I am about to cleave her in half.....she knows it. The anger, the sheer hatred is boiling off me. Even the Pixies are feeling it in here. But they're staying out of my way. You have to make your own decisions in The Grove.

The Grove is still pushing against me. Its still saying at me ~Don't violate the pack! neutrality!~ As I start bring down the sword! I drive it into the ground at her feet. All the way up to the hilt and it blasts off all of its spell energy, that I had a stored up in it. Into the earth at her feet to sear it and char it.

I fall down to my knees, spent.

I look up at her crying "Why am I made to suffer? I don't understand?" I just bow my head down to my chest, after said that crying at her feet.

She looks down at me. The fear and dread still coming off of her "I don't understand either? Why both of us are made to suffer. I think me coming back is my punishment and unfortunately for you. Yours is still going to continue. Perhaps maybe this time around, you will have the joy in this life. That was denied to you the last time?"

I look up again, to peer at Her eyes "I still have to suffer with no rewards again I don't understand it?"

She says "I don't understand either....child."

I heard that word...child...come from her and I went from sadness. To anger and hatred again! I spring up leaving the sword at my feet. The fear was leaving her for a second or two there, now its at full bore again. I am peering at her straight in the eyes, not even a foot away. I push my arm out forward to touch her. To shove her back.

I actually touch her! even thou I was not expecting to "OHH!" I yelp! as surprise covers my face "I can actually touch you!" I realize that I CAN touch her.

She realizes it too! That the Grove has defiantly put more into her substantial wise than before. I grab on to her royal robes to pull her forward towards me, like a regular LIVING person. The Grove says once again ~ THE Neutrality do not violate it~

I scream at the Grove "I haven't hurt her yet!.....shut up!"

Then silence comes back over The Grove again. I stare at her in the face. Me and her eye to eye. I pull her to the point our noses were near touching. Her face is in shock at this, as no one has EVER done this to her!

I glare into her eyes "No parent or mother would EVER treat her children as you have done!..."I"....Don't call me child ever again! You don't deserve that endearment. I've had kids and I would've died for them both!....But NO!....." I start to cry out, tears rolling down my face. "They were denied to me by! You! and those you let command me! I fed them into the fire of the fight, that you started....both of them. I still don't know what actually happened to them. I didn't get to know them for even a day. I knew my kids for barely five minutes before they were taken away. Never call me child again!" I shove her near stumbling back.

She stumbles back for the first time that she's ever been shoved and stumbled back in probably before human remembrance ever existed. After a couple seconds of her gathering herself back up, I turn my back to her.

She walks up towards me "I didn't know you had kids?" and she puts a hand on my shoulder. I slap it way the moment it touches me.

I turn on her "Yes I had two....twin girls. Not minutes, after they are born. I had to go back into the fight again. I was ordered to do it. At first I was promised. I was to be relieved and go back to teaching again. I was told that I should have kids and I did that deed. I was with child and I begged them to send me to the Academy to teach but NO!. I had to be assigned back into combat, to a special team to keep pressing..." I start crying again, losing my emotions all over the place.

I leered at her then. I started to push her back once again "Because of you ordered some great charge? or what ever great battle? That you needed to fight. They took me from the promised respite of time in the Academy to have kids. To maybe even to train up my own. I had to fight...with kids....while bearing children and waiting for that to happen" I am stuttering at this point. Losing it! I keep pushing her back "Then they made the choice of keeping me in combat for all the time that I was waiting for them to be born" I push her back even more "I asked them in the final days after our healer said that I'm expected to birth on a certain date. To send me to the Academy...give me relief! They said no! I was needed too much! My skills are needed too much! in the middle of combat. I begged and pleaded with your officer!" pushing her back again "ALL HE COULD DO IS COMMAND ME! The minute he said "I command you!" The spell was set in my head again and the GEAS! came over me and I couldn't do a thing about it. I followed orders to the letter. In the middle the battle going between one fight and the next.

I had those two kids in the middle of forest. I had to sever the link that Elvin mothers have with their children in their shared minds at birth, so that their coming death would not destroy me! Your orders made me do that! Thank God the healer that was following me. Was an independent healer, that wasn't locked into the strict regimen of your orders or your commandments. She saved those two kids from dying out in the forest. But I had to go immediately back into combat. I know only that thousands years later. I'm sure I felt them, one of them die! at least....on the edge of my awareness and who knows whatever happened to the other one. I have you to thank for that!" I spit the words at her.

I turn away from her. I let what I just said to her set-in and walk away. One of the middle-aged Pixies flies up to me. To start whispering to me in my ear as she stands on my shoulder. She whispers in the ancient Pixie language that only me and her understand and that the Queen would never understand.

The little one says to me "I think they will assign me to you! Okay?" she smiles at me.

"You understand the ancient ways?" I ask her.

She stands proudly "YES I do!...I was the best one in my teaching circle. I have a knack for the old languages. Whenever she lies, I will tell you. She can't lie here without me knowing it. She can lie to you and you might not know it. But she can't lie with The Grove!"

"Thanks! I think you just found a job" I laugh at her.

The Queen comes walking up to me. She's actually in tears. "I know how it would've been to want children. I was denied children myself." I am just searing a look in her direction.

"I'll never call you child again! At best we should be called sisters for all the troubles we've both been through. At least equals at this point in our lives. I'm no longer Queen of anything. Both you and me have a shared experience at least. So sisters it will be from here on out when I address you" she starts to tear up more "Your to never call me Queen again! As I'm not your Queen and never will be. Nikki has to earn that title with you. So you and her will agree on that whenever that time comes or doesn't come."

She walks up a little closer " I never knew that you had children. Or that you where ordered to do that" she ponders for second "I would never gave in order like that to hurt someone like that."

The Pixie whispers in my ear "She's lying."

I gaze to the pixie "I know" I tell her "She would give that order if everything depended on it. She didn't care back then."

I start to question her about all the other fights and stuff we had. Some of the silly little tit for tat missions, versus one queen or spying on whatever else. For hours in there we're arguing back and forth. I mostly spilling on my hate on to her. She's just taking it like a trooper at this point. Just sucking it up. She can't explain it away or apologize enough and she knows that.

Once a while during all this.

She says she is sorry but for the most part, she basically says "I can't apologize for anything. So I am not going to say I am sorry. Just believe that I am. I'm going to just let you vent on me for all this, for the next day, whatever days it takes for you to vent."

We just stand there for hours and hours. Me just basically tearing into her verbally for every turn of my memory I can think of. As I walk around her in circles and basically have her on trial for all the destruction that she's caused. In my mind mentally clicks off of the five or six hours have gone by, even more maybe?

I reach over to my sword. I shoved into the ground and pull it out. For a minute her fear jumps up and bleeds off her that I maybe I had finally decided that I've had enough of her. I have decided to end her now. I even feel the apprehension of The Grove itself over this move of mine. I toss the sword into the ether.

I walk over to Aunghadhail and stand right to her face "I'm not gonna kill you. I'm going to make you suffer. Until Nikki subsumes you or whatever happens. I will make sure that every night. I can get out of here with you. I am going to burn you with the memories of which you've done." My voice is just anger....pure rage "I am going to make it my goal, that every time you see me, to be thinking about, what you did, what your sisters did, used us up like tools and a stupid war. I know its was to save the planet, but some of the stuff that you did" I start to cry and stutter out " with me and my kids...was...just not needed."

I am walking around starting to get weary and spent "I'm done with you tonight. I'm spent. I have given you my all, that I can to you tonight" I say tired in sound.

I start walking off towards the edge of The Grove to walk back to Whateley. The Pixie still sitting on my shoulder as I walk off.

She informs me "I am going to stick with you, but I will stay out of sight."

"That will be fine with me. At least I know someone is around me that I trust!."

I can see Aunghadhail fading behind me as I'm walking into The Grove's side facing towards Whateley. I can feel the "clock" of time going back and forth as I'm walking through the trees. I know more hours have past in the Grove and less out in the rest of the world, as time in The Grove is always strange at best. as I walk out of the Grove. I find it's just barely four o'clock in the morning by the stars I see. I drop my armor back to the ether. So I walk out with just what I had on when I walked in. I'm kinda trudging along with the weight of what I just got off my shoulders. Its still actually burdening me down and I walk right into the practically waiting arms of Sam and her fellow guards standing there.

"So the robot" I call to her "Waited for me?" I say and she walks up to me. Then she grabs onto my arm.

"So-- you finally come out?" She says VERY angry at me.

"Yes I came out?" I look around me to see five or six guards standing there and a parked Jeep.

"I assume you called friends and I'm in trouble?" I jest her.

"Your in a lot of trouble! You disobeyed an order from a security officer, of the school three times in a row! When I asked you not to do something!" and she pulls me back toward the school with her. "Look how your dressed! You should not be walking out here like this in the middle of the night, in this weather?"

I glare at her "Weather doesn't matter to me. Doesn't affect me. never will." I sass at her.

A couple of the male guards begin leering at me. Sam notices their stares at me then turns around to face them "Gentlemen! BE! Gentlemen!" she warns them.

She has not let go of my arm yet "So it looks like your not in a trance anymore?"

I say "NO! The Grove was calling me last night. I came and that's.....I had something to do in there. Now it's done and now I came out."

"We don't allow students in there because its to dangerous!"

I Leer at her with a questioning glance "You're not letting Sidhe into The Grove? That is just idiotic! Its one of the stupidest things I think I've ever heard! Does Nikki go into The Grove alone?"

She admits to me "Yes she does. But she has experience at it!"

"Does Gwen go into the Grove alone?"

Sam says "Yes she does...." I interrupt her "Your going to say she has experience at it? Well so do I. So why are you bothering with it?"

"But you still disobeyed three direct orders from a security member of the staff of The school! You are in trouble for that at least."

Sam starts Pulling me towards one of the Jeep vehicles sitting there.

"So I guess we will drive you over to security to night or maybe?" Sam stops to think for a second "Maybe I will just drive you up to the door of Poe and shove up in there so you can dress correctly then report to the chief tomorrow at 6 o'clock. Because I looked up your records. You have tests starting tomorrow at seven and its going to take you an hour for the chief to tear into you at least!"

She shoved me towards the Jeep. I hear a sound up in a tree about One hundered yards off. I look up there and I see two guys hanging in the tree limbs. One of them has a long lens camera aimed at me. I'm looking down realizing what I look like and I can hear the motor's actuator on the shutter of the camera and I stop and I'm staring at these two in the tree.

Sam asks "What are you stopping for? What are you looking at?"

I hear the shutters click again and again and again and again, a dozen times over. I start getting really fierce and really mad.

I growl out " F'sarn naut aluin ulu inbal fol suingmc rivvil jaluk kl'aein uns'aa 'zil Playboy Neled"
( I'm not going to have some silly human male using me as Playboy material)

I teleport a couple feet away from Sam. She is surprised at my sudden move. I manifest on my armor out of the ether.

She barks at me "What are you doing! Stop that now!"

I teleport up in the tree. I am hanging on the side of the tree. Which to me is easy because the tree is actually accepting in its embrace and helping me. I'm not sliding off of it all. I was face to face the kid there and I recognize it from the store. I smile showing all my teeth!

"Peeper! What are you doing up here? With this camera? YOU COME HERE!"

I reach out for him. I grab on to his clothes and pull him forward towards me. I teleport down in front of Sam with him in my hand. I throw him into the snow in front of her with a big thud. Just as I do that I hear a guy screaming back up in the tree and I look over. He is starting to fall. So I teleport over there. I catch him in my arms the bottom base of the tree. So he does not break his neck and I teleport back.

"And Who? are you?" I ask him as I hold him like a little baby.

"HI my name is Greasy?" the kid says.

"Humm really?" I just let my arms drop out from under him and he smacks against the snow, with an "ooof."

I step over him, to Peeper. Peeper is still getting up, from my toss of his body to the snow.

Peeper yells "Hey that was assault!"

"No! it was not! Let me show you what assault is! When I do it! My kind of assault usually involves lots of bleeding, broken bones and some sort of near death experience! Remember don't go into the light!" I say as I grab hold of his jacket and start pulling my fist back to strike!

Sam grabs hold of me and pulls me off him.

Sam looks at me "What is going on here?" she asks pulling me away from hurting the asshole.

"He's taking pictures of me when I was NOT exactly dressed decently! I want the film out of the camera!" I roar.

He says "There is no film in this camera!"

I shake my head thinking about something "Whatever you use for film or whatever media it uses to capture images with that camera! I want it! and I want it now!"

Peeper is getting to his feet and says "Whatever happens in public is public domain. That means I can take pictures of it!"

I step up towards him and Sam jumps between me and him. I'm about to fly a fist off in his face.

"Don't hit him! It's not worth it!" she leers at me.

"I want the images off of that camera!" I growl at him.

Sam, she looks at the camera for a split second to let HIVE tap into it and then she looks at the laptop in Greasy's hands.

"You already downloaded them to an Internet site? Didn't you? I can tell already." she asks Greasy.

Peeper states "Well of course I did! I'm not stupid! to have only one copy of great photos like that! They will be added to my Negligee Nightingales line! Posters, Pic's, T-shits What have you! that SELLS! That I've done on the rest of the Poe girls!"

I am getting ready to jump on them and Sam is pushing me back with one arm and barely accomplishing that goal. I turn away from him.

I'm mumbling to myself to so they can barely hear my new mantra "I promised Mrs. Carson I would not kill another student....I made a promise! I will not kill another student....I promised Mrs. Carson, I would not kill another student....I made a promise!" its just not working. Death is coming to this kid tonight!

Sam hears it and turns back to Peeper "Peeper think it would be best for you to give her the copies or say that you destroyed all copies of those images?"

"No way! freedom of the press I can do with these as I want." Peeper screeches

I spin back around I am getting ready to jump at them both. Sam and the guards are getting between me and him. Keeping me from getting a hand on him. I am thinking about just teleporting over there and knife them in the guts!

Peeper backs up "Freedom of the press! I got the right to publish those as a news story! About an elf going in the Grove with the security guards going after her."

When he says that word 'publish'. I just had it with that! I teleport over next to him and shove him down to the ground.

"Do you really think that security can stand between you and ME!? The only reason why I haven't killed you YET!!" I say choppily towards him. "The only reason why you still breathe! Is! Because I'!" I hiss out slowly towards him again. As I stand over him.

Sam puts her hand on my shoulder and pulls me back a little bit.

"Peeper I would advise you not to publish anything. You got this one riled up and I don't think you want her as an enemy." Sam suggested to the kid.

My mind finally clicks in gear and a clear thought pops into it "You know what never mind. Publish it I don't care. Because ARC holds the trademark and copyright over all images and all information about me. It was made two days ago and is completely in affect! If you want to go against fighting the attorneys of a multibillion-dollar corporation?...Go right ahead they will bury!....You in court! Then two! Publish pictures of a minor female child on the Internet or what ever media. That will get you for trafficking of child pornography and if remember correctly that's a federal statute wrap! It will put you in jail for five to fifteen years even though you're a kid yourself! You go right ahead and put those pictures out! Like I think that would be a great idea for you do that! As you will not be a student anymore at Whateley. You will get expelled and that means? I can get my hands on you and not violate my sworn oath to Mrs. Carson. Not to harm or kill another student at Whateley. Because you won't be one anymore!" I just smile in his face baring all my nice teeth.

Sam smiles at me, when she hears what I just said. She turns around back to Peeper there and I could hear her smiling in her voice "She's got you there son, she can legally rip you apart in court. Then make you EAT! those photos and enjoy it. Then put you in prison while doing it. So if I where you? I would just delete them and forget they exist. Because no matter what time you release them onto the net, she was still minor and we all know where they came from. I'm sure she's going to have ARC watching the net like a hawk. Just waiting for those photos to pop up! So if I where you I would never let them out!"

Peeper says "Fine I guess, I won't get to publish them. But I will still publish my story about this and use edited photos of you! That don't show anything as part of a news story that are completely acceptable I'll....I'll ask an attorney about that" He stutters out.

Greasy finally gets up and stands next to Peeper. "Why don't you two get out of here and we will make sure you're on still report for being outside of the cottages at this hour the night without permission. Your still going to get detention. So I hope you like cleaning up the rooms at Hawthorne!" Sam laughs at the two.

The guards start walking him off to escort him back to where they belong.

Sam spins on her heels and looks me "Now let's get back to you again! Let's get you back to Poe or Ms. Horton and I'm sure what's going to be a lovely punishment for you that she makes!"

I climb into the Jeep and they drive the little bit of distance back to the front door of Poe. She walks me into the building. I still have my armor on to keep what modesty I still might still have in existence. I walk past Mrs. Horton, as she glares at me and grabs on to me "Where did you think you where going out there!?"

"Its is between me and the Grove. It called me and I had to go. I've done that. So I'll accept any punishment you drill at me. Ya? know I think I might be able to get you guys on religious motives!"

Sam rolled her eyes "You really did read that rule book! Didn't you! On religious grounds you can pretty much get away with this. That's about the only loophole in that book!"

"I read it, I always wanted to be an attorney!" I start walking back towards my room "But thank you anyway for caring greatly about my well-being there Ms. Everheart. Someone is going to have to explain to me how? You're not a robot. I don't understand that. I will ask tomorrow. See you in a couple hours I guess?"


This is my oldest story in a joint fan fic venture with a group of authors, so
far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We
all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of
stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This
one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one.

To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop
around here is a short introduction.

Angels Peril a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek Tormented by the past,
Angel is struggling between light and dark.

Melvin a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek They say old soldiers never
die, Melvin is about to learn that the hard way.

The Way of the Dragon a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek Born for
eternity but vulnerable like a child, dragons shouldn't leave their

Every Rose has it Thorns a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan Watch what
you say around rose, could give you more trouble than you ever asked

Kelly a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan Struggling with fate, Kelly has
to deal with love and loss.

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war
and forged in pain, dealing with deamons within and the out.

Vantier a Whateley Tale :Written by Shadowsblade Ancient and Powerful
Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it.

You might ask yourself what is the Whateley Universe? To make it short,
here is a abstract straight out off the wiki.

Whateley is a Prep School for different teens. VERY different ones.
Where else could a kid go to a school that has a resident demon living
in the furnace? Or meet magic users, mutants of every imaginable kind,
get trained in how to handle some rather odd abilities, and worry about
flunking Freshman English? Come visit Whateley Academy, nestled in the
lovely hills of New Hampshire. Just down the road from a town named
Dunwich... (Mythos jokes purely intentional). This is the Whateley
Academy Universe, a shared universe with over a dozen authors and more
than a hundred stories (and counting). The stories range in size from
vignettes to novels. It's a Mutant High scenario with both a strong
transgender theme and a slightly watered down Cthulhu Mythos theme.

It's also very much a work in progress.' If you want further information
you will find them on.

But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the
ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those
kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the
'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

Or if you want to input more?

Drop a e-mail to me at [email protected]

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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