Shadowsblade: Fighting the calm before the storms to come.

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without!

In this part:

Rohanna finishes those last days before classes begin and deals with 'other' issues

this part has allot of harsh parts in it, you have been warned!
so please take note --I do not want any PTSD you may want to pass on this one, if that bothers you?

This is the story of a man who finds a magic box that changes him into a Drow (a dark elf) and he has to deal with the sudden change. Then all the memories of a Drow that was 'made' for a long lost war. This new part of him, has the 40,000 years of memories of fighting that war. She has to deal with, all that pent up PTSD, her enemy is here, but she loves her. Her old Queen is here and she wants to kill, that Queen ohh so bad!

Shadowsblade here. this one is shorter, as I have been told that some of my WAY! longer posting maybe an issue for those with limited internet

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.




Saturday February 24 11:10 pm
Arkham Research Consortium

My port from Nikki's house ends at the rather long and beautiful access road leading to ARC. I had just barely seen this spot, from the first days after my change from the complex's cafeteria we all ate in one night.

I at that time thought to escape into the woods and leave all this behind. But my trust in Sara at the time was so great, that at her slight instance....I did not leave. Perhaps in the light of what has happened to me in this short time since my change, or rebirth to now? I should have left and be done with all this!

I think to myself 'I am a little early? I did tell Bill that I would come here at One in the morning? But I am sure they will find something to poke me with till he shows!'

As I start the short walk towards the main gate and just notice that one of the guards has already spotted me coming towards him. He stands there watching me, from inside a huge guard shack...complex...with even larger gates and walls around it.

That guard, as I walk closer to the gates. Finally comes out of his nice warm shelter and starts to question me. He seems most surprised, that a young girl is out in the freezing cold way out here and is only wearing a pair of jeans, t-shirt and a hoodie sweat top with a evil 'hello kitty' printed on it!

"Miss?" he yells at me from his just exiting the guard shack "Do you need help? Your car broken down?"

"No I am just fine. I have an appointment to see Dr Otto? Or Bill Varney" I inform him, as I exit the shadows of the long road behind me and toward him into the light from the entrance gate area.

"Well it's just a little late for...." he trails off his statement, as I finally get fully into the light and he sees me clearly.

When he sees me, he reacts nearly instantly, his hand drops to his holster and his stance takes on a very offensive one at me. Then I hear on both sides of the road and see via my wider than normal vision. Two large gun turrets slide up out of the concrete at the edges of the large road and the guns within them slew to aim at me.

After that is all done, I say rather cheery "Well I like night visits more and they said I can come when I wanted too?" and I end smiling at him.

"Miss? What are you?"

"Me? I am a elf! Why should a elf walking out of a dark forest at night be strange to you?" When I said 'elf' it pained me...but I had to try and be friendly?

"Okay? But I have to see your ID?"

"Fine?" I say back, as I pull my ID from a hoodie pocket and via my ether storage. I did not want to do that action in the open and alarm him farther.

"Will this do?" I ask as I step forward....slowly and hand it to him.

He takes that last few hesitant steps to me and takes the offered card. Then pulls a computer pad off the leg of his pants and I note the sound of Velcro tearing as he removed it. With it swiped on it, he hands it back to me.

As he waits for the pad to do it's work, he asks me "Don't you feel cold? It's like five below out tonight!"

"Me? Why no...we Elves don't feel any of natures wrath, unlike you humans do?"

"Well that is a nice thing to have!" as he was about to say more the pad beeped at him and he read it. After he did, he tapped the pad a little and all the guns lowered back into the ground.

"Well miss, you do have an appointment and Mr. Varney is coming right up! So do you want to come's warmer!" He asks me, as more of his breath hangs in the cold air as a fog.

"No I want to wait outside."

He glances at me strangely and nods to me "Fine I will wait with you."

As we stand there, I can see that he is more than cold and shivering in the cold breeze blowing up the canyon at us both. My mind inwardly giggles at his pain, yet I feel a pang of kindness and offer to him with a sigh "Go's too cold for a human out here. Me, I want to stay out as long as I can...your human buildings and ARC's deep complex...I don't like them at all."

With a small nod, he opens the armored door to his booth and walks in. After he does, I watch him and his watch mate talk. As I do, I am sure the other one called him a 'pussy' for not standing out in the cold with me. I have to snicker at that.

A few minutes later, a large Passenger van drives up and Bill hops out into the cold and smiles at me "Hey YOU!" he shouts and gives me a wave.

"NO That's 'HEY YOU senior!" I jest back at him.

He talks to the head of the guard shack and gives him a card. He swipes it and then waves to the door of a long empty hallway that leads through the guard shack and beyond. Once I am in, the door closes and locks behind me. Then my senses, feel waves of 'humans tech' as they wash over me and then followed by a wave of magic.

After the wave of magic hits me, warning lights flash and even more bolts slide into the doors to hold them inplace! The guard then shrieks at me "You're not alone in there!"

"ME?" I question him.

Bill looks at me through the window with more than surprise on his face and some knowing too, as he asks "Is Violet with you?"

I nod to him "She goes where I do.....and there is NO other option from now on!" I say more than firmly.

"Humm" he sounds out then he turns to the guard "Let her in....she has a small Fae friend with her, one that she will not part with."

"The pass only states her, not any guests?"

"Pass them both on my word?"

"Can't" the guard shrugs to him.

"BILL!" I shout at them all "It's either me going into ARC or the door to the outside opening now! I will not stay in this box!"

"Please...pass her through. She can't stand tight small places like that for too long?"

"She has to stay till cleared?"

"BILL!....NOW!" I warn even more, as my anger at being trapped grows by the second.

"Well then, let her back out till we get it?"

"Can't, she entered...till she is cleared. The doors stay locked?"

When I hear that...I lose it "NO fucking way! I am not staying in here! I have rights and I am leaving NOW! OPEN this OR I DO!" my now growing redder eyes warn Bill. Then I run to the exit door leading to the outside and its long drive. My balled fist hits the door hard and I glare back at the two guards and Bill.

"Guys! please let her out? She can not stand enclosed places at all!" Bill pleads with them again. He knows that I will not stand for this madness for too long, since I gained my freedom back from here.

The first guard I met outside, has a quick discussion with the other guard who is in charge. As Bill waits outside and me trapped inside that hallway! "Hey she did say that to me. That is why she stood outside in the cold. So lets get her out of there? As she looks like she is starting to freak out a bit." as he says that, my balled fist hits the door even harder to emphasize the point!

"Okay...just this once and only because she did tell you that" the other guard sighs, with a push of a button on his panel, the door pops open to the long driveway and the forest beyond.

When the door opens with a bang, I run out and lean against the building to calm myself down. One of my thoughts is to 'just leave and to hell with all this!' But I made a promise to do this and I might need this income it makes for me?

Bill passes through the inspection hallway as fast as he can and comes out to comfort me. "Hey it's all right...they just don't know you like I do?"

"Bill...this has to get fixed" my voice says in labored breaths, as I try my best to remain calm "Or I can't come here anymore?"

Bill gives comforting rubs on my back, as I lean over my knees and breath deeply. He says softly to me "I or doc Otto will fix this for sure!"

"I hope so?"

Then the phone in the booth rings and the head guard picks it up, to hear a screaming voice coming at him "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! That is my Drow you are messing with!"

"But Doctor Otto? she has an unauthorized magic organism with her?"

"Well what is it?"

"Please let me ask, as the scan just barely picked up on it?" the guard tells him.

Then the guard talking to Otto, He waves and taps on the armored glass to get Bill to come on into the booth.

As Bill enters, he yells at the guards in a harsh tone "So what now!"

"Otto on the line for you...sir?" he says and points at a phone mounted on the wall, with one lit line showing.

Bill snatches the phone off the cradle "Ya doc?" he asks in a angry tone.

"What is going on Bill? What Fae creature does Rohanna have with her?"

"It's a pixie, about a foot tall and she does not go anywhere without it now?"

"Humm the magic scans scarcely picked it up? Strange that is? But is it a hazard?" the doc asks.

"To tell ya the truth...I don't think so? But then think doc? Name something about Rohanna that is not dangerous or a hazard? But I have met the creature...and she is feisty. Just like Rohanna, but she does listen to her orders with no question! I can vouch for that!"

"Okay...I will let the Fae Pixie in. Then enter it in the system as a familiar of her's. Thanks Bill, please tell her?"

"Got it doc. But soon, you might what to talk to her and give her reasons why all the nastiness the last time? Or she might forget about coming here ever again?"

"I will...when I next see her. But tell her to have the pixie visible and we can let her in?"

"Done....cya doc."

Just after Bill hangs up the phone, the computer screen gets updated on my information. 'One Familiar---Pixie' then, information on creature to be added later'

Once the head guard reads all that, he waves to Bill to come over and see "Well the doc updated it all and we can let her in now. Just give her this ID for ARC and she is in. Make sure she displays it at all times and the familiar stays with her! As it can get hurt here, if it wonders off!"

Bill nods to him and takes the offered card.

As I watch Bill walk out of the shack, he can see he has a new lanyard with him and a large card hangs from it. When he gets to me, he hands it to me "Here is your ID and Violet has to stay with you at all times and visible...for her safety. As ARC has some very nasty thing that deal with escaping.....things? If you get my drift?"

I am about to toss it into storage when Bill warns me " have to wear it at all times. You know you don't like that? But it's the rules."

"FINE! I will bear the dog collar!" But first I check to see what magic is on it and only find a faint, weak 'tracing spell' One that my storage will block when I place it there.

"Bill?" I ask as I place it on my neck "You do know this is magic?"

"Really? Never thought about it...till now?"

"You should? It can hurt you if used wrong?"


"Nope...but it can be a base for a rather nasty spell....if they want to?"

"Hummm...but lets go in" and he waves his arm at the door "And please tell Violet to show herself...before we go in?"

"Violet? please do as the humans ask. We are in their world now and their rules are the ones we have to obey?"

At my request, Violet fades into sight on my shoulder. I can see she is not happy AT ALL! She is growling a little at the guards standing in their window looking out at us as we pass by them.

After I see she is done, with both her becoming visible and growling! I go to the door to the entrance hallway....but hesitate as my hand touches the door's push plate "Is it going to lock on me this time?"

"Yes...but it will open. I promise."

"For you Bill, as I trust you" and I go in. The door closes, locks, the scans are done on me as I walk the long hallway. Then the other far door, it unlocks and opens for me, as I near it.

As I walk the hallway to the other door, the guards glare at Violet and comment on her. "She looks like a cute...but living Barbie doll?" one says out and I can hear it via speaker in the wall.

"Ya but with wings and armor?" the head guard comments back to him.

Once I am out into the ARC side of the wall, I wait for Bill to pass through the lock system and after he is done. He guides me to the waiting passenger van. We both hop in and it drives us toward the main complex, a mile off from the front gates.

"Well Bill? What's the plan for tonight?" I ask him as I glance out the windows or the van.

"All of it again!" he laughs "Everything you did that last time you were here."

"But since everyone at Nikki's was in bed? I thought to get this over with as soon as I could? I did come in a little early, is that a problem?"

"No problem. The doc thought, I should be in early just incase and has me in on a full Twenty four hour shift...that started at nine tonight."

"Owwch Bill? I am sorry about that?"

"No reason to be sorry? I get all that in overtime! AND I get paid more when you are here!"

"Ohh great to hear! Maybe I will show up even more, so as to get you paid even higher? Or ask Otto to give you a raise?"

"Already got one for this thank you! That bump in paying for the wedding and my new car!"

"Wow that much?"

"Yes...I get paid almost as much as the doc that worked on you....danger pay" he laughs.

"Me? dangerous? I can't hurt you? AND never will!"

He fingers his lips "Shhhhhh"...."don't tell them that!" he whispers to me with a evil grin

"I can do that!"

The Van stops at the main building and we walk off inside. At the elevator down I hesitate again "I hate this part" I say with a sigh.

"Yes I can guess....but this time you can get out, when you want to!"

After the long trip down, Bill leads me to the labs again. Then the whole process starts! Blood work, MRI , X-rays, CAT scans, eye test, hearing, and all the small things.

Over three gut wrenching and boring hours later. Bill decides I have had enough and takes me up to the cafeteria for a break.

As we both walk down a long hallway, back to the elevators to go up to the surface. I notice the guards have guns? But Bill my escort, he is unarmed and can't help me out or protect me or himself, if this place chooses to go against me?

"Bill?" I ask him and stop just short of the elevator doors "I want you armed when your with me?"

"'re not dangerous?"

"Not for me... but to stop them, if when they run a test on me and go too far? I don't trust this place? Something here bothers me....badly."

"Well I would think so...this place is filled with evil things. Alive and not..or other?"

"I still want you to have a weapon....either you get one. Or use one of mine?"

"Okay I will get a pistol from the armory as soon as I can."

"No please...your own pistol, not one of theirs. I only use my weapons and trust them. So should you?"

I pull that pistol, that I got when I was at Falk's place...the one from the goons I killed and hand it to him "Here take this...the last owner...he does not need it anymore?"

"Where did you get this? he asks as he looks it over.

"I have my ways"

"Is it stolen?"

"No....I acquired it" I say flatly.

" serial numbers and I think it never had them?"

"I am sure it did not."

"You know this gun is a felony to have."

"Well then, give it back to me and please get another?"

"No I will get this listed and use you said. Then I will carry it from now on, but let me drop this off in my office?"

After a short side trip to his....very tiny and NEW office. We get back to the cafeteria and order some food.


Sunday February 25 2:15 am
Outskirts of Boston
Still smoldering wreckage of a small chancery of the church

A large man all dressed in black shifts through the burnt building leftovers, what he is searching for seems uncertain. He lifts large beams that weigh hundreds of pounds with simple ease and drops them softly, so as not to make a sound.

After sometime spent deep in searching, a small lady joins him and she waves intricate patterns with her hands over the path he makes. Some of the time she speaks in a language that definitely is not english. Then a regular looking man follows her making notes about what she has to say in a small notebook.

After they all spend nearly an hour in search of something, but seeming to be yielding nothing? All of them file out to a large waiting bright white SUV, one that is made just to be a 'limo' the center section is far longer than normal.

Both the large man and the lady get into a waiting black car, waiting just behind the SUV. The other man, the one with the notebook gets into the waiting SUV, sits in one of the rearward facing seats and once the door is closed he starts to talk.

"Gothmog?" he almost questions the large man in the pristine white suite, that sits in the middle of the large back bench with a most beautiful woman on each side of him.

"Go on with your report" the large man says in a cold tone.

"It's Reverend Roberts again. I am sure this time, the tracer found his life essence all over the hidden room. But this time? She felt Mythos magic?"

"So the reverend has gained a new friend? OR has given in to being used by one of us? Interesting? That must be why Rohanna said she could not teleport away from that mall with Donna? She said something 'old' was blocking her?"

As he leans back to think, the SUV pulls away from the curb and five cars follow.


Sunday February 25 2:35 am
South of Salem
Older unused and near abandoned church
that once was part of the underground railroad for slaves

In one of the oldest unused subbasements, a man enters the main room via a hidden tunnel. In his arms is carried a long wooden box, that has beautiful carvings on the lid all made of gold.

Once at the rooms center, he gently places the long box on the large table there and draws out a single key. A man already standing there, dressed in priestly garb, fishes a similar key from his pocket and a small piece of parchment.

The carrier of the box, inserts one key in the twin keyed lock on the box and waits. The priest, reads off part of the parchment in a strange tongue and insets his key. He says one last part off the parchment and nods. Both men turn the keys at the same time and the box clicks.....but if one of the many men standing in the room, had magical vision? They would have seen a VERY large spell being that could level the whole city block with it's power.

Once the box is open, the messenger hands the key to the priest and walks away to go back down the tunnels. The priest, opens the lid slowly, then removes three layers of silk that have runes embroidered all over it's surface.

Underneath the last layer, is a long bladed sword with many runes of magic carved in its length and it's color is black as night! The pommel is made of Mithril, with many runes of magic carved in it also and ends in a large black gem.

"Magnificent!" the priest hisses "too bad it will be wasted on just the one Drow!"

He then tilts the blade a little from the box and looks it over. As he does, he speaks to a shadow at the rooms edge "Come here my assassin and learn about your tool!"

A small man, dressed in a leather jacket walks from the rooms edge into the more lit rooms center and as he does. His form shifts to that of a young teen girl wearing a school of Whateley's

"This blade is made of the purest cold iron! I would suggest you attack from her rear and shove this in her back....all the way through her! So she can not reach the pommel and deactivate the magical trap within it. Then leave it stuck in her."

"What trap?" she asks in a teen girls voice.

"This blade will thicken inside her and cut her in two! You give it one twist on the handle to activate it...two twists is even better!"

"So the blade grows?"

"Yes to say simply? It will and it will cut her in half!"

"Cold iron? Why that metal?"

"It is like pure poison to a Sidhe...a elf or Drow. It will burn her from within like fire!"

"I prefer my methods?"

"This will work, as others like yours. They have already failed us. But do not lose this blade, before you use it! As that will upset my benefactor and you do not want him angry with you?"

"Humm? So this blade is rare then"

"There is only this one blade and it comes from long before the sundering...It is even older than humans are!"

The priest closes the box and hands it to two of his men. Ones that will assist the assassin in his job.

After he entrusts the box with his men, he warns the assassin "Do not fail us, as if you do? She will certainly kill or torture you! If not her? The students of Whateley, the one's around her are deadly!"

"I will not!"

"Your best chance is this coming first week of classes, as it is the most confusing week at the school. With new, untracked students all over the campus....try any later? And the security will notice you and fast!"

"Yes I read into that....I will pick a day this coming week and she will be dead. I do not fail and I do not give up...till a job is finished.


Sunday February 25 2:40 am
Arkham Research Consortium

Both Bill and I get seated in the cafeteria. Then finally served our meals by two waitresses. One of them, or kind of both of them carry four plates for me! As my appetite is running at full bore this morning!

As I sit and shovel food into my mouth, Bill asks "Well how is school?"

"So far? It's okay, I guess? Last weekend was nuts! But it got better!"

"So you going to tell me about Sunday?"

"No" I say flatly.

"I guessed that? I will never ask again. But we will get all this testing done and you can get going!"

"Bill?" I say softly, so no one can really hear me...not that anyone is really near us.


"I am getting real confused as of late?"


"Well last week and most of this week? I really liked 'girls'?"

"And?" he asks, after putting down his fork to show me he is giving me all of his attention.

"Last night? I kissed a boy that Nikki had over?" and I watch as his eyebrows move in thought "And if it was not Nikki's house.....I might have 'done it' right there with him?"

"Okay? So what is the deeper issue then? As I can see it bothers you?"

"That want...need? It came from the Drow...not the human me? She wanted him bad...real bad! I can see that part of me wants kids...AND now?!"

"Can that happen?"

"No...A Drow like me and a regular human? There is no chance of have seen my tests. The DNA will never mix and make a kid."

"So....I guess? We...or you have to wait?"

"Yes....but that sudden want? It spooked me! I was.....was...was."

"I know....and only a few of us, really know who you were two weeks ago. So take it slow and keep a lid on that Drow!" he laughs at me "We don't want, or need little hellions of yours running around!"

I laugh with him "No we don't!.....But could you see the damage my kids would do, porting everywhere!'

"I shake in the thoughts!"

I just grin at him and go back to eating my fill.

Later on, we both have finished and get up to go back down into the 'rabbit hole' I call the elevator here. When we hit the floor we need, the door opens and Dr. Otto stands there smiling at us.

"Hi Rohanna! I just had to see you tonight and explain why I was so nasty the last time you where here?"

"And?" I say simply, as Bill leads us all down the hallway to the temporal spectral analysis machine. Or as I now call it in my mind...the machine that needs me in a body stocking and near nude to use!

"I was in the middle of helping and still am. Two really messed up kids....from your school. Then add I was being pressured by the persons above, to get you tested and fast! As you are so strange!"

"That is little or no excuse!"

"Well I will try much harder to change all of that. Then I am apologizing to you right now for that last time you where here?"

"I will accept it Dr. Otto. But please try to keep who ever 'leans' on you? OFF me?"

He nods rather quickly to me, as we enter the testing center doors "I will...or I will tell Bill to tell you what's going on to keep you in the 'loop'. So that ...they still 'think' they run this place?" he laughs at me.

"Okay...I can work with that!" I now giggle back, in knowing he will try harder and he is in a 'bad' spot.

As we all enter the 'TS' centers main doors, Otto takes note of Violet sitting happily on my shoulder and asks "Rohanna? Can we run tests on your Pixie?"

"I say no!....But Violet has her own will and can if she wants too? As I don't 'own' her!" I tell him and ask her at the same time.

"Well small one?" he asks her "what is your answer?"

"I would only do it....if it helped her AND I can not see how this human 'THING' being done to me can?" her small voice makes its displeasure known.

"We can pay Rohanna for your time?" he adds.

"Jabbress? will this help you if I allow this 'testing' thing?"

"No it's only human money and it can not buy what we need?"

"What do you need Rohanna?"

"A homeland for us Sidhe, where we make the rules!"

"We can't help with that now? But maybe later?"

I wave a dismissive hand at him "Well till then, what good is ARC to me?....besides the money, that I rarely need?"

"Well, we do try to help you as best we can? one way that we do?"

"Fine doc. You all try to help me. Maybe one day? I will call upon that 'help' and I expect it to show up when I do!"

"We will try? I can not speak for all...but you have my vote. The Sidhe race needs a homeland of some type? It can only help humans in the long run, your ancient knowledge and other things?"

"Yes" I say to him and yet I think as I do 'there is a coming storm?....and it will be a big one!'

After we are all in the 'TS' control room, the tech hands me that cotton body stocking and waves me to the dressing room. I sigh at that, as wearing this darn thing! I might as well be nude! Gaea this thing is 'thin'!

Once I exit the changing room, all the eyes of the men there are instantly on me. The leers and stares my body is getting are starting to bother me badly. Bill acts on what he sees and wraps a robe around me, then glares at the others.

Dr. Otto sees what his staff is doing and acts "IF! I see one more stare or leer like this going on for a second longer! You are all fired!" he shouts.

Most of the room gets back to doing their jobs...for now?

Bill's arm wraps around me, to keep me calm and he moves me to the center chamber to get this all over with. Me? I am stuck last time I stood up for myself. But after last nights 'little pillow toss' with Josh, I am so confused.

A laugh from Bill breaks my thoughts "Now I know why you want me to carry a gun! A whip and chair might help too!"

"Humm? now you like my ideas? I know I look beautiful to some? Maybe exotic? But that room of guys needs some ladies in it!..." I say softly in thought "I wonder what they would be doing...if I used my glamour?"

"You have a glamour? Like Fey does?"

"Yes...but I can control mine and it has...another part?"

"What?...if I can ask?"

"Pure cold fear" my voice says flatly, as I go back in my shared memories of the times I had to use it.

Dr. Otto must have just barely overheard me say that to Bill and walks over to both of us to ask me about it "Your glamour you just mentioned? Can we test that too?"

For some reason...I mentally slip and the Drow takes over "Ji rivvil dos ssinssrin ulu zud'dar ussta!" (so human you want to test my glamour)

Waves of my glamour of pure fear slam into Dr. Otto and he seems to be holding up to them. The Drow deep within me, sees that he must have shielding of some sort and pours even more at break the human that caused so much pain just two weeks ago!

Dr. Otto's hand comes up at me to wave me off, as he gasps out "Rohanna PLEASE hurts!"

Bill sees Otto's pain and the fear growing in him, as his shields start to fail. He watches on as a evil satisfied grin covers my face, as I or part of enjoys his pain.

With a hard tug, Bill pulls my face to his and our eyes lock. When that happens, my fear glamour pours deep into him. As I focus it via my sight! He withers in seconds and starts to shake in fear. When I notice it and I act! My arms wrap around him and pull him closer to me.

"Bill I am so sorry! I never meant you to feel that....please stop shaking. I will not hurt you!" I cry out as we both slide to the floor.

As Bill tries to recover, as I hit him with the 'worst' I can give off. My rage turns back on Otto! As both, my human part and the Drow in me. We see Bill as a brother, a fellow combat mate, and part of my new family!

As I start to stand again and leave Bill behind me. My voice bellows in anger at Otto "Nindol zhah jal dosst QUE'DARN! Dos inbal ussta iglata ulu xun nindol testing...whol or'a! Or'a Usstan llaar xun naut ssrig'luin! Quin dos elendar ulu joros whol tangis'mzild....xor uns'aa d'ussta companion Sil'iluuth! Vel'bol zhah huthin?.....ussta dalharen ka lu'vel'drav Usstan inbal mina!"
(This is all your FAULT! You have my promise to do this testing...for money! Money I really do not need! Yet you continue to ask for even more....of me, of my companion Violet! What is next? children, if and when I have them!)

Once I am fully up, my armor 'pops' into being and a blade slides to my hand. Just as I stalk forward and intend on harming Otto badly today. I think... I have only promised not to hurt others at Whateley or those I have personally chosen! And Dr. Otto is not on any of those lists!

I only take one step, when my foot is caught and I look down to a hand wrapped around it. Bill looks up to me with a pained face, as he says "No please don't, it's a small that's on all of us here?"

That act stops me and I fly to Bill to give him comfort again. I move him to a wall and lean him up against it to make this more comfortable. Then Violet flies over, lands on Bill's shoulder and shoves her glamour at him.

As she does, I remember that most Pixies have a nice glamour, one made for kids ...just pure simple 'joy'....when it washes over him. Bill comes back to me and loses that fear of me.

Bill smiles to me, then gives me a hug "Boy that feels better....but man! That glamour of yours. I don't want to feel that again!"

"No you will not! I made a mistake of using that on you Bill!" I promise Bill, then My anger at Otto returns and I glare at him again "He needs to stop asking for more of me!"

"Is that what you said in Drow?" Bill asks.

"Yes Bill, that is what my Rohanna said" Violets small voice makes it presence known "And she is right...human" she twists her body and sneers at Otto "You need to stop asking for more tests...ones that are not in the past agreement or tests on me! OR! On her kids...if they come!" she now hisses at Otto.

When Violet says that last part, I know why she is mad. Pixies in the plan of the world, were made in my guess to protect children. I have always thought that is why we Drow work so well with them...we both have similar traits.

So me saying that Otto may want to 'test' my children here? It has her full attention and with it... her anger.

I pull Bill to his feet and then glance to Otto "Once this test is over...this day of testing me ends! Finished or not! You spoiled a great day for me and of late I have had very few!"

The room stands quiet now and I walk off toward the main chamber to get this over with. As I enter the chamber, Otto stops me with a reply "Are you stopping all tests? Even the other ones you agreed to?"

With a heavy sigh I turn back, to glare at him "Are you questioning my word yet again? I wrote a promise out that I would do the tests as listed! Yet you ask for more?"

I jump into the chair at the rooms center and yell out with a warning "Lets get this over! BEFORE I spill more blood this week, than I already have!"

The door closes and the technician guides me though his actions with a calming voice of a man doing his job.

"Otto!" Bill shouts out "She warned you off more than once. I should have let her slit your throat!"

"Bill! lets not have this out! You still work for me, for now!" Otto warns him with a little veiled threat of firing him.

"Ohh lets see if that is true! Let us test that too! Like all the other stuff you wanted today? Shall we ask Rohanna? As her contract states, I am her only contact and I am to be with her during all tests held here or anywhere ARC requests?"

As Otto fumes and thinks to fire Bill on the spot! Violet flies to Bill's shoulder and sits. She then whispers in Bill's ear "What I see and hear? So does Rohanna and she knows what he just said."

"Otto?" Bill questions and then Otto turns to glare at Bill with a "Yes?"

"You forgot about Violet? Rohanna's Familiar you called her? What she sees and hears. Goes right to Rohanna! And she just heard all of this!"

Otto studies the small Pixie on Bill's shoulder and Violet waves at him with a smile.

As the test ends and the technician tells me all the tests are good. I leap from the chair and go out the door. I just glare at Otto, as I pass him on the way to the dressing room.

Once I have that 'cat suit' off me, my growing anger carries me back to the main control room. "Well Otto you want to fire Bill? Well do it! And then I am free of all this!"

When I glance back to Bill, I can see he is a little put off at my threat "Bill please don't worry about this job or the money? I can cover all of your loses."

"Who will pay for your time at Whateley then.....and where are you obtaining money from?" Otto asks.

"You really think that the only thing in the golden box of mine....was only me? How limited you think?"

"So what else was in there?"

"SEE you can't stop yourself!.....From asking more than you need to know....So this is over for today! AND then are you firing Bill or not?"

"No I am not firing Bill" is his short reply.

"Well good, I do not want to hear you threaten him ever again! Especially when I am involved!"

When I start to walk off, I ask Bill from the door and see he is thinking what I just said over in his mind "Please join me Bill, I am I am done here for the day."

"Rohanna?" Otto calmly asks.

I stop with a jolt "Yes?" as had I started to walk out, after Bill started to walk with me.

"I do not wish to press you? But those in charge of here? They will want all the tests done? And you have a few left to do?"

"What ones?"

"The X-tests"

"I did all of that again at Whateley and then add to that. I just know ARC has access to all of my medical files at Whateley. This week I spent Sunday night there in Doyle and a few other trips! I am sure they got all the 'free' data, at no charge from me!"

Suddenly Bill grasps my arm and leads me out of the room. As he does, he whispered to me "Your eyes were getting red back there....I knew you had to leave or he was a dead man....that I am sure of..."

The next thing Bill does, is leads me off to his small office and offers me the sofa once we get into the room. After I sit in it, I can tell the only reason its being here, is for Bill to sleep on when needed. The deep cushions it offers relax me, as he takes a seat in a nice chair behind the desk after he closes and locks the door.

"You can thank Jineen for that sofa, she is the one who got it for me and this great chair! She knew sooner or later, I would need to sleep here. But relax and spill all that pent up nasty you have on me?" he asks me with genuine concern.

Before I even answer him, I weave up a privacy spell and set it off to float to the ceiling. When it hits it, a magical ward is made, fills and then covers the whole room.

After it is set, a glow comes from anything human or magic that can spy on us. Bill spins his gaze all around the room after I finish and notes a glow coming from the walls

"What was that you did and why do my walls have glowing writing on them?"

"Your fellow workers here do not trust you! That...Bill? Is a spell to watch this room, I just blocked it and surly got someone very angry!" I start to laugh.

I on the other hand, take note that his desk lamp, the phone and a picture of Jineen on his desk are glowing too. I snatch the lamp off the desk and see that the base is glowing the most. So I tear off the cloth cover and pull from the wiring with a snap of current....a small device. I then replace the cover and set the thing I found on his desk in front of him.

Once he sees what it is "Ohh those bastards!" he hisses out.

"I am not done." I say, as I grab the phone and twist the flat handset open with a pop. Then up it yields a small chip card, that I tear from it.

It joins the other one on the desk and I grab the picture. My other hand grabs a letter opener off his desk set and I use it to pry the picture frame open...carefully. So I don't damage it. Just behind the picture, I find a long, thin, card of electronics and toss it to the growing pile on the desk.

"All done! Before I leave, maybe we can make an album for them in drive them crazy!" I giggle out

"I can do that! But lay it all on me...what is bugging you...besides Josh that boy?"

"Bill...just these two weeks! All that happened on Saturday in Boston? AND then add Sunday nights little issue? I almost left all those I have grown to care and love behind because of those two days? If not for a small promise made to me?....I would have left all this....for at least a century or better?"

" to me, if it gets that bad again? I actually give a shit if you have grown on me and the stuff you do?....It keeps me awake with the fun madness of it all!"

I laugh with Bill over those words, then go back to my talking over my issues.

"Why do they seem to hate me? Or hate things that are not pretty? Can't they see beyond the skin, to what I can see in the people they hate...Heck if I don't hate it for what they are? Then leave it alone!"

"Are you talking about Sara?'

My head falls to stare at the floor "Yes, I am talking about Sara. As I am sure now, that Saturday attack. It was meant to kill her and I just got in the way?"

"Tell me why again, someone would want to do that?"

"She is a GOO and some religious zealots, they think her being here is an affront to God or something? But they have no clue, what she really is!"

"I you got tossed into the mix and got hurt for it?"

"Yep and I feel it will get worse. As when most see me? They only see that monster I resemble."

"NOT that monster crap again! Don't do that to yourself!"

"Fine then! lets me and you go pop over to times square and go shopping! Then we will see how long or far we both get!....Lets go!...Now....I am game!" I shout with challenge in each word.

"'re right, my fellow humans are stupid!"

"No not stupid....just uninformed is all?" I give in to him.

"Anything else?"

"If things don't get better? I may have to leave, to stay safe and sane?"

"I will look into places for you to the books here? Just incase?"

"Thanks Bill....I know you have my back! AND I will always have yours!"

As I say that last thing, the phone rings and it breaks our privacy "I bet that is someone checking that those bugs work?" I warn him, as his hand goes for the handset.

"Well then? What should I say?"

"HAAA tell them you just found bugs in your office and that the whole complex might be compromised! If they don't go nuts? Then you now know for sure it was them!"

Then the thought hits me "But Bill? My laptop from here had bugs too! A friend took them all out and secured my laptop for me!...Just so you know, this is not the first time I have seen this from ARC?"

Bill hits the phone speaker button so I can hear what is said "Mr. Varney? Telecomm services here....we had a computer notice your phone had a disconnect? And the system posted a call for asking?"

"Yep!" Bill almost laughs "It's working now? But I found a 'bug' in it and that is why it dropped off the system?"

"Bug? sir? ...insect?"

"No...dummy!.....Bug as in unauthorized listening device! and I found two more after that one!" Bill's voice drips with sarcasm.

"I will send a tech right out and inform will be there in....ahhh five minutes? Is that fine?"

Bill looks up to me for a answer......and I nod to him "That will be fine."

The line drops and Bill starts laughing..."What a moron!"

"Well lets see what the 'tech' does when he gets here?"


"But Bill?.." I near mumble and that gets his attention fast to me "When I almost lost it back there?"

"Yes..." he nods.

"When you hear that Drow coming out of me.....I am kind losing to her again. In the last few Wednesday. I got real upset at a H1! guy at the mall and I could not speak english for a few minutes. Then I started to lose the ability to understand it too?"

"Now that sounds bad...very bad?"

"It might be? But I got better, then Aung is helping at night as best she can and so is Sara. I am trying hard to make this blend of new human and ancient Drow work out? But everything keeps getting violent and she...the Drow is the only thing in me made for it?"

"So every time you get challenged or have a bad time...she comes out full bore?"

" with Otto back there....I...part of me....HECK! all of me wanted to hurt him and bad!"

"Well tell me what you need?"

"I need exactly what you're doing right now...listening and being here. Remember we both in our ways, have seen....fighting and you're the only one who sort of understands me...Then there is Ms. Everheart back at school...she does too?"

"I am one call way at all times...ARC paying for it or not!"

"Fine...but don't tell anyone? As I really don't say much about it at school anymore. As if they think I am going off the deep end?"

"You end up back ARC." he says flatly and can't even look at me for a secound.

"And that might as well be a death sentence for I will fight to get out!"

I sit there deep in thought and Bill watches me...and keeps quiet to let me think. Then at that five minute mark, the door knocks

"I bet I know who that is!" he sings and gets up to unlock the door.

The tech comes in with a wave of Bill's arm as Bill quips at him "Have at it kid! But don't mess up anything!"

My fangs pop out as I smile "Hi" to him and stand up. Just as I leave the room, my hands weave a spell to cancel the 'privacy ward' and it disappears with a pop.

Then my arm is snagged by Bill and he drags me out of the room "Lets be going and leave him to work...shall we?"

"Ya fine..." I give into him. I so wanted to mess with the tech and question him a little. To see if he was the one who planted that shit!

Bill gives me a playful shove down the hallway toward the elevators and once in them we go back up to the surface. Out in the main complex office area, Dr. Otto spots us and starts to walk over to us.

Bill grabs my arm, when he spots him comming and whispers to me "Stay cool...please?"

"All up to him" I say in that colder and growing more common voice of the Drow.

"Hi Rohanna...Bill. Are you leaving now?"

"Yes..." the cold Drow answers.

"Yep doc she is....I got her all calmed down and we talked a bit. So I am now seeing her out. Need anything?"

"Well I guess its goodbye? Till we see you again in...hum two weeks?...No lets call it three then? As you where right? We did get lots of new info via that night you spent in hospital."

"Okay Dr. Otto. I will be here as promised. I would apologize to you.....but can't. You pressed me at the end of a very bad week, just as I was having fun and you paid for it! Next time just stay on track and don't ask for anymore of me. Till....we grow on one another?"

"That will be fine" he said to me and as I walked off toward the waiting van he spoke yet again "Try and have a better week Rohanna?"

"Thanks...I will try."

After the van drops me at the front gates and Bill has walked me back outside them. We are both giving each other that last hug before I leave.

"Well, I will come on down sometime this week with the porter and surprise ya!" he says with a evil grin to me.

"I'll be waiting!"

"Rohanna? please call if it gets hard again for ya?"

"I will....but I have a great bunch of new friends there and that is the only reason why I have chosen to stay....and you!"

"Well get going! I have stuff to watch TV!"

"I am going....sheesh. But I will work on a charm for you so that the 'bugs' don't bite ya?"

"Ohh that would be great!"

"Bye" I wave and port back to Nikki's


Sunday February 25 4:15 am
Nicholas Reilly family home

Once I port back to the house, I jump to the back porch and enter the door there to the kitchen. On my way back to my room, I listen to the house and find all the others are asleep as they should be.

After a long shower to wash off all that anger I just had, I plop onto the bed and lay there...thinking. When I don't find any peace in that thinking, I get redressed and walk out to the back porch. Once there, I port


Sunday February 25 4:35 am
The Grove

At the welcoming center of the Grove, Violet flies off to go see her family and I find a very busy Aung sitting on the large stump there.

"So what is Aung doing tonight?" I giggle at her.

"What I am doing is...filling this book of spells for you and Nikki." she says while still writing.

"Humm and by the looks of it...that one is nearly filled? How much time have you spent on this?"

"All that I can.....and Rohanna? Do you have more of these books?"

"Yes...but in deep storage? Do you need one now?"

"That would be good and a few more? Then these books are prefect, the humans have nothing like this!"

"I bet they don't. Each page has a separator. To a layperson it looks like wax paper, but to us? It keeps the spells written in it, from contaminating one another."

Once done talking to her, I walk off a few paces for room and weave a pattern in the air. With a large tug on my part, my box slides from where I keep it and once fully out. My fingers tap the needed and ever changing code of symbols to open it.

When it opens, the light from the magic within makes the Grove's center brighter and I can see that Aung desperately wants to get up and see what's in it! With the top now fully open to me, I lean into it a little and pull out five more even larger books for Aung and a better writing set....incase she needs it.

With a slight shove, the lid closes, then the box slides back home to nothing and I walk over to Aung at the tree stump. I sit next to her with a sigh and place the books next to her "That should keep you happy and this writing set is for deeper magic I am told?"

She picks it up and examines it "So it is. You do not use this?"

"I was never taught how to make spells...only how to use them fast and hard. I told you this, that writing set?...I have never used one to make a spell, I have only ever copied what I was told too?"

"Well you begin learning tonight."

"Don't you have to teach or tutor Nikki?"

"No not tonight...she is dreaming of Paul all night and I do not want to interfere with do I?" she smiles.

"Nope! As Toni says "girl has to get some!" Even if it is in a dream!"

"Yes I know she does...."Aung says in a more than a 'mother is mad' tone!

"But lets start you out on the basics, as I write them in this book" as she writes a new spell in the tome, she shows me the why's and why not's! of spell crafting.

A little over two hours latter, Aung stops writing and informs me "Nikki is about to wake up. I have to get back to her and be there for her."

"Well....her waking before noon is good!" I laugh.

"She wanted to make an effort to be up and around. To show you a good time at home, is all. She was mad at herself for yesterday and waking so late? But do not tell her I said this to you?"

"No problem. I had better get back too! See you in a few!" and I port.

Aung takes the pile of books, over to a large ring of brush and lays it all in a stone box there. A Pixie, who guards this place of storing items. She waves her small arm and the earth sucks the box beneath it.
"Thanks my small friend. I know this is safe with you" and she vanishes.


Sunday February 25 7:20 am
Nicholas Reilly family home

I land on the wood porch again and go to the back door. As I open it, Troy waves at me and I can see Mr. Reilly is up too.

"Well look what the cat dragged in" he laughs at me "Troy! remind me to thank that cat! It is sure getting better at catching these Elves off the yard!"

I go along with the joke "Mr. Reilly...if it was not for us "Elves" Your lawn would be covered in little gnomes by now and all doing 'cute' poses!"

"Touché! Rohanna, you're a quick wit! Or a..."

"Please sir don't say it!"

As I go to sit at the counter, Troy asks me "Coffee? Juice? What do ya want?"

"Orange juice...if ya have it?"

"Yep! big...small?" he asks.

"Larger the better!"

He grabs a giant mug from the cabinet and goes to fill it "We always have juice now. Or fruits and veggies for Nikki....just incase she shows up!"

"So out all night at ARC?" Mr. Reilly asks.

" got messed up. Dr. Otto keeps asking for more tests than I promised and it's starting to bug me...sir?" I growl a little.

"Tell me?" his voice lowers in tone at me. I can tell he is getting a little angry.

"He saw Violet and wanted to test her. Then...." I falter a little as I think about what happened.

"Please go on?" he gently encourages me.

"He wanted to test my glamour after I mentioned it to Bill in passing. I got more than mad and shoved it at him in got a little nasty from there?" I finally sigh.

"Any blood?" he asks simply. Knowing I don't actually back down from anyone.

"No sir.....We had.....words and Bill helped out."

"I will talk to Bill first, as I know you trust him and will find out what the middle of this is? Then I will act or not on it?"

"That will be fine by me....sir."

"So what else then last night?"

"I went to the Grove to calm down and Aung was there. So we did lessons like we usually do?"

"I thought she taught Nikki in her sleep most nights?"

"She does...sir. I think, she is either splitting the time or might be in two places at once? I think she can do that. When she was alive....she was very powerful, to say the least."

Troy interrupts us with a jest "I wonder if she can teach me in my sleep?"

"I am not so sure you want that Troy! As then you will never rest!" I joke at him.

"Well just so you know the plans for today....there are none. We don't do the church thing here and since I have the kids all this week. I want to spend time with them both and you of course!"

While Mr. Reilly cooked up breakfast and I gulped down juice, we all talked over the places to see near here. As we went along Mr. Reilly decided to spend this day at home and the adventure of going out, it can wait for the better weather during the summer time.

When the morning potatoes he made were hitting my plate. Nikki rolled on into the kitchen and was looking very chipper and awake for morning! As she sat, he placed another plate out for her.

Violet at the time, was diving into all the cut fruit that Troy left on the table and was munching away.

"Does she always eat all crazy like that" he asked while staring at Violet.

"Yep" I mumbled out, then swallowed "But she is cute! But don't let her have too many M&M's! she gets a little hyper!"

"NO I don't!" her tiny voice yelped out in protest.

"Then what was that bubble bee, that looked like you buzzing around my room one night!"

"Okay I get jumpy!" she gave in.

"But she does love pancakes! I found out this week."

"I will make some for lunch then!" Troy offered.

"Humm all this food. I am going to have a chubby Pixie on my hands!"

"Has she tried a mug of hot chocolate yet?" Nikki wonders out loud to me.

"Humans make hot liquid chocolate too!" Violet asks me with a wide grin.

"Ohhh brother....yes." I say...doomed.

"I WANT!" she demands.

"Troy if you please? Or she will never shut up!"

Within a few minutes, Troy places a small cup of instant hot coco in front of Violet "Be careful it's still very hot!' he warns her.

After she blows on it for awhile, she takes a sip and screams "Ohhh yummy! I want this when we get back to school."

My head falls into my arms on the countertop and I start banging it with my head "I am doomed! When she tells them all back in the Grove about this! They will never shut up! I knew I should have never gave them trail mix and M&M's that one night!"

After we all finish up eating, all of us go out to the family room to catch some TV. Violet is buzzing around the room like a nut! And she is getting into everything! Just barely a half hour into the madness, she finally calms down, curls up on a small pillow on a shelf and takes a nap.

Troy pulls up some TV shows on the DVR and explains as he goes how it works. When the commercials come up in the show, he fast forwards them, but Nikki stops him.

"Troy, I know this makes no sense and will hurt a little? But leave the commercials in for me."

"Why?" he whines.

"So Rohanna can watch them and see what's out in the world a little via them. She has not had the time for all that yet?"

"Normally I would do the same and remove them" I say "But it makes sense to watch them to me? I am sure you don't sell stuff that I know of anymore?'

He reluctantly leaves in the commercials and the show plays on. One episode blends into another and as it goes. I make mental notes on the things I see in the show and the commercials.

Since I am all laid out on the more than comfortable couch and I actually feel more than safe in this home. Knowing Nikki, Aung and Mr. Reilly are here. I fall asleep after a long week of hell.

Within a few minutes, my body is tossing and twisting on the couch. The mean growls and half snarls start from me. Troy, who was sitting on the couch next to me, he goes to tap me and Nikki warns him with a sudden grab at his arm.

"NO! don't" she then slaps his hand back "Gwen and Roz warned me...never touch her when she is asleep and tossing about."

"Why honey?" Mr. Reilly asks.

"Dad....she is back 'there' deep in the fight and could be dangerous when woken wrong?" she whispers.

Troy moves slowly away from me, as I toss about and then suddenly. I lean up to sitting from the couch and yell out "Dalharen!" (children) and start crying.

Nikki wants to go hold me, but Aunghadhail warns her mentally ~"No Nikki do not say a word, not just yet...give her a minute to process that. That dream...nightmare, I think maybe her worst one and you do not want to know about it....yet?"~

After Mr. Reilly watches his daughter hesitate moving to me "Nikki? Why don't you go hold her?"

Nikki shakes her head and indicated her mouth. Mr. Reilly gets it instantly. Nikki's voice might make things worse right now.

After a short while sitting there sobbing, I get more than embarrassed that Mr. Reilly saw that, so I get up and go to the kitchen to wash my face, then place a cool cloth on me. As I sit there at the counter thinking, Nikki comes over and hugs me.

"You better?" she asks.

"Ya...that one nightmare of a memory never leaves. Sara tried to get it moved on, but that wound is too deep."

Nikki thinks to ask about it, but Aunghadhail says ~"Do not ask about that one my child. She does not wish to share that one.....We talked it over in the Grove. It is best left alone for now.....till we all can cope with it?"~

~"What can be so bad Aung?"~

Aung says one word to Nikki and it's enough ~"Children....was the word she screamed in Drow"~

~"Ohhh I understand now."~

~"No you do not. Neither of us do? Not till you are a mother...then you may. I had a kingdom to I know a little of that my own way?"~ Aung questions herself...if she truly does.

"I get so confused at times by my old dreams, then add all of her's 'the Drow's'. Sometimes I forget who I am?"

Nikki nods to me "Sometimes I get that from Aung too. So I guess we are a lot alike in someways?"

"Yes, maybe we are? But falling asleep here? That is a good thing as I see it? I feel comfortable enough to let my guard down here!"

"Good to hear that!" Mr. Reilly interrupts us from his just walking in.

He is then followed by Troy, who starts pulling out the items I know make pancakes "Well since we all are in the kitchen, I might as well make that lunch?" Troy adds in.

"Good Troy! I did not have to remind ya....this time!" Mr. Reilly commends him and gives Troy a rub on the head that messes his hair. That action gains a "Hey daaaad don't!" after he does it.

Troy starts cooking up a great looking meal, once during his prep he pulls out chocolate chips and asks me "Should I add this to Violet's batch?"

"Ohhh no you don't! Unless you want her locked in your room to buzz that off!" I warn him.

He laughs evilly at me and shakes the bag once more as Violet finally flies into the room from her nap. She lands on the counter top and looks up at Troy "Pancakes?" she questions him.

"Yes small one.....with the giant stomach! I am making them!"

I quietly thank Gaea, that Violet has no idea what it takes to make them or knows what a bag of chocolate chips looks like! After a short while, Troy is dishing out one stack after another to us and cooks a short stack of 'silver dollar' ones just for Violet.

Once I see the syrup that Troy pulls out from the microwave, Gaea I get happy at the sight "REAL maple syrup! My dad never bought that! 'too darn expensive!' he always said."

Violet asks me "What is that?"

"It's syrup from a tree, instead of that man made crap! A real treat!" I then pour some for her onto her small stack, then mine gets fully covered in that sugary goodness.

Violet starts to slice her's up, with a small knife she has and uses a toothpick to eat with. After that first bite....She smiles ear to ear "Now I know what you mean, this is better!...Thanks Troy!"

I nod my agreement to Violet, as I finish that first stack and whip my plate out to Troy for more. Nikki is right after me with her's and small Violet is savoring every bite slowly.

Mr. Reilly shakes his head to us all "Thank God both of you girls are at Whateley! The food bills alone would kill me!"

"Hey Dad...pancakes are cheap! But I have to get my turn eating?"

As I add syrup to my new stack, I answer him "Go ahead and eat Troy, this is fine for me?"

Nikki glares at him..."Keep cooking little brother! I am hungry!"

I give Nikki a playful small poke in her side, after she says that "Are the modeling agencies going to like that extra stack?"

"Chasing after you all week....I need this!"

"Okay...that makes sense to me!"

After lunch is done and I help stow the dishes in the washer. Then all of us go back out to the family room and Troy gets the game system warmed up. This time, he takes out a car game for me to try out the newer cars and maybe see what I think of them.

As the evening comes. I find that Nikki is beating the crap out of me on most of the games. She just understands the controller way better than I do. Troy seems to beat her most of the time and Mr. Reilly? He wisely sits all this out and just watches the fun.

At Seven, Mr. Reilly has dinner all cooked for us to sit and eat in the dining room. As we sit and eat, Mr. Reilly takes that time to grill me a little.

"So the school called me and told me this week may have to be a bit short?"

I give him a questioning glance at that statement "Sir?"

"Well that little spat you had on Tuesday? With...Truck...was it?"

" went after Truck?" Nikki asks in a surprised voice.

"He started it!" I yelp back to her.

"Well that maybe the case...But when you were done with him, you kept on beating him!"

"Yes...sir. I did" and my head goes down a little in the shame from it.

"What started it?" Nikki asks

"I was messing with Jobe...then Truck got a little more than sexually....aggressive at me. I gassed him and then stomped on his junk?"

Troy cringes a the thought of me doing that "Owwch!"

Nikki giggles at me..."Ohhh brother I have to hear this one! I gotta call....hey who was there! So I can ask!"


"Ohh ya Gwen is gonna tell me all of it!"

"I am sure someone has video of the whole thing?"

"Too cool!"

"Well sir. I got three days detention service for it."

"I guess Puppets room will get really clean this week!" Nikki laughs even more.

"So you are going back tonight, to get all that maybe that might calm my Drow down a little?"

"I hope so sir...I am trying?"

"I know."

Then after that good food is all gone. I return to my room to pack up my stuff, as I have to go and get that punishment done. As my packing goes, Nikki comes in and helps with what little I have.

"Dad told me...they are giving you UV list too after that fight. Then add that stuff on Saturday?"

"Yep...I get picked on or nearly killed. I get punished....all this time passes for this Drow in me and it is still the same thing."

" know darn well that is not the whole thing! You kept on Truck! He maybe an asshole, but you kept on him and liked it! That is the main reason why they are testing you. I have seen all this before with Billie, the only diff? Is that she can kill way faster than you!"

"'re right Nikki. I had it coming....after all the crap I nearly did? Peeper, Jobe, Constance and others."

"Yes...just keep it down? Then they might trust that you can keep a lid on all that pent up anger that is in you?"

"I will try? But see ya when?"

"I will get back to school and soon!"

I shoulder my large bag and she leads me to the front door, at the door Troy and Mr. Reilly are waiting for me. Troy gives me a small hug and Mr. Reilly follows him with one.

Mr. Reilly hands me a piece of paper when he lets go of me "Here is your personal code to the door here and the main gates to the complex. Since your nearly should have this....just incase?"

"Thanks...I hope I never need it in an emergency?"

Nikki then grabs me in a hug of doom! And after she lets go of me is crying a little at me "Have fun with Puppet! and 'keep calm and carry on!'" she giggles to me.

"I will cya!"

Then I vanish.


Sunday February 25 8:32 pm
Whateley Academy - Poe cottage

My port in lands on the steps of Poe and I walk in the building trying to be as unnoticeable as I can be. But Mrs. Horton and her hearing of the Gods stops me!

"Miss Leigh! You have a detention note again and its in your mail box!" she shouts at me from her room and its slightly opened door.

"Yes Mrs. Horton, I hear you and will go retrieve that note."

Jamie who was sitting in the main entry room, giggles a little at that and then she says softly to me "That lady can hear anyone! I don't understand it?"

"Yep she does? I can sneak with the best of them and yet she still hears me?"

"I thinks she has a spell on the doorway? And since we live here willingly? We can't avoid it?"

"Makes sense to me? Like a fool's circle does?"

"Fool's circle?" she asks.

"A spell circle that make the person in its center vulnerable to any magic the person who made it?....thus a Fool to enter one!"

"I get it!"

I get an evil eye from Abby or Vamp who is just coming in the room from the hallway "Haa got detention!"

"Well at least I did not STEAL things in my life and get caught!"

"I did not get caught! I gave up! Then came here!"

"Whatever?" I shrug off her anger and walk to my room.

Vamp sees an opportunity to prove herself and tosses that 'lust' aura at me. I spin on my heels mad as heck! But calm myself, as I don't need any more issues this week!

"Good try Abby! But you suck ass compared to Sara?" I chastise her, then restart my slow walk to my room.

Abby now is mad as she can get, but Jamie says one thing to calm her down "Abby please don't...She does not need the trouble and she will hurt you bad or kill you..." she eyes Abby coldly "An you know it!"

Abby sighs back, as she calms down "You're right, she would and she does not need the grief."

Once I get to my room, I find that yet again someone has left boxes stacked on one side of it. My bag gets tossed to my bed for later and I go look them all over. The shipping lists on the top box, shows that most of the stack is that video and stereo equipment I ordered. Then there is that large poster of "bullet" the movie leaning next to the wall.

"Well I guess I will have to 'hang' that poster soon and figure out all this new tech stuff!"

My hands tear open each box as carefully, as a kid at Christmas would! Then look for the instructions in each box, after lots of digging! A nice stack of instruction manuals sits on my desk. The boxes get restacked, then I plop with the manuals on my bed and start reading.

Soon enough I find, I need either. The internet or a person who knows all this 'stuff' to get it all working! So, with a slightly mad toss. The stack lands on my desk and I go to the Grove to meditate for the night or see if Aung is about?

Once I get to the Groves center, there is no one there? I guess Aung is still with Nikki and not here yet? So I get back into my routine of meditating, as I really need this time to make this blending of human and Drow work out!

Long about midnight Aung shows up and starts a general routine of teaching me the basics of how to craft spells.

After a few hours, I interrupt her teaching "Aung? All this makes sense to me? But when I watched Sir Wallace do human style magic? It looked so strange to me, all unordered and confusing?"

"Yes, I have seen that too? The human mind is nothing like us, it can not see the order in magic or the ley lines like we do."

"Can you help me with their style, so I can learn it faster?"

"Sorry I can not? As I do not understand it myself? Nikki is learning it just fine, it seems as her spirit can grasp the ideas that Sir Wallace shows her. Perhaps you will too, given enough time?"


Monday, February 26 5:35 am
The Grove

After waving bye to Aung for the day, I port to Poe to grab a morning shower. Once all cleaned up, then went and had breakfast at Crystal. Next I go over to Hawthorne for my work detail. And boy I am not happy about this, I would rather this be my choice to go see Puppet and the others!

Once in the door, I see that Mrs. Cantrel is already waiting for me?

"Hi Mrs. Cantrel, I am here and on time. So what is the list you have for me today?"

"Well Miss Leigh, the first on the list is FUBAR's tank, it needs the filters cleaned."

"Ma'am? I can't do that. No way! Mr. Geintz.....he creeps me out too much."

"Nonsense, all you have to do is get to know him?"

"No ma'am...please. He makes me think of the old ones I used to fight, all the bad memories flood back and that's not good?"

"Louise? Can you come here, so I can ask you something about this?" she sings to empty air.

Within a few seconds, he fades into the room and I step back from him. As I feel that old need to cut him to ribbons flow through me and I have to fight it. When he fades in I can see through him, as he is keeping his intrusion on my mind at a minimum to talk to us.

"What is it my lady?"

"Louis? Is what Rohanna saying true?"

When she says that, I have to fight the urge to jump at her "Mrs. Cantrel! Are you doubting my word!"

"Rohanna please calm yourself. She does not know about this, as it is so unusual?" Fubar asks me in a gentle tone.

"Mrs. Cantrel? if you have not been told or forgot? Rohanna can not tell lies and takes offense at the extreme when you question her word."

"Ohh sorry honey....I did forget that. Please? I am sorry about saying that."

"Yes Mrs. Cantrel, But please Mr. Geintz tell her?" I ask again and step back a few paces.

"Yes Rohanna is correct, something in my change. It sets her off badly somehow? I offered to help fix it? But she has turned me down."

"Okay, I will get Truck to do that later then. So for now go to Puppets room and help her clean up. As you're the best in there, as the poisons don't affect you at all."

"Thanks ma'am I will do my best!"

Like A flash I run up the stairs to Puppets room, at the door I give a soft knock and hear a small yelp of "come in" from inside.

"Hey Puppet! I am back and I have to clean all your stuff again!"

"You've been a BAAADDD Girl I bet!"

"Yep! I have been bad, just ask Truck's junk!"

She giggles out "I heard what you did and Ayla sent me the tape of all of it! You need to seriously calm down a little there?"

"Hey I try? But he came at me!"

"Yep I saw that, but try Rohanna?....please? I want you to be around here for some time to come!"

"I will! Now lets get to work! First the filters, then the room."

"Do you know any history? As I am taking a short fast filler class on that and need some help?"

"It was my best subject in school....besides shop?"

"Ohhh cool!"


Wednesday, February 28 2:35 pm
Hawthorn cottage, Puppets room.

With a sigh and a thud! I plop into a chair in Puppet's room "Well all done! I cleaned every inch of this place! You are all set for weeks!"

"Yep! I have never seen this room so clean! You even cleaned the drains in the room and the air filters! No one has ever done that! I thought you would take it easy after helping clean four other rooms this week?"

"Naw the work gets my mind off...other things?"

"But what was the division trapped in Bastogne during the battle there?"

"Girl you have been making my brain work for three days! You should be looking this stuff up yourself!"

"But please tell me?"

"Okay I give! Like the last fifty times! It was the Tenth armored division, then the One-'O'-first airborne took the next part and all the credit!"

"You sure?"

"Yep I am sure."

I watch as she enters the information on her computer display and seems to get a correct score. As she is not yelling at me, that I am wrong? She moves on to another section of the test and asks me even more stuff and Violet, she just seems to enjoy being in the room with us.

As Puppet gets done with that test and me helping her. A soft knock is at the door and she yelps out "come in?" and Ayla walks in carrying some books.

"Heya cousin!" she sings, then she notices me sitting there "And Rohanna! I got some more books for ya!"

"Goody I love the ones you pick out!"

"Hey Ayla! what's cooking?"

"Just dropping by and if we can talk here?"

"Fine by me....I trust Puppet."

Ayla sits on Puppets bed and gets comfortable. "Well the offer from Circe's group is just over Five hundred mill....US."

"If that is the going rate? You did check for me?"

"I did....the offer is a good one, market rate at this time. But you could still wait and auction all that off. Then chance at getting more? I think for sure it would get you more...but then? We will never know who or what has that large gem?"

"What in the heck are you two talking about?" Puppet asks as she shuts off her computer to be safe.

"Should I?"

"Go ahead I like and trust this one....she seems to be good?" I laugh.

"Well cousin? Rohanna is selling a large lot of magic gems and I do mean LARGE! Some of the finest sold, probably in hundreds of years? She is selling the whole deal via Circe as a favor to her, as one gem is that big" she holds up her hand to show how big "and could be most dangerous in the wrong hands?"

"So what are you going to do with all that cash?" Puppet asks me.

"Well since I am going to take that offer of Circe's and get into her good graces. I will give it to Ayla, for her to invest as best she can for me?....please?"

"I can do that and I will not ask for a commission....if you help me on magic classes next week?"

"Me help you....learn human magic? Heck I need help doing that! I was trained in a very limited way and I am getting help from Aung right now on that!"

"But you still know Fae magic, so anything might help?"

"Yep...I guess? I do understand Fae magic and some Mythos or GOO style stuff? So I can help ya?"

"Mythos magic? Ahh no thanks, I like my mind intact thank you!"

"Ahhh come on! Being crazy is fun! It grows on ya!"

"Nope!" she shakes her head to me "Nuts and money don't mix!"

We all start laughing at that and then the door knocks again. Puppet laughs out as best she can "Come in?" and a kid opens the door slowly.

"Is Rohanna here? I was told she might be?"

"That's me, whatcha need?"

The girl at the door walks in and hands me two notes "For you...have a nice day?" and she leaves.

I look them over and one is for Dr Bellows. The other is to go see Mrs. Everheart right after that is done. My mind is none too happy over either of them!

"Well what's up Ro?" Puppet is the first to ask.

"Well one is to go see the shrink, the other is to go get my scarlet letter I am so sure!"

"Scarlet letter?' Puppet asks.

"Yes cousin, scarlet letter." Ayla says more than angry at the situation I am in "Ro got on the UV list after that crap on Saturday in Boston, then add all the fights she got into before and after it."

"That's Bullshit! She did not ask for Boston and most of the fights were others egging her on!"

"That's what Carson gave her, I was told it maybe temporary?" Ayla asks and answers.

"Yep maybe...if I am left alone that is!" I growl out, while crumpling up the notes in my hand.

"Good luck Ro!" Puppet smiles at me.

"Ya you're right! I had better get this over with! So cya both!" and I run out the door.


Wednesday, February 28 2:55 pm
Doyle Medical center, Dr Bellows office

Just as I enter the main office, I notice that Sara is already sitting there. I close the door behind me, before I even talk to her.

"So either this is bad? Or Bellows is collecting the nuts today?"

Sara jumps up to hug me, as she does she whispers to me "Not bad at all, I am here just incase you need me? I asked for it?"

"Okay, so what is this trip for?"

"Your classes!"

"Ohh goody! We get to hear how stupid I am!" I growl a little.

"Hey you two!" Doogie interrupts us "Unless you're getting a room? The doc is waiting!"

"Yep let's get this over!"

Both of us head to the door, but Doogie stops me for a second "Hey Rohanna? I got that file I begged you for! And boy is that good reading!"

"Good to hear, I hope I don't need your skills anytime soon?"

"Neither do I!"

After I enter his office, I see he is behind his desk smoking that pipe of his. Bellows waves to us and offers both chairs with yet another wave of his arm.

"Please sit ladies?"

I take the chair a little farther in, as I do not like my back to a door or window ever! Sara, she grabs the other and sits or in her case, drapes that sexy body of her's over it.

"Well I am sure Sara told you why you're here?"

"Yes she did Dr Bellows....for classes?"

"So Alfred? What are you giving to Ro here?" Sara asks, a little less formal than I ever do.

He spins, then slides a list on paper to me to read over and then goes over the list verbally.

"Well to start, you tested high enough, that Whateley will give you a high school diploma no matter what classes you take here with us? And then add, you are near fifty percent of the way to a AA or AS college degree of your choice?"

"Good for you, hey you are smart!" Sara jests me and hits me in the shoulder "And all this time I thought you were a dull-witted moron!"

I glare at Sara, as I jest her back "I am older than you.....and in more than one way too!"

Bellows laughs at the banter, but gets back us on track "But the classes we all recommend for you are, Basic martial arts. Followed right after by advanced martial arts. Ito wanted you to take both, one for basic training and one to challenge you better."

"Makes sense to me? He said, he would try to get that for me."

"Hey we have one class together so far!" Sara boasts.

"Then add Ito has you set for Tuesday for that teacher's assistant position for archery? I hope you get that one! As I am sure you will!"

"So do I....I so want to teach something! I did it before? So I should do it now."

"The next section is magic of course. You have both, Intro to Magical Arts, then Introduction to Basic Mystic Concepts and Principles of Magic....with lab to finish the main section out. You will be quite busy with that."

"Well there is one more class we both have and one of those classes Nikki is the TA for!"

"What one Sara?"

"Intro to Magical Arts' And I can guess, she will not ease up on ya!"

"Then we have, Special Topics - Martial Arts. You requested that with Mrs. Carson, that will give you time to practice your sword techniques. Then lastly on the nearly night section, Powers Theory and Powers Lab. At that time, it should go fast."

"I hope so for ya Rohanna...that class taught by the regular guy...snooze fest! BORING!" Sara warns, with a faked yawn.

"The last part is your tutor time with Sir Wallace, that is a flex schedule he will set-up as he can, with both you and Miss Reilly."

"Sounds good to me!"

"Well if we are done? I have others to talk to? Unless you need more time?"


Sara interrupts me and my wanting to leave as fast as I could "Alfred? Just so you know, as I think Ro was about to say nothing on this? Last Wednesday."

I stop her "NO Sara please? I am trying to help that!"

"He should know?"

"Fine....I trust you. Tell him." I say flatly.

"Ro...she lost the capacity to speak english, when we encountered a H1! guy at the mall we had issues at. Then she started to lose the capacity to understand it too. But she recovered within a few minutes with me coaching her?"

"Okay, so Rohanna? What started that loss?"

"All the issues I have with fighting, when I do fight. The Drow within me, she takes over for the most part and I lose to her influence at times....The human part gets lost in the noise of it all."

"Have you had anymore episodes?"

"Last Wednesday out in the Grove, but Aunghadhail was there and helped me come back to normal. She is very good at helping me do that."

The look of shock on Sara's face is barley hidden to the doc. Then she mental taps into me. ~"Was that because of the Tuesday night stuff with Falk?"~

~"A little bit I am sure. As it was a mess at best. But don't beat yourself up over it. I did that willingly, he went after a Sidhe and it cost him! Besides if I was not there? His kids and wife would have died too."~

~"We are going to talk about this later...please?"~

~" you wish"~

"AHHumm ladies? I can guess you are talking without me? But please keep me in the loop, so that I can help?"

"Sorry Dr Bellows. That was more than private, but not all on this topic."

"Okay, I am going to let you go if you feel fine and please talk to me later? Or let Sara in on this for me?"

"I can do that."

"So ladies..."Then the doc's intercom flashes and he takes it "Yess Doogie? I am in session."

"Doc there is a emergency note here for Rohanna."

"What is it?" he asks for me.

"There is a large delivery at the student garage for her....a bike? It says?"

"Ohh shit! It's here!" I smile ear to ear.

"What if I can ask?" he glances at me for answers.

Sara tells him for me, as I am mentally not there.....I am riding that bike right now deep in my head! "Ro ordered a crazy sport bike last week"

"Well get going and take care of that. I will tell Sam you will be a little late?"

"Thanks!" I shout and run out of the room.


Wednesday, February 28 3:45 pm
Kane hall parking lot

After I ran out of the office and leap down to the bottom floor. Once outside of Doyle and its heavy magical wards, I can port. But once outside I see red flag flapping in the breeze and in haste before someone sees me? I pull out my charm, place it on my neck and start running toward Kane Hall.

All I can think about on that run is "Stupid flag! You are ruining my day!"

I run across the campus as fast as I dare! I know I can run much faster, but doing so when a Red flag is up. It will get me in even more trouble! As I round the corner of Kane Hall, my eyes see 'her' for the first new BIKE!

'She' is being put up on a bike stand by two men wearing Ducati jackets, all around them is a small crowd of kids and one giant man I have never seen on campus. But he has to be a teacher?

With near crazy joy flowing through me, I run screaming at the bike and go to almost hug it "IT'S FINALLY HERE!" I yell out.

One of the men delivering the bike, he glares at me as his more than surprised voice asks "You ordered this? A teen girl on a full blown racing bike?"

"Yep I did, read the order! I bet you money it says Rohanna Leigh on it!"

One delivery man tosses the other a large clip board, he opens it and flips through the papers for sometime "Yep you're right! That's the name on here, I never thought to check till now?"

As I look the bike over and caress that silky goodness of a nice paint job. Both men pull from the truck, a large wooden tool box and rolls it over next to the bike.

When it gets there and I finally notice it from my trance, I can't help to ask them "What's this? I just ordered the bike?"

"This Miss, is your tool set and it comes with the bike. I was told to give you a note with it?"

He hands me a small hand written note 'From your gem dealer, happy riding! I knew you would need tools and spare parts for this bike! So here they are!' sighed AG.

Got to give a hug to Ayla for this!

Then he opens the hinged top of the six foot long by five foot tall box and shows me the fold out desk and work station. "This data pad here, will link with your bikes on-board comp and give you all the recorded parameters it holds."

Next he slides open all the drawers one at a time and goes over the contents with me. Once that section is done, he opens one large side door and lists off the spare, chains, brake pads, small parts and the oil supplies. Just as he finishes, His partner stacks six tires next to the box, two fronts and four rears.

"Then Miss, is the bike itself" he waves at the bike while walking to it "we dyno broke-in the engine for twenty hours. Then it was drained and rechecked. Next after passing all that, one of our factory riders tested it out at speed, for ten laps and gave it approval to ride in competition. Then it was fully cleaned to the last bolt and set to your specs as a rider. For both your height and weight."

He leans over and starts the engine. Gives it a little gas, lets it settle into a beautiful purr. Most of the kids standing there, just sigh at the smooth sounds coming from the exhaust.

"Please get on and test that the measurements do fit you?"

I hop on with glee and settle down into a riding stance and pop up a few times to see if its off any? I find it's not...perfection! I hop off and shut the bike down.

"Well Miss I need ID and sign here?" he shows me and hands the clipboard to me.

My hand goes for my card via my sweatshirt hoodie pocket, but a voice from behind stops me. "I will vouch and sign for the bike."

The person just walking past the crowd who said that, is Ms Everheart. She goes to stand next to me and whispers "We really don't want them to see that picture of do we?"

"I don't care if he sees it?"

"I have too" and she hands him, her ID and federal Marshall badge to back it up. He takes it.

"So I guess I will list you as guardian? Or the person in charge of the school?"

"Both" she simply says to him.

He hands her back the ID, as he asks "Where are we? As I have no idea? Your men met us out on the main road after we called and I lost all sense of direction on the way up here?"

"You are at a VERY private school and you not knowing where you are at? We like it that way. Now this man here" She points at one of the guards "He will drive your truck off property and change back to your driver off campus. The exact reverse of how you got here? Any other needs or questions?" Everheart drones out, in a slow monotone of command.

"No ma'am" he says.

After the truck drives off, I spin to the small group of kids ogling the bike "Okay who do I talk to about me leaving this here for just one night?"

"That would be me" says the THE wall of human standing there.

I go to shake his hand in greeting "Rohanna Leigh...sir. And you are?" his hand envelopes all of mine and makes it look tiny!

"Donner, I run the vehicle labs here. But you don't have paperwork to keep a bike on campus. I would know? As I have to sign each one."

"I only need the space for one night. After that I will store the bike and the tool box in magical extra-dimensional space I have....sir."

" night and one night only! Or I have to get it stored proper and you have to get paperwork to get it back."

"Deal! One night is all I need!"

"Now? anyone have some chalk I can use?" I ask the group of kids.

One of the girls asks "Why?...for what?"

"I need some, preferably white. To make a circle around the bike, so I can craft a spell on it and store it!"

The large man, Mr. Donner points at one girl "Skids! Please get her some from the classroom."

"Yes sir!" and she runs off.

As she is gone, Everheart walks back to me and looks the bike over "Well if you're done here Rohanna. We have something to do?"

"I know, but can I get one ride in, then make my warding circle?" I ask her with hope hanging on my words.

She smiles at me "Of course I can't deny you this one little thing!" she looks over her shoulder at the man-wall "Hey Mel? Can you please get this kid, a brain bucket so she can ride?"

He points at another kid "Hardhead! Please get her a helmet?"

That kid jumps at his name being yelled out, then walks over to me and asks "Can I touch you around your head and get a size for that helmet?"

"Fine by me...just let me take off this?" I take off the illusion charm and fade back to normal.

"Cool an Elf! If you want a custom one done, I can be bought for cheap! As I have yet to make one for a Elf yet?"

"Thanks! I need one and it's Drow...not Elf. Please?"

"Okay" and he steps to me and wraps his hands around my head to get a close measurement "Got it!" then he runs off.

Skids comes running back up to me and hands me a large box of white chalk "Here ya go! And you do know, we all here can make this bike of yours go way faster!"

"Thanks, But for now let me get used to it. Then add, I might want to race it and having custom parts on it, may make that impossible?"

"Sadly it might? But we can help with your services?"

"I am sure you all can.....for a price!" I giggle at her.

I hit the bike lift's lever and it slides down onto both wheels smoothly. A gentle push and its free of it's lifting dock. My leg swings over the bike and I start it up to get it warm.

Just then, Hardhead shows up with my helmet and a device in his hands "Here is that helmet and this" he waves it at me "measures you for a perfect fit."

He scans it over me a few times from different angles and sides "All done, but do you wear your hair up or down? So I can make room for it, as its so long."

"I have a spell to tuck my hair in, I will place it on the helmet when its done. So use my head shape as it is now for the template.....please."

"All entered, I can have one done for ya, by say noon tomorrow?"

"And how much will this set me back? As I can guess you're not cheap!"

"Five hundred for parts, the rest of that is in my time and I do that for free. As long as you let me monitor the helmet for testing and you tell me any issues that you may have?"

"Done! And please use all natural fibers on the liner. As I get a serious rash at man made stuff?"

He nods to me "See ya tomorrow, I will run you through all the neat stuff one of my creations has then!" and he runs off, I guess to work on that.

"Rohanna, stick to the campus access road and do not go over fifty today. No going off campus today for you!" Everheart warns me.

"Got it, I was going to take it slow till I got used to this bike anyway? Always small steps...then go nuts!"

As I put the helmet on, a spell gets tossed on my hair and it flattens to my scalp. Once the helmet is on tight, I ride off slowly to get used to the bike.

On my several laps of the campus, I get used to the bike. It's handling, braking power, acceleration (as best I can), how it leans on the small curves we have here, and then gear shifts up and down as I go.

After I ride back to the parking lot, I find a nice set of signs already there next to my spot. On them is "Warning spell crafting in progress---do not touch!"

Once I am done letting the engine spin down, the bike is put back up on it's rack and I start making my warding circle. So I can place a spell of ownership and storage on this bike, in a somewhat neutral space.

I make the circle big enough for both the bike and the tool box to fit into nicely and have room to work in.

The next thing I do is remove a side cover, to have most of the spell written on it and take off one small, but central part of the engine. A flat cover that goes over a shaft. So I can get it aligned to me and the spell I place on the bike. Once off the bike I place it, inside my bra to be close to my 'center' till I go get my crafting necklace.

After I exit the warding circle, I pour my essence into the circle, to get it going and some over the bike to make it 'more' mine.

As I stand back from my work to check it, I sigh out "Now to wait till midnight, to work on this! Then thank you Gaea! Tonight is nearly a full moon! That moonlight will make this spell so much easier and better!"

Now I run down stairs to the vehicle lab, to thank that teacher. As I walk to his office I knock on it's open door frame. "Can I come in sir?" I ask softly, so as not to interrupt him.

"Yep...nice to see that one kid here knows what knocking is!" he laughs.

"Thanks for all the help, I appreciate all of it...sir."

"So are you done yet?"

"Nope I have to wait till nearly midnight to do this type of spellwork...sir."

"I don't understand all the spellwork biz, but I am sure you are doing this right."

"It would be easier if I could take this bike to the Grove or to the magic labs. But it's too big and has too much iron in it for the Grove to stand it.

"You do know that Grove is off limits?"

"To you humans...maybe? Us Sidhe, it is where we belong in the long run."

"Okay then, but take it slow till you get used to that bike. As one that fast is a real killer to a amateur. Then can I see a drivers license from you?"

I pull my wallet out and hand him the one Carson gave me. After he looks it over and swipes its magnetic strip, he hands it back to me with a smile.

"Looks all good, you have all the endorsements needed to ride and your insurance is current. So off ya go I have papers to grade."

"Good day sir" I say and then I leave his room.

As I walk across the large shop to the stairs back up to ground level, that girl 'Skids' stops me with a yelp "Hey Rohanna?"

"Yes?" I say as I walk over to her and a nice bike, that she has resting on a stand.

"We have a first of the semester bike ride to a local bar in the hills on Saturday. You should come with, its a great ride. With lots of curves to lean into!"

"Hey, thanks for the invite. I want to do that. So where to meet up?"

"Right where your bike sits now is the spot! Cya Saturday at Nine in the morning!"

After I leave Kane Hall, I port to my room and quickly grab that necklace. Put it on my neck and drop that small cover into it, so it aligns to me for my spell crafting later tonight.

Once all that is done, I check the flag in Poe and see it is now green. With that flag checked, I port back to Kane and the security office.

Inside the main security office, the desk sergeant glares at me, as I come in the doors and points with a pencil to Everheart's door "She is waiting for you."

I go to her closed office door and knock. Then hear a "come in" from inside, I open the door and stand in the doorway, as she glances up at me from her usual mountain of paperwork.

"So Ro, are we all done with that bike for today?"

"Yes ma'am, I am" I nod.

"Well get on in here and lets get this over with" Everheart waves to me.

The door is closed behind me and I go sit in the offered seat at her desk as she begains.

"I know this is a bad situation, but after the Boston thing and then add all the bad encounters on campus you have had with others. It has to be done."

"Gaea this sucks! I understand most of this, as it says in the rule books. But me, blamed for others actions?'am?"

"It is not a 'blame' thing here Rohanna? What this armband shows to others like a 'stop' sign. It will tell them that playing with you, has consequences beyond maybe getting in trouble. It shows them, that you can hurt lots of the students here....very easy or even farther."

"But a scarlet letter! I stick out enough as it is!" I whine and plead with her.

"Well so do others here, so don't feel you're being singled out for punishment. This armband just tells the kids, what I know and others already do. It says you are something they should not mess with."

"Fine I have no is this? Or back to ARC I go!"

"No!" she shakes her head to me "If you get tossed form here and it's not a jailable offense? You will go to where Mr. Reilly has set up for you. Wherever that maybe?"

She gets a large long box from a shelf behind her desk and slides it to me "This a box of the armbands for you." she opens the box and takes out one. It's dark green and has 'UV' in red letters printed in it "This is your color type, dangerous mutation or skills. This one does not have a RFID tracker on it. As I know you would never wear one if it did! But you have to wear one at all times when outside of Poe, on campus and not doing classes that require physical martial arts."

I reluctantly take one out of the box and slide it over my right arm and affix the ends with the velrco on it. My mind hates every second of it and the Drow is screaming at me to run 'to hell with all this 'human' crap!' But I keep that part of me in check.

"If we are done.....I'll be going." my voice nearly cracks, then my hand lifts the offered box off her desk.

As I get standing to leave, she tells me "If you need more of the bands? You just come and ask for them from me. And Rohanna?"

I glance over to her, as my eyes are watering a bit from all this "Yes?"

"Look on this as not a bad thing, just needed for now? At least till you're better at keeping calm. Then I have to ask? How are the bad memories coming along?"

"They still bother me.....especially if I fall asleep."

"I know how that is.....I would say it passes. But you know as well as I do....they don't. They just get a little better."

My head nods a little to her, as I leave the room.


Wednesday, February 28 5:35 pm
Whateley Academy - Poe cottage

After I port back to my room, my arm winds-up to hurl that box of armbands into the far wall. But I stop myself "Everheart said 'be calm' and maybe this darn thing will get off me!"

So I toss it to my table in a less then happy manner, but I did not slam it. I think to lay down for a bit, but my stomach is growling at me. That sound makes it certain that it's dinner time, so I wander out to the hallway and spot Gwen just walking out of her room

As she spots me too, she giggles "Dinner time and a growling Drow stomach! I bet the whole building heard that!"

"You did not hear my stomach way!"

"It has to be, as what other reason for you to come out at dinner time is there?"

"Good point!" I nod to her "Lets go eat!"

"Fine by me and it looks like Sam got to ya?"

"Yes she did and now I have to wear this stupid thing!" I flick at the armband on me.

"Well maybe now the morons will leave you be?"

"I hope so?"

"LETS EAT!" she yells.

With that said, we both walk off to Crystal and once we are all set at the table. My large spell book on enchanting and crafting charms comes out. Once it's out, I start flipping through it and find the page I need.

'Just a little refresher on this spell' I think as I read over it and eat my meal.

As I sit and read it over, Beltane sit across from me and interrupts my reading. "What's that? It's not one of Whateley's books is it?"

"Nope, it is from my own collection of spell books."

"So what are ya studying?"

"I have to enchant a rather large item tonight, before storing it and I have to read up on how that went again." I tell her and take another bite of my food as I flip the page.

"Can I see that?"

"Sure, as long as it does not leave the table. But you will not understand it? The spells in there are in my strange style of writing them and Sidhe?"

"I can do that...please?"

The book gets spun to her and she starts to read it from the first pages. "This is Sidhe of course and I do know some of this because of Fey. But some parts of this look like Mythos magic?"

I mumble out as I eat "Because they are."

"Maybe I should not be reading this then?"

"Nothing in there should hurt you?" I state with some caution.

Beltane flips a few more pages and reads on with a smile at me. Nikki finally joins our small dinner group, as Nikki goes to set her tray beside Gwen and after she sits, she notices Beltane reading my book.

A small shriek comes from her in Aunghadhail's tone, as she sees that "NO child do not read any of Rohanna's spell books!" and she snatches it from Beltane's fingers quickly.

"What's the matter Aung? Nothing in that one can hurt her? It is only my enchanting and charm making book, not my bigger one?"

Since Nikki was about to eat, she moves her plates to make room for the large book. I can see that Aung is in-charge of Nikki's body by its stance, as she flips through the book hurriedly. After she is done, she gives it back to Beltane with a sigh.

"Sorry Beltane, I had to be cautious for you children. As I am sure that some of Rohanna's spell books, should not be read by students yet?"

"It's okay Aung, thanks." Beltane states, as she takes my book back.

"Beltane? Please don't read the last few pages in that book? As they border on Mythos magic too much and your younger mind might get corrupted a little by them?" Nikki warns anyway.

"Thanks again Aung, I shall heed that warning." and instead reading on more, she hands the book back to me "Here ya go Rohanna, I am done now....thanks. Maybe in class you can show me some of that again. As I am sure I will be TA in at least one of your classes?"

"Can do Beltane" then I flip to my page again and to my spot.

"What are you enchanting, Rohanna? If I can ask" Nikki asks and I am sure Aung spurred her too!

"My bike came today, so I have to put a spell on it to store it."

"Hummm can I watch?" she asks.

"Fine by me, if you want to spend some time up past midnight for it?"

"I can do that!"

"One thing?" I ask.

And Gwen interrupts me "I want in too!" as I start to ask.

"Yes you can, but both of you must! Absolutely stay quiet and ask no questions of me, while I am in my casting circle!"

"I can do that" Gwen states.

"I promise" Nikki adds.

One thing I did notice while we all sat there eating? No one ever said a word about that 'UV' armband to me. Like it was nothing to worry about or care about. They all take me as if nothing has changed?

After we are all done and just start walking on our way back to Poe. All along the way, I am talking over the issues of making this spell and it's need for moonlight to work better with both Nikki, Gwen and Beltane listens in.

Bunny almost runs to all of us and I am interrupted on our topic as we all hit the doors of Poe "Rohanna!" she whispers to me at a rapid non-stop pace "there is a very beautiful NAKED young woman in the showers asking for you? And what gives? Who or what is she?"

"A What?" I ask more than surprised.

"A NAKED girl in the showers!" she whispers on excitedly.

"Okay?" I ask thinking a 'naked girl' in the showers is kind of the place for that.

"YES!" she almost yells, but keeps whispering while dragging me down the hallway to the girls showers "And she asked for you mistress?"

When I hear that new part of explanation, I growl "It had not better be her!..........If she knows what is good for her!"

"Well if you don't want her? Can I have her!" bunny asks me with a sexy smirk and a wink.

"No....she is mine."

When I get to the door, I find Rip is guarding it and I walk past her. I then shove the shower room door open, when it opens. I see a young woman admiring herself in one of the rooms large mirrors. She stares at herself, as if this is the first time she has ever seen herself and it is!

She looks over her more than sexy body, the long legs and the rather large swell of breasts she has. Then runs her fingers through her long blond hair and stares at the glowing blue her eyes have. They both glow like water lit from below and shimmer.

One of the other Poe girls stands with her, and seems to be slightly entranced by the woman and stares at her beauty. The girl is Heather, another of us Fae and I should have known a fellow Fae would be drawn to this one!

The women hears me slam the door open and goes as fast as she can to one knee "Ussta Jabbress! Forgive me, that is all the Drow I know for now." (my mistress)

"WHAT are you doing here!" I hiss in a tone that shows my great anger to all. Then I start to raise a hand to slap her! But stop myself.

"I have been sent by the elders?" she speaks quickly, with submission dripping on each word.

Nikki's voice and body language takes on that of Aunghadhail as she finally sees the woman "What is this Rohanna? A water nymph is bidden to you?"

"Yes Aung...she is. And girls? Can I have the room to talk in private with her?"

"I am not sure we should? You're certainly angry at her? Nikki can feel that" Aung warns all of the girls there.

"I am, as this is my home and she should not be here....NOT yet anyway!"

Joan's head goes down to stare at the floor, but whispers to me "I am so sorry my mistress. I was told to come."

After a angry huff of breath comes from me again, I ask the girls there again "Can I have the room for a minute or two? .....please?"

"Yes Rohanna, I can do that" Aunghadhail says to me and spins to gather the rest of the girls "Ladies...please give them some time?"

Once they are all gone, I toss a silence spell at the door and lock it. Then I walk over to Joan, she looks up at me and my hand slaps her face hard! So hard in fact, part of it changes for a second to the water of her new form and slashes to the wall. The small puddle it made, then flows back to her and into her leg.

"WHAT are you doing here!" I scream at her.

"Sorry, I was sent by the elders."

"For what!"

"Gothmog sent word via an envoy to the Grove, he wants to talk to you this night, at a time that is best for mistress?"

"So why were you sent and not another?"

"The Pixies can only come when called by Violet, because of the magical wards on this building. I am the only one other than her, that is linked to you and serves you. That is how I can pass into this building?"

"Violet? is this so?" I turn to question Violet as she hovers near me.

"Yes.....Aunghadhail has added a few new magical wards this week or so? They seem to be keeping more out then what was in the past?"

"Humm I did not notice it?"

"I am sure she set it all to make sure you could get in with ease?"

"I will talk to her about this, we can not have the wards too strong to keep needed help from the Grove out!"

I glare back to Joan and find her still on one knee with her head down to me. She does not dare look up at me in her fear.

"Well Joan" With her name said she looks up at me "You did as asked by your betters, your job was done well. I will not apologize for that you have yet to even earn it! So off with you! Your orders stand, study faster!"

Her head bows to me, as she says softly "Yes my your leave" Then her form, loses its shape to a watery one and flows into the drain.

Once the lock on the door is spun open, I walk out to find most of the girls still standing there and they seem to be trying to listen.

"Well that is all over with!" I huff out.

"Where'd she go!" Bunny asks me, as she searches the room.

"Where all water goes in there, down the drain. She is a water nymph?" I say simply.

Aunghadhail begins to ask me "Why would a water nymph be bidden to you?"

"She owes me her life" is my simple and short answer.

"Can I ask why?"

"No you may not."

"Okay Rohanna I will not intrude."

"Thanks Aunghadhail and there is a reason for her coming here."

"What? As it sounds like I have something to do with that?"

"You do, that last set of wards you placed on Poe. They have blocked all but Violet from coming into the building, as Violet is linked to me and can cross the ward at will as I do. So they had a request for me and sent her. Because she is linked to me and can pass that ward of yours."

"What should I do then?"

"Just soften it a little, just for the one's that live in the Grove. Just incase we need them for some reason?"

"I will endeavor to do just that, tonight or tomorrow night."

"Thanks Aung. The ward is appreciated by me, I do feel safer that it's there."


Wednesday, February 28 11:05 pm
Kane hall parking lot

All the parts of the bike are laid out on the ground on silk to protect them from getting scratched up and I am taking the lid off the tool box. So I can carve a spell into it easier. Once that part is off, I lay it next to the bikes body cover and step out of the circle with care not to mess it up.

With a wave of my arm I open my storage and pull out my large crafting box from there. This is the same one I used over a week back to make my disguise charm.

As I did that, Aunghadhail says in Nikki's head as she and Gwen watch on silently. ~"Nikki, now I am sure what she is and how she does certain things."~

~"Yes?....and?"~ Nikki asks back.

~"Back then, my sister that 'made' Rohanna what she is. She took several of them back and I got most of them all back...changed to this. Those few, could do in small part what Eldritch does. Artificing or building magic items of great power. Most of what I had them do, was guard my Artificer and help her by gathering the supplies she needed to work with. Then I was told, that they also helped by making small items very fast. Ones of low power, like that illusion charm of Rohanna's."~

Nikki reminds Aung of something she said ~"You said something about that metal armor of her's last week too?"~

~"Yes, those few I had. They each made that very same armor for personal use. I am sure Rohanna copied some others plans over the centuries it took to build it and then used my Artificer to finish it. But we let them, as that armor was needed to do their work."~

Nikki inwardly giggles ~"So Rohanna is a mechanics assistant of a type....but for magic?"~

~"That is a human translation that fits, my child"~

The next item I pull from my crafting cabinet is my forge and then my engraving kit. Then I search my supplies for some Mithril for the engraving, then add silk and then some special cloth. The cloth is used to hold the Mithril onto a vertical surface, while it cools and hardens into the spell I make.

I am using my stash of Mithril tonight, as the stuff the school stores sells is okay? But I need this spell to work perfectly and my Mithril is pure as it can be!

My forge gets placed at the circles edge and I toss a ton of essence into it to get it heating up the Mithril I just placed in it's bowl. As it heats up and melts that Mithril, I give my hand a slice with my harvester and let the blood flow into the bowl to mix.

As that mix sets up, I lay my book out to the right page and start to engraving the bike's frame while reciting that spell. Then next comes the small motor cover and then the bike's cover. The last thing done, is carving the same spell into the tool box's top lid.

Nikki and Gwen watch my work silently and pass notes to one another to ask each other questions. Most of the notes go from Gwen asking question of Aunghadhail, some go unanswered. As Aunghadhail does not want to talk about why or how Rohanna is doing this to her, not just yet!

Now that the engraving is done, the Mithril is needed and all heated up. I ladle some of it out onto the engine part as I recite that spell again, then to the body part of the bike and lastly the lid.

The next step is a little harder, as I take that cloth and soak it in the last of the melted Mithril mix and place the long strips over the bikes frame and its new engravings. Once I check that it's all set. The third and final spell is said and now it has been done three times.

I stand up to add more essence to the circle to power it all and look to the moon. "Perfect!" I say to myself "that light is perfect to finish this off."

I gather up my tools, rebox them and the forge. Then send my box back to storage.

"Well girls! I am done, any small questions?"

"Lots!" Gwen yelps "But it all can wait to later on, I made notes on what I did not understand. I am off to bed! It's late, so good night Ro!"

"Yes....Gwen goodnight to you." I say as she walks off.

"Nikki? anything?"

"No, Aunghadhail knows most of this and explained it all. I have a few questions that can wait. But what are you going to do?"

"Me I have to wait a hour at least to make sure all of this sets and no one disturbs it! So unless you want to wait?"

"No, I am sleepy too. So cya tomorrow!"

"Thanks Nikki.....Aunghadhail. Have a nice night!"

She nods, to me and walks off toward Poe.

After an hour of waiting and watching the spell settle into the bikes parts. It's time to remove that cloth that held the Mithril onto the frame, with a slight hesitation on my part. It comes off with a tear and it looks fine to me. One small check with a spell and I am now sure that all is well!

Now off to see Gothmog and what he has questions or answers on? I start off toward that section of deserted woods I used last time, but instead of porting there. I take a slow walk to enjoy the time and calm myself for what might be a bad thing.

Once in that clearing, the necklace of his comes out and I start concentrating on him. Within a few minutes that feeling of a 'gate' opening happens and I see him walk out.

"How is my little Drow?" he smiles at me.

"As best as I can be. So Gothmog? What is tonight's meeting for?" I ask politely, even thou I am sure what it's about!

"First, I have to apologize to you for breaking a promise, to get back to you sooner on the snipers that tried to kill you and my Sara."

"Have no issue with that, as I am sure you were busy tracking them down?"

"Well what I found out is, that a Reverend Roberts is the one trying to kill my Sara and now you. He once worked with Reverend England, who is teaching at the academy and is one of the trustee's. He has tried...personally to have Sara killed in the past more than once and failed!"

"Then why does he live?" I ask simply.

"I can not, by my contract with here, interfere like that and have him killed."

"I see" I say simply, as I know what it is to be bound by others not to act!

"But the Roberts is a breakaway person from England, he works unauthorized and out of control! A real menace to all. I am tracking him as best as I can, but he has help? From who I don't know? But who ever this is, they wield and give him mythos magic!"

"That can be a problem? Especially if it's one of your own family?"

"I checked. NO one would do this!"

"So what are you doing about this and how can I help?"

"I will track him for this attack day and night!" he vows, then goes to pull me close in a small hug "Then you my Drow, you shall do nothing. I want you left out of this mess as best as can be done."

"But this human attacked me! I want blood!" I howl and push from him.

"I know you do, but let me handle this? I will get that fill of vengeance you crave so dearly!"

"I want part of him!" I demand coldly.

"You will get it. But for now" then he waves his hand and the hole into darkness opens again "We have other issues."

From that hole, comes the two men I sent off with him a week back. The sniper and the leader. Both men look like shells of themselves, but the leader still seems to have an intact mind. The other, he is just a shell and drools like a madman.

"So what is this Gothmog?" I ask as both men shamble forward, directed by two of Gothmog's large 'assistants' and then they stand rock still.....waiting.

"You have to decide what to do with both of them. I have obtained all I can from them and now their lives rest with you?"

"What can I do with two humans?" I ask.

"Dwell on it and tell me?"

Violet leans over to my ear and whispers an evil idea to me "We can use more Nymphs as tools!"

I whisper back to her "My evil ideas, they have seem to have infected you....good! I like that!"

As I stand and think for a time on that, while Gothmog shines his nails on the fine suit. Then an Idea hits me!



"Can you fix their minds? So that they both have clear thoughts and can make decisions?"

"Yes, that is very easily done."

He then walks over to both and then. He shoves his hand right into the snipers face! Gothmog's hand literally, blends into the man's flesh and I can see Gothmog actually thinking on what to fix! He humms a short song while doing it!

"Humm got it!" and pulls his hand out "Now stand there and wait for orders human!" he now orders.

A few more steps over to the 'leader' and he does the same thing to him. That man when Gothmog is finished with him, tries hard to say something? But seems bound not too!

"Well Rohanna? Tell or ask them what you want?"

I walk slowly past them both, as they stand there as still as statues and I can see the sweat rolling down both of their faces. Their eyes follow me as I pass, but both heads never turn to me.

"Well....boys. I am going to give you both a choice! You can go with Gothmog, or me? I promise, that in my case....I will not kill you? You may wish for death, but I will not kill you. But you must obey every word and swear to me the same! OR I will kill you if you disobey me!"

Both of them just stand there, waiting till I ask them specifically!

I stop my slow pacing in front of the Sniper and glare at him "What is your choice?" I ask him.

"I go with you!" he shouts at me "I know what ever plans you have for me, they are far better! Than going with a demon!"

"That is your choice then?"

He nods back "Yes."

"THE DEAL IS DONE THEN!" I bark "... go kneel over by that tree and wait till I call upon you!"

He runs without a word said and takes a knee where I said too.

"Next is YOU!" I stop and point a finger at his chin "What is your decision on this?"

"I will brave the lions den like David did! I shall brave the demons lair and by GODS hand defeat him!"

"Good luck with that! I have a very old soul, with that I have seen a lot and you will lose that fight! You have now idea human, the game these entries play in! But it's your I said, good luck!"

His choice now made, Gothmog's men rush to take him and he is dragged into the dark void screaming.

When he is dragged off into the void, the other man eyes me nervously. I notice that action of his and walk at a fast pace over to him.

As I loom over him, I yell "You dare to look at me in the eye! Remember your life is mine to play with!" at that last word, he is still looking up at me and my hand swings fast to slap him hard.

He almost gets to standing! But I slam a fist into his guts and he folds. "Never look at me unless I speak to you and you need to answer me! THEN! Add to that! Try and stand-up to me again and I will cut you apart!"

"But you will not kill me!"

"AND you agreed to OBEY ME!"

"I will."

"Then here is the first test of many. Swear your life, mind, body and soul to me! And do it now in front of Gothmog as a witness to that!"

"That seems like too much?"

"It's either that or him!" I point at Gothmog as his eyes become deep pools of darkness.

"Yes...please turn your back on Rohanna and come with me. I have uses for such as you!" Gothmog's now cold voice echoes in the empty woods, its new offer.

I can see him shiver at the thoughts and he Swears to me "My life, body, mind and soul. They are yours to do with as you see fit."

His fate is now sealed to any that I pick for him in the future to come.

"Stay!" I order.

"Well Gothmog? Is there anything else?"

" that a school 'UV' armband you now wear?"

"Yes it is" I say none too happy and it shows in my voice.

"Did you get it because of Boston?"

"For the most part...yes."

The words that Gothmog spills forth now, I have no idea what he is saying? But I am sure he is cursing in his own way! Once his small outburst is done, he smiles at me.

"I will work on getting that removed as best I can?"

"No don't, my actions before Boston and after it. Have certainly earned it, it is my burden to prove I am....calmer and not a threat anymore."

"If that is your wish, I shall honor it."

" is."

"I have nothing else for you now, so I bid on you a good day and stay safe."

With a wave to his men, he walks off and the void closes.

"Now my little human, you wanted to kill me for money. Your repayment for that mistake begins now! Follow me!"

As we go I have a talk with Violet in Drow.

"Well what should he become?"

"I suggest a fire nymph! That way you can someday have a full set of all of the five elements working for you!" she giggles evilly at me. The grin on her face is priceless!

I lead him back to the main section of the Grove and to the water springs area. Where I yell out "Where is Joan! I want her here now!"

Within seconds, her sisters scramble to get her, then run her to me and she takes a knee in front of me.

"Yes my mistress you ask of me?" her voice wavers to me.

I point back at the man standing there and when I glance to him, I can see that he is fully swayed by her beauty "This male human is to become your new sister! Now show me to where the Fire Nymphs live."

My new human, when he hears those words and what he is about to become. He goes more than a little nuts! "ME! Become a girl!"

"Yes...but not just any girl! A fire nymph!"

"No I will not become a female!" he demands to me.

I spin my body back to him and slap the man viscously down to the ground in one savage blow "You have no choice! Now stand!" I order him.

He fights the orders at first and then finally jerkily stands up with a most surprised look on his face "I could not stop myself?" he questions me.

"Yes that's right I OWN you now, you can not disobey any order I give. That was the deal and you swore to it! Remember human...mind, body and soul!"

"I..." before he starts speaking again. I yell at him "Be quiet!"

He now stands there silent and unmoving.

I wave to Joan, to get her attention on me "Well lets get going!"

She leads us off deeper into the Grove. After a long time on a path, we come to an area of only rocks and most of them are volcanic and very fresh.

Joan stops on the path in front of me, then kneels as she speaks "I can not go any farther mistress. This is the domain of fire, I cannot enter it. Unless you want me to die?"

"Fine then, wait here for my return" Violet takes the lead and guides us farther into the area and once in what seems to be its center. We are surrounded by fissures filled with lava and fire. Then there is a good size lake of it at the center.

Violet sings out to the air "Matron of fire I have a request of you."

"Have you ever met this one Violet?"

"Only once, as they are 'hot stuff' and I like it a bit cooler...thank you!"

Two sets of twin females emerge from the rivers of lava around us. Their forms are of hot lava and drip onto the ground. Once they get near to us, the lava flows off and they look fully human now. The only thing that shows any difference on them, is the fiery red hair they all share and the burning eyes of coal.

With them all around us, a new form flows from the lake and walks toward us. As it comes closer, the others take a knee in respect. She takes full human form one step from me and I still fell the waves of heat coming off her.

"So you are the guardian I have heard of, welcome. Few of your kind come here, What may I offer?" she asks me in a sultry voice.

"This one!" I yank on the shirt my new subject, to bring him between us "He is going to join your sisterhood. Then serve me, as one of your kind."

"Ohh that is most pleasing to hear! We have not had a new sister in decades!"

She then walks around him and studies him. I can see he is getting more than aroused at her naked presence.

"Do you want this done now?" she asks.

"Yes...that is my request and then please train this one exactly, as I have asked your cousin of water."

"Your wish will be done" then she nods to me and to her sisters.

The sisters stand up, walk to him and grab both arms. They guide him toward the lake of lava's edge. He starts to panic, stops and screams out "I will die! It will burn me!"

I walk over and shove him in the back "Go or die anyway. You have to trust your new sisters that they have your best interests in mind!"

His will to resist is instantly broken by my words and orders. He now trusts them and has no choice! They take him to the edge, the matron goes before him and stands in the lake in her human form. Then grabs him and drags him in.

With a cloud of smoke the body vanishes, as it hits the lava. A few minutes pass as the lake's glow and heat grows with each passing second. Then the new SHE rises from the surface and the matron guides her to me.

As she walks to me, her form takes on a human shape once again and she kneels before me. What she is now, is a tall, fiery red head of great beauty and her eyes burn with an internal fire of their own.

Like I did once before on her water sister or cousin, I grab her by the throat and command her "You obey only me, your powers do not work on me! You will obey your matron when I am not ordering you. You will live or die at my command! You understand all this!?"

She nods to me "Yes my mistress, I do."

I whisper into her ear her new 'true name' and now I am sure I have power over her. "That is your 'true name'.....I own you now!"

She nods understanding to me "Your new name is Kenna, as your old self is dead" She nods again.

"Then go with your sisters and learn what you must!" and I toss her to their feet.

All four sisters take her arms and lead her off to the rivers of fire beyond my sight. Once I see that she is gone, I turn to the Matron "Thanks, please train her well and have her come to me when done."

"Yes guardian I will serve as you request."

With a nod from me she walked off back into the lake of lava and vanished. After she was gone I started my walk back toward Poe, along the way I noticed that Aung was not at the Grove's center 'she must be going over notes with Nikki or something?' I thought.


Thursday, March 1 4:35 am
The Grove---the campus access road

So with nothing to set to do, I felt like walking back instead of porting as usual. My mind wanted the time alone to think on the weeks issues.

The soft fallen snow crunches under my feet as I walk slowly toward Poe, my mind wonders on about all this week. The madness and the pure fun! My ears listen to the soft sounds of the forest and the campus I am just walking into.

Then, I hear the sound of someone, they are standing still and there are three of them. As I note each one and where they are. I am surrounded, that is not good. A scent carries on the next waft of air and now I can tell who it is!

"Hello TRUCK!" I hiss out via my clenched teeth "This time you brought two others? What are you scared?"

"Yes I did" a shadow says to me, as it slides into my view "I am here to give you a proper greeting in the 'UV' club on your first day!"

"Thanks!" I jest him, as I speak on "does it include any candy or flowers?" I giggle out, and add "maybe a cool trophy?"

"No your prize is a BEATING of your Dyke bitch!"

"Well I will pass on that, I have things to do back in my room. Like watch my hair dry or set up my new TV?"

"You got no choice in this!"

" do know your going to get in trouble TRUCK! You're on that 'UV' list too!"

Another voice starts from my right...and rear "We know, that is why we chose this spot! The RFID's in the bands, they don't work this close to the Grove...nor do the cameras!"

"Well then...start this 'prize' of yours Truck. But it's too sad your not MAN enough to do this by yourself!"

"Ohh I am going to enjoy this beating.....ohh so much!"

"I am not going anywhere" I tried to scare them with that thought....that I am so ready, that three attackers don't scare me.

Truck lunges at me and I let him grab my arm "So easy!" he says into my face.

"Not so easy...I promised when I got this 'UV' band, not to fight anymore. So you are getting no fight out of me and I will not runaway in fear! This will be the only time in your life TRUCK! That a girl has ever let you touch her willingly! You are so going to die a virgin!"

He punches me in the stomach...HARD. And he hits the center of my ribcage, right where it hurts most! The part where the plates of my ribs all come together and a gasp of air comes from me as I lose 'wind' for a second.

"That all you got!" I wheeze very pained.

Then he hits me again, in the side hard enough to break ribs this time.

Violet flies right at his face and just before she strikes! I yell out at her "No Violet! Go into the Grove...GO! NOW!" I yell in Drow.

"But?" she whines and cries back at me.

"Go now you damn Pixie!...obey me!"

She sulks and flies off. As she does, one of the other two, he takes a shot at her and misses, because Violet can dodge that good! The shot explodes and takes out a tree top.

He readies another blast, as I Scream in the loudest voice I can muster in my pain "You hurt that Pixie! And the creatures of the Grove, that WILL come baying for your DEATH! I can not stop!"

Truck yells out "Nitro...stop! She can't lie!" and his buddy wisely...stops.

I sigh out "You just saved his life and maybe yours?"

His anger grows with my words and he hits me in the face. My nose is busted bad by the hit and my blood flows onto my shirt.

"Now you owe me a shirt! As these hello kitty shirts are not cheap!"

That earned me a blast into the back from Nitro and a smile from Truck "Having fun yet?" he asks.

"Lots! So is this the only way you three can get a girl? By beating one up?"

A hit from nowhere strikes my head again. That must be a TK (telekinetic) power that last guy has. As the air said nothing of that coming at me?

From the side where that blow came from, I hear a new growl "Shut it rug muncher!"

"I have a question?" Truck asks.

"Shoot" I jest him and he hits me again, as reward for that.

"Are all the girls you hang with dykes?"

"No...but can't you tell? Heck Sara will do anything....wait? Maybe not anything! I am sure even a lust demon like her, will not fuck any of you!" I laugh in his face.

His anger grew at me and he gripped my arm even harder. So hard, I felt the bones cracking under the pressure. Next he violently swung me out into a clear area , I must have flown twenty feet. To land hard on one side, when I landed and stood back up. I noticed that him doing that toss so hard, it dislocated my left arm at the shoulder.

"We all done? Boys you have no staying power, you will never satisfy a real woman like that?"

Now a TK field grabs me and Truck runs over! He runs up to me at speed and smashes a fist into my face. I fly back over fifty feet and slam into the ground. I roll over and find my face is hurt bad.

My legs don't even have time to get me standing, when that TK field grabs me again and floats me up. Nitro smiles at me and walks over to me "My turn!" he yells in my face as I float there.

"Give it your best shot! One day I will kill you for this day!" I hiss via clinched teeth, then I am about to swear on my name and bind me to doing it!

When I get tossed into the air fast by the TK and then sent even faster to the ground. As the ground comes rushing up at me! Nitro blasts me and I go flying!

The two combined hits, they scramble my brain so badly.

I don't even see the large rocks, I am headed towards at great speed.

My body slams into it's already hurt left side and wraps around the huge rock. Then my head bashes into the other rock and the blackness takes me.



This is my oldest story in a joint fan fic venture with a group of authors, so
far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We
all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of
stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This
one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one.

To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop
around here is a short introduction.

Angels Peril a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek Tormented by the past,
Angel is struggling between light and dark.

Melvin a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek They say old soldiers never
die, Melvin is about to learn that the hard way.

The Way of the Dragon a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek Born for
eternity but vulnerable like a child, dragons shouldn't leave their

Every Rose has it Thorns a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan Watch what
you say around rose, could give you more trouble than you ever asked

Kelly a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan Struggling with fate, Kelly has
to deal with love and loss.

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war
and forged in pain, dealing with deamons within and the out.

Vantier a Whateley Tale :Written by Shadowsblade Ancient and Powerful
Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it.

You might ask yourself what is the Whateley Universe? To make it short,
here is a abstract straight out off the wiki.

Whateley is a Prep School for different teens. VERY different ones.
Where else could a kid go to a school that has a resident demon living
in the furnace? Or meet magic users, mutants of every imaginable kind,
get trained in how to handle some rather odd abilities, and worry about
flunking Freshman English? Come visit Whateley Academy, nestled in the
lovely hills of New Hampshire. Just down the road from a town named
Dunwich... (Mythos jokes purely intentional). This is the Whateley
Academy Universe, a shared universe with over a dozen authors and more
than a hundred stories (and counting). The stories range in size from
vignettes to novels. It's a Mutant High scenario with both a strong
transgender theme and a slightly watered down Cthulhu Mythos theme.

It's also very much a work in progress.' If you want further information
you will find them on.

But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the
ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those
kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the
'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

Or if you want to input more?

Drop a e-mail to me at [email protected]

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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