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The principal of Millard Fillmore High School sighed as freshman James Johnson entered his office. Not that James wasn’t dressed very nicely. The white shirt was clean and neatly pressed. The shoes were new and a discreet black. The black pleated skirt was also clean and neatly pressed and only about two inches above the knees.
No, the reason the principal sighed was that he and James had a long history of clashes. Unfortunately for the principal James more often than not came out on top. To be honest the principal had a certain respect for James’ ability to get away with things. Also, James was not really mean. The problem was that James was thoughtless and felt entitled due to his parents’ position in society. Many of his pranks really hurt others even though he hadn’t intended to. What’s worse, he often hadn’t given a thought how others could be affected. As the school year was reaching the end things had got a little more calm. Even though James was clever he had managed to accumulate enough black marks that the next one could be very serious. His parents had also grown a bit tired of being called to school.
The principal had expected the visit ever since the new dress code had been adopted for the school district. He had hoped James wouldn’t try to pull off the obvious prank though. The principal already had a plan of action but he’d preferred not to use it. However, now that the dice were rolled he might just as well enjoy it.
Principal: Hello James. Dress code infraction I see. Nice legs though.
James (smiling insolently): Oh not at all Sir. The new dress code is gender neutral. Haven’t you read it and heard all about the discussion? My skirt is well within the regulations. Not shorter than five inches above the knee it says.
Principal: You see you made a small mistake. Or rather the school district did when formally taking the decision. The dress code is not the same for boys and girls. The new changes were supposed to have the same text for each section except in the few cases where it really was necessary. However, please read this part of the girls’ dress code. It’s the same as before and most likely the one you have read.
James (still smiling insolently): “ … if a skirt is worn it must absolutely not be shorter than 5 inches above the knee” There you see,that’s what I said and my skirt is longer than that.
Principal: And now read the corresponding part of the boys’ dress code.
James (smile fading as he read): “ … if a skirt is worn it must absolutely be shorter than 5 inches above the knee”. Hey, that’s ridiculous! That’s an obvious misprint!
Principal (smiling rather satisfiedly): It may not be what was intended but this is the dress code as it was officially adopted. So I have no other choice than to note that your skirt is underly short and thus in breach of the dress code for boys. So I write you up for another infraction. I will confer with your parents. Now please change into something that follows the dress code.
James (not smiling at all): Er, Sir, I have nothing to change into.
Principal (smiling broadly): Oh, that’s not a problem. I think we do have a regulation skirt that you could borrow.
The principal went to his closet and brought out a kind of a girly lightweight kilt. Though this one was only barely 11 inches long.
James (with a horrified expression): I can’t wear that! It’d barely cover my ass!
Principal (with a Chesire Cat smile): But it’s according to the dress code. However, if you prefer me to call your parents instead…
James (looking terrified): NO! Please no Sir, but I, er, kind of, er, wanted the full experience so I’m only wearing a thong.
Principal (trying to look serious, and failing): Oh, that’s not a problem. As I’m sure you checked, the dress code doesn’t say anything at all about underwear. Another mistake in my opinion.
The principal left the office in order for James to change. When James had left the principal asked the secretary to come into his office
Principal: Please notify the school board about the mistake in the new dress code. Could you also quietly tip off Taylor Jones about James and the way he’s dressed.
Secretary: Do you mean Taylor Jones the gay senior foot-baller or Taylor Jones the cheerleader captain?
Principal: With those legs? Both I think.
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Silly boy
Simply roll up the waist of your own skirt ...
Good story, thank you.
why tip of taylor jones?
why tip of taylor jones?
Principals are human too
and might want embarass the odd foe. Some schools have principals like that, sad.
that seems like the kind of
that seems like the kind of thing that can bite you in the butt.
With that short of a skirt...
With that short of a skirt, bottom nibbling would certainly be possible. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
especially when wearing a thong. *snerk*
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Well, while I suspect that
Well, while I suspect that the typo was intentional, given the stated past history I don't think the principal should be raked over the coals too hard. Assuming that both Taylors are not malicious types, the worst that'll happen to James is some embarrassment.
And hey, he might *like* cheerleading. :-)
Or having a boyfriend. <eg>
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
Maybe he thinks the boy could
Maybe he thinks the boy could enjoy the tip of Taylor!
That was a misspelling but an unintended joke opened up that was apt... sorry!!!!
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Friendly Enemies?
I think the Principal and James are friendly enemies, and this was the Principal's payback for some things he'd been on the receiving end of. If any other boy is wearing a skirt or a kilt to school, no doubt James will point out the infraction, and perhaps notify the Principal's office. Maybe the Principal will see quite a bit of James the rest of the day.
I can't say I was at all surprised by the twist. Can't say I expected it, but I wasn't surprised. Typos in laws and regulations do occur on occasion in real life.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Thank you
for the "underly".
Um, "underly"?
Um, "underly"?
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
probably auto-corrupt
probably auto-corrupt for "friendly"
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Underly short defined as not short enough
I found in a comment by Daphne Xu on my story Difference. I liked the expression.
Oh :-)
Oh :-) You're welcome.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Adulterous Bible
One printed edition of Great Britain's famous King James Version had a typo just of this nature: The Seventh Commandment inadvertently omitted the "not": "Thou shalt commit adultery." comments thus: "Historically, the omission of `not' was considered quite a common mistake." The article also suggests that the Bible printing was deliberately sabotaged.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Bit in the butt
Obviously no one ever told James about being careful pulling pranks or breaking rules. They sometimes come back to bite you in the butt.
If James is as smart as stated in the sorry, this lesson will be one which makes him think twice before executing his next crazy idea.
He was fortunate, though. That skirt could have been so much shorter, providing a more interesting view for others.
Others have feelings too.
Long enough
to cover his buttocks but only barely and then only if he doesn't lean forward or if there is no wind. I.e. he could manage as long as he is very careful.
Quite a dangerous move from the Principal though. It could make James be more responsible but on the other hand it could have the absolute opposite effect.
Neat Story
School (girl) stories are always fun. I enjoyed this one. Thank you.
over the top
As long as he is not the sort of boy who could be harmed by being forced to wear clothing you would not be allowed to make a girl wear ok. The line between embarrisment and humiliation is different for each person. What one person can laugh off may leave permanent scars on another. It also depends on the treatment from taylor jones. After all the boy is still a minor gentle teasing ok but anything more then taylor and head need sacking for puting a child in that position. All to often the stories on this site encorage the humiliation of a male in order to make them a better person only a few give the probably real outcome of withdrawal from society and freinds and hatred and fear of the perpetrators. Even if the excuse of it was for your own good is given
over the top
As long as he is not the sort of boy who could be harmed by being forced to wear clothing you would not be allowed to make a girl wear ok. The line between embarrisment and humiliation is different for each person. What one person can laugh off may leave permanent scars on another. It also depends on the treatment from taylor jones. After all the boy is still a minor gentle teasing ok but anything more then taylor and head need sacking for puting a child in that position. All to often the stories on this site encorage the humiliation of a male in order to make them a better person only a few give the probably real outcome of withdrawal from society and freinds and hatred and fear of the perpetrators. Even if the excuse of it was for your own good is given
James's Legs
The gay senior footballer, and the cheerleader captain. It occurs to me that James must have tough, muscular, possibly hairless but otherwise masculine legs and thighs.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Well, it depends partly on taste
Tough and muscular definitely. As for masculine - we don't really know what the footballer likes.